
akaiholaHow to report inaccuracies on immutable wiki.ubuntu.com pages? Couldn't find guidelines for that on the WikiGuide or DocumentationTeam pages.07:46
mdkeakaihola: what page is it?07:47
mdkeakaihola: it's not immutable - you can login and edit it afaics07:48
mdkealmost all pages on wiki.u.c can be edited by anyone, except for pages which are part of the wiki software itself (MoinMoin)07:48
mdkewe don't really use access control as far as I know07:48
akaiholamdke: Oh sorry, I didn't notice I had been logged out.07:48
mdkenp :)07:49
akaiholamdke: Anyway, I don't have sufficient knowledge to correct the page, need to discuss it first. Where?07:49
mdkeakaihola: in this particular case, you should contact the X team who maintain that section of the wiki - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/SwatTeam07:51
akaiholamdke: Thanks!07:51
mdkeno problem07:52
vishmdke: hi.. could you have a look at Bug 50778808:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 507788 in yelp "Help Documentation, TOC switches from left to right when user selects topic" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50778808:06
vishmdke: shaunm mentioned it is " not extremely difficult.  everything relevant is in xslt or css files" , but i'm not able to find why it does this :(08:09
mdkevish: will take a look08:29
mdkevish: I don't know enough about yelp to fix this. Probably since the standard gnome approach is too use the TOC on the right, we should do the same with the index page, but the index page is heavily customised08:31
mdkevish: you'd need to dig around quite a lot in the yelp package in Ubuntu, and in particular the index page patch that we use08:31
vishmdke: ah , ok. thanks :)08:32
mdkesorry not to be more help08:36
vishnp.. ;)08:37
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