
hggdhRiotingPacifist: what Ubuntu version?00:01
RiotingPacifisthggdh, karmic but the bug comes from either a ppa kde or a ppa xorg00:09
hggdhRiotingPacifist: please check the PPA for instructions on how to report bugs. Usually PPA bugs will be rejected INVALID unless they come from an, er,  official group00:12
hggdhfor example, for my PPA you should email me directly00:13
hggdh(but I do not deal with X/KDE, right now only coreutils)00:13
RiotingPacifistthe kubuntu-beta-PPA has a small but apparently active bug tracker, if its an X problem then the xorg is current enough i can go straight to upstream00:15
hggdhthere you go, then. But it does sounds like a bug indeed00:17
RiotingPacifisti want to be sure im not filing it in the wrong place though, i've assumed it's kdm because startx ran fine, but i dunno00:17
hggdhRiotingPacifist: sounds reasonable to me00:19
RiotingPacifisthggdh: thx for the advice, have a nice day00:23
hggdhRiotingPacifist: welcome00:23
* micahg wishes we could disable comments on certain bugs00:28
hggdhmind giving me the #? Just for fun?00:28
micahgbug 41095900:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 410959 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Firefox 3.6" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41095900:28
micahgbug 31466800:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 314668 in baltix "[needs-packaging] Thunderbird 3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31466800:29
micahgnothing anyone that's posting says will make it go faster00:29
* BUGabundo poor micahg00:30
hggdhat least these are not the HUGE me-too thingies00:30
micahgyep, we've got those too00:30
BUGabundoI remember the time I was subbed to NM bugs00:31
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
fujimitsuis there a debugging symbols package for dragon player [kde]02:28
crimsunfujimitsu: http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/k/kdemultimedia/02:32
fujimitsukpackagekit doesnt list any of that02:33
hggdhfujimitsu: did you add the ddebs to your sources.list?02:35
fujimitsui guess thats it02:35
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
coyohey guys, i am interested in becoming involved with bug triaging07:18
coyowhere do you want me?07:18
coyoi have some time on my hands, and am in cst (-6) time07:18
coyoi am usually available in mornings and evenings07:18
ubot4Factoid 'triaging' not found07:44
vish!topic | coyo07:45
ubot4coyo: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic07:45
vishcoyo: all the necessary links are in the topic :)07:45
coyovish: thanks >.>07:46
coyoi already opened all links in /topic07:46
coyobut thanks07:46
coyoit's unusual someone other than me are so nice to newbies, i appreciate it07:46
* coyo reads diligently07:46
BUGabundo_remoteseb128: FYI https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/50907910:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 509079 in nautilus "nautilus has tabs on bottom" [Undecided,New]10:50
seb128it's not a bug10:51
BUGabundo_remoteits not ?10:51
seb128I've not open the url but the title is clear10:51
seb128upstream decided it would be clearer this way10:51
seb128to not have toolbar, url bar, tabs, etc stacked10:51
BUGabundo_remotewell, from user POV its not10:51
seb128they disagree10:51
BUGabundo_remoteI know10:52
seb128you can't say what users prefer or not10:52
BUGabundo_remotethey always do... :(10:52
BUGabundo_remoteand user suffer10:52
seb128you need studies for that10:52
seb128not random claims because you don't like a change10:52
BUGabundo_remotewell, how about *every* other up ?10:52
seb128I've work to do sorry10:52
BUGabundo_remotegonna change firefox, chromium, gedit too?10:52
seb128I'm not wanting to start that troll with you10:52
seb128I'm not the one who decided10:52
BUGabundo_remoteI know10:53
BUGabundo_remotenot trying to troll seb12810:53
seb128so don't try to argue with me10:53
BUGabundo_remoteits not my agenda10:53
seb128I don't care either way I don't use tabs10:53
seb128I'm just telling you they did it on purpose for your information10:53
seb128you should join #nautilus on irc.gnome.org10:53
seb128and talk to alex10:53
seb128or send a mail on their list10:53
BUGabundo_remotethanks seb128. will do10:59
pedro_morning kamusin12:25
kamusinhey pedro_ !12:28
BlackZhiho pedro_12:28
pedro_hello BlackZ12:29
kamusintoday is a good day :)12:32
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
