
dhillon-v10nixternal, ping regarding documentation00:14
Riddellhttps://dev.launchpad.net/VersionFourDotO/Stories#story-1  that seems pleasingly in line with our bugs policy00:14
RiotingPacifistJust want to check this is a kdm bug before i file a report, basically if i boot to a kernel without ipv6 support i get the following in kdm.log http://pastebin.com/d5d31271c, but if i start x everything is fine00:21
Riddelllooks more like an X bug than KDM happens to expose00:23
RiotingPacifistok, how come it isn't triggered when i run x without kdm though? will look into it as an x bug though00:24
ScottKAnyone know what LPStats is and why it wants me to log in to it?00:33
nixternalnever heard of lpstats ScottK00:38
nixternaldhillon-v10: pong00:38
ScottKJust went to the LP dev page Riddell linked to and I had a second tab wanting me to use my Ubuntu single signon to log into LPstats00:39
dhillon-v10nixternal, I'll send you an email soon with all the stuff that I have done, docs, screenshots in a tar file, so you can check which ones are in the branch and which ones aren't. So how was the doc. jam00:40
nixternalgroovy, thanks...doc jam was successful...a lot of ubuntu and xubuntu docs work as well as wiki docs00:41
dhillon-v10nixternal, great :) to be honest, I don't mean to criticize here but the upstream kde docs are pretty screwed up, they need a **lot** of love, I will soon get working on them00:42
nixternaltell me something I don't already know00:42
dhillon-v10nixternal, :)00:42
dhillon-v10nixternal, kubuntu had like a rebirth this time :D everything is working out so nicely00:43
jjessenixternal: in karmic in order to validate the docs need to fix an IDREF linked reference, where are those stored at?00:44
nixternaltypically that means someone used xref in one of the docs00:45
nixternalinstead of ulink00:45
nixternaland the xref is pointing to something that isn't there00:45
jjessehrmm ok00:47
jjessenixternal:  Read <xref linkend="listpartitiontables"/> is the problem00:48
jjesseso should be ulink?00:48
groo_im creating a kdemultimedia package with pulse enabled just for kicks... might be an idea to backport it for lucid01:19
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JontheEchidnathat was unpleasent, on a server with 2 other people :(01:54
ScottKWhat happened?01:55
JontheEchidnamight not have noticed since you only lost 3 people :P01:55
ScottKAlso I have parts and joing hidden in quassel01:55
ScottKSo unless I see a big stack of people fall off the user list, I can't see it when it happens01:56
=== maco changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Happy birthday, shtylman! | Lucid Alpha 2 Released! | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Oustanding merges: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~lucas/merges.html | Meeting scheduling http://doodle.com/xyea69z37v4wrkb9
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apacheloggerRiddell: can you please make your mutt not suffix subject lines with [kubuntu-devel], I find it a bit irritating09:13
davmor2apachelogger: is that not mailman so you know it's a mailing list and emails that rather than the individual?09:18
apacheloggerno, we turned that off09:19
apacheloggernow the suffixing only comes from jr's replies, so I assume that mutt adds them while filtering incoming mails or something09:19
davmor2That or Riddell adds it just cause it winds you up ;)09:21
davmor2evil genius that he is :)09:21
apacheloggertrue :D09:30
ghostcubehullu humans :)09:32
* apachelogger pokes ghostcube09:41
ghostcubehi apachelogger :)09:42
apacheloggerLure: digikam 1.0.0 did not get permission to go to karmic-updates?09:49
Lureapachelogger: I talked with pitti and he did not like the idea.11:34
Lureapachelogger: main problem is that between beta5 -> final, lots of stuff changes, including translations...11:34
Lureapachelogger: maybe we should retry the request, as we have quite some negative feedback11:35
Luregood think that we now all better understand that shipping pre-release should be always considred as no-go11:36
apacheloggerformal request to TB, explaining the implications IMHO11:36
Lureapachelogger: yep, but it should be done by core-dev, probably best by Riddell11:36
apacheloggerI do not see why translations or the amount of changes would be a problem11:36
Riddellit should be done by the person who best knows what he's talking about11:37
Riddellwhich is Lure :)11:37
