
yo2boyconstantly refreshing http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/ :P00:13
jpdsyo2boy: Stop killing the servers.00:15
yo2boyALPHA 2 RELEASED01:00
fejesI just did the same thing01:03
yo2boyGO GO GO01:19
* genii just does a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade instead01:21
yofelheh, the deskop cd's and the dvd's are the daily images from yesterday ^^01:21
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xgurui'm out of the loop....  has Alpha 2 been released?  I thought i read some place that it was due out on the 7th?  If so is the topic just out of date?01:43
ubottuA schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule01:43
yofelxguru: the images are out http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/alpha-2/01:44
yofelah, the release page was unlocked too01:46
yofelso I guess the topic would be out of date now ^^01:46
xgurui was just wondering i upgraded from karmic yesterday.  I did the following commands:  lsb_release -a, cat /etc/lsb-release and got nothing saying alpha 2.   I was just making sure.01:46
xgurualthought i did get the typical "development branch"01:47
yofeloh, you won't fine any reference to 'alpha2' there01:47
yo2boyTopic's old01:49
xguru2.6.32-10 the most current kernel?01:49
yofelxguru: for ubuntu yes01:50
xguruwell excellent!  everything seems to be working way better than the upgrade to karmic...01:51
xguruexcellent work on everyone's part01:51
xguruyofel: any idea why apt-get is holding back the distribution update on python-qt3?01:52
charlie-tcaalpha2 is released01:53
yofelcharlie-tca: we already noticed ;)01:54
yofelxguru: aptitude tells me: python-qt3 depends on python-sip4 (<= 4.9.1)01:54
yofellucid has python-sip4 4.9.3-0ubuntu101:55
yo2boyd/l done01:55
yo2boyburning to usb01:55
xguruyofel: are you saying that python-sip4 is being used instead of python-qt3? Therefore I just ignore the python-qt3 package being held back?01:58
yofelxguru: ignore it (it depends on an older version of the python-sip4 package, the lucid version is too new)01:59
xguruoh ok....thanks for the clarification.01:59
ChogyDananyone know how to play with compiling the kernel, without cruding up one's system?  I was going to do it in a VM, but then I realized it was too much to compile02:02
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SandGorgondistrowatch reports alpha 2 released03:27
ubottuFreedesktop bug 23705 in Server/general "xserver 1.7.0rc0 uses wrong dimensions" [Normal,Resolved: wontfix]04:07
DanaGyeah, that really irks me.04:13
DanaGSo much for progress.04:13
DanaGHey, some monitors report DPI incorrectly... so let's assume they're ALL wrong, and all 96 DPI!04:14
DanaGweird... radeon also won't suspend and resume properly.04:15
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support and discussion channel | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Milestones: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule | Alpha 2 released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha2
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ubottugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.04:48
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monkey__1Hello all07:51
hyperstreammonkey__1,  Alpha 2 released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha207:54
monkey__1How does it run?08:00
monkey__1hyperstream, I think I will wait till beta08:04
monkey__1but thank you anyway08:05
arand_monkey__1: Install to an usb drive and run without affecting your HD ;) (just make sure to install grub to the usb instead)08:06
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ethana2Is the disk verifier broken in alpha2?08:20
ethana2I've tried this alpha 2 disc in two machines, it never displays any kind of progress bar or anything08:21
ethana2It boots up, but..  I like to confirm the disk integrity before using it for installation08:21
yo2boyi'm just dissapointed that A2 doesn't include Wubi08:23
arandethana2: yea, verifier seems broken on my daily I got just recently as well08:24
stochasticHi all, just out of curiosity, has anyone in here attempted to disable pulseaudio in lucid yet and if so, what's the most elegant method of doing so (hopefully a reversible one)?08:33
ubottuyes, I'm alive.09:56
arandso it is.09:57
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vishstochastic: why disable something which works ? ;)10:27
