
mrevellhenninge, ping11:02
henningemrevell: Hi!11:02
mrevellhey henninge, remember my translation help branch? I'm getting an odd error from ec2 test. Mind if I pastebin it to you?11:03
henningemrevell: go ahead!11:03
henningemrevell: the import violations are not your error.11:05
henningemrevell: there has been a thread about that on the mailing list.11:06
mrevellhenninge, Ah, I must have missed that. I'll go re-read11:06
henningemrevell: you can still fix it, though, if you like.11:07
mrevellhenninge, I'm assuming I just need to merge the latest devel.11:08
mrevellIs that right?11:08
henningemrevell: I thought ec2 uses the latest devel for the test.11:08
henningemrevell: but that is a good check in any case.11:09
henningemrevell: you do that and I'll prepare a patch that you can add to your branch, if it does not help.11:09
mrevellhenninge, Thanks :)11:10
henningemrevell: looks like one is gone, the other was my doing....11:14
mrevellhenninge, When you say "gone", does that mean I don't need to worry about it?11:15
henningemrevell: yes, it means it is fixed in latest devel (from looking at the code).11:16
henningemrevell: I'll have a fix for the other one once I ran a test on it.11:17
mrevellAh thanks11:17
mrevellhenninge, I'm just looking at the xx-translation-import-queue.txt failure11:18
henningemrevell: yes, what does it look like?11:18
henningemrevell: here is the patch for import violation11:22
henningemrevell: you can just forward me the FAILURE mail btw.11:22
mrevellhenninge, Unfortunately, I never get the failure mails. All I have is the output in my terminal. I can paste that to you.11:23
mrevellthanks for the patch, looking now.11:23
henningemrevell: please paste11:25
mrevellhenninge, Actually, isn't that what I've already pasted to you? https://pastebin.canonical.com/26742/11:25
henningemrevell: well, the actual output of the failure itself would be great but I can generate that myself from your branch.11:26
henningeif you don't have it11:26
mrevellhenninge, I'll run the test alone now11:26
henningegood idea11:26
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
henningemrevell: bin/test -vvct xx-translation-import-queue11:36
mrevellthanks henninge11:36
henningemrevell: -vv for verbosity, -c for colours, -t for specifying the test.11:36
mrevellhenninge, I'm getting a traceback from bin/test -- is this related to the import problems? https://pastebin.canonical.com/26747/11:41
henningemrevell: the output has lots of rubbish in it atm. dunno why11:41
henningethat's probably why I never cared about the import violations, either ... ;-)11:42
mrevellhenninge, I'm confused. It looks to me as though the test is failing to run, rather than giving me any output I can reasonably use to understand why the test is failing11:45
henningemrevell: ;-)11:48
henningeI'll try it out. What's your branch again?11:49
mrevellhenninge, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~matthew.revell/launchpad/translations-help-10.111:50
henningemrevell: ok, got it.11:50
henningemrevell: This is what I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/358985/11:57
* mrevell looks11:58
henningenot to mention that "'Upload either a single file' in ff_owner_browser.contents" is a bad test.11:58
mrevellI don't understand why the test won't run on my machine. It's complaining that there's "No module named testtools". Hmm. Thanks for the test output. I shall fix the test and then put it back through ec212:00
stubmrevell: Might be similar to the issue I had per mailing list - sounds familiar.12:04
mrevellthanks stub, i'll take a look at your mail12:04
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on-call: bac || reviewing: - || queue [adiroiban(bug-340662-take-2)] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com ||https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
bacgood morning12:27
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
bigjoolsmorning bac13:30
bigjoolsgot a branch for you13:30
bigjoolswill send it in 30m when I've a) eaten b) written a cover letter :)13:31
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bacbigjools: ok13:53
=== jamalta changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on-call: bac || reviewing: - || queue [adiroiban(bug-340662-take-2), jamalta] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com||https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
bachi EdwinGrubbs14:18
EdwinGrubbsbac: hi14:19
bacjamalta: please ping the on-call reviewer when you have a branch.  you'll get noticed faster.14:29
jamaltabac: Oh! Ok :)14:32
jamaltabac: ping ;) ... just kidding14:32
jamaltaI actually have two things, of course the MP first14:32
bacjamalta: ok14:32
jamaltaAfter that, I need a chat about a bug I started on.. I guess it's more of a late implementation talk14:33
