
pleia2cjohnston: hm?00:37
=== cprofitt_ is now known as cprofitt
akgranerpleia2, got a sec?00:55
pleia2akgraner: sure00:55
cjohnstonpleia2: did you see my update to the meeting agenda01:50
pleia2cjohnston: no, eep!02:03
pleia2cjohnston: do we have a plan for filling the spot, or do you need me to ask around?14:11
* pendulum_ was about to ask the same thing14:12
pendulum_Also, are there any instructors I need to send follow up emails to for intros and outlines?14:13
nigel_nbhello :)15:25
pendulum_Hi nigel_nb15:29
nigel_nbhey pendulum_15:30
nigel_nbpendulum_, excitement level seems to be high for user days15:32
nigel_nbI just googled user days yesterday and there are a lot of blogs announcing us!15:33
pendulum_Cool :)15:41
pendulum_nigel_nb: Any idea if you'll make it for sure?15:43
nigel_nbpendulum_, My laptop is not entirely stable, but I'm going to write my course out so anyone can lead in case I miss it15:43
pendulum_Awesome :)15:44
nigel_nbpendulum_, chris is on bug squad or i can get someone like maco or micahg or some other bug squad member to do it15:44
nigel_nbin the event that I cannot make it15:47
nigel_nbanyway I'm planning to go to some place nearby which stays open late so I have back up15:47
cjohnston_pleia2_: i have a replacement18:11
cjohnston_pendulum_: I believe that every outline I have is already linked by the course name on the schedule18:11
cjohnston_and the intros are https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam/01232010/intro18:11
pendulum_Did you see jcastro's note to you in #ubuntu-community-team ?18:12
cjohnston_talking to him18:13
cjohnston_about what he needed from me?18:13
pendulum_Yeah, I see that not18:14
cjohnston_wasnt sure if i missed something18:14
cjohnston_its a good thing i dont have any hair18:15
=== cjohnston_ is now known as cjohnston
pendulum_Nothing to tear out?18:18
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
nigel_nbcjohnston: you were looking for me yday?20:09
cjohnstoni need to hear from your buddy20:10
nigel_nbcjohnston: oh, I'll mail him later today with a copy to you20:11
cjohnstonhe is leading one of the most important classes and i havent heard from him in a while20:13
nigel_nboh oh!20:14
nigel_nbpleia2: got a min?20:17
pleia2nigel_nb: sure20:19
nigel_nbpleia2: for the LP class, doesn't openid need a mention too?20:19
nigel_nbI realized that when working on it20:19
nigel_nbrigt now, its all about answers and bug reporting20:20
pleia2nigel_nb: the one for user days?20:20
nigel_nbpleia2: yeah20:20
pleia2I don't think so20:20
pleia2it's kinda an additional thing that lp can do, not a core feature20:21
nigel_nbbut the class is about "why you need to sign up for LP"20:21
nigel_nbor thats how I've oriented it20:23
nigel_nbcjohnston: start structuring that course, I'll get to it later today when I get off work20:26
nigel_nbcjohnston: once we get it final, we can hand it to anyone to present20:26
cjohnstonill try.. im extremely limited on time20:26
nigel_nbhm, I'll try to get it today then20:28
cjohnstonanyone else who wants to help out... we need a backup for the first class.... cause i havent heard from the instructor in quite a while20:29
nigel_nbpleia2, ^^20:30
cjohnston_marx_: ^^20:30
nigel_nbnhandler, paultag ^^20:30
nigel_nbI've got to get back to work, lets hope for the best and get this thing moving20:33
nigel_nbpleia2: we'l talk later about the openID stuff20:35
paultagcjohnston, poke20:36
paultagcjohnston, what's going on?20:36
mhall119|workI would think openid should be mentioned20:37
mhall119|workI use my LP OpenID it at several websites20:37
cjohnstonpaultag: i havent heard from the guy teaching the first course in a couple weeks... and i dont know him.. so he is making me really nervous cause i cant get ahold of him20:50
paultagcjohnston, did he put any materials in?20:51
paultagwhat session was he doing cjohnston?20:52
cjohnstonSwitching to Ubuntu & Installation20:52
paultagAch. That's a big one20:52
pendulum_He started a page like he was going to put his outline up, but last I checked there was nothing on it20:52
paultagcjohnston, have you spammed the UBT about it?20:52
cjohnstonshould be a fairly easy course.. but very important20:52
paultagcjohnston, We have really good exp. with getting people switched20:53
cjohnstoni wanted to give as much time as i could20:53
cjohnstonive already gotten one replacement..20:53
paultagcjohnston, yeah, just give a heads up, and try to get in touch with the old guy20:53
paultagcjohnston, Ah, OK20:53
cjohnstonfor another course20:53
cjohnstonif someone can help me write it.. i can teach it..20:53
cjohnstonbut i dont have time between now and then to write the course20:53
paultagcjohnston, I can give whatever time I have to help20:53
paultagcjohnston, I don't want to see a missing session20:54
cjohnstoni dont either20:54
cjohnstonexpecially that one20:54
pendulum_I'm also willing to help with it20:54
cjohnstonpaultag: you know the BT better than I, is there anyone there who would be really good at helping to write even if they cant teach it?20:55
paultagcjohnston, Joel is very good with that. Duane is great too. Both can write very well20:55
