[00:00] hmm, why doesn't shift-alt-tab cycle windows in counter-clockwise direction? [00:01] it does in kde [00:02] Has lucid started drawing a 1 pixel white line down both sides of the desktop background for anyone else? [00:02] kklimonda: overlap shorcuts [00:02] redifine it [00:02] maxb: sounds familiar but I don't remember who said it [00:03] BUGabundo, I know I can change it - I'm asking why is it broken (for some time too) [00:03] its in karmic too [00:03] ya [00:08] ok asking for a password to connect to a windows workgroup that doesn't have one thats new. [00:09] Anyone have any ideas. If i choose connect to server and choose windows share it connects and works fine. But if I just try to use the file browser it asks for a pwd for workgroup [00:10] looks like a new bug [00:11] histo: *what* asks for a password? nautilus? [00:11] hi all [00:12] hi Aquiles [00:14] yofel: some dialog box pops up asking for password and username for workgroup [00:14] who can help me with a problem? i have dell mini 10 and ubuntu does not recognize monitor [00:15] histo: are you using gnome/kde/xfce/lxde...? [00:15] yofel: gnome [00:15] yofel: i can post a screenshot somewhere if you want [00:15] histo: as I use kde I doubt that I'll be able to help you [00:16] yofel: this is definately some type of bug. Do you experience the same behavior with kde when browsing a network? [00:18] histo: I don't have a /windows/ pc running right now, but I can open the samba share on my server fine in dolphing (no password) [00:18] *dolphin [00:19] Aquiles: what graphics card does the dell mini 10 have? [00:19] yofel: so it must be a nautilus issue [00:19] yofel: i believe via chipset [00:19] yofel: for the dell mini [00:19] well, yeah, I have an integrated intel card too, but even that has a number (945GME) [00:20] argh... xorg driver isn't enabling multi-finger support... even though the touchpad itself supports multi-finger input! [00:21] oh, you can bet I'm going to file a bug on that. [00:22] 43.4% (1425.2) [Rescheduling interrupts] [00:22] argh, debugging bash scripts is annoying -.- [00:22] there I'm now stuck in 2.4GHz [00:22] with nill CPU usage [00:22] * setuid goes back to lilo... grub and grub2 are irreparably broke in lucid [00:22] yofel: did your system go mad too ? [00:22] BUGabundo: not yet [00:22] * DanaG has never had many issues with grub2. [00:22] yofel mini10 Intel GMA 500 [00:23] urgh, poulsbo [00:23] DanaG, As long as you can deal with 80x25 consoles, it works great. It has about 5% of the features of grub-legacy, however. [00:23] Sarvatt: any idea what the state of the poulsbo driver is right now? [00:23] grub2 is _really_ stripped down [00:23] I'm using radeon without KMS right now... but uvesafb works fine for me. [00:24] try booting text mode and then manually loading uvesafb -- without xorg running. [00:24] I tried uvesafb as well as vesafb+fbcon, and neither worked [00:24] weird... somehow, your config may be broken? [00:24] Right now, I'm non-bootable, because removing grub toasted my system. I followed these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reverting%20to%20GRUB%20Legacy [00:24] But I don't think anyone actually tested them, they leave you with an unbootable system [00:30] setuid: are you trying to get frame buffer working [00:30] ? [00:35] histo, Right now, I'm trying to get my system back to booting... removing grub2 and replacing it with grub-legacy, results in a non-booting system. Something is horribly broken in both of these packages. [00:37] histo, I know fb works fine with grub, I just can't seem to get grub2 to get its grimy hands off of my system. [00:37] did you sudo grub, root (hd0,6), setup (hd0) ? [00:38] or the similar numbers. commas outside parentheses are newlines. [00:38] DanaG, Plenty of times, with the right partitions in there [00:38] I think the problem is that removing grub2, removes the .mod files that grub needs to function, so when you're at the "grub rescue>" prompt, nothing works, because there are no modules. [00:39] But I don't recall grub (legacy) using modules [00:39] intel graphics 1915 gm [00:40] I'm still trying to figure out what changed in lucid to make it so painfully slow at everything [00:43] What's the command to get extended info on a package _not_ installed on the system? I thought it was 'apt-get info ..' [00:44] apt-cache