LureRiddell: I can prepare proposal e-mail, if you think there is some chance11:37
RiddellI honestly don't know, they'll be very resistant to it I know that11:38
LureI think we should go with ubuntu-release team as a whole first11:39
Riddellthey won't care, karmic is released11:40
RiddellWednesday 21:00 for meeting?12:19
Riddellseems like our best shot12:19
Riddellhmm, or thursday 20:0012:20
* Riddell makes an executive decision12:25
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Happy birthday, shtylman! | Lucid Alpha 2 Released! | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Oustanding merges: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~lucas/merges.html | Kubuntu Meeting Thursday 20:00
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apacheloggerRiddell, Lure: I am all recharged for moaning about stupid policies :P13:18
NightroseRiddell: if you close the poll in doodle it even shows up in my and other people's calendar ;-)13:32
Nightrose(doodle's ical ftw)13:32
RiddellNightrose: done13:33
Nightrosethx :)13:34
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freinhardhas there been a decision regarding kaffeine in lucid?15:27
Riddellupstream website says it won't be ready until August, so we won't ship it15:27
Riddellnot in main anyway15:27
freinhardinfact, doesn't matter, since dvb will be broken anyways15:28
freinhardthe sheme for /dev nodes of dvb devices changed and kaffeine can't handle them anymore unless one starts tuning udev15:28
freinhardsee http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/dvb/udev.txt15:28
freinhardold: /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0 new: /dev/dvb0.frontend015:29
freinhardsymlinks don't work.15:29
freinhardany ideas whom i can talk to about that?15:31
Riddellthe kaffeine developer?15:31
freinhardhave you read the kernel documentation? in my opinion this isn't a kaffeine issue15:32
Riddellcan't say I have15:32
freinhard;) not that much, see the link above15:32
neversfeldebah, how to get +R for my nick on freenode?15:38
neversfelde /mode <yournick> +R does not work15:38
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JontheEchidnaneversfelde: I believe that's a channel mode, not a user mode16:00
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: mhh, ok16:00
ghostcubeneversfelde: +C for your nick would work16:02
ghostcube+R and +r are channel modes16:02
ghostcube+R is non registerd users can join but not talk -r does forbid the join16:02
neversfeldeghostcube: so /mode neversfelde +C prevents unregistered users to start queries with me?16:04
ghostcubemoemnt i have to check back but i think yes16:04
ghostcubeneversfelde: it will forbid ctcp requests to you16:05
neversfeldeghostcube: ok, that helps, thank you16:05
pgquileswhy does kubuntu use usplash instead of xsplash (like ubuntu) in karmic and lucid'16:10
macoooh that +C could be useful. why did nobody mention this earlier?16:10
Riddellpgquiles: the two are unrelated, they are used at different times in the boot sequence16:11
yofelindeed, I'll set +C too for now, got flood-kicked twice today already -.-16:11
ScottKpgquiles: Almost always the answer to these questions is we have limited resources and were not able to get it done.16:11
pgquilesRiddell: when is xsplash used? :-?16:12
Riddellpgquiles: after X has started.  xsplash uses GTK so it's not suitable for us (or indeed for anyone, the whole point is that it shouldn't have to load up libraries to run) so we used ksplashx16:13
Riddellwhich didn't work great because of when KDM started it.  in lucid we need to do something with plymouth although I've yet to get a comprehensive answer out of keybuk about what16:13
pgquilesRiddell: do you mean in lucid kubuntu will use plymouth but ubuntu will use xplash? :-?16:14
macoubuntu uses plymouth too16:15
macoplymouth replaces usplash, i think16:15
ScottKThey've already switched16:15
ScottKWe have too.16:15
pgquilesI see16:15
ScottKWe need to figure out how to get Kubuntu artwork into it.16:15
pgquilesScottK: what's missing? I mean, is it only a matter "adapting" the kubuntu graphics to plymouth? or is it that ubuntu has not figured how to get artwork in either?16:17
Riddella theme needs to be made, JontheEchidna and tseliot have looked at that a bit I think16:17
ScottKpgquiles: Currently if you boot Kubuntu Lucid and you don't have usplash installed you get an Ubuntu logo.16:17
RiddellGDM has some patches for plymouth support and equivalent patches need to be made for KDM16:18
