
onetinsoldierwolter: yes. mine is. i formatted mine as fat32. then i used 'unetbootin' and installed 9.10 by booting it live off the bootable usb stick that unetbootin made00:00
TheMozartDr_Willis: its ok, I typed "sudo nautilus" and added deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free to the apt list00:01
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  its very bad habbit to run nautilus as root.. im not even sure why you needed to do that.. :)00:01
TheMozarttrism: now u tell me :P00:01
TheMozarti closed nautilus as root now.. can it do any damage since I opened it once as root?00:01
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  You  can add specific repos with the various other tools.. or make a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d00:02
onetinsoldierTheMozart: no00:02
MAZHey all00:02
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  you would not belive the silly things ive seen happen by people who accidently do things with nautilys as root. :)00:02
onetinsoldierhi there00:02
anil56554hello maz00:02
MAZPretty much  still learning Ubuntu but love it so far00:03
wish^so ubuntu for server ?00:03
wish^what can you tell me?00:03
* Dr_Willis points Out that Compuiz HAS a feature to append 'ROOT:' to the title of any window/program running as root. :) handy00:03
TheMozartDr_Willis: all i did was add deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free to the apt list text file, and then installed opera.. opened apt again and removed deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free to the apt list.  Is that ok?00:03
anil56554how to update metasploit00:03
Dr_Williswish^:   yes it can work as a server...00:03
wish^will it work well, as in well like debian, fedoracore?00:03
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  why did you remove it? you dont get opera updates now.. and next time look in   /etc/apt/sources.list.d00:03
blakkheimanil56554: with svn00:04
MAZAny help me with a problem?00:04
Dr_Williswish^:   ive never heard of any complaints00:04
anil56554svn how to do that00:04
Xarverhow do I make my essay on openoffice word double spaced?00:04
TheMozartDr_Willis: look at /etc/apt/sources.list.d for what?00:04
blakkheimanil56554: you shouldn't be using metasploit if you don't know that00:04
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  thats the PROPER place to add  unoffical repos.00:04
anil56554i know that00:04
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  altering the sources.list file is sort of out of date.00:04
onetinsoldierhi. i could use some help with getting proprietary ati fglrx 9.12 drivers working. the fbdev driver appears to load, but the first error that appears in my log file is '(EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory'. is there a specific package that creates /dev/fb0? btw, i do have 'dbus' and 'hal' installed. here is a pastebin of my entire Xorg log file --> http://pastebin.com/f670622f600:04
anil56554i was just trying to see someone here is intrested in metasploit00:05
TheMozartDr_Willis: ok I added deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free back to sources.list.  Is that all I need to do to get opera updates?00:05
_CommandeR_when i enable two finger scroll in mouse options it does not work for some reasons and i have no idea how do make it work anyone ?00:05
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  you totally missed the point of me mentioning /etc/apt/sources.list.d havent you.....00:06
TheMozartDr_Willis: its empty inside /etc/apt/sources.list.d00:06
TheMozartnothing there00:06
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  you create a proper file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d and those get appeneded to the sources  No need to mess with the sources.list file.00:06
TheMozartDr_Willis: i hear ya00:06
MAZAny have any idea why I would get a kernal Panic while trying to load Ubuntu 9.10?00:07
hulabearHowdy!  I have been using Ubuntu for about a year.  I have noticed that when transferring folders (either within the same drive or to another drive) the total number of files affects the transfer speed.  That is, 1000 files start moving more quickly and at a higher speed than 50000 files.  Indeed, a folder that has 100,000 files may take up to 30 minutes before the data begins moving;  the initial transfer rate starts around 1 kbs a00:07
hulabearnd slowly increases as the number files yet to move declines.  The transfer speed only rarely exceeds 1 megabyte per second.  What am I doing wrong?00:07
TheMozartDr_Willis: so I added a file called "sources" inside the /etc/apt/sources.list.d folder and add "deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free" to the sources text file?00:07
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  pastebinit  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list00:07
ulbhulabear: archive (compress) the files first00:07
anil56554anyone metasploit geek00:08
TheMozartDr_Willis: what you mean? pastebin?00:08
Dr_Willistheres an example. from what i gather the  opera.deb whould of created just that file00:08
Dr_WillisLOOK at the pastebin i pasted00:08
wish^so anyone have any experience with ubuntu for an ftp server?00:08
TheMozartDr_Willis: i dont understand00:08
meganerdwhat Dan said00:08
blakkheimwish^: i've used debian..00:08
wish^ive used debian00:09
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  you make a file  called whatever.list (thats why i gave the full path in my paste)  then have a line in it like that pastebin shows for each repo you want to add.00:09
wish^thing is, i wanna try something new..00:09
Zhenyahi guys, anyone here have an android phone and have succesfully run gmoteserver on their install?00:09
TheMozartDr_Willis: I know I am supposed to add deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free inside the /etc/apt/sources.list.d folder.. but what file do I create?00:09
blakkheimwish^: trust me, you're better off with debian for that00:09
jribwish^: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/index.html00:09
jribblakkheim: why?00:09
TheMozartDr_Willis: your explanation doesnt make sense to me sorry00:09
Dr_WillisTheMozart: Picksomename.list00:09
MAZAny have any idea why I would get a kernal Panic while trying to load Ubuntu 9.10? It also says something about not killable process running or something to that effect00:09
blakkheimjrib: debian (stable) is one of the best distros for a server00:09
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  was MY specific example..00:10
TheMozartDr_Willis: where do I save that file?  Desktop?00:10
blakkheimjrib: just my opinion of course00:10
hulabearI am using external drives that are 500 Gb and 1.5 Tb capacity.  I make frequent changes to the contents.  Will compressing these drives interfere with ease of access to the data?00:10
jribblakkheim: I agree that nothing compares to stable but ubuntu LTS is a strong server distro imo too00:10
Dr_WillisTheMozart:   You make a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/    with some descriotive name.list   and the repo line goes In that file00:10
TheMozartDr_Willis: i created a file called opera.list on my deskstop. and inside that file I added: deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free.  Now what?00:11
blakkheimjrib: i prefer debian from a security standpoint, i have much more respect for them00:11
Dr_WillisTheMozart:   You make a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/    <------------------------- IT GOES in there00:11
TheMozartDr_Willis: whats safest way to love the file opera.list into /etc/apt/sources.list.d?00:11
seframhow can I get fglrx working in karmic?00:11
TheMozartDr_Willis: move, not love :P00:11
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  sudo mv whatever whever00:11
TheMozartDr_Willis: ok00:11
noladesihey how do you register a screen name00:12
jrib!register | noladesi00:12
ubottunoladesi: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode00:12
Dr_Willisnoladesi:  /msg nickserv help00:12
noladesidr_willis: just type that cmd in here00:12
=== Callum__ is now known as Callum_
TheMozartDr_Willis: ok i think its done00:13
R1kARD0hello =)00:13
R1kARD0how is ebrivadi doing?00:13
R1kARD0ok =)00:14
noladesii think i got it00:14
R1kARD0so can i ask some little help, not to be solved, just where to be pointed out00:15
R1kARD0please xD00:15
hulabearhow do I compress my hard drives?00:16
Dr_Willishulabear:  its broberly not worth the effort to even do so.00:16
R1kARD0just when i logging in to my account the only thing that i see is a terminal window and my wallpaper00:17
fuzzybunnyCan anyone help me whenever I open a webcal:// link or double click on a .ics file it just opens as a text file and doesn't give me the option of adding the event to my Evolution calendar00:17
TheMozartwhenever Ubuntu goes into full screen, I get this message, ""Could not switch the monitor configuration. CRTC 56"  Anyone know whats happening?00:17
hulabearHowdy!  I have been using Ubuntu for about a year.  I have noticed that when transferring folders (either within the same drive or to another drive) the total number of files affects the transfer speed.  That is, 1000 files start moving more quickly and at a higher speed than 50000 files.  Indeed, a folder that has 100,000 files may take up to 30 minutes before the data begins moving;  the initial transfer rate starts around 1 kbs a00:17
hulabear<hulabear> nd slowly increases as the number files yet to move declines.  The transfer speed only rarely exceeds 1 megabyte per second.  What am I doing wrong?00:17
R1kARD0i don't know what happened xD. i left my pc to my cousin and them, bam, dunno the hell he did XD00:17
anil_dedTheMozart: Change your monitor refresh rate and resolution00:18
TheMozartanil_ded: where?00:18
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hulabearulb suggested archiving/compressing the files before doing the transfer.00:18
TuxguyHow do you chain install packages? in yum its like 'yum install x y z' but 'apt-get install x y z' gives unmet dependency issues00:18
R1kARD0well, if anyone know something about, when i loggint in to my session the only thing that i see is a terminal, no borders, nothing00:19
anil_dedTheMozart : which linux you use00:19
jribTuxguy: what are you trying to do?  That syntax is correct for installing multiple packages?  Pastebin your command and the output00:19
TheMozartanil_ded: it is on 1280x800 16x10 now... but only offers 4;300:19
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TheMozartanil_ded: latest00:19
setuidAny grub gurus about? I'm at the "grub rescue>" prompt, and nothing is available. Typing 'help' results in: "Unknown command 'help'"00:19
Tuxguyjrib, well, say  y and z depend on x00:19
Phong_i have question: is there a touch screen driver for ubuntu?00:19
Tuxguyjrib, ettercap ettercap-common ettercap-gtk00:19
jribTuxguy: then just install y.  apt-get will figure out it needs x by itself.  That's what a package manager does :)  If you do list them all, it doesn't matter00:20
setuidI removed grub2, installed grub as per this page (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reverting%20to%20GRUB%20Legacy), and booting left me at this "grub rescue>" prompt.00:20
hulabearDr Willis:  what is the fastest way to move folders using Ubuntu Karmic Koala?00:20
noladesii think i did it.00:20
jmburgessHello I was using my laptop when the wireless stopped working and then it kernel paniced00:20
jmburgessnow I can't get wireless to work00:20
Phong_i have question: is there a touch screen driver for ubuntu?00:20
Dr_Willishulabear:  you mean across  the network? or the local machine?00:20
anil_dedTheMozart : if you have any graphic drivers go to its setting change its refresh rate.00:21
Dr_WillisPhong_:  ive seen touch screen enabled linux devices.. so thers proberly some.00:21
Tuxguyjrib, it gives me Conflicts: ettercap but 1:0.7.3-1.4ubuntu1 is to be installed00:21
noladesigot a screen name00:21
jmburgessit says it is on but it doesn't find any networks, by rmmod and modprobing iwlagn I can get it to see networks but it won't connect to anything00:21
hulabearOn a local machine, usually from from one external drive to another.00:21
noladesiubuntu is great man00:21
gkahlaPhong_- yes, there is - it's already installed, too. you just have to configure your X for it00:21
noladesii love netbook remix00:21
Dr_Willishulabear:  I just use the file manager or command line. Nothing special00:21
skalkasomeone can help me in compiling gnome-shell?00:21
R1kARD0i hate netbook remix00:21
R1kARD0haha netbook remix is nice, i luv it XD00:22
skalkai have an error while compiling mutter00:22
noladesiwhy retardo?00:22
blakkheimnoladesi: i see what you did there00:22
anil_dedMy windows partions are automatically mounted but not as root so i have to open them as root when i want to delete files any solution00:22
noladesiblakkheim: ok00:22
hulabearDr. Willis :  I have been using the CUT and PASTE commands.  I have observed that the more files that are being moved, the longer it takes for the move tho begin and the slower the transfer speed.00:23
R1kARD0it's ok noladesi, i was being a fool, just playing around, see what u were going to do00:23
noladesir1kard0: thats cool man00:23
Dr_Willisanil_ded:   try installing/running the ntfs-config tool and enable the users write drives feature00:23
phong_can u name one touch screen driver for ubuntu?00:23
R1kARD0so, when i logging in i only see a terminal and my wallpaper T_T00:24
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noladesir1kard0: are you using regular desktop version00:24
jribTuxguy: can you pastebin the command you ran and the full output as well as a copy of your /etc/apt/sources.list*00:24
Dr_Willishulabear:  its calculating the sizes so that makes sence at the start. I doubt if the actual transfer speeds differ00:24
eggshellsthe SDL libraries in Synaptic are outdated by several versions, is there a way to report this?00:24
gkahlaphong_- touchscreen drivers are already included in xorg00:24
anil_dedDr_willis : can we solve it by modifiying fstab entries00:24
Dr_Willishulabear:  i just click -drag - hold down alt key - and select move00:24
ice_stoneit doesn't work00:24
Dr_Willisanil_ded:  thats what that command sort of does..  IF they are mounted by fstab..  else it changes some hal/auto mount options00:25
anil_dedDr_willis: i use mint 700:25
Dr_Willisanil_ded:  so? the command still does the same stuff.00:25
Dr_Willisanil_ded:  if you want fstab entries. then make them. or let that tool make them00:25
ice_stonegod why is is so big deal to get 1024x768 at 120hz to work?!>?00:25
ice_stonei have been spending all day trying to get it working00:25
ice_stonestubborn ubunutu00:25
hulabearHave also used the click and drag method; same thing happens.  The transfer speed starts at 1 kbs and slowly rises to as high as 1 mbs, rarely faster.00:26
R1kARD0well, when i logging in the only ting that i see is a terminal and my wallpaper00:26
anil_dedDr_willis: which command00:26
R1kARD0can't do anything00:26
Random832ice_stone; 120hz? what?00:26
ice_stoneI have been trying to config the xconf00:26
TheMozartdidnt work.. I stilll get this message when Ubuntu loads in full screen: "Could not switch the monitor configuration. CRTC 56".. anyone else have idea?00:26
Dr_Willisanil_ded:   try installing/running the ntfs-config tool and enable the users write drives feature00:26
phong_can someone tell me where i can get a touchscreen driver for my tablet pc ?00:26
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ice_stoneRandom832, 120hz at 1024x76800:26
Random832can you really do that?00:26
TheMozartcan it be damaging my laptop screen?00:26
jmburgessCan anyone help me00:26
Random832i've never heard of a frequency over 8000:26
ice_stonewhy not over 80?00:26
TheMozartanyone ever seen this message "Could not switch the monitor configuration. CRTC 56"?00:27
ice_stonein window xp it can do 120 hz00:27
Dr_WillisRandom832:  thats what i was thinking also.. at least not on a LCD..00:27
setuidSure you can00:27
Random832i've just never heard of such a thing - well i mean do you actually know your monitor can do that, or are you just assuming00:27
ActionParsnip__yo yo yo00:27
ice_stoneI'm on CRT00:27
setuidMy LCD goes up to 400Hz00:27
iflemaice_stone your video card may not handle the 120hz00:27
Random832are you sure it's not an interlaced mode that's just called 60Hz on linux?00:27
ice_stoneno man listen... i have window xp00:27
noladesiHey does anyone have any stats on battery usage comparisons between Netbook Remix and Desktop Ubuntu????00:27
* Dr_Willis thinks we may be getting into marketing terms/buzzwords/hype now. :)00:27
ice_stonei just need to force ubuntu to let me do 120hz00:27
setuidDr_Willis, Marketechture!00:28
ActionParsnip__noladesi: i'd imagine the netbook has special acpi modules00:28
ice_stoneiflema, my video card can handle it00:28
iflemaice_stone sit further back ;)00:28
ice_stoneiflema, what do you mean?00:28
iflemaice_stone just how big is this monitor?00:29
meganerdI am glad to have left the CRT world behind00:29
ice_stoneiflema, 21 inch00:29
ice_stonei won't leave crt world yet00:29
ice_stonetill they make LCD with 120hz00:29
R1kARD0T_T i already try to restore gnome to default settings and nothing00:29
meganerdI had a 21" CRT once, it broke my desk00:29
Dr_Willismeganerd:  hard on the back also... :)00:29
ice_stoneI like to play quakelive at 120hz00:29
daftykinsice_stone: they do make 120Hz LCDs00:29
meganerdthe only reason would be shuttered 3d00:29
iflemaice_stone 60hz on 19inch lcd here..... so crisp....so clear...00:30
ice_stonebut not smooth00:30
ice_stoneiflema, not smooth00:30
meganerdthere are 240 Hz LCDs now00:30
qwoodhi all, i have a question about quotas i wondered if anyone knew anything about. when i run "quotacheck -avugm" I get a warning that the quotafile //aquota.user and //aquota.group was probably truncated. is this ok?00:30
noladesidon't they already have an LCD wit 120hz???00:30
iflemaice_stone smooth...yes00:30
* Dr_Willis thinks we are getting into subjective marketing terms now...00:30
meganerdI am not sure if there are any drivers that support this in Linux though00:30
anil_dedDr_willis: ntsf-config not worked00:30
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: what make / model is the display?00:30
ice_stoneit have to be something with my config00:30
linkz0ri wonder why you'd need 240hz, 120 is more than enough00:31
ice_stone120 is what I wanted00:31
linkz0rmore than that and you won't notice any difference00:31
R1kARD0when i loging in i only see a terminal T_T anyone know where to find some answer00:31
MavricAFKI was on Compiz and I set reflection on and linux crashed, I restarted a few times and everytime right after I logged in the screen would freeze, can anybody help me?00:31
noladesii want a million hz00:31
R1kARD0a guide to repair this problems00:31
ice_stonebut instead i am stuck at 75hz at 1024x76800:31
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: wat model ? hitiahi do a wide range00:31
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, let me look u00:31
phong_can someone tell me where i can get a touchscreen driver for my tablet pc ?00:31
Dr_Willisanil_ded:  you did unmount the drives and let it remount them? perhaps log out/back in or perhaps reboot.00:31
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: its like saying an epson printer, we need the model00:31
linkz0rnoiladesi, poor of your graphics programs, having to refresh millions per second to keep up with your monitor :300:32
anil_dedDr_willis: Yes Bro00:32
onetinsoldierhi. i could use some help with getting proprietary ati fglrx 9.12 drivers working. the fbdev driver appears to load, but the first error that appears in my log file is '(EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory'. is there a specific package that creates /dev/fb0? btw, i do have 'dbus' and 'hal' installed. here is a pastebin of my entire Xorg log file --> http://pastebin.com/f670622f600:32
Dr_Willisanil_ded:  add a proper fstab entry for them then - if one exists - then correct the fstab entry. that would override the auto mounting settings00:32
TheMozartanyone ever seen this message, "Could not switch the monitor configuration. could not set the configuration for CRTC 56"00:33
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, Hitachi CM812U00:33
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, this monitor can do 170hz at 640x xxx00:33
MavricAFKI was on Compiz and I set reflection ON and my computer crashed, I restarted a few times and everytime right after I logged in the screen would freeze, can anybody help me?00:33
anil_dedDr_willis: where to find fstab entries00:33
qualitangNetwork Manager won't automatically reconnect to my wireless network after a router reboot. Ubuntu 8.10, Can some one point me in the right direction?00:33
blakkheim!repeat | MavricAFK00:33
ubottuMavricAFK: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.00:33
R1kARD0i only see a terminal when i loging in any help?00:34
Dr_Willis!fstab | anil_ded00:34
ubottuanil_ded: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:34
Dr_Willis!ntfs-3g | anil_ded00:34
ubottuanil_ded: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions00:34
blakkheimR1kARD0: what's wrong with that?00:34
anil_dedDr_willis: Thanks dude00:34
ActionParsnip__MavricAFK: you'd be better asking in #compiz00:35
TheMozarthow can I tell ubuntu not to use my Nivida settings and just use default00:36
noladesihey is uNR better for batt life compared to Win 700:36
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, in nvidia setting it said i have 100hz for 1152x864 but why not 1024x768??00:36
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  you could rename the xorg.conf  so you have no xorg.conf then it should use defaults00:36
TheMozartDr_Willis: but wont it create it again upn rebooting?00:36
ice_stonei think it will make same other one00:36
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Dr_WillisTheMozart:  No.00:37
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  i have several nvidia systems with no xorg.conf at all00:37
TheMozartDr_Willis: it seems my nivida is not liked by Ubuntu... thats why it gives that CRTC56 message00:37
TheMozartDr_Willis: ok, so what do I do? how I rename it?00:37
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  sudo mv whatever whatever.backup00:38
TheMozartDr_Willis: eh?00:38
Dr_WillisI think it may be time to lean  some bash basics.....00:38
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  sudo mv path/tp/file  /poath/to/newname.backup00:39
TheMozartDr_Willis: whats the command to rename the xorg.conf?  I type sudo mv xorg.conf x1.conf ?00:39
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  yes.. if you are in the proper directory which is /etc/X1100:39
TheMozartDr_Willis: are u playing with me?00:39
TheMozartsudo mv path/tp/file  /poath/to/newname.backup?? whats that? :P00:39
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: not sure, i'd sit on 100hz personally00:39
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  this is pretty much bash 101 day 1 stuff.00:39
dandamanso when i had 9.04 my hd that had windows on it was /media/disk, now when i upgraded to 9.10 the name got changed to /media/D231154353 how sould i go about changing the name back to disk? im afraid of breaking something by simply renaming it. when i right click on the disk in GParted, label is grayed out00:39
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  THINK about the paths/filenames  use your TAB keuy to complate the proper filenames00:39
TheMozartDr_Willis: so I go into /etc/X11 and type "sudo mv xorg.conf x1.conf"00:40
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  you got it00:40
TheMozartDr_Willis: then reboot and Ubuntun will actually start?00:40
Dr_WillisTheMozart:   just restart the GDM service  'sudo service gdm restart'00:40
noladesiAnyone compare NBR vs. Win 700:41
noladesiin battery life00:41
TheMozartDr_Willis: there is no file called xorg.conf in my /etc/X11 folder. how come?00:41
blakkheimnoladesi: this isn't the place for that00:41
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  looks like you are using the defaults then.. Unless your user has some specific settings set up00:41
meganerdnoladesi: not apples to apples00:41
TheMozartDr_Willis: mv: cannot stat `xorg.conf': No such file or directory00:41
setuidSo any ideas?00:41
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, in window xp (i dual booted) it do 100hz and 120hz just fine00:41
Dr_Willis ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:41
Dr_Willis-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1826 2009-11-08 02:50 /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:42
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: then i have no idea, is 100Hz that offensive?00:42
noladesioh yeah meganerd00:42
noladesii mean what do you think about UNR's performance00:42
meganerdnoladesi: besides the biggest draw is going to be the LCD followed by the north bridge00:42
Dr_Willisnoladesi:  unr works decent on my Netbook.00:42
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, i can't even get 100 or 120 to work00:42
meganerdI have a problem with my netbook's crappy ssd00:42
TheMozartDr_Willis: ok so maybe I should install the Nvidia drivers?00:42
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: which nvidia driver are you using?00:42
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  If you are using nvidia cards and want the best preformace.. yes.. Use the nvidia cxdrivers00:43
meganerdso I have not bothered to really bench it since I pretty much can't stand it00:43
noladesiIt works well on mine also00:43
TheMozartDr_Willis: how I install them? command?00:43
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, the most recommended one00:43
noladesiThe biggest issue i have with UNR is my mouse is a little strange00:43
meganerdit is useable with Linux and a RAM upgrade (with no swap)00:43
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: try adding the nvidia ppa and use the 195 driver, it may help00:43
meganerdno problem here00:43
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, 185.18.3600:43
TheMozartDr_Willis: sudo apt-get install nvidia cxdrivers ?00:43
noladesimaybe i need to mess with the setttings00:43
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: try the 195 from the nvidia ppa00:43
Dr_Willis!nvidia | TheMozart00:44
ubottuTheMozart: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:44
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  it depends on your video card. I use the hardware-driver tool in the menus for mine00:44
phong_can someone tell me where i can get a touchscreen driver for my tablet pc ?00:44
ice_stoneActionParsnip__,  what you mean ppa?00:44
Dr_Willisphong_:  i would check the forums for your exact tablet pc and see what others are using.00:44
TheMozartDr_Willis: where is the hardware-driver tool?00:44
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  in the system -> admin menus00:45
TheMozartDr_Willis: i ran hardware-driver tool but it didnt find anything00:45
ActionParsnip__!ppa | ice_stone00:45
ubottuice_stone: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.00:45
noladesihey are there drivers available for download for UNR???00:45
meganerdphong_: my lenovo x41 worked out of the box00:45
ActionParsnip__noladesi: that doesnt make sense, the drivers are for the hardware, not the OS00:45
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  No idea then. could be your card is one thats not supported by the driuvers yet. or some other oddity.00:45
jiohdinoladesi: like nvidia?00:45
Dr_Willisnoladesi:  UNR uses the same drivers as ubuntu would00:45
phong_DR: i have fugitsu u81000:45
Syco54645how do i disable this notifier thing in karmic? i just installed this update and it is driving me crazy00:46
FloodBot4Guest51632: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:46
phong_everythign seeems to work but i can't u a touch screen00:46
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: search for nvidia ppa and add the extra repo, you can then install the 195 driver00:46
noladesigotcha Willis00:46
unkmarI was using my laptop, decided to take a name and apparently it did too.00:46
powertool08Does anyone have a working samba config file which uses user-level security on a shared folder, but also allows guest to print without needing a password?00:46
TheMozartDr_Willis: yeah, somehing is wrong.. I get "Could not switch the monitor configuration. could not set the configuration for CRTC 56" whenever I run ubuntu in full screen.  But it actually does run in full screen OK it seems.. Can I be doing any damage to my laptop screen?00:46
TheMozartDr_Willis: it never did this on older Ubuntu00:46
ice_stoneActionParsnip__,  ppa thing is interesting, i'm doing that now00:46
unkmarI am in via ssh from another machine but only the backlight comes on for the laptop.00:47
iflemanoladesi if ya got time/resources checkout http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-moblin-remix/releases/9.10/release/00:47
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  the phrase 'ubuntu in full screen' seems... odd.. what do you mean exactly by that?00:47
ActionParsnip__powertool08: you define the allowed users in /etc/samba/smb.conf for each defined share00:47
unkmarit doesn't not respond to keystrokes or mouse movement.  How can I reawaken this thing?00:47
ActionParsnip__powertool08: you can set guest as allowed ok for the printers seperatel00:47
powertool08ActionParsnip__: I haved my passworded share working, but I can't get my printer to even show up on a windows computer.00:47
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  if its a laptop - i would check the forums for that exact model of laptop and see what others say about it00:48
TheMozartDr_Willis: running Ubuntu as guest through Virtualbox00:48
TheMozartDr_Willis: as soon as I press full screen, I get that message00:48
ActionParsnip__powertool08: under windows add a network printer and give the full path to the printer share00:48
powertool08ActionParsnip__: I have public = yes, browseable = yes, and guest ok = yes set in my printers section.00:48
NotTooSmarthow do i determine which port on a system is the 2.0 usb ?00:48
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  Err.. i dont recall you mentionign virtualbox  - for vbox the card/drivers dont matter. You install teh  Virtualboxc guest addations.. and thats it..00:49
Dr_Willisthat was the first time he MENTIONED virtualbox right? :)00:49
unkmarapt-get install defibulator; sudo defibulate -revive-from-sleep-mode00:50
powertool08ActionParsnip__: Is there not a way to make it show up in the list when browsing to add one? I'd like it to be easy for others.00:50
ActionParsnip__powertool08: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba   scroll to about 80% down, shows you the lines you need in smb.conf00:50
Dr_Willispowertool08:  i recall some 'default' option in samba for default shares to show. also.00:50
TheBigDirtyEmuCould some one give me a hand with some bash and rTorrent/00:51
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powertool08ActionParsnip__: Dr_Willis Thanks, I'll look into both of those.00:51
NotTooSmartpowertool08, http://pastebin.com/f7de0375 that is a sample smb.conf for you00:52
Dr_Willispowertool08:  i just enable the home shares and type in the actual username at the end of the share line then bookmark it :)00:52
Dr_WillisNotTooSmart:  thats empty. :)00:52
powertool08NotTooSmart: Nothing loaded, but I'm not looking for a simple conf. I want to password all shares except the printer.00:53
phong_DR: i got touch screen to work when i go to bios and set up   as Touch Panel instead of Tablet00:53
NotTooSmartDr_Willis, powertool08  um, ok nevermind then00:53
phong_but then, it is not calebrate00:53
powertool08NotTooSmart: Thanks for the effort though.00:53
phong_is tthere a software to calibrate fugitsu u810 ?00:53
NotTooSmartpowertool08, if you want to password protect set security = user00:54
javatexanhey something is broke00:55
powertool08NotTooSmart: I have that set, the problem is, with security set to user instead of share, I can't share printers without a password.00:55
NotTooSmartpowertool08, hrm...00:55
phong_anyone know a full instruction how to install evtouch for ubuntu?00:56
zetheroowhile trying to do ./configure I am getting this error: checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!00:56
NotTooSmartpowertool08, can you enable guest account for printing?00:56
gkahlazetheroo- do you have the -dev versions of xorg installed?00:57
NecromancyrOk, tried the beginners channel and it seems dead so figured I might try here.  Was wondering if something was possible and how, exactly, xrandx works.  Basically, is it possible to use xrandx to horizontally mirror/reflect the screen and the run Windows in a virtual box and have that be reflected as well?00:57
zetheroogkahla: don't know00:57
gkahlaif you don't have the -dev version of all the various libs installed, you can't build against them...00:58
zetheroogkahla: would it be xserver-xorg-dev ?00:58
powertool08NotTooSmart: It doesn't do much good. The user would still be prompted for a password because its wanting them to log in before they can see the printer.00:58
gkahlazetheroo- let me check00:58
Syco54645how do i disable this notifier thing in karmic? i just installed this update and it is driving me crazy00:58
phong_ok my last question: is it good idea to get precompile or the source then i do compile ?00:59
RoastedWhenever I create a group in ubuntu, then close, and try to apply the group to a folder in terminal, it says invalid group. When I go back, the group is gone. Why is this group disappearing each time I add it?00:59
Jef91Howdy All - I am trying to use apt-get build-dep from a program and it is telling me "E: Build-dependencies for maxima could not be satisfied.00:59
Jef91" is there a way I can have it tell me which depens it cannot get?...00:59
mglibinHello all!00:59
NecromancyrNo one?  Damn it.  If I have to redesign this arcade cabinet after building it I'm going to lose it.00:59
zetherooSyco54645: hehe ... yeah it can get a bit annoying ...00:59
mglibinWhat up?01:00
NecromancyrMe?  Trying to understand the limitations of xrandx. :)01:00
morphixNecromancyr: so what is the purpose?01:00
mglibinDo you speak Chuvash?01:00
zetheroogkahla: btw I installed that package but still get the error ...01:00
morphixreflecting the screen in reverse onto a mirror?01:00
NotTooSmartpowertool08, are you sure its possible to view devices without logging in?01:00
Syco54645zetheroo, any way to disable it??01:01
powertool08NotTooSmart: Pretty sure01:01
NecromancyrIt's a computer in an arcade cabinet that's going to run MAME.   The cabinet is a mirror setup - so the player looks into a mirror to play.01:01
Syco54645its really bad in my netbook...01:01
morphixin gnome01:01
NotTooSmartpowertool08, im looking through the docs, trying to figure it out and finding nothing01:01
zetherooSyco54645: there must be .. have you googled it?01:01
Syco54645zetheroo, i have and didnt find anything...01:01
powertool08Dr_Willis: The default share kinda works. It still prompts for a user/pass, but regardless of what's entered it will now show my printer share after the login fails.01:01
NecromancyrIf I can find the appropriate front ends and emulators in linux, I'll use them instead...but right now it looks like the emu/FE software has to be in Windows...and there's NO way to mirror the output on windows for a LCD display.01:01
morphixin gnome there is a configure display settings panel applet01:01
RoastedGuys. Why is my group disappearing each time I add it.01:01
morphixyou can right click and change the orientation01:02
morphixeg. upside down, to the right, to the left01:02
powertool08NotTooSmart: I know, I can find lots of documentation on passwording it, or leaving it wide open, but not to use a combination depending on the share.01:02
morphixdo you need to mirror it upside down?01:02
NotTooSmartpowertool08, thats what I meant ....01:02
NecromancyrMorphix: I don't actually have ubuntu installed.  I wanted to try to understand how the flipping works so that I can make sure it will do what I need prior to spending the time on it.01:02
NecromancyrNo - mirror left to right.01:02
NecromancyrIf you hold your monitor up into a mirror - that's what I need my video output to look like by default.01:03
NecromancyrI think xrandx -reflect x does this.01:03
qualitangNetwork Manager won't automatically reconnect to my wireless network after a router reboot. Ubuntu 8.10, Can some one point me in the right direction?01:03
Johnny_425ubuntu 9.10 desktop edition won't detect my headphones, please help!!!01:03
zetherooSyco54645: in Startup applications there is an entry called Indicator applet ... you could try disabling it and re-login ...01:03
NecromancyrI'm willing to attempt it, but I'm kind of an idiot when it comes to ubuntu and linux in general...so I'm wondering what xrandx actually works on.  If I used that, would it reflect EVERYTHING (which is desired), only certain stuff, etc.  (i.e. would it reflect programs using SDL)01:04
zetherooSyco54645: scrap that01:04
deseroNecromancyr: you can probably try it out on the livecd without installing anything01:04
Johnny_425ubuntu 9.10 desktop edition won't detect my headphones, please help!!!01:04
Syco54645zetheroo, ok, i am not even sure what to call this thing other than annoying...01:04
RoastedMy group I make keeps disappearing each time I add it. WHY is it just disappearing?!01:04
zetherooSyco54645: the indicator applet is the little envelope icon on the panel ...01:05
powertool08Dr_Willis: Actually, when running through the gui to add a printer, it shows up now. I guess it attempted to log in as the windows user, failed, then opened anyway. Thanks you made my day :D01:05
zetherooSyco54645: this is probably a service running ...01:05
NecromancyrDesero: One's downloading now.  Honestly, was just curious if anyone knew about how it worked at a lower level since attempting the whole virtual box of an xp machine isn't going to be easy... (Well, it might be, but it's going to take awhile to do)01:05
noXandOsIf used Wubi to install Ubuntu within windows would I also be able to login virtually with VirtualBox?01:05
noladesi1why is there a 1 by my name01:05
tamranhowdy everyone01:05
noladesi1how do i log in to my old user.01:05
ActionParsnip__noXandOs: can you clarify the question, wubi and virtualbox are seperate01:05
tamranI've got Kubuntu 9.10 installed and I'm finding the gtk2 apps all have bigger fonts than the kde ones.  Is there any way to change this?  Keep in mind, I've been all over the menus and settings (yes I found the settings for gtk fonts).01:06
powertool08NotTooSmart: Seems the 'default service = $printer_share_name' line is the key. Thanks for the ideas.01:06
noXandOsi know01:06
tamranit seems like half the font types in gnome apps under kde look just right, but things like pop up menus are about 30% larger01:06
ActionParsnip__noXandOs: you can run virtualbox inside a wubi install01:06
NotTooSmartpowertool08, heh i dont think I helped you but Im glad you figured it out01:06
noXandOsit is kind of a hard question to word, let me see01:06
tamrandoes anyone know how to fix?01:06
Syco54645zetheroo, yeah. you would think it would be easier to disable since i assume most people do not appreciate it01:06
ubottuIf you own an IRC nick that is currently being used, you can make it change nicks by typing: /msg nickserv release <nick> <password> | If you have a dead (ghost) connection, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password> | further help in #freenode01:06
ActionParsnip__noladesi1: ^01:06
noXandOswhat if i want to log in to my wubi installation from windows through virtualbox?01:07
ActionParsnip__noXandOs: its a different file structure so i doubt it will work01:07
noladesi1this irc stuff is strange01:07
zetherooSyco54645: well I have a very high res screen so its ok ... but I would like if when i click on it that it would disappear01:08
thermal_is there a way to bootstrap windows on your different virtual desktops when you start? I would also like to do the same with chrome or firefox starting windows going to particular urls on different virtual spaces and screens01:08
phong_i have this problem: where can i find the package: No package 'xorg-server' found01:08
phong_does anyone has a clue?01:08
deseroNecromancyr: I haven't used this software, but I have used the nvidia drivers to flip the image on the screen, i doubt this will be a problem01:09
Syco54645zetheroo, my screen is pretty high res too, it is just annoying. clicking should make it go away or i should be able to set the duration...01:09
zetherooSyco54645: ok I am having a look around01:10
mluser-homeany screen experts online?01:11
marc__I have a HTPC running winxp, another computer running linux most of the time for web development but booting in WinXP for gaming. I want to create a file/print/torrent server in the closet with a spare computer I have. Should I go with NFS or Samba?01:12
powertool08mluser-home: Not an expert but I use it some.01:12
Syco54645zetheroo, if you have other things to do dont worry about it01:13
linxehmarc__: CIFS (samba), or do both01:13
phong_how to open browser as root?01:13
mluser-homepowertool08: I'm trying to set the default on horizontal split to start a new shell rather than an empty section01:13
linxehmarc__: nfs is easier for unix hosts, but a PITA for Windows01:13
linxehphong_: sudo nautilus01:13
mluser-homepowertool08: when I use ctrl+a S, I get a new empty section, I want to change the behavior to start a new shell01:14
noladesi1irc is messing with me01:14
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powertool08mluser-home: Sorry, I don't use it that much. I'd guess you need to add something to a screenrc file in your user directory, ex: /home/user/.screenrc01:15
marc__that what I thought with what I was reading... then I have a problem, I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 right now (desktop) and installed Ubuntu 9.10 server in the closet, but when I try to move files (from desktop to server), nautilus crash after 4Gb... seems to be samba related but not sure how to fix that...01:15
iflemamluser-home man screen in a terminal01:15
powertool08mluser-home: #bash is pretty good with screen if you can't find an answer here.01:16
mluser-homepowertool08: thanks.. I'll try #bash01:16
linxehmarc__: what happens using the command line ?01:16
millertimek1a2m3anyone need some help?01:17
protojayyes millertimek1a2m3 , how do i stop ubuntu sucking?01:17
ActionParsnip__protojay: use the minimal install and only install what you need01:18
millertimek1a2m3protojay, this is like the second joke i've gotten like that01:18
marc__I have no idea how to move files across network using command line :(01:18
iflemamillertimek1a2m3 twinview with seperate backgound images?01:18
Necromancyr:)  Easy one.  How can I get to a command line on the LiveCD version :)  need to try something with xrandx01:18
ActionParsnip__marc__: mount the remote filesystem, then you can copy it like a local folder01:18
Necromancyr...nevermind.  Just found it under accessories.  and I meant xrandr01:19
millertimek1a2m3iflema, I've read up on that, i've had multiple monitors set up as well once, it's something that they've been trying to implement for a long time01:19
millertimek1a2m3have you checked the ubuntuforums?01:19
zetherooSyco54645: I have a really good look through gconf-editor ... could not find anything there ... but this is a very good issue ..01:19
iflemamillertimek1a2m3 mmm other distros have it out da box with twinview.... prob should look ito it huh01:19
zetherooSyco54645: have you seen this  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136008001:19
millertimek1a2m3iflema, well what other distros support this out of the box?01:20
millertimek1a2m3because I tried for a long time to get it working01:20
marc__then how can I mount remote filesystem? I now how to do that for local drive but not on remote... any good link where I can learn that?01:20
Syco54645zetheroo, i had back when i was trying to disable it on my netbook and it caused unr not to run...01:21
ActionParsnip__marc__: what is the remote share? samba? ftp? ssh?01:21
* iflema scrap'n for memory...... mandirva2010 is one.... i think cant remember.....01:21
millertimek1a2m3iflema, there's an app in the repos called "multiple screens". it might be what you're looking for01:21
Syco54645zetheroo, the second post that is, the third says just to remove the indicator app01:21
iflemagood one01:21
marc__default with ubuntu was samba01:21
humble1have a nice day everyone :)01:21
marc__when I open remote computer with Nautilus I see "smb://ubuntu-data-cent/"..01:21
zetherooSyco54645: yeah ..01:21
Syco54645zetheroo, i will try that01:21
ActionParsnip__marc__: http://www.geekology.co.za/blog/2009/04/ubuntu-linux-quick-tip-mount-samba-windows-file-share-to-folder/    stuff like this is ok01:22
noladesi1i need a link to learn about irc.01:22
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ActionParsnip__marc__: i believe if you access the share there will be a folder in ~/.gvfs01:22
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marc__ActionParsnip__, ok thanks a lot, I'll go try/check that. :)01:23
iflemamillertimek1a2m3 its really not important but if you have the time.... whats the cli command... is it twinview with seperate background images.... is it stable... does it work?01:24
zetherooSyco54645: seems to me that the other way to disable the notifications is to disable the specific apps from reporting their status ...01:24
NecromancyrOk, now I do need help.  If anyone has ever used xrandr, can you help me in figuring out how to determine what my output is for this?01:24
millertimek1a2m3iflema, i think ubuntu uses xrandr have you read up on that?01:25
zetherooSyco54645: for instance you can tell nm-applet to not report disconnections01:25
millertimek1a2m3iflema, i don't know what you're talking about with cli command01:25
RocketLauncherWhen transferring files off a cd to my hdd, there's NO Progress bar01:25
RocketLauncheri'm using nautilus01:25
Syco54645zetheroo, i will have to look into that01:25
Syco54645really annoying on pidgin01:25
RocketLauncherthere's no progress bar in thunar either. i can't tell if this thing is done.. no way to show progress01:25
meganerdxrandr is what gnome is using to actually change screen geometry etc01:25
iflemamillertimek1a2m3 cli = command line... apparently and ill just keep using my cut&paste 2 piece image01:25
humble1ActionParsnip__: http://www.geekology.co.za/blog/about/ is you are?01:27
ActionParsnip__humble1: sure about what?01:28
zetherooSyco54645: in Pidgin there is a plugin for libnotify ... disabling that plugin will probably stop the Pidgin notifications ...01:29
Johnny_425no sound is coming out of my headphones, they are plugged in at the front headphone jack, it also has a mic, which is plugged into the microphone jack. Please help me.01:29
humble1ActionParsnip__: Hi! My name’s Willem, I’m a 25-year old. it's true?01:29
Syco54645zetheroo, yes it did, thanks01:29
ActionParsnip__humble1: if you say so01:30
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:30
RocketLauncherWhen transferring files off a cd to my hdd, there's no way to show progress so i can't know how long it has to go until it's done transferring............. what should i do? this is irritating01:30
ActionParsnip__RocketLauncher: it will show a progress bar in a DE01:30
humble1ActionParsnip__: nice blog. MenZa; don't jealous.01:30
RocketLauncherActionParsnip__, running gnome01:30
DaZRocketLauncher: you can use du to measure how much is left01:31
alan_I am getting the following error whenever I download anything from synapticE: inform: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 201:31
Nafri_is it possible to group programs by type in gnome panel? like in kde multiple documents are grouped, multiple firefox sessions can be grouped etc01:31
DaZor look for progressbar patches [;01:31
ActionParsnip__RocketLauncher: you can add this in cli to get progress: http://chris-lamb.co.uk/2008/01/24/can-you-get-cp-to-give-a-progress-bar-like-wget/ in clie01:31
Johnny_425no sound is coming out of my headphones, they are plugged in at the front headphone jack, it also has a mic, which is plugged into the microphone jack. Please help me.01:31
ActionParsnip__RocketLauncher: the gnome desktop will show a progress bar01:31
RocketLauncherwhy doesn't nautilus have a progress bar in the first place? seems illogical01:32
dworekhello all01:32
humphreybc1How would I go about setting up sound to work on Ubuntu Server Edition?01:32
ActionParsnip__RocketLauncher: it does01:32
RocketLauncherActionParsnip__, i dont want to do it via cli, i don't like file managing through cli01:32
onetinsoldieralan_: hello. i can try and help. hang on a minute here...01:32
=== noladesi1 is now known as noladesi
ActionParsnip__RocketLauncher: looks like this: http://ultimate.in.rs/temp/ubuntu/CopyQueue_Expanded.png01:32
Johnny_425no sound is coming out of my headphones, they are plugged in at the front headphone jack, it also has a mic, which is plugged into the microphone jack. Please help me. I was sent here by #ubuntu-offtopic01:33
dworekcan somebody help me with weake wifi signal on Ubuntu?01:33
RocketLauncherActionParsnip__, how do i get it working01:33
alan_onetinsoldier thanks01:33
ActionParsnip__RocketLauncher: just copy and paste a file in nautilus, its te default activity01:33
ActionParsnip__dworek: run: sudo lshw -C network     you will see the product line, you may need firmware01:34
RocketLauncherAciid, i've been dragging in dropping, my bad01:34
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, how long do you wait for the PPA key to work?01:34
emmawhat does ubuntu need?01:35
millertimek1a2m3emma? i didn't know that girls used linux01:35
onetinsoldieralan_: you're welcome. ok, i give it a try. let's see if we can figure out what's not installed. what's the output of --> dpkg -l \* | grep '^in'  ??01:35
millertimek1a2m3at all01:35
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: as long as it takes dude, you can manually add the ppa lines to /etc/at/sources.list01:35
emmamillertimek1a2m3: that's pretty silly of you then.01:35
alan_onetinsoldier ok let me see01:35
microhaxoI need help, Could anyone on here help me setup a mips toolchain? I've never programmed outside of x86 before. I have all the source files and a mips-4.3 file containing everything needed.01:35
millertimek1a2m3emma: are you in college? what do you use linux for?01:35
Arv3nmeh. nfl football forums suck01:35
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: you will have to manually import the key on the nvidia pa page tough (not hard)01:36
johnhello to every one01:36
Arv3ni misnamed a player and got insulted by like 5 different people.01:36
daftykins!hi | john01:36
ubottujohn: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:36
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Guest67140ok  this is so cool01:36
tzeentch73Hi.  Anybody got an idea for me.   I've been trying to install ubuntu server for 3 days.  I just got the grub install from the CD (farthest yet).  My DVD (brand new darnit) keeps dying in the middle of the install.  Is there a way to install grub for there, or at least reboot the computer and pick up from where it left off01:36
iflemaemma some of the mainstream applications/topics have html docs that could use some lovin01:36
daftykinstzeentch73: have you tried running the CD check/test option?01:37
ActionParsnip__tzeentch73: did you md5 test the ISO files youo downloaded?01:37
onetinsoldieralan_: if you don't get anything from that, there's a few more to try yet. --> dpkg -l \* | grep '^iF'01:37
emmaiflema: i see. so documentation. Not a bad suggestion at all.01:37
microhaxoCould anyone on here help me setup a mips toolchain?01:37
millertimek1a2m3emma: are you in college? what do you use linux for?01:37
daftykins!ot | millertimek1a2m301:37
ubottumillertimek1a2m3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:37
emmaiflema: I was sort of hoping though, if say, you had a medium sized team of developers who were eager to do something, what could ubuntu use that would be appreciated and popular?01:37
iflemaemma now ya talking01:37
emmadaftykins: is right, im going to take this elsewhere :)01:38
Guest67140i want to know is ubuntu better then windows01:38
millertimek1a2m3emma are you a developer?01:38
tzeentch73ActionParnisp__ : yes.  I even verified the CD.  It verified at first, but if verify it now, it tells me that it's no good ( I don't even hear the player running).01:38
ActionParsnip__tzeentch73: have you tested your ram?01:38
Guest67140this is the first time im useing ubuntu01:39
* olivetree oi pessoal ;)01:39
daftykinsGuest67140: there is no 'better' in computing, merely what does the job and what suits you as a person01:39
Guest67140any on can pass on tips01:39
alan_onetinsoldier "in  pacman   <none>    (no description available)01:39
ActionParsnip__Guest67140: theres no right answer to that, if ubuntu suits your needs closer than windows then yes. if windows gives you more of what you need, then no01:39
tzeentch73ActionParsnip__ : Yes.  I let it run for about 4-5 hours.  It founds a few errors, but not many.01:39
ActionParsnip__Guest67140: it depends what you want to use your system for to if ubuntu is the tool for the job01:40
tzeentch73on 8 gigs.01:40
Guest67140but can you instal windows on ubuntu01:40
ActionParsnip__tzeentch73: sounds like your ram errors are causing the issues, you should have zero errors in the ram test01:40
onetinsoldieralan_: roger. ok, that's a problem package then, pacman. do you know how to use auto tab-completion?01:40
ActionParsnip__Guest67140: so you can virtualise, but you can virtualise ubuntu under windows01:40
noXandOsIS there a place for beginners of linux to read up? I'm new to l inux but pretty computer savvy otherwise.01:40
daftykinsGuest67140: if you mean virtualization then yes, but you can install lots of OSs on windows and lots of OSs on Linux too01:40
alan_onetinsoldier no I don't01:41
onetinsoldieralan_: ok01:41
B3rz3rk3rnoXandOs, what do you want to know about?01:41
noXandOsI just like to read stuff but I cant start at the end of the book ya know?01:41
greezmunkeyhello ppl :)01:41
onetinsoldieralan_: try the following on the command line --> cd /var/cache/apt/archives01:41
tzeentch73ActionParsnip__ : Really.  I didn't know that (thought a few was normal).  I'll try switching the ram around then to see if it does anything.01:42
Guest67140man this is so cool to find a place were you can get help and learn more with out people trying to hack your computer01:42
B3rz3rk3rnoXandOs, are you interested in the history or the current applications, or the kernel.. try be more specfic?01:42
onetinsoldieralan_: then --> ls pacman* - and tell me what the output is01:42
ActionParsnip__tzeentch73: id look into working out which stick is bad and remove it01:42
alan_ls pacman01:42
noXandOsCurrent applications and learning my way around the file system and stuff.01:42
B3rz3rk3rnoXandOs, that i can help you with.. mind if i pm you?01:43
binMonkeyis there a way to save a document in vim BUT still keep it open?01:43
iflemaGuest67140 watch what ya say when ya ip address is on display...01:43
blakkheimbinMonkey: :w01:43
noXandOsNope not at all01:43
tzeentch73ActionParsnip__  : yeah, I'll test them in pairs...01:43
binMonkeyblakkheim: thanks!!!!!!01:43
alan_onetinsoldier No such file or directory01:43
mgrotteI have recently installed adito ssl vpn on 9.10 server 32bit and every time I reboot the server I have to manually restart the adito service for it to accept my login.  any ideas on how to fix this problem,  adito is the old ssl-explorer that is now owned by openvpn aka openvpn als server01:44
onetinsoldieralan_: what's the output of --> pwd01:44
emanuxhello, i have a off-topic question about running subclipse01:45
alan_ontinsoldier /var/cache/apt/archives01:45
onetinsoldieralan_: ok. hmmm. well, what happens if you do --> apt-get -f install01:45
emanuxit says: Unable to load default svn client01:45
emanuxsetup: eclipse 3.5 ubuntu karmic01:46
onetinsoldieralan_: you'll probably just get the same error message as before, but i thought i'd have you try it01:46
emanuxit is looking JavaHL01:46
mgrotteno packages to install01:46
microhaxoSo no one knows how to setup a toolchain?01:48
mgrotteAnybody now why adito ssl vpn service needs to be restart after server reboot in order to get logins working again??01:48
daftykinsmgrotte: why not add an auto restart into /etc/rc.local ?01:48
rstob911MTecknology: are you around01:49
mgrottehow would I do that, what would the line look like. I have never had to do that before01:49
alan_onetinsoldier autoremoving one moment01:50
onetinsoldieralan_: ok01:50
=== humble1 is now known as durex
daftykinsmgrotte: same command as to restart the service i think. however you're doing it now01:51
greezmunkeyWill someone be kind enough to point me in the right direction to determine which device name my attached serial port is using? Dell laptop, integrated serial.01:52
daftykinssay "/etc/init.d/service restart" or for 9.10 server maybe "service <servicename> restart"01:52
Mtn-Mananyone here use  bitpim?01:52
funkyHatWhat's the best way to get grub 2 to default to -rt kernels? At the moment I can select them from the list, but because the -generic kernel has a higher minor revision version it gets chosen as the default01:52
Mtn-Manim trying to get it to work in ubuntu01:52
alan_onetinsoldier sudo apt-get -f install01:52
alan_Reading package lists... Done01:52
alan_Building dependency tree01:52
alan_Reading state information... Done01:52
alan_0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.01:52
FloodBot4alan_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:52
alan_1 not fully installed or removed.01:52
mgrottethank you daftykins, trying it now01:53
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=== EvilOne is now known as EvilOne_
alan_onetinsoldier did you get that01:53
onetinsoldieralan_: some of it, yes. you need to either /msg me multiple lines or use a 'pastebin' website01:54
=== EvilOne_ is now known as EvilOne
onetinsoldieralan_: for multiple lines01:54
emanuxhow to install JavaHL?01:54
onetinsoldieralan_: try to install stuff now01:55
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candiwhen i come to one of these chat lines i get lost trying to figure out if someone has responded to me or something else.01:56
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synapseis there a way to make UNR look and act like more like Ubuntu desktop???01:57
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onetinsoldieralan_: if you try to install something, does it work ok now?01:58
candii'm a newbee, had ubuntu for 2 wks, installed compiz, but everytime i reboot I have to reset everything, and also i have to reset the visual effects level01:58
alan_onetinsoldier E: inform: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 201:58
candianyone have an idea about how to keep the changes through reboot01:58
konbonQuick auestion, how do i log in as admin via terminal?01:59
IdleOne!root | konbon01:59
ubottukonbon: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:59
konbonnice one02:00
alan_onetinsoldier don't misunderstand it is working ‎I just get the error at the end02:00
synapsesudo passwd ??02:00
onetinsoldieralan_: darn. i'm not sure what's wrong. what does --> dpkg -l pacman ...show?02:01
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, sigh, i'm stuck...02:02
konboni am not used to Ubuntu, sorry02:02
alan_long and short of it ../Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)02:02
konbonbut when i try "su" and put my pass, it says "invalid password"02:02
candiHello, hello, is this the person to whom I am speaking?02:02
alan_onetinsoldier long and short of it ../Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)02:02
onetinsoldieralan_: no.. not that line. the one that shows like this02:03
konbonthis is like a whole new language i hate to learn :(02:03
konbonhow do i install a bin via terminal on ubuntu ?02:03
onetinsoldieralan_: ii  xorg                           1:7.4+3ubuntu10                X.Org X Window System02:03
onetinsoldieralan_: i just used 'xorg' in my example02:04
synapsedose any one hear use uduntu desktop on an EeePC?02:04
konbonactually, its a .run file02:04
konbonhow can i install a .run file in Ubuntu 32 bit ?02:04
onetinsoldieralan_: i'm wondering what your's looks like for pacman02:05
iflemakonbon you can activate root profile if ya want/need02:05
konboni just double clicked it and ran with terminal02:06
konbonlooks like its installing now02:06
konbonthanks anyways02:06
NanoGuyhello gateway02:06
alan_onetinsoldier http://paste.ubuntu.com/358806/02:06
Dr_Williskonbon:  you nroamlly 'run' a .run from the terminal. not the gui02:06
Dr_Williskonbon:  'chmod +x whatever.run'  then 'sudo ./whatever.run'02:07
GatewayI would like to know what I have to give as an answer to " what is the location of the "vwmare" program on your computer ? " :)02:07
konbonDr_Willis: that's what im doing, im in terminal02:07
konbonbut it said i had no permission02:07
Dr_WillisGateway:  it installs parts where they need to go.02:07
onetinsoldieralan_: ok, i'm reading it now...02:07
konbonso, i tried to log in as admin, but i got "wrong password" error02:07
Dr_Williskonbon:  note teh use of the 'sudo' command02:07
konbonyes, tried that as well02:07
alan_onetinsoldier ok02:07
konbonstill said wrong pass02:07
konbonanywho, its all done now02:08
Mtn-Mancan anyone help me with bitpim02:08
GatewayDr_Willis, and what directory should I give to it ? /usr/vmware ?02:08
Gatewayor /var/lib/vmware ?02:09
Dr_WillisGateway:  it? give what excactly?02:09
onetinsoldieralan_: i'll be back in a minute. i see that it's the 'inform' package that's giving you trouble02:09
alan_onetinsoldier yes, I saw that too02:09
GatewaySetup is unable to find the "vmware" program on your machine. Please make sure02:09
Gatewayit is installed. Do you want to specify the location of this program by hand?02:09
Dr_WillisGateway:  what setup program?02:10
Gatewayof vmware server02:10
Dr_Willistry 'which vmware' or whatever vmware command you use. I dont use vmware. I perfer virtualbox02:10
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware02:10
konbonbuh, now my X is pooped02:10
Gatewayand I don't know why it gives such thing ? because I'm just trying to install it02:11
konbonscreen went all pink and green02:11
konbonmeh, back to Debian, this Ubuntu is for the kids :P02:11
konbonThanks anyways, peace02:11
onetinsoldieralan_: ok, i'm back02:12
alan_onetinsoldier ok02:13
deseroGateway, how are you trying to install it?02:13
onetinsoldieralan_: you could try making that directory that it says is missing and then see if the package will proceed to install02:13
deseroand also, why not use virtual box?02:13
Gatewaydesero, I've downloaded the .tar.gz file02:13
Gatewaythen I've tried to run the script .pl02:13
alan_onetinsoldier : sorry let me see i'll be right back02:14
GatewayI guess it's in perl02:14
onetinsoldieralan_: if you want to try that then do the following --> sudo mkdir /usr/bin/inform-6.31 && sudo dpkg --configure inform02:14
NanoGuyjust joking02:15
Gatewayit asked me if I agree with the licence ... but it stops here and asks me to give it the location of the vmware program on my machine02:15
onetinsoldieralan_: ok02:15
alan_onetinsoldier : Setting up inform (6.31.1+dfsg-1) ...02:15
alan_update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/inform-6.31 to provide /usr/bin/inform (inform) in auto mode.02:15
alan_update-alternatives: warning: not replacing /usr/bin/inform with a link.02:15
deseroGateway, are you trying to install the vmware service?02:15
onetinsoldieralan_: ah-ha!02:15
onetinsoldieralan_: :-)02:15
Gatewaydesero, I'm trying to install the vmware server02:16
deseroGateway, yes, server sorry02:16
alan_onetinsoldier let me try synaptic02:16
onetinsoldieralan_: roger02:16
alan_onetinsoldier :) yep Roger that, that's got it!02:18
GatewayI got back to the extracted vmware file02:18
R1kARD0i have a little trouble, when i log in to my ubuntu session the only thing that appear is a terminal02:18
onetinsoldieralan_: awesome! enjoy :)02:18
phong_how to install evtouch in ubuntu02:18
Gatewayand after typing ls -l I got this thing : vmware-install.pl -> bin/vmware-uninstall-mui.pl02:18
phong_i'm reallly stuck02:18
R1kARD0no windows border, nothing, no pannels02:18
alan_onetinsoldier I appreciate the help02:18
R1kARD0anyone know anything about it?02:18
Nafri_does anybody knows how can i delete the gnome panel?02:18
onetinsoldieralan_: you're welcome02:18
Nafri_i can't delete the last panel02:19
Gatewayand there is a file called bin02:19
Nafri_the option is disabled02:19
petsoundsNafri_, why? you only have one panel?02:19
onetinsoldieralan_: are you still here?02:20
deseroGateway, I haven't installed vmware, but that looks like a symlink to an uninstall file, which I don't understand02:20
Nafri_petsounds : i am using awn manager now... so i want to remove the gnome-panel02:20
Gatewaydesero, ok thanks anyway :)02:21
deseroGateway, and just to make sure, is there some special reason you are using vmware server instead of virtualbox? because that would be far simpler02:21
onetinsoldieralan_: i saw what might be a slight issue with the 'inform' install, that warning you got might be a slight issue, but probably not a huge deal02:21
alan_onetinsoldier yes?02:21
Gatewaydesero, because I would like to access to windows from linux02:21
onetinsoldieralan_: you should run a command about that warning message.. one moment02:21
deseroGateway, you can to that with virtualbox02:21
Gatewaythere are many programs that I'm obliged to use :s02:21
onetinsoldieralan_: just so you know, i'm talking about this warning message --> update-alternatives: warning: not replacing /usr/bin/inform with a link.02:22
deseroGateway, if you just type "sudo apt-get install virtualbox" in the terminal, you will have installed virtualbox in a few minutes02:22
Gatewaydesero, I know but there are other reasons for that :s02:23
deseroand setting up windows through virtualbox is very simple02:23
alan_onetinsoldier ok02:23
deserooh, okay02:23
Gatewaythe company is using vmware02:23
Gatewayand I have to learn things about this program02:23
onetinsoldieralan_: you can check it out a little bit with the follwing command --> sudo update-alternatives --display inform02:24
GatewayI guess you undertand the situation, desero :)02:24
petsoundsNafri_, i don't think you can. but i might be wrong.02:24
alan_onetinsoldier okay pasting to paste bin02:24
Gatewaythanks guys ;)02:24
alan_onetinsoldier http://paste.ubuntu.com/358810/02:25
gameris this english ubuntu?02:25
gamerod german?02:26
deseroGateway, did the perlscript not offer a default setup directories?02:26
onetinsoldieralan_: show me the output of --> ls -l /usr/bin/inform02:26
phong_question: in ubuntu is there a file call /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:26
phong_how come i can't fine it?02:27
phong_they told me to modify something in that file, but i can't seem to fine it in here /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:27
phong_can someone tell me ?02:27
Gatewaydesero, no unfortunatly :s02:27
kh_Hi guys I need help, how do I install Flash 902:27
kh_not 1002:27
deseroGateway, according to the manual I am reading, the script should offer default directories02:28
alan_onetinsoldier -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 435828 2008-05-29 11:20 /usr/bin/inform02:28
deseroGateway, sure there is not an option, maybe just write "default" as a parameter or something02:28
kh_Guys, anyone know how to install Flash 9 instead of 10?02:28
deseroGateway, oh, and btw, are you installing the program as root?02:28
alan_onetinsoldier fyi inform binary works02:28
Gatewaydesero, ok I'll try :)02:29
syriushow do I get SVIDEO to work in ubuntu?02:29
Gatewaydesero, of course as root :)02:29
syriusI think I am going to move back to windows02:29
deserojust making sure :)02:29
syriusthis doesn't work http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=868199202:29
mgrotteanybody know how to restart a service after boot, I tried to add it in rc.local with no sucess02:29
petsoundsphong_, did you try to open it with gedit?02:29
onetinsoldieralan_: ok, how about this one? --> dpkg -S /usr/bin/inform02:29
Gatewaydesero, such things happens thanks for that ;)02:29
ice_stonehow long do you guys wait for PPA?02:29
ice_stoneits been over 1 hour02:29
deseroGateway, no problem02:30
onetinsoldieralan_: if the infor binary is working ok, then i guess you really are all good. cheers02:30
MenZa!ops | Alberta making inappropriate offers in query. See -ops.02:30
ubottuAlberta making inappropriate offers in query. See -ops.: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:30
alan_onetinsoldier inform: /usr/bin/inform02:30
syriuswhy doesn't svideo work02:30
onetinsoldieralan_: you're all good i reckon. take care and enjoy :-)02:30
alan_onetinsoldier Thank you for all your work I really appreciate it02:31
amyi have a acer aspire 3680 and its not picking up the wierless internet ubuntu 9.1002:31
onetinsoldieralan_: cheers m8 ;-)02:31
Gatewaydesero, it doesn't accept anything... here is what it returned02:31
GatewayThe answer "default" is invalid. It must be one of "y" or "n".02:31
deserothen type: y02:32
=== jack is now known as Guest36659
mgrotteanybody know how to restart a service after boot, I tried to add it in rc.local with no sucess02:32
Gatewayafter typing y or yes I have to give it the location :)02:32
Gatewayafter n or no02:32
Gatewaythe installation is aborted02:32
alan_onetinsoldier I would send a salute but I'm not sure how :)02:32
NotTooSmartmedia any ideas?02:32
urlwallaceamy have you set your security to wap before scanning?02:32
mgrotteamy_ do you see any wireless networks available when clicking on the icon02:32
amyi have a acer aspire 3680 and its not picking up the wireless Internet ubuntu 9.10 anybody?02:33
arooni_____hi folks!  is there a i have ubuntu latest and i'm wondering; how can i make it so i dont have to click the ubuntu emptahy icon for each new message that exists.  i have to click the icon then scroll down to empahty (as oppoed to evolution) then click the person who sent me a message.  is there a way to make this easier?02:33
deseroGateway, hmm, what if you just hit enter when it askes for a location?02:33
amyin the network manager it says disconected02:33
onetinsoldieralan_: S!02:33
mgrotteamy does it say any available???02:34
alan_onetinsalute S!02:34
deseroGateway: http://pubs.vmware.com/server1/admin/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=admin&file=install_server.3.13.html02:34
Gatewaydesero, it takes "" as an answer :s02:34
amyno none availble02:34
amynot showing up in network manager....02:34
songeri'm trying to convert video avi and i get:Unknown encoder 'libfaac'02:34
deseroamy, has it worked before?02:35
ice_stonegrr.. whats taking PPA forever?02:35
amyjust installed ubuntu 9.10 works with windows02:35
Gatewaydesero, thank you I'm going to read it :)02:35
mgrotteamy try system>administration>Hardware Drivers to check for a driver, I am guessing that it does not have a driver for that wireless card02:35
onetinsoldiersonger: sudo apt-get install libfaac0 ??02:35
=== maximo is now known as Maximo
mgrotteamy_have you tried plugging it in with a cable and updating???02:36
amyyes updated02:37
{chmod}755!ot | {chmod}75502:38
ubottu{chmod}755, please see my private message02:38
amylooks like trying to install driver from system hardware drivers...02:38
kh_how do I install Flash 9?02:38
mgrotteamy_ is ubuntu running inside windows xp or vista??02:38
edbiankh_, You want flash 9 and not flash 10?02:38
amyno on a diffrent partition dual boot02:38
kh_Flash 902:38
kh_Flash 10 has problems with webcam02:38
Dr_Willis'flash has problems' :)02:39
=== tiago is now known as Guest41377
edbiankh_, You're gonna have to get it from the website.  I suspect there is a .deb that you can install though.  Be weary.  Ubuntu likes to have 1 and only 1 instance of a flash player installed.  If you have more than 1 none of them work (or something else strange happens)02:39
mgrotteamy_ right click on network manager in task bar and make sure enable wireless is checked02:39
amyit is enabled02:39
kh_i installed it02:39
kh_now firefox02:40
kh_has problems with it02:40
kh_it doesn't want to use it02:40
FloodBot4kh_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:40
{chmod}755kh_, Enter is not punctuation02:40
ice_stonehey how do you guys wait for PPA????02:40
edbiankh_, Make absolutely sure you don't have another flash player installed.  That's my only guess.02:40
kh_How do I get my webcam working? No I made sure to remove the other flash player02:41
mgrotteamy_I am out of ideas, i would google the wireless card model for ubuntu02:41
EntityRebornis there a way to disable caching for flash/removable drives?02:41
Dr_Willisice_stone:  Huh?02:41
ice_stoneDr_Willis, you know PPA thing02:41
deseroamy, go into a terminal for me and write lspci02:41
deserosee if you can find a name for the card02:41
ice_stoneDr_Willis, i signed up that like 1.5 hour ago02:42
deseroor just go02:42
Dr_Willisice_stone:    you are waiting for some confirmation email?  (you are not being very clear)02:42
ice_stoneDr_Willis, it kept saying it couldn't find my gpg key02:42
jimpupgraded to 9.10, pretty much a newbie, now when restart it hangs on a blank screen, tried the other startups in grub none of them take me in to the sys02:42
macman__does anyone use elm the email client ?02:42
MenZa!anyone | macman__02:42
ubottumacman__: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:42
macman__MenZa do you use elm02:43
ice_stoneDr_Willis, i got the finger key02:43
EntityRebornDr_Willis, is there a way to disable caching for flash/removable drives?02:43
MenZamacman__: No. Read what ubottu just said.02:43
ActionParsnip__yo yo yo02:43
{chmod}755!ot < {chmod}75502:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:43
shadmegogreetings all02:43
{chmod}755!hi | shadmego02:43
ubottushadmego: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:43
mgrottehow do you restart a service on bootup?02:43
kh_What webcam program do you guys use?02:43
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, i'm still waiting on finger key progress02:43
Dr_WillisEntityReborn:  you could proberly mount them manually with some options..02:44
shadmegoI do have a question for you Ubuntu experts if you have some time02:44
Dr_WillisEntityReborn:  but still you should properly unmount the things02:44
edbianmgrotte, Why do you want to restart it?  Why not start it on boot up? or choose not to start it on boot up??02:44
shadmegoFirst, let me say I hold a RHCT, so I'm not completely clueless in matters of Linux02:44
kh_how do you guys get your cams working through MSN?02:44
EntityRebornI was hoping for some switch or setting02:44
shadmegoThis past weekend, I gave a presentation on Linux and Ubuntu to about 60 people. Some of them have since tried to install Ubuntu in a dual boot environment02:44
