
=== robbiew_ is now known as robbiew
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desrtpitti: HI :D04:35
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didrocksgood morning07:30
baptistemmhello, good morning08:12
didrocksgood morning baptistemm08:15
seb128good morning desktopers09:19
baptistemmhello hello seb12809:19
baptistemmsalut didrocks, sorry for the lag09:19
mvohey seb12809:19
seb128hey baptistemm mvo09:20
Tm_Thi kids09:20
chrisccoulsongood morning seb12809:21
chrisccoulsonand baptistemm, mvo and Tm_T09:21
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:21
mvohey chrisccoulson!09:22
didrockshey seb128, did you have a good way back yesterday night ?09:23
didrocksmorning mvo09:23
seb128lut didrocks09:23
didrockshow are you chrisccoulson? :)09:23
seb128didrocks, excellent09:23
seb128I managed to do the gnome-utils and gnome-applets updates in the train09:23
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks - i'm good thanks09:24
seb128and 95% of the gnome-panel obe09:24
didrocksseb128: great!09:24
seb128didrocks, did pitti leave?09:24
chrisccoulsonhey seb128. i'll work on g-p-m and g-s-d this afternoon :) i'll probably need to update libgnomekbd and libxklavier for the g-s-d update as well09:24
seb128chrisccoulson, I was going to do the libxklavier soname transition today09:25
seb128but I can leave it for you if you want09:25
didrocksseb128: yes, at 8am. I just drop it at La Défense to ensure he will find and take the right metro ;)09:27
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i don't mind really. feel free if you want to do it, but i'll do it when i get home if not09:27
mvohey didrocks!09:27
seb128chrisccoulson, I will do the soname change09:27
seb128so I can new it etc during the day09:27
seb128you are welcome to do gpm and gsd though09:27
seb128I don't intend to work on these09:27
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks09:27
seb128thank you!09:27
seb128where is vuntz09:28
seb128new gnome-panel crashes when using launchers09:28
baptistemmI wonder if he didn't already fixed that in git09:28
seb128baptistemm, there is no git commit since the tarball09:29
baptistemmI see a new minor release
seb128I'm using this one09:29
baptistemmFix potential crash when creating a launcher with drag and drop09:29
baptistemmah okay09:30
seb128do you take me for a beginner? ;-)09:30
baptistemmno no09:30
baptistemmof course not09:30
baptistemmI said that because vuntz and teuf debugged such issues yesterday on  #gnomefr09:30
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geserseb128: do you (as in the desktop team) want regressions from karmic to lucid also filed as LP bugs or is the problem being filed in gnome bugzilla enough?10:06
seb128geser, depends what you call regression and if upstream is fixing it or if we should work on it10:07
geserI upgraded my desktop from karmic to lucid yesterday, and my wallpaper doesn't span my both monitors anymore and I couldn't find a setting to let it do it again10:08
gesersee also https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=603551 and the last comments in https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14780810:08
ubottuGnome bug 603551 in Desktop "Image doesnt scale for dual monitors" [Normal,Unconfirmed]10:08
geserhttp://www.bienia.de/tmp/Screenshot.png that's how my desktop background currently looks like (that's "Tile" for a wallpaper that fits on the Desktop (same size))10:10
seb128oh right10:11
seb128I would not call that a regression10:11
seb128and I don't care enough to work on it, it's a corner case where the behaviour changed10:11
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seb128like you used to have to find an image spanning your screens10:12
seb128and now you can set one by screen10:12
seb128which I think is easier to find for users10:12
seb128it's easier to find 2 images than one made for 2 screens10:12
seb128you can open it on launchpad if you want though10:12
seb128but I doubt we will do anything on it10:12
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geserok, did I understand you correctly that I can select now two different wallpapers (one each for each screen)?10:16
