
funkyHatIs it necessary for apt to run "Updating fontconfig cache for /usr/share/fonts/..." so many times during installation of fonts? Or would it be possible/preferable to have that queued up until the end, like some other things are?01:07
ScottKThat would take someone implementing a dpkg trigger for it.01:13
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Laneywhich is not necessarily a hard task with file triggers01:15
ScottKJust takes someone to do it.01:15
Laneysomeone... who cares about such a problem...01:16
* Laney peers at funkyHat 01:16
ScottKLaney: Exactly.01:16
funkyHatProblem is I've now installed all the fonts in the world, so I won't have anything to test it with ⡈(01:17
Laneywe have chroots for this ;)01:17
funkyHatI knew that excuse wouldn't work!01:18
* sebner throws a virtual machine at funkyHat 01:19
* funkyHat puts it on the pile in the corner01:20
funkyHatLooking at the dpkg triggers page it looks like every font package is going to need changing to use triggers01:26
ScottKProbably a change best coordinated through the Debian fonts packaging team01:27
ScottK(I don't recall its exact name)01:27
funkyHatWas going to say probably best if this is dealt with with Debian's packages01:28
ScottKSomeone should probably go talk to them about it.01:29
* ScottK wonders who might be a candidate?01:29
RAOFIf there's a dh_font or somesuch it'd probably only take a change to fontconfig + a rebuild for all the font packages.01:29
funkyHatScottK: I'm having a look through their mailing lists to see if it's already been discussed01:30
funkyHatYep, fixed in fontconfig 2.8.0-2 it seems ⡈)01:37
ScottKLooks like fontconfig is in serious need of a merge from Debian.01:53
funkyHatScottK: bug 49032601:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 490326 in fontconfig "Please merge fontconfig 2.8.0-2 from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49032601:57
funkyHatIt's been "in progress" for 5 days01:57
ScottKThe package was last merged during Intrepid development, so it wouldn't suprise me if it was complex.01:58
funkyHatOh but there's a bzr branch uploaded, perhaps waiting for review?01:59
Some_PersonCan anyone tell me if the package ``human-theme'' conflicts with ``gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks'' in lucid?03:17
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Some_PersonIs anyone here?04:08
Some_PersonI want to know why nobody has fixed an easy as heck bug involving human-theme and gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks04:09
Some_PersonIt's been around since Intrepid's release04:09
xnoxI did actually quish a comple of human-theme bugs04:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 285417 in ubuntulooks "[intrepid] gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks can't be installed" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:10
xnoxbut it's no longer default04:10
xnoxwe use humanity now04:10
Some_PersonI fixed the bug myself for karmic in my PPA and could easily do the same for lucid04:10
Some_PersonYes, but some themes still use ubuntulooks, and when you try to install that engine, human-theme has to go for no good reason04:11
Some_PersonFor example, blubuntu in the repos04:11
Some_PersonI'm puzzled as to why this hasn't been fixed04:13
xnoxLooks valid to me04:14
ScottKThen you haven't looked at the mountain of bugs open Launchpad and done a realistic assemement of the priority of problems like this.04:14
xnoxMy guess there was a lot of shouting in the bug report04:14
Some_PersonI understand that, but shouldn't older ones be tackled first? Especially trivial ones like this one where the fix is extremely easy?04:15
xnoxmy suggestion would be to branch lp:ubuntu/packages both of them04:15
xnoxcommit your fixes and push it back to lp:~user/ubuntu/ludic/package/my-fixes04:15
ScottKSome_Person: If you have the fix, you could attach a debdiff to the bug and subscribe the relevant sponsorship team to the bug.04:15
xnoxand then seek sponsors from the sponsors team04:16
ScottKEither way works04:16
Some_PersonI have the fix for karmic and I can almost certainly make one for lucid too04:16
xnoxAnd the reason why it wasn't fixed is because it's no longer in the default install and this really doesn't cut it for the Strable Release Update04:17
xnoxyou can still installing by removing those packages ;-)04:17
Some_PersonYes, but it makes no sense to have to needlessly remove human-theme04:18
xnoxdo a fix against lucid attach it to the bug, _explain_ nicely in one or two sentences what this fix is about and subscribe ~ubuntu-universe-sponsors04:19
