
ScottKCould someone point me to an explanation of what LPstats is and why I might want to log into it?00:40
wgrantScottK: It's an intenal Canonical graphing thing, I believe.00:42
wgrantYou probably don't want to go thee.00:42
* ScottK thinks not.00:42
ScottKI don't think I even have an Ubuntu SSO to log into that if I wanted to.00:42
wgrantThat's just a Launchpad account.00:43
ScottKOh.  OK.00:45
ScottKWell then I guess I do.00:45
ScottKThe explanation made it sound like something completely different.00:45
cjohnstonthere is no way to mark a question duplicate is there?00:58
wgrantIs there a workaround for bug #496056?01:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496056 in launchpad-code "Dependent branch list is empty" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49605601:08
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aalexWhy do I get a Upload Warning "No copyright file found."? There is a copyright file in my source code, and I call dh_installdocs copyright in my debian/rules file.03:12
wgrantaalex: It needs to be in debian/copyright03:13
wgrant(In the unpacked source package.)03:13
aalexwgrant: but in a Debian package, it needs to be in debian/../copyright, no?03:40
aalexwgrant: that would mean my debian/rules should contain dh_installdocs debian/copyright ?03:40
wgrantaalex: In a Debian or Ubuntu package, it needs to be in debian/copyright. dh_installdocs will install that file by default.03:44
aalexwgrant: ah ok, thanks03:44
aalexThat's weird, I have installed the public key using "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 79DF04BB", but I get an error : "GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY CA9840026B51D222"03:45
aalexIt's not the same key, it seems03:46
aalexSee my key: https://launchpad.net/~sat-metalab/+archive/propulseart03:46
wgrantaalex: I suspect you have another PPA there.03:47
aalexwgrant: ah! you are right. thanhks a lot03:48
aalexIs there a simple shell script somewhere to add a PPA to the sources.list, install the public key and update apt? That would facilitate massive installations...03:51
wgrantOnly in Karmic and above, however.03:51
aalexStill using Hardy on many machines at work03:52
aalexwe'll update to the next LTS03:52
aalexis it the name of its package?03:53
aalexIf I have written "hardy" as a distro in my debian/changelog, should the entry in apt/sources.list be hardy ot intrepid, on an intrepid host?03:56
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xxploithello, im receiving rejections based on the section im trying to use in the control file. I've tried to use network/networking but receive rejections for it. Could someone inform me how the section field works?06:57
james_wxxploit: ^ see the list of valid sections there06:58
james_w"net" may be what you want?06:58
xxploitok so would it be valid to use universe/net07:00
xxploitthx james_w07:01
xxploitif i had uploaded a package to my ppa and didnt realize i had not yet signed the code of conduct, which then i signed, and went to reupload the same package and get the notification 'already uploaded to my ppa', will the launchpad system rerun the package realizing i have now signed the CoC or do I somehow to need to delete this uploaded package?07:17
mwhudsonxxploit: i think dput -f will force the upload07:18
xxploitmwhudson: thx that worked07:18
mwhudson(this "already uploaded" thing is client-side, i think)07:18
MTecknologyAnybody know about packaging? in here?07:57
MTecknologyI'm getting this as the first error when I run debuild -S; I can give a pastebin if needed - debian/rules:4: /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make: No such file or directory07:57
peloverdeIf a package from unstable that I need to backport in my ppa has switched to 3.0 quilt am I pretty much hosed?09:22
RAOFNo; Soyuz should accept 3.0 packages now.09:23
peloverdeI just got an e-mail saying: "audacity_1.3.10-1~ajc1.dsc: format '3.0 (quilt)' is not permitted in karmic."09:24
RAOFAh; karmic might not have a new enough dpkg?  I think it should work for Lucid.09:25
peloverdeAccording to the DebSrc-3.0 wiki dpkg >=  1.14.27 is necessary, karmic runs 1.15.4ubuntu209:29
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geseranyone around who can see what caused OOPS-1476FTPMASTER1?11:10
spivgeser: I can, but that OOPS hasn't been synced yet.11:11
spiv(should be no more than 15 min IIRC011:11
geserit's from friday11:12
spivThat's weird.11:12
spivProbably needs a losa to track down, at a guess.11:12
spivPossibly just something silly like ftpmaster oopses aren't being copied to the central lp-oops system.11:13
geserthe oops happened after an archive admin tried to sync a package (which failed in the end with this oops)11:14
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didrocksdid someone got that in debian/watch pointing to launchpad? "http://launchpad.net/notify-osd/+download failed: 501 Protocol scheme 'https' is not supported (Crypt::SSLeay or IO::Socket::SSL not installed)" in notify-osd for instance12:21
