
nellmathewhey guys, anyone know if there is a difference between debian minimal netinstall vs ubuntu minimal netinstall (only xorg, wm, ect)?.. since both are debian based (other than the sources)00:00
StevenXHow do the command prompt to print something to a file (after the results are already on the screen)?00:01
erUSULStevenX: rerun the command redirecting output to a file ?00:02
StevenXerUSUL: It's a very CPU intensive process, so is there a way not to have to re-run the command?00:03
erUSULStevenX: use a mouse to copy and paste ? GNU screen has a copy mode but plain terminal emulators do not have it afaik00:04
syn-acknellmathew: There's quite a bit of difference00:04
t0rcIs there a way to make the virtual consoles have a nice background, etc. as seen in SUSE or mandriva?00:04
Real_Ubotblakkheim: Ok, I have don this: scp -r /home/username1/cat/ username2@host1:/home/username2/cat/ and then in the other direction scp -r /home/username2/cat/ username1@host2:/home/username1/cat/00:05
datzHello, for some reason in the login menu, I decided to try the magnifier. Big mistake. gdm froze, now everytime I try to login it freezes at the login screen. I'm using 9.1000:05
datzcan someone help me with this?00:05
datzthe only way I've been able to resolve this is to login remotly, and manually stop gdm00:06
datzxorg uses 100% cpu in this frozen state00:06
jmcantrellif i wanted to be able to access other machines on my network by hostname without adding them to /etc/hosts, is that something that would have to reside on the router?00:08
datzwhy is it so dead in here00:08
erUSULjmcantrell: a dns server?00:08
norenhi guys i am trying to change the read write permission of a folder recursivly by chmod -R +rw ~/folder ?? is this write00:09
kslenwhen is the gnome-screensaver normally started? with regular application startup or is it during boot?00:09
syn-ackjmcantrell: Don't you think thats a little out of the scope of this channel and yes, erUSUL is correct00:09
syn-ackkslen: it's started as part of the list of processes to be started with X00:09
erUSULnoren: yes; but what folder are we talking about ?00:09
jmcantrellerUSUL: yes. it appears that i can ping other machines on my network by hostname, but one is a fresh install ubuntu server that i'm unable to do this with.00:09
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions00:09
kslensyn-ack, /etc/init.d script?00:10
syn-ackNo, the init scripts within x00:10
kslen.xinitrc or "Start-up applications" type of thing?00:10
syn-ackkslen: Xorg has its only list of "init scripts" so to speak00:10
norenerUSUL: i have got the ~/.lyric folder containing all my mp3 lyrics but sometime i am getting permission errors00:10
syn-ackkslen: yes00:10
datzcan someone help me with my issue?00:10
erUSULnoren: ok; tha's fine00:11
MarkusTIs there a permanent way for me to enable NEW_FAIR_SLEEPERS? I'm still running "echo NEW_FAIR_SLEEPERS > /sys/kernel/debug/sched_features" for months now after every reboot.00:11
kslensyn-ack, could you pastebin me your file? i removed the package a while ago but kinda miss the lock screen on suspend function00:11
syn-ackUm, no I will not pastebin that file to you00:12
Real_UboterUSUL: Yes, maybe. I just did this: scp -r /home/username1/cat/ username2@ip:/home/username2/cat/ where "username2" "ip" is the client user and client ip. The doesn't work but it does from client to server.00:12
kslensyn-ack, ok, the part which launches gnome-screensaver then.00:12
norenerUSUL: i want all the files and folder in that folder to have read write permission, how can i do that?? what permission my .lyric folder sud have so that all the folders and files within them have the same kind of permission00:12
Real_UboterUSUL: That doesn't work. But from client to server it doesn. Why?00:12
datzHello, for some reason in the login menu, I decided to try the magnifier. Big mistake. gdm froze, now everytime I try to login it freezes at the login screen. I'm using 9.1000:12
erUSULReal_Ubot: becouse the client does not have a server running00:12
kslensyn-ack, pardon. ment ?, not . :D00:12
Real_UboterUSUL: It worked before? Before I started to use keys?00:13
erUSULnoren: chmod -R 755 ~/lyrics00:13
norenthnks erUSUL00:13
kslenoh, the entry was still intact in the startup applications list, just disabled.. -.-00:14
erUSULReal_Ubot: then maybe you have to copy the keys around ? the server key to the client? ask in #openssh00:14
kslenaparently karmic ignores .xinitrc00:14
Dr_Williskslen:  it uses .xsession i recall. 'startx' uses .xinitrc if it exists00:15
erUSULkslen: xinitrc is only used when you do startx.00:15
kslenrighto, ty00:15
norenone more thing is there any gui/ front end to acess the sqlite database in ubuntu00:16
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erUSUL!info sqliteman00:19
ubottusqliteman (source: sqliteman): GUI tool for SQLite3 admin and developers alike. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 517 kB, installed size 1688 kB00:19
JayProjust installed 9.10 and i cant ssh/putty or use winscp to login...how do i fix this?00:19
datzHello, for some reason in the login menu, I decided to try the magnifier. Big mistake. gdm froze, now everytime I try to login it freezes at the login screen. I'm using 9.1000:19
apipkini know this isn't support for adobe air, but when i sudo sh ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin i get a Syntax error: "(" unexpected. not sure if i'm trying to install it incorrectly or if it's a problem with the software00:19
erUSULnoren: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/581700:19
Real_UboterUSUL: Ok, thank you.00:19
erUSULapipkin: maybe that bin file is not a shell script. try « chmod +x ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin && ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin & »00:20
erUSULReal_Ubot: no problem00:20
norenerUSUL: is that an addon for firefox00:20
erUSUL!ssh | JayPro00:21
ubottuJayPro: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)00:21
apipkinerUSUL: didn't seem to do anything00:21
bobwhoopsHey all, a lot of my .list files in /lib/dpkg/info seem to be corrupted. Any suggestions for fixing this?00:22
jiohdianyone know how to make grub2 start up visible? my UNR just goes from bios straight to bootup no grub listings00:22
erUSUL:/ no error message either? drop the & at the end and try again00:22
apipkinoh didn't do then & at the end :P00:22
apipkinthought that was just an enter command ;)00:23
apipkinadded the & and it's loading now00:23
apipkinthnx erUSUL00:23
erUSULapipkin: no problem00:23
datzHello, for some reason in the login menu, I decided to try the magnifier. Big mistake. GUI froze, now everytime I try to login it freezes at the login screen. I'm using 9.1000:24
datzcan anyone see me here?00:24
Daugha|nANyone familar witrh ntfsprogs?00:24
Daugha|ndatz: Yes.00:24
datzDaugha|n: thanks00:24
CAPcapso i thought ubuntu had a built in on screen keyboard, but i cant find it, how do i access it? or do i need to install one?00:25
datzCAPcap: I thought I noticed an option in the login screen under an icon at the bottom00:27
datzI know there is another way to access it too00:27
CAPcapi'll just check the manual and the help files online00:27
CAPcapbasically i just wanted to know it was actually there00:28
spridelI need to repartition my hdd, what program do you suggest?00:28
safoofdisk, cfdisk or parted00:29
datzcan someone help me with my frozen login screen?00:29
fission6http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html i am trying to follow these intstructions, i got all the way through running lvpm and it asked me to restart my machine. i did this and when i did the grub menu changed and didnt seem to have an Ubuntu options accept to boot from the Wubi install. I removed wubi from windows as the instructions described and now i am not left with any ability to but to ubuntu. I feel that i copied everything cor00:30
linxehdatz: you could try ctrl-alt-backspace (this will kill X11 and it should restart)00:30
meganerddatz: alt-f1, login, sudo service gdm restart00:30
fission6how would i edit grub to add a partition to boot from00:32
BookmanI get the following when trying to play a DVD using VLC:  Playback failure:00:33
BookmanDVDRead could not open the disc "/dev/sr0".00:33
BookmanYour input can't be opened:00:33
BookmanVLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvdsimple:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details.00:33
FloodBot3Bookman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:33
BookmanAny ideas on how to solve this?00:34
jeiworthfission6: try booting from a live cd and verify what you actually have on your partitions, if everything seems correct try reinstalling grub00:34
grkbloodhow can i add multiple m2ts files to an AVCHD folder?00:36
grkbloodcan i just throw new ones in there?00:36
fission6well this is my issue, i dont have a live cd (no burner). i installed wubi got it working, then used gparted and created a new partition and swap space. then ran lvpm to move wubi to its own parition. i then rebooted went to windows and uninstalled wubi. then i rebooted and now i can no longer get into ubuntu. i feel grub is not picking up on the new partition i moved wubi/ubuntu to?00:36
BlueSherpaIs there a way to get the Ubuntu installer to see my Areca 1230 raid controller?  I found this page saying the card is supported, but it describes configuring it after the system is running http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/en/man4/arcmsr.4freebsd.html00:38
daftykins!grub | fission600:38
ubottufission6: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.00:38
jeiworthfission6: yes, it seems like that, you can, iirc, boot into grub and manually start your ubuntu from the new partition though00:39
fission6jeiworth: would you mind walking me through how id do that breifly00:39
BookmanMaybe ubuntu cannot play back modern DVD releases anymore?00:39
syn-acksure it can00:40
jeiworthfission6: urm, yes and no, have to prepare dinner first then i can help you (wife's getting hungry) ;)00:40
blakkheimBookman: why not rip them?00:40
Bookmanblakkheim, how?00:40
syn-ackBookman: Did you install libdvdcss2?00:40
blakkheimBookman: handbrake is a good program for that00:40
fission6how do i get a linuix command prompt or enter the partition i transfered everything to using lvpm00:40
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{chmod}755fission6, You get a shell prompt when you enter a linux environment. Unless you're looking for a GRUB shell prompt.00:41
Bookmansyn-ack, how to check?  I see I have Ubuntu extras installed00:41
atealthahow can I set my laptop to type in another language? The google search resulted in instructions for 8.x and it didn't help00:42
jeiworthfission6: meanwhile, you can give this a read: http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/gnu/grub/html_chapter/grub_4.html#SEC1700:42
fission6again my issue is that i can not boot the partition after moving my wubi install over to its own partition using lvpm.00:42
syn-ackBookman: That's not gonna do it. Go to www.mediubuntu.org and read there.00:42
fission6how do i get the grub command?00:43
datzlinxeh: ctl alt backspace doesn't do anything00:43
grkbloodhow can i add multiple m2ts files to an AVCHD folder?00:43
grkbloodhelp me00:43
nefastatealtha, normally you should be able to change your keyboard language in System > Preferences > Keyboard?00:43
syn-ackBookman: I'm sorry medibuntu.org00:43
marc__hi all, I have a problem and I can't find any solution in the forums:  Everytime I try to transfert files from one computer to another on my network, Nautilus crash after 4gb. doesn't matter if I transfer from NTFS to ext or even from ext to ext partition, it always crash at 4gb.00:43
Bookmansyn-ack, yeah, tried that.  Could not figure out what I needed.00:43
atealthanefast: I added what I wanted there, but SCIM doesn't seem to change to the different layouts, it just shows USA00:44
atealthanefast: I meant the keyboard layout panel applet, not SCIM00:44
datzmeganerd: alt F1 doesn't do anythin either00:45
nefastAh, that changes some things.00:45
nefastNamely, I don't know anything about that.00:45
paissadhi all, if i would like to just rsync files whose suffix is .foo from remote host to local machine, what must i do ?00:46
atealthanefast: I just added the applet for convenience. I'd like to get this to work however00:46
trismatealtha: is this on 9.10?00:46
datzmeganerd: also "sudo service gdm restart"   restart: Unknown instance:00:46
atealthatrism: yes00:46
{chmod}755fission6, Did you get your issue straightened out?00:47
AxleI'm trying to install an FTP on my Hardy server with permissions to access the root directory of one of my websites, so that the CMS (Joomla) can automatically install extensions for the site00:47
AxleHow can I set up an FTP for this?00:47
trismatealtha: in 9.10 they are switching from SCIM to ibus, I couldn't actually get scim working correctly, but you can configure ibus by installing the input methods for your language in System/Administration/Language Support; selecting ibus as the input method and configuring ibus in System/Preferences/Ibus Preferences; then rebooting; you can start ibus with ctrl+space00:48
fission6{chmod}755: }: no, i am going to try this approach and ill be back to report my results00:49
Bookmansyn-ack, I installed libdvdcss2 and still no playback.00:49
fission6what doyou think00:49
FloodBot3fission6: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:49
atealthatrism: thanks I'll take a look00:49
{chmod}755fission6, One moment and let me look00:49
datzmeganerd: I was able to log in via ssh, but service gdm restart didn't work00:49
{chmod}755fission6, that looks good. If it doesn't work go to #linux and we'll help you there.00:49
fission6ok, cool00:49
datzcan someone help me with my fozen login screen?00:50
wwwbryanDoes anyone know why nexuiz glx has sound that hardly ever works and sdl always has sound and its very laggy for ubuntu? Other distros it works fine in.00:50
{chmod}755datz, What's up?00:50
fission6awesome! thanks so much {chmod}755, be back in a bit00:50
{chmod}755fission6, no worries00:50
Axleanyone have any ideas on how to set up FTP?00:50
datz{chmod}755: I tried the magnifier at the login screen and everything froze00:50
rascal999I've just run screen -S tty1 and would like to be able to get back to tty0 whilst keeping irssi running, how?00:50
{chmod}755datz, Did you try a reboot?00:50
datz{chmod}755: yes00:51
{chmod}755datz, What happened?00:51
datzit tries to magnify and then freezes00:51
{chmod}755So the computer is shutting down, booting up, reaches the login screen and attempts to magnify, then freezes?00:51
datzI've logged in via ssh now00:52
datzxorg is using 100% cpu00:52
Bookmansyn-ack, I'm afraid that new DVDs do not work with Ubuntu anymore.  Or at least on my system.00:52
Ferris-hey! pidgin wont start o.o and neither will amsn. they quit as soon as i try and run them. im on a wubi install. any tips?00:52
{chmod}755datz run init 1 and kill process.00:52
datz{chmod}755: kill xorg?00:53
trismrascal999: detach it with ctrl+a d, you can reattach it again later with screen -r tty100:53
{chmod}755datz, Well, when you runlevel 1 xorg won't be active anymore.00:53
DILS-VBOXAxle, http://www.wikihow.com/Set-up-an-FTP-Server-in-Ubuntu-Linux00:53
datzoh, ok let me see..00:53
palanthasFerris-, Is pigeon still running in the system monitor or is it completely shut down?00:54
palanthasFerris-, or amsn?00:54
BookmanAnyone else able to playback a recent DVD like StarTrek?00:54
datz{chmod}755: I don00:54
datzdon't know what are the exact commands?00:55
datzsudo /etc/init.d/ 1?00:55
AxleDILS-VBOX: how do I change the FTP home directory?00:55
datz{chmod}755: "sudo init 1 kill process"00:55
{chmod}755datz, One second? I'm not real familiar with this issue so I'm trying to remember what all needs to be done.00:56
blendmaster1024anyone recommend a particular guide to using ndisgtk, or will any random one off of google work fine?00:56
apipkinoh no! i can't click or alt+tab to any windows...00:56
datz{chmod}755: ok, I've tried sudo service gdm stop00:56
petsoundsBookman, try this  sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh00:56
{chmod}755datz, You have compiz installed/running?00:56
datz{chmod}755: I would assume00:57
apipkinhow do i refresh compiz ?00:57
{chmod}755datz, any success when you disable it?00:57
datz{chmod}755: not sure how would I do such?00:57
kindofabuzzhow can i get add-apt-repository functionality in ubuntu server?00:57
datz{chmod}755: I guess what I'd need to do is kill gdm and restor xorg.conf00:57
Bookmanpetsounds, nope, still not go.00:58
datzbut I can't seem to kill gdm00:58
apipkingot it :)00:58
petsoundsBookman, restart your movie player00:58
unopkindofabuzz, install the python-software-properties package00:58
Bookmanpetsounds, yup, did that00:58
kindofabuzzunop, thanks buddie00:58
blendmaster1024hmm .... i know this laptop has a broadcom 4306 card, but i can't see it in lspci. since i assume that's bad, what could be wrong?00:59
woodyjlwOn a fresh install of ubuntu suspend and wake work great but on after a few days it will finally freeze keyboard and touchpad on a wake and I have to force restart and then every other time I try to boot I get a lid argument error and and have to reset 2 to 3 times to get back into ubuntu. is a file getting corupted ?  is it something I can fix? I dont want to keep reinstalling everytime it starts doing this really bad01:00
majorjunk0i can access the information on my HDD but cant format it and the previous OS on it wont start01:00
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Bookmanpetsounds, I think the new encryptions are just too good.01:00
remuHey folks, I have a Toshiba A15 which does not support booting from USB. I took out the harddrive from this laptop for other purposes, and was wondering if there is a way in which I can boot from a CD, and then use that to boot Ubuntu off of a flashdrive?01:00
blendmaster1024lol no Bookman01:01
petsoundsBookman, can you create .iso image from the dvd?01:01
Bookmanblendmaster1024, Ok, any other explanation is welcomed.01:01
remuIs what I am looking for possible? ie. install grub on a cd, and use the flashdrive as the hard drive?01:01
blendmaster1024Bookman, broken libdvdcss.01:02
blendmaster1024of course.01:02
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ardchoille!away > palanthas{afk}01:02
ubottupalanthas{afk}, please see my private message01:02
woodyjlwam I asking my question in the wrong channel? should I ask in a hardware channel.......not sure if my problem is hardware or software related01:02
blendmaster1024remu, oh yes01:02
Bookmanblendmaster1024, but it was just freshly installed.01:02
remublendmaster1024, is there a guide you would recommend?01:03
blendmaster1024Bookman, that doesn't mean *anything*.01:03
Bookmanblendmaster1024, ok.01:03
blendmaster1024remu, nope. i just happen to know enough on my own that i wouldn't need a guide for that.01:03
Bookmanpetsounds, I have no idea how to create an iso01:03
remublendmaster1024, hmm, alright01:03
petsoundsBookman, open Brasero > Disc Copy01:04
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blendmaster1024that's badly illegal in the us, i sure hope you're nnot01:04
Bookmanpetsounds, does not see the disk01:04
* blendmaster1024 is afk (this is not an autoaway)01:05
rahdukestreaming video (divx)  is extremely slow for me, I'm using geckomedia to stream thru firefox on Ubuntu 9.10..... It seems to happen from every stream i try.  Anyone else have this issue?01:06
Bookmanpetsounds, it plays older dvds with no issues01:06
AxleDoes anyone know how to change vsftpd's home directory?01:06
majorjunk0i can access the information on my HDD but cant format it and the previous OS on it wont start, any help?01:06
ultraparadigmHi peoples!!01:07
JasonrjHello person.01:07
blendmaster1024i'm not a people i'm a dog01:07
ultraparadigmhi Jasonrj :)01:07
rahdukestreaming video (divx)  is extremely slow for me, I'm using geckomedia to stream thru firefox on Ubuntu 9.10..... It seems to happen from every stream i try.  Anyone else have this issue?01:07
klappi<--- is nobody01:07
petsoundsBookman, Brasero can't read your disc? humm. i think there's a problem with your disc or rom.01:07
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Bookmanpetsounds, yes, but older discs work just fine.01:08
ultraparadigmMy bluetooth headphones have worked beautifully untill I just got my bluetooth mouse.  Now everytime I move my mouse my audio goes out.  Anyone else have this issue running two bluetooth devices at the same time?01:08
BookmanLet me try my other computer.01:08
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rahdukeugggh streaming divx is soo slowwww what can i do to improve it?01:13
rahdukethis is ridiculous01:13
rahdukei know someone else has or is experiencing this nightmare01:14
blendmaster1024hmm .... i know this laptop has a broadcom 4306 card, but i can't see it in lspci. since i assume that's bad, what could be wrong?01:15
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nexacthello all, curiously, is there any existing tools that can be used to manage apache and all is configuration files (add/del vhost, etc) ?01:16
blendmaster1024nexact, that doesn't make sense.01:17
CodeWarusing 9.10 I m not able to span my windows across multiple monitors when using nvidia twin view01:17
woodyjlwif my laptop wakes to log in screen from suspend and I can not access my synaptics touchpad or keyboard. is there another function key that might recover use of the keyboard?  I have a bluetooth mouse and it works when touchpad and keyboard dont....01:17
rootlinuxusrnexact, webmin; but I didnt think that was recommended anymore...01:17
nexactrootlinuxusr, yea, wont use that, certainly ;)01:18
triple_xxxgot some great news here01:18
woodyjlwis there a way to have a virtual keyboard that I can use the bluetooth mouse on?01:18
triple_xxxApt-fast over apt-get  here is a video link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2hmO42s-tc&feature=fvw01:18
rahdukesomeone please comiserate with me about this divx streaming nonsense, its the slowest thing ever... how is this possible?01:19
rootlinuxusrWhich is more recommended - apt or aptitude?01:19
triple_xxxapt-fast works about 4 times as fast as apt-get works ,but I am not a computer whizze so some one needs to figure out its actual speed01:19
rahdukesomeone figure out why streaming divx is so damn slow01:20
CodeWarstill cant seem to be able to access my cdrom driver from 9.1001:20
triple_xxxthis link states 26 times faster then apt-get this seems to be all hype http://www.mattparnell.com/projects/apt-fast-and-axel-roughly-26x-faster-apt-get-installations-and-upgrades.html01:20
triple_xxxapt-fast uses axel which is a download acclerator I downloaded seamonkey the package for openoffice with apt-fast in about 11 to 12 seconds01:22
triple_xxxwith apt-get I got seamonkeys downloaded in about 48 seconds01:22
unoprootlinuxusr,  apt is the library/platform.  aptitude is just one of many tools that uses apt as a backend.  maybe you were referring to apt-get there?01:22
datzyHi, my login screen freezes whenever I get to it, I've managed to log in via ssh and stop gdm, now, how do I restor my xorg.conf.  It is the mangnifier that freezes the login screen, so I need to find a way for it to stop from trying to load when I start01:22
triple_xxxrww: give apt-fast a try it really is faster at downloads then apt-get01:23
ultraparadigmWell Datzy, it's obviousely a configuration you have to change, but in the mean time, you can change the name of the process so that Xorg can't find the magnifier program, that way you can log in for now01:24
triple_xxxDr_Willis: give apt-fast a try you will like it it runs great01:24
CodeWarwhat is the right way to find out what device my cdrom drive is on in my system01:24
phong_hello guys01:24
moorecan anyone lend a hand on gnome-do?01:25
datzyultraparadigm: How would I go about doing this?01:26
sabgentonI have  a bad interfaces file which is casuing ubuntu not to start (even in recovery mode)01:26
ultraparadigmDatzy, When the OS starts up, if you can't log into to X, then press CTRL-ALT-F1 to swich to a regular TTY01:26
sabgentonis there some key I can press on start up to tell it to ask me if it should load stuff?01:27
ultraparadigmThen find the magnifier program.  (do you know where it is)  After you find it rename it to something like gdm_old01:28
petsoundsmoore, what's your question?01:28
ultraparadigmrename gdm gdm_old    --- Then restart01:28
moorei'm just trying to figure-out where gnome-do hides its cache...01:28
datzyultraparadigm: I see01:29
moorei changed a bunch of icons, but gnome-do doesn't recognize it.01:29
ultraparadigmor rather "sudo gdm gdm_old"  Provided that gdm is the name of the executable.   I don't know where it is though, you will have to find it01:29
paulmercan someone give me a 30 second crashcourse on ubuntu/debian?01:29
paulmerwhat's the command to install stuff01:29
paulmerI keep doing pkg_add, I'm too used to freebsd lolz.01:29
datzyultraparadigm: ok01:29
NanoGuyyes thats it01:29
daftykinssudo apt-cache search x; sudo apt-get install x;01:30
paulmerthanks :D01:30
datzyultraparadigm: it will be in /usr/bin?01:30
bmatthewhello guys01:30
paulmerI've had to boot to a livecd to rescue this brand new ubuntu install...01:30
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)01:30
paulmerAfter updating the system it won't reboot01:30
paulmergrub is messed up01:30
paulmerepic lame.01:30
paulmer<3 chroot01:30
paulmerGonna blow grub away and install lilo :)01:30
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:31
luiX_hi all01:32
paulmerFreenode splits so much01:32
paulmerand gets attacked so much01:32
luiX_can anyone help about preseeding?01:32
paulmer#ubuntu should b e on efnet ;D01:32
luiX_I'm getting an error related to PPPoE and I haven't preseeded anything about that, any idea?01:32
sabgentondoe's anyone know the way to make ubutun ask you about each service as it starts up?01:34
sabgentonused to be a shortcut01:34
Dr_WillisHmm, i dont recall ever seeing that feature sabgenton  You mean like 'Do you want to start ssh? (y/n)'01:35
Dr_Willisnerer seen that01:36
sabgentonyou don't rember seeing it in ubuuntu?01:36
NotTooSmartwondering if http://pastebin.com/m3e73cdbc would be typical results for a udma5 hard-drive ?01:36
sabgentonI know I seen it in other distros01:36
syn-ackssh server is not included as part of the default ubuntu install01:36
syn-ackwhich is why you don't see that question like you do in other distros.01:37
sabgentonDr_Willis: ok well failling that what do I add  at the end of a boot line to enter single user mode01:37
tpintohello guys. i've had an ubuntu installation on a pentium 4 server and now i want to move the disk (and the very same installation) to a pentium 3 server. so i'm changing all the hardware minus the disk itself. is this possible? what do i need to do in order to accomplish this? (i'm a pretty advanced user)01:37
Dr_Willisthat would be 'single' :)01:37
tpintothanks in advance :)01:37
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sabgentonsyn-ack: yeah but it wasn't just for ssh01:37
sabgentonit was for all services starting up01:38
Dr_Willistpinto:  it should work.01:38
NotTooSmarttpinto, just swap the drive, it will keep working01:38
sabgentonask for each step by step01:38
NotTooSmartwondering if http://pastebin.com/m3e73cdbc would be typical results for a udma5 hard-drive ?01:38
Dr_Willissabgenton:  not a feature of ubuntu that ive ever seen01:38
sabgentonI think it was i01:38
tpintook, many thanks :)01:38
sabgentonfor interactive01:38
sabgentonmaybe that was gentoo01:38
sabgentonI thougtht redhat had something too01:38
tpintoso it seems the problem i'm getting is nothing related to the change01:38
sabgentonsyn-ack: I'lll try single anyhoo01:39
tpintoi'm getting a "init: upstart-udev-bridge main process killed by SEGV signal" on boot01:39
tpintoany thoughts?01:39
paulmerwtf, ubuntu is weird. Why are the UUID's in my fstab01:40
paulmerand not typical device entries01:40
blakkheimpaulmer: you answered your own question01:40
NotTooSmartpaulmer, change them for /dev/device ......01:40
paulmerblakkheim, device entries as in /dev/sdx01:41
paulmeror hdx01:41
blakkheimpaulmer: i know what you meant01:41
paulmerI'ven ever seen UUID before01:41
paulmerin an fstab01:41
NotTooSmartuuid causes problems for me01:41
deltaray_I'm running 9.10 and am trying to recover my grub setup using this howto (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows), but I'm running into issues.01:41
Dr_Willisusing UUID's is not weird. many disrtos are using them in fstab now01:41
blakkheimpaulmer: what i was saying is that the reason was in your question, "ubuntu is weird"01:41
alankilapaulmer: it's a fixed way to refer to a particular filesystem no matter what device node it gets mapped to01:41
deltaray_What do I need to do from a 9.10 CD to load grub2 back to the MBR?01:41
paulmeralankila, yeah. But device nodes rarely get swapped around01:42
majorjunk0why cant the partitioner in the ubuntu installer find the ex4 partition i created on my HD?01:42
Dr_Willisdeltaray_:  you could chroot into the installed system. and use update-grub or use update-grub with the proper options to tell it where to install to.01:42
deltaray_Dr_Willis: Thanks. I tried running update-grub from a chroot and that didn't reinstall grub on the MBR.  It did seem to complete without error though01:43
syn-ackThe reason for using a UUID is so that it doesnt matter where the disk is placed on the device tree, the system still knows where to boot and mount from01:43
alankilapaulmer: I bet it's fallout from the hda/sda switch which happened couple of versions ago, actually.01:43
deltaray_Dr_Willis: or if it did install grub, I can't see it on boot.01:43
deltaray_grub2 is new to me.01:43
syn-ackthat was to you, paulmer01:43
Dr_Willisseems rather clear on the command. :)01:43
stealyourfacecd mrxvt01:44
paulmersyn-ack, a smart solution indeed..01:44
paulmerespecially for those of us who have finicky machines01:44
paulmerthat like to swap them around01:44
NotTooSmartwondering if http://pastebin.com/m3e73cdbc would be typical results for a udma5 hard-drive ?01:44
paulmerWhere do you lookup the UUID for a partition?01:44
syn-ackpaulmer: is it's not that weird afterall.01:44
deltaray_Dr_Willis: yeah, I tried using that sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/root /dev/sda and that's what I'm saying completed without error, but that didn't work.01:45
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)01:45
deltaray_I also tried grub-update01:45
alankilaNotTooSmart: the data transfer rates are lowish. I have UDMA 6 and measure 77 MB/s... I don't know what the UDMA5 rate was, don't remember it any more01:45
Dr_Willisdeltaray_:  cry chrooting into the installed system and using the update-grub command perhaps01:45
alankilathe cached reads test is irrelevant, it's a memory-to-memory kind of test. That also indicates that you have a low-end system, though01:45
NotTooSmartalankila, udma5 is supposed to be 100mb/sec and im getting like 46, I know it wont be 100, but less than half?01:46
deltaray_Dr_Willis: When I try that, it says01:46
Dr_Willisdeltaray_:   You only have the 1 hard drive?01:46
deltaray_"Cannot find list of partitions!"01:46
sabgentonok I knowtcie recovery mode option  is just puting single at the end01:46
Dr_Willisdeltaray_:  thers some extra commands you have to do befor you chroot01:46
sabgentonso fat lot of difference me entering it myself01:46
deltaray_Dr_Willis: I have 2 hard drives, /dev/sda1 has Linux on it, there is also a swap part ont hat drive, then /dev/sdb1 has Windows XP01:46
Dr_Willisdeltaray_:   be sure the bios isent accidently booting the other hd.01:47
gizmobayAnyway to clear the last command in history without clearing the whole history? Going to rar a directory with pass via CLI01:47
NotTooSmartalankila, disregard01:47
alankilaNotTooSmart: yes... overheads, perhaps a low speed of CPU harming it ... Not sure01:47
deltaray_Dr_Willis: Ok, I didn't do the bind /sys partition, forgot about that one.01:47
Dr_Willishttp://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide has some commands i always do befor i chroot..  see commands 1-601:47
NotTooSmartalankila, my other drive is getting 66 or so, so atleast I know its working01:47
OldParrwhere does ubuntu saves the packages installed with aptitude ?01:48
alankilaNotTooSmart: you can use -i flag to check which UDMA mode is actually being used01:48
alankilaNotTooSmart: the active mode is marked by *01:48
NotTooSmartalankila, well, I think I have a kernel bug, so I had to force 80 wire detection, now udma5 is selected, before it was udma201:48
deltaray_Dr_Willis: Thanks, that worked, but does that install grub to the MBR?  It doesn't really say.01:49
Dr_Willisdeltaray_:  you did tell it to install to sda and not sda1 ?01:49
NotTooSmartalankila, now dmesg | grep ata says they are both configured for udma/10001:49
Dr_Willissda = the mbr of the drive.. sda1 = the boot record of the partition01:49
deltaray_Ok, looks like it did after checking with dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 | strings01:49
alankilaNotTooSmart: ah. Okay. Or maybe you have cd-rom on the same ide channel, that commonly forces to udma201:49
deltaray_Grub shows up in that output.01:49
NotTooSmartalankila, no sir, I have no cd-rom drives on this machine01:50
deltaray_Dr_Willis: Yes, I did say sda01:50
deltaray_I'm actually not new to Linux at all, just new to grub2.01:50
deltaray_Ok, well I'll try rebooting now and see what happens.01:51
NotTooSmartalankila, im guessing since im getting over 33mb/sec that the force 80 wire detection did work.01:51
alankilaNotTooSmart: yes, I guess.01:52
=== EvilPenguin| is now known as EvilPenguin|iMac
* Daugha|n chuckles.01:54
Santisnightjesus do you know how annoying that registering system is?!01:54
* Dr_Willis hasent noticed..01:55
Santisnightdumb thing never sent a confirmation email so i had to change my name and use a spare email.01:55
ballsacwhy ubuntu dosent work!?01:56
sutabianyone here use Wubi? I powered down my windows badly and now my wubi install wont boot, is there a way i can access the home/user pull crap before I reinstall?01:56
Daugha|nMine does?01:56
Dr_Willisballsac:  given the details youve supplied.. it must be due to gremlins..01:56
keepsakeAfter some updates, the desktop won't show up and window decorator isn't there after a restart/log-out-log-in. Any ideas what could be causing this?01:56
SantisnightI have an issue whenever i move my mouse, i get a chirping, like a cricket chirp, from my speakers. any idea how to fix this?01:56
OldParrwhere does ubuntu saves the packages installed with aptitude ?01:57
Dr_Willissutabi:  i think the wubi stuff is all stored in a single filesystem in a file. that you could mount from a live cd to  copy things from. but ive no idea what the file name is or where its at01:57
Ferris-how do i grow my wubi install? can i?01:57
Dr_WillisOldParr:  you mean the actual deb packages? /var/cache/apt I think01:58
Daugha|nHey, Dr_Willis01:58
sutabiDr_Willis, I figured ~_~ thanks01:58
Axledoes anyone here know anything about joomla with ubuntu?01:59
OldParrDr_Willis: does aptitude saves packages to disk by default or do you have to configure it to do it?01:59
Dr_WillisOldParr:  it works the same as apt-get does. saves them to the cache01:59
Dr_Williswouldent make much sence for it to not work that way01:59
OldParrDr_Willis: by default, it does it?01:59
Dr_WillisOldParr:  you mean the actual deb packages? /var/cache/apt I think02:00
Dr_Willisyes it should as far as i know.02:00
Dr_Willisits just another front end to the package manager system02:00
sabgentonoh dam i tryed to get in from another disto dual boot02:00
fission6why does ubuntu still show up under my windows parition boot after i uninstalle dit02:00
sabgentonbut it's old and doesn't have ext402:00
sabgentoncurse ext4!02:00
sabgentonwhats it good for anyway02:01
OldParrDr_Willis: yes there are the packages, thanks02:01
Dr_Willissabgenton:  moar speed02:01
sabgentonoh ok well thats allways nice02:01
=== Ferris- is now known as Ferris`away
sabgentonexecpt older os's cant read it :(02:01
sabgentonsabgenton gos to make boot usb02:02
keepsakeAfter some updates, the desktop won't show up and window decorator isn't there after a restart/log-out-log-in. Any ideas what could be causing this?02:02
sabgentonany other ideas anyone?02:02
sabgentonto recap I stuffed up /etc/network/interfaces and now ubutntu won't boot02:03
daftykinskeepsake: do you get X at all, or nothing graphical? only TTYs?02:03
sabgentonhow do I stop it loading the network and haulting the boot up02:03
daftykinssabgenton: can you pastebin your current 'interfaces' ?02:03
sabgentonno because I can't boot!02:04
daftykinsmount from livecd?02:04
sabgentonIf  i could I would wipe em so it would boot02:04
daftykinswhere are ou typing from now?02:04
sabgentondon't have a cd right now02:04
* sabgenton goes to get all the nessicarrys02:04
fission6FireCrotch: are you around02:04
Dr_WillisI would think  the single rescue mode would still boot..  Ive never seen a system not boot because of the network02:04
keepsakedaftykins: I get panels and background image02:05
sabgentondaftykins: still I can't remmber stuffing networking on other distros and having then not even boot02:05
keepsakedaftykins: In fact I can run a terminal using a panel and do compiz --replace and get my things back. Desktop stays invisible though.02:05
daftykinskeepsake: have you tried creating a new user and logging in as that to test, to see if it's something in your home folder?02:05
keepsakedaftykins: Will do.02:05
Daugha|nDr_Willis: It will if the bios is set for lanboot.02:06
sabgentonoh yay I have netbook karmic on usb02:06
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=== s74n70 is now known as Stanto
paulmerWhy doens02:07
Daugha|nlanboot exclusively, I shoujd say. Ran across that the other week.02:07
paulmer't the ubuntu livecd come with sshd02:07
Dr_Willispaulmer:  the live cd dosent come with a lot of things.. due to space limitions02:08
ardchoilleDr_Willis: I foresee them switching ti livedvd in the not so distant future02:09
Dr_Willisardchoille:  i will be suprised when they do that.02:09
ardchoilleI think kubuntu is already doing that in the next release or so02:10
Dr_WillisI think they need to get rid of wubi also. :)02:10
triple_xxxSo anyone look at apt-fast?????02:10
morphiassup guys; im curious - how do i determine which log to find when the system goes unresponsive other than ability to switch workspaces?  everything else locked up.02:10
morphiasusing ubuntu 9.10, x6402:10
triple_xxxwell have fun with apt-get slow I'm using apt-fast goodbye02:11
paulmerFatal: Trying to map files from unnamed device 0x0011 (NFS/RAID mirror down ?)02:12
paulmerhmmmm, chrooted in to my ubuntu netbook, removed grub and installed lilo.02:13
N1XF0RC3i have probelm in apt-get build-dep ruby missing source .list02:13
paulmerlilconfig didn't want to play nice with the UUIDs in /etc/fstab so I replaced them with traditional addresses..still wouldn't work02:13
morphiascan someone help me determine the cause of a system lockup? (ubuntu 9.10, x64)02:13
paulmerwrote up a config and now it's telling me this:02:13
paulmerFatal: Trying to map files from unnamed device 0x0011 (NFS/RAID mirror down ?)02:13
Daugha|nmorphias: Try /var/log02:13
hajmolai have a cox cable connection. My desktop auto-eth0 connects just fine but when I plug the ethernet cable into my laptop it does not. Why is that?02:14
morphiasDaugha|n, any specific log file i should look into?02:14
N1XF0RC3"apt-get build-dep ruby" [missing sources .list]02:14
Daugha|nmorphias: Can try syslog, but, I didnt have one in mind, just pointing you in a directio to start looking.02:15
paulmerNevermind, I am daft - I didn't bind /dev to /mnt/ubuntu/dev02:15
jeffreyfhajmola, are you using a router or direct to the broadband modem?02:15
morphiasokay thanks Daugha|n ..02:15
keepsakedaftykins: I tried, and it is something in my home folder (a test user account worked fine).02:15
hajmolajeffreyf, direct to the modem... i just moved and i don't have a router yet02:16
N1XF0RC3Daughln  could u help02:16
OldParris normal that firestarter crashes in ubuntu 9.04 ?02:16
OldParris normal that pidgin crashes when conecting to msn protocol in ubuntu 9.04 ?02:17
jeffreyfhajmola...You may need to reset the router between connections (power it down and switch computers on the wire).  As the DHCP server has already registered the computer you HAD connected...OR if you wait a few minutes between disconnect and connecting the other system, that may work also....02:17
hajmolajeffreyf, that makes sense, thanks. It's a battery powered modem so should I pull the battery out too or press the reset button on back?02:18
AxleHow do I find out what group is running apache?02:19
jeffreyfhajmola...a reset should do...02:19
hajmolajeffreyf, thanks a lot, I'll give that a try02:20
syn-ackAxle: it should be running in "apache" though man group02:20
Axlesyn-ack, so if I wanted to add a user to the same group that's running apache, what command would I use?02:20
JPSmanI am looking to backup my mothers window partition and am using a live CD of 9.04.  Disk Usage Analyzer (you know, the sexy pie chart tool) says there is only 18 gigs used, yet the system monitor says there are 88 gigs being use.  What creates this discrepancy and which should I trust?02:20
FlannelAxle: sudo adduser username www-data02:21
Flannelsyn-ack: apache runs as www-data:www-data02:21
syn-ackFlannel: good to know... I havent run it in a while obviously02:22
morphiasDaugha|n, hmm... syslog shows a ntupdate / time server exchange around the time when my laptop kinda froze up... but there isn't like an obvious "error" message.02:22
Dracofodderhow do I backout my current version of flash plugin to something earlier... Synaptic shows but its been giving me some odd problems and I wanted to try an earlier version.02:22
keepsakeSomething in my home folder is preventing window decorators and the desktop to start properly; what could the culprit be?02:22
Daugha|nmorphias: I dunno. I was just giving you a place to look for logs. I'm a newb.02:23
morphiasah. well you helped. im checking Xorg and Compiz logs (might be an intel thing?)02:23
solexiousI have managed to remove the recycle bin icon from the lower right panel, how can i get it back?02:26
Axlehow do I change what group owns a directory?02:26
tawdsolexious, right click the panel, go to add to panel and search for trash02:26
unopAxle,  chgrp02:26
unopAxle, chmod too02:27
solexioustawd: its not listed :s02:27
zonylHi All.  I have a system with a ATI Radeon 2600 for a while that has all sorts of issues with video.  Basically I want to redo the drivers etc.  What is the recommended driver approach for a XBMC computer with a Radeon nowadays?02:27
syn-ackchown, not chmod02:27
tawdsolexious :( uhh...02:27
Axleand if I do chgrp -R02:27
Axleit will change everything02:27
OldParrfirestarter launches the following error: unable to execute /usr/sbin/firestarter as root user. it is not possible to copy the user's Xauthorization file02:27
daftykinskeepsake: ah cool, if compiz is acting funny i might be tempted to move .compiz and the .gnome folders in /home to backups02:28
keepsakedaftykins: Afterwards, would logout/login test to see if things were fixed?02:28
morphiasgah.  is it just me or does intel drivers actually have a regression issue?02:28
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.02:28
unopAxle, depends, everything under a directory and all it's subdirectories, etc02:28
* morphias goes to find an intel linux driver channel02:28
JPSmanI am looking to backup my mothers window partition and am using a live CD of 9.04.  Disk Usage Analyzer (you know, the sexy pie chart tool) says there is only 18 gigs used, yet the system monitor says there are 88 gigs being use.  What creates this discrepancy and which should I trust?02:28
mithridateshey guys02:28
daftykinskeepsake: yeah should be that simple02:29
keepsakedaftykins: Testing02:29
{chmod}755!hi | mithridates02:29
ubottumithridates: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:29
mithridateswhat's the best screen recorder in ubuntu? I wanna capture the screen of a virtual machine (vbox)02:29
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.02:29
JPSmanmithridates - gtkRecordMyDesktop02:29
mithridatesJPSman: tnx man02:30
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.02:30
JPSmanmithridates - np02:30
keepsakedaftykins: No dice, still no desktop/window-decorator.02:30
raymond__hello??? first time here.02:30
keepsakedaftykins: Should I try moving .gconf too?02:30
daftykinskeepsake: all .compiz .gconf and .gnome / .gnome2 related jazz ja?02:31
keepsakedaftykins: I'll test that02:31
JPSmanso which hard drive tool should I trust for size, Disk Usage Analyzer or System Monitor ?02:31
OldParrfirestarter launches the following error: unable to execute /usr/sbin/firestarter as root user. it is not possible to copy the user's Xauthorization file02:31
nintendude794I'm trying to figure out how to use this IRC stuff in Empathy, forgive me. :D02:33
keepsakedaftykins: Hmm, that reset my desktop/panels, but didn't fix the desktop or window-decorators02:33
N1XF0RC3how to add source for "build-dep ruby"02:33
fission6i am having trouble after using lvpm and wubi. it seems like grub never added ubuntu to a boot menu, how do i properly add a boot option for a partition on /dev/sda5 for ubuntu 9.1002:33
OldParrfirestarter launches the following error: unable to execute /usr/sbin/firestarter as root user. it is not possible to copy the user's Xauthorization file02:33
maXTCi'm trying to figure out hows this irc stuff in terminal ^^02:34
daftykinskeepsake: ah, hmm not sure then i'm afraid02:35
brian__hows it going?02:35
ultraparadigmHalp!  My bluetooth mouse is canceling out my bluetooth headphones!02:35
keepsakedaftykins: Hmm, this is strange. There are no other folders that could be doing this?02:35
brian__does anyone know much about kubuntu and composting?02:35
ultraparadigmThey are both detected and connecting but when I move my mouse the audio cuts out02:36
{chmod}755!ask | brian__02:36
ubottubrian__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:36
ardchoillebrian__: You need to askin #kubuntu02:36
daftykinskeepsake: umm if you could pastebin a listing of "la -a ~/" i could have a glance over but i'm not sure02:36
infidin ubuntu/gvim everytime i mouse over a gvim window my mouse cursor disappears, which makes it impossible to highlight text accurately, etc. any idea how to fix this?02:36
Viper1432keepsake,  are you using CSSM to manage compiz?  If so, do you have the "window decorator' option checked or not?02:36
olympushow do you force a 32bit app to install on a 64 bit sys?02:36
brian__ok then, sorry to annoy. i've got composting working beautifully with compiz fusion in 9.10 but when i reboot it gets suspended. i would like to prevent that02:36
nintendude794how can I install Netbook Remix's overlay in the Desktop Edition?  You know, that thing that primarily organizes all the applications in Netbook Remixe02:36
keepsakeViper1432: It's enabled. I'm more worried about the desktop not showing up though02:36
jeffreyfultraparadigm  How close are you to the computer02:37
ultraparadigmJeffreyf,  Very close, it's a laptop02:37
Viper1432keepsake,  what exactly do you mean by "desktop not showing up"?02:37
ardchoillebrian__: I'm sure the folks in #kubuntu can help as that is the official channel for kubuntu02:37
brian__thank you. sorry to bother02:37
taofdI'm using ssh to connect to a box, how do I attach it to one of the local terms? This way when i log off it will continue running?02:37
brian__have a nice day02:37
jeffreyfultraparadigm, are there wireless phones or cell phones within close proximity of your computer02:37
keepsakeViper1432: I see my desktop image, but icons don't show up and right-click doesn't do anything.02:38
ultraparadigmJeffreyf,  Yes, we have wifi, cell phones and cordless phones.02:38
jeffreyfultraparadigm, how close?02:38
petsoundsnintendude794,           sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook-remix          and then reboot.02:38
Viper1432have you checked gconf-editor > apps> nautilus >preferences> "show desktop"  ??02:39
Viper1432that was for keepsake02:39
ultraparadigmMy router is about 4 feet away, celll phone about 4 ft, my wife cell is about 10 feet away02:39
TanthrixI know this isn't stricly an ubuntu issue, but does anyone know how to speed up smb share traversal? I've got two linux systems here, one Arch linux, one Ubuntu 9.10. ln -R of the same file shre takes 1/4 second on the Arch system, and 6 seconds on Ubuntu.02:39
keepsakeViper1432: That's checked.02:40
* matelot for Screenlet, what does it mean "traet as widget" ?02:40
jonaskoelkerHi all.  I just installed the ttf-incosolata package, then when I do "xterm -fn '-*-inconsolata-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'" I get told "term: cannot load font -*-inconsolata-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*".  Why?  How can I have my xterm use the Inconsolata font?02:40
keepsakedaftykins: Here's the command (I ls'd instead of la): http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d70f0c88002:40
Dr_WillisTanthrix:  the ubuntu smb.conf file has some examples/notes in the comments as to some options to sue to speed it up02:40
jeffreyfultraparadigm  Do the bluetooth devices behave out of the room?02:40
Dr_WillisTanthrix:  for a linux to linux - nfs may be MUCH faster then samba02:40
TanthrixDr_Willis: I'll have a look, thanks. This is windows to linux though, so I'm stuck with smb02:41
keepsakeViper1432, daftykins: If it helps, here's some context: I updated to karmic a couple of days ago, and until yesterday, everything worked perfectly. After an update (it seems) things started to go broken.02:41
TanthrixDr_Willis: And when I set it up, I actually copied the smb.conf over from my old system, so maybe there are some new things I ought to enable since this is a newer version of smb.02:41
ultraparadigmMy headphones usually work upto about 10 feet, if I go to the bathroom I can still hear music until I get behind the wall, I can't really tell if the mouse works outside the room though :-/02:41
Viper1432keepsake,  I had major issues with a karmic "upgrade" as well.  My solution?  do a clean install but keep the /home directory.02:41
Viper1432all my "issues" went away.02:41
keepsakeViper1432: Was it a distro update for you or just regular software updates?02:42
jeffreyfultraparadigm, please prefix my handle on your reply so I can pick it out of the rest of the "noise"02:42
ultraparadigmjeffreyf,  sure02:42
bigdavjokerWhere do I get more informaion on a package that fails install in synaptic Package manager because of dependcys?  I'm trying to install Openbve02:42
ultraparadigmjeffreyf,  My headphones usually work upto about 10 feet, if I go to the bathroom I can still hear music until I get behind the wall, I can't really tell if the mouse works outside the room though :-/02:42
Viper1432keepsake,  I started having problems after a distro update, and it got worse with updates.  The clean install (keeping /home) resolved everything.02:42
jeffreyfultraparadigm, if you take the laptop, mouse and headphones out of the room, do they behave02:43
jonaskoelkerbigdavjoker: try installing it with apt-get02:43
keepsakeViper1432: I'm guessing that involves downloading the disc now >>02:43
jonaskoelkerbigdavjoker: open a terminal, sudo apt-get install <package name>02:43
ultraparadigmjeffreyf,   oh I see lol, let me try down the hall02:43
daftykinskeepsake: you got many packages in /var/cache/apt/archives to indicate those most recent updates?02:43
keepsakedaftykins: Tons02:44
bigdavjokerjonaskoelker, I get the same meesage  unresovlable dependicies  but when I look up the package it says it is in universe02:44
Viper1432keepsake,  do you remember what update apparently started to cause the issues?  points to daftykins  comment.02:44
bigdavjokerjonaskoelker,   libtaoframework is one of them02:44
keepsakeViper1432, daftykins: I have at least a ton of files in here, I'll pastebin what I have.02:44
jonaskoelkerbigdavjoker: might it be only of the "wrong" versions?02:44
daftykinskeepsake: ah tbh i think i'm too newb to deduce any further! distro updates scare me so i may be tempted to give in to reinstalling like Viper1432 says :S02:45
melwtech35where can i get some expert advice on a BootChart :>?02:45
daftykinskeepsake: i might tar everything in ~/ myself and add back only the configs for apps you need if you test it as working02:45
ultraparadigmjeffreyf, I'm out in the hall way, and they don't seem to improve any.  I can still hear the headphones fine untill I move the mouse02:45
keepsakedaftykins: Haha, thanks anyway, I'll see if I can figure something out. It's weird that a secondary account works though.02:45
TanthrixDr_Willis: I should clarify that when I said smb share, I meant a windows share I had cifs mounted. Would doing anything to my smb.conf actually affect this?02:45
keepsakedaftykins: Would ubuntu boot with everything in ~ tar'd?02:46
daftykinskeepsake: yeah makes it sound like it must be configs :S good luck :)02:46
bigdavjokerjonaskoelker,   I see what you mean now one is looking for an earlier version the other just says can not be installed02:46
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daftykinskeepsake: two ways to find out :) pretty sure booting'd be fine, maybe not logging in with X02:46
jeffreyfultraparadigm I was attempting to see if you had interference from other electronics....02:47
ultraparadigmjeffreyf, do you think it's that they are forced to use the same channel?02:47
jeffreyfultraparadigm...give me a moment02:47
keepsakedaftykins: Hmm, is there a way to check what files are read/loaded on log-in?02:47
daftykinskeepsake: not sure i'm afraid02:47
jonaskoelkerbigdavjoker: it seems like a bug to me---I'd want packages to have their dependencies met by only other packages from the same release02:47
jonaskoelkerbigdavjoker: ... and I think it's in the ubuntu policy manual (if it has one)---if not, then the debian policy manual02:47
meganerdTanthrix: the smb.conf is for smb/cifs shares that it is controlling, it has no effect on cifs shares that you are a client for02:47
ultraparadigmjeffreyf, I'm going to disconnect the mouse now that i'm outside and reconnect it02:48
thasphttp://www.dpaste.com/146720 <---- what about this xorg.conf file could be stopping my keyboard and mouse from working when I start gnome?02:48
sherl0ckif you have a macbook, please contact me02:48
Dr_WillisTanthrix:  i dont think anything in smb.conf would affect teh speeds of a windows -> linux samba transfer02:48
jeffreyfultraparadigm.  what model headphones?02:48
Tanthrixmeganerd: That's what I figured. So that means, speeding up cifs mounts will need to be done elsewhere.02:48
thaspi miss my input devices02:48
TanthrixIt's just so strange - I've got the same share mounted on both this old arch system, and my new ubuntu system. Side by side, it takes a half second to list all the files on the old arch system, and 6 seconds for Ubuntu.02:49
bigdavjokerjonaskoelker, Yeah I was a bit confused I thought if it was in the list that was the point that it should be able to get whatever it depened on I found one other forum a couple people were having the same problem but not responses   thanks for the help02:49
RandomUsr_installed ubuntu 9.10 on an old setup with a Netgear 802.11g card. LSPCI lists the card as gammagraphx or missing ID or some junk, best way to install the driver and make it work?02:49
jonaskoelkerbigdavjoker: yw02:49
ultraparadigmJeffreyf, Motorola's, don't know model number or name, but they are  one solid piece that fits around the head, quite uncomfortable too02:49
{chmod}755-kloeri- [Global Notice] Hi all. As you might be aware the spam attacks have picked up again. Please don't click the URLs in the spam messages as you'll be contributing to the problem and most likely immediately klined if you do so. We encourage channel operators to use +R or +r to keep out the spam as needed. For more information see http://blog.freenode.net/2010/01/javascript-spam/. Thank you for using freenode.02:50
meganerdTanthrix: correct.  chances the problem is your network or disk IO02:50
jeffreyfultraparadigm  ht series?02:50
melwtech35can someone have a look at this bootchart and let me know what i can do to speed up boot time? http://imagebin.org/8043002:50
jeffreyfultraparadigm with hands free mic?02:50
sabgentonshould my hostapd config be in /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf02:51
meganerdmelwtech35: what are you trying to do other than make booting faster?  I have never understood this desire.  I wouold wait 5 minutes for boot if it meant a more stable system02:51
sabgentonit doesn't seem to take there02:51
RandomUsr_anyone here have netgear w311?02:52
{chmod}755meganerd, I completely, whole-heartedly concur.02:52
sabgentonwith /etc/init.d/hostapd start02:52
Dr_Willis5 min boot time for a 5 week+ uptime.. :)02:52
Tanthrixmeganerd: I don't know if that's the case, since I can copy to both of these systems at the exact same rate.02:52
melwtech35meganerd, not to make it unstable but perhaps trim some of the unnecessary stuff ubuntu has? its a laptop so fast shutdown and start up is necessary02:52
meganerdTanthrix: so what is slow?  I just got back so I missed most of the background02:52
error404notfoundwhere does google chromium (browser) store its prefs?02:53
ultraparadigmjeffreyf, it's a Motorokr S9 Bluetooth Stereo Headset02:53
Tanthrixmeganerd: No problem. What is slow is the file traversal. It takes a half second to ls -R 3000 files on this samba share on my old system, and 6-7 seconds on my new system.02:53
meganerdmelwtech35: my primary system is a laptop, 9.10 is faster than 9.04, I am not sure how fast I could get it to go02:53
ahabman3On Ubuntu using Dust theme, it seems like there is only 1px to grab onto at the window edge. Anyone else notice this? Any remidies out there?02:53
ultraparadigmjefferyf, yes it has a mic in it too02:53
melwtech35meganerd, current boot time says 1 minute, thats a lot, i guess i shoulda gone with gentoo02:54
meganerdTanthrix: check /var/log/samba on the server, it keeps per host data there02:54
ultraparadigmjefferyf, but I can use the mic with a stereo profile02:54
meganerdmelwtech35: the best thing you could do is install an Intel SSD02:54
tawdhow do i use ATI drivers?02:54
ultraparadigmjeffreyf, but I can use the mic with a stereo profile02:54
ultraparadigmjeffreyf, opps, I mean I can't* use the mic with a stereo profile02:55
melwtech35meganerd, theres no "remove all junk" option for ubuntu desktop im guessing :(02:55
tawdlspci | grep VGA02:55
tawd01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS482 [Radeon Xpress 200M]02:55
tawdATI driver for that02:55
Tanthrixmeganerd: Nothing in there looks different or out of place. Would a cifs mounted share log to there anyway?02:55
Tanthrixmeganerd: My issues are purely with traversing a windows share across the network, not traversing a samba share from my windows machine.02:55
graphit3hello all02:56
melwtech35meganerd, can i uninstall this pulseaudio ?02:56
keepsakedaftykins, Viper1432: Thanks for your help, I've managed to stumble upon the solution: rename as many hidden folder as I can =D I've lost all of my settings but at least it works now.02:56
meganerdmelwtech35: yes, but I doubt it has any effect on boot time02:56
daftykinskeepsake: cool :)02:57
melwtech35meganerd, so ubuntu installs Alsa and PulseAudio ? is there a need for both? or is it safe to remove02:57
keepsakedaftykins: Although, I have to say, this will be a bit tedious, restoring this many settings =P02:57
Viper1432keepsake,  sorry was afk there for r/l, but glad you figured it out! :)02:57
keepsakeViper1432: Thanks =D02:58
meganerdmelwtech35: pulse runs on top of alsa, it makes it easier to connect various audio apps02:58
Mmmbeerwhat's the best wifi app to use with a netbook and linux? I use wpa2? thanks02:58
Viper1432melwtech35,  pulse DEPENDS upon alsa.  If it works...don't futz with it.  lol02:58
{chmod}755Coffee anyone?02:58
melwtech35this isn't a media PC though i dont use sound and that really02:58
meganerdmelwtech35: this is actually a complex question, I would leave it alone unless you really know what you are doing02:58
meganerdgotta run again, beback later.02:59
binMonkeyno one is active in #xubuntu.  if i can't edit menu.lst, how can i fix the xubuntu shutdown problem in 9.10?02:59
melwtech35well ill just blow it away and if it doesnt work ill fix it02:59
dukzhi guys, im trying to download a package, and im checking the arch. Is x86_64 = amd64?02:59
zirodaybinMonkey: edit /etc/default/grub.cfg?02:59
{chmod}755dukz, yes02:59
zirodaydukz: yes02:59
dukzthanks :)02:59
{chmod}755dukz, no worries02:59
binMonkeyziroday: just add the force line somewhere at the bottom?03:00
eltumeHow do you evoke the firefox profilemanager ?? I tried this link: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_Manager#Linux.03:00
yxz97why is the latest version of firefox 3.5 but ubuntu repo is 3.0 ?03:00
zirodaybinMonkey: I'm confused as to what you are trying to do03:00
ultraparadigmjeffreyf, did you get my last reply?03:00
keepsakeyxz97: The repo is 3.5, I'm pretty sure03:00
yxz97I want the 3.5 how can I get it with apt-get ?03:00
zirodayyxz97: which version of ubuntu?03:00
keepsakeyxz97: sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade firefox03:01
{chmod}755yxz97, When each release of Ubuntu is developed it has feature and package freezes. If a package is old in the repo it's because of the freeze. It'll be corrected in the update(s).03:01
keepsake!info firefox | yxz9703:01
ubottuyxz97: firefox (source: firefox-3.5): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.5.7+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.10.1 (karmic), package size 71 kB, installed size 128 kB03:01
yxz979.04 I have03:01
binMonkeyziroday: xubuntu has a shutdown problem.  before you could add apm=force (that's not the correct line but i can't remember it now) to /boot/grub/menu.lst to fix it.03:01
eltumehow do i evoke the firefox profilemanager???03:01
deltaray_Dr_Willis: Fixed my problem. It turns out, I had disabled the first drive in the bios and forgot about that. Doh!03:01
phong_i have question: in xchat, is there a way to make me automatic identify myself ?03:01
{chmod}755yxz97, Well then there you go. You're on 9.0403:01
keepsakeyxz97: That's probably why. The 9.04 repos are older than the 9.10 repos.03:01
phong_i hate to keep on repeat typing identfy myself03:01
zirodaybinMonkey: read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:02
{chmod}755phong_, Yes in Network manager.03:02
{chmod}755phong_, Xchat->Network List-> Freenode (hit edit and enter password)03:02
ultraparadigmI think I need another IRC client.  Xchat is too much chatter with all the quits showing up in the main window03:02
blakkheimultraparadigm: irssi03:02
yxz97can I still install firefox 3.5 on this version ?03:03
binMonkeyziroday: i've read that.  it doesn't tell me what file to edit.03:03
eltumeultra, i think you can turn that off03:03
yxz97I mean its just from 9.04 to 9.10 is change isn't abismal..03:03
keepsakeyxz97: Yes, but you'll have to download and install the .deb yourself.03:03
zirodaybinMonkey: sorry, you want to add apm=force as a boot option correct?03:03
phong_ok what about auto join channel03:03
deltaray_ultraparadigm: I think you have xchat filter out lines like that.03:03
keepsakeyxz97: Is there a specific reason you don't want to upgrade to karmic?03:03
petsoundsyxz97, you can download firefox 3.5 from mozilla website and then extract it and add firefox shell script with alacarte.03:04
{chmod}755phong_, in the same screen you were just in just type in channels you want to autojoin. Like this -> #Ubuntu,#Linux, etc.03:04
{chmod}755No spaces between commas and the next channel.03:04
binMonkeyziroday: yes.  when i do edit grub.cfg it always get removed on subsequent boots by /etc/default/grub.03:04
yxz97is there a way to get the deb package ..03:04
deltaray_ultraparadigm: eh, sorry, I thought it did as a checkbox option or something, guess not.03:04
yxz97I don't want install because I have manyu things currently on these system, and I could lost something..03:05
ahabman3Is there any way to restart X server without logging out?03:05
{chmod}755yxz97, Can... can you clarify?03:05
jeffreyfultraparadigm  sorry, had to take care of the kid.  Anyway....does that head phone have hands free mic?03:05
askvictorI have a dual-head setup working with my laptop which works fine, but the mouse resolution/sensitivity changes on one axis when I go into dual-head. Is there a way around this?03:05
yxz97about what ?03:05
{chmod}755yxz97, You don't want to update from 9.04 to 9.10?03:05
askvictor(actually its a trackpad)03:05
keepsakeyxz97: You won't lose anything if you update from 9.04 to 9.1003:06
yxz97I don't need format the HD to upgrade ?03:06
phong_i got it03:06
yxz97how can I upgrade without everything ??03:06
phong_work perfectly03:06
{chmod}755yxz97, No, you can keep your /home directory.03:07
yxz97just /home?03:07
phong_is there a way to make ubuntu run to windows in 2 seconds?03:07
ultraparadigm__when did I leave?03:07
keepsakeyxz97: Nothing gets replaced, it's more of a software update.03:07
{chmod}755yxz97, You can keep do whatever you want to to it. It's Linux. ;)03:07
ultraparadigm__phong, I think you want virtualbox03:07
keepsakeyxz97: update-manager in terminal does the trick.03:07
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading03:08
{chmod}755Welcome back graphit3. You were not missed but we'll pretend anyway03:08
phong_is ubuntu better than fedora ?03:08
yxz97how much is the size to upgrade my whole notebook03:08
{chmod}755phong_, Apples and oranges.03:08
phong_i like oranges03:09
yxz97in MBytes please..03:09
blacksunyou know anything about disabling the apt-get 'recommendations' you get when you want to run a program that is not yet installed03:09
keepsakeyxz97: Run the update-manager and it'll tell you.03:09
unop!info firefox jaunty03:09
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.17+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB03:09
ballsachow do i install ubuntu on my dell laptop without voiding the warranty03:09
phong_what the fuk03:09
unopthe kids are back03:09
{chmod}755ballsac, Installing Ubuntu should not void the warranty.03:09
keepsakeSomeone probably trying to crash the server =P03:10
nanomachineam i the only one having buggy flash issues with youtube?03:10
{chmod}755phong_, spammers.03:10
phong_how to list process running03:10
{chmod}755nanomachine, probably03:10
unopyxz97, is upgrading firefox all you want to do?03:10
{chmod}755phong_, ps03:10
askvictorerm - did anyone else get pop-ups in IRC then?03:10
hajmolamy "two finger" track pad tap registers as a right-click. Is there a way i can switch it to middle-click?03:10
macoaskvictor: yes03:10
{chmod}755phong_, if you want info or help with fedora msg me03:10