xnoxworks for me ;-) I get either a quick comment from sponsor what's wrong, or I get email from LaunchPad saying it got uploaded ;-)04:19
Some_PersonOne question, when I make the debdiff, should the Maintainer field in the control file be me or what?04:24
ScottKSome_Person: What's there now?04:28
Some_Personthe original one that's in karmic ("Sebastien Bacher <seb128@canonical.com>")04:28
Some_Personactually, sorry, i'm wrong04:29
Some_Personmy name is actually in there04:29
xnoxSome_Person: keep the maintainer name the same04:31
Some_Personok, i'll change it back then04:31
xnoxjust add "[ Your Name ]" in debian/changelog04:31
xnoxand then underneath your changes04:31
xnoxand don't forget to bump release version04:31
xnoxeg. dch -i04:31
Some_PersonIs what I did here OK? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntulooks/+bug/28541704:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 285417 in ubuntulooks "[intrepid] gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks can't be installed" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:43
Some_Personlast post04:43
Some_Person(actually, the same debdiff should work for lucid too)04:46
ScottKThe debdiff in the bug should be for lucid04:47
xnoxSome_Person: Wah =)04:47
xnoxnow that one is quite ugly04:47
xnoxno need to move the folder04:47
xnoxand no need to patch configure04:47
xnoxjust use appropriate *.install files and configure options to define new package-name prefix04:48
Some_PersonI moved the folder to keep Human-ubuntulooks as a separate theme (just in case anyone wants it, though it shouldn't be necessary). And patching configure makes it look for the stuff in the renamed folder04:49
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Some_PersonAnyway, what's the chance that a fix for this will be implemented in lucid?04:51
ScottKAssuming you have a good patch, pretty good.04:55
Some_PersonWell, it works for me in Karmic (that's what my PPA uses)04:55
Some_Persondo i need to change the bug's status or anything?04:59
xnoxsubscribe ~ubuntu-universe-sponsors team04:59
xnoxdon't change statur04:59
xnoxyour welcome05:01
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xnoxattached debdiff & branch to fix bug #285417 with two lines. Note fixes upgrade Hardy -> Lucid07:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 285417 in ubuntulooks "[intrepid] gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks can't be installed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28541707:06
xnoxplease sponsor =)07:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 508930 in samba "CIFS mount is offline every x minutes/seconds" [Undecided,New]07:08
dupondjecan somebody give it a look ? :)07:09
dholbachgood morning07:16
pittiGood morning07:26
dholbachhey pitti07:26
pittislangasek: ubuntuone spec responsibility> hm, their team lead? it wasn't an integration spec, but an upstream development one07:29
pittiasac: I mailed you about the missing ude-2d spec07:29
pittihey dholbach, had a nice weekend?07:29
slangasekpitti: oh - then should the spec not have been accepted for Lucid, maybe?07:29
dholbachpitti: I did, although it involved a lot of recovery from a long night out :)07:30
pittislangasek: good question; I suppose they still want to align to the lucid development cycle, but it should perhaps not be an ubuntu spec07:31
dholbachpitti: how was yours?07:31
pittidholbach: great, we went skiing again, and I caught up sleep from last week's sprint :)07:31
pittidholbach: went DJing again?07:31
dholbachpitti: no, I was out in a bar with my brother and sister and a couple of friends, I guess we should have stopped after the first bar :)07:33
dholbachpitti: but more DJing is definitely on the agenda for 201007:33
dholbachpitti: ahh... the Paris sprint... did you get a lot of stuff done?07:33
pittidholbach: yes, went quite well; we packaged new netbook stuff, built a demo CD, and got some boot speed work done; but a major point was transferring our knowledge to didrocks07:34
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didrocksgood morning07:56
dupondjecan somebody give it a look ? :)08:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 508930 in samba "CIFS mount is offline every x minutes/seconds" [Undecided,New]08:04
pittislangasek: would you mind if I enable all the dailies again?08:31
pittislangasek: i. e. is there a particular reason not to?08:33
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asacpitti: cool. nw we see fore3ign in the chart ;) ... nice.09:30
pittiasac: I sent details about that to the platform list yesterday09:31
asacyep. checking mails ;)09:31
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apwpitti, my burndown charts have jumped (in the new system) and i seem to have a bunch of duplicates ... aware?10:55