pendulum_cjohnston: Do you want me to send an email to the current person?20:58
pendulum_Just asking him to check in?20:58
cjohnstonpendulum_: nigel is gonna email him... you may as well..20:59
cjohnstonlike someone said he added a blank outline page20:59
cjohnstonbut thats it20:59
cjohnstoni askwed him weeks ago to make a wiki page for himself.. ive sent a few emails... nada20:59
pendulum_Yeah (that was me who said it)20:59
mhall119|workcjohnston: you should put something on the Florida Team's agenda for tonight about User Day21:02
cjohnstonmhall119|work: just for a heads up?21:03
mhall119|workand to recruit teachers if you need a replacement for that one21:03
cjohnstonpaultag: joel is?21:13
paultagcjohnston, he is not online. I can't spell his last name but it's kinda like "jgougen"21:13
paultagcjohnston, I have his email if you would like it21:14
paultagcjohnston, there :)21:14
cjohnstonso... someone in here was saying how great you are21:18
cjohnstonI can't get ahold of one of my instructors for user days...21:18
duanedesignyeah it costs me a lot of money to get those compliments floated around. But it is worth it :)21:19
cjohnstonI am in need of a backup...21:19
cjohnstonI don't have to have an instructor, although that would be nice...21:19
cjohnstonbut I atleast need a course written so I could teach it...21:20
cjohnstoncause I dont have time to write it21:20
cjohnstonThe course is: "Switching to Ubuntu and Installation"21:20
duanedesigncjohnston: sure, what....ok21:20
cjohnstonmr. paultag said you are a great writer.21:20
cjohnstoni mean,,,21:21
cjohnstona birdy told me...21:21
paultagIt was tagpaul!21:21
duanedesigncjohnston: ok so basically a course on installation21:21
cjohnstonand the basics of using ubuntu once its installed21:22
duanedesigncjohnston: are there any points on 'Switching to Ubuntu' you think important outside of a basic install21:22
paultagduanedesign, but more to it then that, or else I would ask anyone to do it. It's about switching off Windoze, and I figured you would do really well as a UBT superstar21:22
duanedesignlol,, all these compliments are getting expensive ;)21:23
duanedesignpaultag: ill have your check in the mail21:23
paultagThanks :)21:23
cjohnstonthe basics of using it... i.e. how to do some things in ubuntu that you would do in winderz21:23
duanedesigncjohnston: ok some if you use this program, you'll love this.21:23
paultagI think someone is doing equivalent programs21:24
paultagor is that this?21:24
cjohnstonwe already have an equivalent programs...21:24
paultagduanedesign, just the pitfalls of switching over21:24
cjohnstonbut more of maybe like changing screen saver21:24
paultagIf I understand it right21:24
paultagcjohnston, +121:24
cjohnstontype things21:25
duanedesignsure the equivelant of the 'start' menu and control panels21:25
cjohnstonthat type o stuffs21:25
cjohnstonpaultag: ill put your check in the mail for the suggestion... your getting paid on both ends of this deal ... :-P21:25
cjohnstonduanedesign: i dont know if you are interested/able to teach the class...21:26
paultagGetting laid twice21:26
paultagpaid *21:26
paultagshit that was a bad typo21:26
cjohnstonbut if you can help with writing so i could teach it (or someone else)21:26
duanedesignpaultag: i had a guy in help the other day mix up the word disk (replace the s with c)21:26
duanedesign"so i put my * in" lol21:27
paultagSo, mount the dis...k21:27
duanedesignill get busy on that.21:27
duanedesignand it looks like the user day is Sat.21:28
cjohnstonthat course is at 130021:28
duanedesigni am probablly free that day so holding the course, if need be, should not be a problem21:28
cjohnstonwhat TZ are you?21:29
duanedesignlooks like -6 right now :)21:30
cjohnstonso that would be like 7am your time?21:31
duanedesignyep,lol. Nothing a little coffee cant fix21:31
cjohnstonill prolly be up all night friday worrying21:32
duanedesigncjohnston: well i will make it a point to get thee course written in plenty of time for some peer review21:32
cjohnstonthank you21:33
cjohnstonadding item to meeting agenda......21:33
cjohnstonmy desktop keyboard has stopped working21:36
cjohnstoni dont like this21:36
pendulum_cjohnston: We can have a party all up all night Friday and all day Saturday ;)21:36
cjohnstonparty wont happen until sat pm21:36
cjohnstonfri pm sat am will be panic21:36
pendulum_Let me know if there's anything I can do to help reduce the panic21:37
cjohnstonwhat type of meds ya got access to?21:38
cjohnstonmeeting in less than 5 hours21:39
pendulum_Ones that would probably knock you out, actually :p21:39
cjohnstonill pay for shipping21:40
cjohnstonkind-of kidding of course21:40
duanedesignther we go21:41
cjohnstonanyone want to (without just hitting delete/archive/anything else like that) wanna go through my email inbox and clean it up21:41
cjohnstonugg.. delete an email and i get a new one..21:49
cjohnston2200 isnt getting here soon enough23:46
duanedesigncjohnston: you having a meeting tonight23:55
duanedesigncjohnston: lets see, here in 2 hours. ill work hard to be there23:57

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