didrocksok, found it, need to install libcrypt-ssleay-perl12:31
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vadi2Not sure if it's known, but loggerhead is down again13:08
beunoLOSAs, ping  ^13:09
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mthaddonwas at lunch - checking13:16
vadi2works now, thank you13:27
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glenhi. what i do wrong if i merge from translation branch to trunk, i always get collisions (conflicts)14:55
gleni have configured https://translations.launchpad.net/eventum trunk export to lp:~glen666/eventum/po/, and i issue in ~/bzr/eventum/trunk bzr merge ../po14:57
glenthat is the way of doing it, is it?15:00
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marshenninge or danilos, ^ ?15:05
* mars wonders if there is a Translations Guide on help.launchpad.net15:06
henningemars: no need to wonder ... ;)15:07
marshenninge, cool, that is comprehensive.  But is there any advice there for glen?15:09
henningemars: ;) I am looking at it.15:09
henningeglen: ^15:09
henningeglen: Please explain where the conflict is.15:12
glenmostly in the .po headers15:12
glen"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-12-31 14:37+0000\n"15:13
henningeglen: ah, sorry. Now I understand what you mean!15:13
glengood :)15:13
glenperhaps i shouldn't reformat the .po files in one run? i.e first do the bzr merge, then wait for one day that the automatic import has went over, and then reformat .po and submit again?15:14
glenor the .po header conflict is unavoidable when doing bzr merge ?15:15
henningeglen: I was about to ask you if you do change your files because that is the only reason.15:15
henningeglen: no, there is nothing special about them.15:15
glenyes, i do msgmerge if .pot is updated15:15
glenso, i should only commit .pot to bzr?15:16
henningeglen: that should work better, I guess.15:16
henningeglen: in that case the po and pot will differ until you merge the exported branch.15:17
henningebut you'd avoid the conflicts.15:17
glenok. i'll try to not to commit .po. 1. commit only .pot. 2. bzr merge time to time.15:17
henningeglen: If you do translations only in Launchpad and not elsewhere, that should work out.15:18
glenyes, that's the goal15:19
henningeglen: when you update the pot in Launchpad, that is a msgmerge basically.15:19
henningeglen: you could set up Launchpad to only import the template (pot) and to export translations to the same branch.15:21
glenpot should be imported automatically from trunk branch15:21
henningeglen: what I meant, yes15:21
glenjust in case i use different branch to get a chance to review the translations15:21
glenand there afaik was some bug at the time that import to same branch back did not work ok :)15:22
glenok thanks for the info!15:22
henningeglen: hm, team-owned branches still does not work, maybe that was the bug.15:22
glenyeah, something like that15:23
henningeglen: there is work-around though, see bug 40726015:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407260 in rosetta "Translations export branch can't be team-owned" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40726015:23
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maxbmatsubara: Hi. Somethings odd with the PPA publisher. Half an hour after the build has finished, a couple of builds in ~launchpad/+archive/ppa are still waiting for their binaries to be published.19:02
matsubaramaxb, hi, bigjools is investigating something on private PPA with the same symptom. it might be related19:02
pmjdebruijnmaxb, matsubara I have the issue too19:17
pmjdebruijnI uploaded three packages 2 hours ago, which immediately started builing, so they have been unpublished now for 1:30 hours...19:17
matsubarapmjdebruijn, there's something going on with the publisher. bigjools is on it19:17
pmjdebruijnmatsubara: I read that19:18
pmjdebruijnjust confirming more folks are affected19:18
matsubarapmjdebruijn, ok. thanks for bringing it up19:19
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xnoxHmm I'm upstream of project Xiphos which was previously known as Gnomesword19:32
xnoxNow we have Xiphos project & teams & branches on launchpad19:33
xnoxSomeone external to us registrered Gnomesword project and is inactive on launchpad19:33
xnoxHow do I claim ownership of Gnomesword project?19:33
goundyStill nothing about a wiki support in launchpad guys ?19:38
bossciao a tutti19:44
maxbxnox: In the first instance, attempt to contact the other person. If he is unresponsive, request administrative intervention via https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion19:45
xnoxmaxb: ok thank you19:51
goundymaxb, any guess about my question maybe ? :p19:53
maxbgoundy: I'm not aware of any plans for it soon. (Though I'm not a Canonical person)19:57