pittiapw: jiboumans just reported the same (duplicates)10:55
apwhappend about 3 days back i'd say10:56
pittiapw: the jumps are partially due to the dupes (will fix) and due to adding back WIs from persons which are not in your team, but hare WIs assigned for your team10:56
pittiapw: hm, I only committed the latter change yesterday10:56
pittibut that affects all history (it just changes the queries, not the data collection)10:56
mvocjwatson: if you don't mind I will do the uploads for bug #505887 today (busybox and sysvinit)10:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 505887 in sysvinit "Provide static-sh alias name and ship busybox-static by default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50588710:56
apwpitti, ahh, ok then timing means nothing10:57
pittiapw: i. e. for the "don't ignore foreign WIs" the jump should have happened from day 1 in the charts10:57
pitti(the light-red/light-green parts)10:58
apwif you look at mine, its just the last four days10:58
pittiapw: does anything in 'status by spec' look unreasonable?10:59
pittidone/postponed didn't change, just todo (team)10:59
pittiapw: might just be the duplicate queries, though11:00
pittiapw: let's check this out again once I fixed that11:00
pitticurrently I'm still working on improvements for jiboumans11:00
jiboumanspitti++ and don't be afraid to tell me to do some of this stuff :)11:01
pittiI just radically simplified the parsing of the blueprint HTML and made it much easier to maintain/debug11:03
tseliotpitti, slangasek: is there a way to edit this page? I only need to replace "sudo nvidia-config" with "sudo nvidia-xconfig"11:03
pittijiboumans: if you could port your "expected progress/color coding" to the new branch, I'd appreciate11:03
pittitseliot: needs to be done by a webmaster; newz2000 is my usual contact point11:04
tseliotpitti: ok, thanks11:04
pittijiboumans: ok, just pushed the changes for this TODO:11:09
pitti- pull spec info: definition, drafter, approver, wiki link, milestone target11:09
pittijiboumans: I added automatic DB migration code, so in the 1203 UTC run the DB should get migrated, and should pick up all the extra spec info11:10
jiboumanspitti++ awesome. i'll check it then and i'll happily port the code11:14
apwpitti, soz got bit by a suspend bug11:15
pittiapw: soz?11:19
apwpitti, soz == short sorry11:20
pittijiboumans: so the extended json and expected progress are on your plate now, right? is there any other addition you want me to work on?11:21
jiboumanspitti: ehm, don't have our full conversation in my head right now. if all the stuff's in the db, the JSON stuff's straight forward11:22
pittijiboumans: I need to do some bug fixing now (for the duplication), and finish the cleanups, but wanted to check with you wheter there's something left for me from our email exchange11:22
jiboumansand we'll hold off the 2 graphs/extended tables to see if the current solution works11:22
pittijiboumans: right, json is by and large just adding what you want; it's a simple "build a dict of stuff you want to see"11:23
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pittijiboumans: *nod*11:23
pittijiboumans: I did the "extended spec tables" (drafter/definition/wiki link/etc.)11:23
jiboumansah, the arbitrary meta: stuff11:23
jiboumansthat's one for CFT right now i think11:23
jiboumansperhaps a nice sprint hackathon :)11:24
jiboumanspitti: on that list would also be a community-tracker; specs accepted for lucid but not driven by a canonical employee11:24
pittijiboumans: I see; they appear on all-*.html, but you want noteam*.html?11:25
jiboumanspitti: they do? i don't see them.. perhaps we're not talking about the same thing.. i mean specs like: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-asterisk-integration11:27
pittijiboumans: right; they ought to be on all.html (and things like all-lucid-alpha-2.html)11:28
pitti(they are)11:28
jiboumanspitti: ah, right.. can you match them to the team by using /server-lucid|lucid-server/ and have them show up in the usual reports too? server-alpha3, beta-1, etc?11:29
pittiI don't have spec name patterns right now11:29
pittiso this would be a thing for the todo list11:30
pittijiboumans: would you mind filing a bug about it, so that we can keep these requests in lp?11:30
jiboumanspitti: no problem at all11:30
jiboumanspitti: done with #50909411:33
tseliotYokoZar: can we talk about bug #506435 and bug #506437?11:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506435 in ia32-libs "ia32-libs should install libGL.so* in /usr/lib32/mesa" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50643511:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506437 in ia32-libs "ia32-libs should be updated with the libraries from Mesa 7.7" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50643711:34
