
crimsunstgraber: please try to reproduce issues with latest PA (1:0.9.22~0.9.21+stable-queue-32-g8478-0ubuntu1) first00:30
crimsunsbalneav: interesting ideas all (just read backscroll). I do think books, maps, alphabets are interesting (and also am concerned with my or other suggestions perhaps walking the line of being "Western hemisphere-centric")00:31
dgroosGood Morning13:20
dgroosI'm trying to run a piece of software, a beta version that is a port of a commercial product to ubuntu--still commercial I think though not sure.13:21
dgroosThis software allows you to connect an interface box with all kinds of probes eg temp, air pressure, O2 and CO2 concentration, heart rate monitor, force, acceleration, and many dozens more, to a computer.13:23
dgroosIt allows students to easily design data collection and run it.  Very cool.  I'd like to run it with LTSP, but get this error:13:24
dgroosdgroos@gcos2:~$ loggerpro13:25
dgroosmain.cc main(156) : Ubuntu 9.04: 2.6.28-17-generic13:25
dgroosWorking dir /home/dgroos13:25
dgroosTop Level Folder: '/usr/local/share/LoggerPro/'13:25
dgroosOur runtime support folder is: /tmp/VST_Support_rLmpwh/13:25
dgroosterminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'13:25
dgroos  what():  basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid13:25
dgroosIs there some kernal of wisdom ;) I could pass on to the developers to make it work on thin clients?13:25
dgroosShould I ask this at #ltsp instead?13:26
highvoltagedgroos: I guess I would run it through strace, it might give them some useful feedback13:33
dgrooshighvoltage: thanks, I'll google that and give it a try.13:35
highvoltagedgroos: you basically just install strace and type strace before the command, it will then spew lots and lots of information you could use for debugging13:38
dgroosCool, I'm just seeing that (your explanation was understandable as opposed to this line from the wiki: "strace -Ff -tt <program> <arguments> 2>&1 | tee strace-<program>.log" :)13:40
* stgraber waves13:41
dgroosI know there's a way to get the output to print to a file and I need to do that since the output is way more than can be shown in a terminal window.  How do I do this?13:43
dgroosGood (early) morning stgraber13:43
moldydgroos: some_command > some_file13:43
dgroosthanks moldy!13:44
dgroosmoldy: I only get this in the file using the command you mentioned:13:47
dgroosWorking dir /home/dgroos13:47
dgroosTop Level Folder: '/usr/local/share/LoggerPro/'13:47
dgroosOur runtime support folder is: /tmp/VST_Support_Wyt4AP/13:47
moldydgroos: sorry, try this: some_command 2>&1 > some_file13:48
moldydgroos: no, sorry. this way: some_command > some_file 2>&113:49
moldydgroos: otherwise, you only get standard output in the file... you probably want standard error output, too13:49
dgroosthat did the trick! :)13:51
moldydgroos: also see http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-3.html for background information13:52
sbalneavMorning all14:45
highvoltagemorning mhall119|work, sbalneav14:46
alkisgMorning mhall119|work, sbalneav, highvoltage :)14:48
highvoltagemorning alkisg14:50
LaserJockalkisg: yo16:12
alkisgHi LaserJock :)16:12
LaserJockone sec, brb16:12
sbalneavalkisg: put on your users-admin thinking cap16:15
* alkisg puts a donkey hat whatsyamacallit16:15
highvoltageomg, it's LaserJock!16:15
mhall119|workthe Dr. is in16:15
sbalneavalkisg: have you looked at the new users-admin tool in Lucid yet?16:16
alkisgsbalneav: yes, it looks like someone put some work on it16:16
sbalneavIn your professional opinion as an educator, is it useful?16:17
sbalneavAnd, what do we want to do about bulk import?16:17
highvoltagesbalneav: does it have bulk import?16:17
alkisgWell, for a school, where one wants to manage a lot of students, the previous list-type-interface was much better16:17
alkisg(it couldn't even sort by columns, but you know, the idea)16:18
sbalneavalkisg: laserjock came up with a patch for the sorting16:18
sbalneavthen discovered the tool changed completely16:18
alkisgI think the current users-admin is oriented towards desktop systems, with only a handful of users16:18
sbalneavSo, we have a few choices.16:19
highvoltageit would be nice if you could list by group16:19
highvoltageor in a school environment, by classroom or grade16:19
alkisgRight. kuser does a lot of those things16:19
highvoltageI just looked at the new users-admin and it seems to have the same old problems in terms of usability16:20
