
eggheadmythbuntu 9.10, is there a script/bash command line that scans the video directory, like in watch video, menu, the scan for changes?01:37
foxbuntuegghead, depends what exactly you are trying to do...there are several scripts02:23
eggheadfoxbuntu, rescan the video directory for added/deleted files, and update the sql db with the new info, same thing as the scan for changes does02:51
foxbuntuegghead, then I dont really understand why you dont use the frontend?02:51
ahugheshow can I add or search for upnp servers to add to the library?02:52
eggheadwill its gets more involed then what i stated, lol doesnt it always? i build a set of directoryies and link the files from several hd's using a script, it would be very nice to add a rebuild db call to the end of that scrip02:54
foxbuntuegghead, still, even if that script runs while the frontend is open all you have to do is either scan for changes (manually) or default to the file browser mode in MythVideo and it will scan when you enter Videos02:58
eggheadyes i know, that is what i do now02:59
eggheadi have to do this every time i add videos, i take it you dont know if the fe call a script or its written inti the fe03:00
foxbuntuegghead, its built into the plugin03:01
foxbuntuegghead, however this is the script you can use to do mass updates of the metadata and data files: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Jamu03:02
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Jamu - MythTV03:02
eggheadhmmm, maybe ill take a look at the source video plugin03:03
eggheadumm i use a different, kinda dont like some of the jamu behaviors03:03
foxbuntuegghead, I only am hesitant to offer any advice that can cause damage and data loss, which if you modify anything the in database improperly you can break your system03:04
eggheadoh wait are you saying the jamu will add in a file into the db?03:05
eggheadyea, thats why i dont wanna write someting that pops lines into the sql db03:05
eggheaddoes jamu add files into the database if not already in the db?03:06
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Jamu - MythTV03:06
eggheadahhh cool03:07
eggheadfoxbuntu thanks for your help03:08
foxbuntuegghead, np03:08
mrandAnother satisfied customer.03:09
foxbuntumrand, one at a time03:10
foxbuntumrand, my plan for world domination through Mythbuntu03:10
mrandHope you are a VERY patient man.03:10
keesgah.  *bang head on desk*03:11
foxbuntuyou've met me...we both know thats not true ;)03:11
keesI'm trying to set up an lirc blaster, and having no luck03:12
keeswell, it's going well except that irsend doesn't work.03:12
mrandfoxbuntu: indeed.03:12
keesanyone have a working blaster?03:13
foxbuntumrand, you catch my super awesome article on python threading?03:13
foxbuntukees, sorry, I use Firewire and Serial03:13
mrandI use serial only.  I had blaster set up and working... don't remember it being any trouble at all, so I can't say I have any experience with it :-|03:13
keesfoxbuntu: oh, firewire might actually be an option.  how does that work?03:13
mrandfoxbuntu: no, I must have missed it.  I need to pick a python project and get started learning it.03:14
foxbuntukees, if you have a cable STB with firewire enabled you can try the 6200ch binary channel changer to control the box via firewire, in some cases even record from the firewire03:14
foxbuntumrand, http://www.rubmyubuntu.com/Python/Threading03:15
Zinn[www.rubmyubuntu.com] Basic Python Threading | RubMyUbuntu.com03:15
keesfoxbuntu: what program does the firewire commands?03:18
foxbuntukees, http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/FireWire#Changing_Channels_via_Firewire03:19
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] FireWire - MythTV03:19
keesfoxbuntu: ah-ha, yes, I see the 6200ch in there now.  thanks!03:19
dabukalam_hi. I'm thinking of getting this, but I was wondering if anyone has had past experience with xbmc and how this compares to that media center software?03:23
mranddabukalam_: I've not used xbmc, but I've heard the UI is very nice.  When I started using mythtv, xbmc wouldn't record livetv or skip commercials.  I think they've been working on improving that, but I don't know where they are at this very moment in time.03:27
mrandMythTV just revamped their UI, so more themes are on their way.03:28
dabukalam_okay, i have another question03:28
dabukalam_i have a receiver at home03:28
dabukalam_it needs a smartcard03:28
dabukalam_it has both composite and TV out03:28
mrandreceiver = cable box?   smartcard = cablecard?03:28
dabukalam_yeah it's cable03:29
dabukalam_how do i connect it to a computer03:29
dabukalam_the guy said it wasn't possible, but he looked like an idiot03:29
mrandI have that exact setup, as do many.  It is quite possible.03:29