YokoZartseliot: What about theM?11:35
tseliotYokoZar: shall I take care of those bugs?11:35
YokoZarI'm not completely sure what the plan is for ia32-libs at the moment (how it's being phased out, or even if that's still happening in Lucid)11:36
tseliotpitti: ^^11:36
pittino idea about ia32-libs, I'm afraid11:37
tseliotYokoZar: I guess its removal was postponed (as multiarch support for dpkg was postponed too)11:37
YokoZarslangasek might know11:37
tseliotYokoZar: ok, so if the package remains, I'll fix those bugs. Deal?11:39
YokoZarbut yeah, the long and short of it is: if multiarch dpkg is gonna happen in some form, updating ia32-libs to do anything other than remove packages should be the last thing you do (instead making proper multiarch packages would be a better use of time)11:39
tseliotyes, of course11:39
YokoZarbut if it's not gonna happen in Lucid, then we're stuck doing the same thing as in Karmic and will need to kludge ia32-libs further.  So that includes putting things in the right directories ;)11:39
* tseliot nods11:39
tjaaltonit's not happening for lucid11:40
YokoZarIs it happening in Debian?11:40
tjaaltonnot yet anyway11:41
tseliotok, I guess I'll have to mess with the fetch-and-build script and hope that things go well, then11:42
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/508930 => could somebody get a look @ this? Its annoying issue12:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 508930 in samba "CIFS mount is offline every x minutes/seconds" [Undecided,New]12:02
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cjwatsonmvo: I'm OK with that busybox patch (except you seem to have a stray .pc/.version in the patch); please go ahead12:25
d1bhi i have a question.12:30
d1bfirefox on ubuntu has been modified. i am trying to determine why  https://student1.mq.edu.au doesn't work. i have checked all certs in /etc/ssl/ and i find none with an expiry date of 2004. the cert should be valid but it is being flagged as not.12:31
d1bon normal firefox it is valid and is shown as signed with the verisgn level 3 cert.12:32
d1bi am not sure this is correct place to raise this issue.12:32
babbioi need to compile a vanilla kernel on ubuntu....how to do that?12:32
babbiosome docs??? thanku12:32
d1bbabbio: this is not #ubuntu12:32
babbiothis is ubuntu-devel....and i'm taling of kernel compiling....so i thought this the correct place12:33
d1bbabbio: essentially make a config then make-kpkg clean && make-kpkg --initrd kernel_image iirc.12:34
babbioi already read that documentation....but does not talk about vanilla kernels12:34
d1bbabbio: see what i just said.12:34
d1binsert make oldconfig infront probably.12:35
babbiook thank u12:36
mvocjwatson: thanks, I fix that and upload12:37
cjwatsonmvo: I'd been hoping to work out if there's anything that can be done about the fact that busybox Conflicts: busybox-static12:43
cjwatsonmvo: it might be wise to change live-initramfs' dependency to allow either12:44
mvocjwatson: I can change live-initramfs in that way too12:51
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pittiapw, jiboumans: dupes in WI tracker fixed13:15
pittiyay for too complex SQL queries :/13:16
pittislangasek: I enabled the CD cronjobs again; I suppose it was just an oversight13:41
tkamppeterpitti, hi13:53
pittihey tkamppeter13:55
tkamppeterpitti, it is about bug #36985013:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369850 in linux "Cannot set up parallel port printer on Ubuntu 9.04 or 9.10" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36985013:57
tkamppeterpeople complain that with recent Ubuntu versions they cannot use parallel printers and in the bug report it is told that loading the parport_pc kernel module solves the problem.13:58
tkamppeterSemms that the presence of a parallel port or plugging a printer to it does not auto-load the module.13:58
tkamppeterpitti, should the startup script of CUPS load this module? Or do need the udev rules for the parallel port get a correction (load parport_pc in addition)?13:59
pittitkamppeter: which udev rule do you mean? if that can be fixed, it'd be much much better than loading it in the init script14:05
pitti(this should really only be done after a large discussion)14:06
tkamppeterpitti, I do not know which udev rule, but what loads the modules lp, parport, and ppdev (they are all loaded on my laptop which does not have a parallel port)?14:07
pittitkamppeter: cups' init script already loads lp and ppdev14:08