showpkg... n/m ;) [01:42] kov has created a firefox extension that plays flash videos as if they were html 5 video tags, so the underlying gstreamer player is used instead of the flash plugin [01:42] isoinfo: Short read on old image [01:43] actually it's for ephipany and not firefox [01:48] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator/+bug/415103 [01:48] Ubuntu bug 415103 in usb-creator "Not able to create a bootable USB key using Ubuntu 9.10" [Medium,Fix released] [01:48] grr, still broken for me in lucid. [01:50] An unhandled exception occurred: [01:50] coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found [02:35] Why does removing plymouth want to remove about 800 packages? [02:37] http://pastebin.com/d3c5ecb2e [02:38] hmm, gnome-shell still not installable. [02:39] setuid: Because removing libplymouth2 will remove... [02:39] Gah. [02:45] DanaG: Yeah, that's passed my threshold; time to make it installable again. [02:56] Whenever I quit a KDE application, often, instead of exiting gracefully it segfaults. [02:57] wahoo! Solved the high-res console problem! [02:57] Can't have plymouth installed if you want to use vesafb from grub [02:57] root=/dev/mapper/sda2_crypt ro vga=37d video=vesafb:mode_option=1920x1200-32,scroll=ywrap,blank=1 elevator=noop noinotify noonotify pci=routeirq noatime norelatime [02:57] That worked [02:58] And you can't remove libplymouth2, because important stuff is linked against it. [02:58] Apparently everything [02:59] It's like GNOME, it gets into everything [02:59] Well, no. Just mountall, which is a dependency of upstart, without which your system is unbootable. [02:59] You don't have KMS-capable hardware? [02:59] Sure do [02:59] Why are you using vesafb, then? [03:00] Because there's no other way to get high-res consoles at boot time [03:00] Well, apart from KMS. [03:00] * RAOF has perfectly happy native-res consoles from boot. [03:00] So how do I set that up? [03:01] Depends on your hardware; Intel should have it automatically enabled, I'm not sure if we've enabled it by default for radeon yet, and nvidia you'll need to use nouveau. [03:02] ah, no can do then... need to use nvidia's native drivers at boot time [03:02] I'll stick with vesafb, it's fast enough [03:02] Right. You *don't* have KMS capable hardware. [03:02] (Well, the binary blob doesn't (and can't, IIUC) implement KMS). [03:05] has bum been modified to work with the new upstart system? [03:06] No idea. [03:11] RAOF: I suppose sconklin is the man to poke about nouveau (after he arrives from holiday) [03:12] Hah. [03:13] Always it is with someone away ;) [03:14] * DanaG won't switch to KMS (currently on radeon UMS) until KMS gets power savings. [03:14] Right now radeon KMS sucks watts like.... an elephant? dang, that analogy doesn't work. [03:15] all I know is that plymouth + NVidia hw + cryptsetup == fail [03:15] I think plymouth + cryptsetup is currently fail. [03:16] I don't think you need invoke nvidia hardware :) [03:16] RAOF: quite probably, though I've only physically verified on NVidia hw === Mark_M is now known as Mark_M|Away [03:17] crimsun: Well, last time I booted it didn't work on my intel lappy either. [03:17] probably ole #496765 [03:17] Let's see if updating the kernel module will make nouveau's 3D unbreak. [03:18] There's some serious rpath discrepancies here, when something like ffmpeg, has a hard-dependency on a speech synthesis library [03:20] That wouldn't be an rpath issue, surely? [03:20] Well, it's a matter of someone getting greedy with their dependency requirements at build and link time [03:20] Just sneezing all kinds of libs into your libpath and CFLAGS is no way to build software [03:21] What speech synthesis library do you think ffmpeg has an unneeded dependency on? [03:22] I didn't check, but removing espeak and festival wanted to pull out ffmpeg, which then wanted to pull out xine, vlc, and others... and it chained from there. [03:23] espeak is part of ubuntu-desktop [03:24] bjsnider, Not very useful though, I yanked it. [03:24] It's still too choppy and mechanical [03:24] You've got a misunderstanding of the Debian package management system; ffmpeg depends on neither espeak nor festival. [03:25] You're running lucid? [03:25] RAOF, yes [03:25] RAOF, Looks like libgsm1 was the culpret [03:27] And why were you removing that? [03:27] Because I was