jamaltaIt's another very trivial issue, I just want to make sure you are okay with the way I'm going to make the change, but more about that later.14:33
bacjamalta: sounds good14:34
jamaltabac: thanks :)14:35
bacbeuno: can you have a look at the screenshots for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-499351-batching-dls/+merge/17492 ?14:36
beunobac, will look in a minute14:36
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on-call: bac || reviewing: adiroiban || queue [adiroiban(bug-340662-take-2), jamalta] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com||https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on-call: bac || reviewing: adiroiban || queue [jamalta] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com||https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
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bachi adiroiban15:09
adiroibanbac: hi15:09
bacadiroiban: i just started your review.  running the test i notice there is an import violation.  will you fix it please by importing IProductSeries from lp.registry.interface.productseries15:10
adiroiban...looking into this...15:12
jamaltabac: now that you mention it, the test on my branch has an import violation as well, although it's not related to anything i changed...15:14
adiroibanhow can I find that import violation?15:14
jamaltai tried asking about it yesterday but no one was around15:14
bacadiroiban: just run your test.  it'll show up at the end15:14
bacadiroiban: it is not related to your work but this is a good time to clean it up.  we're striving to stomp out import violations.15:15
bacjamalta: what is the import violation message?15:15
* jamalta goes run the test again15:15
bacadiroiban: the problem is simply that in lp.trans.browser.product the import from IProductSeries is from the wrong module15:19
adiroibanpotemplate-edit looks clean on my side http://paste.ubuntu.com/359058/15:20
adiroibanrunning the other tests to see where is the problem15:20
bacadiroiban: have you merged from trunk lately?15:22
bacadiroiban: i just ran your demo.  logged in as test@canonical.com and tried changing the 'translation domain' and i get an unauthorized exception.15:23
bacadiroiban: date_last_updated requires launchpad.TranslationsAdmin15:24
adiroibanbac: hm. I will merge the code and look into the problem. we need more tests for this branch15:26
bacadiroiban: agreed.  can you reproduce the failure i'm seeing?15:27
adiroibanbac: waiting for LP to start on my computer15:28
adiroibanbac: strange. the potemplate-edit is also testing an update using „test@canonical.com”15:28
adiroibanyep. I got that error15:29
adiroibanI will improve potemplate-edit pagetest15:29
bacthanks adiroiban15:30
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on-call: bac || reviewing: jamalta || queue [-] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com||https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
adiroibanbac: regarding the import violation. I shall see it after the merge?15:30
bacadiroiban: i suspect so.  i got a fresh copy from devel and then merged in your branch.  so if you merge in devel we'd be at the same spot.15:30
jamaltabac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/359060/ that's the violation i'm receiving15:31
bacadiroiban: sorry you got bit by that import violation...15:31
jamaltadon't worry about it for now though, we can cover that when you're ready for me :)15:31
adiroibanbac: np. I'll solve it.15:32
bacjamalta: the second one in that pastes is the same as i'm discussing with adiroiban15:32
jamaltabac: oh ok15:32
jamaltabac: is it safe for me to ignore it, or is it something i need to fix?15:33
bacjamalta: you can ignore it15:35
jamaltabac: ok, thanks :)15:35
bacjamalta: and the other goes away if you merge from devel as someone else has fixed it.15:36
jamaltabac: ok, i'll merge from devel and retest15:36
bacjamalta: on second thought you may want to fix the existing one since you may land before adiroiban does.15:37
bacjamalta: it's  a simple one line change15:37
jamaltabac: sure15:37
deryckbeuno, ping15:45
beunoderyck, pong15:47
beunobac, almost looking15:47
jamaltais there a specific rocketfuel script to merge from devel?15:48
jamaltaor is bzr merge lp:~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel sufficient15:48
jamaltabac: which of the 2 import violations did you want me to fix?15:48
bacjamalta: IProductSeries15:49
deryckbeuno, can you do a UI review for me?15:49
bacjamalta: the merge you stated will work.  you should be able to just do 'bzr merge'15:49
jamaltabac: oh even easier15:49
deryckbeuno, mrjazzcat and I did a branch at the sprint and intellectronica and I are unsure about one part of it.15:50