pittiand ppdev depends on parport14:08
tkamppeterpitti, so then CUPS' init script should also load parport_pc. How could that get overlooked?14:09
pittiI don't know, I don't have a parport printer (or a port, for that matter)14:09
pittianyway, cups' init script _should_ not modprobe anything at all14:09
pittiit means that all the parport code gets loaded for everyone, even on machines where you don't need it14:10
pittitkamppeter: perhaps in the past parport_pc was a dependency of lp or ppdev?14:10
ionlp is also in the default /etc/modules for some reason.14:10
pittiion: the reason is that it cannot be autodetected by the kernel right now14:10
tkamppeterpitti, from the bug report we know that parport_pc is needed, and so parport_pc should be loaded by the same mechanism which loads also the other parallel port kernel modules.14:11
tkamppeterSo perhaps we should load them all via /etc/modules, but then we have the same problem as with CUPS, the modules get also loaded on machines without parport.14:11
pittitkamppeter: I'd first ask for an udev dump to check whether we can load it in an udev rule14:12
pittidepending on whether the system has a parallel port in the first place14:12
pittithen we can also drop the other modprobes in cups14:12
tkamppeterpitti, can you ask on bug 369850? Or tell me exactly which command the user should execute? He should execute it once wioth printer turned on and once with printer turned off.14:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369850 in linux "Cannot set up parallel port printer on Ubuntu 9.04 or 9.10" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36985014:14
pittitkamppeter: will do14:14
cody-somervillepitti, The developer of xfce4-power-manager mentioned to me that he doesn't want to merge in his devicekit branch and do a release because he heard that they're planning to rename devicekit. Have you heard anything about this?14:45
pitticody-somerville: devicekit-power will be renamed to upower at some point14:48
pitticody-somerville: but the migration to that is a simple sed14:48
chrisccoulsonpitti - have you seen hughsie's recent e-mail to desktop-devel?14:49
pittichrisccoulson: no, I'm not on that list14:49
chrisccoulson"I'm intending to keep the devkit-power-gobject library API and ABI stable at least for a few months, and ship a new library side-by-side to allow applications to port during their development cycle, and not to cause pain to the distros."14:49
chrisccoulsonso, he's planning to rename the D-Bus interface, but keep the library API stable for a little while14:49
chrisccoulsonso, it will only break applications that use the D-Bus interface directly14:50
pittibut hopefully that won't be too many14:51
pittichrisccoulson: ah, actually I did get it; apparently CC'ed to devkit-devel@14:51
chrisccoulsonpitti - ah, yeah, he sent it to devkit-devel and not desktop-devel14:52
chrisccoulsoni forgot that i'm subscribed to the former14:52
d1bre my question before, please ignore it. while the behaviour of firefox in ubuntu differs from normal firefox, the site provided incorrect CA information.15:01
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tkamppeterpitti, OK, thanks.15:14
cody-somervillechrisccoulson, pitti: xfce4-power-manager does use the dbus interface. Aliov also says " Richard told me that the daemon, even moving it to upower, will bit change a lot, i'm just waiting if this is the case, then xfpm's devkit-power is almost ready.".15:14
cody-somervillechrisccoulson, pitti: How are other folks mitigating this issue?15:14
pitticody-somerville: like g-p-m? they'll just be updated along, I figure15:20
cjwatsonzul: at some point could you please set packages you upload to have their Maintainer as ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com rather than ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com?  The effect of the latter is that ubuntu-reviews gets a mail in its moderation queue every time you upload something15:20
zulcjwatson: sure15:23
apwpitti, something is sick with the current lucid.db ...15:38
apwsqlite> select count(*) from work_items where milestone='milestone';15:38
pittiapw: I'll look into it, thanks15:40
pittiapw: I still have a backup from this morning (with the old format 1), which doesn't have this problem15:40
apwpitti, dunno if its relevant but when i tried to use the db with older code it was whining about ambigious milestone15:41
pittiapw: fun, since it's a foreign key to milestones, and "milestone" is not in milestones15:41
pittiapw: the ambiguity was fixed in r100 and r102, do you have those?15:42
apwyeah do now, just wondered if there was a connection, sounds like not15:42