sbalneavhighvoltage: How do you store classroom/grade info?  In the gecos field?16:20
alkisgOr even fedora's users management GUI (but that's also to be abandoned)16:20
sbalneavSo, here's the question.  Do we:16:21
sbalneav1) try to add functionality to users-admin? (probably hard)16:22
sbalneav2) ship something that's closer (kusers)16:22
sbalneav3) Write our own tool that's uniquely designed for managing classrooms?16:22
alkisg1 => yeah, and a python-based tool would also be more maintainable16:23
alkisg2 => well we could use that for Lucid, as I don't think we'll have time for (3),16:23
alkisg3 => you're de man!16:24
sbalneavWe could distribute 3 via the edubuntu-ppa's after release.16:24
alkisgIf (3) also allowed plugins (=actions) for the selected users, it would be much more helpfull for classrooms16:24
sbalneavalkisg: ok, you're the sole educator among us.16:25
sbalneavCould I ask you to create a wiki page with all the design features you'd like to see for a user management tool?16:25
sbalneavI'd be willing to take this on, and solve it for us once and for all.16:26
alkisgsbalneav: sure, but the plugins I'll mention there will only scratch the surface. If you did the plugin system, then the teachers themselves would come up with the needed plugins.16:26
sbalneavalkisg: sure, but I need to know what kind of things you want the plugin system to accomplish16:27
sbalneavscratch that16:27
sbalneavinterface of the plugin system16:27
alkisgsbalneav: do we want this to be LTSP oriented?16:27
sbalneavi.e. what do you want passed to the plugin?  I.e. userid, home dir. etc.16:27
sbalneavalkisg: well, for now, lets just assume it's a general user admin tool.16:28
alkisgI mean, suppose a teacher has 12 standalone workstations with students on them. What does users admin do for him?16:28
sbalneavif there's ltsp specific things, maybe we handle those with plugins.16:28
sbalneavalkisg: handle ldap maybe16:28
sbalneavor pam-sshauth16:28
alkisgRight, or pamssh... that16:28
alkisgCould the plugin show him who's logged on?16:29
* LaserJock is back16:29
alkisgEeeerr... the tool16:29
alkisgBecause different actions are needed if the users are logged on, and different if they aren't16:29
sbalneavwell, I'd say "no" since now you're making it a monitoring tool as well.16:29
sbalneavNo, the actions are no different.16:29
alkisgOr maybe we could leave that for italc or a similar tool :)16:29
LaserJockI think it might be wise to separate the idea of managing the system's user information (name, password, etc.) from performing actions on the user16:29
sbalneavI'd say so yes.16:30
sbalneavright, lets solve a smaller problem.16:30
sbalneavmanaging the user database16:30
alkisgLaserJock: if you already have the users there, why not allow the sysadmin to execute some actions upon them?16:30
LaserJockbecause it may well prevent us from having the tool in the first place16:31
sbalneavalkisg: that would be your plugin thing16:31
sbalneavright click on the user drops down list of plugins16:31
LaserJockwhat I think would be a good target would be to get something in upstream GNOME16:31
sbalneavclick on plugin, plugin gets called for that users16:31
LaserJockin the Admin section16:31
alkisgYes, if the tool was designed with plugins in mind...16:31
sbalneavGee, if only there were a gnome developer amongst us who has git.gnome.org access....16:32
alkisgheh :D16:32
alkisgLaserJock: so... take kuser for example. Would you need anything more, for the admin section?16:32
LaserJockI don't know16:32
LaserJockwhat I'd like to see is educators/enterprise users get together and list what is needed16:33
LaserJockbut not too pie in the sky16:33
alkisgIt has ldap management, import/export from .csv etc16:33
sbalneavLaserJock: I asked alkisg to create a wiki page with requirements16:33
alkisgIt's fine for enterprise usage16:33
alkisgI wouldn't need anything else for account management.16:34
alkisgBut for *user* management, I'd need more16:34
ograyou and your endless requirements, tsk16:34
LaserJockok, but we need account management first :-)16:34
ograone user per PC is enough !16:34
alkisgogra: well, give us a good offer for arm netbooks :) We're waiting!16:34
ograhey LaserJock16:34
LaserJockogra: hi!16:35
sbalneavyeah, and they sit on the console.16:35
