
ftaasac, did you fix the patch?19:26
ftaasac, ..apparently not :(19:31
fta-        ['target_arch=="arm" and _toolset=="host"', {20:39
fta+        ['target_arch=="arm" and host_arch=="x64" and _toolset=="host"', {20:39
fta           'cflags': ['-m32'],20:39
ftaasac, ^^20:40
ftaasac, i can't test so let me know if it's good enough for you or if you still need to drop -m32 unconditionally20:41
gregoiregentilI'm trying to port a patch to mplayer on ubuntu/beagleboard, which includes this piece of assembly: http://git.alwaysinnovating.com/cgit.cgi/ai.openembedded.dev/tree/recipes/mplayer/files/yuv.S21:56
gregoiregentilthe instruction dmb is not recognized when I compile while it's working on my OE build (armv7a)21:56
gregoiregentilcan I replace the assembly dmb instruction by something else? Or what else needs to be changed to make it work?21:57
ADcompsome help to get my touchscreen working with karmic  ?22:23
ADcomphardware : ADS7846 Touchscreen .. work fine under Angstrom , but not under karmic  ( same kernel/modules/firmware )22:26
ADcompok .. I think I found the problem ..22:39
ADcompon Angstrom , HAL says : input.x11_driver = 'tslib'  (string)22:40
ADcompand Xorg : (II) config/hal: Adding input device ADS7846 Touchscreen (II) LoadModule: "tslib"22:40
ADcompbut with karmic , HAL says : input.x11_driver = 'synaptics'  (string)22:41
ADcompand Xorg : (II) Synaptics touchpad driver version 1.1.2 (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event1" (--) ADS7846 Touchscreen: no supported touchpad found22:41
ADcompnow how can I change this ..?22:41
ADcompno one ?  :(22:47

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