mrandMost people use an mpeg-2 capture device03:30
dabukalam_how do you do it? just connect the TV out to the TV tuner?03:30
foxbuntudabukalam_, using any number of capture cards will work: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Category:Video_capture_cards03:30
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Category:Video capture cards - MythTV03:30
mrandthanks foxbuntu.03:30
dabukalam_these come as PCI cards?03:30
mrandOr USB03:31
dabukalam_and it scans the channels, and makes them navigable from the remote?03:31
mrandAre you in the US?03:31
mrandOk, schedules direct probably wont work for you then :-)   That is a TV scheduling service.03:32
mrandTV show schedule, that is.03:32
mrandMost in the US use that.  it contains channel lineups as well.03:32
dabukalam_oh, so I just connect the cable to the TV Tuner, and use the receiver's remote to navigate?03:32
foxbuntudabukalam_, short answer is yes, you ust have to get your local guide data from a source (what it is for you I do not know)03:33
foxbuntuust = just03:33
mrandIf many (or most) of your channels are encrypted, you have to keep your cable box.  You take the output of that to the video capture device.03:33
mrandYou can control the cable box from the PC.03:33
mrandThe PC takes the remote control input and uses that to control the cable box.03:34
dabukalam_but how does that work? how can the PC control the cable box channels?03:34
mrandeither IR-blasting, or serial port.  Perhaps firewire.03:34
dabukalam_i don't think my receiver has any of those ports03:34
dabukalam_one sec let me check03:35
mrandIR-blasting is the same thing as using a remote.03:35
mrandSo it's as if the PC is pushing buttons on a remote control, and the cable box receives those.  Uses infra-red just like a real remote.03:35
jaypeteyhi, could anyone give me a good ffmpeg line for basic transcode to 480P? (I plan on using mythexport)03:43
dabukalam_mrand: i took some photos of the back of my receiver. If you're not too busy, could you take a look and let me know what I could so with the ports?03:45
mrandjaypetey: sorry.  rhpot1991 might be able to help, otherwise you may need to search other mythtv resources (forums, mailing lists, etc).  Google tends to cover them all pretty well with a single search that include "mythtv OR mythbuntu"03:49
mranddabukalam_: I can try.  use imagebin03:50
dabukalam_mrand: http://imagebin.org/7997703:53
Zinn[imagebin.org] Imagebin - A place to slap up your images.03:53
jaypeteymrand: yeah, i've done a bit of searching and didn't turn up anything. which is odd, because i would expect it to be a common thing. oh well, thanks *back to google03:55
mranddabukalam_: My cable box has an RS-232 (aka serial), which allows me to change channels.  Very reliable.  But you have to know what protocol it speaks.  Searching around on your box  brand and/or part number along with "mythtv" may turn up something.  Otherwise IR (emulating a remote) would probably work for channel changing.03:56
mrandjaypetey: Make sure to check the mythbuntu forums, as well as http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/03:57
Zinn[www.gossamer-threads.com] MythTV03:57
jaypeteymrand: good call..03:57
dabukalam_so I use my bluetooth media keyboard, which connects to the PC, which has an USB IR Transmitter, which tells the receiver what to do?03:57
mranddabukalam_: Yes, you could use a bluetooth keyboard.  Or a  MCE remote.  many video capture devices come with remotes.03:58
mrandMany also come with IR transmitters.03:59
dabukalam_I already have the remote ;)03:59
=== jakent_ is now known as jakent
hipitihopIs backend-frontend compatible with the nvidia 195 driver ? I just switched from 185 and now no backend or frontend starts up04:14
hipitihopI did update-manager update, disabled the nvidia 185 driver because there was conflict during the update and enabled  195 now backened and forntened gone .. dpkg,log section here http://paste.ubuntu.com/356881/04:41
Zinn[paste.ubuntu.com] Ubuntu Pastebin04:41
hipitihopok, clearly there is a dependency. by removing the 185 nvidia drive it also removed the nvidia-185-libvdpau and that triggerd removal of most myth elements. Switching back 185 and adding the libvdpau is now allowing me to re-install mythtv so fingers crossed05:08
foxbuntuhipitihop, are you using the PPA?05:08
foxbuntuauto-builds that is05:08
hipitihopfoxbuntu, you mean for the nvidia driver ?05:09
foxbuntuno. for mythtv05:09
hipitihopnot sure, /etc/apt/sources.list will tell me ?05:09
superm1apt-cache policy mythtv05:10
foxbuntuevening superm105:10
superm1man i dont know what's up with my xchat all of a sudden on my netbook, but the last line of chats in xchat wont show up unless i change channels and back05:10
