
ilumialumno00: the ati driver might not support your video card, you should check first00:02
ilumireagleBRKLN: try ubuntu ubuntu00:03
alumno00thanks. I solved the video problem. But the problem now is than I don't have audio.00:09
alumno00ilumi: Any suggestion about adio problem?00:09
ilumialumno00: the intel hda should be your soundcard, but i dont know why it says ati00:12
ilumialumno00: it might be hdmi sound, which then would not be your sound card00:14
alumno00What I see in multimedia is HDA ATI SB (STAC92xx Analog)00:14
ilumialumno00: first make sure you open kmix and that pcm and front volume is all the way up00:15
ilumialumno00: and master at 60% or so00:15
ilumialumno00: then try to play something00:15
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alumno00Yes, I've enabled all channels and all are 100%. And I play, but there is no sound...00:16
iconmefistorun speaker-test in konsole. any sound?00:17
crimsuniconmefisto: please use http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh or ubuntu-bug alsa-base00:19
crimsuniconmefisto: sorry00:19
crimsunalumno00: please use http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh or ubuntu-bug alsa-base00:19
alumno00No sound...00:19
iconmefistoalumno00: is it a laptop?00:20
alumno00it HP Pavilion Entertaiment  PC00:20
alumno00HP Pavilion dv6-2026es00:21
iconmefistoalumno00: this may help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61684500:21
ilumialumno00: do aptitude show alsa00:22
alumno00it says it's not real package. It says alsa-base00:23
ilumialumno00: do aptitude show pulseaudio00:24
alumno00It say is not installed00:25
crimsunKubuntu does not ship PulseAudio.00:25
alumno00I'm installing it00:26
ilumialumno00: im not sure if it will do anything, but you can install alsa and alsa-oss, then reboot and try00:26
crimsunerr, you're installing pulseaudio?00:26
iconmefistoalumno00: pretty sure you'll find your answer here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61684500:26
alumno00OK, I'm going to read it00:27
tzangerevery now and again the KDE network manager system tray icon will not work. if I click on it it says in grayed out text "network management has been disabled."00:29
tzangerNetowrk manager is running, and restarting it doesn't help00:29
tzangerusually I have to log out and back in (not restart the system)00:30
tzangeris there a way to tell network manager that it's NOT disabled when it gets in this state?00:30
tzangerI can't seem to find out what's causing it00:30
iconmefistoalumno00: the file you need to edit is now named /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf00:33
alumno00Yes, thats what i'm trying to do. I put there "options snd-hda-intel model=3stack"00:34
alumno00and now i'm looking for the card00:34
iconmefistoaplay -l   and then match what that says to the list on that page00:36
alumno00but I cant find my devide:  [HDA ATI SB], dispositivo 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]00:37
Nafrihow can i install kde 4.4rc1 on kubuntu9.10?00:37
Nafrido i need to add -> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/beta/ubuntu karmic main00:38
Nafrideb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/beta/ubuntu karmic main00:38
Nafrito my sources.list00:38
iconmefistoalumno00: what about: cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec00:38
alumno00Codec: IDT 92HD75B3X500:38
Fanfare[afk]Nafri: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4-rc-100:38
Nafriyea i've checked that link, it says i've to add  ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta to my sources00:39
Fanfare[afk]Nafri: last instructions should work add ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta in kpackagekit00:39
tamranhello everyone, I'm new to KDE and was wondering how I make each desktop have a diff backgrounds in KDE 4.3?00:39
Fanfare[afk]Nafri: dont add it to sources.list, but in kpackagekit... that will add it to /etc/sources.list.d/ as a seperate file...00:41
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Nafriok, do i've to add the key aswel? or just need to add ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta ?00:43
Nafrioh yea now it is showing updates in kpackagekit...00:44
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Fanfare[afk]Nafri: iirc the key is then added automatically00:44
Nafri4.3.90 is 4.4rc1 rite?00:44
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Fanfare[afk]Nafri: right, its a Release Candidate! its not officially released!00:44
iconmefistoalumno00: have a read of this: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+question/8081800:45
alumno00I'm going. Thanks for your help.00:45
alumno00Ok, i'm going to read it.00:45
alumno00It's too late. I'll try tomorrow. Thanks00:47
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cjaehaving a problem with ubuntu-bugs kgpg doesnt seem to do anything00:53