ballsacwill ubuntu erase my windows vista or what03:10
phong_oh okay03:10
yxz97just says there is a new version of ubuntu nothing else don't say the size to download if a download is desired ..03:10
nanomachineanybody else having issues with flash and youtube?03:10
macoaskvictor: its just silly server spammers03:10
phong_ps will not show nothing03:10
blacksunballsac, hopefully ;)(03:10
hajmolananomachine, you have to be more specific03:10
phong_i want to see what app have i run03:10
{chmod}755ballsac, not if you don't want it to03:10
phong_ps dont show03:10
yxz97please the place to download firefox 3.5, just that by the moment, thanks03:11
{chmod}755phong_, Using terminal?03:11
{chmod}755phong_, then you have no significant running processes.03:11
nanomachinehajmola, where can i upload a video from gtk record my desktop03:11
phong_let say i run xchat03:11
phong_i want to do a list of app i'm running03:11
binMonkeyziroday: any ideas?03:11
phong_so that i can do kill03:11
hajmolananomachine, I'm not sure I understand the question03:12
unopyxz97, http://packages.ubuntu.com03:12
{chmod}755phong_, which app?03:12
phong_any app03:12
petsoundsyxz97, try this.          sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox-3.503:12
phong_can't we list current running apps?03:12
hajmolaanyone know how to change the two-fingered click from right click to middle click?03:12
{chmod}755phong_, Did you sudo ps?03:12
ardchoillephong_: ps, top, htop, you have choices03:12
phong_i just do ps03:12
{chmod}755phong_, try03:12
{chmod}755hajmola, try mouse settings in system03:13
keepsakephong_: gnome-system-monitor?03:13
{chmod}755keepsake, system monitor is for the weak. CLI is where it's at. =D03:13
phong_i think top will do it03:13
phong_'top' is the one03:14
hajmola{chmod}755,  I don't see anything in there that pertains to that03:14
phong_ok how to kill a PID03:14
phong_kill <pid> ??03:14
keepsake{chmod}755: Haha, I use system-monitor to check processor usages too, =X03:14
zonylphong_: kill -9 <pid> with a vengence03:14
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{chmod}755keepsake, I like you, but to be honest if it's not CLI it's not Linux. (Yeah, that'll bring in the newbies)03:15
Topy44hm... is there any way to configure the netbook launcher at all?03:15
phong_ok let me try to kill this xchat03:15
{chmod}755zonyl, kill -9? Wow...03:15
{chmod}755Not just dead, but dead with prejudice.03:15
keepsake{chmod}755: I don't disagree with that. I wouldn't be running ubuntu if I didn't like CLI =P03:15
zonyl{chmod}755: I know. ;)  I take out pulse that way from time-to-time.03:16
phong_i kill it hahah works nice03:16
{chmod}755phong_, please watch your language.03:16
phong_oh, i'm sorry03:16
Topy44i like the unr launcher, but the enormous icon distance is simply wasting my tiny netbook screens space03:16
_UsUrPeR_hey all. I have a GRUB problem. I just installed ubuntu 9.10 on my Windows 7 machine, and it did not detect my Windows install. I am familiar with GRUB legacy, but grub 2.0 is an enigma to me. How do I get my Windows 7 option back?03:16
{chmod}755zonyl, I don't take out my redneck, white-trash neighbor with that command. =( Lol03:16
{chmod}755_UsUrPeR_, GRUB is just trying to protect you from Windows 7.03:17
_UsUrPeR_{chmod}755: More like protect me from wasting time on Dragon Age :)03:17
ae86-drifterdoes anyone know how to remove this annoying watermark in ubuntu see picture here: http://tinyurl.com/y9xl4kl03:18
{chmod}755Oh! That's a tough one. Windows 7, which hovers over you as you sleep and touches itself... Or Dragon Age which redeems almost anything03:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:18
_UsUrPeR_seriously though, is there an auto-detect method I missed or something? I have the old menu.lst from 9.04 still, but I know it's useless with GRUB 2.003:18
_UsUrPeR_{chmod}755: If only Steam worked with ubuntu03:18
razertekcan anyone tell me why i can't see myself in nautilus but i can other pcs in my network..? http://pastebin.com/m6072dc2503:18
_UsUrPeR_s/worked/worked properly03:19
keepsake_UsUrPeR_: Steam works perfectly fine with Ubuntu03:19
ardchoille_UsUrPeR_: did you upgrade to 9.10 from 9.04?03:19
keepsake_UsUrPeR_: Just the games...03:19
{chmod}755_UsUrPeR_, no, it sounds like you did everything right. I don't know much about how to correct it.03:19
_UsUrPeR_ardchoille: yeah :/03:19
ardchoille_UsUrPeR_: then you might still be using grub legacy03:19
_UsUrPeR_When it asked, I said "replace old with new" or whatever03:19
ardchoille_UsUrPeR_: Ah, ok03:19
razerteki have also included wins in the nsswitch.conf03:20
_UsUrPeR_:O wait03:20
_UsUrPeR_there's still a menu.lst in there03:20
_UsUrPeR_....did not expect that03:20
* _UsUrPeR_ puts his windows partition back in menu.lst03:20
_UsUrPeR_moment of truth!03:21
_UsUrPeR_I'll be back... or not03:21
keepsake_UsUrPeR_: We hope you don't come back =)03:21
* _UsUrPeR_ hears Dragon Age's siren call from inside his computer case03:22
ae86-drifterdoes anyone know how to remove this annoying AMD watermark in ubuntu see picture here: http://www.hugh-grigg.net/media/2009/09/amd-unsupported-hardware-watermark-ubuntu.JPG03:22
fission6does anyone have instructions or references from going from ubuntu mini to full on a seperate parition?03:23
Flannelae86-drifter: What graphics card do you have?03:23
keepsakeae86-drifter: What card are you running?03:23
ae86-drifterFlannel, keepsake its an ATI radeon 565003:23
ae86-driftermobility HD (laptop)03:23
keepsakeae86-drifter: You might need to manually install drivers from ATI03:24
keepsakeae86-drifter: Are you running karmic?03:24
ae86-drifterkeepsake, they do not seem to have it there, ATI's site says to refer to vendor's site which is Acer, yes im running karmic.03:25
yxz97petsounds, installed fine, but cannot get running this version just appear the older one ..03:25
yxz97already close firefox check with ps -e | grep firefox in order to see if there us an instance of firefox running, and nothing,03:26
keepsakeae86-drifter: Is your graphics card integrated or regular?03:26
yxz97please help.03:26
razertekyou guys are a lil more active than #samba right now think one of you might can help please?03:26
keepsakeae86-drifter: Also, 32bit or 64bit?03:26
petsoundsyxz97, it's called shiretoko not firefox.03:26
yxz97what ? how, they change firefox name to shiretoko ?03:27
keepsakeae86-drifter: Nevermind, I see what you mean. You'll probably need to wait until they release a version for Linux then =\03:27
petsoundsyxz97, shiretoko is codename for ff 3.503:28
yxz97where do you have it ?03:28
yxz97no after updatedb && locate shiretoko, get nothing..03:28
petsoundsyxz97, can you see it on internet menu?03:28
yxz97but launched from there launchs the older version03:29
yxz97why ?03:29
ae86-drifterkeepsake, its 32 bit, its a dedicated laptop graphics card03:29
ultraparadigmDarn it to heck! Everytime I close openarena it crashes and doesn't bring my back to X desktop.  I have to kill the process and then fix my desktop resolution03:29
petsoundsyxz97, ok. ill pm you.. it's a busy channel.03:30
keepsakeae86-drifter: You'll probably have to wait for drivers to come out for it =\03:33
cdoublejjae86 is a sweet car i might add03:33
=== Gadotti is now known as nepper
ae86-drifterkeepsake, hmm that sux, do u know if there may be a development version ? or how to check?03:38
ShapeShifter499hi,  does anyone know how I can get one of my ubuntu comps to, A. grab main ip address (not one from the router, the internet brodcasted one), and  B. update my no-ip dns, so I'm assured that I can always ssh to my comp?03:47
jribShapeShifter499: use ddclient or one of hundreds of other clients03:48
jrib!info ddclient | ShapeShifter49903:48
ubottuShapeShifter499: ddclient (source: ddclient): address updating utility for dynamic DNS services. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.8.0-4ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 63 kB, installed size 344 kB03:48
ShapeShifter499it works for no-ip?03:48
jribShapeShifter499: or do « apt-cache search no-ip »03:49
jribShapeShifter499: I don't know, check.  inadyn and noip2 seem to turn up in the search03:49
ShapeShifter499well noip2(one thats made for it) don't seem to work03:49
jrib!doesn't work | ShapeShifter49903:49
ubottuShapeShifter499: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.03:49
* Dr_Willis dosent work if he can help it.03:50
ShapeShifter499I tell it to update every 5 mins, but when the ip updates to a new one, and I don't know it, I check to find that noip2 hasn't updated yet03:51
pfifoHello all, I could use some advice, I have purchased a external usb harddrive, right now it is formatted with fat32 one big partition, everything was working fine until I wanted to make a file larger than 2GB :( I want to format it so that I can use it to store large files but I also want (no need) to make it plug and play with windows03:52
ShapeShifter499I type slow btw, so I was typing the why I think it dosen't work when the warning message about "dosen't work"03:52
ShapeShifter499cane up03:53
jribShapeShifter499: try inadyn I guess03:53
bovineseeking some help with getting a droboshare to mount under ubuntu 9.10. i can map to it via Places/Connect to Server but figuring out the actual mounting process is giving me some trouble03:53
blendmaster1024pfifo, i would put a ntfs partition on it if i needed to use it with windows, or and ext3 if i didn't03:53
ShapeShifter499jrib: ok03:53
pfifoblendmaster1024, but is NTFS going to pose a problem with linux? and can i move from computer to computer in windows with NTFS without permission problems?03:54
ShapeShifter499jrib: I googled it, it looks promising03:54
jribShapeShifter499: it's in the repositories03:54
blendmaster1024it should work just fine with windows. as for linux, ubuntu will work fine, but most other linuxes won't03:55
ShapeShifter499jrib: not on my ubuntu comp atm so I had to google it03:55
rahdukeso how can i create a bootable iso copy of my ubuntu installation? All packages drivers etc etc...03:56
ShapeShifter499jrib: thanks for the help btw03:56
pfifohmm, thanks for the help, its worth a shot failing this im going to repartition with a small fat32 file system at the beginning that contains ext2 drivers for windows, which is kinda ugly but next best thing.03:57
rahdukei do want to exclude a few folders03:57
ShapeShifter499I'm going to go03:58
pfifoAlso btw, I remember linux had a great virus scanner that could be used to scan a windows partition from linux, what was that package again?03:59
happypfifo: clamav?03:59
pfifoty, thats it03:59
CAPcap_Blender wont run, if i run from the terminal it says Segmentation Fault. Who can help me?04:00
isolat3dsh33pguys, is there a command way to add a repository?04:00
Dr_Willisisolat3dsh33p:  yes there is.. but i forget teh command.04:02
happyisolat3dsh33p: what type of repo?04:02
N1XF0RC3hello i need help in that i get error while i install svn http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1869df5404:02
Dr_WillisI see it on the various ppa repo instructions all the time04:02
ZykoticK9isolat3dsh33p, if you're adding a PPA to Karmic check out the "add-apt-repository" command - very handy04:02
isolat3dsh33phappy, not sure really.04:03
happyisolat3dsh33p: I would just make a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d and add it there04:03
N1XF0RC3any idea?04:03
CAPcap_Blender wont run, if i run from the terminal it says Segmentation Fault. Who can help me?04:03
isolat3dsh33phappy, done that. But using single line command is more awesome. :) ZykoticK9 not sure if it's a PPA. :/04:04
N1XF0RC3hello i need help in that i get error while i install svn http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1869df54 any idea ?04:04
happyisolat3dsh33p: what is the repo you want to add?04:04
AussieGuyCan you plug a DVI-I cable into a DVI-D socket? (from my DVI-I graphics card to my DVI-D monitor)04:04
isolat3dsh33phappy, Ethereal's a debian repository :/04:04
zenlunaticits wireshark now04:05
happyisolat3dsh33p: I think you need to add it by hand :-\04:05
KentrelI'm having major trouble with Ubuntu. My network is being hogged by some hidden program04:05
zenlunaticKentrel: top04:05
KentrelI booted into Ubuntu just now, and there was something uploading at 180kb/s. All of my processes except Xorg and System monitor were sleeping04:06
KentrelBoth cores of my AMD were running at about 50%!04:06
N1XF0RC3ubuntu Hardy > i need help in that i get error while i install svn http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1869df54 any idea ?04:06
isolat3dsh33phappy, sighs. Thanks anyway. :)04:06
KentrelBut I couldn't see what was doing it in the process viewer!04:06
sgtmattbakerThis may not be the right place, but can someone direct me to where I could know whether to SSL the connection to an IRC server or SSL to a proxy and then connect through them. Someone was telling me the other day that IRC has security holes (why I cant use it on campus machines)04:06
ae86-drifterfuck amd sucks why dont they release drivers for my graphics card04:07
ae86-drifteris there a decent alternative for the proprietory ones04:07
zenlunaticsgtmattbaker: just ssh into a remote host then use a consonle client from said host04:07
ardchoille!language | ae86-drifter04:07
ubottuae86-drifter: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:07
CAPcap_Blender wont run, if i run from the terminal it says Segmentation Fault. Who can help me?04:08
KentrelCAPcap_ try #blender04:08
sgtmattbakerzenlunatic: I dont have any secure hosts set up and I dont have any proxy services I pay for04:08
zenlunaticsgtmattbaker: you can also use screen but that might be complicated04:08
KentrelSounds like an issue with the open gl libraries04:08
zenlunaticsgtmattbaker: oh well thats my suggestion good luck04:09
happysgtmattbaker: you can get a shell at ispeeds,net for $4/month04:09
zenlunaticsgtmattbaker: whoever is telling you about irc sounds dumb no offense04:09
zenlunaticsgtmattbaker: ie has far more holes they should ban it too04:10
sgtmattbakerzenlunatic: Well, it is banned on the student computers in the computer science lab at least, and the guy who works in the tech center says that the MUDs and IRC aren't allowed because of it04:10
zenlunaticsgtmattbaker: at least unpatched win boxes to be fair04:10
happysgtmattbaker: I agree with zenlunatic04:10
KentrelCan anyone help me? Something is taking over my system and uploading at 200kb/s! i can't find what process it could be04:11
sgtmattbakerYeah, IE probably has more security holes. What about firefox?04:11
KentrelI ran Wireshark and I got a whole bunch of packets signed as 16 unsigned audio data04:11
zenlunaticsgtmattbaker: kinda off topic at this point04:11
happyKentrel: maybe netstat can give you that info. How do you know something is uploading?04:11
Dr_Willissgtmattbaker:  the statement 'irc has security holes' is about as valid as saying 'web browsers  and servers have security holes'04:11
KentrelBecause I right click on the system monitor and it says Uploading at 200 kb/s04:12
Dr_Willis'computers and operating systems have security holes'04:12
KentrelAnd I can barely connect to any sites04:12
KentrelI tried netstat, but netstat ran really slow, pausing for up to a minute between showing the next item04:12
zenlunaticsgtmattbaker: maybe talk to his supervisor *shrug*04:12
happysgtmattbaker: what everyone is saying is right. But as a high school kid. My suggestion is to not listen to them and pipe your data through a shell at ispeeds.net. It costs less than$4/month04:13
sgtmattbakerYeah, I really want to set up a secure connection to a secure proxy and secure anything I do network wise04:13
sgtmattbakerI just want to at least encrypt my connection for the web surfing and other network stuff I do at work04:13
zenlunaticthere are some free shell accounts on there but next to all of them disallow irc04:13
fission6i just installed ubunu 9.10 using the minimal iso which i set to have the ubuntu desktop profile, i am getting a command line when i boot but i am curious how i get it to automatically boot into a window system (like it does when you do a typical install form live cd) do i need to configure/install something04:13
Dr_Willisive noticed many 'free' internet places  at hospitals and so forth blocking more and more  every month.04:13
happysgtmattbaker:you can get a vpn, shell, ect04:14
arghh2d2fission6: gdm04:14
blakkheimDr_Willis: this is why you tunnel everything through ssh04:14
zenlunaticsgtmattbaker: setting up a home server is a great fun project to pursue04:14
fission6arghh2d2: fission6: gdm -> sudo apt-get gnome-desktop-manager?04:14
arghh2d2fission6: affirmitave04:15
sgtmattbakerI hate to keep this in #ubuntu, but I have a couple more questions if you are willin g04:15
fission6will that make it load automatically on reboot or do i need to add that to something so i go straight to GUI and not ocmmand line?04:16
Kentrelokay, so next time I have this strange problem, what can I do to block the IP address?04:16
arghh2d2sgtmattbaker: is that nick an homage to primus?04:16
arghh2d2fission6: gdm is your keyword, plug that into google04:17
sgtmattbakerarghh2d2: No, but I udnerstand what you are talking about. It is actually the name of the main character in the Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 and Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway video game04:17
arghh2d2fission6: i dont use gdm or even ubuntu04:17
fission6i am, and i am comfortable installing it i just dont want to have to type startx i want it to boot straight to the gui04:18
fission6oh ok04:18
arghh2d2sgtmattbaker: right on, maybe the video game was inspired by the song04:18
sgtmattbakerarghh2d2: The name may have been but the game is supposed to be one of the more realistic series, so the characters are based on actual people that served in WW204:19
ardchoille!ot | sgtmattbaker arghh2d204:20
ubottusgtmattbaker arghh2d2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:20
Santisnightcan anyone help with a noise that occurs when i move my mouse?04:20
sgtmattbakerardchoille: Yeah I know, sidetracked04:20
N1XF0RC3i have problem with subversion04:23
N1XF0RC3ubuntu Hardy > i need help in that i get error while i install svn http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1869df54 any idea ?04:23
blakkheimN1XF0RC3: lol.. nice pwd04:23
ubudogmsg NickServ help04:24
Santisnightdon't forget the "/" no quotes04:24
Santisnightfail on my part.04:24
keepsakeN1XF0RC3: You need to update your libsvnl04:25
SantisnightLets see, maybe if i describd my problem better? Whenever i move my mouse, a strange sound comes from the speakers, like crickets chirping at a rapid pace. Which is VERY bothersome. it seems to go away from time to time but it allways seems to stay for longer than it's gone. can anyone help?04:27
arghh2d2Santisnight: i have no idea04:27
Santisnight:T thanks for trying, anyone else?04:28
bovinehaving trouble getting a droboshare to mount under ubuntu 9.10. i can map to it via Places/Connect to Server but the actual mounting process is giving me some trouble.04:28
bovinei've tried sudo mount -t drobo/drobo /mnt/drobo but it keeps returning "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on drobo/drobo, missing codepage or helper program, or other error"04:28
isolat3dsh33pAnyone knows how to play with Wireshark? In the capture options, there's IP address is unknown, and I'm not sure what to put in the interface area. :(04:29
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
Dr_Willisbovine:   You mean to say you can manually mount it via the gui. but you want to do so via the command line?04:31
Hilikusis there a way to generate random passwords in ubuntu?04:31
isolat3dsh33pdo I need to be root to run Wireshark? :/04:33
blakkheimisolat3dsh33p: if you have to ask that maybe you shouldn't be using something like wireshark04:33
Dr_Willisisolat3dsh33p:  very likely04:34
isolat3dsh33pblakkheim, it's an assignment =_= | Dr_Willis, like « gksudo wireshark » ?04:35
isolat3dsh33pI got this warning-> "Running as root could be dangerous", but I continued. I'm not sure which interface should be used. I'm using wireless. My lab manual is for Windows =_=04:37
blakkheimisolat3dsh33p: man wireshark04:38
isolat3dsh33pblakkheim, ok, thanks ;)04:38
suprsonicwhat packages are required to mount NFS exports from a NFS server?04:39
DILS-VBOXisolat3dsh33p, as root you will be able to capture on the psuedo interface all traffic as reg user you wont04:39
blakkheimsuprsonic: nfs-common04:39
suprsonicblakkheim: anything else I need to do after that?04:40
blakkheimsuprsonic: all you asked was the package name04:40
=== Damn3d is now known as damn3d
suprsonicthat's what Im getting when trying to mount a FreeBSD export04:41
ymantonwhich package installs 'system->preferences->power management'? i tried devicekit-power, but thats not it04:41
isolat3dsh33pDILS-VBOX, I've run it as root, and I think I catch some packets. And i feel l337 LOL. I'm not sure why I got the warning it could be dangerous to run as root though. :(04:42
blakkheimisolat3dsh33p: vulnerabilities in wireshark04:42
Dr_Willisisolat3dsh33p:  because its dangerous to run anything as root to some degree04:42
ymantoncan someone at least check what that menu item calls? i can search for that04:43
isolat3dsh33pblakkheim, Dr_Willis, ouch. But I need to finish this assignment. :( Thanks. ^.~04:44
IdleOneymanton: gnome-power-preferences04:44
suprsonicthanks blakkheim04:45
ymantonIdleOne: thanks04:45
IdleOneymanton: that's not it sorry04:46
IdleOneymanton: gnome-power-manager should be right04:47
NotTooSmartI am not able to delete directories on my samba share unless I chmod them to 777 which requires opening an ssh connection, the drive is encrypted but unlocked and I can read/write to it just not delete some dirs.....04:48
ymantonyeah, google found it, thanks04:48
scuniziNotTooSmart: even with rm -rf <path to directory>04:48
scuniziNotTooSmart: or the same with sudo in front?04:48
NotTooSmartscunizi, with right click on windows...04:48
NotTooSmartscunizi, the ubuntu machine is my server04:49
scuniziNotTooSmart: ah.. windows client and linux host.. most likely it's something in the samba config.. unfortunately I don't know samba that well04:49
razertek#samba is quiet right now can someone help me?04:50
NotTooSmartscunizi, heh, I'm pretty sure the samba config is correct since it worked before04:50
NotTooSmartrazertek, whats your issue?04:50
razerteki cannot see my self in nautilus the network part04:51
razertekbut i can my dads machine and borthers04:51
scuniziNotTooSmart: works with the exception of deleting directories.. so if that worked before but doesn't now then something changed.. you might look for an autobackup of the samba.conf or smb.conf file, check the date and compare it to what is currently being used. maybe an update changed something.04:51
NotTooSmartscunizi, my smb.conf is only like 10 lines04:52
Dr_Willisset up some shares and check yoru workgroup razertek ?04:52
razertekyea its all there...look at my pastebin04:53
razertektestparm reports back fine04:54
NotTooSmartrazertek, try editing mine... backup yours first though04:54
razerteki was wanting my security set to user04:54
razertekis this ok?04:54
NotTooSmartrazertek, if it works for you yea04:54
razertekwhats the file stanza for exactly04:55
razertekNotTooSmart: *04:55
NotTooSmartthats the name04:55
razertekNotTooSmart: was wondering how it could help making my pc appearant on the network04:56
NotTooSmartrazertek, because that config works to my knowledge, so if you edited it to your needs it might work for you...04:57
razerteki'll try adding it04:57
zetheroocan someone help me figure out how to implement the fix mentioned towards the bottom of this page? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/istanbul/+bug/63996?comments=all04:58
razerteknow i will have to reboot to see if it works becuae it might just by resetting the server but that is totaly different from having it work everytime the pc boots04:58
keepsakezetheroo: What post#?04:59
NotTooSmartrazertek, sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart04:59
N1XF0RC3when i install subversion: Depends: libsvn1 error any idea ?04:59
NotTooSmartrazertek, no need to restart04:59
Dr_Willisitz best to use 'sudo service whatever restart'  also05:00
zetherookeepsake:  #54 I think ...?05:00
razertekyea that generally makes things work...but not on reboot05:00
NotTooSmartrazertek, um, yea its going to work on reboot too..05:00
NotTooSmartI am not able to delete directories on my samba share unless I chmod them to 777 which requires opening an ssh connection, the drive is encrypted but unlocked and I can read/write to it just not delete some dirs.....05:00
keepsakezetheroo: You'll have to download the source and the diff file, and patch the original file with the diff; then compile.05:01
Dr_Willisthers some options in the smb.conf file for default directory/files permiossions05:01
keepsakeN1XF0RC3: Have you tried updating the libsvn1?05:01
NotTooSmartDr_Willis, i have them all set to 077705:01
razertekNotTooSmart: k i was just wondering how sometimes when i edit the smb.conf and do a samba restart it gets thhings working but when i reboot the next time they are not05:02
keepsakeN1XF0RC3: If you go into synaptic and type in "libsvn1", do you see a newer version you can update to?05:02
Dr_WillisNotTooSmart:  the samba permiisons are applied when someone puts/makes a file/dir in the share.  the current permissiins of the directory do not apply05:02
NotTooSmartrazertek, weird, its the same config file, so as long as samba loads on boot it should be consistent05:02
razertekyea thats what i thought05:02
razerteki am still learning =)05:02
NotTooSmartDr_Willis, well, the dirs are being made by a program run in 'sudo' on the ubuntu machine, is that the problem, and if so how do I fix?05:03
zetherookeepsake: ok ... so should I remove the version i have currently installed?05:03
NotTooSmartDr_Willis, not running in sudo is not an option either.05:03
keepsakezetheroo: Yes; you'll have to recompile a new version from source.05:03
razertekNotTooSmart: what does /crypt represent as a whole05:03
zetherookeepsake: oh I see ...05:03
NotTooSmartrazertek, on my system or to you? its the shared directory05:04
Dr_WillisNotTooSmart:  the samba service has  options as to what permissions are set  - on files/dirs on creation.  from the smb.conf file -->05:04
Dr_Willis# File creation mask is set to 0700 for security reasons. If you want to05:04
Dr_Willis# create files with group=rw permissions, set next parameter to 0775.05:04
razertekNotTooSmart: yes...but is it like a config folder for having things work in the smb.conf as a whole or just some share you have and i dont?05:05
Dr_Willisthats setable on a per share basis i do belive.05:05
NotTooSmartDr_Willis, the problem is, im not creating the dir's on windows, and I have directory mask = 0777 already05:05
zetherookeepsake: I found the website for Istanbul ... there is a tar.bz2 download and the Ubuntu .deb downloads05:05
DishtroyerUbuntu refuses to let me log in. I type in my username and password and it acts like I'm logging in, but then immediately throws me back to the log in screen. HELP!05:06
Miraclehi all - i have figured out how to mount mt iphone and can upload music to it but I cannot get my iphone to see the new music. does anyone know how to do this?05:06
NotTooSmartDishtroyer, if you hold ctrl+alt+f2 and try to log in from there what happens?05:06
keepsakezetheroo: You'll want the tar file.05:06
NotTooSmartDr_Willis, if it helps http://pastebin.com/m633ee322 is my samba config atm.05:07
DishtroyerNottoosmart.. I don't know05:07
zetherookeepsake: ok I got it .. and extracted it ... do I just find that screencast.py file and copy paste the info in the fix?05:07
Out_Coldso.. i've flushed my iptables trying to sort out some nfs connection problems.. so far this is what i have: http://pastebin.com/m189fa215 still can't mount.. maybe portmapper or iptables?05:08
DishtroyerDo I cntrl+alt+F2 at the log in screen?05:08
NotTooSmartDishtroyer, yea05:09
DishtroyerOK... this may take a bit. Be back in a while05:09
andrukim trying to package my own shared library, and the packages i install from launchpad dont actually install the library (or its header files).  does anybody know whats going on?05:09
keepsakezetheroo: Actually, I'm sorry, download the deb instead.05:09
zetherookeepsake: oh really?05:09
keepsakeThen patch the deb with the debdiff05:09
rahdukehere's a tough one, say you had a folder with lots of subfolders, some are filled with rars some are not. How would u go about extracting all the files from each of the folders with rar files05:10
rahdukeI don't want to do this one by 105:10
keepsakezetheroo: Follow these instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPackagingGuide/BuildFromDebdiff?highlight=%28debdiff%2905:10
Dr_Willisrahduke:  with some fancy scripting.05:10
razertekNotTooSmart: i can see myself now but i cannot mount myself05:10
zetherookeepsake: ok05:10
rahdukeDr_Willis: care to point me in the right direction?05:10
NotTooSmartrazertek, mount your self?05:10
Dr_Willis!abs | rahduke05:10
ubotturahduke: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/05:10
razertekNotTooSmart: when i double click on my name in network05:11
Dr_Willisrahduke:  and creative use of the find command.05:11
razertekthrough nautilus05:11
Out_Coldrahduke, not sure if this would work, but an ls /dir/* | grep .rar > unrar or something??05:11
rahdukeDr_Willis: prolly faster to do it 1 by one then learn how to write bash scripts05:11
Dr_Willisrahduke:  yep.  depends on your needs.. you go 10 to do.. or 10,000005:11
NotTooSmartrazertek, why do you need to view your own files over the network on your local machine?05:11
rahdukebout 120 or so05:11
Out_Coldrahduke, bash scripting is as easy as typing in the bash05:11
Dr_WillisI tend to avoide silly rar archives05:12
Dr_Willis!info unp | rahduke05:12
rahdukeOut_Cold: I really don't know the 1st thing about bash05:12
ubotturahduke: unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (karmic), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB05:12
razertekwell it makes for good propagation of a network setup to be able to do so ande also tells me if others will be able to access my machine by testing it on mine05:12
Out_Coldrahduke, then maybe 1x1. i can script but for the things i know how to do.. i've never tried to script for un-raring before05:12
razerteksince win users like to double click =)05:13
NotTooSmartrazertek, i am not sure, my ubuntu server does not use a GUI, so I usually just test from windows05:13
rahdukeOut_Cold: can you tell me how to sort my folders by how many files are contained within?05:13
Out_Coldanyone have any ideas on http://pastebin.com/m189fa215 i can't mount my nfs05:13
uplinxif i used the split command on a file, how do i unsplit it?05:14
razertekNotTooSmart: thankyou for helping me though05:14
Out_Coldrahduke, that would be an ls option if there is one05:14
Out_Colduplinx, cat file1 file2 file305:14
uplinxah thanks Out_Cold05:14
Out_Cold** cat f1 f2 f3 > newfile05:14
rahdukeOut_Cold: Ill check it out05:14
razertekOut_Cold: did you mount from /dev?05:16
Out_Coldrazertek, it's not a /dev05:17
Out_Coldi can try though i guess..05:17
Out_Coldno that won't work because the exportfs is what i should mount05:18
zetherooanyone know what the command is to apply a patch to source code?05:18
blakkheimzetheroo: man patch05:18
keepsakezetheroo: Follow the instructions, it says to "cd PACKAGE-* && patch -pl < ../DEBDIFF"05:19
Hilikuswhat are the recommended folders to backup in a desktop appart from /home and /etc?05:19
Hilikus /usr?05:19
razertekOut_Cold: so you are using udp?05:19
keepsakezetheroo: You need to change the PACKAGE with the name of the package and DEBDIFF with the .debdiff file05:20
morphixOut_Cold: how about you remove your INPUT iptables rules altogether?05:20
Out_Coldmorphix, i will try that05:20
zetherookeepsake: what is the debdiff? It says to download the debdiff ...05:20
morphixthey seem pointless as you have allowed all and then.. allowed a  few port indiviaul aswell05:20
Out_Coldrazertek, tcp i'm pretty sure05:21
razertekOut_Cold: change: 2049/tcp open   nfs to 2049/udp open   nfs05:21
keepsakezetheroo: This file: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/36229421/istanbul_0.2.2-5ubuntu1.debdiff05:21
razerteknfs is atop udp not tcp05:21
razerteklearning as i read from my book05:21
zetherookeepsake: ok thanks05:21
Out_Coldyea it must be that rule.. perhaps it is udp then05:22
Out_Coldit mounts now without the rules so i guess i should figure out the rules a bit more05:22
zetherookeepsake: so I paste that text into gedit and save it as .debdiff05:23
keepsakezetheroo: Yup05:23
razertekOut_Cold: maybe you dont have to erase the rules just try changing it to udp05:23
Out_Coldit's a pain trying to figure out which apps access which files like /etc/hosts.allow and firestarter and iptables05:24
DishtroyerNotttooSmart: I was ablt to log in but there is no graphics.05:24
Out_Coldrazertek, i already erased them... best i do again and get the experience05:24
DishtroyerThe graphical log in doesn't work.05:25
razertekOut_Cold: true...but use whereis to find apps and their related files05:26
keepsakeDishtroyer: I don't know what the context is, but have you tried startx?05:26
Out_Coldhow do i use redirect to iptables-restore? like iptables-restore < /iptables.bk05:27
Dishtroyerkeepsake: what is startx?05:27
Out_Coldto restore though? won't that overwrite it?05:27
razertekwell there is more use a redirect with append options and not overwrite05:28
keepsakeDishtroyer: It starts X, the graphic thing.05:28
razerteklike >>05:28
keepsakeDishtroyer: I don't really know what your problem is though, sorry >__<05:29
DishtroyerHere is the context. Ubuntu will not allow me to log in using the graphical interface. Nottoosmart told me to try a cntrl+alt+F205:29
keepsakeDishtroyer: Are you in TTY?05:29
Dishtroyerkeepsake it will allow me to log in in tty mode05:30
Out_Coldrazertek, i wanted to pipe the contents of /iptable.bk to iptables-restore. I tried your way and overwrote it.. had to use the <05:30
keepsakeDishtroyer: In TTY type startx05:30
DishtroyerI am currently using windows at the moment05:30
Dishtroyerkeepsake: OK..  I have to reboot. Thank you.05:31
razertekexample: ls >> test.txt05:31
razertekshould work05:31
razertekOut_Cold: or did you try <<05:32
Out_Coldrazertek, single < did the trick05:33
Hilikuswhy isn't root internal mails forwarded to the main admin user by default??05:33
blah569I restarted my Ubuntu server, which completely messed up MySQL.  I've tried to completely uninstall it, and install a new copy.  It always fails on the sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start.  How can I completely remove the package?05:33
blah569I must be doing something wrong.05:33
scuniziHilikus: i ran into those once.. but I've forgotten were to look for them.. where did you find them?05:33
Hilikusblah569: start in safe mode and remove it05:34
Hilikusscunizi: /etc/aliases05:34
razertekOut_Cold: but gets overwritten?05:34
blah569Hilikus:  How can I remove it though?  What packages do I need to remove?05:34
Hilikusblah569: why do you want to remove it?05:34
Out_Coldno.. the > overwrote not <05:34
Hilikuswhy not try to fix the problems05:35
obiwan_please, could anybody talk to me about gpg validation? i read that if some trusted friend validates a key, and you add that key, then that key is automatically validated because your trusted friend has it already validated it. But what's up with validation? what's the diff between a validated key and a not valid one?05:35
blah569Hilikus:  It's broken.  I restarted my server, and then whenever I try to use: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start [FAIL] is returned.  I didn't change anything.  It doesn't work anymore.05:35
blah569It's very annoying that it just completely stopped working without changing anything.05:35
razertekso the < appends as well?05:35
Flannelobiwan_: #gnupg can probably answer that a lot better than we can05:35
Hilikusblah569: thats no reason to remove mysql, just fix it. what errors do you get?05:35
scuniziblah569: try sudo service mysql start  .. might also be mysql505:35
razertekOut_Cold: so the < will append aswell?05:36
Out_Coldrazertek, the < pipes backwards... no appending05:37
obiwan_thanks Flannel it's funny, two days asking for that channel, and i found it a couple hours before (nobody has yet answered my question there btw ) and now not only i find the channel, but you know it too :P . thanks anyway Flannel i'm about to be officially ubunter and just wanted to know thaat before signing with my key :)05:37
blah569scunizi:   * Starting MySQL database server mysqld                                 [fail] - is what I get when using sudo service mysql start05:37
Out_Coldrazertek, instead of > to file it's < from file05:37
scuniziblah569: when you installed did it ask for a password?05:37
Hilikusblah569: check the logs05:38
blah569scunizi:  it asked for a password05:38
scuniziblah569: not for the install itself but for the database access05:38
Hilikussyslog or whatever is in /var/log/mysql05:38
Hilikusblah569: why do you have mysql to begin with?05:38
obiwan_to append use double arrows instead05:38
razertekthats what i thought at first now i am back to knowing that =)05:38
blah569Hilikus:  It's the database engine that I use for my sever05:39
obiwan_sry actuall just right arrows append, left ones mean heredoc05:39
Flannelobiwan_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto  When you sign someone's key (different than signing a file), you're saying that they are who they claim to be, and their key is their own.  And then separately, you can set how 'paranoid' you are with your trust (if you trust someone your friend trusts, etc).  #gnupg can give you all sorts of nice details that I can't05:39
obiwan_there's a good guide about forwarding , they told me the link in #bash channel, maybe you can ask there for it05:40
Hilikusblah569: check the logs and take it from there05:41
blah569the log is empty05:41
Hilikuswhich one?05:41
spridelokay, somehow using the kill select did not completely kill firefox05:41
blah569the /var/log/mysql is empty Hilikus05:41
Hilikuscheck /var/log/mysql (dir) and /var/log/mysql.log and /var/log/mysql.err05:42
obiwan_ok Flannel i get it :)05:43
snadgemy printer is setup.. and its working, but if i go to print a particular pdf file using "document viewer" .. i can see the job go into the queue, the activity light on the printer starts flashing.. then it just disappears from the queue and nothing is printed out :(05:43
obiwan_Flannel: and thanks again :)05:43
Out_Coldcan't seem to get it right with the udp rules05:44
snadgewhat alternatives apart from document viewer.. can i use to print pdf files reliably?05:44
blah569sudo nano  /var/log/mysql.log returns empty05:44
snadgeor should i just do it from windows in a virtual machine05:44
obiwan_snadge: did you check it's paper right?05:44
scunizisnadge: how many printers does your system have listed as installed?05:44
snadgeyes.. paper is loaded.. i can print.. my guess is document viewer.. or the rendering process is crashing05:44
snadgejust the one.. a hp laserjet 5M connected via lpt105:44
blah569mysql.log exists too05:44
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Dr_Willisthats almost as old as my laserjet 6L :)05:45
Hilikusblah569:  what abour .err05:45
scunizisnadge: sometimes it works better if you print the pdf to another pdf then print that one to the printer.05:45
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scunizisnadge: some pdf's are quirky05:45
snadgeinteresting idea.. so how do i print to pdf?05:45
Out_Coldmy new iptables: http://pastebin.com/m43759551  still can't nfs mount05:46
blah569ahh, mysql.err is empty too Hilikus05:46
snadgei wonder if i can install adobe's acroreader on linux05:46
MenZasnadge: Sure. Check out Medibuntu.05:46
scunizisnadge: you have to add/install another printer.. the easy way might be sudo apt-get install cupspdf .. perhaps cups-pdf05:46
MenZa!medibuntu > snadge05:46
ubottusnadge, please see my private message05:46
Out_Coldsnadge, do a search in synaptic.. there are tons of pdf readers.. one should do what you want it to05:47
scunizisnadge: adobe is slow and a resource hog05:47
bullgardApplications > Sound and Video > Pulse Audio Volume Control > (Volume Control [window]) shows the »Internal Audio Analog Stereo« loudspeaker symbol as muted. How can I unmute it?05:47
Hilikusblah569: ok so you need to turn on debugging and see what it says05:47
snadgeok lots of ideas to try now :)05:47
keepsakesnadge: Also, for Windows program compatibility check appdb.05:47
Out_Coldbullgard, run alsamixer from the terminal and use the M key to mute/unmute05:47
scunizisnadge: a new viewer might not fix your printing problem though05:47
keepsake!appdb > snadge05:47
ubottusnadge, please see my private message05:47
Hilikusblah569: are you sure you are opening existing files and not just creating empty files that don't exist?05:47
Out_Coldsnadge, linux is the foundation of new and exciting ideas ;)05:48
Out_Cold1 problem 236729 solutions :p05:48
Hilikusdoes ubuntu come with a frontend for crontab or i still need to use the text editor?05:51
bullgardOut_Cold: alsamixer shows only the controls »Master M«, »Mic Boos« and »External« as muted. Which control do you mean specifically?05:51
scuniziHilikus: text editor05:51
Hilikusscunizi: thanks05:51
Out_Coldbullgard, which one were you having troubles with?? in my experience with linux... play with it till you either break it or fix it ;)05:52
keepsakeOut_Cold: While that's a good idea, am I the only one that ends up breaking it 90% of the time =P05:53
Out_Coldkeepsake, mine's always broken..05:53
keepsakeOut_Cold: I think today was the first time I did something that didn't break it.05:53
Out_Coldhence why i spend so much time in here. i just end up helping noobs while i wait for the real gurus05:53
keepsakeOut_Cold: Haha, that's true. I do that too =P05:53
Dishtroyerkeepsake: I got in.. but I had to use recovery mode05:54
keepsakeDishtroyer: Interesting. You're in X now?05:54
bullgardOut_Cold: I told you what is bothering me: a muted loudspeker symbol. This inhibits GNOME event sounds. "Play with it" without saying what is 'it' is no precise recipe.05:55
Dishtroyerkeepsake: I assume so. I have all my programs back05:55
Out_Coldbullgard, if there was a precise recipe for everything.... it's the master MM highlight that and then check again05:56
Out_Cold**use M to unmute05:56
Dishtroyerleepsake: but I have to figure out how to get the graphical login to work. I'd hate to have to go through this every time05:56
bullgardOut_Cold: Thank you for commenting.05:56
zetherookeepsake: hey thanks ... I completed that and now the application is working 100%05:56
keepsakezetheroo: That's great =). Patching is a pretty useful skill, I'm glad you managed to learn it yourself =D05:57
snadgeok it appears acrobat reader can print out this pdf.. but not document viewer.. oh well :)05:57
TanthrixAnyone know anyting about speeding up CIFS mounted windows shares?05:58
TanthrixI've got a weird situation going on with two different systems, one taking 1/4 second to traverse a mount, and the other 6-7 seconds.05:58
Out_Coldbullgard, most of us helping are not too much better than you at the moment... but playing around with anything is a decent idea.. just know or ask in regards to what you are doing... usually someone in here just went through what you did05:58
Tanthrix(The latter being a Ubuntu 9.10 system)05:58
zetheroois it just me or does Ubuntu One work kinda slowly ... especially though a browser ... !?05:58
Out_Coldi haven't actually used it.. i normally use my nfs server which is ummm broken :p05:59
Dishtroyerkeepsake: Oh crud. Now ubuntu won't let me mount drives. It says I'm not authorized05:59
Out_Coldspeaking of which... can anyone tell me what's wrong with my iptables for nfs?? http://pastebin.com/m4375955106:00
Out_ColdDishtroyer, use sudo mount06:00
keepsakeDishtroyer: Have you tried reconfiguring xserver-xorg?06:00
MHz128How do I completely disable the touchpad, and then re-enable it when needed?06:01
keepsakeOut_Cold: Better wait a bit longer for those gurus you were talking about =P06:01
Dishtroyerkeepsake: I'm as noobie as they come when it comes to linux..06:01
Out_Coldbullgard, did the master fix your problem?06:01
keepsakeDishtroyer: I am too, don't worry. Try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"06:01
Out_Coldkeepsake, or an angel sent from above ;)06:02
bullgardNo, it did not. Same situation (no sound output) remains.06:02
keepsakeOut_Cold: Damn, how could I have forgotten.06:02
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:02
zetheroocan i use Ubuntu One to share files with others?06:02
Dishtroyerkeepsake: OK I did that.06:02
keepsakeDishtroyer: Did the reconfigure work?06:02
DishtroyerI don't know.06:03
Out_Coldzetheroo, I thinks that's the objective of it06:03
keepsakeDishtroyer: Only one way to find out.06:03
DishtroyerOh crud....06:03
keepsakeDishtroyer: Get used to it =P It's part of using Linux06:03
zetherooOut_Cold: yeah I thought so too ... just am trying to figure out how to do so ..06:03
Out_Coldzetheroo, are you at the website?06:04
zetherooOut_Cold: yes06:04
DishtroyerOK BBIAW06:04
zetherooOut_Cold: and I have uploaded the file I want to share06:04
Out_Coldgive me a minute to get settled with dinner and i'll look into it with you06:04
zetherooOut_Cold: no worries ... cheers06:05
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/06:05
Miracle!one | zetheroo06:05
ubottuzetheroo: please see above06:05
zetherooMiracle: cheers06:06
zetherooMiracle: do you use Ubuntu One?06:06
MiracledoeI have my iphone 3g mounted but cannot get the iphone to play new songs, does anyone know how to get it to work?06:07
Miraclezetheroo - no not yet06:07
Out_Coldzetheroo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Tutorials/FileSharing#Share%20folders06:09
poyntzi'm trying to play a certain type of mp3 file and having no luck. please help someone! where can i get the latest libraries?06:10
zetherooOut_Cold: hehe ... reading that :)06:10
poyntztried amarok, mplayer and audacious06:10
poyntznothing will play it06:10
zetherooOut_Cold: seems like you can only share with one person at a time ...06:10
Out_Coldpoyntz, try vlc or install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:10
Dishtroyerkeepsake: this is freaky. It wouldn't let me in on the first try but it did on the second..06:10
poyntzi'll try the latter, thanks Out_Cold06:10
zetherooOut_Cold: I was hoping I could share it and get a link to give to others ...06:11
DishtroyerWell at least now I can mount my drives..06:12
Out_Coldzetheroo, maybe the syncing is an issues? i'd root around some more to be sure06:12
poyntzOut_Cold: well apparently ubuntu-restricted-extras is already at the latest version :/06:12
Out_Coldpoyntz, try vlc?06:12
Out_Coldvlc plays almost anything06:12
bullgardMy IBM Thinkpad T43 sound chip is AD1981B. What is the volume control 'Master M(ono)' for in contrast to 'Master'?06:12
poyntzno luck Out_Cold06:13
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geofftAnyone recently seen a netboot install fail because of a conflict between rarian-compat and scrollkeeper?06:13
geofft(Not sure if this is a local issue, but I'm pretty sure it isn't)06:13
Out_Coldpoyntz, look to see that you have gstreamer good/bad/ugly plugins installed06:14
Out_Coldbullgard, just try unmuting all channels that are MM and see if that fixes it06:14
andrew_46poyntz: I missed the beginning of your question, what are you trying to play?06:15
poyntzandrew_46: trying to play some mp3 files06:15
poyntzandrew_46: i'm guessing it's some kind of weird format or something06:15
poyntzandrew_46: because most mp3 files play06:15
Out_Coldzetheroo, it looks like you can do multi users but you have to add one by one06:16
andrew_46poyntz: Are these files available nline somewhere?06:16
Out_Coldpoyntz, could be viral?06:16
zetherooOut_Cold: correct ... oh well ... :)06:16
bullgardOut_Cold: I have done so. It does not fix it.06:16
Out_Coldbullgard, what about the sys tray icon?? looks like a speaker?06:17
poyntzandrew_46: downloaded a torrent06:17
poyntzOut_Cold: would they be the gstream0.10-plugins-ugly that i need?06:18
Out_Coldpoyntz, yes and bad/good06:18
poyntzso the multiverse stuff06:18
Out_Coldyup.. it's restricted format06:18
poyntzk ty trying it now06:18
poyntzif its *-dbg06:19
poyntzit means it's debug symbols tho ya?06:19
Out_Coldyou don't want the dbg06:19
Out_Coldjust regular06:19
poyntzya, i think i've got all the good bad and ugly then06:20
poyntzonly the dbg and the docs aren't installed06:20
Out_Coldthen maybe the file is corrupted06:20
DishtroyerA big thank you to keepsake!06:20
Out_Coldtest another file or the same file on another machine06:20
keepsakeDishtroyer: No problem =) I'm not even really sure what I did =P06:20
poyntzOut_Cold: i'll give it a crack06:21
Out_Coldkeepsake, we rock like that lol06:21
Out_Coldhow we roll06:21
keepsakeOut_Cold: It's how Linux rolls, in general, haha06:21
Out_Coldyea... uphill in big turds06:21
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bullgardOut_Cold: I have checked the systray icon looking as a speaker. Its setting is normal: It indicates: "Output 53%" which is normal.06:22
Out_Coldbullgard, not too sure man... and you said what was muted?06:25
Out_Coldi thought you said the tray icon was muted.. but what exactly is?06:26
poyntzOut_Cold: nah no luck06:28
poyntzOut_Cold: with any of them06:28
GSF1200Sim looking to get a new video card. ATI has the best cards, but hows the driver support now? I know it used to suck..06:29
poyntzOut_Cold: tried on a mac06:30
TanthrixGSF1200S: Nvidia rules all in linux. Much better driver, and incredible video acceleration.06:30
Out_Coldwell that just tells me that my usefulness has expired for the day :(06:31
GSF1200STanthrix: Yeah, thats why I have a 9800GTX right now :) On the windows side, ATI seems to be the best. Oh well, **** them06:32
meganerdTanthrix: sorry, nVidia is now the worst under Linux06:32
GSF1200Sactually, I have 2 9800's, but I use seperate x screens, so I dont get sli benefit..06:32
blakkheimdon't buy from ati - enemy of your freedom06:32
meganerdat least the ati driver is open06:33
meganerdthat is more than nVidia can say06:33
GSF1200Smeganard: how is nvidia the worst?06:33
GSF1200SI dont think I agree, at least from the droves of opposing advice06:33
RocketLauncherI can't play DVDs. I got ubuntu-restricted-extras, I also have libdvdcss2...... i also did: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh06:34
RocketLauncherStill cant play DVDs06:34
meganerdI have been suffering under all of them for 10 years, the new ATI devices are covered by the radeonhd driver06:34
Out_Coldnvidia has better options for linux where as ati doesn't... you can work on nvidia if you know how... can't say that for ati06:34
meganerdnew ati has worked well for me06:34
meganerdpersonally I hate them both, but at least with their recent chips, they hired someone to write properly open drivers06:35
andrew_46Can somebody dcc a small text file so I can test my irssi setup?06:35
RocketLauncherandrew_46, alright06:36
andrew_46RocketLauncher: Thanks... whenever you are ready06:36
RocketLauncherandrew_46, i guess it's not working because i dont see anything on my side06:36
RocketLauncherDVD's playing, goodbye06:36
xxploitany1 familar with packing for ppa's? im having a rejecting problem caused by the section im using in the control file. Ive tried using network and networking but both sections cause a rejection06:36
Out_Coldi think that nvidia has better GPU processing for things like CUDa06:37
Hilikushow can i share a directory using samba through ssh??06:37
andrew_46Hmmm..... I was not clear as usual, can somebody send me a file by dcc?06:37
meganerdwhy bother with samba if you are using ssh?06:37
Hilikusmeganerd: how else can i see files as a windows drive??06:38
GSF1200SAnyone know where I can add module names that I want to load at boot? I have to modprobe coretemp after every boot06:38
Out_Coldandrew_46, i sent one06:38
GSF1200Son arch, id just add it it to rc.conf06:38
Hilikusmeganerd: isn't that for copy on;y?06:38
meganerdyou could also use webdav + netdrive06:38
Hilikusi need something that will look like a network drive in windows06:38
andrew_46Out_Cold: oic06:39
meganerdwell, windows only supports smb or cifs for that out of the box06:39
Hilikusok, thats why i bother with smb+ssh06:39
meganerdyou can use netdrive to add webdav and ftp support, but really, assigning a drive letter is asking for trouble06:39
Hilikusmeganerd: why?06:40
Out_Coldandrew_46, can you accept it?06:40
meganerdwindows does not support ssh out of the box, so you are going to have to add someting either way06:40
meganerdwhy bother with ssh?06:40
meganerdI am guessing that there is some sort of remote access?06:40
Miraclejust use putty on win06:40
andrew_46Out_Cold: No, looks like my setup is still borken06:40
Out_Coldandrew_46, i've never sent a dcc on xchat so not sure if it's my end maybe06:41
HilikusMiracle: how can i map a drive to a folder through putty and have the traffic be encrypted?06:41
meganerdfor me personally I just ssh (sshfs under linux, winscp under that other OS)06:41
meganerdfor my clients a VPN is usally how I solve that issue06:41
Out_ColdHilikus, sounds like you want vpn but don't ask for my help06:41
andrew_46Out_Cold: No I have had trouble with irssi and dcc, but success with x-chat, so the problem is at my end06:42
meganerdOpenVPN has a GUI for windows that mere mortals can use06:42
Hilikusthis is for backup restore, they need to be able to see whats in the backup and just drag-drop from it06:42
Hilikusso it needs to be integrated to windows06:42
Out_Coldmeganerd, having a good vpn is a bit difficult imo06:42
Hilikusno shells or anything06:42
geofftanyone done a netboot install recently?06:42
meganerdwhat version of windows?06:42
meganerdcygwin will get you the tools to do backup, but you may wish to rethink the drag and drop part06:43
Hilikusi already have all the backup set up06:43
Hilikusits the restore i am designing now06:43
meganerdand the backup is offsite?06:43
Miraclehilikus - i don't know but on linux you can tunnel with vlc and putty for remote access I'm not sure if you can mount a dir over a connection like that06:44
Hilikusyes, its all over the internet, thats why i need ssh06:44
meganerdyour easiest solution would be share the backups woth apache (you would ssl and webdav modules), and then install netdrive on the windows computer06:44
Hilikusmeganerd: isnt webdav for writing? the backups are read-only06:45
Hilikusi'm gonna look into netdrive. never heard of it06:45
pvandewyngaerdehi, i have a problem that my keyboard randomly switches to qwerty, how can i troubleshoot this ?06:45
meganerdactually yes, webdav s writing, so you would not need that part06:46
Out_Coldspeaking of which... can anyone tell me what's wrong with my iptables for nfs?? http://pastebin.com/m4375955106:46
Out_Coldoh.. minus the "speaking of which"06:46
Out_Coldline history is a blessing06:47
ShazbotMcNastyI can't find a good setup for this box.06:47
ShazbotMcNastyI need a good desktop/theme/icon set/conky to function on a computer.06:48
ShazbotMcNastyAnd this is my girlfriend's computer.06:48
Out_Coldgo pink06:48
ShazbotMcNastyAnd i haet it06:48
Dr_WillisDoes  the theme really matter much....06:48
Dr_Willispick a differnt one and get on with it06:49
Out_ColdDr_Willis, i find that eye candy is about 50% of the users and 50% simple06:50
Out_Cold*for simplicity06:50
ohirShazbotMcNasty: can't you just show her how she can do it yourself?06:50
Out_Cold^^ agreed make her learn linux lmao06:50
ShazbotMcNastyohir, I don't like the wallpapers she picks.06:50
meganerdthat is funny06:50
Out_Coldit's her computer06:50
ShazbotMcNastyShe know how to do all of the desktop crud06:50
ShazbotMcNastyI know06:50
ohirShazbotMcNasty: girls are not less equipped than we, just a little bit linux-shy06:51
ShazbotMcNastybut she also wanted a new wallpaper and theme06:51
ShazbotMcNastybut she doesn't want to do it.06:51
meganerdthere is a link to get new themes from the appearence control06:51
ohirShazbotMcNasty: so show her how she can search for herself06:51
Out_Coldi've met a few good linux chicks06:51
macosomeone asked for a linuxchick?06:51
ShazbotMcNastyI'm just going to go to gnome-look and search through themes and hopefully it'll come with a good wall that I can use.06:51
ohirShazbotMcNasty: and this is her box, not yours. So you need to live vith that ponies on :>06:52
czr_hi all, looking for some kind of web-thingy that would show me which packages can be upgraded. needs to be run locally (as opposed to landscape) and supporting multiple systems would be a bonus. any ideas?06:52
Dr_WillisHello Kity Themes Rule!06:52
Out_Coldhannah montanna themes?06:52
czr_yes, the web thingy could have hello kitty theme too, I could live with that. any idea?06:52
macoShazbotMcNasty: why dont you let her use the wallpaper she wants to use and well...if its her box, youve no say anyway? maybe you can ask the admin to allow you to have your own account on her system?06:52
ShazbotMcNastyohir, "she wanted a new background and theme, but she doesn't want to look"06:52
macoShazbotMcNasty: if it just pains you *so much* to have to see wallpapers that arent to your taste?06:53
ShazbotMcNastyread what i write damnit >_<06:53
ohirShazbotMcNasty: ah, ok.06:53
macoShazbotMcNasty: dont swear06:53
* ohir *chuckles* 06:53
MHz128what is the command used to chage permissions so everyone can read the file?06:53
MHz128and write06:54
ohirplain test 'do you know me enough' :)06:54
macoMHz128: chmod 777 filename06:54
MHz128great! thanks maco06:54
ShazbotMcNastyasd.flknav vgkijjh06:55
andrew_46MHz128: 777 is read write and execute06:56
Out_ColdShazbotMcNasty, just pick a random one.... or google some small fuzzy animal that she likes. then grab a matching icon/panel theme06:56
ShazbotMcNastyOut_Cold, I'm okay.06:57
Hilikusmeganerd: is there an opensource replacement for netdrive?06:57
MHz128andrew_46, cool, its octal right? thats why its so confusing hehe06:58
Miracleany iphone users here?06:58
meganerdHilikus: not that I am aware of...06:59
meganerdHilikus: another option might be to set up backuppc.  There is a web front end for the regular users that will on the fly create zip files for them to download07:00
meganerdMHz128: actually chmod 666 is all that you need, 777 makes it executable as well07:01
meganerdMHz128: you could also do chmod a+rw filename07:01
andrew_46MHz128: A nice explanation is here: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/filepermissions.html Have a looks at the section marked 'How to set file permissions - numeric mode'07:01
Alphoshi :) is there any stable gui for aptitude in a "synaptic-like" manner ?07:01
bullgardApplications > Sound and Video > Pulse Audio Volume Control > (Volume Control [window]) shows the »Internal Audio Analog Stereo« loudspeaker symbol as muted. How can I unmute it?07:03
rahdukemy backup HDD has a few bad sectors whats the fastest and easiest way to fix them?07:07
Out_ColdAlphos, isn't that what synaptic is?? except for apt07:07
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  yea i was about tio say that also.. but dident want to bother. :)07:07
AlphosOut_Cold : it's the "except for apt" i'm touchy about ^^'07:08
Out_ColdAlphos, i use aptitude and apt interchangeably07:08
Out_Coldsame same..07:08
rahdukeso yea bad sectors07:08
Alphoshow's that ? synaptic uses aptitude ?07:08
Alphosi thought it used apt-get07:08
rahdukepain in the ass drive is reading crappily07:08
Out_ColdAlphos, they both read the same files and .debs07:09
mneptokAlphos: apt-get gets far more attention from Ubuntu core devs than does aptitude.07:09
Alphosyes, but i've heard aptitude does keep track of installs (especially dependencies), which apt-get doesn't07:10
Out_Coldaptitude install vlc and apt-get install vlc achieve the same result and both use dpkg afaik07:10
py_I freshly installed a karmic koala system, which is working fine. Now I want to install skype, so I added medibuntu to my sources list and updated. However, apt-cache search skype doesn't find it. Is it not supposed to be there?07:10
mneptokAlphos: that's patently false.07:10
andrew_46Out_Cold: I have made some changes, could you dcc that file again?07:10
Out_Cold* Offering examples.desktop to andrew_4607:11
Alphosso if i decide to remove a package, synaptic will get me rid of its dependencies too ?07:11
petsoundspy_, yes. but you can always download from skype website.07:11
Alphos(without me having to remember what dependencies i installed, i mean)07:11
andrew_46DCC GET Out_Cold examples.desktop07:11
Out_ColdAlphos, it tells you that you can uninstall them if they are useless07:11
Out_Coldandrew_46, failed (err=No route to host).07:12
mneptokAlphos: once you remove the package apt-get will tell you "the following packages were installed but are no longer needed"07:12
andrew_46Out_Cold: Thanks anyway, I obviously have a little work to do yet07:12
Out_ColdAlphos, ^^ fixed with apt-get autoremove07:12
Alphosdoes synaptic take care of autoremove, then ?07:13
blah569How can I completely remove a mysql installation so I can reinstall it?  (sorry if anyone is still here from earlier, I went afk)07:13
=== aperson is now known as APERSON
Out_ColdAlphos, i don't think so07:13
blah569Or maybe troubleshooting for a solution.  sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start returns [FAIL]07:13
mneptokblah569: going to try the MariaDB RC? :)07:14
py_petsounds, thx for the hint, but my question was more like "has something changed in medibuntu that it doesn't offer skype anymore?"07:14
blah569mneptok:  haha, I might be interested in trying something new, however the current client is interested in using MySQL07:14
mneptokblah569: PM?07:15
wolterhi, what are "pre-release updates"?07:15
blah569mneptok:  sure, that would be cool07:15
DarkedgeCan someone tell me a fancy login manager that ISN'T kdm or gdm, thanks.07:15
Hilikushow do i disable password access to a particular account in ssh so that only a key can be used?07:15
blah569not sure how to pm from the freenode webchat haha07:15
bovinestupid question: is there a way to enable drag and drop from a network share to winamp when its running under wine?07:16
Out_ColdDarkedge, flux or xdm07:16
Out_ColdHilikus, it's in the sshd_config i think07:17
FlynsarmyI have both wired and wireless enabled on my laptop - both set to the same IP. I want ethernet to take over when i plug it in keeping hte same static IP my wireless was using. When i plug in ethernet everything just sits on 'looking up' for about 2 mins before it finally loads the page. ideas?07:17
FlynsarmyIt loads perfectly fine when either wifi or ethernet are enabled on their own07:18
HilikusOut_Cold: i can only find how to disable it for the while daemon though. not for a user07:18
Alphosthanks for your help, Out_Cold :)07:18
DarkedgeOut_Cold: well, based on what I see, xdm is quite lame http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ec/Xdm_Screenshot.png and flux is a DE not a login manager07:18
Out_ColdDarkedge, lame and linux aren't too far apart from each other :p07:19
DarkedgeCan someone tell me where I can find the lattest gdm packaged for Ubuntu?07:19
Out_ColdHilikus, yea i guess i never tried for an individual user07:20
DarkedgeOut_Cold: uhm no, look at the lattest kde :)07:20
Out_Coldmight have to build from source07:21
FlynsarmyAnyone got networking working with ethernet and wifi having the same IP without needing to disable the other when plugging one in?07:23
Out_ColdFlynsarmy, i think that you need to have 2 seperate IP addys. when i try that out in my head, i don't think 2 different devices can have the same IP on the same network07:24
FlynsarmyOut_Cold: i used to do it with earlier ubuntus...the wifi would just take over when it was plugged in07:25
FlynsarmyOut_Cold: errr...i meant ethernet would take over...07:25
Out_Coldbut before i think that you could only use one interface at a time07:26
FlynsarmyOut_Cold: yea that's pretty much what i want to do. i don't want to need to manually disable wifi every time i plug in my ethernet for the internet to work...i didn't hae to in earlier ubuntus07:26
Out_ColdFlynsarmy, what IP does it assign when you plug in the lan?07:29
bullgardApplications > Sound and Video > Pulse Audio Volume Control > (Volume Control [window]) shows the »Internal Audio Analog Stereo« loudspeaker symbol as muted. How can I unmute it?07:29
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions07:30
FlynsarmyOut_Cold: they both say however the broadcast address on one is with subnet and on the other its broadcast with subnet
Out_ColdFlynsarmy, perhaps it's something in /etc/network/interfaces07:31
Out_Coldmaybe they need the same subnet?07:32
FlynsarmyOut_Cold: all it has in there is iface lo inet loopback. Yea i'll see if i can make them teh same07:32
FlynsarmyOut_Cold: that was my problem - wrong netmask. Thanks for the help :)07:33
Out_Coldknew i was good for something07:34
Out_Coldit helps to talk out your problems07:34
Out_Coldi usually find my solutions while i am trying to pastebin all my info07:34
Out_Coldexcept for today's nfs iptable rules07:35
meganerdI don't use nfs anymore, so I could not help out there07:35
Out_Coldi couldn't get smb to work... so went to nfs.... and now that i'm trying to clean up my iptables from a huge mess, i can't get them to work07:36
reeniginEesreveRmy cronjobs don't run well unless i provide full path to every executable ... is it possible to inherit PATH variables in my cronjobs environment?07:37
neoalexhello I'm getting the following error in log.nmbd07:38
neoalexUnable to sync browse lists in this workgroup.07:38
neoalex Unable to find the Domain Master Browser name07:39
neoalexany ideas on what how to fix this?07:39
meganerdOut_Cold: what was the problem with samba?07:40
neoalexmeganerd - this error in log.nmbd: Unable to find the Domain Master Browser name07:40
Out_Coldcan't remember... something to do with the connection i think..07:40
Out_Coldsomeone suggested nfs as an idea and i went with that..07:40
abumaiadoes anyone have a clue why my laptop screen turns off after 30 minutes, even though I have the screensaver turned off, and power management set to leave the screen on no matter what?07:41
Out_Coldthe nfs works.. i know that because i can remove all my iptable rules and it does work... but when i add the rules i lose connection07:41
meganerdOut_Cold: nfs was always flakey for me.  Samba has been a solid solution for me years (well 10+ now), even when doing nix to nix07:42
obiwan_hi, please i'm revoking a key, and the reason is that i don't use it anymore. That reason will be shown forever in the ubuntu keyserver, so please, could any native english speaker a formal short phrase? is "Not used anymore" ok? or maybe "Disabled" ? thanks :)07:43
Out_Coldmeganerd, what do you use to set your firewall??07:43