mgrottehow do you restart a service right after boot without user intervention??  server 9.1002:45
shadmegoGrub has set the default OS to Ubuntu, but my clients want the default to be Windows Vista02:45
shadmegoEverything is fine. I tell them how to edit the menu.lst file to make Windows the default02:45
happy_mgrotte: what do you mean restart it?02:45
filloyhello everyone!. I've been having problems with my external fat32 hdd. Some folders are now detected as "program", and the MIME Type is "application/octet-stream" instead of "inode/directory". I've tried sudo fsck.vfat -arv but nothing changes. Any help is appreciated.02:45
deseromgrott, you could use cron02:45
happy_mgrotte: why would you want to restart it on boot?02:46
shadmegoThey tell me this evening that the menu.lst file doesn't exist. When they try to open it in gedit, it is a blank file02:46
scunizishadmego: editing grub you can place the window boot first.. however ubuntu uses grub2 which is different from editing menu.lst..02:46
mgrotteedbian_ i have installed adito ssl vpn and you cannot log into it after reboot unless you restart the service,  comes back invalid login02:46
shadmegothis has me a bit stumped02:46
Dr_Willismgrotte:  you could put the command in /etc/rc.local02:46
scunizi!grub2 | shadmego this will help..02:46
ubottushadmego this will help..: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub202:46
deseromgrotte: man cron :)02:46
happy_mgrotte: I would put the command to restart it in rc.local02:46
shadmegothanks ubottu. That is exactly what I was looking for02:46
plcTowliehi everyone, i'm trying to backup my wifes ubuntu pc to update it, and the .gvfs directory is reporting it uses >60gb is this normal?02:46
ice_stoneActionParsnip__,  if i get "gpgkeys: key 0CDE6466 not found on keyserver02:47
ice_stonegpg: no valid OpenPGP data found." does that means i do it wrong or they're still processing?02:47
happy_desero: not cron.02:47
scunizishadmego: that was me.. ubottu is a bot :)02:47
edbianmgrotte, It is probably starting before the networking is my guess.  In any case.  You could write a script that first "sleep 10" and then restarts your service.  Place it in /etc/init.d/ make it executable and then link to it in rc2.d/02:47
kh_In aMSN I can see my webcam but the other person can't02:47
deserohappy_: why not?02:47
plcTowliei discovered it when i just drug the /home directory over to a network backup and it said so much files were going to be copied02:47
shadmegoopps. When I say ubottu, I mean scunizi ....02:47
mgrotteI have tried the rc.local thing with no sucess,  I added the line "/etc/init.d/adito restart" and it did not work02:47
happy_desero: He only wants to restart it on boot. It would be annoying if it restarted while someone was using it02:47
=== Bananaburger` is now known as Bananaburger
deserohappy_: he can do that02:48
scunizishadmego: common error :) . no problem... how did you get 60 people together to do a presentation?02:48
edbianmgrotte, I think you just don't understand how it works.  All of the scripts are in /etc/init.d/02:48
* olivetree voltei ;)02:48
Dr_Willismgrotte:  perhaps do 'service whatever restart'02:48
shadmegoIt's a local computer user group.02:48
edbianmgrotte, Then you create links to them in rcX.d  so that they are run depending on what run level is entered02:48
shadmegoWe did presentation on Windows 7, Mac and Linux02:48
Idadhello.. can anyone help me with wireless driver reinstall problem... i got script error... "Exec format error"02:48
scunizishadmego: through your work? or private endevour?02:49
mgrotteI will try it, be right back, I'm ssh'ed into the server02:49
shadmegoPrivate endevour.02:49
mediaprodigylooking for an app like MZC OSX xFactor02:49
scunizishadmego: nice.. keep it up!  no matter what distro linux needs more exposure02:49
shadmegothanks! I made 3 copies of Ubuntu and 3 of Kubuntu. All copies were gone before the end of the meeting ...02:50
scunizishadmego: I've been using gnome for several years.. just started using Kubuntu and I find I am liking kde 4.3+ quite a bit02:51
EntityRebornUBUNTU MAKERS should distribute 1GB flashdrives of the live cd02:51
shadmegoI spoke some about the ways in which Linux is better than Windows/Mac. I gave a bit of a run down on why kinds of things you can do with Linux, but mostly, I stressed the community and freedom you get with Linux02:51
mgrottewhat is the difference between /etc/rc.local and /etc/init.d/rc.local02:51
shadmegoI have Kubuntu installed on my desktop, but I don't get to  use it very much02:51
scuniziEntityReborn: you could do that too and charge for the cost of the flashdrive and labor02:52
shadmegoetc/init.d/rc.local is used as the default for all users02:52
shadmegooh way02:52
EntityReborntrue, but as an alternative to the CD request on the site02:52
shadmegoI didn't finish reading your question02:52
scuniziEntityReborn: cd's are cheaper02:53
EntityRebornwould be a slick thing to distribute flashdrives instead of CDs at meetings02:53
shadmegoa bit more expensive though02:54
EntityRebornscunizi, 1GB drives aren't much more, but yes, you are right02:54
scuniziEntityReborn: you could do 2 gigers and include the windows installs for OOo, Pidgeon, Gimp, Scribus etc.. so there will be added value.. :)02:54
scuniziEntityReborn: might be worth $20 to those attending.02:55
ymantonhaving a problem with fast-user-switch-applet on karmic. i installed the pkg and it appears checked in system->preferences->startup applications but its not on the panel, and its not in the panel->add menu02:55
pac1I have an initramfs from sabayon on /boot.  update-grub says it found it, but it does  not get added to grub.cfg.  Is there some configuration needed to use initramfs along side initrd's?02:55
EntityRebornscunizi, true02:55
shadmegowho asked the question about the difference between rc.local files?02:56
EntityRebornalso, is there a way to get a bunch of live cd's side by side on one partition?02:56
mediaprodigywhat is a good P2p App?02:56
iflemaymanton try adding the indicator applet session and select switch user to switch user02:57
EntityRebornmediaprodigy, torrents :P02:57
mediaprodigyEntityReborn: thans02:57
mediaprodigyEntityReborn: thanks02:57
t1n0m3nIs mapping a software/firmware raid array to /dev/mapper on install a new thing for 9.10 or did I miss it for 9.04?02:57
kh_Guys, anyone know how to get WebCam working with MSN so other people can see it not just me?02:57
mediaprodigyEntityReborn: what app do you use for torrents on Ubuntu?02:57
F223hey, can someone help me install ubuntu?02:58
shadmegomgrotte: the /etc/init.d/rc.local is a startup script that points to the /etc/rc.local file02:58
apipkini'm new to linux, but decided it was finally time. i have ubuntu 9.10. is there a recommended ftp client?02:58
mgrottedoes the terminal command java-version still work in 9.10,  I have java installed and working on my server but when I use java-version it comes back command not found.02:58
{chmod}755F223, What's up?02:58
EntityRebornmediaprodigy, I use the default, transmission, but there are tonnes out there02:58
pac1apipkin gftp works for me.02:58
onetinsoldiermediaprodigy: i like the bloated one... Vuze (formerly know as Azureus)02:58
EntityRebornmediaprodigy, ktorrent isn't so bad02:58
EntityReborneww, vuse02:58
shadmegoWell, I gotta go finish answering a couple of responses from new Ubuntu users.02:59
shadmegoThanks for the help!02:59
apipkinpac1: can you store the connect?02:59
jack5463how do i register when  i see this message :Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel02:59
pac1apipkin, don't know.  never did that.02:59
scunizi!register | jack546302:59
ubottujack5463: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode02:59
pac1apipkin, easy enough to try things out and remove them later if you decide you don't want them.03:00
pac1use apt-get install gftp03:00
mediaprodigyEntityReborn: not very familiar with Ubuntu yet.. will check out the default transmission03:00
pac1or synaptic03:00
apipkintrue. i like learning from others experience sometimes ;)03:00
apipkini'll give it a shot though. thanks pac103:00
pac1apipkin, if you have a fast pipe that is.03:00
deseroapipkin: what do you mean by storing the connection?03:01
ymantoniflema: thanks03:01
pac1if bandwith is not free you might want to take another approach.03:01
apipkinsaving the user and pass so i dont have to type it in all the time03:01
pac1apipkin, check for a config file for gftp03:01
apipkinpac1: bandwidth is wide open :)03:01
linuxAnyone heard of Dr. Web Live CD for windows antirvirus scanning?  Is it legit?03:01
kentrelHi, I've got two monitors. For some reason I can't drag items from one monitor to the other. How do I fix this, or at least be able to send them over?03:02
scunizilinux: you can make your own with "rescuecd" or a persistant install of ubuntu live cd on a usb stick03:02
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pac1apipkin, there are bookmarks in gftp03:03
linuxscunizi: rescuecd - to fix a windows computer?03:03
mediaprodigyEntityReborn: kbuntu vs vuze?03:03
boneliferDoes WOL require a hard wired connection or will it work with the wireless connection.  The router is a WRT54GL with Tomato 1.27(I think that's the version) firmware. The card, I don't have the name of off hand since I just ordered it.03:03
mediaprodigyonetinsoldier: thanks03:03
scunizilinux: sure.. it's a live cd with lots of tools.. there are others out there too.. no need to pay for one.03:03
t1n0m3nkentrel: what video card are you using?03:03
deseroapipkin: i think you can do this simply with nautilus03:03
linuxscunizi: cool!  thanks for the tip03:04
kentrelNvidia Geforce03:04
Lars2011if I have the mean round trip time of X milliseconds for reaching an httpd server, and I send a request of about 300 bytes, and get ~7 KB back, how would I use this information to estimate the total time needed for the request if I assume the page generation time on the server to be negligible? only an estimate is needed.03:04
pac1apipkin, that should do what you want.03:04
deseroapipkin: at least you can store all the information except the password03:04
deserothat I do know03:04
t1n0m3nkentrel: had you installed the restricted drivers?03:05
Idadhello.. can anyone help me with wireless driver reinstall problem... i got script error... "Exec format error"03:05
apipkincool thanks. i may try doing it directly in nautilus as well03:05
deseroapipkin: never mind, just check, connected to the ftp on my computer and it can store the password and everything03:05
kentrelt1n0m3n, yeah. I used them to configure my system03:07
kentrelBut I siwtched off Cinerama because it gave me problems on Ubuntu 803:07
wakatakei am having problems starting X server with no screens found is there anything i should do beforehand?03:07
{chmod}755!hi | happy_03:07
ubottuhappy_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:07
sileI think I've came up with best code name possible for 11.1003:08
happy_sile: then tell us03:08
sileOmnipotent Ornithorhynchus, that's it03:08
happy_I know what the first work means...03:09
happy_but I can not even say the second word03:09
silehahahahahaha =D03:09
Lars2011if I have the mean round trip time of X milliseconds for reaching an httpd server, and I send a request of about 300 bytes, and get ~7 KB back, how would I use this information to estimate the total time needed for the request if I assume the page generation time on the server to be negligible? only an estimate is needed.03:09
{chmod}755I want to know what X will be. Xenophobic Xyndrill?03:09
brianhermanIts 9.10 PM   !03:10
brianhermanTime for karmic03:10
happy_sile: I like the adj. But the animal needs to be pronousable03:10
{chmod}755brianherman, 133703:10
kh_what time zone u in03:10
sileI know03:10
sileit's just that it's too late here03:10
kh_guys on webcam people say that my webcam keeps saying trying to connect03:10
kh_i didn't have this issue on windows03:10
kh_what do I do?03:10
sileand suddenly Omnipotent Ornithorhnchus came to my mind03:10
happy_sile: ostrage03:10
sileit just happened, you know03:11
{chmod}755kh_, Enter is not punctuation.03:11
silehappy_, ostrage you say?03:11
silehmmm, good candidate03:11
happy_sile: omnicidal ostrage03:11
setuidIs there a better synthesizer out there than 'espeak'?03:11
silehahahahahahaa =D03:11
kh_    [21:12:24] ­it says u need to upgrade version of msn03:12
kh_so other people see that their client tells em I need to update version of msn03:12
deserowaketake, use pastebin and show us the logs for X03:13
scunizikh_: if you're using amsn you might try emesen as an alternative03:13
sileyeap, emesene is quite cool03:13
kh_I've tried emesene03:13
kh_I can see my webcam03:13
kh_others cannot03:13
kh_never had this issue in windows03:13
FloodBot4kh_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:14
EntityRebornIs it possible to multiboot live CDs on a flash drive?03:14
silewell, that's the problem of reverse engineering I suppose03:14
EntityRebornSay, if I wanted to boot both Fedora and Ubuntu from one device03:15
iflemaEntityRebourn yes... but not sure if its automated.... ya might have to get a little dirty03:15
scuniziEntityReborn: if it's big enough maybe.. perhaps manually configuring grub.. but you might not need to .. 4 gigs will get you 4 live installs ... hopefully03:15
silegoing to sleep, good night/whatever dudes!03:15
EntityRebornscunizi, that's what I'm hoping03:15
iflemaEntityRebourn grub203:16
EntityRebornI was thinking, 4 seperate partitions, then grub it, but I haven't the slightest idea on how to pull that off03:16
EntityRebornI can probably load the partitions fine, using unetbootit03:16
Necromancyr...what does it mean when xrandr tells you you can't do...well...anything...with a particular output03:16
NecromancyrAm I using it wrong or...CAN an output not be usable with xrandr.03:17
scuniziNecromancyr: it typically means that the resolution you need isn't yet registered with xrandr.. xrandr docs will tell you how to do that.03:18
TASagentHey, is anyone available & willing to help me get my wireless card up and running on a new install on a Dell laptop?  I would really appreciate the help.03:18
NecromancyrScun, I'm trying to do a reflect.  It's only one output that comes up as default...I'm assuming I can use xrandr --output default --reflect x.  I get an error saying rotate/reflect not usuable on output default (or something close to that)03:19
ActionParsnip__TASagent: run: sudo lshw -C network      websearch the product line for the wifi, i personally bet its some cheap broadcom thing03:19
ActionParsnip__TASagent: if it is then check this link:03:19
ActionParsnip__!broadcom | TASagent03:19
ubottuTASagent: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:19
javatexanis there a way to programatically add items and remove them from the panel, I am on ubuntu 9.10 gnome03:20
scuniziNecromancyr: not sure about that.. but if you type xrandr in a terminal and the resolution you need isn't listed it won't work.. you'll need to add the resolution.03:20
NecromancyrOk.  Let me run down and check that and see if that's the issue.03:20
EntityRebornscunizi, would you know any guides on how to do what I want?03:22
Idadhello.. can anyone help me with wireless driver reinstall problem... i got script error... "Exec format error"03:22
ActionParsnip__javatexan: i think if you create a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications then it will be added03:22
EntityRebornand if the seperate partitions was the way to go?03:22
yeasonis there a file in which I can set global cflags? I think I need to enable one in order to compile something03:23
ActionParsnip__yeason: you could use ~/.bashrc03:23
scuniziEntityReborn: nope.. but what I would try is to partition the flash drive in 4 equal parts.. install the first distro in partition 1, the second in partition 2 then test boot and see if grub gives you the choice between the two.. if it works proceed with 3 & 403:23
javatexanI am having sooooo much trouble with the notification area...I often have to remove it and then add it to the panel again.  I was hoping that I could write a quick script that would do it for me03:24
scuniziEntityReborn: remember that the last install will write and control grub03:24
EntityRebornscunizi, ok, will do, once Fedora finishes downloading03:24
olvaphi, i forget my freenode password03:25
AlanFsorry for going off topic here, but I'm trying to remember a movie I once saw long ago, all I can really recall is there being some sor tof temrinal and many shots of the clouds or so, like it was swtich back and forth betwen that and some sort of interior shot of what looked like a strange looking terminal of some kind, like people in lines going through some sort of doors or so, and there being some sort of metalic robot guy and I think there was somethi03:25
ActionParsnip__olvap: join #freenode03:25
NecromancyrHrm....resolution is listed.03:25
ActionParsnip__!ot | AlanF03:25
ubottuAlanF: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:25
Necromancyr(it has a star next to it, but it is listed)03:25
yeasonActionParsnip__: Doesn't .bashrc only affect the current user?03:25
abumaiaI'm having trouble with my monitor.  My screensaver is turned off, power management is set to never turn the monitor off, and there are no BIOS settings regarding monitor power management.  However, my monitor is still turning off after 30 minutes idle.  Where else can I look for the setting causing this?03:26
ksnpi am trying to automatically delete email sent to root by some jobs, periodically, any suggestions ?03:26
ActionParsnip__yeason: yes as its stored in the home folder03:26
yeasonActionParsnip__: that's what I thought... isn't there a file in which it can be set globally?03:26
jzxuguys, why doesn't this command redirect where I expect it to?03:26
ActionParsnip__yeason: not that i know of03:26
ActionParsnip__yeason: could try asing in #C++03:27
jzxufor i in `seq 10`; do echo $i &>/tmp/arst; done03:27
jzxuit's printing all the numbers out onto console03:27
jzxuinstead of putting them into /tmp/arst03:27
NecromancyrSo...aside from resolution, anyone have any ideas for while xrandr would refuse to work?03:28
abumaiajzxu:  isn't it doing both?03:28
Necromancyr(no rotation, no reflect, etc.)03:28
jzxuabumaia: no03:28
NecromancyrOne monitor setup through a nvidia 6600.03:28
jzxuabumaia: also, why would you expect it to do both?03:28
FreeaqingmeHi. Every time I reboot my server (not planning on doing that a lot, but still...) I need execute `/etc/init.d/networking restart` before the networking works. Any idea how come, and how to fix?03:28
ZeonisisHow can I enable transparent windows in GNOME?03:29
ActionParsnip__Necromancyr: have you installed the nvidia-glx-185 driver?03:29
abumaiajzxu: when I've had to echo to another file, it printed to console, but also did redirect to the other file03:29
cdican anyone recommend a way to encode subtitles to avi I'd like to be able to do it through terminal as well03:29
FlipzI'm having internet issues, is there anyone who can personally contact  me? I've been told to install ndwiswrapper or something03:29
jzxuabumaia: this isn't the behavior I see by default on other linuxes03:29
NecromancyrActionPArsnio__: Sorry, kind of a newb.  I clicked on the icon to install the proprietary driver....yes.  I think that was the latest one.03:29
jzxuis there some strange default setting ubuntu has for bash?03:29
noladesiIs there a reason why it won't let me partition my HD via the windows partitioner. The HD has nothing on it.03:30
NecromancyrI got it to work on my laptop, figured it would definitely work on this other PC.  Now it's not. :/03:30
ActionParsnip__Flipz: run: sudo lshw -C network    websearch for the product line for the wifi for guides. You can check it works already using: sudo iwlist scan03:30
FlipzI'm new to ubuntu03:30
ActionParsnip__Flipz: they are terminal commands03:30
Flipzgimmie a sec03:31
EntityRebornWell, Unetbootin messes with the images03:31
ouyesFlipz,  applications>accessories>terminal03:31
Flipzgimmie a sec03:31
EntityRebornuses its own bootloader03:31
ouyesFlipz, any luck?03:32
NecromancyrActionParsnip, that was what you meant right?03:32
abumaiaI'm having trouble with my monitor.  My screensaver is turned off, power management is set to never turn the monitor off, and there are no BIOS settings regarding monitor power management.  However, my monitor is still turning off after 30 minutes idle.  Where else can I look for the setting causing this?03:32
ActionParsnip__abumaia: i set mine in xorg.conf03:33
=== bullgard_ is now known as bullgard
ActionParsnip__abumaia: http://www.randombugs.com/linux/disable-monitor-standby-xorg-xserver.html03:33
javatexanlol...I can't find anything in google or the forums...I guess it must not exist ;)03:33
ouyesabumaia, reset the screensaver and unclick the idle03:34
abumaiaActionParsnip__: thanks03:34
javatexanI found how to unset all of them...;)03:34
TASkmasterSweet, it worked.  Thank's guys!03:35
ice_stoneActionParsnip__,  i finally got key regisited03:35
abumaiaActionParsnip:  dpms for my monitor is already set at standby:0 suspend:0 off:003:36
abumaiathat doesn't seem to be it03:36
abumaiaouyes:  how do you mean "reset the screensaver"?03:36
TASagentWhoops. I doubly logged in.  I meant to say thanks over here.03:36
hexedabumaia; did you try going through the menus from the buttons on your monitor to see if there is any power saving options in there?03:36
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, where do i find PPA?03:36
TASagentWireless is up and running, no problems now.03:36
abumaiahexed: it's a laptop03:36
hexedabumaia; ah nm then lol03:37
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa03:37
ActionParsnip__TASagent: cool03:37
FreeaqingmeHi. Every time I reboot my server (not planning on doing that a lot, but still...) I need execute `/etc/init.d/networking restart` before the networking works. Any idea how come, and how to fix?03:37
ouyesabumaia,  you have used the idle option, when the computer is idle, the screensaver will be active03:38
scuniziFreeaqingme: you might ask in #ubuntu-server as well03:38
Freeaqingmehmm, tnx03:38
ouyesFlipz,  any luck , any process03:38
abumaiaouyes: the activate screensaver when computer is idle option is unchecked03:39
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, i'm on 64bit utunbu so does it matter what one i am getting?03:39
ouyesFlipz,  any advance03:39
abumaiaouyes: plus, the idle timeout for screensaver is 2 hours, so I'm relatively certain it's not the screensaver03:39
mgrotte1How do you browse your network with nautilus?  I can see the workgroup name but I keep getting unable to mount when I try to browse the workgroup.  If you enter the share manually with smb://ip it works fine.03:39
FlipzErrr not rly03:39
ksnpi am trying to automatically delete email sent to root by some jobs, periodically, any suggestions ?03:39
ouyesabumaia,  and put display to sleep unchecked?03:40
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: the arch will be managed, just install the 195 driver03:40
AsoSako_mgrotte1 usually different computers on ur workgrouop are identified and you enter them individually03:40
abumaiaouyes: put display to sleep options in both ac and battery sections set to Never03:40
moreiaI had an improved clock and calendar on my Karmic gnome panel. It had a weather widget attached to it and I could set a couple of locations. I deleted it somehow (I know how. I clicked "remove this panel." But I didn't mean to.) and now I can't figure out how to get it back. It isn't among the options when I select "add." It was a recent addition, though i can't remember if I got it via Karmic or Gnome DO.03:41
moreiaI'm hoping that this is simple. I can't figure out how to search the forums for it.03:41
=== Flipz_ is now known as Flipz
mgrotte1AsoSako_ it seems pointless to put a network tab in nautilus if it does not work.  This feature used to work in older versions like 803:42
ActionParsnip__mgrotte1: in te address bar type: smb://servername   to access the shares on servername03:43
abumaiaI think I've found all the obvious settings for keeping the monitor on, so I'm wondering if there are any other less obvious options I need to use03:43
ouyesabumaia,  what is the situation you are encountering, a few minuets the screen took off ?03:43
abumaiaouyes: it seems to be after 30 minutes idle, the screen turns off03:44
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, i get Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: nvidia-195-kernel-source (>= 195.30)03:44
ouyesabumaia,  tell  me your pc 's type and module03:44
petsoundsmoreia, do you want to reset your panels to default?03:44
scuniziice_stone: do you have that binary driver installed?03:45
abumaiaouyes: dell inspiron laptop, not sure what you mean by module03:45
ice_stonescunizi, not sure03:45
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: looks like you'll need to find the source somewhere, i'd imagined it'd be on the ppa03:45
mgrotte1why does the network option not let you browse network pc's anymore.  It worked in 9.04 until nautilus had a update that broke this feature and has not worked since.  Seem pointless if I have to remember all my network machines name and use smb://name to access files.03:45
ouyesabumaia, for example acer 5520g (5520g03:45
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: have you websearched the error?03:45
scuniziice_stone: you would know.. you'd have to download it from nvidia and manually install it.03:45
abumaiaouyes: no separate monitor, it's a laptop03:46
scuniziice_stone: if you installed the driver supplied by ubuntu that I believe is version 185.xx03:46
ice_stonescunizi, i but i am trying to get my 1024x768 at least 100hz it support up to 120hz03:47
ouyesabumaia,  i know make sure the bios has a proper power settings03:47
ice_stonescunizi, thats what resolution is supported at by my crt monitor03:47
abumaiaouyes: yes, I've checked bios, there are no monitor power management settings03:47
ouyesabumaia, which version of ubuntu are you using?03:48
scuniziice_stone: so the resolution is ok.. it's just the refresh rate you're trying to improve?03:48
ice_stonescunizi, exactly03:48
ouyesabumaia,  what is the bios type of your lap Phonex?03:48
ice_stonescunizi, i have been trying to force 120hz but looks like Ubuntu won't let me03:49
scuniziice_stone: is there a specific reason other than "I want it too"?03:49
ouyesabumaia,  your bios type?03:49
abumaiaouyes: checking, just a minute03:50
ice_stonescunizi, I live on 120hz for gaming03:50
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: sudo apt-get install nvidia-195-kernel-source03:50
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: also: sudo apt-get install libvdpau-dev03:51
scuniziice_stone: then you might need to install the binary driver from nvidia to bring it up to current beta level.. you'll have to do some reading though on nvidia's site to see if that will happen with that driver and your specific card.. perhaps your card won't support it?03:51
ice_stonescunizi, oh my card support that03:51
scuniziice_stone: then look into the latest driver..03:52
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: maybe its supported under windows but not linux03:53
ouyesabumaia, Award BIOS,PHOENIX or what? i am quite sure about one thing ,in  the bios settings, there is always power management option excepet the OEM special bios,careless03:53
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, if i can get it to work at 1152x864 with 100hz why can't i get 100hz on 1024x768?03:54
scuniziice_stone: it may also be an xrandr setting you need to change03:54
abumaiaouyes:  I'm not sure exactly which BIOS it is, however there is a power management section in the BIOS, however it only regulates Wake From USB03:54
ice_stonescunizi, xrandr setting, oh yes please.. can you help me with this one?03:55
ouyesouyes, there are few bugs reported involving monitor issues,03:55
scuniziice_stone: not much.. every time I need to change something I have to google for the answer.. it's still a foreign service to me.03:55
jiohdiabumaia: BIOS is a program built into a chip that controls how your computer will boot up03:55
ouyesabumaia,  there are few bugs reported involving monitor issues,03:55
abumaiajiohdi: yes, I know ^_^03:55
ice_stonescunizi, i have been googling all day03:56
tpocraAnyone know how to use software RAID mdadm to turn a hot spare into an active part of the array?03:56
abumaiaouyes: ok, I'll have a look around the bug reports then, see if I have the same issues.  Thanks ^_^03:56
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: then use the 1152x86403:56
ice_stonescunizi, i wish there is simple command to add 120hz to my 1024x768 resolution...03:56
Necromancyr...Interesting.  I got xrandr to work for rotating with the Nvidia drivers but it doesn't work with reflect.  Which is what I need.03:56
ice_stone1152x864 too slow03:57
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, i want 125fps with 120hz or 100hz and its smooth like silk..03:57
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: i'd suggest getting the 195 driver sorted, you may need to find a deb for the driver source which seems missing03:57
ouyesabumaia,  give the bios screen a careful look you will find the bios type, and check again your lap have proper power management settings03:57
NecromancyrAnyone know if theres a way to just use stock drivers with a video card - nothing propietary - so the card just works like a VGA card and always works with the reflect option for xrandr?03:57
scuniziice_stone: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=121408  and http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=125698  might help.. my first google attempt03:58
ouyesabumaia,  i do not think this is a bug03:58
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: your brain can't process above about 40, its not fast enough03:58
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, i need 125 fps for quakelive.com03:58
ouyesabumaia,  it is your bug, most likely your carelessness03:58
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: you really wont notice it'03:58
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, quakelive.com support linux now and i really want to be playing it03:58
tundrayeti311any openGL experts, or can point me to channel?03:58
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, I am professial gamer03:59
JohninLexI have a 32 inch screen is there a way I can divide it into 4 eight screens, the reason is that everything blurry, does anyone know what I am talking about?03:59
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, i can tell big different between 85hz and 120hz03:59
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: your brain isnt chemically fast enough to process that level of image cahnge03:59
ouyesabumaia,  check again, both the screensaver and the power management settings03:59
ouyesabumaia,  and the bios settings03:59
EntityRebornTrying to install grub2 onto my usb drive, to boot ISOs, but using grub-install --root-directory=/media/Multi/ /dev/sdb I get grub-probe: error: Cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb1.  Check your device.map.04:00
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, its not about brain, its about combo of mouse spin and fps/hz all mixed04:00
ouyesabumaia,  do tell me how things are going ,ok?04:00
JohninLexEntityReborn, have you tried unetbootin?04:01
NecromancyrCrap...no one on the reflect issue?  Damn this sucks.04:01
abumaiaouyes: I have been checking and rechecking the screensaver and power management settings multiple times already.  That is why I came here to ask about it.  According to the settings as they are now, the screen should stay on indefinitely, but it is still being turned off after 30 minutes idle.04:01
EntityRebornJohninLex, my ultimate end would be multibooting various ISOs/LiveCDs from my flash, but yes, I have tried unetbootin.04:01
scuniziNecromancyr: you might ask in ##linux04:01
ouyesabumaia,  by the way, when you encountered this issue, what task you were doing?04:02
NecromancyrI shall.  Was using Ubuntu so figured this place would be better :/04:02
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: well you'll be struggling and banging your head til you get it nice, or you can use your system and get on with life. i cant recomend anything else except the 195 driver.personally i think you are  wasting your time04:02
abumaiaouyes: I was doing nothing, the computer was idle when the screen turned off04:02
Necromancyr...that and I can't seem to get INTO that damn channel.04:02
JohninLexok I know how to get one to boot not 2 on a jumpdrive sorry04:02
abumaiaouyes: against its settings04:02
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, well i can always dual boot to xp just to play quakelive and then dual back into here to surf and watch movies and everything else... i hate dual booting :(04:03
scuniziNecromancyr: normally you'd be right but when unusual questions result in no answer I go there.. should be able to /join ##linux to get in04:03
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, the VLC player is so much in linux for me04:03
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, *better04:03
NecromancyrMight just be slow (using chatzilla)...ton of people so...guessing it's loading all the names.04:03
jiohdiNecromancyr: do you have a nick registered with nickserv?04:03
DiegoYesOi. : >04:04
scuniziNecromancyr: irssi04:04
NecromancyrAck.  Nope...just forwards me to overvloew04:04
Necromancyroverflow even.04:04
jiohdiNecromancyr: I just tried got right in04:04
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: vlc only uses one core if your cpu is dual core04:04
JohninLexI have a 32 inch screen is there a way I can divide it into 4 eight screens, the reason is that everything blurry, does anyone know what I am talking about?04:04
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: or multi-core04:04
ravicHi, I am running ubuntu on my mac book 5.3. Sound was working fine till last night dont know what happened  all of sudden. No sound now. Followed this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-3/Karmic04:04
ouyesabumaia, it is strange , there maybe three causes for this issue, 1 bios setting( though small possibility since you checked again and again)2 some software affected the power management function 3 bugs(very small possibility)04:05
ravicNo luck either. Any suggestions?04:05
GoilioHi, is their any way I can use my spare laptop as a third screen for my current setup?04:05
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: mplayer can use multiple cores /  cpus if you install the better compiled one or compile it yourself for multiple threads04:05
ActionParsnip__Goilio: can use vnc I guess04:05
JohninLexravic, , sudo apt-get remove ubuntu | sudo apt-get install Debian04:05
GoilioActionParsnip__: That would still give me one of my two screens not a third04:06
happy_JohninLex: I am getting an error. Upgrading is not allowed.04:06
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, that sounds nice. I guess i stuck to xp for quakelive.com and stuck movies on linux os04:06
bastid_raZorJohninLex: you can not pipe apt-get in that way04:06
ouyesabumaia,  is this  quite  a big issue for you in you daily use of your lap?04:06
abumaiaouyes: I agree.  I have checked the obvious settings, so I was asking if there are less obvious settings somewhere.  Would Wine take over display controls?04:06
ActionParsnip__ice_stone: quake live runs fine on my 75hz 1280x1024 screen, try it, you'll find it ok04:07
NecromancyrStupid nickserv04:07
JohninLexhappy_, have you tried doing it in an terminal04:07
ravicJohninLex: what exactly u mean?04:07
abumaiaouyes: no, not a big issue.  Just a matter of my computer not acting the way I tell it to work.04:07
TommyBanyone in here care to lend a hand?04:07
happy_JohninLex: huh? I am talking about when I typed in your command to upgrade to debian :-P04:07
arvind_khadri!ask  | TommyB04:07
ubottuTommyB: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:07
ActionParsnip__Goilio: i think theres a vnc app where as you move the cursor off one system, it arrives on the desktop of another. let me see if i can find the name, chris prillo reviewed it04:07
JohninLexravic,  it was a good joke against Ubuntu, I wanted to get some heat from it but that never happed lol04:08
ice_stoneActionParsnip__, 75hz ... bah, i'll wait till i get 120hz LCD gaming monitor then I'll be sold04:08
TommyBtyping on my phone because I can't come in here on a proxy, sry if I'm slow :P04:08
GoilioActionParsnip__: its called synergy04:08
happy_JohninLex: I supported you :-P04:08
ice_stoneOK i gotta GO04:08
abumaiaouyes: there's a discrepancy between settings and actions.  It's a little problem that I personally would like to fix, though it's not a major issue.04:08
JohninLexsorry happy_  I missed that04:09
ouyesabumaia,  ok then we can stop here, good luck.04:09
happy_JohninLex: right after you said that I said04:09
ActionParsnip__Goilio: http://chris.pirillo.com/how-to-access-your-computer-remotely-with-a-vnc-kvm/04:09
abumaiaouyes: thanks for trying ^_^04:09
happy_JohninLex: I am getting an error. Upgrading is not allowed.04:09
YashyI have onboard Nvidia drivers working fine. I add a PCIe ATI card, and the onboard device seems to disappear from lspci/lshw/dmesg?04:09
TommyBgrub> find /boot/grub/stage1 gives error 15, file not found04:09
TommyBhow can I install grub04:09
JohninLexI really thought you had a problem, but I can help you install Debian if you like04:10
ActionParsnip__Yashy: make sure the onboard video supports having dual displays, some dont like it, or the extra card will need to be set as primary04:10
oj_hi, i have a prolink wn2000 usb wireless adapter, does anyone know how to make it work in ubuntu?04:10
ActionParsnip__!grub | TommyB04:10
ubottuTommyB: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.04:10
DiegoYesOJ da Juice man.04:10
JohninLexit is a little better than Ubuntu ( at least in my view )04:10
happy_JohninLex: I use debian for servers04:10
TommyBubottu, I'm on 9.1004:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:10
ActionParsnip__JohninLex: yeah ive started leaning towards it myself04:11
=== khisanth_ is now known as Khisanth
TommyBwow, really wish this channel allowed proxied users04:11
ouyesabumaia, we have to leave the issue for now04:11
arvind_khadri!grub2 > TommyB04:11
ubottuTommyB, please see my private message04:11
TommyBcan't keep up on a 3.2" hvga screen04:11
JohninLexmy problem is that I am not going to know what is going not to work from update to update04:11
wolterhi, I keep reformatting my USB flash drive but I still get this files installed in it, I don't know how they get there..04:12
wolterits like its partitioned or something, but I cannot delete the internal partition04:12
mobidroidHi, is there any way to have two monitor using nvidia xinerama and be able to play opengl game with a working mouse?04:13
ActionParsnip__wolter: you can use dd to write zeroes to the partition04:13
JohninLexwolter, are you using gparted?04:13
mobidroidmy mouse location is always screwed :( sniff sniff04:13
VirtualIs ubuntu installed with wubi any different than if I install it myself from a dvd?\04:13
JohninLexyes Virtual  it is04:13
VirtualJohninLex, how so ?04:14
JohninLexwith wubi it installs inside of windows, and adds a MBR to the boot04:14
wolterJohninLex, yes; ActionParsnip__ can you explain further?04:14
VirtualJohninLex, i know that, i mean any different inside the os?04:14
troopperiwolter: have you unmounted it before try format?04:15
mobidroidanyone here is using dual monitor and a fixed the mouse issue in xinerama?04:15
=== r4ban is now known as giskard
JohninLexas far of the OS no there the same Virtual04:15
woltertroopperi, of course, without unmounting I cannot format it, not with gparted04:15
ActionParsnip__wolter: assuming the partition is /dev/sdc1 (your may be different so check): sudo umount /dev/sdc1; sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc104:15
ActionParsnip__wolter: this will write zeroes to the whole partition04:16
wolterActionParsnip__, and erase the whole thing consequently?04:16
BlueSherpaanyone know how to bond ethernet adapters in Ubuntu 9.10?04:16
BlueSherpaI tried this tutorial, but no luck:  http://www.howtoforge.com/nic-bonding-on-debian-lenny04:16
wolterActionParsnip__, hm, that made it blink a few times04:17
BlueSherpaI tried the script from this tutorial... it seems to get it working, but only on 100Mb http://www.linuxhorizon.ro/bonding.html04:17
ActionParsnip__wolter: yes as the data on the partition will be zeroed out04:17
chalcedonyActionParsnip__, i got an error in firefox, after shutting down and rebooting -ubuntu 9.04 .."Could not initialize the application's security component. The most likely cause is problems with your application's file directory..."04:17
TommyBI hate linux04:18
wolterTommyB, maybe you don't know it that welll.. What's your problem?04:18
chalcedonyTommyB, there are days to hate chocolate04:18
LinuX2halfHow do I check my current system requirements if I'm planning to install an operating system?04:18
mobidroidTommyB: yup i'm getting there... I try but each time it's the same war to find info...04:18
chalcedonyhow can i see how much disc space is being used?04:19
sebsebsebuh what happended about 1780 people again04:19
YashyIs it possible to use a new ATI driver for my onboard ATI video card, and the old radeon driver for a PCIe ATI legacy card for dual head?04:19
TommyBdude I resized and moved a partition and now grub won't load04:19
TommyBand I can't install it04:19
TommyBit boots to a grub> terminal04:19
mobidroidOk let me ask a smarty way my question how is managed the mouse axis in openGL can I make a X offset so in open GL the mouse is to not have always the same X coord04:20
chalcedonyTommyB, you did a backup before hand?04:20
wolterActionParsnip__, now it says there is no more space left on the device04:20
wolterShould I Control+C ?04:20
TommyBchalcedony, backup? lol onto what?04:20
mobidroidassuming that: Screen  "screen1" RightOf "screen0" and mouse pointer is assigned04:20
TommyBnot everyone has $ for an external hdd, I'm broke04:20
ActionParsnip__wolter: thats fine, its hit the end of the destination device04:21
mobidroidTommyB: thats the price of linux TIMESSSSSSSSSSS04:21
chalcedonymight have cost you more than you want to spend, TommyB04:21
wolterOk, so Control+C?04:21
ActionParsnip__wolter: sounds fine to me04:21
wolterah.. it exited on its own now that I check04:21
TommyBI have win7 and ubuntu, both still installed04:21
TommyBcan't boot from either04:21
obliv|onDoes anyone in here know about turnkey linux?04:21
ActionParsnip__wolter: remount the partition, ten check04:21
ActionParsnip__!ot | obliv|on04:22
ubottuobliv|on: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:22
wolterActionParsnip__, well.. the odd partition is still alive04:22
wolterand the other one just does not appear, I guess because it has no format04:22
snoopy_hmm can some one help me04:22
obliv|onturnkey is based on ubuntu so how is that offtopic?04:22
sebsebseb!ask | snoopy_04:22
ubottusnoopy_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:22
wolterActionParsnip__, maybe I should do it to sdb and not to sdb1 ?04:22
ActionParsnip__obliv|on: its not an official release by canonical so is not supported here04:22
mobidroidsnoppy_: switch your fonts to black, mine are white no one can read me...04:22
johntramphi i am trying to run the arduino ide and am getting this error. java/lang/ClassNotFoundException: error in opening JAR file /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/rt.jar04:22
johntrampit was working fine not long ago04:23
ActionParsnip__obliv|on: many Linux releases are based on ubuntu and are equally not supported here04:23
snoopy_well i really dont know what it is, its a little ram thingy i think and hu idk how to put it :|04:23
mobidroidat least a little : we have no idea go elswhere would have been appreciated ;)04:23
ActionParsnip__wolter: try it dude04:23
wolterTommyB, have you tried installing grub through grub-install from a live CD ?04:23
mobidroidsnoppy_: good we have a first keyword memory04:23
iflemaTommyB did you drop a new partition in front of the resize? reinstalling grub from a live cd will 4 sure get back windows. or the windows install disc is capable of that also.04:23
snoopy_its PC3200U-3033004:24
mobidroidsnoopy_: its a hardware issue?04:24
mobidroidbah no one can say i didnt try to help him...04:25
johntrampjust didnt try hard enough?04:25
mobidroidOk so dual monitoring is behond #unbuntu experience i'm right?04:25
scunizimobidroid: nope.. check out xrandr.. it's what controls that..04:26
mobidroidmonitoring has "the lcd stuff that allow to read my unreadable questions@04:26
ActionParsnip__mobidroid: not at all, many users dual monitor happily04:26
mobidroidthx for the keyword ill google it04:26
mobidroidActionParsnip_ : well dual monitoring work just fine but in full screen 3d the mouse is stock on the X axis04:26
mobidroidbahhhhhhh ill just put it back to the useless twinview... this is a bit turn off :(04:28
ActionParsnip__mobidroid: log a bug04:29
mobidroidi saw a mouse offset in the config but just dont get why this offset is screwed in fullscreen open gl games04:29
BlueSherpaanyone know how to bond nics in Ubuntu?04:29
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
mobidroidactionparsnip_ : what the url to log a bug again?04:29
wolterBlueSherpa, bond nics?04:29
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots04:29
BlueSherpawolter: where you can bond two network cards04:30
BlueSherpawolter: like this  http://www.howtoforge.com/nic-bonding-on-debian-lenny , but that tutorial isn't working for me04:30
clockerPidgin not connecting?  It did when I first installed it and now nada... Any idea how to get it working?04:30
mobidroidmy dilema is this a nvidia bug or unbuntu bug?!04:31
ActionParsnip__clocker: try renaming ~/.purple then reset it up04:32
ActionParsnip__mobidroid: i'd say ubuntu due to the mouse locking04:32
clockerthanks... I'll give that a go04:32
iflemawolter i have a couple of micro cruzers that have a built in software catalog/system recovery partition (u3)... its a windows thing.... it is possible to remove.... apparently04:33
MrPocketsAnyone know04:33
MrPocketscan sync calendar and contacts with exchange04:34
TamnakzCan anyone help with fixing a graphic card problem? 8.10 and the laptop is a Dell XPS M1210 with an NVidia video card.04:35
wolteriflema, possible or impossible?04:35
MrPocketsTamnakz, not if you don't tell us the problem04:35
wolterThis will be the third time I run the dd command and its still not gone haha04:35
TamnakzMrPockets: good point! :D long day. . . I can't get an external monitor to work, no signal whatsoever04:36
MrPocketsdownload the nvidia package04:36
MrPocketsdunno what its called off my head04:36
pointlessjonAny ideas why trying to run ssh-keygen returns "Couldn't open /dev/null: Permission denied" ?04:36
mobidroidVoila it's submited: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/50946104:37
iflemaclocker http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/USN-886-104:37
mobidroidThe most anoying thing is the fact that most game dont map the keyboard to quit the game assuming the mouse is working i must reset the computer because there is no CLTR-ALT-DEL stuff04:38
mobidroidif there is any i would greatly like to know :)04:38
orion2does anyone know if anarchy online can be played in wine?04:38
TamnakzMrPockets the NVidia X Server?04:39
bastid_raZor!appdb | orion2 look here04:39
ubottuorion2 look here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:39
mobidroidorion2 check wine website they grade how good it is04:39
mobidroidubottu is soooo more precise than me :04:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:39
al_whats the best PC based linux nas?04:39
Lotodoes .xsession not get ran at login anymore? I set a user to autologin through the GUI and added a .xsession script to their home directory04:40
Lotobut it does not seem to run04:40
Lotoany ideas?04:40
orion2bastid_raZor, mobidroid: its not a program, its a game and I dont know what the name of the application is04:40
bastid_raZororion2: ask in #winehq ?04:40
mobidroidorion2: anarchy online is a game I know... look in the database I bet with you 2$ that its in there04:40
mobidroiddatabase = a list of game04:41
iflemaclocker theres a new update basically..... updating prob solve ya prob.... k is what i say for ok or did you miss the o04:41
clockerPidgin has a vulnerabilty yes, but the default IM client, Empathy won't connect either04:41
clockerperfect, gracias04:41
mobidroidis there a equivalent of CLTR-ALT-DEL in unbuntu in order to quit a program that is hmm stuck?04:41
TamnakzFor hardware drivers: I don't have iternet at home. Can I download all of the possible drivers, and activate them independantly? Or do they not save when I activate another?04:41
mobidroidlike the cltr-c in console04:41
clockerIt's a fresh install on limited bandwidth so I'll be a while yet to get it all cleaned up.04:42
mobidroidorion2: you can pay me by paypal: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=35504:42
mobidroidorion2: read the link: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=35504:43
orion2troll alert  mobidroid04:43
clockerIt's great to not be known here, pop in and have such useful help promptly.  Thanks very much.04:43
mobidroidorion2: its gold on karmic koala so it should be playable without problem04:43
mobidroidorion2: bah read the link thank me later...04:44
mobidroidorion2: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=514 if you are lazy for the second click04:44
TamnakzFor hardware drivers: I don't have iternet at home. Can I download all of the possible drivers, and activate them independently? Or do they not save when I activate another?04:47
drbe4they anyone know any good ipod software in ubuntu04:47
BlueSherpaanyone know how to bind Nics in Ubuntu?04:47
petsounds!ipod > drbe4t04:48
ubottudrbe4t, please see my private message04:48
iflemaTamnakz there will probably be dependencies... that is ya drivers may be dependant on something that also need to be downloaded from the net.04:49
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod04:50
Tamnakziflema: right, but the only way to dowload them is to go to hardware drivers, select 'activate' and it downloads. . . if I activate one, then the other, to download them all, will I be able to re-activate them once I have no web?04:50
drbe4toh no ubotto i just need it for a ipod video04:50
iflemaTamnakz argh....... dont quote me.... yes04:51
iflemaTamnakz not positive04:51
Tamnakziflema, thanks. I'm going to try it here, download them, turn off wirelss, and check. . . I've got almost 600 movies DVD quality my brother brought back from a government server in Iraq. . . I'd love to run them to my 52" :D04:52
iflemaTamnakz download em... and test before ya leave04:52
* ionine_ has sent you a private message. Please type "/server message read ionine_ 1" (without quotes) to read it. (1 unread)04:52
Tamnakz***ionine_ has sent you a private message. Please type "/server message read ionine_ 1" (without quotes) to read it. (1 unread) is this legit? I've never seen it before04:52
ionine_yeah it is04:53
Tamnakz* so it's more clear, was that alert legit?04:53
Jeruvydon't it's bogus04:53
Tamnakzno offense, someone other than ionine_04:53
Tamnakztwo out of three takes it?04:53
Tamnakzis it legit? or not?04:53
Gh0st_Note-Hello, hello!04:53
Jeruvy!ops | ionine_04:53
ubottuionine_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!04:53
=== ionine_ is now known as notionine_
notionine_yeah its legit04:53
=== notionine_ is now known as ionine_
Tamnakzjeruvy wtf? I've never seen a bot on irc04:54
ionine_Tamnakz, are you gonna read my message?04:54
JeruvyTamnakz: just ignore it04:54
Tamnakzionine_ if you've got something to say say it here04:54
ionine_jeruvy is offended by my message04:54
Gh0st_Note-Just started using Ubuntu. I freakin' love it.04:55
{chmod}755Tamnakz, then welcome to Freenode. Almost all linux/distro channels have their own bot.04:55
=== jon is now known as Guest20880
scuniziTamnakz: we have a very friendly bot in this channel.. :)04:55
Jeruvythanks tsimpson04:55
{chmod}755lol, he always screams at me04:55
mediaprodigyktorrent is great. but is there a plain p2p app for just music?04:55
{chmod}755!hi | {chmod}75504:55
ubottu{chmod}755, please see my private message04:55
Tamnakzhaha, I was talking about ionine_ but wtf04:56
{chmod}755See? he doesn't even say hi04:56
F223hey, I just installed Ubuntu, what're some cool things I can do off the bat?04:56
Gh0st_Note-Get Compiz Fusion immeditely.04:56
Gh0st_Note-Go, now!04:56
F223yeah, I got that :)04:56
{chmod}755Gh0st_Note-, fail04:56
Tamnakzf223 instead of alt+tab to shift windows, hit the 'windows sign'+tab04:56
scuniziF223: rip dvd's, start a web server, play with the special effects04:56
{chmod}755Compiz is resource heavy and can make a computer freeze so fast it's not even funny04:56
Gh0st_Note-No, not fail04:56
F223oh cool04:56
Gh0st_Note-Working fine for me04:56
F223I've got grood hardware, if it fails, though, I'll stop using it04:57
Gh0st_Note-Got the "sphere" going and all.04:57
{chmod}755Gh0st_Note-, just because it works for you doesn't mean it works for the rest of us.04:57
drbe4they i can't get gtkpod to upload my ipod video04:57
drbe4tany help04:57
Gh0st_Note-Well, just because it doesn't work for you doesnt mean it wont work for others either.04:57
{chmod}755!help | drbe4t04:57
ubottudrbe4t: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:57
Gh0st_Note-Goes both ways buddy.04:57
{chmod}755Gh0st_Note-, It does work for me, actually.04:58
{chmod}755Yeah, get used to that.04:58
mediaprodigywhat is the best ubuntu p2p app for downloading music?04:58
Gh0st_Note-Then was is the big deal? It's a neat app for who it does work for, and for those who care about personalization, it's nice.04:58
{chmod}755mediaprodigy, pirating music isn't an appropriate topic for this channel.04:59
{chmod}755Gh0st_Note-, I'm just razzin' ya. Compiz is ok. Just resource heavy04:59
glickexcuse me, where does telepathy store IM conversations?04:59
bastid_raZor!frostwire | mediaprodigy04:59
ubottumediaprodigy: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire04:59
Gh0st_Note-Anyways, chmod, do you think it crashes due to a user having bad hardware, or because of badly written code? I'm asking a legit question, I'd like to know05:00
Gh0st_Note-My hardware is superb, but, to be honest I have heard of odd things happening with compiz. Just hasn't happened with me05:00
Gh0st_Note-Yet atleast05:00
glickanyone know?05:01
Real_UbotI can't switch wordspace if I have closed a window just before trying to change workspace using my keyboard. I have to first click on the Desktop. This problem occured after I installed05:01
Real_UbotConky. What is happening?05:01
{chmod}755Gh0st_Note-, primarily because of bad hardware.05:01
JeruvyGh0st_Note-: generally it's more that compiz is very resource heavy and can conflict with other apps.  Marginal hardware can also flake out due to it.05:01
Gh0st_Note-Chmod, based on what i've heard, it runs great on a lot of hardware, I mean, Aero on vista requires more yet it is nowhere near as attractice or customizable?05:01
Gh0st_Note-as compiz*05:02
dan__How can I enable my Nvidia Geforce GT 330m 1gb?05:02
{chmod}755Who says? Compiz can be fully modified to provide some outstanding effects that fully beat Aero.05:02
scuniziGh0st_Note-: the only time I've had issues is with some games.. they just don't like it.05:02
Gh0st_Note-I'm running a GTX260 Black Edition, Q6600 Quad, 2GB of ram05:02
{chmod}755dan__, lspci, probe or modprobe?05:02
scunizidan__: go to System>Admin>hardware drivers and see if there is a driver waiting to be activated.05:02
Gh0st_Note-Dan, go to hardware drivers05:03
Gh0st_Note-Yes, what he said05:03
dan__Already checked hardware drivers. There are  none listed05:03
{chmod}755dan__, Do you see it in an lspci?05:03
scunizidan__: have you done all your updtes?05:03
F223ok, you know the windows in the bottom right hand corner that you can switch between, what are those called?05:03
{chmod}755F223, workstations05:04
Gh0st_Note-yes workstations05:04
Gh0st_Note-Eitherway really05:04
{chmod}755I've seen them called everything. =P05:04
F223ok, can you customize workstations so that each one has a different theme?05:04
dan__ VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 0a29 (rev a2)05:04
pointlessjonanyone have any tips on diagnosing issues with /dev/null?05:04
dan__01:00.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation Device 0be2 (rev a1)05:04
{chmod}755F223, I've seen it done, but I don't know how.05:04
dan__yeah I did all the updates05:04
Gh0st_Note-I personally haven't tried it myself dan yet, but I have looked up ways to do it05:04
Gh0st_Note-seems fairly simple to05:05
{chmod}755dan__, probe nVidia Corporation Device 0be205:05
Gh0st_Note-Just google it05:05
petsounds!envyNG > dan__05:05
ubottudan__, please see my private message05:05
Gh0st_Note-or bing it whatever05:05
scunizidan__: ignore the reference to envyng.. it'll mess with your system..05:05
petsoundsscunizi, what?05:05
scunizi!envyng | petsounds don't suggest this05:06
deltaflyer4747Hi, anyone knows why is the #debian locked ?05:06
ubottupetsounds don't suggest this: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver05:06
dan__What should I do?05:06
scunizidan__: if you need the nvidia drivers you can manually install the binary from nvidia.. the issue with it is you'll have to reinstall it with each kernel upgrade..05:06
Gh0st_Note-Dual booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu is heaven. srsyly.05:07
sabharishI run Ubuntu 9.10 as a VM with virtualbox05:07
petsoundsscunizi, messing with your system, in what manner....05:07
F223I agree, Gh0st05:07
sabharishand I installed wine, but whenevr I run it its very slow05:07
{chmod}755Windows 7 is the devil. It hovers over you in your sleep and touches itself. srsyly05:07
scunizipetsounds: check the forums.. envy has been around for some time.. lots of issues with it..05:07
deltaflyer4747or is there anyone able and willing to help me with debian dpkg-buildpackage on mysql problem ?05:07
{chmod}755deltaflyer4747, you need to go to #Debian for that.05:08
Gh0st_Note-Windows 7 isn't to bad. I got it for 30 bucks thanks to the student deal05:08
dan__I already found the binary but I dont understand how I have to update the kernel05:08
Gh0st_Note-So I don't feel bad about buying it05:08
{chmod}755I don't want any system that is going to touch itself while I sleep05:08
deltaflyer4747755 i'd love to, but as i asked few mins ago, #debian is locked05:08
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:08
Gh0st_Note-I'm beginning to use Ubuntu more and more though, with Windows 7 used for games.05:08
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents05:08
{chmod}755Gh0st_Note-, I use windows for05:08
{chmod}755I only use Linux05:08
scunizidan__: nvidia has docs on how to install.. but in essense you have to first uninstall the ubuntu driver using synaptic.. when installing the new driver you have to do it from a TTY with the gui shut down..05:09
Gh0st_Note-haha, well you're obviously not much of a gamer then. :P05:09
deltaflyer4747{chmod}755: i'd love to, but as i asked few mins ago, #debian is locked05:09
{chmod}755Gh0st_Note-, do you even know what you're talking about?05:09
{chmod}755deltaflyer4747, I saw it the first time. It's cool, just hang here for now. Or try #Linux05:09
sebsebsebGh0st_Note-:  {chmod}755 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^05:09
Gh0st_Note-There's no way around it... Linux, in its present state is not good for gaming.05:10
{chmod}755sebsebseb, Sorry we're getting in the way of such a busy night05:10
sebsebsebGh0st_Note-: quite a lot of good natives games for Desktop Linux05:10
{chmod}755Gh0st_Note-, epic fail05:10
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php05:10
deltaflyer4747{chmod}755: well, noone there is able to help me tho... but i will try the general linux... i just thought it could be common problem as deb and ebu share common ground05:10
Gh0st_Note-Yeah okay, go run every one of those steam games available, retail games, etc, with no problems, then come back to me.05:10
iflemaGh0st_Note- define gaming?05:10
{chmod}755I play all of my games on linux05:10
{chmod}755Gh0st_Note-, phail on a pail05:11
Gh0st_Note-sigh... Okay, sure you can play freeware, the limited selection on Wine perhaps with problems, or you can shell out extra money for the alts to wine05:11
scunizidan__: check this out.. I wrote this some time ago.. http://pastebin.com/m563a62f405:11
Gh0st_Note-but seriously... the gaming is limited05:11
sebsebsebGh0st_Note-: also it's best to only support games companies who make for Desktop Linux,  or  WII or PS3 or something that isn't Xbox.05:11
{chmod}755Gh0st_Note-, I play NWN with wine. It has a linux client.05:11
deltaflyer4747crap :( linux is also overflow :(05:11
scuniziGh0st_Note-: that's nothing new to us..05:11
Gh0st_Note-Yes, I agree with supporting Linux client games, don't get me wrong.05:11
{chmod}755Actually, I hate wine and don't use it for any of my games05:11
dan__scunizi: Ill check it out. Thanks :)05:11
Gh0st_Note-I LOVE linux and ubuntu, but seriously, be realistic.05:12
{chmod}755Gh0st_Note-, I am05:12
* iflema thinks Gh0st_Note- needs a console.... like the kids have05:12
{chmod}755Gh0st_Note-, when you're as 1337 as sebsebseb, scunizi, and me then you'll kno what I'm talking about05:12
sebsebsebyou can dual boot if Wine or commercial versions of it,  or a Windows virtual machine, aren't good enough for your Windows games05:12
Gh0st_Note-Uh no, I hate console gaming. I just said I have Windows 7 in dual boot with Ubuntu.05:12
deltaflyer4747iflema: PS3 with ubuntu? :)05:12
Gh0st_Note-Ps3 with Linux is limited.05:12
ardchoilleI feel the gaming chat would be better served in another channel.. since it isn't actually in answer to an Ubuntu support question.05:13
{chmod}755Windows 7 molests children05:13
* iflema Gh0st_Note- poor fing 05:13
sebsebsebardchoille: indeed05:13
{chmod}755There, I said it05:13
sebsebseb!ot | Gh0st_Note-05:13
ubottuGh0st_Note-: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:13
Gh0st_Note-Look, I know you like thinking it's really hardcore to game on linux and have a limited selection of games, but wake up.05:13
Gh0st_Note-Yes, no problem, I'll stop.05:13
scuniziGh0st_Note-: this is all off topic for this channel and belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic.. there you can say what you want.. support here.. bs and other conversation there.05:14
deltaflyer4747I know this is not the #debian (which gives me overflow), but is there anyone able and willing to help me with debian dpkg-buildpackage of mysql problem ?05:14
dan__scunizi: Which driver do I get? I'm running 64 bit 9.04 and am not sure which driver I need for the Nvidia GT 330m 1gb05:14
stealyourfacescunizi: so what are you trying to say, your being vague05:14
scunizistealyourface: :)05:15
scunizidan__: hang on..05:15
neezerSo I just read something about ramdisk and using something called preload. anyone know anything about that?05:15
wolterhow can I get the version of a package installed in my computer, for example notify osd?05:15
dan__Holding :D05:16
kinja-sheepwolter: aptitude show <zomg> ?05:16
syn-ackwolter: apt-cache policy (package)05:16
scunizidan__: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_190.53.html05:16
ardchoillewolter: apt-cache policy packagename05:16
wolterthanks guys05:16
deltaflyer4747hmm... couldn't ANYONE tell me that i need to register my nick ? :-/ :(05:16
stealyourfacedeltaflyer4747: nuh uh05:16
wolterI keep trying with the wrong packages05:16
sebsebseb!register | deltaflyer474705:17
ubottudeltaflyer4747: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode05:17
wolterWhat tells me: wolter, you should make a script for all the common operations and distribute05:17
deltaflyer4747sebsebseb: Thanks05:17
sebsebsebdeltaflyer4747: np05:17
ardchoillewolter: make use of your ~/.bash_aliases file :)05:17
wolterardchoille, hmm.. could be too05:17
ardchoillewolter:  installme='sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends'05:18
Dravekxhow do I uninstall a program from ubuntu server via ssh?05:18
ardchoillewolter: This one would be good in your recent question:   apppolicy='apt-cache policy'05:19
daftykinsDravekx: sudo apt-get remove <packagename>05:19
wolterardchoille, yes, or woxe-pkgversion05:19
wolterhm.. could I use empty spaces too?05:19
ardchoillewolter: not sure about that05:20
kinja-sheepwolter: for aliases, no. You'd want to use dash or underscore.05:20
ardchoillewolter: I thinkit's ok so long as the spaces are inside the single quotes05:20
ardchoillekinja-sheep: Thank you, that is good to know05:20
disappearedng_Anybody know why I am getting Error reading iPod photo database from gtkpod05:20
wolterardchoille, i mean, for identifiers, but thanks kinja-sheep, Ill use dashes.. or hyphens as some like to call05:21
Dravekxhow do I check for new stuff? there's update and ?05:21
dan__sorry about that. I closed about. Can you please link me to the guide again?05:22
ardchoilleDravekx: sudo apt-get upgrade  ?05:22
Dravekxyes! lol05:22
Dravekxbrain fart.05:22
ardchoilleDravekx: there's also : sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:22
kinja-sheepwolter: I use something like lla "for ls -alh" ; ll for "ls -lh". You get the idea. Better than "ls-al" or similar.05:22
disappearedng_how do I put wmv files on ipod and what to use05:22
Dravekxwhats the difference between dist-upgrade and jsut upgrade?05:22
ardchoilleDravekx: dist-upgrade will bring in new packages inorder to satisfy dependencies of you current apps05:23
Dravekxoh ok :)05:23
Dravekxis it better to auto-update or manually update?05:24
scuniziDravekx: occationally and this is rare.. it will also upgrade a package to the latest version05:24
ardchoilleDravekx: I feel auto-update is good as you may forget to manually update05:25
Dravekxscunizi, really?05:25
scuniziDravekx: auto update for security and occationally do the other.. like I said.. it's rare05:25
Dravekxardchoille, any idea how to check or turn on auto updates?05:25
ardchoilleDravekx: "latest versin" = the latest version that is available in the repos05:25
ardchoilleDravekx: No idea how to do that, sorry05:26
scuniziDravekx: ardchoille not what I ment but .. ok05:26
ardchoillescunizi: usually we don't get new versions once the release is out, we just get bug fixes and security updates. We may get newer versions if that is part of a bug fix05:27
ardchoilleor a sceurity update05:27
scuniziardchoille: right.. like I said.. rare05:27
ardchoilleAh, yeah05:27
wolterevery time I log in .bash_profile is executed?05:27
kinja-sheepDravekx: Static cron job, cron-apt, or unattended-upgrades.05:28
Dravekxwhat is cron-apt? I dont have that installed.05:29
kinja-sheep!info cron-apt | Dravekx05:29
ubottuDravekx: cron-apt (source: cron-apt): automatic update of packages using apt-get. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.0 (karmic), package size 25 kB, installed size 220 kB05:29
ardchoillewolter: .bash_profile is not "executed", it's sourced each time you start up bash05:29
wolteroh ok05:29
wolteryeah i meant that :)05:29
joshua__so no putting "exit" in .bash_profile unless you want something really hard to fix05:29
neezerwhen I do sudo apt-get upgrade, I get a something saying that some packages have been "kept back" and that 7 packages weren't upgraded. Why is this?05:30
Flannelneezer: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:30
kinja-sheepwolter: Interesting. .bash_profile is for login shells.05:31
neezerFlannel: what will that do? I'm already running 9.1005:31
joshua__.bashrc runs in all bash shells05:31
Flannelneezer: upgrade only bumps version numbers, won't bring in new dependencies.  Things like kernels and things depend on new packages for upgrades.05:31
Flannelneezer: It'll bring in those packages being held back05:32
ardchoilleneezer: dist-upgrade does not take you to the new release, it simply brings in new packages in order to satisfy update requirements05:32
wolterkinja-sheep, if that means that every time I log in it will be sourced then I have no further comments on that matter05:32
joshua__I drove my sysadmin mad when I put "exec ksh" in my .cshrc so long ago. He tried to run a script that su'd to each user and did something with the C shell. He was not pleased to find an interactive shell waiting for him halfway through.05:33
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic05:36
neezerFlannel: when I run the dist-upgrade I get an error about unmet dependencies. It is here: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m7ebb8aed05:37
kinja-sheepneezer: You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.05:37
neezerI also tried installing libusbmuxd105:37
dan__How can I install the drivers for a Nvidia GT 330m 1gb? Im running 9.04 64 bit05:38
kinja-sheepdan__: System --> Admin --> Hardware Drivers.05:38
scunizidan__: did my paste not work?05:38
disappearedng_hey easiest application to convert avi to somethign?05:39
bastid_raZordisappearedng_: devede05:39
neezerkinja-sheep: i tried the sudo apt-get install, and it looked like it installed without errors. then when I did sudo apt-get update, I got the same error about unmet dependencies. it seems like I'm not getting usbmuxd and libusbmuxd1 to install or somthing.05:40
Dravekxvsftpd is SOOO much faster than proftpd05:40
Metzgerrmy guark terminal is no longer transparency, settings are ok. any hint?05:40
kinja-sheepneezer: Try installing the packages?05:41
dotblankOk I borked my alsa drivers.. will reinstalling Generic Linux Kernel image fix it?05:41
neezerkinja-sheep. I tried with sudo apt-get install libusbmuxd1 usbmuxd. it aparently didn't work.05:42
dotblankcause I think alsa is compiled into the kernel05:42
kinja-sheepneezer: For what app? I don't see libusbmux in the repo.05:43
disappearedng_I keep getting this error from winff Unknown encoder 'libfaac'05:43
iflemaneezer apt-get -f install05:44
ardchoilledisappearedng_: Just a guess but do you possibly need the libfaac0 package?05:45
disappearedng_ok all i want to do is convert avi to mov05:46
disappearedng_so I opened avidemux my wmv file, then simply save it as .mov. The quality is so bad after that, can someone care to explain?05:47
tomipyowhats the offtop ubuntu channel05:47
tomipyoi thought it was ubuntu-offtopic05:47
tomipyoit is hahaha05:48
ardchoilletomaw: #ubuntu-offtopic05:48
ardchoilletomaw: nm, wrong nick05:48
dan__scunizi: My terminal froze up on me when I ran the commands05:48
neezerkinja-sheep: I used a repo for connecting my ipod touch from here: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pmcenery/ppa...Here is the full printout of what I got as a response to sudo apt-get -f install.  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d6d6c2fc305:49
jackyo wassup05:49
=== jack is now known as Guest32882
Blue11"MY!  People come and go so quickly here...."05:50
iflemadisappearedng_ vlc does a great job @ converting from this to that..... and there are at least 2 other ways... renaming he extension is not one of those05:50
=== Guest32882 is now known as MARAJUANA
disappearedng_um, I assume on avidemux it's not simply renaming05:51
scunizidan__: perhaps it was when you tried to stop the gui? with sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop?  with the newer ubuntu releases you have to sudo service gdm stop05:51
brandon-is it save to remove the modem manager05:51
brandon-the package "modemmanager" if im not using a modem?05:51
iflemaneezer sorry05:52
scunizidan__: http://pastebin.com/m2dfca67305:52
iflemaneezer this time im sorry05:53
=== macman is now known as macman_
iflemadisappearedng_ sorry i misunderstood the question05:53
neezeriflema: sorry for what?05:53
jack5463what can i do with ubuntu05:54
iflemaneezer being sorry05:54
Blue11what's good irc server software?05:55
alabdhello , Document viewer just show 1 st page of pdf files why ?05:55
syn-ackBlue11: I fail to see what that has to do with Ubuntu...05:55
Blue11because ubuntu will host -- but okay sorry for bothering05:55
neezeriflema....ok...well, I removed the repositories for the packages and did a -f install and everything is back to normal...I guess it isn't a big deal as i never got it to work anyways.05:56
brandon-jack5463, what cant you do?05:56
jack5463you tell me05:56
brandon-i am telling you05:56
iflemaneezer NO!!! I DONT KNOW>>> was meant for somebody else05:56
brandon-you can do anything05:56
jack5463ok thanks05:56
brandon-anyone know any good threads or articles on how to remove stuff you dont need05:56
brandon-to optimize ubuntu05:56
lauriffum, you can't run photoshop, that's about it05:56
WinWhich is EASIER Arch Linux or Gentoo05:56
brandon-who needs photoshop when you got gimp05:56
brandon-and photoshop runs good in wine for me05:56
brandon-Win, why would you ask that in ubuntus channel05:57
iflemaneezer what to work?05:57
Winjust curios05:57
lauriffCS4?  workspaces are always screwed-lookin to me05:57
syn-ackbrandon-: Never seen you a troll before?05:57
Wini think i'll try one05:57
osirisx11can someone please help me with autocropping a bunch of images? i know it sounds simple but i've been searching for a solution for hours. imagemagick with -fuzz and -trim still won't work as they are scanned from a flatbed scanner and have a bit of noise05:57
iflemaipod.... ooooo05:57
brandon-syn-ack, never05:57
brandon-anyone know any good articles or threads on what packages you can remove to cut down on loaded apps05:58
syn-ackbrandon-: Welcome to the world of IRC... Where Men are men, women are men and troll run rampant05:58
syn-acktrolls too05:58
brandon-thanks syn-ack05:58
osirisx11brandon-: there is a computer janitor app installed by default05:58
brandon-yea i used that janitor thing05:58
brandon-and its retarded05:58
brandon-it screwed my pc up last time i used it, hardcore05:58
syn-ackbrandon-: check out bleachbit05:58
brandon-no i dont wanna delete files05:59
osirisx11brandon-: well it cleaned REALLY well then didn't it? ;)05:59
brandon-im looking at my taskmanager seeing all this stuff loaded, i wanna know what i can get away with unloading/deleting05:59
brandon-no it didnt clean anything, instead of removing unccesary stuff it removed stuff i used and needed05:59
jack5463janitor isn't ai05:59
brandon-its not jack? wise words from the guy who just asked "what can ubuntu do"06:00
syn-ackbrandon-: well... in Ubuntu that's kinda hard to say with somethings... really a default install is really quite small06:00
jack5463good guess huh06:00
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brandon-yea i know syn nack but i see stuff loaded multiple times06:00
brandon-is that normal?06:00
syn-ackthats normal.06:00
brandon-oh ok06:00
FloodBot4brandon-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:00
syn-ackbrandon-: They're called "threads"06:01
brandon-well isnt apache like a web server or something, why would i need that running?06:01