BUGabundo_workman, i cant believe some users http://www.qdb.us/30131710:28
stochasticvish, many pro-audio users of Ubuntu Studio have been asking the developers to include a disable feature for pulse audio.  I personally like pulse audio, but it's a feature that's been requested by our users enough times to consider it.10:28
vishah , the Studio users.. :(10:28
BUGabundo_workstochastic: pa-suspend?10:29
vishstochastic: there was such a method  , but thought to be destructive ... let me find you the post [you might know it too, the user spammed several pulseaudio bugs with it]10:29
stochasticBUGabundo_work, pa-suspend is a temporary turnoff feature, we're looking for a method of disabling it system-wide (i.e. on the next reboot pulse does not start)10:30
BUGabundo_workaptitude purge pulseaudio*10:31
* BUGabundo_work grin10:31
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/10:31
stochasticBUGabundo_work, that doesn't solve things it just breaks things10:32
BUGabundo_worki know10:34
stochasticvish, any ground on that post?11:02
vishstochastic: i'm searching for it... just havent found it yet.. :(11:02
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vishphew! got it :)11:08
vishstochastic: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/438318/comments/5611:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 438318 in linux "[karmic] no sound on toshiba nb205" [Medium,Confirmed]11:09
vishi had to track hggh and then check for this bug :D11:09
stochasticvish, wow, thanks.11:09
vishnp.. ;)11:09
vishthat user nearly got banned.. he commented those instructions on one too many bugs ;)11:11
vishoh , he had a ppa to remove PA too ! , seems it was removed  > https://launchpad.net/~pstone78/+archive/ppa11:13
floating_installed command-line install from alternate cd, install went all fine, but when it was time to reboot to the system, i'm stuck at the screen which saysä fsck from util-linux-ng 2.16 /dev/sda8 clean, 43106/917504 files, 251219/366828 blocks11:17
floating_should i try reboot with altsysrqb for starters ?11:22
UmeaboyAnyone here who knows why GRUB 2 is still a beta-version?11:25
floating_rebooting leaves it stuck there aswell11:25
UmeaboyI can't load Winblows 7 or Mandriva 2010.0 with it.11:26
UmeaboyAnd I'm fully updated.11:26
=== BUGabundo_work is now known as BUGabundo_lunch
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floating_i tried 2 tricks to get past the hang at fsck. rw /sbin/init --debug <- appending this to kernel line in grub. I got debug messages but it hang there too. None of the debug messages seemed like errors. 2nd thing I tried was to boot to live cd and run sudo fsck -y /dev/sda8 , it said it recovered the fsck or so, but when I reboot, I still get the fsck hang. Now though I'm getting additional info there: "/dev/sda8 superblock last mount time is in the12:34
arandfloating_: did the fsck -y run throught the fsck properly? otherwise try to force the check -f12:38
floating_i didnt write down what it said, but it said 2 or 3 lines in a second and that was that. recovering, done and clean or something. fsck was saying "clean" in the boot to begin with though12:39
floating_so I guess that -y tries to fix fsck, which was already fixed, but still hangs12:40
floating_hmm, should I run it with that -f ?12:41
arandfloating_: if it was already marked as clean it may be that it wasn't run at all when you just used -y12:42
floating_yeah I think it wasn't. if the purpose was to run it.. ok. btw i wonder what that "probably due to bad system clock" wants to tell me12:44
floating_because now i dualbooted to windows xp, and i see that the xp clock shows 2h earlier than the timezone set12:44
floating_is this a clock at bios ?12:45
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floating_aa maybe it is not relevant for this problem12:46
arandfloating_: that whole issue was common in Karmic alphas as well, it was some kind of mismatch in system/bios/zone -time12:47
floating_ill try fsck -fy from the live cd12:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 268808 in e2fsprogs "superblock last write time is in the future" [High,Fix released]12:49
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo_work
floating_fsck -fy modified it a little. 0,1% non-contagious, but after the reboot, still hangs at the fsck12:52