pulling out everything that matched 'speech' [03:27] that's not reckless or anything [03:27] hahahaha [03:28] you can't do things like that and expect no problems [03:28] I tend to run only what I want to run, I don't need breadcrumbs all over the place. [03:28] Of course, but I left the lib, just dumped the userland apps that used it [03:28] I've got a decade and a half of Linux behind me, I've earned the right to be reckless ;) [03:29] well, if you're ripping stuff out because you don't use it then you should start by rolling your own kernel [03:30] I already do that, in fact ;) (I did write the second kernel HOWTO) [03:30] Been building thousands of kernels for years [03:31] I've always despised the way distros build everything possible into the kernel namespace... I understand why, but I don't need that on my machines. I know exactly what hardware they use, run and are capable of. [03:31] sounds to me like you've almost forked ubuntu here [03:32] or unforked it ;) [03:32] I come from a Debian background. I'm only using bleeding-edge Ubuntu because I need my sierra and nvidia drivers working properly [03:33] argh, mainline kernel-ppa packages don't have any of the staging drivers enabled! [03:33] I'm with Chris here; that clearly isn't an rpath issue. === Mark_M|Away is now known as Mark_M [03:34] crimsun, Looking at the output of readelf -d on ffmpeg, I'd have to agree... but something down the chain is tying ffmpeg to libgsm1. Not important anymore... [03:35] Well, yes. ffmpeg is going to depend on libgsm1, because it uses it to decode & encode gsm. [03:35] I need samsung-laptop driver and rtl8169 driver. [03:35] the former is only in 2.6.33... but not enabled in kernel-ppa. [03:36] RAOF, Not directly though, it seems [03:36] It'll do it via libavcodec [03:36] 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libgsm.so.1] [03:36] Yep, indeed it does [03:39] looks like you'll have to keep espeak [03:39] No; it's perfectly removable, it's an ubuntu-desktop Recommends. [03:43] the lib can stay, the userland can go [03:56] There's an apparent... uh.. bug with the latest build of Compiz Fusion in the Lucid repos. [03:58] I had fusion-icon set to autostart on starting of Gnome. I dist-upgraded, rebooted, started GNOME. Things seemed to be going fine until it got to the point of autoloading applications. Apparently fusion-icon was attempting to load CF, and it caused the entire screen to go black except for the cursor (the cursor was still visible and active). [03:58] The only solution to getting GNOME to start was removing fusion-icon. [03:58] Now, I was in GNOME, tried running compiz --replace, and it can't find a screen to work on. [03:58] Odd. [04:00] Sounds like it might be your graphics drivers, rather than compiz per-se. [04:00] I'm using xcompmgr with perfect performance right now. [04:01] I'm using the 195 drivers. [04:02] Then you might still be running into the opengl problems. [04:02] Also, wow. xcompmgr. Oldschool :) [04:03] heh [04:03] Why xcompmgr over metacity's compositor? [04:04] I like to use Emerald sometimes. [04:04] Hmm. [04:04] collin@enterprise:~$ glxgears [04:04] Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual [04:05] We have a winner :) [04:05] Graphics drivers. Yay. [04:06] * setuid hugs his nvidia card [04:06] 46944 frames in 5.0 seconds [04:06] 47097 frames in 5.0 seconds [04:07] I have a nvidia card :P. [04:07] setuid, you have to admit that ati makes some awesome graphics drivers [04:09] mmyeah, vnc + compiz == ouchies [04:09] especially with a sucky realtek wifi card. [04:12] * setuid never drank from the compiz kool-aid [04:13] setuid: You're missing some useful window management. [04:13] ironic: it's even WORSE with metacity. [04:14] RAOF, When it works with sawfish, I'll gladly jump. Or, when a window manager comes around that does what sawfish can do, and is compiz-capable, I'll jump. [04:14] Right now, xfce4 comes close, but still isn't matching it [04:15] Why not just use compiz? [04:15] argh, vnc disconnected and left my mouse button down. [04:15] And what would I use as my window manager? [04:15] Compiz? [04:15] It being a window manager and all. [04:15] hahaahah [04:16] no can do, it too, doesn't give me the flexibility and features sawfish provides... sure, there's eye-candy, but adding the code necessary to get it to behave like sawfish, is