bacjamalta: as devel should be the parent to your branch, if you used rocketfuel-branch to set it up15:50
jamaltabac: i did, so it should work :) thanks15:50
jamaltabac: also, IProductSeries is referenced once in lp.translations.browser.product15:50
bacjamalta: right, the problem is it is imported from .product instead of .productseries -- that's all15:51
jamaltabac: OH! Ok15:51
jamaltabac: makes sense, lets see if that fixed the test15:51
beunoderyck, sure15:52
jamaltabac: so the other violation i should ignore, correct?15:53
bacjamalta: the other should not be present after you merge from devel15:53
jamaltabac: oh ok, then i should no see any violations with this test15:54
jamaltauhm,.. this is interesting15:54
jamaltai've never come across this15:54
jamaltaso i merged, and there's a ton of changes15:54
jamaltashould i just commit and include that i merged in the description?15:55
bacjamalta: yep.  you're seeing everything that has changed in devel since you made your branch.15:55
deryckbeuno, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~deryck/launchpad/no-lp-bugs-homepage-439245/+merge/1763415:55
deryckbeuno, screenshots attached.  The main question is should we remove the search form when there are no bugs.15:56
bacjamalta: i have a bzr alias for it:  bzr alias rfs="commit -m "Merge from trunk""15:56
deryckbeuno, I'm inclined to say yes and did the work.  intellectronica thinks maybe this isn't right.15:56
jamaltabac: ah cool15:56
beunoderyck, it16:02
beunoit's a nice improvment16:02
beunoI only hve 2 comments16:02
deryckbeuno, thanks16:02
bacjamalta: your MP is approved with one small formatting suggestion.  thanks for the branch.16:03
beuno1) project-not-using-lp-new-ui.png, I'd make it simpler, "Project doesn't use LP... (i) Enable bug tracking"16:03
bacbigjools: is your branch coming up soon?16:03
beuno2) roject-using-lp-no-bugs-new-ui.png, "There are currently no bugs against $project. _Report a bug_"16:03
beunoderyck, minus those 2, ui=,e16:04
bigjoolsbac: gah, forgot16:04
jamaltabac: wait, i ahven't commited the violation fix!16:04
beunobac, no screenshots?  :)16:04
bacjamalta: i've approved it with the understanding you'll make the requested fixes16:04
jamaltabac: oh! ok, got it :)16:04
bacbeuno: 4 screenshots on the bug.16:04
* bac wishes you could add screenshots to the MP16:04
jamaltabac: thanks for catching that.. i don't know how i ended up shifting that code right heh16:05
jamaltai'll fix that as well :) thanks so much16:05
deryckbeuno, will do.  Thanks.16:06
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
sinzuibac: beuno: I did a UI review of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-499351-batching-dls/+merge/17492 because I am familiar with this problems that the page faces. merge proposals does not allow me to have separate reviews for UI and code.16:08
beunosinzui, great, I'll just review your review then  :)16:08
bacsinzui: thanks.16:09
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on-call: bac || reviewing: - || queue [-] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com||https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
jamaltabac: am i to bug you about pre-implementation talks?16:10
bacjamalta: i can do a pre-imp if you'd like.  that's one of the things the OCR is here to do.16:11
jamaltabac: awesome, do i need to add myself to the queue again?16:11
bacjamalta: no16:11
jamaltabac: ok cool, so i'm looking at bug #87058 and #10692416:12
mupBug #87058: Instruction  'Yes, define new tag' is misleading <bugtag> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged by jamalta> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/87058>16:12
jamaltathey are both very closely related, and it was suggested that both be fixed together16:12
jamaltai just wanted to know what the best language to use is16:12
bigjoolsbac: just sent off MP email16:12
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: I am not sure CHR should have admin on admin_merge_teams. They have access to delete a team (which is a very controlled merge)16:19
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: I think you made this change to update the story, but the problem is in a different story: delete teams. Since the fix in the view code, I expect the test to be of the view; I do not think a story test is right.16:21
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: We are testing the view's contract, operation, and the objects final state. So a unit test or doc test is more appropriate.16:23
EdwinGrubbssinzui: I'll look into that.16:30
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: I am writing a fuller summary of the test16:30
bacbigjools: it still hasn't arrived on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews16:30
