
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
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=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
* BUGabundo_remote wonders if I can persuade fta to do a sporadic build of ChromiumOS10:41
ftaBUGabundo_remote, ins't someone else already doing that?10:46
ftaas some canonical people are involved in this project, they probably have what's needed to build images10:47
BUGabundo_remoteno idea fta. if so, please point me to him/het10:47
ftaasac, ^^10:48
ftaBUGabundo_remote, ^^ does that help?11:15
ftaasac, metacity?11:23
ftagasp, the chromium new tab page is now themed, it's ugly with DarkRoom12:06
* BUGabundo_remote uses its own GTK and Ch theme12:09
[reed]asac: "system-myspell"? that's really out of date12:16
[reed]it's hunspell now for quite a while12:17
[reed]system-hunspell, etc.12:17
asac[reed]: where did you pick that?12:18
asacin the commit i just made?12:18
asacthats ffox 3.5 branch still ;912:19
asaci think that worked there12:19
asacbut i will double check12:19
[reed]we've been using hunspell since 3.0, I think12:19
[reed]quite a while12:19
asacyeah. i think its just an alias12:19
[reed]it's not12:19
[reed]I checked12:19
asacconfigure wise12:19
asacok. i will see. its now disabled anyway by default ;)12:20
asacguess there is no info about the new release channel policy yet?12:20
[reed]no, let me poke beltzner about that later today12:21
[reed]I just don't think stuff has been completely decided12:21
[reed]mainly focused on getting 3.6 out the door12:21
[reed]which is happening Very Soon Now(tm)12:22
asacyeah. i would just love to move to the new package names now that i am doing this12:22
asaclike firefox firefox-next firefox-dev firefox-daily ;) .... or whatever.12:22
asacbut i already explained that, so i stop the noise now ;)12:22
asace.g. my firefox-3.6 upload to lucid is kinda blocked on that info12:23
asacdont want to introduce another new package if thats going away anywa12:23
[reed]when does lucid ship?12:26
[reed]3.6 will still be around then, I'm fairly sure12:26
asac no... thats not it12:27
asacwe want to move to new package names, otherwise we have to add transitional packages all the time12:28
asacso we want to have the current firefox always be firefox12:28
asacbut we still want to ship packages that can be installed side by side for all the branches12:28
asacbut if those branches are not like "dev etc" channel12:28
asacthe best thing we can do to describe them is by version12:29
asaci just hoped you go to a release channel approach and lurked that somewhere12:29
asacthats why i am waiting to understnad that and avoid another versioned upload ;)12:29
[reed]Lorentz is weird12:30
[reed]I'll try to collect all your thoughts you've sent me12:30
[reed]and talk to beltzner12:30
ftaok, that's it. i'm sick of those metacity restarts. i'll push it to my own ppa as i did for karmic :(12:51
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BUGabundo_remotefta: getting reports of broken Ch daily13:40
asacone daily didnt build13:41
asactodays should be there again13:41
BUGabundo_remotefta: getting reports of broken Ch daily13:43
ftaBUGabundo_remote, ? what's the problem(s)?13:43
BUGabundo_remoteco-worker says it crashes13:43
BUGabundo_remoteasking for logs/tarces13:44
BUGabundo_remotefta: constant snaps13:44
BUGabundo_remoteon several pages13:44
ftaBUGabundo_remote, got more info?15:48
BUGabundo_remotehe just went to use Chrome, instead15:55
BUGabundo_remotewfm too in lucid fully updated15:55
ftawell, nothing i can do then16:20
BUGabundo_remotewell debian aint exactly your target distro either :D16:31
ftaimho, that branding thing is a disaster16:44
asacwhich branding thing16:48
ftachrome vs chromium16:49
BUGabundo_remotespecially since chromuim is the code name for the source too16:54
BUGabundo_remoteand the OS :P16:54
ftanot that, more that the heavily marketed name is Chrome, it's everywhere16:57
asacfta: you are not alone ;)16:57
asacbut be happy that its not names chrome16:57
ftaChromium is nowhere16:57
BUGabundo_remoteasac: like firefox chrome stylesheats ? eheh16:58
ftaas if we were shipping ff3.5 as shiretoko instead of firefox17:13
ftano one would have a clue of what it is, and jump to upstream binaries17:13
micahgfta: we already did that and got an earful for it17:13