lauriffespecially if you're running in concurrent mode06:01
ardchoillebrandon-: Did you install from the server edition?06:01
alabdHow to open pdf files in ubuntu except document veiwer06:01
brandon-i dont believe so ardchoille06:01
lauriffapt-get install evince? apt-cache search pdf?06:01
dan__scunizi: Ill try again06:02
ardchoillebrandon-: you don't need apache unless you're running a server, and the only way to instal it is manually or via installing from server edition06:02
brandon-i downloaded the one from ubuntu.com ardchoille06:02
brandon-didnt say server06:03
brandon-i just got the 64bit ubuntu 9.1006:03
ardchoilleok, well you can remove apache if not needed06:03
ardchoillebrandon-: I think you ended up with server edition06:03
brandon-does that mean theres alot of crap running i dont need?06:03
ardchoillebrandon-: Quite possibly06:04
jack5463can i access windows if I'm running ubuntu from cd?06:04
ardchoillebrandon-: like apache, php, mysql, etc06:04
alabdlauriff:  except  evince06:04
brandon-is it gonna be a pain in the ass to remove ardchoille06:04
brandon-or just a few apt-get remove's06:05
alteregoayou just need to clock on the drive button06:05
ardchoillebrandon-: No idea, haven't ever tried it06:05
alteregoaso you have access to your windows files06:05
alteregoamaybe you can start ubuntu in a virtual machine06:05
syn-ackbrandon-: I'd go to the site, download the correct edition and reinstall.06:05
brandon-fuck that06:05
brandon-ive had this installation for months, i dont wanna re-install06:05
syn-ack!language | brandon-06:05
ardchoillebrandon-: I would agree with syn-ack06:05
ubottubrandon-: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:05
airtonix!who alteregoa06:05
=== tomipyo is now known as greengiant
brandon-oh wow ok i forgot this channel is all kids06:05
lauriffalabd: in terminal run "apt-cache search pdf" and choose whatever you like best06:05
osirisx11brandon-: i would too06:05
brandon-its ok to troll but i cant say cuss words06:05
brandon-i got it06:05
brandon-you would what orisis?06:06
alteregoa!who alteregoa06:06
osirisx11what others said, get the desktop version, reinstall06:06
brandon-im at the website and it says nothing about desktop or server06:06
ardchoillebrandon-: That would definitely take care of the not needed packages06:06
airtonixalteregoa, i meant to incite the concept about prefixing messages with the targets name to make it easier for all to understand the flow of conversation06:06
airtonix!who | alteregoa06:06
ubottualteregoa: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:06
ardchoillebrandon-: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/06:07
brandon-yea i undersatnd ardchoille  but ive had this installation since 9.10 came out and i already customized alot of stuff, not to mention my gf did as well id ratehr just uninstall all the extra pacakges and save myself the trouble of reinstalling06:07
alabdlauriff: would you give name06:07
syn-ackbrandon-: First off, and I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I've used linux for more years than I care to admit and I'm going to tell you that while you CAN remove all that stuff you don't need, it's only going to cause you more of a headache that it's worth06:07
brandon-the server edition says it doesnt install a GUI06:07
brandon-so how can that be what i have?06:08
ardchoillebrandon-: That's up to you of course, but it may take a lot of work and/or you may not get rid of everything. You choice06:08
ardchoillebrandon-: did you ever install ubuntu-desktop package?06:08
osirisx11brandon-: maybe you installed something that needed apache?06:08
airtonixbrandon-, what are you trying to achieve ? free up disk space or reduce cpu load ?06:08
lauriffalabd: meh, try epdfview06:08
brandon-reduce cpu airtonix06:08
brandon-i dont recall installing ubuntu-desktop ardchoille06:09
brandon-isnt there an easy way to tell which version i have, a command perhaps?06:09
jack5463what is !tab06:09
ardchoillebrandon-: Ok, then I might have been wrong. Just curious as to how you ended up with apache06:09
airtonixbrandon-, yes06:09
ardchoillebrandon-: lsb_release -a06:09
meganerdbrandon-: then use top to figure out what is eating CPU and remove it06:09
meganerdbrandon-: or stop whining and reinstall06:09
brandon-nothings really eating it, just trying to get rid of uncesary stuff06:10
brandon-i noticed the modemmanger and wondered if i needed it06:10
ardchoilleLet's be respectful and try to help as best we can :)06:10
brandon-im not whining about anything06:10
meganerdbrandon-: you could also backup your home directories, reinstall, readd the users, then restore their dorectories06:10
brandon-meganerd theres no point in reinstalling if im not even on the server eidtion06:10
brandon-which im almost positve that im not06:10
airtonixbrandon-, its something you would do on windows for sure... is this the concept you are trying to achieve ?06:10
syn-ackbrandon-: That's one of the things I would personally keep on the system since removing it will also remove it's deps which include network manager06:10
brandon-ok syn-nack06:11
meganerdbrandon-: it actually does not matter, you could install the desktop version, then do an sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop06:11
brandon-meganerd i dont think you hve any idea whats going on with what im saying06:11
ardchoillemeganerd: Say that again?06:11
brandon-you sortve jumped in the convo head first06:11
brandon-and you dont seem to fully grasp anything weve talked about06:11
* iflema windows power user user... 06:11
alabdis there any way to write on free spae of DVD ?06:12
meganerdbrandon-: I have the desktop version but I installed apache2, samba, mysql, bind9 which are considered "server" packages.  The whole server desktop delineation is rather arbitrary06:12
osirisx11brandon-: you catch more flies with honey than vinegar06:12
brandon-i installed samba as well06:12
syn-ackWell I'm in a pickle it seems.... Seems taht my new ISP throttles BT so I can no longer use it to sync my daily builds.06:12
brandon-i know osiris, but he comes in out of nowhere telling me to stop whining when im just asking legit questions06:12
meganerdbrandon-: if you do not need apache and samba then remove them06:12
brandon-nou, i installed samba myself06:12
brandon-because i do need it06:12
brandon-would the server edition have already had samba isntalled? if so then im certain im not on it06:13
brandon-because i had to install samba myself06:13
osirisx11brandon-: your tone is awfully aggressive and may make less patient people not want to help you06:13
drew33Hi All,  I just loaded/installed - My screen is mis-configured and the gnome menu panel is down out of sight (and out of reach),  What  can I do to straighten this out.   I can't get at any programs.06:13
brandon-orisis then stop talkign to me then06:13
syn-ackbrandon-: what does lsb_release -a tell you?06:13
meganerdbrandon-: the server edition asks you at install, so it may or may not have.  It is available to install on either of the Desktop or server editions06:13
brandon-it seems like youre trying to passively aggressively trol me06:13
brandon-yea it did ask me to install06:13
brandon-sec syn06:13
IdleOneosirisx11: let syn-ack help brandon-  please, he seems to know more about the situation then we do06:13
brandon-no lsb modules available syn06:14
syn-ackbrandon-: I understand you're upset but you really do need need to calm down now, or you won't be getting anymore help06:14
syn-ackWhat else does it say?06:14
osirisx11brandon-: i'm trying to help you. we're all friends here. no need to be angry at anyone or call names.06:14
brandon-im not upset lol06:14
lauriffyou're forgetting the -a option06:14
djhashbandon: if you had gnome from the beginning then you installed the desktop edition.06:14
brandon-really im not, my system is working fine i just wanna know what i dont need and what i do need06:14
alabdwhen dvd inserted > Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'Debian 5.0.3 i386 Bin-1'.06:14
brandon-yes i had gnome from the beginning06:14
syn-ackThen yeah you're running desktop.06:14
lauriffI think we can be reasonably certain you don't have the server edition.06:14
syn-ackbrandon-: apt-get remove apache06:14
syn-ackwell throw a sudo in there06:15
brandon-ok thanks syn youve ben really helpful, and thanks for not being a douche06:15
brandon-yea i got it06:15
djhashbrandon-: Use synaptic, there is a button that says installed. It'll show you everything that is installed. If you know what you don't want then just mark them for removal.06:15
brandon-nah i dont know for sure djhash thats why i was asking06:15
brandon-the thing that got me asking was the modemmanger, i didnt know if tit was just for 56k modems or what, cuz i saw it in my running processes06:15
brandon-and i wanted to get rid of all the running stuff i dont need06:15
alabdlauriff: also that has the same problem06:16
dan__Can someone help me with a Nvidia GT 330m 1gb on 64bit ubuntu 9.0406:16
ardchoillesyn-ack: should he do a "sudo apt-get autoremove" when done with apache?06:16
djhashbrandon-: well, it still lists them, and you can click on each and it'll show you description, if you're still unsure, use google, then you'll know if it is important or not.06:16
brandon-thank you djhash06:16
brandon-very good advice :)06:16
syn-ackardchoille: I would06:16
alabdpdf viewers in 9.04 just open 1 sat page of pdf file why ?06:16
brandon-this facebook command line bulcrap i think06:17
brandon-is what made me install php5 and apache06:17
brandon-think i figured it out06:17
djhashbrandon-: just becareful, when you mark something for removal, it might tell you that there are other things that needs to be removed, because they depend on it. check that list and make sure it doesn't have anything in there you want.06:17
Metzgerrmy guark terminal is no longer transparency, settings are ok. any hint?06:17
brandon-yea i know djhash, thank you alot06:17
syn-ackbrandon-: After apache uninstalls you may also want to an apt-get autoremove to remove it's deps that it's no longer using06:18
brandon-you and syn-ack  were both very hjelpful06:18
brandon-yea yea06:18
ardchoillesyn-ack: I sent you a pm06:18
syn-ackI sees ya. :P06:18
isolat3dsh33pguys, is there any way to lock a folder so that no one can open it unless a password is given?06:19
syn-ackbrandon-: wth is this facebook thing you're talking about now?06:20
brandon-ah im saying i found out why i have apache06:20
brandon-i installed a thing called fbcmd so i can have facebook stuff in my conky display06:20
brandon-and it required php5, which requires apache206:20
iflemaisolat3dsh33p assign root privillages06:20
syn-ackbrandon-: ah.... thats why you need to check deps before you go installing things all will nill like that06:21
brandon-lol yea im still new to linux as a whole, but im learning pretty fast06:21
isolat3dsh33piflema, ok, thanks :)06:21
brandon-having facebook in conky is nice06:21
brandon-but not nice enought o have an apache server running 24/706:21
brandon-seems like a security risk and a waste of memory06:21
syn-ackbrandon-: synaptic will list the deps as will apt-cache policy06:21
brandon-yea thats how i figured out apache was linked to php506:22
brandon-which fbcmd needs to function06:22
iflemaisolat3dsh33p and sudo... surely theres gotta be a beter way?06:22
exodus_msI have a file I need to copy from my desktop to my laptop that was saved with root privileges. Should I use chown chgrp etc?06:22
ardchoilleexodus_ms: sudo chown $user:$user file  <-- where $user is your suername06:23
exodus_msardchoille, thank you06:23
ardchoillesyn-ack: Thanks for helping brandon- , good job mate :)06:24
brandon-this apache portable runtime librarys and stuff, are they needed?06:24
brandon-they dont get taken out with apache06:24
ardchoillebrandon-: Did you do: sudo apt-get autoremove  ?06:25
brandon-oh no06:25
brandon-i didnt remove the original yet, ill try that06:25
ardchoilleRun that06:25
Blue11they really need a sudo apt-get MakeItDieNow06:25
ardchoillebrandon-: Well autoremove removes deps, so good to do after you remove apache06:25
songerwhy it becomes slower ubuntu?06:25
iflemaisolat3dsh33p www.gnome.org/projects/nautilus-locked-folders06:26
songerwhat can i do to make my ubuntu normal speed?06:26
isolat3dsh33piflema, I'm not sure how to do it. I gave the permission to admin and folder access to none to others but still I can open the folder. I want the folder to be lock, no one can view what's inside unless a password is given.06:26
exodus_msardchoille, grrr, I'm still unable to copy the file. I'm connecting via sftp and have tried command line and nautilus to copy the file06:26
isolat3dsh33piflema, ok, I'm going to read that now :)06:26
Blue11exodus_ms: why not use scp?06:26
songerfirefos its slow some times06:27
ardchoilleexodus_ms: I'm not familiar with sftp06:27
exodus_msBlue11, tried that as well, same thing permission denied06:27
kinja-sheepiflema: "Right away. No questions asked."  How does that stop the snoopers from right-click and "Unlock it" ?06:27
Blue11ahh well permission problems are different not scp problme or sftp06:27
Blue11exodus_ms: ru trying to copy a system file?06:27
songer and sometime i need to kill it with comman06:27
isolat3dsh33piflema, it gives nothing actually. :(06:28
jonzbcchello, I'd like to figure out how to pgp encyrpt/decrypt emails (found a thunderbird plugin for it). Now I want to do the same for the command line. two reasons: I want to know that if my mail is in mbox format, I can take that simple ascii and simply pipe it to another utility like `mcrypt -g` -- does anyone know how to encrypt/decrypt a file that's been encrypted with PGP using the command line?06:28
brandon-ok it ogt everything else with the autoremove06:28
songerany help?06:28
exodus_msBlue11, na, it is a wireshark log I had saved on my desktop, trying to view it on my laptop06:28
Blue11exodus_ms: well what are the permissions on the source file set as?06:29
alabdHello  what are mode 1 and 2 for ? i k3b advance tab06:29
jonzbccalabd: where are you seeing modes 1 and 2?06:29
exodus_msBlue11, owner and group set to 006:29
Blue11exodus_ms: where is the file located in home directory?06:29
Blue11exodus_ms: yes that is a permissions error set to zero06:30
exodus_msBlue11, yeah, home directory on the remote machine06:30
=== Chance is now known as Guest18516
ardchoillebrandon-: Ok, what about php5 and mysql?06:31
Blue11okay then let's do a couple of things - first lets set the owner so sudo chown <YourUserid> <FileNameGoesHere>06:31
brandon-i uninstalled php506:31
songeri need help06:31
brandon-when i uninstalled apache2, php5 went with it06:31
jonzbccanyone encrypt there emails with PGP?06:31
Blue11exodus_ms: okay then let's do a couple of things - first lets set the owner so sudo chown <YourUserid> <FileNameGoesHere>06:31
ardchoillebrandon-: ok06:31
Virtuali just installed ubuntu on my laptop and the fan is running at max speed even though i am not using any app, what do i need to install so it scales down the cpu or the fan speed?06:31
bluejeansjonzbcc: gpg you mean?06:31
brandon-i have mysql-common installed ardchoille06:31
songeri made update nd now ubuntu  becomes slower06:31
brandon-and libmysqlclient06:32
jonzbccbluejeans: no, I mean pgp (pretty good encryption) key pairs06:32
exodus_msBlue11, ok, just ran the command on the remote machine06:32
ardchoillebrandon-: So do I but they don't do much here, and I keep a lean system06:32
brandon-im trying to look for more crap i accidentally installed06:32
brandon-when i was more of a newb06:32
brandon-trying to streamline my system06:32
exodus_msBlue11, owner is now 1000 group is the same as before 006:32
brandon-it seems like it runs real fast when i first bootup, then performance kind of degrades over time06:32
bluejeansjonzbcc: ah ok... no, i have used gpg for that tho06:32
brandon-and i know that isnt right06:33
brandon-thats more of a windows thing06:33
Blue11exodus_ms: now let's set the permissions sudo chmod 755 <FileNameGoesHere>06:33
airtonix!enter | brandon-06:33
ubottubrandon-: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:33
kinja-sheepbrandon-: Do you have OpenOffice?06:33
ardchoillebrandon-: since you no longer have apache, you might have a look and see if there's anything you want to keep in /var/www06:33
brandon-thanks airtonix, glad youre here to tell me that06:33
airtonixbrandon-, libmysqlclient is used by various programs as a method of storing options and extra data06:33
Blue11exodus_ms: that sets read/write/delete for YOU, and read/access for everyone else06:33
brandon-yes i do kinja06:33
kinja-sheepbrandon-: That is it.06:34
jonzbccbluejeans: I just looked up what gpg is -- its just a utility -- and it looks like it can generate/handle pgp keys (this gives me a lead!). -- do you ever use gpg on the command line?06:34
brandon-ardchoille,  just index.html in /var/www06:34
bluejeansjonzbcc: yep06:34
songerwht can i do?06:34
exodus_msBlue11, thank you very much. Will I need to set the perms back on the local machine?06:34
ardchoillebrandon-: you can remove that dir if needed, requires sudo06:34
ardchoillebrandon-: be very careful not to remove /var06:34
Blue11exodus_ms: no it should copy with same permissions - give scp a try06:35
bluejeansjonzbcc: or get the keys plugin for firefox .. encrypt/decrypt on the fly06:35
brandon-yea i know ardchoille :P06:35
brandon-im seraching through installed files right now in synaptic06:35
ardchoillebrandon-: Good idea06:35
brandon-trying to see if anything catches my eye like apache did, that souldnt be here06:35
brandon-ardchoille,  do you have gvfs-fuse installed? i think i installed it for some ipod sync app06:36
Blue11exodus_ms: so it looks something like (on the machine where the file is located we are going to push onto other machine) scp <FileNameGoesHere> Destination:///home/<UseridGoesHere> . (period at the end important!)06:36
airtonixbrandon-, have you tried crunchbang linux yet?06:36
brandon-nope, never heard of it06:36
ardchoillebrandon-: I think gvfs-fuse came with the system, I didn't installt manually06:37
airtonixbrandon-, if you are looking for a lean deb based linux system then crunchbang might appeal to you06:37
jonzbccbluejeans: thanks for speaking up at all -- I just found a lot of stuff to read up on. I am in a command line env. majority of the time, so I want to make sure (before I publish a public key to my website) that when I *do* start using mutt and keeping my mail in .mbox format, I'll be able to encrypt/decrypt right on the command line without the help of mutt/plugins/etc.06:37
blakkheimlol, crunchbang isn't "lean" - it's just as bloated as ubuntu06:37
brandon-nah im not really looking for that airtonix, just trying to remove stuff i installed awhile ago when i didnt knoww what i was doing06:37
airtonixblakkheim, define bloat06:37
brandon-without having to reinstall completely06:37
Blue11Not as bloated as windoze (yet)06:37
=== Chance is now known as Guest78622
blakkheimairtonix: anything that's unneeded06:37
brandon-reinstalling just to get rid of a few packages seems like a windows solution to a linux problem06:37
bluejeansjonzbcc: np. have fun with it06:38
airtonixblakkheim, then your concept of bloat is subjective06:38
ardchoilleWe should take the bloat and Windows convos to another channel06:38
brandon-i wonder what made the ubuntu devs go with empathy over pidgin06:38
brandon-first thing i did was uninstall empathy to reinstall pidgin06:39
brandon-its terrible06:39
ardchoillebrandon-: I think it was because pidgin and skypefeatures can be handled with emp ?06:39
airtonixbrandon-, also : telepathy06:39
brandon-ah, i dont know a single person on or offline that uses skype, must be a big deal06:39
brandon-i got the skype app on my ipod but i only used it once lol, seemed kind of stupid06:39
firefox_can anyone help me with a moblock issue?06:40
airtonixbrandon-, not if you have access to free wifi06:40
exodus_msBlue11, didnt work06:40
brandon-everywhere i go i have wifi access, thats why i bought an ipod touch06:40
Blue11exodus_ms: okay what happendd?06:40
exodus_msscp: ///home/trenton: not a regular file06:41
exodus_msBlue11, ^06:41
Virtuali just installed ubuntu on my laptop and the fan is running at max speed even though i am not using any app, what do i need to install so it scales down the cpu or the fan speed?06:42
Blue11exodus_ms: it needs the name of the destination computer - for example scp MyLetter.txt Phoenix:///home/myuserid  where Phoenix is the name of the computer you are trying to send the file too06:42
icerootBlue11: why ///06:42
icerootBlue11: exodus_ms normally its   scp /home/someuser/localfile user@host:/home/something/and/so/on06:43
exodus_msBlue11, I used <userID>@<IPaddr>  will that not work?06:43
Blue11exodus_ms: the first two // is the computer hence Phoenix:// then the last / is for the directory name06:43
Blue11exodus_ms: dunno let me look at the man06:43
dan__Can someone help me with a Nvidia GT 330m 1gb on 64bit ubuntu 9.0406:44
Blue11exodus_ms: yeah it shows that as an option06:44
bluejeansiceroot: Blue11 ... butting in but, it you scp to user@<host>:dir/ then you don't start the path from /home/ because you're logged in as your user and path astarts from your home06:44
m0arAnyone got the Creative X-Fi mediaplayer to work in karmic? I can see it, view the files but not listen to them when transferred. Pretty wierd06:45
Blue11bluejeans: you are quite correct --06:45
icerootbluejeans: yes you are right, its just me using absolute path everytime06:46
Blue11bluejeans: for me its less typing to do the /// thing but to each his own I guess06:46
icerootBlue11: for what is ///?06:46
Vanessur /join #ubuntu06:47
icerootVanessur: you are here06:47
MaT-dgm0ar: what is this x-fi mediaplayer?06:47
Vanessuri thought so06:47
Blue11iceroot: computer (//) and path (/) looks strange but it works -- great thing about linux - more then 1 way to skin cat06:47
VanessurBut someone told me I wasn't...06:47
exodus_msBlue11, I got it, thanks!06:47
Blue11exodus_ms: you owe me a coffee and with that, I will rest - good night folks...06:48
VanessurWhen I use Ubuntu my internet conenction gives out after a couple minutes and won't let me re connect.06:48
exodus_msBlue11, :)06:48
Blue11Vanessur: wireless?06:48
Blue11what brand of card?06:49
meganerdVanessur: do you know what wireless chipset you have?06:49
Blue11Vanessur: what type of card/chipset?06:49
VanessurGood question06:49
Blue11Vanessur: do an lspci06:50
VanessurI am on Vista06:50
SpaceGhostC2CHey. I have a microphone running through a soundblaster live! 5.1 card, and everything is set except for one thing. When I talk into the mic, every sound gets played through my output. How do I stop that?06:51
iflemaisolat3dsh33p chgrp & chown sorry i left ya.... and im not a total nethack....06:51
Blue11Vanessur: lets see if I can do this from memory:  /start/control panel/system/hardware info - -something like that06:51
Blue11Vanessur: this is a ubuntu help channel not vista though so --- our help maybe limited..06:52
bluejeansmy memory doen'st even reach back that far06:52
rookiehelp help06:52
isolat3dsh33piflema, no problem. I'll look at it. Thanks :)06:52
VanessurMy problem is with Ubuntu06:52
Blue11bluejeans: If detected early WINDOWS can be cured!06:52
VanessurI can't connect to the ineternet06:52
rookie@vanessur : whts the best brute force dowload06:53
Blue11night folks06:53
Vanessurnevermind then06:53
SpaceGhostC2CVanessur: you should boot into linux, or ubuntu and then do: lspci06:53
VanessurI'll stick with wonderful Vista06:53
bluejeansBlue11: 7 years and counting06:53
m0arVanessur: Feel free, pft.06:53
rookiebosadi walo06:53
SpaceGhostC2CVanessur: have fun with windows and vista... :(06:53
VanessurI won't06:54
SpaceGhostC2CYour choice. Or rather, your giving up of choice.06:54
rookie@vanessur: which is the best brute force?06:54
JeruvyVanessur: how can you expect help here, if you're not running ubuntu?  You should join ##windows06:54
SpaceGhostC2CHey. I have a microphone running through a soundblaster live! 5.1 card, and everything is set except for one thing. When I talk into the mic, every sound gets played through my output. How do I stop that the sound playing through the speakers??06:54
rookieubuntu chal rha hai06:54
VanessurI can't come here on Ubuntu06:55
Vanessurthat is my problem06:55
ddecatorwhat's the problem?06:55
NeT_DeMoNJeruvy, because in ##windows they won't tell you how to fix your Ubuntu to connect to the internet06:55
JeruvySpaceGhostC2C: try muting the mic06:55
SpaceGhostC2CVanessur: do you know how to use two computers? Can you?06:55
chalcedonyhi rookie06:55
EastDallasSpaceGhostC2C: you can mute it using gnome-alsamixer06:55
VanessurThanks Robert06:55
bluejeansSpaceGhostC2C: do you have jack ?06:55
VanessurI don't have two computers06:55
Vanessuror access to two computers06:55
jack5463i had a hard time getting here from ubuntu also06:55
JeruvyNeT_DeMoN: thats debatable, but not the issue here.06:55
ddecatorwhat trouble are you having with Ubuntu?06:55
SpaceGhostC2CJeruvy: I have, but I use it for skype. Should I check out jack?06:56
NeT_DeMoNSpaceGhostC2C, and not everyone has two computers06:56
Vanessurddecator I can't connect to the internet on Ubuntu06:56
collectek_hello all06:56
troublescootdo you guys recommend ClamAV for antivirus?06:56
Vanessurafter two mintues it will disconnect06:56
ddecator@Vanessur are you trying to connect to wireless or ethernet?06:56
SpaceGhostC2CVanessur: so, are you trying to use wireless or a wired connection?06:56
EastDallasSpaceGhostC2C: Jack is not necessary for skype.  If you aren't doing recording, I wouldn't recommend using Jack for much06:56
JeruvySpaceGhostC2C: if you mute the mic does the mic stop working?06:57
bluejeansSpaceGhostC2C: jack is just a simple audio routing utility..tells it to go/not go wherever you want06:57
airtonixjeruvy, #windows isn't even a support channel to be brutually honest06:57
ddecatorWhat version of Ubuntu?06:57
rookiem burning my ass06:57
SpaceGhostC2CJeruvy: It stops the mic completely yes.06:57
NeT_DeMoN!language > rookie06:57
SpaceGhostC2C!language | rookie:06:57
ubotturookie:: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:57
collectek_clamav works well - especially w. email integrated06:57
Vanessurmaybe he is talking about his burning donkey?06:57
troublescootcollectek_: email integrated?06:57
Vanessurand 9.1006:57
EastDallasSpaceGhostC2C: do you have the package gnome-alsamixer installed?  If so, you can mute the mic from playing back through the speakers, but not from receiving input.  Similar to the Windows mixer.06:58
ddecatorAre you able to connect to Ethernet to see if there are updates that can fix the problem?06:58
SpaceGhostC2Cbluejeans: is jack simple? I've played with other sound servers. I'll look at it06:58
collectek_like zimbra server can filter mail through server and clamav06:58
SpaceGhostC2CEastDallas: I just got it from the repos. I'll look at it now.06:58
SpaceGhostC2C!enter | Vanessur06:59
ubottuVanessur: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:59
FlannelJust ignore those.06:59
SpaceGhostC2CWill do Flannel06:59
NeT_DeMoNepic spam on Freenode nowdays07:00
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.07:00
collectek_yes, when did thos all start????07:00
Deadite811that was lame07:01
ArielMT"last measure" with a twist, if i read the link's source right07:01
EastDallasSpaceGhostC2C: If you're familiar with physical audio recording devices and live sound reinforcement, jack will seem familiar, but if not it might seem very complicated.07:01
SpaceGhostC2CEastDallas: I have played, but I am not fluent with the software. I got Gnome Alsa Mixer. I'll play and see if I can get it to work. I'll let you know about it.07:02
collectek_grr... trying to type on ipod touch.... got to get used to this...07:02
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.07:02
Vanessuripod touch connects to the internet?07:02
troublescootVanessur: over wifi07:03
collectek_yep - via wifi07:03
Vanessurb0xxy :Do07:03
SpaceGhostC2CVanessur: What you need to do is explain your problem and then get an explanation and steps to do since you don't have another way to stay online while you fiddle around.07:04
VanessurThanks for that07:05
alteregoai need some top07:05
johe|workhi all07:05
alteregoai need some tp07:05
collectek_johelwork : hi07:05
greezmunkeyHave there been any complaints regarding vpn connections since the last kernel update, cuz I have one!07:06
johe|workmay there is a bug in the pysnmp package. Seems that there are two versions in it but no way to switch. Could somebody help on that?07:06
alteregoayou have complaints?07:06
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.07:06
alteregoajust install a kernel from the ppa07:06
alteregoai use the 2.6.33rc4 now07:06
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.07:07
auplease stop07:07
johe|workthat wasnt nice07:08
alteregoawhy are there only 1300 souls?07:08
alteregoahow does smaba work over ipv6?07:08
bluejeansalteregoa: 'cause we're all getting tired of this and moving to other channels07:08
greezmunkeyppl playing games here I see07:09
sd32someone is spaming me like mad07:09
Flare-Laptopsd32: Um that's network wide07:09
collectek_sigh, when this this spam stuff start up?07:09
alteregoasomeone No such nick/channel07:09
Flare-Laptopcollectek_: its been while07:09
Laibcomswow, did that DCC came from this server? O_O  almost crashed my xdesktop07:09
NeT_DeMoNpeople who are getting dcc spammed I do believe you can type /ignore *@* dcc to make them stop07:09
razorrhola, como cambio al server de españa?07:10
alteregoahola hola hola cocacola motorola07:10
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.07:10
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:10
cwillu!es | razorr07:10
ubotturazorr: please see above07:10
reeniginEesreveRis it possible to install a 32-bit deb package on my 64-bit machine?07:11
alteregoathe fine young cannibals07:11
Flare-Laptop!ot | alteregoa07:11
arandQuoting ubottu: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit07:11
ubottualteregoa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:11
Metzgerryes, reeniginEesreveR07:11
VanessurYou can talk about cannibals but not about burning donkeys?07:11
reeniginEesreveRMetzgerr, whats the procedure?07:12
bluejeans reactor /ignore *@* dcc   ??07:12
Metzgerrburn a live cd on disk or use a ubs stick, start the live cd and install ;)07:12
reactorbluejeans, roger07:12
reeniginEesreveRMetzgerr, when i try dpkg -i package.deb it says "package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)"07:12
alteregoaOn a scale of 1 to 4, what are your feelings about the color green?07:13
Metzgerru need i68607:13
Metzgerri686 can be 32 or 64 bit07:13
reeniginEesreveRMetzgerr, what if the i686 pckage isn't available?07:13
Metzgerrtake a closer look07:13
alteregoai686 is 32bit07:13
w3rd_hey guys, upgraded ubuntu and skype mic doenst work? any suggestions? i only see pulse mixer in sound settings... however before i upgraded i could see my headset... i can hear but i cant talk? any suggestions?07:13
Metzgerrit is, the i686 package is used by 80% users07:13
alteregoax86:64 is 6407:13
SwedeMikeMetzgerr: I'd say that i686 is i386 but optimized for i686 class processors, if it's 64bit it's amd6407:13
alteregoai686 is pentium 4 class07:13
SwedeMikeactually i686 is ppro and later.07:14
* iflema mike... mike.. mike..07:14
w3rd_skype suggestions anyone???07:14
alteregoabut ubuntu binaries are still compiled with i586, what a waste07:14
gerzelhmm  Anyone else having problems with the new update of Chromium from the google repositories?  It is giving me an "aw Snap!" after trying to load my igoogle page, seems to load the page fully and then the page instance crashes.07:15
Flare-Laptopoh boy07:15
alteregoathats why i use x86_6407:15
alteregoaget rid of those legacy crap07:16
collectek_w3rd_ : there was a setting ti change the /dev/ to a different decice.... i dont remember whatit was though07:16
reeniginEesreveRshouldn't i686 be backward compatiable with i386?07:16
collectek_computer is not in feo t of me07:17
w3rd_hmm... let me look..07:17
alteregoait is07:17
w3rd_is it in the skype options?07:17
w3rd_oh.. its via the config file07:17
alteregoaa i686 cpu but not a i686 compiled one for a cpu without i686 features07:17
w3rd_hmmm... lame07:17
w3rd_not a problem though for an advanced user... but for n00bs07:18
alteregoawhy should someone run those binaries on a 38607:18
w3rd_got a n00b having issues.. and hard to instruct.. i appreciate the direction though..07:18
reeniginEesreveRalteregoa, what about an i686 machine trying to run i386 stuff?07:18
alteregoawell i had a 386,dx20, with 80mb harddrive for just 5600 bucks back in 198807:18
greezmunkeyhow much ram?07:19
reeniginEesreveRalteregoa, seriously? you don't look that old!07:19
collectek_night all07:19
webdawg_I am installing ubuntu and hit install ubuntu at the cd07:20
webdawg_and it just gives me a cursor07:20
alteregoareeniginEesreveR: do you see me trough the crystal glass bowl?07:20
webdawg_can someone help?07:20
greezmunkeyI paid $600.00 for a 32M chip!07:20
ubuntuczesc ubuntu?07:21
alteregoa32mbit or mbyte?07:21
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:21
ubuntuco robisz?07:21
annonymousanyone can help me here?07:21
bluejeansannonymous: nope07:21
jack5463jak sie masz07:21
soreauannonymous: Not if you dont ask your question07:21
Flare-LaptopFlannel: I'm glad you caught it before they started the crap07:21
ubuntua w szkole jestem;p07:22
alteregoayeah you had to use 4 ps/2 simms 4x 2mb in my case07:22
ubuntua ty co tam robisz?07:22
annonymouscan't lunch system updater07:22
xubunoobieHello.  Is there someone who knows a little something about getting java to work on a new install of xubuntu?  I did the xubuntu restricted extras install.  I went to Sun's website to test java and it said it wasn't working.  I checked in the synaptic pachage manager for openjdk jre and it looked like it was installed properly.  I even did a "mark for reinstall" just in case.   About:plugins on my mozilla doesn't show anything java07:22
annonymousor drives installer07:22
Dravekx_how do you chmod just directories recursively?07:22
Flannel!pl | ubuntu07:22
ubottuubuntu: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.07:22
alteregoachmod -R07:22
jack5463nie polska07:22
annonymousCould not initialize the package information07:22
annonymousAn unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information.07:22
annonymousPlease report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:07:22
annonymous'E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/eg.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty-updates_main_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'07:22
Dravekx_alteregoa, doesnt that do files too? I just want the dirs.07:22
alteregoachmod -R username:username directoryname07:22
alteregoadravekx_ only hte dirs07:23
ubuntujack5463 skad jestes?07:23
alteregoaok no clue07:23
Dravekx_alteregoa, yes.07:23
annonymousCould not initialize the package information07:23
annonymousAn unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information.07:23
annonymousPlease report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:07:23
annonymous'E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/eg.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty-updates_main_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'07:23
annonymousany clue?07:23
alteregoaman chmod07:23
Flannelannonymous: Please use pastebin for long things like that, and there's no need to repeat so soon, we heard you a minute ago.07:23
annonymouswhat do u mean by pastebin07:24
soreauannonymous: Its telling you what to do07:24
annonymousand i am sorry for repeatin it07:24
EastDallas!pastebin| annonymous07:24
ubottuannonymous: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic07:24
arandxubunoobie: I have not used opejdk (which is the default nowadays I think) but otherwise I'm using the sun-java6-bin package..07:25
alteregoa!pasteclinton | monica_lewinski07:25
annonymouspackage manager is not working also07:25
mneptokalteregoa: unfunny. please refrain.07:25
annonymouswhat i have to do07:25
ShazbotMcNastyAHHH DCC SPAM07:26
ShazbotMcNastyI HAET IT07:26
ShazbotMcNastyI had like 400 of them07:26
xubunoobiearand: what would be a way to get either one installed?07:26
ShazbotMcNastyI had left the computer on all night and all day until now - and like 400 dcc spams that I couldn't get rid of.07:26
xubunoobiearand: aside from what I already tried07:26
soreauShazbotMcNasty: You can ignore DCC requests depending on which client you use. More information in #freenode07:26
TJSDIs it possible to format a hard drive to ext3 and install ubuntu from inside xp, but then have that hard drive boot on another computer without windows. Any ideas?07:27
arandxubunoobie: Look for the sun-java6-bin package in synaptic and install it.07:27
xubunoobiearand: Do you think that one would be better than the one maintained by Canoical (openjdk)07:28
airtonixTJSD, no.07:28
troublescootinstalling my first dedicated ubuntu server and, for some reason, webmin doesn't see that apache2 is "started." I know because it says "Start Apache" at the top right, yet I run ps aux | grep 'apache' and it's there. I checked the paths and everything seems legit -- anyone know what I'm doing wrong?07:29
airtonixTJSD, 1) are you unable to boot from cd 2) do you not have a recent ubuntu live cd ?07:29
TJSDi cannot boot from cd because i wiped my hd and it has no boot sector. it wont load cds but it will boot to usb flash.07:29
airtonixTJSD, i thought booting from cd was controlled by the bios and has nothing to do with the condition or presence of a hard drive .07:30
arandxubunoobie: I do not know, but might be worth a try I guess.07:30
greezmunkeyTJSD, that does'nt make sense...07:31
arandTJSD: That, in theory, shouldn't prevent you from booting CDs, have you checked the bios to see if CD boot is selected?07:31
EastDallasannonymous: Open a terminal and type sudo dpkg --configure -a07:31
TJSDi figured the same but it tells me ntldr is missing. press any key to reboot07:31
airtonixTJSD, you might want to familiarise yourself with your BIOS07:31
TJSDYes it is set to boot from cd07:31
TJSDlike i said if i set it to boot from usb that will work.07:32
airtonixTJSD, it might only work if the cd is on its own IDE channel07:32
xubunoobiearand:  Ok.  Thank you I will give it a try.07:32
greezmunkeyTJSD, That sounds like an XP problem07:32
TJSDits been tuff to solve07:33
=== The_Thing is now known as Sleeping_Thing
airtonixTJSD, this means that the cdrom drive needs to have its own ide cable connecting it to the motherboard07:33
TJSDthanks for all your help07:33
TJSDYa it has its own channel07:33
TJSDI can boot from floppy as well07:33
annonymousdone it07:33
ssshey, sup? i have a "problem"07:33
EastDallasannonymous: sudo apt-get update07:34
EastDallasannonymous: sudo apt-get upgrade07:34
TJSDdoes the ubuntu installer format to ext3?07:34
airtonixTJSD, depends which version of ubuntu. 8.10 9.04 use ext3 where 91.0 will also provide ext4 as well07:35
sssTJSD, you can specify the filesystem07:35
ubuntupolskie ubuntu07:35
EastDallasannonymous: if there's nothing to be upgraded, just try installing any package07:35
ssshey guys, Markus is completely free right07:35
EastDallasannonymous: I have more ideas if that doesn't work.07:35
TJSDok thanks07:35
annonymousgot that07:35
sssyou can't charge for marcus, even if you modified it?07:35
annonymousplease read it07:35
ubuntukompilacja jadra??07:36
EastDallasannonymous: so, pretty much same error07:36
Myrtti!pl | ubuntu07:36
ubottuubuntu: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.07:36
Dr-Digiany such thing as a yahoo chat app that supports web cams for ubuntu?07:36
annonymousafter doing what u had told me in terminal07:37
EastDallasannonymous: in a terminal type  sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf07:37
annonymousi got that error07:37
airtonixsss does Markus have anything to do with ubuntu ?07:37
annonymousokay hold on a sec07:37
Awesome3000annonymous  What are you trying to do?07:37
EastDallasannonymous: then sudo apt-get update07:37
ssswell, u can install it on an ubuntu server07:37
arandTJSD: You could always create a liveUSB instead..07:37
adacWhere is the pidgin folder located? Mean the folder that holds information about accounts and so on07:38
annonymousyou are a genius07:38
Awesome3000adac: is it hidden in your home folder?07:38
airtonixadac, tried looking in the userland folder : ~/gnome2 ? or ~/.config07:38
EastDallasannonymous: NP07:38
annonymousthanks very much man07:38
EastDallasadac: it's in /home/purple07:39
airtonixadac, pidgin also uses the name purple to identify itself sometimes07:39
bluejeansAwesome3000: 'locate pidgin'07:39
EastDallasannonymous: any time...glad I could help07:39
arandadac: I think ~/.purple/07:39
bluejeanssorry.. adac07:39
EastDallasadac arand bluejeans it's definitely /home/.purple07:40
Dr-Digiso am i just like out of luck? i installed ubuntu yesterday on a partition of my windows system,  grub and all i get options of what to boot off of and windows wont boot, only ubuntu does07:40
adacarand, airtonix EastDallas guys, thx a lot :)07:40
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
Awesome3000Dr-Digi:  Can I help you07:41
EastDallas!dualboot | Dr-Digi07:42
ubottuDr-Digi: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:42
Dr-Digii am trying to get my windows system to boot07:42
Dr-Digior get something that does the web cam in ubuntu07:42
EastDallas!grub | Dr-Digi07:42
ubottuDr-Digi: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.07:42
EastDallasDr-Digi: You can use webcam with Google Talk and Skype in ubuntu07:43
keepsakeUm, is there a way to disable the Ctrl+Alt+NumPad+/- key combinations?07:43
keepsakeThey mess up my desktop resolution =\07:43
=== TOGGI3_ is now known as TOGGI3
LeftmostI'm attempting to follow the directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick for Mac OS X, but an IMG file for amd64 is nowhere to be found. Any ideas?07:43
keepsakeLeftmost: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download07:44
keepsakeLeftmost: It's just the 64bit version07:44
pretenderinstalled citrix receiver xen app version 11 ob ubunru 64 bit 8.04 and it is working.  however when i open up terminal services client ica is greyed out.  Is there an easy way to shadow someone's citrix session in linux perhaps from the terminal?07:44
Awesome3000Dr-Digi: Do you have a windows disk07:44
=== zee_ is now known as zee
Leftmostkeepsake, the instructions specifically say it will not work with an ISO, only an IMG. IMG is a different format, used by Apple.07:44
LeftmostVarious wiki pages refer to being able to get IMG files at one point, but no such thing for 9.10, it seems.07:45
EastDallasLeftmost: http://macosx.com/forums/networking-compatibility/28079-iso-img-conversion.html07:45
keepsakeLeftmost: As far as I know there is little difference between IMG and ISO.07:45
Dr-DigiAwesome3000 it was on my hard drive originally, i had 320 gigs free and i added it into that hard drive to use 50 gigs07:45
keepsakeLeftmost: Actually yeah look at what EastDallas sent.07:45
EastDallasLeftmost: those are instrux for converting iso to IMG07:46
LeftmostAhh, saw that thread... someone passed over the instructions.07:46
Dr-Digii got an XP Pro upgrade disk and my gateway xp pro disk07:46
sssWELL, How can i get Server help?07:47
Awesome3000Dr-Digi  Try booting either of those and see if it has an option to fix windows booting. Then reinstall grub so to boot into ubuntu07:48
keepsakeDr-Digi: Are you having problems booting Windows?07:48
EastDallasLeftmost: You can accomplish this in the Terminal with this command:07:48
EastDallas hdiutil convert "/path/to/name.iso" -format UDRW -o "/path/to/output.dmg"07:48
LeftmostEastDallas, I got it, thanks.07:48
Dr-Digiokay, i have done almost all of that without ever reading that page07:49
Dr-Digii get a list of OS's07:49
Dr-DigiWindows XP Professional , Ubuntu, Ubuntu Safe Mode  etc07:49
Dr-Digibut Windows doesnt boot07:49
Dr-Digiit just like reboots and goes back to grub07:49
keepsakeDr-Digi: You'll have to do some fixmbr and fixboot commands in a recovery console.07:49
troublescootGuys, webmin can't see apache2 running.. how do I get it to see the light??07:50
EastDallasDr-Digi: you might be able to do a repair install of windows to restore ntldr, but it will most likely break your dual boot.07:50
Awesome3000Dr-Digi: It sounds like you have installed grub over windows bootloader start by restoring it07:50
arandDr-Digi: try running an "sudo update-grub" from within ubuntu, or hang on, do you want to get rid of grub?07:50
Dr-Digii dont mind grub... i like the option of which OS to boot from07:51
Dr-Digimy issue is my macintosh motherboard fried, and its not under warranty i cant really afford a new mac right now and i got files i need07:51
arandDr-Digi: then try th update-grub, which _might_ work07:51
defnI have a savvy user who is going to be logging into my system.  How can I make sure that all of his keystrokes and bash_history are secured?07:52
Dr-Digiwindows xp wont mount the hard drives and ubuntu does07:52
defnerr are logged07:52
defnso I can review what he did on my machine07:52
keepsakeDr-Digi: Boot with your Windows XP disk, and enter Recovery Console when prompted. Log in, and then type in the following commands: "fixmbr" followed by "fixboot". You'll find that it'll remove grub. If you want grub, you can reinstall it afterwards.07:52
defnhe will have sudo access, so id like to make it impossible for him to cover his tracks07:53
defnany ideas?07:53
Dr-Digii got a bunch of errors07:53
keepsakedefn: Keylogging =O07:53
defnkeepsake: heh, whatever works man07:53
aranddefn: if he has root access it is not possible.07:54
boyanHi folks, has any of you used www.ubuntuforums.org lately? I have a problem posting a new Thread...07:54
keepsakeDr-Digi: Are you trying to get Windows back? Your Windows isn't booting probably not because grub is messed, but because the Windows bootloaders are damaged.07:55
arandDr-Digi: I am guessing that those errors shouldn't affect it, try booting windows now, if that doesn't work go with keepsake's suggestion07:56
TJSDhow can the boot loaders be fixed?07:58
keepsakeTJSD: Which bootloaders?07:59
TJSDfor me its ntldr07:59
EastDallasdefn: You could use a keylogger, but with sudo access he could defeat anything you installed.07:59
EastDallas!info lkl07:59
ubottulkl (source: lkl): userspace keylogger for x86 architecture. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.1-1 (karmic), package size 9 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386)07:59
arandTJSD: is windows still installed on the disk07:59
TJSDim formating my hd to fat in hopes that i can just create a fake windows folder08:00
TJSDno windows08:00
arandTJSD: no operating system at all?08:00
TJSDthen hopefully i can boot from cd. i know it shouldnt keep me from booting from cd drive but...08:00
TJSDno os its a blank drive08:01
keepsakeTJSD: Why would you want a Windows bootloader then?08:01
Awesome3000TJSD  to boot from cd it's BIOS not bootloader that you need08:01
EastDallasTJSD: why do you think your bootloader is preventing you from booting from CD?08:01
TJSDi know that the bios must be set to boot from cd but it wont boot from the cd drive. ive tried two drives08:02
arandTJSD: in theory, what is or not on the disk shouldn't affect CD booting at all..08:02
keepsakeTJSD: Then it's the disk; it's probably not bootable.08:02
defnThe user who is logging into my system will have root access, but won't be doing anything beyond a couple of simple tasks.  I just want to guarantee that he cannot delete his history through conventional methods.08:02
Awesome3000TJSD  Is the drive a master08:02
arandTJSD: can you boot USB though?08:02
keepsakedefn: Someone with root access can do ANYTHING.08:02
TJSDit doesnt make sense to me either. im trying to fix it to rule it out as why i cant boot from cd08:02
keepsakedefn: That's what root is =\08:02
EastDallasdefn:  If he's got sudo access you can't guarantee that.08:02
Awesome3000defn  what is he doing08:03
defnhe's scanning my machine looking for stuff, he's going to be running a couple of locate commands and then logging off08:03
EastDallasTJSD: Are you trying to boot ubuntu install cd?08:03
unimatrix9hello there08:03
defnhe is not going to assume im doing anything like this08:03
TJSDim asill check the jumpers. its a dell comp so it should still be set08:03
defni just want to capture his history somewhere he might not look08:03
TJSDi cant boot from ubuntu cd or windows xp install08:04
EastDallas!info lkl | defn08:04
ubottudefn: lkl (source: lkl): userspace keylogger for x86 architecture. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.1-1 (karmic), package size 9 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386)08:04
unimatrix9pidgin fails to connect to msn, due to protocol, are you having the same problems here? any tips to resolve this issue?08:04
arandTJSD: in that case, boot and install from a usb maybe?08:04
EastDallasTJSD: Have you gone into the bios and set the CD-ROM first in boot order?08:04
TJSDyes dallas08:04
TJSDi can boot from usb08:04
keepsakedefn: Although, it's important to note that with sudo/root access, it's near impossible to make something foolproof. If this person finds the log/program, the person can delete/terminate.08:05
defnkeepsake: yes i understand this08:05
defnbut he will not be doing that08:05
TJSDi tried the usb booter from ubuntu.com but that wouldnt boot either for some reason08:05
jack5463i'm booted from cd now08:05
EastDallasunimatrix9: I'm connected to MSN via pidgin right now08:05
defndoes running `history -c` stop the current history log in RAM from being written to .bash_history?>08:05
unimatrix9hmm, okey08:05
jack5463had to change the order of bootdrive08:06
keepsakeunimatrix9: Is your pidgin updated?08:06
keepsakeunimatrix9: The MSN protocol changed awhile ago.08:06
unimatrix9i just updated it...08:06
keepsakeunimatrix9: What version is yours?08:06
EastDallasunimatrix9: has this been going on for a while08:06
arandTJSD: have you also made sure the CD is booting before the HD?08:07
keepsakeunimatrix9: Are you running karmic or earlier?08:07
keepsake!info pidgin | unimatrix908:07
ubottuunimatrix9: pidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.6.2-1ubuntu7.1 (karmic), package size 562 kB, installed size 1784 kB08:07
unimatrix98.04 lts08:07
keepsakeunimatrix9: The latest version if 2.6.208:07
TJSDso usb - cd -hd?08:07
unimatrix9okey i see, is there an deb somewhere?08:07
EastDallasunimatrix9: there's a ppa08:07
TJSDor you mean cd booting?08:08
EastDallasunimatrix9: I'm on 2.6.508:08
unimatrix9yes i added ppa, hmm, maybe i did something wrong08:08
keepsakeunimatrix9: You might need to build from source, since I doubt the latest version if built for 8.04.08:08
seframCan someone here give me a tip how i can get my ATI Radeon 4200 HD grafic working??08:08
unimatrix9hmm i see08:08
keepsakeunimatrix9: http://www.pidgin.im/download/source/08:09
EastDallasunimatrix9: http://www.pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/08:09
ardchoille!ati | sefram08:09
ubottusefram: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:09
EastDallasunimatrix9: I installed 2.6.5 from the repo in that link08:09
Topy44anyone around that knows his way around the netbook-launcher source? i am trying to find out how the height of a row of icons gets defined08:09
seframardchoille: That simply does not work!08:10
loshUbuntu 9.10 64bit, after an apt-get update/upgrade I can no longer log into X.  In home, there's a file .xsession-errors which has a line stating ... .: 34: Can't open /home/far/.profile, Does anyone know how to resolve this so I can log in?  THanks08:10
Topy44i managed to change the width, but cant find the height08:10
arandunimatrix9: 2.6 is available for hardy from the pidgin developers ppa08:11
kubanchellow. i have a problem foomatic-rip process is using 100% processor. is there any solution?08:11
unimatrix9checking it now08:11
EastDallaslosh: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:11
Awesome3000losh: have you checked the permissions on the file08:11
ioexcptni know this is off-topic, but anyone know anything about serial concentrators?08:12
arandTJSD: CD or usb first depending on what you're trying to boot from, and make sure the HD is after those.08:12
seframIs it impossible to get Ubuntu karmic with ati working proberly with 3D?08:12
loshThe file perms were: -rw-r--r-- 1 far far 675 2010-01-12 14:46 .profile08:12
EastDallassefram what ati card?08:12
loshEastDallas, I'll try that now08:12
seframEastDallas: ATI Radeon 4200 HD08:13
unimatrix9okey it works ( msn - pidgin08:14
unimatrix9thank for the help again08:14
unimatrix9would not have managed it without you, great team over here !08:14
cousin_mariowhat's a good repository to get thunderbird 3 for karmic?08:16
EastDallascousin_mario: it's in the built in repos08:17
EastDallascousin_mario: are you looking for the daily builds?08:17
cousin_marioEastDallas: under what name?08:17
cousin_marioEastDallas: nope08:17
seframEastDallas: It has chipid 0x9710 and is an RS88008:18
Quan-Timecousin_mario: yer. what he said..  how it works is. the main ubuntu "official" one has limited speed, so any "mirrors" are all identical.  They log in each night, and update..08:18
cousin_marioQuan-Time: it's not about speed08:18
cousin_marioQuan-Time: I can't find thunderbird 3 in the main repositories08:18
zzzHi guys- anyone here have any experience flashing a bios through a floppy drive or usb stick, recovering from a brick?08:18
EastDallassefram, I couldn't find a 4200 hd on their website08:18
cousin_mariozzz: is the mb bricked already?08:19
seventoesare there any simpler solutions for DNS than Bind 9?08:19
seframEastDallas: which site?08:19
cousin_marioseventoes: possibly dnsmasq08:19
Dr-Digiyeah that didnt work...08:19
cousin_marioseventoes: depending on your needs08:19
Quan-Timecousin_mario: umm.. try "thunderbird" instead.. its prolly listed that way08:19
Dr-Digiim have to figure out that other method08:19
cousin_marioQuan-Time: that's the 2.x version08:19
Awesome3000seventoes what are you trying to do08:19
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seventoesgot a VPS I need to point a domain at and control the records08:20
zzzcousin_mario: I'm not sure. I think the bios is bricked. I try to update earlier and I think it might have died while updating. I was going to try to recover via a floppy drive.08:20
EastDallascousin_mario: That's too funny..I installed it from synaptic in Jaunty...I've since uninstalled it, and it's not there now!??!?08:20
EastDallassefram ati.amd.com08:20
cousin_mariozzz: I think it was 20 years ago since I played with that stuff..does it try booting from a floppy?08:20
cousin_marioEastDallas: could you check your old repositories? perhaps you added some unofficial one?08:21
cousin_marioEastDallas: is ubuntuzilla any good?08:21
seframEastDallas: its there http://support.amd.com/de/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx but that doesnt work...08:21
cousin_mariozzz: by the way, did you reset the CMOS via jumper after the update?08:21
zzzcousin_mario: I don't know, sadly. I haven't messed with floppy drives in years and I don't have any floppies to mess around with right now. I just was going to ask if anyone has ever recovered via the floppy disk method. I know some people have used external floppies via usb, so technically a usb flash drive should work too (right?)08:21
zzzcousin_mario: Not via the jumper. I took the battery out for a minute or two.08:22
EastDallascousin_mario: I just went through and cleaned up my sources.list a few weeks ago, so I know none of the old repos are there.  Don't know anything about ubuntuzilla.08:22
zzzShould I reset the jumper?08:22
cousin_mariozzz: I think the problem is the bios in that state might not be able to use usb peripherals08:22
Quan-Timecousin_mario: im still using thunderbird 2 as well, and just checked, no 3 update as yet.. thats proly why.. give it a few days08:22
cousin_mariozzz: what did you use for the upgrade?08:23
juxohello what's the name of the french ubuntu room ?08:23
pat|nGdoes skype apps work on ubuntu? or kubuntu?08:23
cousin_marioQuan-Time: been months now, I don't need it to be official08:23
juxoplease :08:23
zzzcousin_mario: I went into the bios and hit the M-Flash tool with my usb flash drive - and it wrote the bios08:23
cousin_mariozzz: ok08:23
Awesome3000cousin_mario: Can you just go to  http://www.mozillamessaging.com/en-US/thunderbird/all.html  download & install from there08:23
cousin_mariozzz: I'd try the jumper08:23
EastDallascousin_mario: here's the ppa for the daily builds: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa08:23
zzzIt said erasing, writing, crap like that.. then went to a black screen. I waited a bit, and being impatient, just rebooted it.08:23
cousin_marioAwesome3000: I could, but I also want it to be up to date08:23
cousin_marioEastDallas: I don't want the daily builds08:24
Quan-Timecousin_mario: http://www.mozillamessaging.com/en-US/thunderbird/download/?product=thunderbird-3.0&os=linux&lang=en-US just get it and install manually08:24
zzzcousin_mario: What do I do for that, just take it out, move it to a different pin, and start it back up?08:24
cousin_mariozzz: usually. I also recommend you ask on #hardware08:24
Awesome3000cousin_mario: Doesn't Thunderbird update itself08:24
zzzcousin_mario: Thanks.08:24
TJSDThanks everyone and have a good night08:24
cousin_marioAwesome3000: dunno, what about dependencies btw?08:24
alex87i'm trying to run mozilla 3.0 from mozilla's tar, but bash is telling me that thunderbird-bin doesn't exist? it definitley does exist08:24
GG19is there a way to put specific icons to files? I dont know where to look, and I don't mean theme icons I mean custom icons.08:25
Jowialex87, cd into the directory and launch it with ./filename08:25
ardchoilleGG19: right flick the file, Properties, in the Basic tab click the icon and change it08:26
Awesome3000cousin_mario:  Think the installer would ask about them08:26
EastDallascousin_mario: as far as I can tell, that's the only repo that exists for tbird308:27
GG19ardchoille,  thank you so much :(08:27
GG19dark room keys are hard to see08:27
cousin_marioAwesome3000: I assume installing those from a tarball would conflict with the ones installed normally08:27
cousin_marioEastDallas: ok08:27
pat|nGdoes skype apps work on ubuntu? or kubuntu?08:30
alteregoapat|ng if you got some weird stuff just install wine08:30
Awesome3000!skype | pat|nG08:30
ubottupat|nG: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga08:30
alteregoa!wine @ pat|ng08:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:30
jm95can anybody help me with installing vmware on ubunyu 8.0408:30
alteregoaanybody No such nick/channel08:31
alex87Jowi, even that doesn't work08:31
rndmtngntwhat is good firewall software people recommend here?08:32
pat|nGjm95: it's hard to install vmware on ubunyu 8.0408:32
EastDallassefram: I must be blink, because when I choose linux-x86 then Radeon, nothing comes up that says 4200 HD or HD 420008:32
jm95i no im getting some errors08:32
pat|nGcoz ubunyu 8.04 doesnt exist08:32
jm95its hardy heron08:33
pat|nGwhich vmware u're using?08:33
pat|nGgo for player!08:33
jm95vmware server08:33
pat|nGdo u really need to install that server?08:34
pat|nGis it for work?08:34
jm95probably not im unsure08:34
pat|nGor just for u?08:34
jm95just me08:34
seframEastDallas: Linux x86_64  > Integrated/Motherboard > Radeon HD 4200   (i tried this ito way too old for ubuntu karmic and wont work)08:34
pat|nGgo for player08:34
pat|nGplayer is easy08:34
jm95is there a guide anywhere for setting it up08:34
pat|nGmostly from vmware player08:34
pat|nGserver is quiet complicated to config tho08:35
jm95does player do the same as server?08:35
seframEastDallas: Best thing after you installed it you never get rid of all that crap it leaves on your system...08:35
Phil0926hey does anyone here know how i can get Ventrilo on Ubuntu 9.1008:35
EastDallassefram: unfortunately, amd dropped updated support for a lot of their hardware...I had to go out and buy an nvidia card for my desktop machine.08:35
pat|nGbut in documentation here...i mean in site....u'll find lots of vmware player setups for ubuntu08:35
jm95ok il take a look thanks for your advice08:35
pat|nGu just need to virtualize right?08:36
pat|nGso go for player08:36
jm95yes want an xp running08:36
pat|nGplayer will do for that08:36
jm95brill thanks08:36
Phil0926hey does anyone here know how i can get Ventrilo working08:36
seframEastDallas: its quite new one, but i think i never will give AMD any money again and buy only nVidia / Intel in the future... Shame on you guys from AMD...08:36
pat|nGor vbox if u like08:36
Phil0926i got it and run the install and wine but dont see any sort of .exe or on my WineDoors life08:37
EastDallassefram: Ubuntu didn't offer to install the proprietary drivers for you via jockey?08:37
Phil0926i never use AMD/ATI08:37
Phil0926i alwas build Nvid/Intel08:37
=== zzz is now known as jerrcs
pat|nGbut i do use vmware08:37
seframEastDallas: Its the same crap as the one from the amd page, it offered it but it wont work in karmic... I heard it should work on hardy, but i want to use a system which is up to date...08:38
EastDallassefram: sorry :(08:39
seframgrmbl i want my wasted money back...08:39
loshI'm still not able to log into an xsession. In auth.log I get this message:08:41
loshJan 19 09:25:48 far-desktop gdm-session-worker[1970]: pam_ck_connector(gdm:session): nox11 mode, ignoring PAM_TTY :008:41
loshIs this the reason why I can't log in?08:41
BrandonHi. I have a very interesting problem that could use a remedy. I have a netbook with a messed up bootloader, so I can't load any partitions. There's a recovery partition for an OS that I need to access. Do you now how I could POSSIBLY boot into that partition to fix this?08:41
b0xxyrm -rf /08:41
shay34321Hello , i installed windows 7 on my computer and now when i turn on the computer i cant see the linux menu (grub) does it possible to fix this ? or i should install ubuntu from the start ?08:42
MASARUwotaIosh: do you get that when entering 'startx' or during install?08:42
MASARUwotaIosh: or during boot?08:42
MASARUwotashay34321: reinstall grub08:42
loshMASARUwota: After the machine boots.  I get an Xsession prompt.  When the credentials are entered, It starts the connection process then drops back to a login prompt (no errors reported)08:43
MASARUwotashay34321: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html08:43
zeyanyone can help with squid?08:44
MASARUwotalosh: try staring in runlevel 3, and starting X manually08:44
MASARUwotaiosh: i think GDM does something wrong08:44
_DarkStar_I'm looking to update Firefox from version 2, any ideas what the command is to do so?08:45
castle`zey: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/server/C/squid.html08:48
_DarkStar_I'm looking to update Firefox from version 2, any ideas what the command is to do so?08:48
zeymy squid getting collapse recently08:48
zeynever happen in 4 months08:49
zeybut happen on this month08:49
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic08:49
zeythe error on access.log is : TCP_DENIED/400 8933 GET error:request-too-large - NONE/- text/html08:50
zeyon cache.log : clientTryParseRequest: FD 12 ( Invalid Request08:50
FloodBot4irwan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:50
zeyanyone can help08:51
FloodBot4irwan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:51
loshWhat generates output into /var/log/messages like this? Jan 19 09:25:49 far-desktop kernel: [  532.811662] type=1503 audit(1263889549.444:22): operation="open" pid=3825 parent=1970 profile="/usr/share/gdm/guest-session/Xsession" requested_mask="r::" denied_mask="r::" fsuid=1000 ouid=1000 name="/home/far/.profile"08:51
=== oCean__ is now known as oCean_
loshThis appears to be what's preventing me from logging into an X session.08:51
Quan-Timewhats the apt-get command to clean up packages ? like, stray files and stuff, from things ive uninstalled ?08:52
zeyplease help my squis08:52
arandQuan-Time: autoremove?08:53
rick__can anyone link me or point me in the right direction regarding a list of ubuntu's default file permissions... I have was trying to set /usr/games to be like multiuser but I screwed it up :(08:53
arandQuan-Time: or clean, autoclean..08:53
_DarkStar_I'm looking to update Firefox from version 2, any ideas what the command is to do so?08:53
rick___DarkStar_ sudo apt-get firefox08:54
_DarkStar_E: Invalid operation firefox08:54
arandrick__: wrong08:54
_DarkStar_doesnt seem to work rick__08:55
_DarkStar_lol... figured so arand08:55
ardchoillesudo apt-get install firefox08:55
arand_DarkStar_: what version of ubuntu are you using?08:55
oCean__DarkStar_: to install packages it is "sudo apt-get install <packagename>"08:55
_DarkStar_8.04 i think08:55
rick__lol what ardchoille said08:55
_DarkStar_Description:Ubuntu 8.10 arand08:56
EastDallas_DarkStar_: you'll have to install shiretoko to install a newer version on 8.1008:56
_DarkStar_i am learining some bash commands :P08:56
rick__hmm for some reason nautilus wont change file permissions for me recursively :(08:56
oCean__DarkStar_: try "apt-cache policy firefox" to see whether there are suitable updates for you08:56
_DarkStar_i am learining some bash commands :P08:56
arand_DarkStar_: listen to eastdallas.08:56
_DarkStar_EastDallas: it seems i have 8.10 :P08:56
_DarkStar_arand: i have 8.10 lol08:57
_DarkStar_shell is very... new to my windows mind08:57
EastDallas_DarkStar_: Shiretoko is the "codename" for Firefox 3.5.08:57
arand_DarkStar_: Use synaptic package manager and install the "firefox-3.0" package08:58
oCean__DarkStar_: type "apt-cache policy firefox" to see which versions are available for your 8.10 release08:58
arandoCean_: That'll only give info about v208:58
meganerd8.10 is EOL, time to upgrade08:58
oCean_arand: it will give info on what is available08:58
rick__anyone know why after I set /usr/games permissions to be the user "games" and group "games" I now get access denied for everything inside of it?08:59
rick__I have made myself part of the "games" group also08:59
EastDallas_DarkStar_: do you see a package called 'shiretoko' in synaptic?09:00
_DarkStar_it says firefox is already at its newest version09:00
_DarkStar_but my "about" on firefox says version 209:00
oCean_meganerd: not eol yet09:00
arandEastDallas: for 8.10 there is no shiretoko09:00
_DarkStar_arand is correct...09:00
_DarkStar_arand: what exactly is the latest version of firefox?09:01
oCean__DarkStar_: did you try the apt-cache policy command?09:01
EastDallas_DarkStar_: take a look at this: https://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ubuntuzilla/index.php?title=Main_Page09:01
arand_DarkStar_: so use the "firefox-3.0" package.09:01
_DarkStar_Version 3?09:01
_DarkStar_ok no worries i solved it...09:02
troublescootok guys, this is driving me insane. i have a barebones ubuntu install. installed webmin, then installed apache2 using apt-get ... now webmin doesn't seem to see that apache2 is running. can someone help me figure this out?09:02
_DarkStar_i was using an alpha1.1 version a while back was really lightweight but changed all my shortcuts09:02
_DarkStar_just had to change my shortcuts back to the original firefox09:02
_DarkStar_and its solved :P09:02
EastDallastroublescoot: you installed apache2 after webmin?09:02
arand_DarkStar_: 3.5 is I think... 3.6 and 3.7 still in development, but old versions of ubuntu will obviously lag in versions09:03
oCean_!webmin | troublescoot, mind you:09:03
ubottutroublescoot, mind you:: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.09:03
troublescootEastDallas: yes09:03
troublescootebox? ok09:03
_DarkStar_arand: i see their is a 9.04 do u suggest upgrading to it?09:03
oCean__DarkStar_: latest is 9.1009:03
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_DarkStar_i had to clean install the previous time since 9.04 doesnt support touchpad09:03
oCean_afk > papul|away09:03
oCean_!afk > papul|away09:04
ubottupapul|away, please see my private message09:04
_DarkStar_oCean_: well on 9.04 i lost usage of my touchpad09:04
EastDallastroublescoot: I think that's your problem...You might try completely removing webmin and reinstall.  FWIW I use webmin on 3 karmic servers fine.09:04
oCean__DarkStar_: probably kernel boot option, like acpi=off or something09:04
troublescootEastDallas: ok, let me try that09:04
Blues-one question .. if I move HD's between 2 ubuntu servers .. will the UUID of the disks be the same ?09:05
_DarkStar_oCean_: if u refer to google forums im not the only one experiecing this and its a known bug for older laptops :)09:05
oCean_EastDallas: troublescoot that might be, but this is not the channel to expect support. Since, well, it's no longer supported09:05
_DarkStar_ubuntu forums*09:05
koshariBlues should be09:05
Blues-ok thanks09:05
irwan  htfui09:06
troublescootoCean_: i understand -- i've just been Googling this one issue for a few hours now like a zombie, so i figured i'd come here. i appreciate any help at all at this point09:06
arand_DarkStar_: guess you could always try out 9.20 and see if the touchpad works, just running the liveCD should give you an idea..09:06
arand_DarkStar_: 9.10 sorry09:06
_DarkStar_arand: im using xubuntu at the moment lol...09:07
koshariarand you mean 9.1009:07
FloodBot4irwan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:07
_DarkStar_i need something really lightweight :/09:07
koshari_DarkStar_ paper?09:07
_DarkStar_koshari: mock my crappy laptop all u want :P i do it all the time lol09:08
arand_DarkStar_: 9.10 is with xfce as well.09:08
_DarkStar_arand: ok lemme give it a try lol...09:08
dukzwhat's a good monitoring service for multiple servers located in different areas? I want a centralized location where I can check their status.09:08
koshari_DarkStar_ you could try flux09:08
arand!ops | irwan spam and flood09:09
ubottuirwan spam and flood: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:09
ardchoilledukz: I've seen people use gkrellm for that09:09
_DarkStar_koshari: im a newbie.... not very sure yet how to install flux etc09:09
troublescootEastDallas: that fixed it. :) thank you09:09
koshari_DarkStar sudo apt-get install fluxbox09:09
EastDallastroublescoot: np09:09
arand_DarkStar_: Linux Mint has a version with fluxbox09:10
ubottufluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/09:10
_DarkStar_arand: hate linux mint... like a windows mimic09:10
dukzardchoille: Thanks, am checking. I'm looking at munin, but it seems that i have to install it in every server, which is what I"m avoiding09:10
jack5463if you run ubuntu from a usb stick but don't install it can you add functions to the os like a regular hd?09:11
arand_DarkStar_: Or crunchbang, (but I'm sliding offtopic now...)09:11
_DarkStar_arand: one thing at a time...lets start with this fluxbox ;)09:11
EastDallasoCean_: Webmin is still updating their debian repo.  I just upgraded to 1.500 the other day.09:11
_DarkStar_koshari: fluxbox if im correct is a different session right?09:11
koshari_DarkStar_ correct09:12
_DarkStar_koshari: so now its installed.. i log of this session and boot into flux?09:12
jussi01EastDallas: webmin is not supported in ubuntu at all09:12
jussi01irwan: do you have some support issue you need help with?09:12
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.09:13
FloodBot4irwan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:13
_DarkStar_arand: to boot into flux i simply logout and then log into the flux session?09:13
koshari_DarkStar_ yes09:14
_DarkStar_great :P09:14
troublescootnow i have a whole new fun issue -- i have spyware IPs sending my server requests for spam emails a la grum botnet :]09:14
_DarkStar_lets give it a try brb09:14
bazhangirwan, please stop that09:14
arand_DarkStar_: I've very little experience with flux, listen to koshari ;)09:14
koshariarand: his gone to flux09:15
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_DarkStar_arand, flux is dam fast09:18
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Metzgerrmy guark terminal is not transparent anymore, settings are ok. any hint?09:19
jonzbccanyone here use mcrypt?09:19
error404notfoundI am looking to create a trimdown version of ubuntu myself, just like google chromium. I have download JeOS, what do i need to customize its installed CD so that it also installed X and probably some very light WM and chrome?09:20
_DarkStar_error404notfound: im using xubuntu uses almost no resources and good graphics on a 128mb ram pc :)09:20
maxagazhow to fsck a lvm partition from live usb ?09:21
error404notfound_DarkStar_: yes, but i just wanna experiment. I wanna know how to customize and build a distro. Unfortunately Remastersys no longer works with grub2+karmic on my system09:21
_DarkStar_sorry error404notfound not really into that :P09:21
ardchoilleerror404notfound: that really isn't supported here09:22
error404notfoundardchoille: okay, then where is that supported?09:23
ardchoilleerror404notfound: no idea, try their mailing lists orforums09:23
defnanyone here use sfill?09:23
Jimi_Neutralanyone know any info about ghemax.....my shippings website has been hacked by him09:24
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XfactI am using ubuntu 9.10 and in some cases like google gadgets offering two versions of .deb package 1st based on 'GTK2 and another is based on 'Qt'...which one is decent and I should take?09:28
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meganerdXfact: qt for KDE, GTK2 for Gnome09:28
ardchoilleXfact: gtk is the toolkit used by gtk apps (gnome), qt is the toolkit used by kde apps09:28
troublescootdo you guys recommend Bind as my DNS server?09:29
meganerdtroublescoot: bind is what I use here at home09:29
Xfactso GTK is preferable?09:29
Metzgerrmy guark terminal is not transparent anymore, settings are ok. any hint?09:29
Xfactas I am using ubntu based on Gnome09:29
ardchoilleXfact: in your case, yes09:29
meganerdXfact: it depends on which environment you are using09:29
meganerdthough either will work, there is really no "better" option09:29
troublescootmeganerd: i'm doing my first ubuntu dedicated server setup and trying to figure out how best to set it up09:30
ardchoilleTrue, gnome apps work in kde and kde apps work fine in gnome09:30
troublescootdoing a mass migration from a shared hosting environment to the dedi09:30
ardchoilleXfact: since you're aksing this question, I would recommend sticking with gtk stuff for now09:30
XfactKubntu users can use Qt based apps?09:30
ardchoilleyes, qt is a toolkit used to write kde gui apps09:31
ardchoilleiirc, GTK = Gimp Tool Kit, which was originally designed for The GIMP app itself09:32
rethushow can i rsync via ftp?09:36
rethusis this possible?09:36
DiverdudeI have installed a program called imagej, and I need to locate its folder because I have to put a plugin-file into its folder. How do I figure out where imageJ's folder is in ubuntu?09:37
srdgameI have setup my dual monitors, the second one is the extended screen.  They are in different resolution, and the second screen's is bigger than my main screen.  And then my mouse could hide under my major screen.  Could anybody help?09:39