geserbecause I can't find the option for it, I can only select one wallpaper and the "style" (center, zoom, tile, etc.)10:16
geserand I've to look if I can find one wallpaper and a setting that looks good on both monitors (different native size)10:17
seb128geser, maybe I'm wrong10:19
seb128I didn't look at that and I'm using one screen10:19
seb128maybe it uses the same image on both monitors10:19
geseryes, it uses the same image on both monitors. in the past I created my own wallpapers to match the size of my desktop and I got used to the look of it, I guess I need some time to get used to this new mode10:21
seb128geser, how does it work if both screen have different ratio?10:22
seb128with one image10:22
seb128in any case I think it's a different way to do thing10:22
seb128but not especially a less good way10:23
seb128lot of people try to simply put an image10:23
seb128and get it in the middle of screens10:23
seb128which is weird10:23
seb128if you want an image for 2 screens you need to build it10:23
geserwhich I did in the past but can't use anymore10:23
seb128right I understand10:24
seb128but I said that most users probably don't10:24
seb128and the current workflow makes easier to have something not looking weird10:24
seb128it's not perfect yet though I agree10:25
seb128but we have other things to work on10:25
seb128we will let that to upstream to deal with10:25
geserI'll comment on the upstream bugs and watch how things evolve10:31
didrockscrap, it seems that changing user-setup-apply fixes the live session persistency, not once installed.10:35
didrocksseb128: do you know where install logs are?10:37
vuntzseb128: hrm, crashes when using launchers?10:50
vuntzsounds fun10:50
seb128vuntz, hey10:51
seb128vuntz, yes, as soon as I click on one of my panel launcher10:51
vuntzmaybe my fix was wrong, then :-)10:51
seb128do you need some details?10:51
vuntzhrm, if you can get a quick stack trace, I can take a look at the code now10:51
vuntzelse, I'll look if I can reproduce in 30 minutes10:52
seb128vuntz, ok10:53
seb128#2  0x001a19e1 in gdk_x_error (display=0x80ea0f0, error=0xbfffef3c)10:53
seb128    at /build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.19.3/gdk/x11/gdkmain-x11.c:46610:53
seb128#3  0x007d5379 in _XError (dpy=0x80ea0f0, rep=0x82726f8)10:53
seb128    at ../../src/XlibInt.c:310310:53
seb128#4  0x007db9ff in process_responses (dpy=0x80ea0f0,10:53
seb128I guess you want a --sync one?10:53
vuntzokay, I'm getting tired of seeing tons of panel crashes in X erros10:54
vuntzthis nearly never happened before, and now it's all the time...10:55
seb128vuntz, any idea why?10:58
seb128vuntz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/357003/10:59
seb128I guess that's not really useful...10:59
seb128The error was 'BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)'.11:00
seb128  (Details: serial 4288 error_code 9 request_code 62 minor_code 0)11:00
vuntzoh, I know this one11:00
vuntzseb128: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60086511:01
ubottuGnome bug 600865 in gtk "[csw?] gnome-panel crashed with "BadPixmap (invalid Pixmap parameter)"" [Critical,Unconfirmed]11:01
seb128vuntz, GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1 -> no crash11:03
seb128I've pinged alex on IRC11:03
seb128weird that it was working before11:03
seb128it does crash every time now11:03
seb128vuntz, other questions for you11:04
seb128can you filter out a system, preference entry by using a merged menu?11:04
seb128ie /etc/xdg/menu/settings-merged11:05
seb128add an Exclude with Filename there doesn't work11:05
seb128but I'm not sure if that's the right way to do it11:05
vuntzyou probably can11:09
vuntzshow me what you put?11:09
seb128  <Name>Desktop</Name>11:11
seb128  <Menu>11:11
seb128    <Name>Preferences</Name>11:11
seb128  <Exclude>11:11
seb128  <Filename>gnome-appearance-properties.desktop</Filename>11:11
seb128  </Exclude>11:11
seb128  </Menu>11:11
seb128vuntz, ^11:11
seb128I'm pretty sure I'm doing it wrong11:12
seb128but I've not find documentation on that11:12