floating_it though gives this superblock ast write time is in the future. Is it now hanging there for this reason ?12:54
arandfloating_: it seems so, can you run fsck -fy directly from here?13:08
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drizzt_i've lost my keyboard layout applet after today's updates, why?13:44
geserdoes gvim has in title "GVIM (as superuser)" for others too?14:00
_stink_i'm new to testing +1.  when i look at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/lucid_probs.html, what does "produces uninstallable binaries" mean?14:12
bjsnider_stink_, it means that those packages cannot be installed14:24
_stink_bjsnider: ah, gotcha.  thanks.14:25
bjsniderand it doesn't matter why. don't even worry about it. you can't install them, so you can't test them.14:26
_stink_i will stay away from them. :)14:27
drizzt_i've lost my keyboard layout applet after today's updates, why?14:37
afvhi, does anyone know where the seahorse config/keys are saved?15:09
afvi need to restore them from a backup..15:09
afv(home backup)15:09
macogpg keys in .gnupg/ and ssh keys in .ssh/15:09
afvoh, thanks maco!15:09
macodunno where password keyring stuff is saved though15:10
BluesKajhiya folks15:10
pasjrI lost my sd reader with alpha 2 any one know how to restore it15:14
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mellhenis this developement area for kubuntu too?16:00
mellheni mean this irc-channel16:00
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yofel_mellhen: kubuntu lucid support and discussion16:03
yofel_develpment is in #kubuntu-devel16:04
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mellhenyofel: thanks16:43
lokadi experience random x lockups17:25
lokaddmesg gives hundreds of lines telling me "[drm:i915_gem_execbuffer] *ERROR* Execbuf while wedged"17:26
lokadthis is with the newest packages17:26
CAiROthe release notes of the 10.04 alpha2 say that it is possible to install all 3 nvidia drivers in parallel, but what is the difference between them actually?17:29
yofelCAiRO: afaik mostly the different hardware they support17:31
yofellokad: no expert on grapics drivers, but afaik you should file a bug against the kernel in for this17:33
CAiROyofel: hmm, but is it important then to be able to install them in parallel?17:33
yofelSarvatt: there?17:33
lokadI have found a bug report that has the same message in the error logs but says "fix released" - i commented on it so let's see what happens17:34
Sarvattlokad: this is with stock lucid? or are you using xorg-edgers?17:35
lokadstock lucid17:35
lokadI had the x-edgers repo active though17:36
yofelCAiRO: not sure tbh, but sometimes an older driver might work better than a newer one on certain hardware, and if you want to test it now you at least don't have to remove the already installed driver17:36
Sarvattwhat does dpkg -l | grep xserver-xorg-video-intel say the version is?17:37
Sarvattyou're sure you've had the error since switching away from edgers?17:38
Sarvatti havent seen anyone (me included) with that problem using 2.9.117:38
lokadI have it now with this version :) - x-edgers was active for another reason but it did not work so I disable it17:38
lokadi will reinstall this package and retry17:40
lokadWas there a xedgers package of the same version?17:41
SarvattI don't have any info to give you on it if you get it with 2.9.1, you're the first person i've heard of getting it but there are alot of us having the problem with 2.1017:41
Sarvattit's 2.10 there17:42
Sarvattdoes it mention batchbuffer I/O error just before the execbuff while wedged spam starts?17:43
lokadno ... drm_hangcheck_elapsed17:44
lokadGPU hung17:44
CosmiChaoshey i sucesfully upgrade to grub2 (grub-pc) and i have plymouth installed.... how to get the boot animation like all fresh installations of alpha 2???17:45
CosmiChaoshow to activate splash again?17:45
BUGabundo_workhow is NVidia drivers?17:45
BUGabundo_worki stilll dont have 3D :(17:45
CosmiChaosactivate plymouth from upgrad ubuntu lucid17:46
Sarvattlokad: do you have a /var/log/Xorg.0.log around from a crash? do you see (WW) intel(0): i830_uxa_prepare_access: gtt bo map failed: Input/output error in it if so?17:46
Sarvattnvidia drivers are working perfect here for me BUGabundo_work17:47
lokadNo. I Get: [    2.303007] (EE) intel(0): Failed to submit batch buffer, expect rendering corruption or even a frozen display: Input/output error.17:47
