
crimsunfta: just uploaded openal-soft-1.11.753, which has a much improved PA backend01:43
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gnomefreakfirefox-3.0 ->3.7 are broken. they are locking up my system everytime i use it08:46
BUGabundo_remotewb gnomefreak09:16
gnomefreakBUGabundo_remote: thanks09:16
dpmhi asac, what's the preferred way to submit translations for ubufox? I believe just https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~asac/ubufox/main getting the files from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~asac/ubufox/main/files/head%3A/locale/en-US/, translating them and then filing a bug or submitting a merge proposal? Is that correct?11:12
asacdpm: yeah11:23
BUGabundo_remotefta: can you open https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/hdokiejnpimakedhajhdlcegeplioahd ?11:27
BUGabundo_remotestarted snapping after I tried that one11:27
BUGabundo_remotedisabled all my extensions and it still snaps :(11:28
dpmasac, thanks. I've now documented it there: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/KnowledgeBase/Ubufox. Does that look ok to you?11:41
asacdpm: i would suggest to start with bzr branch ... (the ubufox branch)11:43
asacand after adding locale/ll11:43
BUGabundo_remotefta: found the root cause: SSL11:43
asacdpm: also adding the appropriate line to chrome.manifest11:43
asacand then using sh build.so11:43
asacsh build.sh11:44
asacto produce a .xpi and test11:44
asace.g. users can tests11:44
asacbut otherwise looks goode11:44
dpmasac, ok, thanks. I've added the suggestions up to the point where translations are built. What are the actual steps for testing the built translation?11:59
asac12:44 < asac> sh build.sh12:08
asac12:44 < asac> to produce a .xpi and test12:08
asacyou install that .xpi in users profile for testing, by opening it in firefox12:08
asace.g. put it in /tmp/12:08
asacfirefox /tmp/ubufox.xpi12:08
asacadd a note to remember to uninstall it after testing from tools -> addons -> extensions12:08
dpmasac, ok, great, thanks. I'll add it to the wiki, then12:09
asaccrimsun: hey ;) ... not sure you already answered ...13:03
asacthe question was if you would suggest us to backport something from .32 to .31 kernel for alsa13:04
asacin lucid13:04
asacas we will use .31 on at least one SoC for arm13:04
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dpmasac, one last question on ubufox - where can I see the ubufox translations in the UI in Karmic? I can't find a way to see any ubufox dialog in tools > addons > extensions13:33
asacmultiple places:13:34
asac1. in tools -> addons -> get extensions13:34
asacthere is a "Get ubufox addons" or something link13:34
asac2. go to video.google.com without a flash plugin installed13:35
asacyou get an offering to search for plugins13:35
asacthat whole wizard neds to be translated13:36
asacif you are on a page with an active flash plugin (so it has to be installed)13:36
asacthere is a tools -> manage content plugins entry13:36
dpmasac, ah, thanks. On 1. though, Tools > Addons > Get extensions no longer seems to have the "Get ubufox addons" link. I can only see "Browse all addons" and "Show all recommended addons"13:39
asacbug :)13:45
asacin general it should be there13:45
asacfile a bug please while you are at it13:45
BUGabundo_remotehumm what? you called ?13:53
dpmasac, ok, reported as bug 50964814:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509648 in ubufox ""Get Ubuntu Addons" link no longer shown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50964814:20
micahgdpm wfm in ff 3.614:34
micahgor is this with the new all in one ff?14:34
dpmmicahg, I've got ff 3.514:35
dpm(I should have probably mentioned it in the bug)14:35
micahgwfm in ff3.514:35
micahgdpm: can you do firefox -p and try a new profile?14:36
dpmmicahg, can you show me a screenshot of where the link is supposed to be? Perhaps it's actually not a bug nd simply me not finding it14:37
micahgon the get addons tab in tools -> addons, it should show next to browse all addons14:38
dpmhmm, no, I can't see it14:41
dpmIt might be a problem with my locale14:44
micahgon the get addons tab to the right of the search box, do you get one link or 2?14:44
micahgdpm: which locale?14:45
asacmaybe tabmixplus is installed?14:46
asacafaik it breaks ubufox14:46
micahgyep, jsut had someone else with that bug14:46
dpmmicahg, I get only one link - no tabmixplus installed - locale ca_ES.UTF-8 ('ca' in ubufox)14:46
micahgthis is what should be on that tab : Obteniu extensions per a l'Ubuntu14:47
micahgdpm: do you see the report a bug link?14:48
micahgunder help14:48
micahgor rather Informeu d'un problema14:48
dpmmicahg, I do, and the translated "Translate this application..." etc as well14:48
dpmbut no two links in the addon manager14:49
asacyes. translate the ubufox menu entries are also to be translated14:49
asacdpm: ^^14:49
asacadd that to wiki page14:49
dpmasac, yep, good point14:50
micahgso it's not a problem with the file14:50
micahgdpm: does it work in a new profile?14:50
dpmmicahg, how do I create a new profile14:50
micahgdpm: firefox -p14:51
dpmmicahg, no, it does not seem to work with 'firefox -p'. Oddly enough, I've got an old virtualbox karmic installation which hasn't been updatd in a while. There I've got FF 3.5.4 and ubufox seems to work there (i.e. I see the two links)14:53
micahgdpm: same locale?14:53
micahgdpm: does firefox -p let you create a new profile?14:53
dpmmicahg, it just starts FF14:54
micahgdpm: ok, firefox -ProfileManager14:54
asacfirefox -P  i think14:54
dpmboth -P and -ProfileManager simply start FF14:55
asacif firefox is already open you need to set14:55