chrisccoulsonhey seb12811:12
seb128hello chrisccoulson11:12
chrisccoulsonhaving fun with X errors? ;)11:12
seb128chrisccoulson, indeed11:12
vuntzseb128: ah, the merged dirs are before the rest11:12
vuntzseb128: <DefaultMergeDirs/>, I mean11:12
vuntzseb128: so it might not be possible11:13
vuntzseb128: you'd need to move it down11:13
vuntzI think I discussed this in a bug report, and explained why I didn't want to do that change upstream11:13
seb128oh I think I've read this one11:13
seb128you though it would lead to abuse right?11:14
seb128or wrong use11:14
vuntzwell, potential abuse, yes11:14
vuntz"I installed chrome and it removed my firefox menu item!"11:14
ubottuGnome bug 529356 in libgnome-menu "Please provide a way to remove hidden desktop files" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]11:15
seb128ups no11:15
ubottuGnome bug 557443 in layout "Move <DefaultMergeDirs/> to the bottom of the menu files" [Enhancement,Resolved: notabug]11:17
seb128vuntz, the issue is for those who want to distribute a modified version11:19
seb128like not list an item11:20
seb128but still want to get changes with upgrades11:20
seb128like if they get a custom applications.menu they will not see distro changes11:20
seb128and if they hack the distro one their change will be dropped on upgrades11:20
seb128would be easier to allow them to do local changes which would still apply on upgrade11:20
asacpitti: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-lucid-une-2d-launcher ... why isnt that on our tracker?11:21
asacfor alpha-3?11:21
seb128asac, he's in train for the day11:21
seb128doing paris to dresden takes some 8 hours11:22
seb128just fyi11:22
didrocksseb128: that's what I did on Wednesday on that precise case: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/ubuntu-netbook-default-settings/lucid/revision/6?remember=4&compare_revid=411:28
didrocksof course :)11:28
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didrocksseb128: that's what I did on Wednesday on that precise case: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/ubuntu-netbook-default-settings/lucid/revision/6?remember=4&compare_revid=4 . you can do the same replacing une-session by gnome-session11:33
didrocksseb128: that's what I did on Wednesday on that precise case: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/ubuntu-netbook-default-settings/lucid/revision/6?remember=4&compare_revid=4 . you can do the same replacing une-session by gnome-session11:38
seb128which case?11:38
seb128I'm out of context ;-)11:38
didrocksseb128: for showing/hiding menu entries and taking into account distro changes11:39
seb128didrocks, how do you tell une to use those?11:42
didrocksseb128: it's part of "having different gnome session". XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is modified regarding session choice11:43
didrocksso you should have /etc/xdg/xdg-gnome right now in addition to the default one11:43
seb128is gdm doing that?11:44
seb128what name does it appends?11:44
seb128the session desktop one?11:44
didrocksno, the X11 scripts11:44
seb128is that one of your changes?11:44
seb128that's why I don't know about it ;-)11:44
didrocksy/w :-)11:45
seb128lunch time11:48
didrockshave a good lunch11:49
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ftakenvandine, didn't you say that the rhythmbox crash fix was supposed to be uploaded yesterday?12:35
ftaand i still have no clue what i should do to get the tray back..12:38
ftaoh, it's back but it no longer responds to middle click :P12:39
seb128fta, you will not get the old tray behaviour without a rebuild12:40
seb128the fallback will add the indicator menu to a notification area icon12:41
seb128so you will still get simplified behaviour, etc12:41
seb128it will not fallback to the upstream code12:41
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seb128bah lucid is all screwed today13:49
kenvandineseb128, how so?13:49
seb128the mini doesn't suspend anymore13:49
seb128and my laptop xorg get in a weird state when trying to open a guest session13:50
seb128it used to crash so I rebuild to get extra debug infos13:50