alkisgSo, if we want an account management tool, I'd say kuser is fine. Not gnome, but in edubuntu, we don't care much as we already have all the KDE stuff.16:35
LaserJockright, I'm concerned about GNOME though16:35
alkisgFor a user management tool, a plugin approach would be needed.16:35
alkisgLaserJock: I don't think edubuntu should be concerned about account management. It's more of an enterprise concern, let them do it, they have more resources :D16:36
LaserJockok, but account management is sort of a prerequisite to a lot of other things16:36
LaserJocki.e. sabayon, etc.16:37
LaserJockeffective use of account management could be a very useful thing16:37
LaserJockI think it could be a paradigm changer16:37
LaserJockhow we think of users affects a whole lot of other decisions16:38
LaserJockincluding things like user managment16:38
LaserJockif it was trivial to import/export users, change groups on the fly, etc. do you think it would change how educators do user management?16:39
alkisgI've given this a lot of thought. I know exactly what I was as a computer teacher (=also sysadmin): an all-in-one tool. To be able to send 10 files to class A or put a firefox bookmark in class B from the same UI.16:40
alkisgIt's not something enterprise admins would like, though :)16:40
LaserJockmaybe, maybe not16:41
alkisgIn other words: the user management tools in windows are sophisticated16:41
alkisgThey allow for group changes, policy changes etc16:41
LaserJockbut the foundation of either is account management I'd think16:41
alkisgThey 're NOT suitable for educators16:41
LaserJockwhy not?16:41
highvoltagesbalneav: well. even if you could put them in a unix group16:42
alkisgBecause they're enterprise oriented16:42
highvoltagesbalneav: well. even if you could put them in a unix group 'grade7' and display by that it would help, but gecos could be useful as well for more taggy things16:42
LaserJockhow so?16:42
alkisgYou cannot expect a teacher to understand about "resultand set of policies"... :)16:42
LaserJockthat why we make the tool!!!16:42
LaserJockthe idea is to abstract the nuts and bolts to something that teachers find useful16:43
alkisgThat's why I'm saying that I don't really care about an account management tool16:43
alkisgI'd like a users management tool. In all the existing tools, windows, kde, fedora's etc, I don't see any actions to do on users16:44
LaserJockok, but it sounds to me like you're saying that you don't want an account management tool because account management tools suck16:44
alkisgNo, they're doing their job fine16:44
sbalneavYou guys are making this over complicated.  With your plugin idea, we don't have to worry about that right off the bat.16:44
sbalneavAll you need to do is:16:44
sbalneav1) create an account management tool that handles account management fine.16:45
sbalneav2) have 2 sets of plugin dirs: one for user actions, one for group actions.16:45
sbalneavyou alow multi-select on the user and group lists16:45
sbalneavwhen you right-click on a selected set of users, then you get a dropdown menu with the available plugins (i.e. list of files in /usr/share/foo-manager/user-plugins16:46
sbalneavyou select the plugin16:46
sbalneavplugin is passed a list of user or group id's that have been selected.16:46
sbalneavso if you want a plugin that copies bookmarks, or whatever, you just write one.16:47
alkisgRight. Perfect.16:47
sbalneavthat won't be OUR problem to solve16:47
alkisgThe teachers themselves can solve this, if the mechanism is there.16:47
sbalneavthen as people write plugins, we can either:16:47
sbalneav1) package these up as either individual or groups of plugins16:48
sbalneav2) simply provide a place where people can advertise plugins they've written (wiki, or what have you)16:48
LaserJockso the question is, can this be done in users-admin, and if not how can we get it upstream?16:49
ograsbalneav, but but ... then we wouldnt have the fun to explain garymc the .desktop file copying every month in #ltsp ... that would automate everything16:49
ograsbalneav, that makes us jobless !!!!16:50
alkisgDon't worry, we'll hire you as a plugin writer :)16:50
sbalneavpffft :)16:50
alkisgI don't think users-admin is suitable for plugins16:50
sbalneavSo, really, what we need is:16:50
alkisgPython is better for that instead of C16:51
sbalneav1) something like the old users-admin in terms of interface16:51
sbalneav2) written in python16:51
sbalneav3) need a plugin architecture for "user supplied plugins"16:51
