
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)02:26
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FlannelAre they responding to mass joins in -unregged or something?02:27
FlannelLooks like it02:30
ubottuFloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)02:40
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ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)02:40
MenZaAny opinions on a +r in -ot?02:50
FlannelI don't see a need02:51
MenZaI'm just judging by the latest global02:51
MenZaMamarok seems infected02:51
MenZaor /something/ to that extent02:52
FlannelMenZa: that channel hasn't been targetted, and we can always clamp down if it does02:53
MenZaFlannel: Indeed.02:55
MenZaFlannel: And with this insomnia, chances are I'm not going to be leaving anytime soon.02:55
FlannelMenZa: Go to sleep!02:55
MenZaFlannel: I can't.02:55
FlannelNot if you're on IRC, no.02:56
MenZaFlannel: I've been in bed for five hours now.02:56
MenZaI just got out.02:56
* MenZa has an appointerment with the happydoctors in February02:56
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)03:09
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)03:09
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)03:09
ubottuFloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:23
ubottuFloodBotK3 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:23
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:23
montelhow do the flood bots work?03:42
MenZamontel: This is a better question for #ubuntu-bots -- the FloodBots are currently still closed-source, developed by LjL. Someone else might be able to give you an explanation, but he's the Source of All Truths(tm).03:52
montelMenZa: are you serious?03:52
montelClosed source?03:52
MenZamontel: For now.03:52
montelthat's interesting..03:52
MenZamontel: They are scheduled to be open sourced, once LjL has ironed out the quirks :)03:52
MenZaI don't know anymore about them than that, try #ubuntu-bots03:53
montelOkay. thanks MenZa03:53
elkydid someone deal with imran earlier?04:08
* elky is conferencing and responded but then discovered she'd bumped rf switch04:08
FlannelHe didn't respond after you did04:13
Flannel(just left)04:13
FlannelUh, why did staff +R -ot for us?04:22
FlannelMmm, we did get hit.04:22
MenZais bullgard bandodging in #ubuntu?05:45
MenZaThere's a ban set for "bullgard" in the bantracker, which still looks active.05:45
FlannelI don't see one05:45
FlannelMenZa: Where/when/whatever05:46
MenZaFlannel: You see it?05:46
FlannelMenZa: I see that .. uh, let me check timestamp05:47
MenZaHe apparently had some issues joining before identifying05:47
FlannelMenZa: That's a remove, not a ban, as far as I can tell05:47
MenZaI've specifically unticked 'Removed bans'05:47
MenZaSo I *should* only be looking at active bans05:48
FlannelHe has a forward a few seconds before that05:48
MenZaBut I don't see it in /bans in #u, though05:48
FlannelMenZa: Do you have kicks ticked still?05:48
MenZaNevermind me.05:48
Flannelbans will always look like a mask (recheck removed bans and take a look)05:48
MenZaI thought "bullgard" was just implicitly bullgard!*@*05:49
MenZa-ot is being hit hard now05:54
MenZaJust for the record, it's +r #ubuntu-unregged, aye?05:55
dholbachgood morning07:16
dholbachhi MenZa07:19
dholbachcan somebody please join #ubuntu-motu?07:54
vishhi, folks whats up with -motu?07:54
dholbachthere's some ctcp flooding going on?07:54
dholbachok nevermind07:56
vishdholbach: thanks :)07:56
dholbachI could become op and kick and ban the two07:56
jussi01dholbach: have you read the global notices regarding this recently?08:04
dholbachjussi01: no08:04
Myrtti dholbach http://bit.ly/6WDozK08:06
macoReceived CTCP VERSION request by udvofndck!n=cxqtzstm@dsl-dhcp-205-242.kpunet.net08:07
macoReceived CTCP VERSION request by lxz!n=qxr@dsl-dhcp-205-242.kpunet.net08:07
macothose two ^08:07
macobah im getting a bunch of empty PM buffers coming up right now. like, cracktons. is this part of that?08:08
jussi01maco: our favourite client reacting to dcc's wrong...08:08
jussi01Im bugging sput..08:08
jussi01maco: its just the spam/attacks that have been happening08:08
macoah ok, so its quassel being stupid08:10
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)08:55
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Myrttifloodbots have been eating wrong kind of mushrooms08:56
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)08:57
Mamarokgood morning09:02
Mamaroksorry for that noise, I deactivated the bouncer, it was running wild :(09:02
Mamarokand Murphy's law was it to happen when I was asleep09:03
Myrtti*hnnnggg* serious lack of logic skill in #ubuntu09:08
maconalioth: you around?09:45
ikoniaMamarok: can you forwawrd him somewhere else ?09:55
Mamarokikonia: who?09:55
MamarokI would, but my script is not working, I have tons of problems myself, sorry09:56
ikoniano problem, op me in kubuntu-offtopic ofr a second and I'll move him09:56
ubottuMamarok called the ops in #kubuntu-offtopic ()09:56
Mamarokgah, nothing is working right for me these days :(09:59
Mamarokjussi01: do we have a newer auto_bleh?09:59
jussi01Mamarok: huh? go ask ikonia...09:59