seb128and now I get text on vt713:50
seb128but the desktop seems to be still running13:50
seb128seems that's just the display which get crashed on something13:50
huatshello all13:52
asachi huats13:52
huatshey asac13:52
seb128hey huats13:53
cyphermoxasac, I fixed up my branch for fontconfig... there was that bug you mentioned and one other minor change for db_purge13:55
didrocksseb128: wasn't you telling yesterday that you'll upgrade on Saturday?13:56
seb128didrocks, you must confuse me with pitti13:56
seb128I don't touch my work computer on saturday13:56
didrocksoh ok so, I mixed that13:56
didrocksI didn't dist-ugpraded yet, should I wait?13:57
asaccyphermox: did you test db_purge=13:57
seb128suspend being broken might be a local issue and is not end of the world13:57
seb128and the guest session crash is there for weeks13:57
asaccyphermox: like after that you should be able to run debconf fontconfig ... and get nothing13:57
asacor was that dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig13:58
asaclong gone13:58
didrocksif it's really just for the guest session, I can give it a try, let's finish the une configuration first13:58
asacseb128: i am all broken with gdm in lucid13:58
asaconly users that are available in the selectors work13:58
asacand my user isnt shown :(13:58
asaci even built gdm with patch changed to uid 500 ... still my user doesnt show up :(13:58
asaceverytime i hit on "other ..." and enter my username gdm crashes13:59
cyphermoxasac: I did, but it seemed already empty on another box too13:59
asacso atm, i cant log in;)13:59
asaccyphermox: hmm.13:59
cyphermoxasac: let me check another one first13:59
asaccyphermox: ok, i think for verification you need to have at least one version with the template installed13:59
asacso on an oldmachine its there ... but if you installed late in karmic or something its not14:00
seb128asac, weird, kees fixed the lucid version to use the etc user config14:00
cyphermoxI'll install the debian version and then the one I was preparing14:00
seb128login.def rather14:00
seb128the crash is a known issue14:00
seb128it's on my list of things to debug14:00
asacseb128: oh maybe thats the reason why changing the patch hsa no influence14:01
asacwhich patch did he add?14:01
asachowever, the patch with the 1000 is still inthere14:01
asacthe logs.def was a ifdef WINDOWS iirc14:01
seb128gdm (2.29.1-0ubuntu9) lucid; urgency=low14:01
seb128  * debian/patches/24_system_uid.patch: use configured system UID14:01
seb128    minimum instead of hard-coded value (LP: #459199).14:01
* asac checks14:01
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asacah its #ifndef __sun14:02
* asac should read more in detail14:02
asacyeah. ... that seems not to work.14:02
asacthanks i will check with kees14:03
asacanyway, if you click other ...14:03
asacit crashes ;)14:03
asaci will try to submit a bug a bit later if its not known14:03
seb128it's known14:04
asacso kees thing tries to be smarter than my settings are14:05
asacmy login.defs has 100014:05
asacok ... at least i know what to do14:05
didrocksseb128: isn't that weird: http://pastebin.com/f52b6d9ef ? I would have excepted the opposite values for the keys or at least, the same value for both (this is ubuntu-desktop, not une)14:05
asacok ... lesson learned: read patche more careful in the middle of the night ;)14:06
kenvandinefta, bug 50689114:06
asac\o/ ... i am logged into shiny lucid14:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506891 in indicator-application "rhythmbox crashes when Status Icon plugin is toggled" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50689114:06
asachmm ... GNOME_KeyboardApplet got removed?14:07
kenvandinefta, it's pending a merge proposal review, and indicator-application release14:07
kenvandinefta, didn't make it yesterday14:07
seb128asac, yes, read changelog14:11
seb128asac, they are turning it in a notification area icon14:11
seb128but new g-s-d didn't get uploaded yet14:11
asachmm. will the migration happen?14:13
asace.g. or will users see this scary broken dialog14:13
seb128I've not tried to upgrade a system with this applet14:13