lokadBut this is from a restart of Xorg after the first freeze17:48
BUGabundo_workSarvatt: i'll ping u back after dinner17:48
pasjrwhy dose 10.04 no longer see my computer as a laptop?  my power settings are for desktop only17:50
SarvattBUGabundo_work: alrighty, have you been holding off upgrading? I did see a bug where people still trying to use jockey were ending up blacklisting nvidia-current in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-local.conf because they deactivated it there even though jockey support isnt working yet17:50
CosmiChaosdoes nobody now how to activate plymouth from upgrade? :(17:52
SarvattI think you need KMS to even see anything with plymouth right now?17:53
lokadSarvatt: I have found the culprit, I indeed still use x-edgers packages, they did not downgrade. But I don't know why I got the wrong version on the command line. Interactive aptitude gives me the right version17:53
CosmiChaoswhat does that mean?17:53
Sarvattmeaning only intel and ati will see the new splash17:53
Sarvattand nouveau if you have that installed17:53
Sarvattah good to hear lokad!17:54
lokadIt is 2.10.0+git20100114.96f45c66-0ubunut0sarvatt17:54
lokadso take this as an additional bug report *g*17:54
LrdMtrodCan I roll back an update-manager -d ?17:54
lokadSo thanks for your help, Sarvatt - am now downgrading ...17:55
Sarvattlokad: yeah theres problems with 2.10, they are well known and they still released 2.10 anyway with them :( http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2547517:55
ubottuFreedesktop bug 25475 in Driver/intel "[i915] Xorg crash / Execbuf while wedged" [Critical,New]17:55
CosmiChaosfirst the blowed gdm-themes, then they blowed usplash and now, on most users hardware nothing works xD17:55
pasjrwhat is KMS?17:55
CosmiChaoseven the xorg-driver-nv  does not allow to run vga=791 :)17:55
LrdMtrodpasjr: virtualization17:55
lokadHum, this is no good policy :(17:56
pasjrok thank you17:56
CosmiChaosyou only get a console output at all if you completely remove vga= tag17:56
lokadpasjr, not virt but Kernel Mode Switching17:56
pasjrok, never heard of it, now I can learn something new17:56
CosmiChaosits relly frustrating, but i have to say grub2 really boots a lot faster at the beginning17:57
lokadLrdMtrod meant kvm17:57
CosmiChaosno more hard drive delays17:57
vishSarvatt: hi... in ATI , X crashes when i try a guest session or try switching to different user :(17:57
Sarvatti think thats happening globally for everyone right now vish17:57
LrdMtrodpasjr: yeah, I have a hard time keeping those acronyms apart17:57
pasjrI tweaked grub2, shaved 2.5secs off, but scary doing it17:57
CosmiChaospasjr, how do you?17:58
vishSarvatt: ah... thanks :)17:58
vishbtw > Bug 50651017:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506510 in xorg-server "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in FatalError()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50651017:58
Sarvattlooks like GDM to me but am probably wrong17:58
pasjrfirst is easy change timeout from 10 to 017:58
CosmiChaoscan i turn the boot-log console output something like quiete quite to not see it all? any ideas?17:58
pasjrrestset your swap to 10, conncurent from none to shellrace17:59
CosmiChaospasjr, this is not a really tweak as you can easily adjust it via gui and should be default ;)17:59
pasjryes you can disable splash17:59
CosmiChaospasjr, i have no splash, i want to disable the annoying console outputs udev warnings bla bla17:59
pasjrthen type in quite18:00
BUGabundo_workSarvatt: no.i forced all upgrades after last week breakag18:00
CosmiChaosthat is already there in grub.cfg18:00
CosmiChaosno effect18:00
CosmiChaoslinux/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-10-generic root=UUID=3da2d438-9fda-4f58-a93f-24be243ac74e ro   quiet18:00
pasjrnot sure then you have something set else where18:00
Sarvatti'm pretty sure plymouth text based splash is planned and just not implemented yet in lucid...18:01
pasjr add splash back to that line then sudo update-grub18:01
Sarvattits only just barely working with KMS, no cryptsetup prompts or fsck feedback18:01
CosmiChaosnarf and i want to have my gdm-theme Aurora Black back, this Metacity-a-like is really not my favour18:01
CosmiChaosthey really heavy dropped dropped features that now need to be reimplemented18:03
pasjri wish my fan control would work18:03