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: your security change allows any team owner/admin to take control of any other team!16:30
deryckbeuno, I requested you as UI reviewer on that MP you just reviewed.  Can you click approve for the sake of the MP?16:34
beunoderyck, yes I can16:36
beunofree karma16:36
deryckbeuno, thanks16:36
deryckbac, I have a branch for review I would like to add to the queue.16:40
bacderyck: ok16:40
deryckbac, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~deryck/launchpad/hot-bugs-list-color-icons-439128/+merge/1766416:40
deryckbac, and thanks!16:40
=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on-call: bac || reviewing: - || queue [deryck] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com||https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
bigjoolsbac: I got an email back with an oops!16:41
beunobac, I think sinzui is right on the mark with the problem16:45
bacbeuno: ok16:45
beunobac, one way of fixing this could be16:46
beunoto isntead of presenting it as a navigation16:46
beunohave an "See older releases >" link16:46
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: I replied to your MP with an outline of the test that reproduces what is happening. I included a real-world example that you can do on edge to get the oops16:47
EdwinGrubbssinzui: thanks16:48
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
bigjoolsbac: I resent the MP request (was OTP)17:08
bigjoolsbac: https://code.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/launchpad/ppa-expire-sources/+merge/1766917:13
jamaltabac: submitted an MP for the issue we discussed earlier.. whenever you have some time for me again 17:16
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gary_postergmb, allenap` are either of you available to review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/fix-db-devel-sourcecode/+merge/17674 quickly?  two line change to work around wadl problem for now17:56
allenap`gary_poster: Sure, I'll do it.17:57
gary_posterTahnks allenap` 17:57
allenap`gary_poster: r=me18:01
gary_posterthanks allenap` 18:01
allenap`gary_poster: Welcome :)18:01
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bachi deryck18:39
bacsinzui, beuno: any idea why https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bugs doesn't show the bug sprite in webkit?18:46
sinzuibac: yes I know everything18:46
bacsinzui: cool.  can you tell deryck how to fix it in his branch?18:47
bacor just tell me and i'll pass it along and look smart18:47
sinzui<span class="sprite bug-high" /> is invalid markup18:47
bacsinzui: ah, span can't self-close?18:48
bacsinzui: \0/18:51
sinzuifirefox likes this this markup, but wbkit nos it is bad18:51
bacsinzui: webkit is a tough cookie18:52
sinzuibac: the bug (me cannot remember its number) is fixable in tales formatter doing <span>&nbsp;</span>18:53
bacsinzui: the one in question is bug 439128, which doesn't use a formatter18:54
mupBug #439128: "Hot bugs" doesn't show coloured bug icons <story-bug-heat> <ui> <Launchpad Bugs:In Progress by deryck> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/439128>18:54
sinzuibac: that is a duplicate.19:02
bacsinzui: do you have the other bug number?19:06
* sinzui is still looking19:07
bacsinzui: bug 144101 ?19:08
mupBug #144101: Bug icons are not correct colour on bugs.lp.net homepage <trivial> <ui> <Launchpad Bugs:In Progress by deryck> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/144101>19:08
sinzuiIt is a foundations bug about khtml/webkit19:08
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=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on-call: bac || reviewing: bigjools || queue [jamalta] || This channel is logged:http://irclogs.ubuntu.com||https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
sinzuibug 393825 and I think it has a dup: bug 45279919:11
mupBug #393825: Icons missing from bug listings in WebKit and KHTML <sprite> <ui> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/393825>19:11
mupBug #452799: no pencil next to title of bug with konqueror <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/452799>19:11
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sinzuibac: I did not fix bug 393825 after I had identified the issue a few weeks ago because I expects the fix could break many tests. 19:27
mupBug #393825: Icons missing from bug listings in WebKit and KHTML <sprite> <ui> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/393825>19:27
bacsinzui: ok.  i'll mention to deryck to see how brave he is19:29
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on-call: bac || reviewing: jamalta || queue [] || This channel is logged:http://irclogs.ubuntu.com||https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
