
portariHi. I'm new in xubuntu. I install it tonight. So the system saw there are 149 files to be updated. I was do the update. Now when I power on the pc, there are 3 options to system up: xfce twice and xterm, by defaut it select first xfce but the system did not works. I need to change to second xfce option to log in. I need to change to 2nd option by default but I did not know how, can anybody help me?03:58
teknorunnerI upgraded to 9.10 but now my sound doesn't work. Any suggestions?05:40
=== leon is now known as Guest74194
homebrewciderhey there, when I log in as a regular user I get a very low res desktop, but when I log in as root, i get a res of 1680 x 1050. What could cause this?06:56
psycho_oreoschange the resolution settings on the user account?06:58
homebrewciderI do, but i have to do it every time i power up07:04
homebrewciderthey don't seem to stick07:05
psycho_oreosusing which video chip?07:06
homebrewciderNvidia en8800 gt07:08
psycho_oreosdid you use the nvidia tools?07:10
homebrewciderusing Nvidia X server config tool07:12
psycho_oreosstrange how the settings won't stick, is this an upgrade?07:12
homebrewciderfresh install07:15
MakaveyI am new to ubuntu 9.1 and linux all together.  Everything I try to install from the software center comes up as "Requires installation of untrusted packages"  Does anyone know what to do?08:20
_Pete_Makavey: you have added extra repositories to your apt-source-list without providing gpg-key(or what ever that is) for those?08:24
MakaveyYou mean the software sources list?  Other software?08:27
MakaveyNo I am just trying to add apps from the ubuntu software center...08:28
carcass666hi all :) nqkoi ot bg ima li08:48
carcass666Z-Star Microelectronics Corp ZC0305 Webcam does not work.please help me08:56
MrNaz_ymawhat is the file in which panels are defined? i'd like to write a script that changes all the panels to how i like them on install so i dont have to do it manuall09:10
MrNaz_ymajust found it... are they compatible from version to version? i.e., can i safely back mine up and use if for the next version of xfce ? or is that not safe ?09:14
ablomenMrNaz_yma, since i think xfce 4.0 i have used the same home directory and the same panel files, didnt encounter any problems, though nobody can promise that in 10 years the same panel file will work09:21
MrNaz_ymaof course09:25
MrNaz_ymai use ubuntu, i guess i could make the files again every 6 months when a new one comes out09:25
MrNaz_ymaits just that since i moved to linux i find myself installing a working desktop config on anything that computes09:25
MrNaz_ymaand accessing all my files on an internet connected nas... that way i can work from any computer anywhere09:27
MrNaz_ymaand it'd be nice to have a script that apt-gets everything i need and autoconfigures all apps and panels the way i like them09:27
ablomenwell one of the easyest things to do is using a seperate partition for /home, this way you can do fresh installs but still keep most if not all of your settings09:28
ablomenwithout backup up that is09:28
ablomenwell for the apt-get thing you could just write a basic bash script09:28
ablomenthe config files (as long as they are not system wide, thus in /etc) should all be contained and the app should use that existing config file/dir09:29
MrNaz_ymaablomen yea... the problem with doing that is that not all apps are well behaved vis a vis their settings... firefox almost always shits the bed with i use a .firefox dir with a different version... there's always some plugin or something that throws a tantrum that makes everything break and meaks i just delete it and reinstall09:32
MrNaz_ymawow those are some impressive typos09:33
faheem_hello i am using xubuntu, i noticed as i changed my theme my cpu usage went down which is what im looking to do, any other ways to decrease resource usuage anyone know of?09:35
ablomenMrNaz, hmm firefox is pretty decent at just disabling old plugins with no updates nowadays09:36
ablomenfaheem_, you can disable some services you are not using (install bum [Boot up manager] for this)09:37
ablomenthough do this with care, don't disable what you are not sure about09:37
faheem_thanks ablomen :)09:38
ablomenalso things like not having a background image will give you a (very very) small decrease in usage09:38
* faheem_ shrugs09:38
faheem_im willing to give it all up09:39
faheem_pc is ancient :P but xubuntu is working wonders on it09:39
