
=== oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann
maxbhmm, I wonder how long it takes to rebase 1500 revisions00:04
maxbthis is one scenario when bzr's speed is a bit lacking00:05
maxbI bet rebase-foreign is picking the file-ids from the wrong side00:07
maxbcjwatson: What's the aim with the debian-cd branches? End up with the ubuntu branch retrofitted with debian file ids and on top of the debian history?00:08
cjwatsonmaxb: Debian used to use svn and now uses git; I want to rebase/merge/whatever across that change00:11
cjwatsonthe Ubuntu branch was created when it used svn (or maybe even CVS, but I think it was svn)00:11
maxbhmm... how come both branches have arch-style revids?00:12
lifelesscscvs to tla00:12
cjwatsoncancel "rebase/merge/whatever", I specifically want to merge forward, but I'm happy to use something rebase-like to pretend that my history was always based on git00:12
maxbBut lp:debian-cd is still a svn import00:13
maxburgh, it died again00:19
maxbthat's immensely irritating. the rebase died 4 revisions short of finishing00:22
lamontmaxb: but only one or two more bugs to fix, right?00:42
maxbI'll let you know when it finishes another attempt :-)00:42
cjwatsonmaxb: hmm, I think I mean "Debian used to use cvs and now uses svn", then00:49
cjwatsonmaxb: so the current Ubuntu branch was created when it used cvs00:49
cjwatsonapologies for that confusion00:49
cjwatsonthe change was years ago00:50
maxbassuming it doesn't explode again, I'll push some results in 10 mins or so00:54
maxbalthough given how confusing I found the code, you probably want jelmer to review my hacks to bzr-rewrite before you trust its output00:54
maxblp:~maxb/bzr-rewrite/ubuntu-debian-cd-rebase-foreign succeeds in the rebase. I can't push my rebased branch because grrrrrr I did it in a shared repo and now have different rich-root errors01:01
lamontso these blob files... how big do they get?01:05
maxbAs they store the literal content of every revision of every file01:05
lamontis it basically a concatenation of every single output-format commit ever?01:05
lamont375MB cvs tree, 4.7GB of blob and counting01:06
lamontoh rapture.01:06
maxbdisk is cheap, right?01:06
lamontnow, where _are_ my scissors.01:06
maxbIt gets worse - if you pass the data on stdin to fast-import, it caches the blobs in memory!01:07
lamontgit and bzr? or is bzr the only thing silly enough to do that?01:07
lamontsvn being in the "totally do not care" category01:08
maxbI'm assuming just bzr01:08
maxbIt's really silly, it could just keep track of a revid+fileid and get the content back that way if it needed it again later01:08
Phil_BordelonHello there.01:18
maxband pushed: lp:~maxb/debian-cd/ubuntu-rebased01:18
Phil_BordelonDoes anyone know if there's an equivalent to svndumpfilter available for bzr?01:18
maxbThere's bzr fast-import-filter01:19
cjwatsonmaxb: cool, thanks!  I'll have a look ..01:19
Phil_BordelonAwesome.  Just what I needed.  Thanks, maxb.01:20
Phil_BordelonI'm a writer, and I have stuff in an 'incubator' repo in bzr that I occasionally want to split off into its own repo.  This'll do just that. :)01:20
Phil_Bordelon(same with code.)01:20
Phil_Bordelon<3  You and Ian C. made my evening.01:22
mtaylorabentley: didn't you say that there was a ppa that had bzr 2.1beta in it?01:25
abentleymtaylor: Sure, and either the beta ppa or the nightly ppa should.  They don't?01:26
mtaylorabentley: I don't see them on the ~bzr page...01:26
abentleymtaylor: They were started before a user could have multiple ppas, so they have different users.01:27
maxbthe beta ppa is rather out of date. It has versions older that the ~bzr ppa01:27
abentleymtaylor: https://launchpad.net/~bzr-beta-ppa/+archive01:28
abentleymtaylor: https://launchpad.net/~bzr-nightly-ppa/+archive01:28
mtaylorabentley: AWESOME01:28
mtaylorabentley: thankx01:28
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jmlabentley, you know what would make me like remerge a whole lot more?02:17
* igc lunch02:27
lifelessjml: what would02:59
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jmllifeless, oh, I spoke w/ abentley IRL03:03
jmllifeless, a way of seeing what it actually changed, especially wrt files that used to conflict.03:04
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lifelessvila: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vila/subunit/gtk-filter-fixes can you mark this as obsolete?04:13
abentleylifeless: ping06:22
