
persiacyan-spam: For 344626, you could try rebuilding the package without the notify-osd patch, and see if the behaviour changes.00:20
persiaSuch a procedure isn't always tested when opening upstream tasks, but in cases of uncertainty, it can be valuable.00:21
persiaFor 150205, it's probably just confused because of the sheer number of tasks: it likely shows up because of the tracker or gnome-bluetooth tasks.  Given that these are "Fix Released" and "Invalid", respectively, it doesn't really matter.00:22
persiaIt's worth marking it as now having an upstream watch on the hug day page.00:23
persia(just so someone else doesn't have to repeat the investigation)00:23
mrandcyan-spam: thanks for upstreaming 376793. marked it for you.00:24
xteejxhas everyone given up on bugday today or is anyone here still working through them?00:37
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xteejxAll 100 Incomplete bugs from bugday hugged woohoo01:12
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xteejxno-one awake? oh well i'm off in a minute guys01:33
micahgxteejx: hi01:33
xteejxmicahg: hey :)01:33
xteejxbug 455129, not sure which regression tag to use... occured in 7.10 and not again until 9.1001:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 455129 in gnome-power-manager "The black screen remains after opening the laptop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45512901:34
micahgxteejx: why does that need a tag?01:35
xteejxits a regression01:35
micahgi don't follow01:35
micahgwhere was it working?01:35
xteejxthe problem occurred in 7.10, was fine in 8.04, 8.10, and 9.04 and problem again in 9.1001:36
micahgit's regression-release01:36
xteejxahh ok thanks micah :)01:36
xteejxits my last one for tonight anyway, its 1:37am in the uk!!01:37
xteejxright guys i'm off catch ya all later :)01:38
persiaAnyone good with determining if an X crash contains private information?  Bug #506656 would benefit from deprivatisation (it's mentioned in the release notes), but I'm getting confused trying to read all the attachments.01:40
ubot4persia: Bug 506656 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/506656 is private01:40
charlie-tcaI will give it a look, persia01:57
persiacharlie-tca: Thanks.  I think it's clean, because I think davmor2 tends to do fresh installs for this sort of thing, but he's not around to ask, and I'm not sure what information there might be private.01:59
charlie-tcano problem02:00
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charlie-tcachanged to public02:30
persiacharlie-tca: Thanks.02:32
charlie-tcayou're welcome.02:33
vishanyone to confirm/triage Bug #507788 ?05:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 507788 in yelp "Help Documentation, TOC switches from left to right when user selects topic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50778805:31
persiavish: I can certainly reproduce, but are you sure this is a problem with yelp, and not with some documentation package?06:13
vishpersia: yeah , i asked shaunm  , and he said to file it in yelp06:13
vishpersia: i wasnt sure of the package either , seems its the same in fedora and upstream too , it is supposed to be easy to fix too06:15
persiaI find that very strange, because yelp definitely doesn't contain the contents page.06:16
* persia looks around some more.06:16
vish <vish> shaunm: ah , so which component would the bug be in? <shaunm> yelp06:16
vishpersia: from the #docs [gnome] irc06:17
persiaWell, it's definitely an issue when using yelp.  I'm just not sure if it's a code issue or a content issue.06:19
* persia is looking06:19
vishawesome , thanks :)06:19
vishpersia:  he also mentioned> "everything relevant is in xslt or css files"06:21
vishwithout needing to recompile yelp06:21
persiaHrm.  I don't see which would be the different file when I look at the output of `dpkg -L yelp`06:22
persiaDo you see anything obvious there?06:22
vishnot sure :(06:23
vishpersia: /usr/share/yelp/xslt maybe?06:23
* vish checjs06:24
persiavish: The confusing bit is that it's not clear to me that it would use a *different* one for the top page and another page.06:25
vishpersia: yeah , i dont get it either... maybe the default is to change it from left to right[if not mentioned] , and we need to set it to display on the left06:26
persiaWell, it seems that the top page is based on interpreting /usr/share/yelp/toc.xml06:26
persiaNow to identify one of the other pages, and maybe we can see the difference.06:27
persiaYeah, I think you're right.  I think the patch 04_new_ubuntu_layout is what makes it look like that.06:36
* vish hunts for file06:38
persiaI might be wrong thought.06:38
persiaBasically, I think there's something funny with toc.xml, and that it's because of the patching of yelp/data/toc.xml.in06:38