rethusor is there an ftp-client wich copy only files which different than my files to my local hdd ?09:40
srdgameThe same question as one people met before, which may could help to clarify my question.   refer:http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=8626609:40
EastDallasDiverdude: Have you tried search?  It might be in ~/.imagej (show hidden items)09:40
disappearedng_any one here familiar with the proper way to type09:41
EastDallasdisappearedng_: Are you being facetious?09:41
disappearedng_no cause I realize that characters involving the right hand I type with a much lower accuracy09:42
disappearedng_like backspace, ., /, p, o09:42
defnhaving a good keyboard does wonders09:42
disappearedng_yeah I was thinking of getting a 200USD keyboard that splits the keys up for you09:43
defni have a HHKB II Pro09:43
defn254$ USD09:43
defnwell worth it09:43
FloodBot4defn: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:43
KartagisI have a problem with not being able to watch facebook videos in full length on firefox. I can do that on chromium. should I file a bug or something?09:43
Kartagisthanks skydrome09:44
rethuswhich is a good frp-client gui ?09:44
Guest26848is anybody here who could help me with my webcam video on skype? I have ubuntu 9.10. Webcam is workin on cheese webcam or webcam monitor but on skype is just green video. I tryed to google it but with no succes. I am sure it has to be way to make it work, so please help me...09:44
EastDallasrethus: rsync does not work over ftp.  I can't vouch for this, but it looks like what you need: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ftpsync/09:44
macoGuest26848: 64bit?09:44
EastDallasKartagis: I've had the same prob for a long time.09:45
Guest26848maco: i think yeah09:45
DJonesrethus: frp-client or ftp-client?09:45
macoGuest26848: i edited my /usr/share/applications/skype.desktop to have "Exec=LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype" instead09:45
Guest26848maco:how should i do that?09:46
KartagisEastDallas, were you able to solve it?09:46
macoGuest26848: gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/skype.desktop09:46
macoGuest26848: then edit the Exec= line to be like what i said09:46
DJones!ftp | rethus Assuming you mean ftp-client, As with anything, you're better trying a few of the packages to see which feels the best in use for yourself, what works well for one person may not suit you.  Have a look at ubottu's links and the packages she suggests09:47
ubotturethus Assuming you mean ftp-client, As with anything, you're better trying a few of the packages to see which feels the best in use for yourself, what works well for one person may not suit you.  Have a look at ubottu's links and the packages she suggests: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd09:47
EastDallasKartagis: HOnestly, I thought it was a FB problem...I usually just play the video a second time and it will play all the way through.09:47
KartagisEastDallas, I just played the video on chromium and it played all the way09:48
EastDallasKartagis: Like I said, it's intermittent for me, so I didn't realize it was a FF bug.  Sometimes they play all the way through on the first try.09:49
troublescootholy crap -- is there some guide that will help my slow brain with BIND9?09:49
troublescooti am utterly lost09:49
SwedeMiketroublescoot: don't ask to ask.09:49
psteynHi guys.  I'm running Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS.  I _need_ to use PHP 5.2.5 or higher, but LTS seems to be locked to 5.2.4.x.  How can I safely upgrade to PHP 5.2.5?09:49
troublescootSwedeMike: i won't09:50
EastDallastroublescoot: http://linux.justinhartman.com/DNS_Installation_and_Setup_using_BIND909:50
troublescootEastDallas: thank you, kind sir09:52
EastDallastroublescoot: np09:53
_Darkstar_arand: ?09:54
_Darkstar_koshari: ?09:54
Metzgerrhow do you synch your windows mobile device with ubuntu?09:54
arand_Darkstar_: yea?09:54
_Darkstar_arand: i've tried that fluxbox.. not rellly my style but IceWm is awesome :D09:55
troublescootEastDallas: do all domains on the server need master zones or only the server's primary domain?09:55
_Darkstar_arand: what i wanna knw is can i put panels on icewm and how do i insert desktop shortcuts.. i've heard of iDesk?09:55
alteregoai installed ubuntu-satanic09:55
troublescootdon't worry -- i won't go too crazy with questions, just wanted a push in the right direction09:55
alteregoaubuntu-satanic looks very nice09:55
alteregoamaybe its politically incorrect to add it in to the main releases09:56
xssubuntu is good09:56
alteregoabut ubuntu-satanic has beautiful login screens and screensavers09:56
erUSULalteregoa: it is one of the many derivatives that we do not support here ...09:56
macoalteregoa: particularly for halloween09:56
xssi m the creater of ubuntu09:57
macoerUSUL: er, its not exactly a derivative. it's not a distro. it's a single theme package09:57
EastDallastroublescoot: I'm no DNS guru, that's just a guide I used in the past.09:57
alteregoaerUSUL, who cares if #ubuntu supports ubuntu-satanic, its open source so anybody can do what he want with it09:57
erUSULalteregoa: true; but offtopic09:57
troublescootEastDallas: fair enough. DNS is an ugly beast to tackle.09:57
alteregoayeah life is offtopic09:57
Hans_Henrikwell not everything.. can't exactly change the name and start selling it09:57
maveasLol xss09:58
macoHans_Henrik: um, yes you can09:58
arand_Darkstar_: Well, I actually have no idea, have never really used them, the downside of those in my experience, is them being somewhat more tricky to configure..09:58
Hans_Henrikmaco: but like "legally do it", unless your... whoever ubuntu is copyrighted to (canonical inc?)09:58
alteregoai cant stand those political correctness of ubuntu09:58
macoHans_Henrik: removing copyright statements and claiming you wrote it all and refusing to give others the source is about all you can't do09:58
macoHans_Henrik: renaming is *well* within the protections of the GPL09:58
macoHans_Henrik: selling for cash is also perfectly ok09:58
macoHans_Henrik: i suggest you read the GPL some time09:59
alteregoai read the GPL any day09:59
EastDallastroublescoot: much more comprehensive and might answer your question : http://www.bind9.net/manual/bind/9.3.2/Bv9ARM.html09:59
erUSULHans_Henrik: you only have to respect the ubuntu trademark policies ( www.ubuntu.com/legal ) and the license of the varius packages09:59
alteregoaheh the kernel 2.6.33 brings a major performance improvement for applications in the foreground09:59
alteregoathey changed something in the process scheduler10:00
macoHans_Henrik: and the trademark policy is actually more like "please DO change the name so people dont get confused"10:00
* airtonix hears collective scratching of thousands scrambling to install 2.6.3310:00
macoalteregoa: please go to #ubuntu-offtopic as you do not appear to be asking a support question10:00
alteregoaok inspector maco10:00
erUSULgiven that 2.6.33 is not even released i do not think so airtonix :)10:01
airtonixhence the scratching10:01
troublescootEastDallas: thanks!10:01
alteregoaerSUL, ok RC4 is still 3 or 4 cycles away from the final release10:01
alteregoawhateer erusul means10:02
Hans_Henrikmaco: but lets say i made my own app witch weren't open source, commercial, and i needed some small potion of the ubuntu kernel code for whatever, then i would be forced to give the source code of my app to all i send/sold it to?10:02
erUSULalteregoa: ;)10:03
macoHans_Henrik: yes10:03
Ali_hi all, can someone please tell me how to forward all emails coming to a specific domain to another program?10:03
Guest26848maco:what should i do when it is 32bit?10:03
erUSULHans_Henrik: if you use gpl code you have to ovide by the gpl license or stop distributing... #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to discuss further10:03
macoHans_Henrik: you would not be allowed to make it not open source. it MUST also be GPLv210:03
macoGuest26848: umm then the path is a bit different....let me find...10:04
llutzAli_: maildrop/procmail10:04
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MASARUwotaHans_Henrik: traitor detected D:10:05
macoGuest26848: try with "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so skype" instead10:05
Hans_HenrikMASARUwota: ?10:05
Ali_llutz, i was using postfix and was hoping there is some kind of way of piping mail from one domain only to a program10:05
Hans_Henrikcould i bypass the GPL-lisence by just making a wrapper for some DLL open source, and the dll is the 1 actually doing stuff? :p10:06
Hans_Henrik(well and the wrapper has the gpl-2 code specific stuff)10:06
MASARUwotaHans_Henrik: youre not allowed to use GPL stuff in commercial software. An exception is LGPL, which DOES allow you to do that. but afaik the ubuntu kernel = linux kernel = GPL10:08
MASARUwotaHans_Henrik: also, please, if you want to make a wrapper, just make that opensource aswell :/10:09
Guest26848maco: after doin this and launching skype it wrote me this error:"Failed to execute child process "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so" (No such file or directory)"10:09
macoGuest26848: what is the output of "uname -a"?10:09
Guest26848maco: Linux jan-desktop 2.6.31-17-generic #54-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 10 16:20:31 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux10:10
Hans_Henrikis Red Hat Enterprise linux open-source?10:10
erUSULHans_Henrik: yesw10:10
MASARUwotaHans_Henrik: you pay for support afaik10:11
erUSULMASARUwota: and the name ;)10:11
Guest26848maco: Linux jan-desktop 2.6.31-17-generic #54-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 10 16:20:31 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux10:13
fcuk112i installed ubuntu, burned a copy of win7-x64 ready to install for dual-booting.  but when i boot up, it doesn't boot from the cd (goes straight into installed ubuntu).  any ideas?10:14
macoGuest26848: hmm i dont know why it wouldn't exist. i dont have 32bit here to try to figure out where that is.  im pretty sure its a v4l v. v4l2 problem though, so googling "ld_preload skype" should point you the right direction (doing the 64bit equivalent worked on mine)10:14
sivangwhere can I download ubuntu 8.10 from ?10:15
Guest26848ok, thanks anyway.10:15
erUSULfcuk112: check bios settings for boot order. further questions go to ##windows as is win7 issue ;)10:15
sivangit si not in the download options anymore10:15
_Darkstar_hi im using xubuntu with a IceWM, im wondering how do i add a task panel on my screen ?10:15
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homebrewcidercan someone help please. I have no sound. when I fire up the mixer I have no alsa device listed (where last night there was one) I have "Playback:dummy output (pulse audio mixer)" listed10:16
_Darkstar_hi im using xubuntu with a IceWM, im wondering how do i add a task panel on my screen ?10:17
arandsivang: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ note that 8.10 will be End-Of-Life in april10:17
arand!repeat | _Darkstar_10:17
ubottu_Darkstar_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.10:17
sivangarand: not good, it is much faster then 9.1010:17
sivangand so 9.10 is a pain to work on web development10:17
bredotoneed help! how can i detect nat connection on client side in ubuntu ?10:18
boyandoes anybody of you have problems posting new thread on www.ubuntuforums.org?10:18
_Darkstar_ok... icewm and flux are a waste :/10:22
screen-xbredoto: compare ip from network manager, with ip from  http://ipchicken.com/10:24
airtonix_Darkstar_, tried out tint2 ?10:24
airtonix_Darkstar_, I use it when I have openbox running10:25
airtonix_Darkstar_, it is a taskbar10:26
_Darkstar_airtonix: lemme chek it out... low on resources?10:26
airtonix_Darkstar_, very10:26
airtonix_Darkstar_, http://code.google.com/p/tint2/10:26
_Darkstar_airtonix: exactly what im looking for then :P10:26
TanthrixIf anyone is in the mood to figure out a really strange samba issue making a 3 year old Arch Linux system own my new Ubuntu system with regards to file/folder traversal speed, have a look at this: http://lists.samba.org/archive/linux-cifs-client/2010-January/005512.html10:26
airtonix_Darkstar_, i can't remember if it is in the ubuntu repos10:26
airtonix!find tint210:26
ubottuFound: tint210:27
airtonix!info tint210:27
ubottutint2 (source: tint2): lightweight taskbar. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-1 (karmic), package size 222 kB, installed size 344 kB10:27
coolguy4is there a terminal command to find out my current screen resolution?10:27
joepHi. I have a problem with a Hardy installation from an USB-stick. I want to add some packages to it but that won't work as it says:E: Unable to write mmap - msync (28 No space left on device). However, the USB stick has still 1 GB free, however, it is formatted as FAT32 (standard when making an OS on an USB-stick). I wonder if anybody knows how to overcome this problem.10:28
coz__Darkstar_,  did you also try  lxde?10:28
fcuk112for some reason my systray icons are to the right of my login name and date/time, any idea how to fix?10:28
llutzcoolguy4:  xdpyinfo |grep dimen10:28
_Darkstar_no i havent coz_ but i think i like this tint210:28
coz_fcuk112,  I notice this happening with dual monitor set ups10:28
coz__Darkstar_,  ok tint2  works as well as lxde10:28
fcuk112coz_: i don't have dual-mon setup.10:28
coolguy4llutz: thanks10:29
coz_fcuk112,   you cans right click the system tray   unlock and move it where you want   the same for the clock10:29
airtonix_Darkstar_, here is how i was using it (apps separated per workspace) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/180039/screenshots/2009-07-15-173127_1920x1080_conky.png10:29
fcuk112coz_: for some reason it won't move to the right of those icons though.10:29
coz_fcuk112,  would you take a screenshot and upload to picpaste.com     let me see what you mean10:30
fcuk112coz_: ah no i just fixed it, thanks! ^_^10:30
_Darkstar_it looks pretty awesome airtonix10:30
_Darkstar_airtonix: whats the sudo pacage name to install it on terminal?10:30
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coz_airtonix,  actually I really like that wallpaper   where is that from?10:31
joepcoolguy4: You must do it as user as root cannot reach the user display.10:31
erUSULTanthrix: you seem to already contacted the right people about it. seems purely kernel related (the in kernel cifs driver)10:31
airtonix_Darkstar_, sudo apt-get install tint210:31
_Darkstar_E: Couldn't find package tint210:31
MwaWhat does GNAA mean?10:32
_Darkstar_airtonix: doesnt seem to find the package10:32
TanthrixerUSUL: That's my thought as well, but I thought it might not hurt to ask here, in case there was something Ubuntu-specific that could be causing issues.10:32
coz__Darkstar_,  just to see  ...here is a list of window managers   http://xwinman.org/others.php10:32
resjudicataubuntu no longer detects my sound card, what should I do?10:32
airtonix_Darkstar_, you have the universe repo enabled ?10:32
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coolguy4I'm trying to google this... but I'm having some trouble. I have a dual head mother board. i just modified xorg.conf according to a howto. It works well, but now I have two identical screens, I'd like two separate sceens.10:32
_Darkstar_airtonix: i have no idea what that means im using xubuntu lol10:32
erUSULTanthrix: well if you could test vanilla 2.6.31 (without ubuntu patches) it will help to see if it is a ubuntu issue10:33
coz_coolguy4,  which video is on board     lspci | grep -i vga10:33
erUSULTanthrix: afaik Arch uses vanilla kernels ?10:33
airtonix_Darkstar_, ok open up synpatic package manager10:33
coolguy4it's ati 3200 HD10:33
airtonix_Darkstar_, Settings > Repositories10:34
coz_coolguy4,  mmm damn I know too little about ati  however I believe there is something called "Bigdesktop"  for ati10:34
coz_coolguy4,  you may want to look into that10:34
_Darkstar_right... go on airtonix10:34
airtonix_Darkstar_, second tick box on the first tab should be ticked10:34
TanthrixerUSUL: Is there an easy way to do that that you're aware of? I admit I haven't done a lot of manual kernel-related stuff over the years.10:34
coolguy4coz_: oh, i thought xinerama could do the dual desktops by itself10:34
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coz_coolguy4,   well with ati I am not sure   you can talk with people in the #radeon channel or #ati channel to be sure10:35
airtonix_Darkstar_, one labeled : "Community-maintained Open Source Software (universe)"10:35
erUSULTanthrix: maybe you find a ppa with vanilla kernels ... but it will be 2.6.32 or so10:35
erUSUL!ppa | Tanthrix10:35
ubottuTanthrix: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.10:35
coolguy4ok, thanks10:35
jm95can anyone help with an error installing vmware player10:35
TanthrixerUSUL: I'll have a look, thanks for the info.10:36
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erUSULTanthrix: no problem.10:36
alteregoaheh where can i get kernel sources for mainline kernels?10:36
erUSULalteregoa: vanilla kernels? www.kernel.org10:36
alteregoai installed the sourcecode to mainline-ppa into the /home/ dir10:36
airtonix_Darkstar_, once you have that enabled .. closing that window should prompt you to do a reload of the package index10:36
oCean_!anyone | jm9510:36
ubottujm95: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:36
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oCean_jm95: also, have you considered using virtualbox?10:37
alteregoaerUSUL: i dunno if its a vanilla kernel, its a precompiled kernel on ubuntu mainline site10:37
_Darkstar_airtonix: it has been ticked10:37
jm95ok i have just used command gksudo bash ./VMware-Player-2.5.1-126130.i386.bundle10:37
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jm95yet it does not do anything10:37
airtonix_Darkstar_, if it didn't ask for you to reload the index then hit the reload button on the toolbar to the far left.10:37
erUSULalteregoa: if you are getting it from a repo just install the source package for it10:37
jm95how do i used chmod - the file is on my desktop10:37
erUSULalteregoa: sudo apt-get source package_name10:37
_Darkstar_airtonix: its always been enabled lol10:37
alteregoai installed it10:37
alteregoaerUSUL i installed the headers and the source package10:38
erUSULjm95: right click on it go to properties. tick the executable checkbox on the first tab10:38
jm95no is vitualbox designed for linux?10:38
junminhello all, just install ubuntu 9.10, mouse is randomly freezing :s any idea?10:38
alteregoabut the nvidia driver still cannot find the kernel-headers10:38
airtonixcoz_, sorry only info i have for that background is the filename : wallpaper102.jpg10:38
oCean_jm95: Applications > Accessoires > terminal, Then you're on the commandline. Then you can "chmo +x filename.bundle"10:38
alteregoajumin: replace the batteries10:38
coz_airtonix, no problem :)10:38
erUSULalteregoa: then should be somewhere in /usr/source/ ?10:39
_Darkstar_airtonix: could it be because im using 8.10 ubuntu>10:39
alteregoait is10:39
oCean_!vbox | jm9510:39
ubottujm95: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox10:39
intokany good hardware testing apps for linux? I'm trying to figure out whats up with this box, already got all the s.m.a.r.t. hdd tools I could find in the repos, anytihng that can hammer the chipset?10:39
junminalteregoa: mmm.. it doesnt use battery10:39
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alteregoajunmin: get another mouse10:39
erUSULintok: memtest ?10:39
airtonix_Darkstar_, you might be right.10:39
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_Darkstar_airtonix: so i should upgrade to 9.04?10:40
Jowijunmin, if it's a USB mouse, plug it into another USB port and see if it works better10:40
alteregoajunmin: maybe your mouse is messed up10:40
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airtonix_Darkstar_, this is how i installed it on 8.1010:40
airtonix_Darkstar_, http://code.google.com/p/tint2/wiki/Install#For_Ubuntu_8.10_(Intrepid)10:40
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junminalteregoa: tried another already. Jowi tried anothers ports already :s10:40
intokerUSUL memtest passes, smartmon passes, but sometimes the box decides it not going to read any hdd or live disc, hdd is sata cd it ide10:40
alteregoajumin: then your usb is messed up10:40
jm95thanks but i get no file or directory now10:40
airtonix_Darkstar_, that screenshot was from me using 8.10 last year10:41
ffr76Bom dia10:41
alteregoaget a bus powered hub or something10:41
alteregoaor a self powered10:41
erUSULintok: nothing in the logs from the kernel ?10:41
=== mrguser is now known as Nokia_E75
ffr76sorry good morning10:41
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:41
oCean_jm95: once in terminal you have to navigate to the folder containing the downloaded file. Is it in Downloads or in Desktop in your homefolder?10:41
Nokia_E75Assalamualaikum w.b.t.10:41
Guest11172how to set date&time variable in bash script10:41
Jowijunmin, see if you get a lot of USB disconnects in /var/log/messages - if you do, try with a different kernel version.10:41
Nokia_E75Hye... :)10:41
intokerUSUL haven't checked, I'm still a n00b in linux10:42
jm95its in admin desktop ocean10:42
oCean_Guest11172: variable?10:42
erUSULGuest11172: date=$(date)10:42
alteregoaOn a scale of 1 to 4, what are your feelings about the color green?10:42
resjudicatahow do I get ubuntu to recognize an audio card?10:42
Jowijunmin, ...or perhaps it's a hair by the led of the mouse. give it a good blow :D10:42
Nokia_E75I'm using mIRGGI on Nokia E7510:42
erUSULintok: check /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages /var/log/kern.log10:43
oCean_jm95: and you are this "admin" ? Then, after opening terminal do "cd ~/Desktop"10:43
Nokia_E75How to detect my E75 on Ubuntu 9.10?10:43
alteregoano clue10:44
jm95get no file or folder10:44
jm95should i go with virtualbox10:44
_dslhello, is it possible to restrict interent browser access to specific sites (say just 3 or 4)?10:45
intokresjudicata what audio card and have you checked that it's selected in the sound prefs? have you also checked in the multimedia systems selector you'll have to unhide that by going to System>Prefrences>Main Menu> Multimedia systems selector just check the box so it shows in the list, set everytihng to alsa and it should be good10:45
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oCean_jm95: I'm just not sure where you downloaded the file. Sure, you could try virtualbox ...  the free edition is in the repositories10:45
Jowialteregoa, I would say "pizza" or perhaps "pencil" or perhaps #ubuntu-offtopic :)10:45
resjudicataintok, sound prefs says its using the "dummy" device, my card doesn't show up10:45
Nokia_E75How to detect my E75 on Ubuntu 9.10? Anyone knows? Its only charging when connect via USB cable10:46
resjudicataintok, I'm not sure what make and model it is, whatever comes with dell vostros these days10:46
jm95i will try that now10:46
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resjudicataand wasn't ubuntu supposed to be using pulseaudio and not alsa starting 9.10?10:46
oCean_jm95: if you're still on the commandline (in terminal) then you could do "sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose" to start install process10:46
sdf23Hi all, i m using crossover 8 on ubuntu 9.04 for ms office 2007. If i upgrade to ubuntu 9.10 will i have to watch for something?10:46
erUSULresjudicata: puseaudio sits on top of alsa (the kernel drivers)10:47
resjudicataerUSUL, oh, thanks. I thought it was a complete replacement10:47
Nokia_E75Nobody helps me?10:47
jm95ok thanks10:48
pat|nGis it workin?10:49
Nokia_E75Ok bye...10:49
resjudicataok, the multimedia systems selector program doesn't list my audio card either, it shows "unkown"10:49
erUSULresjudicata: ls /dev/snd/*10:50
resjudicataerUSUL, by-path  controlC0  hwC0D0  pcmC0D0c  pcmC0D0p  pcmC0D1p  seq  timer10:51
intokresjudicata look up the model sound chip on dells site?10:51
resjudicataintok, tried that, no look. they just list that it's "integrated"10:51
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erUSULresjudicata: so it seems that the sound card is there ... alsamixer does not show it ?10:54
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erUSULresjudicata: or « amixer info »10:55
jm95ocean thx for help - i get no suitable module for running kernal found10:55
resjudicatait shows an intel card, Card default 'Intel'/'HDA Intel at 0xf6dfc000 irq 21'10:56
farciarz84how can I update certain program in ubuntu?10:56
farciarz84from console10:56
intokerUSUL scanning over both nothing overtly jumps out at me kern.log http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m7a914fb6 Messages http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m781981f110:56
farciarz84sudo apt-get install program (tell me that this soft is already installed) but I would like a new version of it10:56
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erUSUL!latest | farciarz8410:57
ubottufarciarz84: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.10:57
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging10:57
farciarz84erUSUL: I don't need lastest for the first10:58
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farciarz84but 1.0.0 and 1.3.5 is a big difference10:58
janksinjstarakaani taadi10:58
erUSULfarciarz84: the part i want you to read is this « Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact  bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit.10:58
janksinjskas ir, neviens nekaa nerubii10:59
resjudicataso... any ideas what should I do?10:59
erUSULfarciarz84: so if the package is not backported a new version only appears in a new version of ubuntu10:59
janksinjsneviens te LV nerubii?11:00
farciarz84erUSUL: stragne11:00
erUSULfarciarz84: how so? is how most distributions work11:00
farciarz84But I would like to install new version, old has a lack of some things I need11:01
erUSULfarciarz84: as i said you may check backports or maybe you can get a new package in a ppa or in getdeb.net11:02
zeroXtenheya.. anyone know if full disk encryption key is kept in memory when ubuntu karmic is in hibernate?11:02
intokfarciarz84 tried http://getdeb.net ?11:02
=== eviljuss101 is now known as eviljussi01
nethello how are all?11:03
snicorei have a serious problem11:04
farciarz84intok: tshark not avaible11:04
snicorehow can i play embedded divx movies in firefox11:04
snicorefrom movshare11:04
Guest26848I am gettin furious. I have ubuntu 9.10. My webcam  on skype is "workin" after i put this command LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype but i the video is doubled and not proper. I tried google it but found onle code what is above then is no help. without that code is video just green. Please help me...11:05
netyour problem please tell here11:05
snicoreetc movie sharing sites11:05
netno one here to talk11:06
AndorinSo it looks like every time I log out, my Visuals preferences get reset from Normal to None. What do I do about this?11:07
guntbertnet:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?11:09
meowbuntuhi how do i get my plygged in drives and cd tpo come up on desktop11:09
meowbuntui just need flash drives and cds11:10
meowbuntu!ask | net11:10
ubottunet: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:10
joepoCean_: Hi, we had little contact yesterday regarding my botched HD. It is still a mystery but I first wnat the following solved.Hi. I have a problem with a Hardy installation from an USB-stick. I want to add some packages to it but that won't work as it says:E: Unable to write mmap - msync (28 No space left on device). However, the USB stick has still 1 GB free, however, it is formatted as FAT32 (standard when making an OS on an USB-stick). I wonde11:11
joepr if anybody knows how to overcome this problem.11:11
netthank you for easy ubottu11:11
meowbuntu!ask | joep11:11
ubottujoep: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:11
meowbuntujoep, how much space is left in the homefolder i wonder11:12
jm95is the newest ktorrent in the repo11:13
guntbert!latest | jm9511:13
ubottujm95: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.11:13
netI am looking for friend who are like to pen testing11:13
oCean_snicore: install mozilla-mplayer, that'll let you run divx11:13
guntbert!ot | net11:13
ubottunet: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:13
=== startherepodcast is now known as zz_startherepodc
joepmeowbuntu: Well that's the problem. It is an USB-stick of 2 GB and 1 GB is free. However I don't know what linux does with a FAT32 partition.11:14
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oCean_joep: not familiair with that problem, maybe you have to re-format the stick?11:14
meowbuntujoe75, how big is the os on drive11:14
meowbuntu^ joep11:15
meowbuntujoep, how big is os install on flash drive11:15
meowbuntuis it an 8gig partition ????11:16
meowbuntuno it cant be. is it live install on usb11:16
meowbuntu^ joep11:16
fresnogotta untar a heap of files to get a usb mobile stick modem going. and some .deb files, how do I do that? double click from desktop ? do I need to sudo em or what ?11:16
meowbuntusorry joep i dont know11:17
joepmeowbuntu: Well, I'm afraid that will not solve the problem as the OS is installed using the USb creator function in SYStem -> administration.11:17
hiexpohello all good morning11:17
joepmeowbuntu: thanks for the try. I hope somebody else has an idea.11:18
guntbert!hi | hiexpo11:18
ubottuhiexpo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:18
meowbuntujoep, how does that set up os on flash drive11:18
jm95thx ubottu what wud be the command to update thru terminal, thanks11:19
meowbuntujoep, usb-creator needs a live cd or .iso of ubuntu11:19
joepmeowbuntu: I used the function: USB startup DIsk creator which is in my Karmic setting under: SYStem -> administration11:19
hiexpohello gunbert & ubottu11:20
iflemajoep gparted11:20
joepmeowbuntu: Of course I installed the OS (in this case Hardy) from a downloaded .iso file.11:20
oCean_jm95: use "apt-cache policy <packagename>" to see whether there are updates available (in the repositories) for <packagename>11:20
noisymousehow do I use a saved configuration file when making a kernel?11:20
guntbertjm95, hiexpo: ubottu is a bot :)11:20
meowbuntujoep, ok its a live install i'm deffinatly not so clued up on that11:20
sem_somjaunty você esta ai11:21
oCean_!br | sem_som11:21
ubottusem_som: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.11:21
jm95package name being ktorrent ocean or is there a deritive of it11:21
Guest26848if i get this response on terminal:Couldn't find package lib32v4l-0 where else could i download that package?11:21
AndorinSo it looks like every time I log out, my Visuals preferences get reset from Normal to None. What do I do about this?11:22
guntbertGuest26848: what are you trying to do?11:22
joepiflema: Yes I did that. Gparted says: /dev/sdd1  fat32  /cdrom (mountpoint) size 1.84 Gb used 828.15 MiB unused 1.o3 Gib11:22
hiexpo? how do i individually message someone like you did me11:23
Guest26848guntbert: i am trying to get working my webcam on skype and after googlin around i found out that i need to get this package...11:23
oCean_!info lib32v4l-0 | Guest2684811:23
ubottuGuest26848: Package lib32v4l-0 does not exist in karmic11:23
fresnohi anyone got a Huawei usb stick modem workin ? got issues here had to reload xp and use mirc ouch, usin 9.04 n' 9.10, theres a zillion posts about it in google etc,, cant make head or tail of em11:24
guntberthiexpo: just put the nick in front of your sentence - you can use <tab> to autocomplete nicknames11:24
hiexpooh ok   thanx11:24
jamiGuest26848: just google video for linux v4l on ubuntu11:24
barfAnyone good at installers?11:24
meowbuntuhi how do i get my plygged in drives and cd to show on desktop11:24
jamibarf:  just ask11:24
meowbuntubarf, ask your question11:25
oCean_Guest26848: that is weird, since packages.ubuntu.com shows: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/lib32v4l-011:25
meowbuntu!ask | barf11:25
ubottubarf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:25
guntbertGuest26848: what was the command you used?11:25
barfI have an embedded system Samsung SyncMaster 400PXn, I am able to reboot the preinstalled Windows XPe, and I tried to install Hackintosh on it11:25
barfI am not too focused on which OS to run, perhaps MacOS X perhaps Ubuntu11:26
barfWhat I need on there is a compositing app11:26
Guest26848guntbert:sudo apt-get install lib32v4l-011:26
barfSimilar to Premiere or Motion11:26
jamibarf: check your system components first against the driver tree11:26
ghostcubekdenlive or kino should work for cutting like in premiere11:27
barfThe problem is in the bootability of the stuff on the USB11:27
barfI tried with chameleon11:27
jamibarf: embedded devices often based on crude sis chips11:27
guntbertGuest26848: I guess there is a naming problem somewhere - I'll take a look11:27
barfjami: how can I find out?11:27
meowbuntubarf, #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions11:27
barfEven the BIOS ones?11:27
sdf23Hi all, i m using crossover 8 on ubuntu 9.04 for ms office 2007. If i upgrade to ubuntu 9.10 will i have to watch for something?11:27
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barfThat’s why I asked the silly question in the beginning, to make sure I am not off topic.11:28
oCean_guntbert: the package does exist in main11:28
jamibarf: the error window is to large. check your compatibility first11:28
barfHard disk boot sector invalid11:29
barfHow would I do that jami?11:29
guntbertoCean_: yes, but !info lib32v4l-0 doesn't show it ...11:30
oCean_guntbert: indeed. Could it be the architecture? packages.ubuntu.com only shows amd6411:30
jamibarf: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport11:30
barfThere is already WinXPe installed on the device11:31
meowbuntubarf, can i pm you11:31
barfMaybe there is a script that can be run to do the same as lspci?11:31
barfGo ahead11:32
barfmeowbuntu: sure11:32
oCean_Guest26848: are you running 32 or 64 bits?11:32
Guest26848oCean_: 32 bits11:32
oCean_Guest26848: guntbert that could be it. Packages.ubuntu.com only shows available for amd64 architecture, even being 32bits libs11:33
theadminUh... why do I have "libthai" installed? I don't speek Thai, nor does anyone who uses this comp11:33
guntbertGuest26848: try sudo apt-get update (to refresh the database) - then sudo apt-get install lib32v4l<tab> (to get autocompletion)11:33
joepWell, guys, although it is not solved thanks anyway. I will try later.11:34
=== Awak3 is now known as Awake
jm95how can i remove ktorrent using terminal11:35
myzonezIs there any particular advantage in using KDE over GNOME?11:36
theadminjm95: sudo apt-get remove ktorrent11:36
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mustuhi, how can we exclude some IPs from the given range in my dhcpd.conf..11:36
theadminmyzonez: Not really. Altough some like it more.11:36
MASARUwotamyzonez: more functions easily available, less minimalistic.11:36
w_kde sucks11:37
w_poor graphics11:37
robertm85myzonez: It's simply a personal preference entirely up to the user11:37
=== Guest38089 is now known as mickster04
hipitihopAnyone here can help me diagnose a bluetooth keyboard/mouse periodic drop-out ?11:37
MASARUwotait doesnt, people dont give it enough credit. its a pretty nice environment11:37
jamijm95: use purge to remove the configs too11:37
oCean_w_: there's no need for that in this channel. Please stop11:37
theadminw_: Many preffer KDE, but I agree with you. It's buggy.11:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:37
bazhanglets take the DE chat to #ubuntu-offtopic11:37
oCean_!software | jm95, read here on how to manage your software:11:37
ubottujm95, read here on how to manage your software:: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents11:37
ubottuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot11:37
mickster04how do i connect to a wpa wireless network with no gui11:38
jm95i will take a look thx11:38
guntbertjm95: sudo apt-get remove <package-name>11:38
jamimickster04: iwconfig11:38
myzoneztheadmin, oh thanks. And I want to upgrade my 9.04 to karmic koala.....and I want to use KDE. but I think I read somewhere that its recommended to update everything using the update manager and then go for the system upgrade. is it true?11:38
theadminmyzonez: Well, yes, it is11:38
mickster04jami, well it doesnt seem to be connecting....can u give me a more detailed responce?11:39
AndorinSo it looks like every time I log out, my Visuals preferences get reset from Normal to None. What do I do about this?11:39
AndorinVisual Effects, rather.11:40
MASARUwotaAndorin: set compiz to start automaticly11:40
hipitihopMy BT keyboard / mouse woks for a while and then drops out. I have to re-insert dongle and sometimes re-pair to get it back, where do I look to see why this is happening ?11:40
MASARUwotaAndorin: add 'compiz --replace' to autostart11:41
jamimickster04: the manpage will give you detailed responce. man ifconfig, iwup, iwdown.11:41
myzoneztheadmin: oh. So I guess i'll install KDE after the upgrade. But the peculiar thing is, I can't find 'KDE' in my synaptic manager...though I can use the apt-get stuff, I notice that a lot of things are missing...I was using ubuntu before and I had to format my computer....I installed this again from the very same cd. Any idea what's wrong? I think canonical withdrew the support for jaunty11:41
AndorinMASARUwota: K11:41
theadminmyzones: That is called "kubuntu-desktop", not "KDE" by now11:41
myzoneztheadmin, and Kubuntu is an entirely different thing? I mean I can'11:42
myzoneztheadmin, can I have gnome and Kde together? (although its not very useful to do so.)11:42
=== kruzenbek is now known as Guest31953
theadminmyzonez: It's not different, it's the same except the fact that it uses KDE over GNOME. And yes, you can.11:42
_nmapDoes anyone knows a software to see if my fingerprint reader is instaled properly?11:42
hipitihop_nmap, is it usb attached ?11:43
_nmaphipitihop, yes11:43
mike_kis it possible to set up a wubi install without being in windows?11:43
myzoneztheadmin, and its better if u use either kde or gnome?11:43
myzoneztheadmin, and not both?11:43
theadminCan anyone tell me of a normal CLI text editor? Neither emacs nor other stuff makes sense11:43
hipitihop_nmap, so what do you get from "lsusb"11:43
theadminmyzonez: Well, if you wanna save space, otherwise no11:43
Guest26848guntbert: still can't find it11:43
jamitheadmin: vim11:43
mike_kwindows freezes within minutes of starting up11:43
theadminjami: Will try in a sec11:44
hipitihoptheadmin, nano11:44
mike_klive cd lunix doesnt, so im suspecting its a hard drive issue11:44
amikropHello, recently, the a button, when I press it, writes down something like adsf and lowers the volume.11:44
amikropIs that a recent bug?11:44
amikrop"a" button11:44
theadminhipitihop: Hey, thanks, this is very simple, just what I need :D11:44
woru2anyone knows a software to make e-cards in linux?11:44
hipitihopamikrop, sounds more like a stuck gummey key on your keyboard11:44
myzoneztheadmin, And KDE stands for K development environment. And there's no way to run amarok on gnome?11:45
zfxpulse audio better than alsa or both same?11:45
jamitheadmin: editors like nano have nearly no features11:45
_nmaphipitihop, humm the hardware is listed on lsusb response..11:45
oCean_amikrop: i agree with hipitihop must be defected keyboard11:45
guntbertGuest26848: strange - I could install it fine (but I'm on 64bit) - what happens when you type sudo aptitude install lib32v4<tab> ?11:45
theadminmyzonez: Why there is, just install it, it will also get some KDE libraries but it will run on GNOME just fine11:45
zfxpulse audio better than alsa or both same?11:46
colde89ist there another ftp-programm then krusader? Krusader still down`t rememger paswords.11:46
woru2anyone knows a software to make e-cards?11:46
theadmincolde89: Try FireFTP firefox addon or Nautilus11:46
mickster04jami iwup nor iwdown are found:/ an iwconfig man page refer to wep not wpa:/11:46
Guest26848guntbert: it write:bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'11:46
myzoneztheadmin, Thanks.....does KDE look better? :)11:46
oCean_guntbert: I really don't know why it's not in the repos. It *is* on LP: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libv4l/0.6.0-1/+build/112615611:46
QPrimejami: nano no features? really?  simplicity is a feature ;)11:47
theadminmyzonez: Well, yes, it does a bit... altough GNOME+Compiz+Those awesome desktop effects is better then KDE11:47
mike_kis there a live cd i can set up with tests nvidia 3d hardware acceleration?11:47
GG19 edit the resolution of my video? I recorded my desktop with gtk-recordmydesktop but I want to save the video at maybe 50% the size.11:47
oCean_Guest26848: nono, <tab> means *press* the <tab>key11:47
GG19anyone know of a good vieo editer to do that?11:47
guntbertGuest26848: ah - with <tab> I mean press the tab-key11:48
guntbertoCean_: I'm certain it *is* in the repos11:48
myzoneztheadmin, well, compiz won't work on mine....no graphics card, and a really problematic VIA onboard11:48
AndorinMASARUwota: I added compiz --replace to the startup applications, but it didn't run when I logged in.11:48
theadminmyzonez: Don't go with KDE then, it's quite... hungry on video cards11:48
hipitihop_nmap, ok, what line lsits your device ?11:48
oCean_guntbert: yep, just not the i386 build.11:49
myzoneztheadmin, Thank god u said that. My system would have crashed or something!!! Even the display goes crappy on Gnome sometimes...and the worst part is, there's no official drivers for my chipset....so its either Vesa or the openchrom drivers....and both doesn't support 3-d drawing11:49
barfAnyone here with experience in running linux on embedded devices?11:50
hipitihop_nmap, still there ?11:50
_nmaphipitihop, Bus 003 Device 002: ID 00ff:5731 Authentec, Inc. AES3500 Trueprint Sensor11:50
hipitihopbarf, not sure what you are after but I am running firmware by other people on a couple of devices11:51
jamiQPrime: touche. But features like :%s/^\t*/    /g or :/find or :set bg=dark ^^ are great and i never wanne edit without them11:51
barfPhysical housing: Samsung SyncMaster 400PXn, CPU: AMD Dual Core 3500 (1.8GHz), GPU: ATI XL1200 chip shared memory, Storage: 4GB / 512MB DDR-2 RAM, Motherboard: ? It’s embedded11:51
_nmaphipitihop, i think is that line11:51
abuhi i installed ubuntu9.10 and 9.04 but 9.04 is not working properly from morning plz help me how to repair that11:51
Guest26848guntbert: it wroteCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "lib32v4"11:51
amikrophipitihop: how can I fix it? it showed up yesterday first time11:51
hipitihop_nmap, the important information is 00ff:5731 you may want to google that along with ubuntu... the lsusb atleast tells you that your system can see the device plugged in11:52
theadminmyzonez: KDE is way hungry actually... If you wanna something productive go with XFCE it's really fast. Altough, GNOME is medium and if it works fine, keep that11:52
abuhi i installed ubuntu9.10 and 9.04 but 9.04 is not working properly from morning plz help me how to repair that11:52
abuany one help me11:53
GG19I watched this youtube video of someones Ubuntu setup and I seen some kind of animation of fire under his mouse and it had a trail effect when he moved it does anyone know what that program might be?11:53
theadminabu: Don't repeat, that's first. Next, please give more details. What do you get? Any errors or such?11:53
=== ubuntu__ is now known as paulus
QPrimejami: I hear ya... but I'd say that most people in #ubuntu are just looking for a (fairly) simple editor cli based editor to muck with config files.  nano usually fits the bill pretty well (or joe if you're feeling freaky)11:53
paulusLast week I upgraded my desktop to Karmic Koala11:54
paulusfor some reason my NIC is no longer working11:54
abuin 9.04 blink the desktop11:55
abuwhat i do11:55
zacardany1 got problem with grub2 after running windows ?-_-11:55
guntbertGuest26848: that is really strange - ah wait11:55
theadminabu: it seems your X server is broken.11:55
paulusthe driver is loaded, and ethtool sees the device but says 'no link detected'11:55
abuhow i repaire11:55
jamipaulus: did you overwriting some configs during upgrade11:55
ArabusQPrime: I would vouch for vi instead, since most of its usage reappears in many unix applications11:56
amikropoCean_: And what can I do to fix that keyboard problem? It just showed up yesterday first time, while I have the Ubuntu installation for years.11:56
guntbertGuest26848: you said you are on 32bit architecture?11:56
paulusit's a Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX (rev 02)11:56
jamiArabus: vi is a very very painful tool11:56
theadminabu: I'm not sure. Try booting into the recovery mode and then running the "Repair graphical problems" from the menu that appears11:56
hipitihop_nmap, do you know what model it is ?11:56
abui have already tried11:57
hipitihopamikrop, sorry, I think I may be answering too many people and lost track ;-)11:57
meowbuntutheadmin, what are the commands to repair graphical problems  ?????11:57
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP
QPrimeArabus: fair enough.  don't wanna start an editor fire-fight. nano seems to sit well with most casual users.11:57
theadminmeowbuntu: Uh, it was in 9.04, they seemed to remove it in 9.10. Was in menu... uh... xfix or fixx or something11:57
Guest26848guntbert:i think so11:57
jamimeowbuntu: check your X11 log!!!em11:58
_nmaphipitihop, is this one here: http://www.apc.com/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=biopod-ec&tab=features11:58
guntbertGuest26848: then you will need libv4l-0 - please try it11:58
meowbuntujami, how to do that11:58
paulusI've netbooted into kubuntu with  a 2.6.27-7 kernel11:58
Guest26848guntbert:cose skype fork only when i instal 32 version11:58
paulusand here the NIC works fine11:58
meowbuntupaulus, join #kubuntu11:58
paulusI don't have a problem with kubuntu11:59
paulusI've netbooted into kubuntu because ubuntu has a problem with the nic11:59
guntbert!enter | paulus11:59
ubottupaulus: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:59
hipitihop_nmap, any other devices listed by lsusb that might be the one ?11:59
meowbuntupaulus, #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions #kubuntu is the kubuntu support channel11:59
jamimeowbuntu: tail -n 200 /var/log/Xorg.0.log     look for errors11:59
oCean_guntbert: that would be the 0.5.9. - at least that's what's on LP12:00
sam__anyone know how I can use sed to grab a load of txt files and dump them in a seperate folder? find . -name \*.txt -exec sed??? {} /again \;12:00
paulusI know, I'm trying to get support for ubuntu - kubuntu is running fine thankyou but my system is an ubuntu box12:00
guntbertoCean_: for karmic it should be
jribsam__: why sed?12:01
oCean_guntbert: just noticed the naming difference on LP too ... :/12:01
sam__or any other tool, sed was suggested here yesterday12:01
_nmaphipitihop, The is a Elan Microeletronics Corp. I dont know what is this... Any other devices listed i know what is... sry for my bad english12:01
jribsam__: why not « cp » ?12:02
AndorinSo guys... I added compiz --replace to my startup applications so that it runs when I log in. (Somehow I guess it got turned off.) But it still doesn't run on login. Why?12:02
sam__OK how do I make the output of cp dump files in a folder?12:02
jribAndorin: the proper way is to use System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Desktop Effects12:03
jribsam__: cp copies files.  Tell it to copy the file « find » found to /again.12:03
Andorinjrib: I know. But the Visual Effects are getting reset to None every time I log in.12:03
jribAndorin: does it happen with a new user?12:03
qualitangubuntu 8.10, network manager won't automatically reconnect to wireless network after a router reboot. Any ideas?..12:04
jribsam__: if you need a -exec example to work from, check "man find"12:04
Andorinjrib: I'd have to create another account to find out, but off the top of my head, I doubt it will.12:04
geekyogiI just broke the key 'u' on my keyboard... any app to map the key with other key like ctrl...???12:04
jribAndorin: then create another account so you can find out...12:04
jamiqualitang: give your a few min to boot12:04
jribgeekyogi: you can probably use xmodmap12:04
sam__sudo find . -name \*.txt -exec cp {} /folder \;12:05
sam__ does not seem to create the directory 'folder'12:05
mark__0hi, is there a way to make 'top' just dump out the process list once without refreshing?12:05
jribsam__: create it...12:05
jamiqualitang: give your rooter a few min to boot i mean12:05
geekyogik.. will try tat.. :) thanks..12:05
paulusSo I had upgrade to karmic with a 2.6.31 kernel, and the NIC worked OK until this morning12:05
jribmark__0: maybe you want "-b" ?12:05
sam__$ mkdir folder12:05
sam__sam@sam-laptop:~/span/Onespace site data$ sudo find . -name \*.txt -exec cp {} /folder \;12:05
sam__sam@sam-laptop:~/span/Onespace site data$ cd fol12:05
sam__bash: cd: fol: No such file or directory12:05
sam__sam@sam-laptop:~/span/Onespace site data$ cd folder/12:05
FloodBot4sam__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:05
sam__sam@sam-laptop:~/span/Onespace site data/folder$ ls12:05
theadminCan anyone tell why netstat gives a buncha weird lines starting with "unix" at the end of list? That's not even a protocol12:06
=== Sleeping_Thing is now known as The_Thing
sam__jrib, http://pastebin.ca/175731912:06
jamitheadmin: that might be system sockets12:06
paulusThe b44 module is still loaded, and the device shows up in the messsages, but not in the ifconfig output12:06
theadminjami: Ah, makes sense. Thanks12:06
jribsam__: first of all, why are you using sudo?  You copied the files to /folder, not ~/.../folder12:06
Andorinjrib: No.12:07
jribAndorin: it works fine on a new account?12:07
qualitangjami: no matter how long i wait, the network manager will just sit there, waiting for me to confirm the WEP key, i just have to press OK and it will reconnect, won't do it automatically, even though it already has the key...12:07
Andorinjrib: Yeah.12:07
iflemamark__0 top -d 10 would refresh every 10 sec12:07
sam__without sudo; cp: cannot create regular file `/folder': Permission denied12:07
jribsam__: because "/folder" is not the same as "~/.../folder"12:08
jamiqualitang: you have to save your password12:08
jribsam__: /folder is an absolute path.12:08
AsadI am getting this error while trying to install virtualbox non-free: http://pastebin.com/d2c1b219b  :s12:09
qualitangjami: password is saved, it just waits for me to press OK to reconnect, i don't have to put the password in again..12:09
theadminsam__: Yeah, for a relative path use, like, ./folder12:10
theadmin(I guess)12:10
jamiqualitang: a mom i got that behaviour on my own12:10
sam__OK working now, thanks all12:10
jribAndorin: well now we're sure it's a configuration issue.  First, get rid of that startup command you added.  I believe Desktop Effects uses gconf, so check your permissions on gconf.  Do you know how to do this?12:10
Andorinjrib: Sure, hold on12:11
jamiqualitang: but after a fail connection the NM works again12:11
tishamme1what is the policy to set CLASSPATH systemwide?12:11
jribtishamme1: /etc/environment is probably best12:11
Andorinjrib: Actually, the "checking permissions w/ gconf" bit is new to me.12:12
jribtishamme1: or maybe /etc/profile12:12
ubuntu_i need some help12:12
tishamme1jrib: ok. is there a policy about what dir i should put there? meaning: where is the dir for jar extensions? where does ubuntu packages install java ext libraries?12:12
livingdaylighthow do i reduce a jpg in size as in mb size. For eg. from 5mb to 4mb12:12
jribAndorin: find ~/.gconf ~/.config ! -user $USER      should be a start12:12
jribtishamme1: oh, that.  I don't know12:13
ubuntu_im soooo f#$%%12:13
tishamme1jrib: ok thanks12:13
qualitangjami: this kinda describes my problem better.. http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1244552.html12:13
jribtishamme1: dpkg -L will list paths a package installed if that helps12:13
Andorinjrib: No output.12:13
ubuntu_i accidentally erased the drive (thanks to my 2 year old niece pushing buttons) that had ubuntu on it12:14
jribAndorin: alright, guess we have to figure out how exactly Desktop Effects stores the setting12:15
blackest_knightAnyone willing to allow an ssh login ?12:15
tishamme1ubuntu_: will a monkey randomly typing on a keyboard type "sudo rm -rf /" ?12:15
jribblackest_knight: no, don't ask for that here.  There are plenty of shell providers on google12:15
DJones!danger | tishamme112:16
ubottutishamme1: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!12:16
ubuntu_now im getting error 1712:16
jribwon't work anyway12:16
ubuntu_nah i was in winxp12:16
tishamme1DJones: i know, i was answering to ubuntu_'s issue with his niece12:16
DJonesjrib: Ah yes, I see now, its wrong way round12:16
screen-xubottu: calm down, its not that bad, everyone does backups...12:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:16
iflemaAsad http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=884412:16
blackest_knightit seems ireland and china have something in common these days12:16
jribDJones: nah, rm now needs --no-preserve-root12:16
tishamme1jrib: ahahah, didn't know that12:17
DJonesjrib: INteresting to know that, hadn't heard of that12:17
jribVELENOSO_: stop doing that please12:17
jm95i have had a look i am trying to setup ktorrent 3.3.3 yet i cant install via terminal12:17
iflemaAsad @ the bottom12:17
jamiqualitang: yes thats my problem too!12:18
hipitihop_nmap, don't worry about your English. Nut you will need to understand the real manufacturer of your device and then you should be able to find if there is a driver available for it12:18
LjLVELENOSO_: don't do that please12:18
Andorinjrib: Alrighty, I'm fine with that.12:18
=== tishamme1 is now known as tishammer
jribAndorin: I think there's a key for the window manager gnome uses in gconf.  You should be able to find it if you search for "compiz" or "metacity" in key values (I don't have desktop effects).  See if that's what gets changed when you toggle the setting in the gui.  Also someone in #compiz might just know12:19
qualitangjami: lol.. gotta find somethin to fix it!.. wonder is there a script you could run to check network staus and connect if disconnected.. or another network manager?12:19
Armageddonhow do I make a user a sudoer ?12:19
jribArmageddon: add him/her to the admin group12:20
Armageddonjrib, thanks12:20
hipitihop_nmap, this might also help: do "sudo mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb" and then "sudo cat /proc/bus/usb/devices" you should be able to find the same device id's but also now see what driver is laoded if any.12:21
barfAnyone got a clue on how to run Ubuntu on this: http://pastebin.com/f26e6cc0812:21
barfBIOS: insyde software scu12:21
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jrib!es | sapastra12:22
ubottusapastra: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:22
sapastracojonudo jejeje12:22
hipitihop_nmap, that is all I can help with at the moment. Once you know what the real manufacturer is then you will be able to see what driver you need and if it is loaded.12:22
hslcZfGzV8abrubottu: Hi12:22
uj0vqJubottu: Hi12:22
bVeoC3uHq28Mr2Tqubottu: Hi12:22
d4PlSpDubottu: Hi12:22
rWdY01iIVHilRZwubottu: Hi12:22
tishammeroh my god12:22
hipitihop_nmap, good luck.12:23
Quan-Timeoh.. WOW12:23
jenkinbr#freenode needs a few of those FloodBot*s12:24
amikrophipitihop: I have the problem with pressing "a" and getting "afsd" and lower sound volume (I think only when VLC or YouTube is open)...12:24
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.12:25
amikrophipitihop: I have the problem with pressing "a" and getting "afsd" and lower sound volume (I think only when VLC or YouTube is open)...12:25
The_Thing>.> These spammers need to get a life.12:26
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.12:26
SkyNetMasterhi, has alsa-lib been removed from apt?12:26
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions12:26
hipitihopamikrop, aah, the potential keyboard problem. Do you have another keyboard you can plug in and test ?12:27
WoodsWoods jones- SkyNetMaster Surion yofel_ epinky beli Grim76__ bening OerHeks cannonball Khady Awak3 Supersaiyan_IV xiong reprore_ asolsson BinaryMan Krappi x2o marcelobernard kaiserleo12:28
WoodsBikerTim igge livingdaylight ubuntu_ tishammer ftn LordBurrito blacksands Andorin billybigrigger inadream traveller Sergeant_Pony qualitang r4ban hfsdo feisar AmokPaule KenSentMe sam__12:28
amikrophipitihop: no12:28
amikrophipitihop: I never had this problem until yesterday12:28
jm95can anyone provide guidance on how to install ktorrent 3.3.3 please12:28
amikropjm95: sudo apt-get install ktorrent12:29
sandeepcan i boot a system with .iso file ?12:29
=== sandeep is now known as Guest1530
jm95what version does that install please amikrop12:29
GG19im having trouble with cairo dock12:31
GG19I get a black box around it and its all glitchy12:31
jm95amikrop: is that the 3.3.3 version12:32
AshishMalikwhen i try to run nautilus in fluxbox (ubuntu), desktop icon appears, desktop background is set to the that i have in gnome, and i can't access the applications by right clicking on the desktop. Any help ?12:32
amikropjm95: I am not sure12:32
amikropjm95: try and see ;)12:33
underdevi have added a ppa and checked "apt-cache policy", and i see it at the top of the version table.  Now if i "apt-get install" the package, will the ppa version (latest and greatest) be installed, or do i have to specify it in some way?12:33
amikrophipitihop: do you have any ideas? :)12:33
underdevie, can i tell apt that i want to prefer files from the ppa?12:33
pjotrAshishMalik: nautilus --no-desktop12:34
Dr_Willisthe ppa versions always seem to take presidence here underdev12:34
underdevokay, thanks.  I'M GOING FOR IT :)12:35
Guest1530i have a .iso setup in external drive, how can i boot a pc without writing this iso on cd12:35
jm95amikrop: its only an old version12:36
Dr_WillisGuest1530:  you can set up grub2 to boot a iso file - depending on the disrto On the iso file12:36
DJonesGuest1530: To install ubunutu from an iso?12:36
underdevDr_Willis: ty, yes it prefered the newer packages in the PPA12:37
underdevappreciate your help12:37
Dr_WillisGuest1530:  you can install grub2 to the external drive and make a proper grub.cfg to boot the iso file12:37
GG19okay bigger problem i cant even close the cairo dock now I tell it to exit and it reopens12:37
obiwan_maybe there's a daemon relaunching it12:37
Guest1530Dr_willis: need some more explanation12:37
jamiGuest1530: tried unetbootin?12:37
Dr_Willis!grub2 | Guest153012:38
ubottuGuest1530: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:38
Dr_WillisGuest1530:  also see my list of links at http://delicious.com/dr_willis under the grub2 tags12:38
=== ss4 is now known as Supersaiyan_IV
AshishMalikhow do i get to know how many packets or bytes of data is outgoing and incoming in my ubuntu ? Plzz help  . .12:38
Dr_WillisGuest1530:  prioberly easier to use unetbootin and a spare flash drive to make a bootable 'installer flash ddrive'12:38
hipitihopamikrop, the only idea I have is that it sounds like a broken or dirty keyboard with one or more of the keys sticking.12:39
Dr_WillisAshishMalik:  thers various network monitor tools. conky can do it, as can gkrellem and proberly a dozen others if you want 'realtime' status. If you want in depth analisys - theres ntop12:39
DJonesGuest1530: If you've got a usb key and your machine is capeable of booting from usb in the bios settings, you could create a bootable usb key and install from that12:40
amikrophipitihop: it is a laptop keyboard, so, I shouldn't remove any keys for cleaning, right?12:40
DJones!usb | Guest153012:40
ubottuGuest1530: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:40
Dr_Willisamikrop:  i find that laptop keys normally dont pop off.12:40
Dr_Willisamikrop:  at least not in the same ways that many desktop keyboards do -  :)12:40
hipitihopamikrop, so you need to eliminate that possibility. One way is to plug in another keyboard. If it works, then you know it is your keyboard. If the problem persists then we would have to look elsewhere. since you do not have naother one, then the only other thing I can think of is to try and clean the keybaord and make sure there is nothing stuck between keys etc.12:41
hipitihopamikrop, I am not a hardware person so I have no idea about laptop keyboards so yes I would advise caution removing anything. A lot of keyboards are usb these days, a frined have one you can borrow ?12:43
sravanWill "sed -i -e '97d' /home/sravan/Desktop/file.txt"  comment out 97th line in that file or remove that line of the file ?12:43
sravanSorry for asking a question which is not topic of this channel12:43
Dr_WillisI though the 'd' option in sed deleted..12:44
Dr_Willissravan:  make a backup iof the file and try it and see what it does. :)12:44
hipitihopamikrop, if you really suspect software as the problem, then why don't you boot it from a live-cd12:44
amikrophipitihop, Dr_Willis: OK, thank you, I 'll try what you both suggested.12:45
JonathanEllisI have a question about Google Chrome. I cant find any info on the Smart Bookmarks button. The folder just stays empty and there is an "Other Bookmarks" button which has all my bookmarks in it. What is Smart Bookmarks for?12:46
qualitangJami: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32028212:46
hipitihopamikrop, good luck.12:46
David12841hey, anyone knows a good audio player where i can select music from folders instead of albums/artists?12:46
JonathanEllisDavid12841: I think Amarok might do what you want12:47
Dr_WillisDavid12841:  most of them ive seen can do that..  Or just drag/drop the whole folder to the player and it makes a playlist for that directory12:47
jamiqualitang: a heartbeat simulated by a ping =)12:48
David12841i tried banshee, rythmbox and listen and they cant handle it Dr_Willis12:48
David12841i'll try amarok JonathanEllis12:48
Dr_Willisor you are overlooking how it does it.  But i tend to just use audacious.12:48
qualitangjami: lol12:49
qualitangjami: havn't got time to try it now..12:49
yamahaDr_Willis; have a nice day.12:49
mercutio22David12841: in Rhythmbox you can create a playlist with files from a particular folder12:49
qualitangjami: will try in a few days.... exams are upon me...!12:49
arandDavid12841: I like gmusicbrowser for that very purpose12:50
jveHi all, I have got a weird problem. When i play audio the sound is crackling but if i open the puse volume control (pavucontrol) the crackling stops and as long as i have the control window open the audio sounds fine. If i close the volume control the audio starts crackling again.12:50
arandDavid12841: I also know decibel is a very simplistic one that does just that12:50
David12841its not what i need mercutio22, i have a huge collection of classical music, and a lot of it doesnt have an artist/album labelling that works12:50
jamiqualitang: Thats nice and will work because it will restart the nm. But what did it do when there is no network attached12:50
Dr_WillisI just drag/drop a directory to Rythmbox;s playlist and it adds the files from the directory..12:51
AshishMalikexaile music player does not show lyrics when i play a song. How do i do it ?12:51
mercutio22David12841: as I said, you can create the playlist containing the files from a folder, irrespective of metadata quality.12:51
* Dr_Willis seconds what mercutio22 says12:51
qualitangjami: haven't tried it yet...12:51
jamiqualitang: don't forget to test that point :)12:52
=== ardchoille is now known as Guest14671
plitterdoes anyone have fulltilt poker working on ubuntu 9.10?12:52
Dr_Willisplitter:  is that a windows game? or what12:53
misterBanybody know of a free VPN service that works with Ubunut?12:53
qualitangjami: will do! cheers man...!12:53
jamimisterB: openvpn?12:53
plitterDr_Willis: its a windows game, installed it with wine, but it didnt start....12:54
misterBjami: Yeah, but problem is I need to know if there's a free service available out there that uses openvpn12:54
slumber_how i get permission to handle partitions on partition manager?12:54
jamiplitter: did you check the compatibility on winehq.org?12:55
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:55
jamimisterB: In most cases your company has the other end X)12:55
David12841mercutio22: is it possible to have a list of al my cd's as a collection of folders in rythmbox?12:56
Dr_Willis_Hmm.. i think i enabled my free vpn and got hung up. :)12:56
misterBjami: yeah, I know. Here's the situation. I'm in a country blocking facebook among other sites, and trying to get access.12:56
AshishMalikHey guys, My EXAILE PLayer is not showing lyrics after i play a song. Can u help me ?????12:56
mercutio22David12841: no, I see what you mean12:56
slumber_ow i get permission to handle partitions on partition manager?12:56
MyrttiAshishMalik: there is a plugin you can install12:57
sash_slumber_: gksu12:57
Dr_Willis_slumber_:  run the partion manager as root.12:57
jamimisterB: what?12:57
AshishMalikMyrtti: I enabled it, still no success12:57
chris|AshishMalik, try #exaile12:57
mercutio22David12841: indeed that would be a cool feature to have to mass-solve the metadata problem.12:57
David12841arand decibel doesn't work from the repositories12:57
plitterjami: it seems like it is compatible for the latest version of winehq, going to try to install it and see12:58
David12841i know amarok did have it mercutio2212:58
misterBjami: hotspotshield works for windows, but I can't find anything analogous to hotspotshield for linux12:58
David12841i'm installing it now to check if it still does have that feature12:58
jamimisterB: isn't that a firewall tool?12:59
jribmisterB: there are lots of free (or really cheap) shell providers that you could use12:59
knxvilleIs there a command to move files named for example: number1, number2, number3.. so it's like "mv number1+2+3+4+5+6 ./numbers" ?!12:59
mjrosenbhey, i seem to be unable to upgrade this laptop from intrepid12:59
mjrosenbanyone have any ideas?12:59
mercutio22David12841: alright.. tell me what you find out12:59
misterBjrib: care to point me in any sort of direction?12:59
geojanmhi.. i try to view a wmv video in openoffice but there is always a "?"... converting with vlc oder handbrake does not work, any ideas?13:00
geojanmbut playing with vlc is ok13:00
misterBjami: hotspotshield is free VPN service13:00
jamimisterB: ah ok :) mixed it up with hotspotshield . com13:01
David12841it still does have that feature mercutio22, i can make you a screenshot if you want13:01
David12841but amaroks interface is ugly :s13:01
jamithe new one13:01
jamiyes it's ugly13:02
David12841i want a gnome interface for amarok :p13:02
jamibuild one13:02
EmryAre there any special instructions to follow with the 9.10 Netbook remix under vista? For some reason it lets me select the thumb drive and select an amount of reserved space, but does not let me click the Make Startup Disk Button.13:03
hipitihopare there any bt hardware diagnostics I can run for my dongle/keyboard/mouse13:03
sheneryHi guys really new to Ubuntu and ive got all my stuff working accept my graphtech plotter13:03
arandEmry: I think you might have to reformat the usb..13:04
hipitihopalternatively what log can I monitor from the bluetooth stack to diagnose periodic keyboard/mouse drop out13:04
mjrosenbnobody knows why i would be unable to upgrade from intrepid to *anything* newer?13:04
pjotrknxville: mv number?13:04
shenerythere is a tutorial online but i can seem to get it working13:04
Emryarand, :-) Reformatting now. ^_^  Fat32 is ok?13:04
shenerythis is the webpage i fond with the driver http://vidar.gimp.org/graphtecprint/13:05
arandEmry: hmm, might work, although I'm not sure what the usb creator will use in the end..13:06
Johnny_425ubuntu 9.10 won't remember my network settings13:07
Audiblequick question13:08
Audiblethe ubuntu installer13:08
Audibleand partitioner13:08
choonmingcan someone point me how to create a legend box in dia?13:08
Audibledoes it resize the partition, or does it repartition it ( so you have to reinstall windows if you make an additional ubuntu partition )13:08
Johnny_425It resizes the partition13:08
noXandOsSo I am comfortable enough to stop running Ubuntu via virtualbox and actually install it on my pc. Is there a certain way I need to remove it or can I just uninstall virtualbox?13:09
knxvillepjotr: im aware of the command to move a single file, but if I want to move like 100 files, starting from file1 -> file 100.13:09
AudibleJohnnny : so it doesnt delete Windows partition if i choose to install it ?13:09
DJonesAudible: It will do either depending on what you ask, if you're resizing though, its always worth making a backup beforehand in case something goes wrong13:09
arandAudible: depends on what you choose, default is resize and create a new ubuntu alongside13:09
Audibleokey, and keep the windows with a smaller side?13:09
knxvillenoXandOs, What do you mean?13:09
Johnny_425If you don't choose to install it on the whole disk13:09
choonmingcan someone point me how to create a legend box in dia?13:10
Johnny_425Audible: If you don't choose to install it on the whole disk13:10
arandAudible: yes, it should be clear what it's doing from the installer screen.13:10
knxvillenoXandOs, you can just uninstall virtual box, and install ubuntu on your partition.13:10
timwoodGood morning13:10
pjotrknxville, mv number*13:10
zvacetAudible: it can resize or delete,create new ones depends what do you want to do13:10
noXandOsi am gonna try to go 7 days without using windows13:11
timwoodCan someone help me figure out why a ssh fingerprint from a server might have changed.13:11
knxvillepjotr: thanks... so it's just the "filename*" the * indicating everything starting with filename?13:11
Johnny_425GOOD BYE13:11
AudiblenoXandOs : depending on what programs you run everyday, you'll be happy13:11
noXandOsi dont do anything special13:11
Audibleif its watching porn and reading email then linux is the right for you13:12
sipiortimwood: installation of a new operating system is a common culprit.13:12
noXandOsive just never felt helpless in front of a computer before in my life13:12
timwoodAs far as I can tell, the public key has not changed.  Only things that changed between when I last connected was an update of openssl was applied.13:12
knxvillenoXandOs, It's really easy... Just use this forum or google.. It find it much easier to get help as a linux user than a windows user.13:12
noXandOsit kinda sucks13:12
zvacetnoXandOs:  why do you use windows13:12
noXandOsbecause it came with my pc13:12
brijithGuys help needed. I was having dual boot Xp and ubuntu. What happened is when I removed Xp I lost the boot loaded how can I restore, I have ubuntu9.10 install CD with me13:12
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timwoodsipior: are you aware of any tests I can run or things I can check to see why the fingerprint changed?  I've checked and there is no man in the middle involved.13:12
mjrosenbcan anyone think of any reason that a machine running intrepid would not want to upgrade?13:13
arandbrijith: did you fresh install ubuntu, (not upgrade from 9.04?)13:13
zvacetnoXandOs: good point  ;)  you will get used to Ubuntu just give it some tome13:13
noXandOsi like ubuntu but the file system scares me13:13
brijitharand:no it was there when I removed Xp13:13
sipiortimwood: check the timestamps on the host keys in /etc/ssh13:14
noXandOsi know what my old man feels like when he is sitting in front of a compter13:14
arandbrijith: yes but initially when you installed ubuntu, did you install 9.10?13:14
zvacetnoXandOs:  nothing to be scared of just one step at the tome what you don't know just ask here or on forums13:14
timwoodsipior: I did via a regular ls -lrt command.  Could you give me some better commands to run to check timestamps?13:14
arandbrijith: ok, then the bootloader will be grub2.13:15
brijitharand: sorry it is not 9.10 it ts 9.0413:15
sipiortimwood: ls -l is perfectly fine :-)13:15
llutztimwood: stat /etc/ssh/ssh_host*13:15
brijitharand:but the CD I ahve with me now is 9.1013:15
timwoodsipior: ls -l showed last modified months ago.13:15
arandbrijith: ah, then it will be "grub-legacy" Then13:15
timwoodllutz: I will try stat13:15
EmryIf the USB drive is too large, will it ignore it? :/13:15
timwoodAny other ideas before I head down to server room, as I cannot safely connect to the machine via ssh.13:16
sipiortimwood: i think you're making a bit much out of this, frankly.13:16
brijitharand:can I recover  using  ubunt u9.10 install CD13:17
sipiortimwood: are you the only one responsible for this machine?13:17
timwoodreally?  How can I trust my server's identity if it's ssh key fingerprint has changed.13:17
timwoodsipior: yes.13:17
arandbrijith: so from the liveCD you'll first have to install grub ("legacy"), look in synaptic for the package named "grub" it should be version ~0.97 or something, and install that (this will remove the grub-pc package, which is as it should be)13:17
timwoodI'm considering having our CIRT have a look at it just in case.13:17
jribtimwood: there was update maybe a year ago that changed keys because they weren't safe, but the update made it clear that it was going to do so13:17
timwoodjrib: got link or update number?  I'll search in the meantime.13:18
timwoodby the way this is a Ubuntu 9.04 server.13:18
brijitharand:u says I have to go live on 9.10 and install grub13:19
jribtimwood: if you run updates regularly then it shouldn't be it.  Googling something like "debian ssh fiasco" should get you info about what I'm referring to13:19
timwoodthanks jrib13:19
brijitharand:will it get installed in the already existing ubuntu installation13:19
timwoodI do run updates regularly and this server hasn't been installed for very long to begin with.  Sometime late last year.13:20
timwoodjust before 9.10 came out.13:20
arandbrijith: yes, boot into the liveCD, and then downgrade the temporary version used there from grub2->grub-legacy according to instructions above, no this will only apply to the liveCD temporary environment, but we need that to be able to restore it to the disk in the next step13:20
llutztimwood: then it shouldn't be affected by that key-change13:21
DraccyAlrighty. I've upgraded to Karmic and I'd like my old GDM setup back. What do I do?13:21
brijitharand:oky tell me the steps I will not it down and try it13:21
blinkizHi. I need to find a string in many files. '</div></span></span>' is the string. grep -R '</div></span></span>' ./* did not work. Any suggestion how to solve this?13:21
timwoodSo theoretically someone might have gotten "root" on my machine and changed the keys and covered their tracks with regard to timestamps?13:21
sipiortimwood: unlikely, but possible, i suppose. have you reinstalled the openssh package at any time recently?13:22
arandbrijith: http://pastebin.com/m6360b19a (quoting myself)13:23
timwoodI'll double check on the openssh package, but I don't think so.  I just run the standard updates from ubuntu.13:23
biczis it possible to delay programs @ startup?13:23
jribbicz: like?13:24
brijitharand:oky that will install the grub in to the live environment. what I have to do next13:24