siretart`someone with live-cd wisdom might want to take a look at crimsun's last comment in bug #203158. isn't the plan to remove libsdl from the live cd completly?16:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 203158 in pulseaudio "libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio must be installed as default by libsdl1.2debian" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20315816:15
alkisgsiretart`: how did you confirm that -all was indeed using pulseaudio?16:20
alkisgI tried with a remote thin client, and I didn't get any sound with libsdl1.2debian-all, unless I set that env var.16:20
alkisgI did that test the day I posted the reply, I don't know if anything has changed since.16:21
crimsunsiretart`: removing sdl would mean removing theora, too16:21
siretart`crimsun: oh, I see16:22
siretart`alkisg: I installed it, started kobodl and confirmed it is named by name in the pulseaudio mixer.16:22
pittiapw: 'milestone' problem tracked down and fixed; I added an assertion now that the value is a valid one; thanks for spotting!16:32
* pitti resets the DB to the good state from this morning16:32
apwpitti, yay!16:33
siretart`pitti: it seems lool is not around, do you have some minutes to press the magic buttons to finish the libvdpau MIR? that's bug #50678816:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506788 in libvdpau "[MIR] libvdpau" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50678816:40
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pittisiretart`: I don't see vdpau on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt16:42
pittiuh, it's currently in multiverse16:42
siretart`err, I am absolutely sure that I've seen it this morning...16:43
pittianyway, promoting16:43
* siretart` hugs pitti16:43
pittiyou're welcome16:43
siretart`this will enable ffmpeg to build and start a (small) transition16:44
siretart`no worries, just a shlibs bump16:44
geserseb128: just curious, did you got any feedback from soyuz people what caused the OOPS when you tried syncing libxcb on friday?17:03
seb128or I did read the backlog and they didn't highligh me, let me check17:03
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didrocksScottK: apparently, you forgot to use the ~ubuntu-core-dev branch for cdbs for your last commit17:33
ScottKdidrocks: No doubt.17:33
didrocksScottK: I'll merge it first and then add my changes17:33
ScottKSorry about that.17:34
didrocksScottK: no pb :)17:35
siretart`uh, I need to be identified to join #ubuntu-motu? what's up there?17:39
ScottKsiretart`: It's a defense mechanism against all the spam attacks going on.17:40
siretart`oh, I see17:40
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Burnhello, I've got problems with my ATI 5750 and Ubuntu Linux 64bit, my screen turns grey after 5 to 10 minutes while I'm running the official 9.12 drivers19:52
Burnhas somebody seen the same behavior?19:52
ScottKBurn: You probably want #ubuntu+119:53
BurnScottK: ok, will take a look there19:53
BurnScottK: in fact no, it should work on Karmic19:53
ScottKIf you're running Karmic, then #ubuntu19:54
Burnhmm, ok19:55
sladenmdeslaur: traditionally Debian/Ubuntu security notices have given a one-sentence or one-paragraph to covering what the software with the security issue does.19:58
sladenmdeslaur: both of today's USNs for pidgin and libthai just dived straight into the security issue without providing the high-level context19:59
mdeslaursladen: Debian does that. Ubuntu has never done that. It's something we're looking to improve soon.20:00
sladenmdeslaur: would it to be possible to to return to including a short summary "libthai is..."20:01
mdeslaursladen: yes, we already have plans for that. See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/USNSpec and https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/security-karmic-usn-format20:02
keessladen: you're saying that USN-885-1 and USN-887-1 have a different layout?20:03
sladenmdeslaur: reading back to earlier USNs (http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/), I might (politely) agree to disagree;  eg. "...xpdf, a viewer for PDF files".20:04
keessladen: ubuntu has never had the software summary (but we plan to)20:04
sladenmdeslaur: it's certainly not as consistent as Debian, I'll agree with that20:04
mdeslaursladen: which USN are you looking at that has that info?20:04
sladenkees: "never" is a very strong word, just disproved above(?)20:04
keessladen: where?20:05
keessladen: heh, well, alright.  "Since 2005, Ubuntu has never..."  ;)20:06
keesbut anyway, we've got plans to make a distinct section that only describes the software, separate from vulnerability descriptions.20:07
