
xteejxnote: the above is an open bug in linux14:34
xteejx1https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adobe-flashplugin How come Hardy-Karmic have a later version than Lucid??15:55
micahgxteejx1: that's handled separately from the regualr archive15:56
=== xteejx1 is now known as xteejx
xteejxI know its universe, but I can't understand why the older version have later versions15:57
micahgxteejx: not universe, partner15:58
xteejxmicahg: without sounding stupid (too late) what's the difference?15:58
micahguniverse/multiverse is uploaded by MOTU, partner is only uploaded by canonical15:58
xteejxahhhh i see15:59
micahgxteejx: I suggest filing a bug as the partner uploaded deadline is soon15:59
xteejxumm ok :)15:59
xteejxIt's hardly a great bug report, but points the problem out bug 50879916:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 508799 in adobe-flashplugin "[lucid] flash version in older releases is older upstream version" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50879916:01
om26erthere have been many bugs that upstream don't update as fixed but they are actually fixed in development releases so after testing should they be marked fixed?16:30
xteejxMaybe put a note on the upstream bug report too16:35
om26erxteejx, ok, thanx16:36
micahgom26er: only if it's confirmed as an actual issue in the app16:37
micahgand if you see an upstream issue is fixed, comment on the upstream bug16:38
om26ermicahg, thanks, will do that16:40
vishom26er: the empathy bug is actually not fixed  , the user wants the dropbox to use the *full* width17:11
vish*dropdown combobox17:13
xteejxWhat is the procedure for KDE bugs now, are we politely asking everyone to try the latest now, since the KDE devs are through with working on KDE3 ??17:25
micahgxteejx: upstream bugs are opened upstream and closed in LP17:26
xteejxmicahg: I don't understand17:26
micahgone sec17:27
xteejxwe're closing the LP bugs ?17:27
* micahg is pulling up the docs17:27
micahgxteejx: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/timelord17:27
micahgI'll be back online in about 45 min17:28
xteejxtimelord? is this doctor who? hehe17:28
xteejxthanks though micahg :)17:28
xteejxmicahg: ping18:49
micahghi xteejx18:49
xteejxmicahg: Hey, I had a look at that timelord thing, but it didn't say anything about old versions, just future development18:50
micahgxteejx: I suggest hoping in #kubuntu-dev and asking18:50
xteejxanother room I haven't seen hehe will do cheers micah :)18:51
xteejxno such room i'll /list18:51
micahgmaybe #kubuntu-devel18:51
xteejxThat's the one ;)18:52
xteejxmicahg: Usual procedure apparently, check latest version, and close KDE3 bugs that aren't security problems.19:06
micahgxteejx: k19:07
xteejxthanks for pointing me to the right peeps :)19:07
micahgxteejx: np19:07
=== oxide is now known as Oxide
xteejxAren't nvidia drivers in place yet in Lucid?20:52
micahgxteejx: ask in #ubuntu+120:53
BUGabundoxteejx: are for me now20:54
xteejxHmmm, jockey won't install 173 or 'current'20:54
* hggdh wishes for a working ATI20:55
* xteejx wishes for an AMD phenom20:55
fujimitsusaw a barebone kit with a phenom for under 300 dollars20:56
micahghggdh: I saw something about ATI not being ready for the Lucid kernel yet20:56
xteejxim in the uk sadly20:56
BUGabundohggdh: forget ati20:57
BUGabundoits still stucks20:57
hggdhmicahg: yes... Still running VESA. But now even the virtual consoles are hosed20:57
crimsunhggdh: if you're in a pinch, make sure /boot is mounted, purge plymouth, allow the initramfs to be regenerated, and reboot21:12
hggdhcrimsun: thank ypu will try it now21:19
crimsunI was bitten by the latest cryptsetup upload (really bug 496765).21:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 496765 in plymouth "plymouth ask-for-password doesn't display --prompt argument" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49676521:21
hggdhyeeeeehhh I have the virstual consoles again!!21:25
hggdhthank you, crimsun21:25
=== oxide is now known as Oxide
hggdhmicahg: what is your take on bug 508867? Just curious22:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 508867 in firefox-3.5 "following any link from giganticurl.com leads whole system inresponsibility" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50886722:21
micahghaven't looked yet22:21
hggdhfun, even more with the typo on the title (or is it a typo?)22:22
micahghggdh: I think it's an abuse of URLs22:22
micahgI have to see if it violates a standard or not22:22
micahgif it does it's not a bug22:22
micahgif it doesn't then it might be22:22
hggdhI followed one of the link, just out of curiosity, and got a 40422:23
RiotingPacifistJust want to check this is a kdm bug before i file a report, basically if i boot to a kernel without ipv6 support i get the following in kdm.log http://pastebin.com/d5d31271c23:43

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