biczjrib: i have xchat and emesene in "system-preferences-startup" and i would like to delay them13:25
oistopthatdelay or stop on startup bicz13:25
jribbicz: create a shell script and have it "sleep N" where N is the number of seconds, before starting your application13:25
timwoodthanks jrib, llutz and sipior for the advice.13:25
arandbrijith: It'd be good if you could join the chat here from the liveCD, but I could link you to a page of instructions.13:26
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mjrosenbis ubuntu supposed to add repositories other than intrepid at any point in time?13:26
David12841btw, is there a possibility that i can introduce a volume control button on the taskbar? there is one in the system tray (ubuntu 9.10) but i dont think its very easy to use13:26
masachosaHi boys, who is founder of Ubuntu Linux, or Cannonical?13:26
jribmjrosenb: what does that mean?  What are you trying to accomplish?13:27
Pici!sabdfl | masachosa13:27
ubottumasachosa: Mark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com13:27
biczjrib: ok thanks u think it will work if in the commannd line i put " sleep 10 xchat " ?13:27
mjrosenbjrib: i am attempting to upgrade from intrepid to *anything* newer13:27
jribbicz: no, and what command line are you takling about?13:27
masachosaubottu cosmonaut? :-) Ok, thanks you.13:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:27
jribmjrosenb: jaunty and karmic are both available13:27
mjrosenbjrib: and nothing seems to know about any newer repositories or package manager13:27
mjrosenbjrib: i know13:27
jrib!upgrade > mjrosenb13:28
ubottumjrosenb, please see my private message13:28
biczthe GUI on System -> Preferences13:28
masachosaAnd what is Ubuntu, Gnu/Linux or Linux?13:28
biczjrib:  the GUI on System -> Preferences13:28
DraccyOh wait...13:28
DraccyOh god...13:28
DraccyIt can't be configured?!13:28
DraccyUrgh. ._.13:28
FloodBot1Draccy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:28
jribbicz: no, you need to create your own little shell script in a text editor.  line 1: #!/bin/bash   line 2:  sleep 10    line 3: xchat13:28
jribbicz: then make it executable and add that to your startup13:28
biczok understood tnx13:29
dinosaurvskittenare there alternatives to skype that a) actually work on linux and b) can connect to skype's network?13:29
zvacetmjrosenb:  ubuntu will not add  other repos you will have to do it or you done it already13:29
timwoodOne more question: is there a command in Ubuntu that will show when a package was installed, compiled/built, released, etc like how Red Hat has rpm -qi package-name?13:30
masachosaBoys, is there any new Interview with Linus Torvalds? Whats news about him?13:30
zvacetmasachosa:  every distro is gnu/linux13:30
jribzvacet: he shouldn't have to add any repositories to upgrade13:30
jrib!ot | masachosa13:30
ubottumasachosa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:30
eshatAcroRead freezes with 100% CPU, when I Click Properties on Print Dialog, how to solve this issue ? Reinstalling and removing .adobe didn't help...13:30
bazhangmasachosa, please take chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic13:30
mjrosenbjrib: the screen that says "New distribution release '...' is available"13:30
masachosagoin ubuntu offtopis..sor13:30
mjrosenbjrib: does not seem to exist13:30
jribmjrosenb: did you see the link ubottu gave, it's likely to have some troubleshooting suggestions13:31
zvacetjrib: I didn't follow from beginning of course not if he want to upgrade via network13:31
arandbrijith: http://pastebin.com/m7361112a should be fairly complete instructions for it, but if something doesn't work, it might be sueful if you could get into this chat from the liveCD, you should be able to do that from Empathy (chat client) I think13:31
davertronhow do i get the same ubuntu menu (the ubuntu symbol) and the "Places" and "Systems" menus on a new panel?13:32
jribdavertron: right click -> add to panel13:32
davertronjrib: ah, Menu Bar13:33
davertronjrib: I used the other one, that's slightly different, and didn't even notice that one13:33
R1kARD0hey, i have a little trouble with my session , when i log in the only thing that i see is a terminal, without borders, no panels, nothing13:33
davertronjrib: thanks13:33
R1kARD0and only the background,13:33
biczjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/359012/ ?13:34
nastashi all13:34
brijitharand:Oky thanks, Let me try13:34
timwoodAnyone know of the equivalent command to rpm -qi to show the install date and possibly other information about a package?13:34
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llutztimwood: aptitude show packagename      but no install-date13:35
timwoodllutz:  :-(13:36
timwoodMaybe a feature request I should submit.13:36
sipiortimwood: the logs in /var/log/apt will show the installation date13:36
timwoodthanks sipior!13:36
timwoodthanks again for the help13:37
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abui was install ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10 i want to remve one how i remove any one help me13:37
sipiorhmm...actually those timestamps are pretty coarse.13:38
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abuplz tell me13:38
abuhow i remove that13:38
abuany one help me13:39
sriramomanhow do I remove grub2 safely from my hard disk13:39
arvind_khadrisriramoman, install grub or lilo13:40
arandsriramoman: in what way exatcly, the mbr you generally just overwrite (since it's completely useless empty))13:40
sriramomanI want no loaders on the hard disk. it is an external hard disk, I want it without anymore sort of grub or lilo13:41
abuhow i remove 9.04 from mypc13:41
DaraelHas anyone got any idea why Firefox is segfaulting every time I try to launch it in Karmic? It was fine yesterday...13:41
arvind_khadriabu, format the partition13:41
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abuactually i was install ubuntu 9.04 and 9.1013:42
arvind_khadriabu, you mean you want to install 9.10 ?13:42
arandDarael: corrupt profile would be a guess, try running "firefox -P" and creating a new one.13:42
Daraelabu: If you installed with Wubi, remove it from within Windows, otherwise just put something else over the top.  If you're in a dual-boot situation, use the partition manager for whichever OS you want to keep to remove the other partitions.13:42
abui already installed both 9.04 and 9.1013:42
silverrockerhey quick question. I want to the clock/date app in gnome-panel to display the date in another format how can I change this. or what other applet do I need?13:42
Daraelarand: Thanks for the tip, but it segfaults with -P too!13:43
abui want to remove 9.0413:43
arvind_khadrisilverrocker, check the properties in the clock applet13:43
arandDarael: ah, then it's probably something else, and I'm as clueless as you.13:43
silverrockerarvind_khadri: I tried nothing there13:43
arvind_khadriabu, use a live cd and just format the partitionm13:43
abucan you plz tell me how to do that13:44
arvind_khadrisilverrocker, right click on it and you get preferences13:44
silverrockerarvind_khadri: I did that but I dont want that, I want to change the format that the date is displayed. I want it to do DD.MM.YYYY13:44
arvind_khadriabu, boot from the live cd, and then go till the partition table step and then format the drive which has 9.0413:44
abuok i will try13:45
arandarvind_khadri: abu: it may be the case that the grub in use is still on the 9.04 partition, which might cause problems if not fixed before removing..13:45
arandarvind_khadri: abu: Or rather, you'll have to reinstall it from the liveCD..13:46
nastasproblems while playing .mkv movie. any idea???13:46
abuhow i use live cd13:46
abulive cd meand13:46
arvind_khadriarand, what if 9.10 was installed after 9.0413:46
linenoiseHow do I disable my touchpad?  I googled, but none of the solutions worked.  I'm running karmic on a e6500 (synaptics touchpad client fails to disable touchpad)13:47
linenoiseI mean without taping an insulator over the damn thing.13:47
arandarvind_khadri: I don't know what it does with the bootloaders if it just overwrites the mbr and uses grub2 on the 9.10 partition, it seems logical it should, but I'm not completely sure...13:47
arvind_khadrilinenoise, system->preferences->mouse ??13:49
linenoisearvind_khadri: yeah, no13:49
ouyeshi all how can i make a connection between my htc phone and my laptop via bluetooth?13:49
arvind_khadrilinenoise, does it help?13:50
linenoiseI've installed and tried tpconfig, I've removed the f'ing thing from my xorg.conf (which doesn't exist in karmic anymore, which is stupid), it will not go away13:50
ouyesi open the bluetooth wizard but it can not find my htc13:50
linenoiseand every time my thumb even comes near it, the stupid pointer flies off the screen13:50
linenoisearvind_khadri: not at all13:50
linenoisearvind_khadri: no effect whatsoever13:50
jriblinenoise: theres' usually a bios setting13:50
linenoisethere is no bios setting on the e650013:51
arvind_khadrilinenoise, modprobe -r psmouse13:51
Daraelsilverrocker: try alt+f2, enter "gconf-editor" and change keys in /apps/panel/applets/clock_screen0/prefs - change the fromat key to "custom" and the custom_format key to "%d.%m.%y %r %p" for 12-hour time, or replace the "%r %p" with "%R" for 24-your time.  The dots are just formatting, you can freely change them.13:51
linenoisearvind_khadri: I still want a mouse (track stick) just not the touchpad13:51
linenoisearvind_khadri: but thanks13:51
linenoisearvind_khadri: that will work if nothing else does13:51
arand!liveCD > abu13:51
ubottuabu, please see my private message13:51
DaraelAnyone know what might cause segfaults upon launch of Firefox, besides a corrupted profile?13:52
Pici!ru | pomas13:52
ubottupomas: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:52
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup13:52
pomasда шарю я13:52
arvind_khadri!touchpad | linenoise did you read this?13:52
ubottulinenoise did you read this?: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad13:52
jriblinenoise: right, as that link points out, you can use synclient to do it in software13:53
aimtraineroups sry13:53
linenoiseI tried synclient, no love13:53
noisymousedoes make output file names as it compiles them or only after they have compiled?13:54
jriblinenoise: did you enable shmconfig?13:54
jriblinenoise: and you verified it was enabled?13:54
linenoiseyou know... this should not be this difficult... thank you all for your time... I'm not doing this... too frustrating... it works in windows even though I hate windows... sorry.. giving up...13:54
ZtaHow do I install the Glassfish appserver properly from packages?  All I get from 'apt-get install glassfish-*' is a bunch for jar files installed.  I'm particularly interested in 'asadmin' somewhere in my path and perhaps a '/etc/init.d/glassfish'13:55
arvind_khadrinoisymouse, only after its done13:55
nastasanyone knows why i can't play .mkv video???13:56
bazhangnastas, with vlc ?13:56
jribnastas: mkv is just a container13:56
Ztajrib: that13:56
nastasyes bazhang. with vlc or totem13:57
Zta..wasn't the question =)13:57
bazhangnastas, probably not the codecs installed13:57
arvind_khadrinastas, iirc, mplayer plays it13:57
newanHello, i have same problems between opensync: Error writing entry pas-id-4B55AC0A00000000 to member 2 (syncml-obex-client): Unable to commit change. Error 41513:57
nastasbazhang: it just start's the movie but with bad quality. and it freeze13:58
eshatHi all. My Adobe Reader (9.3)freezes with 100% CPU, when I Click Properties on Print Dialog. Reinstalling and removing .adobe didn't help...13:58
bazhangnastas, likely corrupted file then13:58
boscopwhy does ubuntu suggest installing kernel 2.6.31 when I have 2.6.32? how can I remove it from the available updates list?13:58
nastasit plays fine in my friends windows desktop13:58
Daraeleshat: Not a complete solution, but does it need to be Adobe Reader? There's quite a lot of apps that can read PDFs in Ubuntu.13:58
wrapsterhow do i mount an ISO in ubuntu?13:59
nastasbazhang: and i'm talking about the same dvd13:59
wrapsteri mean.. to read the contents of the ISO13:59
eshatDarael: I use okular myself, but I am working at the university and a lot of ppl need adobe reader13:59
arandboscop: you can lock/block packages in synaptic/apt, not sure specifically how though.13:59
SeaOrificecan someone help me in compiling a driver module for an ethernet card ???13:59
jrib!iso | wrapster14:00
arvind_khadri!iso | wrapster14:00
ubottuwrapster: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.14:00
arvind_khadrijrib, jinx :)14:00
jribarvind_khadri: you owe me a coke!14:00
arvind_khadrijrib, anytime :)14:00
jaguar6hi everyone!14:00
arvind_khadri!hi | jaguar614:01
ubottujaguar6: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:01
jaguar6i have a very urgend but minor problem14:01
arvind_khadrijaguar6, ask away :)14:01
jaguar6someone here willing to help me14:01
Darael!ask | jaguar614:01
ubottujaguar6: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:01
jaguar6i just installed a .jar file14:01
chiiiiizdoes anyone know how to improve the display with a Intel  82915G/GV/910GL chipset... I am stuck at 1024x768 on a Karmic14:01
jaguar6the setup asks me for a location to which i want to install the program14:01
jaguar6what would the path be14:01
newanjava -jar jarfile.jar14:02
SeaOrificeRe : can someone help me in compiling a driver module for an ethernet card ???14:02
Frozenballit's yours to choose?14:02
jaguar6yeah i got the .jar working14:02
arvind_khadriSeaOrifice, yeah14:02
jaguar6this is a very general question14:02
jaguar6where do i install my programs to14:02
Daraeljaguar6: If you want it for your own user only, put it somewhere in ~/ - otherwise, non-distro software is usually installed in /opt14:03
jaguar6im absolutely new to this14:03
SeaOrificeactually the source of the driver is part of kernel14:03
Rigs77ragazzi come si fa a scaricare i film con xchat? grazie a tutti14:03
jaguar6ok thx14:03
SeaOrificebut i want to compile only that driver module14:03
Pici!it | Rigs7714:03
ubottuRigs77: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:03
Leoneof`hi, it is possible to make one partition for /root, and other partition for /var ?14:03
Rigs77ok grazie14:03
noXandOsOk everyone I'm back.. Day 1 begins. *gulp*14:03
llutzLeoneof`: sure but /root is pointless14:03
DaraelLeoneof`: Yaes - just choose manual partitioning at install time.14:03
arvind_khadriSeaOrifice, why do you want to compile it, if its already there in the kernel?14:04
ZtaHow do I install the Glassfish appserver properly from packages?  After I 'apt-get install glassfish-*' I only get a bunch for jar files installed.  I was expecting 'asadmin' somewhere in my $PATH and perhaps a '/etc/init.d/glassfish'.14:04
jaguar6Darael: it wont let me install to /opt14:04
SeaOrificemany a times, my card is not supported by some other linux distros14:04
SeaOrificeespecially live distros14:04
Leoneof`Darael: what the purpose if i do this way?14:04
jaguar6it says something, sorry i have to translate, like the directory your aiming for cant be changed14:04
SeaOrificeubuntu live didnt support14:04
Daraeljaguar6: It may not exist as a folder, or maybe you aren't installing it as root.14:05
SeaOrificebt recent 8.10 supported14:05
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jaguar6do i have to install it as root?14:05
Daraeljaguar6: probably not a good idea.14:05
arvind_khadriSeaOrifice, once support is added it stays14:05
Daraeljaguar6: But only root can write to various folders, /opf being one.14:05
jaguar6im fucked, i need this program for a paper that i have to hand in tomorrow14:05
SeaOrificearvind_khadri: i am using a Ubuntu based distro, in that it doesnt14:06
Daraeljaguar6: Just put it somewhere in ~/ for now.14:06
llutzjaguar6: just install it to any dir inside your home14:06
jaguar6ok thx14:06
arvind_khadriSeaOrifice, have you installed it, which version, whats the card?14:06
chiiiiizdoes anyone know how to improve the display with a Intel  82915G/GV/910GL chipset... I am stuck at 1024x768 on a Karmic14:06
jaguar6same problem14:06
SeaOrificelemme give u all the details, hang on14:06
arvind_khadri!fixres | chiiiiiz14:06
ubottuchiiiiiz: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:06
Leoneof`llutz: what the purpose if i make separated partitions for example like /var and /root ? it is good or not?14:07
llutzLeoneof`: imho separat /root is senseless14:07
Leoneof`llutz: why?14:07
DaraelLeoneof`: It depends - usually not needed on a desktop system, but putting /usr and /home on different disks to / can be useful.14:08
SeaOrificearvind_khadri: have a look at KERNELSOURCEPATH/drivers/net/sc92031.c14:08
llutzLeoneof`: you actually shouldn't work as root so root won't have special things to keep14:08
DaraelLeoneof`: /root is just root's home folder - it shouldn't have more than a few kilobytes in it anyway.14:08
arvind_khadriSeaOrifice, am asking which ubuntu version you are using, and whats the card model!!14:08
llutzLeoneof`: also it is very unlikely that /root fills your /-fs14:08
SeaOrificei currently downloaded a linux kernel (source) and i found it14:08
SeaOrificeits there in that file arvind_khadri14:08
llutzLeoneof`: so where do you see any advantage in extra /root ?14:09
hadeanheeeeeey guys y dont u help some nub: somehow i got it to work that my apache install wont start up with the system on a restart... can someone help?14:09
arvind_khadriSeaOrifice, are you using Karmic ??>14:09
bloodskii've got a problem with hdmi, it overscans the resolution, which makes the edges not visible, any ideas?14:09
ouyeshi everybody i want to have a bluetooth ear phone14:09
SeaOrificearvind_khadri: i am asking in general14:09
Leoneof`Darael, llutz : when i tried to install Ubuntu, i've seen many options to make partitions like /var /root ...etc i cant remember more14:09
DaraelLeoneof`: Some of the folders in / (the filesystem root, not the same as /root) are useful on their own partitions, it's just that /root isn't one of them... usually.14:09
hadeanim using karmic up2date and the apache install was installed via apt from the general sources14:10
ouyesis anyone using it now?14:10
llutzLeoneof`: given options not always make sense14:10
arvind_khadriSeaOrifice, it cant be answered in general, and drivers from different trees cant be compiled... e.g drivers from 2.6.32 cant be used in 2.6.3114:10
DaraelLeoneof`: /usr, /tmp, /var, /home and a few others can be useful, but those options are most useful in multiple-hard-drive scenarios.14:10
llutzLeoneof`: and btw, if you have to ask this, you most likely don't need any extra-partition at all14:10
David12841why isnt it possible to introduce an extra volume control button on the panel in ubuntu 9.10?14:11
PiciLeoneof`: Just because the partitioner offers them as choices doesn't mean you need to use them :)14:11
David12841i installed gnome-alsa-mixer14:11
SeaOrificearvind_khadri: output from lspci ->14:11
SeaOrifice02:04.0 Ethernet controller: Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co., Ltd. SC92031 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter (rev 01)14:11
Leoneof`o i c, thanks for the info14:11
arvind_khadriSeaOrifice, ubuntu 9.10 ?14:11
Leoneof`so i will install Ubuntu with all /var /tmp /usr ..etc in one partition14:12
SeaOrificethe Distro i am using is having a kernel version
SeaOrificeoops not that14:12
llutzLeoneof`: you may put /home extra14:12
Leoneof`that /home extra is like second partition in Windows?14:13
rethushow did i use history in ubuntu on shell?14:13
DaraelLeoneof`: Yup - just set one partition to be / and the installer will take care of the rest - you can probably just use one of the guided partitioning options if you don't want a separate /home.14:13
hadeanagain: where can i check why my apache wont start up with the system?14:13
DaraelLeoneof`: /home is where all your user data goes.14:13
rethuson suse i have only to press arrow-key "up"14:13
rethusdidn't work on ubuntu?!14:13
llutzLeoneof`: /home is the users-place, where personal things are stored14:13
arvind_khadriSeaOrifice, run lsb_release -a in a terminal14:14
llutzLeoneof`: extra /home makes backup/restore/reinstallation easier for some people14:14
SeaOrificearvind_khadri: i m currently not in that OS14:14
SeaOrificei am using Windows14:14
SeaOrificeryt now14:15
arvind_khadrihadean, system -> preferences -> session14:15
SeaOrificeif i could connect to internet14:15
SeaOrificewhy would i be asking14:15
arvind_khadriSeaOrifice, you dont know which ubuntu version you installed??14:15
DaraelAnyone know what might cause segfaults upon launch of Firefox, besides a corrupted profile?14:15
Picihadean: Will apache start if you run it manually?14:15
hadeanarvind_khadri: the weired thing is: it is there14:16
hadeanPici: yupp14:16
scuniziDarael: could be a plugin, theme as well..14:16
SeaOrificearvind_khadri: its BT414:16
rethushow did i use history in ubuntu on shell?on suse i have only to press arrow-key "up"didn't work on ubuntu?!14:16
Leoneof`thanks folks, i will leave Windows soon14:16
SeaOrificeits a ubuntu based distro14:16
Picihadean: How did you install apache2?14:16
erUSULrethus: is the same in ubuntu14:16
scunizirethus: it works .. unless you've got to open terminals.. type history14:17
arvind_khadri!ubuntu | SeaOrifice14:17
ubottuSeaOrifice: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com14:17
arandrethus: shift+pgup?14:17
Daraelscunizi: I've removed (well, renamed) ~/.mozilla/firefox and would hope the plugins from the repos are stable.14:17
theadminHow can one list all mountable devices?14:17
PiciSeaOrifice: We do not support Backtrack here, please use their support channel instead: #remote-exploit14:17
arvind_khadriSeaOrifice, only ubuntu is supported here14:17
rethusarand: can i change the shortcut?14:17
arandtheadmin: "sudo fdisk -l" I guess14:17
SeaOrificeLol i knew something like this will happen14:18
scuniziDarael: should be.. and if you've renamed the config then if it was a plugin that should have fixed it.  Weird.. I don't now.14:18
SeaOrificebt i have a general question14:18
SeaOrificeplease answer someone14:18
ouyeshi guys i really need your help14:18
komputesdoes anyone here have a ThinkPad X301 and is available for a quick test?14:18
PiciSeaOrifice: We do not even use that kernel version in Ubuntu.14:18
rethusarand:;  but no, thats not what i asked14:18
bloodskii've got a problem with hdmi, it overscans the resolution, which makes the edges not visible, any ideas?14:18
rethusi mean not srolling up.14:18
theadminarand: Hm. Where did sda2 get to? %) It has sda1 and sda314:18
rethusi mean history... writing last commands that submitted on shell14:18
rethusu writ cd ..14:18
rethusthen u type arrow up and the bash write themself cd .. (your last command)14:19
arandtheadmin: I'm innocent :|14:19
Picirethus: What shell are you suing?14:19
Picirethus: *using?14:19
theadminArand: eh sorry14:19
SeaOrificePici: can you point me how to compile some drivers , separately from the linux kernel source atleast14:19
j0charhi any tips on hdtv playback and ati?14:19
Pici!compile > SeaOrifice14:19
ubottuSeaOrifice, please see my private message14:19
arandtheadmin: meaning: I have no clue ;)14:19
theadminarand: Ah :D14:19
hadeancan it be be that some other startup program cancels the starting up?14:20
ouyesi am using the bluetooth to transmit some data from my laptop to my htc hd phone, both support the bluetooth 2.0 but i get a pratical speed 0f 109kb/s? how to speed it up?14:20
rethusPici: think its bash14:20
Picirethus: what does   echo $SHELL   say?14:20
arandtheadmin: should you have a faulty partition table, testdisk might be able to help..14:20
theadminAnother thing. How to list all variables?14:20
Oli``Is it possible to change how fast the processor ramps up to full speed? I'm finding that if something is only using 70% of one core, the CPU stays underclocked - I'd rather it started jumping at 50%14:20
rethusif i type history i got a list of all commands which i have typed14:21
rethusbut key-up don't work14:21
theadminarand: Meh, I messed with partitions a bit14:21
Picirethus: Is this a new user? One that you created yourself and not created by the installer?14:21
SeaOrifice:-( I am not that stupid ubottu bot, i know these things :-p14:21
rethuspici: yes it is14:22
j0charhdtv playback with ati anyone?14:22
theadminarand: What do you mean by a "faulty" partition table?14:22
neiltonjoin #saj14:22
erUSULOli``: i think you can tweak things under /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/14:23
Picirethus: It sounds like you used the wrong command to create your user and you're missing files from /etc/skel/.  To fix you can issue cp /etc/skel/* ~/    as your user and then open a new login shell14:24
theadminneilton: Don't spam14:24
oCean_rethus: when pressing the up arrow, does anything else happen? Like, does the cursor or mousepointer move?14:24
A[D]minShow i can give a user root access for a temporary time but also i want to make sure that all his actions while he is root.. will be saved to his history ?14:24
arandtheadmin: if you know sda3 should be there and it doesn't show up in fdisk, chances are the partition table might have gone a bit whacky, the partition table is a set of bytes at the start of the HD detailing where partions boundries start and end14:24
theadminarand: sda3 shows up, sda2 doesn't. Altough it shouldn't exactly, well, I think I'm starting to make sense of it14:25
=== theadmin is now known as theadmin_away
oCean_!afk > theadmin_away14:25
ubottutheadmin_away, please see my private message14:25
arandtheadmin: if you deleted sda2, it shouldn't no14:25
theadmin_awayoCean_: Not that I'm going away that often, sheesh14:26
scunizitheadmin_away: if you havent yet.. use gparted to compare against fdisk's results..14:26
DaraelA[D]minS: add him to a new group which you give sudo permissions for, but prevent using sudo to use sudo or su, or with the -i option.14:26
theadmin_awayscunizi: Yeah same thing. I'm leaving now anyway. I made sense out of it.14:26
rethusPici: you have an idea what to do?14:27
oCean_theadmin_away: it's not how many times *you* leave, it's about how many times 1275 users leave/return14:27
t0rcIs Lucid going to have custom login screens? or are we still going to be stuck like in 9.10?14:27
oCean_t0rc: ask in #ubuntu+114:27
Picirethus: cp /etc/skel/* ~/14:27
A[D]minSDarael what if i gave him sudo like this - > %user ALL=/bin/su - ?14:28
DaraelA[D]minS: I'm not incredibly familiar with the sudoers config syntax, sorry.14:28
A[D]minSDarael: actually i couldn't get "but prevent using sudo to use sudo or su, or with the -i option."14:28
Picipatri85: ?14:29
=== adam is now known as Guest84411
joost_op!seen wolfden14:31
ubottuI have no seen command14:31
coz_!whois   wolfden14:31
newanHello, i have same problems between opensync: Error writing entry pas-id-4B55AC0A00000000 to member 2 (syncml-obex-client): Unable to commit change. Error 41514:31
joost_opblind bot14:32
=== ivy is now known as wsz0
patri85Pici: I'm trying to download a file14:32
arvind_khadrijoost_op, maybe we should merge dpkg from #debian :D14:33
DaraelAnyone know what might cause firefox to segfault on launch? Have already eliminated problems in the profile.14:33
sipiorA[D]minS: that turns out to be fairly tricky to do if you try implementing a "everything but these apps" rule in /etc/sudoers (you'll never get them all). delegating sudo powers is best done in additive fashion (figure out what the person needs to do and add only those capabilities)14:33
Picipatri85: We do not serve files in #ubuntu14:33
joost_oparvind_khadri: I am in disguise14:33
joost_oparvind_khadri: what is merge?14:34
* joost_op grins14:34
arvind_khadrijoost_op, disguise of ? :P14:34
=== joost_op is now known as not_joost_op
patri85PICI: i know....sorry14:34
ikoniaDarael: memory (ram) problem or an overclocked PC can do it14:35
Daraelikonia: It was fine until yesterday, and the CPU not overclocked.14:35
=== not_joost_op is now known as joost_op
ikoniaDarael: ram can go bad14:35
ikoniaDarael: launch firefox from the command line see if you get any hints14:36
ikoniaDarael: is this firefox supplied/packaged by ubuntu from the repos14:36
Daraelikonia: It's the repo supplied one, and I have been running it from the terminal - that's how I know it's segfaulting.14:36
ikoniaDarael: no clues in there ?14:36
sipiorDarael: try running it under strace, see if you can isolate a cause. be prepared for a deluge of output :-)14:36
ikoniaDarael: has anything changed/been updated on your box ?14:36
rethuspici: works well. thanx14:36
Darael"(firefox:14793): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times" is all I get, sometimes once, sometimes twice.14:37
Picirethus: great14:37
Daraelikonia: No updates since the day before yesterday.14:37
Roastedhey guys14:38
RoastedI'm trying to get awn dock rolling. I have awn manager installed. Is there something I need to adjust in the awn manager menu to get the dock to come up?14:38
KenBW2is it normal for the Xorg process to use 200MB of RAM after running for 15 days?14:39
David1284the volume in ubuntu 9.10 is in the notification area, is it possible to move it to the panel, or create a volume knob in the panel?14:39
erUSULKenBW2: depends on what is running14:39
sipiorKenBW2: that doesn't sound crazy, no.14:40
ikoniaKenBW2: is it using the ram or just have a foot print of having used that ram (eg: how do you know it's using that ram)14:40
KenBW2ikonia: i looked in system monitor14:40
scuniziKenBW2: with compiz running maybe.. not really sure14:40
ikoniaKenBW2: I don't know how system monitor reads it, check with top and ps aux14:40
oCean_Darael: try (re)moving your ~/.mozilla directory .. An immediate remove might be drastic (since your bookmarks etc are there also)14:41
KenBW2ikonia: top says 195MB14:41
ikoniaKenBW2: in the virt colum ?14:42
DaraeloCean_: renaming ~/.mozilla/firefox was the first thing I tried.14:42
KenBW2ikonia: 415m in VIRT14:42
oCean_Darael: well, not only firefox dir. There might be corruption in ~/.mozilla/default/cache or something..14:43
ikoniaKenBW2: ok so it is using 200mb then14:43
KenBW2ikonia: is there a way of reducing that? short of restarting X?14:43
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:44
Daraelsipior: A deluge was an understatement.14:44
sipiorDarael: grep is your friend :-)14:44
usuario_soy española14:44
Piciusuario_: /join #ubuntu-es14:45
usuario_y adios :p14:45
psykI have an ASUS G60VX laptop (I'm guessing that's why this is happening) and my pipe key is giving me ">" and my backslash is giving me "<" (note: the real keys for < > work fine) does anybody have any idea how I can fix this?14:45
conflixwow, lots of spammers over night!14:45
arvind_khadripsyk, you have the wrong layout :)14:45
FoulHiya guys.  Anyone know a fix for what seemed to be a rather wll known bug where sound can only be played by one application at a time?14:46
Daraelsipior: Any suggestions on what to gre for?14:46
psykarvind_khadri, how can I change it?14:46
arvind_khadripsyk, system->preferences->keyboard , check the layout there14:46
ikoniaKenBW2: not really, you'd have to stop doing whatever is causing it to gworow or use that much ram14:46
psykarvind_khadri, alright, thank you!14:46
scuniziFoul: don't use skype?14:46
DaraeloCean_: Nope, didn't work. Thanks anyway.14:46
Foulscunizi: It's not just skype.  Other applications won't allow youtube to play audio while they are open.14:47
sipiorDarael: "segmentation fault" would be a good start. actually, just open up the output file in a decent editor, start at the end and work backwards.14:47
psykarvind_khadri, still < > ):14:47
psykarvind_khadri, it says that it's using backslash and pipe but it isn't.14:48
FoulSo no one can help me? :(14:48
arvind_khadripsyk, no idea14:48
scuniziFoul: once skype is loaded it messes with the audio for lots of stuff even after quitting it. Youtube is flash so which flash driver are you using.. the one from restricted-extras or the repo's "non-free" version?14:48
neezeris there a way to make dvd::rip use more of my cpu? it is stepped down to 800 MHz, and it isn't even using all f the power at 800.14:48
=== urda is now known as Urda
KenBW2ikonia: it's probabl;y down to my uptime, but i cba restarting14:49
Foulscunizi: Not sure on the flash driver.  I know I have restricted extras installed though.14:49
razertekhi everyone14:49
razertekanyone know why my network systray icon when clicked on says device not managed in greyout letters and the icon itself does not show the two plugs being connected but one plug standing up with dots next to it?14:50
scuniziFoul: check synaptic to see if the non-free version is installed.. if it is uninstall it.. it's not good to have both. Could cause conflicts.  as for the audio, after closing skype you might try killall alsa, sudo service pulseaudio restart etc..14:51
Roastedwhy is it when I remove something from the startup applications list, it still auto starts?14:52
Daraelsipior: Two lines include "Segmentation fault", both at the end. Output of greeping for "SEGV" at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/359049/ - makes little to no sense to me.14:52
erUSULrazertek: maybe that specific device is managed by /etc/network/interfaces14:52
Foulscunizi: I'm affraid most of that went over my head. :(  Please be patient with the following stupid questions...  What's the name of the non-free version of the adobe flash driver?  If it's not free then I'm assuming i would have had to pay for it to get it right? If that's the case then I don't have it.  - How would I killall alsa?  do I just type that and sudo service pulseaudio restart into a terminal?14:53
razertekerUSUL: kool then..cuz i just got through adding it there...so that is why?14:53
razertekerUSUL: can i have both though14:53
erUSULrazertek: yes NM ignores the interfaces that are managed via interfaces.14:53
erUSULrazertek: no you not have your cake and eat it too; sorry ;P14:54
sipiorDarael: you'll want to include a few lines of context for each match (the -C switch to grep). or maybe just pastebin the last few hundred lines or so.14:54
DaraelFoul: It's non-free not because you have to pay but because of the restrictions on it. The package is "flashplugin-installer" or "flashplugin-nonfree" - I forget which.14:54
FoulDarael: Thanks mate I'll look those up.14:54
sipiorDarael: try grep -C 20, to start14:54
Daraelsipior: Will do.14:54
razertekerUSUL: before i network restart would tell me unknown interfaces eth0=eth0 forsome reason...so was it a good idea to add it to interfaces?14:54
NoobUserRather than name a file "Pass/Fail", what should I name it?14:55
Daraelsipior: http://pastebin.com/f156e408814:56
psykI have an ASUS G60VX and my pipe/backslash keys just put "< >" - the keyboard model and layout is correct, is there any way I can manually change the keys?14:57
erUSULrazertek: dunno what the problem you are trying to solve is.14:57
psykIt's interfering with my programming, I'll get fired if I don't get this fixed.14:57
djMaxI'm using JeOS and trying to use a wifi card, any pointers to how to install the mac80211 module(s)?14:58
blackest_knighthi i was wondering if anyone could do me a favor and download a file and dcc me a copy14:58
NoobUserpsyk: I think the easy solution to your problem is just to quit your job.14:58
razertekerUSUL: just why it would tell me unknown interface when i did a network restart before i added it to the interface file14:58
sipiorDarael: could you try pastebinning the last five hundred lines or so?14:58
Daraelsipior: Certainly, one moment.14:58
psykNoobUser, not funny14:58
jribpsyk: use xmodmap as a temporary fix, but I'd say your keyboard model is *not* correct14:59
petateHi: I need the "Remote Desktop" of Ubuntu 9.10 always running, because i have a computer without monitor. When i reboot, the remote desktop didn't start. Any ideas?14:59
oCean_Darael: just wondering, have you rebooted since this issue began?14:59
psykjrib, the layout is correct, it doesn't show < > under the pipe key, and as for model, there's only 'asus laptop' under asus, so I don't know what else it could be14:59
scunizipsyk: try an external usb keyboard14:59
DaraeloCean_: Yup! Sensible to ask, though.15:00
erUSULrazertek: if you use network manager you do not need to do network restarts ...15:00
jribpsyk: it's not correct because you are pressing a key and it is not doing what you expect it to15:00
psykjrib, thanks though. I'll try xmodmap15:00
=== eguest039_ is now known as eguest039
razertekerUSUL: o so it would tell me that for that reason?15:00
Miraclewhat do i need to play m4a files?15:01
Daraelsipior: http://pastebin.com/f60d93d1715:01
razertekpsyk: have you tried going to sys preferences and then keyboard and then change the layout?15:01
erUSULrazertek: i really dunno wihtout seeing the entire msg you got. apprt from that message you where seeing any other problem. it was just a cosmetic issue15:01
jbendotnethi - am trying to update 9.10 server and get Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/g++-4.4_4.4.1-4ubuntu9_i386.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) any ideas?15:01
psykrazertek, yes. I tried all of the US layouts.15:02
petateAnyone knows how to start "Remote Desktop" from command line? I have an Ubuntu 9.10 working in a computer without monitor.15:02
razertekhow about dvorak/programmer?15:02
jribjbendotnet: is that the full error?15:02
jbendotnetjrib: yes15:02
razertekwhich is a us layout15:02
epinkypsyk: xmodmap could help15:02
MrPocketsor rather, rdesktop x.x.x.x15:02
jbendotnetjrib: no!15:02
jbendotnetang on15:02
RoastedHas anybody unchecked anything from startup applications and had it stick? When I remove something from startup apps, it gets removed, but if I reopen it after, its back. The only way to REMOVE anything from startup applications is to remove the entire entry. Is this normal??15:03
DaraelMrPockets: I think petate wants to know how to start the server rather than the client.15:03
psykepinky, after looking at the syntax, I don't really know how to use xmodmap. and Google offered no help.15:03
MrPocketsno monitor,  ..that'd make sense .15:03
jribpsyk: read the official documentation?15:03
DaraelRoasted: Not in my experience, it Just Works (tm) for me.15:03
jbendotnetjrib: http://pastie.org/78483915:03
petateDarael: That's right15:04
jribRoasted: check ~/.config/autostart permissions15:04
LuciusMare_hello,i borken my x server15:04
jribjbendotnet: "corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive15:04
scuniziRoasted: most likely it was a program that was open when you shutdown.. there's a mode in there that will remember what is open and re-open it on reboot.. so.. make sure that option is turned on close all apps.. reboot.. turn option off..15:04
LuciusMare_startx tells me i am not authorized and xauth list does not output anything15:04
Roastedjrib - 775 perms, owned by me:me15:04
jribRoasted: and the files15:04
arvind_khadri!fixres | LuciusMare_15:04
ubottuLuciusMare_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:04
Roastedrwx r x r x jrib15:05
LuciusMare_I know what is X15:05
jbendotnetjrib: I've done rm -rf /var/cache/apt/archives/*15:05
LuciusMare_and i dont need to restart it15:05
jribRoasted: and ownership?15:05
hwildehey guys I made a USB install disc, but I don't remember which .iso it is, how can I tell what version is on the usb key?15:05
Roastedjrib - me:me15:05
jribRoasted: not permissions then.  Check that the file actually changes when you use the gui15:05
Roastedjrib - I think what scunizi said was right. Some things I uncheck uncheck fine. Others re-check themselves, such as gnome-do docky which in the preferences of that app is set to auto start.15:06
Daraelhwilde: When you plug it in, it should show up with a label that describes the release and architecture.15:06
jribRoasted: ok15:06
Roastedthanks dudes15:06
jrib!helpme | LuciusMare_15:06
ubottuLuciusMare_: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:06
jbendotnetahh, jrib think I fixed it, cleared out, update, upgrade, upgrade -f15:06
jribjbendotnet: cool15:06
AmirMohammadHi, once I connected to a samba shared folder on a windows box and nautilus asked me username/password and whether remember it forever, I selected remember it forever, and now I want to change it but can't find how to tell it to forget it15:06
LuciusMare_i just need it urgently, thus i am kinda nervous.15:07
jribLuciusMare_: I (and I bet others) have no clue what the problem is because you broke it up on several lines.15:08
LuciusMare_i didnt15:08
perdigonbuenas me las piro15:08
razertekAmirMohammad: did you google just that yet?15:08
hwildeDarael, nope it just says 8GB Corsair removable media15:08
LuciusMare_startx tells me i am not authorized and xauth list does not output anything15:08
LuciusMare_is enough,dont you think?15:08
AmirMohammadrazertek: yeah, couldn't find the answer15:09
hwildeLuciusMare_, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart15:09
jribLuciusMare_: what version of ubuntu is this?15:09
LuciusMare_kubuntu 9.1015:09
LuciusMare_hwilde: i am not even running X.15:09
hwildeLuciusMare_, sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart15:09
jribLuciusMare_: why are you using startx instead of starting kdm as it does by default?15:09
LuciusMare_i am not even running x15:09
hwildeLuciusMare_, just run the command man15:10
Daraelhwilde: interesting... usually there's a second volume which will show up as the arch and release... Try booting it, then "uname -a" will include the arch, and "lsb_release -a" will include the version.15:10
arandhwilde: he's using kde.15:10
hwilde this will work for kde and gnome:    sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart15:11
hwildenote the question mark.15:11
LuciusMare_hwilde: dude.15:11
FloodBot1LuciusMare_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:11
hwilde!enter > LuciusMare_15:11
ubottuLuciusMare_, please see my private message15:11
DaraelLuciusMare_: So start ?dm rather than restarting it!15:11
LuciusMare_this is nonsense.15:11
LuciusMare_I can't start it.15:11
LuciusMare_I have borken x.15:11
razertekAmirMohammad: in nautilus right click on the share and check permissions15:11
Tarantulafudgeis there anything like Zune's SmartDJ for Ubuntu?15:11
hwildeLuciusMare_, undo what you did to break it.15:12
LuciusMare_i am trying.15:12
DaraelLuciusMare_: In that case, have you tried booting in recovery mode and using the xfix option?15:12
LuciusMare_Darael: not yet, my only problem now is with x authorization15:12
jribLuciusMare_: you can't be helped if you do not answer questions15:13
LuciusMare_jrib: and you don't listen to what i do tell you15:13
hwildeLuciusMare_, move your xorg.conf to a backup filename, restart kdm, and you will get a failsafe x session.15:13
jribLuciusMare_: good luck with your issue.15:13
LuciusMare_i told hwilde thrice times i am not running x15:13
hwildeDarael, I'm trying to avoid booting a dozen usb keys to find the right one.... the version must be in there somewhere15:13
jribLuciusMare_: and he gave you a command to start x.  So try it and tell him what the output is.  I also asked you a different question15:13
DaraelLuciusMare_: All you've actually told us is that you're having a problem with x authorisation, and can't start X - more info would be helpful.15:14
LuciusMare_xauth list does not output anything15:14
LuciusMare_i also said15:14
LuciusMare_startx tells me i am not authorized15:14
LuciusMare_oh,and my ~/.Xauthority is blank15:14
razertekAmirMohammad: sudo smbpasswd -x username15:14
jribLuciusMare_: repeating what you've already said is not helpful.  Answering the new questions we've asked is15:14
hwildeLuciusMare_,  try what I told you, or you are dead to me.15:15
charnelI want to use my ~/www file as the /var/www file is this possible ? I dont want to chmod all the time15:15
LuciusMare_Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an15:15
LuciusMare_Upstart job, you may also use the restart(8) utility, e.g. restart kdm15:15
LuciusMare_restart: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.40" (uid=1000 pid=4578 comm="restart) interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Restart" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init"))15:15
FloodBot1LuciusMare_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:15
TarantulafudgeI just wanted to say that yesterday I did an wubi install while using primarily TV-out and I had absolutely zero problems15:15
LuciusMare_and exits15:15
TarantulafudgeI can tell that flash actually works faster than on windows 715:16
hwildecharnel, you could symlink /var/www to ~/www if you want15:16
Daraelcharnel: You could symlink /var/www to ~/www or you could change the group permissions on /var/www15:16
sipiorDarael: might you have another account you could try running firefox from?15:16
jribcharnel: a differen approach would be to enable userdirs in apache.  Then every user would have their own little space at domain/~username15:16
Daraelsipior: absolutely. Back in a tick.15:17
LuciusMare_hwilde: did that help you?15:17
tiger1Is there a program make a debian package ??15:17
jrib!packaging | tiger115:17
ubottutiger1: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports15:17
hwildeLuciusMare_, what did you do to your system exactly since it was working15:17
charnelDarael:  jrib: hwilde: Thank you very much I think symlink was what i was looking for15:17
hwildecharnel,   ln -s15:17
razertekAmirMohammad: did it work?15:17
jribtiger1: you might want to read about checkinstall as well, but if you plan to distribute the package and want to make a proper one, see ubottu's links15:17
SpageJava problem. After upgrading to 9.10 java does not exit properly. The process remains after exit as sleeping in the process list. It sucks all the CPU power from the machine15:18
jribcharnel: symlink won't really do much, you'll still have to change permissions15:18
tiger1checkinstall make my application on application menu ?15:18
LuciusMare_hwilde: the whole story is about an hungry game, i needed to upgrade my drivers, so i downloaded the not-in-repos-yet ones, and now, update came and i booted with borken x. Through a line of purging,installing and reinstalling, i got to this state - i need to be root to run x, aside from that,it is in perfect condition15:19
razertekSpage: set its priority15:19
charnelbut changing group permissions in my home folder will do the job forever right ?15:19
hwildeLuciusMare_, make a new user with a clean profile and see if they can run x15:19
jribcharnel: same as changing permissions on /var/www15:19
llutzLuciusMare_: ls -l $(which X)15:19
charnelyes I just did not want to change permissions for var/www15:20
Daraelcharnel: ...or you could make a suitable usergroup, set it to the owning group of /var/www, give it appropriate perms, and make yourself a member.15:20
jribcharnel: that's what you are doing.  symlink doesn't have separate permissions15:20
LuciusMare_hwilde: nope15:20
LuciusMare_llutz: -rwsr-sr-x 1 root root 9672 2009-11-10 11:54 /usr/bin/X15:20
biagidpI've got an external USB drive that's showing up in lsusb, but not when i check in fdisk -l.  I'd like to mount it, but don't know how.  Anyone can help?15:20
LuciusMare_biagidp: have you checked "dmesg|tail" ?15:21
metalfooHi there, I've got a question (not directly related to ubuntu). I established a bridge (brctl) betweeen a (virtual/xen) interface and a real ethX interface. I was wondering why I'm now forced to set-up an IP address for the _bridge_ interface in order to reach the attached virtual interface through it with a complete different ip. has someone an idea?15:21
uberspacedwhat's the easiest way to find the directory where the netboot iso is?15:21
uberspacedI google: ubunto netboot iso15:21
uberspacedand it's not easy to find.15:21
erUSULbiagidp: unplug the disk. then in a terminal do « tailf /var/log/messages » . after that plug the disk. paste the output you get in the terminal15:21
erUSUL!paste | biagidp15:21
ubottubiagidp: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:21
kinja-sheepuberspaced: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/9.10/ (0.01ms)15:22
biagidpLuciusMare_: I did, I didn't see anything that looked like an error, I'll but it up on past bin15:22
uberspacedkinja-sheep: thanks.15:22
biagidperUSUL: I'll get that log file too15:22
guest_007Hello, how does Koala boot? I checked scripts and can't find mountall, cryptdisks. Where can i read about changes"?15:22
kinja-sheepguest_007: Magic15:23
nathan7dependency-based bootstuffs iirc.15:23
biagidperUSUL: of course it works the time I do that, thanks :-P15:24
razertekSpage: use: ps u U username   ........to get process id15:25
guest_007What changed in koala boot sequence? How to add custom script before mount?15:25
AmirMohammadrazertek: yeah, found it, but not with what you told. I told I'm accessing a remote windows box, the user is not local and sure I can't modify it using smbpasswd15:26
kinja-sheepguest_007: Are you using cryptsetup for full-system encryption?15:26
AmirMohammadrazertek: it's in Applications->Accessories->Password and Encryption keys15:26
* SeRgIoV says hello to the channel15:26
razertekSpage: then: use: nice15:26
=== willow is now known as Guest17226
razertekAmirMohammad: hmm15:27
guest_007kinja-sheep: as always, /boot + encrypted LVM15:27
om26er!hi | SeRgIoV15:27
razertekAmirMohammad: did u have to delete a key from there ?15:27
ubottuSeRgIoV: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:27
LuciusMare_I broken my X authorization, i am not authorized to run X - .Xauthority is blank. How do i fill it?15:28
kinja-sheepguest_007: It is likely to be in initfs (spell?) -- It is a temporary filesystem used at bootup to load modules and scripts.15:28
jribLuciusMare_: why are you using startx instead of starting kdm as it does by default?15:28
hwildelol jrib15:28
LuciusMare_i didnt say i do use it15:28
AmirMohammadrazertek: yeb15:28
jribLuciusMare_: what?15:28
hwildeLuciusMare_, how long have you had this problem15:28
tarzeau_how can i file a bug about kmenuedit? to which email address?15:29
razertekSpage: sry i meant: renice15:29
jrib!bug | tarzeau_15:29
ubottutarzeau_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:29
tarzeau_or on what url with webform can i tell what's wrong?15:29
LuciusMare_hwilde: this day it started,after the damned update :P15:29
tarzeau_jrib: yes i read that, and the apport* tools don't work15:29
jribtarzeau_: what does "don't work" mean?15:29
hwildeLuciusMare_, how many hours have you spent trying to fix it15:29
kinja-sheepguest_007: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-17-generic (that is where it is in). You'll want to create a copy. Add it to menu, extract the file and edit.15:29
LuciusMare_hwilde: about three,four or so15:29
guest_007kinja-sheep: what changed since Heron? /etc/rcS.d/ has few files now. Looks like other files are in GRUB2?15:29
hwildeLuciusMare_, you realize you can reinstall from the cd in about 20 minutes15:29
tarzeau_jrib: i start ubuntu-bug kdebase-workspace-bin15:30
FortyTwoEvolution doesnt sort SPAM Flagged Mail into SPAM directory, what to do?15:30
tarzeau_jrib: then i say "other" and can't tell anything about it15:30
tarzeau_jrib: it does something, i have no idea what15:30
hwilde!enter > tarzeau_15:30
ubottutarzeau_, please see my private message15:30
RediXeI have a ext3 partition being mounted to /media/storage, how do I make this rw for my user and not just root?15:30
LuciusMare_hwilde: i do, but i - 1) cant reboot, 2) am sure i will need this in future 3) think its more elegant :)15:30
jribtarzeau_: keep reading (I would just file at launchpad.net directly)15:30
kinja-sheepguest_007: There are commands, I can't find them. I'm trying to find a site on that. I think /etc/rcS.d/ starts later.15:31
llutzRediXe: use chown/chmod15:31
onetinsoldierhi all. my sound suddenly just stopped working. anyone think they might be able to help me get it going again?15:31
tarzeau_can you reproduce this? open kmenuedit then add a new submenu, give it an icon from a path of your own, for example /opt/icons/15:31
jribLuciusMare_: what did you do that broke it?15:31
LuciusMare_jrib: i didnt say i use startx. Aside from that, - "blah,use start kdm,it is an upstart job" > "start kdm" > "job kdm already running"15:31
tarzeau_jrib: how?15:31
hwildeRediXe, sudo chown you:you /media/storage15:31
erUSUL!addingfs | RediXe15:31
ubottuRediXe: If you are adding space to your Ubuntu installation mounting a newly created unix filesystem (ext3, xfs, jfs, etc) you can not set permissions (read, write, etc) filesystem-wide like you do when mounting filesystems that do not support unix permissions (vfat, ntfs, hfs, etc).  See !permissions and !fstab15:31
petateI can't start an X session through PuTTY and Ubuntu 9.10? Any help? Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: localhost:10.015:31
tarzeau_jrib: i do have a launchpad account, i'm logged in, i just can't find any way to report a bug15:31
jribtarzeau_: read ubottu's link15:31
hwildepetate, you have to click the box to allow X11 forwarding15:31
LuciusMare_jrib: installed non-repo drivers,update came, i am xless. Purge this blob, install repo version, blank .Xauthority15:31
hwilde!bug > tarzeau_15:31
ubottutarzeau_, please see my private message15:31
petatehwilde: i already did that15:32
RediXeerUSUL, I read those, so the only way to do it is to use chown/chmod?15:32
DaraelLuciusMare_: If KDM is already running, I'm assuming you've tried switching to where X ought to be (usually ctrl+alt+f7, sometimes on ctrl+alt+f8 instead)?15:32
hwildepetate, are you sure it works with putty?  why aren't you just using ssh -X15:32
* om26er still don't know how to use chmod15:32
LuciusMare_Darael: you are assuming right15:32
jrib!permissions > om26er15:32
ubottuom26er, please see my private message15:32
jrock2004I am using bind9 in ubuntu server. How do I turn off DNS caching?15:32
llutzom26er: read "man chmod"15:32
rrodrigueztyyersyer7uws547 bws4bh515:32
FortyTwoEvolution doesnt sort SPAM Flagged Mail into SPAM directory, what to do?15:33
onetinsoldierhi all. my sound suddenly just stopped working. anyone think they might be able to help me get it going again?15:33
LuciusMare_Darael: and, even if it would be running, i still need to solve the problem i cant run it manually15:33
=== will_ is now known as goodtime
jribLuciusMare_: what did you install exactly?15:33
petatehwilde: I'm on windows trying to connect to Ubuntu15:33
LuciusMare_jrib: drivers 19015:33
jribLuciusMare_: someone asked you about trying with a different user earlier I think.  What was the result of that?15:33
paulusHas anyone else had problems with the b44 NIC driver in Karmic Koala?15:34
hwildeLuciusMare_, sudo pastebinit -i  /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:34
LuciusMare_I also earlier answered that the new user cant15:34
jribLuciusMare_: you have to be specific.15:34
hwildepetate, you should use freenx or vnc then.  the error message is that there is no xserver on your windows machine to forward the desktop to15:34
LuciusMare_jrib: okay, same problem as me,not authorized to run x15:34
ActionParsnippaulus: tried a different cable?15:34
petatethanks, i'll try that15:34
hwildepetate, freenx is wicked fast imho15:35
jribLuciusMare_: what's the actualy output not paraphrased?15:35
paulusanyway if I netboot into kubuntu the nic works fine15:35
hwildeLuciusMare_, sudo pastebinit -i  /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:35
ActionParsnippaulus: does: sudo lshw -C network     show it with a driver?15:35
FortyTwoEvolution doesnt sort SPAM Flagged Mail into SPAM directory, what to do?15:35
LuciusMare_jrib: same as me means: X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.15:35
LuciusMare_xinit:  Server error.15:35
paulusI'll try that15:35
_raven_how is possible to select, which network-device is used if e.g. firefox uses not the right one?15:35
Daraelsipior: Second reboot after the problem appeared, it's vanished! In any case, thank you so much for your time.15:36
llutz_raven_: route15:36
LuciusMare_hwilde: http://pastebin.com/f2104358e15:36
onetinsoldierarrghh! my sound suddenly just stopped working. anyone think they might be able to help me get it going again?15:36
sipiorDarael: bizarre, but glad it's working, of course :-)15:36
oCean_Darael: yay :)15:36
Explore1How can i install oss?15:36
Explore1apt-cache oss gives a  very long list, which one do i need to install?15:36
katycorp1does anyone know how to prevent chat text from showing up in the notification area in karmic? (using pidgin for a client)15:37
LuciusMare_Explore1: i would basically go with "apt-get install oss"15:37
_raven_llutz, how to select exactly when umts and cable is activated?15:37
llutz_raven_: sudo route del default && sudo route add default ppp015:37
_raven_llutz ok tnx15:38
FortyTwoEvolution doesnt sort SPAM Flagged Mail into SPAM directory, what to do?15:38
hwildeLuciusMare_, your xorg log looks fine.  have you tried rebooting?15:38
llutz_raven_: pppd should replace default-route on umts-connect15:38
Explore1LuciusMare_E: Couldn't find package oss15:38
LuciusMare_hwilde: x works fine15:38
LuciusMare_hwilde: i cant just run it under my user, i am not authorized15:38
DaraelExplore1: the oss-compat package would allow OSS-using applications to work by interfacing with your existing sound framework, so unless you're doing a custom remix from a minimal install it's probably what you want.15:39
jribLuciusMare_, hwilde: the log pasted has errors...15:39
FortyTwoEvolution doesnt sort SPAM Flagged Mail into SPAM directory, what to do?15:39
llutz!repeat | FortyTwo15:39
ubottuFortyTwo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:39
genixprohello there ubuntunites. I am having some problems, in particular, I cant seem to get opengl to work. The mesa implementation doesnt seem to support shaders which are critical to the game i am creating15:39
FortyTwoOk thanks for that advice ubottu, im new to irc princips15:40
Explore1Darael, i dint get you?15:40
razertekFortyTwo: did you check all your setting in evo?15:40
genixproI'm on my laptop, and i was sure it has a radeon mobile, it should work better then this15:40
hwildeLuciusMare_, backup your xorg.conf, delete it,  sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart15:40
jribLuciusMare_: what does this return: sudo grep allowed /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config   (hope you can do 2 things at once)15:41
Explore1Darael, oss-compat is already installed on my machine15:41
hwildejrib, seeing how you have a scalpel and I have a sledgehammer,  it's all yours15:41
Explore1Darael, how can i check whcih sound framework i have?15:41
UrdaHello fellow ubuntu users! Question: How can I get php5 to run without Suhosin? It appears as if the package for apache and CLI both have it on by default. I have a 9.10 x86 server OS that needs it15:41
LuciusMare_hwilde: i said already, it tells me its an upstart job, so i got to use start kdm,i use it, kdm already running15:41
jribhwilde: i have to leave soon anwyay15:41
genixprohowever, when i go into the hardware drivers, it doesnt give me the option to install any graphics cards drivers. only my wireless card15:41
hwildeLuciusMare_, honestly, my rule of thumb is if it's not fixed after 1 hour, reinstall from cd.15:42
LuciusMare_jrib: allowed_users=console15:42
onetinsoldiergenixpro: i wouldn't know much about that. sound interesting though! have you checked to see if there's a #mesa channel?15:42
DaraelExplore1: Ah, not a clue then. However, it's likely that some of the stuff you've got from apt-cache searching would be removed if you aptitude searched - it usually returns fewer, more relevant results.15:42
Spagerazertek: what does "renice" mean?15:43
jribLuciusMare_: for kicks, read the file, use debconf to change it to anyone and see if it makes a difference (revert it later)15:43
jribLuciusMare_: dpkg-reconfigure blah, the file explains15:43
genixprowell i dont expect mesa alone to work onetinsoldier, I would like to install vendor drivers, but nothing is showing up in the menu where they usually pop up15:43
razertekSpage: it adjust the priority for runaway processes and such15:43
eurythmiaI have a friend who requested to add me to his gtalk contacts ... how do I accept this request in empathy? I get the OSD saying that "so and so has requested a subscription ..." but there is no apparent way to accept said request.15:44
SpageBut it something that happend every time I running a java client.15:44
LuciusMare_jrib: my .Xauthority still blank15:44
jribLuciusMare_: you received the same error?15:45
luisthow do i redirect error output to standard output?15:45
LuciusMare_luist: command 2>&115:45
jribluist: 2>&115:45
onetinsoldiergenixpro: roger. i have a desktop ati card here...15:45
LuciusMare_jrib: i didnt even bother, my .Xauthority still blank15:45
luistso if i want to redirect all output to a file i can use command 2>&1 > myfile?15:45
jribLuciusMare_: erm, what did you do that you expect it to become non-blank?15:46
LuciusMare_jrib: dpkg-reconfigured everything with xserver or xorg in its name ^^15:46
=== pungo is now known as x-nux
LuciusMare_not really15:46
LuciusMare_just xserver-xorg and things that seemed to have something in common with authorizating15:47
jribLuciusMare_: dpkg never touches anything in your home15:47
LuciusMare_jrib: oh15:47
bloodskii've got a problem with hdmi, it overscans the resolution, which makes the edges not visible, any ideas?15:47
LuciusMare_jrib: i think that we are just still on a problem - i need to fill my .Xauthority15:47
LuciusMare_but i dont know how or w/ what15:47
fhausany ruby programmers on?15:47
LuciusMare_fhaus: try #ruby15:47
onetinsoldiergenixpro: if ati makes a driver for the 'mobile' type of video cards for linux you could download it and install it manually15:48
=== jofo_ is now known as jofo
jribLuciusMare_: I don't know how that gets filled, but I would start by trying startx15:49
onetinsoldiergenixpro: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:49
x-nux#pelita @freenode.net15:49
onetinsoldiernooo! my sound suddenly just stopped working. anyone think they might be able to help me get it going again?15:49
arandHow can I set sound volume from terminal?15:49
hwildeonetinsoldier, type "alsamixer" on cli and unmute everything15:49
rjurneyCan I install a CentOS or SuSE RPM on my ubuntu system?  The vendor only supplies RPMs.15:49
hwildearand, alsamixer15:49
onetinsoldierhwilde: roger. i'll try it...15:50
hwilderjurney, some rpms will install fine15:50
arandhwilde: *facepalms15:50
rjurneyhwilde: Redhat 4, 5 or SuSE?15:50
jribLuciusMare_: anyway I have to go, google also claims kdm/gdm create a new xauthority everytime.  You also have errors in your /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:50
hwilderjurney, depends on the rpm itself actually, and where it wants to put files, what it is expecting etc15:50
genixproonetinsoldier: thank you i am taking a look15:50
Daraelrjurney: It's not guaranteed, but if you install the package "alien" you may be able to convert it to an installable debian package.15:51
hwildeLuciusMare_, jrib,  I agree it has nothing to do with .xauthority.   but blowing away xorg.conf should get you a failsafe.  if that doesnt work you have serious problems.15:51
rjurneyThat kinda sucks15:51
hwilderjurney, did you TRY to install the rpm yet15:51
Shreycan anyone help me in ubuntu15:51
dooglushey guys I have a question15:51
Shreyfor the apt-get15:51
rjurneyI am as we speak15:51
Darael!ask Shrey, dooglus15:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:51
doogluswhen I install from the ISO, it asks me if the first user's home should be encrypted15:52
LuciusMare_hwilde: i guess it does, user that has something in it, (it looks sorta like a hash)  can run it15:52
jribrjurney: you may break your system that way....  What is it you are attempting to install?15:52
fhaushow do i register on this irc server15:52
dooglusis there some way of having the 2nd user's home encrypted too?15:52
rjurneyjrib: Vertica15:52
jrib!register  |  fhaus15:52
ubottufhaus: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode15:52
hwildeLuciusMare_, I believe that file is auto generated when x starts up.  so it should be blank in your case.15:52
zapistohi all , i want to know if it existe a tool/sript/sorft who permit to manage update for a small cloud of 9.04 and 9.10 from a central point witout need to go on each system and run update15:53
airstrikei'm missing some icons (like amsn and utorrent which _are_ running now) from my tray next to the clock. how can i fix that? they were there earlier today15:53
jribrjurney: you should probably contact them directly about it15:53
rjurneyjrib: They'll say to run CentOS, surely ;)15:53
LuciusMare_hwilde: it is blank only at my user, at the second,there is something.And,he can start the x15:53
dooglusDarael: what do you mean?15:53
jribrjurney: won't know until you try15:53
hwildeLuciusMare_, ok then it's something in your profile then.15:53
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LuciusMare_i know15:53
hwildeLuciusMare_, in other words it's not a package issue, it's not a driver issue, it's not an x issue, it's not a kde issue, its your user profile.15:54
LuciusMare_okay, it is not my user profile15:54
Daraeldooglus: It was a failed bot command, never mind that. The answer to your question is: Yes - you may be able to do it when you create the user; I'm not sure. Excuse me while I look up how to do it after user creation.15:54
JohnnyDoetrying to connect to my vpn.. were could i find the vpn's gateway15:54
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LuciusMare_hwilde: i tried to run it from the user, i cant15:54
LuciusMare_i mean, from the user that was supposed to be able to run it,and could run it before15:54
onetinsoldiergenixpro: roger... i used that guide to install the 9.12's. but after it was all done i had to manually give the command to generate a fglrx-enabled /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. with the following command --> sudo aticonfig --initial15:54
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onetinsoldierhwilde: sorry, but alsamixer didn't seem to get me anywhere. thanks for trying tho15:55
blahhhhhhali'm not able to access 1 TB freeagent seagate portable disk drive on ubuntu 9.10.. any ideas?15:55
llutzLuciusMare_: if you think your problem will be solved with a new ~/.Xauthority, "sudo mkxauth -c <youruser>"15:55
JohnnyDoetrying to connect to my vpn.. were could i find the vpn's gateway15:56
nvmei am trying to access a windows share through an SSH tunnel, i am able to see the shares on the windows remote computer but i cant mount them (nautilus just says failed to mount), anyone know what can be wrong ?15:56
hwildeonetinsoldier, close all the open programs, one of them may have locked the sound driver... happens to me sometimes.  especially totem fighting with firefox15:56
Fud--onetinsoldier I was about to ask the same thing, where is the config util for asla...i can't find it in ubuntu but there was one in gentoo that was just one command on the terminal15:56
onetinsoldierhwilde: hold on, I just pressed 'H' in alsamixer and it's showing me some 'help'. describes what keys do what in here...15:56
Fud--the mixer doesn't help15:56
hwildeonetinsoldier, I think M is for mute, and the arrow keys up and down adjust volume.  there is a little Mute symbol at the bottom of each channel15:57
JohnnyDoetrying to connect to my vpn.. were could i find the vpn's gateway15:57
onetinsoldieryeah.. i don't think the mixer is going to help, but i am going to play with it some here to try and see. i'll close all programs too, although all i have open is firefox, my gnome-terminal, and xchat15:57
sephyonetinsoldier: You need master, pcm, front and headphone15:58
onetinsoldiersephy: ok, thanks :)15:58
sephym for mute/unmute, up/down for volume adjusting15:58
hwildeonetinsoldier, try logging out and logging back in does it play the ubuntu theme music ?15:58
Fud--just saying asla had some app that probed and set up the sound card auto from the command line but i cant find that in ubuntu15:59
onetinsoldierhwilde: arrrgh. i have to leave for a few minutes. be back in just a few... i hope15:59
ThaxllHello, I've a problem with my second screen plug into my laptop, when I've a dark picture / movie I see some wave on the screen ( it seems to be a sync or refresh issue ) where could I increase de the refresh rate of my second screen ?16:00
zapisto i want to know if it existe a tool/sript/sorft who permit to manage update for a small cloud of 9.04 and 9.10 from a central point witout need to go on each system and run update16:00
hwildeThaxll, you can specify vrefresh and hsync in xorg.conf  google it for your monitor type16:01
sephyFud--: It's alsa, and the command you're thinking about is alsaconf16:01
jasonmchristoshow do i see the installed drivers in ubuntu?16:02
Fud--thanks sephy16:02
Fud--i'll try that16:02
sephyjasonb: Some are implemented in the kernel, others are modules loaded during boot16:02
Daraeldooglus: http://ur1.ca/k6uy explains how to migrate an existing user to an encrypted home, or to add one with a preencrypted home, do it with "sudo adduser --encrypt-home".16:02
Daraeldooglus: Sorry for the delay!16:03
sephyjasonb: If you want the modules try typing lsmod in a terminal16:03
dooglusDarael: thanks.  I'll take a look16:03
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vikahagrawalany body india16:07
linnyis it possible and if so could someone point me to a tut or guide to make a karmic .deb work with jaunty ?16:07
LuciusMare_llutz: i have no command like mkxauth16:08
nvmei am trying to access a windows share through an SSH tunnel, i am able to see the shares on the windows remote computer but i cant mount them (nautilus just says failed to mount), anyone know what can be wrong ?16:08
Daraellinny: What are you trying to accomplish? There may be a better way - and to give a straight answer, whether it's possible depends on the package, so I doubt there's a guide.16:08
c_nickwht can best work on a p4 845gv chip16:09
linnyDarael: there is an app called wiithon a wbfs file manager for linux it only has karmic repos and debs16:09
FortyTworazartek, yes all settings are checked(filter)16:09
Daraellinny: Have you looked for a ppa in Launchpad?16:10
sephylinny: I don't recommend it, but if you download the package from http://packages.ubuntu.org/karmic you'll be able to install it using the command: dpkg -i packagename.deb    Again, I strongly advice _AGAINST_ it16:10
zapisto i want to know if it exist a tool/sript/sorft who permit to manage update for a small cloud of 9.04 and 9.10 from a central point witout need to go on each system and run update16:11
paulusActionParsnip: lshw -C network says it's DISABLED, driver=b4416:11
linnysephy:Darael: i think im due an upgrade anyways thanks, i just dont like messing with a working box so i was putting off updating :)16:12
oCean_zapisto: with multiple systems, you would have to update all of 'em anyway?16:12
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JediMasteranyone know how to get reverse DNS/PTR records working in MaraDNS?16:13
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oCean_!aptproxy | zapisto maybe looking for something like this?16:13
ubottuzapisto maybe looking for something like this?: apt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy16:13
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llutzJediMaster: look at faq16:14
JediMasterllutz, I did and it doesn't work16:15
hwildeneed help with mount and uuids please:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/359077/16:15
UrdaHello fellow ubuntu users! Question: How can I get php5 to run without Suhosin? It appears as if the package for apache and CLI both have it on by default. I have a 9.10 x86 server OS that needs it16:16
JediMasterllutz, e.g. did "dig @localhost" and it comes up with a cname to another PTR16:16
JediMasterUrda, why do you need it without suhosin?16:17
llutzJediMaster: you read the part about "internet wide reverse dns"?16:17
{aaron}hi guys, i was wondering if there was a generic way to restore/foreground X apps?  my running apps disappeared in blackbox and I don't know how to get them back :(16:17
oCean_hwilde: do "grep 1234 /etc/fstab"16:17
UrdaJediMaster: Using Gearman, and the return from Worker and Client is tripping it for one reason or another. Gearman may be doing something it doesn't like, but the fellows in #gearman haven't pinned it yet16:18
hwildeoCean_, nope.  checked there first, and mtab... i'm actually doing grep -r through the whole filestysem at this point16:18
JediMasterllua, I don't see that on http://www.maradns.org/faq.html16:18
LuciusMare_oh,and the reboot does not work,any more ideas?16:18
UrdaJediMaster: The Classic ALERT canary mismatch16:18
llutzJediMaster: faq 7,  "if you wish to habe a PTR....."16:19
oCean_hwilde: the way you mount (not mentioning device nor mountpoint) it will try to get the info needed from fstab16:19
zapistoocean_, ubottu , thanks but i would still need to manual run update on all the systems ?16:19
JediMasterllutz, yes I know, and our ISP has given us control over it16:19
llutzJediMaster: ah, ok. no clue then16:20
=== AaronMT_ is now known as AaronMT
JediMasterllutz, it's more that maradns doesn't seem to be returning the correct response unless I've got my dig syntax wrong?16:20
Fud--aha i see alsaconf doesn't exist in linux mint which is ubuntu based16:20
Explore1how can i check the version of any package i am using?16:20
LjLExplore1: apt-cache policy packagename16:20
{aaron}nvm X crashed on me... i guess that sort of solved the problem :(16:21
LuciusMare_when i `start kdm` under normal user, it prints a message about rejected dbus message,if i run it under root, it is already running,and if i try to run it under user again,it tells me only root wants to run kdm16:21
noXandOshey i just removed my virtual desktops from the panel, how do i get them back?16:21
oCean_zapisto: well, yes, all systems have to be updated, right? You could also have a look at cron-apt package, which provides (basic) automatic updates (-scheduling)16:22
kinja-sheepnoXandOs: Workspaces? Right-click on the panel and add Workspace.16:22
DaraelLuciusMare_: You'll want to stop it (as root) and try starting it again?16:22
oCean_noXandOs: right-click panel > add to panel > workspace switcher16:22
zapistoocean, yes i have about 20 systems, now i have to manually connect to all of them and run update, i was thinking of some scription and cron16:23
noXandOsoh, workspace.. thanks :)16:23
paulusafter some googling I did a sudo ifconfig eth0 up16:23
zapistobut just want to know if something already exist16:23
paulusnow the nic shows up in ifconfig, but no ip address. dmesg report 'link is not ready'16:23
^paradox^quick question16:24
oCean_zapisto: see my previous line: "..You could also have a look at cron-apt.."16:24
oCean_!info cron-apt | zapisto16:24
ubottuzapisto: cron-apt (source: cron-apt): automatic update of packages using apt-get. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.0 (karmic), package size 25 kB, installed size 220 kB16:24
zapistoocean : i am look at it now, but mean i have to install that on all system (that's a good start)16:25
LuciusMare_oh,screw it,i'll just reinstall16:25