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markus___is it possible to get my sound to my bluetooth speaker?01:10
Duskaowhat do I need to extract an ISO into it's individual files?01:19
Duskaousing kubuntu of course.01:19
=== ubuntu is now known as Toru
cjaeHi how can I install a better version of ktorrent without having to compile it? Installed: 3.2.4+dfsg.1-1ubuntu1 I need version 3.3 or higher01:29
ilumicjae: ktorrent sucks, use something else01:42
ilumicjae: try deluge or transmission, personally i preffer vuze01:43
cjaeilumi: trammission changes to much rtorrent is cli afaik, deluge is almost as bad as azureus01:43
ilumiazureus is the best torrent client on linux imo01:43
cjaeilumi: has it got better since java opened up?01:44
ilumicjae: dont know , it's always been good for me01:44
cjaeilumi: high spec machine?01:44
ilumiit's not slow01:45
cjaevuze is crossplatform right01:46
ilumiwhat dont you like about transmission and deluge?01:46
cjaeall I need ktorrent to do is properly report tracker data01:46
cjaeotherwise it is very good01:46
nolani am running kde4.4 rc1 and i have a praticular window that when pulled up cannot be resized and it seems that kde has stored an incorrect default window size because the bottom is way off the screen.  can i reset stored window parameters? if so how?01:47
ilumicjae: yeah, but if you gonna use it, get the beta after you install, because the stable release has some problems with java01:47
ilumicjae: at least i had some problems with sorting peers etc01:47
ilumicjae: but if you dont want to mess with it just pull whatever they have in the repos01:48
cjaeilumi: I think it is the fact I dont like gnome, not that is not a fine environment01:49
ilumicjae: what do you mean01:49
cjaethats a question that could start a war so I will not answer it, not that #kubuntu is very lively01:50
cjaeqbittorrent looks very promising though but is not accepted as a client where I need it ilumi01:51
ilumicjae: well i you want new version of ktorrent youll probably have to compile it from source,01:52
ilumicjae: unless they have it prepackaged on their website01:52
cjaeilumi: was hoping to find a third party repo that might have it :)01:54
cjaeilumi: can I uninstall a compiled from source app with aptitude?01:55
* cjae has problems with compiled app breaking system when upgrade time comes01:56
Dragnslicercjae- no, apt doesn't know anything about programs you've compiled yourself01:57
cjaeDragnslicer: ok so I would have to manually remove it first when the time comes...01:59
BLeAmcjae - Or you may try to re-install things you have compiled with checkinstall, then "dpkg -r" it later.02:00
cjaeDragnslicer: I have my router firewall to port forward for udp for ktorrent tracker info, but when I check the firewall with kt running it says it is not open but for the TCP it is and the same rule except UDP of course so is this a kt bug?02:01
cjaedeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main ... may I switch this to karmic?02:26
bazhangcjae, they dont have a karmic version?02:26
bazhangthey do02:27
cjaebazhang: how can I search the site more effiencently?02:28
bazhangcjae, ppa sites? or just that one02:28
bazhanglet me find a link02:29
bazhangcjae, that what you mean? ^^02:31
cjaewell I opened http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu but then I have to know which sub directory it is under02:32
cjaethe link works nice though02:33
bazhangjust typing backports in the site brings up a long list--kubuntu-ppa amongst them02:34
cjaedeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/baudm/backports/ubuntu karmic main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/baudm/backports/ubuntu karmic main will this just let me get one package or everything there?02:34
cjaeok so how do I get just one package from there?02:37
bazhangcjae, you are adding to sources.list manually? why not use add-apt-repository02:39
bazhangsudo add-apt-repository ppa:<repository-name>02:39
bazhangcjae, sudo apt-get install appname02:39
bazhangfollowing the above , and updating02:40
cjaebazhang: yes but when I do a aptitude safe-upgrade wont that take everything off deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/baudm/backports/ubuntu karmic main or whatever repo02:41
cjaebazhang: do you know what I am trying to say? or is it in backports it will only get the app I ask for eg. sudo aptitiude install ktorrent?02:42
bazhangcjae, yep I understand. you choose whatever to install from the repo02:43
bazhangcjae, same as regular repos :)02:43
cjaebazhang: my understanding was if you insert a repo eg. deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/baudm/backports/ubuntu karmic main a sudo aptitude will take everything from it instead of just one app02:44
cjaesudo aptitude safe-upgrade*02:44
jb0694how can i tell how much installed ram i have on my machine?02:47
bazhangppa:baudm/backports is the name of the PPA02:47
bazhangjb0694, the command free in konsole02:47