sbalneavthat's not that hard.16:51
milanbvhey guys16:51
LaserJocktechnically *no*16:51
milanbvI'm users-admin's maintainer16:51
LaserJockbut socially?16:51
LaserJockmilanbv: awesome to see you16:52
sbalneavHello milanbv16:52
milanbvhi! :-)16:52
LaserJockmilanbv: I've been talking to Edubuntu folks in order to know how to respond to your email16:52
milanbvit's arer to see so much enthusiasm for the gnome-system-tools16:52
milanbvif you're going to write a new app, I'd suggest you to base on the new work by mclasen rather than on the system tools backends16:53
LaserJockmilanbv: is that from Red Hat?16:54
LaserJockthe thing that concerns me is if it would be hard to get another tool into GNOME16:55
LaserJockI can see where the new users-admin is a nicer UI for the "typical" users16:55
milanbvn, it's already in: http://git.gnome.org/browse/accounts-dialog/16:55
LaserJockbut is there enough of a distinction between home users and educational/enterprise users that a separate project is worth while?16:55
milanbvwhat separate project? yours?16:56
LaserJockgood grief16:56
LaserJockeverybody needs to get together and come up with a single set of tools16:56
milanbv(that was a real question :-p )16:56
alkisgAbout the UI, I think kuser has a lot of good ideas. The dbus backend also sounds sexy...16:57
ogramilanbv, all existing tools are lacking multi user management16:57
alkisgogra: kuser supports multi user management (I think)16:57
milanbvwhat do you mean by that?16:57
ogramilanbv, and the UI simplification going on, while its beautiful doesnt make it easier16:57
ogramilanbv, imagine you manage 500 users on one server16:57
ograyou want to be able to group and sort in the UI16:57
milanbvOK, multi = many16:57
milanbvyes, that's why I was wondering16:58
ograor to apply the same set of changes to a certain set etc16:58
milanbvsorting is rather trivial16:58
alkisgmilanbv: not only that. Suppose you want to change the groups on 100 users simultaneously16:58
alkisgI.e. remove them from "audio" and put them on "sambashare"16:58
LaserJockor you want to just throw a .csv at the tool and have everything synced16:58
milanbvhmm, that's not on our scope, sadly16:59
milanbvthat would need a separate tool16:59
alkisgkuser supports that16:59
ograall existing user management apps lack such features and the focus of future improvements seems to always be on single desktop systems with in max 10 users or so16:59
LaserJockmilanbv: so do you think there would be support within GNOME for such a tool?16:59
milanbvI'm not sure16:59
ogra(/me talking about gnome desktops here)16:59
milanbvthe question is not really whether it would enter GNOME16:59
milanbvyou need somebody to work on it16:59
LaserJockI'm willing to put my code time to something like that17:00
LaserJocklittle as it is17:00
milanbvthat may not be too hard, yes17:00
LaserJockbut I don't want to work on something that has no chance of getting upstream17:00
milanbvdo you really need it to go upstream? why?17:00
LaserJockbecause I want GNOME to work for educators17:01
milanbvthat could stay a separate tool shipped with distributions like Edubuntu17:01
LaserJockit's part of my secret plot to make GNOME rule the world, one school at a time .... mwhuahahahahahahaaha17:01
LaserJockok, so maybe not ;-)17:02
LaserJockbut I have issues with tools that just stay within a single distro17:02
LaserJockI think it should be more broadly useful17:02
milanbvbut the first step is to make it work ;-)17:03
alkisgmilanbv: are there thoughts to make the dbus-based backend a "global" solution? I.e. thoughts for it to manage LDAP users? Or to be used by other DEs as well?17:03
ograand you could get it into something like fifth toe ...17:03
LaserJockthe fatal flaw in my world domination plans, drat17:03
ogradoesnt need to be 100% upstream that way, but would be available through upstream17:03
milanbvalkisg: the system tools backends are not really maintained actually17:03
milanbvI was the only person working on it17:04
alkisgmilanbv: I mean the new one, that uses dbus17:04
milanbvand now mclasen seems to want to create a better D-Bus service17:04
milanbvthat one would support LDAP17:04
milanbvso yes :-)17:04
milanbvthat's the plan, but it's only starting17:04
alkisgSo maybe we could use it as a backend too, and only design a suitable front end17:04
milanbvsure, avoiding duplication is always good17:05