vilalifeless: it's already marked as merged, anything more needed ?07:14
vilahi all ! (by the way :)07:15
GaryvdMHi vila.08:11
vila hey GaryvdM !08:12
vilaThat was short...08:12
vila hey GaryvdM ! (Was I saying when your client quit :)08:13
bialixheya bzr08:14
bialixigc here?08:14
bialixhi garyvdm08:16
garyvdmhmm - something wrong with my keyboard config and xchat. when I press "q" it takes it as ctrl + q08:18
garyvdmhi bialix08:18
vilahey garyvdm ! (Third time :)08:18
bialixvila and gary meet each other. finally08:19
bialixhi vila!08:19
vilahey bialix :-D08:19
* vila LOLs :)08:19
garyvdmvila: just wanted to say: I've replied to your question about the qbzr test suit,08:19
vilagaryvdm: now that's timely :D Thanks a lot08:20
vilagaryvdm: hmm, I already spend far too much time administering my zoo, but it's good to know it will go away soon08:21
bialixgaryvdm: just info: I will be unable to work on qbzr till February08:21
garyvdmbialix: Ok - np08:22
vilagaryvdm: at worst the test can be tagged as requiring pyqt-4.6.1...08:22
vilagaryvdm: but waiting for a karmic upgrade is good enough for me08:22
garyvdmvila: that is a good idea.08:22
garyvdmor a known failer08:23
vilagaryvdm: know failure will be harder, skip may be good enough08:25
vilabialix, garyvdm : Congrats for the qbzr-0.18 release by the way !08:26
bialixvila: thanks, I'm appreciate the congrats08:26
vilagaryvdm: since you're there, are you still working on the unicode-bom-detect stuff ?08:27
garyvdmNot for the moment, but I will get back to it.08:27
vilagaryvdm: I was thinking that since you can't do that unconditionally (as abentley pointed out) you may think about implementing the feature in some read-only mode as a first step08:28
bialixvila: can I ask about bzr itself?08:28
vilabialix: don't ask to ask, ask :D08:28
garyvdmvila: " some read-only mode" == command line paramater?08:38
vilagaryvdm: no, at the API level08:39
vilaAIUI you need this patch for read-only operations (diff, cat, etc)08:39
vilathere may be a way to have additional methods that these read-operations can use and avoid the problems mentioned by abentley08:40
vilagaryvdm: I haven't look in detail so take the suggestion with a grain of salt08:41
garyvdmvila: I also need to go into some details08:41
vilagaryvdm: ok08:42
bialixvila: any ideas about https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/24429108:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 244291 in bzr "NoSuchRevision error from "bzr info -v"" [Medium,Confirmed]08:42
bialixI've offered to provide the repo where this bug present08:43
bialixis it needed?08:43
bialixor I should not ask to ask?08:43
bialixI'm worrying a bit because this repo is no more actively using by me: I'm switching to use colo08:44
bialixso I can delete it one day accidentaly08:45
* vila reading08:48
vilabialix: hmm, this looks like a plain branch, how did you end up with an out-of-date working tree ?08:53
bialixthis branch was used as master for light checkout08:54
bialixit was easy08:54
* garyvdm -> work08:56
vilabialix: so the bialix@ukr.net-20091128210111-wlxjvzkuj72ze9mi revisions is not in the repo yet the branch references it, how weird... DId you implement some gc without telling us ? :-D08:58
vilabialix: more seriously do you use some stacked branches ?08:58
bialixI'm sure this revision in the repo08:58
bialixbecause qlog works without errors08:59
* vila blinks08:59
bialixI don't made gc08:59
bialixand don't use stacked08:59
bialix(stacked seems evil for me)08:59
vilahmm, let me guess, that revision is in the branch history but *not* a mainline revision ?08:59
vilaqlog should show you that quite easily :D09:00
vilabialix: hmm or somehow that revision went completely out of the branch history after some 'uncommit' or 'push --overwrite'... but let's check if it's still in the branch history first09:03
AnteruI've just switched a repository from SVN to Bzr (using bzr svn-import), and we're running into weird issues. First of all, a bzr check told us that we have 250 broken parents or so09:05
AnteruThis could be fixed by using bzr reconcile09:06
AnteruUnfortunately, diff's regularly fail with NoSuchRevision ...09:06
vilaAnteru: hmm, bzr-svn is the recommended way for that AFAIK, but for context, what versions are you using ?09:07
AnteruCommit works, but diff fails (before/after the commit)09:07
AnteruRunning bzr 2.0.309:07
Anteru(latest stable)09:07