seb128but if upstream didn't put it in the "to clean list" we will fix that14:13
seb128can you open a bug on gnome-applets?14:13
seb128there is a list of applets which should be cleaned without noise14:14
seb128to avoid such issues on upgrade14:14
asaccleaned or migrated?14:14
seb128ie we did that with the mixer previous cycle14:14
asaci want this feature to stay14:14
seb128I will have to check what criterious g-s-d use to display that icon14:14
seb128I would expect it to be displayed for anybody what has >1 layout14:14
asacok ... if thats the case then it makese sense14:15
asaci didnt delete it, so i will get remembered on next upload14:15
asacso i can file a bug for the full experience after gsd upoad14:15
ftaasac, did you do something for metacity yet?14:16
mvoseb128: hi, can I make ubuntu-desktop owner of launchpad-integration (https://edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-integration) ? or will that have side-effects that are bad?14:18
seb128mvo, what is owner and why do you want that?14:18
mvoseb128: I'm the owner and I don't want to be the owner ;)14:18
mvoseb128: seriously, it should be team-owned14:18
mvonot by a individual14:19
seb128or not owned?14:19
seb128you can set the team I guess, I'm not sure what that implies14:19
mvoseb128: not owned? how would that work?14:20
seb128I don't know what is an owner there14:20
seb128we do register products to be able to add watches14:20
seb128but do we need to put a name on those14:21
seb128does is mean whoever register it is spammed?14:21
mvoI don't know14:21
didrocksseb128: any thought on my hilight on g-p-m default value? (default value is hibernate and we set it at Nothing in 10_gnome-power-manager) ^14:22
seb128didrocks, sorry I'm tracking a zillion issues together today14:22
didrocksseb128: no pb, I can log it somewhere and spam you again on Monday :)14:23
asacfta: i poked in the gnome-hackers channel14:25
asacbut all were out already14:25
asacok posted again14:26
asacin hackers14:26
ftacould we ship the patch in the meantime?14:26
seb128asac, I don't know if there is any active upstream but I think robert_ancell knows those guys14:27
seb128so maybe ping him when he's around14:27
seb128or drop him an email14:27
seb128he can probably ping them14:27
asacif upstream is dead-like we can just add it to the package :)14:27
asacis robbert_ancel responsible for that package in general now?14:28
seb128nobody is responsible for it I think14:30
seb128just upload if you have a change you think should go there14:30
seb128didrocks, that's weird indeed14:30
didrocksseb128: I guess I'll upload tweaking the value if you don't mind (suspend is probably better than the default in the schema "hibernate")14:31
mvoseb128: btw, does software-center work for you currently? or do you get a import error?14:31
seb128didrocks, what do you want to change?14:31
seb128didrocks, the values seems right in the capplet14:31
seb128didrocks, I'm wondering if that's just not a key naming issue but the code still being right14:31
seb128mvo, wfm14:32
asacfta: so if you give me a debdiff i would sponsor it directly. otherwise i will try to slip it in14:32
mvoseb128: ok, thanks14:32
seb128mvo, what fails to import for you?14:32
mvoImportError: PyGI supprot not enabled, deep down in webkit/python14:32
seb128mvo, I did sync new webkit14:32
mvoseb128: not sure whats wrong, but if its not a general problem, I will ignore it till monday14:33
seb128but it's installed there and works...14:33
mvomay well be something on my dev box14:33
mvothanks for the check :)14:33
didrocksseb128: where do you see it in the capplet? I don't find anymore the ac/battery options in gnome-power-preferences14:35
didrocksseb128: I just see the "when you press that button do …"14:35
seb128didrocks, bug #38906714:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389067 in gnome-power-manager "unintuitive settings in gnome-power-preferences" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38906714:39
seb128didrocks, you are right I was confusing it with something else14:39
seb128didrocks, I'm a bit confused, where do you see a wrong behaviour?14:41