hipitihopsuperm1, doesn't seem so... Installed: 0.22.0+fixes22594-0ubuntu105:11
hipitihop  Candidate: 0.22.0+fixes22594-0ubuntu105:11
hipitihop  Version table:05:11
hipitihop *** 0.22.0+fixes22594-0ubuntu1 005:11
hipitihop        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com karmic/multiverse Packages05:11
Zinn[archive.ubuntu.com] Index of /05:11
hipitihop        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status05:11
superm1!pastebin | Hikah05:11
ZinnHikah: when pasting more than 5 lines of data please use http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com so you don't flood the channel.  Then please post the link in the channel.05:11
superm1!pastebin | hipitihop05:11
Zinnhipitihop: when pasting more than 5 lines of data please use http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com so you don't flood the channel.  Then please post the link in the channel.05:11
superm1but that means you are using the one on the archive not the autobuilds ppa05:11
hipitihopsuperm1, what should I be doing ?05:11
foxbuntusuperm1, my touchpad has developed an odd issue, when I sit with the laptop in my lap, it will start to random click and I have to tap/click all over the place to get it to stop05:12
superm1hipitihop, if you want something newer than the nvidia 185 driver in the repos, you need to activate autobuilds05:12
superm1foxbuntu, it could be a HW issue05:12
foxbuntusuperm1, yeah, I am pretty sure it is05:13
foxbuntusuperm1, I need to check my warr status05:13
foxbuntuI think its expired05:13
foxbuntuI didnt pay extra for the extended05:13
rhpot1991foxbuntu: if there's anything I've learned from circuit city its that you should buy a new one and put the old broken one in the box and take it back05:15
foxbuntuyup, its expired05:15
rhpot1991might not help you much with dell though :)05:15
foxbunturhpot1991, lol05:16
foxbunturhpot1991, I might have to ask someone I know at dell to try to get me a part05:16
foxbuntusuperm1, this laptop is nearly 18 months old05:17
superm1foxbuntu, i dont get a discount on parts i dont think05:18
superm1you should look and see how much a TP assembly is, i can't imagine its too pricey05:18
foxbuntuno, I am trying to find it05:19
foxbuntusuperm1, I really didnt expect a discount, just access to it05:19
superm1you might have to call for it05:19
foxbuntu...as in you might have better access than the consumer05:19
foxbuntuI will talk to them (at some point)05:20
foxbuntuits only intermitant right now05:20
superm1na, i dont have any better access05:22
foxbuntuI'll see how it goes, I might just build another lappy any how05:23
foxbuntunot sure what I will do with this one though05:23
superm1hm i wonder if i rearrange the xchat window if the bug still happens05:27
superm1weird.  it doesn't05:27
hipitihopsuperm1, I don't specifically want newer but I have been trying to solve this error: /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-185-libvdpau_185.18.36-0ubuntu9_amd64.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libvdpau_nvidia.so.185.18.36', which is also in packa05:27
hipitihopsuperm1, sorry, chooped the ne dof that "nvidia-glx-185"05:28
superm1hipitihop, where is that nvidia package coming from?05:29
hipitihopsuperm1, I still get that problem now. this is where I started, that is why I disabled 185 and thought to go to newer but that removed many myth elements, see pastbin earlier.05:29
superm1hipitihop, you were using the vdpau PPA it looks like05:30
hipitihopsuperm1, as to where, I'm not sure, sorry to be a pain but this is a little deeper then my experience at the moment05:30
superm1we can't support running that with mythtv in the archive05:31
superm1you need to add autobuilds or revert back to the archive packages at this point05:31
hipitihopsuperm1, I'm happy to do whatever is the simplest and quieckest to get back to a working backend/frontend05:32
hipitihopsuperm1, so should I disable the ppa ? and if so how05:32
hipitihopsuperm1, this is in my /etc/apt/sources.list   deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nvidia-vdpau/ppa/ubuntu karmic main should I comment out or is there another karmic way now05:34
Zinn[ppa.launchpad.net] Index of /nvidia-vdpau/ppa/ubuntu05:34
superm1hipitihop, go add autobuilds, and hopefully it should sort out then05:39
hipitihopsuperm1, indeed that worked, I did have to remove one of the packages as it claimed to be broken and would refuse to activate autobuild... but now all good...many thanks, lifesaver06:34
superm1hipitihop, cool; good.06:35
superm1hipitihop, what was the broken package out of curiosity?06:35
hipitihopsuperm1, knew you were going to ask that :-) ...ummm... libmytth.022 ...going from memory06:36