alkisgMaybe it's worth waiting then, and not start the project now.17:05
milanbvyou should discuss with him what you need17:05
milanbvbasic support is here ATM17:05
ogracommunication helps sometimes :)17:05
milanbvwhat do you need actually?17:06
alkisgPersonally, I'd like something like kuser (https://help.ubuntu.com/5.10/kubuntu/images/C/kubuntu-kuser.png) with multiple select / edit and with a plugins architecture17:08
alkisgSo that I could select 10 users and put them in group A or invoke the plugin "set a firefox bookmark" on them.17:09
milanbvbut that's the GUI's job17:09
milanbvI meant: what do you need from the backend?17:09
alkisgThe information on the .xml seems enough, but is it going to be stable?17:09
alkisgThat's why I said maybe we should wait :)17:10
milanbvbut I'm not sure that's a great problem17:10
milanbvthe hard work will be the interface parts17:11
milanbvyou could also start with the system tools backends, and switch when it's ready17:11
milanbvif the backend is abstracted enough, that won't be hard17:11
alkisgWell if we're going to do our own user "abstraction" then we won't mind the backend changing, but if we're going to use the same structures as the backend, we'll need a lot of changes in the code for e.g. s-t-b => new stuff migration17:12
milanbvfor you, the base structure is only following /etc/passwd an /etc/group17:12
milanbvso those fields are not going to change much17:12
milanbv(if at all)17:12
alkisgI'm not sure that's the case17:13
alkisgE.g. consolekit has info on who's logged on. That may be useful for some plugins17:13
alkisgOr, the "Desktop" / "Επιφάνεια εργασίας" xdg dirs could also be useful17:13
milanbvhmm, that's another issues17:14
milanbvwho's logged in is not a problem, even the GUI can do that17:14
milanbvliboobs is doing it for users-admin, it's not in the system tools backends17:15
alkisgSo if we're going to "pass" users around to plugins, we'll need those as fields of the objects/structures...17:15
milanbvare there other "special" settings other than XDG that you may need?17:15
alkisgAt some point "special" settings it the responsibility of the plugin (e.g. where's the firefox dir?)17:16
milanbvthat would be more complex17:16
milanbvplugins on the backend side would really make it harder17:16
milanbvyou'd need another system17:17
alkisgI agree, those should be frontend-plugins17:17
sbalneavSorry, was afk for a bit, workping17:17
* sbalneav reads scrollback17:17
milanbvbut on the frontend side, you wouldn't be able to install files into Firefox's dir17:18
milanbvmaybe you should combine two backends: the user management one, and another custom one, allowing to install some files and things like that17:19
* alkisg doesn't know how PolicyKit works behind the scenes, so has now clue on how to design that 17:22
milanbvnot very hard17:23
milanbvthe backend runs as root, and asks PolicyKit when a frontend wants to do something17:23
milanbvit's either yes or no, PK takes care of authentication17:23
sbalneavI'm having to learn pk for sabayon, so I might end up knowing something more about it soon than I know now.17:24
sbalneavWhich is nothing17:24
alkisgWell the plugins would contain arbitrary commands. So I guess the backend should be able to take the scripts as a parameter, and execute them... Will need extra checks for security :)17:27
milanbvfor that, simply use gksu from the frontend, then17:27
alkisgE.g. "put a firefox bookmark for the selected users"17:28
alkisgThe frontend shows a dialog, gets the bookmark, notifies the backend to run "addbookmark $selected_users"17:29
milanbvso use libgksu to run the plugin from the frontend17:30
alkisgThe backend should then invoke that (python?) plugin, pass it the selected users info, and let it add the bookmark...17:30
milanbvyou don't need PolicyKit to run arbitrary commands17:30
milanbvthat's cheating :-)17:30
alkisgSo for each action a gksu dialog would be displayed? Wouldn't that be annoying?17:30
milanbvno idea17:31
alkisgOr should the whole frontend run with gksu?17:31
milanbvnever run GUI as root17:31
LaserJockwell, that might be something to consider further down the road17:31
milanbvthere's another17:31
LaserJockperhaps to start with you just want to limit what scripts can do17:32
LaserJockand not let them be arbitrary17:32
milanbvyou could install plugins in a dir where your custom backends knows about them17:32