asacor set MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1 in env14:56
BUGabundo_remote-P needs a new profile path. -ProfileManager opens the Profile manager14:57
dpmok, I could create a new profile, but ubufox still does not show the link14:57
BUGabundo_remoteasac: does -no-remote allow to open a new FF even if another process is already running ?14:57
asacyes ... or the env14:57
dpmit did it for me14:57
BUGabundo_remoteasac: that would have been nice yesterday :((( fta didn't help.. just told me about eclestic or some strange mozilla name14:59
micahgcan I change my locale quickly to test?15:04
asaci am still the man ;)15:04
asacout for 40min15:04
micahgasac: are you back?>15:52
asacon a call in 6 ;)15:53
asacbut then, yes.15:54
asacshoot i would say15:54
micahgk, we still have those random build failures on lucid15:54
micahgit's TB3 and one of the xuls15:54
micahgit's not everyday15:54
asacsure not every day?15:57
asacmaybe the same biuld machine?15:58
micahgi'll look into that16:00
asacccheney: so libsop is mostly done16:56
asacccheney: why do you think there is much porting still needed for glib/gtk?16:56
asacthought we already checked that webkit itself at least doesnt require much new stuff from that16:57
ccheneyi might be forgetting i thought quite a few gtk bits were needed as well for the other bits16:57
ccheneyer other bits of epiphany16:57
asacfor epiphany some were needed afaiui16:58
asacbut it didnt feel like its hard to do16:58
asacsimilar to the libsoup thing ... if not easier16:58
asaclets first finish libsoup and then see how next step goes16:58
ccheneyi got libsoup to the point where it is only complaining about the bits we needed to stick in glib (aiui) a gnutls symbol, and the get_type parts16:58
asacccheney: can you publish your current patches somewhere?16:59
asacthe get_type thing didnt work out by pulling the G_DEFINE_TYPE thing in?16:59
ccheneyok, i will run a diff and post it16:59
asacthats inet_address, right?16:59
ccheneyasac: i can't remember, i will have to look again16:59
ccheneyit seems i only have one of the objects with a G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE so i will take a look at getting G_DEFINE_TYPE for the ones failing to see if it helps17:02
ccheneyi'll generate a diff so you can see what it currently looks like17:02
ccheneyasac: i put it in my incoming dir on chinstrap17:07
asacccheney: why not a public wgettable location ;)17:08
* asac checks17:08
ccheneyi guess i could stick it on people.ubuntu.com if i can determine how to login to it17:12
* ccheney doesn't have scp access to his personal webhost17:12
asacccheney: cant you post a minimal diff?17:53
asacthat feels a bit too little love :(17:54
asacplease use pastebin to exchange patches17:55
asacok waiting for that now17:55
asacok got it17:56
asacfiltered out cruft17:56
asacccheney: you need:18:00
asac./gio/ginetaddress.c:G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GInetAddress, g_inet_address, G_TYPE_OBJECT,18:00
asac./gio/ginetaddress.h:#define G_TYPE_INET_ADDRESS         (g_inet_address_get_type ())18:00
asacseems you dont have those yet.18:00
asacsame for socket address18:01
ccheneyok, thanks :)18:01
asacand other types you need18:01
asacccheney: note the first paste is only one line, while the code to copy is probably two or three18:02
asacccheney: the second define belongs where the other gtype macros are:18:02
asac+#define G_INET_ADDRESS(o)             (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((o), G_TYPE_INET_ADDRESS, GInetAddress))18:02
asaclike above that G_INET_ADDRESS18:02
asacthe G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE usually goes in the .c file18:03
asacpretty much on top18:03
asacbut you see that in the .c file i posted18:03
asacccheney: working well?19:43
ccheneyabout to start on it, been finishing up the OOo 3.2.0~rc2 build I was working on so i can get it uploaded20:15
ccheneyi think its ready to upload here in a few min, then i'll be testing out the get_type code20:16
ccheneyalso had a problem with the karmic backport wifi blowing up on me :(20:16
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crimsunasac: WRT alsa: answered where? Also, I would need more context for x86, please.23:05
crimsunasac: generally pulling 32 alsa -> 31 will want alsa-lib and alsa-plugins changes, too, but if you can be more specific I could point out which changesets need to be applied.23:06
ftauhh, what just happened?23:13
crimsunnetsplit, probably23:14
fta"Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)." so i've been kicked out, or the ircd just exploded23:16
* sebner saw a netsplit too though23:17
ftaanyway, did you see my question?23:17
crimsunI've only seen "uhh, what just happened?"23:17
fta<fta> crimsun, what is "openal-soft-1.11.753"?23:19
ftareferring to your "<crimsun> fta: just uploaded openal-soft-1.11.753, which has a much improved PA backend"23:20
crimsunfta: some backend (like libsdl) that you may (or not) use in some games23:20
crimsunI can't track everything everyone uses, only that everyone complains bitterly when stuff doesn't work ;-)23:21
fta$ ldd /usr/games/openarena | grep al23:21
fta        libopenal.so.1 => /usr/lib/libopenal.so.1 (0x00c2d000)23:21
ftais that it?23:22
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ftacrimsun, still 100% cpu23:54
crimsunfta: 100% cpu isn't really a bug23:55
crimsunremember that if an app requests low latency, PA will grant it at the expense of spinning23:55
crimsunfta: I'm much more concerned about things like your audio stuttering, popping, etc.23:55

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