macoer..uh...what language is kdm written in?16:18
* maco guesses one-i-dont-know16:18
pgquilesScottK: I've just read that in the lucid alpha2 release notes :-) what's the package for the ubuntu artwork?16:18
ScottKI don't know.16:18
pgquilesmaco: C++, I'd say. Ask ossi in #kde-devel16:18
macooh. ossi. nevermind.16:19
macoi remember the last time i tried to give him a kdm patch16:19
ghostcubemaco: the +C has a problem ctcp to channels isnt filtered as one now told me in freenode16:20
tseliotRiddell, ScottK, JontheEchidna: I wrote a first version of the Ubuntu theme is there (waiting for details on the final look from the design team). Maybe I can simply replace the logo and the progress bars with something more kubuntuish and package it separately?16:20
ghostcubeonly the direct requests are filtered16:20
ghostcubeso still an ignore for the ctcp and dcc is needed as it seems16:20
Riddelltseliot: add a "k" job done :)16:20
ScottKtseliot: That sounds like it would be a great start.16:20
macoghostcube: oh ok. well i just tried setting an ignore rule in quassel like the one christel mentioned for irssi so we'll see how that works16:20
ghostcubeyeah i have one for xchat at the moment not at kubuntu here16:21
ghostcube  /IGNORE *!*@* CTCP DCC16:21
ghostcubeworks so far16:21
tseliotRiddell, ScottK: ok. Shall I create something like kubuntu-artwork-plymouth?16:21
Riddelltseliot: where is the ubuntu stuff packaged?16:22
Riddelltseliot: and are themes just files on the disk or do they have to do fancy things like initramfs ?16:22
tseliotRiddell: currently it's in the plymouth package but maybe we should split the themes16:22
tseliotRiddell: if the disk is encrypted, themes (i.e. both the program and the pngs are copied into the initramfs)16:23
Riddellas I see /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth16:25
Riddellthat'll need to be an alternative then16:25
Riddelltseliot: yes it would be much appreciated if you made a kubuntu-artwork-plymouth package16:26
Riddellalthough on the important topic of package nomenculture, kubuntu is the odd one out with usplash, so maybe plymouth-theme-kubuntu16:27
tseliotRiddell: yes, it would make sense to make it an alternative16:27
tseliotplymouth-theme-kubuntu sounds good16:27
tseliotI need to ask Keybuk if he has any objections to this change first16:28
tseliot(in case it breaks some use-case that I'm not keeping into account)16:28
Riddellif he's in the same sort of mood as when he answered my e-mail you'll just get a "yes, something needs to be done" reply16:29
geniiX is running on tty9 now by default?16:35
Riddellvt 8 usually, that's what we need patches for as far as I can make out16:37
JontheEchidnaWeren't they trying to get everything on vt1 for karmic?16:38
ghostcubequestion: anyone able to build an backport for quassel16:38
ghostcubethey added an ignore option16:38
ScottKghostcube: You should have it in Karmic16:45
ghostcubeScottK: the ctcp ignore is made 10 minutes ago :)16:45
ghostcubeits only in new git16:46
ScottKAh, that's a different ignore.16:46
ghostcubeyeah sorry to be so unclear16:46
ScottKghostcube: Given the current crap going on on freenode, I think that one might be worth cherrypicking for an SRU.16:46
ghostcubewould be cool cause i think thisa will go on o.O and to get rid of it this is trhe only chance so far or change the client to xchat or irssi16:47
jussi01Riddell: ping16:51
Riddellhi jussi0116:51
jussi01Riddell: mind if I pm?16:52
Riddellgo ahead, you know where the /msg keys are16:52
ScottKghostcube: It's not committed: http://git.quassel-irc.org/?p=quassel.git16:56
ghostcubeScottK: damn iam asking the one made this in #quassel he has made this change to his git branch16:58
ScottKghostcube: I won't committ it to Ubuntu until Sput committs it to the official Quassel branch16:59
ghostcubei know :)16:59
ScottKOK.  Feel free to ping me.16:59
ghostcubei thought it was, i must read more careful16:59
ScottKNo problem.17:00
ghostcubeok ScottK will do if its proofed17:00
ScottKSounds god17:01
apacheloggerneversfelde: JontheEchidna: I just subscribed kubuntu-bugs to choqok17:01
apacheloggersomeone probably should triage a bit17:02
apachelogger7 new bugs17:02
pinheiroRiddell: ping17:02
* apachelogger does not think he is suited for that :D17:02
neversfeldeapachelogger: I'll have a look17:02
Riddellhi pinheiro17:02
pinheiroRiddell:  do you have like super powers on the akademy site17:03
* pinheiro trying to coerdenate teams17:03