meganerdall I allow is TCP 45507:44
abumaiaobiwan: unused?07:44
meganerderm 44507:44
obiwan_Ok abumaia thanks :)07:44
Out_Coldmeganerd, how do you set that?07:44
Out_Coldmeganerd, what app you call to do so.. or you use hosts.allow/deny?07:45
meganerdiptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 445 -i eth0 -j ACCEPT07:46
meganerdI don't bother with hosts allow or deny, too easy to spoof IPs, especially on someone else's LAN07:46
meganerdor wifi07:47
kinja-sheepabumaia: Key Revoked (Reason: Discontinued)07:47
kinja-sheepErr, obiwan_ ^^ :)07:47
abumaiakinja-sheep:  thanks, but that's not for me ^_^07:47
Out_Coldyea.. i was trying to steer away from those.. which is why i am struggling with these stupid rules..07:48
abumaiais there anything other than the screensaver and power management that controls whether the screen is on or off due to idle time?07:48
meganerdsometimes the BIOS does07:49
meganerdOut_Cold: if you want to avoid some of the pain of building rules by hand, check out the fwbuilder app07:49
abumaiameganerd: hmm, I hadn't thought of that, I'll have to check next time I reboot.  thanks ^_^07:49
meganerdabumaia: np07:49
Out_Coldmight do it. ty07:50
meganerdOut_Cold: if you are interested in this sort of thing, the book "Linux Firewalls" by Michael Rash (nostarch press) is really quite good07:51
Out_Coldmeganerd, i find that i don't have interests in these things till they kick me in the butt...07:52
Out_Coldbut i'll go take a look. ty07:52
meganerdOut_Cold: well, we all have our neurosis, mine are audio and networking07:52
reactorhow can I check HDD for hardware errors?07:54
Out_Coldreactor, fsck07:55
abumaiareactor:  SMART?07:55
reactorI seem to have bad surface I mean07:55
misterBreactor: badblocks07:55
qweqweqwehi, how do you make services (ie ssh) start on bootup in ubuntu?  like chkconfig in redhat...07:56
meganerdreactor: boot from a rescue disk, then scan the drive with fsck -c07:56
misterBreactor: sudo badblocks -nvs /dev/sda (but replace 'sda' with the drive you want to check)07:56
Dr_Willisqweqweqwe:  ubuntu uses 'upstart' for most services and  sysv for a few others. So i depends on the exact service. see /etc/init to tell what ones are handled by upstart07:57
misterBHere's a question for anyone with virtualbox experience. I'm having trouble incorporating the kernel module I think. Take a look at this for all of the errors I'm seeing: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m2ebf69bc07:58
sontekTrying to install ubuntu on a laptop with 64mb of memory and i'm getting: kernel panic not syncing out of memory and no killable process07:59
meowbuntuhi my panel will no longer show apps in use08:00
Dr_Willissontek:  using the alterntive installer cd I hope? I doubt if it will be very useable on 64mb of ram.08:01
Dr_WillisThers some low memory factoid/guide i recall08:01
ubottuFor installing on low memory systems, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems.  See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements.08:01
meganerdsontek: use the alternate installer, and consider a lightwer weight UI like xfce08:01
meowbuntusontek, you need a minimum of 512 mb or ram to run ubuntu. (best is 1gig or more)08:01
Dr_WillisI got ubuntu going on 128mb of ram on my imac PPC - but its so sluggish its barely useable08:01
meganerdmeowbuntu: not true, I have one system with 128 MiB08:02
Dr_Willis'to run well' :) 512mb+08:02
JasonrjMy Xubuntu runs nicely on 256MB08:02
Out_Coldmeganerd, before 6.1?08:02
meowbuntuhi my panel will no longer show apps in use what can i do08:02
meganerdmisterB: what CPU do you have?08:02
meganerdOut_Cold: ???08:03
Out_Coldmeganerd, was the 128mb with a release before or after 6.10? i tried something similar and had to revert to 6.10 for it to work with 12808:04
obiwan_guys, i got a question about the ubuntu code of coundct, if i sign it, and a month later change my mind, can i revoke it? or is whole life long?08:04
misterBmeganerd: amd turionX2 64bit08:04
meowbuntuany ideas for me please08:04
obiwan_please, answer, i'm about to become an official ubunter  and that's my last question08:04
petsoundsobiwan_, you can always change it.08:04
Out_Coldobiwan_, plan on defying us?08:04
obiwan_how petsounds ?08:04
meganerdOut_Cold: 8.04 IIRC08:04
misterBmeowbuntu: are you refering to the bottom panel to which you can minimize apps?08:04
meowbuntu!ask | obiwan_08:05
ubottuobiwan_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:05
petsoundsobiwan_, there's an instruction when you sign it08:05
obiwan_Out_Cold: defy? what do you mean Out_Cold ? please explain08:05
meganerdOut_Cold: I *always* use the alternate installer, even on my laptop with 4GiB of ram08:05
meowbuntuobiwan_, is ubuntu your first linux os08:05
wolterHi, can somebody tell me how to get rid of this? http://imagebin.ca/img/E5Ni8s.png08:06
obiwan_petsounds: i don't understand, i didn't get any instruction when downloaded the code, and in the launchad/codeofconduct doesn't say anything either08:06
bullgardApplications > Sound and Video > Pulse Audio Volume Control > (Volume Control [window]) shows the »Internal Audio Analog Stereo« loudspeaker symbol as muted. How can I unmute it?08:06
wolterits some weird osd08:06
obiwan_yeah meowbuntu08:06
meowbuntuok obiwan_ can i pm you for a sec08:06
obiwan_sure !08:06
petsoundswolter, is that gnome-do?08:07
meganerdmisterB: do you have the kernel headers installed?  also which virtualbox packages do you have installed?08:07
wolterpetsounds, yes, but I mean what is in front of it08:07
wolterthe ugly text08:07
wolterthe irc one08:07
Out_Coldwolter, what irc client?08:08
misterBmeganerd: I forgot to install kernel headers when I reinstalled the system. Duh. I'm using the packages from virtualbox.org because I need USB support.08:08
petsoundswolter, not sure about that but double check at gnome-do plugins and untick it.08:08
wolterhm.. its not a gnome-do plugin08:09
wolterits a system-wide osd08:09
wolterbut I don't think it is notify-osd08:09
Out_Coldcould be an irc osd08:09
meganerdmisterB: I am using the 9.10 packages, I did not realize that USB did not work08:09
misterBmeganerd: kernel headers were already installed08:09
meganerdI am migrating from vmware workstation, and so far I like virtualbox the best08:10
misterBmeganerd: the OSE version does not incorporate USB support08:10
meganerdmisterB: anyway, do you have the virtualbox modules loaded?08:10
woltercan somebody ping me please?08:11
misterBmeganerd: How do I check08:11
meganerdmisterB: lsmod |grep vbox08:11
kinja-sheepwolter: Pong.08:11
wolterthanks kinja-sheep08:11
SwedeMikeCTCP PING reply from wolter: 1.012 seconds08:12
SwedeMikewolter: you don't reply to ICMP PING though08:12
meowbuntuhi my panel will no longer show apps in use what can i do08:12
meganerdhist router is dropping ICMP08:12
wolterthanks both08:12
misterBmeganerd: nothing came up, and I did notice an error somewhere that said file was missing from ... Let me find it.08:13
meganerdkind of useless08:13
macomeowbuntu: right click on panel -> add to panel -> window list?08:13
wolterSwedeMike, I just wanted someone to mention my name so xchat would notify me, so I could test the notifications08:13
Out_Coldgnight all08:13
kinja-sheepSwedeMike: Can you CTCP ping metoo?08:13
wolterWeegee, but thanks anyway08:13
misterBmeganerd: error was 'Module vboxdrv does not exist in /proc/modules'08:14
meowbuntumaco, thanks that did it08:15
misterBmeganerd: did you see my post in pastebin?08:15
meganerdmisterB: m2ebf69bc ?08:15
wolterhm.. one more ping for me please?08:16
kinja-sheepwolter: Oorah!08:16
wolterand again08:16
meganerdmisterB: try modprobing these three modules manually: vboxdrv vboxnetadp vboxnetflt08:16
kinja-sheepwolter: Booyah!08:16
wolterah thanks08:16
wolteryeah, for those who saw my screenshot, it was gnome-osd08:16
wolterhad uninstalled it but it kept running.. forgot to kill it08:16
obiwan_please, petsounds could you tell me where is the instruction so i can read it? i really want to make sure i can change my mind about the contract i sign, it isn't anything written about it on the contract itself08:19
misterBmeganerd: I got the following errors: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m52bbf2c08:19
meganerdmisterB: you need root privs, try using sudo in front08:19
misterBmeganerd: did that. see the error messages below the first08:20
meganerdmisterB: I see that you are missing the net modules, this means that you will be unable to bridge interfaces, but you should still be able to boot your VMs in NAT mode08:21
meganerdwhat does dmesg say?08:21
misterBmeganerd: see post below errors on http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m7bfc8e8108:24
meganerdmisterB: how did you build these modules?08:25
obiwan_please guys, could anybody tell me if i can change my mind after signing the ubuntu code of conduct ? the code itself doesn't tell a word about it, so i'm unsure, and i don't want to sign a contract for whole life long, not even an friendly ubuntu one08:26
misterBmeganerd: I installed http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian in my repositories and did an apt-get08:26
kinja-sheepobiwan_: Best to ask that in #ubuntu-offtopic08:26
meganerdobiwan_: simply revoke your key, or submit a bug/feature request08:26
misterBmeganerd: I'm going to try downloading the deb from their site and see if that works better.08:27
meganerdmisterB: in the /usr/src directory, do you have a virtualbox directory08:27
obiwan_thanks kinja-sheep08:27
obiwan_meganerd: but that ain't revoke my signature, just the key i signed it with08:28
obiwan_ok i'll ask at offtopic08:28
misterBmeganerd: yes called 'vboxdrv-2.0.12'08:28
meganerdmisterB: do you have a package called virtualbox-dkms?08:29
misterBmeganerd: not that I can tell08:30
misterBmeganerd: searched in synaptic and found nothing.08:30
osirisx11network file shares (from folder properties) - i shared a folder on one computer on my network, what can i do to make it appear in other computers on the network inside of the "Network" browser aka network:/// ?08:30
meganerdmisterB: on my system the ose one is called: virtualbox-ose-dkms08:31
CrAzYoNiHi all08:31
meganerdosirisx11: add an entry in /etc/samba/smb.conf08:31
meganerdosirisx11: of course you need to install samba first08:31
meowbuntucan ubuntu 9.10 run on a dell mini 908:31
realLifei cant extract .rar under linux08:32
meganerdmeowbuntu: is that an Atom based device?08:32
CrAzYoNiI'm using Ubuntu9.10 as guest on VMware, I'm trying to bridge into it my edimax 802.11g wireless pci card, but Ubuntu recognize it as Ethernet, while  I can successfully bridge my Edimax Wireless N USB card, do you might have any ideas for me?08:32
kinja-sheep!hcl | meowbuntu08:32
ubottumeowbuntu: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:32
misterBmeganerd: don't see anything like that.08:32
meganerdmisterB: try searching from the command line "aptitude search virtualbox"08:32
meganerdrealLife: because rar is a patent encumbered format08:33
osirisx11meowbuntu: is there no GUI way to do this? why would ubuntu have a way to share files but no obvious way to access them on other computers?08:33
realLifei need to extract this file quickly :O how do I do it?08:33
bmatthewis there a netbook remix channel?08:33
meganerdrealLife: sudo aptitude install unrar08:33
realLifethat makes 2% sence08:33
meganerdrealLife: I use 7zip for everything, I usually install: p7zip-full p7zip-rar08:34
misterBmeganerd: there is nothing listed with dkms08:34
lyraeis there a program that lets you create a program's flowchart?08:34
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:34
meowbuntumeganerd,  kinja-sheep its actually for obiwan_ i was asking08:34
meowbuntu^ i'm in pm with him08:35
realLifethats enough ubunto for today bye :<08:35
bmatthewid like some more in-depth information as to how ubuntu netbook remix has been 'optimized' for the atom processor.  anyone got anything?08:35
kinja-sheepmeowbuntu, obiwan_ : I know Dell Mini 10 (terrible) and 10v (great) both works. However, 10v resembles similar hardware as 9 so I would think it is.08:36
misterBmeganerd: is it possible that the virtualbox-dkms pakage doesn't exist for 64bit?08:36
meganerdmisterB: I am using 64bit08:36
meganerdmisterB: I just figured it out, I have the PPA for Virtualbox OSE08:36
osirisx11meganerd: keep in mind ose does not have usb support08:37
misterBosirisx11: we've discussed that. That's why I'm having trouble. I'm not using the OSE08:37
misterBmeganerd: I'm going to try uninstalling, and reinstalling the package from virtualbox website to see if that fixes the problem first08:38
meganerdmisterB: user aptitude purge08:38
meganerdmisterB: use aptitude purge08:38
osirisx11misterB: ok cool08:39
misterBmeganerd: just realized I was using an old version (2.0). That might be the problem.08:40
meganerdmisterB: ahh, I am downloading the latest as we speak... gotta love 15mbit connections08:41
meganerdI am doing a presentation at our LUG in march on virtualization08:41
meganerdI should probably test both versions, since it is a shootout :)08:41
misterBmeganerd: here's the reason I'm not going OSE. My wife has an iPod Touch, and so far, the only thing that I can get it to work flawlessly with is iTunes, and you can't WINE iTunes.08:43
osirisx11what can i do to make ubuntu shared folders visible in other computers on the network inside of the "Network" browser aka network:/// ?08:43
misterBmeganerd: hence I need usb support on the virtual machine for iPod management.08:44
misterBosirisx11: smb?08:44
misterBosirisx11: if you don't like smb, you can use ssh08:45
osirisx11either would be fine, but to an end user who is sharing files, editing an smb conf is not a good answer08:46
osirisx11if i have a share, it should be visible already on the other computers08:46
Dr_Willisosirisx11:   the user 'shares' tghey can create use samba/smb  or you could set up where the users homes get shared by samba by default. or you could set up NFS shares.08:46
misterBosirisx11: ubuntu does smb the friendly way with context menus and graphical interfaces.08:46
Dr_Willisosirisx11:  douible check your workgroup. and try typing in the url  manually in the file manager address bar.08:47
osirisx11my workgroup?08:47
osirisx11i have all ubuntu 9.10 on my network08:47
Dr_WillisYes. You want to have all pcs in the same workgroup normally08:47
osirisx11where is my workgroup setting?08:48
Dr_Willisin teh samba configs08:48
osirisx11i haven't changed the smb config files08:48
Dr_Willis /etc/samba/smb.conf08:48
Dr_Willisyou DID install samba on all the machines?08:48
triple_xxxapt-fast over apt-get give it a try it rock the house... ;)08:48
misterBosirisx11: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba08:48
osirisx11thanks guys08:48
Dr_Willisyou did give the users samba passwords with 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME' on the machines...08:48
osirisx11why do i have to DO that though?08:49
Dr_Willisof course for  linux to linux - NFS will be faster08:49
osirisx11i checked the checkbox under folder properties and hit create share08:49
MorphyNORosirisx11: don't use smb for linux to linux :)08:49
Dr_Willisosirisx11:  because thats how samba works. In theory it SHOULD of installed the samba service once you enabled those.08:49
Dr_WillisTheres MUCH MUCH MICH more to samba then 'just a way for users to share a specific folder'08:49
osirisx11i know you guys think i am being stubborn but i want you to think of it from an end user's perspective08:49
BakefyHello everyone08:49
misterBmeganerd: updated version works like a charm08:50
osirisx11if i check "share this folder" and "create share" then in a user's mind it should show up in the other computer08:50
Dr_WillisThe idea of the users even being able to make their own personal shares - is a relatively 'new' feature08:50
MorphyNOR!hello | Bakefy08:50
ubottuBakefy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:50
c_nickUbuntu 9 onwards do not work on my P4-P4i45GV-1GB RAM pc08:50
Dr_Willismy users shares work fine here.. but i also have installed and configured the samba server how i wanted it.08:50
osirisx11Dr_Willis: how do you figure? had file shares since win95 or win nt right?08:51
misterBosirisx11: did you take a look at the help page I referred to?08:51
Dr_Willisosirisx11:  i have every users home directory set up as a share.08:51
BakefyThanks for the welcome.  I was wondering if anyone here has installed ubuntu on their ps3. (im not getting any responces on ubuntu-ps3 channel.08:51
Dr_Willisosirisx11:   you are thinking of windows.. we are discussing linux .08:51
triple_xxxlol bots nuts :)08:51
c_nick!hi | all08:51
ubottuall: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:51
osirisx11i appreciate your guys' advice! i don't know anything about NFS.08:51
Dr_Willisosirisx11:  if you were not using gnome - you woudlent even have the 'share this folder' feature   not sure that KDE has it at all.08:51
MorphyNORBakefy: You should probably try to be more precise :)08:51
MorphyNOR!nfs | osirisx1108:52
ubottuosirisx11: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.08:52
ben_germanyhi guys! i have a problem with multiple desktops running under ubuntu 9.10. i usually have my laptop at home with a monitor hooked up to its HDMI port, but today i took it with me to the university. now the problem is that when i boot up ubuntu, the laptop screen stays black, as if the second monitor (which isnt here) was the only one active. is there any combination of keys that i can git, so it switches back to normal?08:52
osirisx11would NFS it show up in the network browser?08:52
Dr_Willisosirisx11:  with NFS you could set up where each machines /home gets shared to each other machine some hiow. and transfer files . no real need for a dozen individual shares.08:52
ben_germany*hit, sorry08:52
BakefyMorphyNOR: I am not able to install ubuntu on my PS3.  I go through all the steps and then it fails to boot into ubuntu08:52
c_nickMorphyNOR: For 5 seconds i was mistaking that for NEED FOR SPEED :P08:52
Dr_Willisosirisx11:  the network 'browser' is for samba shares.08:52
Dr_WillisYou dont normally browse for nfs shares.08:53
MASARUwotaben_germany: does your laptop have function keys? maybe those work?08:53
MorphyNORc_nick: but it is, just that :P08:53
ben_germanyno, tried that :(08:53
osirisx11Dr_Willis: then why do i have to click Windows Network after i go to the network browser?08:53
ben_germanydoesnt do it08:53
Dr_Willisosirisx11:  network:/// here shows all my machines on my lan.08:53
MorphyNORBakefy: well, what exactly do you mean by fails to boot?08:53
meganerdosirisx11: you may have had file shares since windows 3.x, but they did not automatically appear on every other computer, you had to add the shares manually from every client08:53
MASARUwotaben_germany: it works fine at home?08:53
Dr_Willis but it could be because ive allready connected to the other machines befor. so it knows they are there08:54
EastDallasben_germany:  try fn+f408:54
ben_germanywhen the monitor is hooked up to it, yes. i watched a movie on it yesterday night, so i suppose it should still work :)08:54
osirisx11thanks guys!08:54
Dr_Willisthe 'windows network' icon shows all the different workgroups here forme08:54
BakefyMorphyNOR: it acts like I never installed it.  I installed 9.10 (for ps3) and used petitboot.  I should see a hard drive after installing... I dont get that.08:54
osirisx11off topic: anyone know how i can do batch autocrop and autoresize on a set of images? #gimp were not helpful08:54
Dr_Willisall the machines in the default workgroup show up in network:/// here08:55
osirisx11Dr_Willis: thanks!08:55
=== i3d_ is now known as i3d
Dr_Willisosirisx11:  imagmagick tools can do that08:55
Dr_Willis!find image08:55
ubottuFound: genisoimage, imagemagick, imagemagick-dbg, imagemagick-doc, kimagemapeditor (and 112 others)08:55
Dr_Willisif i can spell it right :)08:55
Dr_Willis!info imagemagick08:55
ubottuimagemagick (source: imagemagick): image manipulation programs. In component main, is optional. Version 7: (karmic), package size 93 kB, installed size 348 kB08:55
kinja-sheeposirisx11: imagemagick08:55
osirisx11ta ta guys08:56
triple_xxx!find play08:56
ubottuFound: dragonplayer, media-player-info, plasma-widget-indicatordisplay, adplay, alsaplayer-alsa (and 138 others)08:56
ben_germanycould i enter anything into the recovery console, so that it switches back to the regular config?08:56
BakefyMorphyNOR: http://psubuntu.com/wiki/SetupPS3 - thats the guide i have been using08:56
rethushow can i find out which vendor y ram has?08:56
triple_xxxDr_Willis: are you telling me by running !find it search's and active repository????08:56
EastDallasben_germany: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:57
kinja-sheeptriple_xxx: Yes.08:57
Dr_Willistriple_xxx:  !find is a bot command see how the bot responded?08:57
ben_germanyalright, thatnks08:57
ben_germanyi will try that :)08:57
Dr_Willis!find rc.local08:57
ubottuFile rc.local found in cameleon-doc, initscripts, ipip, mimefilter, pcp (and 2 others)08:57
kinja-sheep!find Dr_Willis08:57
ubottuPackage/file Dr_Willis does not exist in karmic08:57
Dr_Willis!info pornview08:57
ubottupornview (source: pornview): Image and movie viewer/manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2pre1-9ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 228 kB, installed size 676 kB08:57
triple_xxxDr_Willis: I thought the bot was to dump to be smart I guess I will have to take that back08:58
Dr_WillisThe bot does what the scripts tell it to do.08:58
misterBmeganerd: if you do install the non-OSE version of virtualbox, be sure to edit the vboxusers group to include yourself or your usb functionality will be limited.08:58
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.08:58
kinja-sheeptriple_xxx: The bot is only smart as you allow it to.08:58
meowbuntuDr_Willis, what a strange name for an application. whats if for this XXXXview08:59
rethushow can i find out which vendor y ram has?08:59
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.08:59
triple_xxxDr_Willis: what can the bot do other then greet you at the door and give you a search function????08:59
chasedawg11I cant log in when i try. I'm going off of the live cd. how do i fix it08:59
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots08:59
Dr_WillisIt can tell you where to find teh bot docs. :)08:59
triple_xxx!find bith bot09:00
ubottubot is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner09:00
chasedawg11 I cant log in when i try. I'm going off of the live cd. how do i fix it09:00
triple_xxx!find bitch bot09:00
ubottubot is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner09:00
kinja-sheep!botabuse | triple_xxx alias botabuser09:00
ubottutriple_xxx alias botabuser: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".09:00
Myrttitriple_xxx: stop playing with it09:00
meowbuntudoes anyone know where the linux native version of google chrome is i cant fine it.09:01
chasedawg11 I cant log in when i try. I'm going off of the live cd. how do i fix it09:01
triple_xxxMyrtti: just to much fun watching bot work lol :)09:01
EastDallasmeowbuntu: you have to add the repo09:01
kinja-sheepmeowbuntu: http://www.google.com/chrome09:01
rethushow can i find out which vendor y ram has?09:02
triple_xxx!find apt-fast09:02
ubottuPackage/file apt-fast does not exist in karmic09:02
EastDallasmeowbuntu: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa09:02
kinja-sheeptriple_xxx: "/msg ubottu !find apt-fast"09:02
Myrttitriple_xxx: it's busy on many channel and if you don't have a real need for the bot factoids, please do not abuse it. It has better things to do than keep you entertained09:02
meowbuntuthanks the wine version of chrome is unstable for me09:02
chasedawg11 I cant log in when i try. I'm going off of the live cd. how do i fix it09:02
triple_xxxkinja-sheep: this has only been out about a month started on 12-15-2009 There is not going to be an update for apt-fast yet09:03
Dr_Willismeowbuntu:  ive had no problems with the google chrome from the google repos.09:03
Dr_Willismeowbuntu:  i just follow the 'google chrome linux' links i get in google.09:03
meowbuntuEastDallas, Dr_Willis here is the ubuntu native installer for google chrome http://www.google.com/chrome09:04
triple_xxxmanual install is needed for apt-fast uses axel to speed up downloads on apt-get09:04
EastDallasmeowbuntu: I had issues printing with Chrome, but not with Chromium09:04
Dr_Willismeowbuntu:  one thing to watch out for is i recall there being 2 versions of google chrome - one dosent (or dident) have the extensions feature09:04
triple_xxxMyrtti: what you mean this bot surfs more then one irc channel????09:05
EastDallasmeowbuntu: the link I gave you is for the daily builds of the unbranded FOSS version of chrome: chromium09:05
Dr_WillisEastDallas:  i think  ive also had printing issues.. but i never did look into it much09:05
Myrttitriple_xxx: it is present on many channels.09:05
EastDallasDr_Willis: there09:05
kinja-sheeptriple_xxx: ubottu is in multiple #ubuntu channels09:05
meowbuntuEastDallas, in linux you have to use chromium not chrome itself for licence reasons09:06
Myrttimeowbuntu: *have* to? eh09:06
EastDallasDr_Willis: There's a known issue...I'll find the bug number....09:06
EastDallasmeowbuntu: not true...google just released Chrome for linux a few weeks ago09:06
Myrttimeowbuntu: I use Chrome just fine, because I do not have license issues09:06
Dr_Willismeowbuntu:  i just get the google-chrome.deb and inxtall it...09:06
Dr_Willisi think the .deb also adds a new repo to let it get updated09:07
ben_germanyhm weird09:07
meowbuntuMyrtti, its something to do with google licensing09:07
web1109I used to be able to remove the username and leave the just power button on the top right, howto on karmic?09:07
ben_germanydpkg-reconfigure xserver-org did not work09:07
triple_xxxMyrtti: I thought chrome was free?????09:07
Myrttimeowbuntu: why would they have a Linux version of Chrome if they had licence issues prohibiting it?09:07
Myrttitriple_xxx: as in price, yes it is09:08
meowbuntuMyrtti, even if i install chromimuc it still calles it chrome ok09:08
EastDallasDr_Willis: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=3047109:08
geirhatriple_xxx: chromium is free09:08
rethushow can i find out which vendor y ram has?09:08
strange_whats the best ubuntu help chan?09:08
web1109rethus: install hardinfo09:08
Myrttirethus: you're not making sense, could you reword your question?09:09
czr_Myrtti, you can run chrome nowadays. they distribute 32 and 64-bit debs and rpms09:09
triple_xxxgeirha: I know that ,but the browser costs money?????09:09
meowbuntuMyrtti, chrom is not opensorce chromium is opensorce thats all09:09
kinja-sheeptriple_xxx: Free as in "free beer" but not free as in "free to do whatever you want"09:09
EastDallasmeowbuntu: I have both Chrome and Chromium installed.  They are separate apps.09:09
djhashhey.. I was installing some updates but the power went out. How can i check if there are any errors and redo them? right now update manager is showing me a list of apps that was not in the previous list. nothing from previous list is on this new one even though it did not finish the update. Also this new list will not install, corrupted package or something...09:09
Myrtticzr_: yes, surprisingly I do know that, since I've got them both installed. meowbuntu has more problems with this09:09
Miraclever says it was made possible by the chromium project. so it is chrome09:09
geirhatriple_xxx: No money, just got an extra licence that limits what you are allowed to do with it.09:09
czr_ah yes, my bad myrtti :-)09:09
meowbuntuEastDallas, ok thats great i learnt something. what the differance09:09
meowbuntuEastDallas, pm me so we dont clog the channel09:10
EastDallasmeowbuntu: chrome is based on Chromium.09:10
triple_xxxrethus: pull your computer apart and look at the brand name... is that what you want to know?????09:10
maraboutwhen I log in grub menu indicates there are other versions installed, e.g. 8.04, etc. how can I delete those so just 8.10 remains?09:10
rethusMyrtti: i have two slots free (of my ram bank) and now have ddr 400 dualchannel-ram (2x512) and i want to upgrade it to dualchannel09:10
meowbuntueast i know about that09:10
rethusi think to have dual channel ram, its needed to have the same vendors?! so i need to now exactly what vendor and type my ram now is09:11
kinja-sheepOkay. I'm trying to accomplish something but I can't get it to work with fstab. When you mount partitions, you get /media/$RANDOM. How can I specify to use $NAME?09:11
Myrttirethus: you can try "sudo lshw"09:11
EastDallasmeowbuntu: that's the difference09:11
Dr_Willismeowbuntu:  http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2008/09/google-unveils-chrome-source-code-and-linux-port.ars  has some info in the diffs09:11
strange_anyone know anything about raid5 and growing?09:12
kinja-sheeprethus: "sudo lshw -c memory"09:12
meowbuntuEastDallas, i pm you09:12
rethuskinja-sheep: mhh, wokrks., but vendor and product is "none"09:13
kinja-sheeprethus: Cheap generic brand, maybe? :\09:13
Hunt2Hi all, i do not have gnome desktop when i login, how can i get it bak?09:13
Hunt2i am using xfce now, and need to get gnome back..09:14
web1109rethus: i thinks there are programs on the bootable ubcd that give good details on sys components09:14
ouyesgdm start09:14
kinja-sheepHunt2: Log out. Change it in sessions.09:14
triple_xxxHunt2: at the bottom of the screen it should allow you to change session09:14
Dr_Williseveryone always overlooks the session menus in the GDM login screen09:15
ouyeswhat is ops??09:15
strange_Does anyone know how to grow a raid 5?09:15
rethusbut did i need exactly the same ram x4 or can i use my 2x512 and buy 2x 1GB - with not to loose the dualchannel?09:15
ugliefroganyone having problems wit ubuntu and hulu this week....worked last week just fine but now it wont......tried firefox and chrome no luck09:15
canthus13Dr_Willis: That's probably because it doesn't appear in Karmic until you select your name.09:15
rd1381how can i connect to awindwos share that need atuturization from a windows server?09:16
triple_xxxrethus: you need to do as Dr_Willis says learn some google fu...09:16
Dr_Willisugliefrog:  i normally just use the HULU player for linux.. but i find hulus videos/site always sluggish09:16
Miraclerd1381 - use Samba09:17
ugliefrogDr_Willis, hulu player for linux?...its a program?09:17
web1109rd1381: curious what you mean by authorization from server, like another computer that does authorizations?09:17
kinja-sheepugliefrog: Yes, it is a deb -- a Hulu program.09:17
ugliefrogDr_Willis: I will look for it09:17
Miraclehi ninja09:17
rd1381web1109: its a university network that has a com lab09:18
Dr_Willisugliefrog:  yes. it works ok.. but could work better09:18
Myrttiouyes: what do you mean?09:18
rd1381web1109: and if u log in there u get a z drive in windows that is urs( with ur account number)09:18
maraboutHow can I remove other versions of ubuntu from my hard drive and just keep the one I use, e.g. 8.1009:18
Myrtti!u | rd138109:18
ubotturd1381: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.09:18
EastDallasugliefrog: http://www.hulu.com/labs/hulu-desktop09:19
c_nick!r | rd138109:19
ouyesyou see a bar on the left of the chatting window, there was a information 1 ops,1067 total.so what is an ops?09:19
meowbuntuwhere is sources.list09:19
c_nick!wtf | rd138109:19
ubotturd1381: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:19
rd1381web1109: now is there anyway to access that drive (that actually a shared folder on server that has a size quata ,and is used so that students can access there files from any of labs computers09:19
ouyesMyrtti, you see a bar on the left of the chatting window, there was a information 1 ops,1067 total.so what is an ops?09:19
kinja-sheepouyes: Operators (Power Administrator)09:19
Myrttiouyes: channel operator09:20
c_nick!omfg | rd138109:20
rd1381why every body is angry at me?09:20
Myrttic_nick: stop baiting the bot09:20
meowbuntuwish there where ops here atm09:20
web1109rd1381: is the share visible in network in file browser?09:20
Myrttimeowbuntu: there are.09:20
kinja-sheepmeowbuntu: There are *always* ops in here.09:20
ouyeskinja-sheep, Myrtti  how to become a ops and what do they do?09:20
obiwan_guys i got to go now, i'm exhausted. But i am proud, i am ubunter!!!09:20
meowbuntuMiracle, watch it or ops will kick you09:20
c_nick!lol | Miracle09:20
ubottuMiracle: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.09:20
rd1381web1109:what u mean by that09:20
kinja-sheepouyes: You will not become one. Don't ask. :)09:20
obiwan_see yaaaaa and May the Force be with you all !09:21
rd1381web1109: i want to access it from home09:21
Myrttic_nick: please, I already told you not to bait the bot09:21
ouyesobiwan_,  for what do you proud09:21
meowbuntugood one obiwan_ enjoy linux09:21
c_nickok ok Myrtti09:21
obiwan_ouyes: i'm ubunter officialy09:21
ouyesobiwan_, for what are you proud09:21
obiwan_i signed the code, now i'm  a ubunter :)09:21
rd1381ubottu: what did i say?09:21
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:21
obiwan_well, i need to rest, byeee  :)09:22
hubbixyo all09:22
ouyesobiwan_,  what you mean officially , so we are amate?09:22
canthus13ubunter... That's a new one. Sounds kinda rednecky.09:22
Miracleis there an iPhone user on now?09:22
ouyeskinja-sheep, how do you know i would not become one ? nothing is impossible mate09:23
MyrttiMiracle: have you seen the wikipage for iphone information09:23
maraboutMiracle: do you mean using Colloquy on their iPhone or a iPhone user in general09:23
r4bani have no sound, here is the output from alsa-info.sh -->> http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=acf8ebc2a7cf59e9ef886dcbaca417f9f0baaa9509:23
web1109rd1381: oh ok I see that your not on the same network. I'm no expert here.09:23
MiracleMyrtti - yes but I am having trouble getting it to work09:23
r4banit seems the module for the sound card is not loading09:23
triple_xxxMyrtti: the bot even corrects your spelling it would have been catchy if the boot said hulk very angry you puny humans learn to spell09:23
hubbixthink im gonna buy me a iphone or maby nokia N900?09:23
rd1381web1109: but thanks anyway09:23
kinja-sheepouyes: Go for it. Also, obiwan_ became one --> http://tinyurl.com/y35otm09:24
r4banis there an irc channel for ubuntu sound problems?09:24
web1109rd1381: just a shot in the dark, look into http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Mount.cifs09:24
Myrttir4ban: feel free to ask here09:24
Miraclemarabout - I am having a hard time getting music added by linux to play on my iphone whats Colloquy?09:25
r4banMyrtti, look up a few lines09:25
MyrttiMiracle: what version of iPhone do you have?09:25
ouyeskinja-sheep,  who is the ops for now anyway?09:25
Myrttiouyes: /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list09:25
rethusdoes CPU: VIA NANO supportet by ubuntu ?09:25
Miraclemyrtti - 3g with the 3.0 software09:25
maraboutMiracle: colloquy is an IRC client (for mac) that I happen to be using to access this channel09:25
meganerdMiracle: you cannot mix and match music that was added by iTunes or another service, iTunes will remove it every time09:26
Miraclei don't plan on going back to itunes if i can get this to work09:27
maraboutMiracle: they (colloquy) have made an app to access IRC channel via the iPhone so I thought were using it to access this channel09:27
jamiMiracle: what09:27
r4banmy onboard sound can't produce any audio, it shows on lspci, but alsamixer won't run, here's the output from alsa-info.sh -->  http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=acf8ebc2a7cf59e9ef886dcbaca417f9f0baaa9509:27
ouyesMyrtti,  i see some nicknames but i do not get your point for this command.09:27
Miraclemarabout - ok cool thx09:27
kinja-sheepouyes: That was the OPS list.09:27
Myrttiouyes: you wanted to know who the ops are09:28
MiracleMeganerd - i don't plan on going back to itunes if i can get this to work09:28
maraboutMiracle: http://colloquy.mobi/09:28
jamir4ban: looks good so far09:29
ouyeskinja-sheep, Myrtti  thanks, i got it ,ops = someone between us that have an votiA op09:29
jamir4ban: what is the alsamixer output09:29
Miraclemarabout - i usen FlowChat09:29
web1109rd1381: can you access the uni share from a windows computer at home?09:30
maraboutlooking for commands to delete partitions via Terminal09:30
jamir4ban: have you different audio devices? card or tv card09:30
rd1381web1109: i dont have windows :)09:30
triple_xxxHULK IS STRONGEST THERE IS!!!learn to use google before hulk get mad ... ;)09:30
r4banjami : alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory09:30
sabily-9help me09:30
r4banjami: yes i have a video capture card09:30
Myrttitriple_xxx: stop fooling around. If you want discussion, try #ubuntu-offtopic09:30
ouyesah, bazhang ever helped me, an ops09:31
meowbuntuhi i have added the ppa for chromium webbrowser but there is only the game called chromium in synaptic still09:31
Dr_Willismeowbuntu:  you did Update the package list?09:31
web1109rd1381: i was just thinking if you could connect using any OS at home, you'd likely have all the parameters to connect using ubuntu09:31
maraboutsabily-9: did you create the sabily desktop for ubuntu?09:31
rd1381web1109: if i had windows how can i share it. in uni i used mount network drive option and it searches from network places.and not from internet or ip09:31
triple_xxxwhats up sabily-9 HULK HELP YOU09:31
Miraclemeganerd - any input on my iphone issue?09:31
jamir4ban: did u install alsa-utils?09:31
ardchoillemeowbuntu: did you update your sources? sudo apt-get update09:31
Dr_WillisI just use the google chrome from the url i posted earlier..09:32
r4banjami: no, installing right now09:32
ouyeskinja-sheep, Myrtti  someday il become famous or infamous,anyway well-known to a lot of people09:32
meowbuntuDr_Willis, then where is the just reloaded synaptic09:32
kinja-sheepmeowbuntu: "sudo aptitude update && aptitude search chromium"09:32
Forcexi need help if anyone dont mind09:32
r4banjami; already had them09:32
jamir4ban: if you have other devices remember to choose the right card alsamixer -c CARDNUMBER09:32
Forcexi dont know if this the right spot09:32
sabily-9what application can view tv  channel on my skystar209:33
r4banjami: were can i find the cardnumber?09:33
meowbuntuthanks kinja-sheep aptitude is better than apt-get09:33
ouyesForcex,  what is your problem mate we are waitin g09:33
ershadsir, we have just got 6 DVDs of ubuntu 9.04 repo. Could you please help me to add it ?09:33
Miraclecan anyone play music on their iPhone that they loaded from linux?09:34
Dr_WillisI dont find aptitude that much better then apt-get but i guess your mileabe may vary. :)09:34
jamir4ban: you can enumerate them somehow .. i dont remember09:34
ershadi tried 'sudo apt-cdrom add' for all disks, but 'sudo apt-get update' produces some errors. Please help09:34
Forcexi install ubuntu i mounted in windows but when i load the os my dell monitor giving me timing issues or somthing09:34
ouyesershad,  did you dropped out from the army ? here is no sir or yes sir09:34
=== bchan is now known as test
=== test is now known as bchan2
ershadouyes, sorry :)09:35
Forcexi can hear it start but the resolution not supported by my monitor09:35
jamir4ban: also try alsamixer as root / check for /dev/snd/* devices09:35
r4banjami: alsa only recognizes the tv card, not the onboard sound09:35
ouyesershad,  you used sir,09:35
=== bchan2 is now known as motionless428
ershadouyes, yeah, wont use again ;)09:35
ershadouyes, could you please help me get it right ?09:36
ouyesershad,  what six dvds? what do you want to do ?09:36
phimichi all09:36
jamir4ban: switch to a other channel09:36
phimici got a problem with two network interfaces09:36
ouyesphimic,  hi you09:36
jamir4ban: alsamixer -c 0 or -c 109:36
ershadouyes, I got 6 DVDs of ubuntu 9.04 repository. I would like to install software from it..09:36
jamir4ban: -c 0 is default09:36
phimiceth0 is connected to public lan and eth1 is connected to trusted network09:37
r4banjami: only 1 works and it's the tv card09:37
jamir4ban: hm09:37
phimicif eth1 is up interface eth0 cannot be pinged09:37
ouyesershad,  you have to change the source, and use the dvd as the source09:37
ershadouyes, as per ubuntuforums, i tried 'apt-cdrom add' for disks, but 'apt-get update'09:37
jamir4ban: but die device is present in /dev/snd/*09:37
Forcexits ok sorry to bother09:37
Forcexill just uninstall ubuntu09:37
meowbuntuare dbg apps any good09:37
ershadouyes, ok, could you say how ? i have unticked all net-repo from software sources09:38
=== bruno is now known as Guest35571
meowbuntu^ eg chromium-browser-dbg09:38
ouyesershad, wait a moment09:38
ershadouyes, sure :)09:38
r4banjami, i have these on /dev/snd : controlC1  pcmC1D0c  seq  timer09:38
jamir4ban: try to play a wav in the superverbose mode aplay -vv foo.wav09:38
jamir4ban: we need a deeper error description09:39
ComputechWe have a computer here which has a hebrew language but the password is is normal language. But on the login screen we can't change from hebrew to normal, does someone know how that works?09:39
ouyesershad,  try this ( i never tried) go to system> admin>software source  chose third-part software click "Add CD_ROM"09:40
ranjanerashad , i think you can achieve the gole by adding those dvd's in software source09:40
ershadouyes, it's the same option as that of 'add cdrom' from synaptic, right ? i have tried it09:41
jamir4ban: did you run asoundconf list before?09:41
web1109Computech: once you click on the username, on the bottom look for "keyboard" (in Karmic)09:41
ershadouyes, i could see all disks listed in sources,09:41
ouyesershad, first insert the dvd , then try it again09:41
ershadouyes, from DVD number 1 ?09:41
Computechweb1109, i think it's using a loginscreen without the keyboard button on the bottom.09:42
r4banjami: no error messages on aplay09:42
r4banlemme show you the pastebin09:42
web1109Computech: for me the keyboard button showes up only after i click the username09:42
ComputechLet me check that.09:43
r4banjami: http://pastebin.org/7809709:43
r4banjami: i did not run asoundconf list before, don't know what that is09:44
Computechweb1109, when i click i username only a button named "session" pops up09:44
web1109Computech: what version of ubuntu is it? I was referring to karmic09:44
ershadouyes, adding..09:45
jamir4ban: aplay output looks good09:45
ouyesershad, i do not quit understand you purpose09:45
ouyesershad,  i do not quite understand your purpose09:45
ershadouyes, i didn't catch that :(09:45
web1109Computech: I have two computers using fresh install of 9.10 i386 vanilla ubuntu and keyboard button appears after clicking username.. so i don't know sorry09:46
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ouyesershad,  you have an unbuntu system installed already, but you want to install some software and use the package in the DVDs??09:46
Computechweb1109, yea i know, normally it does, but it's using a custom loginscreen.09:46
ershadouyes, exactly :)09:46
jamir4ban: it could also be a alsa pulseaudio fuckup. I'm not very firm in pulseaudio stuff09:47
ardchoille!language | jami09:47
ubottujami: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:47
ouyesershad,  so  what is in the 6 dvd ?09:47
triple_xxxershad: are these security updates???? for your system09:47
r4banjami: no prob, thanks for your time09:47
ershadouyes, Ubuntu 9.10 repo09:47
ershadtriple_xxx, nope, its software - afaik09:48
ouyesershad, 6 dvd so much!?09:48
DiverdudeHmm, i am copying files to my external HD via USB2. Theoretical speedlimit is 420Mbit = ~50MB per second. My ubuntu only transfers 17MB persec. Does ubuntu have some sort of problem with high speed transfers?09:48
ershadouyes, yep, ordered from zyxware.com09:48
triple_xxxershad are you just testing these disks or do you use the internet....09:48
ouyesershad,  ok let's work it out09:49
Ara92usb xfer is always going to be less than ideal09:49
ershadtriple_xxx, we have limited internet and would like install software from those DVDs09:49
web1109Computech: what kind of custom login screen? have you tried "alt-k" after clicking usernaem?09:49
ershadouyes, yes!09:49
DiverdudeAra92, yes, but not like only 17MB when speed limit is 5009:49
ComputechI can try that.09:49
DiverdudeAra92, thats insanely slow09:49
DaZDiverdude: did you achieve 50mbps on any other system? :f09:49
jamiDiverdude: Some external 2,5" hdd need an external power supply to reach full speed09:50
jamiDiverdude: or a splitted usb cable09:50
Diverdudejami, it has external powersupply09:50
ouyesershad, insert one of them try to see what directories are in there09:50
jamiDiverdude: then something is going wrong09:50
Computechweb1109, alt+k isn't working either.09:50
DiverdudeDaZ, i certainly reached higher than 16.5 MB09:50
ershad"ershad@bemhss-desktop:/media/cdrom0$ ls09:51
ershaddists  md5sum.txt  pool  README.txt  ubuntu09:51
Diverdudejami, yes i figured, but what?09:51
ershadouyes, dists  md5sum.txt  pool  README.txt  ubuntu09:51
Hunt2why do i get this msg? #freenode Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel09:51
ouyesershad, as usual, the packages will be put together and09:51
Hunt2and how can i overcome that?09:51
Hunt2can anyone pls tel me?09:51
=== kwtm is now known as kwtm_away
kinja-sheep!register | Hunt209:52
ubottuHunt2: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode09:52
kinja-sheep!away > kwtm_away09:52
ubottukwtm_away, please see my private message09:52
ershadouyes, and ?09:52
web1109Hunt2: thought you had to register for this (#ubuntu) channel aswell09:52
Diverdudejami,  or is the conclusion that linux cannot handle USB properly?09:52
jamiDiverdude: try to reload the ehci_hcd mod09:52
Diverdudejami, no idea how i do that09:53
ouyesershad,  do you know what data is in each dvd?09:53
jamiDiverdude: rmmod ehci_hcd && modprobe ehci_hcd09:53
Computechweb1109, thanx for help, i'm gona try some other things later.09:53
Diverdudejami, are all attached devices then affected?09:54
ershadouyes, packages, deb-packages , i suppose..09:54
jamiDiverdude: yes09:54
ershadouyes, I could see many directories in  /media/cdrom0/pool/universe09:54
Hunt2in #freenode, also i get that error msg and not able to conversate..09:55
jamiDiverdude: let the devices attached09:55
Diverdudejami, furthermore, speed seems to be negatively correlated with time09:55
ouyesershad, give me the url of http://www.zyxware.com/ description09:55
ouyesershad,  take it easy09:55
jamiDiverdude: hm09:56
jamiDiverdude: are you sure?09:56
Diverdudejami, im down to 16MB now09:56
Diverdudejami, started on 17,3-17,509:56
jamiDiverdude: reprobing the device did not work?09:56
marabouti need to delete earlier versions of ubuntu from my Hdrive as it is only 20GB. What is the best way to do that & keep 8.10 intact09:56
Diverdudejami, i have to wait to try that....im in the middle of a transferral right now09:57
jamiDiverdude: k09:57
jujixzhi all09:58
=== kwtm_away is now known as kwtm
ouyesah , ershad quit09:59
fourhi i just installed mint menu in ubuntu, anyone know how to change the logo and text on the button?09:59
zig_Isn't there some program that will help you install various windows apps for wine? I'm not thinking of winetricks...09:59
zig_I think it's an all-together different application.09:59
ouyesdoes anyone ever use dvd as a software source?09:59
jujixzis it good if i stick to ubuntu 8.04 as all 8.10 and above are slow on my computer?09:59
jujixzthnx :)09:59
ouyesi want to help someone on this matter ,10:00
reactorI have message "statd main process killed by TERM signal" before system halt10:01
ragsHello, I am running BIND 9.4 on Hardy, I'm getting this messages in the logs : "named[30429]: unexpected RCODE (SERVFAIL) resolving '':"10:01
meowbuntuhi i am trying these tricks to speed up my ubuntu 9.10 but they dont work things are different can someone take a look http://www.zolved.com/synapse/view_content/28224/How_to_tune_your_Ubuntu_PC_for_faster_performance_10:01
ouyesthere are 6 dvds of 9.10  we need them to be the software source when we want to install any software10:01
ragsI've totlay locked down the server, query and recursion only from local net and bind is listening only on the local host and n/w10:01
djhashHi, is there a way to test if all my installed packages are properly installed?10:02
ragsBut these errors still persist...10:02
jamimeowbuntu: what effort do you want gain10:02
zvacetjujixz:  yes but you should see why  newer versions are slow10:02
fourhi i just installed mint menu in ubuntu, anyone know how to change the logo and text on the button?10:03
meowbuntuCPU[-Single core Intel Pentium 4 (UP) clocked at 1836.291 Mhz-] Kernel[-2.6.31-9-rt i686-] Up[-2:05-] Mem[-343.9/744.3MB-] HDD[-62.1GB(35.0% used)-] Procs[-172-] Client[-X-Chat 2.8.6-] inxi[-1.3.2-]10:03
berserk_renmeowbuntu, search for how to improve ext3-ext4 system use prelink - it's helpfull too... but most helpful is to tune ext3 ext4...10:03
ershadouyes: sorry, got disconnected !10:03
ershadouyes: did you get that link ?10:03
rddjhash: see if this helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97941310:03
ouyesershad,  yes you quit but i am trying10:03
meowbuntujami, as my comp is old, see ^, and hangs sometimes i want to do this10:03
jujixzzvacet, i dont know, its a fairly old computer, specs r intel p 4 HT 3.0ghz, 1GB DDR210:04
berserk_renmeowbuntu, my pc is even slower - 1.2 Ghz celeron\ 640 mb ram ... video Radeon 9200 Se10:04
ershadouyes: ok,10:04
meowbuntuberserk_ren, so wont that tutoral work for ubuntu 9.1010:04
jamimeowbuntu: i don't get it "One bottleneck of Linux the use of swap file on the hard disk instead of RAM"10:04
ouyesberserk_ren,  it is a fast pc if you use xfce10:04
berserk_rendunno i use 9.04 =} i dont like software manager in 9.10 - it's useless... ;D  about ext - it should work10:05
zvacetjujixz:  did you try to replace gnome with xfce10:05
jamimeowbuntu: I thought the swap is only using if the ram is full10:05
Hunt3 why do i get this msg? #freenode Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel,   in #freenode, also i get that error msg and not able to conversate..10:05
Saturn2888I am running a RAID setup. I had help from #grub to get grub working. It finally booted into the right kernel: 2.6.24-26 for Ubuntu Server 8.04.3. After it got in, it's at an initramfs prompt. Does anyone know what to do from here?10:05
berserk_renouyes, gnome works fine too with compiz... i just turned off a lot's of services like cron... shedulers, laptop power managment... and other useless stuff =}10:05
MyrttiHunt3: because that channel is set mode +R that prevents unregistered people from speaking.10:06
jujixzis it possible to run compiz on xfce? i tried xfce once before, and i couldnt compiz, and the flash on firefox was slow like in gnome zvacet.10:06
zvacetHunt3: do you see tab named nickserv if you do type /msg username password and hit enter10:06
djhashrd:thanks but how do I do this to all installed packages?10:06
Hunt3zvacet: where do i need to type /msg?10:07
Jordan_USaturn2888: Does /dev/md1 exist in the initramfs shell? ( you should mention that you are using raid )10:07
rddjhash: idont know really but if u know command line i am sure u can do it :)10:07
ouyesershad, you can not tell whether the software packages you intend to install are in one DVD10:07
Saturn2888Jordan_U: lol! Hello again. That was funny. /dev/md1, how do i get to it?10:07
MyrttiHunt3: /msg nickserv help10:08
MyrttiHunt3: in this window10:08
ershadouyes: ok,10:08
ouyesershad, you can not tell whether the software packages you intend to install are in which DVD10:08
Jordan_USaturn2888: ls /dev/md110:08
zvacetjujixz:  I never try but I think compiz has nithing with your desktop so it should work on xfce10:08
djhashrd: yeah.. I'm not proficient.. but i think I can use dpkg to give me a list of installed packages.. then feed them to the dpkg-query command.. thanks10:08
Hunt3 /msg nickserv help10:08
ouyesershad, as usual, most software packages will be in disk directory of the dvd10:08
MyrttiHunt3: what irc program are you using?10:09
Hunt3Myrtti: nothing comes with that right?  /msg nickserv help10:09
ershadouyes: i see, but i've heard that if we've these DVDs, we dont want net to install any software10:09
Hunt3Myrtti: i use opera10:09
Salmonis it possible to set a custom icon for nautilus bookmarks?10:09
ouyesershad,  but it is a tar file10:09
MyrttiHunt3: right.10:09
ershadouyes: ok, so what about the deps ?10:09
Hunt3 nothing comes with that right? /msg nickserv help10:09
ershadouyes: tar file ?10:09
MyrttiHunt3: you do not type anything before the /10:09
ouyesershad,  yes i ever used iso file as local update source10:09
ouyesershad,  it saved me a lot of time10:10
ershadouyes: ok,10:10
ouyesershad,  yes10:10
Saturn2888Jordan_U: does not show up10:10
ershadi have its iso images too in HDD, any idea to install s/w from it ?10:10
Hunt3Myrtti: i can't see anything with /msg nickserv help10:11
Jordan_USaturn2888: Ok, that is the problem then, I have no idea how to solve it though unfortunately10:11
zvacetHunt3: I use Opera too disconnect from irc and connect again you will see nickserv tab and there type /msg username password10:11
ouyesershad,  try this again go to system>admin>software source add the dvd10:11
ershadouyes: added all DVDs :)10:11
ershadouyes: next step, please :)10:11
Saturn2888Jordan_U: GRUB or Ubuntu issue? If Ubuntu, someone here could help right?10:12
Jordan_USaturn2888: Definitely not grub10:12
Saturn2888Jordan_U: ok good. One problem down. Next problem is Ubuntu then. Should I install mdadm? That might help10:13
ouyesershad,  ah man how can you add all dvds since you only have one dvd device10:13
Jordan_USaturn2888: I don't know10:13
Hunt3hey i still have this error:10:14
Hunt3#gstreamer Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel10:14
Salmonis it possible to set a custom icon for certain bookmarks in nautilus?10:14
SalmonHunt3, you need to register your nick10:14
Salmonand then identify10:14
ershadouyes: i added DVDs one by one..10:14
Saturn2888Jordan_U: back to the Live for me. I'll boot into that and see what happens this time once after I install mdadm10:14
MyrttiSalmon: we've tried to tell him how to do it for a long time now already...10:14
Salmonoh k10:14
Hunt3Salmon: how?10:15
ouyesershad,  i know but you can not use them at the same time10:15
jamiSalmon: no10:15
ouyesershad,  WAIT il try first on my laptop10:15
Jordan_USaturn2888: Next time you ask in here mention that / is on raid and that while /dev/md1 exists when booted from a liveCD it isn't there in the initramfs10:15
zvacet!register | Hunt310:15
ubottuHunt3: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode10:15
SalmonHunt3, //msg NickServ Register password email@email.com10:15
SalmonHunt3, /msg NickServ Register password email@email.com10:15
ershadouyes: thank you very muc, i have to go to class urgently. willjoin after some time. Nice day10:15
Saturn2888Jordan_U: ok cool10:16
ouyesershad,  ok after class try to find me here10:16
jujixzhi, guys, the front audio jack on my desktop is giving output, but the internel/rear jack is working. im using ubuntu 9.10. pls help10:17
Hunt3 /msg NickServ Register password email@email.com10:17
jujixzsorry,...the front jack is not giving output**10:17
rakesh Mechatronics Books (Total 50 Books).uif....i hav downloaded this file but getting problm in opening this file..can any one help how can i open it10:17
tdn_How do I get my HP Color LaserJet 3600 to work? I use CUPS.10:18
ardchoillerakesh: what is the file extension?10:18
Salmon.uif , it can be converted to an iso with uif2iso10:19
ardchoilleah, yeah10:19
jamirakesh: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48296010:19
rakeshfile extension means10:19
jamiUniversal Image Format10:20
jamii hate those stupid file formats to push a company own product10:21
texensjujixj, u got a fresh install? or upgrade?10:22
jujixztexens, fresh install10:22
texens9.10 had some issues.. they have a dedicated thread to fix it for different makes on ubuntu community forum, did u try ur luck there?10:24
Oli``I recently upgraded my graphics card. Everything was awesome. I then started a new user account because my old one had a lot of cruft in it. Compiz performance is now pretty poor when doing something like moving wobbly windows. If I disable VSync (in compiz) it goes too fast and you don't see any of the effects. I'm wondering what I could have done to upset things so much considering the only differences are inside ~10:24
=== djhash_ is now known as djhash
jujixzyeah, i did, but no convincing answers, texens :(10:25
jujixzand none worked10:25
TanthrixSwift Justice.10:26
Saturn2888Tanthrix: ;;p10:26
geofftDo the ubuntu-netbook-remix and ubuntu-desktop tasksels conflict?10:26
JimmyJThose were some of the bots10:27
JimmyJThose were some of the bots I keep hearing about?10:27
MyrttiJimmyJ: yes. do not click the link.10:27
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.10:27
TanthrixThanks automated FloodBot1, you're my hero!10:27
Saturn2888Does the UUID ever change or it's tied to the partition?10:27
grey_fisherwhat's more fascinating than the spambot is the floodbot >:D10:28
grey_fisherit always wins10:28
* Tanthrix wishes that just once automated FloodBot1 would talk back to him10:28
johntramphi is there a separate channel for ubuntu-netbook-remix?10:28
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.10:28
geofftThere are.. how many floodbots?10:28
jamiSaturn2888: u can set the uuid10:29
geofftAnyway, I'm getting an obscure failure on netinstalling ubuntu-netbook-remix + ubuntu-desktop10:29
DJonesSaturn2888: I think it only changes if the partition changes size or some other detail, if it stays the same, as far as I'm aware, the uuid will stay the same10:29
Saturn2888DJones: good good.10:29
texenswhich soundcard have u got? jujixz10:29
djhashseeing as there are 3 8 shifts in a day.. there would be main bots, and a fourth incase one calls in sick.. :-)10:29
RiverthiefHey guys10:29
RiverthiefAnyone know a good C++ compiler/IDE?10:30
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.10:30
RiverthiefOther than codelite or codeblocks10:30
reactorRiverthief, codeblocks imho10:30
reactorRiverthief, as for compiler, gcc10:30
RiverthiefOk I'll give that a go10:30
Riverthieftyvm :)10:30
meganerdRiverthief: for an IDE kdevelop, eclipse, vim, there are more so try them10:30
Saturn2888Jordan_U: Dude, mdadm. I needed to install it. With your most-amazing chroot guide, I am saved!10:32
Saturn2888Jordan_U: you are a life-saver!10:35
Jordan_USaturn2888: np10:37
ershadcould you help me with the repo- problem ?10:38
jamijust ask10:38
supertzarcan someone tell me how to mount my .iso since I dont have a cdrom? I tried:sudo mount -o loop /tzarcasm/desktop/ubuntu_netbook.iso /media/cdrom010:38
Saturn2888Jordan_U: if you can, please tell the other dude i got it fixed too10:38
Saturn2888I'm headin' out Jordan_U. See ya10:38
ershadjami: i have 6 ubuntu 9.04 repo DVDs, would like to install software from it10:39
Jordan_USaturn2888: You can tell him yourself, ( his nick is fezie )10:39
Hunt3Salmon: Hunt3 is now registered to email@email.com, with the password password.10:39
ershadjami: could you help ?10:40
Salmonyour sort of not meant to tell people that10:40
jamiershad: and ... the apt list contains the cd or dvd as repository afaik10:40
ershadjami: yes10:40
jamiershad: so u can install stuff from it10:41
ershadjami: on updating, apt-get tries to go online10:41
johntramphow would i add an application not installed via apt into the netbook-launcher in ubuntu-netbook-remix?10:41
ershadjami: and updates from net10:41
jamiershad: you don't want that?10:41
tdnI have tried installing an HP Color LaserJet 3600 printer, but when I try to print, nothing happens.10:42
kinja-sheepjohntramp: Create a launcher, I would guess.10:42
jamiershad: then update the apt list and deactivate all remote repos10:42
Hunt3Salmon: i still get the error10:42
ershadjami: i would like to install s/w from DVD using 'apt-get install'10:42
Hunt3#freenode Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel10:42
johntrampkinja-sheep: how would i do that?10:42
SalmonHunt3, are you identified?10:42
ershadjam:yes, i have unticked all http-repos10:42
Hunt3no..how do i use IDENTIFY?10:42
nikoHunt3: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup10:43
Salmon/msg NickServ identify yourpassword10:43
ershadstill it goes online and fetch files for each installation10:43
kinja-sheepjohntramp: I don't use UNR so it may be different than regular Gnome desktop. Look for Menu Editor in Preferences/System (if it is there).10:43
jamiershad: and aptitude update10:43
johntrampok, thanks kinja-sheep10:43
pat|nGif i'll download the ubuntu livecd which one can i get from the package? kde or gnome?10:43
Salmon/msg NickServ identify Salmon lolnub6710:43
ershadjami: yep, it too goes online while updating10:43
RiverthiefGlined from Malvager lol10:44
johntrampkinja-sheep: ah, got it.  im too used to doing everything from commandline... i should have been able to find that.   thanks10:44
kinja-sheepI bet you he use lolnub67 for every websites he use.10:44
bsulzerhi ev'ryone i'd like to get my middle click to work. how do i do that?10:44
jamiershad: maybe a apt-get clean before10:44
geofftwhyyyy do I ever try joining this channel.10:44
ershadjami: ok, i will try that10:44
infidhow come when i type 'ln -s foo.pl dir/foo.pl' and ls -l dir/foo.pl it shows a loop link like: foo.pl->foo.pl10:44
creamycentrebsulzer: it should be assignable to an event as button 310:44
pat|nGif i'll download the ubuntu livecd which one can i get from the package? kde or gnome?10:45
geofftbecause ln -s takes the exact text of the first argument as the link, it doesn't do clever things with relative positioning10:45
geofftyou probably want to say ln -s ../foo.pl dir/foo.pl10:45
infidpat|nG: ubuntu is gnome, kubuntu is kde10:45
geofftthe path is relative from the position you're creating the link, not the current directory of the ln command10:45
bsulzercreamycentre, sry i don't get you. where do i catch this event?10:45
Hunt3Salmon: niko: Please check your email for instructions to complete your registration. which email do i need to check?10:45
infidgeofft: ah that makes sense. thanks10:45
pat|nGinfid: but can i change it to kde?  is it possible?10:45
ershadjami: http://pastebin.com/d7113063610:46
infidpat|nG:  yeah10:46
infidpat|nG: just install kde and you can switch to using it10:46
geofftinfid: basically a symlink is just stored on disk as a normal file with the link contents as the file10:46
pat|nGinfid: thanx10:46
geofftinfid: it just happens to have the 'link' bit set10:46
infidi see10:46
ershadjami: any idea ?10:47
gibblethey how do i install a package from unstable ... im searching with apt .. and after i have added the unstable repository ... i see this ... apt-cache madison netatalk10:47
gibblet  netatalk |    2.0.5-2 | ftp://ftp.us.debian.org unstable/main Packages10:47
gibblet  netatalk | 2.0.3-11+lenny1 | http://ftp.us.debian.org lenny/main Packages10:47
gibblethow do i refer to the 2.0.5 version when doing apt-get install10:48
kinja-sheepgibblet: #debian10:48
gibbletdude they are invite only !10:48
SalmonHunt3, you were supposed to replace email@email.com with your email10:48
meganerdgibblet: google for apt pinning10:48
gibbletand kinja dont be a tool your whole life10:48
gibbletwell yeah i added some shizz about pinning10:48
jamiershad: but where did the program get the remote infos. Do you really edit the complete /etc/apt/sources.list10:48
jamiershad: but where did the program get the remote infos. Do you really edit the complete /etc/apt/sources.list10:49
gibbletbut i think you might be onto something10:49
wild_oscarhow can one change the network-manager configuration from the shell?10:49
rethushow was the command to look if my system use swap?10:49
ershadjami: I think that explains it :) Lemme remove *all* http links10:50
wild_oscarrethus: free -m10:50
hubbixwich distro is the best for newbees.. now running koala?10:50
rethuswild_oscar: so i have this: Swap:         2541         15       252610:51
rethusthis means, if my system use sap i have to few ram?10:51
Myrttihubbix: this is #ubuntu and you'll be most likely recommended Ubuntu.10:51
* DaZ recommends windows10:51
wild_oscarrethus: "total, used, free"10:51
RiverthiefHubbix: Karmic(Ubuntu 9.10), or Mint 810:51
DJoneshubbix: There's no real answer to that, it depends what you find the most convinient and intuitive for yourself10:51
wild_oscarit means it will use up to 2541 of swap, yes10:51
Riverthiefare the most user firendly imho10:51
DaZrethus: 2,5 gigabyte of swap is a bit of overkill10:52
rethuswild_oscar: is it better if a system have so much ram that he never swap?10:52
geoffthubbix: honestly my answer to that is the distro the most people you know use.10:52
wild_oscarrethus: check the info on swappiness10:52
hubbixdo mint come with preintalled pluggins10:52
rethusDaZ. someone told me nearly 1% of diskspace10:52
Myrttihubbix: yes, but it also may have a bit less support than ubuntu10:52
wild_oscarrethus: no. on a desktop linux swap usage will affect performance10:52
Riverthiefhubbix: Mint will be fine for out-of-the-box use. Their IRC is very helpful aswell10:53
Riverthiefas is the forums10:53
wild_oscarrethus: if you have lots of ram (4GB), 2GB of swap is too much10:53
rethuswild_oscar: i hav 1GB10:53
zig_I heard there's motherboard-level ECC-type functionality in modern hardware10:53
hubbixall i coult say about ubuntu is it looks the best but i getting some problems with sound when i play dvd10:53
zig_Can anyone verify this?10:54
Riverthiefrethus, I have 3gb RAM, and only 800something mb of swap, and I never reach the limit.10:54
wild_oscarrethus: when the system will use swap is also controlled by swappiness, check that10:54
Salmonhubbix, try vlc10:54
Riverthiefrethus, I recommend around 1.5gb of swap10:54
wild_oscar1gb...seems "not a lot", but it all boils down to how you use the system10:54
Salmonits your best bet for playing dvd's10:54
chinmoywhy so muchof swap when you have got RAM!10:54
chinmoyhmm, playing the DVD thing sounds good.10:55
chinmoybut still,10:55
arandchinmoy: hibernation...10:55
Riverthiefchinmoy, because the swap will at least take some of the pressure off the small amount of ram, and performance won't decrease that much imho10:55
chinmoyelsewhere, do you really need so much of swap?10:55
ershadjami: please see this : http://pastebin.com/m7e33223f10:55
rethuswild_oscar: what is swapiness? I don't have such a command on shell10:56
hubbixyea i shall do linux is great btw.. i installed xbmc on top of ubuntu no soundproblems whatsoever10:56
Riverthiefchinmoy, yes, if you wanna use hibernation10:56
chinmoyhmm, but dont gigs come loaded with good amounts of ram nowadays?10:56
wild_oscarrethus: google10:56
Riverthiefchinmoy, WOW...JUST WOW...10:56
Riverthiefoops caps10:56
ershadjami: Thanks a lot, its working :)10:56
chinmoyya, hibernation is another.10:56
wild_oscarrethus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq10:56
hubbixgreat for streeming from my machintosh/readynas perfect10:57