CosmiChaostry your bios18:03
pasjrnogo in bios insyde bio sucks18:04
CosmiChaosyou can easily noise and temperature tweak your cpu-fan from inside the bios, by perfectly setting up temperate scale and stepsize18:04
CosmiChaosusually fancontrol is set to Full or Auto18:05
pasjrnot on insyde, not on my board no access allowed18:05
CosmiChaosyou dont have access to your bios?18:05
pasjrnot complete most of the settings I want are not allowed, only fix I found is to replace bios, that is to scary for me18:06
CosmiChaoswho restricts you to use the features of your motherboards bios?? does somebody set the password ? :)18:07
CosmiChaossee even the worst featurerich bios got fancontrol ;)18:07
pasjrToshiba and Insyde Bios blocks me.  No menu options to change those settings18:08
CosmiChaosis it a notebook?18:08
pasjryes Satellite A505D by Toshiba18:09
pasjrnone of the linux tools for Toshiba work18:09
CosmiChaosand it has no bios fan control? ridicolous, you very badly spend your money :D18:09
CosmiChaosdoes it run 100% all the time?18:09
pasjrit only cost me $500, it has AMD Turion X2 dual core 64 bit runs at 2.30GHz, 4Gib of ram, 500Gib hard drive and 1080i hd display18:11
CosmiChaosdid you tried Toshiba laptop utilities?18:11
pasjrno it kicks in around 85deg C18:11
pasjryes nothing for Tosh in the linux or win world works18:11
CosmiChaosso yyes you spend your money worse, on a nice sounding thingy that burns away within the first 6 month, of course you did ;)18:12
pasjrToshiba told me to contact Insyde, Insyde told me the info I want is Classified.18:12
lokadhave fun guys18:12
CosmiChaoswell it is not classified , it is closed source :)18:13
CosmiChaosseems like a hard job, you want to force linux higher fan speeds, than the bios actually forces to.... ;)18:14
CosmiChaosi have no idea18:14
CosmiChaosthe classified information maybe, that the device runs dead  on point to the end day of warranty ;)18:15
rippsOkay, whenver I tried to mount my external ntfs harddrive, I now get a popup saying "Unable to mount Disk_Name, Not authorized"18:26
drs305Late to the party perhaps.  I just loaded A2 onto a real partition - previously on a VM. Edited fstab for the first time and it appears the change takes effect as soon as I hit enter on a new entry.18:35
drs305This a new 'feature'?18:35
drs305e.g. I added a new mount, when I hit enter to add the line in fstab I got a message immediately saying the device was already mounted.18:36
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douglasawh-workwhile I'm doing this on Lucid, I think this would apply to any release/distro - I am trying to tell the difference between grub1 and grub2 when neither are in Synaptic. As far as I can tell, the only way to do it is that grub1 says something about staging 1.5 and grub2 does not. Is there a more clear way, like grub --version (which will not run since technically neither is installed)18:54
drs305grub-install -v  is the normal way to check. From the grub command line during boot, if it's grub 2 "ls" will produce results, g1 won't.18:59
drs305douglasawh-work: Is that what you were asking?18:59
Sarvattvish: changing /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default to call /sbin/initctl instead of just initctl fixed guest sessions for me19:17
* vish tries19:18
Sarvatt/var/log/gdm/:0-slave.log was saying /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: 16: initctl: not found before, i think it was due to the paths being exported around getting changed in the newer gdm releases in the past few days19:19
vishhmm , didnt work ,19:27
* vish tries again...19:27
vishSarvatt: if i X crashes  , and i'm at tty how do i restart it?19:28
Sarvattsudo service gdm stop then start it again?19:28
Sarvattthats what i did the first time it dropped me to a vt trying to start the guest session19:29
vishSarvatt: :(  ... nope , i still get X crashing19:38
vish/sbin/initctl -q emit desktop-session-start DISPLAY_MANAGER=gdm19:39
vish^ didnt work for me19:39
gnomefreakcan someone please open the file manager and click Help>About and tell me the name of it20:43
vishoh , great evolution segfaults :/20:46
gnomefreaknevermind for the above i found what i did20:48
duffydack1 bug in live installer, I cant add a partition to free space Ive made.  my last partition /dump for odds and ends i shrunk to free up 10gig unallocated space, but cant manually add a / partition there for 10.0420:49