pinheiroo we can have a super duper new site17:03
apacheloggerQuintasan: ping17:11
SputScottK: this will break string freeze, so I'm wondering if it's ok to commit to the 0.5 branch17:27
Sputnot that I personally particularly care17:27
Sputbut given the state of 0.5 translations (pre-po), this probably won't matter much17:28
ScottKSput: I don't particularly care, but maybe you could commit to trunk and then we could get updated translations?17:28
ScottKThen I could include those in the patch.17:29
Riddellmaco: "dual boot with <slider> *this much* " we do have that, if d-i thinks it can manage it, the guy might have a full disk or something17:29
SputScottK: well, trunk and 0.5 have diverged somewhat already, so I'm not sure if we can easily backport the translations17:29
Riddellit's not different to Ubuntu Desktop's ubiquity anyway17:29
Sputwell, I first have to review the patch and see how many strings it touches17:30
Sputprobably only an option or two17:30
* Sput is in the train though; back home in ~2 hours17:30
macoRiddell: ok i didnt remember it being missing last time i used the gui installer17:30
macobut since i used manual i figured its possible i might have not noticed17:30
ScottKSput: Given the scale of the problem is it's only strings that won't get seen unless you are trying to configure stuff, I'm not sure I care.17:32
SputScottK: ok, I assume that'll be the case17:33
Sputwill review and probably commit later today and ping you then.17:33
SputScottK: looks like it's just an additional radio button, and the label "CTCP" is probably not gonna be translated either way17:36
ScottKOK.  Sounds good.17:36
macoSput: is this what jussi was bugging you about?17:36
macoif so, THANK YOU17:36
Sputmaco: dunno, he bugs me a lot about a lot of different things17:36
Sputif you mean to be able to ignore certain CTCP requests, that's it17:37
macoyes :)17:37
macothanks a lot!17:37
SputI'll need a couple hours to review, test and commit17:37
Sputthank seezer, he implemented it for me :)17:37
ScottKOf course just getting the patch for the feature doesn't always do it.  Last night and this morning I integrated a patch for a new feature in a project of mine.  Here's the diffstat for what he did versus what I had to do:17:39
ScottKIt was a nice idea, which is why I took the patch, but still....17:43
neversfeldebug #509228  needs a sponsor17:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509228 in plasma-widget-customizable-weather "New upstream release 0.9.18" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50922817:49
Riddellanothehr weather plasoid?17:53
Riddelluh oh, I left the mailing list name in my post to k-d, appologies to apachelogger17:53
apacheloggerRiddell: hm, isn't there some way to make mutt get rid of it automagically?17:54
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: looking17:56
SputScottK: yeah, but given that seezer did the original ignore list implementation, he was the right guy to add the CTCP ignore feature :)17:56
apacheloggeroh dear, in all my niceness I do not want to go through the acetoniso package on revu17:57
Riddellapachelogger: it's added by procmail, nothing to do with mutt17:57
Riddellapachelogger: I'd much rather mailman just added it, never seen a problem with that17:58
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: have you considered switching to source format 3.0 (quilt) so that you don't have to repack the tarballas tar.gz?17:58
neversfeldebug 39064317:58
JontheEchidna*tarball as17:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390643 in choqok "chokoq: "Could not delete file" when trying to delete an account" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39064317:58
apacheloggerRiddell: it grows the subject line for no good reason17:58
Riddellit has good reason, means I can parse my inbox17:58
neversfeldeI can confirm this bug, should I set it to confirmed and tell them that it should be handled upstream?17:58
apacheloggerRiddell: well, just filter it to a seperate folder ;)17:59
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: I haven't done any packaging for some time, so I am not up to date with it17:59
apacheloggerList-Id: Kubuntu Developer Discussion <kubuntu-devel.lists.ubuntu.com>17:59
neversfeldeI'll have a look17:59
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: this will be helpful: http://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.0#Howtoconvertasourcepackage.3F17:59