seb128what are you trying to fix?14:41
didrocksseb128: looking at une settings and trying to drop as much as I can from it to stick with ubuntu-desktop default, I saw that on ubuntu desktop, we have /apps/gnome-power-manager/actions/sleep_type_ac to suspend and /apps/gnome-power-manager/actions/sleep_type_battery to Nothing which is a nosense to me (I would except the same value for both or the contrary)14:43
didrocksseb128: basically, we are telling "if you don't do anything and you're on ac, default is to suspend after xxxx secondes, if you are on battery, don't do anything"14:44
seb128didrocks, I don't have a sleep_type_ac there14:44
seb128in gconf-defaults14:45
seb128I need to read the code14:45
seb128that must not be working14:45
seb128I never got my computer to suspend on idle on ac14:45
seb128and I'm letting sometime for half a day idleing14:45
seb128I'm not sure how that's supposed to work14:46
seb128if the code is buggy or the gconf description confusing14:46
seb128but it doesn't do what you describe in practice14:46
didrocksseb128: I think that's because /apps/gnome-power-manager/timeout/sleep_computer_ac is set to 014:46
seb128didrocks, we don't set the sleep_ac_type though, it's coming from upstream no?14:51
didrocksseb128: right. The only value we change in those is this sleep_type_battery set to "nothing" instead of hibernate. That's why I think we can at least set it to suspend as this is the default value for sleep_type_ac (just for the sake of consistency)14:54
seb128I'm trying to figure who changed that, when and why14:57
seb128did you look for that info?14:57
didrocksseb128: I tried in the changelog but didn't find anything related to it. Double checking is always great14:58
seb128didrocks, sorry I'm in middle of gtk debugging with alex but I look at that with you next15:02
didrocksseb128: sure, no hurry :)15:02
seb128vuntz, ok, alex has a gdk patch working15:02
vuntzseb128: cool stuff15:09
seb128vuntz, it's always good to have somebody having the issue to IRC debug ;-)15:10
seb128vuntz, so I blamed you for nothing again it seems ;-)15:10
seb128vuntz, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/patch/?id=f96e51db46f2196707c0ea44a46f1d67f9a069d4 btw15:18
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seb128didrocks, the change seems to be there since dapper and I don't see a reason to keep it nowadays, feel free to drop it15:25
seb128didrocks, the change = the gconf-defaults 1 liner to set the type15:25
seb128we should probably stay on upstream default for those15:25
didrocksseb128: ok, so let's stick with hibernate15:25
seb128I would be in favor of doing what upstream does yes15:26
seb128and to open an upstream bug and argue there if you think it should be changed15:26
didrocksI agree, let me finish the default value testing stuff and I'll work on that15:27
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davidbarthpitti, seb128: FYI https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/LucidReleaseStatus15:36
seb128davidbarth, thanks15:37
strycoreI applied to the position for Gnome contractor that Jono Bacon posted on his blog, I've received an email from Alice Paul giving me hopes that I might get the job. I'd like to get a bit more details about what needs to be done if you don't mind.15:39
seb128hey strycore15:44
seb128jono, ^15:44
seb128davidbarth, ^15:44
seb128jcastro, ^15:44
seb128strycore, one of those guys should be able to give specifics15:45
strycorethanks seb12815:45
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seb128chrisccoulson, hey16:03
chrisccoulsonhey seb128 - how are you?16:03
seb128busy and a bit tired too16:04
seb128but good otherwise16:04
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm good. i just got in from work :)16:04
chrisccoulsonwell, about 1 hour ago16:04
seb128how is the familly doing?16:06
chrisccoulsonyeah, they're doing ok. ruby is growing quite quickly16:07
chrisccoulsonbut sleeping more ;)16:08
chrisccoulsonshe slept from midnight until 8am last night16:08
ftaasac, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/metacity_2.28.0-2ubuntu3.debdiff16:14