cjaebazhang: thanks02:48
bazhangsudo add-apt-repository ppa: baudm/backports02:48
Irfan_i just installed kde4.4 rc1... but when on startup (just after login) my kde crashes and all i can see is black background02:55
Irfan_i also get this application error02:55
Irfan_Application: Plasma Workspace (kdeinit4), signal: Segmentation fault02:55
Irfan_[Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7f029ff55750 (LWP 1587))]02:55
Irfan_Thread 2 (Thread 0x7f027e7ce910 (LWP 1588)):02:55
Irfan_#0  0x00007f029e1955a9 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/libpthread.so.002:55
Irfan_#1  0x00007f029e42067b in QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, unsigned long) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.402:55
Irfan_#2  0x00007f029cbdc3ec in ?? () from /usr/lib/libQtNetwork.so.402:55
Irfan_#3  0x00007f029e41f6c5 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.402:55
FloodBotK1Irfan_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:55
Irfan_#4  0x00007f029e190a04 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.002:55
Irfan_any idea?02:58
Nafrii just installed kde4.4 rc1... but when on startup (just after login) my kde crashes and all i can see is black background03:15
Nafrianybody knows how can i remove the widgets from commandline? i think it has something to do with widgets03:18
Nafrihello, has anybody able to sucesfuly install kde 4.4rc1?03:45
Nafrihello, has anybody able to sucesfuly install kde 4.4rc1?03:51
ilumiNafri: yeah bunch of people got it to work, but ive seen a lot of problems too03:51
Nafriwell i just installed kubuntu 9.10 (with kde4.3.2) than upgraded to kde4.4rc1.. and on startup it crashes03:52
Nafriand all i see is black background03:52
Nafrialthoug i can run the apps using Run (alt + f2)03:52
Nafriany idea?03:53
james_lTry running konsole, then from that plasma-desktop (It may give you more of an idea what's wrong)03:53
Nafriit gives following error message03:54
NafriApplication: Plasma Workspace (kdeinit4), signal: Segmentation fault03:54
Nafri[Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7f029ff55750 (LWP 1587))]03:54
NafriThread 2 (Thread 0x7f027e7ce910 (LWP 1588)):03:55
Nafri#0  0x00007f029e1955a9 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/libpthread.so.003:55
Nafri#1  0x00007f029e42067b in QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, unsigned long) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.403:55
Nafri#2  0x00007f029cbdc3ec in ?? () from /usr/lib/libQtNetwork.so.403:55
Nafri#3  0x00007f029e41f6c5 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.403:55
Nafri#4  0x00007f029e190a04 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.003:55
FloodBotK1Nafri: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:55
Nafriany idea?03:56
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BigBLuehey guys I forgot my root password anyone know how to solve this problem04:50
jschallhow can i completely remove gnome and all of its default programs? i want to switch to kde entirely04:50
BigBLuei dont think anyone is on04:51
BigBLuedo you know how to recover a root password04:51
BigBLue anyone here?04:52
BigBLuehow do you find more channesl04:53
Nafriis anyone using kaffeine or dragon player? i can't rewind/forward .flv files using these players05:18
Nafriany idea?05:18
BigBLueno one answers questions here lol05:19
DarkriftXit depends on the flash file, some allow seeking05:19
BigBLuelol i take that back05:19
DarkriftXits midnight across much of the US05:19
DarkriftXhard time to get answers anywhere05:19
BigBLuebecuz us has all the answers05:20
Nafriwel.. but all those flv work fine with smplayer05:20
BigBLueanyone know how to reset root password05:20
DarkriftXif totem/kaffeine dont work for me i usually try vlc next05:20
DarkriftXnot sure though05:20
DarkriftXBigBLue: if logged in as a sudo'able user i think you can sudo passwd05:21
DarkriftXbut im not sure05:21
DarkriftXmight need to do sudo passwd root05:21
BigBLuei dint05:21
DarkriftXim a semi n00b myself, so not sure05:21
BigBLuejust a lame sawce user05:21
BigBLuehave no rooot power:(05:22
BigBLuei would just reinstall but i have not cd drive05:22
BigBLue(double) :(05:22
BigBLueIm just going to have to find a frigin flash drive05:23
BigBLueand copy a cd i think05:23
DarkriftXi think "single user mode" will work05:24
DarkriftXreboot, choose recovery mode05:24
DarkriftXand when logged in i think you can edit roots password05:25
BigBLuei dont know how to get into recovery mode05:32
BigBLue<<<<<< supper n00b05:32
ilumiBigBLue: press shift when grub loads05:37
BigBLuehold on ill try it real quick05:38
BigBLueits a dell distro so idk if it will work05:38
BigBLueidk if i have grub menu it just automatically goes to a ubuntu loading screen05:40
BigBLuedell raped me05:41
BigBLueplease help my ass is bleeding05:41
aalmatahello world05:42
aalmatauser many05:42