sladenkees: I mainly noticed on this occasion, because I went  "wtf is libthai?"20:07
keesheh.  :)20:08
sladenfwiw, http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-72-1  "The package "perl-suid" provides a wrapper around perl which allows to use setuid-root perl scripts"20:09
macowow that seems like a rather unnecessary description20:10
sladenmaco: ...perhaps, but if the inclusive introductary language (with a high-level description) helps to get a security update applied where it might be ignored, then it's a result20:11
sladenkees mdeslaur: thanks for the confirmation that it's "in the works"20:13
keessladen: "no USN written by me, jdstrand, or mdeslaur ...."  :)  while it shows my name on that one, it's just because I rebuilt the USN history.  I think these early USNs were still being written "freehand" by pitti, and there was no templating system in place yet.20:13
* kees nods20:13
mdeslaurthanks for your comment sladen, it's much appreciated20:14
barryScottK: did you see this: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~barry/ubuntu/lucid/distribute/sync-to-sid/+merge/1742520:15
ScottKbarry: I did not. Looking20:15
ScottKbarry: The trick is that as a sponsor, I need to see the diff from the current Debian package and the packaging diffs from the current Ubuntu package.  I'm not sure how to do that.20:17
barryme neither :/  maybe using some combination of commands that you outlined in your recent udd message?20:18
barryScottK: i could try to generate though20:18
ScottKNot sure.  Probably.  Am busy with $WORK at the moment, but if merge proposals are going to be useful pages for merges from Debian, I think it needs to be available.20:19
barrygood point,  that means the auto-generated diff isn't enough.  okay, let me see what i can do.  go back to $WORK :)20:20
cjwatsonScottK: since you need to check out the Ubuntu branch anyway, you can use the bzr diff --old command in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/Documentation/Merging20:50
cjwatsonyou'd just do 'bzr merge lp:~barry/ubuntu/lucid/distribute/sync-to-sid' instead of merge-package20:50
ScottKcjwatson: True.  It'd be nice to see the diffs on the merge proposal as a lot of them that's all it needs to send them back for more work.20:51
barryor approve them <wink>20:51
barrycjwatson, ScottK that's essentially what i did.  i merged lp:debian/sid/distribute and lp:ubuntu/lucid/distribute locally, then did the bzr diff --old commands and pastebin'd them.  those are linked in mp comments20:52
* ScottK looks again20:53
ScottKbarry: Why did you add python2.5-dev to the build-depends?20:54
barryScottK: which diff are you looking at?  i didn't think i did20:56
barryScottK: ah, diff against sid20:57
barryScottK: i guess that's coming from the ubuntu package. it wasn't a change i made explicitly20:57
ScottKSince Python 2.5 isn't a supported Python in Lucid, I'm reasonably certain we don't need it.20:58
barryi should remove that then20:58
ScottKIt looks like there are a few other places that have extra 2.5's in them20:58
ScottKSpecifically pyvers in debian/rules20:59
barryScottK: i guess i should remove the "PYVERS := 2.4 2.5" line?21:00
looljdstrand: Re: FORWARD rules for vms/libvirt in ufw -- actually libvirt already manages to add its rules for the dnsmasq virbr0 already21:00
loolSo at least that seems to work out of the box; probably not for other networks though21:01
ScottKbarry: Yes.21:01
barryScottK: k, will do21:01
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
slangasekpitti: CD cronjobs> yes, sorry21:28
RainCTArgh. Can some archive admin please reject espeak-gui?21:43
sebnerRainCT: ho ho ho. ~ppa1 :P21:44
RainCTsebner: Yeah. Why isn't there an autoreject for anything containing "~ppa"? :(21:45
geserfile a bug21:46
sebnerRainCT: because ~ppa is for PPAs and people should be aware of that :P21:46
sebnerhuhu geser :)21:46
barryScottK: i'm looking at the distribute package and i can't see where debian/python-distribute.debhelper.log or debian/python-distribute.substvars are even needed.  the latter is referenced in rules, but commented out.  is there something i'm missing or can i just rm those files?21:53
ScottKbarry: The debhelper logs are autogenerated cruft and can be ignored/removed.21:54
ScottKSame thing with substvars.21:54
ScottKI'd leave them though to miminze the diff.21:55
barryScottK: okay.  i'll revert the changes to the .substvars file to reduce diff clutter21:56
faganAnyone free to talk about hardy to lucid upgrades?23:16
faganIts nothing bad trust me :)23:17
faganAh ill talk about it tomorrow23:21
faganbrb restarting23:22

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