Riddellapachelogger: alas I'd never read it17:59
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: could you unsubscribe ubuntu-sponsors-universe, until I upload a new version?17:59
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: thank you18:00
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: I'm not a ubuntu-sponsors-universe, so I can't :(18:00
JontheEchidna(I probably should be one though)18:00
apacheloggerRiddell: meh, there sure must be some way to do it without changing the subject18:01
apacheloggerRiddell: if not you should indeed turn it on in mailman18:01
ScottKRiddell: Parse on List-Id: Kubuntu Developer Discussion <kubuntu-devel.lists.ubuntu.com>18:01
RiddellScottK: and do what?18:02
ScottKRiddell: Whatever you do with the subject line thing18:02
ScottKI'd assume move it to a folder or something18:02
maconeversfelde: which what?18:02
maconeversfelde: i can remove that team from a bug report if you tell me which one18:02
RiddellScottK: I add the mailing list name18:02
neversfeldemaco: please unsubscribe the sponsors from bug #509228. Thank you.18:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509228 in plasma-widget-customizable-weather "New upstream release 0.9.18" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50922818:03
apacheloggerI am pretty sure mutt got some tagging capability that works without changing the subject18:03
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apacheloggerthen again I am no mutt user, so that is indeed just an asumption :)18:03
Riddellnot that I know of18:04
JontheEchidnaCan we remove the build-depend versions we put on Qt for the 4.6 transition? Qt 4.6 should be built on all archs and otherwise most universe apps don't really depend on 4.618:04
apacheloggersearch for: Tagging a Batch Queue18:04
apacheloggerdunno if that is appropriate18:05
apacheloggerRiddell: http://blitiri.com.ar/p/other/mutt-labels/18:07
Quintasanapachelogger: pong18:08
apacheloggerfreeflying: what is the news with kimpanel on revu18:08
Riddellkimpanel is part of kdeplasma-addons now18:08
maconeversfelde: ok removed18:09
apacheloggeroh, archiving then18:09
JontheEchidna(there's a removal bug for kimpanel, if a friendly archive admin is reading :D)18:09
apacheloggerQuintasan: too late, already uploaded ... next playwolf update you might want to consider adding own copyright to debian/copyright, after all you did convert it to source format 3 :P18:09
Quintasanwait wat?18:10
QuintasanNew release?18:10
apacheloggerQuintasan: I see you already uploaded but did not archive on revu18:13
Quintasanoops. :P18:13
apacheloggerbad Quintasan18:13
apacheloggerno more cookies for you18:13
apacheloggerbesides, the package is not lintian clean :P18:13
QuintasanI will steal from you then18:13
QuintasanHow come? I fixed it but didn't upload to REVU :P18:15
apacheloggerthat makes the whole mess even worse: P18:15
* apachelogger goes revuing serious work :P18:15
Quintasanapachelogger: hmm the version in archive complains about old standards, I did not bump them to 3.8.3, shall I do it and reupload? :P18:17
apacheloggeryou should have fixed before uploading :P18:17
Quintasanoh new release is coming shortly so that will be fixed18:18
QuintasanAND uploaded to REVU beforehand :P18:18
apacheloggerno need to upload to revu unless you think your changes need a revu :P18:20
* Quintasan thinks policy on this is inconsistent18:20
macoi thought revu was for new packages18:21
Quintasanmaco: we use them for updating packages as well :P18:21
Riddellyou can use it for updates if you want18:21
Quintasaneasier than filling a bug with three attachments - props to Riddell for this argument :P18:22
Quintasanapachelogger: sql code for homework? nice18:23
apacheloggeroh you have no idea, the course is wicked, as is the homework and thus the sql code18:25
apacheloggerQuintasan: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/ctemplate18:29
neversfeldeRiddell: the problems with adding accounts in choqok alpha2 seem to be solved with debian's 0.9.4+git packages and upstream told me "that it is always better to use new versions" :)18:31
neversfeldeThe new version lacks some minor features, but seems to fix some bugs18:32
neversfeldewhen do we have to decide which version should be in lucid?18:32
Riddellneversfelde: do you know what it lacks?18:32
Riddellneversfelde: before feature freeze I'd say18:32
neversfeldeRiddell: the most important features that are missing are imo "whois" and "follow other users".18:35