* deryck is back from lunch, but about to see do lightening talks19:34
deryckbac, will look closely after talks.  thanks for the review and comments19:34
bacnp deryck.  hope you're having a good sprint19:34
bacjamalta: thank you for the nice MP including demo URLs.  sure makes reviewing easier19:35
sinzuibac: as for deryck's work not using the tales formatter, He is sort of.    19:37
sinzui    <span tal:attributes="class context/default_bugtask/image:sprite_css" />19:37
sinzuishould be19:37
sinzui    <span tal:replace="structure context/default_bugtask/image:icon" />19:37
sinzuionce the tales formatter is fixed19:37
jamaltabac: np :) glad to know!19:37
bacsinzui: ah, you're right.  deryck ^^19:37
sinzuibac: deryck: by asking for the icon, we get free updates to the markup and css when they change. The extravagant use of applying css directly to elements has caused a lot of bugs...the markup and the css are not independant19:39
bacjamalta: it looks like you missed some tests19:40
bacjamalta: try:  bzr ls -VR --kind=file --null | xargs -0 grep -In define\ new\ tag19:40
bacjamalta: also, you can run all of the tests related to bugs by doing:19:41
bac% bin/test -vvm lp.bugs19:41
bacit's pretty handy to make sure you found all of the places in a given app19:41
jamaltabac: oh wow, cool19:42
jamaltamakes a lot of sense19:42
jamaltai did miss some places, heh19:42
bacjamalta: do you use emacs?  if so, jml has a nice bzr-grep tool19:44
jamaltabac: no, vim19:44
jamaltai saw some of the emacs tools available on the dev wiki19:44
jamaltabut i would have to learn to use emacs19:44
bacjamalta: you'll also need to request a UI review from sinzui or beuno due to the wording change.19:44
* bac hides from that discussion19:44
jamaltathat doesn't sound good... lol19:45
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on-call: bac || reviewing: - || queue [] || This channel is logged:http://irclogs.ubuntu.com||https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
jamaltasinzui, beuno let me know when either of you have a chance :)19:47
sinzuijamalta: ui:r=me19:51
jamaltasinzui: need a link to the MP?19:52
sinzuijamalta: I just approved the UI for the MP. you will get the email shortly19:53
jamaltasinzui: oh awesome, thanks! :)19:53
beunojamalta, sure20:00
beunoshow me screenshots!20:00
jamaltabeuno: sinzui already approved it, but i can show you20:00
* jamalta sits patiently while make run does a ton of stuff20:00
bacspeaking of screenshots, is people.ubuntu.com down/deprecated?20:00
beunojamalta, if sinzui approveed it20:01
beunothen it's all good20:01
jamaltabeuno: ah ok20:01
bacbeuno: FTR, you still have to mentor his UI review, right?20:02
leonardrbac, can you take a look at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/lazr.restful/use-bleedthrough-for-methods/+merge/17683 ?20:04
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on-call: bac || reviewing: leonardr || queue [] || This channel is logged:http://irclogs.ubuntu.com||https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
bacleonardr: on it20:04
leonardrnot sure if i explained it well enough, but i'm here20:05
jamaltabeuno: http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/yNYcG4o9IpJqET__8gP_cw?feat=directlink20:05
bacleonardr: at line 37 i think you need a comment explaining why you're doing a push(None)20:07
derycksinzui, bac -- if I'm reading the scrollback right, I should use replace and structure to get the element right, and the icons will appear cross-browser correctly?20:07
leonardr            # Because we don't know the name of the earliest version20:08
leonardr            # published by the web service (we won't know this until20:08
leonardr            # runtime), we'll use None as the name of the earliest20:08
leonardr            # version.20:08
bacleonardr: +120:08
bacderyck: yes, but i think the TALES formatter has to be fixed first20:09
deryckbac, ah, ok.  a predicament :-)20:09
deryckbac, and yes, I can fix the related bug you mentioned on the MP.20:09
deryckbac, sinzui -- is there an ETA on fixing the TALES formatter?20:09
bacderyck: the bug i mentioned in the MP (bug 393825) is the one that does fix the TALES formatter...20:11
mupBug #393825: Icons missing from bug listings in WebKit and KHTML <sprite> <ui> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/393825>20:11
deryckah, sorry, misunderstood.20:11
deryckbac, let me look closer at it then.20:11
deryckbac, ah, I see now.  Sure, we can fix the formatter and then use it correctly in my current branch.20:12
bacderyck: great20:12
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
deryckbac, and thanks for the great review catching all this.20:14
bacderyck: i have a vested interest.  :)20:14