* alkisg looks at /usr/share/applications/sabayon.desktop... "gksu sabayon" :P :D17:32
milanbvand then use a generic command that runs the plugin with some arguments17:32
milanbvfor example, you could send to the backend "run firefox_bookmark (["user1", "user2"], "bookmark file")"17:33
milanbvand the PolicyKit action would either be "run any plugin", or "run firefox bookmark plugin"17:34
alkisgThat's what I meant above with "notifies the backend to run "addbookmark $selected_users""...17:34
alkisgThe plugins would be python modules or something like that, in standard dirs17:35
alkisgAnd the whole users objects would need to be passed, not just the user names...17:35
milanbvyou'd need to restrict scripts that you run to a special folder where the plugins are installed17:36
milanbvand you would define a user struct that you would pass to the plugins, of which they would do what they want17:36
milanbvbut this has to be independent from the general user management backend17:36
milanbvso you need to choose your struct anyway17:37
alkisgmilanbv: so... if we did a tool like kuser (multiple selection/editing etc), which depended on the new dbus backend for user management,17:38
alkisgand also a plugin mechanism (frontend/backend),17:38
alkisgcould the tool (without the plugins) be integrated to gnome?17:38
alkisg(or with the plugins...) Or should it remain an edu* project?17:38
milanbvhey, I'm not the GNOME release team :-)17:39
milanbvyou could ask on #release-team17:39
milanbvthey will give you an insight17:39
milanbvanyway I'm going17:39
alkisg:) thanks a lot man17:39
milanbvif you want to grab me, I'm on #ubuntu-desktop, or on #gst (on irc.gimp.net)17:40
milanbvand file reports in Launchpad if some minor bugs could help you17:40
* sbalneav has been in and out of the office on work matters17:43
sbalneavso what was the end result?  Are we adding things to the new users admin?17:43
alkisgsbalneav: well YOU SHOULD BE HERE to ask that :D17:47
alkisgI think he said "hmm, that's not on our scope, sadly" about multiple selection etc17:48
sbalneavYeah, well, I have this thing called a JOB which allows me to do all this other stuff, and they kinda needed me :)17:48
LaserJockit seemed fairly clear to me that users-admin is not where mass-user is going17:48
sbalneavSo, a separate project.17:48
alkisgWe could use their backend, though17:49
sbalneavbut, maybe we can use their PK backends17:49
LaserJockI asked rick spencer (Desktop Team manager) about the Red Hat tool and if Ubuntu had any plans17:49
LaserJockhe basically said they didn't but they'd likely just use whatever was the GNOME default tool17:49
LaserJockso ....17:52
sbalneavSo, we'll use their pk backend for adding the users and getting auth17:54
sbalneavhave a more "large # of users" frontend17:54
sbalneavand a plugin system.17:54
sbalneavIt'll be an Edubuntu sponsored project, and be something unique that we add to the process.17:55
sbalneavUnfortunately, Ahmuk-jr's not here to see it :)17:55
alkisgA good user manager is a much needed tool. But I don't think it's my first priority at this point. E.g. I think fat clients are a lot more important...17:58
alkisgMaybe we could propose kuser for some time, and see how that goes?17:58
alkisgI don't know why, but I have the feeling that for the next LTS some new tools or backends will be there.17:59
sbalneavalkisg: Sure, I wasn't even going think about looking at this until after we got close to lucid release.17:59
* alkisg also started his phd and is already behind schedule, so after lucid is released will devote most time in it18:00
sbalneavI've got enough on my plate ATM.  But post lucid, it could be a "killer feature" for edubuntu, and we could still give it to lucidusers via the edubuntu-ppa's18:00
=== stgraber_ is now known as stgraber
sbalneavSo over my lunchtime walk, I solved the most important problem with this user manager we're talking about.19:04
sbalneavThe name.19:04
sbalneavSimple, Elegant, Extensible User Manager19:04
sbalneavNow that I've solved the hard part, the rest should be easy ;)19:04
alkisgHeh... I'll do the icon19:06
alkisgNow with the most 2 difficult parts done, we just need a humble programmer to do the monkey typing thing19:06
sbalneavLike I say, I'll take that one on.  Post lucid.19:07
* alkisg will help, do most of the plugins19:08
sbalneavI'll start a wiki page tonight, point you at it in the morning.19:10