persiaBut I don't really understand precisely what is wrong (which is why I confirmed, rather than marking it triaged).06:38
persiaIt could definitely benefit from someone looking over it in more detail to figure out what makes it look that way.06:39
persiaI'm fairly sure it's not in the CSS or XSLT, but rather in the XML directly, but again, I could be wrong.06:39
vishpersia: could you comment that one the bug? [might help others narrow it down]06:40
persiaI'm not confident enough of my findings, and think someone else might do just as well, or better, starting from scratch.06:41
persiaFor all the same reasons you didn't comment that it was an issue with CSS or XSLT :)06:41
vishah , ok ;)06:41
vishpersia: do you have access over bgo bugs?06:53
persiaI don't06:53
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om26erplz mark this triaged agains nautilus https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/50775809:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 507758 in nautilus "When a file browser is opened, the keyboard focus is inapposite." [Undecided,Confirmed]09:49
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om26erplz mark this triaged  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/50775811:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 507758 in nautilus "When nautilus is opened focus is on the toolbar" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:25
pedro_om26er, done11:29
om26erpedro_, thanx11:30
om26erpedro_, that bug might be fixed in a newer upstream version as in lucid we are using 2.29.1?11:31
pedro_om26er, yes, if they do it, the fix is likely to land on that branch11:33
pedro_bonjour seb12811:33
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xteejxAfternoon guys :)11:44
pedro_hello xteejx!, great work on the bug day :-)11:50
* pedro_ hugs xteejx11:50
xteejxpedro_: thanks :) I may even finish a few more off hehe may as well keep it going until the next one.11:51
pedro_rock on!11:52
xteejxoh, if a users screen blanks after the u/xsplash, am I right in guessing its X or gdm at fault? I was going to mark both as affected and let the maintainers mark it wrong if so...is that ok?11:52
pedro_xteejx, could you ask for the logs and decide later?11:53
xteejxof course :)11:53
pedro_that'd be great, thanks :-)11:53
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xteejxpedro_: Still here?13:11
pedro_xteejx, yup13:11
xteejxpedro_: Cool, did you receive an application from BlackZ, I replied to the list about this particular application, I was wondering if you could answer his questions if you're not busy? :)13:12
xteejxfor Bug Control, sorry13:12
pedro_xteejx, is that lorenzo? yes will have a look shortly :-)13:13
xteejxpedro_: It is, yeah, and thank you :)13:14
pedro_you're welcome13:14
BlackZhi pedro_13:14
BlackZyes, I submitted the application.13:15
pedro_hi there BlackZ!13:15
BlackZif there are problems, please let me to know :)13:15
xteejxbug 158259, his apport-collect is broken, what info and logs will I need to grab?13:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 158259 in mutter "wide windows have messed up window decoration" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15825913:23
xteejxDon't worry I found it13:25
xteejxthats a lot of people entering at once lol13:52
xteejxstoopid server :D13:52
pedro_netsplit again?13:56
xteejxpedro_: yup14:05
xteejxpedro_: With a lot of bugs, if they occur in Karmic, is it OK to start asking people to try it in Lucid (assuming there are any package changes)14:09
xteejxI'm assuming we need stuff tested now14:10
persiaxteejx: I'd suggest that it makes sense to check the upstream changelogs to see if there's any chance it's fixed.14:10
pedro_xteejx, sure, check for changelogs to see if that's fixed first though14:10
persiaOr, even better, try to reproduce yourself in karmic and in lucid, and if you can only reproduce in karmic, confirm with the reporter.14:11
xteejxI only have Lucid, that doesn't matter does it?14:11
* persia gets super-extra annoyed when people ask "Could you test again" for things like spelling errors that are still obviously present in the development release14:11
xteejxDon't get me wrong I do try and reproduce ;)14:11
xteejxHardware-specific issues is a bit more difficult :P14:12
persiaxteejx: Well, you'll not be able to verify you can reproduce before discovering you can't.  If you'd like, I could talk you through a procedure that would let you run karmic X apps on a lucid X server (although this only lets you test some classes of bugs).14:12
persiaAlternately, a lot of people use some virtualisation (e.g. kvm, qemu, virtualbox) to test in different environments.14:13