Omar87The Plasma workspace keeps crashing on me for some reason, I'm not sure why. I thinks it's a bug. I'm running Platform Version 4.3.90 (KDE 4.3.90 (KDE 4.4 RC1))05:46
Omar87Here's a the backtrace of the latest crash: http://pastebin.com/m43be115905:47
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Omar87The Plasma workspace keeps crashing on me for some reason, I'm not sure why. I thinks it's a bug. I'm running Platform Version 4.3.90 (KDE 4.3.90 (KDE 4.4 RC1))07:05
Omar87Here's a the backtrace of the latest crash: http://pastebin.com/m43be115907:05
mistryniteshoppsie... wrong screen! :)07:48
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Omar87The Plasma workspace keeps crashing on me for some reason, I'm not sure why. I thinks it's a bug. I'm running Platform Version 4.3.90 (KDE 4.3.90 (KDE 4.4 RC1))09:24
Omar87Here's a the backtrace of the latest crash: http://pastebin.com/m43be115909:24
JediMasterhey guys, is there a debug package for kwin, like kwin-dbg? as I can't seem to find it and it's crashing 2-3 times a day and want to make a useful bug report =)10:17
poyntzhi. does the firefox "Open containing folder" option work for anyone on KDE4?10:46
jussi01poyntz: where in FF is that?10:46
JediMasterpoyntz, on the file downloads? it opens nautilius for me10:52
JediMasterpoyntz, but I have ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop installed10:53
pat|nGi got 1 notebook with 3 partitions 80gb each partition..my primary os is vista and 1 80 i'm plannin to install kubuntu....from 80gb can i still make partition to that in installing kubuntu?10:55
PolitikerNEUpat|nG: Don't know what you mean, but better backup all the data on the partition you want to seperate to install ubuntu before and delete it - Ubuntu needs about 15-20 GB, and an additional 15-20 GB for your home and about 1-2 times the Ram for swap (depending on whether you want to use hibernation → more and how much ram you have → the more, the less need for swap) and maybe 200-500 MB for GRUB10:58
pat|nGwhat i mean is that i got a new dell notebook....250gb and i do make 3 partition 1 vista my primary OS.....and in my second partion i'm plannin to make kubuntu and 3rd gentoo.....from kubuntu partition can i still make another partition using the kubuntu livecd i've downloaded?11:01
pat|nGit's like in kubuntu os i got 2 partition same as in windows like i have c drive and d11:01
poyntzjussi01: it's when you download a file and it opens a window. then if you right click on the file you can select "Open Containing Folder", but when I do nothing happens11:02
PolitikerNEUpat|nG: Ah - of course you can do that, but unline on vista, you can't simply convert partitions (e.g. NTFS→ext4) but have to reformat it11:02
poyntzJediMaster: ya. i deleted nautilus11:02
poyntzjussi01: it's when you download a file and it opens a window. then if you right click on the file you can select "Open Containing Folder", but when I do nothing happens11:02
jussi01poyntz: yeah, mines broken also.11:02
poyntzits really annoying11:03
poyntzand dun see the point in having two file managers11:03
* jussi01 uses chromium usually so doesnt notice11:03
ubottuYou can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa11:03
poyntz!info chromium11:03
ubottuchromium (source: chromium-bsu): transitional dummy package for chromium-bsu. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.14-1 (karmic), package size 13 kB, installed size 40 kB11:03
poyntz!info chromium-bsu11:04
ubottuchromium-bsu (source: chromium-bsu): fast paced, arcade-style, scrolling space shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.14-1 (karmic), package size 122 kB, installed size 440 kB11:04
poyntzlol, jussi?11:04
jussi01poyntz: the first one11:04
poyntzjussi01: mate it's a space game11:04
jussi01!info chromium-browser11:04
ubottuPackage chromium-browser does not exist in karmic11:04
Omar87The Plasma workspace keeps crashing on me for some reason, I'm not sure why. I thinks it's a bug. I'm running Platform Version 4.3.90 (KDE 4.3.90 (KDE 4.4 RC1))11:05
jussi01poyntz: one moment, I dont remember if its in karmic or noe, but you can always go grab the released chrome from google11:05
Omar87Here's a backtrace of the latest crash: http://pastebin.com/m43be115911:05
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots11:07
pat|nGpoyntz: so is it possible? in kubuntu partition i can make 2 more partition?11:09
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap11:11
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poyntzjussi01: ah. getcha. thanks for the tip11:35
jussi01poyntz: :)11:35
jussi01poyntz: the only issue I will point out to you is that printing is still an issue (i think)11:35
poyntzjussi01: nah. i'm not going to try it. thanks anyhow11:40
poyntzall the best11:40
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:28
scottydeliciousanybody home12:35