AnteruServer is running bzr 2.0.3 as well, and we're publishing right now using sftp due to issues with bzr serve/fastcgi09:07
Anterubasically, the problem is that when we try to diff, we get "bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.NoSuchRevision: CHKInventoryRepository('file:///V:/proj/.bzr/repository/') has no revision dev@anteru.net-20100109162623-iqh9at1lxqx8n38p"09:08
bialixvila: this revision is the revision of working tree09:08
* bialix preparing screenshot!09:09
vilaAnteru: try bzr reconcile first09:09
AnteruWe did reconcile09:09
AnteruIt's also not for all files, for some, diff works perfectly, but for some, we get the error above09:10
vilabialix: yes (because most probably info -v starts from the actual tip), but the wt is out-of-date and it seems that doesn't play well here09:10
vilaAnteru: weird, is 'bzr check' happy now ?09:11
Anteru20 ghost revisions, let me run it again just to get the output09:11
bialixvila: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/38124517/qlog-bug-244291.png09:11
* bialix -> work09:13
vilabialix: great, so it *is* in the branch ancestry, that narrows down the problem09:13
Anteru(this will take some while, 2.6k revisions)09:13
AnteruOT: Is check going to become faster some day?09:14
vilabialix: and I presume that the error goes away if you run 'bzr update' ?09:16
bialixmaybe, I did not try09:17
vilaAnteru: for some value of some, yes. There are plans to implement more options to allow finer-grained checks09:17
bialixvila: tried in the copy: yes, error go away after up09:17
Anteruvila: check output: http://pastebin.ca/175866709:18
vilabialix: that would help the diagnosis (I'll need to write the test otherwise :-)... YES !09:18
bialixadded to bug comments09:18
vilabialix:  me too :)09:19
vilabialix: lol, we added nearly the same comments :)09:19
vilaAnteru: yeah, ghosts...09:20
AnteruAny way to get rid of those, if they're causing these issues?09:20
AnteruI have no problem to fiddle around with the repository, as long as no information gets lost (as we have already some commits in there)09:21
vilaI'm pretty sure it's related to svn-import/bzr-svn then, but you need someone more experienced than me with the svn conversions then, try to find jelmer or better file a bug on lp or write an email to the bazaar list09:21
vilaAnteru: if you go away from svn, these ghosts need to filled09:22
vilas/to filled/to be filled/09:22
AnteruAny idea how/where to start?09:22
vilaAnMaster: A ghost is a revision that exists but bzr is not aware of its content09:23
vilaAnteru: not really, that sounds like a genuine svn-import bug to me though09:23
AnteruWhich sounds like a very serious issue to me, as we can't go back to svn that easily now :/09:24
vilaAnteru: that's why I said it's a bug09:24
AnteruI'll try the mailing list and cross my fingers that the repository/history can be rescued. Damn, I wonder why we didn't run earlier into this.09:25
AnteruJust now, after fully switching :/09:26
vilaAnteru: the first thing is to get the list of the ghosts revisions, look into .bzr.log or re-run 'bzr check -v' and look again09:26
vilafrom there you'lll have to find out what theses revisions are.... and inject them into the repo (how to do that with svn-import is a different story...)09:27
vilaAnteru: did you use bzr-svn before switching ?09:27
vilaAnteru: Do you use shared repos ?09:28
AnteruI used it locally for some time (200 revisions?), but we finally decided to fully move and started from scratch (i.e. ran svn-import on the server, and branched from there)09:28
Anterubzr.log contains loads of errors: http://pastebin.ca/175867609:28
vilaAll the 'Unable to open' errors should be harmless as long as you don't see them in the console (I'm pretty sure that's bzr-svn trying to find an svn repo in wrong places and failing)09:30
AnteruThat is, the usage previously was that one developer (me) who used bzr locally, by doing svn-import, binding to svn, and branching/merging locally. The other dev was using SVN (but I think it was only like 2-3 commits)09:31
AnteruNow we scrapped all local bzr copies, and simply ran import again, and I branched off the new repository.09:32
vilaargh !09:32
AnteruWe should have done everything differently?09:32
vilaI was hoping to find the ghosts in your previous bzr branches !09:32
AnteruIIRC, I had some ghosts revisions in my first local import (i.e. the first time I ran svn-import)09:33
vilaAnteru: you could have started with your bzr branch instead which was presumably complete instead of re-running svn-import09:33