xteejxpersia: If you wouldn't mind, as long as it doesn't affect my install :)14:13
persiaAgain, this doesn't work for every bug, but can reduce the poor experience of bug reporters who may not have tools and so upgrade their production systems to a semi-broken development release only to discover the bug isn't actually fixed.14:13
xteejxNote: if I *have* asked, I've directed them to a Live CD14:14
persiaGood idea :)14:14
persiaOK.  Do you have any free space available on some hard drive, or do you use LVM?14:14
xteejxactually before you talk me through this, I think I should repartition..... question is how can I resize the linux partition (i only have 1 for /) without data loss? I have M$ Windoze on another partition so will clear space with gparted14:15
xteejxor will gparted be able to do that?14:16
persiagparted can resize your linux partition (if you boot from a liveCD) as long as there is some free space.14:16
persiaI don't know if gparted can resize your windows partition: I haven't had that setup.14:16
persiaI did do an install on a phone once that let me resize the preinstalled Windows partition, but I don't think that was gparted.14:17
xteejxyeah it can, if not sod it, I'll do it from within there if it kills me14:17
persiaSo, if you don't mind, get about 20G in unpartitioned space.14:17
persiaThe technique can work with 10, but you'll be happier if you can make 20 available.14:18
xteejxI was thinking more of 60G, since Ubuntu is my main OS, the other is only really for games, rare these days though14:18
persiaIf you like, but you don't need that much for what I'm going to explain.14:19
xteejxI may as well :D14:19
persiaSo, the basic idea is that you make some space available, and you set up minimal snapshots of each release you want to test.14:19
persiaThen you set up LVM to take snapshots of the snapshots on demand, and you log into those and launch the programs back to your main display.14:20
persiaSo 10G lets you have 1 release and 1 snapshot.14:20
persia20G lets you have 2 release and 2 snapshots.14:20
persia60G lets you have 10 releases and 2 snapshots :)14:20
* persia very rarely has 3 snapshots open: usually only 1 or 214:20
xteejxchrist i'm confused already :|14:20
persiaAnyway, at least 20G would be good, but more isn't bad.14:21
xteejxSo, for clarification, several releases are installed on the same drive, but you can login/out of each?14:22
persiaRight, but they don't actually boot, they just let you test stuff.14:22
xteejxOK, so it's just the kernel and packages/dependencies? I understand :)14:23
persiaActually, just the packages.  You use your regular kernel.14:23
xteejxahh ok14:23
persiaThat's why you can only test some stuff this way, but it beats rebooting on liveCDs to check the appearance of some GUI item in Dapper.14:24
xteejxSounds like it! :)14:24
xteejxburning gparted now14:28
xteejxpersia: shall I ping you after I've partitioned?14:32
persiaxteejx: Please.14:32
xteejxOK, will do, and thank you :)14:32
persiaHappy to share :)14:34
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om26eris it fine to close old bugs or should I avoid that?15:08
seb128you should avoid to do it if they are still valid15:08
seb128if you think it might be fixed and there is no recent duplicate or comment you can ask if that's still an issue15:08
seb128and close after some weeks if there is no reply15:08
persiaBut do try your best to make sure that you can't verify that it was fixed or not first.15:09
om26erwhat about some very silly bugs?15:10
persiaFor example?15:11
om26erpersia, https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/48812615:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 488126 in ubuntu "Work area changer text doesn't disapear" [Undecided,New]15:11
persiaWell, I can't reproduce that right now, but I think I remember seeing it once (on karmic): it may be related to compiz (which I'm not running right now, but was then).15:12
seb128it's a duplicate15:12
persiaOn the other hand, it's kinda annoying, so I think it's valid (although it may not be easy to fix)15:13
persiaseb128: Do you know of which?15:13
seb128I'm looking15:13
persiaom26er: So, to address your first question: just treat them like any other bug.15:14
om26ermark incomplete and ask if they still face it?15:14
persiaWell, in this case, it is likely to be a duplicate, so it just needs to be marked as such (once the duplicate is found).15:15
persiaBut no, marking bugs incomplete and asking the user if they still face it is a poor default response.15:15
persiaIdeally, try to reproduce (if possible in the reporter's environment: I once encountered a bug that only happened in Hungarian).15:15
om26erask them how to reproduce?15:15