* LuciusMare_ gets debian16:25
oCean_zapisto: well, if you're looking for more sophisticated management software, have a look at http://www.canonical.com/projects/landscape16:26
zapistoi was more thinking of a push over pull but ehhh this will prolly help me16:26
^paradox^i installed frostwire recently and it just popped up and said theres a newer version avalaible. it wants me download another deb file. is this this how im supposed to update it then or do i wait for updates through update manager?16:26
zapistoocean : hooooo great let me look16:26
ktovlc or rhythmbox shutsdown If I suspend my computer16:26
mpathyHi there.. I cannot live without an Ubuntu even when I have to do work on the windows desktop :) What would be the best option for an Ubuntu on a VirtualBox on a Win7 64bit? (Jeos? Ubuntu 9.10 32bit or 64bit?)16:27
Explore1how can i upgrade the gstreamer on my machine?16:28
sephy^paradox^: That's for you to decide. The package manager will tell you when there's newer versions of a package16:30
luluhola logan16:30
sephy^paradox^: As a golden rule, if it works, don't mess with it16:30
logan_quien eres te conosco16:30
luluno, simplemente te vi lol16:30
luluvoy a #ebooks a buscar un libro de postgre :P16:31
logan_ahh aque te dedicas16:31
oCean_!english | logan_ lulu16:31
ubottulogan_ lulu: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:31
^paradox^sephy: so even if its offering updates now itd be better to wait on them in updates manager? just checking16:31
pauluswell the link seems to be up now (just took some time) but still no ip - ifup eth0 just says "ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0"16:32
triple_xxx^paradox^: I don't get the newer version ... I feel that is just another way for people to keep track off you... I think the newer version asks you to register...16:32
BlasterMouseIn case anyone is looking for a nice synchronization/backup/file sharing utility: http://is.gd/6Boyi (Yes, me and you get some extra free space for this referral.)16:32
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:34
shadowwulfi have a live cd of ubuntu 9.10 i am trying to install the ubuntu CD and it is prompting me for a username and password .. how can i log in to install ?16:34
^paradox^triple_xxx: aside from that. frostwire was installed with a deb file in the first place i believe. not from repos or add/remove. so would updates still show in updates manager?16:35
lulu@logan_ estudio ingenieria quimica,16:35
s3lukcan some one help me out , I am using envy24ht 192 sound card .. with the latest oss4, but I am trying to get ecamegapedal to output from the dsp_in to the main dsp or some where else, but it fails and always seems to have audio dev/dsp16:35
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bastid_raZor^paradox^: no16:36
BlasterMouseshadowwulf: did you try "ubuntu"? :D16:37
shadowwulfBlasterMouse, as username and password ?16:37
triple_xxx!tell triple_xxx apt-get16:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:37
triple_xxx!tell triple_xxx terminal16:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:37
Pici!msgthebot | triple_xxx16:37
BlasterMouseI'd guess only as user with an empty password. Maybe ask Google?16:37
ubottutriple_xxx: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".16:37
hwilde!apt-get > triple_xxx16:37
ubottutriple_xxx, please see my private message16:37
xokhello all..16:38
xokanyone had any success using tor?..16:38
bastid_raZorj/w 1316:38
xokI've asked some question in #tor but with no luck..16:38
triple_xxxhwilde: what is this tell function about in bots???16:38
hwildetriple_xxx, i dunno you can /msg ubottu whateveryouwant16:39
triple_xxx!tell triple_xxx about terminal16:39
ubottutriple_xxx, please see my private message16:39
IdleOneubottu: tell triple_xxx about ubuntu16:39
rainy-dayhi, I have 9.04 and I messed up my dvdrom somehow.. I was doing something with device files in /dev and it doesn't work anymore. I only have /media/cdrom0 and /media/cdrom which is a link to the first one.. how can I fix/restore /dev cdrom files?16:39
paulussomehow the iface eth0 line in /etc/network/interfaces had become commented out16:40
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shadowwulfBlasterMouse, is that for username and password ?16:40
paulusid reactivated it, my network is up! hooray!16:40
xokany tor users here?..16:40
IdleOneshadowwulf: leave the password field blank16:40
Al1i need help to get my webcam working on skype. Video there is green. I have ubuntu 9.10 and trying to get it work for month... Please help16:41
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farfadetbesoins d'aide pr ouvrir un fichier .rar qq peut m'aider?16:42
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:42
IdleOne!fr | farfadet16:42
ubottufarfadet: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:42
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
Leoneof`hi, since many weeks, i copied 500 Fonts from Windows to Ubuntu, and then when i opened any website.. it is show me lines instead of real text, like this "______ __  ___ ____."  , why?16:42
thevishyhow can I swtich a work area ? the gui is not working when I click ont he work area16:42
IdleOnethevishy: ctrl-alt-arrow key16:43
thevishyeven thats not working16:43
thevishyI can see the forefox icon there though16:43
shadowwulfIdleOne, what would the username and password16:44
thevishy any command line ?16:44
IdleOneshadowwulf: in username put ubuntu , in the password leave empty16:44
Smexfarfadet: essaye d'installer le paquet "unrar-free"16:44
IdleOnethevishy: I don't know of any sorry16:44
s3lukat the moment I have ecamegapedal set to use /dsp2 as input and dsp1 as out put and if I look in ossxmix I can see that the "IN" channel is receiving audio and the spdifout is output ecamegapedals out put but when I try and encode dsp1 in darkice it cant..16:45
s3lukthere must be a way!!!16:45
onetinsoldierhwilde: hello. still here? sorry, but i had to leave for a little while there. i tried the alsamixer, but sound still isn't working16:45
xokanyone with tor experience here?..16:46
shadowwulfIdleOne, it failed16:46
hwildeonetinsoldier, sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart16:46
IdleOneshadowwulf: then try ubuntu/ubuntu16:46
freerideguys, help! Pidgin doesn't work, seems like searching network and that's all. what to do?16:46
IdleOneI have never had to enter a username and pass on live cd16:47
onetinsoldierhwilde: ok, thanks. i'll try it. i'm not sure what the heck caused my sound to quit working... but i need it! thanks for trying to help16:47
arvind_khadrifreeride, have you setup the account properly? which version, network?16:47
shadowwulfIdleOne, nope16:47
papulis there a way to encrypt a home partition16:47
maverickwhat is the /etc/init.d/gdm restart equivalent in xubuntu?16:47
IrITHi. I have a G15 keyboard from logitech. I'ev just installed the g15daemon, and the display and multimedie buttons is working perfect. However, my extra buttons aren't recognized - not even with xev. Under keyboard settings I've chosen G15 logitech as layout?16:47
IdleOneshadowwulf: I don't know then. sorry16:47
arvind_khadripapul, yes, 9.10 provides it16:47
papuli mean a home folder16:47
papularvind_khadri: how?16:48
resnohow do i rollback a update to an earlier version? its for a kde package16:48
freeridearvind_khadri yes, i did. It worked perfectly, but today it doesn't connect to any account, by the way empathy doesn't work too16:48
arvind_khadriresno, rollback is not supported yet16:48
onetinsoldierhwilde: still no sound. just tried a .ogg file with audacious16:48
papularvind_khadri: how?16:49
wowotopapul: man encrypt16:49
arvind_khadripapul, just a moment16:49
resnoarvind_khadri: well, a friend of mine was able to do it before. as this problems appears not to be fixed on a recent update16:49
hwildeonetinsoldier, you have rebooted?  checked all the wires?  speakers are turned on?  try with headphones?16:49
UrdaQuestion: How can I restart Ubuntu One? It doesn't seem to be responding16:49
s3lukno one can help or know where i can go besides google ??16:49
onetinsoldierhwilde: i think i might see part of the problem in alsamixer, not sure though16:49
arvind_khadriresno, rollback as in kde 3.5 to 3.4 or something like that?16:49
onetinsoldierhwilde: my sound works ok in 2 other operating systems.. winxp pro, and lucid alpha216:49
papulwowoto: doesnt work16:50
bastid_raZorpapul: you want to encrypt your home folder or home partition?16:50
freeridepidgin doesn't connect to any account and empathy doesn't work too. What's the problem?16:50
^paradox^bastid_raZor: so then i would need to download the deb to update it?16:50
resnoarvind_khadri: no, kdebase-runtime-bin-kde416:50
papulbastid_raZor: my home folder /home/papul16:50
wglI seem to have an installation of karmic ubuntu that does not have /usr/bin/time installed.  What package might that be in?16:50
arvind_khadripapul, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-create-a-private-encrypted-folder-on-ubuntu-810-intrepid.html16:51
resnoarvind_khadri: no, kdebase-runtime-bin-kde416:51
freerideplease help, pidgin doesn't connect to any account and empathy doesn't work too. What's the problem?16:51
bastid_raZor^paradox^: yes, the benefit of installing by deb is the ability to uninstall easily.16:51
arvind_khadriresno, you want to go to kde3 ?16:51
resnoarvind_khadri: i just want this kde issue to stop bugging me :)16:51
resnoarvind_khadri: as i have unmet dependencies currently16:52
arvind_khadriresno, better to ask in #kubuntu16:52
^paradox^bastid_raZor: ok just wanted to be sure. didnt wanna screw anything up16:52
onetinsoldierhwilde: when i start 'alsamixer', it's showing the following card at the top-left --> Card: HDA ATI HDMI and Chip: ATI R6xx HDMI. I need X-Fi Titanium selected16:52
papularvind_khadri: link doesnt work16:52
arvind_khadripapul, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-create-a-private-encrypted-folder-on-ubuntu-810-intrepid.html it works here16:52
papulbastid_raZor: ?16:52
resnoarvind_khadri: the sad thing is, i dont use kde, but i never uninstalled it. thanks anyway.16:52
hwildeonetinsoldier, sytem-> pref-> sound    select the right output devices?16:53
freeridearvind_khadri please help, pidgin doesn't connect to any account and empathy doesn't work too. What's the problem?16:53
^paradox^guess itll always be updated with debs. hmmmm no problem. thanks16:53
arvind_khadrifreeride, which network?16:53
Craig_Demfree_loader: Check your login details16:53
freeridearvind_khadri i've got router and automatic Ip16:53
freeridearvind_khadri ADSL16:54
maverickhwilde: sorry to interrupt, but are you having cracking sounds during games?16:54
Al1my skype webcam showing green video. I have ubuntu 9.10. I need somebody who could help me cose googlin around is without succes and it is driving me crazy16:54
arvind_khadrifreeride, i meant aim,msn or google ...16:54
shadowwulfi have a live cd of ubuntu 9.10 i am trying to install the ubuntu CD and it is prompting me for a username and password .. how can i log in to install ?16:54
freeridearvind_khadri aim, msn and irc nothing works16:55
=== papul_ is now known as papul
hwildemaverick, yes I do have some strange behavior with pulse and libsdl when multiple apps access soundcard16:55
onetinsoldierno. whenever i go there and select the X-Fi card... then hover my mouse over the speaker icon on the panel, the pop-up shows the X-Fi Titanium as selected. but if i open up the sound preferences and go to the 'Hardware' tab in there, it has the ATI HDMI selected16:55
maverickhwilde: what is the output of cat /proc/asound/version16:55
hwildeshadowwulf, that is not the expected behavior.  redownload and reburn the cd16:55
hwildemaverick, i dunno thats on my home machine, ask me in about 7 hrs16:55
shadowwulfhwilde, thanks16:56
hwildemaverick, but I did recompile asound and alsa from the latest svn trunk and still the same errors16:56
maverickhwilde: if thats your problem, then its alsa's fault...upgrading to the lastest version solved it for me (1.0.22)..16:56
wowotoshadowwulf: try to install ubuntu with LIVEUSB16:56
hwildemaverick, nah i have latest versions of everything16:56
wowotoshadowwulf: and have a look at www.unetbootin.com16:56
maverickhwilde: ohh...then i have no idea..what is the exact problem you are facing?16:57
berl69ah ah ah16:57
arvind_khadrifreeride, no idea, am sorry16:57
onetinsoldierhwilde: if i do the lsmod command, it looks like it loading up drivers for both cards. snd_hda_codec_atihdmi, snd_ctxfi. perhpas if i can keep it from loading up the drivers for the ati hdmi card when i boot up?16:57
freeridearvind_khadri thanks anyway :)16:57
hwildemaverick, occasionally and randomly when two apps try to access soundcard it sounds like its coming form a  tin can.  I have lots of pastebins if you want to see but its at home16:57
=== urlaway is now known as urlwallace
hwildeonetinsoldier, you can blacklist modules16:57
* wowoto go to bed @16:57
maverickhwilde: sounds like an alsa problem to me...is it occurring suddenly, or is it from the time you installed ubuntu16:58
ninel"SIOCGIFFLAGS error: No such device" what could be the error?16:58
papuli am not geting much help from the site16:58
bastid_raZorpapul: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedHomeFolder16:58
hwildemaverick, only on recent updates.  it's a libsdl issue16:59
sileHi! I was wondering if there's a way to change the calendar format in Ubuntu. I want Monday to be the first of the week instead of Sunday, but I can't find anything to do this in the calendar preferences.16:59
maverickhwilde: did you try rolling back to the previous version then?16:59
onetinsoldierhwilde: roger. this started happening when i 1) installed the propietary ATI Video drivers, then i made an xorg.conf file with the following commands --> sudo Xorg -configure, aticonfig --initial (both as root user)16:59
Homely_GirlGreetings holder of knowlegde powerful!! :)17:00
Homely_GirlAnyone know the apt-get for wine? :)17:00
IdleOneHomely_Girl: sudo apt-get install wine17:01
maverickHomely_Girl:sudo apt-get install wine17:01
freeride<Homely_Girl> apt-get install wine1.217:01
ninelhomely_Girl www.winehq.com17:01
hwildemaverick, I am not debugging that at the moment, but message me in about 5 hrs when I am at home and I will send you all the info17:01
maverickhwilde: ok..17:01
Migi32hey everyone, what's a good alternative to vnstat that produces *reliable* data?17:01
* Homely_Girl blows kisses to all who responded, thank you!! :)17:01
maverickhwilde: but i doubt i would be able to help you, i am a sort of a newbie17:02
solipsistcan someone help me with newbie installation stuff?17:02
mavericksolipsist: fire away17:02
soreausolipsist: Not if you dont ask your question17:02
onetinsoldierhwilde: i'm going to remove my xorg.conf file, then do 'aticonfig --initial' on an empty xorg.conf file and reboot and see what happens. if your still here i'll let you know what happens17:02
chazcoHi... does anyone know how I can setup LIRC on Ubuntu 9.10?17:02
solipsistwell i don't know what's wrong.17:02
solipsisti can't install anything from source17:02
mavericksolipsist: pastebin your compilation errors17:02
ninelI am with wvdial problem anyone would help me dig down why I always dont get the prompt for  "Default Key Ring" which doesn't let it recognise my modem?17:03
soreausolipsist: 1) Why are you trying to compile from source 2) What package? 3) What are you trying and what errors do you receive?17:03
Migi32hey everyone, what's a good alternative to vnstat that produces *reliable* data?17:03
IdleOnesolipsist: you probably need to install build-essential " sudo apt-get install build-essential " but search in Synaptic for the app first17:03
pat|nGif i install ubuntu thru livecd after installing is it ready to work?17:04
solipsisti'm trying to install aircrack-ng but it said i don't have the permissions to.17:04
freeridepat|nG sure it is17:04
ninelpat|nG: it should be okay17:04
mavericksolipsist: permission errors are usually solved by using sudo before your commands17:05
soreaupat|nG: Short answer, yes17:05
pat|nGthank u17:05
bastid_raZorpat|nG: yes and no, there are some updates you should do, but you don't have to  if yo udont want.17:05
ninelI'd be grateful if anyone would help me dig down my wvdial problems17:05
solipsistwell why can't i just download this with "sudo aptitude install aircrack-ng"17:06
Migi32hey everyone, what's a good alternative to vnstat that produces *reliable* data?17:06
solipsistwhy won't that work?17:06
ninelmy Karmic dont popup the Modem connectivity17:06
solipsisti've never had to install anything from source17:06
Migi32or rather, how do I reliably monitor my incoming/outgoing traffic?17:06
Al1is anybody here who could help me to fix my problem with green video on skype? I have ubuntu 9.1017:06
soreausolipsist: If you have compiled it successfully, install it with sudo make install17:06
ninelMigi32: gnome-system-monitor ?17:06
solipsistmake: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.17:07
llutz!checkinstall | solipsist17:07
ubottusolipsist: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!17:07
llutz!compile | solipsist17:07
ubottusolipsist: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)17:07
psykSo apparently since 7.10 this problem has existed and has never been fixed. I have an intel sound chip and a realtek sound card, and sound doesn't work. Yes, I've made sure that nothing was muted in alsamixer etc17:07
soreausolipsist: You need to run make && sudo make install from the source directory..17:07
llutzsoreau: pls don't recommend "make install"17:07
IdleOnesolipsist: what error do you get when you run sudo aptitude install aircrack-ng?17:07
soreaullutz: Meh17:07
sheldon_2hello every one.. i can see ample amount of screen tearing while moving windows17:07
sheldon_2can any one help me?17:07
Migi32ninel, the problem is that gnome-system-monitor doesn't keep a history of bandwith usage17:08
soreau!info aircrack-ng17:08
solipsistno error17:08
solipsistit does everything right17:08
ubottuaircrack-ng (source: aircrack-ng): wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0-1 (karmic), package size 1529 kB, installed size 2748 kB17:08
llutzsoreau: installing besides packagemanagement is a stupid idea, use at least checkinstall17:08
solipsistbut then the program doesn't show up17:08
ninelsolipsist: A good tutorial for you can be "how to install Google's Go on Ubuntu"17:08
soreausolipsist: Its already in the repos so you dont need to install anything from source17:08
llutzsoreau: in your case: pls recommend that :)17:08
solipsistso what command do i use?17:08
zagabarI configured my server to forward from eth1 and wlan0 to eth0 so that I could use it as a router kinda. ICS in other words. That works great. However now another problem arose because of it. I cannot connect to my mailserver anymore with like mozilla firebird or squirrelmail. What can be the cause for this?17:08
soreaullutz: I didnt know ubuntu had aircrack in the repos17:08
sheldon_2any one please help me with my screen tearing issue17:09
IdleOnesolipsist: run aircrack-ng17:09
soreausolipsist: If you already have installed aircrack-ng package, you shouldnt need to do anything else17:09
solipsistidleone: bash: run: command not found17:09
IdleOnejust aircrack-ng17:09
solipsisti can't find the program though17:09
rainy-dayupgrading from 9.04 to 9.10, is it ok to just do apt-get dist-upgrade or is this risky and it's best to do a clean install?17:10
soreausolipsist: aircrack-ng.org17:10
sheldon_2IdleOne: I have geforce 9400gt and just installed nvidia drivers from the hardware drivers option..17:10
=== mez1 is now known as Mez_
sheldon_2IdleOne: but i can see ample amount of screen tearing17:10
sheldon_2IdleOne: while moving the windows17:10
solipsisti can't run it because i can't find it17:10
Migi32hey everyone, what's a good alternative to vnstat that produces *reliable* data?17:10
soreausolexious: Type aircrack-ng and press enter17:10
IdleOnesheldon_2: I don't have nvidia and have no clue how to help you witrh it17:10
onetinsoldierhwilde: don't know if you saw what i said to you a bit ago, but i tried it. didn't work17:10
mattgreyHey! A friend installed ubuntu on my laptop but I can't find Internet Explorer! Where can I download it?17:10
sheldon_2IdleOne: thank you very much17:11
solipsistbash: aircrack.ng: command not found17:11
arvind_khadrirainy-day, that wont take you from 9.04 to 9.1017:11
IdleOnesolipsist:  it's a - not .17:11
solipsistcan someone tell me where to find this program if i supposively installed it already?17:11
soreausolipsist: Pastebin the output of sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng17:11
rainy-dayarvind_khadri: so what's the best way to upgrade?17:11
paulus68to surf at work I use putty to create a "proxy" through secure ssh is there a way that I can check how much trafic I have while surfing like this?17:11
soreau! who | solipsist17:11
ubottusolipsist: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:11
soreau! paste | solipsist17:12
ubottusolipsist: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic17:12
onetinsoldiermattgrey: ubuntu doesn't come with Internet Exploder. use Mozilla Firefox or Opera... or perhaps Google Chrome can be installed in linux as well, but not certain17:12
arvind_khadrirainy-day, gksu update-manager -D17:12
IdleOnesoreau: his issue is how to run it. he said the install completed just can't find it in menus17:12
sheldon_2ubottu: I am having screen tearing issues with ubuntu.. I am on 9400gt and 185 drivers..17:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:12
mattgreyDoes nobody else of you have a problem with Internet Explorer?17:12
sheldon_2ubottu: can you help me please?17:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:12
onetinsoldiermattgrey: ubuntu doesn't come with MS Internet Exploder. use Mozilla Firefox or Opera... or perhaps Google Chrome can be installed in linux as well, but not certain17:12
Jowimattgrey, IE is not available. use Firefox.17:13
solipsisti can't remember who says what because the chat goes so fast. why can't IRC people just message like normal people in private?17:13
Shirackcan anyone point me to the help channel?17:13
IdleOnesheldon_2: please be patient. ask your question ( all on one line ) and if someone knows they will help17:13
mattgreyI don't like firefox. I need IE.17:13
soreauBah, I see the problem17:13
PhoenixGIOneTineSoldier: yes, there is a Ubuntu/Deb build of chrome17:13
nastassolipsist: http://www.aircrack-ng.org/ read first.17:13
soreausolipsist: aircrack-ng not aircrack.ng17:13
soreauThere is a difference17:13
PiciDavid1284: ubottu is a program, its not a person that can repsond.17:13
solipsisti know i installed it with aircrack-ng17:13
paulus68to surf at work I use putty to create a "proxy" through secure ssh is there a way that I can check how much trafic I have while surfing like this?17:13
Shirackanyone know the ubuntu help channel?17:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:13
PiciShirack: You're here!17:13
onetinsoldiermattgrey: your not going to get internet explorer installed into linux17:13
nastassolipsist: just read17:13
s3lukwhy does /dev/dsp perminantly have sound at it17:13
Jowimattgrey, your only solution is to install Windows then.17:14
David1284ubottu: master volume on panel17:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:14
soreausolipsist: aircrack-ng is an advanced program not for the novice user. You need to read how to use it at aircrack-ng.org17:14
mattgreyBut firefox has privacy and security issues..17:14
s3lukeven tho its /dev/dsp_in that recieves the sound17:14
IdleOnesolipsist: you are running the wrong command. aircrack-ng is correct. aircrack.ng is incorrect17:14
rainy-dayarvind_khadri: it tells me 'gksu: option requires an argument -- 'D'17:14
paulus68Pici: do you hhave a sugestion by any chance?17:14
arvind_khadrisheldon_2, 185 drivers arent stable, come down to something stable i would say 173 or so17:14
solipsistokay so the package is installed on my desktop. what am i supposed to do next and with what command?17:14
arvind_khadrirainy-day, just a moment17:14
David1284is there a way to get the master volume on the panel instead of the application bar?17:15
Moose_join #python17:15
rainy-dayarvind_khadri: ok it works without -D17:15
Shirackcan anyone help. having problems setting up my 9.10 wireless17:15
arvind_khadrirainy-day, sorry its -d not -D :S17:15
sheldon_2arvind_khadri: thanks for the advice. I will try it17:15
David1284i really like when the volume is in the upper right corner so i dont have to look when i want to change the volume17:15
David1284is there a way to get the master volume on the panel instead of the application bar?17:15
solipsistcan someone private message me?17:15
rainy-dayarvind_khadri: thanks!17:16
nastassolipsist: what exactly is your issue?17:16
paulus68to surf at work I use putty to create a "proxy" through secure ssh is there a way that I can check how much trafic I have while surfing like this?17:16
IdleOneDavid1284: right click on the panel > add to panel17:16
arvind_khadrirainy-day, np, yw :)17:16
arvind_khadri!wifi | Shirack17:16
ubottuShirack: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:16
Shirackany ubuntu tech admin that can help me with a wireless issue here?17:16
solipsistnastas: i'm trying to install aircrack-ng and can't do this chat-talk thing very well17:17
David1284it worked before IdleOne, but since i installed 9.10 this option has disappeared17:17
IdleOneDavid1284: try reseting your panel to default. see !panels17:17
David1284ok, i'll have a look17:17
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »17:17
David1284but it was like this default17:18
David1284its a clean install17:18
Al1i have a green video in skype and i am total helpless. I have ubuntu 9.10. Please help me somebody!17:18
solipsistcan someone private message me to help with installing something?17:18
Shirackim missing options in network connections gui from a fresh ubuntu 9.10 install so i cant connect17:18
Shirackonly have vpn connection options17:18
IdleOneDavid1284: something got screwy :) who knows, reset and hopefuly you will experience the ubuntu of ubuntu17:18
kahenis there a way to get rid of the new volume display and get the old one back?17:18
Myrtti!pm | solipsist17:18
ubottusolipsist: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:18
paulus68to surf at work I use putty to create a "proxy" through secure ssh is there a way that I can check how much trafic I generate while surfing like this?17:18
onetinsoldierpaulus68: perhaps install and run 'iptraf' (or a similar util) on the relevant machine?17:18
llutzsolipsist: type into a terminal "sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng && man aircrack-ng"17:18
arvind_khadriShirack, switch over to wicd17:18
Shirackarvind how to i do this?17:19
paulus68onetinsoldier: so I install this on my server?17:19
arvind_khadriShirack, sudo aptitude install wicd17:19
Picipaulus68: Or perhaps iftop if don't mind running something interactive to see total traffic17:19
kosmosasHow can I restore dependencies which I installed not long ago ? I dont need them anymore how can I restore changes made to my  system , I am using ubuntu 9.1017:19
solipsistllutz: it told me aircrack-ng is already the newest version.17:19
solipsisti already installed it, i just can't find the program17:20
llutzsolipsist: type into a terminal "man aircrack-ng"17:20
killaxxlcan some one help me install apache2?17:20
onetinsoldierpaulus68: sure. i always start with 'iptraf' to monitor any network stuff. i love iptraf. i'd install it on all machines if you can :-)17:20
kahenspecifically i don't want this "fancy" gray/black thing at the top right. i prefer the small-ish themed one that used to be slightly below the middle of the screen17:20
killaxxlplease pm17:20
IdleOne!lamp > killaxxl17:20
ubottukillaxxl, please see my private message17:20
Picikillaxxl: sudo apt-get install apache217:20
paulus68Pici: ok thanks17:20
llutzsolipsist: it's a commandline app, no menu no gui no clicky17:20
xteejxHey guys, is there any package which does the same job that PeerGuardian or Peerblock does in Windoze for Ubuntu, i.e. use blocklists for P2P?17:20
llutzhard to become a hacker today17:21
paulus68onetinsoldier: is there a way to do this just monitoring 1 port in particular?17:21
Shiracksudo aptitude install wicd - Gives me "command not found"17:21
solipsistllutz: thanks.17:21
nastasShirack: why do you need wicd?17:21
onetinsoldierpaulus68: let me look at iptraf's options.. hang on17:21
paulus68onetinsoldier: ok17:21
Shirackok i had a typo17:21
mavericknastas: coz wicd is a 100 times better for wired connections17:21
arvind_khadriShirack, ?? sudo apt-get install wicd17:22
Shiracksomeone told me to do it17:22
Shirackcan you help with wireless setup nastas17:22
nastasdid you check pm Shirack?17:22
Shirackim missing the usual options from the network conecctions gui following fresh install17:22
killaxxlpici: i did the apache2 install and tried http://localhost and it worked but when i tried to ssh it just times out17:22
arvind_khadriShirack, wicd is a better manager, and is prefered for wireless17:23
Jowionetinsoldier, that's a nice app. I hadn't seen it before.17:23
Picikillaxxl: ssh is not apache, did you install the ssh package?17:23
onetinsoldierJowi: cheers. glad you like it17:23
killaxxlpici: lemme double check, brb17:23
paulus68onetinsoldier: is this also good for commandline only?17:23
keroybin bestimmt falsch hier ich suche einen recorder fürs tv17:23
llutzkeroy: vdr17:23
llutz!de | keroy17:24
ubottukeroy: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:24
onetinsoldierpaulus68: yes. iptraf is an ncurses command line util. i'm not sure i see a way in it to monitor just one single port. but there may be a way to do it17:24
paulus68onetinsoldier: ok I will take a look into it17:25
yeasonwhen I try to compile vlc from source I get an error telling me to recompile with -fPIC. I'm pretty sure I need to add that to global CFLAGS and recompile some of my libraries, etc. Is there someone who can help me out with this?17:25
kahenwhoever wanted PeerBlock... A) the source code is public. B) the list of "bad" IPs is public. C) iptables exists. it should be easy(-ish) to whip something up that does what you want17:25
xteejxkahen: It was me :)17:26
paulus68onetinsoldier: once installed does it run by default or do you have to start it each time?17:27
Dravekxhow do I install lamp server on ubuntu server?17:28
llutz!lamp | Dravekx17:28
ubottuDravekx: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:28
lengendHello! How do you defrag in linux if you can? I currently have this problem -_- http://i48.tinypic.com/4tatg1.png17:28
solipsisthow do i identify myself on IRC?17:29
Dravekxllutz, thats for 7.04, i need the install for 9.10. :(17:29
Pici!register | solipsist17:29
ubottusolipsist: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode17:29
onetinsoldiermy sound suddenly stopped working the other day in karmic. i have 2 sound cards listed in 'sound preferences' a ATI HDMI that's onboard my ati video card, and an X-Fi Titanium sound card. my sound was working fine with the X-Fi card selected until yesterday when it decided to just stop. my sound does work fine in 2 other OS's, WinXP Pro and Ubuntu Lucid Alpha2. anyone think they might be able to help me get it working in Karmic aga17:29
llutzDravekx: same17:29
Dravekxllutz. kk :)17:29
paulus68onetinsoldier: ubuntu17:29
MartinStlegend: this is most probably a hardware error. save your data and buy a new drive, do not excessivly use this drive, it will damage further.17:30
onetinsoldierpaulus68: ??17:30
paulus68onetinsoldier: thought you where takling to me when you wrote in?17:31
lengendok MartinSt, thank you17:31
onetinsoldierpaulus68: nope. asking for help with sound problem and i'm addressing the channel in my post ;-)17:32
=== Chousuke_ is now known as Chousuke
paulus68onetinsoldier: ok no problem17:32
killaxxlpici:thx for the assistance i am having some one come over to check it out with me, i will be back if i dont find a solution17:32
amy_i want to ask a question17:34
brad[werk]amy_: Go ahead17:34
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:34
amy_when I go on the websites, such as yahoo.hk, lots of adverts keeps on popping up17:34
amy_is there a way to get rid of them17:34
freeridehow to apt-get OA&M??17:34
MartinStuse adblock plus extension with firefox17:34
=== ariel is now known as Guest96772
sipiorfreeride: OA&M?17:35
Xbertamy_, try the firefox add-on called adblock+17:35
freeridesipior Operations, Administration and Maintenance17:35
amy_where can I get it from?17:35
amy_do I need to download anything?17:35
MartinStamy: addons.mozilla.com17:36
sipiorfreeride: that was fairly non-obvious.17:36
Xbertamy_,  addons.mozilla.com and search for adblock17:36
=== mimor__ is now known as mimor
llutz!info  adblock-plus17:36
ubottuError: I tried to send you an empty message.17:36
ariadnamy name is ariadna17:37
ariadnaand you?17:37
llutz!ot | ariadna17:37
ubottuariadna: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:37
IdleOne!es | ariadna17:37
ubottuariadna: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:37
s3lukcan some one tell me how you install the LADSPA plugins for ecamegapedal??17:38
onetinsoldiermy sound suddenly stopped working the other day in karmic. i have 2 sound cards listed in 'sound preferences' a ATI HDMI that's onboard my ati video card, and an X-Fi Titanium sound card in a pci-x slot. my sound was working fine with the X-Fi card selected until yesterday. my sound does work fine in 2 other OS's, WinXP Pro and Ubuntu Lucid Alpha2. anyone think they might be able to help me get it working in Karmic again?17:38
fcuk112i want to dual boot win7/karmic, i am planning to resize my win7 partition and install karmic on the free space.  do i still need to allocate swap if i have 8GB of RAM?17:38
sipiorariadna: there are around 1300 people in this channel, friend. was there something we could help you with?17:38
IdleOneariadna: this is not a chat channel if you would like to chat please join #ubuntu-offtopic17:38
IdleOnefcuk112: probably not17:39
Xbertfcuk112, you don't have to but it would still be recommended17:39
llutzfcuk112: you alwys can add swap-files later, if really needed17:39
grendal_primehey is there a way to unlink a huge dir on a ciffs share.17:40
fcuk112llutz: does karmic automatically use a swap file?  or do you have to do some config?17:40
Xbertfcuk112, the install will alert you that you have no swap you can ignore the warning17:40
Guig00hi everybody17:40
llutzfcuk112: idk, i guess you have to do it manually17:40
brad[werk]hi dr nick17:40
fcuk112ok thx.17:40
Guig00somebody knew a Super Mario theme for ubuntu?17:41
brad[werk]Ubuntu folks, do you think we'll see a new version of virt-manager in Lucid?17:41
brad[werk]0.7 is kinda tired.17:41
llutzbrad[werk]: /j #ubuntu-+117:41
d1g1t4l_nrgI wanted to find out how difficult other persons might have found in installing the ubuntu server.17:42
brad[werk]d1g1t4l_nrg: I didn't find it difficult at all, I did a remote install using root on LVM on top of MD RAID1 and it's now a VM server17:42
d1g1t4l_nrganybody have a opinion on the installation of ubuntu17:42
Xbertd1g1t4l_nrg, i just did an install, it took me 20 mins to get it running17:43
brad[werk]d1g1t4l_nrg: All steps were performed using the installation manager17:43
d1g1t4l_nrgwow sounds cool17:43
d1g1t4l_nrgah very nice17:43
Xbertd1g1t4l_nrg,  as easy as doing a desktop install just with a text installer17:43
thiebauded1g1t4l_nrg: install is easy, been doing it over 4 yrs17:43
d1g1t4l_nrgwhat sort of hardware are you running.17:43
M1TE5Hhow to connect samsung phone in ubuntu 9.10 for net17:44
d1g1t4l_nrgand are you running any mail, ftp, fileservers and db on this.17:44
llutzhard work begins after server-installation17:44
mavericksuddenly now, i cannot play mp3s...i know a restart will fix the problem, but i want to know why they are not playing currently?17:44
XfactUnix and Linux has any major difference?17:44
Dravekxd1g1t4l_nrg, im a 2 month ex-windows server fanatic.. I wont go back. i love the install. its easy. i have 3 Dell T105s.17:44
rainy-dayhow can I restore/recreate cdrom device(s) in /dev/ ?17:44
fcuk112brad[werk]: what does virt-manager do?17:44
thiebauded1g1t4l_nrg: i have dual amd opteron 164's with nvidia 8400 gs (521mb video ram)17:44
Xbertd1g1t4l_nrg,  HP server, yes running SSH,APACHE,MYSQL, all installed automatically with the installer17:45
xteejxI want to use MoBlock, but I'm using Lucid, can I use karmic packages from the PPA on Lucid?17:45
brad[werk]fcuk112: It's a graphical frontend for libvirt, which is in turn a frontend for a bunch of new virtualization technologies native to Linux17:45
mavericknevermind, it starting working now, strange17:45
brad[werk]fcuk112: Essentially provides a GUI for creating virtual machines without having to use something legacy like VMware17:45
hwildemaverick, pastebin /var/log/syslog  and /var/log/dmesg17:45
n00pHow might I recognise information regarding my expresscard bus using lspci? Are there any particular identifiers used to identify an expresscard bus?17:46
Xbertxteejx, has it been removed ? i think the package is called blockcontrol now?17:46
onetinsoldiermy sound suddenly stopped working the other day in karmic. i have 2 sound cards listed in 'sound preferences' a ATI HDMI that's onboard my ati video card, and an X-Fi Titanium sound card in a pci-x slot. my sound was working fine with the X-Fi card selected until yesterday. my sound does work fine in 2 other OS's, WinXP Pro and Ubuntu Lucid Alpha2. anyone think they might be able to help me get it working in Karmic again?17:47
d1g1t4l_nrgBrad which of the t105s did you buy there are 3 models available.17:47
maverickhwilde: i have analyzed that i cant play mp3s while im playing flash online and vice versa lol..17:47
d1g1t4l_nrgwow well thanks for the info.17:48
Dravekxd1g1t4l_nrg, I have 2 of the expensive ones, and 1 of the $300 ones.17:48
d1g1t4l_nrgI have a couple of boxes at home so i will try the install on one of them.17:48
fcuk112brad[werk]: how is it better than virtualbox?17:48
natrixnatrix89if I run ubuntu server. Is it possible to connect it to a wifi network?17:49
d1g1t4l_nrganyone have this on a Xdsl provider17:49
TorMentoranyone here that is a expert at X and the configuration of it?17:49
Xbertnatrixnatrix89, yes17:49
Jowinatrixnatrix89, yes, provided that you set it up to do so.17:49
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d1g1t4l_nrgBrad do u really see a difference on those vs a regular pc?17:49
natrixnatrix89Jowi: how do i set it up to do so?17:50
Jowinatrixnatrix89, a server setup is pretty bare bones.17:50
onetinsoldierTorMentor: you'd be better off stating what the actual problem is, or asking how you can do what it is you actually want to do17:50
kainam00I have a CUPS related question, can anyone here help?17:50
kainam00Basically - I have a PDF printer set up on a Linux box through CUPS and available via the network via LP (port 515).17:50
kainam00I'm trying to have a remote host, that runs a proprietary application designed to print to PCL supporting printers, print to this Linux box, and for the jobs to come out as PDFs. So far, the jobs come through fine, but the PCL codes do not get interpreted correctly. Meaning that I'm not getting the correct fonts or form feeds, just the codes printing out as part of the "text".17:50
kainam00Is there a way to have the print jobs go through some sort of PCL supporting driver before going to PDF?17:50
FloodBot1kainam00: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:50
brad[werk]fcuk112: That's a matter of debate I'm sure ;P17:50
Jowinatrixnatrix89, depends on what you want on your server. by default, the server install does not include a window manager.17:51
d1g1t4l_nrgwell have to get going thanks a bunch for the information.17:51
TorMentoronetinsoldier: ah ok. I have just got myself a htpc. I want it to run at resolution 1920x1080. THe problem is that nvidia-settings wont let me choose that res17:51
kainam00Anyone help - http://paste.ubuntu.com/359126/17:51
natrixnatrix89Jowi: all I want is to make a small server that would be connected to a local weather station with serial port, and that would connect to wifi to be always online, so I could get this weather info..17:52
n00pDoes anyone know how I might identify information regarding manufacturer/make of an expresscard bus?17:52
kernel_geekHello why do I get an error message with pidgin in msn if I try to send a link (quite long) ?17:52
ShapeshifterGuys. Is there a firefox 3 package that _doesn't_ install freakin' synaptics as a dependency??17:52
onetinsoldierTorMentor: not sure, but you may need to install the Nvidia proprietary drivers.17:52
brad[werk]fcuk112: The main attraction to libvirt based virtualization is the amount of development muscle behind it - VirtualBox is an excellent app and I actually use it on all my workstations, but I have trouble seeing it deployed on a large number of servers while maintaining easy management17:52
brad[werk]fcuk112: Incidentally, one nice thing about virt-manager is that it can connect to virtualbox instances and manage them too17:52
TorMentorif i start gdm without a xorg.conf then it will use my resolution17:52
d1g1t4l_nrgbye the way i could not beleive how easy it was to install my wireless adapter and the scanner in unbuntu17:53
d1g1t4l_nrgsorry ubuntu17:53
geirhanatrixnatrix89: ''man interfaces'' and ''man iwconfig''  should have the necessary information on how to set up wifi on the server.17:53
brad[werk]Which is handy because my personal colo box is not capable of running Xen or KVM in HVM mode17:53
Jowinatrixnatrix89, "wicd" includes console tools for managing wifi. it's pretty good.17:53
hwildekainam00, pcl is hp proprietary, but you can try  hp2xx to convert it17:53
brad[werk]How come we all hate networkmanager now :\17:53
onetinsoldierTorMentor: they are also known as 'restricted-drivers'. were you prompted to install the nvidia restricted-drivers when you first booted up into ubuntu?17:53
d1g1t4l_nrghave a great day everyone.17:53
natrixnatrix89thanks geirha and Jowi. Ill try that..17:53
d1g1t4l_nrgand thanks again.17:53
kainam00hwilde, how do I go about it? Do I set the driver in the PDF printer to hp2xx?17:54
Xenefungusnew install of 9.10, flash works out of the box (o_O) but no sound in flash videos? _K_ubuntu that is, but their channel isnt helpful at all17:54
TorMentoronetinsoldier: i installed the one using hardware drivers.17:54
=== faheem is now known as Darkstar
hwildekainam00, you would have to capture the pcl, convert with hp2xx, then print that17:54
Bt4Newbiecould I have some help with modules?17:54
=== Darkstar is now known as _Darkstar_
nintnintquick question, that dvd drive in my laptop, what is that bay called?  Like if I wanted to look for a hard drive expansion to fit in that bay, what would I be looking for?17:54
TorMentoraka restricted drivers gui :D17:55
_Darkstar_hello i need to knw if their is a shortcut to logout of ubuntu?17:55
fcuk112brad[werk]: i sometimes help out with MOTU packaging, will take a look into it when i get some time.  thanks for your info.17:55
onetinsoldierTorMentor: ok, keep asking. i'm not sure how to help with the resolution17:55
_Darkstar_i have tried alt+f417:55
hwilde_Darkstar_, ctrl alt backspace  should logout17:55
_Darkstar_ok thanks lemme try17:55
n00p(nintnint) I'd look for second harddrive enclosure for your particular model.17:55
kainam00hwilde, so, do I set up another printer in CUPS with that driver, but pointed to output to my CUPS PDF printer? Or do I need to pipe it through the driver on a lower level somehow?17:55
TorMentoronetinsoldier: do you know if there is a way tro save the current options to a file?17:56
hwildekainam00, i guess option b, but i dunno really17:56
nintnintwhat do you mean, I do not understand17:56
TorMentoronetinsoldier: im talking of xorg.conf17:56
n00pNintnint, what's your laptop?17:56
nintnintemachines n-10.  an old piece of junk but my piece of junk17:56
onetinsoldierTorMentor: it's probably already in a file --> /etc/X11/xorg.conf - if they're not in there, then i'm don't know, no17:56
TorMentoronetinsoldier:  i deleted that file to get gdm to reset it. But it didn't save the settings into it.17:57
_DarkStar_is their a command in terminal to log out of ubuntu?17:58
_DarkStar_pretty desperate here17:58
TorMentoronetinsoldier: ill try to restart gdm to see if that saves my xorg.conf. BRB17:58
onetinsoldierTorMentor: i'm not sure how for an nvidia card. i use ati here17:58
onetinsoldiermy sound suddenly stopped working the other day in karmic. i have 2 sound cards listed in 'sound preferences' a ATI HDMI that's onboard my ati video card, and an X-Fi Titanium sound card in a pci-x slot. my sound was working fine with the X-Fi card selected until yesterday. my sound does work fine in 2 other OS's, WinXP Pro and Ubuntu Lucid Alpha2. anyone think they might be able to help me get it working in Karmic again?17:58
bloodskii've got a problem with hdmi, it overscans the resolution, which makes the edges not visible, any ideas?17:58
_DarkStar_llutz: exit?17:59
_DarkStar_is their a command in terminal to log out of ubuntu?17:59
maverick DarkStar: sudo stop gdm ?17:59
n00p(nintnint) get on google and search for: Emachines n-10 second hdd <--- you could add enclosure to that query.17:59
maverick_DarkStar_: sudo stop gdm ?17:59
hwildeTorMentor, if you rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf and then restart gdm it will generate a failsafe default file for you.17:59
_DarkStar_maverick: gdm is an unknown cmd17:59
TorMentorbloodski: nvidia has a setting to allow the monitor(tv) to do the scaling to fit.17:59
maverick_DarkStar_: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop17:59
onetinsoldier_DarkStar_: try sudo service gdm stop18:00
tkmrhow about init318:00
mamooliis there a graphical interface for mysql on ubuntu?18:00
TorMentorhwilde: when is that config generated at start or when closing X?18:00
hwildeTorMentor, at start18:01
TorMentorhwilde: that's odd. i dont have that file. and x is running at the resolution i want18:01
bloodskiTorMentor: where is that setting? im using nvidia ion platform18:02
thrityfourmamooli "sudo apt-cache seach mysql gui" replies mysql-admin18:02
hwildeTorMentor, are you sure?  it is using:   /etc/X11/xorg.conf     check /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:02
thrityfourI have no experience with it, though18:02
n00p(nintnint) I've found a few, but I'm not sure if they'll go in your computer. You'd need to verify.18:02
TorMentorbloodski: start nvidia control panel and i had it at a tab below the temp meters18:03
nintnintnah, I don't need anymore storage really.18:03
nintnintbut thanks anyway18:03
bloodskiokay, thx for the info TorMentor, i'll check it out18:03
TorMentorhwilde: it can't be using /etc/X11/xorg.conf it doesn't exist :P18:03
hwildeTorMentor, look in the log I told you and figure out wth it is doing.18:04
sharperguyRight so I'm trying to install UNR on this acer aspire one. My problem is I don't have a dedicated USB stick. I have a hard drive with an extra partition I could use, but would it actually be possible to boot from this partition?18:05
n00pOk. Does anyone have any idea how I might identify my expresscard bus information in Ubuntu? I need information that will help to install drivers on my other FreeBSD machine.18:05
maverickn00p: try Restricted Drivers from the system --> administration menu?18:06
n00pNo restricted drivers item in that menu.18:06
n00pThere is a hardware drivers item, but that lists only my WAN adapter.18:07
Bt4Newbie sorry could I have some help...the channel is busy...18:07
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TorMentorhwilde: it says its using default built-in configuration. Then it does a scan on whats available and registers the EDIDs as i want it to.18:07
erUSUL!ask | Bt4Newbie18:07
ubottuBt4Newbie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:07
=== Guest14671 is now known as ardchoille
nintnintso where is the c: drive if i install some programs in wine?18:07
nintnintI installed foobar2k and I want to put in cdisplay but I don't remember where it is.18:08
sharperguynintnint, ~/.wine/drive_c18:08
TorMentornintnint: ~/.wine/18:08
Bt4NewbieI have 3945 ABG Intel Wireless18:08
nintnintoop, yep, there it is18:08
sharperguynintnint, You can also change it with winecfg18:08
Bt4Newbiehow can I install the modules in backtrack418:08
nintnintwell, if I install cdisplay, and its program is CDisplay.exe, how can I run that with Alt-F218:09
Bt4NewbieIntel Pro doesn't inject packets...18:09
Bt4Newbiebut I read is possible to install the modules18:09
onetinsoldiern00p: hello. if you're just wanting to gather info on your hardware, try --> sudo lshw | less18:10
n00pTy onetinsoldier, will do now.18:10
onetinsoldiern00p: cheers18:10
lightasharperguy, if you change your ./wine/c : folder to an old C: from windows would it be fine ?18:10
onetinsoldiermy sound suddenly stopped working the other day in karmic. i have 2 sound cards listed in 'sound preferences' a ATI HDMI that's onboard my ati video card, and an X-Fi Titanium sound card in a pci-x slot. my sound was working fine with the X-Fi card selected until yesterday. my sound does work fine in 2 other OS's, WinXP Pro and Ubuntu Lucid Alpha2. anyone think they might be able to help me get it working in Karmic again?18:11
Bt4Newbieit's so caotic here18:11
sharperguylighta, I don't think so. AFAIK wine uses different DLLs which make it compatible with linux (somebody correct me if I'm wrong)18:11
Bt4Newbiecan i speak in pvt?18:11
=== john is now known as Guest10688
llutzBt4Newbie: this is ubuntu, no backtrack support here18:11
nintnintwell, if I install cdisplay, and its program is CDisplay.exe, how can I run that with Alt-F218:11
Bt4Newbie-.- tanks a lot18:11
sharperguynintnint, yeah I'm typing a response18:12
Bt4Newbie-.- tanks a lot -> llutz18:12
mikebeechamhi there, I wonder if it's possible for me to connect my Android phone to my ubuntu machine, and use my ubuntu's internet connection on my phone?18:12
TorMentornintnint: "wine ~/.wine/c_drive/Program\ Files/cdisplay.exe"18:12
lightaok thx for info (having ndis.sys error :/)18:12
nintnintI have to do all that for the single exe?18:12
robin_szWhere can I get ubuntu for XP? I downloaded the new one but it seems to be for Vista only ...18:12
sharperguynintnint, I think also, at least in 9.10, if the program appears in your Applicaions->wine menu you can start to type the name of the application and the icon should appear and you can just click it18:12
=== tyrant is now known as tyranos
n00p(onetinsoldier) it doesn't appear to be in there. I do have a few things that aren't recognised, however. I'll try google :)18:13
ardchoillemikebeecham: There is information on that at the T-Mobile forums: http://forums.t-mobile.com/tmbl/18:13
onetinsoldiern00p: hmmm, roger. good luck18:13
TorMentornintnint: why not start it like this: Application -> Wine -> Programs -> CDisplay18:13
killaxxldoes any one know what Access denied for user 'karen'@'localhost' (using password: NO)18:14
llutzkillaxxl: exact what it says18:14
llutzkillaxxl: use password, setup your user correct18:14
killaxxli try to set a pass and it tells me the samething18:14
onetinsoldierkillaxxl: you might want to show what is you are trying to do when you get that18:14
mikebeechamardchoille: have you got the exact link?  Cant find it18:14
sharperguykillaxxl, I think you need to provide more context18:14
killaxxlmysql -u root18:15
ardchoillemikebeecham: I don't have a link but I do remember seeing several articles. Search for modem18:15
killaxxlto set pass18:15
llutzkillaxxl: mysql -u root -p18:15
Bt4Newbiejoin in #Backtrack to help me18:15
killaxxlty works18:15
ardchoillemikebeecham: see my om18:16
Dravekxugh. I set permissions on my www folder to 755 with my user, but when I login via FTP, I cant copy anything to it. why?18:17
Bt4Newbiejoin in #Backtrack to help me18:17
PiciBt4Newbie: Backtrack has their own channel at #remote-exploit18:19
llutzBt4Newbie: #backtrack-linux too18:19
ChazzIs there a way to see hardware specs in Terminal on Ubuntu Karmic?18:19
Bt4Newbiethank you very much18:19
geniiChazz: sudo lshw | more18:20
Chazzgenii, ok, ty18:20
geniiChazz: Welcome18:20
mod6good afternoon - i have a Dell Inspiron 1545 running Ubuntu 9.10 -- it has the Broadcom 4312 wireless driver, currently im using the `wl` driver, but i would like to use the b43 driver, can anyone help me to switch this?  we can take this to /msg since traffic in here is high. thanks in advance.18:21
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rayveI know there are Ctrl shortcut to stop and resume input while typing in a terminal, but I can't remember what they are - can anyone help?18:23
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n00p(onetinsoldier) does "mobile PCI bridge" sound anything like a PCMCIA or expresscard port?18:24
clrgrayve: "set -o vi", takes you to VI mode. Just ESC two times to stop input, hit i, r or a to resume.18:24
xubunoobieHello!  If my ipod will not mount after installing the restricted extras package and the ipod plugin for ehaile.  Is there something I am missing or have overlooked?18:24
clrgxubunoobie: Is the driver loaded? Did you reboot since you installed the new module?18:25
n00pHmm no that seems to be my digital audio output.. Cool :)18:25
rayveclrg, thank you, but I meant directly on the command line rather than in a text editor18:26
=== patel is now known as cp7
Dravekxhow do I join a group?18:26
xubunoobieclrg:  I did not reboot yet.  Do I also need ffmpeg from synaptic?  It says that ugly and bad gstreamer are installed, but not ffmpeg18:26
llutzDravekx: sudo adduser user group18:26
clrgrayve: set -o vi is to be applied in the command line. You're not going to enter vi, you're just going to use it to edit your commands.18:27
xubunoobieclrg:  which driver?   Maybe I should reboot first if you think that will help18:27
paulus68Hi I have this script http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m4e0d3929 which is sending me each hour a mail, however I don't want it to sent mails to me when there is nothing in the file how do I do this?18:27
Dravekxllutz, :( I added myself to www-data, set my /var/www folder to me:www-data, and I STILL cant access it. why?18:27
clrgpaulus68: When invoking the script, add ">/dev/null 2>&1" to the end of the command.18:28
onetinsoldiern00p: sorry.. i was away for a bit there. i would say yes. i don't know though18:28
llutzDravekx: relogin18:28
onetinsoldiermy sound suddenly stopped working the other day in karmic. i have 2 sound cards listed in 'sound preferences' a ATI HDMI that's onboard my ati video card, and an X-Fi Titanium sound card in a pci-x slot. my sound was working fine with the X-Fi card selected until yesterday. my sound does work fine in 2 other OS's, WinXP Pro and Ubuntu Lucid Alpha2. anyone think they might be able to help me get it working in Karmic again?18:28
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boscophow can I copy a large folder of partly changed files (irclogs) to my external hard drive so that only changed files get copied?18:28
rayveclrg: ahh, I see... except I seem to have messed something up as my current tab of Terminal won't let me type anything anymore, I thought there were stop input/resume input Ctrl options18:28
boscopnot overwrite those that are there and aren'T different18:28
Dravekx550 Permission denied.18:28
pvh_sahey there, my ubuntu 9.10 seems to be stuck on 1024x768 for my monitor, even though the monitor does much better than that. any ideas?18:29
openvpn2009pvh_sa, did you install the driver for your graphics card?18:29
onetinsoldierpvh_sa: have you tried using the util in System --> Preferences --> Display ?18:30
paulus68clrg: is this line comming between line 18 and 19? or am I wrong?18:30
openvpn2009and which card are you using?18:30
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M1TE5Hwhat is computer janitor18:31
shortcircuitCan someone help me resolve (and fix) the reason I get a refused connection when trying to run a vm using virt-manager? The relevant syalog line is line 7 in this pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m514d2c4d18:31
UrdaQuestion: Ubuntu One Seems to be Hanging, how do I restart it?18:31
pvh_saonetinsoldier, that's what i'm using. this monitor is on my laptop (fujitsu lifebook p7230), graphics is intel 945GM with 256 MB RAM...18:31
M1TE5Hwhat is computer janitor andit is not working in my laptop18:32
MiracleI want to install gstreamer* packages but I want to leave out 1 particular package. is there an apt-get option for this?18:32
Leonard_Guys, I've been using Ubuntu a while now, but I have a lovely new machine, which is 64bit, and wanted your opinions on whether it's worth going 64bit ubuntu instead of 32?18:32
pvh_saonetinsoldier, ah, fixed it. it was the 'mirror screens' that caused problems18:32
paulus68clrg: is this line comming between line 18 and 19? or am I wrong?18:32
ZykoticK9Leonard_, if you have more then 4G memory YES18:33
Leonard_I have been trying it out - and it seems certain things don't work [as well] in 64 bit18:33
djMaxhow can I install mac80211 modules/drivers on Ubuntu JeOS?18:33
Leonard_I have exaclty 4GB memory18:33
shortcircuitLeonard_: Then yes, still.18:33
ZykoticK9Leonard_, almost everything works under 64bit18:33
michaell_Leonard_: I go with yes, its faster18:33
onetinsoldierpvh_sa: ahh! good deal. congrats :-)18:33
Leonard_things like Adobe Air (tweetdeck), flash18:33
michaell_Leonard_: noticeably18:34
Leonard_michaell_: oh really?18:34
ertr2i need help18:34
shortcircuitLeonard_: Some of your address space is actually taken up by device mapping. You're not going to get access to the full 4G of RAM until there's room for both your RAM and your devices in your address space.18:34
Leonard_That's important to me18:34
TorMentorhwilde: Got x to work as i want it =)18:34
Pici!ask | ertr218:34
ubottuertr2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:34
Alan-chi all18:34
shortcircuitLeonard_: Well, unless you play around with pae, but that's not necessary any more.18:34
ertr2i cant connect my 2nd display with backtrack 418:34
xubunoobieI am having a little trouble getting my ipod to be recognized.  I get an error:  mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,        missing codepage or helper program, or other error        In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try        dmesg | tail  or so    I installed the "restriced extras"  and the ipod plugin for exaile, then rebooted.  Is there something that I overlooked?18:34
ertr2pici undrestood18:34
Leonard_Can anyone, off the top of their heads, mention things what work less well in 64-bit versions?18:35
shortcircuitLeonard_: Anything that involves tons and tons of pointers?  On the whole, the impact is negligible.18:35
ZykoticK9ertr2, this is Ubuntu support not Backtrack -- they have a channel remote-exploit or something similar to that18:35
Alan-chow do i get intel graphic driver on my laptop my scree resolution is 1280x800 please can anyone help18:36
llutzertr2: /j #backtrack-linux   or #remote-exploit18:36
shortcircuitLeonard_: About the only problem I've noticed is that Adobe Flash likes to hang more frequently.  But it's Adobe Flash, so what do you expect? :)18:36
ertr2but its ubuntu based18:36
ertr2llutz TNX18:36
Leonard_So in theory, codecs, flash support, air support, java support, etc, should all work the same?18:36
onetinsoldierwhat is 'backtrack'?18:36
ertr2its like modded ubuntu18:36
onetinsoldieroh.. i see18:36
erUSULLeonard_: pretty much the same yes18:36
shortcircuitLeonard_: I've been running 64-bit exclusively at home since Nov 2008.  Haven't seen any real issues with it for over a year.18:36
ertr2with aircrack and other that kind a stuff inside18:36
=== Rixi is now known as Rix
ertr2omg am banned from backtrack channel...18:37
Leonard_I know - flash is a pita - and of course silverlight is pretty slow on here but I mean I will probably run Win7 in virtualbox for photoshop/fireworks/sky player/etc that just run more smooth in that18:37
onetinsoldierertr2: ok, thanks. never heard of airtrack either of course... lol. i might look it up on google. thanks18:37
shortcircuitOk, mild clarification: I've been running a 64-bit Linux OS, but some apps may still be 32-bit.18:37
Leonard_Well, I really appreciate your answers guys. Take care, and I think I'll stick around in here:)18:38
JustMozzyHi guys. I just bought today a Nokia N86 and I am trying to get amarok to see it but until now I failed. can someone help me with that?18:38
shortcircuitLeonard_: I'm actually running Win7 inside libkvm right now.  Don't have Aero, but I don't know whether or not I'm going to need to fix that.18:38
michaell_Leonard_: ive got three machines -  32 bit and 1 64bit- they all work pretty much the same - did nitice when i went from 32bit to 64 the video encode time went wsy down18:39
onetinsoldiermy sound suddenly stopped working the other day in karmic. i have 2 sound cards listed in 'sound preferences' a ATI HDMI that's onboard my ati video card, and an X-Fi Titanium sound card in a pci-x slot. my sound was working fine with the X-Fi card selected until yesterday. my sound does work fine in 2 other OS's, WinXP Pro and Ubuntu Lucid Alpha2. anyone think they might be able to help me get it working in Karmic again?18:39
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FizixIs there any software to turn my modem into a phone?18:42
michaell_onetinsoldier: changing devices in preferences-sound doesnt help?18:42
ertr2question: i cant change my screen resulution, any kind of hp dv6 bug_18:42
onetinsoldiermichaell_: hi. i have to step away for just a moment.. brb18:42
JustMozzyor how can I find the device point of my phone?18:43
TorMentorHi :D18:46
absoidahoWhen using Thunderbird in Ubuntu 9.04, how do I download the read emails from my gmail account, for currently it only downloads my new email?18:47
epinkypaulus68: maybe you should add a conditional at the beginning to echeck if execution ofl your code is needed, I mean before executing your current code, check if auth.log has changed, maybe using 'stat' command18:48
onetinsoldiermichaell_: hello. originally.... in order to get sound, i went in there and selected my X-Fi Titanium as the sound card and selected a 5.1 Sourround Sound profile. worked fine. now, sound quite working. Right now, if i hover my mouse over the speaker icon, it shows the X-Fi card. if i go into the sound preferences, the ATI HDMI card is highlighted by default. i can click on and select the X-Fi card right below it... but no, doing t18:48
onetinsoldierhat doesn't change anything.18:48
Blue112Hello here.18:49
Blue112How can I hear what's in on my Line In input (the blue connector) ?18:50
onetinsoldiermy sound suddenly stopped working the other day in karmic. i have 2 sound cards listed in 'sound preferences' an ATI HDMI that's onboard my ati video card, and an X-Fi Titanium sound card in a pci-x slot. my sound was working fine with the X-Fi card selected until yesterday. my X-Fi sound does work fine in 2 other OS's, WinXP Pro and Ubuntu Lucid Alpha2. anyone think they might be able to help me get it working in Karmic again?18:50
tawdcan anyone help with default printers and removing printers?18:50
nevermoreskiesmy volume is very very low, and if I try to turn it up (even then it18:51
Blue112Many questions...18:51
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nevermoreskies*is low) it gets grainy.... any help with that?18:51
sharperguyHow much overhead would I have if I enable home folder encryption? I ask because I'm in the middle of installing UNR on an acer aspire one and I would actually like to enable it for portability reasons - but only if it's worth it18:52
BesogonHello. I need to build the Octave from source And before to do it I should install some depend applications. How know What can mean "a TeX distribution"????????18:53
primarycan't seem to get X-chat to go to fullscreen with f1118:53
nevermoreskiesthe installation is new, and I've tried alsamixer and played around with sound settings in general18:53
epinkyBesogon, why not install Octave from usual repositories18:53
epinky!pulseaudio | nevermoreskies18:54
ubottunevermoreskies: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions18:54
tawdprimary, mine doesn't either.  i don't think x-chat has that option18:55
primaryFullscreen, Xchat, Anybody?18:55
primarywell thanks for the response18:55
erUSULBesogon: ubuntu uses texlive as lates distri afaik.18:55
Piciprimary: Perhaps ask in #xchat18:55
zacktuIs there a list of Ubuntu One icons and their meaning?18:55
skarufuewhat is the root device called in a wubi installation? eg what i have to pass after: linux /boot/vmlinux-2.x-generic root=18:55
tawdprimary, but you can maximize and it looks good there18:55
erUSUL!info octave | Besogon18:55
ubottuBesogon: Package octave does not exist in karmic18:55
Besogonepinky, I don't satisfy by octave 3.0 (because of some functions from 3.0.1 work bette and more usefull (like vander()) at the other hand octave 3.0 is bulded better) So I decide to compile from source.18:56
erUSUL!info octave3.2 | Besogon18:56
ubottuBesogon: octave3.2 (source: octave3.2): GNU Octave language for numerical computations (3.2 branch). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-2build1 (karmic), package size 9532 kB, installed size 29724 kB18:56
primarythx cheers18:56
tawdprimary, have fun!18:56
erUSULBesogon: as you see octave is alrady a click away in the repos18:56
nevermoreskiesyes, well, I've reinstalled pulseaudio (along with all the other sound-related packages) but honestly had no idea why the sound is acting weird, so I18:56
Blue112How can I hear what's in on my Line In input to the output ?18:56
nevermoreskiesI'll give it another look, thanks18:57
epinkyBlue112: is it unmuted?18:58
Blue112epinky, I'm kinda lost in the pulseaudio settings, but the "INput" tab is unmuted, yes.18:58
marc__hi all. I'm installing Ubuntu 9.10 server on a old computer I have. when it comes to the partition screen the default is on LVM. that computer will be used as a file+torrent server and as a backend for tv recording and I will add/upgrade hard drives over time. Should I use LVM or go with normal partitionning?18:58
Blue112I have a lot of profile for my soundcard, I don't know which to choose >_<18:58
BesogonerUSUL, octave 3.2 is builde worse the octave3.0 (for example funcions "who" and"whos" at least don't work like in old octave)So You have advised texlive, haven't you?18:59
epinkyBlue112: can you install gnome-alsamixer to check?18:59
skarufuewhat is the root device called in a wubi installation? eg what i have to pass (in grub2) after: linux /boot/vmlinux-2.x-generic root=18:59
skarufue@marc use LVM18:59
chazcoHi... I have a mini-projector connected to the composite out on my PC... the resolution is too low to read text, but fine for videos... any suggestions on a good media centre app to use with it?19:00
gattychazco: xbmc19:01
Blue112epinky, it's installed and launch, it just says me "gam_toggle_get_state (). No idea what to do for mixer element "Input Source"!"19:01
Blue112Hum, I've unchecked the "Input Line" checkbox19:01
Blue112And it's working \o/ Great \o/ Nice \o/ Wonderful \o/ Outstading \o/19:02
Blue112Thanks a lot.19:02
chazcogatty - Thanks... had a look at XBMC but it seems to have a lot of small text still...19:02
epinky!yay | Blue11219:02
ubottuBlue112: Glad you made it! :-)19:02
gattychazco: you can change that with preferences, or with a different skin19:02
chazcogatty - Hmm, okay, i'll look into it19:02
chazcoThanks :)19:02
Blue112Now I should fine a way to put the wii-bar on top of my screen19:02
Blue112Sounds hard.19:02
skarufuewhat is the root device called in a wubi installation? eg what i have to pass after: linux /boot/vmlinux-2.x-generic root=19:03
onetinsoldiermy sound suddenly stopped working the other day in Karmic. i have 2 sound cards listed in 'sound preferences' an ATI HDMI that's onboard my ati video card, and an X-Fi Titanium sound card in a pci-x slot. my sound was working fine with the X-Fi card selected until yesterday. my X-Fi sound does work fine in 2 other OS's, WinXP Pro and Ubuntu Lucid Alpha2. anyone think they might be able to help me get it working in Karmic again?19:03
discotekaHey there19:05
skarufueok ill ask differently: is anybody here on a wubi install and could be so kind to post the output of cat /boot/grub.cfg or put it into http://pastebin.com/ and send me the link?19:06
Schuihello, im having a problem trying to detect my camera, it seems i need a driver but i can only find an exe for windows, was wondering what other ppl do about this?19:07
skarufuewhat camera?19:08
Schuiits a hitachi dz-mv230a19:08
onetinsoldiermy sound suddenly stopped working the other day in Karmic. i have 2 sound cards listed in 'sound preferences' an ATI HDMI that's onboard my ati video card, and an X-Fi Titanium sound card in a pci-x slot. my sound was working fine with the X-Fi card selected until yesterday. my X-Fi sound does work fine in 2 other OS's, WinXP Pro and Ubuntu Lucid Alpha2. anyone think they might be able to help me get it working in Karmic again?19:09
Schuisurely other people use cameras and can detect them on linux??19:09
llutz!repeat | onetinsoldier19:09
ubottuonetinsoldier: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:09
onetinsoldierhey.. i'm waiting like at least 5 minutes(more i think) between asking19:10
onetinsoldieri'm pretty sure i'm waiting at least ten minutes to repeat.. that's a while. lot's of peeps come and goo in that amount of time19:11
skarufuei cant find anything about your camera19:12
skarufue+ linux19:12
Schuii know lol :S19:12
Schuido you think there is a linux software that would work?19:13
ChimpoutI am having a slight problem with Ubuntu19:13
aciculaChimpout: describe your problem, what you tried, what happened, what you thought should've happened19:13
ChimpoutI have everything working, except my AOL browser19:13
Chimpoutit won't even workin WINE19:13
soreauChimpout: Why on earth would you want to use an AOL browser?19:14
aciculanot all programs work in Wine, i guess the AOL browser, what ever it is, is a windows program19:14
Chris___what are the hot keys on a (ubuntu) macbook to adjust screen brightness/contrast?19:14
Chimpoutit is that I have aol internet19:14
Chimpoutpaying for it for exclusive aol stuff19:14
aciculaChris___: the same as you normally use?19:14
Chimpoutand i need the browser for its email security19:14
Chimpoutand security edition stuff19:14
aciculaChimpout: did you look on the winehq site if its supported via wine?19:14
Chris___acicula: buddy of mine texted me from class asking me that. on my regular not mac laptop, it's FN + F7/F8.. Apparently that doesn't work for him19:14
Chimpoutit says it is19:15
Chimpoutbut it won't work19:15
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:15
aciculaChimpout: its possible its simply not working, doubt the function keys for that would change, but maybe there is some specific info to find on ubuntu on mac hardware?19:15
kulychCan you talk me about any good FTP client? Thanks :)19:15
llutzkulych: lftp19:16
Schuiso i was wondering, does any one else use cameras / able to detect and use them on ubuntu?19:16
aciculakulych: ftp :)?19:16
aciculaSchui: yeah, fire up gstreamer-properties (from a console), switch to video and hit test?19:16
kulychyes :)19:16
aciculaSchui: its called video4linux or v4l if you want to get it setup19:16
ardchoilleSchui: I use a Canon and Ubuntu detects it immediately19:17
Schuidid you have to install anything or did it detect it automatically?19:17
ardchoilleit was automatic19:17
aciculanormal cameras are just detected as storage devices i think?19:17
adacDoes anyone know if nautilus-dropbox is open source? If yes, where can I download it?19:17
onetinsoldiercameras need a driver i think19:18
ardchoilleacicula: I think you're right,mince was19:18
skarufue@Shui i think there is no linux support for you camera... but on the other hand i think DV is standertised so you could try any video editing software really19:18
ortsvorsteher!cam | onetinsoldier19:18
ubottuonetinsoldier: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras19:18
aciculawell if its an integrated camera on your laptop it does, if it just is a handheld camera it behaves like an external hardrive/cd/usbstick/memory stick etc19:18
dybbukcan i burn a 64 bit iso image onto a usb stick using my 32 bit computer ?19:18
onetinsoldierthanks ortsvorsteher. i'll check that out19:18
ortsvorsteherhave fun19:18
aciculadybbuk: yeah, easier to use unetbooting (program)19:19
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onetinsoldierortsvorsteher: ok, thanks. but i see that's for webcams19:19
ortsvorstehersure dybbuk19:19
ortsvorsteheronetinsoldier, and you have a normal cam?19:19
onetinsoldierortsvorsteher: i have a 'camera'.. hehe. Canon Powershot SD850 IS19:19
acicula!usb > dybbuk19:19
ubottudybbuk, please see my private message19:19
Schuiwell i plug it in and nothing happens, searched and find out ppl on windows use a driver... so i should try to use other software? such as v4l19:19
ortsvorsteherso may you search the web? onetinsoldier19:19
aciculaSchui: is it a webcam or a a handheld camera(ie something with its own storage)19:19
skarufuewhat is the root device called in a wubi installation? eg what i have to pass after: linux /boot/vmlinux-2.x-generic root=. or if you dont know that but are on a wubi install could you be so kind to post the output of cat /boot/grub.cfg or put it into http://pastebin.com/ and send me the link?19:20
onetinsoldierortsvorsteher: yeah. thanks19:20
Chris___what are the hot keys on a (ubuntu) macbook to adjust screen brightness/contrast?19:20
Schuiits a hand held camera19:20
onetinsoldierortsvorsteher: what i really need help with is a sound problem i'm having19:20
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:20
AiaI want to know how's done. If any can point to some more knowledge. When I go to places and click in a hard drive, gnome mounts it into /media/ and it makes a directory with the name of the hard drive. If I umount the directory is removed as well. But when I do it manually in the command line, I need to create the directory. How's done automatically?19:20
aciculaSchui: post the output from dmesg?19:20
ortsvorsteherwhich is? onetinsoldier19:20
onetinsoldiermy sound suddenly stopped working the other day in Karmic. i have 2 sound cards listed in 'sound preferences' an ATI HDMI that's onboard my ati video card, and an X-Fi Titanium sound card in a pci-x slot. my sound was working fine with the X-Fi card selected until yesterday. my X-Fi sound does work fine in 2 other OS's, WinXP Pro and Ubuntu Lucid Alpha2. anyone think they might be able to help me get it working in Karmic again?19:20
Schuii'm sorry.. what lol19:21
aciculadmesg in a console gives out some messages19:21
ardchoilleSchui: See if your camera is listed here, there may be a work around: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaDigitalCameras19:21
ZesturianHmm, fresh install of Kubuntu 9.10, kernel has identified two CPU's I only have one. I thought it might be hyper threading so I turned this on, no difference, it thinks I have 2 CPU's! I know I don't, it's a Intel Pentium 4 - Single core...19:21