jamiershad: otherwise use apt-cdrom10:57
ershadjami: yeah :)10:57
chinmoyhmm, @Riverthief, I do not use hibernation.10:57
chinmoyIt spoils the hdd.10:57
chinmoycontinuous slow write cycles..10:58
hubbixi wonder if i should trow out windows drive and install ubu on harddisk is it better than usb stick10:58
chinmoywhy not use it full time? I do..10:59
Riverthiefanyway, chinmoy, right now I am watching a movie, have firefox open with 13 tabs, and have a VM going(with 256mb dedi ram). I am using 600mb of my RAM and nothing of swap. It's still good to have some swap, especially with only 1gb of RAM.10:59
jamihubbix: do it10:59
neurrehow do i add non free to my sources?10:59
chinmoyhmm, definitely, agreed on that, Riverthief.11:00
Riverthiefyou mean the restricted packages?11:00
jamineurre: add them to the source.list11:00
hubbixjami: i got one realy old 13gb an 1 no so old 80gb what to do11:00
neurrewell i have deb http://fi.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic main restricted11:00
Salmonhubbix, it will most likely increase your performance however you might want to consider dualbooting if there are any must have applications that do not run under ubuntu11:00
kinja-sheepneurre: Take a look in Software Sources (under System --> Admin).11:00
Myrttineurre: ubuntu doesn't have "non-free" in the same sense as debian does. Some of that stuff may be on medibuntu11:00
Myrttineurre: what are you actually trying to achieve?11:00
chinmoythis is interesting. wait lemme register.11:00
neurreMyrtti, http://source.android.com/download11:01
Riverthiefneurre, sudo aptitude -y install ubuntu-restricted-extras11:01
Riverthiefshould do11:01
jamihubbix: put ubuntu on the 13gb and your home to the 80gb11:01
neurreE: Couldn't find package sun-java5-jdk11:01
neurrethat fails11:01
Riverthiefsudo aptitude update11:01
jamijami: neurre: add them to the source.list11:01
hubbixjami: tnx il do it11:01
neurrejami, add what to source.list?11:02
neurrei dont know the source of sun-java5-jdk for ubuntu11:02
neurrethat is my issue11:02
Myrtti!java | neurre11:02
ubottuneurre: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository11:02
hubbixjami: one thing how to chose home11:02
maxmanHello. I'm really in trouble. I have just upgraded to karmic and GDM looks all different. How do I change my x session (i.e. use another window manager)? On olu Ubuntu there was a button in GDM to change the session. I googled already and all I found was instructions on how to change the background image via tty. Please help11:02
neurreso how do i add multiverse to sources?11:03
Myrttineurre: tick the box in software sources11:03
neurreMyrtti, i dont have x installed :)11:03
neurreim working on shell :)11:03
chinmoyedit sources.lst11:03
Myrttineurre: roight. add multiverse to main restricted11:03
Myrttineurre: might want universe too11:04
hubbixjami: one thing how to chose home11:04
kinja-sheepmaxman: The Sessions option are located below in the new GDM. Did you see it or it was not there?11:04
jamihubbix: install ubuntu, put the 80gb hd to fstab so it automounts then change your user home directory11:05
ugliefrogDr_Willis: U still here?....if so where di find the hulu player11:06
neurrei have some issue with my network11:06
neurrenetwork is unreachable11:06
hubbixhmm i dont know how to11:06
kinja-sheepugliefrog: http://www.hulu.com/labs/hulu-desktop11:06
jamihubbix: whats the pproblem11:07
ugliefrogkinja-sheep, ty u very mucho11:07
jamineurre: check your source.list11:07
neurrewell, i cant even ping anything outside my lan11:08
neurrei get network unreachable11:08
neurreits not sources.list11:08
hubbixjami: you mean install 13gb ubuntu first ten apply 80 and mount it11:08
jamineurre: a ok11:08
neurre /etc/init.d/networking restart gives me ok but i cant ping11:08
meganerdneurre: what does "ip route" show?11:08
ja660kis there a way i can hardcode a password for auth in curl or wget??11:09
neurre192.168.128.0/24 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src
neurrethat single line11:09
jamihubbix: from the top. You want to install ubuntu11:09
neurrei get from ip route11:09
meganerdyou have no default route set11:09
meganerdset a gateway11:09
neurrei forgot that :D11:09
jamihubbix: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation11:09
neurrety, now i got aptitude update working :)11:10
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash11:10
maxmankinja-sheep: I clicked everywhere and I was unable to find it. Also it's impossible to change GDM back to the old look as the Login Screen Settings window looks very minimal now11:10
Hunt3Salmon: i am getting confused. where do i need to give my email address?11:10
hubbixjami: il try tnx for all help brb on soon i gonna try to use windows to bios dualboot :9811:10
tdnHow do I install an HP Color LaserJet 3600 Printer? I have tried installing it via CUPS web admin with both hpijs and pxljr, but when I try to print, nothing happens.11:10
neurrei added multiverse and universe and did aptitude update but i still cant find sun-java5-jdk :/11:10
jamija660k: wget yes, curl i dont know why not11:10
ja660kjami: does wget support basic authentication?11:11
=== neurre is now known as neure
SalmonHunt3, when you registered with "/msg NICKSERV REGISTER password email@email.com" you were supposed to replace email@email.com with your email11:12
jamija660k: basic and digest afaik11:12
Salmonand password with the password you wanted11:12
MyrttiHunt3: and the password with a password of your choice11:12
ja660kjami: thanks alot :-)11:12
jamija660k: np11:13
hubbixbye :)11:14
seframhow can i enable hardware driver support in karmic11:15
Prometheshi, how to change default path for css files? i tried to add to bootstrab.php line : define('CSS_URL', 'lib/css/');  but it gives me Notice (8): Constant CSS_URL already defined [APP/config/bootstrap.php, line 43]. Anyone knows how to accomplish this??11:15
=== Nakkel is now known as EvilAdmin_
kinja-sheepsefram: System --> Admin --> Hardware Drivers.11:15
=== EvilAdmin_ is now known as Nakkel
seframkinja-sheep: it wont show any video cards !!11:15
erUSULsefram: explain; System>Admin..>hardware drivers is not there?11:16
SalmonerUSUL, what version of ubuntu?11:16
erUSULsefram: which graphic card ?11:16
seframits there but empty after i removed fglrx11:16
kinja-sheepsefram: There might be no support for your card. What card?11:16
jamiPromethes: sounds like a apache vhost config / php problem11:16
seframkinja-sheep: its an ATI Radeon HD 4200 onboard11:16
meganerdsefram: use the radeonhd driver11:17
Promethesjami: yes, i choosed wrong tab in my xchat, sorry for confusion11:17
seframkinja-sheep: its supported by fglrx according to AMD11:17
zetherooanyone here using xvidcap ?11:17
seframmeganerd: but i need hardware accelleratio11:17
meganerdyes, it is supported by fglrx but the radeonhd driver is better and supports all of the new "HD" chips11:17
jamizetheroo: which context11:18
meganerdit *is* a 3d driver11:18
zetheroojami: what do you mean? ...11:18
seframdpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg keeps crashing , no output whatsoever11:18
jpdssefram: I don't think it's suppose to show output?11:19
zetheroojami: I cannot get it to record sound11:19
Salmonzetheroo, i use gtk-recordmydesktop , but is there any problem?11:19
RobLikesBrunchDear #Ubuntu: What, in your opinion, is the absolute BEST guide to learn about Linux? I already know most of the basic commands, but I want to learn more about how Linux works and how to manipulate it.11:19
RobLikesBrunchOh, and preferrably online...and free.11:19
Salmonzetheroo, does your mic seem to work in the sound preferences?11:19
AS-MKingShould I install the 32bit or 64bit version of Ubuntu on my 54bit desktop?11:20
reemai installed an ethernet driver after that my network icon is missing from the panel............how to bring it back? i'm not able to connect to the wireless network11:20
RiverthiefRobLikesBrunch, learn bash to start with11:20
zetherooSalmon: oh my Mic works perfectly11:20
seframjpds: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/47445511:20
jamizetheroo: sry i mixed up the program name 8) I use istanbul for that task11:20
zetherooSalmon: I have been trying to get a screencast application to work in Ubuntu for the last 3 days11:20
RobLikesBrunchRiverthief: Can you recommend a guide :D?11:20
popeyzetheroo: tried gtk-recordmydesktop?11:20
seframhow can i reset hardware driver detection?11:20
Salmonzetheroo, does it work in in other applications?11:20
RiverthiefRobLikesBrunch, http://ss64.com/bash/11:20
popeyzetheroo: thats what I use for screencasts.ubuntu.com11:20
jpdssefram: Yeah, try without the -phigh for configuration screens.11:21
popeyzetheroo: i used to use xvidcap but it's a bit broken11:21
RobLikesBrunchRiverthief: Great, thanks!11:21
zetheroopopey: yeah ... video and audio are out of sync11:21
seframjpds: its all the same11:21
RiverthiefRobLikesBrunch, No problem :P11:21
popeyzetheroo: i use recordmydesktop from the command line and it's not out of sync11:21
zetherooSalmon: mic work with everything else11:21
jamiRobLikesBrunch: discover your system. Read man pages. Start scripting bash/perl11:21
zetheroopopey: say on ...11:21
popeyzetheroo: http://popey.com/blog/2009/08/25/getting-back-into-screencasting/  :)11:22
RiverthiefRobLikesBrunch, also, get to know the linux file structure11:22
seframdo I really need to reinstall because my Hardware Driver utility is unable to detect my board?11:22
RobLikesBrunchjami: Is Perl the dominant language in Linux? What about Python & Ruby?11:22
Salmonzetheroo, you might want to try gtk-recordmydesktop like others have suggested11:23
zetheroopopey: was the audio and video out of sync when you were recording through the GUI?11:23
zetherooSalmon; as I said I already have been trying it11:23
RiverthiefRobLikesBrunch, Perl would be the way to go imho. To know regular expressions is a powerful thing11:23
popeyzetheroo: yes11:23
zetherooSalmon: video and audio are out of sync ... so useless ... unless popey has the key ...11:23
RiverthiefPlus, Pychon is quite easy, you can learn it in a few weeks11:23
zetheroopopey: ok I'll give it a shot ...11:24
RobLikesBrunchRiverthief: Wait...Perl or Python?11:24
RiverthiefRobLikesBrunch, Perl imho11:24
zetheroopopey: but you are also not using an internal mic11:24
RobLikesBrunchRiverthief: But "python is quite easy"? I'm confused :P11:24
popeyzetheroo: doesnt matter11:24
seframI installed fglrx with the hardware dirver tool but ended up with no login srceen and currupted cursor, then i compiled the most recent version, installed it but that didnt change anything. After disabling Desktop Effects it wont even give me any X screen so i purged all fglrx and now they cant be reinstalled throught the hardware driver tool... I really LOVE AMD !!11:25
Salmonzetheroo, as a work around you could manually sinc the audio in whatever video editor you use11:25
RiverthiefRobLikesBrunch, yes, Python can be learned in a few weeks, but the earlier nyou start with Perl the better. Plus Perl has so many more uses11:25
popeySalmon: its not as easy as that11:25
=== hans is now known as Guest73073
popeySalmon: the audio drifts11:25
zetherooSalmon: yeah ... not happy to go down that route11:25
RobLikesBrunchRiverthief: Ah, okay. Thanks.11:25
krishn1Hi need help in fixing the NFS issue  ,Home directory is not mounting on my machine11:25
perlmonkeyhi guys, having a problem with twinview..hoping someone can help.. basically I have two monitors in Ubuntu Hardy on one graphics card (DVI and VGA) both are working fine when I use the Nvidia X Server Settings utility program to configure the two monitors as Twinview...they act as one monitor, and my desktop background appears on both screens, like panoramic view/stretched... however when I save the settings to xorg.conf11:26
zetheroopopey: do you know what to do with the OGV file? ... I mean its kind of big no?11:26
chinmoyreal easy.11:26
chinmoyto begin at least.11:26
chinmoyplus productive too.11:26
=== chinmoy is now known as TuX
krishn1I have tried  /etc/init.d/vendetta stop11:26
krishn1/etc/init.d/vendetta start11:26
krishn1sudo nsscache update11:26
krishn1Sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-common restart11:26
FloodBot1krishn1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:26
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
arandsefram: you can always reinstall from synaptic, search for "fglrx"11:26
popeyzetheroo: i upload the ogv to blip.tv and they convert to other formats for me11:26
zetheroopopey: is blip.tv free? ...11:27
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
rethushow did i install a .deb-package?11:27
seframarand: i know but when i do that i suspect it wont enable desktop effects, wich i need to even get any X screen with fglrx...11:27
popeyzetheroo: http://ubuntuscreencasts.blip.tv/11:27
znhHello :-)11:27
znhCould anyone guide me to throttle the network throughput? Globally11:27
meganerdguys, the HD series is supported by radeonhd, just use it11:27
seframarand: fglrx only works with desktop effects and the hardware dirver tool seems to enable them with the driver install...11:28
popeyznh: wondershaper can do that11:28
meganerdznh: lartc.org11:28
zetheroopopey: cool ... umm ... with your command how do I implement the feature of following the mouse ?11:28
popeyznh: to throttle individual apps you can use 'trickle'11:28
popeyzetheroo: not sure, type recordmydesktop --help, and you should find the option there11:28
zetheroopopey: oh and I want to use my internal mic ... know what I should change? hw:0,0 ?11:29
popeyzetheroo: the blog posts tells you what to type to discover the device name11:29
ja660khow can i make grep search on 2 keywords?11:29
=== Riverthief is now known as Riverthief|afk
popeyja660k: grep term1 filename | grep term2  ?11:29
llutzja660k: grep -e 'term1|term2' foo      OR-search11:30
erUSULja660k: grep -E '(term1|term2)'11:30
Lungan_I have an pretty anoying problem, when i disconnect my ac adapter, and start watching a movie for example, and after about 5-10 sec the brightness auto goes down a little bit11:30
ja660kpopey: its not from file, its wget http://example | grep keyword11:30
kaolbrecrethus: Just click it in file view, or dpkg -i /path/to/package11:31
arandsefram: hmm, Desktop effects can only be enabled when you have a 3D accelerating driver installed, desktop effects are dependent on fglrx, not the other way around..11:31
ja660kerUSUL: thanks11:31
Bizzehhi. is there anything in the repositories that runs commandline and makes jpg/png screenshots of websites?11:31
krishn1Hi ,can any one help me on this  issue http://paste.ubuntu.com/358447/11:31
MikeZ83hi, everyone11:31
Jonathan_LHello. I've got this config: 3G modem -> laptop -> wifi -> laptop. I want to use wifi to share the internet connection on the first laptop with the second.11:32
seframarand: but i cant enable them without a working x server with fglrx... and fglrx does not work without desktop effects...11:32
erUSUL!ics | Jonathan_L11:32
ubottuJonathan_L: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php11:32
Lungan_I have an pretty anoying problem, when i disconnect my ac adapter, and start watching a movie for example, and after about 5-10 sec the brightness auto goes down a little bit, how do I turn that option off?11:33
Jonathan_LerSUL: Will that work for 3G connection sharing over WLAN too?11:33
Jonathan_LLungan_: That's probably energy saving options11:33
arandsefram: fglrx can be installed from a recovery terminal, without having any X or graphical environment started.11:33
Lungan_Jonathan_L, Yeah but I don't know how to turn that off11:34
rethuskaolbrec: thaks11:34
kinja-sheepLungan_: Change the setting in Power Option.11:34
iflemaperlmonkey gksu nvidia-settings11:34
erUSULJonathan_L: it should. you have to change the interface names. probably the 3G connection is ppp0 and the wifi interfaces are wlan011:34
=== jbake_ is now known as jbake
srinihow to edit the grub menu... menu.ls is not in /boot in 9.10???11:34
erUSUL!grub2 | srini11:34
ubottusrini: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub211:34
arandsrini: not with grub2 no11:34
Lungan_kinja-sheep, Jonathan_L thank you, that did help11:34
perlmonkeyiflema: ya, that's what I'm using to configure it... as i said it works fine when I do it manually, but for some reason once the settings are saved and X is restarted the monitors are treated as separate screens11:35
seframarand: installing fglrx is not the problem, the problem is that it ONLY works with desktop effects ENABLED. But to enable them i need it working without desktop effects and that seems to simply is impossible since i only get a blank frozen X srceen...11:35
sriniAny difference between grub and grub2???11:36
Riverthief|afkGrub2 < Grub11:36
iflemaperlmonkey in a terminal type gksu nvidia-settings11:36
Jonathan_Lthose guides for ICS are extremely unhelpful for this situation.11:37
perlmonkeyiflema it only seems to bring up the nvidia-settings utility? or does it do anything different?11:37
SalmonJonathan_L, what is the problem?11:37
erUSULJonathan_L: try with firestarter then.11:37
iflemaperlmonkey reset ya settings...now they stick11:37
Riverthief|afkGrub2 has, imho, worse boot times, no grub.cfg, less support for other"windows" OS's, and you should just install EFI :P11:37
sriniRiverthief|afk:  Grub2 < grub means???11:38
Jonathan_L3G modem connection sharing over WLAN. Guess?11:38
Riverthief|afk< means less than11:38
Riverthief|afkas in, worse than in this case11:38
Salmontry creating an adhoc network11:38
Jonathan_Lsrini: That the person thinks that grub2 are worse11:38
Jonathan_LSalmon:  I've tried, and followed several guides11:38
ae86-drifterJonathan_L, omg slowness of lag snails11:38
* perlmonkey tests11:38
MikeZ83any idea when the nvidia support for the newer cards will become more reliable? there's a strange phenomenon with the geforce 250m in notebooks where switching from GUI to console mode gets you stuck with a flickering image (like bad analog tv reception). observed with drivers 185 thru 19511:38
kinja-sheepJonathan_L <3 bridge-utils11:38
seframI really have to reinstall my whole ubuntu because of that BUGGY AMD crap!11:38
Jonathan_LRight now neither computer are connected to the adhoc network (!)11:39
* iflema iflema smiles11:39
llutzJonathan_L: why? ipforwarding/masquerading works for all kind of interfaces the same way, where do you see differences between wifi and 3g?11:39
meganerdnvidia has always sucked for me11:39
SalmonJonathan_L, how a re you creating it?11:39
sriniJonathan_L :  i want to know the difference between grub2 and grub11:39
ae86-drifterjonathon create a proxy server, bridge connections, use NAT, lotsa ways to do it11:39
erUSULMikeZ83: nvidia has its own support forum; maybe there you get more help if you are using the run's from its website11:39
arandsefram: so at the moment when you start, what happens?11:39
kinja-sheepsrini: What is difference between Firefox 2.0 and Firefox 3.0?11:39
krishn1can any one help me on this http://paste.ubuntu.com/358447/11:40
Jonathan_Lsrini: The grub developers said that grub-legacy ("grub") is becoming a pain to manage, so they rewrote it and created grub211:40
MikeZ83thanks for the hint, erUSUL11:40
Jonathan_Lae86-drifter: Uuuhh.. Overkill?11:40
sriniJonathan_L: ok Thanks...11:40
perlmonkeyiflema: doesn't work, still being treated as separate monitors :-/11:40
MikeZ83bye, have a nice day11:40
ae86-drifteri meant either one, not all of them lol11:40
seframarand: with fglrx drivers installed and desktop effects disabled i get no login screen, but can hit ENTER enter my password and hit ENTER again, but then it will freeze with a white screen11:40
zetheroopopey: how do I stop the capturing?11:40
kinja-sheepJonathan_L: Try bridge-utils11:41
Jonathan_Lllutz: They guide are not very clear on how to do it with any other config than the sample config in the guide11:41
Jonathan_Lkinja-sheep: How do I use it?11:41
SalmonJonathan_L, try http://www.ubuntugeek.com/creating-an-adhoc-host-with-ubuntu.html11:41
* perlmonkey trying again11:41
jamikrishn1: was your home a nfs mount?11:41
kinja-sheepJonathan_L: It is not supposed to be a guide. It is a documentation manual. :-)11:41
perlmonkeynah doesn't work11:42
krishn1jami :yes11:42
kinja-sheepJonathan_L: You install it then you create a new eth0/wlan0 profile in NetworkManager. Change it to "Shared something"11:42
iflemaperlmonkey after starting in terminal.... enable second monitor select primary click on that the configure/twinview11:42
=== Barbiegentooer_ is now known as Tina-
krishn1it was a NFS mount11:42
seframarand: with fglrx drivers and desktop effects enabled it logs into X and my mouse cursor is a 64x64 pixel crap, but everything else seems to work. But i cant get there without the hardware drivers tool because it enables the ?requires? desktop effects together with installing fglrx...11:42
kinja-sheepJonathan_L: I'm remembering this off my head but I was able to get my 360 working through laptop wireless.11:43
llutzJonathan_L: all you have to know is the IP-range of your local network and the interface name of your external interface (connected to WAN)11:43
jamikrishn1: then the nfs startup fails11:43
iflemaperlmonkey youve done it before.... just do that after starting in terminal with gksu11:43
perlmonkeyiflema: twinview is working, but it's acting differently to when I set it up manually... its treating both monitors as separate screens instead of one long screen11:43
znhIf I want to sell a product with Ubuntu installed, is that legal?11:43
jamikrishn1: get in as root and try to mount the nfs11:44
perlmonkeybasically the monitors are not joined/sync'd11:44
iflemaperlmonkey cloned of seperate11:44
iflemaperlmonkey cloned or seperate11:44
erUSULznh: if you provide the right info; yes why not. also consult the trademark and artwork policy of ubuntu logos names etc11:44
LjLznh: hmm this is not the best channel to ask that... although i'm never sure where to direct for legal questions. you could try asking #ubuntu-offtopic (but take answers with a grain of salt), and also ask #ubuntu-irc if they know of the most appropriate channel11:44
perlmonkeyseparate, I have entirely different desktop background images on each, and when I drag an app from one screen to the next, it's not perfectly in sync, theres a resolution difference11:45
zetheroopopey: audio and video are still way out of sync for me11:45
perlmonkeywhen I set up nividia settings manually the two screens are perfectly in sync, one desktop background, one resolution11:45
Hunt3Salmon: what is supposed to happen when i run /msg NICKSERV REGISTER password email@email.com ? i mean with correct password and email addresses?11:45
iflemaperlmonkey not seperate then if ya draging windows from one to other...11:45
perlmonkeyiflema ya, as i said its working in twinview but not the same as when I do it manually11:45
SalmonHunt3, it will register your nick11:46
kinja-sheepHunt3: Don't make a big deal out of it. Register. Check your email. Confirm the link. You're done.11:46
perlmonkeyperhaps im not making it very clear11:46
Salmonto identify you can then type /msg nickserv identify password11:46
kinja-sheepHunt3: Then you will want to set up identify in your IRC client.11:46
iflemaperlmonkey sounds to me like a twinview type of rig.... not seperate11:47
perlmonkeymanual configuration = twinview mode with 1 resolution and both screens treated as one desktop space11:47
Hunt3kinja-sheep: i gave my email address, dint receive any link?11:47
krishn1jami: I have logged in as root and tried /etc/init.d/autofs restart11:47
perlmonkeysaved configuration / auto = twinview mode with 2 resolutions, and both screens treated as separate desktop spaces11:47
krishn1jami: is there any thing else I have to do11:48
ae86-drifterHunt3, well u did it wrong maybe11:48
perlmonkeyiflema: so why isn't my desktop background image appearing on both screens? and why aren't apps perfectly in sync for the resolution11:48
ae86-drifter!irc | Hunt311:48
ubottuHunt3: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines11:48
jamikrishn1: why autofs11:48
web1109Hunt3: did you check junk mail box?11:49
palanthasI'm am trying to remember how to see if I am running 32 or 64 bit ubuntu... can someone help me?11:49
krishn1jami : how to restart NFS11:49
jamikrishn1: nfs-common11:49
kinja-sheeppalanthas: uname -m11:49
krishn1nfs-common restart  ,ok11:49
arandsefram: hmm, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=439895 describes how to switch them off from starting in recovery mode, maybe that'll give hints on how to switch it on.11:49
iflemaperlmonkey im thinking A. you are unable to configure the software or B. youve been messing with other methods of twinview/mods or C. typo11:49
palanthasThankyou kinja-sheep11:49
arandsefram: hmm, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=439895 describes how to switch them off from starting in recovery mode, maybe that'll give hints on how to switch it on.11:50
jamikrishn1: if your home was mounted via fstab try mount -a11:50
perlmonkeyiflema: or D; twinview manual configuration works differently to X auto-started twinview configuration11:50
seframarand: thx il read through that11:50
arandsefram: sorry duplication.11:50
perlmonkeyit's weird11:51
perlmonkeyim gonna try something...brb11:51
iflemaperlmonkey its pretty solid i thought.... up in twinview now. just the one issue.... no seperate desktop background images :(11:52
Hunt3web1109: ya i checked it's not here in spam mails too11:53
iflemaperlmonkey apart from pasting two images together.... pez11:53
kinja-sheepHunt3: Official Freenode Support @ #freenode11:54
perlmonkeyiflema: i've just compared my desktop settings to when I use twinview in auto-started config and manual config... and there's a clear difference: on auto-started it has two monitor settings tabs (monitor 1 and monitor 2) allowing independent desktop background images, however on manual config if I click on desktop there's only 1 monitor settings area, i.e. its treating both screens as one desktop11:55
Hunt3kinja-sheep: #freenode-fr, is it the same?11:55
Salmonperlmonkey, your nvidia settings arent restored on login by default11:55
kinja-sheepHunt3: I would think it is... In french languages.11:56
perlmonkeyI'm unable to get X to auto-start with the manual approach (treating both screens as one screen) tried everything.. so I'm assuming there is not a feature but rather a quirk of using nvidia manually11:56
Salmonyou ether have to add nvidia-setting -l to your startup applications or run it yourself11:56
perlmonkeySalmon: I've saved the settings, actually copied and pasted them into xorg.conf11:57
zetherooanyone here have any luck with screencasting in Ubuntu ?11:57
Salmonyour using twin view right?11:57
Salmonthat isnt stored in the xorg settings11:57
iflemaperlmonkey manually??? xorg.conf editing is manually. i just wanna know.... what happens when you in a terminal type gksu nviddia-settings.. ok do you see two little screens?11:57
Salmonyou have to load your nvidia settings with nvidia-settings -l11:57
perlmonkeywhen I say "manually" i mean starting X in non-twinview mode, starting nvidia-settings utility and configuring to twinview WITHOUT saving config/restarting X11:58
GG19anyone know how to see whats on your virtual c: drive without going through wine?11:58
perlmonkeythat works perfectly11:58
jamiGG19: look in the config winecfg11:59
perlmonkeyif I save the config, Twinview works when I restart X, but both screens are treated as SEPARATE screens11:59
arandGG19: it's all in ~/.wine/drive_c/11:59
jamiGG19: ~/.wine/drive_c is standard mount for wine's c:11:59
perlmonkeySalmon thanks I will try that12:00
Hunt3web1109: when i run  /msg NICKSERV REGISTER password email@email.com , it says my Hunt3 is already registered12:00
GG19yeah but I cant right click and delete or move to trash anything.12:00
perlmonkeySalmon where should that command go?12:00
Salmonperlmonkey, just try running it from the terminal after you have logged in12:00
GG19like wine, programs, dvdfab, "file i want to delete"12:00
perlmonkeyok good idea12:01
fredrik__Im trying to share my internet connection to my wi-fi card. I have tried to klick on the network icon in panel and then 'create new wireless connection" but my other devices can't find this connection. Is there some mimitation on a laptop wireless card/settings?12:01
Salmonif it works then add it to your startup applications under system -> preferences -> autostart12:01
jamiGG19: ls -l and get sure that you are the owner of this dir12:01
* perlmonkey tries12:01
GG19so if C: is simulated the real files must be on my main drive? but where?12:02
noisymouse_Is there a way to use a terminal on the ubuntu alternate cd?12:02
noisymouse_Is there a way to use a terminal on the ubuntu alternate cd?12:02
Salmonnoisymouse_, try ctrl + alt + f212:02
erUSULGG19: you have been told already. in ~/.wine/drive_c/12:02
noisymouse_ah ty12:02
Salmonthen to switch back do ctrl + alt + f112:03
jussi01!ics | fredrik__12:03
ubottufredrik__: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php12:03
noisymouse_sry if I doubleposted I wasn't sure if it worked the first time12:03
erUSULGG19: do in a terminal « nautilus ~/.wine/drive_c/ »12:03
madurahey anyone know how i can make menu background transparent?. It doesn't work with alpha channel pngs12:04
fredrik__ubottu, I have worked witch firestarter before.. will try that again. Thanks for the tips12:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:04
perlmonkeySalmon doesn't work, gives lots of errors too12:04
Salmonoh im not sure what it is then12:05
perlmonkey"No display connection"12:05
bjlenhi i'm trying to get my US keyboard layout to let me produce a british pound sign - £ - how can I assign a key combo to produce this character? I would like to use Iso_level3_shift+3. using karmic.12:05
perlmonkeyoh well thanks for trying guys, i guess I will have to keep setting config manually and just leave my PC on12:05
* iflema :|12:07
GG19found it i had to go into windows and all users and programs then the folder then delete the file12:07
adversarianWell. This has gotten pretty long and complicated: After installing Ubuntu 9.10 fine, it didn't boot the next day. Nothing I've done has made it work. I even reformatted the HDD and it still doesn't work. I tried the alternative liveCD, and that doesn't work. I checked the RAM - it's fine. I reinstalled windows, and that works fine. Does anyone have any idea of what I could do to at least find out what the problem is?12:10
jamiadversarian: does the bootloader show up12:12
kinja-sheepadversarian: Care to explain what happen when you said you tried alternative liveCD? I would guess it can't see the monitor for some reason.12:13
GG19wait so I deleted the file from my virtual C: drive yet it still remains in my wine , programs, and in the folder12:13
adversarianjami: Well, Ubuntu is no longer installed, but when it was it got to GRUB fine. It would freeze if I picked recovery mode or normal ubuntu, after making minor progress. Recovery mode stopped once it hit "stop skipping firewall: ufw (not enabled)". The LIveCD loads fine, but it freezes if I choose to try ubuntu or install it.12:13
fredrik__jussi01, you missunderstood. The problem isn't to share Internet. The problem is to make my devices see my laptops wireless connection... they don't12:13
beeryourselfcan i ask for help about curl?12:13
adversarianjami: Recovery mode from the CD stops after some crypto check, I can't remember the exact text12:14
kinja-sheepadversarian: What hardware?12:14
adversariankinja-sheep: Well, it starts off fine (when I hit install). I get to the menu and everything works, and then once it hits the second pc hardware check it stops working - it just freezes on a blue screen with a black bar at the bottom12:14
adversariankinja-sheep: Sorry I don't know what you're referring to12:15
kinja-sheepadversarian: What make/model?12:15
strywgranyone knows about a good alternative for windows media player? (except cinelerra).12:15
jamistrywgr: mplayer vlc12:15
adversariankinja-sheep: Of which hardware component? The RAM, the CPU..?12:16
iflemaperlmonkey pastebin ya xorg.conf12:16
=== damn3d is now known as Damn3d
kinja-sheepadversarian: I had issues with my laptop touchpad going frenzy crazy on me when I touch it. Apparently I had to include some kernel parameters. Afterward, I find that I can fix it by flashing the BIOS to latest version. It works for me then.12:16
kinja-sheepadversarian: Make/Model of your computer. I'll try and find something if I can.12:16
Hunt3Salmon: i ran this command /msg NICKSERV REGISTER password email@email.com and in another tab i see: Hunt3 is already registered.12:16
Hunt3wil i get mail in that case?12:16
Salmonsomeone already has that nick12:16
strywgrmy bad, not windows media player, windows movie maker.12:16
Salmonyou will need to choose a differennt one12:16
bazhangHunt3, please ask in #freenode for this12:16
Salmonstrywgr, openshot maybe12:17
strywgraright thanx Salmon and jamo.12:17
Salmonstrywgr, http://www.openshotvideo.com/2008/04/ppa-instructions.html12:18
adversariankinja-sheep: Lemme go check, I'll be just a moment. I'm not too computer savvy.. It'll probably be written somewhere on the tower case right?12:18
kinja-sheepadversarian: Right.12:18
jamilol hunt hash the password12:18
adversariankinja-sheep: It's a Fujitsu Siemens Scaleo L Edition12:19
jamiHunt3 you know you password12:19
pat|nGis there any ubuntu wiki sites? like need to know those tech-terms used by the documentations....any? thanx12:19
marcosRzguys what cli program I can use to see how much network usage my pc is doing?12:19
DJones!wiki | pat|nG12:20
ubottupat|nG: http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.12:20
pat|nGubottu: thanx for the link ;)12:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:20
DJonespat|nG: Does ubottu's link help with what you're looking for, probably that second link will be the best12:20
kinja-sheepadversarian: Not a much of help. Your hardware are unpopular, I guess. ;\12:21
pat|nGDJones: yup u're right the 2nd link do fit for my needs thanx guys12:22
DJonespat|nG: You're welcome12:22
kinja-sheepadversarian: Do you know if you can use the machine fine on LiveCD?12:23
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iflemamarcosRZ cli? command line? 4#775#01bmon or iftop12:23
adversariankinja-sheep: What gets me is that it worked fine before - it installed fine, it booted up fine after installation, and then the next day it didn't work (it had been hibernating all night - I realize now that might have something to do with it having messed up, since I didn't configure anything).12:23
adversariankinja-sheep: It freezes from the liveCD. It gets to the menu, and it makes some booting progress from it, but it stops before it gets anywhere.12:23
hubbixi think its better with a laptop, old stationary pc dont always boot from usb12:24
hubbixtesting ubuntu on a acer aspire 8930 :)12:24
pvandewyngaerdehow can i check my current keyboard layout from commandline ?12:25
tdnPlease, can anyone help me install my printer?12:26
kinja-sheepadversarian: Do you know if the BIOS for your motherboard is latest?12:26
adversariankinja-sheep: Probably not, especially after reinstalling windows last night to see if that worked.12:27
marcosRziflema: but how do I get the max transmit rate of my if in cli? ntop doesnt do that12:27
hubbixadversarian: me also got that freeze you talking about on a pentium 2 or 3 you could check cd rom old comp very slow cdrom12:27
iflemamarcosRZ i dont know ntop..... iftop or bmon yeah.12:27
adversarianhubbix: Yeah, I was thinking about trying from a floppy. After a certain point the computer just stops reading from the CD12:28
hubbixadversarian: my pentium i cant even hear cd spinning so slow it is12:29
marcosRziflema: but how to get like the max rate with those prpograms?12:29
adversarianhubbix: Geez. The tower's pretty loud so it's easy to tell, especially if you put your ear up to it12:29
iflemamarcosRZ max rate.... neither i think... that was not the question12:30
iflemamarcosRZ iftop.... plain as day dow bottom ;)12:31
iflemamarcosRZ oh no....12:31
hubbixadversarian: i gived up my pent2 is it posible to floppy it12:31
kinja-sheepadversarian: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI12:32
kinja-sheepadversarian: That could be it. It is difficult to troubleshoot your machine.12:32
=== Hunt3 is now known as ExploreNExplore
adversariankinja-sheep: Yeah, I was in here three or four times yesterday. I'm lucky everyone's been so helpful. :)12:33
iflemamarcosRZ iftop.... current and peak and theres a total there as well12:33
kinja-sheepadversarian: I couldn't find BIO download for your machine. You want to be sure your BIOS are latest because that's the "heart" of the hardware.12:33
kinja-sheepadversarian: Then there are kernel, the core of any linux operating system.12:34
leohartxcan some one tell me how to change password of my ubuntu one account ?12:39
jamileohartx: passwd12:40
=== OkropNick^ is now known as OkropNick
hubbixubuntu works great together with freeNAS lol12:40
leohartxjami: no, i mean "ubuntu one"12:40
DJonesleohartx: There's an #ubuntuone channel that should be able to help you with that12:41
leohartxDJones: thanks12:41
adversariankinja-sheep: The windows registry tells me the bios version is the following: GBT - 42303e31 Award Modular BIOS v.6.00PG12:41
adversariankinja-sheep: It's dated from 2005, so there's a good chance of an update :P12:41
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい12:42
fredrik__how can I set upp my laptops wireless to act like a accesspoint?12:42
DJones!cn | vv1512:42
ubottuvv15: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:42
hubbix2005 isnt old :)12:42
erUSUL!info hostapd12:42
ubottuhostapd (source: hostapd): user space IEEE 802.11 AP and IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP Authenticator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.6.9-3 (karmic), package size 336 kB, installed size 916 kB12:42
Leoneof`i want to explore files in Nokia 60series via Bluetooth, how?12:43
erUSULadversarian: you can see the same from linux. "sudo dmidecode | less"12:43
adversarianerUSUL: Ubuntu is no longer installed; I reformatted and reinstalled windows when ubuntu didn't work from the liveCD despite reformatting.12:43
GG19I'm having trouble deleting something and need help I took a snapshot of my desktop to show you what I mean. http://f.imagehost.org/0017/filedelete.png12:46
knxvilleGG19: Tried deleting it through terminal? sudo rm <filename>12:47
marceloalgum brasileiro para me socorrer12:48
Pici!br | marcelo12:48
ubottumarcelo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:48
GG19knxville,  let me try, im still a n00b to ubuntu12:48
robertm851GG19 Check to see the entry is no longer in the menu - by going system > Preferences > Main Menu12:48
* iflema rm wine12:48
robertm851in the window go to the wine menu > and uncheck it in there if it's still listed12:48
ja660ki need grep to exactly match 2 terms in pipe12:49
knxvilleGG19: I'll recommend learning the terminal and its basic commands.12:49
llutzja660k: grep term1 foo|grep term212:49
robertm851GG19 how has checking the menu entries gone ?12:50
erUSULGG19: right click on the menu and choose edit menu. remove the entry there12:50
ja660kllutz: that didnt work, the cmd im doing is wget http://example | grep term1 term212:50
GG19robertm851,  thanks that worked perfectly :) and thanks knxville for the other way I will have to learn it since it is a big thing12:50
llutzja660k: wget bla.foo|grep term1 |grep term212:50
ja660kllutz: i tried that :(12:51
erUSULja660k: you have to tell weget to writte to stdout12:51
llutzja660k: wget -O - bla.foo|grep term1 |grep term212:51
ja660kerUSUL: it is12:51
erUSULja660k: wget -O -12:51
ja660ki can pastebin the code code i have so far?12:52
erUSULja660k: llutz typed it first ;)12:52
GG19erUSUL,  this is great now I can organize the menu as well this is even more than I was looking for thanks12:52
erUSUL!paste | ja660k12:53
ubottuja660k: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic12:53
johnny_brisI have a bunch of txt files in hierachical folders along with other files. I would like to copy the text files to a new folder.   I tried   $ find . -name "*.txt" > afolder12:53
johnny_bris bash: afolder: Is a directory12:53
ja660kerUSUL: sec12:53
jribjohnny_bris: you don't want to keep the directory structure?12:53
johnny_brisjrib, no12:54
Picijohnny_bris: find . -name "*.txt" -exec mv {} afolder/ \;12:54
erUSULjohnny_bris: cp **/*.txt afolder/12:54
jribjohnny_bris: use -exec and cp12:54
=== stu__ is now known as flexible
Picijohnny_bris: sorry, replace mv with cp then12:54
ja660kerUSUL: http://pastie.org/78303512:54
ja660kerUSUL: it sort of works, but it also matches partial text for keyword of text12:55
flexibleare there any big negatives in moving to 64bit12:55
tdnHow do I get suspend/resume to work on my Lenovo S10 Netbook with Ubuntu Netbook Remix?12:55
jribflexible: not really12:55
ja660kerUSUL: if i use -x or -w instead of -e i get broken pipe error12:55
flexiblejrib: even with wireless?12:55
jribflexible: check with your particular card.  I'm not aware of any12:55
erUSULja660k: grep -w -e patter1 -e pattern2 ?12:56
ja660kerUSUL: broken pipe again, is there any cmd line search i can use aside from grep, fgrep egrep?12:58
jribja660k: grep isn't the problem...12:58
erUSULja660k: why do you have so much concatenated sed's ? the two last ones do the same?12:58
ja660kjrib: teach me :)12:58
jribja660k: wget -O - www.google.com | grep -i -e about -e google   works fine12:59
jribja660k: are you sure your wget is succeeding?12:59
erUSULja660k: anyway using shell to parse [ht,x]ml is not a good idea ...13:00
alteregoai got a problem13:00
alteregoahow can i stop xorg?13:00
alteregoaand the whole gdm stuff13:00
ja660kjrib: yes, if i get rid of the sed and grep it returns the html13:00
* jrib agrees with erUSUL, pick a different language and use an xml parser13:00
alteregoai have to install a gfx driver13:00
ja660kjrib: xml sorry13:00
jribja660k: what if you get rid of everything after the grep?13:01
erUSULalteregoa: sudo stop gdm && pkill X13:01
ja660kerUSUL: yeah i know, but i was trying to keep it one file thing, i could write some xslt13:01
ja660kjrib: broken pipe13:01
alteregoapkill ok13:01
erUSULja660k: get rid of the |\ in the grep line too13:02
ja660k$URI | grep -i -x text -x screen_name13:02
ja660kthats the last line13:02
ja660kstill gives broken pipe13:02
erUSULalteregoa: you should use system>admin...>hardware drivers to do that13:02
erUSULalteregoa: or envyng13:03
alteregoaenvyng doesnt support13:03
alteregoai got a other kernel13:03
=== gilgamesh is now known as gilgamesh__
alteregoaafaik envy only loads the gfx drivers from the repo?13:03
erUSULalteregoa: yes ; that's the supported way13:04
alteregoai try it now without envy-ng13:04
ja660kerUSUL: it worked... thanks for the help13:04
alteregoait has to compile the kernel module i thin13:04
ja660kjrib: it worked thanks for the help also :)13:05
hubbixany1 know if there exists any kind of ligthroom for linux something that works the same way?13:05
adversariankinja-sheep: Any idea?13:05
=== ari_stress is now known as setitik_debu
jribja660k: what did you have to change?13:05
ja660kjrib: like you said | grep -w -e t1 -e t2 but switching from -i to -w13:06
erUSULja660k: 13:56 < erUSUL> ja660k: grep -w -e patter1 -e pattern2 ?13:06
ja660kerUSUL: errrrr, could of saved you both a headache13:07
ja660kerUSUL: not sure how i missed that.. thanks alot13:07
erUSULno problem13:07
hubbixahh i got 1 showfoto looks great13:07
Leoneof`hi, it is possible to explore files in Nokia 60series via Bluetooth, how?13:08
llutzLeoneof`: easy using "blueman"13:08
RiverthiefLol, can anyone please assist me in installing java?13:09
jrib!java | Riverthief13:09
ubottuRiverthief: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository13:09
ja660kwhat java? runtime? sdk?13:10
RiverthiefI dunno lol, my little brother want's to get on and play fagscape :P13:10
llutz!lol | Riverthief13:10
ubottuRiverthief: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.13:10
Riverthieftyvm ubottu :)13:10
erUSULRiverthief: the mozilla plugin13:10
erUSULRiverthief: install sun-java6-plugin13:10
=== gonegreen2 is now known as tj83_
RiverthieferUSUL, dl link?13:11
vltHello. What (cmd line or gui) tool can I use to record a video stream from my webcam to an avi or mpeg file?13:11
erUSUL!software | Riverthief you have to change the windows mindset13:11
ubottuRiverthief you have to change the windows mindset: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents13:11
coz_Riverthief,  sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin13:11
RiverthiefOk, thanks :)13:11
RiverthiefI suppose I do need to lose the windows way of things haha13:12
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
stringswhile compiling an opengl program, i am getting error like ' undefined reference' for all opengl functions used. i included gl.h,glu.h,glut.h. what may be causing the problem?13:13
stringsin ubuntu 9.0413:13
jiohdianyone familiar with UNR know how to change the panel settings?13:14
navinCan anyone help me!!13:17
tavasti!ask | navin13:17
ubottunavin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:17
iflemavlt vlc13:18
Riverthiefwe'll give it a go navin, what seems to be the problem?13:18
navinI need help in installing themes.13:18
navinWith my Ubuntu 9.10.13:18
kinja-sheepnavin: System --> Preferences --> Appearance. Download a theme. Drag it to that Appearances window. You're done!  Next113:18
navinwait let me try that.13:19
kinja-sheepnavin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy (too).13:19
nefastI have made a huge mistake. Whilst removing some application I also removed libwnck22.13:20
nefastAm I boned?13:20
nefastI seem to have removed my whole window manager13:20
nibblernefast: cantyou justreinstallit?13:20
nefastI was so confused when I rebooted and I just got a terminal, in stead of the normal windowmanager that I hadn't thought of that.13:21
nefastPure genius.13:21
stringsfixed it :-)bye13:21
tdnHow do I get suspend/resume to work on my Lenovo S10 Netbook with Ubuntu Netbook Remix?13:21
kinja-sheeptdn: Under Power Management, maybe?13:22
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
=== strider_ is now known as strycore
kinja-sheeptdn: http://tinyurl.com/ybj7gss13:23
RiverthiefHmm, I did the apt-get install sun-java6-plugin, but it doesn't seem to be working....13:23
tim-i am running nis on a ubuntu box for nfs access to a nas. For some reason I have a user on the box that I cant get to export out to my nas ... that user isnt allowed to ssh in either so I assume that is the problem.. can anyone tell me where to look to fix that?13:23
xdemoi want to remove my crunchbang partition, and merge the space with ubuntu... can i just get gparted and do it all from ubuntu, or do i need to do it via livecd13:23
jribxdemo: live cd13:24
xdemook thanks, jrib13:24
jribRiverthief: restart your browser13:24
MindSparkhi, is there something like sshfs for ftp ?13:24
jribMindSpark: apt-cache search ftpfs ?13:25
Riverthiefawesome tyvm :)13:25
jribMindSpark: there's probably some way to use fuse too13:25
kinja-sheepMindSpark: If you need GUI for file manager, you could use MindSpark: Places --> Connect To Server. Oh I found curlftpfs too. :o13:26
skofr2Hello, I installed the program wicd to try out if I could make my laptop act like a access point. But this program takes over the connect to internet part in ubuntu. And now I can't get the original program that manage the connections to work (the one that you can see in the panel)13:26
kinja-sheep!info curlftpfs13:26
ubottucurlftpfs (source: curlftpfs): filesystem to access FTP hosts based on FUSE and cURL. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-1build1 (karmic), package size 29 kB, installed size 112 kB13:26
iflemajrib does gparted merge these day?13:26
MindSparkjrib, curlftpfs is there ! thanks13:26
MindSparkkingmanor, yes, found it, thanks13:27
LunganAnyone who are good at Xchat how can pm me and help me with some stuffs?13:27
kinja-sheepiflema: It does not merge. Just resizing and stretching.13:27
jribiflema: don't know but xdemo can delete and then resize13:27
xdemoi thought it was possible to merge13:28
jrib!pm | Lungan13:28
ubottuLungan: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:28
kinja-sheepLungan: Ask away. We might answer. :)13:28
jribxdemo: it's the same result13:28
xdemowell, if i was to delete the partition, and resize the ubuntu one right?13:28
jribxdemo: yes13:28
xdemook cheers13:28
iflemaxdemo delete then resize13:29
Lungankinja-sheep, aha thought that I werent allowed to ask about xchat here =), Is there anyway to arrange windows so that i can have 2 chatwindows open at the same time in xchat, instead of only having one big?13:29
kinja-sheepLungan: Right-click on the chatroom tab/tree and detach.13:30
enhydrahello, I am experiencing a weird problem in newly-installed kubuntu 9.10…13:30
enhydraevery three seconds or so, all the consoles “hang”13:30
hubbixomg picassa is superb and its free :)13:30
Lungankinja-sheep, Yeah, but then I get another window, I still want to have all the chatwindows "inside" xchat13:30
kinja-sheepLungan: XChat is not capable of having multiple windows in one window.13:30
Lungankinja-sheep, aha okey, then I have to go with irssi i think13:31
kinja-sheepLungan: Cheers.13:31
zend_fanI have a upload image php script works fine on windows and other linux machines but my machine it creates folder but does not upload the files do I have to change anything in apache ?13:31
enhydra...literally everything about console input and output, even “real” consoles (Ctrl-Alt-F*)13:32
Muhammad_SaadInstead of waiting for the update manager to tell me about the distribution update (9.10), how do I upgrade manually?13:32
Muhammad_Saadwhich command to use?13:32
enhydraMuhammad_Saad, sudo do-release-upgrade13:32
kinja-sheep!upgrading | Muhammad_Saad13:33
ubottuMuhammad_Saad: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading13:33
enhydraso, does anyone have any idea about these hangs?13:36
jrib!helpme | enhydra13:36
ubottuenhydra: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude13:36
enhydrajrib, I’m sorry, it was not intentional -_-13:37
LewisDre4mHow can I reverse my webcam image when using skype? for example, so when I move left I move left on the screen? like mirror image13:37
jribenhydra: if no one has helped you after a while (~10 minutse) just repeat the question so people don't have to go looking for it13:37
skofr2Hello, just installed, and then uninstalled wicd and now I can't find the original network handler program that shows in panel.. How can I get that back?13:37
duke_how big is your var partitition??13:37
jribskofr2: network-manager? nm-applet?13:38
LewisDre4mIs it possible to mirror image my webcam when I'm using skype so when I move left I will move left?13:38
LewisDre4mIs there a program that I can tweak my webcam settings with that will apply it's self in other programs when I use my webcam?13:39
LewisDre4mI know about "cheese" but if I do something in there it wont apply that to when Im using webcam in another app.13:39
skofr2jrib, cant install network-manager caus I have no Internet connection13:39
tdnkinja-sheep, I wrote that myself. The text in your link.13:39
LewisDre4mSeems I am the only person out of 1176 ubuntu users who has ever used a webcam lol.13:40
paultuxhola a todos13:41
tdnLewisDre4m, what makes you think that?13:41
LewisDre4mtdn: do you know how I can tweak webcam settings?13:42
tdnLewisDre4m, no.13:42
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kinja-sheep!rofl | LewisDre4m13:42
LewisDre4mkinja-sheep: rofl13:42
Krambiorixhi guys, what's the difference in permissions: S and s13:42
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.13:43
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:43
nefastHello everyone, I have made a huge mstake.13:44
nefastI removed libwnck2213:44
nefastNow I lost my window manager.13:44
nefastWell, everything, rather.13:44
skofr2how can I install network-manager without internet connection?13:44
skofr2can it be done from the install cd?13:44
grawityskofr2: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ + USB drive13:44
llutznefast: ctrl-alt-f1 , sudo aptitude install libwnck2213:45
nefastllutz, the problem is, this is a live boot13:45
nefastI can't seem to connect when I boot from my normal installation.13:45
nefastTo my wireless network, that is.13:46
hl_99hey, im trying to install Xampp, i downloaded the package but when i try      tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.3a.tar.gz -C /opt      i just get no such file or directory....13:46
llutz!lampp | hl_9913:46
llutz!lamp | hl_9913:46
ubottuhl_99: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:46
llutzhl_99: forget your tarball, use native packages13:47
kjelleAnyone good at netconsole here?13:47
Krambiorixhow can i set a group execute on a directory??13:47
llutzKrambiorix: chmod g+x13:48
Krambiorixthx man!13:48
kjelleim trying to compile my 8.04 ubuntu with netconsole compiled in the kernel.13:48
ojiihi everyone13:48
ojiii can't get ubuntu one to work, it doesn't matter what file i drop into the folder, it always ends up in 'conflict'... what am I doing wrong?13:49
dnivraskrofr2: you could try this one in case you already have not got how to install network manager from cd-http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-186175.html13:49
aniawhy my conky is dissapearing and working in background after a while?????13:49
dnivrahave not*13:49
nefastllutz, is there a way to connect to a wireless network via the terminal13:50
llutznefast: iwconfig13:50
aniayes nefast13:50
kinja-sheepania: Ask in #conky -- They may know.13:50
aLeSDhi all13:50
aLeSDis there someone from egypt ?13:50
roccoi have some issues with the ubuntu 9.10 installation13:51
petsounds!cn > Aurora_13:51
ubottuAurora_, please see my private message13:51
roccosomebody can help me?13:51
LewisDre4mdoes anyone know how to mirror webcam? so it moves the way I do?13:51
aniaiwconfig than ifconfig wlan0 up  than iwlist scan than iwocnfig wlan0 essid channel key13:51
dnivrarocco, care to elaborate. from what you've said till now not many can help you.13:52
dnivrarocco, correction no one can:).13:52
t_this is just a test13:54
hl_99llutz ok i get a page saying "IT works!" when i go to http://localhost/13:54
geirhat_: Your test may or may not have succeeded13:54
roccoafter the installation, if I boot Ubuntu my monitor starts to flick after seconds...but if I boot in recovery mode and then I exec "startx", all works fine. Why?13:54
geirhahl_99: Then apache is up and running13:55
roccoexcuse me for my english, I'm italian13:55
llutzhl_99: place your site at /var/www13:55
t_seems like it succeeded more than expected13:55
skofr2my network-manager have gone to peaces.. what packages do I nead to get it back?13:55
hl_99now id like a GUI thing to upload php files on it13:55
geirha!italian | rocco13:55
ubotturocco: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:55
hl_99filezilla should be ok right?13:55
kinja-sheepskofr2: network-manager-gnome13:56
ueu001Hey guys, does anyone use jabber?13:57
znhueu001, Nah. Nobody does13:57
kinja-sheepueu001: Everybody but znh13:57
geirharocco: Does it keep flickering when you log in?13:57
navinHey I just was just searching for some games like NFS for my ubuntu 9.1013:57
kinja-sheepnavin: NFS?13:58
navinNeed for speed13:58
navinany car race or fights13:58
vltHello. man ffmpeg says `ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 /tmp/out.mpg` would save video from my webcam on /dev/video0 to a file. But I get "[video4linux2 @ 0xb7fb6110]Missing/Wrong parameters    /dev/video0: Error while opening file". Any idea why?13:58
TyZzanThey are a few flight sims + kart racing games under add/remove programmes...13:59
dnivranavin, you can try checking synaptic package manager it has a games. also try http://www.playdeb.net13:59
navinthanks let me check.13:59
skofr2kinja-sheep, Thanks! That solved it13:59
hl_99llutz i should be able to load files on the local server by using filezilla right?14:00
kinja-sheepnavin: I'm playing pingus lately. I usually keep computer + video gaming consoles separated.14:00
navinHave u played Dead or alive?14:00
dooglusis it possible to have ubuntu get online before I log in, but still use a gui to switch networks?14:00
kinja-sheepskofr2: :-)14:00
bbelt16agok I need some  help peeps14:00
bbelt16ag my DNS entries are  getting over  written, I keep having to go to network in admin section and  enable my 'default' prefs for dns14:00
llutzhl_99: if you've installed a ftpd, yes14:00
TyZzanThats ok navin.. But yeh its quite good isnt it..14:01
bbelt16agand my lcd display is not  coming up when I reboot.14:01
bbelt16agI get one lcd not both and now compiz stopped working. but that's not bigger I never  setup it properly I wil fix it laters14:01
llutzbbelt16ag: edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf14:01
llutzbbelt16ag: to your default prefs14:02
hl_99llutz no, which one should i use?14:02
bbelt16agwhy in the world  do we got a different  config file then the  rest of the linux world for?14:02
llutzhl_99: just use a filemanager to copy your files locally14:02
bbelt16agcan't I  just delete   dhclient?14:03
LewisDre4mskype don't include a feature to flip the webcam image or adjust brightness etc . . . how insane is that?14:03
hl_99llutz copying them where?14:03
bbelt16agok ok I am  copying my stuff there14:03
llutzhl_99: place your site at /var/www14:03
OerHeksLewisDre4m is this howto the answer 2 your question ? > http://radu.cotescu.com/2009/11/05/flipped-images-ubuntu-webcam/comment-page-3/  ( not for skype, unfortunatly )14:03
hl_99llutz how do i do that?14:03
llutzhl_99: just use a filemanager to copy your files14:04
hl_99hm k14:04
LewisDre4mOerHeks: Thank you, unfortunatly its only skype I really need this setting for :(14:04
LewisDre4mso supprised no one has wanted to flip their webcam image in Skype14:04
alteregoathe installer cannot find the kernel sources14:05
alteregoabut i installed it via deb14:05
navintyzzan: yeah that is14:05
hl_99llutz ya thats another thing, how can i get root privileges for folders like /var? im using nautilus14:05
_nmapHi, im new to linux and have been installed ubuntu 9 here... Im trying to share internet connection with other computer. My connection with wlan0 is ok, how can i can share the wlan0 internet connection to my eth1 pci card?14:05
navinbut i was searching for that games since ages.14:05
aimtrainerHey! I need to edit a line out of a pdf file. Can anybody tell me how please?14:05
realsifohelo all14:06
erUSUL¡info pdfedit14:07
erUSUL!info pdfedit14:07
ubottupdfedit (source: pdfedit): Editor for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3-1 (karmic), package size 2049 kB, installed size 6976 kB14:07
realsifocan wine in ubuntu rum mass effect game?14:08
ChogyDan!appdb | realsifo14:08
ubotturealsifo: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:08
erUSUL!ics | _nmap14:08
Pici!appdb | realsifo14:08
ubottu_nmap: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php14:08
realsifook thanks :)14:08
hl_99llutz ok i put my file on it, but it does not appear on the web page. theres still just the "it works!" page14:09
_nmapubottu, i will look that, thanks.14:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:09
CAPcapubuttu, you are a bot.14:10
CAPcapubottu you are a bot14:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:10
CAPcapi cant type, i hate that.14:10
CAPcapI'm having some issues with blender and some other graphic programs14:10
rayvehate to repost this here, but I haven't heard anything from #oss - sorry for the broad question, but I've been having issues with my sound in Ubuntu 9.04 for some time now and searches through UbuntuForums.org have been fruitless. Audio works in rhythmbox and totem, but nothing in youtube or wine programs or anything. Does anyone have any ideas? Please let me know what info you need. (can I get OSS support here?)14:11
swiftarrowrayve, not that I can really help, but what is your sound architecture?14:12
CAPcapthey all appear to be using OpenGL but when i did a check on it a and gave it to someone who asked for it he said it all checked out. all the programs just shut right after launching. if run from the terminal i get a Sementation fault. help?14:12
rayveah, if I understand correctly - sound card is Creative Labs SB Audigy, using OSS for sound output14:13
ChogyDanrayve: so you decided against pulseaudio?14:14
rayveI didn't have any luck with pulseaudio either, so I decided to try OSS, though not finding much luck there either14:14
OerHeksrayve ubuntu 32 or 64 bit ?14:15
rayveOerHeks: running 9.04 AMD 32 bit (but I recently looked again and think I might actually have an AMD64, so that would mean I would be 64 bit, yes?)14:15
ChogyDanrayve: have you tried 9.10?  That would be were fixes for sound would go...14:16
fredrik_How can i turn my laptop into a access point so other comp. can use my 3G Internet connection?14:16
rayveChogyDan: haven't yet, it's on my to-do list this weekend.  I've only over updated the kernel version slightly, i.e. 2.15 to 2.17 and such - is it any different doing a full upgrade to 9.10?14:17
OerHeksrayve no, you run 32 bit OS @ amd 64, that's oke . did you install adobe flash plugin or do you use the standard plugin ?14:17
rayveOerHeks: I have the flashplugin-installer14:18
ChogyDanrayve: here is a command I use as a sanity check: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras sun-java6-plugin && sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun && sudo apt-get remove mozilla-plugin-gnash swfdec-mozilla14:18
OerHeksgood check ChogyDan14:19
navinI just faced a problem, while browsing14:19
navinthe firefox window just faded to black14:19
rayveChogyDan: those look familiar :) running that now, installing 6 packages it says14:20
navinand I was not able to select anything14:20
lolsachappy martin luther king day14:20
CAPcap I'm having some issues with blender and some other graphic programs.  they all appear to be using OpenGL but when i did a check on it a and gave it to someone who asked for it he said it all checked out. all the programs just shut right after launching. if run from the terminal i get a Sementation fault. help?14:20
lolsacwithout MLK's sacrifices, african americans like me would have today been barred from the internet14:20
alteregoaok what i did14:21
rayvenavin: did it fade all the way to black, or just grey? I think windows fade to grey when the system thinks they aren't responding (that's my guess at any rate)14:21
alteregoai cannot compile the graphics driver14:21
OerHeksCAPcap maye turn-off visual effects solves your problem14:21
lolsacalteregoa: i can help you, but i am black just so you know14:22
erUSULalteregoa: to comoile the driver you need  « sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential »14:22
fredrik_How can i turn my laptop into a access point so other comp. can use my 3G Internet connection?14:22
alteregoai downloaded the x86_64 files of http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.33-rc4/, and tried to compile it with the NVIDIA-190.xxxy.run driver, but i got a error about the kernel sources14:22
lolsacerUSUL: WRONG.14:22
m3onh0x84alteregoa, why don't use apt or aptitude , add/ remove ?14:22
navinrayve: it faded to grey, but I was able to toggle to other windows14:22
CAPcapit was off oerheks so i thought that might be the problem. i turned them on, hasnt made a bit of difference14:22
alteregoam3onhox84* because this stuff is no in the repository14:22
teadicthow do you set the initial path for gnome-terminal?14:23
rayvenavin: other windows/tabs within your browser, or just other windows up on your desktop?14:23
erUSUL!caps | lolsac14:23
ubottulolsac: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.14:23
hl_99hey, im trying to get files on my local webserver at /var/www14:24
hl_99how can i do that?14:24
erUSULteadict: that's bash not gname-terminal. in ~/.bashrc14:24
swiftarrowfredrik_, www.lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+access+point+bridge14:24
teadicterUSUL: oh, that figures.. ty14:25
swiftarrownavin that means that the program is taking time to load.  try letting it see?14:25
rayveChogyDan: installs completed, still no sound in browser (and I would assume Wine)14:26
CAPcapI'm having some issues with blender and some other graphic programs.  they all appear to be using OpenGL but when i did a check on it a and gave it to someone who asked for it he said it all checked out. all the programs just shut right after launching. if run from the terminal i get a Sementation fault. help? Note: I believe its also affecting a game but i dont know how to run the game from the terminal in order to check14:26
kinja-sheephl_99: Do you use ~/Public ? If you're using your Desktop, you could "cd ; sudo ln -s /var/www/ Public" and just drag the files that you want to serve in ~/Public.14:26
ChogyDanrayve: o well.  I think trying the later release is your best bet14:27
rayveChogyDan: no worries, I'll give that a shot this week.  thanks for the help everyone14:27
hl_99kinja-sheep, i dragged a file already into /var/www but it doesnt appear on the webserver , only the "It works!" site appears14:27
kinja-sheephl_99: What file?14:28
swiftarrowCAPcap, you might want to re-install opengl?  Segfault seems like you've got some corrupted libraries, in my uneducated guess...14:28
hl_99kinja-sheep,  bla.php14:28
swiftarrowhl_99, try ?14:28
kinja-sheephl_99: Then you want to try "http://localhost/bla.php"14:28
swiftarrowhl_99, sorry
rekhei i need a script or somethg to get the audio from you tube14:29
rekwhat was the package14:29
swiftarrowrek mp3ify.com14:29
rekcan i have a deb ?14:30
NightEyesI installed GNOME on my Ubuntu machine instead of installing Ubuntu Desktop. I did this because I didn't want all of the extra stuff that Ubuntu Desktop ships with. However I don't know what I'll need to get the startup sound on my system. Currently I have no sound relate things on my system. And I'm hoping to stay completely free using no propriotory things. Could someone help me out here?14:30
LjL!info youtube-dl | rek, this gets the video and audio14:30
ubotturek,: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.03.22-1 (karmic), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB14:30
mikeyfbi2hey i got a fresh install of ubuntu on my laptop with external monitor ... but resolution is cant go higher than 1024x768 mirrored screens14:30
CAPcapswiftarrow, ive thought about that, but i dont kno how to reintall in because i dont know what it is im looking for in synaptic and i dont know the command for the terminal14:30
ChogyDanNightEyes: why not use gnewsense?14:30
hl_99kinja-sheep,  that is working thank you14:30
mikeyfbi2previous installs of ubuntu i had mirrored screens at 1200x80014:30
NightEyesChogyDan: what is that?14:30
fredrik_swiftarrow, Thanks for the tip... I will look into that.. :-)14:30
hl_99kinja-sheep,  but i wolud like a directory of all the files in /var/www on my webserver, any idea?14:31
