
kfogelsinzui: any way to get launchpad to re-evaluate a .py file without restarting?  I'd save a lot of time as I make little edits to, say, lib/lp/bugs/model/bugtarget.py.00:30
kfogelBjornT: .pt --> HTML formatting question: I've got <td class="importanceUndecided">Undecided</td> in my output, but the Undecided is still not showing up in any particular color.  Is there something more I need to do?00:50
kfogelBjornT: never mind; trick is use tal:attributes="class string:importance${task/importance/name}" instead of tal:attributes="class string:importance${task/importance/title}"00:54
kfogel(And why would I think BjornT is actually awake right now anyway?)00:54
jmlkfogel, because he's in NZ :)01:20
kfogeljml: zing!01:20
kfogeljml: Do I win the Company-Wide Awareness Award for this month yet?01:21
mwhudsonbzr's setUp -> set_up for Server is breaking launchpad01:25
kfogeljml: What do you mean, someone else already got it this month?  Why wasn't I told??01:26
mwhudson176 times so far01:26
jmlkfogel, :D01:29
jmlmwhudson, I told poolie so :)01:29
mwhudsonyeah, i grumbled about it a bit when it landed01:31
mwhudsonpretty boring change though luckily01:31
pooliehello jml, mwhudson01:56
mwhudsonnot a big deal02:00
mwhudsonbug 40469302:03
mupBug #404693: PPA ssh reset trigger can hang the buildd-manager indefinitely <buildd-manager> <soyuz-build> <Soyuz:Triaged by jelmer> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/404693>02:03
pooliemwhudson: by way of compensation, i'll do https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/507710 if you like it02:31
mupBug #507710: want bzrlib.initialize() to do all typical setup <api> <Bazaar:Confirmed for mbp> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/507710>02:31
al-maisanjtv: https://dev.launchpad.net/Soyuz/Specs/BuilddGeneralisation02:37
wgrantjtv: https://dev.launchpad.net/Soyuz/HowToUseSoyuzLocally02:37
al-maisanjtv: I am about to add the logic collecting the buildd slave results to `TranslationTemplatesBuildBehavior` .. is that OK?02:53
jelmerjml: can you merge lp:~jelmer/launchpad/builder-behavior again?03:06
jelmerjml: Sorry, seems I forgot to push a rev03:07
lifelesswhat are the zope singletons/global thingies called again ?06:49
lifelessah.. remembered. Utilities06:52
lifelessjml: launchpad still thinkgs you're in sydney07:09
lifelessloggerhead fail http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jelmer/launchpad/subunit-formatter/revision/1016007:26
deryckMorning, all.11:00
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jmllifeless, I don't care.12:30
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sinzuiadiroiban: ping16:19
adiroibansinzui: hi16:19
sinzuiadiroiban: what is blocking the landing of your branch to fix bug 49635216:20
mupBug #496352: Refactor DistroSeriesStatus to SeriesStatus <Launchpad Registry:In Progress by adiroiban> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/496352>16:20
adiroibansinzui: I asked gmb to do a test and land it16:20
adiroibansinzui: no16:20
adiroibanabout 4 days ago16:21
sinzuiI think your branch fixes some circular imports. Do you mind if I try to land it?16:21
adiroibansinzui: nope16:21
adiroibanbut you must merge with devel before16:21
adiroibanand check if the merged changes16:21
adiroibancontains DistroSeriesStatus16:21
adiroibanand then do a full test again16:22
sinzuiI'll do that16:22
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bacsinzui:  i've been trying to figure out what i changed that made download file deletion by a proj admin break.  turns out it is broken in devel.  :(17:14
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lifeless jml :P17:39
mrevellhave a good weekend all17:52
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sinzuibac: excellent. Do you think it can be fixed in your branch? Should it be a separate branch?18:07
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bacsinzui: i think a separate branch19:27
bacsinzui: unless you want me to continue chasing it19:27
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dobeyhi all19:39
dobeydoes the Prerequisite branch field on merge proposals work well for declaring that a branch in another project needs to land there, before this branch can land? or does it only work for other branches being merged to the same place?19:40
salgadodobey, the latter19:42
dobeysalgado: that's what i thought. ah well. :)19:44
dobeysalgado: if i filed a bug to request cross-project dependencies in merge proposals, how many years would it take to get implemented do you think? :)19:48
salgadodobey, no idea, but maybe abentley can answer that19:49
abentleydobey: You mean, proposing a branch for merging with a prerequisite branch from a different project?19:51
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dobeyabentley: yeah. like if i add new API to a more general library project, and in my other project that uses that library, i also make a branch that uses the new API, i don't want the latter sitting around without a proposal waiting for the former to land, but i would like some way to let reviewers know that it can't be reviewed without the other branch19:53
dobeywithout explicitly saying so in a comment, but something that can be checked via LP REST API and such19:54
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sinzuibac: I think the +download delete file bug is because that view is heavily cached. I can see that the deleted rules are building the cache before as it runs. the cache should be built after the process.21:21
bacsinzui: yeah, i know the caching is the problem.  just haven't figured out the details yet21:22
sinzuibac:I updated bug 508085 with the call chain problem I see21:23
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mupBug #508085: Deleting files from +download still displays the deleted file <Launchpad Registry:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/508085>21:23
bacthanks sinzui21:24
abentleydobey: I can't predict how long it will take to be implemented if you file it, but I can predict how long it will take to be implemented if you don't file it :-).22:08
dobeyabentley: sure, i was just being facetious, because i know you guys have a neverending queue :)22:09
abentleydobey: Maybe the best way to express it in our model would be a dependency on a bug.  (There may be no merge proposal in the other project yet)22:11
dobeyabentley: bug dependencies is another thing i definitely want to see, yeah22:12
abentleydobey: I actually a meant that the merge proposal would have a dependency on a bug.  I'd also like to see bug dependencies, but that's not something the Code team can do.22:14
dobeybug dependency might be weird/confusing though, given how bugs work in lp22:15
dobeyas they can "affect" multiple projects/distros22:15
cody-somervilleBug dependencies would be so awesome.22:21
cody-somervilledobey, Not sure I see how. That feature is intended to indicate a single bug affects multiple projects and/or distributions (the latter probably being the motivation for the feature). Why do you think bug dependencies would be weird/confusing?22:22
dobeycody-somerville: if a bug affects multiple projects, how do i clearly know which fix my branch will depend on? ie, it probably affects both the project i depend on, and the project i'm developing, if i'm writing branches for both projects at the same time. so it would be weird to say that this branch fixes bug X, but also depends on a fix in bug X. in LP there's no clear way to distinguish what project is relevant for which the bug affects22:25
cody-somervillehaha, forget I said anything. I got excited there and thought we were talking about dependency between bugs.22:26
dobeybetween bugs is probably clearer, but i could definitely see some confusion due to the multiple project/distro affects bits :)22:27
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