
monsoongrooveris there anybody out there ?05:44
monsoongrooverhave you heard of a bug in xubuntu that causes the login screen to re appear continuously when booting up ?05:47
Balsaqin 9.10?05:47
monsoongrooveryeah the latest release05:48
Balsaqi have heard of several bugs in 9.1005:48
monsoongrooverthis one in particular?05:49
Balsaqsounds like a grub issue05:49
monsoongrooveri've seen other instances of it in the forums.05:50
Balsaqdo you eventually get around it?05:50
monsoongrooveri must confess that i am a total N00B . 3 days05:50
Balsaqi have had xubuntu for a few months now, but i also use a few other distros. i must confess that i have never had a problem with 90405:51
monsoongrooveri re installed and checked the "Automatic Login" radio button. it helps but the problem still comes back05:52
Balsaqi use a username and password05:53
Balsaqwonder if that would help fix it05:53
monsoongrooverwhen i do that , the login box re appears ad infinitum05:53
Balsaqdual boot?05:53
monsoongrooverno only xubuntu05:54
Balsaqinstalled to the HD?05:54
Balsaqwhat kind of hardware05:54
monsoongrooveramd 500+ mhz 32 g hd05:55
monsoongroover256 meg ram05:55
Balsaqon my computers that are like yours i use puppylinux05:56
Balsaqi have one 400mgz and one 45005:56
monsoongroovertell me more05:56
Balsaqpuppylinux works better computers like yours05:56
Balsaqat least that had been my experience05:57
Balsaqif yours runs fast pay no attention too me05:57
monsoongrooveri'll look into it05:57
Balsaqits a bit of a pain to install05:57
CharlesRusing xubuntu 9.10, trying to set up networking to several windows machines, i bring up shared folders and am told nfs or smb must be installed. i say go ahead and install both, type my password, and shortly it again says they have to be installed, as many times as i try. firefox accesses th eweb with no problems.05:57
Balsaqis xubuntu fast on your 500mgz?05:59
monsoongrooverfast enough06:00
xubunoobieHello.  Could I ask a question about java in xubuntu07:16
SMQBlotanyone knows if there are a xubuntu repos?07:18
xubunoobiedoes anyone know how to get java installed?07:24
Sysixubunoobie: what you're gonna do with it?07:49
Sysipropably sun-java-jre6 or something is what you're searching for07:49
xubunoobiesysi:  I am getting closer.  In synaptic, I noticed that the openjdk ice tea browser plugin wasn't installed.  So I just did that.  It still doesn't quite work, but at least something is happening now (box appears and seems to almost start java) instead of just saying "You don't have java"07:52
Sysii'd recommend to to remove everything you've installed and install "xubuntu-restricted-extras"07:53
Sysijava comes with that, and many useful things also07:53
xubunoobieThat was the first thing that I did (this is a fresh install as of 2 days ago)07:54
Sysihave you searched plugins with firefox?07:54
xubunoobiexubuntu restricted extras somehow left the browser plugin out though07:54
xubunoobiesysi: you mean about:plugins07:55
xubunoobieoops for some reason it made a face07:55
xubunoobieabout : plugins07:55
xubunoobiethat is better07:55
Sysino, tools → plugins07:55
xubunoobiesysi: Thank you.  There is a lot listed including many java plugins07:58
xubunoobieIced Tea web browser plugin07:59
xubunoobieiced tea java web browser plugin08:00
SysiB[Bthat should work08:00
xubunoobieYes I thought that it should08:01
xubunoobiealmost works08:02
xubunoobiebox appears where something should be happening----this is more activity than it did before I installed the plugin08:02
Sysithe java applet can be problem itself08:03
xubunoobieI am on the java test on the  Sun website08:04
xubunoobieIs there another java test that you know of?08:05
xubunoobieI found some08:06
Sysiif that works where you need java, it works :)08:06
Sysithe applet that you need08:06
xubunoobieOk.  I found a website with examples of java applets.  They appear to be working.  That is weird that the java test on the Sun website doesn't work, but those do.08:08
xubunoobieThank you for the suggestion08:08
CharlesRusing xubuntu 9.10, trying to set up networking to several windows machines, i bring up shared folders and am told nfs or smb must be installed. i say go ahead and install both, type my password, and shortly it again says they have to be installed, as many times as i try. firefox accesses th eweb with no problems.12:17
TheSheepCharlesR: I think it has a bug, just close it and open it again (the good ol windows way_12:40
CharlesRive done that several times12:40
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:07
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maverickhow can i remap ctrl + alt + backspace to restart gdm in karmic?18:13
xubunoobieHello!  If my ipod will not mount after installint the restricted extras package and the ipod plugin for ehaile.  Is there something I am missing?18:22