asacwill do after meeting16:15
seb128chrisccoulson, nice, so you can sleep too!16:17
seb128chrisccoulson, btw I didn't manage to do the libxklavier update16:17
seb128chrisccoulson, you are welcome to do it if you want16:17
seb128I got sidetracked in other issues16:17
seb128gtk bug leading to gnome-panel crash16:17
chrisccoulsonseb128 - cool, i'll look at that shortly16:17
seb128xorg crashing on guess session opening there16:17
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it sounds like you've had quite a bit of fun today ;)16:21
seb128not to mention that the mini doesn't suspend today16:22
seb128when that was working yesterday16:22
seb128I'm wondering if that's pitti's gpm change16:22
chrisccoulsonthat's not good16:22
seb128timeout trying to contact gpm or dkpower16:22
seb128it's all weird16:22
chrisccoulsonsaying that, suspend hasn't worked on my desktop for a couple of years16:23
seb128is that suposed to work on desktops?16:23
seb128it never worked on my desktop boxes16:23
seb128but on my laptops it does usually16:23
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i think so, and it worked at some point in the past16:23
hyperairyes it is supposed to16:23
seb128hibernate works on my desktop16:23
hyperairit works on my desktop16:23
hyperairbut rather strangely16:24
hyperairi have to do a lot of strange voodoo magic to get it to get it to resume16:24
chrisccoulsonit seems to stop everything when i try to suspend, but then the machine never actually powers down properly, and all the fans stay running16:24
hyperairinvolving poking random buttons16:24
seb128chrisccoulson, something similar there16:24
hyperairfans huh16:24
chrisccoulsonand hibernate used to panic on resume the last time i tried it, so i just try not to accidentally press the hibernate button nowe16:25
jcastroseb128: hrpmh, so there's no user-visible way to set text-beside-icons anymore? :(16:25
hyperairit worked in the past right? maybe you should bisect the kernel =p16:25
chrisccoulsonjcastro - no, the tab was purposely removed from g-a-p16:26
hyperairchrisccoulson: why?!16:26
jcastroright, so that means we should ship text beside icons by default!16:26
chrisccoulsonhyperair - it's considered a power-user option16:26
chrisccoulsonjcastro - do we not already do that by default?16:26
hyperairno, it's text below icon, afaik16:27
jcastronot afaik, I always have to switch it on16:27
* hyperair jumps into the guest session to check16:27
jcastromaybe it's on in UNE by default?16:27
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, it's text beside icons on my box, but i don't remember if i changed it16:27
* vish notices package "unattended upgrades" ..? so are security upgrades done automatically now?16:29
hyperairhmm my guest account says text beside icons16:30
hyperairin karmic16:30
hyperairbut i remember having to set it previously16:30
seb128jcastro, no16:30
keesvish: no, you have to enable it.  that package just provides the capacity to do it.16:30
seb128jcastro, davidbarth: did any of you responded to the guy who had question about the contracting job?16:31
jcastroI don't know anything about the contracting job16:31
hyperairwhat about "Show icons in menus" and "Editable menu shortcut keys" ?16:31
davidbarthseb128: ? didn't see that email? any pointers?16:31
seb128jcastro, can you get him and somebody who knows in touch?16:31
vishkees: ah... thanks.. with all the planned update manager changes  i was wondering if it was on by default now :)16:31
seb128davidbarth, it was on the channel, I did ping you and jono and jcastro16:31
seb128and nobody replied16:31
seb128I closed IRC since though...16:31
seb128so I don't have the backlog16:32
jcastrodavidbarth: strycore has questions16:32
davidbarthseb128: ah, reading up; i missed one line then16:32
strycoreI'd like to point out that i did not get the job *yet* , I'm just very hopeful ;)16:32
seb128I didn't imply you did ;-)16:32
davidbarthseb128: ok, seen now16:32
davidbarthstrycore: hi; thanks for pinging us on that; i haven't received your application yet; i guess jono will receive it first, being the lead on this recruitment16:33