AnteruThe original branch already had these ghost revisions (and I think, even the same number -- I was asking here if this is normal that I'm like 10 revisions behind the SVN, and I was told yeah.)09:34
AnteruRunning bzr check -v now09:35
vilaAnteru: Then I'm a bit lost... AFAIK bzr-svn create ghosts only for bzr revisions that can't be exported to svn, so you need at least two people using it to encounter the problem...09:35
vilaor two branches that don't share a repo09:36
AnteruWell, I didn bzr svn-import on two machines09:36
AnteruWhich would solve that issue09:36
AnteruI.e. explain how the ghost revisions appeared, but as I said, I had them right away09:36
AnteruThe first time I did svn-import, I was 10 or 20 revisions behind, with some ghosts.09:37
vilaAnteru: I confused svn-import (which *is* part of bzr-svn) and svn2bzr. You definitely needs jelmer here09:40
Anterubzr check -v gives the ghost revision ids09:40
vilaAnMaster: and you lamost certainly needs the bzr repos where the ghosts were created09:40
lifelessvila: it has unmerged changes that won't be merged. it needs to be marked obseleted or whatever. its showing up in branch listing.09:41
lifelessabentley: pog09:41
lifelessabentley: pong09:41
vilafrom there, branching from the repo that contains the revisions into the repo where they are ghosts should filled them09:41
AnteruGreat, as we don't have them :/09:42
abentleylifeless: I couldn't remember whether we were doing code review for bzr-pqm or just pushing.  In the end, I requested a review.09:42
AnteruAh well, something is always going wrong. I wonder where they came from as we did a fresh svn-import09:43
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lifelessabentley: ok, I shall review in the morning if thats ok09:47
abentleylifeless: That's fine.09:49
Anteruvila: Yeah, looks like the merges are the culprit (i.e. local bzr getting merged into SVN)09:50
vilaAnteru: yes, that create ghosts because svn can't represent them so bzr-svn store the revids in some svn property to be able to roundtrip safely09:52
Anteru(at least, I count 17 merges, and some might have 2 or 3 revisions)09:52
AnteruGosh, I would be happy to get rid of them (i.e. I don't worry if the fact that it was a merge is lost)09:52
Anteruand just treat them as normal commits to the trunk09:53
vilaAnteru: then there should be a way but that requires some voodoo knowledge of bzr-svn internals, file a bug09:53
AnteruOk. Any idea if there is a way to get it fixed on the bzr repository directly :) ?09:54
vilaAnteru: Hopefully yes, but whether it's only deleting them from the parent list or if more is required, I can't say09:58
vilalifeless: done09:58
vilalifeless: g'night09:59
AnteruOk, cool. I'm going to write a _long_ writeup to the mailing list.09:59
AnteruI.e. explain all the problems we created ;)09:59
vilaAnteru: too bad you didn't keep the bzr repos around for a while, are you sure you don't have a backup somewhere ?09:59
AnteruPretty sure, unfortunately, as I had like 10 repos during testing, and got rid of them all at once.10:00
Anteru(testing means only locally to check performance etc.)10:00
AnteruLet's see if someone has an idea (fingers crossed)10:09
Anteruvila: Thanks!10:13
vilaAnteru: you're welcome! Your experience should at least help us better document the process so those ghosts don't get lost the next time :-/10:14
vilaAnteru: Another way to fix the problem *may* be to try bzr-replay and see if it can cope with the ghosts10:15
AnteruYeah, I'm also going to blog about this, in the hope that it will help other people to migrate from SVN to Bzr (because I'm really happy with Bzr)10:15
vilaAnteru: you will end up with a repo with *different* revids though, so be prepared to resynchronize every people involved10:15
AnteruThat's no problem10:15
AnteruI can simply delete the repository on the server, recreate it, and tell everyone to branch again :)10:16
AnteruTrying bzr replay of all revisions, let's see if/when this finishes ... doesn't look too fast (pegging one core @ 100% and reading like 2 KiB/s)10:24
l2mhi ^^10:47
l2mcould anyone help me to understand why the bzr commit does not works with the --fixes switch ?10:47
l2mi've added in the config file the line trac_mysite_url = http://www.mysite.com/trac10:48
l2mand nothing seems to happend when i do a bzr commit --verbose  --fixes mysite:106 -m'test___'10:48