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TheSheepxubunoobie: what's the error?18:24
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maverickhow can i remap ctrl + alt + backspace to restart gdm in karmic xubuntu?18:25
xubunoobieTheSheep: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,        missing codepage or helper program, or other error        In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try        dmesg | tail  or so18:27
xubunoobieI haven't rebooted since installing the exhaile ipod plugin.  Do you think that will help?18:28
xubunoobieI am having a little trouble getting my ipod to be recognized.  I get an error:  mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,        missing codepage or helper program, or other error        In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try        dmesg | tail  or so    I installed the "restriced extras"  and the ipod plugin for exaile, then rebooted.  Is there something that I overlooked?18:36
TheSheepxubunoobie: I think the ipod is not visible as disk18:37
TheSheepxubunoobie: by design18:37
Pres-Gasxubunoobie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod18:38
xubunoobieoh wow.  Is there a remedy for that?  Supposedly Exaile  has support for ipod18:38
TheSheepit should be visible in exaile as a media player18:42
xubunoobiePres-Gas:  Thank you. My synaptic says this not installed yet.  I will try it.  Thank you again!18:42
xubunoobieHello.  I am still getting this message when I plug in the ipod. mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,        missing codepage or helper program, or other error        In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try        dmesg | tail  or so  .18:48
xubunoobieI thought for sure that that would work18:49
xubunoobie(installing gtkpod)18:50
becker_11I've installed Gwibber and call me stupid but I can't find a button or menu option anywhere to actually send a message ... using identi.ca20:21
likemindeadWorthless bot...20:29
* charlie-tca kicks the bot20:30
likemindeadSorry, becker_11, I've never used Gwibber. :-\20:30
charlie-tcaMaybe gwibber doesn't have that feature yet?20:30
becker_11charlie-tca, I created the account and it asked for send and receive and I ticked both but yeah it's frustrating20:48
charlie-tcaI believe it :-(20:48
becker_11not as frustrating as nutting out the curl script I've been working on for 2 days to update identica from the shell but close20:49
NameMehello i have a small problem23:20
knome!ask | NameMe23:21
ubottuNameMe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:21
NameMeoafiid:gnome-indacatoraplet incountered a problem while loading and fastuserswichapplet and _panel_trashapplett while installing the live cd23:22
NameMeubuntu isnt installed on the pc yet its supose to be running from the cd23:23
NameMenot sure if i wont to make perm changes23:23
knomeNameMe, are you trying to install ubuntu or xubuntu?23:25
NameMesorry for many lines23:26
NameMeoh ouch23:26
NameMeumm i requested a cd by mail its a ubuntu 9.10 but.....23:27
knomenot that it would make big difference, but if i'm correc gnome-indicatorapplet refers to gnome which means ubuntu23:27
NameMeit says desktop adition im trying to load it on a laptop23:27
knomeNameMe, does the cd say ubuntu or xubuntu?23:27
knomedesktop edition means it is for "non-servers"23:28
knomeyou probably should ask #ubuntu. they might know if this is a known bug or issue. i've never heard of that23:28
knomedoes it stop you from doing something, btw?23:28
NameMecool should work on laptop tho?23:28
knomeyes, will work on laptop.23:29
NameMehavent tryed23:29
NameMelets see23:29
knomeokay. it might just be some warning you can ignore :)23:29
NameMewhat like play a game?23:29
knomei mean, when you get the message, are you expecting something to happen that doesn't happen?23:29
knomei suppose not, trying to figure out from the warning :)23:30
NameMeim getting the message when loading the cd23:30
knomeyeah. just don't worry too much about it23:30
knomei don't think it really makes any difference23:30
NameMehumm ok23:31
NameMeso how is your day?23:31
knomewell, night. it's 1:30am and i'm planning to go to bed :P23:31
knomethe day was okay, though ;)23:31
NameMeheh well good night and ty so far23:32
knomenp. feel free to ask more, there usually is people even from your timezone ;)23:32
knomenight everybody o/23:32
GSF1200Sanyone know how to disable launch notification in xubuntu?23:55
GSF1200Si cant remove libstartup-notification0 without apt wanting to remove everything. archs xfce didnt have this package as necessary..23:57
GSF1200Sif anyone comes around and knows an answer or has an idea, just ping me23:58

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