Mamarokmine seems not to work09:59
Mamarokikonia: ^^09:59
jussi01Ive only the one in topic you know where10:00
ikoniamines a bit borked at the moment as I'm playing with it, I'm still using the old as stable10:00
Myrttiwould anyone with more patience want to help hunt3 to register his nickname?10:20
ikoniamaybe staff in #freenode ?10:22
Myrttiikonia: if #freenode is +R as he says...10:22
ikoniais it ???10:22
MyrttiI don't know10:22
Myrttimight have changed in past 10 minutes10:23
jussi01tis atm10:23
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)10:25
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)10:25
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)10:25
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)10:25
jussi01here we go again...10:26
niko+R ?10:26
jussi01niko: least ways my client says freenode is, and the FB's did +Rr in the recent attack10:31
dholbachjussi01: you think I should -rR #ubuntu-motu now and see how it fares?10:34
jussi01dholbach: in -motu you can probably leave it on for a while - most people who use it are registered10:35
dholbachok, maybe I'll turn it off later today again10:35
dholbachit's "kind of a beginner channel"10:36
dholbachso I'd rather have it inviting and without the hurdle of finding out how to register and stuff :)10:36
jussi01dholbach: Ive seen a few attacks recently, and this prevents the spread of them, so for a little while at least its better to be safe than sorry10:36
Myrttisome staff assistance may be needed to aid hunt3. he's making a mess10:40
Myrttihe just registered his nickname to email@email.com with password... well, you can read it up in  #ubuntu...10:43
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
PiciEr.. -offtopic is +R?13:46
PiciAnd +z13:46
bazhangthat's his 3rd warning14:45
PiciYeah, just noticed14:45
PiciI missed it, sorry.16:20
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)16:31
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ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)16:31
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)16:31
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)17:12
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)17:12
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)17:12
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PiciI set +r, and I'm watching -unregged17:18
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)17:19
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ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)17:23
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)17:26
Picisorry, had to run away from my desk17:27
* genii sips and wonders whats up with all the CTCP crap lately17:57
jribc/b #ubuntu-ops-monitor18:01
ardchoilleI just saw something that I feel needs your attention22:09
ardchoilleoreoh joined, asked for help with a url and then left. Shortly after that several otehrs were k-lined.22:09
ardchoilleI'm wondering what was in the url oreoh pasted and if his ip should be banned22:09
ardchoillein #ubuntu22:09
nikothanks for the report22:10
ardchoilleI'm thinking he could be one of the spammers22:10
ardchoilleyou're welcome22:11
ardchoilleoreoh is back again in #ubuntu22:11
ardchoilleNot sure if his paste is mailicious or not though22:11
ardchoilleIt just looked suspicious22:12
LjLnot to mind others' business too much, but is staff aware stdin got k-lined?22:31
elky<ardchoille> oreoh joined, asked for help with a url and then left. Shortly after that several otehrs were k-lined.22:35
elkyrelated to that?22:35
LjLhmm where was that? i see it was close to some 3 other k-lines in #ubuntu22:36
LjL22:07 UTC22:36
PiciIt wouldn't surprise me, the content of that pastebin link is malicious22:39
Picis/pastebin/pastebin-like site/22:40
LjLPici: oh... i see.22:41
LjLi see now that unop was k-lined too22:41
LjLmaybe worth a little !staff to inform we can vouch for at least those two?22:42
Picinhandler: poke ^22:42
LjLstrange though, i don't see anything freenode-related in the html code of that link22:43
LjLalthough there's lots of scary-looking stuff, generally speaking22:43
nhandlerWe are aware of the issue. See http://blog.freenode.net/2010/01/javascript-spam/ for more information about it22:44
PiciLjL: actually theres an iframe for irc.php that has freenode specific stuff in it22:45
nikodon't use any of these link with javascript enabled22:45
Piciniko: I always use wget for suspicious links22:45
Picinhandler: we know, just was informing you that we could vouch for some of the people klined... unless tsimpson has turned to the dark side22:46
tsimpsonwell I didn't click a link, but my friend (who I'm having a drink with tonight) did ;)22:48
jribalways the drunk friend22:48
tsimpsonhe's not drunk, just silly enough to click on random links22:48
LjLtsimpson: well, it looked like a pastebin anyway... before this craziness started, i clicked on virtually all links posted too!22:50
LjLtsimpson: also, you have a message on ubottu.com ;(22:50
tsimpsonLjL: I just noticed the message :)22:51
LjLwell see you next time one of you gets k-hammered *wave*22:52
jpdsJust use NoScript.23:18

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