more work than I'm willing to put into it. [04:16] RAOF, which part of compiz qualifies as useful window management? [04:16] bjsnider: scale, absolutely. [04:17] scale [04:17] bjsnider: Also, live previews in switcher is pretty good. [04:17] i always get them mixed. what does scale do? [04:17] You might know scale as Exposé [04:17] no, that doesn't help [04:18] The one where you can see all your open windows, scaled down to fit into a grid-ish on the screen. [04:18] Sounds exactly like workspace switcher in GNOME to me [04:18] oh, that feature that gnome-shell does automatically in overview mode... [04:18] bjsnider: Yes, that one. [04:19] compiz: bloated bling for its own sake [04:19] Well, no. Really useful window management, with crazy bling because it's easy once you've got the framework. [04:19] Compiz CAN be very useful, once you configure it correctly. [04:20] The defaults are not ideal, though. [04:20] really useful, like seeing rain on your desktop, or fire or something? [04:20] And it has some extra stuff for people who do want useless... like flames. Bleh. [04:20] But no, I don't count those as useful. [04:20] Lamp animation is a feel-good thing. [04:20] Scale is massively useful. [04:20] Cube is nice for peeking at other desktops. [04:21] weird: http://pastebin.com/f70fd8dc6 [04:21] As is expo, actually. [04:22] yeah but gnome-shell already does expo with one mouse-action and one shortcut key, not requiring both hands or anything complicated [04:22] gnome-shell uses pretty much a subset of compiz's effects. Not that there's anything wrong with that; some of compiz's effects are really useful :) [04:22] Gnome-shell also has no friggin' taskbar! [04:22] That is inexcusable to me. [04:22] Eh. [04:22] it isn't necessary [04:22] I don't have a taskbar *now*. [04:23] Scale is my taskbar! [04:23] Gnome shell also won't even install. =þ [04:23] That's pretty epic fail. [04:23] =þ [04:23] (Or it would be, if nouveau hadn't broken 3D) [04:24] Yeah, it FTBFS; I'm investigating. [04:24] DanaG, good thing you aren't using an unstable distro, because htings like that tend to happen [04:24] Well, it's not installable on karmic, either. [04:24] and it's been like that for a couple of months. [04:24] how am i using it right now on karmic then? [04:24] Really not installable on Karmic? I thought I'd installed it? [04:24] hmm, I misremembered. [04:24] hello all long time no see. [04:24] =þ [04:25] hows things going in the testing zone? [04:25] Oh, and nvidia binary drivers that I like to gripe about: nvidia 96 ceased being capable of anything but segfaulting... about 2 years ago. =þ [04:25] yeah, having a 96 card sucked [04:26] ugh, loading a webpage in a tab in epiphany clears the X clipboard [04:26] nvidia's CEO could care less [04:26] s/could/couldn't/ [04:26] I don't even want to know how that bug slipped in [04:29] what is the updated kernel for alpha2? [04:34] ugh, stupid volume control.... lags behind the OSD for a full 2 seconds! [04:34] Ridiculous! [04:35] Okay, 1.5 seconds. [04:35] still horrible. [04:40] !find i915_drv_video.so [04:40] Package/file i915_drv_video.so does not exist in lucid [04:41] argh. [04:41] can't use vaapi. [04:42] stupid realtek wifi card... only gets 100 kilobytes per second. [07:54] Do the nvidia-173 drivers work with the version of xorg that is currently in ubuntu 10.04? [08:54] morning [11:44] anything changed in SSL recently? [11:44] chromium is snapping like crazy in SSL pages [12:26] I'm seeing some empty space in the notification area, and if I click on it I get some menus etc about the keyboard layout. [12:27] Is that a new, indicator-applet based way to handle multiple keyboard layouts? [12:27] And more importantly, is it supposed to be empty? :) [12:32] anyone else have troubles with the nvidia-173 driver? [13:09] Salmon: purge anything you got from PPAs, and try again [13:10] i did before i upgraded [13:11] no, purge ANY packages you have [13:12] seems its still higher then the archive === yofel_ is now known as yofel [13:12] ive purged all nvidia binary driver related stuff if thats what you mean [13:13] ill grab the error from my xorg log [13:14] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module! [13:15] (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration. [13:15] Sarvatt: ping ^^^^^^^ [13:15] Salmon: try your luck in #ubuntu-x [13:16] thats the wrong channel thogh isnt it? [13:22] that sounds like the dkms build failed and no module is there [13:23] Salmon: did you try to reinstall the driver? [13:46] has some epic policy decision happened about grub2? [13:47] for the last few days I've noticed apt has been suggesting I remove grub-pc and install grub [13:48] Ng: is that not just renaming? [13:49] arand: apt-cache showing each and grepping for Version suggests not [13:49] Ng: apparently not when I check, yea ignore my comment [13:51] Ng: i've had nothing of the sort, I've heard something about weird python packages depanding on grub or something, so it might just be inconsistencies, are you using grub-legacy on the machine? [13:51] newp [13:52] it's python-vm-builder [13:52] Depends directly on grub for some reason [13:53] yay fix released an hour ago [13:53] * Ng shuts up ;) [14:28] Is Lucid going to have custom login screens? or are we still going to be stuck like in 9.10? [14:28] t0rc: there is a blueprint, which hasn't been started on yet https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-gdm-custom-greeter-support [14:31] arand, thanks [14:32] arand, any suggestions helping to develop ubuntu? [14:33] t0rc: I have no idea, I generally just test and bug-report. [14:34] t0rc: If you want to start hacking on the gdm greeter, I don't think mr Ancell would stop you. [14:37] t0rc: ask in #ubuntu-dev and #ubuntu-motu [14:37] *devel [14:37] or go directly to upstream gnome [14:37] Pici: == [14:37] its an alias [14:38] BUGabundo_remote: I know it forwards [14:46] anyone else having nautilus close it self after moving files ? (ext4 2.6.32-10-generic) [14:55] BUGabundo_remote, did you do chromium updates today? [14:56] I do twice a day, yes [14:57] can you load http://espn.go.com [14:58] oh snap [14:58] been like that since yesterday morning [14:58] then it isn't a bug here [14:58] specialy for several SSL sites [14:58] fta says WFH [14:58] so he aint fixing it [15:19] Hi, non-english filenames appear as ?????????? . It used to work before, any hint? [15:25] edgy: that sounds like utf-8 broken [15:25] what does 'echo $LC_ALL' give you on a terminal? [15:26] yofel: no value [15:26] and echo $LANG [15:26] yofel: C [15:27] ok, thats ascii english, so you're not using utf-8 [15:27] * yofel sighs [15:27] iirc you're the 3rd person I hear that from... [15:28] yofel: may be the utf-8 config files is removed with an update or something? [15:28] yofel: how can I reinstall it? [15:28] could be, but I'm not sure. what does 'sudo locale-gen' do? [15:29] yofel: it generates the locales but how can I choose one or the other? [15:30] hm...... I really don't know much about locales, you could try something like 'export LANG=en_US.UTF-8' in a terminal, but that might only work for that terminal [15:31] did you check your language support settings? [15:37] pt_BR.UTF-8... done [15:37] pt_PT.UTF-8... done [15:45] yofel: I don't know where is that. I don't want to change the GUI language after all. [15:45] edgy: what desktop environment do you use? gnome/kde/xfce/...? [15:46] yofel: kde [15:46] edgy: also, did locale-gen say '... done' or '... up-to-date' ? [15:47] yofel: it says done even if I repeat it many times [15:47] hm, then I'm out of ideas, the language settings in kde are in systemsettings->regional&language [15:48] if you want to try that [15:48] yofel: yes that region&language is for changing the interface language which I don't want. any way thanks a lot for your tips [16:01] Does smplayer works for you? I am getting mplayer has finished unexpectedly [16:04] edgy: known [16:05] I've reported it [16:05] it was closed upstream as a packing bug [16:05] I should update LP bug [16:05] https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=913573&aid=2909634&group_id=185512 [16:05] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/smplayer/+bug/493188 [16:05] BUGabundo_remote: thanks for the clarification [16:05] Error: Sourceforge bug 2909634 not found [16:06] Hi room [16:06] Ubuntu bug 493188 in smplayer "[Lucid] MPlayer UNKNOWN-4.4.2" [Undecided,New] [16:09] hoopoo: you scared the bot :D [16:10] OH no:) [16:20] BUGabundo_remote, why are you so remote? :/ === AaronMT_ is now known as AaronMT [16:27] kklimonda: at work, doing NX remote to home. so don't expect a quick reply [16:28] kklimonda: used to connect