bialixif you run qlog you'll see it there10:49
bialixwhat you expect actually?10:49
l2mqlog ?10:49
bialixqlog is the part of qbzr plugin10:50
bialixit's wonderful gui10:50
bialix--fixes store special metadata attached to committed revision10:51
bialixit's not quite visible10:51
bialixqlog makes it clearly visible10:51
l2mbut why is --fixes not calling trac ?10:51
bialix--fixes does not change the status of actual bug10:51
l2mi can't see anything in trac10:51
l2mok :)10:51
bialixit's just metadata inside bzr10:51
l2mnot possible to fix in trac an opened bug ?10:52
bialixtrac-bzr plugin does not process such metadata yet10:52
bialixin theory it's possible to close bug in trac via post-commit hook10:53
bialixthere is special API in trac for this, xml-rpc IIRC10:53
bialixbut in practice nobody wrote such hook yet10:53
l2mhehe ... :)10:53
l2mok so where looking for this guy ;)10:54
l2mwe are sorry10:54
bialiximagine if you commit locally without access to trac10:54
bialixwhat should bzr do?10:54
bialixI mean offline10:54
l2myep .. but in our case, we have all in local network10:55
bialixyes, but bzr don;t know this ;-)10:55
l2mso, many thanks for help bialix ... we gonna look for an other solution10:55
bialixif you find it, I'd like to know too10:56
bialixwe're using trac at work too10:56
l2mwel .. so the fixes switch work well with launchpad or bugzilla .. or same limitations ?10:59
bialixlp don't change status of the bug11:03
bialixit just link the branch to the bug11:03
bialixso in lp this info used just as flag: here is branch where possible fix exists11:03
bialixas you can imagine the fix can be wrong or incomplete11:04
bialixthat's basicall y main reason why bzr don't try to change the status of the bug11:04
Anteruhm, I cannot get bzr replay to work, complains about no WorkingTree11:08
Anteruvila: replay fails with conflicts?!?11:41
vilaAnteru: for the merges ? Are they the same conflicts that you did resolve at that point in the past ?11:43
Anteruit fails on revision 40 or so11:43
Anteruthat's in 2004, when we were using svn 1.0 or so11:43
* vila summons quicksilver that played a lot with bzr-replay lately :-)11:43
AnteruI don't think we had conflicts back in that day :)11:44
quicksilverall I have to offer about bzr replay is that I could only make it replay simple revisions11:44
quicksilverthat is, no merge involved.11:44
vilaAnteru: may be you don't use bzr-replay with the right starting branch (don't start from origin but maybe just before the first merge)11:44
maxbyeah, no support for merges11:44
quicksilverif there is a way to make it do something sensible with merges I didn't find it.11:44
quicksilverI must finish that long email I was writing to the bzr list though11:45
maxbactually most of bzr-rewrite fares poorly if you ask it to rewrite a merge11:45
AnteruSeems my repository is totally hosed11:45
vilaquicksilver: oh, finishing that mail ? Good idea :)11:45
AnteruIt's not only ghost revisions that are missing. Just sent again to the ML :/11:45
AnteruBah, that's a migration :(11:46
* vila lunch time, bbl11:46
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jammorning all14:14
jamhopefully irc will get sorted out...14:14
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vilamorning jam !14:41
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Lo-lan-doHi all :-)14:50
Lo-lan-doQuestion about bzr switch.  I have a lightweight checkout of ~/repo/branch, which is bound to bzr+ssh://remote/blabla/branch14:51
Lo-lan-doIs there a way to have "bzr switch otherbranch" switch to ~/repo/otherbranch rather than bzr+ssh://remote/blabla/otherbranch?14:52
rubbsI don't think so, the only way is to type out the whole path... on the other hand, I seem to remember reading something about intents...14:55
* rubbs runs of to the documentation...14:55
rubbsmmm... seems like intents are more for shortcutting authorization to branch locations rather than shortcuting the branch locations themselves.14:57
rubbsyou could make an alias...14:57
rubbsbzr alias otherbranch="~/repo/otherbranch"14:57
rubbsthat way when you do your switch bzr will expand your path for you.14:58
Lo-lan-doHm, yes, that would work if I had only one repo.14:58
rubbsnot sure what the best solution is.14:59
Lo-lan-doI have several branches named similarly, in the same repo, too.14:59
Lo-lan-dofusionforge/patches/$client1/fixes, fusionforge/patches/$client2/fixes, and so on.15:00