sinzuideryck: I know the tales formatter has to be fixed for the UI changes I plan for +packaging and +needs-packaging. But I wont be working on the UI until tomorrow at the earliest20:16
bacleonardr: done20:17
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on-call: bac || reviewing: - || queue [] || This channel is logged:http://irclogs.ubuntu.com||https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
jamaltabac: running all tests in lp.bugs takes forever -.-20:22
jamaltabut, provided it finishes successfully, i should be ready :)20:22
bacjamalta: indeed it does.  well about 40 minutes i'd guess20:22
deryckbac, what's the bug number for the privacy icon in webkit browsers?20:30
deryckif you know20:30
sinzuiI saw that a moment ago20:30
sinzuiit is different20:30
sinzui‏‎deryck: bug 39745720:31
mupBug #397457: Bug privacy edit icon is not visible in WebKit browsers <bug-page> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/397457>20:31
deryckthanks sinzui 20:31
sinzuium, how did I do that20:31
sinzuideryck: did my message appear right-to-left in your display?20:32
derycksinzui, no20:32
sinzuiokay, My display is on doap again20:33
intellectronicabac: fancy reviewing a nice little branch from bdmurray and me?20:46
deryckintellectronica, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~deryck/launchpad/show-package-hot-bugs-455995/+merge/1767521:10
intellectronicabac: nm, b.t.w, deryck already reviewed our branch21:16
EdwinGrubbseven though they had it before.21:16
EdwinGrubbssinzui: I was able to recreate the error with delete instead of merge, so I have no problems adding correct tests for that.21:17
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: okay. I am sorry that I did not report how I discovered the bug on edge in the first place21:18
EdwinGrubbssinzui: that wasn't the problem. I think I accidentally tried deleting a team that the no-priv user owned, so I didn't see the error.21:19
sinzuiYes, it a hard bug to discover.21:20
jamaltabac: awesome, everything works21:32
jamaltalet me push up the changed tests.. hold on21:32
deryckbac, I've updated the MP for the branch you reviewed earlier, when time allows for you to re-consider it.21:34
EdwinGrubbssinzui: so, do you want me to change /people/+adminmergeteam to launchpad.Admin from launchpad.Moderate?21:34
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sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: No +adminteammerge should remain unchanged21:36
EdwinGrubbssinzui: then, I think I should keep the change to the story test, since it is more likely to break for the registry experts than for the admins.21:38
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sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: Yes, keep the test and the permission change on the link.21:49
bacderyck, jamalta: will have a look in a bit21:52
bacthanks for your quick changes21:52
jamaltabac: thanks21:55
deryckbac, thanks22:05
sinzuiintellectronica: Hurray you fixed hotness. Now my branch to use hotness will be broken in a few hours22:15
intellectronicasinzui: what do you mean by 'fixed hotness'?22:16
sinzuihotness => heat22:16
intellectronicasinzui: you can thank adeuring and kfogel for that22:17
sinzuidid the schema change?22:18
kfogelsinzui: you're welcome.  I think it's still in PQM, but yes, there's a small schema change.22:18
sinzuibugger, that kills the UI changes for edge this release.22:19
kfogelsinzui: easy search-and-replace, I hope?22:20
kfogelor is it an issue of the freeze coming up?22:21
sinzuino, edge and staging conflict.22:21
* kfogel carefully inserts his head into the sand22:21
sinzuiSo the devel's changes will not play on db-devel.22:21
sinzuiI need to land a second branch after the failure in db-devel to make the query work with a different schema22:22
sinzuikfogel: I may be able to do some trick where I check the env to determine the correct column name.22:22
kfogelsinzui: I think the question I'm really asking (except that I haven't, until now) is:  Is there something unusual/preventable about this situation, or is this just what schema changes tend to do?22:23
kfogelsinzui: wasn't the python name "Bug.heat" already, though?22:23
sinzuikfogel: This is a rare collision where I am adding model code on level 1 where you are changing schema SQL on level 0.22:23
sinzuikfogel: I do not think there is enough crack in the world to tempt me to check the model of bug.heat 20,000 times when sorting a list of every package in Ubuntu22:25
kfogelsinzui: see https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kfogel/launchpad/509194-506514-bug-heat-db-fixes/+merge/17625  -- the interesting part of the diff is at the end.22:25
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