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jamlifeless: if you get a chance, I have an analysis of bug #507566 that could use another person with fairly intimate knowledge of the pack internals. I'm technically on a 3-day weekend03:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507566 in bzr "Overlapping autopacks can lead to unreachable revisions causing NoSuchRevision" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50756603:24
lifelessjam: I'm on 3 1/2 days leave + 4 days conf leave :). I'll have a look though.03:59
jamlifeless: certainly, don't spend a huge time on it04:00
jamyou're just the best for the job :)04:00
fullermdjam: Hey, I had an offhand question for you...04:00
fullermdjam: I recall some months back there was a discussion about pyrex versions and some advantage or other that could be had in the Cish code if it could be written ignoring pyrex and using cython.04:01
jamfullermd: 'cdef list foo'04:02
jamwill auto-use stuff like PyList_Append()04:02
lifelessjam: sounds plausible to me04:02
jamalso, if you have a Cython class that has to 'object' members, it doesn't get a GC header04:02
fullermdAre you aware of any advantage that using cython instead of pyrex would convey with the current code?04:02
jam'has to' => 'has no'04:02
lifelessjam: I'd need to drop into a debugger to be more confident than that04:03
jamlifeless: that's where I got the idea (in debugger)04:03
jamfullermd: cython generates slightly faster code.04:03
jamit uses stuff like "likely()" macros, etc04:03
jamit isn't a huge diff04:03
jambut it is there04:03
fullermdAre release tarballs built with cython?04:04
fullermd(and/or should they be?)04:04
fullermdSorry, I'm wandering way past my offhand question...  don't wanna bother you this late.04:05
PengThere are also some hacks in the code for Pyrex compatibility.04:23
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freelanci am getting this error while trying to resolve diverged branches http://pastebin.com/m59e0864208:01
* bialix looking for nmb11:03
* bialix sighs11:03
bsdemonHi, can I get content of versioned file without working tree, using only bzrlib.branch.Branch? Or I need to do a checkout12:49
chxhi. two plugins questions. i branched something , the bzr dir was 66m , ran bzr index and now it's 97m is it normal that the index of 10mb worth of files is 31m? another thing, i checked out bisect, ran the python setup.py build_ext -i command and bzr selftest bisect and it was OK (37 tests) but it can't find the command bisect and bzr plugins does not list it.13:01
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PengD'oh, chx left. Those 37 tests aren't related to the bisect plugin...14:47
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tumbleweedquick Q: doing a big file re-organisation in a bzr-managed project16:55
tumbleweedis there way to carry history accross when merging multiple files16:55
tumbleweedbzr mv-style16:55
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thumperabentley: ping19:38
abentleythumper: pong19:51
lifelessits too early for that sort of thing19:52
abentleylifeless: look who's talking.19:56
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lifelessabentley: :)20:45
lifelessabentley: around? got a small feature request for lp code notification emails20:45
abentleylifeless: Just leaving.20:46
meoblast001what's the name of the bazaar config file?20:46
lifelessabentley: ah, kk. Just kirkland wondering if he can get a link to loggerheads commit view in the notification20:46
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Pengmeoblast001: Which one?20:48
meoblast001the one that lets me set my email20:48
Pengmeoblast001: You can do that with "bzr whoami".20:49
meoblast001ah, ok20:49
Pengmeoblast001: But, FYI, depending on the platform, it's probably ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf. "bzr version" will show you the location.20:49
meoblast001Peng: i usually use my Ubuntu system at home but i'm using my Fedora laptop20:51
meoblast001i like consistant names in my email20:51

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