goundymaxb, oh I see, thank you and sorry ;)19:57
thumpergoundy: what was your question?19:59
thumpermtaylor: hi20:00
goundythumper, it was whether there's some fresh plans on integrating any wiki system to launchpad or not ? :)20:00
goundyI asked about it months ago and I've been told that a workarround has been started already20:00
thumpergoundy: yes there are plans, but it is not actively being worked on right now20:00
goundyso I'm just wondering what's up since I couldn't get any information about it by searching the web20:01
mtaylormorning thumper20:01
goundythumper, oh got ya, thanks ;)20:01
xnoxgoundy: bug #24006720:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240067 in launchpad-foundations "Launchpad needs a wiki" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24006720:06
xnoxYou should subscribe =)20:06
goundyOh yep20:06
goundythank you very much20:07
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mnftHi Barry20:40
barrymnft: hi20:40
bigjoolsPPA publisher is working again20:41
mnftAh, sent a joke at python-dev just20:41
mnftlet#s go there, its python-mode stuff20:42
barryrockstar: ping21:07
rockstarbarry, pong21:07
barryrockstar: hi!  i'm wanting to sort out python branch imports on lp which are woefully out of date.  are you the right guy to chat with about this?21:08
rockstarbarry, I am _a_ right guy to chat with.21:08
barryrockstar: you might be the only awake right guy atm :)21:09
rockstarbarry, well, I'm the only one not at LCA...21:09
barryrockstar: even more win! :)21:09
barryrockstar: so the problem is that we're currently importing bzr branches from code.python.org, but those are dead.  haven't been updated in tens of weeks.  we should switch them back to importing the svn branches.  not sure exactly the right way to do that21:11
ScottKbarry: Sounds like your original question was right on then.21:11
barryScottK: :)21:11
wgrantEveryone should be awake, but whether they have a connection with <10s lag is another matter...21:11
barryrockstar: we're currently importing python's trunk, 3.1, 3.0, and 2.6 series.  we should drop 3.0 and pick up py3k (for 3.2)21:12
rockstarbarry, the _easiest_ way to do that is by deleting the imports and creating new ones.21:13
barryrockstar: do we still have a limitation that we can only import trunk?21:14
rockstarbarry, well, we only have that limitation to get around people misunderstanding things.21:14
rockstarbarry, I think we can make an exception for you.  :)21:14
barryrockstar: bad idea, but i'll take it anyway :)21:15
geserany LOSA around to lookup OOPS-1476FTPMASTER1?21:15
rockstarThe constraint about only trunk is because we don't people thinking they can import their 2.0 branch and merge it with trunk (cscvs doesn't like that)21:15
rockstarbarry, that constraint should go away with bzr-svn21:15
barryrockstar: right.  cool.  thanks for the advice, let me try to do it that way (delete and re-import)21:16
rockstargeser, it doesn't look like that oops has synced just yet.  Give it 5 minutes.21:16
geserrockstar: the oops is from friday21:16
rockstargeser, hm, weird.21:16
geserrockstar: any other ideas how to find it why it OOPSed?21:24
rockstargeser, we get emails with the aggregate oopses every day.  It looks like it's a soyuz issue, so I'm sure they will take a look.21:24
geserit was from a sync done by an archive admin for a package which was attempted to get synced twice, so I tried to find out why21:26
geserbigjools: Hi, can you find out what caused OOPS-1476FTPMASTER1? it happened when an archive admin tried to sync a package (libxcb) on friday (the package already resisted at least two other sync attempts)21:33
bigjoolsgeser: yeah I'll look tomorrow, I'm heading to bed now21:33
geserbigjools: ok21:34
bigjoolsthe oops hasn't synced anyway21:34
pmjdebruijnbigjools: I noticed... thankyou!21:34
xxploitwould someone be able to have a quick look at this build log, it's hanging on an image file format and i dont know why. I compiled this on my machine fine but im at a loss as to why it fails on launchpad. http://pastebin.org/7838721:56
geserxxploit: can you point me to your PPA? I might have an idea but what to confirm it first22:05
geserxxploit: add "librsvg2-common" to Build-Depends (you need /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/svg_loader.so from that package)22:13
geserthe build should succeed after that (at least it did in my pbuilder)22:14
xxploitgeser: ill try that, i did add the dev package to it before with no effect (librsvg2-dev)22:14
geserthe -dev package depends on the library package but the library package doesn't depend on -common (for what ever reason)22:16
xxploitgeser: ok thx man22:16
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DavieyIs it possible i could have the contents of a LP OOPS?23:54
Davieyit's one that keeps happening when using openid, my user and my app.23:55

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