om26erplease mark this 'won't fix'  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/33140613:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 331406 in empathy "Add "account view"" [Wishlist,Triaged]13:45
pedro_om26er, i'll mark it as such if you add the comment explaining why ;-)13:47
om26erpedro_, now13:50
pedro_om26er, done13:51
pedro_hello hggdh13:51
hggdhhi pedro_13:52
om26er__please mark this triaged https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/50916014:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 509160 in empathy "/join fails to work on the latest version of empathy" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:48
jpdsom26er__: Done.14:51
om26er__jpds, thanx14:51
om26er_please make this triaged/wishlist https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/49859615:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 498596 in empathy "empathy fails to ask for "want to see status" after adding new ICQ users" [Undecided,New]15:11
qenseseb128: Are you working on bug 507975, or shall I move it to Triaged and assign the Canonical DX team?15:20
ubot4Launchpad bug 507975 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50797515:20
qenseIt was the bug with the crash because of the AppIndicator integration.15:20
seb128I'm working on it15:20
seb128or will work on it15:20
seb128I didn't start yet15:21
qenseOK, shall I then assign you and mark it as Triaged still?15:21
seb128I can do that if you want15:22
seb128seems that bug bothers you ;-)15:22
qensenah, just its status ;) statistics!15:22
seb128qense, done15:23
qenseseb128: thanks15:23
atrusOn karmic alphas, whenever an app crashed, i'd have the option of retrieving and/or submitting tracebacks. That doesn't seem to work in karmic. I've tried enabling apport in /etc/default/apport, and running 'sudo start apport', but i don't get anything, Thoughts?17:18
micahgatrus: did you do sudo service start apport?17:19
atrusmicahg: stop: unrecognized service17:20
atrus'sudo start apport' says 'start: Job is already running: apport'17:20
WeatherGodthe server edition doesn't come with apport installed, I think17:20
atrusapport is definitely installed17:21
atrusmicahg: sorry, the 'unrecognized service' is true with start or stop.17:21
atrusapt-cache policy apport says 'Installed: 1.9.3-0ubuntu4.2'17:21
micahgatrus: that's karmic...17:22
yofelmicahg: he said karmic17:22
micahgatrus: yeah, that's the right version with the fix17:22
micahgdo you have a 1 in /etc/default/apport?17:22
charlie-tca__Why are you using karmic 9.10 alpha?17:22
atrusmicahg: "enabled=1", yes.17:23
om26erplease mark this wishlist https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/49859617:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 498596 in empathy "empathy fails to ask for "want to see status" after adding new ICQ users" [Undecided,New]17:23
atruscharlie-tca__: i'm not. i used to, but upgrading to karmic broke the bug catching. :)17:23
micahgatrus: it should work17:23
charlie-tca__yup, along with other things that installing new let work again.17:23
atrusi shouldn't need to reboot, should i?17:24
micahgatrus: no17:24
* charlie-tca__ thinks "even better, upgrading to lucid..."17:24
atrushm. have to restart a login session perhaps? logout/login, or start another processes somewhere?17:25
yofelatrus: is the init file there?17:25
yofelI can't think of any other reson why it should say 'unrecognized service'17:25
atrusyofel: the init file is obsolete, it's a wrapper for the upstart job.17:25
atrus/etc/init/apport exists, yes. that's why 'sudo start apport' runs successfully. (not sure what the difference between 'sudo start apport' and 'sudo service start apport' is...)17:26
yofelatrus: well, do you have /etc/init/apport.conf or /etc/init.d/apport (dunno anymore what karmic uses)17:26
atrus/etc/init.d/apport is the wrapper. 'service' seems to only work with sysvinit, according to the man page, and not upstart jobs?17:26
atrusbut i'd think that would see the wrapper at least.17:27
yofelyeah, it should be symlinked to the wrapper17:27
atrusis there a process that should be running after 'sudo start apport'?17:27
atrushrm. "/etc/init.d/apport stop" doesn't do anything. "sudo stop apport" does.17:28
atrusanyways, that's moving more and more off-topic :)17:28
yofelatrus: does 'cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern' mention apport?17:29
atrus|/usr/share/apport/apport %p %s %c17:29
yofelhm, then apport should be running fine and be called once an application crashes17:30