seb128bug #35670215:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 356702 in compiz "tooltips stick when they shouldn't" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35670215:16
persiaIf you can't reproduce, yes, ask them how to reproduce.15:16
persiaBut for this bug, update the duplicate.15:16
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om26ersometimes there are bugs that are very very tiny so what sould be done with them? leave them as they are?16:19
vishom26er: bug big or small is still a bug... ;) we have the importance for severity :)16:20
om26ervish, should a papercut be given wishlist ?16:22
vishom26er: wishlist is not a papercut...16:23
vishom26er: no new features16:23
om26ermore like the behavior of an app16:23
hggdhand a simple change, at that16:23
vishom26er: bug# ?16:24
vishyeah , it needs to be a simple to fix as well16:24
* om26er is looking16:25
om26ervish, no, i can't find it16:26
vishpedro_: are you able to reproduce Bug 503690 ? David and myself aernt able to reproduce it16:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 503690 in gtk+2.0 "Cannot Extract in File Roller When Using Default Location" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50369016:36
seb128vish, it's easy to trigger...16:37
seb128file-roller <some tarball>16:37
seb128select something in the tarball16:37
seb128click on the button in the toolbar16:37
seb128and try to validate the dialog which opens without touching anything16:37
seb128just do enter16:38
seb128easier: file-roller tar.gz, ctrl-E, enter16:38
seb128it does nothing16:38
vishseb128: hmm , works correctly in the end when i hit enter..16:38
seb128in lucid?16:39
vishseb128: yeah16:39
seb128do you have the location bar displayed in the file selector ui?16:40
seb128ie ctrl-l does make a difference?16:40
seb128it's only an issue when displayed16:40
seb128it's a known gtk bug open for years16:40
seb128that one is a duplicate16:40
vishseb128: ah , i dont have the location bar16:40
vishyeah , i saw that one somewhere else16:41
seb128bug #8075516:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 80755 in libgtk "extracting doesn't work right when the location entry is displayed" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8075516:41
seb128you can close bug #503690 as duplicate16:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 503690 in gtk+2.0 "Cannot Extract in File Roller When Using Default Location" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50369016:41
* vish duping it16:41
om26ervish, this is wishlist in nautilus so invalid as papercut? https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/47560316:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 475603 in nautilus "Rightclick on a file -> "open with" -> "other application": no permanent file association will be made" [Wishlist,Invalid]16:42
vishom26er: yeah , and a dup.. [you can search for the dup and mark it as a dup]16:44
vishom26er: just a sec , i think it has been fixed16:46
om26erno its not16:46
vishom26er: there is a checkbox in Lucid to remember the program16:47
om26erbut still that app comes second so not selected default16:47
om26ertwo same bugs saying evolution should minimize to tray. one is associated with ayatana so should i mark other duplicate?16:50
om26erboth have big comments16:50
hggdhoh, gone17:00
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vishhggdh: nvm , he marked it dup :)17:18
hggdhoh, OK. I would recommend it anyway, so good17:18
vishhggdh: but the dup has a patch or a sort of a patch... posted a comment linking it17:21
vishsort  of a hack*17:21
hggdhvish: thank you17:22
vishnp.. :)17:22
xteejxpersia: Sorry about that, had real problem with gparted - had to mess around and repartition and reinstall Ubuntu instead, got 45G free now :)17:26
bdmurraypedro_: isn't bug 405285 sort of resolved?17:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 405285 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] gnome-disk-health-service" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40528517:34
pedro_bdmurray, you mean by gnome-disk-utility ?17:46
pedro_bdmurray, doesn't provide the same functionalities though17:46
bdmurraypedro_: okay, I wasn't sure17:47
BlackZhi bdmurray, pedro_ !17:48
pedro_hello BlackZ!17:49
om26erat the moment gwibber is not in lucid seed so can we take papercut against gwibber17:52
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xteejxHey guys, persia was going to teach me how to setup LVM to create environments to login for different Ubuntu editions, does anyone know how to do this, where there are instructions or anything?18:45
xteejxpersia: Ping!18:59
jamaltaHi, question about bug triaging.. if I provide a response asking for more information because the bug didn't really explain anything, do I need to change anything else? Status, etc.19:00