neversfeldeoh, and I just read in a comment that there is no knotify support at the moment18:36
Riddellmarkey is the one who's been asking for an upgrade for ages, maybe he has an opinion on those features18:37
neversfeldeso, I guess we should wait and have a look at it short before freeze again18:37
markeyregarding Choqok?18:37
markey0.9.4 runs quite nicely here18:37
markeybetter than the old one, for sure18:38
markeywhat's much more important: fixing these USB issues :)18:39
markeyyou're losing users because of this18:39
markeyit's a mess :)18:39
neversfelde[19:35:04] <neversfelde> Riddell: the most important features that are missing are imo "whois" and "follow other users".18:39
neversfeldeRiddell: that was wrong, I found it18:39
Lureneversfelde: will they release final version before lucid release?18:42
* Lure would not like to see digikam/karmic story being repeated18:42
neversfeldeLure: probably not, the lead developer has to absolve military service18:43
ScottKSo get the dev to ack us shipping a snapshot and end of story18:43
Lureneversfelde: or ask him to delegate release to somebody else in the community ;-)18:44
neversfeldeScottK: I think he would prefer, if we ship the new version18:44
ScottKneversfelde: As long as upstream has said we should do that, we're good.18:45
ScottKBut they need to say it.18:45
Lureneversfelde: problem is that if we ship pre-release, users will expect final version in -updates18:45
Lureneversfelde: and SRU does not allow that18:45
Lureneversfelde: even less for LTS ;-(18:45
neversfeldeScottK: ok, I'll thes the alpha for a couple of days and ask him another time, if he is good with it18:45
neversfeldeLure: :(18:46
Quintasanoh shit18:46
QuintasanI have a biology test tomorrow18:46
* Quintasan runs to books18:46
Lureneversfelde: this is why I would rather have old, final release than newer prerelease18:46
Lureneversfelde: if upstream think we should ship pre-release, I would ask then to re-clasify them as final instead18:46
Lureneversfelde: otherwise I do not see a point thay call it pre-release if they want general availability in form of ubuntu18:47
neversfeldeLure: ok, when is feature freeze, one month left, or not?18:47
Lureneversfelde: 1month exactly according to http://wiki.kubuntu.org/LucidReleaseSchedule18:48
Lureneversfelde: and we do not need final release by then, just the commitment that they will release final before let say Beta2Freeze18:49
Lureneversfelde: so before let say March 25 should be fine18:50
Lureneversfelde: gives also you time to package ;-)18:50
neversfeldeLure: hehe18:50
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ulysessAfter I've installed kwin-style-aurorae on Karmic, I've wanted to change the window decorations, but when I've clicked on the System settings->Appearance->Windows button, the X was restarted and I was before KDM. I've tried to login, but it fails, I should reboot the system. Now I want to find the source of the problem if it's possible.18:56
ScottKIt might be useful for quassel users to click on affects me in Bug #50928719:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509287 in quassel "[Needs Update] Quassel (Ignorelist adding ctcp ignore)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50928719:19
txwikingerScottK: Launchpad seems to be broken.. it did not count up for me19:38
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ScottKWouldn't suprise me.19:48
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: I reuploaded to bug 50922819:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509228 in plasma-widget-customizable-weather "New upstream release 0.9.18" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50922819:53
Sputuh, your feature freeze is that soon already?20:04
Sputmeh :)20:04
* al is totally affected20:08
Nightrosethx ScottK - will click20:35
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: uploaded20:43
JontheEchidnaback in a bit...20:43
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: thx20:43
Darkwing-NetbookSo far Camp is fun... :D Just got done promoting Documentation21:46
neversfeldeSeems that there will probably be a new basket release in time for Lucid.21:50
Darkwing-Netbooknixternal: you about?21:52
neversfeldeat least they are discussing a version number :)21:52
nixternaldaniloff: yo yo22:15
nixternalerr, sorry daniloff22:15
nixternaldarkwing left :(22:15
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