atrushrm. /var/log/apport is actually recording results... now, the executable in question is not in a package at all (as backed up by the log). is a backtrace going to go anywhere, is just be silently deleted by apport?17:31
atrusit's an executable i built myself, and i assumed apport would at least let me view the backtrace, even if submitting it to launchpad didn't make sense. maybe that was an mistake on my part.17:32
yofelatrus: for a self-created executable you're better off running gdb yourself17:34
atrusyofel: yeah.. then i have to enable coredumps, find a core file, load in gdb... it would be much nicer to just handle it all in one place. oh well.17:35
yofelatrus: uuuh... just run the executable in gdm from the beginning, will slow it down a bit, but when it crashes you just have to type 'bt' to get the trace17:36
atrusyofel: that would assume I know how to reproduce the crash.17:36
atrusi mean, i could just run the application in gdb every time i use it for the next few days :)17:36
atrusapport is just so much simpler.17:36
yofelokay, yes, apport ignores non-packaged binaries by default17:37
atrusdo you know if it's possible to change that? I didn't see anything in /etc/apport that looked relevant.17:38
atrusthe changelog seems to indicate it should be possible, at least :)17:43
yofelI'm just looking through the code a bit, seems possbile, but I don't exactly understand how yet17:44
yofelseems like you need to set it in ~/.config/apport/settings17:44
atrusgiven the system-level daemon says 'ignoring' in the log, i wonder if i need a system-level config, although i can't find one other than crashdb, which seems a bit unrelated.17:45
* montel was thinking of joining the Bug Team17:45
montelwho should i talk to about that?17:45
yofelmontel: hggdh should be a good person to ask17:45
montel2 hr idle :(17:46
montelheh it looks like all you guys have random nicks.17:46
yofelmontel: did you read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/GettingInvolved ?17:46
* micahg doesn't have a random nick...17:47
montelno.. i read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl17:47
montelohai micahg :)17:47
macohggdh's nick is hebrew, and hebrew's got no vowels, so...17:47
monteli didn't know that they had no vowels17:48
atrusyofel: i have to run, but ill dig around a bit. thanks muchly yofel, micahg.17:49
micahgmaco: hebrew has vowels, they're just not usually writte :)17:49
YosThere  are vowels, just not in the written language...there's no need for it17:49
YosYep ^^17:49
macomicahg: we're in text, same difference17:49
hggdhah well. Who was looking for me?18:56
thekornhggdh, montel - I think18:58
hggdhmontel: ping18:59
hggdhthank you, thekorn18:59
thekornhggdh, no problemo18:59
WeatherGodcrimsun, do you think you could take a look at bug 469831?19:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 469831 in pulseaudio "No sound except when headphones are plugged in - Ubuntu 9.10 - Lenovo 3000 N100" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46983119:11
WeatherGodI have forgotten about it and the OR just pinged me about it19:11
WeatherGodit is one of those odd ones where plugging the headphones into the computer causes sound to play over the speakers19:12
atrusyofel: did you get any sense of what the file format of ~/.config/apport/settings is supposed to be?19:15
atrusi keep getting MissingSectionHeaderError, and I can't find any documentation about the file.19:16
atrusyofel: by chance, i tried '[main]\nunpackaged=True' and it worked. huzzah. thanks again!19:22
montelhggdh: pong19:32
vishhmm , is Bug #446657 really  a bug in gnome-bluetooth? or is it a bug due to the kernel not remembering the killswitch state?19:32
hggdhmontel: hi, what can I do for you?19:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 446657 in gnome-bluetooth "gnome-bluetooth should store user-selected bluetooth on/off status and apply it when loading the applet" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44665719:32
montelhggdh: i was interested in joining the team. i have triaged a few bugs, with #389322 being most memorable19:33
hggdhbug 38932219:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 389322 in pidgin "Yahoo server authentication changed: Pidgin =<2.5.6 will not connect to Yahoo! servers." [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38932219:34
hggdhmontel: there are two different teams -- busquad and bug-control. Which of the two?19:34
atrusso, what's the gui session component that responds to apport events?19:35