rubbsthat makes sense. Does bzr switch ../otherbranch work?15:00
Lo-lan-dobzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://remote/blabla/otherbranch/".15:02
Lo-lan-doSo, no.  But nice try :-)15:02
Lo-lan-doUh, it's even worse, actually, it's bzr+ssh://remote/bla/otherbranch/ , with bla being blabla/.. (blabla's parent dir)15:04
Lo-lan-doI'm fetching the source, I'll see if I can add a parameter to change the default behaviour.15:07
rubbsthat might work.15:07
rubbsI'm out of ideas other than that.15:07
rubbsunless someone like jam or vila have an idea.15:07
jamLo-lan-do: bug #50617715:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506177 in bzr "switch sibling should check for lightweight checkout first" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50617715:08
jambasically, while 'bzr switch $PATH" defaults to switching the lightweight checkout before the bound branch the "bzr switch local" lookup does the bound branch lookup first15:09
jamfor now15:09
jamuse bzr switch ~/repo/otherbranch15:09
Lo-lan-doI see.  Thanks for the pointer.15:10
Lo-lan-doOooh, colocated branches now!15:12
Glenjamin_hi guys, is there any plan for a os x 10.5 installer for the newer versions of bzr?15:21
Glenjamin_or, a more relevant question - how do i use bzr-keychain?15:35
Glenjamin_it appears to have installed correctly and is in the plugins list15:35
Glenjamin_but i have no idea how to make it prompt for keychain access15:35
Lo-lan-doDoes "bzr help keychain" say anything?15:36
Glenjamin_"Use the Mac OS X keychain as a credential store for authentication.conf."15:38
Glenjamin_bzr 2.0.1 btw15:39
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Lo-lan-doGlenjamin_: No idea from me, actually.  I'm not a Mac user, I was just suggesting.15:48
Glenjamin_no worries15:49
Glenjamin_bzr-svn can read plaintext stores from svn fine - but doesnt seem to be able to read from the svn keychain store :s15:49
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vilaGlenjamin_: I think jfroy know about bzr-keychain, let's try to summon him15:59
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Glenjamin_i'm guessing jfroy is the bzr-svn guy?16:12
vilajam: can you review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/per-file-merge-hook/+merge/17754 ?16:12
vilaGlenjamin_: no, it's the bzr-keychain guy :)16:12
Glenjamin_thats works too :)16:12
jamvila: I'll try to take a look at it today16:19
vilajam: thanks, unless you object, it would be nice to include it in rc1 since there seems to be agreement that it's low risk16:21
vilajam: but I will *not* push more since it needed to be completed at the last minute by the pp instead of the original author...16:22
vilajam: hmpf, passport, damn16:24
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jamvila: already approved16:25
jamyeah passport thing is just strange16:25
jamfor whatever reason neither of us connected the dots until it was in the mail16:25
jamanyway, I'm going to head to a coffee shop for a while, I'll see if I have net access there16:27
vilajam: small error big consequences... :-/ We will miss you if you can't make it :-/16:27
vilajam: huh ? What about your expresso machine ?16:27
Lo-lan-doI was going to ask what's new in 2.1, but reading the release notes, I'm sold already.16:30
Lo-lan-do"bzr unshelve --preview" is something I've wished for quite some time :-)16:30
Glenjamin_anyone around who works on bzr-svn? i'm looking at the authentication code, and it appears to have hooks into all the subverpy auth providers, but not use any of them in the Credential Store implmentation16:32
=== davidstrauss_ is now known as davidstrauss
AnMaster_<vila> AnMaster: A ghost is a revision that exists but bzr is not aware of its content <-- wrong nick?17:07
vilaAnMaster_: yeah, sorry about that17:08
* vila lectures Xchat: see ? Can't you check which nick you propose !17:09
AnMaster_vila, for xchat iirc you can set "most recently to speak completed first" kind of thing17:11
vilawhich I did AFAIR, let me check17:12
vilahere we go, lost setting...17:12
vilaAnMaster_: thks for the heads-up17:12
AnMaster_vila, if you use /set iirc you have to save it by some other command17:14
AnMaster_was a while ago I used xchat last17:14
vilaAnMaster_: I track changes on the  xchat.conf file.... at least I was but somehow my setup has been broken :-/17:15
=== AnMaster_ is now known as AnMaster
vilaha, got it, xchat creates a new xchat.conf when some pref is modified which breaks my tracking :-/17:18