rekLjL audio?14:31
ChogyDanNightEyes: it is Ubuntu without anything proprietary, no matter what the consequences14:31
swiftarrowCAPcap, I dont either :(  But the terminal command will look something like $apt-get install opengl...14:31
LjLrek: it just downloads the flv file. then i suppose you can use ffmpeg or vlc or something to extract only the audio from it and discard the video, if you need that.14:31
kinja-sheephl_99: I would imagine you need to configure your webserver.14:31
screen-xHi, I'm using 8.04LTS and my GVFS mounts from nautlius are not showing up in ~/.gvgfs any ideas what's up?14:32
rekwhat the package of ffmpg?14:32
CAPcapOK I need someone to tell me how to re-install OpenGl from the terminal.14:32
NightEyesChogyDan: Okay what about the Ubuntu extra features that ship with Ubuntu? will it strip those out to14:32
alteregoaso is there a way to install the gfx driver?14:33
kinja-sheepNightEyes: It won't. It'd just install dependencies for the said package.14:33
ChogyDanNightEyes: no, but maybe debian is your thing if you dont want the Ubuntu extras.14:33
hl_99kinja-sheep,  isnt there any standard thing to get a directory on a webserver?14:33
swiftarrowCAPcap, somewhere here: www.lmgtfy.com/?q=install+opengl+from+terminal14:34
kinja-sheephl_99: What do you use for server?14:34
hl_99kinja-sheep,  apache14:34
llutzhl_99: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/14:34
hl_99kinja-sheep,  thx14:34
rekwhat the package of ffmpg? LjL14:35
swiftarrowhl_99, if you need the server for local use only, then try xampp14:35
erujolcAre there any command line tools to convert a bootable CD/DVD into a bootable USB?14:35
LjL!info ffmpeg | rek14:35
ubotturek: ffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): multimedia player, server and encoder. In component main, is optional. Version 4:0.5+svn20090706-2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 227 kB, installed size 824 kB14:35
rekthx LjL14:35
hl_99swiftarrow,  ya i tried to install it but failed14:35
NightEyesI know Ubuntu is based off of Debian but never got a chance to play with it. I'm pretty much looking for a very plain install of Gnome without OOo or anything else. Does Debian ship like that?14:35
LjLerujolc: unetbootin is one14:36
kinja-sheephl_99: http://tinyurl.com/ye826tz14:36
llutzswiftarrow: don#t recommend that here please. there are native lampp packages for *buntu and they should be used14:36
swiftarrowhl_99, it's pretty easy...  but make sure you UNinstall the synaptic packages for apache, mysql, phpmyadmin, proftp, etc14:36
erujolcLjL: it is not command line tool AFAIK14:36
LjLerujolc: no, it's not14:36
LjLerujolc: sorry, i overlooked that.14:37
yucatanhello guys i have a ibm laptop with a radeon 3450 when i installed ubuntu it asks for installing the new driver but when i install it my system wont boot up anymore. how is this possible?14:37
swiftarrowllutz, the problem with the native lampp packages is that they turn your computer into a server, whereas many web devels only want a contained server that doesnt invade their entire system.14:37
navinits not taking time.14:37
navinit just happens in between14:37
llutzswiftarrow: easy to configure apache to listen to localhost only14:38
ubuntuI'm trying to scp from one live-cd ubuntu to another, but I don't know the password. Help?14:39
yucatancan somebody help me ?14:39
lolsacwithout MLK's sacrifices, african americans like me would have today been barred from the internet14:39
swiftarrowhl_99, anyway, what I've done is create a folder "server" in my home directory, then symbolically linked it into the webserver's root directory.  Now i just go to "localhost/server/" and I can access all of files in server.  This way I dont have to deal with permissions at all.14:39
kinja-sheep!ot | lolsac14:39
ubottulolsac: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:39
CAPcap I'm having some issues with blender and some other graphic programs.  they all appear to be using OpenGL but when i did a check on it a and gave it to someone who asked for it he said it all checked out. all the programs just shut right after launching. if run from the terminal i get a Sementation fault. help? Note: I believe its also affecting a game but i dont know how to run the game from the terminal in order to check. ive thought14:39
CAPcapabout re-installing, but i dont kno how to reintall it because i dont know what it is im looking for in synaptic and i dont know the command for the terminal14:39
llutzubuntu:  "don't know the password."? then you're lost14:39
ubuntuIt's a live-cd14:40
ubuntuDoesn't it have a default password or something?14:40
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swiftarrowCAPcap, try searching for the OpenGL package names?14:40
kinja-sheepubuntulog: No. By default, it is generated randomly. Make a new password.14:40
screen-xubuntu: why don't you set the password to something you know?14:40
yucatanubottucan u help me pleas?14:40
swiftarrowCAPcap, is OpenGl the problem, or is it blender?  which program gives the segfault?14:40
hl_99swiftarrow, what do you mean with symbolically link?14:41
swiftarrowhl_99, it's like a shortcut14:41
swiftarrowbut better.14:41
yucatanhello guys i have a ibm laptop with a radeon 3450 when i installed ubuntu it asks for installing the new driver but when i install it my system wont boot up anymore. how is this possible?14:41
CAPcapBlender, Wings3D, Structure synth are the programs i know are giving seg faul14:41
snehasishi can't install any software ........14:42
swiftarrowCAPcap, I'm clueless.  Sorry.14:42
lolsacwithout MLK's sacrifices, african americans like me would have today been barred from the internet14:42
bazhanglolsac, that is off topic here14:42
kinja-sheeplolsac: If you keep it up, you will be barred from Internet.14:42
guille_Has the console mode been disabled by default??14:42
bazhangfor chat go into #ubuntu-offtopic lolsac14:42
hl_99swiftarrow,  well i can create a shortcut but i cant really change the aim of the shortcut14:43
swiftarrowhl_99, go to terminal, and type sudo nautilus14:44
kinja-sheep!gksudo swiftarrow14:44
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swiftarrowkinja-sheep, it's ok14:44
lolsacwithout MLK's sacrifices, african americans like me would have today been barred from the internet14:44
Picilolsac: Please stay on topic, this is a support channel.14:44
swiftarrowhl_99, now go to your server root file (htdocs, or whatever it is)14:44
rekhi i'm trying to extract the mp3 from flv using ffmpeg ...err how....14:45
swiftarrowin that window that opened14:45
llutzhe asks, so kick him14:45
delikHello world!14:45
deliki have a question14:45
swiftarrowhl_99, now open yoru home folder in a SEPARATE browser14:45
McL0VINwhat am i doing wrong here 'sudo cp -r ~/dir/*.* /media/mountedShareDrive/dir2" i get cp: target `/media/mountedShareDrive/dir2' is not a directory14:45
swiftarrowcreate a "server" folder there14:45
CAPcap I'm having some issues with blender and some other graphic programs.  they all appear to be using OpenGL but when i did a check on it a and gave it to someone who asked for it he said it all checked out. all the programs just shut right after launching. if run from the terminal i get a Sementation fault. help? Note: I believe its also affecting a game but i dont know how to run the game from the terminal in order to check. Programs wit14:46
CAPcaph problems: Blender (fullscreen and windowed), Wings3D polygon mesh modeller, Structure Synth, the game I'm not sure is related but its FlightGear.14:46
delikhow can i make pidgin or empathy work with my inlayed webcam?14:46
llutzMcL0VIN: mkdir /media/mountedShareDrive/dir214:46
swiftarrowthen drag the folder "server" into the root webserver folder, pressing Ctrl+Shift, release the mouse14:46
deliki'm using a Compaq MINI 11014:46
swiftarrowhl_99, then drag the folder "server" into the root webserver folder, pressing Ctrl+Shift, release the mouse14:46
swiftarrowhl_99, now you should be able to access the contents of "server" from localhost/server14:47
mikeyfbi2cannot stat `/etc/X11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory14:47
swiftarrowhl_99, if yoru server is running14:47
mikeyfbi2:(  where is xorg.conf?14:47
kinja-sheepmikeyfbi2: /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:47
mikeyfbi2kinja-sheep, isn't that what i typed?14:47
kinja-sheepmikeyfbi2: Oh. If it does not exist, you can create one.14:47
yucatanhello somebody?14:47
apfelsaftis there anyone here from the UK that knows a thing or two about netbooks? I've been looking around for one pre-loaded with linux, I can't seem to find anything at all14:48
kinja-sheepmikeyfbi2: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"14:48
mikeyfbi2kinja-sheep, thx :) :14:48
=== delik is now known as DeLiK
hl_99swiftarrow,  yep it works thanks, i still got no directory though14:48
hl_99swiftarrow,  in my browser14:49
yucatanhello guys i have a ibm laptop with a radeon 3450 when i installed ubuntu it asks for installing the new driver but when i install it my system wont boot up anymore. how is this possible?14:49
swiftarrowhl_99, put some files in "server" and see if you get directory listing?14:49
hl_99swiftarrow,  im sroyy, it works, just german umlaute ; )14:49
swiftarrowhl_99, glad to hear it works14:49
hl_99swiftarrow, causing trouble :D  great thanks!14:49
feed_me_seymouris there any way to route syslog events from a remote host to a specific file?14:49
swiftarrowhl_99, np14:50
CAPcap I'm having some issues with blender and some other graphic programs.  they all appear to be using OpenGL but when i did a check on it a and gave it to someone who asked for it he said it all checked out. all the programs just shut right after launching. if run from the terminal i get a Sementation fault. help? Note: I believe its also affecting a game but i dont know how to run the game from the terminal in order to check.14:50
CAPcapPrograms with problems: Blender (fullscreen and windowed), Wings3D polygon mesh modeller, Structure Synth, the game I'm not sure is related but its FlightGear. I think it might be a problem with OpenGl as all my problems seem to be with 3D things. Help?14:50
Osehow do I "revert" sudo su again? :P14:50
PiciOse: 'exit'14:50
OsePici: thanks :)14:50
hl_99swiftarrow,  there is one weird thing, folders, which contain files, do not appear in the directory14:51
gbear14275whats the command to list all users and their permissions and list all groups and their permissions?14:51
swiftarrowhl_99, very strange.  out of my range of knowledge, sorry!14:51
hl_99ok thanks though, i might just link them separetely14:52
Picigbear14275: "their permissions"? On what?14:52
gbear14275Pici: how about just a list of users and list of groups14:52
coz_gbear14275,   for users you could use  cat /etc/passwd14:53
Picigbear14275: getent passwd  and getent groups14:53
jpdsgbear14275: cat /etc/passwd && cat /etc/group14:53
gbear14275thanks everyone14:53
Picigbear14275: sorry getent group , not groups14:53
coz_gbear14275,    for  a list of grroups14:53
gbear14275probably be back soon :)14:53
kinja-sheepgbear14275: "users && echo && groups"14:53
Picikinja-sheep: That lists the currently logged in users and the groups that your user is in14:53
CAPcapIts incredible Ive been sitting here for 45 minutes watching countless other problems get solved. But not mine.14:54
apfelsaftdoes anyone know of any manufacturers that currently sell netbooks pre-loaded with linux?14:54
apfelsaftother than system7614:54
kinja-sheepapfelsaft: Dell.14:54
jiohdianyone know how I can put a system monitor on a UNR panel?14:55
mikeyfbi2sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:55
mikeyfbi2 -> does nothing :(14:55
apfelsaftnot a bean in the Uk at the moment =(14:55
Piciapfelsaft: You may want to ask in #ubuntu-uk then14:55
mikeyfbi2cp: cannot stat `/etc/X11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory14:55
mikeyfbi2 :(14:55
apfelsaftexcellent ;)14:55
mikeyfbi2how can i make xorg.conf?14:56
kinja-sheepapfelsaft: Large majority of netbooks should work fine if you install them. Any particular reason for pre-load Ubuntu netbooks?14:56
apfelsaftMost stores I've visited have told me that installing ubuntu over windows will void my warranty14:56
coz_mikeyfbi2,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  ?14:56
jiohdiapfelsaft: make them show you that in the warrenty14:57
coz_mikeyfbi2,  if using nvidia you could use  nvidia-xconfig14:57
popeyapfelsaft: see http://nakedcomputers.org/ it lists lots of UK vendors of computers with NO OS or with Linux.. (naked == no OS)14:57
Picimikeyfbi2: xorg.conf is no longer required for xorg to run, it uses hal to autodetect attached devides.14:57
mikeyfbi2coz_, does nothing, im using intel14:57
jiohdiapfelsaft: you can use wubi.exe and install ubuntu within windows14:57
popeyapfelsaft: the people who maintain the site hang out in #ubuntu-uk14:58
mikeyfbi2Pici, i need to edit my resolution, and system-pref-display doesn't show the proper one14:58
jiohdiapfelsaft: the only problem I have found with that is that some updates may cause it to crash and require reinstalling14:58
mikeyfbi2coz_, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg does nothing14:58
jiohdibut the windows remains fine14:58
Picimikeyfbi2: Then create the file manually and add the corrisponding sections.14:58
coz_mikeyfbi2,  ok hold on14:58
swiftarrowCAPcap, I think no one has a clue...14:59
trevor_can anyone help me install firefox 3.6 beta...im getting errors when i follow instructions online14:59
kinja-sheeptrevor_: Ask away. Explain. Etc etc.14:59
swiftarrowCAPcap, in your position, I'd have re-installed the system.14:59
apfelsaftjiodhi: im not too interested in wubi.. im going to try and set up one of those beautiful 15 second boots ;)14:59
coz_trevor_,  do you have link for that14:59
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tishammeri have a python module which is not part of the latest distribution (ruya) and is basically one file (ruya.py). what is the best way to install it system-wide according to ubuntu's policy?14:59
trevor_sure coz one sec14:59
coz_mikeyfbi2,   I am not sure then guy that should have worked14:59
CAPcapi already did that last night swift arrow im not doing it again14:59
jiohdiapfelsaft: why not just side by side without killing the windows?15:00
mikeyfbi2coz_, k thx15:00
apfelsafti've actually been told in more than one shop that even that will void the warranty15:00
mattpmchey, I'm a totaly jackass, can someone help with the Nickserv register with the Empathy client?15:00
screen-xIf I add myself to a group, it doesn't seem to take effect till I logout and login again, is there any way to cause it take effect without that? I have lots of stuff open..15:00
coz_mikeyfbi2,  you already checked if one exists in /etc ?15:00
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jiohdiapfelsaft: is the warrenty from microsoft?15:00
mattpmcor should i just use something the hell else?15:00
CAPcap I'm having some issues with blender and some other graphic programs.  they all appear to be using OpenGL but when i did a check on it a and gave it to someone who asked for it he said it all checked out. all the programs just shut right after launching. if run from the terminal i get a Sementation fault. help? Note: I believe its also affecting a game but i dont know how to run the game from the terminal in order to check.15:01
mikeyfbi2ran 'cp' and gave back error15:01
bullgardApplications > Sound & Video > Pulse Audio Volume Control > (Volume Control [window]) shows the »Internal Audio Analog Stereo« loudspeaker symbol as muted. How can I unmute it?15:01
CAPcap Programs with problems: Blender (fullscreen and windowed), Wings3D polygon mesh modeller, Structure Synth, the game I'm not sure is related but its FlightGear. I think it might be a problem with OpenGl as all my problems seem to be with 3D things. Help?15:01
mikeyfbi2coz_, cp: cannot stat `/etc/X11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory15:01
jiohdiapfelsaft: you have a restore windows cd or you can make one, how could they tell what you did if you restore to factory?15:01
coz_mikeyfbi2,  mmm15:01
rekhi how can i increase the quality of a mp3 using ffmpg   (flv to mp3)15:02
apfelsaftwell if the laptop breaks then I can't restore it to factory to get my repairs, can I?15:02
jiohdiapfelsaft: if the entire system crashes a very powerful magnet will hide the change too ;)15:02
apfelsaftI'll remember that15:02
unclejonI've got a question inre: Evolution15:02
unclejonI'm trying to configure it for my email and I'm getting smtp server errors for windows live.15:02
kinja-sheeprek: #ffmpeg15:02
mikeyfbi2coz_, ima try this http://www.osguides.net/operation-systems/217-how-to-create-xorgconf-in-ubuntu-910.html15:03
coz_mikeyfbi2,  ok  but if this is ubuntu karmic the  service gdm stop wont work15:03
sipiorCAPcap: we would need a great deal more information to take a stab at your problem, starting with the graphics card you're running with, and the set of drivers you are using.15:03
coz_mikeyfbi2,   it has reverted to  /etc/init.d/gdm stop15:03
apfelsafti guess I'll just feel a lot more comfortable making a purchase if the manufacturer or retailer are totally comfortable with what I'm going to use the machine for.15:04
apfelsaftI've had trouble with warranties before - a lot of the electronics shops in the UK are run by the same company, and have awful customer service.15:04
mikeyfbi2coz_, thx15:04
coz_mikeyfbi2,  no problem ...let me know if this works :)15:04
unclejonanyone here?15:05
reactorunclejon, eh?15:05
CAPcapsipior graphics card is a ATI mobility Radeon 9000 i believe, drivers im not sure15:05
unclejonI'm trying to configure it for my email and I'm getting smtp server errors for windows live.15:06
unclejon(Evolution, that is)15:06
reactorunclejon, the problem is prolly not in Evolution15:06
reactorI think15:06
unclejonwhat would the error be, do you think?15:06
reactorwell, what kind of error do u have?15:07
unclejonSMTP connection error15:07
reactortry to change smtp settings15:07
CAPcapin the server ling unclejon you need smtp.live.com:58715:08
CAPcapcheck the authentication box15:08
unclejonthat'll solve it.15:08
unclejonI forgot the port15:08
CAPcapyou need TLS  connection15:08
CAPcapand a login type authentication15:09
unclejonthanks CAPcap15:09
unclejonyou're a life saver.15:09
Churchin which script in ubuntu i should put things to ran when interface gets up? as in i want to run some commands after i get dhcp address via network manager for wired or wireless interfaces ..15:09
gbear14275I've heard this error springs from a permissions problem with libvirt... but I'm unsure on how to resolve it.  Does anyone understand whats going on in this error message?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/358528/15:10
mikeyfbi2coz_, worked like a charm, but it was service gdm stop/start15:11
seframdoes ubuntu support fglrx video driver?15:11
apfelsaft"I do not need an operating system"15:11
FloodBot1apfelsaft: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:11
mikeyfbi2coz_, now i just gotta figure out which spot to edit the resolution15:11
vargadanishi, I am looking for a software for linux that is somewhat feature rich and usable as METASTOCK...15:11
coz_mikeyfbi2,   o0  mm   I know my system has reverted to  /etc/init.d/gdm stop15:11
Picivargadanis: What does METASTOCK do?15:12
coz_mikeyfbi2,  I assume you already did sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?15:12
vargadanisPici, it's a trading and technical analysis tool15:12
mikeyfbi2coz_, fresh install 9.115:12
ZykoticK9gbear14275, /dev/kvm is causing the problem -- are you sure your CPU has Virtualization support (you can use "lscpu" to verify, if you are using Karmic)15:12
CAPcapsipior X.Org X server -- ATI Radeon display driver15:13
gbear14275ZykoticK9: positive I have virtualization support15:13
coz_mikeyfbi2,  ok  so it might a good idea to run  sudo apt-get update the sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   just in case :)15:13
coz_if you havent15:13
gbear14275ZykoticK9: I upgraded my version of libvirt and virt-manager and ran into these problems... had working VM's before this15:13
sipiorCAPcap: was the machine working previously?15:13
mikeyfbi2hmm i thought dist-upgrade was just to upgrade entire distro coz_15:14
Myrttimikeyfbi2: it's not15:14
jiohdimikeyfbi2: it should be apt-get upgrade15:14
coz_mikeyfbi2,  no it is to update to current stuff for the version you have15:14
ZykoticK9gbear14275, sorry I haven't actually using KVM in a LONG time -- does /dev/kvm even exist on your machine, what are it's permissions?15:14
mikeyfbi2coz_, you mentioned nvideo-something ... is there a similar command for intel?15:14
Picivargadanis: perhaps qtstalker15:14
Myrttimikeyfbi2: for upgrading the whole distro ubuntu has a totally different command15:14
mikeyfbi2Myrtti, cool, thx jiohdi15:15
coz_mikeyfbi2,  no not that I am aware of15:15
vargadanisok i'll check it, Pici15:15
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jiohdimikeyfbi2: you can do them both on one line, I believe as apt-get update && apt-get upgrade15:15
gbear14275ZykoticK9: 660  (rw-rw----)  Sorry... I'm not trusting my math right now... :-/15:16
mikeyfbi2whats command to restart x?15:16
arvind_khadrimikeyfbi2, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart15:17
ZykoticK9gbear14275, who owns / what group -- what i'm getting too, are you a member of the group that owns /dev/kvm?15:17
bullgardApplications > Sound & Video > Pulse Audio Volume Control > (Volume Control [window]) shows the »Internal Audio Analog Stereo« loudspeaker symbol as muted. How can I unmute it? KLicking on it "frames" this button but does not bring back my event sounds.15:18
saganbyteHello :)15:18
saganbyteHow do I check how much RAM is on my machine... i suspect all of it is not being by Ubuntu 9.1015:18
epinkybullgard: tried with alsamixer?15:18
CAPcapsipior i hadnt tried these programs before but yes everything else seemed to be working fine. i reinstalled ubuntu last night after some problems i was having because of some bad advice15:19
ZykoticK9saganbyte, free in a terminal15:19
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saganbyteZykoticK9, my machine has 4 gb ram but the free command is showing 3 gb ram total :(15:20
CAPcapi am having a problem with my system monitor not displaying correctly15:20
ThreetimesHi, my Packard Bell EasyNote TJ61 has a "lock touchpad" button, but it won't unlock after locking. It works again after a reboot...15:20
epinkysaganbyte: 32 bits ubuntu?15:20
saganbyteepinky, yes15:20
seframhas someone here got the fglrx driver working in karmic?15:20
epinkysaganbyte: you have to use kernel PAE version15:21
Oseokay, so i've installed LAMP and gotten to the "It works!" page? now, what to do from there? where is said page source (html file) located?15:21
Threetimessefram: I have it working15:21
bullgardepinky: Yes I did this also.15:21
saganbyteepinky, i m sorry but I havent understood what u ve said.. do i have to download and install some other version of Ubuntu 9.10?15:21
PiciOse: /var/www/15:21
Threetimesseanw: you need the latest (9.12) version, the one included in karmic won't work15:21
llutzOse: /var/www http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/15:21
Threetimessefram: you need the latest (9.12) version, the one included in karmic won't work15:21
seframThreetimes: did you use any howto?15:22
LasBuntuanyone know of a command-line utility that will interface with Skyhook?15:22
eodchopsaganbyte:32 bit only supports upt to 3gb of ram.15:22
Threetimessefram: just download from ati.com15:22
WazzzaaaHow Can I enable/disable my 2nd monitor without restarting X?15:22
auOse: remove /var/www/index.html and put your documents in /var/www15:22
ZykoticK9saganbyte, PAE is a kernel version that lets 32bit systems address more memory (if you use 64bit Ubuntu this is not required) - best of luck man.15:22
auOse: webpages I mean15:22
seframThreetimes: i did activate the ones from karmic, compiled 9.12 from ati and installed but am sitting there with a black screen...15:22
Oseokay, so /var/www is the index location?15:22
epinkynope, you have to use that version linux-kernel-PAE-2.31.25 or something like that, check with "uname -a" wichi kernel you're using15:22
screen-xeodchop: unless you use PAE..15:22
saganbyteZykoticK9, ok so i have to upgrade th kernel?15:22
auby default15:23
* Ose has only used windows for web stuff before15:23
epinkysaganbyte: nope, you have to use that version linux-kernel-PAE-2.31.25 or something like that, check with "uname -a" wichi kernel you're using15:23
saganbyteepinky, okay15:23
auhaha, yes, I know that feeling15:23
mikeyfbi2is there anyway you can turn off a laptop monitor and just show external, so you can bump up the resolution on the external?15:23
ZykoticK9saganbyte, it's not actually "upgrade" it's change to a slightly different version (i've never used PAE, I use 64bit - so hopefully someone else can guide you in the right direction)15:23
LasBuntuI need a way to have a PC email it's skyhook location data15:24
saganbyteZykoticK9, okay , thanks anyway :)15:24
saganbyteepinky, its showing this version: 2.6.31-17-generic15:24
saganbyteepinky, it doesnt mention PAE15:24
saganbyteepinky, is there something i can do to make this PAE?15:24
epinkysaganbyte: that's why you only have 3Gig15:25
Threetimessefram: what card do you have? Can you log into the recovery console?15:25
saganbyteepinky, okay... so should i specifically look for an Ubuntu download that has PAE?15:25
gbear14275saganbyte: how old is your computer?15:26
LasBuntuanyone here worked with Skyhook at all?15:26
saganbytegbear14275, its a brand new Acer laptop15:26
ZykoticK9saganbyte, PAE is only included with server (which you DON'T want), you have to add it to regular Ubuntu15:26
gbear14275saganbyte: install 64bit ubuntu15:26
saganbytegbear14275, had windows 7 on it... wiped it out15:26
seframThreetimes: I have "ATI 4200 HD" onboard with 128M sideport DDR2 mem. the driver seems to load correctly and leaves no errors but simply isnt working. I suspect the xserver to mess it up somehow...15:26
screen-xsaganbyte: or install linux-image-generic-pae15:27
Threetimessefram: It should be supported... Can you log into the recovery console?15:27
saganbytescreen-x, install it over the current install?15:27
ZykoticK9saganbyte, see screen-x's reply above15:27
epinkysaganbyte: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE15:27
saganbyteepinky, thanks15:27
aksxhey can i schedule a program to run after a another process ends15:28
urthmoveris there a way in gnome-terminal to quickly cut and paste CLI output at the next available prompt.  For example I type locate something.conf then I want to type  sudo vi (something.conf path)15:28
OseI need a notepad++-ish program to edit html/css, any suggestions?15:28
nefastI have made a huge mistake that I still haven't been able to solve.15:28
llutzZykoticK9: "with server (which you DON'T want)"  <- what don't you want, the server-kernel or server-installation?15:28
saganbyteZykoticK9, gbear14275, epinky, screen-x, thanks all :)15:28
epinkysaganbyte: np15:28
nefastFor some reason I removed libwnck22, as I thought that'd deinstall an app I recently installed.15:29
ZykoticK9llutz, for a desktop install - server is NOT the way to go PERIOD.  I see people installing server then installing Gnome and I shake my head...15:29
seframThreetimes: i only can log in when i dont use fglrx15:29
nefastBut now the gnome panels are disabled.15:29
nefastAnd so are the network configuration and the rest of that stuff.15:29
ThreetimesHold shift (or press escape) while booting. Then select root promt with networking15:30
llutzZykoticK9: let me rephrase it: you meant ubuntu-server installation on desktop, not installing linux-image-server as a package. so ACK15:30
Threetimessefram: Hold shift (or press escape) while booting. Then select root promt with networking15:30
WazzzaaaHow Can I enable/disable my 2nd monitor without restarting X? (I have nvidia)15:30
seframyes im on the box right now15:30
llutzWazzzaaa: nvidia-settings15:30
epinky!resetpanel | nefast15:30
ubottunefast: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:30
ZykoticK9llutz, i was referring to "Ubuntu Server Install" not kernel - but I don't know why you'd want the kernel either (but it's not "as-bad" an idea)15:31
llutzZykoticK9: linux-image-server = pae (just found out, it was rename to generic-pae in karmic)15:31
MasterofPuppetsHey guys, is it possible to remove kernel entries from the bootloader without having to create a script to do it? (using Karmic)15:31
seframThreetimes: any idea how i can troubleshoot that problem?15:31
coz_MasterofPuppets,  mmm it is   but grub2 is a bit tricky hold on15:31
Wazzzaaallutz: I do not get twinview on the right resolution15:32
ZykoticK9llutz, that does make sense :)15:32
Wazzzaaawhen I select "seperate X screen", it has to restart X15:32
Threetimessefram: You have to log into the recovery console. you get there by holding shift or pressing escape a few times while booting.15:32
screen-xllutz, ZykoticK9: what's the difference between the generic kernel and the generic-pae kernel, except pae?15:32
Threetimessefram: Then you have to select root prompt with networking.15:32
Oseerm... it won't let me save /var/www/index.html... what's the ideal solution? I can't do everything as root user all the time...15:32
ZykoticK9Wazzzaaa, you probably don't want "sepearte x screen" you can't drag windows between both monitors with that setting15:32
llutzscreen-x: idk, check config15:32
coz_MasterofPuppets,   look here   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527515:33
seframThreetimes: ok why would i do that?15:33
WazzzaaaZykoticK9: I can... But I don't want to restart X (cuz I don't always use the 2nd monitor)15:33
MasterofPuppetscoz_: Thanks a lot, I'll check that out!15:33
Threetimessefram: Because you have to (at least...) check your xorg.conf and/or (re)install your drivers...15:33
GG19Do I have to download something to get the 3D effect in Ubuntu 9.04?15:34
ZykoticK9Wazzzaaa, nvidia can turn twinview on and off on the fly - but starting a second X server on the second monitor will ALWAYS require an Xorg restart15:34
seframThreetimes: I did that, removed drivers, reinstalled them and generated new xorg.conf with aticonfig15:34
Threetimessefram: still doesn't work?15:34
Threetimessefram: does it work from a live cd/usb/dvd?15:35
seframThreetimes: that is what i did: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI15:35
Threetimessefram: have you installed updates? (sudo apt-get dist-upgrade)15:35
Shapeshifter>.> Can someone please point me to a repo for freenx, where the packager wasn't suffering brain damage before making the package, causing it to have a somewhat complete *gnome* installation as a dependency?15:35
Shapeshifterthe freenx team PPA repo is a complete joke.15:36
Threetimessefram: that howto doesn't always work 100%15:36
seframThreetimes: yes after a clean install15:36
WazzzaaaZykoticK9: CAn you help me on getting the right reso on my 2nd monitor using twinview15:36
seframThreetimes: what procedure did you use?15:36
Roastedwhats up guys15:36
Threetimessefram: I have had problems after a clean install (yestrday :D) as well. I downloaded my drivers from ati.com15:36
GG19how do I do 3D menus in Ubuntu 9.04?15:37
WazzzaaaI can manually type in the reso. But it looks like the monitor can not be higher than 640x48015:37
coz_GG19,  3d menus?15:37
GG193D view15:37
ThreetimesI just ran ati's installer (as root)...15:37
coz_GG19,  have you seen this somewhere?15:37
duckxormy wireless card stopped being recognized after updating to the latest kernel (2.6.31-18). Is there any way that I can fix that besides booting to an older kernel?15:37
Shapeshifterguys, seriously. http://pastie.org/78322315:37
GG19coz_,  its like a 3D view of all the windows you have open15:38
Osehulp: I need to be able to edit /var/www/index.html and siblings, without going through terminal and opening them as root all the time. how?15:38
coldwhats up peeps?15:38
seframThreetimes: I tried this one: https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-9-12-x86.x86_64.run15:38
coz_GG19,  ah oh!  you mean with compiz15:38
Threetimessefram: that's the one? Still doesn't work?15:38
kaffiencan you apt-get with make flags?15:38
sipiorShapeshifter: what's stopping you from putting together your own repository?15:38
coz_GG19,  that is the scale plugin or the  shiftswitcher plugin15:38
duckxorOse, chmod it to be world writeable15:38
GG19coz_,  sure, do I need to download it.15:38
ZykoticK9Wazzzaaa, it should be a "no brainer" -- "sudo nvidia-settings" click on 'X Server Display Configuration' on the left side - highlight your monitor on the right, and in the 'Resolution' dropdown list - select what Resolution you want.  Then click 'Save to X Configuration File' button at the bottom.15:38
coz_GG19,  no   but you may have to install  compizconfi-settings-manager15:38
Threetimessefram: are you sure you have all the updates from ubuntu itself? there were some showstopper bugs...15:38
epinky!cube | GG1915:39
ubottuGG19: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubottu compiz » and « /msg ubottu effects »15:39
Shapeshiftersipior: uhm, why would I do that?15:39
seframThreetimes: It gives me no errors15:39
OseGG19: how?15:39
coldwhat sites do you go to for video on xbuntu?15:39
coz_GG19,  then open that under system/preferences/compizconfig settings manager15:39
michaelmansanHello everyone. Audio dies on my ubuntu and I haven't reebooted because I don't want to. Is there something I can do to get audio working without booting15:39
Threetimessefram: I didn't see any errors neither. But I installed the updates.15:39
ZykoticK9Wazzzaaa, s/"sudo nvidia-settings"/"gksu nvidia-settings"15:39
seframThreetimes: which updates?15:39
sipiorShapeshifter: if you don't like what other people have put together for you (for free, no less), you can either 1. Pay someone else to do what you want. 2. Do it yourself.15:39
Threetimessefram: try 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrate' in a root+network promt15:40
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jason_shey guys15:40
Shapeshiftersipior: true.15:40
seframThreetimes: my system claims to be up to date15:40
WazzzaaaZykoticK9: Yeah, I know it "should" be easy. But look15:40
Shapeshiftersipior: though I can still point out that the ones who did it for free are compeltely clueless. I mean, how on earth does anyone come to think of adding a whole gnome desktop as a dependency to freenx.15:40
nefast_I went and did "gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnomepanel"15:41
Wazzzaaa But it looks like the monitor can not be higher than 640x48015:41
Threetimessefram: sure?15:41
seframThreetimes: yes15:41
nefast_It didn't find any process called "gnomepanel" or "gnome panel" or "gnome-panel"15:41
Threetimessefram: you *do* have a internet connection on the computer with the problem?15:41
sipiorShapeshifter: perhaps putting your own repository together will give you some insight into why those folks made that particular choice.15:41
ZykoticK9Wazzzaaa, is it an really old crt monitor?  is it detected by the OS?15:41
michaelmansanHello everyone. Audio dies on my ubuntu and I haven't reebooted because I don't want to. Is there something I can do to get audio working without booting15:41
seframThreetimes: Its that box im using here15:42
sipiorShapeshifter: or, you can simply ask them.15:42
WazzzaaaIt is and Old CRT. (but it works in seperate X). How can I check if it is detected by the OS ?15:42
epinky!elaborate | michaelmansan15:42
ubottumichaelmansan: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)15:42
Threetimessefram: and it worked before installing fglrx? With the default drivers?15:42
WazzzaaaZykoticK9: ^15:42
seframThreetimes: positive15:42
ramirowhat's the difference between a "devel" and a "libdevel" package in a debian/control file?15:42
yucatanhello guys i have a ibm laptop with a radeon 3450 when i installed ubuntu it asks for installing the new driver but when i install it my system wont boot up anymore. how is this possible?15:43
seframThreetimes: im in gnome right now typing15:43
ramiroI'd be glad if only I could find the proper documentation15:43
Piciramiro: #ubuntu-motu would be a more appropriate channel to ask in15:43
Osehow do I "chmod" /var/www/ to be world writable?15:43
Threetimessefram: your card isn't broken, and your system is 100% up to date... strange...15:43
ramiroPici: thanks15:43
Threetimessefram: you could try older versions of fglrx (9.11, 9.10, 9.9 etc)15:44
Shapeshiftersipior: on a similar topic:15:44
Shapeshifterjackadmin@jackfruit:~$ cat /etc/*version*15:44
seframThreetimes: i can login when i do it blind: say hit enter <pass> enter   but screen is black15:44
eodchopcan anyone recommend a good python ide besides eclispe and idle?15:44
bullgardSynaptic: "discover1 is a transitional package. This package is only used for transitioning away from the old discover1.  It can safely be removed." What is the successor of discover1?15:44
ShapeshifterI thought this was ubuntu. and I thought lenny and sid were two different versions.15:44
ZykoticK9Wazzzaaa, it works at proper resolution in seperate X?  If so, use nvidia-settings to save an xorg with that monitor working, then make a backup to you homedir - then use nvidia-settings again to get twinview setup, and save a differently named backup to your home dir --- THEN you should be able to manually steal the xorg setting from the "sepearte x" file and put them into the twinview file.15:44
duckxoryucatan, looks like your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is somehow incorrect15:44
Shapeshifterof debian.15:44
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WazzzaaaZykoticK9: that is a good idea. I'll do that now15:45
seframThreetimes: i did ony tried the one from the repros and the latest from my specian friends: AMD...15:45
Wazzzaaathnx in advance!15:45
johnny_brisI can copy a load of files into a single file with  find . -name "*.txt" -exec cat {} >> somefile \;  How do I use echo to seperate the files with ""15:45
yucatank i shall take a look thx!15:45
ikoniajohnny_bris: you can't seperate like that, you'd have to use something like sed or cut to seperate out using "" as a delemeter15:46
ThreetimesHi, my Packard Bell EasyNote TJ61 has a "lock touchpad" button, but it won't unlock after locking. It works again after a reboot...15:46
ikoniajohnny_bris: maybe a for loop with grep would also work but I can't see it in my head now15:46
GG19coz_,  I installed it and set it to 3D cube but don't know how to activate it.15:46
coz_GG19,  ok is ccsm opened?15:47
voxhow in the name of all that is holy do i get sound working with karmic and an audigy4?15:47
coz_vox,   I am not sure  but you could also try the #alsa channel15:47
voxcoz_: i would if it was an alsa problem :)15:47
coz_GG19,  meet me in the #compiz channel  for more info15:47
* vox glares at pulseaudio15:48
ThreetimesHi, my Packard Bell EasyNote TJ61 has a "lock touchpad" button, but it won't unlock after locking. It works again after a reboot...15:48
coz_vox,  well if it is dealing with a card and sound that would be a bette channel15:48
tarvtarvHI whos there15:49
ThreetimesHi, my Packard Bell EasyNote TJ61 has a "lock touchpad" button, but it won't unlock after locking. It works again after a reboot...15:50
epinky!repeat | Threetimes15:50
ubottuThreetimes: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:50
mikeyfbi2coz_, GREAT SUCCESS!15:51
mikeyfbi2coz_, turns out i was just retarded and didn't need xorg.conf at all15:51
apipkini have ubuntu 9.10 and i'm trying to get a local web site to show up at http://echofin.localhost/ but i'm getting "server not found"15:52
coz_mikeyfbi2,  very cool :)15:52
mikeyfbi2coz_, it was all in system->pref->display after all, just didn't think i could turn off lappy monitor from there15:52
apipkin##httpd says i have everything set up correctly as far as apache2 goes, but that i need to make it found as far as dns goes15:52
tarvtarvanybody had experience with creating a custommenu/?15:52
aksxis there a way to automate a process to run after another process has ended15:52
abou_7anash_009hi I gave sudo to a user for iftop to monitor network traffic, however in iftop a user can execute ! this gives him a command prompt to execute whatever commands he needs in root mode. Any work around for this ?15:52
tarvtarvfor gnome15:53
coz_mikeyfbi2,  apparently live and learn is applicable here :)15:53
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nefast_epinky, you gave me the resetpanels advice. It sadly didn't change anything.15:53
goosehow do I see the chmod permissions set on a file?15:53
nefast_When trying to killall gnome panels15:53
llutzapipkin: have you added echofin.localhost to your /etc/hosts?15:53
tarvtarvdo you guys all know each other? Im new on here15:53
nefast_It told me there was no such process running15:53
apipkinllutz: no...15:53
apipkinis that all?15:54
epinkynefast_: are you using sudo, right?15:54
llutzapipkin: should be15:54
juannicolasHI! is it possible to configure 2 home folder to a user?15:54
sipioraksx: yes, write a shell script which initiates one process, and then the other.15:54
aksxanyone automatically  execute a process after one has ended15:54
aksxsipior: the process is already running15:54
nefast_epinky, yes, I thought so.15:54
nefast_Good god, now I'm not sure.15:54
knxvillegoose: ls -la15:54
nefast_I'll try it again.15:54
Osehow do I make /var/www/ writable for myself? sudo su and "chmod a+w /var/www/" didn't work15:55
aksxsipior: like schedule a install after the one started before has ended15:55
apipkinsuperb llutz!15:55
gooseknxville: thank you. do you know how I can display the chmod properties as a number? I'm not sure what -rw-r--r-- is >.<15:56
sipioraksx: if you know the pid, you can simply watch it with a script involving ps, depending on the timing resolution you need (probably not an issue).15:56
kinja-sheepgoose: r = read, w = write, x = execute15:56
knxvillegoose: no, not really.. but read = 4, write = 2 and execute = 1.15:56
kinja-sheep!permission | goose15:56
ubottugoose: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:56
sipioraksx: another possibility would be to simply put a watch on the pid directory in /proc.15:57
gooseoh, awesome. thank you knxville!15:57
gooseso that's 62215:57
ThreetimesHi, my Packard Bell EasyNote TJ61 has a "lock touchpad" button, but it won't unlock after locking. It works again after a reboot...15:57
unRuheOse, try sudo -s15:57
aksxsipior: thats the thing i know the pid it is just that i cant wait for the process to end. like i have to go somewhere ill just leave my computer it will automatically start the other installation15:57
sipioraksx: that's why you automate the process with a shell script.15:58
sipioraksx: have a look here:  http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/15:58
needlebuntu buntu15:58
OseunRuhe: hmm?15:58
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knxvillegoose: no problem.. good luck! I recommend looking into permissions.15:59
Sanjawhats goin on here ppl*15:59
screen-xaksx: something like...  while :; do sleep 2; ps $PID || break; done; next-prog15:59
aksxscreen-x and sipior thankx16:00
johnny_brisikonia, I have been looking at the sed manpage. I am a newbie and cannot work out how to apply it. Do you know the correct syntax for my use case?16:00
OseunRuhe: tried that in various ways, no change16:01
unRuheOse, or you might look what group this dir is owned by and then either add your user to that group or change it16:01
OseunRuhe: its root16:01
xiongThreetimes, That might be a tough issue, hardware specific. I can lock touchpad on my laptop but it's Fn-F2; works fine, it's preserved through boot and I'm not sure it has anything to do with Ubuntu.16:02
Osethis laptop is basically just my one login and root16:02
KeeBaudI have some simple questions regarding snmp. Is it enabled as default on 9.10? And is there a quick way to disable it if so how?16:02
epinkyKeeBaud: net-snmp?16:03
johnny_brisI can copy a load of files into a single file with  find . -name "*.txt" -exec cat {} >> somefile \;  How do I use Sed to seperate the files with ""16:03
unRuheOse, so you might add your user to the root group. could be a bad thing in terms of security dunno16:03
KeeBaudI assume so. I'm booting the live CD and our network team is giving me grief.16:03
WazzzaaaZykoticK9: I've got it working now. Seems that before somethig wasn't configured properly16:04
ZykoticK9Wazzzaaa, nice :)16:04
OseunRuhe: alright, how do I do that then? :P16:04
MFawzyhi all16:04
seframThreetimes: I dont get it working, NEVER do disable desktop effects with fglrx or your ubuntu is unusable like mine, ill purge my hdd and try a clean install, maybe i will swithc the distro to something more stable16:04
WazzzaaaLike I selected seperate X, and could move windows between monitors (that couldn't be right)16:04
MFawzywhat's wrong with ubuntu shipit ??16:04
kinja-sheepOse: Use group. Create a group "www" and add yourself to it.16:05
unRuheOse, usermod -a -G root USERNAME16:05
kinja-sheepOse: Or whatever the folder is owned by.16:05
llutzunRuhe: you don't want to do that16:05
kinja-sheepMFawzy: What is wrong with Ubuntu Shipit?16:05
epinkyKeeBaud: it should stop with "sudo /etc/init.d/snmpd stop"16:06
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OseunRuhe: thanks16:06
KeeBaudThanks. I'll give that a go.16:06
Threetimesxiong: What laptop do you have? Fn+F2 does nothing16:06
nefastepinky, I used sudo.16:07
nefastNothing happened.16:07
unRuheOse, youz will have to add write privileges for the group -> chmod g+w /dir16:07
apipkinok now that http://echofin.localhost/ works when i go to login http://echofin.localhost/user/login is giving the same error (server not found)16:07
unRuheif not already so16:07
nefastAnd it didn't found the process gnome panel16:07
apipkinhmm... seems to be a rewrite problem not apache2. are .htaccess files disabled by default?16:08
* screen-x thinks his previous comment should have been while ps $PID; do sleep 2; done; next-prog.16:09
epinkynefast: try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129378916:10
MFawzykinja-sheep: when I enter the "check my requests" it says                 Demand for Ubuntu CDs is very high, and we're trying to ensure that we       have enough CDs for those who really need one.  We've noticed that       you've already received CDs of several previous Ubuntu releases. You       can help us ensure the continued availability of Ubuntu CDs by                 upgrading to the new release without a CD       downloading your own CD for free 16:10
viceswhat to do if 'sudo make' fails for ruby 1.91 ?16:10
CShadowRunvices: do not run make as root16:10
blablablahello I'm facing problems installing libplist package anyone could help me please?16:10
vicesCShadowRun, oops why?16:10
nefastThe thing is, when I boot it just gives me a terminal window and the default login screen background.16:11
nefastNothing else.16:11
erUSULvices: not needed ; potentially dangerous16:11
kinja-sheepMFawzy: Demand for Ubuntu CDs is very high.16:11
CShadowRunvices: because it has no requirement to be root, and the generated files would be owned by root, which is bad :(16:11
blablablachecking for LIBGPOD... configure: error: Package requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.8.0 gobject-2.0 sqlite3 libplist) were not met:16:11
CShadowRunvices: the correct procedure is ./configure, make, sudo make install16:11
blablablachecking for LIBGPOD... configure: error: Package requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.8.0 gobject-2.0 sqlite3 libplist) were not met: -- how can I solve out this please?16:11
vicesCShadowRun,  if i sudo make and then sudo make install, how can i undo the problem?16:11
erUSULCShadowRun: vices or better use checkinstall intead of th last step16:12
epinkynefast: have you tried "sudo service gdm restart"16:12
erUSUL!checkinstall | vices16:12
ubottuvices: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!16:12
unclejonI've got a question: On XP, I had an additional harddrive (F) with music on it.  I can't seem to find it on Ubuntu16:12
CShadowRunsudo make uninstall, sudo make clean16:12
erUSULunclejon: you have to mount it16:12
nefastAh, epinky, nope.16:12
MFawzykinja-sheep: I could actually read this :D16:12
erUSUL!ntfs | unclejon16:12
ubottuunclejon: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE16:12
nefastI'll try the things mentioned in that thread and what you just said.16:12
vicesinstead of 'sudo make install' do 'checkinstall' ?16:12
epinkynefast: btw, I'm assuming you're on Karmic16:13
kinja-sheepMFawzy: Well -- It pretty much explain everything. If you can't obtain it, then you may not obtain it. :D / D:16:13
MFawzykinja-sheep:  but I actually didn't understand does this mean my request was refused and I can't do further request ??16:13
nefastAh, indeed, epinky, I should have mentioned that16:13
blablablachecking for LIBGPOD... configure: error: Package requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.8.0 gobject-2.0 sqlite3 libplist) were not met: -- how can I solve out this please?16:13
ZimCSHello.  I am running ubuntu server on a small home server that I just built.  What is a good option to backup files from remote PC's?16:13
vices'sudo make install' exited without any errors but ruby -v still gives me 1.8.7 :(16:13
mike3how can i remove the motd of permanently. It keeps generating a new message in MOTD.16:14
=== _RaNdY is now known as RaNdY
NotTooSmartZimCS, rsync ?16:14
arvind_khadriblablabla, libgpod-dev16:14
kinja-sheepMFawzy: It does not say. That statement is neutral. You could try again. I would imagine using different aliases could get you through. :X16:14
pat|nGhow can i turn off the ICMP in ubuntu?16:14
erUSULpat|nG: block them ? or what?16:14
pat|nGlike turnin `em off16:15
blablablaarvind_khadri: I got libgpod-dev is already the newest version.16:15
NotTooSmartubuntu should not respond to icmp anyway afaik16:15
pat|nGdon't want someones gonna do some ping on me....16:15
llutzblocking ICMP is stupid16:15
unclejonQ: If I don't have Network & File Systems, what do I go to for new partitions?16:15
unclejon"Once installed you can browse to: System -->> Network and File Systems -->> " -- doesn't exist16:15
MFawzykinja-sheep:  I'm also a member in the loco team of my country, but I don't know what does                becoming an Ubuntu member by contributing to         Ubuntu, and thereby         becoming eligible for more CDs             mean ??16:16
epinkyunclejon: on terminal type: "sudo fdisk -l"16:16
AndorinWhat's the command to create a launcher for an executable file?16:16
kinja-sheepMFawzy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership16:17
erUSULpat|nG: then you want to block or drop them. just install a firewall16:17
erUSUL!firewall | pat|nG16:17
ubottupat|nG: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist16:17
unclejonhow do I open a terminal?16:17
* unclejon is ubuntu noob16:17
kinja-sheepMFawzy: If you are, you should make yourself official. :o16:17
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist16:17
epinky!terminal | unclejon16:18
ubottuunclejon: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:18
CAPcapunclejon applications > accessories > teminal16:18
* screen-x is way too late16:18
pat|nGubottu: nice info mate...thanx alot16:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:18
CAPcapubottu, are you intelligent?16:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:18
NotTooSmartpat|nG, lol :-P16:18
pat|nGa bot!?16:18
pat|nGwell...it's k16:19
pat|nGeverybody deserved to be thanked once in awhile for a help16:19
unclejonIs using pysdm an acceptable replacement for partitions?16:19
NotTooSmartunclejon, dont you still need partitions?16:20
unclejonI do16:20
unclejonI mean using it to.. make the partitions16:20
epinkyunclejon: I really love python, but I can recommend using a py-gtk app to create simple partitions, use fdisk or gparted instead16:21
epinkyI can't*16:21
screen-xdoes gparted support lvm yet?16:21
NotTooSmartyea use fdisk16:21
unclejonfdisk -- is that what you use by prompting the terminal?16:21
NotTooSmartunclejon, yea run it with sudo16:22
unclejonwhat does "sudo" mean jw.16:22
NotTooSmartunclejon, sudo fdisk -l will show all partitions on your system16:22
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)16:22
epinky!sudo | unclejon16:22
ubottuunclejon: please see above16:22
obiwan_hi, please 1 question, could anyboy tell me, if i don't use framebufer, what do i use?16:23
unclejonah ok16:23
ryanCHi'm going to have dual videocards(same model) will ubuntu configure them both automatically?16:23
epinkyobiwan_: socket programming?16:23
apipkinenabled mod_rewrite with a2enmod but i'm still getting a 404 :-/16:24
Bohemianhi, can someone talk to me about setting up a partition scheme for all my HDDs?16:25
obiwan_epinky: idk :( a guy told me i use a framebuffer terminal16:25
obiwan_and i told him, i don't, then asked me so what do you use? and i told him idk xD16:25
obiwan_sure Bohemian16:25
obiwan_what exactly do you want16:26
nefastepinky, I think I found my problem.16:26
nefastApparently gnome-panels isn't installed.16:26
Bohemiani have a macbook with a 500GB HDD, another 500GB HDD (5400rpm), a 160gb iPod which i use half for storage, a 160GB HDD i use to backup my /System files and ~/home (home does not include videos and that's it for now, though i may purchase a 1 or 1.5TB drive for additional storage16:26
epinkynefast: good, now install it :)16:27
Bohemiani want to have a media partition, a pictures partition definitely16:27
tarvtarvanyone know how to create a custom menu for the gnome panel?16:27
unclejonCan I pm someone to help me with this partition? :P16:27
Bohemianbut if i create those partitions, they come outside of ~/ right? are there any downsides to that?16:27
epinky!pm | unclejon16:27
ubottuunclejon: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:27
pat|nGi think i need to buy RAM for my brain....can't remember some of those things i'm reading on the documentations....grrrrr16:28
unclejonI just did the fdisk step16:28
nefastAye, there's the rub. For within my faulty boot I can't connect to my router, since that network panel isn't showing up.16:28
obiwan_Bohemian: np, you can mount the below  your home dir16:28
nefastIs there a way to install those things via a usb drive?16:28
obiwan_the choice is yours where to mount each partition16:28
unclejon"ls /media/windows" I'm stuck on that step16:28
kinja-sheeppat|nG: Your brain is RAM. What you need is a hard drive.16:28
Bohemianoh, i also have a 32GB flash drive and a 8GB usb stick16:28
Bohemianobiwan_: so, no worries if it's not in /home ?16:29
epinkynefast: can't you use "sudo apt-get install gnome-panel" ?16:29
pat|nGkinja-sheep: hahaha! mah fault! hahahaha! gotcha16:29
obiwan_wow, man you've got a lot of disks haha ^_^ !16:29
gablessAnybody know where I can find support to Transmission?16:29
kinja-sheepgabless: #transmission I think.16:29
NotTooSmartBohemian, make a link to the mount point in your home dir so you can do something like cd ~/mnt16:29
gablesskinja-sheep: Thanks!16:30
BohemianNotTooSmart: okay16:30
nefastepinky, yes, it does all the normal shebang, but then tells me it can't download it, or something in that sense.16:30
obiwan_for sure not Bohemian , you can make a partition and later set its mountpoint at /home/vids eg16:30
unclejonI'm stuck on "preparing the system" on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions16:30
fredkrughello folks16:30
fredkrugI am trying to install ubuntu but it doesn't work16:30
fredkrugwhy it doesn't work?16:31
epinkynefast: do you have network connectivity? "ping www.google.com" to test16:31
unclejonI don't get what I prompt the terminal with.16:31
MidoCrashhey gyys16:31
NotTooSmartfredkrug, well, if you tell us what is happening we might be able to help16:31
kinja-sheepunclejon: What about it? What are you trying to do?16:31
fredkrugwell this is what's happening16:31
MidoCrashwho is here from Germany ????16:31
nefastepinky, yeah, tried that and it doesn't respond.16:31
fredkrug   DCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 016:31
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.16:31
willembHello, I am using the 'ati' driver on a ATI Radeon 9800 Pro.  FOr some reason xrandr always thinks the s-video is disconnectd (which it is not).  How do I get tvout to work?16:31
Bohemianobiwan_: can you give me an idea how you'd split up these partitions? i have 250GB of /Movies could you pastebin it?16:31
MidoCrashhey guys i want some from Germany please16:31
LjLfredkrug: that failed so badly.16:31
LjL!de | MidoCrash16:32
ubottuMidoCrash: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:32
NotTooSmartLjL, I agree that was hilarious16:32
Bohemiani want to encrypt the /Documents partition (i have 80GB of documents)16:32
epinkynefast: do you have an ip configured? "sudo ifconfig -a" to see16:32
_nmapMy internet connection is in wlan0 and working fine, but when i make a wired connection on eth1 wlan0 stops work... any suggestions?16:33
BluesKajwlan0 is wifi eth1 is wired , nmap16:33
erUSUL_nmap: probably the routing table  is invalid after configuring the eth1 connection16:33
epinky_nmap: metric issue16:33
obiwan_Bohemian: but i'm unsure what do you want, look, usually you'd take 15 gigs for / , 2 for swap, and the remaining for /home, but i don't know, what do you want to do with all that disks?16:33
nefastHmm. I doubt it, epinky, I'll have a look.16:33
willembis tvout not supported in the open source ATI driver any more?16:34
BluesKajynmap, ou can't use both simultaneously16:34
unclejonI'm stuck on "preparing the system" on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions16:34
CAPcaphes prob trying to use his comp as a router16:34
CAPcapi did it all the time for my xbox 36016:34
BluesKajCAPcap, then i wish he'd say so16:35
Bohemianobiwan_: split it up between ~/Documents , ~/Movies , ~/Pictures and /System (including all applications)16:35
smk22hello all! ..when I plug-in my webcam " /dev/video" is missing, Itried using camorama anda cheese and the file doesn't apear :( any help?16:35
CAPcapits a wicked pain in windows, but i wouldnt even kno where to start in ubuntu lol16:35
NotTooSmartBohemian, applications are in /usr/bin the executable part anyway ....16:35
maple1fuck leno16:35
pat|nGCAPcap: same here! :P haha16:36
willembCDHello.  Can someone help me to configure tvout on my radeon 9800 pro in ubuntu, please?16:36
sipiormaple1: i think you're in the wrong channel.16:36
_nmaperUSUL, if i put iptables -F is to work fine?16:36
pat|nGjust reading and writing down in notes all they're chattin here...16:36
unclejonif I get the return of "not a directory" on the terminal, what does that mean?16:36
NotTooSmartCAPcap, its really easy in ubuntu and in windows :-p16:36
erUSUL_nmap: what does iptables have to do with the routing table?16:36
JavaAtom /part16:37
willembunclejon:  You tried doing something to a file that can only be done to directories16:37
hummessehi guys! Is there a channel dedicated to photography on the ubuntu network? If yes, which?16:37
pat|nGerUSUL: it's obvious....wat are u gonna route? IP's right!?16:37
CAPcapIts easy to set up with windows theoretically, getting it to work with an xbox 360 is a whole other animan NotTooSmart16:37
erUSUL_nmap: i think that when you add the eth1 connection you end up with two default gateaways and you only can have one16:37
obiwan_Bohemian: but is that mac partitions or ubuntu? i 'm not sure what /System is, please tell me what OSes do you have ?16:37
LjLhummesse: this is not the ubuntu network, this is freenode. anyway try asking in #freenode and/or checking the following16:37
LjL!channels > hummesse    (hummesse, see the private message from ubottu)16:37
madurahow can i screencast @ about 15 fps with compiz enabled??(recordmydesktop laggs so bad)16:37
erUSUL_nmap: but to be sure you have to check the output od « ip route »16:37
luNixany ideas? http://pastebin.com/m460f0169 ...pretty tired after 3 hours search, hehe16:37
NotTooSmartCAPcap, set the Ip on the xbox to, share the connection on the NIC, set it to be and only use subnet mask :-D on ubuntu you just click a few times in network man.16:38
jeeezi just tried cmus, but i keep getting segfaults! are there any alternatives?16:38
hummesse?? it just says Ubuntu servers...16:38
hummessebut ok..16:38
luNixjeeez: moc16:38
Bohemianobiwan_: sorry, i'm just used to saying /System. i'm just using ubuntu16:38
CAPcapDoesnt matter anyways my xbox friesd 4 months ago :(16:38
jeeezluNix: will check i tout!16:38
Bohemianbut with the new HDD i just bought, i'm gonna want to partition it properly this time, obiwan_16:38
unclejonif I get the return of "not a directory" on the terminal, what does that mean?16:39
josharianHi. Not sure if this is the right room for this, but...16:39
CAPcapi always had to disable windows firewall to make it work...16:39
josharianWhen I run `xfs_freeze -f /ebs`, I get "xfs_freeze: cannot freeze filesystem at /ebs: Operation not supported"16:39
NotTooSmartBohemian, I would make a DD image of the partition table.16:39
josharianand my attempts to Google this error have turned up nothing.16:39
josharianDetails: I'm running 9.10 on an ec2 instance. /ebs is a mounted EBS drive that was formatted with a vanilla `mkfs -t xfs /dev/sdj`.16:39
FloodBot1josharian: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:39
maduraany help?16:39
screen-x(16:37:06) willemb: unclejon:  You tried doing something to a file that can only be done to directories16:40
arvind_khadri!ask | MadAGu16:40
ubottuMadAGu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:40
arvind_khadri!ask | madura16:40
ubottumadura: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:40
obiwan_ok Bohemian then with system you mean / right?16:40
arvind_khadriMadAGu, sorry16:40
=== blackxored is now known as Guest15704
madura:P bots16:41
nefastepinky, nope, ip16:41
nefastNo ip, I mean.16:41
marcelo_tem algum canal sobre certificado digital16:41
luNixwell, I can wait16:41
obiwan_i'd do a 15 gig for / , 2 for swap, and depending on if you have different hard drives dedicated to just pics, and another for movies, i'd take the rest of that disk for /home , and use the others for movies and pics, or save some specially for movies and pics16:42
NotTooSmartluNix, do you have to use alsa?16:42
Bohemianobiwan_: yes16:42
epinkynefast: you have to solve that first, you can use "ifconfig" or "dhclient" with sudo and read manual pages16:42
luNixNotTooSmart: is it better with oss?16:42
NotTooSmartluNix, im using the same card with oss or close to it and it sounds much better....16:43
smk22missing " /dev/video" .. any help?16:43
_nmaperUSUL, here is what im trying to do... I want to share the wlan0 connection with a other pc connected in the eth1. Wlan0 is DHCP with my router hardware. So to do this i need to manually make a eth1 connection with other pc and use iptables to share connection right?16:43
luNixNotTooSmart: just installed that coz it emulated oss, sort of16:43
NotTooSmart01:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 07)16:43
ActionParsnipyo yo yo16:43
erUSUL_nmap: yes16:43
nefastepinky, that goes for a wireless connection too?16:43
NotTooSmartluNix, if you want to try oss I could talk you through the steps16:43
erUSUL_nmap: that'as a way to do it16:44
luNixNotTooSmart: I have to eat something first, been in to this deep you know16:44
AndorinWhat's the command to create a launcher for an executable file?16:44
girlnyhello i want to know how do i read this error from my comand i try to run a .sh script and want to know is it exactly that is telling me /bin/java: No such file or directoryline 61: /usr/java/jre1.6.0_1716:44
NotTooSmartluNix, haha, go for it I understand completely16:44
ActionParsnipandorin: you can create a bash script to run wine with the exe16:44
AndorinActionParsnip: This isn't a Windows file.16:45
jeeezmoc doesn't have a library feature! any other cli music players? [apart from cmus which keeps segfaulting]16:45
kinja-sheepAndorin: "wine ActionParsnip.exe"16:45
_nmaperUSUL, a simple sudo ifconfig eth1 is a correct way to manually enter an ip to eth1?16:45
obiwan_Bohemian: is that ok for ou?16:45
theadminjeeez: mplayer-nogui and VLC...16:45
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: sounds like an awesome app ;)16:45
erUSUL_nmap: yes16:45
obiwan_Bohemian: then we can start to make the partition scheme with fdisk16:45
kinja-sheepActionParsnip: :D16:45
AndorinNo no no... this is a file that's just labeled as "executable" in its Properties menu. It's for Iron, a version of Google Chrome. Double-clicking it starts the browser up, but I want to know how to do so via CLI so I can create a launcher for docky.16:46
girlnyhello i want to know how do i read this error from my comand i try to run a .sh script and want to know is it exactly that is telling me /bin/java: No such file or directoryline 61: /usr/java/jre1.6.0_1716:46
unclejonI input this command:16:46
unclejon sudo mkdir /media/fat_partition16:46
unclejon sudo mount -t vfat -o defaults,user,exec,uid=1000,gid=100,umask=000 /dev/sdb1 /media/fat_partition16:46
unclejonis that how to properly mount?16:46
ActionParsnipgirlny: does that folder exist?16:46
theadminunclejon: Seems correct to me16:47
ActionParsnipunclejon: looks fine to me16:47
luNixNotTooSmart: there we go, sandwich and juice16:47
Bohemianobiwan_: ou? ok?16:47
girlny the folder /usr/java/jre1.6.0_17/bin/java exists16:47
alamatiIs there any body expert in bzr version control?16:47
AndorinActionParsnip: What do I do in the case of a file like that?16:47
macoalamati: #bzr?16:48
luNixNotTooSmart: well, vill it be easy to clean up after alsa stuff I installed?16:48
ActionParsnipandorin: what does the command: file   say it is?16:48
NotTooSmartluNix, such as?16:48
girlny ActionParsnip:the folder /usr/java/jre1.6.0_17/bin/java exists16:48
AndorinActionParsnip: iron-linux/./iron: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped16:48
maco!pm | alamati16:48
ubottualamati: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:48
luNixNotTooSmart: well, I guess I'll fix that16:49
alamatiReally thanks16:49
NotTooSmartluNix, so your card does not work under alsa at all?16:49
ActionParsnipandorin: cool, just mark it as executable with chmod +x    and it will be executable. if you put it in on of the folders in $PATH it will be universally accessible16:49
zacktuI'm trying to use the wxpython demo files.  They import wx.aui, which is not found.  I use python 2.6.2 and have tried to be certain that I have the current wxpython.  What to do now?16:49
_nmaperUSUL, ok thanks, seems to be ok now. Both computers are ping each other16:50
obiwan_Bohemian: ok, please tell me are you going to use dedicated disks for pictures and vids?16:50
luNixNotTooSmart: nope, if you looked at my pastbin thingie16:50
ejcwebI am trying to work out what all of the options are in my Grub bootloader. There are two entries named "Ubuntu 9.10, kernel 2.6.31-15-generic" and "Ubuntu 9.10, kernel 2.6.28-11-generic", along with both their recovery modes. What is the difference between the two? Thanks.16:50