montelOh, emm.19:36
montelhggdh: what would you recommend?19:37
hggdhmontel: well, eventually you should graduate to bug-control. The only (important) difference between both is that b-control member can set a bug to triaged, and change Importance.19:38
hggdhmontel: I see you have been working a lot with pidgin19:39
montelYes hggh.19:39
monteloh, i'm already a member of the bug squad.19:40
hggdhheh. You missed a 'd' on my nick ;-)19:40
montelstrange.. i did tab complete19:41
montelOr maybe i didnt. lol19:41
hggdhmontel: I can only find about 20 actions on bugs, about 13 this year19:41
hggdhI would personally like to see more bug activity before you apply for bug-control19:42
montelhggdh: that was because the only way I could get on the internet was the library. Now, i have a 3G modem so i'm on all day.19:42
montelSo I guess i'll just work on some more :)19:43
montelhggdh: how many do the average users have of bug control?19:44
vishif anyone thinks Bug #446657 is a gnome-bluetooth bug > could you set it to triaged19:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 446657 in gnome-bluetooth "gnome-bluetooth should store user-selected bluetooth on/off status and apply it when loading the applet" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44665719:44
hggdhmontel: difficult to say, but certainly more than 20 bugs... We usually look at the five bugs you are expected to give us as example of work you did, and sometimes we search for others19:45
tyranoscan someone help me file a bug19:45
vishtyranos: in which package?19:45
hggdhmontel: but -- right now -- I cannot see enough work to ascertain you know what you are doing, or not19:45
monteltyranos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs19:46
vishtyranos: or rather what is the problem? :)19:46
tyranosthx guys19:46
charlie-tca__vish: what importance for 446657?19:46
montelhggdh: I totally understand.19:46
hggdhmontel: also -- being present here -- and asking questions if you have a doubt, and helping out others -- counts a lot19:46
tyranosvish, in hwinfo , sudo hwinfo --framebuffer crashed my laptop19:46
hggdhjust like what you did ;-)19:47
* montel adds #ubuntu-bugs to auto join list19:47
vishcharlie-tca__: I'm not really sure of that bug... it looks more like a kernel issue... i want someone to have a look at it.. its been sent as a gnome-bluetooth bug :S19:47
hggdhmontel: :-) thank you. I will be happy to +1 you when you show more work.19:47
vishsent upstream*19:47
charlie-tca__Looks like a wishlist, but it has been sent upstream19:48
tyranosmontel the link u sent me is for apps with gui i guess19:48
monteltyranos: no, not really.19:48
monteltyranos: you could do 'ubuntu-bug hwinfo'19:48
montelthat'll generate a bug report also19:49
tyranosthx that is coo19:49
charlie-tca__gnome-bluetooth should be able to remember the status, I would think19:49
tyranosshould i do it on the same computer that crashed19:49
hggdhhum. But tyranos is right, the page gives emphasys to graphical (even when showing 'ubuntu-bug').19:50
vishcharlie-tca__: ok , thanks for checking.. :) i was confused since i'v reported a similar issue ;) > Bug #50328619:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 503286 in linux "Bluetooth killswitch does not remember previous session state" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50328619:50
vishtyranos: yes19:51
charlie-tca__vish: done19:51
hggdhtyranos: ideally yes, unless you are 100% sure they have the exact same packages and hardware19:51
hggdh(which, BTW, I never am sure of)19:51
montelLaunchpad is so slow for me :(19:54
tyranosthx god they dont have same hardware , the laptop is a samsung r60 + , this laptop is a linux nightmare , with atheros which is now fixed but still not good enough , and an ati graphix and no more resume since a custom of hardy s kernel , fn-keys broke worst battery life ever :P19:54
tyranosi have like 4 major problems with that laptop , which i use as a secondary computer19:56
tyranoscan i use my ubuntu forum login or should i make a new one for bugs.launchpad19:57
hggdhtyranos: I am not sure (been long ago I started here), but I think you can use it on both places (or it is the fora that allows in to login with OpenId from LP, not sure).19:58
hggdhso... please try ;-)19:59
tyranosturns out i already have but never used it20:01
tyranosso now i m coming to what is bugging me , y do i have to include an attachement , y doesnt ubuntu-bug do that20:03