xteejxjamalta: Yes, change to Incomplete19:01
jamaltaxteejx: thanks!19:01
xteejxno probs :)19:01
jamaltathat was fun :)19:01
jamaltaso if a bug is not in english, but i know the language, should i translate it in the comment?19:10
hggdhjamalta: yes, please do so, for enlightment of the others19:11
xteejxjamalta: Yes, or use Google translate if you don't, remember to ask the reporter to reply in English so others can understand it19:11
xteejxhggdh, can I ask something?19:12
hggdhxteejx: always, but answers may be costly ;-)19:12
jamaltahggdh, xteejx thanks :)... i'm fluent in spanish so i'll translate it and let the user know19:12
hggdhjamalta: you are welcome. Thank you for helping19:12
xteejxhggdh, well persia was going to teach me how to setup lvm for creating different Ubuntu versions environments for testing old versions, but they aren't around any more, is there any instructions for this, I'm at a loss19:13
* hggdh is, right now, hearing Deep Purple's Smoke on the Water, live in Japan...19:14
xteejxhggdh, sorry if you're busy19:14
* xteejx is watching the Simpsons on Channel 4+1 hehe19:15
jamaltaso a bug where i just stranslated the content, should be left as new, right?19:15
xteejxjamalta, if you haven't triaged it, yes :)19:16
hggdhxteejx: I am not aware of any instructions for this... and I am not sure what persia intended. You could use LVM to create some logical disks, and perform full installs on them19:16
jamaltaxteejx: i haven't gotten to triaging yet.. i guess i should figure out what to do :)19:16
xteejxhggdh, it was so I could login to a snapshot of an install without rebooting, sounded complicated19:16
hggdhxteejx: but I wonder what persia was actually driving to. I think physical installs (as opposed to VM installs)19:17
xteejxhggdh, i *think* it was to do with something called sbuild I'm not sure19:17
jamaltafor example, bug #50807119:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 508071 in ubuntuone-client "Ubuntu one no se inicia - disco duro no para de trabajar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50807119:18
jamaltai don't erally understand what i could do to triage the bug19:18
jamaltai mean, my ubuntu one works fine so i can't confirm it19:18
jamaltais there nothing that can be done to this bug other than let a dev see it?19:19
xteejxwell in english it is "Ubuntu one does not start - hard disk never stops working"19:19
jamaltaxteejx: yeah, should i translate the title too?19:19
jamaltai mean edit19:19
jamaltai posted a comment with the description in english19:20
hggdhjamalta: yes, it helps19:20
xteejxjamalta, you *can* completely re-edit the description19:20
jamaltaxteejx: should I?19:20
hggdhxteejx: there is http://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto, but I am getting timeouts going there (bloody slow wifi here)19:20
xteejxjamalta: If you are confident you can translate it, then yes, it would be a great help :)19:21
hggdhjamalta: if the results help, yes19:21
jamaltawell i already translated it (look at comment)19:21
jamaltashould i leave the original there as well, and just put the english translation above it? or delete the spanish altogether?19:21
xteejxhggdh, got it, but it looks damn complicated!19:21
xteejxjamalta: remove the spanish :)19:22
hggdhxteejx: the last edit date is 2008, it might have gotten simpler19:22
jamaltaok the bug is now in english :)19:22
hggdhjamalta: right now, if you have no input on what is going on there, better leave it NEW19:22
xteejxhggdh, well I don't know what lvm is other than the name, don't think I have it setup, and don't know what VG is either haha - its not looking good19:22
jamaltahggdh: sounds good19:23
hggdhxteejx: ahhh. So I guess you do not use LVM. So this may be more complex, since you would have to partition one of your disks for LVM usage to begin with19:23
xteejxhggdh, ermmm.....oh crap lol19:24
xteejxwould the pbuilder howto be better?19:24
jamaltasorry i'm being such a pest19:24
jamaltatrying to learn how to triage bugs efficiently :)19:24
xteejxjamalta, not at all, we all started somewhere :)19:25
jamaltaso another question, on bug #508072.. that would be an upstream thing, right?19:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 508072 in transmission "Cog button in bottom-left has no tooltip" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50807219:25
xteejxjamalta, It's a Wishlist bug19:25
jamaltaso there's nothing i can do, right?19:27
jamaltai heard somewhere you need to have permissions to mark as wishlist19:27
hggdhyou need to be a member of the bug-control team19:27
jamaltaohh ok, so skip that one, i guess...19:28