superm1libmyth-0.22 probably06:38
superm1probably because it was linked to the VDPAU library06:38
superm1which changed from whats on the autobuilds/vdpau PPA versus the archive06:38
hipitihopsuperm1, yes you a right06:38
hipitihopsuperm1, although I haven't confirmed if Indeed now have vdpau support enabled or not06:39
hipitihopbut the 185 driver is listed as active06:39
superm1dont trust what that says06:41
superm1jockey hasn't been patched to support the newer drivers properly i dont think06:41
hipitihopok I'll leave things as is, all appears normal on frontend and from mythweb so I'm happy for now. many thanks06:44
superm1hipitihop, you might want to make sure it's all still working after a reboot though :)06:50
hipitihopsuperm1, already done that as I used control center to set as master backend and frontend and after it did installs I did reboot and everything is sweet06:52
superm1oh i see06:52
superm1i'll see if i can get the guy maintaining the vdpau ppa to put a conflicts on the mythtv in the archive06:53
superm1that way this doesnt happen again06:53
hipitihopnow backend is up/mythweb looks normal and frontend started automatically.. existing schedules appear to be there and previous recordings too so much relief here06:53
superm1you can now use the newer nvidia packages if you want too06:54
superm1the 190 or 19506:54
hipitihopbtw, I'm not sure if it is interesting to you but I have had to do a upstart script to finally automate my lirc to work with my Imon remote...otherwise usbhid would always grab it instead of lirc_imon06:56
superm1not me directly, but i'm sure it will help someone!  you might want to make a wiki page at mythbuntu.org/wiki06:57
Zinn[mythbuntu.org] Mythbuntu User Wiki | Mythbuntu06:57
superm1or a forum post06:57
hipitihopi'll add it to my todo's06:57
=== Daviey__ is now known as Daviey
Abo Hi All, my frontends wouldn't connect. looked at frontend log (/var/log/mythtv/mythfrontend.log) found error: MythSocket readStripList: Error, timed out after 7000ms. I googled it and found a solution to find and delete all mysql.txt files except /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt and restart backend. Remote frontend can now play music but crashes on the loading videos dialogue. Both the remote FE and BE/FE pop an error startup "cannot connect t10:43
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
noaXessso.. yesterday i have updated my mythtvbackend.. and mythtv-status was removed..12:32
noaXessnow i can't install mythtv-status.. i get: mythtv-status: Depends: libmyth-perl but it is not going to be installed12:33
noaXessif i try install libmyth-perl i get: libmyth-perl: Depends: libmythtv-perl but it is not going to be installed.. and if i install libmythtv-perl i get: libmythtv-perl is already the newest version.12:33
noaXessany idea how to get mythtv-status back? by the way i use the mythbuntu autobuilds12:34
AboHi Again, seemed to have solved my problem, I put the mysql.txt including in /usr/share/mythtv/ I also changed is permsion to a+g=rw, I also added the password to the /usr/../mysql.txt.dist file and the can't connect to backend message went away. However my remote backend still crashes on the load videos dialogue. The frontend has the error: unable to find image file: gallery-folder-reg.png14:04
superm1noaXess, you need to add the testing repo18:19
superm1noaXess, you can enable it in mcc on the autobuilds page18:19
duckyhey guys i was just wondering if anyone has had success with using a fios reciever or has heard of any.  switching from direct tv to fios tv and was just wondering18:31
noaXesssuperm1: mcc? mythtv control center?20:27
mrandYes.  mcc = mythbuntu-control-centre (take note of the spelling, if you are searching for the package)20:30
henkpoleyOn my bootchart I see a short running (5s) mythbackend process during bootup, is that normal ?20:31
superm1henkpoley, i've never looked to be honest20:38
superm1is it running after that?20:38
henkpoleyWell, just seemed odd, as since you *could* just run mythbackend on the 'bare metal' by starting it from init or your boot shell20:39
henkpoleysuperm1: yes, a seperate process lives longer20:39
henkpoleyHmm, it looks like xfce starts another backend ? wtf?20:41
henkpoleyxfsettingsd > gam_server > su > sh > mythbackend20:41
henkpoleyOr maybe I'm reading that wrong, at least it starts directly after gam_server20:43
superm1henkpoley, you can't run it from init because it needs sql running20:43
henkpoleyIt doesn't show a graph from xfsettingsd to gam_server to su20:43
superm1the su - sh -mythbackend thing, i'm aware of20:44
superm1and i have a patch on trac for it20:44
superm1but upstream has ignored my patch for the last month20:44