thefirstdudehow come I sudo apt-get install scite is saying it dowesn't exist!!!16:50
NotTooSmartluNix, alright, you can try using OSS which is working great for me on the same card if you want but its up to you16:50
luNixNotTooSmart: my soundcard kinda say "do I realy exist" hehe, "and why"16:50
thefirstdudeU have multiverse and universe and all that checked16:50
erUSUL_nmap: to make the change permanent you will have to use the interfaces file /etc/network/interfaces16:50
AndorinActionParsnip: It already /is/ executable. As I said, double-clicking it launches the program. What I want to know is what the command would be to launch it via the command line so I can create an application launcher for it, instead of it just sitting in its directory as a file.16:51
ActionParsnipejcweb: one is older than the other. you can remove thee -11 kernel if you do not use it16:51
Bohemianobiwan_: the videos, yes16:51
Bohemianpicture,s no16:51
NotTooSmartluNix, if you want to try alsa start by adding this to your /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist16:51
luNixNotTooSmart: I'll give it a try... and it will do I hope16:51
NotTooSmartluNix, err if you want to try oss I mean16:51
ted__Using 9.10, when I go to Wywtem/preferences there are two listings for default printer.  How do I get rid of one of them?16:51
luNixNotTooSmart: oki16:51
NotTooSmartluNix, http://pastebin.com/m2c2b7bfd add those lines to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist16:52
ActionParsnipandorin: gotcha, you will need to specify the full path the the filename, it no different to launching any other binary from terminal. if you put it in /usr/bin you can just call it without the path16:52
thefirstdudedid someone remove scite from the freakin repo16:52
unclejonhow can i tell if a drive has been mounted?16:53
Andorinthefirstdude: Install it via the Ubuntu software center?16:53
CShadowRun!language | thefirstdude16:53
ubottuthefirstdude: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:53
ActionParsnipunclejon: you don't mount drives16:53
rethusif i work with vi on shell... and iff i'm in "insert" mode... and use the arrow-keys. in the script would be create a new line and insert letters like "a" "s"  "d"... before in suse it wasn't like this...16:53
unclejonor whatever.16:53
CShadowRunthefirstdude: SciTE is available in the software center, if it's not there, go to update manager, click check, then go back into the software center and check again.16:53
rethushow can i change it to use keys without insert letters in the script?16:53
unclejonhow do i tell if i've mounted it.16:53
ActionParsnipunclejon: you can see the mounted partitions by running: mount16:53
bmatti need help with making a link to a game in the bin folder so i can just run it from the command line16:53
_nmaperUSUL, to share the command iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE  is right?16:54
luNixNotTooSmart: err, dont know how to edit it16:54
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php16:54
NotTooSmartluNix, terminal or gui ?16:54
rethusif i work with vi on shell... and iff i'm in "insert" mode... and use the arrow-keys. in the script would be create a new line and insert letters like "a" "s"  "d"... before in suse it wasn't like this... how can i change it to use keys without insert letters in the script?16:54
ActionParsnipbmatt: cd /usr/bin; sudo ln -s /path/to/file ./name16:54
luNixNotTooSmart: I mean to the pastbin thingie16:54
mengyeningwhere find firefox16:54
AndorinActionParsnip: Wait... are you sure you read my reply correctly? I already know that I need to specify the full path. What I am asking for is the command I would use to16:54
AndorinWhoops, stupid Enter key16:54
luNixNotTooSmart: nevermind, I work in it here first16:55
erUSUL_nmap: i think you have to specify the in interface add  "-i eth1" ?16:55
AndorinActionParsnip: Never mind, I got it... I remembered that the command would be "iron-linux/./iron" and that's it. That's what I was asking for.16:55
NotTooSmartluNix, copy the lines from the pastebin i sent you and if your on a GUI type, gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and add the lines + save file16:55
Pici!zh | mengyening16:55
ubottumengyening: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:55
erUSUL_nmap: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing16:55
jendaWhat's the easiest way to reduce the size (quality) of a number of jpeg files (photographs of documents) in Ubuntu? Do I have to go one by one in Gimp (and what's the best way to do it there?) or is there something better?16:55
ActionParsnipandorin: ok lets assume the file is called test.exe on the desktop. the command to run it would be: /home/$USER/Desktop/test.exe16:56
AndorinActionParsnip: Yup, that's what I needed to know.16:56
ActionParsnipandorin: it doesnt need anything special.16:56
rethusjenda: kipi plugins (for kunbuntu)16:56
bmatti get an error when i try to run it16:56
bmattactionparsnip ^16:56
_nmaperUSUL, thakns for the tip man. I will restart know to see if works16:57
ActionParsnipbmatt: did you modify the command to suit you filesystem?16:57
jendarethus: well, I use amarok and konsole - is it a problem to use it in Ubuntu?16:57
bmattactionparsnip: /usr/bin would be the right directory16:58
gui7what's the most efficient way of transferring a rather large file from one ubuntu server to anotehr?16:58
bmattif thats what you mean16:58
trismrethus: the arrow keys will work properly if you use vim mode (start with vim instead of vi or set up your ~/.vimrc properly)16:58
NotTooSmartgui7, nfs-kernel-server16:58
ActionParsnipbmatt: you may have to write a small bash script to first cd to the containing folder, then run the app if the pwd is relevant to the running of the program16:58
gui7NotTooSmart, they're not in the same network16:58
NotTooSmartgui7, ftp then?16:59
gui7NotTooSmart, i dont want to have to setup an ftp server16:59
luNixNotTooSmart: done16:59
gui7i was trying using netcat16:59
=== carlos is now known as Guest5601
NotTooSmartluNix, in a terminal window..... sudo apt-get install oss-linux16:59
papulhi Guest560117:00
ActionParsnipbmatt: well yeah but the path to the app you want to run i have zero chance of guessing. you have to change the path in the command to point to what you want to run17:00
NotTooSmartgui7, hrm........ dont know then17:00
mattis_What could the cause for 20 - 50% packetloss be on a x64 2.6.28-15-server installation?17:00
gui7anyone else know the easiest way of tranferring files from one server to another?17:00
papulGuest5601, will u please change ur nick? there r too much guest present here17:00
luNixNotTooSmart: wasnt found17:00
ActionParsnipmattis_: faulty card. bad wire. bad port on the connection device17:01
CAPcaphow do i re-install all OpenGl packages through the terminal?17:01
NotTooSmartluNix, ok one sec17:01
mattis_ActionParsnip, I'll try and change the cable and the card. Two NIC's in the server17:01
llutzgui7: why not netcatm should work?17:01
rethustrism: so i have only vim.tiny is this right?17:02
gui7llutz, i got a netcat error about 800gb through17:02
thefirstdudewhat should I get for flash player17:02
llutzgui7: scp/sftp17:02
gui7llutz, i was transferring around 980gb worth of files - tar and then piping that into netcat, but 800gb through i got a network timeout in putty17:03
thefirstdudewhat should I get for playing flash that actually works?17:03
ActionParsnipthefirstdude: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras   will give you codecs + java + flash17:03
NotTooSmartluNix, in a terminal type.... sudo mkdir /oss && cd /oss && wget http://www.4front-tech.com/release/oss-linux-4.2-2002_i386.deb17:03
=== Max is now known as Guest92546
CAPcap how do i re-install all OpenGl packages through the terminal?17:03
ActionParsnipthefirstdude: or you can install flashplugin-nonfree if all you want is flash. make sure you have no other flash packages installed or they will fight and you will get nothing17:04
NotTooSmartluNix, sorry add sudo in front of wget too ;-p17:04
luNixNotTooSmart: will do17:04
=== adam is now known as Guest83343
luNixNotTooSmart: just fightting with irssi and copy past :D17:05
NotTooSmartluNix, yea ;-P17:05
ActionParsnipthefirstdude: make sure you have no gnash or swfdec packages installed too as they are opensource flash alternatives which will cause issues17:05
CAPcapNotTooSmart can you tell me how do i re-install all OpenGl packages through the terminal?17:05
NotTooSmartCAPcap, no cause idk how sorry :-( i dont use a gui on ubuntu17:05
NotTooSmartso no need for opengl17:05
ejcwebAt the moment Grub loads my Ubuntu installation by default; is it possible to make another operating system the default option (ie. Windows)?17:05
CAPcapok :\17:06
thefirstdudeI had swfdec before and I now know it is CRAP so I don't have it17:06
thefirstdudeI reinstalled ubuntu17:06
NotTooSmartCAPcap, google it, i google everything usually :-D im not saying google it to be a jerk either.17:06
ActionParsnipejcweb: edit /etc/default/grub    then run: sudo update-grub17:06
CAPcapthe issue is i dont understand any of it17:06
NotTooSmartCAPcap, show me the website ur looking at17:06
ActionParsnipejcweb: assuming karmic is you release17:06
mattis_ActionParsnip, was the CAT5, thanks!17:07
CAPcapoh i dont have one up, the issue is any time i try to do anything >_<17:07
=== Guest92546 is now known as Max14
ActionParsnipmattis_: np man. wtg :)17:07
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php17:07
luNixNotTooSmart: downloaded17:07
NotTooSmartCAPcap, ok hold a few minutes17:08
uncmarI have lost keyboard access to my computer.  Any idea how to reaquire it via ssh?17:08
NotTooSmartluNix, alright hold one sec17:08
TheFaioliOn startup, evolution asks for access to my keyring. This means evolution is running (ps confirms it). However it's NOT in my System->Preferences->Startup Applications. How do I make it go away?17:09
grkblooddoes anyone have any experience with tsmuxer?17:09
NotTooSmartluNix, sudo dpkg -i oss and hit tab it will complete the file name17:09
LinuX2halfhow do I check my driver's firmware?17:09
ActionParsnipuncmar: is it a usb keyboard?17:09
kinja-sheepActionParsnip: I'm putting my money on the wireless/bluetooth. :\17:09
ActionParsniplinux2half: sudo lshw | less17:09
uncmarActionParsnip: laptop. built-in keyboard.  I assume ps/2 type interface.17:09
gadget3000DO NOT CLICK THOSE LINKS!!!!!!17:10
luNixNotTooSmart: " Errors were encountered while processing: oss-linux"17:10
uncmarActionParsnip: The keyboard appears to work but is somehow ubuntu is not responding to it.17:10
NotTooSmartits probably gaypr0n17:10
LinuX2halfactionparsnip: thanks17:10
luNixNotTooSmart: normal error I guess?17:10
ActionParsnipuncmar: then run: lsmod | grep usb       remove then reload the modules listed, then run: sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart17:10
NotTooSmartluNix, no, hold on17:11
CShadowRunStop clicking the link people, otherwise you become one of those ^17:11
CShadowRunIt uses javascript to make you spam.17:11
LoRezand it will get you klined17:11
OseNoScript ftw?17:11
CShadowRunthat too.17:11
CShadowRunif you want to look at the page i suggest using wget and a text editor, nothing else.17:12
NotTooSmartluNix, are you running 2.6 kernel?17:12
grkblooddoes anyone have any experience with tsmuxer?17:12
uncmarActionParsnip: no modules are listed with lsmod | grep usb17:12
CShadowRunlol wow, dumb people are still clicking it17:12
ThreetimesHi, my Packard Bell EasyNote TJ61 has a "lock touchpad" button, but it won't unlock after locking. It works again only after a reboot...17:13
macoCShadowRun: not necessarily more people clicked. its not like only 1 new user is spawned from each click17:13
The_ThingOh, that link is making legit people's browsers do that?17:13
macoThe_Thing: yes17:13
NotTooSmartluNix, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-sound-base and select OSS and try to dpkg -i the oss file again17:13
macoThe_Thing: that's the point of the link17:14
AndorinCShadowRun: Does the .txt file contain anything worth getting it?17:14
The_Thingah, heh...17:14
ThreetimesWhat do these links do?17:14
macoThreetimes: turn you into a spambot17:14
CShadowRunAndorin: not really, just lame stuff17:14
macoThreetimes: and then you attack the channel17:14
CShadowRunThreetimes: javascript17:14
macoThreetimes: er, attackt he server i mean17:14
* Andorin types /clear17:14
AndorinProblem solved.17:14
LinuX2halfis it possible to update/upgrade your firmware?17:14
ThreetimesHow do these links look (i didn't recieve any)?17:14
The_ThingThreetimes: Essentially they cause your browser to connect to freenode via HTTP, and cause your browser to send out these CTCP version requests.17:15
macoThreetimes: if you get a link in a PM, do not click it. thats basically it.17:15
SnappoHey, I've got a wierd problem here. I've rebooted a couple times, but I can't get the restricted driver manager to offer me the option to install the driver for my BCM432817:15
swiftarrowAndorin, I just wget ed the text file, it's a bunch of keywords for every topic under the sun and a tiny bit of vicious jscript17:15
trismrethus: I'm not sure how well it will work with vim-tiny, may want to install the full vim (sudo apt-get install vim; if you're on karmic)17:15
gbear142751interesting... so looks like chromium isn't comatible with those links17:16
luNixNotTooSmart: I changed to oss in linux-sound-base (did I just try tab that word... never mind), still the same with the deb package17:16
ThreetimesHTTP as in? IRC != http?!17:16
luNixNotTooSmart: sorry! my bad! no gcc installed17:16
luNixsorry :)17:16
NotTooSmartluNix, yea that was my next step17:16
swiftarrowSnappo, are you in 9.10?17:17
Snappono, 9.0417:17
grkbloodhow do i convert mkv to m2ts?17:17
Snappo9.10 crashes too much17:17
luNixNotTooSmart: I'm blind *tap tap on the screen*17:17
NotTooSmartluNix, but wait before you try again look @ this17:17
Guest83343hi all ;)17:17
Andorinswiftarrow: Any idea what the jscript is supposed to do?17:17
LinuX2halfis it possible to update/upgrade firmware..?17:17
macoThreetimes: are you saying you're surprised to find that things-that-arent-webpages are not http?17:17
NotTooSmartluNix, install all these first http://pastebin.com/m665f62a17:17
swiftarrowSnappo, hm.  you can try to google search for the deb or the particular installation method...17:18
LinuX2halfI'm not able to burn some DVD due to my current firmware version.17:18
macoAndorin: it spawns connections to the server that then spam others, using your browser as the base for a bunch of spambots17:18
AndorinOh, I see.17:18
Snapposwiftarrow: all I can seem to find on google is instructions on how to use the hardware manager17:18
swiftarrowSnappo, with bcm cards I usually have to do something like that, bypassing the restricted drivers.  just my 2c17:18
ThreetimesIRC doesn't use HTTP, right? Or does it?17:18
gbear14275how can I tell if I have bluetooth on my laptop (I realize I should know what hardware is installed...)17:18
macoThreetimes: normally it uses the irc protocol17:18
Snappobut when I run it it just says "searching for drives" and then nothing17:18
gbear14275lspci work?17:18
swiftarrowSnappo, try to use ndiswrapper.  Its dead easy, and works most of the time17:18
NotTooSmartThreetimes, no, but if you click the link ;-p17:18
luNixNotTooSmart: I'm on it, just have to type the letters, since I cant paste in gtk browser, hang on17:18
Snappo"dead easy" huh17:19
macoThreetimes: but you can make web-based irc clients (like mibbit.com) so it makes sense that this is possible17:19
swiftarrowSnappo, I haven't had 100% success with the restricted driver either.17:19
NotTooSmartluNix, alrighty17:19
Threetimesthese links exploit services like mibbit?17:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:19
macoThreetimes: no, they implement something similar to mibbit17:19
* swiftarrow is tired, it's late, is going to sleep. Good luck everyone! And no, I don't know enough jscript to decifer those files!17:19
=== sayanriju is now known as sayanriju2
ozzloymy laptop won't turn on.  power lights are off,  no power at all seems to be getting anywhere.  any suggestions?17:20
ThreetimesOh, now I kinda understand... lol...17:20
=== sayanriju2 is now known as sayanriju
gbear14275will lspci display whether or not you have a bluetooth module in your computer?17:20
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=== sayanriju_ is now known as sayanriju
rethuswhere can i get fd-library for ubuntu apache?17:20
kinja-sheepgbear14275: What make/model? Even if you don't have BT, it is cheap to buy a BT adapter. 2-3 bucks at most.17:21
macogbear14275: depends if the bluetooth module is pci based17:21
Threetimesgbear14275: it wil list all pci devices. If your bluetooth module is an pci device, then yes.17:21
macogbear14275: if its usb, youd want lsusb17:21
LinuX2halfIs it possible to update/upgrade firmware17:21
gbear14275kinja-sheep: T6117:21
Threetimesgbear14275: sudo lshw lists *all* hardware in your computer. That's the easiest way17:21
kinja-sheepgbear14275: "lsusb | grep blue"17:21
kinja-sheepgbear14275: "lsusb | grep -i blue" (just in case).17:22
LinuX2halfI can't seem to burn a certain DVD that requires 16x recording speed17:22
uncmarIt is a laptop and my Fn key was somehow hung like the Super key has been known to do in windows.17:22
rethuswhere can i get fd-library for ubuntu apache?17:22
KamokowI can only use 1 application that plays sound at a time, or the sound wont play through one. For example, I have a youtube video up, and I try to turn on rythmbox, when i press play, the seek-bar for the music wont even move. How do I go about fixing this?17:23
kinja-sheepgbear14275: U haz bluetooth?17:24
knxvilleKamokow: Tried getting new drivers? System->Administration->Hardware Drivers17:24
luNixNotTooSmart: had to do an "apt-get install -f"17:24
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.17:24
NotTooSmartluNix, alright, you got all those installed?17:25
Kamokowknxville: Well, i dont see why that would stop rythmbox from trying to play though... and I have updated drivers.17:25
NotTooSmartluNix, if the .deb wont install try rebooting and trying again17:25
luNixNotTooSmart: it's not done yet17:25
NotTooSmartluNix, alright17:25
LinuX2half1is it possible to update or upgrade firmwaer17:25
gbear14275kinja-sheep: looking through lshw17:25
luNixNotTooSmart: reboot? not just restart something?17:25
NotTooSmartluNix, you got the .deb installing now?17:25
knxvilleKamokow: I think it sounds like a driver problem.. Tried with another music application? Exaile?17:25
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.17:26
kinja-sheepgbear14275: Try "lsusb | grep -i blue"17:26
Kamokowknxville: sometimes multiple apps will run with sound, but not very often17:26
luNixNotTooSmart: " ...building modules" ...after that I go for the deb again then its done17:26
kinja-sheepdiedius: Hi. :)17:27
gbear14275kinja-sheep: no hits... computer says no17:27
CShadowRunJust an FYI to everyone, the floods are apparently going to be fixed in 12 days thanks to a new IRCd on freenode.17:27
diediusaah, irc is working17:27
CShadowRun(You can read about that at the freenode blog)17:27
NotTooSmartluNix, ok17:27
kinja-sheepgbear14275: The chance is that you don't have BT. I ran the command in my computer + BT adapter and the laptop. Both came up.17:27
gbear14275kinja-sheep: looks like its time to shop for daughter cards17:27
diediusanyone know why thunderbird would be displaying the jpg attachments without decoding it?17:27
luNixNotTooSmart: "NOTE! You are using trial version of Open Sound System"17:27
NotTooSmartluNix, its not rly17:27
conflixheh yeah17:28
knxvilleKamokow: I dont reckon that problem.. Try ask the question again, when the spamming ends.17:28
NotTooSmartluNix, they tried selling it for awhile but its free again now ;-P17:28
luNixNotTooSmart: that scared me man :)17:28
NotTooSmartluNix, ok, try ossinfo and see if the SB_live shows up17:28
Kamokowknxville: Okay, Ill wait and ask again in a bit17:28
luNixNotTooSmart: well, "aplay: device_list:223: no soundcards found.."17:29
knxvilleKamokow: or else, use another music program. I like Exaile.17:29
NotTooSmartluNix, yea, look @ ossinfo real quick17:29
luNixNotTooSmart: no, forgot about the deb, right17:29
NotTooSmartluNix, no you installed the .deb if you saw using open sound system trial ver message.17:29
diediusaah, exactly like this:17:29
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php17:29
luNixNotTooSmart: aha, good17:29
RediXeTrying to mount: /dev/sda3 to /media/storage where it will hopefully be mounted by my user and not root. I have give given it the options defaults,user in fstab but it seems to ignore the user option. Any idea's?17:30
NotTooSmartluNix, so try this sudo modprobe oss_sblive and then try ossinfo17:30
Kamokowknxville: Well, I have tried other music programs, and they all seem to be affected by the same problem :-/17:30
luNixNotTooSmart: yeah, ossconfig shoe me my external soundcard17:30
knxvilleKamokow: I'm sorry then I'm at no help for yea..17:30
NotTooSmartluNix, ok, so run this command.... sudo ln -ls /dev/dsp /dev/oss/oss_sblive0/pcm017:31
NotTooSmartluNix, and your card should work...17:33
luNixNotTooSmart: what is "ln" ?17:33
luNixmust have an - right?17:33
NotTooSmartluNix, it creates a symbolic link, man ln17:33
luNixNotTooSmart: well I got this "ln: invalid option -- 'l'" but its more like wrong with "-ls", right?17:34
NotTooSmartluNix, hrm actually before you do that. what does cat /dev/oss say?17:34
NotTooSmartluNix, err ls /dev/oss17:35
LinuX2half1is it possible to update or upgrade your firmware?17:35
luNixNotTooSmart: "cat: ls: No such file or directory"17:36
NotTooSmartluNix, no just ls /dev/oss17:36
Babarsince yesterday my wifi doesn't connect anymore. It's an ath5k card, which works fine on my "old" usb-key running karmic, but doesn't work on my desktop (which I upgraded yesterday iirc). Logs are not very helpful... Any hint where I could dig for more info?17:36
luNixNotTooSmart: ah, haha17:36
NotTooSmartluNix, cat doesn't work for dir's that was my faullt17:36
luNixNotTooSmart: "oss_sblive0"17:37
luNixNotTooSmart: looking good, right17:37
NotTooSmartluNix, alright try osstest17:37
NotTooSmartluNix, yea so far17:38
luNixNotTooSmart: hey, nice pianotune, kinda :D17:38
NotTooSmartluNix, your done then!17:38
luNixNotTooSmart: yeah, at last!17:39
luNixNotTooSmart: thank you very mush17:39
NotTooSmartluNix, make a link between the device and /dev/dsp17:39
NotTooSmartso you dont have to set each program manually for the correct device17:39
RediXeTrying to mount: /dev/sda3 to /media/storage where it will hopefully be mounted by my user and not root. I have give given it the options defaults,user in fstab but it seems to ignore the user option. Any idea's?17:39
luNixNotTooSmart: a symbolic link?17:39
NotTooSmartluNix, ossmix vol 100 and ossmix pcm 100 where 100 is anynumber will change your volume....17:39
NotTooSmartluNix, yes17:39
luNixNotTooSmart: thats all I figured out17:40
Buttons840how can i configure auto-login for some of the accounts on this computer?17:40
NotTooSmartluNix, :-P17:40
NotTooSmartluNix, btw OSS sounds much better than alsa17:40
luNixNotTooSmart: goodie17:40
NotTooSmartluNix, alright, i gotta go clean my house any more questions :-D17:41
luNixNotTooSmart: no, I figure that symbolic link out I guess17:41
luNixNotTooSmart: thanks again17:41
NotTooSmartluNix, i think it is ln -s17:41
KamokowIm probably getting a new computer soon, how would I go about making sure it will be compatable with Linux?17:42
luNixNotTooSmart: great17:42
NotTooSmartKamokow, check the chipset / hardware against the wiki?17:42
KamokowNotTooSmart: Theres a wiki for compatable hardware? Thanks :D17:43
NotTooSmartKamokow, afaik yes17:43
KamokowNotTooSmart: Okay, found it :P, thats a bunch.17:44
NotTooSmartKamokow, ;-P17:44
RediXeTrying to mount: /dev/sda3 to /media/storage where it will hopefully be mounted by my user and not root. I have give given it the options defaults,user in fstab but it seems to ignore the user option. Any idea's?17:47
AJC_Z0RediXe: Automount it17:47
erUSULRediXe: user only means that a user can mount it17:48
erUSULRediXe: which filesystem does the partition holds ?17:48
AJC_Z0I presume you want the mount point owned by a specific user, right?17:48
RediXeerUSUL, It's just an empty ext3 partition17:49
erUSUL!addingfs | RediXe17:49
ubottuRediXe: If you are adding space to your Ubuntu installation mounting a newly created unix filesystem (ext3, xfs, jfs, etc) you can not set permissions (read, write, etc) filesystem-wide like you do when mounting filesystems that do not support unix permissions (vfat, ntfs, hfs, etc).  See !permissions and !fstab17:49
llutzRediXe: chown/chmod17:49
=== nick125_ is now known as nick125
CAPcaphow do i do a full install of kubuntu from inside ubuntu?17:49
nick125CAPcap: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop17:49
CAPcapso i need to download anything first?17:50
nathan7[ 1244.301423] ath_hal: (AR5210, AR5211, AR5212, RF5111, RF5112, RF2413, RF5413)17:50
nathan7[ 1244.322909] ath_pci:
nathan7[ 1244.322966] ath_pci 0000:02:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 21 (level, low) -> IRQ 2117:50
nathan7[ 1244.334079] wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware self-test failed' (HAL status 14)17:50
nathan7[ 1244.334101] ath_pci 0000:02:00.0: PCI INT A disabled17:50
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions17:50
nathan7Trying to get my atheros card working, all I get is that with madwifi17:50
nick125CAPcap: nope.17:50
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:50
CAPcapthat will install it alongside? ubuntu?17:50
nick125CAPcap: It'll automagically install all of the packages that kubuntu needs.17:50
RediXeerUSUL, thanks for that :)17:51
erUSULRediXe: no problem17:51
nathan7I'm on a desktop here, I have a sweex-branded atheros PCI wifi card17:51
nathan702:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR2413 802.11bg NIC (rev 01)17:51
CAPcapit'll do it beside it? or over top of it? i want it to dual boot17:51
nick125CAPcap: yeah. When you go to login, there's an option as to which desktop to use. IF you want Ubuntu, select Gnome, if you want Kubuntu, select KDE17:51
CAPcapSWEET thanks nick12517:51
nick125CAPcap: No need to dual-boot. You can install multiple desktops on the same system :)17:52
CAPcapya i got that by what u said. thats even better17:52
tomanhello there, can someone help me install jahshaka on ubuntu 9.10 ?17:53
kinja-sheeptoman: jahshaka?17:53
tomanthere is no .deb pack and i don't know what to do ..17:53
ojiii can't get ubuntu one to work, it doesn't matter what file i drop into the folder, it always ends up in 'conflict'... what am I doing wrong?17:53
tomankinja-sheep,  it's video editing software17:54
kinja-sheeptoman: You might want to ask in #ubuntustudio -- That software haven't been updated for more than a year.17:54
IdleOnetoman: you may want to try OpenShot. the site has a deb17:54
tomanOpenShot ?17:55
tomanthat's site ?17:55
kinja-sheeptoman: http://www.openshotvideo.com/17:55
tomantnx :)17:55
IdleOnethere ya go. kinja-sheep was faster then me17:56
Buttons840in users-admin there is a "don't require password on login" toggle/option which is grayed out; is there anyway to enable this?17:56
tomani'll try it17:57
=== goose_ is now known as goose
kinja-sheepButtons840: What are you using? It is not in Karmic.17:57
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs17:58
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:58
Buttons840kinja-sheep, i'm not sure what karmic is (all the names are too similar imo), it's 9.1017:58
LinuX2halfIs it possible to update or upgrade my firmware driver?17:58
guntbertkinja-sheep: I think its a checkbox and not a button Buttons840 is referring to17:58
kinja-sheepButtons840: Oh okay. I see it (in gnome-system-tools).17:59
Buttons840kinja-sheep, i'm seeking to enable auto-login to a non-administer account (for family) on boot; and also disable password prompts all together for this account17:59
arvind_khadriI want aptitude only to look at the latest repo i added, how do i do that?18:00
Buttons840kinja-sheep, what is gnome-systems-tools?  this is not installed on my machine?   (assuming i can access it by typing "gnome-system-tools" in terminal)?18:00
CAPcapnick125 ...  │ A display manager is a program that provides graphical login              │18:01
CAPcap │ capabilities for the X Window System.                                     │18:01
CAPcap │                                                                           │18:01
CAPcap │ Only one display manager can manage a given X server, but multiple        │18:01
CAPcap │ display manager packages are installed. Please select which display       │18:01
CAPcap │ manager should run by default.                                            │18:01
CAPcap │                                                                           │18:01
CAPcap │ Multiple display managers can run simultaneously if they are configured   │18:01
CAPcap │ to manage different servers; to achieve this, configure the display       │18:01
kinja-sheepButtons840: The binary "users-admin" comes from gnome-systems-tools.18:01
Buttons840kinja-sheep, ok, to be clear i'm using the program that comes when doing "gksudo users-admin"18:01
sam09I have reinstalled ubuntu 9.10 again. having issues with dual booting. I am trying to dual boot a win7 with Ubuntu 9.10. No matter which article i try i have had no luck. Can anyone offer assistance please?18:01
nick125CAPcap: Well, it depends on which login manager you want to use. Do you want to use gdm (Ubuntu's login manager) or kdm (Kubuntu's login manager)?18:02
CAPcapso its just asking about my log in screen?18:02
nick125CAPcap: yes18:02
CAPcaphow do i choose?18:02
llutzCAPcap: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm/kdm/slim   (chose what you want)18:03
kinja-sheepButtons840: You could try it via the terminal. /etc/gdm/custom.conf18:03
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CAPcapi want gdm18:03
matelotLooking for a lightweight, personal-use version control, any suggestion ?18:03
nick125CAPcap: It should be giving you a list of the two on that screen...or what llutz said.18:03
Buttons840kinja-sheep, thanks; let me take a loook18:03
nick125matelot: git18:03
kinja-sheep!away > njpatel|away18:03
ubottunjpatel|away, please see my private message18:03
stamthat's what she said18:03
CAPcapok got it im good, thanks :)18:04
stami mean hello18:04
matelotnick125, is it easy and lightweight ?18:04
guntbert!hi | stam18:04
ubottustam: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:04
Buttons840kinja-sheep, i don't have the /etc/gdm/custom.conf file?18:04
kinja-sheepButtons840: Are you using GDM?18:04
CAPcap!hi | ubottu18:05
ubottuCAPcap: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:05
Buttons840kinja-sheep, i don't know, i installed 9.10, ran the updates, and that's all18:05
guntbert!askthebot > CAPcap18:05
ubottuCAPcap, please see my private message18:05
CAPcapI like to play with the bot lol18:05
nick125matelot: Depends on your definition of easy and lightweight. Git is a bit on the "rough" side on the learning curve, but it's quite powerful. It's also quite fast and has a relatively light "weight," as far as how much diskspace it uses.18:05
kinja-sheepButtons840: I see. Why do you not have the administrator task?18:05
guntbertCAPcap: but please not in the channel18:05
Buttons840kinja-sheep, rephrase?  what is "the administrator task"?18:06
kinja-sheepButtons840: The root administrator. The one with the ability to update && upgrade.18:06
epinky!botabuse | CAPcap18:06
ubottuCAPcap: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:06
IdleOneCAPcap: you can join #ubuntu-bots to "play" but please follow that channels guidelines also :)18:07
kinja-sheepButtons840: You create a new user for your family?18:07
sam09I am currently having difficulty making grub see bot OS's Linux and Win7, they are both installed on 2 different drives. I tried to follow documentation but most talks about same drive separate partition, can anyone assist please?18:07
CAPcapive already been chastised so shut up18:07
Buttons840kinja-sheep, i am root right now, but i'm seeking a restricted, no password, account for family18:07
matelotnick125, thanks, that's my perception too "not so easy" , just found git-core is installed, I think I will remove it, and go with something more "traditional" like cvs.subversion18:07
n0ah_none of my usb devices are recognized. running 'tail -f /var/log/messages' shows nothing when they are plugged in/out.18:07
Buttons840kinja-sheep, i've created the account, and can log in, but cannot enable auto-login or disable password prompts18:07
nick125matelot: It's better than SVN, especially for a small project. Once you have git configured (name and email), you can just do 'git init' in a directory and that directory now git-enabled. Then you can do 'git add .' to add all of the files in the directory, then a 'git commit -a' to "commit" the changes to the repo.18:07
arvind_khadriI want aptitude only to look at the latest repo i added, how do i do that?18:07
airstrikehas anybody experienced router disconnection when using a webcam?18:07
kinja-sheepButtons840: Okay. Try this. It should work (hopefully).18:08
Piciarvind_khadri: Why would you want to do that?18:08
IdleOneCAPcap: there was no need for that, have a great day!18:08
nukeman8000im having trouble compiling cdemu, can anyone help?18:08
nukeman8000whenever i try to 'make' it, it says there is no 'makefile' but i can see that there is18:08
nick125matelot: Honestly, SVN is about the same when it comes to difficulty. Plus, it's harder to setup for a single repo.18:08
arvind_khadriPici, just for once, as i have updated my system and just now i added a ppa ,and just want to update from them18:09
kinja-sheepButtons840: "nano /etc/gdm/custom.conf"  http://pastebin.com/f1f57d39318:09
matelotnick125, I see thanks, taking a look at git doc18:09
kinja-sheepButtons840: Add sudo. Change username.18:09
guntbert!compile | nukeman8000 did you see18:09
ubottunukeman8000 did you see: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:09
JunkyardHow to install fonts in Ubuntu downloaded from net?18:09
matelotnick125, is there GUI client or something for Git ?18:09
Buttons840kinja-sheep, so just copy the stuff from the pastebin to the custom.conf file?18:09
kinja-sheep!font | Junkyard18:09
ubottuJunkyard: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer18:09
Piciarvind_khadri: Then you'd just do an update like normal: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:10
kinja-sheepButtons840: Yes. And change username. That is all.18:10
SealedWithAKissI attempted to upgrade from GRUB version one to GRUB2. I messed it up, and after hours of attempting to repair the problem last night with another user, we had to call it a night and give up. I know that my data is safe, however I am unable to boot into any OS. Cany anybody help?18:10
arvind_khadriPici, no options in aptitude??18:10
Piciarvind_khadri: I don't see how looking at one repo would be helpful.18:10
CAPcapnick125 it went thru a ton of stuff and says done, so, if i reboot, i'll have the options?18:10
n0ah_none of my usb devices are recognized. running 'tail -f /var/log/messages' shows nothing when they are plugged in/out. tried choosing another kernel at grub.18:10
wildc4rdevening all18:11
nick125CAPcap: You can just logout and look around for something like "Session: GNOME". Change that to KDE and you should be good to go.18:11
kinja-sheeparvind_khadri: "sudo aptitude update && aptitude search <newPackageInRepo>"18:11
arvind_khadriPici, it will save the time18:11
nick125matelot: The GUIs for Git probably aren't what you're looking for. The GUIs are typically for viewing history.18:11
kinja-sheepn0ah_: Use "dmesg | tail" instead.18:12
Piciarvind_khadri: Packages usually have dependencies that are not satisfied within their particular repository, thus making it unfeasable to just install from within them.18:12
guntbertButtons840: could be that you current (first) account is set to auto login?18:12
Ricoshadyhow do I give a user the right to restart/shutdown and to restart apache?18:13
arvind_khadriPici, ohh ok18:13
ReekenXHello everybody. Could anyone tell me is there is repository for Opera browser and why it's still isn't official?18:13
Buttons840guntbert, no, there are no accounts which auto-login (assuming auto-login means login automatcially at boot)18:13
kinja-sheepRicoshady: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers18:13
chipotleshello how i can i update emesene18:13
n0ah_kinjda-sheep, what sould i be looking for there?18:13
guntbertButtons840: well - it was an idea :-(18:14
Buttons840i'm going to log out and see if it work kinja-sheep, if you don't see me again soon assume it worked, and you have my thanks :)18:14
IdleOneReekenX: because FireFox is the official Ubuntu browser18:14
kinja-sheepn0ah_: Depends on what you are looking for in accordance to the plugged hardwares. Not everything is in writing.18:14
IdleOneReekenX: try searching for Opera PPA18:14
chipotlesshit this tink is crazy18:15
IdleOne!language | chipotles18:15
ubottuchipotles: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:15
chipotlesok ok18:15
n0ah_kinja-sheep  i would like to know why my usb devices don't show up anymore. including my bult-in cam. there is no reference to them being plugged in. sometimes they work right at startup, but then stop18:15
IdleOnechipotles: thank you18:15
SealedWithAKissI attempted to upgrade from GRUB version one to GRUB2. I messed it up, and after hours of attempting to repair the problem last night with another user, we had to call it a night and give up. I know that my data is safe, however I am unable to boot into any OS. Cany anybody help?18:16
chipotlesi have a question18:16
kinja-sheepn0ah_: In that case, you want to try "lsusb" -- It'll list all usbs.18:16
PyroPheliaany fiber experts around?18:16
Jowin0ah_, if you upgraded your kernel recently you may want to go back to the older version.18:16
chipotlesi need to update my emesene18:16
ReekenXIdleOne: Thanks a lot :)18:17
kinja-sheep!latest | chipotles18:17
ubottuchipotles: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.18:17
n0ah_Jowi, and how do I get them to work again?18:17
kinja-sheepchipotles: Look for updated deb or PPA.18:17
nukeman8000ok, now when i try to './configure' it says im missing 'dbus-1' and 'dbus-glib-1' and i cant find those packages18:17
nukeman8000i feel like a total noob18:17
NateWis there a way to build from source inside of a folder? (not touching any system files)18:17
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=== joseph is now known as Guest74955
Southafrikansehello all. I need to recover my grub after a windows install. but when i do setup (hd0,5) I get an error 22: No such partition. I've googled it but didnt mange to get anything to work. Any ideas?18:18
kinja-sheepchipotles: "NOTICE: Download links for 1.6 will be added as soon as they're available!" on the site.18:18
sumodunocan you make cinelerra into a single window, instead of 4 different windows?18:18
nukeman8000ubottu: any advice?18:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:18
Jowin0ah_, as kinja-sheep said, see if they show with "lsusb" first. If they do not, reboot the computer and select the kernel that is second to the top (not counting "recovery/safe mode" selections)18:18
epinkynukeman8000: search the exact name for dbus package with "apt-cache search dbus"18:18
buttons840kinja-sheep, that worked, it now does auto-login.   if i then log out and try to re-enter family account it still asks for password, can this be disabled?18:18
n0ah_southafrikanse are you sure it should be hd0,5? it starts counting at 0, not 118:19
kinja-sheepbuttons840: That, I do not know.18:19
ritchjeHi, Is there a way i can turn up the sound on certain programs?18:19
n0ah_Jowi, yeah i see some things listed when i do lsusb, but i have tried booting with the other kernel and they still don't work18:19
Southafrikansen0ah_, I did a find /boot/grub/stage1 and it gave me (hd0,5)18:20
nick125ritchje: What version of Ubuntu?18:20
buttons840kinja-sheep, is there a manual which describes what can be done with gdm, or this custom.conf file?18:20
ritchjenick123: 9.1018:20
n0ah_southafrikanse ah ok18:20
ritchjenick125: 9.1018:20
kinja-sheepbuttons840: There should be. I'll try to find something. You too. Buddy.18:20
nick125ritchje: If it's 9.04 or 9.10 (which both use Pulseaudio, if I remember correctly), then you should be able to grab a program called pavucontrol.18:20
Jowin0ah_, what kind of USB devices are missing?18:20
ritchjei'll look it up18:21
nick125ritchje: In there, you should be able to adjust the volume of individual programs.18:21
ritchjenick125: thanks!18:21
n0ah_just a usb thumb drive and a camera, and a phone. they all used to work when i first installed ubuntu yesterday18:21
n0ah_Jowi, just a usb thumb drive and a camera, and a phone. they all used to work when i first installed ubuntu yesterday18:21
abrooks_join #packetlife18:21
buttons840kinja-sheep, http://library.gnome.org/admin/gdm/   i think i can find all my answers here; thanks again for the help18:22
Jowin0ah_, are they connected to a USB hub or directly to the computer?18:22
n0ah_Jowi, directly18:22
tj_bisonheadhi all18:23
ritchjenick125: it doesn't list applications :(18:24
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nick125ritchje: Are there any applications playing audio at the moment?18:24
AsadAnybody here tried using PowerMizer of nvidia on ubuntu?18:24
ritchjeWell i'm using Mangler (Ventrilo for linux)18:24
kinja-sheepbuttons840: Hmm.18:25
ritchjenick125: Well i'm using Mangler (Ventrilo for linux), and it only seems to come up when someone talks18:25
sumodunocan you make cinelerra into a single window, instead of 4 different windows?18:25
nick125ritchje: That's...strange.18:25
kinja-sheepbuttons840: The link is useful. Look up on "TimedLoginEnable"18:25
ritchjenick125: but i need to push the volume up past 100%18:25
buttons840kinja-sheep, i see that gdm.schema has the default custom.conf; i did have this file18:25
SealedWithAKissI am using a Live CD, how can I mount my Linux partition from the Live CD so that I can access the file system?18:27
=== kb is now known as Guest1950
Eliripshello. Is there something similar to windows-backup in ubuntu? I'm looking for something that needs to be configured once (what to backuup and where to) and then every week or so it pops up, asks the user the attach an extranal harddisk and backups whats defined.. any ideas?18:27
kinja-sheepSealedWithAKiss: sudo fdisk -l18:27
kinja-sheepSealedWithAKiss: It'll list the hardwares.18:27
sumodunocan you make cinelerra into a single window, instead of 4 different windows?18:27
SealedWithAKisskinja-sheep, then to mount? In my case Linux is /dev/sda218:28
kinja-sheepSealedWithAKiss: You then "sudo mkdir /media/White-Forest" to make a mount point. And "sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/White-Forest" to mount.18:29
PointManis it normal for ubuntu 8.04 LTS to terminate if it chokes by running out of memory?18:29
nukeman8000ok, can someone tell me what 'libmirage' is?18:29
nukeman8000i cant find it using the synaptic package manager or apt-cache search libmirage18:29
bombel(Ubuntu 9.10)  Hi, how do I disable my touchpad? It annoys me when i'm typing18:29
=== VIPPER is now known as Bwaah
Jowin0ah_, use "tail -f /var/log/messages" in a terminal. See if the computer register that the USB key has been inserted - that way we verify if the kernel or hardware is detecting it.18:30
jribnukeman8000: why are you looking for it?18:30
sumodunoafter i installed audacity, my mic stopped working. help18:30
bombel(Ubuntu 9.10)  Hi, how do I disable my touchpad? It annoys me when i'm typing18:30
nukeman8000jrib: i need it in order to install cdemu18:30
SealedWithAKisskinja-sheep, how would I unmount /dev/sda2 now?18:30
jribnukeman8000: what does cdemu do?18:31
nukeman8000'configure' keeps asking for it18:31
SupersonicI'm trying to connect to a wireless network via the console18:31
kinja-sheepSealedWithAKiss: "sudo umount /media/White-Forest"18:31
Supersonicsud iwconfig essid "myEssid" isn't working18:31
nukeman8000mounts disc images18:31
Supersonicit works, yet I don't get any internet18:31
Supersonicany ideas why?18:31
nukeman8000jrib: it is basicall daemon tools18:31
jribnukeman8000: are you aware that mount does that and you don't need any special software?18:31
jrib!iso | nukeman800018:31
ubottunukeman8000: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:32
Supersonicmy full command is sudo iwconfig eth1 essid "myessid"18:32
epinkybombel: xinput list |grep -i touchpad18:32
Supersonicthen sudo dhclient eth118:32
Supersonicyet I don't get any internet18:32
Supersonicdhclient fails18:32
nukeman8000Jrib: yeah, but i want it to be a virtual drive,18:32
kinja-sheepnukeman8000: You should be able to right-click on the ISO and "Mount it"18:32
jribnukeman8000: why?18:32
nukeman8000jrib: and its not an iso, its a .mdf18:32
nukeman8000jrib: to install a game18:33
jribnukeman8000: ubottu's link addresses that format18:33
bombelepinky, nothing came out18:33
nukeman8000either way, i ned it to be a virtual drive so i can install18:33
kinja-sheepnukeman8000: Install what? ;\18:33
newbie005can someone help me to use gdevilspie ?18:33
nukeman8000im trying to install a game18:34
NotTooSmarthaving trouble with encrypted swap on ubuntu 9.10 it works when it wants tooo...18:34
epinkybombel: try with "sudo xinput list |grep -i touchpad" , if nothing comes out, then I can't help you :(18:34
SealedWithAKissWhen upgrading to GRUB2, GRUB2 doesn't remove the GRUB legacy configuration file just in case something goes wrong. Does anybody know where the old configuration file is located?18:34
jribnukeman8000: not sure what you mean by "virtual drive" but you can mount it on /media/cdrom if that's what you want18:35
bombelepinky, again, nothing came out :) Thanks anyways18:35
bombelCan someone help me disable my touchpad ?18:35
nukeman8000jrib: a virual drive is where it is treated like a physical cd in the physical cd-drive but its just an iso or other disc image being mounted by some software18:36
bombeland after disable i also would like to be able to enable it :)18:36
bombeldisable things is quit easy :) with a hammer18:36
newbie005bombel first step would be to get it recognized as a touchpad, currently it is a mouse18:36
nukeman8000jrib: does /media/cdrom do that?18:36
nukeman8000im still pretty new to this18:36
bombelnewbie005, what should i do ?18:36
kinja-sheepnukeman8000: What game?18:36
nukeman8000half life18:37
oCean__bombel: system > prefs > mouse. Should be touchpad tab18:37
nukeman8000kinja sheep: half life18:37
bombeloCean__, there is nothing related to touchpad in syst > prefs > mouse :(18:38
epinky!touchpad | bombel to disable temporarily18:38
ubottubombel to disable temporarily: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad18:38
kinja-sheepnukeman8000: Half-Life-2?18:38
oCean__bombel: then your touchpad might be disabled in bios, or you have to boot using acpi=off noapic18:38
nukeman8000no, 118:38
=== oCean__ is now known as oCean_
nukeman8000]Kinja-sheep: no, half life 118:39
kinja-sheepnukeman8000: http://tinyurl.com/yv3mam ; Use wine.18:39
=== r4ban is now known as giskard
kinja-sheep!wine | nukeman800018:39
ubottunukeman8000: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:39
jribnukeman8000: mounting it anywhere does that18:39
CryptIce7is there a way through the gui to configure ubuntu not to have an IP address?18:39
giskardi need help with my onboard audio, it's not showing in cat /proc/asound/cards18:39
macoCryptIce7: right click the nework manager applet and disable networking?18:40
giskardhere's my info from the alsa info script: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=acf8ebc2a7cf59e9ef886dcbaca417f9f0baaa9518:40
=== Thor is now known as Thor^^
gerberneed help on this......ActiveX18:40
CryptIce7maco: would that still allow me to run HoneyD?  honeyd intercepts network conenctions and pretends to be a server.18:41
CryptIce7maco: would wireshark still work?18:41
Vinky__is there a simple way to enable colors with PS1, as in edit a config to enable it, without need to know what it means?18:41
macoCryptIce7: oh a honeypot? you still need an ip address...18:41
jribVinky__: what shell?18:41
newbie005can someone help me to use gdevilspie ?18:42
CryptIce7maco: I'm pretty sure i don't18:42
Vinky__jrib, bash18:42
gerberThis portion of the Remote Web Workplace requires the Microsoft Remote Desktop ActiveX Control. Your browser's security settings may be preventing you from downloading ActiveX controls. Adjust these settings, and try to connect again.18:42
macoCryptIce7: and i think wireshark would still work, but actually when i used wireshark i didnt use network manager as it was broken at the time, so im not sure18:42
jribVinky__: google and copy someone else's I guess?18:42
oCean_CryptIce7: w/out ip, what's the use of any networkingtool?18:42
giskardi need help troubleshooting my absent audio, card is not showing in cat /proc/asound/cards, nor in aplay -l18:42
neezercan I delete old log files from /var/log?18:43
nukeman8000kinja-sheep: ok thanks, and ik what wine is, so how do i download it?18:43
macoCryptIce7: hmm i need to learn about honeyd then. i wouldve thought an ip address was necessary to be connected to the network18:43
giskardinfo from alsa information script is here: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=acf8ebc2a7cf59e9ef886dcbaca417f9f0baaa9518:43
CryptIce7oCean_: if you wanted to create a network sniffer without it being accessible with the ip.18:43
macoCryptIce7: i doubt this channel will be very helpful though18:43
oCean_neezer: they rotate, and eventually get deleted18:43
neezerthere are a bunchof them with .gz at the end of them, and I assume they are old log files compressed to save room....can I get rid of these safely?18:43
nukeman8000kinja-sheep: the game, not wine18:43
maconeezer: yes you can18:43
giskardis there another irc channel for ubuntu audio problems or alsa/pulseaudio questions?18:44
gerberhelp on this ....This portion of the Remote Web Workplace requires the Microsoft Remote Desktop ActiveX Control. Your browser's security settings may be preventing you from downloading ActiveX controls. Adjust these settings, and try to connect again.18:44
neezeroCean_: thanks. Does that mean I don't really need to worry about getting rid of them.18:44
kinja-sheepnukeman8000: You have to have the game beforehand.18:44
Vinky__jrib, first thought was to copy it from my gentoobox, but then the question "why isnt this enabled by default" came up :-/18:44
oCean_neezer: indeed18:44
ActionParsnip__yo yo yo18:44
macogiskard: officially, no. unofficially, there's usually someone in #ubuntu-audio-help18:44
neezerThanks everyone!!!18:44
nukeman8000kinja-sheep: ok?18:44
giskardthanks maco18:44
oCean_neezer: if you're curious, have a look at files in /etc/logrotate.d18:45
gerberhelp on this ....This portion of the Remote Web Workplace requires the Microsoft Remote Desktop ActiveX Control. Your browser's security settings may be preventing you from downloading ActiveX controls. Adjust these settings, and try to connect again.18:45
oCean_neezer: those hold the config on how to "rotate" the logfiles18:45
kinja-sheepVinky__: Edit it in ~/.bashrc "force_color"18:45
snake_ubuntu wont detect my eth1 device... any suggestionz?18:46
Johnny_425'I'm trying to install Star Wars: Empire At War: Gold Pack. I just gives a white screen. What do I do???18:46
gerberhelp on this ....This portion of the Remote Web Workplace requires the Microsoft Remote Desktop ActiveX Control. Your browser's security settings may be preventing you from downloading ActiveX controls. Adjust these settings, and try to connect again.18:46
Johnny_425I'm trying to install Star Wars: Empire At War: Gold Pack. I just gives a white screen. What do I do???18:46
snake_ubuntu wont detect my eth1 device... any suggestionz?18:46
kantorI configured with gnome network manager a mobile broadband connection but I actually can't use it because it is not appeared in the network managers list . . . this is another bug ??18:47
epinkysnake_: NIC chipset?18:47
ActionParsnip__!appdb | Johnny_42518:47
ubottuJohnny_425: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:47
snake_epinky, ?18:47
kantorI'm using ubuntu 9.1018:47
LogicFan!repeat | gerber18:47
ubottugerber: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:47
ActionParsnip__Johnny_425: you need to have wine installed18:47
neezeroCean_: I am mostly interested in my auth.log because I have an open port for ssh. i'm not seeing anything in /etc/logrotate.d that looks like auth.log18:47
epinkysnake_: post results of "sudo lspci -v" , use pastebin18:48
Johnny_425I have it installed18:48
Vinky__kinja-sheep, ah there it was and with an explanation, thank you18:48
kinja-sheepVinky__: No problem. :)18:48
epinky!pastebin > snake_18:48
ubottusnake_, please see my private message18:48
LogicFangerber, you cannot install activex controls in linux browsers.  this is a windows-only technology.  you may have some luck with wine, or you can try a virtual machine18:48
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:48
Johnny_425ActionParsnip_: I already have it installed18:48
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox18:48
ActionParsnip__Johnny_425: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=3164    seems to vary between versions18:48
* Ose is pung18:49
RmorganAnyone UK based interested in buying a poweredge 1950?18:49
gattyPE1950 is a nice box18:49
ActionParsnip__!ot | Rmorgan18:49
ubottuRmorgan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:49
oCean_neezer: think that one is actually "grouped" together in the logrotate.d/syslog or logrotate.d/rsyslog config18:49
RmorganActionParsnip__: Sorry just wanted coverage i am extremely strapped for cash it wont happen again18:50
oCean_neezer: but again, the default config suits most systems just fine18:50
Johnny_425ActionParsnip_: Thank You18:50
angelohi there, im kind of having trouble with my ubuntu 9.10 desktop OS, the desktop freezes when i open the other partition but not in the same moment, couple a minutes later it does that,  the partition is NTFS, is there an update for this?18:50
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing18:51
SapristiHi folks.I've configured my newly installed Karmic so that it automagically logs me in witihn 10 seconds from startup. The problem is that I still have to enter my password to get a wireless net-connection, since it18:51
Sapristiis behind a wep-password. How shuold i tweak the settings to get the net-connection autoamtically on,a s well?18:51
ActionParsnip__Sapristi: i suggest you use wicd if you only use wifi18:51
angelohas to be your PC, i have installed the same OS version to 6 computers and it hasn't gave me those problems18:52
Sapristiwicd...? What's that?18:52
ActionParsnip__!info wicd18:52
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-3ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 415 kB, installed size 2464 kB18:52
neezeroCean_: yeah. it is in the rsyslog....along with a few more. I guess I don't really have any intention of changing the settings, but from reading it, I think I'd like to learn a little more about the options. do you know any sites that explain them?18:52
snake_epinky, http://pastebin.com/f45eb2f7c18:52
SapristiOK, fine. And that one rememebrs my wifi-password?18:53
mmcfhi, i got a question: is it normal for ubuntu to automatically clean up disk space? also deleting about 1 gb or even more?18:53
dbruhnany of you guys every do anything with hadoop or luster18:53
epinkysnake_: which one is working realtek or broadcom?18:53
snake_epinky, I'm sorry I don't understand...18:53
oCean_neezer: "man logrotate" will give you a good idea18:54
jfeltI'm wondering if anyone has tried the Cloud option in Ubuntu 9.10 yet?18:54
epinkysnake_: you've got 2 Ethernet Adapters, one's realtek and the other broadcom I suppose eth0 is functional, which one is it(eth0)?18:54
snake_epinky, on my last install i just went to wireless connections and chose my router but now w/ new install it doesn't even have my wireless18:54
angelohi there, im kind of having trouble with my ubuntu 9.10 desktop OS, the desktop freezes when i open the other partition but not in the same moment, couple a minutes later it does that,  the partition is NTFS, is there an update for this?18:54
ActionParsnip__angelo: try having it automount using fstab18:55
sayanriju!repeat | angelo18:55
ubottuangelo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:55
snake_i think broadcom18:55
jfeltbroadcom wireless?18:55
jfeltEvery time I reinstall, I have connect via wired and do apt-get update, apt-get upgrade before the driver will load.18:56
angelothe partition is already mounted18:56
boogermanI remember shortly after the release of 9.10 I heard a few complaints about instability, but I haven't heard anything since.  Was there a problem?  Is it gone?18:56
jfeltangelo: does it need to be?18:56
snake_eth1 is my wireless, eth0 is my wired but it won't detect my eth118:56
Leolo_3question : hardy heron, the "user admin" tool doesn't allow me to add new users, even though it asks for a password when launched.  How do I activate this (for non-root user)18:56
ActionParsnip__snake_: sudo lshw -C network    will show you what it is18:56
jfeltsnake_: dmesg | grep eth18:57
Leolo_3or rather : i have a non-root user that I would like to be able to add/change users18:57
Leolo_3via sudo or other18:57
ActionParsnip__Leolo_3: add it to the admin group18:57
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:57
angelothe problem is when i enter to the NTFS partition and can enter with no problem, but a few minutes later is start freezing the desktop, if I restart the pc and do not open the partition, the computer work fine in everything18:57
Leolo_3action : thanks18:57
ActionParsnip__Leolo_3: you shouldnt be using root anyway so all users will be non-root18:58
angelowell it needs to be because i got all my data in that partition, and is really big so i don't intend if  making a backup for creating a new partition for ubuntu18:59
jillsmittзавариваю чай и слушаю ваши претензии =)18:59
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ActionParsnip__snake_: howdy18:59
Leolo_3action : exactly18:59
Leolo_3actionparsnip : do i have to log out of X and log back in?18:59
epinky!ru | jillsmitt19:00
snake_My wireless won't work.19:00
ubottujillsmitt: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:00
snake_ActionParsnip__, My wireless won't work.19:00
angelothe thing is it only does this in this version 9.10, because in 9.04 it never gave me that problem19:00
matelotAny git user here ? isn't there supposed to be a .git folder ?19:00
ActionParsnip__snake_: does: sudo iwlist scan     show APs?19:00
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snake_no it doesnt detect my wireless card ( eth1 )...19:01
kinja-sheepmatelot: Right.19:01
ActionParsnip__snake_: if not, run: sudo lshw -C network      and websearch the relevant product name for guides19:01
angeloallright, it looks im in my own in this SH1T19:01
matelotkinja-sheep, I did git init bare, there's no ",git" folder ...what gives19:02
kinja-sheepmatelot: http://www.spheredev.org/wiki/Git_for_the_lazy19:02
oCean_snake_: seems that others have trouble getting the bcm4312 to work as well. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8431670, #184 in particular19:03
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:03
jfelthas anyone done anything with ubuntu cloud?19:04
consolecowboyi have a (crappy) camara, omnivision OV519. It works with Cheese, and audacity can record about half a second of sound with it. cant use it with skype. any way to fix this?19:04
miziajwitam wszystkich19:04
MrRichardHello everyone, I am trying to install a ati raedon 4670 on 9.10 and am having trouble with the proprietary ati drivers.  From the hardware installation package manager it says i need to install the drivers and then it tries to download and then giver me a "Sorry, installation of this driver failed Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log"  Ive posted the file at http://pastebin.com/d779013cd and have been following this gui19:04
MrRichardde  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI19:04
Leolo_3ok, user is part of group admin, but the "Add a user" button is still greyed out19:04
miziajhello for all19:04
chasedawg1fiesty distro.. when logging in my user name is authenticated successfully however It returns back to the login screen again. Even as root.19:05
ActionParsnip__Leolo_3: you will need to log off and then on again to gain the new access19:05
ActionParsnip__!feisty | chasedawg119:06
ubottuchasedawg1: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.19:06
macochasedawg1: root cannot login anyway19:06
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:06
ChaoticXSinZHey all19:06
coderminusis there a way to install java 1.4 on karmic?19:06
chasedawg19.10 wont let me log in19:06
matelotHow  to "ls" so folders are on top ?19:06
coderminusmatelot: ls ../..19:07
chasedawg1through the shell i can log in but through the GUI i cant19:07
nacitaris there any better workaround, yet, for the firefox flash plugin messing up such that no flash loads on the page? The current solution is killall firefox and reopen it, which is not very fun.19:07
woltermatelot, ls --help19:07
nvmeis it just me or is remote desktop (RDP) really slow in ubuntu compared to windows ?19:07
iwohxohtiWhere is the web based package search?19:07
Leolo_3feh, even if i do `sudo users-admin`, the "add users" button is greyed out19:07
kinja-sheepiwohxohti: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ :\19:07
woltermalberto, ls -g /path/to/dir19:08
chasedawg1through the shell i can log in but through the GUI i cant login19:08
matelotcoderminus, how to list CURRENT directory to have folders on top19:08
wolterthat i found with a quick read on ls --help19:08
ActionParsnip__coderminus: if you can find the .bin for 1.4 then it will be installable19:08
Leolo_3actionparsnip : help?19:08
wolteri'm just saying, you should use it for every app, not trying to be arrogant19:08
ActionParsnip__Leolo_3: try: sudo -s    then just run the app without sudo19:09
lookyasois it possible to install a package from lucid19:09
nvmeis it just me or is remote desktop (RDP) really slow in ubuntu compared to windows ?19:09
coderminusActionParsnip__ : already found and installed one. It's not listed in update-alternatives19:09
SealedWithAKissIs there a way to mount /dev/sda4 (Karmic) and remove Grub2 from a Live CD?19:10
kinja-sheeplookyaso: Sure! You can! What is stopping you? The thoughts of unstable system? :\19:10
ActionParsnip__lookyaso: you can but its VERY not advised, you will get a whole mess in your packages due to deps19:10
wolterLeolo_3, or [$ su root] and then your command19:10
woltersu root && users-admin19:10
Leolo_3wolter, ActionParsnip : none of this is working, still greyed out19:10
chasedawg1through the shell i can log in but through the GUI i cant19:11
ActionParsnip__Leolo_3: then add users at cli,much easier19:11
infidhow can i print from the command line? isn't it 'cat bla.txt | lpr'? but that says 'lpr: Error - no default destination available'. I think i have to set $LPDEST or $PRINTER, but i'm not sure what to set them to19:11
ActionParsnip__!adduser | Leolo_319:11
ubottuLeolo_3: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo19:11
Leolo_3actionparsnip : totaly agreed.  however, I'm not going to be doing the admining.  and the person needs a point and drool interface19:11
FreeaqingmeWhat virtualization technique does ubuntu enterprise cloud use?19:11
oCean_Leolo_3: hit the "keys" button in middle of users-admin to unlock "add user"19:11
nathan7Freeaqingme: xen19:11
coderminusmatelot : ls --sort=extension19:11
Leolo_3ocean : that is also greyed out19:11
Freeaqingmenathan7, tnx. Know if there's any plans to use kvm?19:12
jribLeolo_3: have you run the users-admin tool from the menu since you added your user to the "admin" group and logged in again?19:12
oCean_Leolo_3: wait - is this for an additional user?19:12
nathan7wait, could be KVM too19:12
nathan7I'm not sure19:12
Leolo_3and yes, i'm part of group 'admin' : uid=1000(rlp) gid=1000(rlp) groupes=115(admin),1000(rlp)19:12
chasedawg1Is there a known defect where the gui does not allow login. The authentication works, I'm just returned to the login prompt. I can successfully login through shell.19:12
guntbert!noroot | wolter19:12
ubottuwolter: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.19:12
gp5sthey, i'm trying to use the unr repo in debian, what should i use for the version (i.e.: lenny for the deb version)19:13
matelotcoderminus, thank you19:13
ice_stoneis there somebody could help me with refresh rate thing in utunbu?19:13
ice_stoneI really want to learn19:13
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infidice_stone: /etc/X11/xorg.conf?19:13
jribgp5st: it's not safe to mix debian and ubuntu repositories in general19:13
ice_stonebecause I want to set 1024x at 120hz19:13
RoastedHey guys - Question - In Kubuntu I had trouble playing Amarok/YouTube at the same time. In Ubuntu I had the same problem, but ONLY with Amarok. Other programs work just fine. With Ubuntu having pulse audio, and Kubuntu not having it by default, would this be why Ubuntu worked better with sound? Ubuntu allowed other programs to work EXCEPT Amarok. Kubuntu didnn't - Kubuntu only allowed 1 at a time.19:14
strywgrwhats a good equilent for windows movie maker?19:14
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: what is the output od: lspci | grep -i audio19:14
gp5stjrib: i know, but unless someone can point me to source i'm not sure how else to do it19:14
Leolo_3** (users-admin:15847): CRITICAL **: Unable to lookup session information for process '15847'19:14
infidice_stone:  i think it's 1024x768_12019:14
jribgp5st: source of what?19:14
nathan7Roasted: hm, try checking your phonon settings19:14
daftykinsRoasted: you might want to check the program's settings as to what driver/device it's sending audio to, and try forcing it to diff options such as pulse/ALSA/etc19:14
ActionParsnip__strywgr: kino or avidemux are 2 possible option19:14
Roastedwhere are phonon settings at?19:14
Leolo_3oh ha!19:14
oCean_Leolo_3: what changed since install?19:14
gp5stjrib: source of the packages in the unr repo19:15
ice_stoneso all ido is edit it in and put in that in?19:15
Leolo_3ocean : nothing that I know of19:15
Roasteddaftykins - but why would this happen? Any idea why Ubuntu would handle it better than Kubuntu?19:15
Leolo_3ok, if I run users-admin as non-root, w/o sudo, I don't get the warning and I have somethings non-greyed out19:15
ice_stonebut xconfg won't let me save it19:15