aciculacan you unplug/plug the camera and paste the output on pastebin somewhere19:21
ortsvorsteheronetinsoldier, did you tried system -> settings -> sound?19:21
Zesturian*turned hyper threading off19:21
onetinsoldierortsvorsteher: yes19:21
ZesturianAnyone any idea's?19:22
Schuiyeah, not sure what you want me to copy19:22
ortsvorsteherand sound is on there? onetinsoldier19:22
onetinsoldierortsvorsteher: yep19:22
aciculaZesturian: either its dualcore, or detecting hyperthreading19:22
ortsvorsteheralsa is also selected? onetinsoldier19:22
onetinsoldierortsvorsteher: yes19:22
Schuiand i looked from that website but my model is hitachi, its a dz-mv230a if you were wondering19:22
aciculaZesturian: how are you figuring it is detecting two cores?19:22
_Darkstar_hi i'm using ubuntu with an ancient laptop, wondering if theirs a less resource consuming theme for ubuntu19:22
ortsvorsteherand at test with alsa, you hear anything? onetinsoldier19:22
Zesturianacicula, what's the correct way to turn of ht? I used 'e' from grub and after the 'splash' bit did ' noht'. cat /proc/cpuinfo and it shows in /var/log/messages acicula19:23
_Darkstar_hi i'm using ubuntu with an ancient laptop, wondering if theirs a less resource consuming theme for ubuntu19:23
onetinsoldierortsvorsteher: hmmm, where is the test? i'm looking...19:23
dybbukdid GOS die off completely?19:23
aciculaZesturian: bios probably19:23
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Zesturiandual-bios would cause it acicula?19:23
aciculaZesturian: not sure why you would want to turn of HT though19:23
Yuri_Har1isonHello, I wish install postgressql version 8.1, in the repository only has a 8.4, someone know how I DO that?19:24
_Darkstar_hi i'm using ubuntu with an ancient laptop, wondering if theirs a less resource consuming theme for ubuntu19:24
ZesturianI did wonder if that would do it, however I keep getting seg faults in a lot of apps19:24
m0UsEhi all, im having a bit of trouble and could use some help19:24
ardchoilledybbuk: See my PM19:24
Zesturianacicula, just to see if that was the cause19:24
skarufue@_Darkstar_ dont use ubuntu for acient leptops it is very resource hungry... you could try a different windowmanager eg enlightenment19:24
ortsvorsteheri am not able to say it yet, cause my system hasn't since upgrade volume control onetinsoldier19:24
ortsvorsteher!sound | onetinsoldier19:24
ubottuonetinsoldier: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:24
m0UsEif anyone has gotten gtkpod working for an ipod 5g nano can you pm me?19:24
Yuri_Har1isonHello, I wish install postgressql version 8.1, in the repository only has a 8.4, someone know how I DO that?19:24
aciculaZesturian: memory is always a good candidate to test, ran the membtest from the cd?19:25
Yuri_Har1isonHello, I wish install postgressql version 8.1, in the repository only has a 8.4, someone know how I DO that? change some repository19:25
ZesturianI ran xchat through gdb, when it segfaulted, it was to do with a gtk lib and a memory issue, I have tested my ram with no issues detected.19:25
_Darkstar_hi i'm using ubuntu with an ancient laptop, wondering if theirs a less resource consuming theme for ubuntu19:25
ANTRat!latest | Yuri_Har1ison19:25
ubottuYuri_Har1ison: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.19:25
Zesturianacicula, a week or so ago, I'll try again19:25
aciculaYuri_Har1ison: you can try to install an older package manually19:25
onetinsoldierortsvorsteher: ok.. thank you for trying to help me out. let me check out what ubottu says and try it :)19:25
ANTRatwait nevermind19:25
ZesturianThanks, if there's no resolve with that, what else might be worth checking?19:25
ANTRati read that backwards19:25
aciculaYuri_Har1ison: it wont have the security updates applied though and/or may not be managed anymore19:25
strebloi'm looking for a book/website/tutorial that i can read so that i can suck less at linux, can anyone suggest one?19:25
aciculaYuri_Har1ison: considered moving over your application from 8.1 to 8.4?19:25
ZesturianThe computer keeps seizing up, getting very irritating.19:26
Chris___can anyone on a macbook tell me what are the hot keys on a (ubuntu) macbook to adjust screen brightness/contrast?19:26
_Darkstar_hi i'm using ubuntu with an ancient laptop, wondering if theirs a less resource consuming theme for ubuntu19:26
skarufuethey seriously need to split this channel into subcategories19:26
strebloskarufue: yeah, they should. i'm guilty of asking general linux questions in here because the people here are nicer than in #linux19:26
aciculaskarufue: its ment for basic support i suppose, but people ussually come here for everything but the kitchin sink19:26
m0UsEif anyone has gotten gtkpod working for an ipod 5g nano can you pm me?19:27
zippy_Darkstar_ try lxde or xfce4 desktop19:27
skarufue@ Darkstar dont repeat so much try to read too. as i said ubuntu might not be the right distribution choice for a ancient laptop19:27
onetinsoldierortsvorsteher: i can't seem to get to where i see that 'alsa' is selected for certain19:27
Zesturian_Darkstar_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems19:27
xubunoobieHello.  I am having trouble getting my 2nd generation ipod nano to mount when I plug it in. Any ideal19:27
aciculaZesturian: well install lm-sensors too and have a look at the temperatures then19:27
skarufue@Darkstar if you stay with ubuntu maybe try another window manager eg enlightenment19:27
ortsvorsteheronetinsoldier, let me have a look, may i find it here. you have ubuntu 9.10?19:27
_Darkstar_hi i'm using ubuntu with an ancient laptop, wondering if theirs a less resource consuming theme for ubuntu19:28
Yuri_Har1isonubottu: Any way I want install version 8.1 I can not do that?19:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:28
onetinsoldierortsvorsteher: yes. i'm currently in 9.10. i also have 10.04 installed... and it works in there19:28
ardchoilleDarkEyes: Try Fluxbox, Window Maker or another window manager.. much less resources needed19:28
ZesturianThanks acicula, I'll give all this a spin.19:28
arand!repeat | _Darkstar_19:28
ubottu_Darkstar_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:28
adacWhen I create a new user, Is it possible to create it's home directory on an external disk?19:28
Schuiardchoille: i was just wondering, was your camera a canon or do you just use canon drivers?19:28
m0UsEif anyone has gotten gtkpod working for an ipod 5g nano can you pm me?19:29
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ardchoilleSchui: Canon powershot19:29
aciculaadac: yeah its definitly possible, not sure if ubuntu will let you automate it it an easy way though19:29
adacacicula, I should try that out maybe ;)19:29
m0UsEif anyone has gotten gtkpod working for an ipod 5g nano can you pm me?19:29
jellowadac: you could link them with ln19:30
Tamarajoin/ #linux.conf.au19:30
acicula!repeat | m0UsE19:30
ubottum0UsE: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:30
adacjellow, yeah that is a good idea!19:30
onetinsoldierortsvorsteher: i got it.. it's working19:30
aciculastill means the disk needs to be mounted prior to the user logging in19:30
jellowacicula: fstab?19:30
ortsvorsteherhow did you fix it? i am to slow to find it :D onetinsoldier19:31
pozicanI have a box at home with no monitor, keyboard, or mouse. Gnome, xorg, and associated are taking up almost a gig of ram. Can I safely remove these from an ssh session? Is killing X and stopping gdm enough to stop the Xorg sessions currently running?19:31
aciculafstab may work yeah19:31
aciculapozican: stopping gdm will shutdown the X subsystem19:31
pozicanacicula: chmod -x gdm will stop it from doing so on reboot?19:31
onetinsoldierortsvorsteher: i have a program under Applications --> Sound and Video --> Alsamixergui19:32
aciculapozican: err better to disable the service from starting19:32
aciculathat just breaks prorams19:32
onetinsoldierortsvorsteher: the dang volume was turned all the way down19:32
ortsvorsteheronetinsoldier, yes, thats the one ...19:32
pozicanacicula: uh, I thought /etc/init.d was the service handler?19:32
aciculapozican: you need to remove the script itself from the startup sequence19:33
nevermoreskies"WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong  into /etc/modprobe.d/."  What's this, anyone have an idea?19:33
aciculapozican: just making it non-executable will cause the boot sequence to fail and possibly go into fall-back mode to fix the failure19:33
pozicanacicula: I presume ubuntu has some non-standard sub-par way of a startup sequence that doesn't involve init.d then?19:33
aciculapozican: it uses the normal standard startup stuff19:33
ortsvorsteheri dont have it installed, so i will do it now...19:33
aciculapozican: though it recently switchted to startup19:34
DexterFanyone know a ppa fpr xine-vdpau?19:34
onetinsoldierortsvorsteher: how it got that way i don't know. i didn't do anything that i know of. it was turned all the way down and had a lock icon at the bottom. however, the volume control on the application bar didn't show it as 'muted' or anything and it looked like the volume was up there. strange. anyway, working now. thanks for help :-)19:34
ortsvorsteherthanks for the idea ;) onetinsoldier19:34
pozicanacicula: ok, how do I disable it from startup?19:34
ardchoilleDexterF: you can search for a PPA here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas19:34
skarufue what is the root device called in a wubi installation? eg what i have to pass after: linux /boot/vmlinux-2.x-generic root=. or if you dont know that but are on a wubi install could you be so kind to post the output of cat /boot/grub.cfg or put it into http://pastebin.com/ and send me the link?19:34
skarufue@poizacan just unistall gdm19:35
aciculapozican: update-rc.d19:35
arandskarufue: it's loop= something I think.. hang on19:35
aciculaor just install gdm yeah19:35
pozicanacicula: lol, is that a port from the gentoo tool? Why would they name the startup sequence tool rc.d if up until now they have used init.d?19:36
pozicanacicula: haha, thanks for the help mate19:36
arandskarufue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/477104 first comment seem to have the instructions19:36
melmI get this error when i start inkscape /home/parasite/Desktop/Screenshot.png19:37
aciculapozican: dunno if its a port, init.d holds scripts, rc?.d holds symlinks, it was like that in the previous centuary too :/19:37
squeloscan you hear me ?19:37
pozicanacicula: haha19:37
onetinsoldierortsvorsteher: just found something even better than alsamixergui, i think anyway.... gnome-alsamixer19:37
paissad_i would like to know if like /tmp, /var/tmp is emptied during reboot19:37
aciculapaissad_: dont think soi19:37
G_A_Cpozican: rc.d holds scripts for each runlevel; init.d holds the actual instructions but rc?.d tells ubuntu which ones to run19:37
skarufue@arand thank you must have had google block not finding tha one19:37
aciculaits not meant to be19:37
ortsvorsteheryes, its the nicer one... onetinsoldier19:37
Sampso I spanned these two hard drives together with lvm, and I think I've messed up. I can't mount the volume without root permissions and once I do I can't write to the volume without write permissions. Is it ok to delete the filesystem I created that spans the two drives?19:38
aciculaSamp: well do you care about the data?19:38
ikoniaSamp: you can't mount without root - that's fine, and you can't write without write permission, that's fine too19:38
Samptheres none on there yet.19:38
arandskarufue: Well, I had it in my browse history, that one seems to have hit quite a few people a while ago...19:38
Sampi meant write without root permissions.19:38
ikoniaSamp: change the ownership19:39
SampI try to make a new folder, and get an error message, only root can do that.19:39
Sampk, will try.19:39
SampI changed ownership of the folder I'm mounting to, and now I can create folders19:41
revelrsync -avl --exclude '/public_html/app/sessions/*' /public_html/app ~/backup  but it is still iterating over each of the sessions, not sure if it will skip them in the end or not, thoughts?19:41
Sampnow I'll reboot and see if it auto-mounts on boot. If I don't make it back in here, thanks for the help, guys.19:41
clockersblive on 9.1 and I've got no sound.  Sound config tool only sees internal, but that's dead too.  All updates are complete.  I'm out of ideas19:43
nevermoreskieshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting says "wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh This will provide you with a URL to a webpage with lots of information about your sound setup" but it gives only "Your ALSA information is located at19:44
nevermoreskiesPlease inform the person helping you." without a location19:44
nevermoreskiesthere is supposed to be info I19:44
nevermoreskies*i'll need in the next steps, but it just shows nothing19:44
ardchoilleUnder the Places > Recent Documents menu item, how can I increase the number of recents there? The default is 1019:45
Sampstill doesn't mount on boot19:45
Sampwhat do the two numbers at the end of each fstab entry mean?19:47
ikoniaSamp: don't worry about that, - can you please pastebin your /etc/fstab please19:47
Sampwell here's the line that should mount the volume19:47
ikoniaSamp: ex3 should be ext319:48
onetinsoldiershould be ext3?19:48
TezI need help with an install19:48
Sampthat's probably it19:48
Tezwhere do i go to get help19:49
Sampjust ask19:49
ikoniaTez: ask here19:49
TezI'm trying to install ubuntu19:49
professorcool tez19:49
Tezit won't load the live cd19:49
professorjust got karmic running on my laptop19:49
professorwhat version19:49
Tezand every time i try to install, it tells me: unable to execute /bin/sh19:49
=== mrstrauss is now known as MrStrauss
fcuk112help!  i've installed win7 and created some space on the hd for a karmic install.  but when i try to install karmic, it says the hd has no operating systems on it.  i am using the 64-bit versions of the OS.  any idea why it's not being detected?19:50
ikoniaTez: where did you get the image you burn't from19:50
professorTez, karmic?19:50
Tezstraight from teh ubuntu site19:50
Tezno, its the 8.10 from teh ubuntu site19:50
professortry karmic19:50
ikoniafcuk112: don't worry - it will detect the image when it starts to install19:50
ron__Ok I am having problems with the resolution in ubuntu 9.10 it is only alloying 800 x 600 or 600 x 480 i want 1024 x 768 everything that i have read says to edit xorg.conf but i cant find it in my system. I have looked in ect/x11/ not there it is an Intel chipset and i have seen the xorg.0.log and it does show a frew erros. I talked to some one and they said modify the xorg.conf but i dont see it where they said it would be. he also said to unistall the driver19:50
ron__s and reboot and then look in system/administration/hardwaredrives but i have no clue how to delete the drivers. any suggestions?19:50
ikoniafcuk112: just select the free space19:50
TezI'm really new to this, i've tried it before and liked it but it wont run here19:50
LouiieWhat would I need to install to enable me to listen to Mercury (radio) ?19:50
kinja-sheepron__: Try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"19:51
clockerSound works... merci19:51
Tezit's 8.04.. sorry19:51
fcuk112ikonia: humm ok let me try that thanks.19:52
Gadget3000ron__: do you have any graphics drivers installed?19:52
Homely_GirlEvening Gentlemen & Ladies.....19:52
ikoniaTez: I'll get the bot to pm you a guide to download and burn correctly, one moment19:52
ikonia!install > Tez19:52
ubottuTez, please see my private message19:52
onetinsoldierhello Homely_Girl19:52
ikoniaTez: see the link from ubottu, and read through it, it will explain how to verify your image and install19:52
ron__kinjaa-sheep ..... thank you i will try that thanks for your help19:52
benomatici have a new ubuntu 9.10 sys... when i tried to let pandora/firefox play audio, pulseaudio seems to be freaked, and now i can no longer get any audio, whatsoever.  where should i start, to diagnose?  i have the syslogs, but little else.19:52
Tezok.. i just read it.. i'll check it out, and if i need to, i'll come back19:53
Tezthank you19:53
ChimpoutThis is Billy Mayes here with an amazing new website!19:53
=== jmrodri is now known as jmrodri-afk
filgyhi... flash locks my soundcard until i close firefox and do pulseaudio -k and sudo alsa reload.. i have flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound already installed.. any clue how to make it not lock the soundcard?19:53
Homely_GirlNeed help setting up spotify to run under wine plse. :) Have installed wine 'n d/loaded spotify, when I ran it b4 in Hardy 'n I just double clicked on spotify 'n it all worked!! Not now I'm running Karmic! :(19:54
Gadget3000Homely_Girl: You can do wine "Spotify Installer.exe" from terminal or ...19:55
Gadget3000Homely_Girl: WINEPREFIX=~/.SpotifyWine wine "Spotify Installer.exe"19:55
Homely_GirlGadget3000: Are u available for marriage 'n live in Wales??? :P19:56
Gadget3000Homely_Girl:So it worked then? :P19:56
Homely_GirlGadget3000: It's doing something.....you spoke with such confidence I figured you knew it would work!! lol19:57
=== urlwallace is now known as urlaway
Homely_GirlGadget3000: So how do I run spotify now? :)19:57
Gadget3000Homely_Girl: It should be under Applications>wine>spotify>spotify19:58
Homely_GirlGadget3000: Euston we have an error!! :(19:58
jb__hey iäve got a seriouse problem whit my geforce 9500gt everytime i install drivers and reboot X the computer freezes over and over again have tried version 175, 185, 190 & 195 of nvidia driver and tried the system drivers and nvidias homepage and envy but still the same problem so please any one.19:58
Gadget3000Homely_Girl: Error is??19:58
daftykinsjb__: is the card new, or has it worked previously?19:58
TezI've found solutions for the issue i was asking about, but i still need help19:59
jb__daftykins, the card is new i bought for like 3 weeks ago19:59
Tezthey all say to boot from the live cd and log in as root19:59
jb__and it works in windows 819:59
Tezi can't boot from the live cd19:59
jb__and it works in windows 8719:59
Samphey thanks to everyone that helped with my logical volume thing, it works fine now.20:00
daftykinsjb__: ok so you can probably rule out power and being seated correctly.20:00
filthpigHi guys. I have a Radeon 9200 Mobility card in my laptop, using Karmic. When I enable desktop effects the deskop background goes black, and if I maximize windows they also turn black. Some guy has reported a similar problem (with similar gfx-card) here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130206920:00
filthpigany ideas how to fix?20:01
onetinsoldierSamp: congrats and enjoy :)20:01
Homely_GirlGadget3000: Sorry was just pastebinning it for you. Here u go http://imagebin.org/8078920:01
aciculafilthpig: tried the open source or the binary driver?20:01
daftykinsjb__: how many displays do you have connected?20:01
filthpigacicula: only the open driver work with this card20:02
onetinsoldierSamp: i think it was ikonia that mostly helped you with that ;)20:02
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:02
xxx_ktoś mówi po poslku20:02
Gadget3000Homely_Girl: YOu need to change to the directory of the installer first so: 'cd ~/Downloads' for example20:02
jb__daftykins, well i got a problem whit it in windows 7 to i have to run a xpert tool setting it to power saving mode for it to work but they said it was a bug in the new windows 7 drivers. only use one.20:02
Sampthank you ikonia20:02
=== milosz3 is now known as Milosz
giuppyj .linux-it20:02
clrg!pl | xxx_20:02
ubottuxxx_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:02
ikoniaSamp: no problem20:03
dnsbobif I have the following IP subnet would that be class B or class C? in other words; does the first octet dictate the class of the network or is there s minimum number of required netmask bits?20:03
ikoniadnsbob: try ##networking for that sort of question20:03
loltoadhello, can anyone help me with soem nvidia/X stuff?20:03
daftykinsdnsbob: that should be run as a /2420:03
Gadget3000!ask | loltoad20:03
ubottuloltoad: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:03
paulus68Hi I have this script http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m4e0d3929 which is sending me each hour a mail, however I don't want it to sent mails to me when there is nothing in the file how do I do this?20:04
NorthByNorthWestHi! Experimenting with a headless server and have created a new user that is made admin... but the prompt shows only "$" not the usual user/machine/path20:04
ikoniaNorthByNorthWest: set PS1 environment variable up20:04
NorthByNorthWestexport PS1="\u@\h\w$ "  makes the prompt show EXAKTLY export \u@\h\w$20:04
daftykinsjb__: sounds a bit iffy. i found some results on google for issues, some suggest only connecting one display etc. i'd maybe RMA the card to the company/website you bought it from and get a different one20:04
clrgNorthByNorthWest: You can set the promt with the $PS1 variable20:05
idea4goodi am tryi o get gnomemaker for .exe t .iso burnning20:05
filthpigare there any AMD/ATi or graphics-oriented support channel for ubuntu?20:05
idea4goodbu it says error 404 not found20:05
idea4goodrepo is missing20:05
idea4goodi guess20:05
jb__daftykins,  do you think "noapic nolapic" can work when i boot up the kernel ?20:05
clrgNorthByNorthWest: What shell are you using? (echo $0)20:05
Homely_GirlGadget3000: Got ya!! :)20:05
=== greguniverse is now known as greg_universe
ryan\nIs skype not in the package manager?20:05
jb__daftykins, you think it is the card then .. that sucks :P20:05
NorthByNorthWestclrg: -sh    it says20:05
ikonia!skype | ryan\n20:05
ubotturyan\n: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga20:06
ikoniaryan\n: no, it's closed source20:06
ikonia!skyp | ryan\n20:06
clrgNorthByNorthWest: Type "bash" and try again20:06
* mkquist is away: Gone away for now20:06
daftykinsjb__: possibly, unless your power supply isn't good enough. i'd get a friend to try it or something in another computer if you can20:06
onetinsoldierpaulus68: you might want to try asking in a bash channel. it's probably #bash or ##bash20:06
NorthByNorthWestclrg: oh! that did it! how do I make it do this when logging in?20:06
acicularyan\n: nope20:06
daftykinsfilthpig: just looked at your link, what driver do you have enabled?20:06
shadow120ryan\n: the only way i could get skyp to work was to download it form there site20:07
aciculaerr guess that was already answere20:07
ANTRatNorthByNorthWest: usermod -s /bin/bash <username>20:07
clrgNorthByNorthWest: You have to set your shell to /usr/bin/bash. Try a grep yourusername /etc/passwd and check what shell you have, most likely /bin/sh. Open /etc/passwd with sudo vi /etc/passwd or gksudo gedit /etc/passwd and replace the path.20:07
jb__daftykins, well ok ,, know i got 400W in my power supply so it would be enough but well iam gonna try it at a friends place20:08
filthpigdaftykins: I guess its the xorg-ati driver20:08
clrgANTRat, NorthByNorthWest: /bin/bash, right20:08
askjohnyHmm.. I think I'm in the right spot.  I just was wondering if WUBI could install a fully functional copy of Ubuntu onto an alternate partition. As in desktop effects, gaming, etc. and run at full speed.  Not just a giant .disk file on the windows partition.20:08
daftykinsfilthpig: please pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log to confirm20:08
aciculajb__: check in ##hardware, more then rated wattage the peak amperage on the +12V line(s) matters and the amount of hardwaer20:08
daftykinsaskjohny: it's best avoiding wubi and just installing normally if you want that.20:09
Spasysheepare there any good msn clients for ubuntu that have decent webcam support20:09
skarufue@jb__ i had a similar problem on a X1600 solution was to not install the ati drivers from ubuntu but directli from ati page20:09
dooglusSpasysheep: the best I found is amsn20:09
dooglus!info amsn20:09
ubottuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.98.1~debian-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 269 kB, installed size 880 kB20:09
NorthByNorthWestANTRat and clrg: your my heroes this evening! *T*H*A*N*K*S20:09
skarufue@jb__:there is also some tool which can do that for you but i forgot name20:09
askjohnyWell.. I lack a CD-R or USB drive and live on top of a mountain (almost).20:09
Spasysheepdooglus: i can't get webcam working on amsn20:10
jb__skarufue, i tried that to .. you mean snvy ?20:10
Sampspasysheep: try empathy or pidgin20:10
jb__skarufue, envy20:10
dooglusSpasysheep: it works for me.  does your cam work in other ubuntu programs?20:10
jb__well thx every one but gonna try "noapic nolapic" when i boot up the kernel ? hope that work or i try the card in another computer20:11
skarufue@jb__:also check if your glx extension is called glx or fglx (in /etc/X11/xorg.conf)20:11
Gadget3000Homely_Girl: Is it working?20:11
Spasysheepamsn just auto-cancels webcam sessions20:11
skarufue@jb__: should be fglrx20:11
filthpigdaftykins: http://pastebin.com/m5dc4d38220:11
sshcwhere is trash?20:11
sshcI'm running karmic20:11
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash20:12
jb__skarufue, dosent say any one of them20:12
daftykinsfilthpig: ah yes, 'radeon' driver at present. what kind of laptop is this?20:12
Homely_GirlGadget3000: It took me a while but it's installing now!! :) So u moving to west Wales then? :)20:12
filthpigdaftykins: HP Compaq nx7010120:12
filthpignx7010 that is20:12
daftykinsfilthpig: heh, it's talking a lot about mac stuff in that log20:13
filthpig!hi | Renatus20:13
ubottuRenatus: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:13
loltoadwhen i switch to nvidia drivers, it sets the resolution too high such that i cannot use the nvidia gui tool to bring it back down, can anyone help me with this?20:13
Homely_GirlGadget3000: I could kiss you!! It's up 'n running thanks! :)20:13
skarufue@jb__ http://wiki.compiz.org/Troubleshooting#ATI_Cards20:13
filthpigdaftykins: yeah, mouse emulation. It always does that20:13
Gadget3000Homely_Girl: np :D20:13
skarufue@jb__ seems like your card is too old20:13
daftykinsfilthpig: can you paste here the gfx device's lspci line?20:14
jb__skarufue, hmm i got a geforce 9500gt20:14
Spasysheepdooglus: amsn wants me to install farsight220:14
RenatusI have a problem with permissions, I recently installed ubuntu on my last gen dell studio, i try to download drivers from dells website but it tell me cannot write to xxx, 'permission denied'20:14
razertekfilthpig: do you have the latest drivers20:14
skarufue@jb__ sorry thought i read radeon 6xxx somwhere a few lines up20:14
razertekfilthpig: sry late20:15
daftykinsrazertek: that's what i'm getting to. please don't tread on toes :P20:15
jb__skarufue, hehe no problem20:15
clrgRenatus: Try the command again, with a leading sudo20:15
filthpigdaftykins: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 01)20:15
razertekdaftykins: i was actually scrolled up when i read and typed that =)20:15
jb__skarufue, but thx i will take a look under the nvidia card section20:15
Renatusalright, thanks clrg20:15
neohashihello .. do anyone know how to show keypresses on screen (for video tutorial desktrop recording)?20:15
daftykinsanyone know what version of X.org is in Karmic?20:16
filthpigdaftykins: Desktop Effects has always worked for me on this laptop (since Beryl days :), this is the first time I've had problems concerning anything else than sluggishness20:16
daftykinsfilthpig: yeah it looks like Karmic uses a X.org version too new for ATI to have made decent display drivers for your hardware20:17
clrgdaftykins: Run "xorg -version" to find out20:17
hwildeati hasn't made a good driver since 200420:17
hwildenvidia 4 life20:17
daftykinsfilthpig: you'll another have to play with drivers such as fglrx or the ATI ones or go back to Jaunty or before20:17
skarufue@jb__ also have a look at black windows a bit further down20:17
daftykinsfilthpig: can you run what clrg just said plz20:18
daftykinsclrg: thanks20:18
filthpigclrg: "no such command" it says20:18
razertekyou should be using the ati release of drivers from 12/17/0920:18
razertekfilthpig: as karmics drivers are older than this20:19
filthpigrazertek: are there debs of that available? and are they compatible with Karmic?20:19
clrgfilthpig: Interesting. Man xorg shows the manpage for x.org, but there's no such command. I'm sorry, I don't know how to find out then20:20
razertekfilthpig: what pc brand/20:20
adacDoes anyone know if nautilus-dropbox is open source? If yes, any idea where to get the source from?20:20
* mkquist is back.20:20
filthpigrazertek: I wrote that earlier. HP Compaq NX701020:20
jugglerbryhi all20:21
skarufue@jk__ also behold the Nvidia manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual20:21
clrg!hi | jugglerbry20:21
ubottujugglerbry: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:21
razertekfilthpig: 9200 right/20:21
acicula!source | adac20:22
ubottuadac: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html20:22
jugglerbryi've just manually added to my source.list file, imported all the relevant keys, but am now getting an error The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/ppa could not be found. anyone help ?20:22
loltoadhow do i change my resolution via xorg.conf?20:22
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:23
clrgloltoad: Try "man xorg.conf"20:23
razertekfilthpig: sry man i would say the drivers are definately discontinued for linux20:25
filthpigclrg: http://pastebin.com/me6bf9ae for Xorg info20:25
Ari_LazarusHi guys. I seem to have a problem wherein when I try to use my automounted partitions, it does not execute programs on it. I don't have this problem with my ext hdd when I plug it in. Any ideas as to what might be causing this? The Storage Device Manager shows the parameters as being 'user' for all my drives.20:25
razertekAri_Lazarus: does user have execute permissions on the partition20:26
clrgAri_Lazarus: What operating system were your programs written for?20:26
mAriachii have an issue, would smb help me pls? :D20:26
clrg!ask | mAriachi20:26
ubottumAriachi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:26
filthpigrazertek: hmmm. I know AMD/ATi have discontinued the support but I thought the open source driver would continue to support it20:27
mAriachithanks! you are too kind20:27
filthpigmayyybe I should give Lucid a spin20:27
filthpigto see how it works there20:27
Ari_Lazarusclrg and razertek: They are linux programs, according to the sda5 (the partition's) properties page, I can create/delete... but I don't see execute. How can I incorporate this automatically?20:28
alamatihi all, I can't play mpg, mkv wmv and ... in ubuntu 9.10, but i can play them in ubuntu 9.04 machine, what's the problem?20:28
filthpigI didn't have any problems with desktop effects in kubuntu 9.10 though.. other than sluggishness20:28
mAriachii have recently installed xubuntu karmic, i love it, i am dual booting with win 7, had ubuntu before, but due to my friend's carefulness(he disconected the power cord of my laptop during an update)20:28
KrzysiekUse VLC20:28
mAriachii decided to try xubuntu, i love it20:28
mAriachihave one small issue20:28
clrgAri_Lazarus: By setting an umask when mounting it. You need to add execute-rights, which would usually be like 750.20:28
alamatiI used it, but it can't play them too!20:28
clrgAri_Lazarus: Or simply "chmod +x programfile"20:29
mAriachiwhen i play audio or a movie, the internal speakers, and the connected headphones are singing at the same time!20:29
mAriachithis is nice sometimes (quadrophony)20:29
mAriachibut smt i need some privacy :D20:29
filthpigalamati: installed restricted-extras?20:29
capt_blackwoodi hear that...20:29
Ari_Lazarusclrg: I'd like all files to be executable, I'll try that umask thing.20:29
Krzysiekinstall ubuntu restricted formats from software center20:29
razertekAri_Lazarus: sudo gedit /etc/fstab20:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:30
iceroot!gksudo | razertek Ari_Lazarus20:30
ubotturazertek Ari_Lazarus: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:30
razertekunder the options column20:30
Renatushas anyone ever played some windows games through steam using wine successfully?20:30
jellowmAriachi: look at alsamixer in terminal  use m to mute20:30
icerootRenatus: yes, look at appdb20:30
Ari_Lazarushold up, lemme get this up20:30
iceroot!appdb | Renatus20:30
ubottuRenatus: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:30
* mkquist is away: Gone away for now20:31
recon69_laphi, got a small issue. when playing games I sometimes get locked in a game in fullscreen mode when shutting the game down and end up ctrl-alt-f4 ing to get a command line to reboot. is there a key that would switch between screen modes so i cant easly shutdown the game with rebooting?20:31
razertekAri_Lazarus: k20:31
filthpigRenatus: yes, both HL2, CS:S and some dirt racing game20:31
alamatiI'm going to install them20:31
capt_blackwoodRenatus, I've got some Half Life Games running...20:31
mAriachitried that, i fixed it before, but i dont remember how i did it, i think i made sth to act as default and it fixed the issue, but that was when i was using ubuntu karmic20:31
alamatisudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:31
brontosaurusrexrunning gnome-do in docky mode, but the 'home folder' icon doesnt react20:31
Gadget3000Renatus: Half life is the only game that plays normally really. other take either ages to configure or just don't work. I would reccommend the latest development wine for games20:31
brontosaurusrexany clues?20:31
Ari_Lazarusalright razertek what am I looking for20:31
razertekAri_Lazarus: look for your device listing sda5 right? then in the options column next to it reading users ...make it read users,exec20:32
mAriachithe alsamixer thingie, did not help then, nor now, i muted and unmuted tried various combinations to no success :D20:32
capt_blackwoodWine Version 1.1.3620:32
clrgAri_Lazarus: Mount your drive with the -o umask=value option. (eg 0027)20:32
idea4goodi try to get gnomemaker using aptget repo not found20:32
idea4goodsame throu Synaptic manager20:32
Ari_LazarusDo I put the umask thing in fstab?20:32
onetinsoldierrecon69_lap: hello. you might try something like... ctrl+alt+f220:33
idea4goodUbuntu 7.1020:33
* mkquist is back.20:33
Ari_LazarusOr did you mean that for the terminal20:33
onetinsoldierrecon69_lap: then to get back to X... ctrl+alt+f720:33
mAriachianybody hlp?20:33
mkanyicyAri_Lazarus, what do you want to do?20:33
jellowmAriachi: No idea then sorry good luck keep searching. Don't forget to add nick when talking.20:33
recon69_laponetinsoldier: thx, I'll try that :)20:33
razertekari_in the fstab file20:33
Gadget3000!away | mkquist20:33
ubottumkquist: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»20:33
onetinsoldierrecon69_lap: yw, cheers20:33
clrgAri_Lazarus: That's one possibility. The other is to mount your drive per hand, like "mount /dev/yourdrive1 /mnt/your/mount/point -o umask=0027"20:33
adacacicula, thx a lot!20:33
Ari_LazarusAutomounting and giving it exec permissions20:33
brontosaurusrexnm, gnome-do restart fixed it20:33
Ari_LazarusI'm going to try restarting20:34
mAriachibump :D, nobody else experiencing the same issue?20:34
guest_007How can i switch to use software video drivers instead of nvidia? all nvidia drivers are broken with my pc.20:34
mAriachiposting again in case anybody missed it! xD20:34
razertekmAriachi: k20:35
mAriachimy laptop is playing through the line out and the internal speakers simultaneously! i want it to be like when i plug in my headphones, only the headphones to work, anybody have an idea?20:35
loltoadguest_007, replace nvidia with vesa in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:36
F223I've got gnome installed right now on Ubuntu, if I switch to KDE, will it mess everything up?20:36
clrgmAriachi: I'm sure if someone knew the solution to your problem, they would've answered. Have you tried google?20:36
mkanyicyclrg, umask does not work with ext2/3/4 partitions IMO20:36
mAriachiF223: nope, go ahead and try it20:36
onetinsoldiermAriachi: try installing gnome-alsamixer. easier to work with in my opinion20:36
mAriachisudo apt-get install kde-desktop20:36
hwildemAriachi, mute the one you dont want to play20:36
wolterdoes the gvfsd-ftp server work on lan?20:36
mAriachihwilde: no can do, tried all the combinations, wont do it20:36
brontosaurusrexwolter: any ftp server will work20:37
hwildemAriachi, you just have to mute line out and leave headphones unmuted.20:37
mAriachihwilde: when i do that, everything is muted20:37
razertekmAriachi: what is your output device in sound prefs?20:37
mAriachihwilde: no sound comming from either source20:37
clrgmkanyicy: You're right, sorry20:38
mAriachirazertek: i have 2, nvidia HDA (ALSA) and Realtek (OSS)20:38
guest_007loltoad: does vesa support 1600x900 ?20:38
wolterbrontosaurusrex, is that i cannot access the ftp share from firefox or chrome if I use gvfsd-ftp20:38
clrgAri_Lazarus: Try "sudo chmod 750 -R /your/programs/directory/*" instead20:38
mAriachirazertek: tried all the combinations with muting and trying20:38
hoelkSorry to bug, but just a small question, does anyone know any rumors about texlive 2009 comming to ubuntu?20:39
henkpoleySay I have a private key to SSH to a machine, is there any way to automatically provide this key file? I mean at home I trust my machine, ssh could just provide the right key for the hostname + username combo.20:39
guest_007clrg: /* will miss all dirs and files startinng from . like .htaccess ot .private20:39
mkanyicyclrg, Ari_Lazarus has left, he/she is rebooting his/her machine20:39
razertekmAriachi: but what is it?20:39
brontosaurusrexwolter: no idea, i always use ftp clients or nautilus20:39
loltoadguest_007, i only know that cuz its simmilar to the problem im dealing with .. that said i believe it does you just have to set Modes rite20:39
mAriachirazertek: Realtek is selected20:39
razertekmAriachi: and what are all the options in the list for output20:39
clrgguest_007: That's right. We want to make binaries executable, and they don't start with a dot.20:40
alamatianyone know how I can enable expo in compiz? I mean similar expo in MacBooks. thanks20:40
mAriachirazertek: you mean soundcard?20:40
mkanyicyhenkpoley, never ssh a private key20:40
recmajkemihow do i change keyboard input? change languages i mean20:40
razertekmAriachi: no all the devices available for output20:40
jribalamati: try #compiz, you need to use ccsm20:40
henkpoleymkanyicy: I mean automatically use the identity file20:40
mAriachirecmajkemi: add the keyboard layout applet on the panel20:40
wizzo50How do you install a tar.bz2 file on the terminal?20:41
clrghenkpoley: Your private key never ever leaves your PC. Only the public key does.20:41
jribwizzo50: you avoid it.  What are you trying to install?20:41
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kosharialamati "super e"20:41
mAriachiRealtek ALC660-VD (OSS mixer)20:41
mkanyicyhenkpoley, what is an identity file?20:41
alamatikoshari: my thinkpad have no super key20:41
mAriachirazertek: Realtek ALC660-VD (OSS mixer)20:41
wizzo50jrib /tmp/firefox-3.6rc2.tar.bz220:41
onetinsoldierrecmajkemi: try System --> Preferences --> Keyboard --> Layouts Tab20:41
Renatusso whenever i try to open up a browser it says its loading in the taskbar but it never comes up and it just closes20:41
jribwizzo50: firefox is installed by default20:41
surfHi I have Karmic and my wi-fi connection keeps disconnecting. ASUS UL-50 notebook. Any Idea?20:41
henkpoleyclrg, mkanyicy : yes yes, I just try to help someone else who already has it the files correctly placed but needs to specify the identity file each time20:42
kosharialamati the super key is the equiv to the windows key20:42
mAriachirazertek: and Nvidia HDA (ALSA)20:42
duffydacksurf, is it a broadcom?20:42
clrgsurf: I got the same issue. It appears to be a bug in NetworkManager. I use wicd as a replacement.20:42
alamatidear koshari, old ThinkPads have no win key20:42
recmajkemionetinsoldier: tnx found it, can i append system shortcut to toggle between languages?20:42
mkanyicyhenkpoley, what is an identity file again?20:42
jribwizzo50: should be in your Internet menu iirc20:43
koshariok, do you have compiz settings manager installed?20:43
wizzo50jrib, It was a file on about the next one coming out20:43
razertekmAriachi: what are your options for oss mixer settings20:43
surfit's my wi-fi router at home. My card is and antheros wi-fi card20:43
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duffydacksurf, I have similar issue... downloads for ages, then just disses for no reason... as he said, wicd is better for wireless imo.20:43
surfclrg, how can I do it?20:43
Ari_LazarusGiving exec permissions, seem to work. Thanks razertek , clrg :)20:43
jribwizzo50: that's not supported, it's better to wait until it hits the repositories20:43
clrgsurf: "sudo apt-get install wicd"20:43
surfduffydack, thx. How can I use it?20:43
Al1is it possible to run windows skype thru wine? If yes what suggestion you have for me to achieve that?20:43
jribwizzo50: "if I recall correctly"20:43
razertekAri_Lazarus: np20:43
mAriachirazertek: Volume (maxed), Line - In (min), microphone (min) and PCM-220:43
duffydacksurf, my buddy has an atheros chipset wifi, and network manager locks up his machine when using it... wicd solved it20:44
clrgAl1: I believe there's a linux version of Skype? http://www.skype.com20:44
surfseems cool20:44
alamatijrib: Is the ccsm in repo?20:44
mkanyicyrazertek, just curious on the 'exec' option on fstab, does it apply to all files and folders in a partition?20:44
alamatiI can't find it :(20:44
jribwizzo50: anyway if you want to ignore my advice search for "firefox new version" at help.ubuntu.com but I've been here for a while and I've had to help people remove their custom installs several times because of issues (or accomplish something the hard way because it's not from the repositories)20:44
jrib!ccsm | alamati20:45
ubottualamati: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz20:45
wizzo50jrib, I have had files before that I download and never got installed because of the extinsion tar.bz220:45
kosharialamati you may need to installl it20:45
jribwizzo50: good.  You shouldn't install things from tar.gz, especially if they are in the repositories already20:45
wizzo50jrib, You know more then tme20:45
Al1clrg: there is but for more than month i am unable to run webcam on linux skype, even if webcam is workin on onther applications...20:45
wizzo50jrib, why?20:45
alamatithanks. simple-ccsm is in repo20:45
kyle6513Hello, I'm having problems forcing my laptop to display 1024x768 resolution instead of 1024x60020:46
razertekmAriachi: makes the partion itself exec20:46
ikoniaTukeke: any reason you're showing us that ?20:46
wizzo50jrib, Why should I not install files like that?20:46
jellow!fr | gabriel__20:46
ubottugabriel__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:46
mAriachikyle6513: what kind of graphic card are you using?20:46
jribwizzo50: the advantages of using the repositories are mainly 1) you get automatic updates 2) often times, some attempt at integration is made and 3) APT makes it easy to remove things you don't like20:47
mAriachirazertek: didn't quite understand that20:47
gabriel__jai un léger souci avec un ibm thinkpad sous ubuntu20:47
jrib!fr | gabriel__20:47
ubottugabriel__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:47
clrgAl1: Sounds like Skype doesn't support your webcam. I don't think it's going to work with wine if it doesn't with the native version.20:47
kyle6513mAriachi, Its intel intergrated, not too sure of a model number20:47
wizzo50jrib, Oh I see20:47
mAriachikyle6513: have you tried searching with the Hardware Drivers option?20:47
razertekmAriachi: well the files and folders i nthe partition are adjusted on per owner basis20:47
rakanHello all20:48
kyle6513mAriachi, umm I'm pretty sure it returned nothing, but i'll try again now20:48
mAriachirazertek: yes yes i know that, but what has that to do with my sound problem?20:48
kyle6513mAriachi, you are talking about restricted drivers right?20:48
jribwizzo50: if you feel a bit inexperienced but want to test things out, that's a good thing, but don't do it on your main install.  Instead use a virtualizer like virtualbox so you can have a separate operating system for testing that you can easily revert if something goes wrong20:48
Al1clrg: and do you think it is possible to make it support?20:48
jellowrakan: Hello20:48
mAriachikyle6513: right you are20:48
enumerateis anybody here ever hijacked by infoweb.net on the browser?20:49
decoderhey guys... I have a USB stick here, that usually shows up as two different devices (one in locked mode, the second one when unlocked)... usually works under linux (gentoo). It doesnt work under ubuntu though.. I never see the second device, and when doing lsusb -v, I get USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd lsusb rqt 128 rq 6 len 4 ret -11020:49
razertekmAriachi: wrong guy sry man20:49
decoderany idea?20:49
kyle6513mAriachi, yep, nothing returned20:49
ikoniaenumerate: no20:49
rakani've installed a new version of xorg on my karmic today from xorg ppa... when i restarted the login screen keeps taking me to its self again and again... can someone please help me restore?20:49
mAriachikyle6513 ok gimme a sec20:49
=== Ferris`away is now known as Ferris-
kyle6513mAriachi, okay, is there any command i can run to help?20:49
mAriachirazertek: np man, any ideas bout this?20:49
razertekmAriachi: i dont have much of an interface for otions with my setup20:49
Ferris-anyone have a great guide for getting ubuntu to work with atheros onboard wireless? :s20:49
mAriachikyle6513: yep there is, gimme a sec20:49
=== jofo is now known as bepo
Ferris-ive followed three or four, none have worked proper20:49
razertekmAriachi: with sound20:50
ikonia!wireless > Ferris-20:50
wizzo50jrib, an seperate hard drive20:50
ubottuFerris-, please see my private message20:50
kyle6513mAriachi, okay20:50
rafkincould you help me, grub for my system ubuntu 9.10 start with two kernels, i want have only one20:50
mAriachirazertek: ok, np mate, thanks for the try20:50
wizzo50jrib, or Partition20:50
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mAriachirafkin: open synaptic package manager, type the kernel you dont want to use, and uninstall it20:50
mAriachikyle6513: do you have a notebook or a pc?20:50
razertekmkanyicy: you were asking?20:51
jribwizzo50: even better, it's just a file and you run another copy of ubuntu inside a "window"20:51
kyle6513mAriachi, I have a netbook, asus eeepc 1000H20:51
rafkini have pc20:51
mAriachikyle6513: that would be helpful tnx, just this info more20:51
wizzo50jrib, Yea, I thought there was. I was just going to ask you that?20:51
mAriachikyle6513: what os are you using?20:51
kyle6513mAriachi, I'm using the normal ubuntu karmic 9.1020:52
intangirhow can i make it so i can log in as a guest, in a window on my already existing login, sort of like the 'login as guest' thing from the top right menu, but i want it to be in a window, where i can still see my normal user desktop20:52
clrgAl1: Skype for Linux is still beta. Wait for the final version, it'll probably support your webcam by then20:52
rafkinubuntu 9.1020:52
alamatiI installed restricted-extra but I got this message in playing mkv format:20:52
=== Ferris- is now known as Ferris`away
alamatiNo suitable decoder module:20:52
alamatiVLC does not support the audio or video format "avc1". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.20:52
alamatiwhat's the problem?20:52
FloodBot1alamati: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:52
kyle6513alamati, the format is not supported by vlc from what i understand20:53
recmajkemihow do i toggle between languages20:53
nevermoreskiesWhen I try to open PulseAudio Device Chooser, it won't show up, and if I run it from the terminal, I get an error saying: ** (padevchooser:4400): WARNING **: pa_browser_new() failed. ... any ideas how to make it work?20:53
mAriachikyle6513: mate, run this in a terminal20:53
alamatiwhat do I do?20:53
mAriachikyle 6513: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel20:53
Al1clrg: is there any possible answer on: when?20:53
guntbertintangir: should not be possible20:54
kyle6513mAriachi, run what?20:54
intangirwhat command does it run when you hit 'login as guest'20:54
mAriachikyle6513: lile i said     sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel20:54
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reki'm tired of having audio problems please help me out with this issue.... now for example my flash plugin is missing the audio damn20:54
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mAriachirek: what browser are you using?20:55
trismrecmajkemi: if you want to toggle between the language used in the gui menus, etc, you can log out, switch the language and log back in; if you just want to type in another language you'll need to setup ibus or something similiar20:55
mAriachirek: and what os?20:55
rekwhat can i do to reload the audio if an mp3 or a plugin does not work???????20:55
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reklol os... hardy20:55
kyle6513mAriachi, ran it, its already at the newest version,20:55
rekmAriachi:  firefox20:55
mAriachirek: have you installed restricted extras?20:55
clrgAl1: I guess it ranges from one week to ten years. I can't give you an accurate answer. Why don't you use MSN or ICQ instead?20:55
mAriachikyle6513: ok, now try to start the app in the system settings20:56
mAriachikyle6513: it should be there, and you can change your resolution there20:56
wizzo50jrib, Is there an addon in Firefox for that?20:56
filthpigrazertek: daftykins: I've discovered xorg.conf is not in /etc/X11 as I'm used to, but it's put to my /home folder. I presume this is normal. Are you good at xorg.conf-hacking?20:56
rekjrib is a river told me jrib,help me out with my issue20:56
mAriachirek: google your problem mate, i would suggest you reinstall the restricted extras20:56
kyle6513mAriachi, under what name20:56
mAriachikyle6513: xserver20:57
guntbert!google | mAriachi20:57
jrib!virtualbox | wizzo5020:57
ubottumAriachi: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.20:57
ubottuwizzo50: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox20:57
kyle6513mAriachi, sorry to tell ya, but its not20:57
kyle6513mAriachi, ill try run it via alt f220:57
mAriachikyle6513: just skim through the menus, or try that, dont know the command though20:58
Al1clrg: it was working ok, until i updated to ubuntu 9.10 i am unable to work my webcam since. i don't know about linux msn or icq version... and have no contacts there20:58
mAriachikyle6513: it should be there20:58
mxhi ! anybody can help me ?20:58
JasonCook@mx with what20:58
kyle6513mAriachi, yeah, its not anywhere20:58
mAriachikyle6513: or just try typing the xserver-xorg-video-intel in a terminal20:58
mxI want to reproduce wav files from Start dict20:59
kyle6513mAriachi, command not found20:59
mxa dictionary aplication20:59
JasonCooki have that install too20:59
mxand I'm afraid to install sox library21:00
guntbert!enter | mx21:00
ubottumx: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:00
jellowAl1: Have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams , Could be a little help21:00
mAriachikyle6513: don't know then, i would suggest manualy editing the xorg file, but that is dangerous. If your xserver is the latest version then everything should be fine21:00
brontosaurusrexmx: explain 'reproduce'21:01
kyle6513mAriachi, using xrandr, the very first line says, Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 600, maximum 4096 x 409621:01
mAriachikyle6513: or if you say you have and eee pc, i would suggest trying out the Ubuntu NetBook Remix OS, it is optimized for Netbooks such as yours, cheers21:01
kyle6513mAriachi, Tried the netbook remix, it was very unstable :/21:02
blinkingWifiis there any way to get an atheros based wireless card to stop mkaing the wifi blink on data transfer?21:02
rekwhat can i do to reload the audio if an mp3 or a plugin does not work???????21:02
mxI want to listen the pronunciation of a word, the list of words are wav files21:02
mAriachikyle6513: don't know anything else dude, i am very sorry, try posting your issue again, maybe smb else could know, sry again :(21:03
Leonard_On a new install, would you reccommend I use the proprietary drivers from the hardware drivers program on ubuntu, or download the drivers from the ati website?21:03
mAriachikyle6513: is your OS updated?21:03
kyle6513mAriachi, hey dont be sorry, you took time out of your day to help me for nothing, its all good, and yes it is :]21:03
Renatus1Where do I find all the directories where my packages are installed using the terminal?21:03
mAriachikyle6513: cheers mate, try posting your issue again21:03
blinkingWifiis there any way to get an atheros based wireless card to stop making the wifi blink on data transfer?21:04
mAriachikyle6513: and try Dr.Gugl of course21:04
rekwhat can i do to reload the audio if an mp3 or a plugin does not work???????21:04
arvind_khadriRenatus1, /var/cache/apt/archives/21:04
kyle6513Having problems making my laptop display a resolution larger than 1024x700, anyone who can help?21:04
mAriachiblinkingWifi: nope, only way is if you turn of the WiFi21:04
hwilde!fixres | kyle651321:05
ubottukyle6513: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:05
wizzo50jrib, I am installing virtualbox  3,1 now21:05
mAriachiblinkingWifi: or try duck-taping the muthafucka21:05
jribwizzo50: k, you will have fun21:05
kyle6513hwilde, ty21:05
rekhelp jrib21:05
jribrek: ?21:05
blinkingWifimAriachi: thats dumb >.>21:05
guntbert!language | mAriachi21:05
ubottumAriachi: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:05
wizzo50jrib, thanks.21:05
hwilderek, sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart21:05
blinkingWifiwhy would I want the light right below my screen to flash blue/orange >.<21:05
jribrek: where is it not working exactly?  What is it doing?21:05
tertittenwhat version of libnotify and notification-daemon is the latest in the repo right now ?21:05
kyle6513hwilde, been there, was of no help to me as the xorg.conf file doesn't exist anymore21:06
JasonCook@mx i can't find how to. try posting somthing in the forums21:06
rekjrib: no audio21:06
kyle6513hwilde, and anything in xrandr was completely ignored by me21:06
jellowRenatus1: they are in aswell as other place in "/usr/bin" mostly in /usr/21:06
mAriachiblinkingWifi: you ask a dumb question, you're gonna get a dumb answer, sry :D21:06
blinkingWifiImAriachi: ...I didnt say your answer was dumb...I just said the concept is dumb :P21:06
kyle6513blinkingWifi, This would be hard wired, so i dont think it would be possible, try opening up the card or laptop and adding a manual switch to it21:07
kyle6513blinkingWifi, this wouldnt happen to be on an eeepc would it?21:07
rekdoes not work21:07
mAriachiblinkingWifi: well, it's the only workaroung, i do that when im playing movies and the DVD-ROM Led blinks me into insanity, i ducktaped it!21:07
VCooliotertitten: you can check with 'apt-cache policy <package>'21:07
blinkingWifikyle6513: nah its an Hp...somethin...21:08
kyle6513blinkingWifi, okay21:08
Tukeke I am a social activist in Latin America of the people excluded by the empires I seek vindication of the people this is my work system21:08
Tukekered star i make21:08
blinkingWifionly reason I asked cause I was googling and aprently people with intel wireless cards have work arounds for making it stop blinking...21:09
blinkingWifiso I was hoping there was someting for atheros cards >.>21:09
guntbert!ot | Tukeke21:09
ubottuTukeke: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:09
rekhelp or i will install slackware !!!21:09
kyle6513Having problems making my laptop display a resolution larger than 1024x700, anyone who can help?21:09
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jellowblinkingWifi: Its software driven the led , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=715187 look at d)21:11
jellowblinkingWifi: I don't think its worth it you could mess thing up baddly .. how about black tape?21:11
guntbert!please | rek21:12
ubotturek: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude21:12
blinkingWifijellow: *sigh* Im beginning to think thats the safest route here xP21:12
rekhi guntbert21:12
blinkingWifiI spent the last hour and a half to get the stupid card to hold the internet connction stable, had to instal backports. Now this..21:12
blinkingWifiYay technology! :D21:13
guntbertrek: sorry, no help from me with audio21:13
rekguntbert: you don't like audio21:13
guntbertrek: doesn't matter *here*21:14
rekgunt what?21:14
rekwhat can i do21:14
intangirctrl-alt-backspace doesnt work on 9.10... how do i kill an X session now?21:14
filthpighmmmm, does anybody here have experience hacking xorg.conf in karmic? It looks and acts quite differently from what I'm used to..21:14
Ricoshadyanyone with a good idea on how to run a window cmd frmo a linux box?21:14
decoderok very strange: I plug in my usb stick, it shows up as two different devices sdb and sdc (this is ok)... sdb is unlocked after unlocking the stick, but no udev event is generated.. when I do fdisk -l /dev/sdb, a udev event is generated and sdb1 appears21:14
decoderwhat did the ubuntu ppl do with the kernel there? ;D21:15
VCooliointangir: alt+sysrq+k21:15
jellowRicoshady: You mean remotly?21:15
Ricoshadyjellow, yes I have a linux box and I'l like to run some windows scripts21:15
tps_hi... where can i find the list of daemons in Ubuntu?21:15
flaviohelenoanyone here facing problems with flash under ubuntu 9.10 x86_64?21:15
tertittenwhat version of libnotify and notification-daemon is the latest in the repo right now ?21:16
arandflavioheleno: using the default or adobe labs version?21:16
jellowRicoshady: you could try wine they have a cmd , Or if your meant remotly try ssh21:16
flaviohelenoarand: I think it's default21:16
flaviohelenoarand: used sudo aptitude install flash-install21:16
Ricoshadydo they have quality ssh servers for windows?21:17
arandflavioheleno: i've always had better experience with the one from adobe labs21:17
arand!flash64 | flavioheleno21:17
ubottuflavioheleno: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava21:17
flaviohelenoarand: thanks a lot =)21:18
arandflavioheleno: Above link has instructions on how to get the pre-release version from adobe21:18
flaviohelenoarand: will follow that =)21:18
intangirhow do i do a nested login in ubuntu? there used to be an option of 'login in nested window'21:19
intangirbut its gone21:19
jellowRicoshady: Yes there are plenty can't recomend you any ask in #windows or google21:19
jellow!ssh | Ricoshady21:21
ubottuRicoshady: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)21:21
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)21:22
Renatusso how come when i restart my computer i have to re-enter my WEP key for the wireless internet?21:22
decoderany kernel ppl available? :)21:24
=== dani is now known as Guest80688
h4ngedm4ncan someone recommend a good multi-lingual virtual keyboard?21:25
AJC_Z0On my 9.10 laptop with Intel  82801I (ICH9) HDA card I want to hear a 24 bit PCM audio track on a DVD using xine, what do I have to configure for the DVD drive, sound card, alsa, pulseaduio, ... xine in order to hear it?21:25
jrib!pl | toskpl21:26
ubottutoskpl: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.21:26
flaviohelenoarand,  worked for me, thanks a lot =)21:27
arandflavioheleno: glad to help.21:27
microhaxoJust installed my SSD drive21:29
microhaxoWill ubuntu 9.10 be the best linux distro to take advantage of it?21:29
dantte_BitchX in ubuntu ... inpossible ?21:29
kyle6513Having problems making my laptop display a resolution larger than 1024x700, anyone who can help?21:29
jrib!bitchx | dantte_21:29
ubottudantte_: bitchx (also known as ircii-pana) was dropped from Debian and subsequently Ubuntu (see: http://dy.fi/afb). Consider using irssi or weechat instead.21:29
microhaxoWill ubuntu 9.10 be the best linux distro to take advantage of my newly installed 40gb SSD drive?21:31
microhaxoi want it to be as fast as it can be21:31
filthpigrazertek: daftykins & co: I've fixed it :) Found help through a bug report on launchpad. I ended up modifying xorg.conf.new in my /home folder, moving it to /etc/X11 and renaming it to xorg.conf.. It's all good now :D21:31
microhaxoi know windows supports it natively but.21:32
pershian007emuzs i cant copy file to home21:32
* benpro sleeps21:32
pershian007in out error21:32
Guest80688hello ubuntu people, ive got a major problem! wireless isn't as fast as it is on Windows. what to do? Do tell moi >.<21:32
dantte_i cant edit nothing in www folder .... why ??21:32
jrib!permissions > dantte_21:32
ubottudantte_, please see my private message21:32
alabdhello how to download http://www.openmobile.nl/modules/download_gallery/dlc.php?file=42 with wget21:32
=== MajinHeartless is now known as PercyHeartless
jribdantte_: create a group like www-editors, add yourself to it, and give the group permissions to /var/www21:33
jribalabd: wget url   no?21:33
pershian007hi i cant copy file to home dir /// what ?   in out error21:33
microhaxo Anyone with experience with SSD and linux?21:33
emuzscould somebody help me out with ati drivers for 9.1021:34
filthpigGuest80688; known problem. Wifi drivers are often bad due to lots of reverse engineering and sloppy work/documentation from the makers of the chips. But you should google around and see if there are newer drivers for your card..21:34
=== Styrbjor1 is now known as Styrbjorn
KrzysiekCan't SSH into Ubuntu, Any Ideas?21:34
jribKrzysiek: did you install openssh-server?21:35
Guest80688allrighty! i'll do that, a million thanks filthpig!21:35
Krzysiekyes, I did...21:35
Dr_Willispershian007:  you mean 'input/output' error? if so its proberly time to fsck the filesystem and  possible bad hard drive/issues21:35
silverraindogKrzysiek: /etc/init/ssh start ?21:35
brontosaurusrexKrzysiek: ssh -l user machine.com21:35
jribKrzysiek: can you « ssh localhost » on the server machine successfully?21:36
pershian007اره که مهمه من یه سوال پرسیدم ۲۰ نفر جواب داد21:36
jrib!ir | pershian00721:36
ubottupershian007: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.21:36
KrzysiekConnection closed21:37
jrib!who | Krzysiek21:37
ubottuKrzysiek: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:37
silverraindogKrzysiek: through rsa keys ?21:37
donteatyellowsnohello. why is it when i go to hardware drivers, it says that there are no proprietary drivers that are in use on this system.. i need to upgrade a driver, how do i do?21:38
Dr_Willisdonteatyellowsno:  what driver for what device?21:39
icelanderAnybody have experience getting WPA working using wpa_supplicant?21:39
donteatyellowsnoi wana upgrade my wifi driver21:39
jexmexhello all, I am hoping somebody will help me get a wired connection going on a old POS system that we are going to use for data entry21:40
icelanderdonteatyellowsno: Are you using a Linux driver or Windows driver?21:41
donteatyellowsnoidk i can't see what drivers are in use. the hardware drivers window is completely empty21:42
donteatyellowsnois it normal?21:42
F223what are some cool things to do with linux when you're bored?21:42
icelanderF223: Getting Wifi working is fun and will eat up a lot of time21:42
dotblankok I need an expert...21:42
apipkini started playing with workspaces in 9.10 and i have two rows, but can't access the bottom rows. how do i do that?21:42
alabdjrib: no the zip file21:42
jribF223: program21:42
F223=/ I don't have a wifi card, I'm using a hardline21:42
jribalabd: well that's done in javascript...21:42
zero1F223: aptitude moo21:43
icelanderF223: Ah, that must be why you're looking for something else to do21:43
dotblankAynone know where the alsa-drivers are located for karmic. I know its supposed to be with the kernel but I borked my set up and know I dont have em21:43
kinja-sheepF223: Play a game. pingus21:43
dotblankreinstalling my kernel did not help either21:43
F223I'd like to customize Ubuntu further to just look/be cooler, but I don't know where to start21:44
icelanderI'm getting "recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Bad file descriptor" when I try to use wpa_supplicant to connect to my network21:44
zero1F223:aptitude -v moo21:44
dotblankI tried downloading the latest alsa drivers but there are several issues that are wrong and my spdif is not working21:44
dotblankthe one that came with ubuntu worked fine21:44
=== Guest78173 is now known as tkmr
F223I liked that aptitude moo thing21:45
arandF223: gnome-look.org?21:45
kinja-sheepF223: Start something, at least.  Perhaps, customizing your IRC client? I did mine. :)21:45
F223kinja-sheep: what client are you using?21:46
Dr_Willisgo spend 2 weeks learking CONKY. :)21:46
mkquistF223: cairo dock?21:46
kinja-sheepF223: XChat. I hope to learn irssi (but meh).21:46
shadeslayerDr_Willis: hehe...21:46
F223ah, I'm using... pidgin21:47
Dr_WillisI perfer weechat 0.3.0 then  irssi now a days21:47
kinja-sheepDr_Willis: Why?21:47
shadeslayerF223: install KDE and install all the widgets on kde-look.org21:47
zero1wish empathy had support for irc by default21:47
shadeslayerF223: also on gnome we have mac4lin21:47
icelanderI guess nobody knows about getting WPA working21:47
jrib!wifi > icelander21:47
ubottuicelander, please see my private message21:47
hwildeicelander, i know about wpa what do u need21:47
shadeslayerzero1: it has support,not just default :)21:47
Dr_Williskinja-sheep:  it has features that irssi dosent.21:48
kyle6513Having problems making my laptop display a resolution larger than 1024x700, anyone who can help?21:48
hwilde!fixres > kyle651321:48
ubottukyle6513, please see my private message21:48
dsl_whats the keyboard shortcut for desk switching with the fancy '3d' preview please?21:48
Lord-ReadmanHello, im wanting to help out with ubuntu translations21:48
zero1http://webchat.freenode.net/ is a good irc client tho21:48
shadeslayerdsl_: in compiz?21:48
hwildedsl_, isnt it ctrl left right arrow ?21:48
ubottuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubottu compiz » and « /msg ubottu effects »21:48
kyle6513hwilde, I told you before, anything on that page does not help me21:48
Dr_Willisif the cube stuff is enabled in compiz. :)21:48
dsl_no just a pseudo 3d view of desks21:48
shadeslayerdsl_: also see ccsm21:49
Dr_WillisYou can spend a week playing w3ith CCSM21:49
kinja-sheep!ccsm | kyle651321:49
ubottukyle6513: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz21:49
shadeslayer!ccsm | dsl_21:49
ubottudsl_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz21:49
apipkinhmmm can't seem to find a key command to take me to the second row of desktops21:49
kyle6513kinja-sheep, i think you have the wrong guy there...21:49
icelanderHow do I get WPA working with wpa_supplicant21:49
kinja-sheepkyle6513: I was thinking the same thing. :o21:49
rubberduckyi have a grub2 question, i have a dedicated paritiion that i want to use for grub21:49
rubberduckyis that a good idea?21:49
kyle6513kinja-sheep, :P21:49
rubberduckysince i regularly install new linux distro's and my bootloader gets overwritten all the time21:49
hwildeicelander, did you make your supplicant.conf file ?21:49
Dr_Willisrubberducky:  making a /boot/ partition used to be common practice.21:50
icelanderhwilde: Yep, got the conf file21:50
dsl_not the full 3d thing, just the preview of screens sort of set back21:50
Dr_Willisrubberducky:  thats not the same as the bootloader location. the bootloader goes in the MBR.21:50
icelanderI'm getting this error: "recvfrom(ctrl_ifce): Bad file descriptor"21:50
rubberduckyyeah sorry, messed up terms21:50
ghost_hey, any chance to rotate my desktop under nvidia card? tried with control panel but dont see the option21:50
rubberduckycan i add a /boot partition now21:50
kyle6513dsl_, try holding alt and control and press down21:50
Dr_Willisrubberducky:  i find it easier to test out disrtos in virtualbox21:50
kinja-sheepghost_: You have to install compizconfig-settings-manager first21:50
rubberduckyafter i already installed ubuntu 9.1021:50
hwildeicelander, what is the name of your wireless interface, eth1?  ath0 ?21:50
icelanderI don't know21:51
kinja-sheepghost_: Oh rotation, I'm checking it myself.21:51
hwildeicelander, type iwconfig21:51
ghost_kinja-sheep: thx mate :o) i have ccsm installed21:51
rubberduckyi already have a partition, but how do i configure everything including grub to boot from it and stuff?21:51
icelanderIt says wlan021:51
hwildeicelander, do you know what type of card it is ?21:51
Dr_Willisrubberducky:  during the install mount /boot/ to that partition21:51
rubberduckyyeah, but the isntall is already done:-)21:52
rubberduckycan it still be done?21:52
kri1987i've lost access to my home folder... can't even cd into it... went in as root and basically recursively changed permission to 777.. still have no access21:52
kri1987i'm stuck guys21:52
Dr_Willisrubberducky:  normally /boot/ is a small partition at the start of the hard drive. ages ago - people made sure it was below the 1024 cylinder limitation21:52
rubberduckyor is a reinstall the easiest option?21:52
shadowwulfis there somewhere i an find a listing where i can safely remove items from package manager without crashing ubuntu ... i have 4 GB to work with21:52
donteatyellowsnohey icelander,,, is my ubuntu DNS suppose to be the same as my windows DNS?21:52
Dr_Willisrubberducky:  too late then.21:52
icelanderhwilde: Yeah, an Inprocomm 222021:52
rubberduckyok, i'll reinstell then,21:52
rubberduckyit's a fresh install anyways21:52
Dr_Willisrubberducky:  i even have /boot/ with some iso files in it. and grub2 setup to boot the iso files as a failsafe rescue option21:52
Dr_Willisrubberducky:  its debateable if its worth the effort really.21:52
icelanderdonteatyellowsno: Yes21:52
hwildeicelander, oi what kinda chipset is that ?   type   "man wpa_supplicant"  and scroll down to the list of drivers (hostap, madwifi, wext, etc)21:53
rubberduckywhere do you but the iso's then?21:53
rubberduckyand how big should i make it?21:53
Dr_Willisrubberducky:  i got mine in /boot/ as well.21:53
Dr_Willisrubberducky:  depends on what you are doing exactly with it21:53
rubberduckynow it's 50mb21:53
rubberduckybut that seems big21:53
rubberduckyi have backtrack linux in it21:53
rubberduckyand ubuntu21:53
rubberduckyand windows21:53
rubberduckybut i install a new backtrack every now and then21:53
hwildeicelander, then you type    sudo /sbin/wpa_supplicant -d -w -i wlan0 -D driverhere  -c /path/to/config/file21:54
rubberduckyand it always messes up by installing LILO21:54
Dr_Willisthe only things that normally goes in /boot/ are various kernel and support files.21:54
pershian007hi i cant copy DVD move to hard disk /// I/O error // helppppppppppppp21:54
hwildeicelander, try driver wext first21:54
rubberduckyi don't know how big the kernel is actually21:54
rubberduckyis 1mb enought for /boot?21:54
rubberduckyor am i being stupid...21:54
Dr_Willisrubberducky:  1mb is stupid21:54
kinja-sheeprubberducky: No.21:54
rubberduckysorry then21:54
Dr_Willislook at your current /boot/ and see how large it is21:54
rubberduckyi don't have one now21:54
rubberduckyso i wouldn't know21:55
shadowwulfis there somewhere i an find a listing where i can safely remove items from package manager without crashing ubuntu ... i have 4 GB to work with21:55
Dr_Willisif you ahve linux isntalled then you have a /boot/ directory21:55
rubberduckyaah sorry21:55
shadeslayerpershian007: um maybe the DVD is corrupted and/or the HD too21:55
rubberduckyi get what you mean21:55
mkanyicykri1987, pastebin "sudo ls -lh ~"21:55
rubberduckyso i can keep it at 50?21:56
kinja-sheepFollowing up on something, what is the appropriate way to remove old kerenls? Just purge them in the "linux-image-<random>?"21:56
shadeslayermkanyicy: sudo with ls ?21:56
pershian007shadeslayer no21:56
rubberduckyseems pretty future proof21:56
shadeslayerpershian007: are you sure?21:56
Dr_Willisdrive space is cheap. Mine is 3gb21:56
mkanyicyshadeslayer, yes21:56
KrzysiekVNC from windows into Ubuntu connection refused??21:56
pershian007shadeslayer yes21:56
microhaxoI am having trouble setting up my SSD. In ubunto i am told to gedit /etc/fstab and replace relatime with notime for my ssd, however i do not see relatime or anything close to that in fstab??21:56
mkanyicyshadeslayer, is there a prob in that?21:56
icelanderhwilde: no joy21:56
shadeslayermkanyicy: i dont think sudo is required with ls21:57
icelanderand no more time to fiddle21:57
icelanderLinux is for people without children who need taken care of21:57
shadeslayermkanyicy: it may/may not cause harm21:57
mkanyicyshadeslayer, i did not say so either21:57
aafuentesHi! im trying to compare how much ubuntu change debian. where can i find out more about the proccess ubuntu follow? I know they freeze debian at some point. Where can i get those points?21:57
mkanyicyshadeslayer, it WILL NEVER do a harm!21:57
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases21:57
Dr_Willisaafuentes:  the release schedule is a big differance also. and 'upstart' is a big differance21:58
mkanyicyshadeslayer, fyi, i'm a bit too advanced on linux21:58
shadeslayermkanyicy: well i am still not sure if sudo should be used with ls,but its your call21:58
L3dPlatedLinuxwas wondering if I am the only one with a issue with k9copy crashing21:59
mkanyicyshadeslayer, you were supposed to read the whole thing before you comment21:59
rubberduckyseems like i can still do the boot thing now21:59
theoraforeverI'm trying to send a Notification Bubble ("Computer will be shut down") to all the other users logged in. The closest thing all my googling finds is wall, which only sends messages to terminal windows. Is there a way to do this? (I do have root, BTW)21:59
ghost_hey, any chance to rotate my desktop under nvidia card? tried with control panel but dont see the option21:59
aafuentesDr_Willis, what do you mean?21:59
mkanyicyshadeslayer, sudo gives a normal user 'sudo21:59
mkanyicyshadeslayer, sudo gives a normal user 'sudo' priviledges21:59
shadeslayerkinja-sheep: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/removing-old-kernels21:59
mkanyicyshadenzo, even a root types21:59
shadeslayermkanyicy: i know about elevation of priviliges21:59
mkanyicyshadenzo, even a root types 'ls'22:00
Dr_Willisaafuentes:  learn about how the release schedule works and how upstart works.. thats 2 big difrerances from ubuntu to debian22:00
mkanyicysorry shadenzo22:00
Dr_Willisghost_:  the various xrandr tools can do that22:00
pershian007 i cant copy DVD  move  file to hard disk error   I/O error22:00
mkanyicyshadeslayer, well do you know about the safety of 'ls'?22:00
aafuentesDr_Willis, I intend to compare the source code directly22:00
zagabarI configured my server to forward from eth1 and wlan0 to eth0 so that I could use it as a router kinda. ICS in other words. That works great. However now another problem arose because of it. I cannot connect to my mailserver anymore with like mozilla firebird or squirrelmail. What can be the cause for this?22:00
Dr_Willisio erorr = dirty disk, or drive22:00
Dr_Willisaafuentes:  time to get digging then i guess good luck.22:00