hggdhif the package you are reporting against has a hook, then it should collect most of the necessary data automagically20:04
montelI'm sure there has to be a duplicate of Bug #50930520:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 509305 in firefox-3.5 "UBUNTU:FF finds youtube PLUGSIN missing, konqueror works" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50930520:06
* micahg was going to look at that later, but since you asked montel20:07
tyranosi just got this error in launchpad" Oops! ,Sorry somethin just went wrong in launchpad we've recorded what happened .............)20:07
montelmicahg: :]20:08
micahgmontel: user has swfdec-mozilla and adobe-flashplugin installed20:08
micahgprobably removing swfdec will work20:08
montelwhat's swf-dec?20:08
micahg!info swfdec-mozilla > montel20:08
macomontel: its a Free flash plugin (instead of adobe's)20:09
tyranosthx for the help guys , but you should work on making bug reporting easier20:09
macogood enough for youtube, not so good for things like flash games20:09
montelah. i was thinking of Gnash20:09
micahgmontel: just another one20:09
vishtyranos: any suggestions? :) [sometimes we get used to old ways]20:10
hggdhtyranos: welcome, and we do listen :-)20:10
tyranosi ve been using ubuntu since 2006 and never filed a bug , well i have to , ill be back later and make some suggestions20:11
tyranosi have to go20:11
macoheh i filed my first bug report after like a month...and then it turned out to be pebkac and i was wasting seb128's time, though i did get him nice & confused when grep didn't return what he expected :P20:12
montelmicahg: How did you find out that he had swf-dec installed?20:12
* montel has to go20:13
vishtyranos: the launchpad error with "we've recorded what happened" doesnt meanthe bug was filed... :(  did you try again and file bug?20:13
micahgmontel: FF has an apport hook which attached several files, the one called profile_default_pluginreg.dat.txt has the plugin information20:13
tyranosvish, hggdh,  well that is what pisses me off the bugreporting tool is buggy itself (nothing is perfect but this should be a priority ) , i normaly try to fix things myself and contribute if i can but never filed a bug , however finaly today i made it here to this chat and when i comeback later i ll finish what i started and report like 5 bugs that are really bugging me  ,and many thx20:17
vishtyranos: the bug reporting tool wasnt the problem , launchpad site , seems to have had a temporary problem20:17
hggdhtyranos: a bit of bad luck with launchpad, I would say. Please do not that ruin your day.20:18
tyranosno guys , im cool it is just this frustration  , and maybe i can help making reporting bugs easier, cya later20:20
hggdhtyranos: thank you, and hope you can back later20:20
vishis there a way to search the bugwatches and find if the bug watch exists in an other lp bug?20:30
vishuser found upstream bgo for Bug #387846 , but seb has closed the bug as a dup.. [i cant find dup ]20:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 387846 in nautilus "Nautilus moves icons around when loading image thumbnails" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38784620:30
micahgvish: this was listed in one of the upstream bugs: bug 40184020:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 401840 in nautilus "View of files scrolls up when thumbnails are being created" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40184020:34
vishmicahg: hehe , i didnt think of checking the upstream dups.. ;) aweome ,thanks :)20:36
micahgvish: one the LP -> upstream interaction gets going again, maybe LP can push it's bug #s upstream to b.g.o like it does to b.m.o20:37
* vish wonders what's the progress on that bug... checks liferea for bug# ;)20:38
vishBug #506158 still in progress :(20:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 506158 in malone "checkwatches hammers the remote server when asking for changed bugs" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50615820:40
hggdhwell, at least they are looking at it20:52
* hggdh now knows why bugzilla.gnome.org is sooo slow sometimes ;-)20:52
* vish hopes they prioritize Bug #414401 higher :) ... getting tired of subscribing folks who hit-n-run bugs20:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 414401 in malone "Automatically subscribe users to bug mail when they post a comment" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41440120:55

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