RoastedIt's frustrating to have a new install and you have a simple thing like audio programs interfering. It was enough for me to drop Kubuntu and come back to Ubuntu.19:15
jribgp5st: worst case scenario, I'm sure you can use the deb-src line for the repo.  Does unr not have some homepage?19:15
oCean_Leolo_3: don't run gui apps using sudo, use "gksudo"19:16
daftykinsRoasted: well amarok is a more KDE app as far as i know so it might not be tweaked just right, not sure19:16
guntbertice_stone: star19:16
infidice_stone: no, well it'd go in the Section "Screen" as like "Option "metamodes" "CRT" or "DFP", etc. you should try finding an example xorg.conf somewhere and editing it or using a GUI tool like nvidia-settings if you have an nvidia19:16
ActionParsnip__daftykins: well it uses qt libs19:16
jribgp5st: also, why not just use unr?19:16
ice_stonei have nvidia19:16
ice_stonebut it won't let me go get 120hz19:16
ice_stoneall i get is limited refreshes19:16
Andy14nvidia ftw :P19:16
=== r4ban is now known as giskard2
infidice_stone: are you sure your monitor supports 120hz19:16
ice_stonei want to set each resolution with their own refresh19:17
guntbertice_stone: start xconfig with gksudo/sudo?19:17
ActionParsnip__Andy14: +119:17
ice_stoneyes I'm sure19:17
gp5stjrib: this is on an xo and using the debxo distro seemed simpler; everything works, this is just a nicety19:17
ice_stonethis is so annoying i would like to learn19:17
infidice_stone: then iw ould have nvidia create the xorg.conf file, then edit it manually. just make sure you run nvidia-settings and vim xorg.conf as sudo19:17
ice_stonewhat is sudo all about?19:17
infidalt+f2 then type 'gksudo nvidia-settings'19:17
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: have you ran: gksudo jockey-gtk     ?19:17
gp5stjrib: i think i found the source19:18
gp5stsorry it's been a stupid day:(19:18
infidice_stone: running as the admin so you have write permissions19:18
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: its a way for special users to run admin apps19:18
SealedWithAKissIs there a way to mount a Linux partition from a Live CD, and then execute commands as though you were actually booted into and using that partition?19:18
guntbert!sudo | ice_stone19:18
ubottuice_stone: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:18
jribgp5st: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR lists some main packages which I'm willing to bet are mostly already in debian repositorie19:18
Leolo_3ok, next question :-)19:18
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: unlike windows which stupidly sets up the default user as an admin, ubuntu sets up a true user with special accesses19:18
Leolo_3I created a user with users-admin, but that user isn't showing up in system-config-samba when I want to grant access to only that user...19:18
erUSULSealedWithAKiss: yu can chroot to that parition if that parition has minimal support to look like a real rootfs19:18
guntbertSealedWithAKiss: you are looking for chroot19:19
jMylesHow does one *completely* remove a package and everything associated with it in order to install it again?19:19
erUSULjMyles: purge19:20
sybaritenjMyles: hm.... apt-get remove isnt enough?19:20
dupondjejMyles: aptitude purge package19:20
ActionParsnip__jMyles: sudo apt-get --purge remove packagename; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove19:20
erUSULjMyles: also you may want to remove the configuration folder in your home if any19:20
tonsofpcsso on boot i'm getting X crashes, followed by "The display server has been shut down about 6 times in the last 90 seconds. It is likely that something bad is going on.  Waiting for 2 minutes before trying again on display :0."19:20
tonsofpcsSound fun?19:20
jMyleserUSUL, sybariten: But even with purge, if there are directories and .conf files that I want to be re-written, they aren't19:20
consolecowboyi have a (crappy) camara, omnivision OV519. It works with Cheese, and audacity can record about half a second of sound with it. cant use it with skype. any way to fix this?19:20
sybaritenjMyles: Oh19:21
erUSULjMyles: as i said. conf files in your home are not touched19:21
SealedWithAKissguntbert, so I could chroot into the partition and then execute sudo apt-get remove grub2 for instance?19:21
daftykinstonsofpcs: what just changed? or is it a new install?19:21
sybaritenjMyles: well, there is, believe it or not, an apt channel19:21
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erUSULSealedWithAKiss: yes19:21
jMyleserUSUL: Not in home, but for example, /etc/something.conf19:21
ActionParsnip__consolecowboy: see what module it uses then see if their is a newer version19:21
Leolo_3oh feh, i have to add the user to samba...19:21
tonsofpcsdaftykins: i forget... i haven't touched it in about 2 months because this happened... i think it may have been an X package update19:21
consolecowboyhow would i go about doing that?19:21
erUSULjMyles: with purge that file should be removed with the package afaik19:21
panzergot a bit of a mount problem.  fstab is still the same but the secondary harddrive shows as busy when doing mount19:21
daftykinstonsofpcs: you tried fully updating the system at command line login, on a TTY?19:21
ActionParsnip__panzer: you can see what is mounted with: mount19:22
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)19:22
ChaoticXSinZAnyone mind helping me out with something.19:22
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daftykins!ask | ChaoticXSinZ19:22
ubottuChaoticXSinZ: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:22
panzerActionParsnip__: yes it is not mounted19:22
SealedWithAKisserUSUL, Can not write log, openpty() failed (/dev/pts not mounted?)  - what does this mean?19:22
consolecowboyActionParsnip__: how would i check what module the cam uses?19:23
ActionParsnip__panzer: then try to mount it at command line19:23
ChaoticXSinZI want to be able to hear audio from my default X session once I have started another. (e.g "X :3 -ac -terminate")19:23
ActionParsnip__consolecowboy: lsmod | less    will show you te loaded modules19:23
jMyleserUSUL, sybariten, ActionParsnip__, dupondje: It's not actually the removal I'm concerned about, but the re-installation.  I want to know how to restore a program to its default state, as if I had just installed the package.  I've often wondered this.  There must be an easier way than going to another ubuntu computer, installing the package in question, and copying the files.19:23
erUSULSealedWithAKiss: you need to make aviable the dev proc and sys filesystems to the chroot prior to actually chroot19:23
ChaoticXSinZIs there some way to setup pulseaudio to do that?19:23
panzerActionParsnip__: mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /media/320gig/ fails cause already mounted or busy19:23
guntbertSealedWithAKiss: see http://www.nistor.co.uk/2009/12/chroot-into-ubuntu-from-debian/19:23
ActionParsnip__panzer: is your pwd /media/320gig    ?19:24
erUSULSealedWithAKiss: easy do for the three dirs this « sudo mount --bind /sys/ /munted/rootfs/ » (do the same with dev/ and /proc/19:24
SealedWithAKisserUSUL, so I have to do mount /dev/proc mount dev/sys?19:24
dupondjejMyles: there is some --force-conf19:24
dupondjeor so19:24
dupondjethat resets the configs also19:24
erUSULSealedWithAKiss: after dsoing it you can do the chroot « sudo chroot /mounted/rootfs/ »19:24
ActionParsnip__jMyles: the purge will remove all, you will then need to remove the config from $HOME19:24
panzerActionParsnip__: I really don't know if this helps but rhythmbox dumped.  and I have apt-get removed that19:25
wolterhow can i check where a symbolic link links to?19:25
tonsofpcsdaftykins: that's what i'm about to try.  wasn't really looking for help, just laughing ;)19:25
gdizI have two questions for you all:  does anyone know if someone has figured out how to put music on an ipod touch 3.0 firmware without jailbreaking.   Also, does anyone happen to know if MPD can also server music via daap.19:25
Leolo_3yah!  that should be all.  Thank you all you helpful folks19:25
erUSULwolter: ls -l shows it19:25
wolterthanks erUSUL19:25
ChaoticXSinZSo is it possible? Can I hear audio from one x server in another?19:26
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panzerActionParsnip__: if I create say /media/320gig1/ I am still getting the same error when I try to mount19:26
daftykinstonsofpcs: ah ok :) i'll leave you to it then!19:26
erUSULSealedWithAKiss: sorry the command i gave you earlier had a typo...19:26
=== Jeniczek|veVlaku is now known as Jeniczek
jribChaoticXSinZ: you can do that with pulseaudio, don't ask me how.  You probably want to check the official documentation for pulseaudio19:27
Jeniczekhi there19:27
ChaoticXSinZjrib: Thanks, I'll try that.19:27
Pedecan anybody help me, my wifi doesn't work.. It cant detect it?19:27
erUSULSealedWithAKiss: is « sudo mount --bind /sys/ /munted/rootfs/sys/ » the same for /proc/ and /dev/ (doing the proper sustitution on both arguments)19:27
JeniczekGuyz am having serious problem with installation of ubuntu server. Anybody willing to help me please?19:27
jribJeniczek: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)19:27
blakkheim!ask | Jeniczek19:28
ubottuJeniczek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:28
MjateznikHi could someone help me with a quick OpenGEU, geubuntu question_19:28
Jeniczekhuh, okey okey ;)19:28
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teadictmmm, I had to reselect the sound output option because it started making rainny sound after I moved on to the next youtube video ^.-19:28
teadictwhen I reselect from Sound Preferences, it goes back to normal19:28
Guest94538anyone got any experience with aircrack-ng ? I cant get it to work..19:28
ActionParsnip__Pede: run: sudo lshw -C network      you will see your wireless device name listed, you can then websearch that fo rguides19:28
MjateznikI'm running on a Geubuntu liveCD and Im wondering how to install19:28
blakkheimGuest94538: /join #aircrack-ng19:28
Out_ColdI can't for the life of me turn off password identification for my ssh... I edited both the ssh_config and sshd_config and changed passwordauthenticate no and use pam no..... any other ideas??19:28
blakkheimOut_Cold: pastebin the /etc/ssh/sshd_config of the SERVER please19:29
Guest94538blakkheim, thnx19:29
Out_ColdGuest94538, depends on what you want it to do19:29
jribOut_Cold: restart the server?19:29
Out_Coldjrib, did and blakkheim one sec ;)19:29
Tr1nOut_Cold: exchange keys and load into ssh-agent19:29
JeniczekI have a Fujitsu RX300S4 server with 4 SAS drives. Both of the drives are put into 2 mirror RAIDS. During installation, I do partition the first RAID to / , swap and /home and the second RAID to /var . After successful install the server reboots and then all it says during boot is Fatal protection error at 0000:000019:29
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PiciMjateznik: Thats not an official variant of Ubuntu, so you'll need to try their support channel in #opengeu or see http://opengeu.intilinux.com/support for more options19:29
PedeActionParsnip: I did, en its a cisco aironet 802.11b19:30
=== Shintaro is now known as ShintaroIchiro
JeniczekI have tried to Low level format all hardrives, so its not an MBR issue.. Or at least doesnt looks so... The GRUB installation during the ubuntu install didnt said any error. The whole installation went fine.. But am unable to boot it...19:31
ActionParsnip__Pede: then websearch that for guides, you may need to use ndisgtk19:31
=== ShintaroIchiro is now known as Shintaro-Ichiro
Out_Coldblakkheim, ssh_config first, sshd_config second: http://pastebin.com/m6386719e19:31
Jeniczekany ideas what could be wrong?19:31
PedeActionparsnip: i already tried that.. But i cant figure out those guides?19:32
Out_Coldblakkheim, i have keys installed and they do work..19:32
ActionParsnip__Pede: then i'd go for ndisgtk + windows driver for simplicity. Some cards cannot use wpa using ndisgtk19:32
PedeActionparsnip: thanks.. I will try that... where can i find it?19:33
llutzOut_Cold: line 104? #PasswordAuthentication no19:33
Out_Coldllutz, no hash?? i seem to be confused on this point19:34
ActionParsnip__!info ndisgtk19:34
ubottundisgtk (source: ndisgtk): graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers). In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.4-1 (karmic), package size 21 kB, installed size 440 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)19:34
blakkheimllutz: he pasted the ssh_config, it's of no use (and almost everything is commented out)19:34
Jeniczekjrib or anyone?19:34
llutzblakkheim: look again, sshd_conf below19:34
Out_Coldblakkheim, i had it commented and uncommented19:34
ice_stonewhy it won't let me save xorg.conf?19:34
djusticewhy would network-manager fail in such a way that incrments ethX number, eg, evrytime i reboot, eth0 changed to eth1, eth2, eth3, etc. still no ethernet... :( tips?19:35
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: if its from nvidia-settings    run it with gksudo19:35
ice_stoneit said that i don't have the permissions necessary to save the file19:35
blakkheimOut_Cold: ok, let me fix it up19:35
blakkheimOut_Cold: http://pastebin.com/m28dac90e19:36
ActionParsnip__djustice: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100728519:36
ice_stonehow do i run it with gksudo?19:36
blakkheimOut_Cold: you needed to uncomment two  lines19:36
borishow can I get 3d acceleration on ati x1270  karmic19:36
Out_Coldblakkheim, yea i thought i had tried with that.. possibly i didn't restart the service before testing19:36
Jeniczekok I will try to paste it into one line19:36
JeniczekI have a Fujitsu RX300S4 server with 4 SAS drives. Both of the drives are put into 2 mirror RAIDS. During installation, I do partition the first RAID to / , swap and /home and the second RAID to /var . After successful install the server reboots and then all it says during boot is Fatal protection error at 0000:0000. I have tried to Low level format all hardrives, so its not an MBR issue.. Or at least doesnt looks so... The GRUB installa19:37
Out_Coldthanks though19:37
JeniczekI am really desperate :(19:37
blakkheim!please | Jeniczek19:37
ubottuJeniczek: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude19:37
guntbertice_stone: is that a GUI application? then you type gksudo <yourapp> - the system will prompt you for *your* password19:37
djusticeActionParsnip__: thanks, but i have no connection at all on the device. plus it cant be a persistant connection. it's a normal bcm card too...19:37
scai m stuck up in linux (ubuntu 9.10), trying to add a entry in GRUB, after update-grub, the bootloader makes a menu.lst (wich should not happen, but on boot nothing changed.... anyone fammiliar whit this?19:37
PedeActionparsnip: it says that i already got that package?19:37
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: alt+f2   type: gksudo nvidia-settings     press enter19:37
scabtw im newbee19:38
brad[werk]Howdy folks19:38
ice_stoneokay listen problem is...19:38
brad[werk]Is anyone here using Totem to play DVD's, and if so, does it show the DVD menu?19:38
ice_stonethere is no 120hz in nvidia setting19:38
[NL]Tjibbatotem doesnt imo19:39
[NL]Tjibbavlc does19:39
ice_stonewhat i did is edited it with gedit19:39
KentrelHey guys, I have a recurring problem with Ubuntu19:39
ice_stoneand put in " Option         "metamodes" "1024x768_120 +0+0""19:39
ice_stoneand it won't let me save19:39
CAPcapi installed kubuntu along with ubuntu, now i want it gone, how do i get rid of it?19:39
scau have no rights then19:39
KentrelSomething starts uploading in the background and takes over my whole net connection. I can't figure out what it is. The process manager doesn't give me any clues19:39
trijntjeice_stone, did you use gksu?19:40
ChogyDan!puregnome | CAPcap maybe this19:40
ubottuCAPcap maybe this: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal19:40
KentrelI used etherreal to monitor the connection and there was a lot of RAW audio data goig to a particular IP19:40
Out_Coldblakkheim, llutz, worked like magic... thanks guys19:40
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: then write the setting to xorg.conf then run: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf   and edit the file manually19:40
brad[werk][NL]Tjibba: Dang.19:40
ice_stoneoh okay looks good19:40
brad[werk]Also is it possible to change the brown animation that is used during login under Karmic?19:40
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: you cannot edit the file as you as its not owned by you so you must use gksudo to run gedit with elevated access19:40
darkdaxter:server irc.freenode.net19:41
sca(20:37:46) sca: i m stuck up in linux (ubuntu 9.10), trying to add a entry in GRUB, after update-grub, the bootloader makes a menu.lst (wich should not happen, but on boot nothing changed.... anyone fammiliar whit this?19:41
ActionParsnip__brad[werk]: you can use epidermis, its not possible natively as far as I know19:41
ChogyDansca: is this grub or grub2?19:41
babaluhi, why are there folders in which i can do 'cat *' and i others i get "cat: invalid option -- 'N' Try `cat --help' for more information."?19:41
scagrub i think19:41
JeniczekIs there anyone runnin ubuntu server with 2 RAIDs?19:41
Jeniczekboth mirrors19:41
jribbabalu: your files have funny names19:42
Out_Coldheh... maybe it worked too well... now my keys won't let me in..19:42
brad[werk]Jeniczek: have done so before, what's up19:42
JeniczekI have a Fujitsu RX300S4 server with 4 SAS drives. Both of the drives are put into 2 mirror RAIDS. During installation, I do partition the first RAID to / , swap and /home and the second RAID to /var . After successful install the server reboots and then all it says during boot is Fatal protection error at 0000:0000. I have tried to Low level format all hardrives, so its not an MBR issue.. Or at least doesnt looks so... The GRUB installa19:42
ChogyDan!grub2 | sca19:42
ubottusca: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub219:42
ActionParsnip__!raid | Jeniczek19:42
ubottuJeniczek: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:42
ChogyDansca: 1.97 is grub219:42
Out_Coldblakkheim, do you keep your public key on the client or server??19:43
scat i update it with update-grub19:43
benediktAnybody know where AbiWord stores its settings per user?19:43
scatnot update-grub219:43
JeniczekAciid its not a software RAID19:43
guntbertKentrel: install iptraf - that tells you more/easier19:43
babalujrib: and how can i get something similar to cat *?19:43
ActionParsnip__benedikt: try ~/.Abiword19:43
scatkeep in mind im new to linux19:43
guntbert!info iptraf | Kentrel19:43
ubottuKentrel: iptraf (source: iptraf): Interactive Colorful IP LAN Monitor. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.0-6build1 (karmic), package size 167 kB, installed size 756 kB19:43
ActionParsnip__Jeniczek: thats all i know. i dont use raid19:43
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:44
ChogyDansca: yes, please take a look at the webpage, and see if that answers your questions.  Any further questions, ask away19:44
ice_stoneok let me reboot19:44
benediktActionParsnip__: dang! i tried looking for .abi* and grepping abi from locate.19:44
benediktActionParsnip__: thanks!19:44
ActionParsnip__benedikt: cd ~; ls -a19:44
Kentrelguntbert, iptraf, ok thanks19:44
ActionParsnip__benedikt: shows all the good stuff, if its not there look in ~/.config19:44
guntbertKentrel: you're welcome :-)19:44
fannohello all, i have a strange problem. apache won't start when my webserver starts. there are no error in apache log or in system log .. and apache is located in the runlevel folder ...19:44
fannoanyone have any idea what i need to look at/for19:44
scaroot@sca-laptop:~# update-grub19:45
scaSearching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub19:45
scaSearching for default file ... found: /boot/grub/default19:45
scaTesting for an existing GRUB menu.lst file ... found: /boot/grub/menu.lst19:45
scaSearching for splash image ... none found, skipping ...19:45
scaFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-17-generic19:45
FloodBot4sca: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:45
scaFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-14-generic19:45
fannoohh and if i start the server manualy it runs just fine19:45
PixarHey, should I use Deluge in gnome instead of ktorrent? since ktorrent is made for kde, i should get better performance if i'm seeding like ~200 permanent torrents, right?19:45
brad[werk]Pixar: Not necessarily19:45
ActionParsnip__Pixar: they will run equally well19:45
PixarI'm looking for best performance19:45
brad[werk]Pixar: Transmission is a really nice, efficient bittorrent client for use in GNOME as well, I've found it has excellent performance19:45
RubbberduckyIm trying to get my sound to work.  I have a realtek alc889a  audio codec on my motherboard.  What should I do?19:46
PixarAllright, thanks19:46
erUSULPixar: well deluge has a server mode where you can detach the gui and shut it dwon while the torrents are still alive19:46
brad[werk]Not specific to GNOME, but it's a GTK based application etc19:46
ChogyDanPixar: I like deluge the best, but I've heard that tranmission has the best performance19:46
Tr1nPixar:  You can run deluge as a daemon, so that is probably what you are looking for19:46
Pixarnot looking for daemon19:46
erUSULPixar: so probably you get better performance for not having to run the gui code19:46
erUSULPixar: all the time19:46
Jeniczekso noone running ubuntu server with 2 RAIDs?19:46
Jeniczekthats a bit strange .....19:47
ActionParsnip__Pixar: kde ones may use more resources, transmission is decent and has a web interface too :D19:47
ActionParsnip__Jeniczek: try asking in: #ubuntu-server19:47
PixarK, then i'm going with deluge since i didn't liked transmission last time i've tested it19:47
JeniczekActionParsnip__ ok, will do, tnx for tip19:47
scacan u pls look at my floodpost:-[19:48
scado i need to start from scratch...?19:48
guntbertsca: please paste it to !pastebin19:48
ActionParsnip__sca: use http://pastebin.com   paste the text then give the new page the browser changes to19:48
CAPcapI'm having problems, a ton of things dependent on opengl wont run i get segmentation fault19:48
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ChogyDansca: post the link into chat19:49
scahere u go19:49
ActionParsnip__sca: looks fine tome19:50
sca4 a grub2?19:50
scatit isnt supposed to have menu.list? right?19:50
fannoanyone =) ?19:51
MrRichard__ Hello everyone, I am trying to install a ati raedon 4670 on 9.10 and am having trouble with the proprietary ati drivers.  From the hardware installation package manager it says i need to install the drivers and then it tries to download and then giver me a "Sorry, installation of this driver failed Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log"  Ive posted the file at http://pastebin.com/d779013cd and have been following this19:51
MrRichard__   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI19:51
ActionParsnip__sca: no it uses scripts and settings to make /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:52
strider24hey, anyone know of a command-line bandwidth monitoring tool with some ascii graphs for a big screen?19:52
benediktAll the letters in AbiWord appear to close to the cursor and I can only see half of the letter while writing. It works fine as another user on the same computer, both using the same settings. Anybody have any clue what this can be?19:52
Out_Coldfanno, type in terminal ps aux | grep apache19:52
scai have adapted the 40_custom script, after that he made the menu.lst and changed nothing in MBR19:52
ikkerusstrider24: I guess vnstat is what you need19:52
scatpls just a point in right direction?19:53
BluesKajActionParsnip__, I have a very weird situatioin here , my belkin USB adapter connects to a belkin router (unsecured) in the area but it doesn't see my 2wire router at all19:53
benediktI should also note that the letters appear as they should in OpenOffice.org writer19:53
fannoOut_Cold:  ok the server is running right now let me reboot realy quick to make sure things are "correct"19:53
babaluhi, why are there folders in which i can do 'cat *' and i others i get "cat: invalid option -- 'N' Try `cat --help' for more information."? How can i get something close to 'cat *' for these folders?19:53
Out_Coldfanno, run now before reboot19:53
Out_Coldi have 5 mins left on lunch time..19:53
ActionParsnip__BluesKaj: is the ESSID hidden?19:53
fannoOut_Cold: http://pastebin.com/m5cc7de9119:54
SealedWithAKissI have chrooted into my Karmic partition from a Live CD. I need to remove GRUB2, however I have a boot partition which is separate to my Karmic partition. How can I go about removing GRUB2 from my boot partition?19:54
CAPcapi dont really know what drivers i need for graphics, is there a way to automatically do it?19:54
saxinI use Ubuntu 9.10 and Firefox. When I try to play Texas HoldEm Poker on Facebook no tables is visible. Any suggestions?19:54
Out_Coldooh... and i'm going to see the oylimpic torch today... woohoo OT19:54
fannoOut_Cold: right now it is running form a manual start up19:54
ChogyDanSealedWithAKiss: install whatever bootloader you want over it19:54
ActionParsnip__saxin: is your ubuntu 64bit?19:55
strider24ikkerus: no ascii graph in it.19:55
Out_Coldfanno, you possibly need to add it to the .rclocal but unfortunately my lunch break is over :p19:55
saxinActionParsnip__: Yes.19:55
ActionParsnip__saxin: could try the 64bit plugin, copy the .so from the tar.gz to ~/.mozilla/plugins    you will nee dto remove the current flash packages to avoid conflicts19:56
SealedWithAKissChogyDan, okay then. So if I chroot from a LiveCD into my Karmic partition, and run sudo apt-get remove grub2, GRUB2 will automatically be removed from my separate boot partition? I have tried that, and it hasn't worked. I need to revert back to GRUB1.19:56
BluesKajActionParsnip__, no i have the essid listed in /etc/ wpa-supplicant.conf19:56
RubbberduckyIm trying to get my sound to work.  I have a realtek alc889a  audio codec on my motherboard.  What should I do?  I cant find drivers anywhere.19:56
ActionParsnip__BluesKaj: does it connect if you have it unsecured?19:56
fannoanyone know what he meant ? (20:54:56) Out_Cold: fanno, you possibly need to add it to the .rclocal but unfortunately my lunch break is over :p19:56
ActionParsnip__Rubbberducky: run: lspci | grep -i audio19:57
saxinActionParsnip__: You know if it will work?19:57
ActionParsnip__Rubbberducky: then websearch the output19:57
isaac_the config changed but i rebooted my computer and it changed resolution but won't go to 120hz!19:57
ActionParsnip__saxin: it will help as its native rather than via nspluginwrapper19:57
isaac_why there is NO 120hz for 800x600 or 1024x768 why why?19:57
ChogyDanSealedWithAKiss: yeah, remove the package so it doesn't get installed in the future, but just install grub1 over it19:57
ActionParsnip__isaac_: there is if you define it in xorg.conf19:57
chopinfolks, for whatever reason i can't use the built-in wireless tool but iwconfig and dhclient work well.  is there a "better" or "best" wireless GUI available besides the one that comes with standard install (9.10)?19:58
isaac_i did put in "Option         "metamodes" "1024x768_120 +0+0""19:58
SealedWithAKissChogyDan, that's what I have done. However the GRUB2 bootloader is still being used.19:58
isaac_and its still is like that in there19:58
adam_hey guys simple question, i just installed a fresh install of ubuntu 9.10. how do i install kde?19:58
BluesKajActionParsnip__, i haven't tried unsecured , don't think i will try either19:58
RubbberduckyActionParsnip: What do I do with that information?19:58
isaac_I want to be able to switch 1024x768 at 120hz then switch to 1600x1200 at 85 hz whenever i want to19:59
Burnhello, I've got problems with my ATI 5750 running the 9.12 drivers, after 5 to 10 minutes my screen turns grey19:59
guntbertadam_: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop19:59
Burnhas somebody seen the same problem?19:59
adam_guntbert, will that install all of the libs etc?19:59
ChogyDanSealedWithAKiss: you probably arent installing grub correctly19:59
brontosgood day all.  Have you guys seen where if I mount a windows shared in nautilus usign smb://ip/share/ it works but if I mount in command line using mount -t cifs only root can write to files?20:00
ActionParsnip__BluesKaj: well if it works unsecured, you know its the security at fault20:00
hallownamemeh. ubuntu doesnt see my ethernet card :[20:00
strywgrI think in 9.10, you can choose the enviornment before logging in. adam.20:00
guntbert!kde | adam_ if I read correctly - yes20:00
ubottuadam_ if I read correctly - yes: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde420:00
SealedWithAKissChogyDan, how do I go about installing GRUB? Is apt-get install grub sufficient?20:00
ActionParsnip__Burn: install openssh-server   when it goes grey, ssh in and view the kernel logs20:00
adam_guntbert, thanks!20:00
BurnActionParsnip__: sometimes the whole PC crashes20:00
ActionParsnip__hallowname: run: sudo lshw -C network     you will see the product name which you can then websearch for20:00
guntbertadam_: have fun :)20:00
BluesKajActionParsnip__, the Belkin router that the USB adapter connects to is across the street in a neighbours house :)20:01
isaac_ActionParsnip__, did you get my last message?20:01
ActionParsnip__isaac_: add the right data to xorg.confand it will be used20:01
ActionParsnip__isaac_: my client is configured to block PMs20:01
isaac_ActionParsnip__, is my data wrong?20:01
ActionParsnip__isaac_: well if its not doing it then most likely yes20:02
isaac_ActionParsnip__, my line is Option         "metamodes" "1024x768_120 +0+0"20:02
isaac_ActionParsnip__, then what should i do?20:02
strider24hey, anyone know of a commandline bandwidth tool with real time ascii graph?20:02
chopinsorry for the repost ... not sure if i disconnected or what.  what is the "best" wireless GUI to use?  Seems the built-in package with 9.10 doesn't work for me but iwconfig / iwlist / dhclient are working manually for now.20:02
llutzstrider24: iftop?20:03
bullgardWhy does Ubuntu Karmic provide no packages for FreeNX?20:03
ActionParsnip__isaac_: do you have refresh rates defined in the monitor section?20:03
ActionParsnip__!info freenx20:03
ubottuPackage freenx does not exist in karmic20:03
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX20:03
strider24llutz: iftop is good, thanks.20:04
isaac_ActionParsnip__, I don't think so but my monitor supports 120hz at 1024x768 for sure20:04
ActionParsnip__bullgard: the guide shows how to add the freenx ppa20:04
ActionParsnip__isaac_: it could do 2000Mhz if the file is not configured right it wont do it20:04
isaac_ActionParsnip__, there is no 120hz in nvidia setting so thats why i wanted to edit it in so i have 120hz in my 1024x76820:05
isaac_ActionParsnip__, so what exactly should I do?20:05
ActionParsnip__isaac_: then you will need to sidestep nvidia-settings20:05
ActionParsnip__isaac_: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-95357.html   has a monitor section you can use20:05
ActionParsnip__isaac_: you can websearc round for xorg.conf examples to get the settings you want.20:06
isaac_ActionParsnip__, okay i'm doing that now20:06
isaac_ActionParsnip__, is it like getting right driver for the monitor than using default refresh?20:08
ActionParsnip__isaac_: you have the right driver, you just need to give it better settings20:09
Zeffrhello everyone, I am new to linux and was wondering if anyone could help me compile some code?20:09
ActionParsnip__!compile | Zeffr20:09
ubottuZeffr: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:09
SealedWithAKissHow do I completely remove GRUB2? I understand that removing GRUB will render my machine a doorstop.20:09
Crazymethjesusshut the fuck up!!!!20:10
ActionParsnip__!ohmy | Crazymethjesus20:10
ubottuCrazymethjesus: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.20:10
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ActionParsnip__SealedWithAKiss: just uninstall it like any other app. i suggest you install a bootloader of sorts or it will not boot20:11
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip__, what's the command?20:11
joepHello. I've a real big problem. By some unknown event my system was not only blocked but could not start again. Apparently some important files were corrupted.20:12
CAPcapI'm having problems with OpenGl things not running i keep getting Sementation fault is there anyway to re-install/repair OpenGl without reinstalling ubuntu?20:12
ActionParsnip__SealedWithAKiss: run software center and search for grub, you can then uninstall those packages20:12
ActionParsnip__CAPcap: reinstall video drivers should help20:12
CAPcaphow do i do that20:13
joepsystem is AMD64 with ubunty HARDY (8.04). I have started with an USB-stick with HArdy. I wonder if it is possible to reinstall ubuntu and replace the corrupted files.20:13
joepHAs anybody an idea??20:13
=== JimmyJ|zz is now known as JimmyJ
gadget3000CAPcap: NVIDIA card?20:14
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip__, I can't run software center. I'm chrooted into the partition.20:14
CAPcapATi Mobility Radeon 900020:14
ActionParsnip__SealedWithAKiss: then run: dpkg -l | grep grub20:15
mzuverinkupgraded from 9.04 to 9.10, cd/dvd writer worked fine in 9.04 now it does not work at all, installed from the drive, at reboot died and wont even read disc in drive now, any ideas?20:15
Mr_Giraffehey, does anybody here know how to set the size of a maximized window? I'm trying to have a sidebar that's always on the screen and maximizing would obviously cover that up20:15
=== Max is now known as Guest97011
ActionParsnip__CAPcap: the open driver will do you fine, you can use xorg.conf to force resolution / driver / refresh rates20:15
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip__, PM?20:15
ActionParsnip__SealedWithAKiss: remove the packages it finds20:15
bullgardActionParsnip__: Thank you very much for your help.20:16
gadget3000CAPcap: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI20:16
YarcanoxI want (or let's say I must) use SASL for the postfix smtpd20:17
Yarcanoxnow the docs say I need to create /usr/local/lib/sasl2/smtpd.conf20:17
ActionParsnip__SealedWithAKiss: those are the grub packages to remove, you could also remove it from the MBR but I amnot sure how20:17
Yarcanoxanyway, that folder is not there. is that folder at a different place on ubuntu?20:17
mkanyicyjoep, how did your files get corrupted and how do you know that they are corrupted?20:18
isaac_ActionParsnip__,  --> # nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings20:18
isaac_# nvidia-settings:  version 1.0  (buildd@crested)  Sun Feb  1 20:25:37 UTC 200920:18
isaac_# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig20:18
isaac_# nvidia-xconfig:  version 1.0  (buildmeister@builder58)  Fri Aug 14 18:33:37 PDT 200920:18
isaac_Section "ServerLayout"20:18
isaac_    Identifier     "Layout0"20:18
FloodBot4isaac_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:18
llutzYarcanox: it should be /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf20:18
Supersonictrying to get wifi via the command line20:18
Supersoniciwconfig eth1 essid "myessid" doesn't give me any errors20:19
llutzYarcanox: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix20:19
Supersonicyet dhclient eth1 won't give me a dhcp address20:19
Supersonicany ideas on what may be wrong?20:19
FloodBot4Supersonic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:19
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip__, it's not removing the boot loader. It's on a separate boot partition.20:19
joepmkanyicy, Thanks for your reply. Well, when starting the logo comes up -or otherwise a lot of txt flies over the screen) and then comes the message:" not avialble kernel panic!! and then the cpas and scroll lights start blinking and the system is dead.sbin/init20:20
mkanyicySupersonic, did you configure authentication ?20:20
ActionParsnip__SealedWithAKiss: not sure then duder20:20
Yarcanoxthanks llutz20:20
Yarcanoxmay I also ask how it is possible to blacklist or preferrably whitelist users allowed for smtp login?20:20
Mr_Giraffeanybody here experienced with compiz?20:20
ActionParsnip__Mr_Giraffe: i'd ask in #compiz20:21
isaac_anybody read me? i pasted by accident, i hope i'm not banned20:21
Mr_GiraffeActionParsnip__, a good idea, but I'm not sure if this is necessarily a compiz question20:21
Mr_GiraffeI'll try it though!20:21
mkanyicyjoep, what did you do then? did you upgrade or install a new package or changed something?20:21
isaac_brb reboot20:22
joepMr_Giraffe, I have had a lot of trouble with it. It's a resource hog. My experience is to get rid of it as soon as possible. This goes for hartdy. I have KArmic and there compiz is not automatically installed.20:22
idea4gudhi all! I have dual OS with XP+Ubuntu and now my XP s messep up20:22
Mr_Giraffejoep, I'm actually not having any problems with it20:22
blakkheimidea4gud: this is normal20:22
mkanyicyMr_Giraffe, how come you ask about compiz experience when you are not sure you will ask a compiz question or not?20:22
llutzYarcanox: not sure, read about "check_sender_access"20:23
guntbertSealedWithAKiss: try and mount the boot partition within the chroot20:23
Mr_Giraffemkanyicy, I'm fairly certain it's a compiz thing I'm trying to tweak, but not 100%20:23
Mr_Giraffejust trying to figure out how to set the maximum size of a maximized window20:23
mkanyicyMr_Giraffe, what is it?20:23
jhanawhat is it doing, idea20:23
idea4gudI dont wanna rui y ubuntu whn i run recovery disk20:23
matelotIa bazaar suitable for personal use ?20:23
Mr_Giraffemkanyicy, see above20:23
mkanyicyMr_Giraffe, first, can you do that when compiz is turned off?20:23
joepmkanyicy, No! I first restarted with another kernel but that was Fedora. All other ubuntu's on that disk were either not reachable or gave t he same error.20:23
Yarcanoxllutz: I put that smtp.conf in place, also activated sasl auth in main.cf but still, everytime I try to login using a valid user it denies access and says it's a wrong password/login info20:24
Mr_Giraffemkanyicy, I'm not really sure...that's the main issue20:24
x_i cant log n with skype .. i use ubuntu 9.1020:24
n3toaHi all! i am having problems with video resolution in ubuntu 9.10 can anyone help me?20:24
thundaCan anyone help me with installing gtk+?20:24
Boobekmatelot, yes..20:24
CAPcapHow do I reinstall the open drivers? i think something is corrupted in them?20:24
BoobekI use it20:24
Yarcanoxllutz: sorry, *smtpd.conf20:24
Mr_Giraffemkanyicy, I'm assuming it can be done considering things like docky and AWN do just that20:24
Mr_Giraffebut I'm not sure how they do it20:24
fannoi have a strange problem. apache won't start when my webserver starts. there are no error in apache log or in system log .. and apache is located in the runlevel folder ... anyone have any idea what i need to look at/for ohh and if i start the server manualy it runs just fine20:24
DarkedgeI get: http://dpaste.com/147094/ when trying to full-upgrade with aptitude, how can I just sort it out without 100 diffrent questions?20:25
joepI restarted with an USB-stick with Hardy - that's running now on that system - and I anmonow on my karmic system. Both system are on a KVM so switching is only 2 clicks away.20:25
jhanafanno, is the script a link in your runlevel, or is it the actual script file?20:25
mkanyicyMr_Giraffe, yes, AWN are the ones that push windows away from them, you should as well make your sidebar push a maximized window away and not allow it to get underneath or above it20:25
idea4gudjhana: When i run Recover disk XP, it just shows C partition and Windows Recovery partition doesnt show Ubunu SO I am afraid WIl it ruin Ubuntu if run20:25
fannojhana how do i check that ?20:25
jonteHey. what was that ubuntu version optimized for virtual machines called?20:25
jonteReally slim CLI..20:25
jhanafanno, ls -l in a terminal window20:26
Mr_Giraffemkanyicy, what I'm trying to do is set this up so maximized windows don't overlap with conky. do you know of any way to do that in compiz, metacity, or really anything at all?20:26
jhanaidea, does it show a unknown partition?20:26
matelotBoobek, I don't have "project" per se, what I want to use bzr for is to track changes to text files here and there,...you know, like config files etc...is bazaar good for this ?20:26
mkanyicyjoep, are you on fedora now?20:26
idea4gudC H I20:26
mkanyicyjoep, how many hard drives are you having?20:26
Supersonicmkanyicy: its public wifi20:26
phong_hi guys20:26
isaac_is there monitor refresh setting other beside xconf?20:26
idea4gudI think I it refers unknown20:27
fannojhana: http://pastebin.com/m11f3557420:27
CAPcapHow do I reinstall the open drivers? i think something is corrupted in them?20:27
Supersonicmkanyicy: no auth needed20:27
joepmkanyicy, I have the hard disk now on my USB-stick ubuntu visible in Gparted. I can mount the partitions so I presume the disk is OK.20:27
llutzYarcanox: you added your user to  smtp_sasl_password_maps ?20:27
spencer_this thing is godly!...it reminds me of numb3rs XD20:27
Yarcanoxllutz: hum no? I assumed it would use normal unix system users?20:27
mkanyicySupersonic, im not sure about the dhcp and wifi, can you make a dry run buy using a static IP?20:27
Yarcanoxalso your link doesn't mention that or I must have missed it20:27
eltumehow do i evoke the firefox profile manager20:27
thundaIs there an apt-get command to install the TIFF libraries?20:28
joepmkanyicy, I have on that system 2 IDE-drives and one serial (in total 3).20:28
Supersonicmkanyicy: I don't think so, not on this network20:28
phong_i have a question: when i do a  'make'  can i make it into a package so i can install them later on the same machine, so that i dont have to recompile everytime i do new ubuntu installation20:28
jhanafanno, when you start apache, do you use /etc/init.d/apache2 start or another command?20:29
phong_will 'make' turn into program?20:29
jontefor reference: found it, it's called JeOS20:29
macophong_: you can use "sudo checkinstall" instead of "sudo make install" *but* be aware it wont be a perfectly clean deb and so will have a chance of not working elsewhere20:29
CAPcap How do I reinstall the open drivers? i think something is corrupted in them? seriously need some help here20:29
fannojhana: i use sudo apache2ctl graceful20:29
mkanyicyjoep, I am confused, i dont I don't know where does the USB stick ubuntu fits in in the whole picture, and how your 3 hard drives are being used.20:29
blakkheim!info checkinstall > phong_20:29
phong_maci, i would only install on same machine20:29
macophong_: alternative is to file a bug asking that the software you want be packaged for ubuntu so you can just apt-get it later20:29
joepmkanyicy, For your information: I did a cmp between the /sbin/init on my USB-stick and the init in the mounted partition. Actually linux makes a mess of naming disks.20:30
taofdis there a command i can use to delete all files matching "name" recursively?20:30
mkanyicyjoep, use UUID20:30
jhanatry the /etc/init.d/apache2 start and see if it errors (or try /etc/init.d/apache2 restart if apache is already up) as that is the exact line that init will attempt20:30
mkanyicyjoep, use UUID's20:30
macophong_: but if you dont have the same stuff you built it against intalled, like if you were installing the deb later after a reinstall, it could be a problem, so just be careful20:30
joepmkanyicy, I'm sorry that I'm not clear. I give my configuration20:30
phong_i see20:30
Condoulois there any way I can configure the wallpaper to be cloned between the two monitors instead of stretching?20:30
Yarcanoxllutz: I am not even sure whether postfix is running in a chroot20:30
Yarcanoxdoes it do that per default?20:30
mtb-cliff?Samba issue - i just completed applying some updates - and now I can't login in to my dns-323 fileserver - it rejects the password - it may be sending the incorrect user as I can log in to it from windows20:31
isaac_could somebody be kind to help me how to set hz for each resolution?20:31
Condouloor even better, is there a way I can configure each monitor to have its own background20:31
mkanyicyjoep, which system are you logged into now?20:31
Picitaofd: find /some/path -name "name" -exec rm {} \;      (I suggest replacing rm with echo before you do the command to make sure you get the right files)20:31
maco!clone | phong_20:31
ubottuphong_: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate20:31
llutzYarcanox: grep ^smtp /etc/postfix/master.cf20:31
thundaI'm trying to install gtk+ and get an error that says I need the TIFF library. I tried apt-get and there's no libtiff.20:31
macophong_: if you do that ^ you can at least be reasonably sure that what you compiled against is the same20:32
mtb-cliffhow can I see which updates were applied20:32
Yarcanoxllutz: smtp      inet  n       -       -       -       -       smtpd20:32
llutzYarcanox: no chroot20:32
Yarcanoxllutz: so I also want to run sasl in no chroot then I guess?20:32
x_HELP WITH SKYPE ? i cant access due to p2p connection failure now what?20:32
idea4gudIf i run XP reocvery disk wil it damage my Ubuntu partition20:32
phong_maco, i have not a clue what u're saying , im sorry20:32
mkanyicyjoep, can you pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst as well as your /etc/fstab of the ubuntu that cannot boot up? you will need to first mount that partition before accessing those files20:33
llutzYarcanox: yes20:33
joepA; 2 systems: the corruptes system is an AMD 3000 (1 processor) with 3 internal diskdrives (2 IDE and one serial). Also an external USB hard disk is connected and an USb stick with Ubuntu 8.04 which is the running ubuntu system.20:33
dupondjesomebody knows how to speedtest a share? tried 'dd if=/dev/random of=/share/file sb=1M count=1000' but that doesn't seem to work :s20:33
llutzYarcanox:  smtp      inet  n       -       y       -       -       smtpd                 <- would be chroot20:33
Hilikuswhats the difference between user and users in fstab?20:33
meganerdidea4gud: it probably won't touch the ubuntu partition but it will likely overwrite the MBR so grub won't run a boot20:33
macophong_: i'm not sure that the deb made by checkinstall will know to tell you "by the way, i depend on x, y, and z, so install those first" so i'm suggesting that you use what ubottu just told you if you do a reinstall, that way you at least know the dependencies are there20:33
=== hhlp_ is now known as hhlp
DarkedgeGuys? -_-20:34
macophong_: besides, the cloning thing ubottu just told you about is all around *useful* when reinstalling :P20:34
Yarcanoxllutz: I have both in no chroot now. also, smtpd.conf is in place and contains "plain login" settings. main.cf has the sasl activation lines20:34
macoand gals?20:34
idea4gudmeganerd: So after this CAn i run Ubuntu live CD and get grub back20:34
Yarcanoxllutz: now smtp login will take ages (= many minutes of hanging) and then abort due to timeout (thunderbird 3)20:34
meganerdidea4gud: absolutely20:34
CAPcapHow do I reinstall the open drivers? i think something is corrupted in them? seriously need some help here20:34
mkanyicyjoep, you are not answering any of my questions, so we will never understand each other, sir20:35
taofdugh flash isnt working for me20:35
taofdall websites i go to tell me my flash is not installed, but it is :/20:35
joepakaniyci My second system is an AMD PHENOM II (4-core) which I am using right now. Both are on a KVM and switching between is very simple.20:35
thundataofd, how did you install flash?20:35
dupondjesomebody ? :)20:35
taofdapt-get install flashplugin-installer20:35
mkanyicyjoep, oh you are using another machine?20:36
taofdthunda, its being weird :/20:36
zagabarI configured my server to forward from eth1 and wlan0 to eth0 so that I could use it as a router kinda. ICS in other words. That works great. However now another problem arose because of it. I cannot connect to my mailserver anymore with like mozilla firebird or squirrelmail. What can be the cause for this?20:36
PiciDarkedge: Are you trying to upgrade to lucid?20:36
idea4gudmeganerd: One more thing , Recovery Disk(RD) : Just shows one main partition C drive (So running RD wil erase from other logical Partitions like D, E and ofr tht matter Ubuntu partitioin))20:36
joepmkanyicy, Yes. Sorry I'm typing somewhat slowly.20:36
Yarcanoxpostfix authentication with SASL just takes ages and then times out (previously with misconfigured/not running sasl it rejected login or said it wouldn't be capable of SASL authentication) - how would I find out why it does do that?20:36
Yarcanox(sasl login with normal unix user accounts over pam)20:36
joepI have looked ad my grub menu.lst and the fstab (of the corrupted system) and I don't see any abnormals.20:37
meganerdidea4gud: oh are you using the vendor recovery CD?  That will blow away everything20:37
mkanyicyjoep, are there linux operating systems that you can boot on that other machine with dead ubuntu?20:37
joepmkanyicy, You saw my answes?20:37
idea4gudmeganerd: it just shows 3 paritions C H(One dell provides for SYstem) and  I(prob Ubuntu)20:37
CAPcapHow do I reinstall the open drivers? i think something is corrupted in them? seriously need some help here20:37
mkanyicyjoep, yes I saw your answers20:37
meganerdCAPcap: what drivers, can you be more specific20:38
idea4gudmeganerd: Yes actually dell gave me XP CD with my laptop20:38
taofdhow do i manually force a purge of all flash files, and force reinstallf lash?20:38
joepYEs. I've done that with an old fedora. That starts OK but is of course not really useable anymore.20:38
mkanyicyjoep, what do you mean that it is not really useable anymore?20:38
isaac_CAN ANYBODY READ ME yet?20:39
meganerdidea4gud: If it is a Microsoft CD you might be OK, if it is a Dell recovery CD it might wipe everything20:39
mkanyicy!caps | isaac_20:39
ubottuisaac_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:39
CAPcapmeganerd: no idea >_< im having problems with programs trying tp use opengl i get 'segmentation fault' my graphics card is and ATI mobility radeon 900020:39
thundataofd, you could try removing it in the synaptic package manager and then reinstalling it.20:39
taofdthunda, yeah tried that too... :(20:40
llutzYarcanox: sry think i cannot really help you. i had to setup 2 postfix last week after being 10 yrs out of mta-business. i configured sasl trhough dovecot, that was simple.20:40
PiciDarkedge: If you're running Lucid or trying to upgrade to it then you should be asking in #ubuntu+1.  If you're not, then you're sources.list is very messed up because those are lucid versions that I see in that error log.20:40
isaac_okay, is there good site with xconf files with 1024x768 refresh rate?20:40
isaac_at 120hhz20:40
Yarcanoxllutz: everyone tells me that, but installing dovecot will most likely kill my solidpop3d off20:40
mtb-cliffanyone know how to list last updates applied?20:40
thundataofd, apt-get remove?20:40
meganerdisaac_: use xrandr, the xorg.conf is not really used20:41
idea4gudmeganerd: Its XP reinstallation Dvd. So the main partition C wil be erased . Wil it erase other logical partitions like D and E20:41
llutzYarcanox: indeed20:41
mkanyicyjoep, what I am suspecting is a problem is that the order of your disks has changed and if menu.lst of grub or fstab does not use UUIDs then it would mount wrong partitions and you would get a kernel panic20:41
Hilikuswhats the difference between user and users in fstab?20:41
joepmkanyicy, NO I mean it is so outdated and I have made so many changes that most of the programs are not of any use to me. But it runs. I can run firefox, evolution, etc.20:41
burghello. how can i install gtkbuilder? i have ubuntu 9.1020:41
psykI have a realtek high definition audio sound card, and ubuntu only wants to play through my laptops built-in speakers. I had the same problem with slackware.20:41
isaac_meganerd, thanks about time i find it20:41
meganerdidea4gud: I don't know for sure.  I have seen such a variety of those restore disks that I can't say for sure20:41
mkanyicyjoep, it's fine boot fedora, we will use terminal20:41
idea4gudmeganerd: this is just XP reinstallation DVD20:42
meganerdidea4gud: you mean CD20:42
Thunder_DropDoes anyone know what needs to be adjusted so that vlc will prevent the screen saver from coming on?20:42
taofdokay i gave up on flash, just manually downloaded the tar.gz and installed it myself :/ pff20:42
mkanyicyjoep, after booting fedora, open terminal and then type "sudo fdisk -l" and paste everything at http://paste.ubuntu.com20:43
psyktaofd, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:43
tonsofpcsso I was installing blender and it failed... I now have two packages (blender and python2.4-minimal) in "very bad state".  On purge attempt, both throw errors "subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" and "subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1".  Is there a way to clean up this dpkg issue?20:43
meganerdidea4gud: in that case you can shoose which partition it will use, but it will overwrite the MBR, requiring you to fix grub after  the install20:43
mtb-cliffThunder_Drop - afaik  you need to change the powermanagement preferences20:43
joepmkanyicy, Tat is a very sound thought. My fstab is build with UUIDs but grub not as - as far as I know - grub has his own assignation of disks using hd0 as the first physical disk, hd1 as the second, etc. It is the order in which the BIOS sees the disks, not the boot order.20:43
idea4gudmeganerd: I am afraid about my other logical drives20:43
isaac_meganerd, where do you edit xrandr?20:43
psykI have a realtek high definition audio sound card, and ubuntu only wants to play through my laptops built-in speakers. I had the same problem with slackware. lspci says: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller20:44
fannoI have a strange problem. apache won't start when my webserver starts. there are no error in apache log or in system log .. and apache is located in the runlevel folder ... anyone have any idea what i need to look at/for ohh and if i start the server manualy it runs just fine =( really strange to me20:44
meganerdisaac_: xrandr is a command, there are gui front ends such as grandr20:44
taofdpsyk, thanks i got it working though :) the install script wasn't working... it may be because i have ubuntuzilla installed though20:44
Hilikushow do i allow a normal user to mount a drive BUT ONLY that single user and not any user??20:44
meganerdisaac_: the wiki is here: http://www.x.org/wiki/Projects/XRandR20:44
psyktaofd, most likely.20:44
joepmkanyicy, also it starts numbering partition with 0 so the first partition on the first physical disk is hd0,0.20:44
Thunder_DropThere is no setting in the power management settings that allows full screen aplications to interupt the timer for screen saver and or other power management settings20:45
CAPcapmeganerd: can u help me out? i told you what my problems are and what im running... ATI mobility radeon 9000. Programs that require OpenGl (i think) crash out before even really loading anything and I get 'Segmentation fault'. I'm running Ubuntu 9.1020:45
meganerdidea4gud: it is doable but there is potential to lose everything.  This is one of the reasons I no longer dual boot20:45
taofdpsyk, its not hard though, just gotta drop it in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins :D20:46
joepmkanyicy, remember, Hardy has grub 1  Karmic (9.10) uses grub2. I also thought that grub is corrupted but I don't know - yet - how to solve it.20:46
mkanyicyjoep, i know, i have 2 hard drives and their order change once in a while sda becomes sdb and sdb becomes sda and grub becomes confused20:46
psyktaofd, true, but the problem I'm having now is a lot deeper than that D:20:46
burghello. how can i install gtkbuilder? i have ubuntu 9.1020:46
mtb-cliffThunde_Drop - You don't have a "Display" section? it applies to all power management events20:46
psyktaofd, the ubuntu devs never fixed the problem with intel sound chips20:46
mkanyicyjoep, i know, i am using grub2 on karmic right now20:46
meganerdCAPcap: it has been since I have used old ATI gear and the 3d drivers (I have one machine that I use the 2d only drivers)20:46
psyktaofd, the problem has existed since 7.10...20:46
mikeowhere do I go to modify the network connections?20:47
mkanyicyjoep, i have little info about grub2 since it's rather new20:47
mikeo... /etc/network/interfaces doesn't seem to be used20:47
meganerdCAPcap: under System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers, do you have the ati or fglrx drivers installed?20:47
meerohow to find out why ubuntu freezes after running rtorrent?20:47
mkanyicyjoep, so have fedora finished to boot?20:47
taofdpsyk, :(20:47
mtb-cliffThunder_Drop - you have to move the "put display to sleep to >> Never"20:47
meganerdmeero: strace rtorrent20:48
Thunder_Dropmtb-cliff: yes I do have that section but it seems strange to have to adjust the timer for when you watch a movie as say I want the display to go to sleep in 1 hour, watching a movie longer than 1 hour does not prevent it from going to sleep20:48
CAPcapmeganerd i opened that up it says no proprietary drivers are in use on this system20:48
meeromeganerd: strace is some kind of tracking app?20:48
mtb-cliffThunder_Drop - agreed, unfortunately that is what I have to do. I don't know if there is another solution.20:49
meganerdCAPcap: then you will need to install the fglrx drivers to get 3d (open gl) apps to work20:49
mikeohow come /etc/init.d/networking stop and start are not doing anything anymore?20:49
joepmkanyicy, How do you change the order? There is a difference with the hardware order the BIOS sees (and grub) and the order linux sees the disks. I have never understood why they changed the ide identification (with hdzx) and made it all in sdzx. I don;t know how the kernel determines the order of the disks. That may be the problem.20:49
CAPcapmeganerd: how do i do that? Ive been asking that all day and no one will answer20:49
meganerdmeero: debugging, you might get some useful information before it freezes20:49
joepmkanyicy, Yes, fedora finihed booting and I could use firefox and Evolution (which I don't use anymore. I use Thunderbird).20:50
meganerdCAPcap: sudo aptitude install xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx-amdcccle20:50
fakeerSuggest me a basic/smaller image editor for one touch jobs like resize, crop, convert to b/w, paste from clipboard etc.20:50
meeromeganerd: i was thinking about to review some logs, but not sure which, maybe is problem with ext4?20:50
mkanyicyjoep, i am using the word 'order' informally here maybe I should rather use 'sequence' instead?? UUID has nothing to do with BIOS20:50
meganerdfakeer: I use gimp for that20:50
gadget3000fakeer: GIMP is default installed, why not just use that?20:50
mkanyicyjoep, can you open terminal then?20:51
Thunder_Dropmtb-cliff: seems there is a bug report on that very issue but no fixes have been commited yet20:51
meganerdmeero: /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages20:51
fakeermeganerd: yeah. but gimp is very complex and big for that.. i need sth where i don;'t have to export after every resize.... i use gimp for heavy editing20:51
mtb-cliffThunder_Drop - thz20:51
fakeergadget3000: ye right..but plz read above20:52
meganerdfakeer: export?  I open an image, edit then save20:52
joepmkanyicy, No. I don't run fedora there anymore but Hardy started from my USb-stick. Of course I can open a terminal thgere (it is open).20:52
isaac_meganerd, okay if you want to add mode 1024x768 at 120hz what would your command look like?20:53
meganerdisaac_: I don't usually bother with the refresh values20:53
dnajovodoes anyone know if a hardware raid array must have identical har disks?20:53
fuzzybunnhey everyone for some reason .ics files are not associated with anything in Ubuntu. Does anyone know how I would get it so that evolution automatically opens ics files and adds them to my calendar?20:53
dnajovoi mena if a disk fails aftr years and is not on the market no more what will i do?20:53
mkanyicyjoep, it's the same machine with 'deadbuntu'20:54
meganerddnajovo: no, but you will be limited by the size of the smallest disk20:54
Burnso, I tried installing ssh, but the computer crashes with the 9.12 fglrx driver20:54
mkanyicyjoep, it's the same machine with 'deadbuntu' right?20:54
isaac_meganerd, 60hz looks like shit.. thats why, i need 120hz at 1024x76820:54
Burnso I can't login remote20:54
joepmkanyicy, Yes.20:54
meeromeganerd: basicly what it does, id doesnt freeze system as whole, im connecting with ssh.... after "something" , shell freezes, and when im trying to reconnect, it displays only autenticating (key file), and nothig else happens20:54
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dnajovobut i won't have problems if i can get same capacity disks and same rpm?20:54
guntbert!language | isaac_20:54
ubottuisaac_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:54
mkanyicyjoep, pastebin 'sudo fdisk -l'20:54
isaac_meganerd, i don't want 85, 75, or less hz... I  wwant 120hz at 1024x76820:54
dnajovoalso do you know if i can connect a sas disk to a sata 2 controlles?20:54
dnajovocntroller i meant!20:55
fakeermeganerd: when i resize it. then after i try to save it, it asks me to export. but either way i want a less complex solution for small edits20:55
isaac_*shouts* would anybody just help me to get 120hz to work at 1024x768 :( :(20:55
joepI'll try that. Burt for some reason this (karmic) system refuses to accept ssh from that system.20:55
meganerdisaac_: I think the command is --refresh <vlue> after the --output part20:55
joepOf course I can work from that system. One moment..20:55
meganerdisaac_: all of my displays are LCD here, so there is no point in me setting the refresh rate20:56
Adilhi everyone20:56
meganerdisaac_: in other words, I have nothing to test with20:56
isaac_meganerd, i am trying to get my 3d thing to run at 120hz not 60hz20:56
isaac_meganerd, the reason why i'm still on CRT20:56
isaac_meganerd, and my crt still support up to 170hz20:57
CAPcapmeganerd still nothing runs20:57
AdilUntil recently my boot drive and DVD drive were on the same IDE cable. I upgraded my dvd drive to SATA, making the boot drive the only IDE drive I have. But ubuntu won't boot up.. I dont get to grub20:57
Yarcanoxllutz: I checked the syslog and it disliked some config option20:57
meganerdCAPcap: glxinfo20:57
Yarcanoxllutz: which means it works now :) without dovecot20:57
Yarcanoxthanks for helping!20:57
AdilI am still relatively new to ubuntu... do I have to repair the loader?20:58
rasmus_does anyone know how to install themes on ubuntu 9.1020:58
llutzYarcanox: it has to work without, just is easier with :)20:58
joepmkanyicy, I first have toi download an IRC client as that is not available in Hardy!!20:58
mkanyicyjoep, ok20:58
timothyAdil, if the grub isn't start it means your pc is not booting from the disk. Have you tried to check your bios if the disk is selected as a boot device?20:59
Adiltimothy, the drive is detected and is selected as the boot drive20:59
frankhenry_hello all20:59
oCean_rasmus_: you changed themes in prior versions? It's still in system > pref > appearance21:00
joep__mkanyicy: I'm now working from the "corrupted" system. I've seldom used patebin. How does it work??21:00
rasmus_yes, but new themes doesn't work21:00
zagabarI configured my server to forward from eth1 and wlan0 to eth0 so that I could use it as a router kinda. ICS in other words. That works great. However now another problem arose because of it. I cannot connect to my mailserver anymore with like mozilla firebird or squirrelmail. What can be the cause for this?21:01
CAPcapmeganerd: http://pastebin.com/m11b9f93221:01
Adiltimothy I think you're right.. it might be the boot order. I was too tired last night and might have made a mistake. Will check when I go home. Thanks21:01
oCean_rasmus_: maybe you mean gdm theme? That's the "login" theme21:01
joep__mkanyicy: can you see me?21:01
timothyhey no prob21:01
oCean_joep__: we can21:01
mkanyicyjoep__, the easy way just copy everything and paste it at http://paste.ubuntu.com21:01
timothyadil also check your master slave configuration on your ide disk21:02
timothyautomatic settings do tend the frack things up21:02
Adilthanks timothy21:02
timothyhope it helps!21:02
rasmus_yes i do21:02
Adili hope so too!21:02
joepJoke. Your answers are comin on this system and not on the other!! I have to switch constantly.21:02
meganerdCAPcap: that is way less output than I would expect.  IS the module loaded?  "lsmod |grep fglrx"21:02
Adilsee you guys later21:02
babaluhello, in some folders, i can't do 'cat *', how can i correct that? "cat: invalid option -- 'N' Try `cat --help' for more information."21:02
oCean_rasmus_: there's difference in gdm theme (login screen) and your gtk+ themes21:03
mkanyicyjoep__, the fancy way is to install 'pastebinit' and then just type 'sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit'21:03
rasmus_but is it possible to change the login theme?21:03
llutzbabalu: "cat -- *"21:03
CAPcapmeganerd: I put in lsmod |grep fglrx but it doesnt have any output, should it have?21:03
joep__mkanyicy: That's nice !! I'll try that.21:04
meganerdCAPcap: try "sudo modprobe fglrx"21:04
babalullutz: oh nice, why is it working?21:04
mkanyicyjoep__, did you pastebin the output of that command yet?21:04
llutzbabalu: "--" means: no more options are following21:04
CAPcapsudo modprobe fglrx21:05
CAPcapFATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.31-17-generic/updates/dkms/fglrx.ko): Cannot allocate memory21:05
fannoI have a strange problem. apache won't start when my webserver starts. there are no error in apache log or in system log .. and apache is located in the runlevel folder ... anyone have any idea what i need to look at/for ohh and if i start the server manualy it runs just fine =( anyone ? apacke is located in rc0-6 so i dont understand this21:05
babalullutz: ok thanks i understand better21:06
llutzbabalu: in your example, you have a file called "-Nsomthing", cat * will be expanded to "cat -Nsomthing" and -N is no cat option21:06
joep__mkanyicy: OK. It is in pastebin under joep.21:06
CAPcapmeganerd: http://pastebin.com/d1ce9376821:07
rekhi my mp3 does not work correctly after a period of time i need to reboot, what can i do without rebooting? what can i reload.where's the problem? hi llutz21:07
llutzbabalu: to precent that, use --21:07
joep__mkanyicy: The problematic disk is /dev/sdc21:07
babalullutz: yes thanks i got it :)21:07
cambazzhello. when i run apt-get update, i get W: Failed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-security/main/source/Sources.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch21:07
meganerdCAPcap: ya I saw that, that is a new error to me.  You may wish to try rebooting.21:07
cambazzany ideas how to fix this21:07
mkanyicyjoep__, but where is the pastebin link?21:07
meganerdCAPcap: I am not really confidant that it will solve anything21:08
mkanyicyjoep__, do you know which partition to mount ?21:08
mkanyicyjoep__, can you please paste the output of "sudo fdisk -l" at http://paste.ubuntu.com21:09