Sysiif you want extremely low cpu usage, get crunchbang or lubuntu09:41
ablomenand of course using the most lightweight apps does wonders, mpd with a terminal front end for example is a good light-weight alternative for most music players09:41
Sysithat minimal-xubuntu also seems pretty cool09:41
faheem_thanks Sysi but im quite happy with this :)09:41
faheem_also another problem i have been having is as soon as i update to 9.10 ubuntu my tocuhpad stops working, does anyone else have this issue?09:46
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Miika--What could be the problem: I lost the headerbar from all my applications. I cannot move any window now and those close, resize and minimize buttons are gone with it.11:37
Sysipress Alt + F2 and type there "xfwm4"11:38
Miika--Sysi: Ok, it worked. What is this about?12:04
Sysiwindom manager was broken12:05
Miika--Did that fix it permanently, or do I have to adjust something?12:07
Sysino, maybe you should save session12:07
Sysii mean that it did fix it12:07
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
dash_hat jemand zeit für eine qry15:19
dash_hab ne frage hab gerade xubuntu 9.10 normal installiert , muss ich jetzt grub und xfce selber einrichten ?15:24
ochosidash_, allgemein wird hier englisch gesprochen, aber um zur beantwortung deiner frage zu kommen: nein, musst du nicht.15:26
dash_okay sry ^^ frisch nach der install liest er noch von cd und das ist mein zweiter versuch es zu installiern ,beim erstenmal hat er dannach nicht gebootet15:27
Guest648845hey which version of Xubuntu runs on 128 MB ram15:54
Sysii'd try lubuntu or crunchbang with that ram15:56
Guest648845a link please15:56
Sysiubuntu with lxde15:56
Guest648845A link if you would please15:56
becker_11is there a simple answer as to why Xubuntu is using kernel when the newest available is already in the 2.6.32.x range?17:47
Sysiit hasn't been compiled for xubuntu repositories17:49
Sysicurrent is provided to be stable17:49
becker_11Sysi I guess that makes sense ....17:50
becker_11does U/xubuntu have a release cycle for new kernels or is it just with new OS releases?17:51
Sysii think it's only with new versions17:52
Sysibut there are backport-repositories17:52
turtle_hey all19:06
turtle_does xubuntu come with a compiler installed?19:06
turtle_I'm trying to install a tarball but running configure says command not found, and short of using incorrect syntax, that surely would mean no compiler19:07
Sysihave you unpacked the tarball?19:08
turtle_using file roller19:08
Sysihum, you may need gcc19:08
turtle_righteo i'll search synaptic19:09
turtle_yep its not installed19:09
turtle_still says command not found19:11
xaviabuild-essential is a good package to install. it will make sure all the basic commands for compiling something are installed19:12
turtle_i have that installed19:13
xaviahmm. it should be telling you what command it couldn't find.19:13
xavialike gcc: command not found19:13
turtle_I type configure19:14
turtle_and it says configure: command not found19:14
xaviait's in thec urrent working directory, not the PATH. so you need ./19:14
turtle_bash: ./configure: No such file or directory19:15
xaviaare you inside the directory of whatever you just un-tarred?19:15
xaviawhat are you trying to compile?19:16
turtle_to check for ftp ports on my network19:16
xaviaah ok. I just downloaded a tar.gz from the autoscan website. inside the tar is a shell script that does everything for you19:18
xaviaunless you specifically downloaded the source tar19:18
turtle_oh ok my bad I didn't know I could run *.sh19:18
turtle_I'm still learning :(19:18
xaviano problem. yep .sh means it's a shell script19:18
turtle_ok thanks19:19
turtle_I feel like an idiot, but at least its working now19:20
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
evanthiaHI! I'm trying to get the touchpad to be disabled when a plug a usb mouse and then enabled when it is unplugged22:03
evanthiaHowever, the removable device management doesn't detect removing the mouse22:04
evanthiais there any known ways to do that?22:04
Sysihum, you propably could write some script22:05
Sysibut sounds complicated, or maybe there is easy solution somewhere22:05
evanthiayou mean scripting outside of the thunar-volman22:06
evanthiadirectly to HAL?22:06
evanthiabtw is udev used still in xubuntu?22:08
evanthiafound a script for udev22:09
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