via wwebchat, but now its nicer === Pici` is now known as Pici [16:49] what is ubuntu1 music store about? is there some document that explains it (how, where, what bands, for how much etc.) [16:50] not that I know of [17:28] anyone else having nautilus close it self after moving files ? (ext4 2.6.32-10-generic) [17:35] kklimonda: http://www.stefanoforenza.com/ubuntu-one-music-store-answers/ [17:36] thanks [17:37] not much [17:40] kklimonda: your right this is better http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/11/ubuntu-music-store-lucid.html [17:48] Hmm... the splash doesn't work for me and I get this in syslog: "Jan 19 09:33:21 saturn init: plymouth main process (391) terminated with status 1" [17:48] any idea what the problem could be? === gord_ is now known as gord [17:50] <_stink_> i'm trying to install openssh-server on lucid and getting a 404 from aptitude. any advice? [17:51] run "aptitude update" [17:51] if that doesn't work, your mirror is not working properly [17:52] <_stink_> thanks. i think i forgot the update. silly me :P [17:56] for what it's worth, my splash problem seems to be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/509328 [17:56] Ubuntu bug 509328 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "Lucid Alpha2: Plymouth does not work with the current nvidia driver" [Undecided,New] [18:21] _stink_: I think it's just ssh now [18:23] <_stink_> genii: openssh-server seemed to work fine after apt-get update [18:25] _stink_: Looking at packages.ubuntu.com it looks like openssh-server is still there, yes, and now meta-package is just ssh [18:28] <_stink_> gotcha [19:03] hya [19:05] is there a preferred way to influence on network module ordering while loadin in *initramfs* ? [19:06] (actually, I wanted to ask that in #ubuntu-boot - but the channel seems to be obsoleted) [19:06] Lyaa: As I understand they are loaded in the order they are given in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules [19:07] genii: right - that should be the (documented elsewhere) behaviour.. but at least in Lucid that is not the case.. [19:09] i'm currently testing the "rootfs-on-iscsi" in Lucid and the second NIC (not connected to the iscsi target) gets loaded first and the iscsi-hook only probes on eth0.. [19:10] i've also tried to blacklist the other module with cmdline like: .. blacklist=r8169 .. [19:11] but that's not evaluated either.. [19:17] Lyaa: / [19:17] Bah [20:01] Does anyone here have openarena installed on 10.04? [20:05] is there some known problem with suspend/resume nvidia and artefacts wen compiz is enabled? [20:06] kklimonda, I get that too [20:06] good to know, I don't trust my nvidia anymore [20:07] I suspect some suspend quirk was lost in the move from HAL to pm-utils [20:07] how is lucid, saw it was already onto the second alpha [20:08] i tried to get it to run under Virtual PC but that didnt go very well(due to virtual pc though) [20:08] acicula, well - works fine for me [20:08] there is nothing worth updating for though [20:09] heh i wont try then === pgraner` is now known as pgraner === luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez [21:19] Hi, is the fix to bug #504198 committed? [21:19] Launchpad bug 504198 in eglibc "locale support broken on upgrade to latest eglibc" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/504198 [21:19] I don't even have a package eglibc! [21:24] edgy: Yes you do; it builds libc6, which is linked to practically everything on your system. [21:26] RAOF: but my libc6 version is 2.11.1-0ubuntu1 and they are talking about eglibc - 2.11~20100104-0ubuntu, how can I tell whether the fix committed or not? [21:27] “aptitude changelog libc6” will grab the changelog of your libc6 package; that will tell you that you've got the fix. [21:30] RAOF: thanks for this nice tip. It seems it's committed already but I wonder why am I facing the same problem! [21:33] RAOF: when I type in my local language I got ????, do you know any hint? [21:34] edgy: Do you have the same symptoms of that bug? [21:34] RAOF: my locale support is also broken but not getting the exact error that bug have [21:35] So it's probably a differet problem. [21:37] RAOF: do you know how can I change my default locale? better from GUI [21:39] System->Administration->Language Support should do it. [21:43] RAOF: I am using kubuntu and don't have