
=== Guest67489 is now known as djbclark
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology
jelmeral-maisan, hi02:44
al-maisanhello jelmer :)02:44
al-maisandid you register sourcepackagerecipebuildjob as a component that implements as a build farm job for BuildFarmJobType.RECIPEBRANCHBUILD?02:45
al-maisanjelmer: s/that implements//02:45
al-maisanjelmer: here's an example:02:46
al-maisan    <!--02:46
al-maisan        The registration below is used to discover all build farm job classes02:46
al-maisan        that implement the `IBuildFarmJob` interface. Please see bug #50383902:46
al-maisan        for more detail.02:46
al-maisan        The 'name' attribute needs to be set to the appropriate02:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503839 in soyuz "BuildQueue.specific_job needs refactoring so it can cope with multiple build farm job types" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50383902:46
al-maisan        `BuildFarmJobType` enumeration value.02:46
al-maisan    -->02:46
al-maisan    <utility component="lp.soyuz.model.buildpackagejob.BuildPackageJob"02:46
al-maisan        name="PACKAGEBUILD"02:46
al-maisan        provides="lp.buildmaster.interfaces.buildfarmjob.IBuildFarmJob"/>02:46
=== doctormo_ is now known as doctormo
high-rezEvery time I try to submit a bug report to launchpad I get a "Oops!" "Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad.".  I'd open a bug on it, but well, I can't.04:41
=== oubiwann__ is now known as oubiwann
emilis_infowhy so many errors in launchpad lately?05:36
emilis_infotry to get a branch file contents - 501, try to submit a bug to project - Ooops05:37
aalex_How long does it take for a package to be online ?06:30
aalex_I used dput successfully, but don't see my lunch package on https://launchpad.net/~alexandre-quessy/+archive/sat06:30
aalex_Ah, it says "Unable to find distroseries: unstable". Should I say "Karmic" or so?07:44
lantash1QUESTION: After upgrading a local branch (bzr 2.0.0), I was unable to push it to launchpad:09:51
lantash1Format <RepositoryFormatKnit1> for lp-64843152:///~lottanzb/lottanzb/0.5/.bzr is deprecated - please use 'bzr upgrade' to get better performance09:51
lantash1bzr: ERROR: RemoteRepository(bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lottanzb/lottanzb/0.5/.bzr/)09:51
lantash1is not compatible with09:51
lantash1different rich-root support09:51
lantash1However, upgrading the remote branch at launchpad isn't possible either:09:51
lantash1bzr upgrade lp:lottanzb/0.509:51
lantash1Format <RepositoryFormatKnit1> for bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lottanzb/lottanzb/0.5/.bzr/ is deprecated - please use 'bzr upgrade' to get better performance09:51
lantash1starting upgrade of bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lottanzb/lottanzb/0.5/09:51
lantash1making backup of bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lottanzb/lottanzb/0.5/.bzr09:51
lantash1  to bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lottanzb/lottanzb/0.5/backup.bzr09:51
lantash1bzr: ERROR: File exists: '/srv/bazaar.launchpad.net/push-branches/00/00/1a/c2/backup.bzr'09:52
lantash1(should have copied the output to pastebin or something like that, sorry)09:59
jelmerlantash1: Hi10:05
jelmerlantash1: The easiest workaround is to move the backup directory out of the way on Launchpad10:05
lantash1jelmer: I also thought of that, but I didn't know how to ssh into that directory10:06
jelmeryou can do this e.g. with hitchhiker10:06
jelmerlantash1: ssh is not possible, but sftp access is10:06
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lantash1jelmer: Listing the files in the directory using "ls" is possible both using hitchhiker and direct sftp, but "./hitchhiker lp:lottanzb/0.5 rename backup.bzr backup2.bzr" results in permission error.10:19
jelmerlantash1: launchpad has some strict rules with regard to what filenames are allowed to exist10:19
jelmerI think you should be able to rename backup.bzr to .bzr.backup10:20
lantash1jelmber: Incredible. You were right. Renaming it to ".bzr.backup" worked just fine. And the branch upgrade is being performed right now. Thanks alot!10:26
jelmerlantash1: you're welcome10:27
riochIs it possible to clear everything on my launchpad project page so I can start from fresh?10:27
riochI've added user auth in django, but how do I add a field to a model for the user id?11:38