FreeaqingmeTrying to install ubuntu server.  Installing grub fails, what would be smart to do?21:09
joepmkanyicy, What do you mean?? I pasted the text in pastebin and said send. Yes I can mount partition sdc5.21:09
meganerdCAPcap: do you have a program called aticonfig installed?21:09
rekhi my mp3 does not work correctly after a period of time i need to reboot, what can i do without rebooting? what can i reload.where's the problem? hi llutz21:09
mkanyicyjoep, you were supposed to paste HERE the link that shows up21:10
Chilaquileshey does anybody knows how can I install OpenGL in ubuntu?21:10
CAPcapi dont know, how do i check?21:10
joep__mkanyicy: Yes I did. I have a page of pastebin with a header saying" Posted by joep on Mon 18 Jan 21:0621:10
AJC_Z0On my 9.10 laptop with Intel  82801I (ICH9) HDA card I want to hear a 24 bit PCM audio track on a DVD using xine, what do I have to configure for the DVD drive, sound card, alsa, pulseaduio, ... xine in order to hear it?21:10
oCean_joep__: paste the url in the addressbar21:10
porridjnow then21:10
AJC_Z0Playing the track currently plays the music with a nasty loud hiss21:11
mkanyicyjoep, copy the link at the address bar on that window and paste it HERE21:11
porridjany web designers in here able to suggest best software for designing websites ie inkscape or something21:11
onetinsoldierChilaquiles: check out 'Mesa' --> apt-cache search Mesa21:11
joep__oCean_: The URL is http://pastebin.com/m8a3470721:11
oCean_joep__: that's what we need :)21:12
isaac_uh somebody would help me how to figure how to FORCE 1024x768 to 120hz on my CRT monitor? I am trying all day on it21:12
gkahlaanyone using Banshee on 9.10?21:12
joep__oCean_: OK. I'm curious what you can do with it as for me it looks rather normal.21:12
SealedWithAKissI have mounted my boot partition, but don't have write access, how can I mount the partition so that I can write to it?21:13
AJC_Z0isaac_: You can limit the horizontal and vertical refresh rates for your monitor in xorg.conf21:13
CAPcapmeganerd: i typed aticonfig into the terminal and got this: aticonfig: No supported adapters detected21:13
mkanyicyjoep__, without the URL i would have never saw that page21:13
oCean_joep__: I did not catch your initial question, just saw conv with mkanyicy, just explaining the pastebin thing.21:13
gkahlaSealedWithAKiss- what are you doing with your boot partition? browsing it in a terminal?21:13
AJC_Z0isaac_: Does the "Display" GUI not offer you any frequency choices?21:14
SealedWithAKissgkahla, I'm browsing using the GUI now. I was using the terminal.21:14
isaac_AJ_Z0, thats exactly what i'm saying21:14
mkanyicyjoep__, are you sure it's sdc5?21:14
gkahlaSealedWithAKiss- are you wanting to edit the grub.conf file, or something more drastic?21:14
isaac_AJC_Z0, do you have any answer?21:15
joep__My initial question was a problem with my hardy system that apparently due to some mysterious event suddenly will not start with the regular Ubuntu system but comes in a panic after attaining /sbin/init.21:15
heychuckif you want to be one of the most21:15
heychuckstrongest brute with a bear or wolf21:15
heychuckand high stats..21:15
heychuckalready at lvl 5-1021:15
heychuckjust go to this site and make a brute?21:15
FloodBot4heychuck: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:15
oCean_heychuck: stop that21:15
mkanyicyjoep__, then type this "mkdir ~/sdc5 && mount /dev/sdc5 ~/sdc5" and then paste the output of this command "df -h" and that of "ls -lh ~/sdc5"21:15
SealedWithAKissgkahla, I'm not going to touch grub.cfg. I would explain exactly what I'm doing, however you'd need a couple of hours spare.21:16
Lars2010how can I get free -b to show % instead of just absolute values?21:16
mkanyicyjoep__, we are going at a rather very slow pace, can we buckle up a bit?21:16
mkanyicyjoep__, then type this "mkdir ~/sdc5 && mount /dev/sdc5 ~/sdc5" and then paste the output of this command "df -h" and that of "ls -lh ~/sdc5"21:17
gkahlaSealedWithAKiss-  if you can get to a terminal, just 'sudo -i' and you're on with full admin privs until you type 'exit'...21:17
SealedWithAKissgkahla, is there a way to do this via the GUI?21:18
gkahlaSealedWithAKiss- all the normal warnings apply; you can set your system on FIRE using commands as the admin user / you could potentially upset the orbit of the earth / etc, etc...21:18
Poldinohi - i've been trying to get OpenArena working on my ubuntu 9.10 64 bit install but it is unreliable - hangs when I try and quit.  what can I do to discover what the problem is?21:19
isaac_AJ_Z0, do you have any solve to my problem?21:19
SealedWithAKissgkahla, are you serious? You mentioned fire?21:19
SealedWithAKissgkahla, this sytem is in a state already.21:20
javatexanwhere is the thunderbird exe supposed to be?  I built from source and i would like to know where to put the ln....21:20
CAPcapis there any way to fully install ubuntu over the top of whats there (complete reinstall, format, destroy current installation) from inside ubuntu, or do i have to use my CD?21:20
RumblePureHas anyone used ubuntu on Acer Aspire 7738G (a laptop)? Good or bad idea?21:20
AJC_Z0isaac_: I already gave you an answer. See above21:20
gkahlaSealedWithAKiss- surely, just 'sudo nautilus' and remember to close the browser when you're done...21:20
daftykinsCAPcap: probably safest and easiest from CD21:20
AJC_Z0isaac_: Please don't confuse me with that jerk AJ_Z021:20
mkanyicyjoep__, ??21:20
llutz!compile | javatexan:21:20
ubottujavatexan:: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:20
llutz!checkinstall | javatexan:21:21
ubottujavatexan:: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!21:21
gkahlaSealedWithAKiss- lol, no fire, but people tend not to take it seriously when they get admin privs... :)21:21
SealedWithAKissgkahla, I'm reconsidering. Would you mind me PMing you, are you busy?21:21
joep__mkanyicy: Yes I'm sure as my grub syas it goes to hd0,0 and that is the first disk. And here is the URL: http://pastebin.com/m7f54279521:21
Lars2010how can I get free -b to show % instead of just absolute values?21:21
OerHeksRumblePure did you check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/  for your model ?21:21
CAPcapmeganerd: aticonfig: No supported adapters detected21:21
isaac_AJC_Z0, ??21:22
isaac_AJC_Z0, i looked above and didn't find it21:22
OerHeksRumblePure and if it is not listed, and you find out, it works fine, send in your experience :-)21:22
mkanyicyjoep__, good. now type "sudo blkid | grep sdc5" and paste HERE after that type "sudo cat /media/disk/boot/grub/menu.lst" and pastebin the output21:23
joep__oCean_: Can you see the link?21:23
idea4gudif i just boot ubuntu  CD wil i ge grub21:23
mkanyicyjoep__, 'blkid' will tell us the UUID for sdc521:23
joep__mkanyicy: here is the output: sudo blkid /dev/sdc5: UUID="7bf828ec-137b-49c3-9336-807fab416d02" TYPE="ext3"21:24
AJC_Z0<AJC_Z0> isaac_: You can limit the horizontal and vertical refresh rates for your monitor in xorg.conf21:24
RumblePureOerHeks: Haum had no idea about this page... will ofcourse be of great help! thx and yes I'll tell about my experience.21:24
alan__I am having a problem with the software sources in Karmic. I keep getting an error in the update manager and in software center but synaptic is working okay, any guesses?21:25
mkanyicyjoep__, now waiting for you to pastebin menu.lst21:25
isaac_AJ_Z0, oh yeah that one.. can you check my conf ?21:25
javatexanllutz:  I've already got it compiled and running fine.  I am trying to figure out how to fake out other apps that assume it is installed in path x when in fact I am using it in /software/comm-central/objdir-tb-release/mozilla/dist/bin/thunderbird21:25
javatexanI thought maybe a ln would work, if I knew where to put it21:25
llutzjavatexan: most likely stuff in /usr/bin21:26
oCean_alan__: don't you think the actual error message would be relevant?21:26
SealedWithAKissI want to mount /dev/sda2 to /media/Boot with write access. It's the boot partition. What command would I use?21:26
alan__ocean._yes but i did not want to overflow the room21:27
isaac_AJC_Z0, check this out http://paste.ubuntu.com/358699/21:27
joep__mkanyicy: Yes I know. and here is the URL for grub menu.lst http://pastebin.com/m271163be21:27
oCean_alan__: then paste at paste.ubuntu.com and give the url in this room21:27
alan__will do21:27
javatexanis there a way to tell a soft link from a hard link using ls?21:28
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isaac_AJC_Z0, at bottom you could see i put 1024x768_120 +0 +0"21:28
gkahlaSealedWithAKiss- you can try 'umount /dev/sda2 && mkdir -p /media/Boot && mount /dev/sda2 /media/Boot'21:28
mkanyicyjoep__, replace the line with "root (hd0,4)" by "uuid  7bf828ec-137b-49c3-9336-807fab416d02"21:29
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isaac_AJC_Z0, but serious my monitor supports 100-120 hz on 1024x768 for sure21:29
joep__mkanyicy: ?? I didn't know that was possible. Is that also for grub 1??21:29
mkanyicyjoep__, here is my old menu.lst i used to use during jaunty days for reference: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/358698/21:29
ardianI want to make a live usb wich format is better FAT16 or FAT32 ?21:30
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)21:30
mkanyicyjoep__, for the record, grub2 does not even use menu.lst21:30
mkanyicyjoep__, that is works for grub121:30
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joep__mkanyicy: Perfect!. I'll try that immediately. And yes, I know I saw that. (sigh) have to learn new tricks again!21:31
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Lars2010that is weird! I just tried the EXPLAIN ANALYZE command a couple of times. first ~40 times it needed ~20ms. I didn't change *anything* and now it needs 5 seconds and uses a completely different query plan. why?21:32
xtagonI just booted after an unexpected shutdown (power outage) and now I can't use apt/synaptic. It's saying my disk is full, but it's not.21:32
erUSULxtagon: you should pass an fscak to the partition21:33
vargadaniscan you guys suggest me an optical character recognition software? OCR?21:33
weezdoes anyone know how to get a static ip for my ubuntu server?21:33
CounterspellI just installed 9.10 x86_64 and I can't copy text from my Skype chat window. Skype is uses QT for the GUI so I suspect it may be some kind of broken Gnome <-> Skype integration. Can anyone help with this?21:34
mkanyicyjoep__, hope that works, i have to leave now. im leaving you at the hands of tireless ubuntu experts ;)21:34
joep__mkanyicy: and oCean: thanks a lot. I will try it tomorrow. Inow have to perform  social duties and then go to sleep as tomorrow the alarm goes off. Thanks again a lot and till soon.21:34
weezcounterspell: let me see if i can replicate21:34
javatexanokay...last step....How do I get "preferred applications" in gnome to add the typical thunderbird settings....right now I have to use a custom.21:34
mkanyicyjoep, go to sleep which timezone are you in?21:35
chilipepperHow do I check my internet's speed? I'm on ubuntu21:36
chilipepperErrr, yes, of course :D21:36
xtagonerUSUL: But it's the root file system, it's mounted.21:36
CShadowRunchilipepper: stop any internet activity you are doing (Downloads, Online music, etc) then head to http://speedtest.net and click test21:36
RumblePurehow well do proprietary drivers work with Gefore 210m/220m/240m?21:37
erUSULxtagon: you can do it from a livecd (the install cd is a livecd) or try « sudo touch /forcefsck » and reboot21:37
xtagonerUSUL: Okay, thanks.21:37
weezdoes anyone know how to set up a static ip address?21:37
Andy14probably aint work21:38
yeasonI'm trying to compile a nightly build of VLC and getting these errors when running 'make' http://pastebin.org/78373 anybody have an idea?21:38
chilipepperCShadowRun, thanks. Will do that in a bit. Bookmarking the URL21:38
mkanyicyweez, use ipconfig21:38
sybaritenis there a graphical FTP client installed with most standard Ubuntu distros?21:38
sybaritenslash releases21:38
mkanyicyweez, ifconfig21:38
sybariteni am using a shell account at my friends and would like to see if he has an ftp account21:38
Andy14sybariten: no but you can install filezilla easily, or you can add it to a disc and burn it21:39
sybaritensorry wrong21:39
sybaritenftp client21:39
sybaritenAndy14: i'm just a user at his machine21:39
infidif someone irc's from a ssh'ing to a shell on a remote computer is it possible to see their original ip?21:39
mkanyicyweez, example: 'sudo ifconfig eth1 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'21:39
sybaritendont wanna bother him at the moment.... so there really isnt any installed?21:39
Andy14sybariten: it's not your machine than?21:39
sybaritenAndy14: nope21:39
sybariteninfid: one more time please21:39
Jowisybariten, no default one. you can use ftp://site in any browser21:39
Andy14sybariten: well, that sucks xD21:40
Andy14sybariten: why do you need something graphical?21:40
sybaritenJowi: yeah thats true. Although ftp in browsers tend to suck more than .... well... something something21:40
sybaritenAndy14: kinda easier to work with files in those....  ftp in console is something i never really became friends with21:40
infidsybariten: say you are irc'd from a shell account right now that you ssh'd into. could i see find your IP address of the computer you ssh'd *from*21:41
superPiis it possible to have something similar to Time Machine on Ubuntu?21:41
mkanyicyweez, i am not an expert nor confident about correctness of my suggestions so i prefer not to PM so that the community can correct me if i am wrong21:41
sybariteninfid: nope21:41
yeasoninfid: only if you have access to the logs on the server21:41
mkanyicyweez, np21:41
etsorbme8infid:  <infid>  dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com21:41
sybariteninfid: you're safe  ;)21:41
Andy14sybariten: you could look if you can download filezilla without installing it, like just running it xD21:41
SealedWithAKissI want to mount my boot partition (/dev/sda4) with write access, how do I do that? I need a GUI?21:42
strykeranyone running ultimate edition21:42
sybaritenAndy14: heh, interesting approach21:42
mkanyicysybariten, nautilus!21:42
sybaritenAndy14: you know what, i did "apropos"  for ftp and it seems as he has gftp... yay... thanks anyhow21:42
zagabarI configured my server to forward from eth1 and wlan0 to eth0 so that I could use it as a router kinda. ICS in other words. That works great. However now another problem arose because of it. I cannot connect to my mailserver anymore with like mozilla firebird or squirrelmail. What can be the cause for this?21:42
sybaritenmkanyicy: that could work, too!21:42
m4c4br3hello everyone! just got ubuntu back up and running after a regrettable hiatus :) just thought i'd say hi21:42
ardchoillestryker: we don't support ultimate edition here21:43
strykerwhys that?21:43
ardchoillebecause it's not ubuntu21:43
strykercool wit me21:43
oorahare there any porn sites that don't have bad flash video lag with Ubuntu? they're hard to find. i know its offtopic but where to ask? lol21:44
strykerman yur sick lol21:44
ardchoilleoorah: Please take that to another channel21:44
Swiantry #linux-porn21:44
infidflash is flash, regardless of content21:44
oorahbut youtube works just fine though21:45
AJC_Z0isaac_: See your HorizSync and VertRefresh? Try changing those to the ranges you want and get that working before you mess with fancy (meta)modes21:45
alabdhello , Document viewer just show 1 st page of pdf files why ?21:45
infidspeaking of such things though. do all video players in ubuntu keep logs of what you played? and is there a way to make it so they wont display what you're playing to a terminal?21:45
strykerbleach bit21:45
yeasonany idea why I'm getting these errors http://pastebin.org/78373 when trying to compile VLC from source?21:45
infidvlc and totem seem to show what i'm playin on the terminal21:45
grkblood13anyone here using nero?21:46
brontosaurusrexuhmm, what would one do to have network status icon in the panel?21:46
grkblood13i need it for udf 2.50 support21:46
grkblood13but im getting a pramter error21:46
strykerno i stick to other open sourse ubuntu software21:46
Jowiinfid, use " >& /dev/null" after the command21:46
nu1hello, I would like to know if there is any audio player that I can place in the menu bar and control from there, such as WMP in the taskbar???21:46
infidJowi: i mean they display stuff on the terminal even when i launch their guis from the menu21:46
danyRhey guys tell me please relevant files in keyboard layout and configuration21:46
strykerchange ur keyboard shortcuts in the system preferences21:47
hipitihopI have a MS bluetooth mouse and keyboard which regularly drop out and I either have to remove/replace dongle or sometimes even re-pair. This started back in intrepid but even worse in karmic21:47
m4c4br3is google chrome different from chromium at launchpad?21:47
Jowiinfid, modify the desktop file for the app in /usr/share/applications and add >& /dev/null to the end of the command?21:48
IpSe_DiXiThi, i just bought a hdd and creating a "new" partition, since the all disk appears "unallocated" when creating this new partition it lets me choose the "partition table type" (in the advanced options) what am i supposed to put for ubuntu? thanks21:48
martyn___nu1 - I think Amarok has that capability - but please check.21:48
danyRstryker: i've my keyboard layout all messed up, don't know why, i'm in a live cd, in order to get the right files and replace them21:48
infidjowi thanks21:49
hipitihopany bluetooth expert that can help diag my mouse/keyboard drop outs ?21:49
strykertry  changing the keyboard layout or language21:49
martyn___IpSe - if it is 9.10 then ext4 gets all the plaudits.  Otherwise ext3.  Does this answer your question?21:49
brontosaurusrexuhmm, what would one do to have network status icon in the panel? i just lost one, and can't find another ... :P21:50
alabdany opinion ?21:50
strykergo to accessories and right click add to pannel21:50
=== john is now known as Guest30922
danyRstryker: already tried it. several ways. but if i login in xterm mode, keyboard is awesome as usual. if i login to the GDM, forget about it. in my .xsession-errors i got something im-switch related21:50
danyRbrontosaurusrex: alt + f2, and write nm-applet21:50
Guest30922failed to install skype21:51
strykermight be a configuration error on the live cd itself21:51
brontosaurusrexdanyR: and then?21:52
IpSe_DiXiThi, i just bought a hdd and creating a "new" partition, since the all disk appears "unallocated" when creating this new partition it lets me choose the "partition table type" (in the advanced options) what am i supposed to put for ubuntu? thanks21:52
danyRstryker: in the live cd i've got keyboard right, that's in my system that i don't. :| the only thing i've done was using synergy for a bit, and then keyboard was like that21:52
danyRbrontosaurusrex: didn't reappeared?21:53
brontosaurusrexdanyR: nope, seems to be running allready, just wont show up21:53
strykercan u repair the the syastem21:53
nu1I would like to know if there is any audio player that I can place in the menu bar and control from there, such as WMP in the taskbar???21:54
danyRstryker: how exactly?21:54
danyRnu1: there's and gnome-applet that allows you to control several players from the panel21:54
nu1martyn___, I could not find any option in Amarok :(21:54
nu1danyR, how can I use it?21:54
martyn___ok pal - sorry.21:54
jim__what drive can be used to get bodcom wireless card to work21:54
danyRbrontosaurusrex: just do alt + f2, pkill nm-applet, and then again: alt + f2, nm-applet21:55
strykernot too sure sorry im of no help here:(21:56
apipkini have ubuntu 9.10, i'm getting something strange when i click a button in a dialog box... the button gets focus and looks "pressed" but doesn't call the action. It only calls the action if i hit enter after giving the button focus either with tab or the mouse click21:56
sybaritenhi, it's me, i'm back with a similar question21:56
apipkinis it possible i messed with a setting that controls how buttons work?21:56
sybaritenubuntu doesnt include anything as per default, to do scp:// or ftp:// mounts, does it?21:56
brontosaurusrexdanyR: ok, now how to show that in the panel?21:57
javatexandoes anyone know how to add thunderbird as a choice in "preferred apps" without installing thunderbird?21:57
javatexanI built it from source21:57
* benpro sleeps21:57
=== Guest44003 is now known as Chazz
danyRnu1: http://sunnybiologia.blogspot.com/2009/11/how-to-instal-music-applet-in-ubuntu.html21:58
danyRbrontosaurusrex: try to add notification apple to menu21:58
s0l1dsnak3123Hi there, I want to restore a bunch of my backed up apps that I installed in the default Tmobile December update of the tmobile pulse, backed up on MCR 1.7 (kernel version 2.6.27-perf, baseband version 6383). I open up titanium backup, go to backup/restore, and click on an app that has been uninstalled and needs restoring, click "app+data" and I get restoring app+data: "[not installed] <app name>". It sits and does this for a long time and nothing21:58
s0l1dsnak3123seems to happen. How can I get it to work properly?21:58
brontosaurusrexdanyR: that was it! thanks21:59
grkblood13does anyone use nero here?21:59
NafaiIs there a gnome/gtk program that syncs with google tasks?22:00
IngsocWhat is kacpid and why is it constantly using between 6% and 10% of my CPU?22:00
erUSULIngsoc: is a kernel threath/daemon22:01
IpSe_DiXiThi, i just bought a hdd and creating a "new" partition, since the all disk appears "unallocated" when creating this new partition it lets me choose the "partition table type" (in the advanced options) what am i supposed to put for ubuntu among ms-dos, aix, amiga, bsd, dvh, gpt, mac, pc98, sun, look? thanks22:01
unopNafai, evolution ??22:01
IngsocerUSUL: Can I kill it?22:01
erUSULIngsoc: do not think so; and i dunno why it wastes cpu in your case ...22:02
erUSULIpSe_DiXiT: msdos22:02
IngsocerUSUL: Yeah I am watching it right now in top, constantly at least 6% sometimes as high as 20%!22:02
Nafaiunop: Anything more light-weight? :)22:02
IpSe_DiXiTerUSUL: but is it normal it's asking me this? it never asked with any other hdd i formatted...22:03
danyRNafai: thunderbird? it does it as well. btw, you can integrate google tasks into ubuntu desktop22:03
erUSULIpSe_DiXiT: if you create a new partition table it allways ask that22:03
IngsocIpSe_DiXiT: Yes that is normal if you are creating a new partition table22:03
NafaidanyR: How so?22:03
IpSe_DiXiTerUSUL, Ingsoc: it was just weird that it never asked me anything like that b4 with any other brand new hdd i wanted to format to ext3, thatz why i was wondering, so i guess if i dont drop down the advanced menu, ubuntu will just choose the best table partition type it needs, right?22:06
znx^Hey I've got a little problem.. I installed ubuntu inside vista using the 25gb max I could use.. Now is there a way to seperate this from windows w/o deleting and reinstalling from cd @boot?22:06
alex6please i'm a new user of irc chat. do you know an irc chat in french?22:06
erUSUL!fr | alex622:06
ubottualex6: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:06
ardchoille!fr| aleksander_22:06
ubottualeksander_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:06
Firewolfx7....... crap wrong channel22:07
oreohhey guys could someone tell me what i'm doing wrong http://bin.paste.ca/388kdk284.html22:07
ardchoillealeksander_: sorry, tab comp bit me :(22:07
edjwhere does knode 4.3 store its config and data files?22:07
erUSULedj: find ~/ -iname '*knode*' -print22:08
danyRNafai: sorry, just found: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/12/task-applications-google-linux.html22:09
NafaidanyR: Thanks22:09
Dr_WillisdanyR:  yet another web site to add to my Ubuntu Listings.. :)22:10
chilipepperhow can i check for my physical address?22:10
oreohcan anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong http://bin.paste.ca/388kdk284.html22:10
danyRDr_Willis: probably the best ubuntu-related website EVER :)22:11
jim__do i run it in terminal22:11
jim__it still says wireless is disconnected22:11
jim__for some reason the card isn't being reconzied22:11
jim__any suggest22:11
danyRDr_Willis: not forgetting the efforts from all bloggers out here (including myself), but that one rocks way too much22:11
jim__what's the command to start wireless network again22:12
jim__what is the command to start wireless working again22:12
Dr_WillisdanyR:  never heard/seen it befor. I got all mine ive found at  http://delicious.com/dr_willis22:12
aussieahhamorning all :)22:13
n2diyI have Firefox configured to view attachments inline, a friend of mine just sent me one, but it isn't in the message body, where could it have gone?22:13
danyRDr_Willis: take a look through the logs. i'll like what you'll find22:13
danyRaussieahha: good morning? LOL, almost 23 PM here22:13
beavesikkerus bist du grad da?22:14
grkblood13does anyone use nero here?22:14
grkblood13linux nero anyone?22:14
Dr_WillisYou just dont hear much about neroLinux any more.22:14
grkblood13Dr_Willis, its need for UDF 2.50 support22:14
jim__i have a broadcom wireless card that's not being reconzied22:15
olliemy machine boots directly to a grub:sh prompt -- how can i get my machine booting?22:15
jim__how can i get it to show up on the system22:16
blakkheim!broadcom > jim__22:16
ubottujim__, please see my private message22:16
olliei've tried reinstalling grub222:16
platajessys gonna be the winner22:16
olliebut no luck -- i'm running from a livecd and running fsck on the /dev/sda1 says its fine22:17
ollieany ideas?22:17
Dr_Willisollie:  so you see no grub menu at all? or what do you see exactly?22:19
grkblood13Dr_Willis, you got any experience with it?22:19
grkblood131319 people and noone knows22:19
Dr_Willisgrkblood13:  Nope. Ive never had the need to mess with nero in linux,  i recall tryiong it once ages and ages ago.. and thats it..22:20
ollieDr_Willis, i don't think there's any menu -- between the bios screen there's a flash between when i'd expect the grub menu and when i get the prompt, but i can't read it22:20
Dr_Willisgrkblood13:  you never did state what the actual problem you are havbing with it is.22:20
Dr_Willisollie:   hiow many hard drives are on the system?22:20
ChogyDangrkblood13: try k3b22:20
grkblood13im getting a parameter error when burning udf 2.5022:20
ollieDr_Willis, just 122:20
grkblood13k3b doesnt support udf 2,522:21
Dr_Willisollie:  cant be booting the wrong hd then.22:21
nu1danyR, thanks :)22:21
Dr_Willisgrkblood13:  cant say taht ivev ever had the need for UDF 2.5 either.  best place would be to be checking the Nero Linux forums perhaps22:21
grkblood13Dr_Willis, ive posted there22:21
TheMozartwhat is the smallest partition I could create for Ubuntu?  is 2Gb too small?22:21
ollieDr_Willis, it was fine since karmic was released, but my wife accidently unplugged the machine and it ran down - next time i tried to boot it, nothing doing22:21
n2diyI have Thunderbird configured to view attachments inline, a friend of mine just sent me one, but it isn't in the message body, where could it have gone?22:22
rizvanplease help me with VLC (videolan client) on karmic 9.10; can't install it.. dependency complain22:22
rizvanvlc: Depends: vlc-nox (= 1.0.2-1ubuntu2.1) but it is not going to be installed22:22
danyRTheMozart: yeah. ubuntu needs, at least, 3.5-4 GB22:22
brontosaurusrexmy neu gnome-look http://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=8062722:23
JowiTheMozart, if you're using a Desktop CD I would suggest minimum of 6GB (root partition is likely to grow with things you add later on)22:23
OerHeksgrkblood13  UDF 2.50 is needed to access Blue-ray and HD-DVD discs ??22:23
Dr_Willisollie:  Hmm. Hard to tell what could be wriong then.  its possible theres some special way you need to reinstall grub. with out any actual error messages its hard to tell.22:23
grkblood13OerHeks, yes22:23
TheMozartso 4GB would be enough?22:23
Milos__SDis there a way to get OpenGL 2.0 support for ATI 9600 cards in Karmic?22:23
grkblood13to burn them22:23
=== TeachIRC is now known as Smex
onetinsoldierrizvan: are you using aptitude to try install it? if not, try it. try aptitude22:24
ollieDr_Willis, is there any way to get an error message or to try things "by hand" from the grub prompt?22:24
GlaucousHello. Anyone know any program - preferably with a GUI . which you can use to control Cool n Quiet, powersave for AMD K10? Customize vcore, hz and so on.22:24
Boobekbye all22:24
danyRTheMozart: yeah. but if you start adding data and installing things space is gone in a hurry :)22:24
OerHeksgrkblood13  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD Ubuntu 9.10 contains a version of Mplayer that is capable of reading decrypted Blu-ray files.22:25
grkblood13OerHeks, i need to burn them22:25
grkblood13not view them22:25
JowiTheMozart, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements22:25
JowiTheMozart, it's a bit just with only 4GB22:25
Dr_Willisollie:  Check out the grub2 wiki pages/docs - ive not had to do much trouble shooting with grub2.  Sounds like its having a hard time finding its  files. so a boot to live cd, chroot to installed system and reinstall of  the grub2 pacakges  and reinstall grub2 MIGHT help22:26
abadabad00Has anyone had any trouble upgrading Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10?22:26
ollieDr_Willis, ok will try that again -- maybe i haven't done correctly22:27
blpearlCan anyone help me with a wireless issue?22:27
abadabad00Hello - Has anyone had any trouble upgrading Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10?22:28
blpearlI am having a hard time getting Ubuntu to keep wireless drivers installed after reboot22:28
rooisto47hi everyone22:28
blpearlanyone with a similar issue?22:29
abadabad00Hi rooisto4722:29
rizvanonetinsoldier here's the output of aptitude install vlc; still complaining about dependencies :( http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m4e2e5d1622:29
abadabad00blpearl - sorry. I don't have that issue with Ubuntu on my notebook.22:29
isaac_*SHOUTING* why so much problem to get my refresh i wanted on my CRT monitor?22:30
onetinsoldierrizvan: roger. i'll have a look. have you updated your 'apt cache' lately?22:30
Real_UbotWill encrypted chat work using OTR in Pidgin and the msnp protocol?22:30
abadabad00blpearl - Tell everyone what distribution you are using (version, 32 or 64 bit, etc.). They will also need to know what wireless card you have.22:30
blpearlI am using a Dell Wireless 1510 Wireless card on a 64 bit machine22:31
onetinsoldierrizvan: hello, you here?22:31
rizvannever used apt-cache; i use apt-get update; apt-get install <package>; or apt-get dist-upgrade; all the time22:31
rizvanhow to update that... please22:31
abadabad00blpearl - you should also check the Ubuntu hardware compatibility list22:32
onetinsoldierrizvan: sorry. i meant.. have you udpated you package list lately?22:32
rizvanyes, 10 times22:32
onetinsoldierrizvan: with apt-get update22:32
rizvannow, trying again with aptitude update22:32
onetinsoldierwell, i know one way you do it for sure22:32
rizvansame problem after aptitude update, vlc can't be installed :-(22:33
FANDERguys how can I add songs, videos and pictures on iPod Touch without iTunes?22:33
kentI need help please22:33
onetinsoldierrizvan: you can manually download the 'missing so to speak' packages from http://packages.ubuntu.com/22:33
rizvanok, that's wonderful22:33
kentI need help it has to do with my video card and linux22:33
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod22:33
ivansetteI'm new on this channel22:34
isaac_hey how do i add new mode like that "xrandr --newmode" in right way22:34
isaac_for 120hz at 1024x76822:34
rizvanthanks onetinsoldier, will do dpkg stuff :) bye22:34
isaac_anybody would help me?22:34
onetinsoldierrizvan: cheers. good luck22:34
blakkheimisaac_: man xrandr22:34
isaac_blakkheim, yeah i 'm at xrandr now22:34
isaac_blakkheim, could you give me command example?22:35
ivansetteCan I speak?22:35
mutewIs there a way to re-map the virtual terminal keyboard shortcuts in Ubuntu?22:35
blakkheimmutew: in gnome-terminal?22:36
ivansetteHi guys22:36
mutewFrom Ctrl+Alt+F(n) to Mod4+n22:36
blakkheimmutew: go to edit > keyboard shortcuts22:36
mutewblakkheim: Not in gnome-terminal, I mean the virtuall tty's and the x session.22:36
blakkheimmutew: oh ok, you didn't say that.22:37
mutewWell, I did say "virtual terminals"22:37
isaac_blakkheim, how  do i find out what name of the default monitor that i should set refresh to?22:37
kentOk so i got a video card and i tried to install ubuntu 9.10 but when i pressed enter on install it started to list off a whole bunch of errors so i shut down my computer and took out my Nvidia Geforce 5200FX graphics card out and installed ubuntu without my graphics card in and it installed fine but now i downloaded all of the needed drivers to run my graphics card. so i put my graphics card back into my computer but then i started up my camputer and it went22:37
kent to the error thing agin. PLEASE HELP!!22:37
isaac_blakkheim, the outlet monitor22:37
GlaucousI have a question here. I downloaded and installed K10ctl, a program to edit powersave för AMD K10 processors, this is done by writing in MSR. I added the MSR module in Ubuntu. The MSR files are where  they should be, and I can edit them. But Ubuntu doesn't go by the new settings, still uses the old CPU P-States.22:38
kent Ok so i got a video card and i tried to install ubuntu 9.10 but when i pressed enter on install it started to list off a whole bunch of errors so i shut down my computer and took out my Nvidia Geforce 5200FX graphics card out and installed ubuntu without my graphics card in and it installed fine but now i downloaded all of the needed drivers to run my graphics card. so i put my graphics card back into my computer but then i started up my camputer and it went22:38
kent<kent>  to the error thing agin. PLEASE HELP!22:38
blakkheim!repeat | kent22:38
ubottukent: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:39
kentPlease if you know the answare to my problems some how contact me privatly so i can see what you tell me/22:39
rooisto47I can't use debmirror (got this error : http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-50629 ) can you help me ?22:40
EntityReborncan the USB startup wizard work with other flavors of linux?22:40
EntityRebornfor instance, Fedora?22:40
blakkheimEntityReborn: use unetbootin instead22:40
Jowimutew, should be in /etc/console-setup22:40
Dr_WillisEntityReborn:  otther variants of ubuntu yes.. non ubuntu - id say no22:40
_CommandeR_i sense danger close22:40
blpearlI have been successful installing the drivers and I am currently on my wireless connection, but when I reboot ( i am on a dualboot machine ) the drivers seem to uninstall22:40
Jowimutew, remap.inc22:41
NanoGuyhello macman_22:42
macman__there a consule based client besides mutt and alpine that can make all my emails almost like a thread view with a reading pane at the bottom22:42
NafaiDoes anyone know if there is an .ics or google calendar that I can subscribe to for for Ubuntu Developer Week stuff?22:42
babaluhow can i use setxkbmap so that alt gr + e gives the letter f (that would be helpful for someone who has no more letter 'f' on his keyboard)22:42
rooisto47I can't use debmirror (got this error : http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-50629 ) can you help me ?22:42
Guest3172I wanna be the very best22:43
_CommandeR_Hi, anyone know a good app for accessing pstates for AMD k10 processors in ubuntu ?22:44
ulbis there a way to remove icons from menus in 9.10?22:45
isaac_hey how do i find out what output name i'm on????22:46
erUSULisaac_: "output name" ??22:46
isaac_erUSUL, for xrandr thing22:46
isaac_erUSUL, to find what my monitor connected at22:47
Hilikushow do i change the path for the default ssh dir (~/.ssh) when calling ssh?22:47
iflemaulb right click on the applications menu and select edit menus22:47
FANDERguys how can I add songs, videos and pictures on iPod Touch without iTunes?22:47
isaac_erUSUL, do you get what i mean?22:48
Dr_Willisulb:  gnome has some feature to not show icons. i forget where its at.22:48
Dr_Willisulb:  not sure what all menus it affects.. but theres a setting somwehere for it22:48
erUSULisaac_: yes ; but i dunno22:48
isaac_erUSUL, bah22:48
Dr_Willis!ipod | FANDER22:48
ubottuFANDER: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod22:48
isaac_erUSUL,  so i say screen 0?22:48
erUSULthat's default es22:49
=== tato is now known as tato42
jellowulb , gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons --type bool 022:50
=== home_ is now known as webster
berserk_renneed some advice =) what program will help me to download from letitbit ?22:50
blakkheimberserk_ren: what is letitbit?22:50
berserk_renlike rapidshare22:50
websterI'm dualbooting xp (120gb) and 9.10 (20gb) how can I make my XP partition visible in 9.10?22:51
berserk_renfile exchange web site22:51
berserk_renwebster, it should be visible22:51
alan__I am having getting an error message with software center and update manager. But not with synaptic. please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/358704/plain/ as a reference22:51
blakkheimberserk_ren: i know of a script that supports Megaupload, Rapidshare, 2Shared, 4Shared, ZShare, Badongo, Depositfiles, Mediafire, Netload.in, Storage.to, Uploaded.to, Uploading.com, Sendspace, Usershare and X7.to.. but not the one you're talking about22:52
websterberserk_ren I know...but it's not, could it have something to do with the fact that I installed it in windows as an application?22:52
tato42i installed ubuntu 9.10 on a friends hp laptop and the wireless says it's active but when i look at the connection it says it's diable22:52
ChogyDanalan__: that mirror is out of date22:52
berserk_renblakkheim, and what name of this script?22:53
onetinsoldierhi. i could use some help with getting proprietary ati fglrx 9.12 drivers working. the fbdev driver appears to load, but the first error that appears in my log file is '(EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory'. here is a pastebin of my entire Xorg log file --> http://pastebin.com/f670622f622:53
GG19how do I go about doing a computer backup on Ubuntu 9.04?22:53
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning22:53
berserk_renwebster, dunno, i installed as independent system =}22:53
alan__ChogyDan: Okay let try it again22:53
berserk_reni dont have windows anymore =} all hdd's is ext422:54
isaac_i'm trying to add 120hz to my 1024x768 but NOTHING HAPPEN? why whats wrong with xrandr22:54
alan__ChogyDan http://paste.ubuntu.com/358743/22:54
tato42how do i enable the driver on the broadcom wireless card22:54
websterOK, would anybody know whether or not installing 9.10 as an application in windows could be the reason why I can't see the xp partition in 9.10?22:54
user1amarok asks for kde wallet. how to make amarok ignore it for ever?22:55
ChogyDanalan__: like I said, that mirror is out of date, that's why you get a 40422:55
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate22:55
onetinsoldierGG19: you might want to look at g4u, 'ghost 4 unix'. do a google search on 'g4u'. don't know if there an issue with it if you're using ext4 though22:55
jellowGG19: webster How you mean grub not seeing windows?22:55
jellowGG19: sorry , wrong nick22:56
alan__ChogyDan Oh I get it. But it is for all the mirrors. What is the current mirror22:56
GG19jellow,  lol its okay but I was wondering what you were talking about lol22:56
websterjellow...no, basically I'm dual booting, I'm in ubuntu now but I only see my 15.9 gb "file system"...the 120gb partition is nowhere to be seen.22:56
GG19onetinsoldier, g4u for backing up ubuntu22:57
ChogyDanalan__: Sys > Admin > Software Sources > Download from > Other > Select best server22:57
onetinsoldierGG19: yes?22:57
iflemauser1 gedit .kde/share/config/amarokrc22:57
jellowwebster: does fdisk pick it up?22:58
ActionParsnip__yo yo yo22:58
isaac_ActionParsnip__,  hey!!22:58
IdleOneevening ActionParsnip__22:58
isaac_ActionParsnip__, i'm still trying to add mode on xrandr22:58
=== isaac_ is now known as ice_stone
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, i'm still trying to add mode on xrandr..22:59
websterjellow, disk utility sees the full 160gb drive...I think it has something to do with the way I installed ubuntu...I'm just going to delete it in windows and dual boot it like a normal human being.22:59
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: i havent used it. i always use xorg.conf23:00
GG19onetinsoldier,  if I ,did a local disk copy from IDE cable HDD1 to HDD2 would I be able to swap HDD's and use HDD2 as my primary HDD considering I switch the jumpers?23:00
onetinsoldierhi. i could use some help with getting proprietary ati fglrx 9.12 drivers working. the fbdev driver appears to load, but the first error that appears in my log file is '(EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory'. is there a specific package that creates /dev/fb0? anyway, here is a pastebin of my entire Xorg log file --> http://pastebin.com/f670622f623:00
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, if you look at my xorg.conf could you give me idea command to edit it, i'll figure it out everything my self23:00
jellowwebster: might be good plan , was never keen on wubi , Though im sure we can mount it23:01
user1iflema:  thx23:01
onetinsoldierGG19: i think so, but i'm not certain23:01
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: sure, pastebin it up23:01
websterjellow, well, out of curiosity, how would I go about mounting it? or is that a process?23:02
ice_stoneActionParsnip__,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/358747/23:02
GG19onetinsoldier,  or take the second HDD and put it in another PC and it be a clone of my other PC.23:02
tato42how do i enable the driver on the broadcom wireless card23:02
erUSULtato42: install b43-fwcutter23:02
onetinsoldierGG19: yeah. sounds like it would work to me...23:02
erUSULtato42: why connected to internet via a wired connection or some other mean23:02
protojay#reactos-sucks - The new Reactos Streamlined Upgraded Computer Kernel System - Visit today ;)23:02
dandamanso when i had 9.04 my hd that had windows on it was /media/disk, now when i upgraded to 9.10 the name got changed to /media/D231154353 how sould i go about changing the name back to disk?23:02
dandamanim afraid of breaking stuff23:03
dandamanby simply renaming it23:03
jellowwebster: Open terminal and  "fdisk -l" this will list all your filesystem so /dev/sdb1 for example23:03
GG19onetinsoldier,  if cloaning a drive to another is that easy couldn't someone make a really awesome Ubuntu setup and make an .ISO image of the cloned HDD and someone could extract it to a clean HDD and have the same setup?23:03
u-maxGG19 remixremastersys ;)23:03
websterjellow, oddly fdisk -l produces nothing23:04
jellowwebster: try sudo fdisk -l23:05
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: http://pastebin.com/m7906bd5023:05
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, i'll try it out and I'll be back23:05
GG19u-max,  thats rather interesting you can make your own Ubuntu Live disc "custom"23:05
Dr_WillisGG19:  the tools mondo/mindi can clone an install onto 'bootable' iso media you can restore from.23:06
pfifohello, im trying to put together a usb install system on my external usb hard drive, upon booting i get the error 'Unable to find a medium containing a live file system' looking at the errors I can tell right away what the problem is, its trying to mount /dev/sr0 instead of /dev/sdb1. How do I tell it to mount the usb drive?23:06
websterjellow, touchdown, okay it says sda1 is 153gb, but ubuntu is part of that 153gb, xp is the other part. However, it's listed as one partition.23:06
xtsunamej #math23:07
Dr_Willispfifo:  its possible to use grub2 and make grub2 boot specific iso files for ubuntu if you want to just 'install'23:08
GG19Dr_Willis, what do you mean like be able to make a custom ubuntu live cd?23:08
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility23:09
Dr_WillisGG19:  if youi want to customize then you will have to 'remaster'23:09
jellow!wubi | jellow23:09
ubottujellow, please see my private message23:09
Dr_WillisGG19:  or you can clone your exact identical system with the tools...23:10
pfifoI must have the install option and would LOVE to have system utilities that I can use to fix other peoples computers. syslinux boots to initramfs just fine, only the init shell script needs to look on the usb drive23:10
Dr_WillisGG19:  including home/settings/other things you MIGHT not want to restore23:10
thoegerHello channel... iPod issues. Running 9.10, with both GNOME and KDE installed. When I mount my iPod in Dolphin (not possible through GNOME), it shows up fine in both nautilus, rhythmbox, banshee and Amarok, and I can play songs from it - but not write to it. Any idea what's up?23:10
* Dr_Willis points out that cloning a system with teh wrong nvidia drivers to a different machine.. can be a pain to fix.23:10
GG19Dr_Willis,  I just want to make a clone of my HDD so I can keep it in a drawer and if somehow my pc crashes I can stick the clone one in and call it a day23:11
webster!wubi | webster23:11
ubottuwebster, please see my private message23:11
Dr_Willisthoeger:  First thought. install/run the ntfs-config tool (it does vfat also) and enable allowing the user write access to external drives and try to remount the ipod23:11
GG19Dr_Willis, programs and all23:11
erUSULGG19: then use clonezilla or partimage23:11
Dr_WillisGG19:  thers dozens of programs that can do that.23:11
stonemanAnoying USB issue: Anyone knows how to get USB devices to work in Karmic Koala? Not even my mouse works... I've been on forums and it seems like a bug, but is there a way around it? From log: unable to enumerate USB device on port #23:12
jellowwebster: i had a quick look , Not sure how to access host hard drive (xp) while in ubuntu (guest)23:12
stonemanAcer Aspire 552023:12
websterjellow, ok thanks, I think it's wubi...I'm just going to do it the normal way.23:12
kasperHello. Is there any way to make GRUB boot ubuntu forcing it to bypass fsck23:12
pfifoohh grub 2 can boot the iso image directly?23:12
=== sale_ is now known as sale
Dr_Willispfifo:  yes grub2 can boot iso files IF you set up a proper grub menu entry for the iso23:13
Dr_Willispfifo:  i set up a 8gb flash drive with 4 different ubunti iso's :)23:14
DashkalDoes anybody know how to outright disable hibernation in ubuntu 9.10?  I'm trying to, if possible, make my computer report that it is incapable of it.23:14
pfifo<deprecated>syslinux</deprecated> amirite23:15
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ActionParsnip__Dashkal: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44022523:15
Dr_Willispfifo:  syslinux still works fine for most tasks. grub2 is new and has more features23:15
pfifowell at any rate, since i dont know about grub2 and its a possible solution, i want to learn it, thanks Doc23:16
DashkalActionParsnip__: Oh thank you.  My attempts at google missed that one.23:16
thoegerDr_Willis: is my iPod supposed to be mounted as Root? It seems to have write permissions for all when listed in the terminal...23:16
u-maxgrub2 was included in karmic as a beta. that's billchit23:16
bmatthewcan someone tell me what exactly separates netbook remix from other distros when they say it has been 'optimized' for atom processors?23:17
blakkheimu-max: u mad?23:17
thoegerDr_Willis: sorry - owned by user me group root, it seems...23:17
ysmn2how can i install gnome 323:17
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onetinsoldierdownload it and compile it?23:18
onetinsoldierthen install it?23:18
Dr_Willisthoeger:  no idea. I just always use that ntfs-config tool to allow all users full permissions.23:18
Dr_WillisTheres proberly some gnome testing PPA's out ysmn223:19
ulbhow do you turn off menu icons in 9.10? It was rather easy in 9.0423:19
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, no luck...23:19
lengendhow do you install a bin file again?23:19
masinjoin #wikka23:19
ysmn2Dr_Willis, so where can i get it ?23:19
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, it went to 1024x768 mode but didn't went to 120hz!!! why??23:20
iflemaulb System / Preferences / Main menu23:20
Dr_Willisulb:  perferances -> appearance -> interface has some options also. but i dont know what icons it disables.23:20
ulbiflema: doesn't work, that is just menu editor23:20
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, do you understand what I'm talking about?23:20
Dr_Willisulb:  some are icons in GTK app menus..  I think thats what that one does.23:20
kasperHi. When booting my computer up, it hangs everytime it gets to doing a fsck check. Can I make it skip that step?23:20
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: try using @ instead of _23:21
t0rcIs there a way to make the "Keep Aligned" box stay checked when you reboot, etc?23:21
ulbiflema: I want to turn off all of the menu icons, you used to be able to do it in gconf23:21
t0rcit seems not to persist in karmic23:21
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, okay23:21
Dr_Willist0rc:  it stays 'checked' here for me.23:21
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: if you search round you will find sample files23:21
t0rcDr_Willis, yeah. Any way to keep it unchecked? I uncheck it all the time but it comes back...damn thing.23:21
Dr_Willist0rc:  no idea. never really wanted it unchecked23:22
t0rculb, you can check in Appearances->Interface but I believe that excludes the main menu23:22
ulbgconf>desktop>interface uncheck "buttons have icons" used to work, but no longer23:22
erUSULkasper: maybe pressing esc or crtl + D or crtl + C does the trick23:22
Dr_Willisulb:   check that ubuntu-tweak tool perhaps.23:22
ulbt0rc: already did that, that is just for application toolbars23:22
onetinsoldierhi. i could use some help with getting proprietary ati fglrx 9.12 drivers working. the fbdev driver appears to load, but the first error that appears in my log file is '(EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory'. is there a specific package that creates /dev/fb0? anyway, here is a pastebin of my entire Xorg log file --> http://pastebin.com/f670622f623:23
Dr_WillisI thought most gnome button icons were allready removed  in the last release of ubuntu.23:23
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, how do you refresh display without reboot?23:23
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, to test if it works23:23
kaspererUSUL: Thanks. When should i press it? When i choose OS in grub. or when ubuntu is booting up23:23
erUSULkasper: when is doing the fsck iirc23:24
iflemaulb System / Apperance Preferences interface tab?23:24
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ulbDr_Willis: ubuntu-tweak doesn't work either... might be a bug?23:24
xnoxI'm on karmic and my /bin/sh.distrib is bash instead of dash. Is this wrong? How do I fix it to default dash?23:24
onetinsoldierice_stone: i think there is a command that will do that, xrefresh23:24
iuseasuserwhen I pause a flash video, the video pauses but the audio plays on for a few seconds before pausing. Any way to fix this?23:24
Dr_Willisulb:  no idea.23:24
stonemanCould really need som help... Are there confirmed bug reports about USB support in Karmic (mass storage, mouse etc). Stuck with touchpad :-( "unable to enumerate USB device on port #" Anyone...?23:24
ulbiflema: same deal. doesn't work23:24
erUSULxnox: mine is bash too. why you think it should be dash ?23:25
kaspererUSUL: no luck. Thanks anyway23:25
erUSULkasper: no problem23:25
trismulb: what menus still have icons? they should be off by default in karmic, I had to turn them on when I installed23:25
ice_stoneonetinsoldier, i did xrefresh it didn't do anything23:25
Dr_WillisI thought dash was the system shell by default and bash the default user shell.23:25
xnoxerUSUL: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh cause it was switched in 6.1023:25
onetinsoldierice_stone: oh.. i see. hmm, sorry23:25
meganerd"/bin/sh" is supposed to be a symlink to "/bin/dash"23:25
Dr_Willis ls -l /bin/sh23:25
ulbtrism: the main menu (ie appliations/places/system)23:25
Dr_Willislrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2009-11-07 13:12 /bin/sh -> dash23:26
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: alt+k+printscreen23:26
ulband all sub menus23:26
ActionParsnip__onetinsoldier: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-from-scratch-13/devfb0-not-found-when-first-running-x-777918/23:26
erUSULxnox: /bin/sh points to dash23:26
onetinsoldierActionParsnip__: hey thanks23:26
ulbI have already removed toolbar menus from applications...now I want to do the same to the menus23:26
erUSULxnox: i do not know what the use of /bin/sh.distrib is23:26
xnoxerUSUL: /bin/sh.distrib is a symlink on my machine to bash as well23:26
Dr_Willislrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2009-11-07 13:12 /bin/sh.distrib -> bash23:26
erUSULxnox: nor why it points to bash23:27
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, thats to capture screen not to refresh it23:27
xnoxWeird =)23:27
linkz0rhi, anyone knows a good program to record what's playing on the computer?23:27
xnoxthank you all23:27
dandamanso when i had 9.04 my hd that had windows on it was /media/disk, now when i upgraded to 9.10 the name got changed to /media/D231154353 how sould i go about changing the name back to disk? im afraid of breaking something by simply renaming it23:27
* xnox is still puzzled about my *sh*23:27
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: press them together and it restarts the x server23:27
ActionParsnip__!label | dandaman23:27
ubottudandaman: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.23:27
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lengendi have a problem going to desktop on my terminal...it won't work -_-23:28
LjLSyed: yes, you're in it.23:29
Syedok well i was wondering if there was a wat i can install windows applications on ubuntu23:29
ice_stoneActionParsnip__,  i did press them together and it does screen capture.. you mean alt ctrl and del?23:29
NanoGuySyed: wine23:29
NanoGuythat should do it23:29
dandamanActionParsnip__: i unmounted the disk but label is grayed out23:30
DashkalStill having a problem disabling hibernate.  I've followed the instructions on the page I was linked (editing gconf as well as /etc/defaults/acpi-support) but that menu item persists.23:30
Syedi already tried that23:30
Syedwin didnt work as good23:30
linkz0rhi, anyone knows a good program to record what's playing on the computer (playback record)?23:30
debiantSyed: you could install windows in a virtual box23:30
linkz0rSyed, use VirtualBox :323:30
Syedwhat dus that do23:31
erUSULxnox: i think i know what happened. when dash is installed and sets itself as sh it has to replace the sh link set up by bash when doing this it does what many other packges do. append distrib to the name of the file they are replacing so no info is lost23:31
linkz0rSyed, VirtualBox emulates a x86-compatible PC, so you can install operating systems on it and run them while on Linux23:31
linkz0ror while on whatever OS is supported by it23:32
u-maxYou don't need that™23:32
Syedoh,well isnt there a way i can just exacute .exe files?23:32
linkz0ryou can, with Wine23:32
Syedill install win23:32
linkz0rbut most programs won't run out-of-the-box, or some won't even work23:32
Syedight i did23:32
linkz0rit depends on what you're trying to run, and how hard it is attached to windows :p23:33
Syednow what do i need to do23:33
Syedto exacute .exe files23:33
gwildorSyed, what is it you are trying to run ?23:33
blakkheimSyed: one of the reasons people use linux is to get away from windows applications23:33
u-maxYou don't need that™23:33
erUSUL!wine | Syed23:33
jiohdiif you find portable apps for usb drives, they work great under win23:33
ubottuSyed: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:33
linkz0rSyed, open a command-line and do "sudo apt-get install wine"23:33
Syedi installed it23:33
linkz0rand it still doesn't open?23:34
linkz0rwhen you double-click?23:34
jiohdisyed, there are websites with portable apps that run great under wine23:34
linkz0rif then, right-click and select "Open As..." (or a similar option)23:34
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Syedgwildo: i now, i wanted a something new so i just switched to ubuntu23:34
Syedjiohdi: rilly like what?23:34
blakkheimSyed: what application is it?23:34
jiohdisyed, loads of things... file managers, web browsers like Opera and imageviewers like ifranview etc23:35
stoneman"All" about resolution: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution23:35
Syedwell like any23:35
gwildorSyed, yes, but almost every app that runs in windows...linux has a program that will do the same thing, you shouldnt need .exe.23:35
Syedi wanted to install a game23:35
Syedlike govanor of pocker23:35
linkz0rbut portableapps.com is for windows apps, mostly, right23:35
Syedbut i couldnt.23:35
blakkheimSyed: i suggest you use windows then. if you want a bunch of windows applications why are you using linux?23:35
jiohdithere are even ways of converting exe to portable apps23:35
ulbSyed: check winehq for game compatability23:35
jiohdilinkz0r: they work great under wine23:35
Syedi mean ok.23:36
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Syedty for your help guys23:36
linkz0rheh but most of those software are free software23:36
jiohdilinkz0r: you can actually get a program that converts normal win apps to portable and then they will work better under wine23:37
bujagnite peeps :)23:37
linkz0rjust because they don't use the registry anymore23:37
ActionParsnip__jiohdi: thats pretty sweet dude23:37
bujacan anyone here give me a bit help to install ati drivers?23:37
linkz0rjiohdi, yea23:37
iflemaxnox usermod -s /path/to/shell username23:38
NotTooSmartwhats a good way to check free disk space in gb from the command line?23:38
linkz0rjiohdi, i have tons of apps that i got from portableapps.com23:38
blakkheimNotTooSmart: df -h23:38
NotTooSmartblakkheim, thanks23:38
jiohdilinkz I find that most work very well under wine23:38
killjoyare any of you guys in the Linux classroom23:39
ulblinux classroom?23:39
ubottuThe Ubuntu Classroom is a project which aims to tutor users about Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu through biweekly sessions in #ubuntu-classroom - For more information visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom23:40
DishcandantyAnyone see slow startups when dual booting windows/ubuntu?23:40
linkz0rhi, anyone knows a good program to record what's playing on the computer (playback record)?23:40
blakkheimDishcandanty: did you use wubi by chance?23:40
bujacan anyone here give me a bit help to install ati drivers?23:41
linkz0rDishcandanty, i get a long time to get to the GRUB boot up options23:41
ActionParsnip__!ati | buja23:41
linkz0rbut Ubuntu loads up very fast23:41
ubottubuja: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:41
blakkheimDishcandanty: well ubuntu isn't exactly the slimmest, fastest distro around. you should disable some unneeded services and things at startup23:41
NotTooSmarti copying a drive by MBR, Partition table, and Partition better than copying the whole drive ( due to space )23:41
killjoyare we doing the bug project tonight or tomorrow?23:42
pIsIqwhat program can i use to watch a dvd movie ?23:42
blakkheimpIsIq: mplayer23:42
onetinsoldieror vnc23:42
pIsIqit sais i cant23:42
bujaubottu: gotta check out that link, thanks23:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:43
ActionParsnip__pIsIq: any provided you have install libdvdcss2 from medibuntu repo23:43
gwildorpIsIq, did you install restricted formats23:43
ysmn2every time i do an update i noticed that it says update successful. is there any way to change it to say FUCK YEAH UPDATE SUCCESSFUL23:43
blakkheimysmn2: lol23:43
Dishcandantyblakkheim: Probably should be more clear, the slowness, seems to be specifically with Grub, the ubuntu portion is tolerable23:43
NotTooSmartysmn2, lol23:43
ActionParsnip__ysmn2: you can recompile the app to change the message text23:43
meganerdysmn2: the joy of Open Source23:44
ActionParsnip__pIsIq: you need libdvdcss2 installed and then any app can read commercial DVDs23:44
ActionParsnip__ysmn2: sure, just find the file with the message in, change it, then compile23:44
pIsIqso how do i install that?23:44
ysmn2the question is where to start23:45
EvanCarrollwho can i talk to about getting admin privledges on the forum?23:45
=== goose is now known as AFKgoose
Name141is it possible to use a Radeon 4670 with full 3D support so I can play my games like Half-Life2, etc?23:45
ActionParsnip__ysmn2: get the source code23:46
onetinsoldierName141: yes. install the fglrx driver23:46
=== aperson is now known as APERSON
Name141onetinsoldier: And I assume if I make the switch over to linux, I would be able to run Steam fairly well ?23:46
onetinsoldierName141: Steam? i don't know23:46
ulbno steam23:46
ActionParsnip__Name141: sure, the ati proprietary driver supports your card23:46
ysmn2ActionParsnip__, some one should make a swearing ubuntu distro23:47
Name141ActionParsnip__: I thought it only had 2D support?23:47
onetinsoldierthe original Half-Life sure as heck ran on linux though23:47
zleapi can confirm that saw it way back in 2002 at a lug meet at exeter uni23:47
ActionParsnip__Name141: no, the full proprietary driver will give you 3D. Try running: gksudo jockey-gtk23:47
zleapworked great23:47
zleapor seemed to23:47
ActionParsnip__ysmn2: make it if you want dude, it is that flexible23:47
Name141ActionParsnip__: Slow down there buddy.. I'm still in XP.  Would I have support in Hardy?23:48
ysmn2i will try23:48
ActionParsnip__Name141: if not head over to www.ati.com and download the driver there23:48
kasperI have just wiped my computer and installed ubuntu 9.10 on it. When it rebooted i froze somewhere in the boot sequence. Could it be because the filesystem is ext4 for which i ned grub2 but i have grub 1.97?23:48
ActionParsnip__Name141: sure, hardy is still a supported release23:48
ActionParsnip__Name141: theres also this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMagazine/HowTo/InstallingSteam23:48
zleapif its a clean install i would have thought it would auto install the right version of grub23:48
onetinsoldierkasper: grub2 is 1.92~beta4 or something in Ubuntu Karmic23:49
Name141ActionParsnip__: I still say hardy, besides the new bells and whistles is the best install.23:49
Name141but.. that's just me23:49
ActionParsnip__zleap: there is no right version, you can use grub legacy or grub2 as you wish23:49
onetinsoldierkasper: grub2 is 1.97~beta4 or something in Ubuntu Karmic23:49
ActionParsnip__Name141: i don't mind any, they all work the same for me23:49
kasperonetinsoldier: Okay. So thats not the problem. Well, thanks :-)23:49
ActionParsnip__!medibuntu | ysmn223:49
ubottuysmn2: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:49
Name141ActionParsnip__: Last I looked I couldn't use my NIC with the latest kernel properly.23:50
onetinsoldierkasper: yw23:50
Name141(After Hardy it started messing up)23:50
Name141Started with Intrepid23:50
* Dr_Willis waits for Zelous Zebra23:51
TheMozarthow can I install opera on ubuntu?23:51
ActionParsnip__Name141: i miss gutsy, he was sweeeeet23:51
ActionParsnip__!opera | TheMozart23:51
ubottuTheMozart: Opera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser23:51
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  the opera homepage has debs or theres ppa's for it i belive23:51
ActionParsnip__opera is awesome23:51
Name141ActionParsnip__: I might as well wait on the next LTS in April.. if it'll work23:51
Name141ActionParsnip__: I just wanna be switched when MicroSoft kills XP Security23:52
ActionParsnip__Name141: yeah i had the alpha a while, wasnt bad but karmic is now installed23:52
onetinsoldierName141: it's somewhat rough around the edges, but you can install it now. i did! hehe23:52
* iflema Mans Man23:52
onetinsoldieri installed it like 2 hours after the Alpha2 was released23:52
Name141I liked hardy.. but I said "why should I have to run old software"23:53
Name141and went back23:53
fuzzybunnyhey everyone! For some reason whenever I go to webcal:// links or try to open .ics files they are not associated with Evolution. I have tried manually pointing to Evolution and /usr/share/applications/evolution-webcal but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Does anyone know what could be causing this?23:53
LordMetroidIs Ubuntu switching from pulseaudio?23:53
Dr_WillisLordMetroid:  Not that i have heard of..23:54
TheMozartfree as in beer eh? hehe23:54
ingerashuhi everyone! can anyone tell me how to run garena in ubuntu 9.10?23:54
TheMozartDr_Willis, on top of your head, whats the install pack?23:54
onetinsoldierhi. i could use some help with getting proprietary ati fglrx 9.12 drivers working. the fbdev driver appears to load, but the first error that appears in my log file is '(EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory'. is there a specific package that creates /dev/fb0? anyway, here is a pastebin of my entire Xorg log file --> http://pastebin.com/f670622f623:55
Lars2011how can I measure the round trip time to a remote server from the linux console?23:55
Dishcandantypidgin question, anyone know a plugin/method to get rid of IRC user notifications? user entered, user left?23:55
blakkheimDishcandanty: switch to irssi23:55
onetinsoldierbtw, i am running 'hal' and 'dbus'23:55
blakkheimDishcandanty: or ask in #pidgin23:55
CShadowRunDishcandanty: there's a plugin that does it, but i don't know it. You'd be better off asking in #pidgin23:55
trismDishcandanty: there is one by default, Tools/Plugins/Joins Parts23:56
ingerashucan anyone tell me how to run garena in ubuntu 9.10?23:56
Name141onetinsoldier: the wiki for the 'fglrx' says "Wine gaming support through fglrx is possible for old games only.[8] Accelerated desktop effects are only partly supported and lack features such as alpha blur. [9]"23:56
Name141wikipedia that is23:57
onetinsoldierName141: roger. you'd need VMware or something like that i imagine23:57
Sagacihey, in the ubuntu installer, where it configures apt at the end, if I skip it at the installation time, how can i configure it post-installation23:58
OerHeksingerashu wine reports no > http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1414723:58
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  no idea - i use google chrome now as my main browser. been months since ive even tried opers23:58
woltercan a bootable USB be fat32?23:58
Reloadcan i create new profile for gnome-terminal on command line? (sorry for the horrible english XD)23:58
CShadowRunDishcandanty: Join/Part Hiding ships with pidgin23:58
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  i did see that ubuntu-tweak tool can add the opera repos :)23:58
trismTheMozart: just download the deb from the opera site, it will add the repo for you23:59
linkz0rhi, anyone knows a good program to record what's playing on the computer (playback record)?23:59

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