duffydackchoosing "use largest free space" added a / and swap however..20:49
gnomefreakduffydack: someone yesterday had said he/she had issues too. the alternative installer was said to work20:50
gnomefreakbe back fixing something i hope20:51
LordMetroidI updated to alpha2 from 9.10 however I can not get into my system20:51
undecimLordMetroid: How far can you get?20:52
LordMetroidI did manage to get into my system once for an unkown reason, that time prompted me to run in low- srceen resolution mode(though I saw no difference from the resolution I had in 9.10)20:52
LordMetroidI get the Ubuntu logo20:52
LordMetroidThen I get a marker that does't flash20:52
LordMetroidI once got a square progress bar in red and gray20:53
LordMetroidAnd now I have the message "could not write bytes: Broken pipe"20:53
maxbAnyone else running Lucid on Acer Aspire One?20:53
LordMetroidthe tty at F6 I see cryptswap starting20:53
LordMetroidIf I press the power button, the system goes to level 0 like normal but my keyboard stops working20:54
LordMetroidSometimes something about vboxdrv has also been flashing by20:55
LordMetroid(and no I am not running alpha2 on a vbox)20:55
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SarvattI am maxb21:19
BUGabundoSarvatt: ping21:20
Sarvattheyo! still not working?21:20
BUGabundolet me try21:20
BUGabundowhat packages do I need?21:21
Sarvattnvidia-current should be it if the rest is stock lucid21:21
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BUGabundonvidia-current:  Installed: 190.53-0ubuntu421:24
gnomefreakwho was it that had the issue with the partition editor?21:25
* gnomefreak found bugs on it :)21:25
gnomefreakBUGabundo: look under known bugs for yours http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha2 im fairly sure you are talking about one of the few21:26
BUGabundognomefreak: but how come everyone says Nvidia 3D is working21:27
maxbSarvatt: hi. I've been experiencing system lockups recently, since 2.6.32-10 ish - have you seen anything of the sort?21:27
BUGabundobut the one person who tried X in advace got stuck ?21:27
gnomefreakBUGabundo: mine is :)21:27
Sarvattonly with intel 2.10 maqxb21:27
gnomefreakmaxb: does reboot fix it?21:27
Sarvattnvidia-current                                  190.53-0ubuntu421:28
Sarvatt3D is working fine BUGabundo, thats weird21:28
maxbgnomefreak: "fix"? The only thing you can do with a locked up system is to reboot it, so I don't understand your question21:28
gnomefreaki am not sure if i am using free drivers or normal ;)21:28
Sarvattmaxb: are you using xorg-edgers?21:29
Sarvattif so purge the heck out of it :)21:29
maxbNo, just plain old lucid21:29
BUGabundognomefreak: "free" doesn't do 3D21:29
maxbI *have* been running it with 2.6.31's i915 module though21:29
gnomefreakmaxb: does it lock up after you reboot system. example boot->freeze->hard restart->no more lock ups21:29
Sarvattoh I have no problems at all outside of flickering after resume if I dont use i915.powersave=021:29
gnomefreakBUGabundo: give me a minute21:30
maxbSarvatt: The flickering usually escalates to a hang after a while for me21:30
maxbI'll try the boot option, though21:30
Sarvattalways hangs here21:30
Sarvattlucky to last 30 minutes after resume without powersave turned off21:30
maxbThe other thing which confuses me is that recently the screen resolution set by KMS for the text console has changed21:31
Sarvattdo you have an AOA model too?21:32
undecimI can't get KDE compositing or Wireless working since upgrading.21:32
SarvattBUGabundo: I  know you've been asked a million times already probably but can you paste your Xorg.0.log?21:33
gnomefreaksome KMS bugs can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha221:33
gnomefreakBUGabundo: IIRC nvidia+Xorg 7.5 do not play well together but i installed (cant recall name) on distupgrade and it fixed it21:34
BUGabundohi charlie-tca21:35
charlie-tcaHello, BUGabundo21:35
BUGabundoSarvatt: $ pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/357259/21:35
maxbSarvatt: Yes, mine's AOA150 too21:35
charlie-tcaHow are things today?21:35
BUGabundocharlie-tca: I'm still fighting nvidia :(21:36
gnomefreakyay might have grub-pc fix :)21:36
BUGabundoI may need to reboot21:36
BUGabundobut can only do it in about 1h21:36
bjsnidersays you'r eloading the nvidia glx module, so 3d should work21:36