strycoredavidbarth, jono got it and transmitted it to Alice Paul16:34
jonostrycore, you have all the key information16:35
jonothe job description16:35
jonothe role would be building application indicator suppoer and some notify-osd work into applications16:35
strycoreI was suspecting it had something to do with the application indicator :)16:37
strycorebtw, your acire tool is really a great idea !16:40
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mdeslaurseb128: I am preparing security updates for pidgin, and I noticed bug #494002 while testing18:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494002 in pidgin "[hardy] Failing to connect to MSN with 'protocol is not supported' error" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49400218:18
mdeslaurseb128: are you okay with me pushing the following patch to hardy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/357177/18:18
seb128mdeslaur, hey18:19
seb128mdeslaur, looking18:19
mdeslaurseb128: it totally fails to connect right now as msn doesn't support v9 of their protocol any more, but they still support v818:20
seb128mdeslaur, if you can test and confirm that the change works please use it18:21
seb128mdeslaur, that seems to make sense to me but I can't test there18:21
seb128or not easily18:21
mdeslaurseb128: yes, I've tested it, and it seems to work good18:21
mdeslaurthanks seb12818:22
seb128thank you for working on it!18:23
mat_tseb128: hey18:33
vuntzseb128: just wondering, is there any hope to backport the gtk+ krash to karmic?18:33
mat_tseb128: can I ask you for a piece of advice?18:33
vuntzerr... crash :-)18:33
vuntz(since it gets reported quite a bit in bugzilla)18:33
mat_tseb128: If my screen suddenly goes black and I have to do a hard reboot - what should I file the bug against? :)18:34
seb128vuntz, you want me to backport a crash? ;-)18:39
seb128vuntz, or rather the fix for the crasher?18:39
seb128vuntz, are you sure those are the same issue? what gnome bug?18:40
seb128mat_t, xorg-server I would say18:40
seb128mat_t, or as #ubuntu-x18:40
mat_tthx seb128!18:43
seb128you're welcome18:43
seb128vuntz, the issue there was a BadDrawable18:43
seb128the ones I found on launchpad were mostly other xerrors18:43
asacwhy is that a bz bug? thought it was chromium ;)19:11
asacheh ok19:11
asaci think bz is a bad habbit of mine for bmo19:11
asachmm. there is a bzr branch ;)19:12
* asac replays19:13
asacanyway. have to drop this right now and get ready to buy stuff before stores close ;)19:14
asacwill continue ltr19:14
asacfta: ^^... sorry wrong channel ;)19:14
ftaasac, ok19:20
didrockshave a good week-end!19:41
vishseb128: Sarvatt found the guest session problem > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/506510/comments/519:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 506510 in xorg-server "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in FatalError()" [Medium,New]19:55
seb128vish, why would that lead to a crash?19:56
vishseb128: they are still figuring out , but i tried the workaround , and editing that file deos fix it19:57
diverse_izzuehi all. have people thought about which version of tracker to ship with lucid? tracker 0.7 is pretty much a total rewrite AFAIK, and while not quite done, it's getting close. a reason for pushing this into lucid is that during the lifecycle of lucid, applications might be release which use tracker as their backend.19:57
chrisccoulsondiverse_izzue - i'm working on the packaging of 0.7 with mbiebl and robtaylor20:00
diverse_izzuechrisccoulson, great. i have up to date packages in my ppa, which are based on mbiebls packages. the ppa is alex-hunziker/ppa.20:01
chrisccoulsondiverse_izzue - thanks20:01
vishhmm... evolution segfaulting after update to > 2.28.2-1ubuntu420:47
vishjust wont start :(20:47
dobeykenvandine: hrmm. gwibber notifications fail. For flickr it looks like it will often just give the image's filename in the notification, which is quite confusing21:06
kenvandinedobey, that stuff will be changing quite a bit21:06
kenvandinei'll make sure it doesn't suck21:06
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