these menus [21:44] Ah. Well, there's likely to be something similar for kubuntu, but I'm not familiar enough. [21:47] There is a #kubuntu+1 channel, I believe. You might have better luck there? [21:47] isn't it called kubuntu-devel? [21:48] RAOF: #kubuntu+1 forwards here as this is any_buntu+1 [21:48] I didn't know there is a channel for kubuntu+1 but it seems bjsnider and yofel are right [21:49] i'm always right, except when i'm wrong [21:49] edgy: kubuntu+1 sends you here, but the most knowlegeble people about kubuntu are indeed in #kubuntu-devel [21:49] bjsnider: lol [21:50] edgy: you should state that you're using lucid [21:50] (in #kubuntu-devel) [21:50] yofel: thanks for the hint [21:55] Does anyone know if intel graphics has been updated in lucid? [21:55] I'm having a hell of a time with karmic on a friends system with an intel gma 950 [21:55] !info xserver-xorg-video-intel | histo [21:55] Flash skipping horribly [21:55] histo: xserver-xorg-video-intel (source: xserver-xorg-video-intel): X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.9.1-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 581 kB, installed size 1460 kB (Only available for amd64 hurd-i386 i386 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 netbsd-i386 lpia) [21:56] Yes, intel graphics have been updated; I don't know if that'll fix your problem. [21:56] !info xserver-xorg-video-intel karmic [21:56] xserver-xorg-video-intel (source: xserver-xorg-video-intel): X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.9.0-1ubuntu2.1 (karmic), package size 585 kB, installed size 1448 kB (Only available for amd64 hurd-i386 i386 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 netbsd-i386 lpia) [22:15] komputes: openarena runs fine (albeit very slowly (no surprise)) in my Lucid virtualbox. [22:15] arand: thanks for testing, may be my driver that makes it dark then [22:19] running grub-install /dev/sda in my karmic installation after removing the lucid partition, its asking for --root-directory, is it /boot or / ? [22:19] duffydack: normally / [22:22] ta [22:25] How very logical, I am able to run openarena (albeit slowly) but it refuses completely to enable desktop effects >_< [22:27] arand: are you running openarena in software mode? [22:28] Hmm, might be, I don't set anything in particular.. [22:29] histo: hmm, where would I actually tell if it were? [22:33] When is lucid's freeze? [22:33] In the topic :) [22:33] !release [22:33] Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases [22:33] Under “schedule” [22:34] nice to see the `manually add partition in live installer` bug fixed in dailys [22:35] arand: run glxinfo | grep render in terminal [22:35] arand: see if direct rendering is enabled [22:36] RAOF: under schedule that link is outdated [22:37] RAOF: neither of those links seem to show feature freeze [22:39] histo: You're looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule?action=show&redirect=LucidLynxSchedule , right? I see FeatureFreeze at Feb 18th. [22:39] histo: Also, “glxinfo | grep render” doesn't work as a 3D-is-working-herustic anymore; the mesa software renderer now supports direct rendering, so that check will always return true. [22:40] histo: hmm, seems to be a few errors by the guest utils there.. "OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer" < Implies SW rendering? [22:40] What is ubuntu's policy concerning prerelease software making it into the release? [22:41] arand: what type of renderer. [22:42] Some_Person: I guess it all depends on importance/impact. [22:42] arand: Yes, that means you're using mesa's software renderer. [22:43] arand: That's why desktop-effects aren't starting; they explicitly test for the software renderer and bail if you're using it. [22:44] interesting... this geforce6200 igp has the same window-resize/maximize lag that people complain about ATI having. [22:47] How (un)stable is lucid at this point? [22:48] Hmm, then, if openarena can, why can't compiz run in software mode ;/ [22:49] arand: Because it'll be (a) slow, and (b) I don't think GL_EXT_texture_from_pixmap works correctly with the software renderer. [22:53] Heh, I'd take the sluggishness anyday if it allowed testing on VMs... [23:55] yargh, http://live.gnome.org/Metacity/MpxHowto [23:55] why has this stuff not been integrated upstream? [23:55] It's been 2 years, roughly.