BUGabundofinishing a big download21:37
BUGabundobjsnider: "Desktop effects could not be enabled"21:37
Sarvatthmmm that looks fine BUGabundo.. do you have any LIBGL things set in your environment?21:37
BUGabundohow do I check?21:37
BUGabundodouglasawh-work: ping21:38
BUGabundobjsnider: you were the guy behind some of the work of grub2 weren't you ?21:39
bjsniderno i was not21:39
SarvattBUGabundo: export?21:40
bjsniderBUGabundo, what does glxinfo get you?21:40
BUGabundo$ glxinfo | pastebinit21:40
BUGabundoError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig21:41
Sarvattlooking for like LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 or something21:41
Sarvatttry LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=0 glxinfo21:41
BUGabundo$ export | grep LIBGL21:41
BUGabundo$  LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=0 glxinfo | pastebinit http://paste.ubuntu.com/357265/21:42
bjsnideryou've got the wrong opengl version. it should say 3.221:43
bjsnidernot 2.1.221:43
bjsnider3.2.0 NVIDIA 190.5321:44
SarvattI have to run and make dinner, but I know googling for Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig will find your fix BUGabundo21:44
BUGabundolibglu1-mesa:  Installed: 7.8.0~git20091206.df02bc42-0ubuntu0sarvatt21:45
Sarvattohh you're using edgers stuff21:45
BUGabundojust archive21:45
Sarvattthats an edgers package21:45
BUGabundoI've removed PPA last week21:45
BUGabundoI know it is21:45
Sarvattah its just a metapackage, can remove it21:45
BUGabundobut it should have been replaced by archive higer21:45
gnomefreakyou are using edgers package. try downgrading to our package21:45
Sarvattnah archives lower, 7.721:45
BUGabundo *** 7.8.0~git20091206.df02bc42-0ubuntu0sarvatt 021:46
BUGabundo        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status21:46
BUGabundo     7.7-0ubuntu5 021:46
BUGabundo        500 http://neacm.fe.up.pt lucid/main Packages21:46
Sarvattdpkg -l | grep sarvatt and for every package it lists just add /lucid, like sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa/lucid21:46
Sarvattor tormod21:46
BUGabundocan't remove it ... brings too many21:46
maxbIs i915.powersave=0 supposed to just stop the system from suspending at all?21:47
Sarvattnope it fixes the flickering after resume here21:47
bjsniderBUGabundo, use force version21:47
maxbHmm, all my gui power management stuff is broken21:47
Sarvattmaxb: dmesg | grep inteldrmfb return anything?21:48
maxbreboot in progress21:48
Sarvattsudo apt-get install package1/lucid package2/lucid etc BUGabundo to downgrade to lucid packages for anything that dpkg -l | grep sarvatt returns21:48
BUGabundodoing so now21:48
Sarvattwant to grep for tormod too, he has some packages up there21:49
BUGabundonone here21:50
Sarvattwas mesa-utils one of the packages?21:50
* maxb is amused to see gdm reporting language as "Unspecified [ANSI_X3.4-1698]"21:50
BUGabundoii  mesa-utils                            7.8.0~git20091206.df02bc42-0ubuntu0sarvatt        Miscellaneous Mesa GL utilities21:50
Sarvattyeah thats the problem21:50
BUGabundoSarvatt: go get dinner21:50
Sarvattcompiz checks glxinfo before it starts up21:51
BUGabundoI'll be here all night21:51
Sarvattthat'll fix it, no worries :D21:51
Sarvattmaxb: you got me stumped but something is totally borked in your setup, it's working fine here on the same machine21:52
Sarvattyou shouldnt be getting the execbuff while wedged errors unless you have intel 2.10 installed though21:52
BUGabundogoing for a reboot21:52
BUGabundolet see if it get ok21:52
BUGabundodo I still need to run jockey to install the blob?21:53
Sarvattjockey doesnt work for it yet21:53
* gnomefreak thought jockey was still broken21:53
maxbSarvatt: I've not see that error message in particular - it's entirely possible I simply broke something by trying to use 2.6.31's i915 module with 2.6.3221:53
maxbRight now the confusing thing is that my system won't suspend at all21:53
Sarvattoh maxb I'm sorry, powersave wasnt a module parameter in 2.6.3121:53
BookmanHow do I cancel Show Join/Part Messages globally in XChat?21:54
Sarvattyou arent using i915 right now probably which would explain suspend not working :D21:54
maxbSarvatt: I've reverted to stick lucid i91521:54
maxbI'm just going to give it up as a broken for now and go try karmic's entire kernel21:54