aafuentesDr_Willis, Thats what im doing right now ^^ thanks22:01
ghost_Dr_Willis:  no see here please http://pastebin.com/m13f082322:01
kinja-sheeptheoraforever: notify-send "zomg" "zomg" (for starters(.22:01
Dr_Willisaafuentes:  i think the various ubuntu packages source have ubuntu specific patchs  for things22:01
shadeslayermkanyicy: nope22:01
mkanyicyshadeslayer, if you cannot 'cd' to a directory then you cannot know what's inside then 'ls dirname' may not even work22:01
kyle6513dsl_, try holding alt and control and press down22:01
kyle6513dsl_, sorry, wrong thing22:01
kyle6513Having problems making my laptop display a resolution larger than 1024x700, anyone who can help?22:02
donteatyellowsnoladies and gents, lets have 10 minutes of silent for the people of haiti. thank you22:02
shadeslayermkanyicy: yeah so?22:02
aafuentesDr_Willis, i found for example this page http://patches.ubuntu.com/ where ubuntu put their patches on a regular basis22:02
mkanyicyshadeslayer, then 'sudo ls' will enable you to see whats inside22:02
shadeslayermkanyicy: im trying to see the history of the problem but cant find the original question22:02
aafuentesDr_Willis, but i cant find what are the exact freeze points in debian repositories22:02
kinja-sheepkyle6513: You tried it with custom Xorg.conf? Also, see !fixres22:03
damanmageebeen a windows user for years and been using kubuntuntu 9.10 now for 3 weeks and havent looked back since, waste of money buying windows 722:03
kyle6513kinja-sheep, i thought that xorg was no longer used?22:03
mkanyicyshadeslayer, ok, the other guy said his home directory is inaccessible and have tried chmod without any luck as a root. now thats strange, I then asked for 'ls' as a root22:04
theoraforeverkinja-sheep: That's great! How do I put that on another users screen? (I presume that requires root)22:04
kinja-sheepkyle6513: It does not mean you ought not to use it. :o22:04
pershian007i cant copy DVD  move  file to hard disk error   I/O error22:04
shadeslayerkinja-sheep: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1212437 : looks good too22:04
mkanyicykri1987, did you finally get your system working22:04
=== urlaway is now known as urlwallace
ghostlinesdoes the latest ubuntu's mencoder support multithreading by default?22:05
shadeslayermkanyicy: ah ok then.. my bad22:05
mkanyicyshadeslayer, just  curious, what makes you think that 'sudo ls' can be dangerous?22:05
kyle6513kinja-sheep, is there anyway I can generate an xorg.conf and then edit it from there?22:05
pershian007i cant copy DVD  move  file to hard disk error   I/O error help meeeee22:06
kri1987mkanyicy, my ls shows this... drwxr--r--  7 root        root        4096 2010-01-20 08:47 . drwxr-xr-x 22 root        root        4096 2009-08-03 14:13 .. drw-r--r--  2 root        nogroup     4096 2009-09-22 12:38 ftp drwx------  2 kiyengar    kiyengar    4096 2010-01-18 16:05 kiyengar drw-r--r--  5 msmith      msmith      4096 2009-04-02 10:13 msmith drw-r--r--  3 srowlandson srowlandson 4096 2009-08-03 14:13 srowlandson drwxrw22:06
shadeslayermkanyicy: its just a precaution i take with all commands,better be informed what your doing before prepending sudo :P22:06
kri1987sorry it's a bit messy...22:06
kinja-sheeptheoraforever: You will have to use something like --> DISPLAY=:0 notify-send "Head" "Body"22:06
kyle6513kri1987, pastebin that next time22:06
kinja-sheepkyle6513: Try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"22:06
kri1987how do i pastebin?22:06
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:06
shadeslayer!pastebinit | kri198722:06
ubottukri1987: pastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit22:06
kri1987command | pastebinit\22:06
kri1987command | pastebinit22:06
mkanyicyshadeslayer, ok, for starters. that's why sudo has the lecturing option22:07
kinja-sheeppershian007: IO Error -- Nothing is wrong with your computer. It is the DVD media.22:07
shadeslayerkri1987: use : sudo ls -lh ~ | pastebinit22:07
=== The_Thing is now known as Darth_Vader_
intangirwhat in the hell has ubuntu done in 9.10? everything is all different, where are all the gdm config files now? where is the one with the default options, what happened to the login manager config dialog, its got 2 options now! it used to have hundreds... how do i enable XDMCP now? how do i restart GDM NOW? /etc/init.d/gdm script doesnt work, gdm-stop/start/ and restart dont work...22:07
Lord-Readmanis aptitude purge ~ilinux-image-.*\(\!`uname -r`\) safe?22:07
kinja-sheepshadeslayer: Thanks. I wanted to follow up on something. Had 3 old kernels. :o22:07
kri1987command | pastebin /home# ls -al total 28 drwxr--r--  7 root        root        4096 2010-01-20 08:47 . drwxr-xr-x 22 root        root        4096 2009-08-03 14:13 .. drw-r--r--  2 root        nogroup     4096 2009-09-22 12:38 ftp drwx------  2 kiyengar    kiyengar    4096 2010-01-18 16:05 kiyengar drw-r--r--  5 msmith      msmith      4096 2009-04-02 10:13 msmith drw-r--r--  3 srowlandson srowlandson 4096 2009-08-03 14:13 srowla22:07
shadeslayerkri1987: >< its pastebinit22:08
kinja-sheepLord-Readman: It does not looks safe. It'll purge the kernel you're on.22:08
Lord-Readmanno it does everything but the kernal ur on22:08
Lord-Readmanaptitude purge ~ilinux-image-.*\(\!`uname -r`\)22:08
shadeslayerkri1987: you forgot the 'it' part22:08
kri1987command | pastebinit /home# ls -al total 28 drwxr--r--  7 root        root        4096 2010-01-20 08:47 . drwxr-xr-x 22 root        root        4096 2009-08-03 14:13 .. drw-r--r--  2 root        nogroup     4096 2009-09-22 12:38 ftp drwx------  2 kiyengar    kiyengar    4096 2010-01-18 16:05 kiyengar drw-r--r--  5 msmith      msmith      4096 2009-04-02 10:13 msmith drw-r--r--  3 srowlandson srowlandson 4096 2009-08-03 14:13 srow22:08
hwildeLord-Readman, that is NOT a good command to be running, or pasting into the chat.22:08
ghost_is there any way to use xrandr under nvidia?22:08
kri1987haha oops sorry i'm very new to this22:09
kri1987using the web client22:09
mkanyicykri1987, copy everything and paste it at http://paste.ubuntu.com not here22:09
Dr_Williskri1987:  you want to do 'ls -al | pastebinit'22:09
shadeslayerkri1987: oh no problem :)22:09
kyle6513kinja-sheep, where should the xorg be?22:09
Lord-Readmanis linux-image-generic-pae{p} safe to remove?22:09
hwildekri1987, he wants you to type   "ls -al | pastebinit"22:09
kinja-sheepkyle6513: /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:09
mozul<-Just installed ubuntu 9.10 via minimal install iso, did the tasksel, now login screen comes up in graphical format and I see the login button for my username but when I click it no dialog comes up only a small mess of random character pixels. Do I have a bad Video driver?  Any help on changing that?22:09
kyle6513kinja-sheep, well its not -.-"22:09
hwildekri1987, that will take the output of the "ls -al" command and send it to pastebin, that will return a link, and copy and paste that link here for us22:10
mkanyicykri1987, anyway I saw what I wanted to see22:10
kinja-sheepkyle6513: You could try "Xorg -configure"22:10
kyle6513why not just get him to go to the actual pastebin website22:10
crudlerecho "i r a sex machine.   giggity"22:10
mkanyicykri1987, how are you logged into your system now?22:10
microhaxoI edited my Fstab and now it says cant boot root, when i try to fix the problem with vi it says "Read only" and wont let me save any changes?22:10
kri1987through the webchat22:10
mkanyicykri1987, recovery mode/22:10
mkanyicykri1987, recovery mode?22:10
hwildemicrohaxo, sudo vi22:10
ZiberAlright, so I have a Xen VM and when I boot it up, SSHd doesnt initally listen on the IPv6 address I told it to. I have to restart SSHd in order to make it listen on that address. Any reasons this would happen?22:11
microhaxoI did that22:11
kri1987i'm ssh in22:11
kri1987and i can log in22:11
kyle6513kinja-sheep, do I need to kill xserver first?22:11
microhaxosays [readonly] at the bottom22:11
kinja-sheepkyle6513: I don't think so.22:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic22:11
kri1987but it doesn't run .bashrc, or .profile.. because it doesn't have access to my home directory22:11
hwildekri1987, try to respond to the person you are talking to, like for example I put your name first on this line22:11
kri1987i created a folder called test22:11
kri1987in order to check persmissions..22:11
theoraforeverkinja-sheep: Got it to work, thanks.22:12
hwildekri1987, try to type all on one line and not hit enter for punctuation... lotta people in this chat22:12
kyle6513kinja-sheep, well, when i run it, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d53a249b22:12
kinja-sheeptheoraforever: No problem. You even can add parameters for time (unlimited) and icon too. :)22:12
theoraforeverI've done that before; what I couldn't figure out was getting it onto the other screen.22:13
pershian007kinja-sheep i cant copy DVD  move  file to hard disk error   I/O error help meeeee22:13
mkanyicykri1987, paste the output of "ls -alh ~" at http://paste.ubuntu.com22:13
kinja-sheeppershian007: IO ERROR -- NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.22:13
kri1987hwilde, sorry bout that. I created a folder called test. Put permissions as 777. I've noticed that none of the users have access to the home dir anymore. I'm using ubuntu server. So it may have some se linux policy or something... but it's very strange. I've tried chmod 777 and chown to my user as well22:13
kyle6513pershian007, sounds like a copy protection or faulty hardware22:13
kri1987hwilde, http://pastebin.com/f738ce05e22:14
pershian007 kinja-sheep i cant copyyyyyyyy22:14
kinja-sheepkyle6513: You have Nvidia GUI? There should be an option to "save to Xorg"22:14
kinja-sheeppershian007: That is correct. You can not copy.22:14
hwildekri1987, sudo chown yourname:yourname somefile        <-- that will give you permissions22:14
kyle6513kinja-sheep, why is he singling you out for the question he has22:14
austin_workanyone familiar with ssh rules? I'm trying to limit a particular user to ssh access only from the local network, but sshd keeps denying him: AllowUsers "jason@\i192\.168\.*"22:14
kyle6513kinja-sheep, ah, its not nvidia, its intel intergrated graphics22:14
ghost_has anyone a working xrandr under nvidia card?22:15
hwildeaustin_work, are you in /etc/hosts.allow ?22:15
austin_workno, /etc/ssh/sshd_config22:15
pershian007ilius kinja-sheep  rast mige22:15
hwildeaustin_work, pastebinit for me please22:15
austin_workother users need remote access, but that user only needs local22:15
kinja-sheepkyle6513: You might want to try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"22:15
mkanyicykri1987, no wonder22:15
kri1987hwilde, didn't work. I still have permission denied22:15
belihwilde: hosts.allow is used by tcp_wrappers enabled apps only22:16
mkanyicykri1987, directories MUST be executable22:16
kyle6513kinja-sheep, will that give me an xorg? :D22:16
kinja-sheepkyle6513: I'm hoping for it to.22:16
mkanyicykri1987, do this22:16
javatexananyone know what the 100 MB partition that windows makes along with the normal partition?22:16
VCoolioghost_: it seems not; I used an app that used xrandr without success; with vidmod it worked ok; hope that's useful for you, I don't know more22:16
kyle6513kinja-sheep, nope, sorry >.< unless its in a different place22:16
mkanyicykri1987, sudo chmod +x /home /home*22:16
mkanyicykri1987, sorry not that but this "sudo chmod +x /home /home/*"22:17
austin_workhwilde: http://pastebin.com/m534f57f022:17
kri1987hwilde, actually.. no, that looks like it is working22:17
ghost_VCoolio: thx! ill try out vidmod asap22:17
xNinjahello...isn`t there an apt mirror to install zend optimizer in ubuntu 8.10 ?22:17
ieatworldhow do i find which wireless card my laptop is using?22:17
austin_workhwilde: tried a few versions of it, none are working22:17
kri1987hwilde, i'll get back to you... let me try recursively do it for a few folders22:17
beliieatworld: is it working?22:17
kyle6513ieatworld, lspci if its a pci device22:17
hwildeaustin_work, when jason is logged in type  "who -u"  and where is he coming from?22:17
ghost_VCoolio: vidmod is not in the repos?22:17
hwildekri1987, -r option is recursive.22:18
phong_hi everyone in the chat rooom22:18
kyle6513phong_, hi22:18
ieatworldthanks kyle :)22:18
mkanyicykri1987, whatever you do, you /home permissions are not fine, same as your $HOME directory22:19
kyle6513ieatworld, no problems22:19
phong_does anyone know how to install evtouch ?22:19
kinja-sheepkyle6513: Try creating an empty file /etc/X11/xorg.conf -- Then one of the commands to generate a new one.22:19
toaderHi, could anybody help me here? thanks http://dpaste.com/147684/22:19
kyle6513phong_, does sudo apt-get install evtouch work?22:19
kyle6513kinja-sheep, okay22:19
mkanyicykri1987, you need to give the 'x' permission to the /home folder and any folder  under /home22:19
kyle6513kinja-sheep, wait. should i try all this as sudo?22:19
phong_let me try22:19
mkanyicykri1987, that is all you have to do, i guess22:19
=== XLV_ is now known as XLV
kyle6513kinja-sheep, oh nevermind i was already doing that22:20
Counterspell9.10 x86_64: Copy / Paste from Skype into any application (including Skype itself) is simply not working! After the Copy, paste is not available for selection and ctrl-v does not paste anything.22:20
microhaxoHelp, i've edited my fstab and now it wont boot, it cant mount root. when i try to mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 / -o remount,rw it wont startx!22:20
VCoolioghost_: do 'apt-cache search vidmode' and you'll get some libs; but again: I'm a noob on video stuff22:20
austin_workhwilde: ah, it's using the hostname, not the ip of the client, that explains it22:21
mkanyicykri1987, are you progressing?22:21
kinja-sheepkyle6513: You have checked the Hardware Drivers under System --> Admin, right?22:21
brontosaurusrexCounterspell: shift + ctrl +v ?22:21
phong_i got E: Couldn't find package evtouch22:21
ob3r0ntoader, ls -w | grep jpg | convert (...)22:21
kyle6513kinja-sheep, yep22:21
phong_any help?22:21
Counterspellbrontosaurusrex, nope22:21
AIBBBif you'd be forced not to use ubuntu, what distro would be most suitable for the average consumer22:21
kyle6513kinja-sheep, to no avail22:21
austin_workhwilde: accessing over putty, so the hostname is, e.g., windows1.local, not
kyle6513phong_, sec22:21
ghost_oh, thats xfree86, great -.-22:21
hwildeaustin_work, that is a setting (to resolve the IP to dns names) fyi22:22
ob3r0ntoader, ls -x | grep jpg | convert (...)22:22
kaolbrecAIBBB: kubuntu? :P22:22
austin_workhwilde: yaeh, figured there was, now that I found that problem. know it off hand?22:22
kinja-sheepkyle6513: "sudo touch /etc/X11/xorg.conf && sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"22:22
=== root is now known as Guest34836
ob3r0ntoader, ls -1 | grep jpg | convert (...)22:22
kinja-sheepob3r0n: Language, please.22:22
toaderob3r0n: i want to keep each file name22:22
ob3r0nlike this22:22
Dr_Willismicrohaxo:  exaztly what did you edit in the fstab? and how are you trying to  access it now?22:22
mkanyicyAIBBB, the one that the enforcer is recommending to the enforcee22:22
kyle6513phong_, http://www.conan.de/touchscreen/evtouch.html next time google stuff22:22
hwildeaustin_work, UseDNS no22:22
ob3r0n<kinja-sheep> sorry22:23
toaderob3r0n: for example 01.jpg to 01.pdf22:23
austin_workhwilde: thanks :-)22:23
hwildetoader, man rename22:23
mkanyicykri1987, ping22:23
kyle6513kinja-sheep, files still empty22:23
kinja-sheepkyle6513: You could try the support in #xorg22:24
kyle6513kinja-sheep, is it in freenode?22:24
kinja-sheepkyle6513: Yes.22:24
kyle6513kinja-sheep, thanks22:25
toaderhwilde: i need to covert it to the same name but with .pdf extension22:25
=== NeT_DeMoN_ is now known as NeT_DeMoN
catyI JUST LOSED THE GAME :'(22:25
toaderfor example covert 01.jpg to 01.pdf22:25
hwildetoader, convert *.jpg test.jpg     it will enumerate test-0.jpg test-1.jpg test-2.jpg etc22:26
hwildetoader, err pdf... whatever you know what i mean22:26
hwildetoader, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48987722:26
austin_workhwilde: working great, thanks for the help22:28
duckx0rcan anyone tell me what the executable is to launch the GUI for GConf?22:28
kyle6513kinja-sheep, it seems xorg is a little dead...22:28
kinja-sheepduckx0r: ALT+F2 --> gconf-editor ?22:28
Dr_Willisduckx0r:  'gconf<tab>' shows some  possibilties :)22:28
duckx0rkinja-sheep, nope22:28
=== ghost is now known as Guest34254
duckx0rDr_Willis, I'm using kde 322:29
brontosaurusrexhwilde, toader, right http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4537036&postcount=722:29
Dr_Willisduckx0r:  so?22:29
kyle6513i thought gconf was for gnome?22:29
Dr_Williskyle6513:  yep. :) unless we are all confused about what he wants22:29
Dr_Willisif thers an icon for it.. check the icon properties.22:29
kyle6513Dr_Willis, heh >.<22:29
duckx0rDr_Willis, oh, i thought you meant from the run dialog. thanks22:29
kinja-sheepkyle6513: You could try killing Xorg, then "Xorg -configure" in TTY. It'll probe for devices and write an xorg.conf -- From that, do "sudo updatedb && locate xorg"22:29
* Dr_Willis is not sure the TAB key works in the run dialogs22:30
kyle6513kinja-sheep, how do i kill xorg lol22:30
duckx0rkinja-sheep, looks like you were right. I just didn't have gconf-editor installed. Thanks22:30
kinja-sheepkyle6513: You would get disconnected. :(22:30
kinja-sheepduckx0r: No problem.22:31
kinja-sheep!tty | kyle651322:31
kyle6513kinja-sheep, >.<22:31
ubottukyle6513: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.22:31
kinja-sheepkyle6513: Remember -- CTRL + ALT + F7 -- is GUI.22:31
kyle6513kinja-sheep, yeah i know about them, just have no idea how to kill xorg xD22:31
kinja-sheepkyle6513: Practice it now.  CTRL + ALT + F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6 -- All temrinals.22:31
kyle6513kinja-sheep, haha yeh i know :P22:32
kinja-sheepkyle6513: Oh alright. "sudo service gdm stop" should do the trick. "sudo killall xorg" maybe.22:32
maritzHi. I've attached a usb2.0 stick (8gb kingston) to my pc and it is incredibly slow when transferring large files. (according to a few ls checks it's at below 1mb/s now)22:32
maritzI've googled around and there seem to be a tonne of other users with such problems. However they mostly have ~4mb/s, which is a bit more than I'm seeing. And all the "solutions" I found, didn't help so far. Any ideas?22:32
duckx0rkyle6513, ctrl-alt-backspace might work depending on how your system is setup22:32
kyle6513kinja-sheep, i think ill go with killall22:32
kyle6513WISH ME LUCK!22:32
kinja-sheepkyle6513: Stopping GDM should do more than enough. You can kill xserver-xorg too. Just in case. Good luck.22:32
Dr_Willismaritz:  ive noticed that also. not really looked into a fix.22:33
kyle6513kinja-sheep, one question, how do i get back into x? start x?22:33
kinja-sheepkyle6513: "sudo service gdm start"22:33
bluberryoamhey how do you enter special charachters in emacs?22:33
* kyle6513 facepalms self22:33
maritzDr_Willis: I'm trying to copy ~4GB to the stick... at the current rate and apparent decline of speed, it's gonna finish... never. :(22:34
Dr_Willismaritz:  yep - ive noticed it being very slow.22:34
Dr_Willismaritz:  also aseems to depend on which of my USB ports i use. I got some exctra usb add on cards.22:34
bluberryoamhey how do you enter special charachters in emacs?22:34
maritzI tried the 2 free ones, nothing... Also, it isn't a problem in windows. So, it's not a hardware problem.22:35
DarkedgeCan someone make a quick script to check for “ShowOnlyIn=GNOME” in /usr/share/applications/ and replace it with "", Thanks.22:36
maritzi'm gonna try reformatting it to ext2 now :D22:36
microhaxoRight, i fixed fstab, but now grub boot loader shows up and asks me to pick what i want to boot. every time, How do i disable that?22:36
* kinja-sheep gives channel operator status to Dr_Willis 22:36
DarkedgeDr_Willis: me?22:37
kyle6513kinja-sheep, er, note to self, write down commands so you dont have to come back like an idiot and ask for them again22:37
microhaxowhen i boot it no longer auto boots, it goes to grub boot menu. How do i make it auto boot.22:37
kinja-sheepkyle6513: Oh no. :(22:37
kyle6513kinja-sheep, haha so what did i need to tell the terminal again?22:37
Dr_WillisDarkedge:  actually i recall a 'gres' command/script for rep,aceing text in batches of files.. proberly other ways to do it as well22:37
kinja-sheepkyle6513: "Xorg -configure" -- Pretty much. Then come back.22:38
MK13how can you revoke the "always allow access to keyring" permission from certain applications?22:38
roxlu_hi, I've got ubuntu server installed and I'm wondering how I can install a printer?22:38
roxlu_is there a command line tool available?22:38
kinja-sheep!cups | roxlu_22:38
ubotturoxlu_: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows22:38
kyle6513kinja-sheep, okay lol, thanks22:38
Dr_Willisroxlu_:  cups has a web based admin feature22:38
Dr_Willisroxlu_:  and command line tools22:39
roxlu_thanks a lot!22:39
* kyle6513 has a notepad for commands now22:39
Guest34254ok, if anyone else wanna know: just use xrandr -o inverted instead of xrandr -y ^^ seems to be broken :p22:40
blight_are there different repositories like stable/testing/unstable ?22:40
blight_do they have codenames?22:40
blight_or does each release have all 322:40
blight_or how does it work?22:41
unopDarkedge,  sed -i 's/ShowOnlyIn=GNOME//g' /usr/share/applications/*22:41
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories22:41
blight_ok, i guess this is what i need to read to make a decision if i want to switch to another branch22:41
blight_cause i want more recent software on my system22:41
blakkheimblight_: then ubuntu isn't for you22:41
blight_i would use gentoo if KDE didnt take 1 day to build22:42
Dr_Willisblight_:  gee theres 100000's of packages... and 1000's of PPA repos and other repos...22:42
blakkheimblight_: arch/debian sid maybe?22:42
goldiedoes anyone know how to get Ubuntu to run on a Ma22:42
blakkheimgoldie: the same way as any other computer22:42
blight_i dont know22:42
testzgoldie: have you searched on google?22:42
Dr_Willisgoldie:  ppc or newer mac?22:42
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE22:42
microhaxoHow do i edit grub in 9.10 ????22:42
blight_i grew lazy of messing around with my system22:42
Dr_Willis!grub2 | microhaxo22:42
ubottumicrohaxo: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:42
blight_thats why i switched from gentoo to ubuntu22:42
goldieNew Leadopard Mactel22:42
MK13how can i revoke a program's ability to automatically access my keyring when authenticating the wlan ?22:42
blakkheimblight_: lol22:42
blight_whats so funny?22:43
realityiswheregoldie: which model?22:43
blakkheimblight_: switching from gentoo to ubuntu22:43
kyle6513_kinja-sheep, Threw the same error at me :/ think i have to kill xorg?22:43
blight_yeah, well, like i said, lazyness - doesnt that explain it?22:43
goldieYou can not get ubuntu to run alongside Mac like you can Win7 in bootcamp22:43
kinja-sheepkyle6513_: I thought you were in TTY when you did that.22:43
blakkheimblight_: guess so22:43
goldieI have a macbook.22:43
blakkheimgoldie: yes you can22:43
realityiswheregoldie: which model... macbook 5,5?22:43
kinja-sheepkyle6513_: Yeah. Make sure Xorg or xserver-xorg is not running.22:43
testzgoldie: have you searched on google?22:43
blight_with gentoo when something doesnt build you gotta mess around, and it happens from time to time, especially when you start mixing stable with unstable packages22:43
kyle6513_kinja-sheep, TTY? why? it throws me into a console thingy anyway22:43
Darkedgeunop: Sorry, I kinda wanted it to be replaced with nothing..22:44
blight_so it's always a fight against the breakage22:44
blakkheimblight_: i run gentoo on my desktop, i know. but i like fixing things22:44
testzblight_: yeah, so don't waste your time, energy, or harm the environment and use a binary based distro22:44
kyle6513_kinja-sheep, so, sudo killall Xorg && sudo killall xserver-xorg?22:44
blight_and sometimes i couldn't update for a few weeks because of conflicts introduced by mixing stable with unstable packages etc22:44
unopDarkedge, and that's what the command does22:44
kinja-sheepkyle6513_: Something like that. Use tab to autocomplete.22:44
Dr_Willisi gave up on gentoo a few years back22:44
kyle6513_kinja-sheep, alright, so do i stop gdm then do that? I dont think i need to go into a TTY22:44
goldieIs there a better Linux package then Ubuntu22:44
blight_blakkheim: yeah it can be fun, but i rather invest the time in other stuff like coding22:45
duffydackgreat my radeon 4650HD now supported, except games (nexuiz) are like 1 fps22:45
unopkyle6513_,  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop22:45
goldieI am not that impresssed by Karmic Kola22:45
kinja-sheepkyle6513_: Yes.22:45
kyle6513_goldie, depends on what you want22:45
blight_testz: ;)22:45
realityiswheregoldie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook22:45
Dr_Willisgoldie:  thers 100's of Linux distros out - depends on yoru needs22:45
Darkedgeunop: Well I looked in one of the .desktop files, and its been replaced with "" not a black space =/22:45
kyle6513_kinja-sheep, do i need to go into a TTY??22:45
goldieIt seem like ubuntu would be the best because they have more bread behind there product then anybody else22:45
kyle6513_goldie, what are your needs?22:45
kinja-sheepkyle6513_: Yes. If you kill Xorg, you'll fall back to TTY. So you might as well shut down gdm properly.22:45
goldieEasy for one.. I am just looking for a distro to do webdesign programming.22:46
kyle6513_kinja-sheep, hm, so, how would i do this?22:46
unopDarkedge, was   ShowOnlyIn=GNOME   originally quoted in the file??22:46
kyle6513_kinja-sheep, jump to a TTY and then perform all of this?22:46
microhaxoWhen i add this: tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0 to my fstab i am unable to mount root22:46
roxlu_how do I install my printer from the terminal ? (I don't have x-windows)22:46
testzgoldie: then just use a distro that you won't have to mess around with a lot22:46
mkanyicygoldie, that can be arranged on ubuntu as well22:46
Darkedgeunop: I don't think so.22:46
Dr_Willismicrohaxo:  why did you alter it in the first place?22:46
kinja-sheepkyle6513_: Go in TTY1, "sudo service gdm stop" -- Kill any Xorg / xserver-xorg -- Then run the "Xorg -configure"22:46
microhaxoI have a SSD drive22:47
duckx0rgoldie, i like kate for editing scripts/html22:47
brontosaurusrexgoldie: linux mint or some other ubuntu derivate22:47
unopDarkedge,  can you put show us just the original line ??22:47
blakkheimi like vi :)22:47
kenyabobThis might not be the exact spot for this, but does anyone know how to tell if an Intel Xeon chip is 32 bit or 64?22:47
microhaxoand i want to tayler it to my drive so it runs fast.22:47
kyle6513_kinja-sheep, will do, brb22:47
ActionParsnip__yo yo yo22:47
brontosaurusrexgoldie: with geany as an ide22:47
goldieCan you get linux mint to run besides mac22:47
blakkheimgoldie: yes22:47
Dr_Willismicrohaxo:  check the various ssd/netbook forum threads perhaps  - it may be theres some change/diffreance you need to so in 9.1022:47
brontosaurusrexgoldie: the easy way is virtualbox22:48
goldieIf you had the choce would you work in vmware with a ubunut distro to do your web work ....or just use mac.22:48
Dr_WillisI perfer virtualbox to vmware. :)22:48
Darkedgeunop: Can't you just peice a command to search for "" and replace? thanks.22:48
brontosaurusrexgoldie: i'd use mac22:48
Dr_WillisI cant afford a mac. :)22:48
Darkedgeunop: =/ I don't have the original file sorry.22:48
unopDarkedge,  sed -i 's/\"\"//g' /usr/share/applications/*22:49
mkanyicyDr_Willis, there was a guy who prefered to buy a mac than to buy a disk to burn ubuntu iso image22:49
brontosaurusrexbut really, web should be easier on some sort of debian powered thingy, with all the web server stuff as well.....22:49
kyle6513kinja-sheep, nope, didnt work, told me there was no such process as Xorg or xserver-xorg22:49
_dreamywhats the best place to find a game for linux ? anyone helping ?22:50
kyle6513_dreamy, google.22:50
ActionParsnip__Does fsck only work on partitions or can it test raw disks (e.g. /dev/sda) ?22:50
BalSakhi guys. the virtualbox room's pretty quite. does anyone know how to config  VBoxWeb.confto allow access from outside localhost?22:50
mkanyicyDr_Willis, so a mac should be rather cheap22:50
ActionParsnip__!game | _dreamy22:50
brontosaurusrex_dreamy: neverball rocks!22:50
_dreamykyle6513: ive tryed... how ever im searching for jagged alliance2.. i cant even find the demo :S22:50
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php22:51
brontosaurusrex_dreamy: should be sudo apt-get install neverball i belive22:51
ActionParsnip___dreamy: urban terror and penumbra (not free) are great22:51
kyle6513_dreamy, is it linux compatible?22:51
triple_xxxdreamy you can run win or playonlinux to run windows games such as WOW22:51
mkanyicybrontosaurusrex, but what do you mean about 'web'22:51
Darkedgeunop: =/ that aren't working22:51
Darkedgekyle6513: Hey fellow aussie.22:51
LucidGuyVirtuBox situation:  I previously had Ubuntu 904 with VirtualBox(nonOSE) installed and 8 guest systems installed.  WinXP,Win7, and 6 different Linux distros.  I recently performed a full reinstall with Karmic and restored all my .VDI files, ~.VirtualBox directory, and installed VirtualBox.  When I start it up all looks good systems are listed etc, yet I'm unable to successfully launch any of the vms.  Win7 simply f22:51
LucidGuyreezes, Debian vm spits out “FATAL: No bootable medium found! System halted.  Xubuntu vm errors “Grub loading. Error: out of partition.. then grub rescue shell>.  Does anyone have any idea what went wrong? am I missing something?..  any help would be appreciated.22:51
kinja-sheepkyle6513: I don't know else I could supply you with. Sorry. (See !xorg) :\22:51
kyle6513kinja-sheep, thanks anyway22:51
_dreamyActionParsnip__: im searching for JAgged alliance 2.. however...22:51
kyle6513kinja-sheep, if i just start typing into xorg.conf would it work? lol22:51
brontosaurusrexmkanyicy: making a server scripting thingy to work, setting up development machine, it should be easier on ubuntu than on mac22:52
_dreamykyle6513: for JA2 .. yes22:52
kyle6513_dreamy, odd. try the ubuntu respos22:52
DarkedgeLucidGuy: Try asking #vbox :)22:52
LucidGuyDarkedge, will do.22:52
mkanyicybrontosaurusrex, ok. but mac is unix based as well, hey?22:53
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:53
_dreamykyle6513:  id be checking that efectivly with APT ?22:53
unopDarkedge, you wanted to replace two double-quote marks with nothing, right?22:53
kyle6513_dreamy, yes'm sudo apt-get install program22:53
roxlu_okay so I can add a   printer using lpadmin -p PRINTER, but what do I use as a value for PRINTER?\22:53
Darkedgeunop: Yeah, I'll pastebin an example for you22:54
=== DaZ is now known as pogromcasmokuf
_dreamykyle6513: had no luck.. ive been looking for it all over the web... i got the orginal.. but its for XP ..22:55
JNexuswhat command do you list channels22:55
_dreamyi got the orginal game, i bougth it22:55
kyle6513_dreamy, running it in wine any good?22:55
unopJNexus, /list ?22:55
ActionParsnip__mkanyicy: mac is based on bsd loosely, but its offtopic here22:55
JNexushmmm not working22:55
_dreamykyle6513: dunno.. however Jagged alliance 2 was released for linux22:56
triple_xxx_dreamy: why don't you just use youtube or videosurf.com to watch linux games same for goldie wanting to see whats on a linux machine for web design I'm sure there are lots of opnion based youtube videos!!!! good luck ;)22:56
mkanyicyActionParsnip__, i know22:56
kyle6513_dreamy, hmm22:56
cachedwtf with the bots?22:56
Darkedgeunop: http://dpaste.com/147701/22:56
kyle6513_dreamy, http://linux.softpedia.com/get/GAMES-ENTERTAINMENT/RTS/Jagged-Alliance-2-Stracciatella-24306.shtml22:57
_dreamykyle6513:  yep..  i found that :) .. its only 1 or 2 megs ...  no data.. i think22:57
DarkedgeWhats mode +J???22:57
cachedAre you guys noobs?22:58
UlisesHola a todos22:58
kyle6513_dreamy, odd...22:58
UlisesHi all22:58
jack5463how do you find out who is in a room that is invite only?22:58
kyle6513AHH laptop battery depleating D:22:58
UlisesI'm looking for help with an email account22:58
Darkedgecached: uhm no, I just couldn't be bothered looking it up?22:58
UlisesMay be y can say me where can i Find it22:58
cachedIm a noob :)22:59
_dreamykyle6513: i though there was a special server/site.. for linux games.. :S22:59
kyle6513_dreamy, I believe you need to purchase the game, and use the data files from the windows version into the linux version...22:59
triack78join /#eclipse22:59
cachedmaybe i can fit in here22:59
unopDarkedge,  sed -i -e 's/["“”]["“”]//' -e '/^$/d'  /path/to/file22:59
jacob_hi i am trying to creat a .txt in a folder via terminal but can't b/c of permisions..how do i create it?22:59
Ulisesit's about my hotmail account, I forgot the place that I putted on the account22:59
kinja-sheep!sudo | jacob_22:59
laegall of a sudden my sound has become incredibly low, speakers are fine because i've tested them elsewhere, there's no volume control in my panel and when i select sound in system prefs there's a popup 'waiting for sound system to respond' - how can i remedy this?22:59
unopjacob_, sudo touch your_file.txt22:59
ActionParsnip__jacob_: gksudo gedit22:59
Dr_WillisUlises:  set the proper perm,issions/ownership on the directory first23:00
_dreamykyle6513: ok.. however i bought it already23:00
ActionParsnip__jacob_: you cn then create your file and save it wherever you like23:00
Dr_WillisUlises:  or use sudo as needed.23:00
unopDr_Willis, i bet you, he's wanting to creating something in /etc/ now23:00
kyle6513_dreamy, then use that link, combined with the data files in your bought copy and together, they can play the game ;D23:00
cacheddoes notepad ++ work on linux, or what app do i use for xhtml?23:00
jacob_ty all who wrote back23:00
cachedI like how its sets tabs23:00
ubottujacob_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)23:00
ActionParsnip__!appdb | cached23:01
ubottucached: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help23:01
Darkedgeunop: Thanks man owe you one23:01
kinja-sheepcached: Notepad ++ works fine with wine.23:01
cachedok ty,23:01
kinja-sheepcached: Or if you prefer a linux native, use Geany.23:01
UlisesDr Willis23:01
pukekowhats the karmic package for debian-helper-scripts ?23:01
ksnpi am trying to auto delete (not all but first N) email  to root sent by processes, any suggestions ?23:01
cachedcan i just sudo apt-get install wine?23:01
duckx0rcached, i use kate personally23:01
unopDarkedge, for your future reference, there's #bash, ##sed and #awk ...23:01
UlisesHow I do that?23:01
_dreamykyle6513: so the stracialtela is to USe... the Data files ? from the CD ? .. like.. if it will adapt the game data file into linux ?23:01
ksnpdoes crontab without the --report option prevent sending of emails ?23:01
cachedSome classmates also reccomended wine23:01
Darkedgeunop: ok thanks23:01
blakkheimcached: use vi23:02
kyle6513_dreamy, no idea, look for a tutorial on making it work from linux, but yes, thats what i understand, although it may be from an already installed one23:02
Flannel!wine | cached23:02
_dreamykyle6513:  ok ty for helping23:02
wolterhi, does anybody have a clue why vsftpd won't work if I set its folder to be in a ntfs drive?23:02
Flannelcached: Yes, sudo apt-get install wine will work23:02
pukekokarmic, cannot find package debian-helper-scripts..23:02
Dr_Williswolter:  permission issues most likely23:02
unopksnp, is preventing getting an email from a cronjob all you want to do ?23:02
kyle6513_dreamy, no problems23:03
mkanyicycached, just use gedit23:03
ubottucached: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:03
triple_xxxdreamy just us playonlinix Wine is already setup and able to install a list of games23:03
cachedgedit i knw23:03
ActionParsnip__cached: sorry for caps23:03
kyle6513cached, gedit does have syntax highlighting and numbers down the left hand side, just go into preferences its as good as notepad23:04
Flannelcached: SciTE is similar to notepad++ (notepad++ uses it's rendering engine) and it's in the repos, sud apt-get install scite)23:04
laegall of a sudden my sound has become incredibly low, speakers are fine because i've tested them elsewhere, there's no volume control in my panel and when i select sound in system prefs there's a popup 'waiting for sound system to respond' - how can i remedy this?23:04
ActionParsnip__cached: it gets a platinum rating except 3.x versions of notepad++23:04
ActionParsnip__cached: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=298323:04
cachedI'll prob want wine anyways, biut i'll def try it out23:05
mkanyicycached, why do you still want wine?23:05
elhoir|wrkhi all, just a partitioning question --- i have Windows 7 splitted in 2 partitions, the 1st one has just the boot manager, and the 2nd one contains the OS itself.... Will Ubuntu loader (grub) support it?23:05
cachedit will give you both bootloader23:06
cachedthe linux grub then the win 7 loader23:06
cachedbut thats only if u have more than 1 ver of windows i think23:06
elhoir|wrki havent23:06
cachedmake sure you defrag 1st ^^23:06
mkanyicyelhoir|wrk, havent what?23:07
=== fmagno is now known as bombel
elhoir|wrkmkanyicy: "more than 1 ver of windows"23:07
elhoir|wrki only have Windows 7 installed currently23:07
ActionParsnip__wow not heard of defrag in a while, oh memories23:07
woltercan I change the Ubuntu One directory to somewhere else than my home dir?23:07
cachedwhats linux equiv?23:07
mkanyicycached, defrag before partition resize on ubuntu is now almost old news23:08
elhoir|wrkcached: so you think it should work fine23:08
cachedthen you will get the linux grub at start23:08
cachedyes, I have vista/7/xp/ubunut and centos23:09
elhoir|wrkok i will give it a try23:09
ActionParsnip__cached: ext3/4 don't need defragging as the journal helps with access23:09
elhoir|wrkmany thanks :)23:09
gooseHow can I identify an RSA key to use, when doing Places > Connect to Server23:10
ActionParsnip__cached: you can defrag ext2 so you can convert from ext3 to ext2, defrag then convert back but you will gain nearly nothing23:10
TheMozartif I load 9.04 liveCD, can I create a bootable Ubuntu on my 1GB USB Stick?23:10
kyle6513TheMozart, 1gb is a tad small23:10
mkanyicygoose, ssh will do that for you23:10
ActionParsnip__TheMozart: sure, under system there is an option top create a usb boot disk23:10
TheMozartkyle6513: so its not possible?23:10
kyle6513TheMozart, gimme a second23:11
mkanyicygoose, why do you want to know your public key before you connect?23:11
goosemkanyicy: I know, I've created bash aliases for doing that with SSH, but I need to do it with GUI SCP.23:11
TheMozartActionParsnip__: is 1GB large enough to get it booting and working?23:11
Dr_Williswolter:  check in #ubuntuone im not sure its possible23:11
goosemkanyicy: because I have 14 RSA keys23:11
blakkheimgoose: why do you need a gui for scp23:11
TheMozartkyle6513: ok23:11
gooseI need to identify which one to use23:11
gooseblakkheim: because gedit > vi23:11
mkanyicygoose, why do you have 14 keys?23:11
kyle6513woah what the23:12
ActionParsnip__TheMozart: sure, the live cd is 700Mb ;)23:12
domi007hey everyone23:12
DarkedgeI've made some changes to the .desktop files in /usr/share/applications How can I get the menus to update?23:12
TheMozartActionParsnip__: ok ty23:12
wolterok Dr_Willis23:12
blakkheimgoose: lol?23:12
kyle6513is everyone else getting like heaps of people join the channel?23:12
ae86-drifterokay, ubuntu has no GFX driver available for me, however there is a beta version apparantly available, how do i install it :S? see http://www.guru3d.com/news.php?cat=7&perpage=#1068123:12
onetinsoldierit's a netsplit join23:12
kyle6513yeah i see that23:12
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goosemkanyicy: because I have 14 different servers I regularly SSH into. Do you know how I can identify an RSA key with GUI SCP, or are you just questioning me?23:12
triple_xxxkyle6513: yes thas why I do /ignoer channels23:13
Topy44hm, i have a solitary white pixel on my panel which acts like an applet (as in, it gets moved along when moving around applets), but cant be removed or moved by its own23:13
Topy44any ideas?23:13
triple_xxxopps /ignore23:13
Topy44its there in a standard UNR installation23:13
gooseblakkheim: gedit is a lot nicer/easier/prettier to use than vi, and I like to have the GUI SCP capabilities, click and drag is a nice convenience.23:13
domi007i got a nice problem for you: i want to remote desktop from my windows mobile pda to my ubuntu desktop using a usb cable...i already installed xrdp, so the service is up and running, but can't find a way to connect via usb cable....23:13
mkanyicygoog1jh, why don't use the same public key to all of them23:13
blakkheimgoose: scp -i /path/id_rsa23:13
jongbergshi, what messaging command allows you to talk to another computer in a local network just like what net send does for windows?23:13
cachedI found that when I tried to Upgrade ubuntu from 9.04 to 9.10 in my vbox, that it would only give me a command line, wouldn't run the gui23:13
cachedhad to dl the 386 iso23:13
gooseblakkheim: that works for SSH, not GUI SCP. (Places > Connect to Server)23:13
elhoir|wrkcached: will it run using the alternate cd? (i dont know why, but the normal cd doesnt work in my new pc (SATA related?))23:14
ae86-drifterblakkheim, u need to use smbclient -something then u can use the "net send" type feature23:14
cachednice, scite is pretty much just like npp23:14
Iowanjongbergs: Check man wall23:14
onetinsoldierjongbergs: you might want to look at 'talk'23:14
domi007okay, got back23:15
domi007so my problem is23:15
Topy44hm, i just realized:23:15
domi007how can i reach my pc23:15
domi007from a windows mobile23:15
domi007via usb23:15
Topy44that white pixel is there for everybody it seems, as i can find it on screenshots on the net23:15
ActionParsnip__domi007: ease up on the enter key dude23:15
kyle6513Topy44, what white pixel?23:15
Topy44http://digitizor.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/ubuntu-karmic-unr-first-start.png <== between the wireless tray icon and the clock23:15
ae86-drifterTopy44, its not there for me23:15
mkanyicygoose, what is the backend of Connect to Server?23:15
cachedWhere would be a good place to look for my nvida geforce 9800m gts driver for linux? Cant seem to find it at the manufacturers site23:15
domi007action: i am trying :D23:16
ActionParsnip__domi007: can you ping it by name? can you ping it by IP?23:16
ActionParsnip__oh via usb23:16
kyle6513Topy44, if you right click there it is so that you can move the clock23:16
Dr_Williscached:  the hardware-drivers tool dosent have them listed?23:16
goosemkanyicy: Nautalis, I suppose?23:16
onetinsoldierjongbergs: did you see my reply?23:16
domi007yeah, usb makes it complicated23:16
rafahthello. can somebody help me? my english is bad23:16
Topy44kyle: but its not part of the clock. when you move the clock around or remove the clock from the panel the pixel is still there23:16
ae86-drifterdoes anyone know where to get the ATI BETA drivers from>?>?23:16
mkanyicygoose, tried filezilla ?23:16
cachedchecking now23:17
microhaxoAnyone run ubuntu on a SSD?23:17
ActionParsnip__domi007: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-30068.html23:17
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kyle6513Topy44, oh its NBrmx, I never liked netbook remix, too buggy for my liking23:17
blakkheimmicrohaxo: i run linux on an SSD but not ubuntu23:17
ActionParsnip__microhaxo: its no different to using it on a usb stick23:17
cachedno proprietary drivers are in use on this system23:17
microhaxoi just installed ubuntu on my intel x25 40gb ssd23:17
ActionParsnip__domi007: http://stream-recorder.com/forum/sync-evolution-contacts-pda-windows-mobile-ubuntu-t5373.html23:17
blakkheimmicrohaxo: nice23:17
microhaxodid the noatime fix and thats about it23:17
domi007action: sorry, i didn't mention, i got already a usb network interface, and also aynce sees my fiels23:17
microhaxoShould i be worried about this "trim" stuff?23:18
goosemkanyicy: sounds like a Mozilla application? Ubuntu has a perfectly usable GUI SSH tool built into it, I just need to know how to identify an RSA key to use with it23:18
Topy44kyle: i love the tabbed browsing and icon-only switcher, i kinda like the launcher but its buggy as hell, and i just wish they would get their act together23:18
ActionParsnip__domi007: so where is the issue?23:18
mkanyicygoose, but I dont really see the need to use 14 public keys if you are connecting to 14 servers, what happens if you tripple that to about 50 servers, you would want 50 keys? that's ridiculous23:18
allstarhey whats up :) need some help with SSH, i can connect to it localy but unable to connect to it externaly.. and help would be appriciated :)23:18
triple_xxxTopy44: there are some good netbook remixes ,but what netbook do you own???23:18
blakkheimgoose: prettier  isn't always better. the commandline has an option for exactly what you want, i don't use many GUI programs so i don't know of any that do what you need23:18
cachedDr_Willis: did you get that?23:18
ae86-drifterdoes anyone know where to get the ATI BETA drivers from>?>?23:18
domi007action: i would like to use remote desktop from my  pda to control my ubuntu pc23:18
microhaxoblakkheim: i've read a lot that the performance of the drive can go down if you dont regularly trim? How can this be done in linux?23:18
Topy44triple_xxx: first generation eee pc, so 701/4g23:18
blakkheimmicrohaxo: it can't be done at this time23:18
kyle6513Topy44, yeah i know what you mean, i suggest going to the usual ubuntu until the next ubuntu release, if it annoys you that much23:18
Scuniziallstar: do you have a static IP address on the machine you're trying to reach? have you port forwarded ssh's port to that machine?23:19
microhaxoSo does performance degrade?23:19
Dr_Williscached:  get what? :)23:19
pukekoallstar:pm me23:19
ae86-drifterdomi007, did u enable the RDP23:19
blakkheimmicrohaxo: hasn't for me, at all23:19
domi007i got xrdp installed23:19
goosemkanyicy: as opposed to using one key for all of them? seems like a major security fault to me23:19
cachedNo proprietary drivers installed23:19
domi007and it works23:19
microhaxoblakkheimL did you do the noatime fix?23:19
kyle6513Topy44, im running an eeepc 1000H right now and the only problem i have is some things go off screen23:19
allstarno static , but yes i port forwarded in my router23:19
ae86-drifterdomi007, whats the problem then23:19
Dr_Williscached:  if the hardware drivers tool dont detect it -it could be that card is not supported by the repo versions. you can try the nvidia.run driver installer.23:19
Topy44and before anyone recommends using eeebuntu or easypeasy or whatever... there is absolutely no reason to use those instead of regular UNR imho23:19
Topy44as all the bugs and annoyances are present23:19
Scuniziallstar: you sure that the port forward is going to the right IP address?23:19
mkanyicygoose, how? it's a PUBLIC key23:20
blakkheimTopy44: there is no reason to use UNR over ubuntu minimal imho23:20
allstarmy nix box is .10123:20
triple_xxxTopy44: then asus eee pc Easy Peasy was built for that and jolicloud also claims to be working on most netbooks right out the box23:20
domi007ae86: I don't know how to reach the laptop, the WM client asks for an ip address23:20
cachedmust be the vbox23:20
allstarport 2223:20
domi007and i tried the ip address from ifconfig23:20
Scuniziallstar: natively installed or in a VM?23:20
goosemkanyicy: if someone breaks it, they have access to all of your servers, rather than just one23:20
ActionParsnip__domi007: ok thats a little clearer than "connection" which is all you said earlier23:20
domi007action: my bad..sorry23:20
mkanyicygoose, nope23:20
Topy44i did manage to change the most annoying thing about the unr launcher, which is the ridiculously high icon distance23:20
triple_xxxTopy44: depends on screen size also you can get ubuntu with moblin23:20
ActionParsnip__domi007: not something I use, sorry23:20
kyle6513Topy44, never looked at them, didnt really see a reason since everything would be downloadable anyway, and since my eeepc worked straight out of the box, i didnt have to do anything23:20
mkanyicygoose, he would need to have the private key as well23:21
domi007action: thanks anyway23:21
Topy44yeah, no major surgery to get mine to work either, most things work fine ootb23:21
domi007i tried to bridge the usb network interface to a tap interface, which points to localhost23:21
forceflowI got my asus1005ha working perfectly with UNR too23:21
jongbergsIowan: wall broadcast messages to all users on the same system23:21
chun1Hi, is there any way to switch user using a command? [actually log in to the said user's workspace, so not just su]23:21
Topy44its all just customizing stuff - the main reason i like UNR is because the screen is TINY (6.4" 800x480) and the touchpad is useless23:21
domi007but still, my pad always says: can't connect23:21
Dr_WillisUNR works well on my AAO23:22
kyle6513Topy44, I'm sure you would be able to get the tabbed window manager with the normal ubuntu installation with a bit of hacking23:22
ae86-drifterdomi007, did you goto internet > then remote desktop viewer? normally it will display the name of the PC there automatically without having to type in the address, it should scann for open ports 590023:22
mkanyicygoose, i mean , thats why ssh is called ssh, 100 keys for 100 servers is not worth it23:22
forceflowTopy44: I am using default gnome-interface though23:22
kyle6513Topy44, i have a 10" :D23:22
triple_xxxTopy44: if its screen resolution Moblin would be the way to go23:22
mkanyicygoose, unless you are working for millitary23:22
domi007i am using a windows mobile pda, u r talkin about something completely different23:22
Topy44kyle: there is no reason not to use the tabbed window mode of UNR without the launcher.23:22
jongbergsonetinsoldier: yes, does it allow you to talk to other user on another computer in the network?23:22
kyle6513Topy44, ah ok23:23
onetinsoldierjongbergs: pretty sure that's what it's designed to do23:23
Nafri_ hello, i'm about to install kubuntu 9.10, I've 64bit processor. Which version should i install 32bit or 64bit? I was wondering if there are proper drivers/applications available for 64bit23:23
mkanyicygoose, anyway good luck23:23
blakkheimNafri_: how much ram do you have23:23
ae86-drifterdomi007, okay... sorry, did u try using the web browser based UI?23:23
onetinsoldierjongbergs: i23:23
onetinsoldierjongbergs: i've used it before, many years ago though23:23
domi007web browser based ui...what is that?23:23
Topy44other then that i like the unr launcher, but they messed up the last version. its buggy, and... why did they remove the incredibly useful right sidebar, and didnt even use the space for anything else?!23:23
domi007anyway, if it runs on the pc side then it is not good for me23:23
Topy44just put more distance between icons23:23
ActionParsnip__ae86-drifter: a connection to the ubuntu system via the usb to the PDA is what is required. I dont use PDA so am unsure if this can be done personally23:24
Topy44wasting more space23:24
domi007because i can't reah the pc23:24
ae86-drifterdomi007, type the IP of the rdp server with :5900 into the browser23:24
onetinsoldierjongbergs: also look at 'ytalk'23:24
Topy44i am considering downgrading to jaunty23:24
kyle6513Topy44, I have to admit, the idea is good, execution, not so much23:24
ActionParsnip__Topy44: added the UNR ppa?23:24
L3dPlatedLinuxI am looking for a video editor to take a .mov file and strip the audio from it and and a mp3 or what ever I would like.23:24
Topy44ActionParsnip__: no, are there any worthy changes?23:25
blakkheimL3dPlatedLinux: ffmpeg can rip the audio, so can mplayer23:25
domi007i;ll try it23:25
onetinsoldierjongbergs: also look at ytalk, xtalk, and utalk23:25
ActionParsnip__Topy44: no idea, i just know it exists23:25
ae86-drifterdomi007, hmm usb connection? so does the PDA get an IP address on the same subnet etc as the server?23:25
ActionParsnip__Topy44: https://launchpad.net/~netbook-remix-team/+archive/ppa23:25
domi007i am not sure about that stuff...preferably yes23:25
domi007but the pda says: cannot connect...so perhaps it didn't get an ip address23:26
domi007however activesync says on the pda: connected23:26
Topy44here is another annoying detail: notices (like the usual "your battery is fucked" message on every boot) go away when moving the cursor over them, but reappear when moving it away again, making it impossible to click them away!23:26
Topy44its just a ridiculous bug23:26
LogicFanmicrohaxo, TRIM support is crucial to your SSD's performance at the moment.  your hdd needs the firmware to support it and the OS needs to support it.  as far as I'm aware, the kernel in 9.10 supports it, but the OS has yet to implement it.  You can however find a utility and run it each time at startup23:26
dj-icewhat is a good chat Messenger23:27
blakkheimdj-ice: finch23:27
domi007dj-ice: pidgin23:27
ActionParsnip__domi007: seems to be a feature in microsofts activesync which appears to be windows only23:27
microhaxoLogicFan, my drive supports Trim23:27
ae86-drifterdomi007, i dont really know how that "activesync" stuff works23:27
ActionParsnip__Topy44: they may have ironed it out in the new version23:27
dj-iceim new 2 linux23:27
domi007okay, hang on23:27
Topy44where does the gnome panel save its applet settings?23:27
microhaxoLogicFan: what utility works best?23:27
Topy44i want to find that stupid white dot23:27
=== floops is now known as Floops
cwilluTopy44, gconf-editor is a front end to the tree of xml files;  applet settings are stored under apps | panel23:28
ActionParsnip__domi007: i suggest you use the wireless or bluetooth23:28
Topy44ok, thx23:28
domi007so activesync does 2 things: shares the pc's internet conenction with the pda and synchronizes23:28
kyle6513Topy44, hehe, maybe its something in the tray not starting properly23:28
domi007my wifi card is dead and i don't have bluetooth :S23:28
ae86-drifterdomi007, see this thread, it will explain how to get an IP address over ActiveSync, you need to use "VxUtil" http://www.geekzone.co.nz/forums.asp?ForumId=6&TopicId=255623:28
Topy44kyle6513: but its present on all screenshots of karmic UNR i can find, so its definately a bug23:28
ActionParsnip__domi007: activesync can give addresses to the device on usb and the systm to make a small lan which you can connect stuff over with (according to that page)23:29
LogicFanmicrohaxo, there is a patch for hdparam called wiper.sh that i am ware of.  however, do not take my advice as gospel.  research your particular drive's support for ubuntu and the trim command.  chances are there is info on the company website regard support23:29
kyle6513Topy44, well yeah just ignore it till the next release, unless theres a beta out for lucid nbr23:29
microhaxook thanks.23:29
ActionParsnip__domi007: i use neither PDA nor remote desktop (too slow) so am not much help here outside of websearches23:29
domi007hold on, i got an idea, i will try it..23:30
Topy44hm, actually, i just realized, i think its the "notification area applet"23:30
dj-icewhat are some good chat clien to run yahoo and msn23:30
ActionParsnip__domi007: go crazy23:30
Topy44ah, no, it isnt, thats the tray23:30
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete23:30
ae86-drifterdomi007, the first step would be to try pinging the program outside of this activesync software, but like ActionParsnip__ i dont know much about this either23:30
WinXPWhat's the best distro or software for curing windows viruses,trojans,worms,spywares and malwares?23:30
kyle6513Topy44, oh, whatcha know i was right :P23:30
ae86-drifterpinging the PDA* i mean23:30
kyle6513Topy44, oh, nevermind xD23:30
LogicFanmicrohaxo, the TRIM is really important if you don't want your SSD performance to degrade over time.  This is just the nature of the SSD technology at the moment.  The next generation is going to improve this enormously23:30
ActionParsnip__dj-ice: pidgin can do both. gyachi can do voice and cam in linux23:31
ActionParsnip__ae86-drifter: what IP though?23:31
ae86-drifterActionParsnip__, the IP of the PDA23:31
ae86-drifterActionParsnip__, you can use VxUtil to find it23:31
dj-icehow do i install23:31
domi007okay, it seems that the ip address i see with ifconfig for the usb network interface23:31
dj-iceim sorry im new23:31
ActionParsnip__WinXP: all will be equal, there is no universally best software solution for anything23:31
domi007is the ip address of the pc side23:31
uglybettyкто тут?23:31
ActionParsnip__dj-ice: sudo apt-get install pidgin23:32
ActionParsnip__!info pidgin23:32
ubottupidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.6.2-1ubuntu7.1 (karmic), package size 562 kB, installed size 1784 kB23:32
domi007now i have to figure out, how to reach that from the pda23:32
domi007tring pinging23:32
meryusa BuDuScRiPt [ http://digilander.libero.it/udasoft/Software/Linux/buduscript ]23:32
meryVersion 3.1.6823:32
meryBy  U D A ' S o f t w a r e23:32
TheMozartim running Ubuntu 9.04 from USB stick.. but when I type "sudo apt-get install xchat" it says it cannot be found. why?23:32
ae86-drifterdomi007, does it ping?23:32
kyle6513TheMozart, try sudo apt-get update first23:33
dj-iceim on ubuntu .9.1023:33
ActionParsnip__TheMozart: try: sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome23:33
TheMozartkyle6513: I did. but it still cant find xchat23:33
TheMozartActionParsnip__: ok23:33
domi007nope, ping from pda to pc says request timed out23:33
kyle6513TheMozart, try x-chat23:33
kinja-sheepTheMozart: Pidgin should be installed. It is part of ubuntu-desktop metapackage23:33
ae86-drifterdomi007, okay, well you may want to set up an IP bridge23:33
kyle6513TheMozart, nevermind that wont work23:33
ActionParsnip__domi007: you could use nmap to find all active IPs. I dont think you will get far due to microsoft's closed mindedness23:33
TheMozartsudo apt-get install xchat-gnome <-- worked. thanks ActionParsnip__23:34
TheMozartkinja-sheep: yes but I like xchat :)23:34
LogicFankinja-sheep, i thought that wasn't the case any longer?  i thought pidgin was replaced with empathy?23:34
domi007i am thinking about23:34
kinja-sheepTheMozart: XChat > xchat-gnome :)23:34
domi007somehow i have to give23:34
kinja-sheepLogicFan: He is using 9.04 ;)23:34
domi007an ip to the pda with23:34
LogicFankinja-sheep, gracie23:34
domi007perhaps a dhcp server23:34
ae86-drifterdomi007, good luck, some hacking of the PDA may be involved in that23:35
ActionParsnip__TheMozart: xchat-gnome is a stripped version of the original XChat with less features and only the most common settings included23:35
TheMozartActionParsnip__: im in xchat now, cheers23:35
domi007i will try23:35
ActionParsnip__kinja-sheep: depends if you only need the core stuff23:35
domi007and report later23:35
TheMozartActionParsnip__: yeah I noticed.. looks basic23:35
mAriachihi there i have sort of an issue with xubuntu, can anyone help?23:35
ActionParsnip__TheMozart: its the kiss principle :D23:35
TheMozarthow can I tell how much free space I got left on my 1GB USB stick?23:36
TheMozartActionParsnip__: yeah lol23:36
ActionParsnip__!ask | mAriachi23:36
ubottumAriachi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:36
Topy44i actually quite like xchat-gnome for my netbook, its very light and compact23:36
mAriachiTheMozart: left click on the usb on desktop and properties23:36
dj-ice_what is a good chat clien that i can ues 4 yahoo im sorry im new 2 linux23:36
Topy44good for small screens23:36
ActionParsnip__dj-ice_: gyachi but its not in the standard repos23:36
ubottuAt the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com (port 5050) and see if that helps.23:36
TheMozartmAriachi: no, im runnuing USB from the 1GB stick23:36
ActionParsnip__not helpful23:36
kyle6513Topy44, xchat-gnome is the same as xchat in the terms of using screen space is it not?23:36
TheMozartmAriachi: no, im runnuing Ubuntu from the 1GB stick23:37
Topy44kyle6513: no, it has the hidden userlist which afaik is not in xchat regular23:37
TheMozarthow I check free space?23:37
Dr_Williskyle6513:  about the same.  You can always turn off the sidebar/nick list  in xchat23:37
kyle6513Topy44, ah okay23:37
ActionParsnip__TheMozart: df -h23:37
Dr_Willisnicklist in xchat is resizeable23:37
kyle6513Dr_Willis, heh i see23:37
TheMozartActionParsnip__: cheers23:37
mAriachihi there, have an issue with xubuntu on my laptop, speakers wont stop playing when i plug in my headphones or other stuff, can anyone help?23:37
Topy44i used to use xchat regular on my (windows) desktop, i changed to quassel now, and i absolutely love it23:37
jiohdianyone know how to get a system monitor on the panel of UNR?23:37
ActionParsnip__i use pidgin and always will23:37
Topy44Dr_Willis: in xchat_gnome there is a button that displays it, its hidden otherwise23:38
Topy44jiohdi: right click on an empty part of the panel, "add to panel", select the system monitor23:38
Dr_WillisTopy44:  most people seemn to HATE xchat-gnome23:38
Topy44Dr_Willis: yeah, dunno why23:38
TheMozartActionParsnip__: some bug in that command it seems.. it says I have 3.3GB on it.. but its only 1GB USB stick23:38
mAriachiActionParsnip__: Pidgin is cool, but still sucks on video conferencing23:38
mAriachihi there, have an issue with xubuntu on my laptop, speakers wont stop playing when i plug in my headphones or other stuff, can anyone help?23:38
TheMozartActionParsnip__: no my bad, thats the CDROM :)23:38
Dr_WillisTopy44:  i dont see the point in it really. i will stick with xchat or weechat23:39
TheMozartActionParsnip__: /dev/sdb1             951M  827M  125M23:39
jiohdiTopy44: UNR does not have a right click add to panel feature23:39
mAriachihi there, have an issue with xubuntu on my laptop, speakers wont stop playing when i plug in my headphones or other stuff, can anyone help?23:39
Topy44Dr_Willis: not much point to it, agreed, no reason to switch, but it has details done nicely23:39
Topy44jiohdi: umh yeah it does, just did it like 2 minutes ago? :)23:39
boss_mc!repeat | mAriachi23:39
ubottumAriachi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:39
Topy44but you need to hit an actual "empty" spot, so not the area occupied by the window title applet thingy23:40
jiohdiTopy44: I can't find one... everything I click on says its part of whats already there and gives no such option23:40
Dr_WillisMouse clicking skills :)23:40
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Dr_WillisThis is where the kde4 panel has a bit of an advantage23:40
TheMozartActionParsnip__: will everything save on the 1GB stick?  or It will start a like a fresh new ubuntu everytime I reboot?23:40
intangircan i play a DVD on ubuntu 9.10 with mplayer?23:40
Topy44jiohdi: move the clock around a bit or so to create some empty space23:40
intangirwhen i try it lists dvd info and exits23:40
mAriachihi there, have an issue with xubuntu on my laptop, speakers wont stop playing when i plug in my headphones or other stuff, can anyone help?23:40
Topy44believe me, its possible, i've done it :)23:40
TheMozartActionParsnip__: how do I totally remove xchat now? I will use Pidgin, looks nicer23:41
Dr_Willisintangir:  should be possible. or try vlc.23:41
Topy44mAriachi: repeating your question doesnt actually help23:41
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  xchat is much better for IRC then pidgin23:41
TheMozartDr_Willis: better in what way?23:41
mAriachiTopy44: i know, just maybe somebody missed it, i wanna repeat it23:41
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  xchat is an IRC client first and only.. pidgin is not.. irc is just a added on feature.. so its lacking lots of features that xchat has23:42
papnaI'm trying to use Tor on Hardy. I've installed "tor" and "polipo" through apt and they are running and I've installed Torbutton in Firefox. When I turn torbutton on, I'm not using tor.23:42
TheMozartDr_Willis: but i like the look of pidgin now :)23:42
Topy44ARGH i cant get that stupid white dot removed!23:42
ron__kinja-sheep thank for the info earlier i tried the sudo command you gave me for the xorg.conf but i don't think it did anything whent back to the command prompt?  the xorg.conf file is nowhere i have no clue where it is to edit it? could you give me some more info?23:42
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  a window full of text = irc. thats all the look irc needs. :)23:42
Dr_Willispapna:  tjeres some 'setting up tor in ubuntu' wiki pages  you may have missed a step23:43
TheMozartanyone tell me how I can totally remove xchat now?  is it "sudo apt-get remove -purge xchat-gnome" ?23:43
mAriachihi there, have an issue with xubuntu on my laptop, speakers wont stop playing when i plug in my headphones or other stuff, can anyone help?23:43
TheMozartDr_Willis: :)23:43
kinja-sheepron__: I gave you sudo because you didn't have permissions. As for xorg.conf, you might want to ask kyle6513 if he know the answer.23:43
ron__ok cool thanks :)23:43
tzeentch73Anybody know why syslog is reporting this during Ubuntu Server installation, during the grub install : "INFO: Menu item 'grub-installer' succeeded but requested to be left unconfigured."23:44
TheMozartDr_Willis: is it "sudo apt-get remove -purge xchat-gnome" ?23:44
tzeentch73it won't go any further in the install...23:44
Dr_WillisTheMozart:  no idea on -purge , proberly not needed23:44
TheMozartmicale_: hello MATTHEW :P23:44
KamokowTheMozart: "sudo apt-get purge xchat-gnome"23:44
TheMozartKamokow: ok23:44
TheMozartKamokow: whats diff between remove and purge?23:45
dj-ice_i got 1 ty23:45
Topy44why cant i remove an applet within gconf-editor?23:45
mAriachihi there, have an issue with xubuntu on my laptop, speakers wont stop playing when i plug in my headphones or other stuff, can anyone help?23:45
Dr_Willis!apt | TheMozart23:45
ubottuTheMozart: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)23:45
KamokowTheMozart: purge also removes the settings for the program, while remove does not23:45
TheMozartKamokow: so I can always use purge for everytrhing I want to remove?23:45
papnaDr_Willis, All the information I can find is for privoxy, which is out of date, I believe. Do you know if there is anything applicable for Hardy and current torbutton?23:45
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:45
ron__kyle6513 Hi did you figure out how to fix the resolution problem? I am having the same problem how did you fix the xorg.conf file?23:45
kinja-sheep!ops | micale_23:46
ubottumicale_: please see above23:46
ActionParsnip__TheMozart: remove removes the package, purge also removes the residual config which remove leaves23:46
kyle6513ron__, no i did not, sorry23:46
Dr_Willispapna:  when i last used tor in beta testing . i installed privoxy and that worked with tor.23:46
KamokowTheMozart: You could with most things. I wouldnt recommend it with /everything/ though. Just use your judgement as to whether or not you should also erase the settings.23:46
TheMozartActionParsnip__: sounds good23:46
wowhelpmeplzhey guys, I'd like to make a simple flash application23:46
mAriachiwowhelpmeplz: just state your issue dude23:46
TheMozartKamokow: ok thanks23:46
ActionParsnip__TheMozart: config in ~ will always remain no matter which is used23:46
wowhelpmeplzbut I couldn't find a free alternative to adobe's flash23:46
domi007this is so stupid: i can ping from the pda, i can ping from the pc, but remote desktop still says "cannot connect"...i think i will need an alternate client23:46
ron__kyle6513 ok well thanks anyway:(23:46
wowhelpmeplzso is there any?23:46
Dr_Willispapna:  i did not even mess with torbutton or any other tor-extas just tor and privoxy is all i used23:46
TheMozartwow, ubuntu runs really well on my 1GB USB stick.. I just hope its saving everything.23:46
ActionParsnip__wowhelpmeplz: there isnt one as far as I know as flash is proprietary to adobe23:47
TheMozarti bet micale is surprised his still here lol23:47
ActionParsnip__wowhelpmeplz: so you will need to buy adobe's product to make it23:47
mAriachiTheMozart: how much space did you assign when you made the usb?23:47
wowhelpmeplzbut I can't run it natively on ubuntu23:47
microhaxohow do i install the latest version of hdparm on ubuntu?23:47
TheMozartmAriachi: it suggested 128MB so I did that. is that right?23:47
papnaDr_Willis, torbutton is ostensibly one of the couple recommended ways to use Tor by the Tor project. Did you route all traffic through Tor?23:47
tzeentch73BTW, ActionParsnip__ , your tip yesterday night about bad memory seemed to have helped.  I removed a pair of sticks that were reporting errors.  Now the install stucks at the grub install without reporting any error, only that INFO in the syslog.23:48
wowhelpmeplzso there's absolutely no way to produce flash files in ubuntu at the moment?23:48
ActionParsnip__wowhelpmeplz: it may run via wine. check the appdb23:48
mAriachiTheMozart: well, it leaves you with 128MB of space for changes23:48
ActionParsnip__tzeentch73: sweetas duder :)23:48
TheMozartmAriachi: clever, good23:48
ActionParsnip__tzeentch73: memory should be 100% error free to prevent issues23:48
mAriachiTheMozart: You can assign alot more than that23:48
TheMozartmAriachi: and I assume I should try an update. cause I only have 127MB free23:48
TheMozartnot try rather23:48
mAriachiTheMozart: This way, if you download changes that are more than 128MB, you're done for23:49
tzeentch73yeah, now the 4 gigs that left reported no errors.  I just hope I can find a way to continue the install from where I am now (Grub install)23:49
TheMozartmAriachi: yeah. but isnt my 9.04 still secure enough to use and browse the web etc?23:49
mAriachiTheMozart: do another Ubuntu Live Usb, and assign more space, if you like ubuntu, make the whole usb for ubuntu23:49
TheMozartmAriachi: even without any updates23:49
j-3-r-g_wats poppin everyone23:49
ActionParsnip__tzeentch73: you can boot to livecd and install grub23:50
TheMozartmAriachi: i cant, its only 1GB23:50
tzeentch73oh, really?  I need to check that out.  I burned the live desktop cd also.23:50
mAriachiTheMozart: yes, yes it is, but you cannot add stuff, like chrome or vlc, or restricted extras23:50
kyle6513cya later guys23:50
TheMozartmAriachi: why not?23:50
jiohdiTopy44: thanks, I found it :)23:51
mAriachiTheMozart: well, if your usb is 1gb, then surely you can assign more than 128 mb23:51
domi007so it probably will work23:51
Jeruvycan anyone tell me if the 2.6.24-26-generic update is a security update?23:51
TheMozartmAriachi: but Ubuntu took 700mb and I assigned 128MB.. so you mean 180MB is doing nothing?23:51
mAriachiTheMozart: well 128Mb is just too little23:51
ron__anyone know how to find and edit the xorg.conf so i can change resolution? it is not in the /etc/x11 folder i am using 9.1023:51
mAriachiTheMozart: Exactly23:51
TheMozartmAriachi: its just for emergency in case my hard drive dies.23:51
j-3-r-g_hey I'm no hardware guru but can someone help me out of they don't mind23:51
mAriachiTheMozart: oh, in that case, cheers, it's fast and cool though23:52
TheMozartmAriachi: indeed23:52
ShirackHi does anyone know the source list and terminal command to update my intel drivers. Having problems enabling desktop effects on ubuntu 9.1023:52
tzeentch73ActionParsnip__ : Would there be a way to configure it from the smallish shell on the server install CD?23:52
mAriachiTheMozart: i have a 2 gig usb, that i use only like a liferaft with xubuntu amdx64 version23:52
j-3-r-g_I have an old box that won't come on for sh*t23:52
F223how do I make ubuntu same things to my I: drive by default?23:52
onetinsoldieris there an setting somewhere, where i can make compiz remember what i have open, the windows locations, and their size?23:53
jiohdij-3-r-g_: try something really small like puppy linux :)23:53
mAriachiShirack: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-intel-video23:53
GrantpHas anyone used the L2TPNS software?23:53
oistopthatmy question is " is xsplash a required application for ubuntu gnome" i get a INIT usplash stop displayed in a terminal screen on shut down23:53
microhaxoAnyone know where the install location of the hdparm is?23:54
microhaxoi need to replace a file23:54
j-3-r-g_no no no jiohdi i'm ok with software23:54
mAriachiShirack: or try the Hardware drivers option23:54
oistopthati do microhaxo23:54
mAriachimicrohaxo: tipe that in a terminal23:54
jiohdij-3-r-g_: whats not working?23:54
Shirackthanks marachi i will try23:54
j-3-r-g_I have an old box that i'm trying to get it back up and running23:54
j-3-r-g_this is the situation23:54
mAriachimicrohaxo: TrY that in a terminal23:54
mAriachij-3-r-g: just state your issue in one line, more chances of anyone reading it23:55
Shirackmarachi it cant find the packae23:55
j-3-r-g_I have an old box that i recently installed an new DDR sttick and a power supply23:55
Shiracki think i need to add somthing to the source list23:55
mAriachiwell try it the other way around23:55
mAriachiShirack: Xserver-xorg-video-intel23:55
j-3-r-g_but the box when all hooked up just starts, all the fans spin23:55
Shirackjust that line in software sources?23:55
j-3-r-g_and no bio's23:55
j-3-r-g_no logo23:56
jiohdij-3-r-g_: did you try changing the hearing aid battery which keeps the bios alive?23:56
mAriachiShirack: nope, the same sudo command i mentioned earlier, but the other way around at the end, here;s the whole again23:56
Shirackthank you23:56
Shiracksorry bit of a newbie23:56
j-3-r-g_thanks i should try that23:56
j-3-r-g_but here is more info if it helps23:57
mAriachiShirack: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel, or the same, just xserver-xorg-intel-video23:57
jiohdiif the box is old enough its likely dead23:57
bobbytekIs there any way when connected to a vpn I can browse folders on a remote machine?23:57
F223Ok, I have two screens on my computer.  Does anyone know if it's possible to get compiz to work on just one of them?23:57
j-3-r-g_went switch on the power supply with the button from o to |23:57
bobbytekthat is also running ubuntu23:57
mAriachij-3-r-g: maybe you bought an incompatible ram stick23:57
mAriachiF223: not possible, sorry23:57
j-3-r-g_the computer automatically comes on well the fan spin like i said23:57
F223bah humbug :(23:57
onetinsoldieris there an setting somewhere, where i can make compiz remember what i have open, the windows locations, and their size?23:58
Shirack"sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel"23:58
mAriachij-3-r-g: type in the nick in front of your reply, it will let us know who you are talking to23:58
Shiracksorry typo23:58
j-3-r-g_then when i force power down by holding the power button for 5 seconds the computer comes off as it normally would but when i try to put it on back again nothing happens23:58
Shirack"0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded." following "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel"23:58
ShirackTried to enable desktop effects and still cant23:59
Shirackperhaps the problem is not my driver23:59
mAriachiShirack: is your ubuntu updated?23:59
Shirackshould be23:59
Shirackfresh istall earlier toda23:59
mAriachiShirack: type the nickname of who you are talking to23:59
Im666ii/j ubuntu-fr23:59

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