ftathat's exactly what happens with chromium, only a few tech people know what it is17:13
micahgjust the branding even17:14
ftamicahg, nope, i'm talking about package name, not just the branding17:14
micahgright, which should be even worse17:14
NikratioIs it a known bug that thunderbird-3.0 shows only the English dictionary in the Spell menu, even if other hunspell or myspell languages are installed?17:28
* micahg can see the issue17:29
micahgNikratio: please file a bug and tag ppa17:30
micahgin thunderbird package17:30
NikratioOn which package?17:30
Nikratiowill do17:30
micahgNikratio: thanks17:30
NikratioCan I mark it as confirmed?17:33
Nikratio(will do, please revert if wrong. Bug #509248)17:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509248 in thunderbird "[PPA] Shows only English dictionary in Spell menu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50924817:39
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clamiamQ: is installing firefox 3.6 from yall's PPA pretty straightforward?  When I mark 3.6 to install in synaptic, it looks like most of the old packages are going to stick around...is this a problem?19:58
micahgclamiam: they are meant to be run side by sid19:59
clamiamoh sorry, i should've said thanks :)20:05
micahgclamiam: np20:05
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BUGabundofta: chromium is really broken22:49
BUGabundoevery single page snaps22:49
ftastill wfm, it's my primary (and only) browser now22:50
ftaversion? url?22:50
BUGabundohow can I run it in debug mode?22:50
BUGabundogreader , http://photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com/2010/01/maneater-will-this-do.html, identica22:50
BUGabundostop saying tat22:51
BUGabundoI get it22:51
BUGabundobut it doesn't for everyone else22:51
BUGabundoand I'm trying to debug it22:51
BUGabundoso mind proving a way to do it ?22:51
ftaa french guy seems to have the same problem, he gave a (nice) link; http://hq-models.blogspot.com/22:52
ftabut it wfm too22:52
ftaso i can't reproduce22:52
ftatry with a fresh profile: chromium-browser --user-data-dir=/tmp/foo1 --disk-cache-dir=/tmp/foo222:53
BUGabundoworking so far22:54
BUGabundoif I close and start my regular profile, I get it back22:55
BUGabundo[reed]: will it ever be possible to open more then on Firefox process??23:07
BUGabundo[reed]: I have one window open at another X by the same user (remote connected by FreeNX) and trying to open a new FF in this X, and fails :(23:08
ftaBUGabundo, electrolysis23:08
BUGabundofta: ?23:08
BUGabundo" nobody uses 64-bit browsers."23:09
BUGabundoI use it daily23:09
BUGabundoand I'm somebody23:09
ftabut you are 0.0000000001% of the market ;)23:12
BUGabundoI'm responsible for at least 6 browsers :D23:13
BUGabundofta: since you like stats so much, how many of *buntu users runs 64 vs 32?23:13
ftanot much23:14
ftaabout 10%23:14
ftaubuntu doesn't even provide 64bit CDs anymore23:15
BUGabundoI was expecting >40%23:15
BUGabundoyeah, that's a big failure :(23:15
BUGabundoread it23:17
BUGabundofta: if 64bits and linux is soooooo small, why is Apple making a 64bits plugin ?23:17
sebnerwe need more bloated software -> more ram -> more 64bit user ;)23:18
sebnerBUGabundo: apple generally migrated OS X to 64 bit23:18
BUGabundomemory Fail23:19
ftaBUGabundo, "Flash, arguably the most important plugin for day-to-day browsing, doesn't have any 64-bit support except for an alpha Linux version released in November 2008."23:20
ftahardly a really support for 64bit23:21
ftachromium-browser                 27491   1.94%      4409   16362    6713       723:28
ftagoogle-chrome-beta               24130   1.70%     15844    2621    5652      1323:28
ftagoogle-chrome-unstable           21038   1.49%      4857   13075    3084      2223:28
ftaso most users of unstable installed the beta and ended up with both23:29
ftabut if those stats are correct, google-chrome-beta has more regular users than chromium-browser23:29
fta15844 >> 440923:30
ftabut 4409+16362 > 15844+262123:30
=== gandi_ is now known as gandi
ftaBUGabundo, http://blog.hexxeh.net/23:37
BUGabundoI know23:37
BUGabundobut I don't trust _strange_ devs23:38
BUGabundowith my data and HW23:38
BUGabundoI already trust *you* too much23:38
BUGabundobut I'm not fanatic enough to run gentoo and compile it all my self, *just* to be sure23:39

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