henkpoleysuperm1: link ?20:44
henkpoleyAnyways, it seems like the first backend just exits when a new one appears20:44
Zinn[svn.mythtv.org] #7832 (Add support to drop permissions if running as root) – MythTV20:45
henkpoleyexcept we now probably go thru backend initialisation twice20:45
superm1that will actually fix a few other problems too20:45
henkpoleysuperm1: The su-sh thing has nothing to do with twice starting mythbackend, but more with a reworked login system (as used in ubuntu) ?20:49
superm1henkpoley, i'm not sure; but starting through su might have implications that are causing it to start that way20:50
superm1either that or it's just forking a pid20:50
henkpoleysuperm1: When it first starts mysql isn't ready, it exits, then (by upstart?) get started again20:56
henkpoley2010-01-14 19:57:44.280 mythbackend version: branches/release-0-22-fixes [22594] www.mythtv.org20:57
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] MythTV, Open Source DVR20:57
henkpoley2010-01-14 19:57:50.091 Failed to init MythContext, exiting.20:57
superm1henkpoley, ah that makes sense then20:57
henkpoleyNext line:20:57
henkpoley2010-01-14 19:57:50.302 mythbackend version: branches/release-0-22-fixes [22594] www.mythtv.org20:57
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] MythTV, Open Source DVR20:57
superm1mysql isn't a dependency of mythtv-backend's upstart script20:57
henkpoleyZinn should be rate limited ;-)20:57
ZinnHi henkpoley, something I can help you with today?  Use !help to see what I can do.20:57
superm1because upstart doesn't have a concept of "start this if it exists"20:57
henkpoleysuperm1: great..20:58
superm1it shouldn't have any major negative implications on the system20:59
superm1i mean it will keep trying until it gets through to mysql20:59
henkpoleyJust trying to get the boot time down, a process doing stuff for 5 seconds is quite a bit21:01
superm1well but it shouldn't block the boot21:05
superm1it should be going in parallel21:05
henkpoleysuperm1: Schaze has a nice and ugly fix for my 'problem' here: https://answers.launchpad.net/upstart/+question/88379 (at the bottom)21:15
Zinn[answers.launchpad.net] Question #88379 : Questions : upstart21:15
superm1henkpoley, that's not valid for 10.0421:18
superm110.04 has a mysql upstart job21:18
henkpoleyI don't run pre-alpha ubuntu :-P21:18
superm1well i dont fix issues in stable ubuntu ;)21:19
henkpoleysuperm1: all upstart script are started asynchronous from the command ?21:19
henkpoley(`service` command)21:19
superm1henkpoley, could you raise a question with the upstart people about getting support added for "start this if it exists, but dont let it block startup if it doesnt"?21:28
henkpoleyI'm pretty sure that's outside their philosophy21:29
henkpoleyI mean upstart has been around (afaik) since I left Linux on the desktop for OS X Tiger21:30
henkpoleyInitial release24 August 200621:30
superm1well it doesn't hurt to ask21:31
henkpoleyThere seems to be a way by having scripts respond to 'emit'ed events21:31
superm1no that won't work21:31
superm1if you dont have mysql installed, you wont have an event to listen for21:31
superm1but you still want the backend to start21:31
henkpoleyso init/mysql should emit mysql-started, then mythbackend should start on that signal21:32
henkpoleyyes, you could have two mythbackend scripts :-P21:32
henkpoleyOne to start "all" prerequisites21:32
henkpoleyAnother to start the actual backend21:33
superm1two mythbackend scripts still doesn't solve it21:33
henkpoleyCould work if a script can listen to two events21:33
henkpoleyProblem ?21:33
superm1mythbackend could be blocked directly on mysql starting, but you dont have an alternative if it's not present21:33
superm1jobs can depend on one another21:34
henkpoleyEhmm you mean you can't start mythtv without mysql having installed? (yes.. so?)21:35
superm1slave backends21:35
henkpoleyah, external mysql server21:35
henkpoleycurrent (err =< 9.04) mythtv-backend init.d script doesn't model this either, does it ?21:36
superm1no it doesnt21:37
superm1sec brb phone21:37
henkpoleyShaved of 1/2 a second by the pre-start mysql hack. Yay ^_^ ;-)21:41
henkpoley*grin* seems to be only because ureadahead somehow takes less time :-P21:45
superm1okay back21:53
superm1so current 9.04 mythbackend doesnt block on mysql in any method21:53
superm1adding pre-start is quite a hack21:53
superm1it won't work on systems that don't have mysql21:54
superm1for 10.04 we cant block on mysql job because mysql might not be on the system if you are setting up a secondary backend21:54
superm1only solution is a conditional start flag to start if it exists21:54
superm1not much more to it21:54

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