sbalneavWhat I mapped out in my mind over lunch is that we do *very little* natively in the gui.  Very simple: add, delete, modify users & groups19:12
sbalneavmost functionality will come from plugins.19:12
sbalneavI'll put my thoughts in order tonight, get 'em on a wiki page.19:12
LaserJocksbalneav: are you putting this on the Gnome wiki or Edubuntu wiki?19:22
sbalneavLaserJock: edubuntu wiki for the momen19:24
LaserJockso is the idea to use accountservice (new DBUS thingy from red hat) or system-tools-backend?19:25
LaserJockit's not clear to me how plugins will be implemented in the UI19:27
LaserJockI would think a really good plugin framework might be a bit difficult to do19:28
sbalneavLaserJock: Well, I'd have to look at accountservice, see what it does.19:29
sbalneavas for the ui....19:29
sbalneavright-click context menu brings up list of plugins avaialble19:30
LaserJockyou sure that's that'll work?19:30
LaserJockwhat if I want to extend in different ways19:30
LaserJockwhat happens if you end up with 50 scripts19:30
LaserJockso if I write a .csv import/export plugin19:31
LaserJockI'd want it to show up in a "Add" dialog19:31
sbalneavLaserJock: Then you have a looooong context menu :)19:31
LaserJockI really think there should be limits on plugins19:31
LaserJockmaybe it's paranoia about other apps I've seen with "plugin mania"19:32
sbalneavThere are.  Screen resolution :)19:32
LaserJockone could classify plugins19:32
LaserJockan app I've worked on before, Avogadro, has like 3-4 different plugin types19:32
LaserJockdepending on what they do19:33
LaserJocksome go in a menu, some get added to the toolbar, etc.19:33
LaserJockso user/group manipulation scripts sound good for right-click context menus19:33
LaserJockimport/export scripts could show up in a central "Add/Remove" dialog19:34
LaserJockmaybe there could be searching/grepping plugins?19:34
LaserJockthis is where I'd really like to know what kinds of things people actually do with users19:34
sbalneavPossibly.  Like I say, I'll get my thoughts down on the wiki tonight, then we can start kicking 'em around.19:35
LaserJockit'd be awesome to make this usable for sabayon and dynamics menus19:36
LaserJocksbalneav: can sabayon be launched straight from the edit button?19:37
sbalneavSabayon isn't account management19:38
sbalneavit's profile management.19:38
sbalneavlets not write a kitchen sink here.19:38
LaserJockno, no19:38
LaserJockwhat I was thinking19:39
LaserJockwas you have 2 possibilities19:39
LaserJock1) a user script that runs "edit the profile for this user" from the user management19:39
LaserJock2) a option in sabayon that launches the user management to do user shuffling, etc.19:39
LaserJockso making them a bit integrated so that the whole user management landscape is a bit more cohesive19:40
sbalneavWell, we can talk about that.19:42
LaserJockyou know19:43
LaserJockit might be possible to use a simple python backend until this accountservice thing is stable/packaged for Ubuntu19:44
sbalneavProbably first implementation will just use gksu19:45
LaserJockit might be easier than trying to use system-tools-backends19:45
sbalneavignore pk alltogether.19:45
LaserJockwell, yeah19:45
LaserJockI'm just talking about doing the actual user/group manipulation19:45
LaserJockthen when a newer/better backend arrives we can just swap out19:48
alkisgWell, for starters, the python passwd bindings seem to work fine19:51
alkisg#import pwd, spwd, grp, csv19:52
sbalneavdgroos: ping21:29
dgroossbalneav: pong22:56
dgroos(I've always loved ping pong)22:56
dgroosFurther question about using that data collection software on thin clients--they responded to my post this morning, and said that they are interested, but that they've had a hard time getting it to work.  They referred me to a web page...22:59
dgrooswhich had this comment: "If you are using USB, make sure the environment is set up so the clients address local USB ports rather than those on the server."  Is this the way it would work with using their software as a local app?22:59
dgroossbalneav: I've been reading today's irc--lots of important talking about account/user management.23:02
dgroosI've got some opinions--am looking forward to the wiki page that alkisg puts out--I hope I can add profitably (metaphorically speaking) to it.23:03
dgroosI'm heading home, will be back on this evening, adios.23:04

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