hggdhjamalta: you can confirm there is no tooltip as reported19:28
jamaltahggdh: oh ok19:28
hggdhand, if so, mark it confirmed19:28
jamaltacool :)19:29
hggdhxteejx: pbuilder will allow you to build a package locally, but not really run another version of Ubuntu for tests19:29
xteejxhggdh, oh....  I'm thinking maybe Virtualbox now, but that wouldn't show the guest Ubuntu my hardware would it, just the VB "hardware"19:30
jamaltaxteejx: no it wouldn't19:30
xteejxdidn't think so19:30
jamaltaxteejx: what i would do is have a small partition for another version of ubuntu..19:30
jamaltaxteejx: or you could but off of a live USB, but then you're not running off of a dedicated harddrive which could cause unexpected behavior on its own19:31
xteejxI think that's the idea of the lvm, but it avoids restarting, you can just log into it19:31
jamaltaso if a bug title doesn't make sense, should i change it to clarify it?19:31
jamaltaxteejx: i didn't know lvm could do that19:31
jamaltai mean, lvm is just a way to partition drives.. afaik19:31
jamaltait's just.. well they're not physical partitions19:32
xteejxjamalta, yes, generally try to be as descriptive, but short as possible, detailing for say X bugs, the graphics hardware, i.e. [i945] windows do not resize correctly over 600 pixels .... or whatever19:32
xteejxjamalta, I think thats the point of it... I'm not too sure, it was persia who pointed it out as a possibility19:33
jamalta"Right-to-left languages are not displayed correctly in Software Center" is that descriptive for bug #508067?19:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 508067 in software-center "wrong display direction in the programs' label" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50806719:33
* jamalta just wanted to show the original title which is confusing19:33
jamaltawell, hmm..19:34
hggdhjamalta: sounds better, yet19:34
jamaltaok cool19:35
xteejxdefinitely better, and actually, correct grammar with programs' - most English speakers don't even know what the apostrophe at the end of a word is for ;) hehe19:35
jamaltahaha yeah19:36
hggdhits it's, unless its its19:36
hggdhor is it the other way around ;-)19:36
jamaltahggdh: yeah lol19:36
xteejxit's its hehe19:36
hggdhwe should also have 'is it' as s'it19:37
xteejxwell, go to London, it's more like "izzit"19:38
xteejxhggdh, so no idea on this lvm thing then really?19:44
xteejxbug 158259, have I got enough information from the OR19:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 158259 in metacity "[i945] wide windows have messed up window decoration" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15825919:45
hggdhxteejx: no, better to wait for persia20:06
xteejxhggdh, ahh no problem, when is s/he usually around? any idea?20:07
hggdhhe. Usually Japan TZ, usually every day20:07
xteejxjapan? ermmmm so GMT+10 or so20:08
yofelcan someone mark bug 498356 as triaged? It'll be fixed once the new kpackagekit is packaged20:08
hggdhyes, something like that20:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 498356 in kpackagekit "KPackageKit fail to update or download packages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49835620:08
xteejxcool, thanks :)20:08
hggdhxteejx: for the bug question, I think is good enough20:09
xteejxhggdh: Great! Upgrade to Triaged or leave Confirmed?20:10
hggdhyofel: done, thanks20:10
hggdhxteejx: triaged20:10
xteejxok :)20:10
=== corge is now known as fdd
danagejdstrand: thanks for your mail re bug #508063. i understand this is not a classical "the code is bad" security issue, but one of usability and design. yet the impact is heavy. it's like having browser security features disabled by default21:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 508063 in network-manager "No warning when VPN connection is dropped" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50806321:48
danagean attacker could detect a running VPN connection, sabotage it, and be sure that he/she will be able to intercept traffic after that.21:49
jdstranddanage: right, and I understand your point. in terms of classifying the bug, it a) isn't one that the ubuntu-security team can address and b) it should really be an upstream network-manager bug21:50
jdstrandwell, how is the attacker sabotaging the VPN connection?21:50
jdstrandI guess if you are on a very hostile network, then yeah21:50
danagejdstrand: good point, but still this by itself is unsafe by design21:51
danagejdstrand: could you ask someone to forward it upstream? while i have helped on some bugs before, i think it would exceed my capabilities21:51
jdstrandbug updated21:55
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
danagejdstrand: thanks much21:57
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