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
maxblosa ping? The build farm appears to not be dispatching jobs14:34
Thingymebobbugtracker url for atheme bugs is incorrect, points to http://bugzilla.atheme.org/ should be http://jira.atheme.org/15:05
persiaThingymebob: Do you get a "Change Details" button at https://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/atheme-bugs ?15:09
ThingymebobI do, looking at it now, Its no longer a bugzilla bug tracking system (its now jira which launcpad doesn't support?)15:13
persiaAh.  That makes it complicated.15:15
persiaIdeally, you could just fix the issue, but if LP doesn't support your bug tracker, then it won't help.15:15
persiaPerhaps file a bug against launchpad asking for jira support (but there may be such a bug)15:16
persiaI'm not sure what to do in the meantime.  Maybe someone else has a better answer (but you may have to idle for a while)15:16
ThingymebobThats where I'm going next15:16
persiaBest of luck.15:17
ThingymebobBug 157488 Add bugwatch support for the JIRA bugtracker15:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 157488 in malone "Add bugwatch support for the JIRA bugtracker" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15748815:19
Thingymebobwill just have to wait I guess15:19
persiaOr grab the code and implement it, if you're feeling particularly motivated :)15:21
ScottKThingymebob: It might be worth mentioning that Nokia uses Jira for Qt, so it's needed to support that too.16:07
smg'day all. How long does it take for an email reply to a bug notification to show up on the issue page ?16:42
smah, there it is, nm!16:43
pmjdebruijnI uploaded libmtp-1.0.1 to my PPA, and deleted it...17:12
pmjdebruijnnow I want to upload a patched 0.3.7, but will it be rejected?17:12
pmjdebruijnbecause the version number is lower?17:13
pmjdebruijnnow it doesn't work at all anymore17:18
pmjdebruijnthe last sentance was wrong channel17:18
aalex_My packages got rejected due to an invalid distroseries. Where can I find a valid debian/changelog file to get inspiration from ? My packages should work on the old LTS as well.17:41
rippsaalex_: in debian/changelog, the topline of each entry to have `package_name (package_version) distroseries; urgency=urgency_level` just change the distroseries to lucid, karmic, hardy, etc.17:51
rippsif the package is from debian, it's probably has unstable, testing, experimental, etc. as the distroseries17:52
aalex_ripps: so, it should be xxx-0ubuntu1 dapper17:54
rippsaalex_: yeah, make sure that the version is inside of ()17:54
rippsactually, it might be easier to just use the dch tool17:55
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
lfaraoneIf I have a .crash file from apport that I want to put onto an existing bug (as separate files, the way apport usually does when you report a new bug), how would I go about doing that?19:33
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
cavedonhi all, I have uploaded a package to my PPA. Build was successful, but upload failed.21:04
cavedonI am not actually able to understand what the the problem is: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/37982239/upload_1448650_log.txt21:04
cavedoncould anyone give me a hint, please?21:04
cavedonthe error message is "Unable to find source package"21:05
capiscuashi guys21:05
capiscuasanybody knows rosetta well_21:05
gesercavedon: what's your PPA?21:07
cavedongeser: https://edge.launchpad.net/~cavedon/+archive/qutecom/+packages21:09
cavedonmay it be because I did not uplaod the orig file too?21:10
cavedonTo my undertsanding, it should be pulled by universe, if available (and it is)21:10
cavedon...pulled from universe...21:11
cavedongeser: mhm, the error now disappeared from my PPA pages21:12
geserI see it too, no error more21:12
cavedonnot sure what happened, I received an email with the error, and it was being displayed on the ppa21:12
cavedonnow it's gone21:13
cavedongeser: thenks for looking21:13
magciusCan Launchpad stop emailing me every time I make a commit?21:22
mdkemagcius: sure, I think you just unsubscribe to the relevant branch21:28
magciusurrgh, no21:28
magciusI want emails, just not ones from commits I created.21:29
mdkemagcius: no I don't think that is possible22:11
magciusThat's disappointing.22:11
magciusEven worse is that it uses my email as the From: address22:11
magciuser, no, wait, I'm stupid22:12
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