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Takwhat happens when one bzr unbinds a lightweight checkout?18:42
fullermd_One doesn't; the operation doesn't make sense.18:45
fullermd_unbind operates on a branch, not a checkout.  So what would happen would be that it would perform that operation on the branch you have a lightweight checkout of, which is statistically probably not bound in the first place.18:46
=== fullermd_ is now known as fullermd
Takthat's what I figured18:47
Takalthough I kind of hoped that it would create an alternate universe where magical unicorns would keep track of my local revisions until it was time to rebind18:48
keithyHow can I debug a bzr+ssh connection18:50
keithythe sftp connection works18:51
Takis bzr installed on the remote side?18:51
fullermdTak: Magical unicorns were going to be in 2.1, but the patch was rejected for not having tests   :(18:54
Takmeh, I'm still running 2.0.3 anyway18:56
Takkeithy: what kind of error are you getting?18:56
keithyif I ssh to the mc, I can run bzr18:56
keithybash: bzr: command not found18:58
keithybzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.18:58
mwhudsonkeithy: where is bzr on the remote machine?18:58
mwhudsonif it's not in /usr/bin, /bin or just a very few other places you might have to set BZR_REMOTE_PATH18:58
keithydoesnt the Mac os x installer do the right thing?18:59
mwhudsonno idea!18:59
mwhudsonlog in and 'which bzr'18:59
keithyits in /usr/local/bin/bzr18:59
mwhudsonyeah, that's probably not in the default path from ssh19:00
mwhudsonyou can set the path as an environment variable or in the config19:01
keithybut if I use ssh manually it is19:01
mwhudsonit's probably in some file your shell executes19:02
mwhudsonthere's no shell involved if you run ssh $host bzr19:03
keithyok Ill try that19:03
mwhudsonif bzr+ssh fails, that will fail19:03
keithyyep bingo19:04
Taksweet, I'm up to 1g memory used for a lightweight checkout19:04
TakI hope it's over 50% done...19:04
keithyok so... someone needs to tell the mac os x installer people that their move doesnt work19:05
keithyit used to be in /usr/bin/bzr19:05
fullermdEr.  Yes there is a shell involved...19:07
fullermdbash will read different rc files for an interactive vs. non session though, so you may need to set $PATH somewhere else.19:08
* Tak Out of memory - terminating application.19:12
* Tak cry19:12
lifelessTak: what bzr version ?19:19
lifelesshi jam19:42
jamhi lifeless19:46
jamyou seem to be up early19:47
lifelessI'm in NZ19:47
jamis LCA in a differnt T?19:47
lifelessabentley: could you link the branch to review, I can't find it in mail./19:47
abentleylifeless: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~abentley/bzr-pqm/lpland/19:49
jamlifeless: you seem to be having a good time at LCA19:51
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keithyhow to you set access rights to a repo20:37
keithyor make it read only?20:37
keithyfor checking out only20:37
Lo-lan-dokeithy: I usually stick it into a location accessible through HTTP.20:38
keithyis there a checkout readonly?20:39
keithyif people use that then there is no chance of them accidentally checking in20:40
keithyi.e. deploy20:40
Lo-lan-doWell, no, the plain HTTP server only has read access to the files in the repo.20:41
keithyI set up ssh20:41
keithyand bzr+ssh20:41
keithysetting up http is a pain.20:42
keithycan I just chmod it20:42
Lo-lan-doYou can chmod -R the repo, yes.20:42
keithyk, thall have to do20:43
Lo-lan-doThat's how I do access control on my repos: each project has its group, and the repos are chgrped+chmodded.20:43
Lo-lan-doSo only members of group foo can commit to repo foo.20:43
Lo-lan-doOthers can read only, or nothing, some repos are private (and therefore rwxrws---).20:44
Lo-lan-dokeithy: There's an administrator's guide on the website, as I found out today, with interesting points about common problems.20:47
keithyk ty20:48
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=== Chex_ is now known as Chex
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Glenjamin_is there something other than the -D flags i need to use to get debug information?23:00
Glenjamin_"bzr -Dhttp -Dauth update" isnt giving me any additional output23:00
lifelesscheck ~/.bzr.log23:03
Glenjamin_yeah, i realised that now, unfortunately it hasn't enlightened me on the problem at all :(23:03

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