
dholbachgood morning07:15
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ballIs there a Creole port of Ubuntu?15:50
ebelball: possibily16:11
ebelball: the main problem is how much of it is translated16:11
ebelthere is lots of translations in ubuntu, some quite fully translated, some only 5% translations16:12
ebelball: I assume you mean this 'creole' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haitian_Creole_language16:12
ballebel: yes, that one.16:13
ebelhttps://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu this is a list of all the translations16:13
ballI've sent one Xubuntu machine to Haiti (perhaps a year ago)16:13
ball...think we set that one to French.16:13
ebelall the reds are things that aren't translated16:13
ebelunfortunatly, there is still reds16:13
ebelball: this is info the haitian creole translation of ubuntu https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+lang/ht16:14
ebellots of red :(16:14
ballebel: Oh well.  I'll stick to French for now then.16:14
ebelof 369,285 bits of text, 363,419 are untranslated.16:16
ebellooks like there's some activity this month in it...16:16
ebelhttps://launchpad.net/~jcpoulard-gmail this person is doing some translation16:17
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