Sarvattmodinfo i915 show powersave as a parameter?21:55
Sarvatthow did you switch it? did you update the initramfs after?21:56
maxbI did it in the grub command line?21:56
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
maxbBacking that out now to see if my PM was broken by that or recent updates21:58
maxbHmm, yeah, it's all broken22:01
maxbYou might want to avoid the recent gnome-power-manager update (I assume) for a bit22:02
BUGabundoFYI bjsnider gnomefreak Sarvatt: 100% working22:02
gnomefreakBUGabundo: cool22:02
bjsnidernow you can sit back and watch the good things happen22:02
BUGabundoor the next thing explode22:02
BUGabundocause I saw a trace in the TTy22:03
BUGabundolet me look at boot logs22:03
BUGabundois the splash instalble too ?22:03
maxbWhat on earth is the system doing between when you type your password at a login prompt, and when it prints "Last login: ...." ?22:03
* gnomefreak doesnt have working TTY22:03
BUGabundo$ pastebinit /var/log/kern.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/357273/22:05
Sarvattno splash without KMS right now as far as I know BUGabundo22:05
BUGabundoSynaptics Touchpad, model: 1, fw: 5.10, id: 0x258eb1, caps: 0xa04713/0x022:05
BUGabundoJan 15 21:58:02 BluBUG kernel: [    8.766513] input: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad as /devices/platform/i8042/serio4/input/input922:05
BUGabundoJan 15 21:58:02 BluBUG kernel: [    9.590459] irq 17: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option)22:05
BUGabundoJan 15 21:58:02 BluBUG kernel: [    9.590627] Pid: 0, comm: swapper Not tainted 2.6.32-10-generic #14-Ubuntu22:05
BUGabundoJan 15 21:58:02 BluBUG kernel: [    9.590629] Call Trace:22:05
BUGabundoJan 15 21:58:02 BluBUG kernel: [    9.590631]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff810c4cfb>] __report_bad_irq+0x2b/0xa022:05
BUGabundoanyone makes sense of that log ?22:06
bjsniderkernel devs could22:07
gnomefreakBUGabundo: pastebin ;)22:08
gnomefreakbe back22:08
bjsnidersince they wrote those meaningless messages22:08
BUGabundognomefreak: its there! on top :p22:10
BUGabundobjsnider: consider kernel devs pinged22:11
Sarvattwow, 11 second resume BUGabundo?22:17
Sarvattsuspend is 1.412 and resume is 1.109 here22:17
BUGabundono idea22:18
Sarvatttheres probably an i8042 quirk your machine needs to be safe over suspend/resume, ASUS is really bad about that last time i looked22:18
BUGabundoits an asustek OEM22:18
BUGabundoit used to be very nice in karmic and II22:19
BUGabundobut hibernate is broken in +122:19
bjsniderisn't it always?22:21
Sarvatthave you tried one of the newer daily .33 kernels?22:21
Sarvattkarmic really surprised me there and suspend/resume worked 100%22:22
Sarvatt(on all my machines)22:22
bjsnidereven the nvidia ones?22:22
Sarvattyeah! somehow22:23
bjsnidersuspend/resume doesn't cause *any* problems?22:23
BUGabundoSarvatt: I'm running .3222:23
BUGabundoLinux BluBUG 2.6.32-10-generic #14-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 7 17:38:08 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:24
Sarvatti dont use karmic anymore but it was perfect for about 2 weeks there between the last RC's and when lucid's kernel got uploaded :D22:24
BUGabundoshould I go .33 and break more stuff?22:24
douglasawh-workBUGabundo: just got back to the desk22:24
Sarvattoh nevermind BUGabundo, nvidia needs patching for .3322:24
BUGabundodouglasawh-work: hi. still trying to find who did work in grub2 :\22:25
douglasawh-workwell, not necessarily that person, but someone that knows enough to talk me through the implementation details and why grub2 won't work with full disk LVM encryption22:25
BUGabundodouglasawh-work: you know what we say: don't ask to ask, just ask22:26
douglasawh-workwell, I asked. :) I haven't been able to go down all my leads quite yet though, so let me poke at this a little...I've been working on another issue22:28
BUGabundorestarting pidgin22:29
* BUGabundo mumbles: stupid conflicting compiz keys22:48
undecim1alright, I've gotten wireless working, but I can't get anywhere with compositing in KDE22:56
=== DarkwingDuck_ is now known as DarkwingDuck
BUGabundois it possible to make notify-osd work over an app in full screen?23:02
bjsniderthere are no config options23:03
bjsnideri'm not sure if the most urgent class of alerts display even over fullscreen windows23:03

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