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greenlanternapt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras, is it correct to install codecs on kubuntu?13:11
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:11
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devil-demonhow to i update my kdelibs from 4.3.2  to 4.3.6014:02
devil-demoni have kubuntu 9.1014:02
Krezkeyhello folks14:03
Krezkeyis there anyway to get a uninstalled app out of the main menu.14:04
ray_Is there a default password for root? I have just installed Ultimate 2.4 on my laptop and when in the terminal I do su - and my password and it gives authentication failure message.14:07
Krezkeyuse try sudo not su14:08
Krezkeytyr using sudo...no su14:09
Krezkeywow I can't type this morning14:09
=== PR is now known as PR1
markus__Krezkey: WHy don't you delete the icon by hand?14:11
KrezkeyI tried but will not work14:12
Krezkeysome where I saw a menu cleaner or update tool but can't remember the name14:13
Krezkeyray_ did sudo work for you in the terminal ?14:13
ray_when i do sudo it goes through the usage characters and back to prompt no password prompted14:15
KrezkeyOh and does anyone else have a problem with Kopete adding unwanted friends folders to there list ?14:15
Krezkeywhat command are you trying to do ?14:16
Krezkey like sudo apt-get  ?14:16
Krezkeywow never had that happen to me....yet14:17
ray_but mostly want to run as root14:17
Krezkeyrunning as root is not possible ...it's locked out14:18
ray_clean install no dual boot and ready to tweak14:18
Krezkeyhave to run sudo command to work as root under user14:18
ray_so i have to sudo before every command?14:19
KHGKJno, only ones that require root privileges14:19
Krezkeyfor root commands14:19
ray_and what about in the gui when apps require root to perform certain functions?14:20
Krezkeyyour password acts ass root password for that ..If I remember correctly14:21
ray_alot of the drop down menu items will not work with out being root14:21
ray_it is like they are grayed out14:22
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LuciusMarehello, in installation of kubuntu,i set "encrypt partition", now i migrated to another system, how do i unencrypt the data?14:22
Krezkeywhat app are you trying to run that is grayed out ?14:22
Krezkeyray_: what apps are grayed out in menu ?14:27
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KrezkeyI forgot how to hi-lite a response in here..:(14:28
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Krezkeyhi slow-motion14:31
slow-motionhi Krezkey14:31
Krezkeyhey slow....I forgot how to hi-lite a response in here...remind me please14:32
Krezkeytype the name and what after it ?14:33
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Krezkeydoes anyone know of a menu tool for cleaning or updating the system menu ?14:55
Krezkeymarkus thanks I found the menu editor and got it out.15:01
ubuntualguem ai fala portugues?15:02
Krezkeyray_> did you figure out the problem ?15:03
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rahul__i want to access my nokia N70 via usb... i m a kubuntu user and quite new to it. Plz help...........15:10
Krezkeyrahul_ when you plug your camera in and turn it on do you see a prompt to the lower right of your screen15:13
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Krezkeyshowing it was a new item found ?15:13
rahul__no prompt shown15:15
rahul__and its my nokia cellphone not camera15:15
KrezkeyOh !15:15
Jaspionjoin #sss15:16
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
rahul__some one plz help meee.....15:19
rahul__i want to access my nokia N70 via usb... i m a kubuntu user and quite new to it.15:19
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rahul__i want to access my nokia N70 via usb... i m a kubuntu user and quite new to it. Plz help15:27
freinhardwhat do i want to use for a encrypted folder in kde? gui appreciated but not necessary.15:27
freinhardrahul__: what do you want to do? sync contacts?15:28
rahul__no for images and music transfer15:28
_motti_Hi guys. I have problem using beamer on kubuntu. When I run pdflatex or latex I get: Font T1/phv/m/n/10=phvr8t at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found15:29
_motti_any thoughts? I'll post the problem also on the latex channel15:29
freinhardrahul__: my nokia e65 (symbian s60 or something) can act as a usb stick, asks me as i plug it in, but there needs to be a sd card present15:31
freinhardrahul__: if you aren't asked, you can set the behaviour somewhere in the menu of your cell15:32
markus__ubuntu: english only channel!15:32
freinhardrahul__: if none of this works, try sending it with bluetooth.15:32
KARMIC_PS3hey does any one now of a way i can browse irc channel to find a better place to ask my real question15:34
KARMIC_PS3im looking for a channel for people also using a ps3 with a linux dist15:34
freinhardKARMIC_PS3: what are you trying to do? stream media to it?15:35
rahul__in my cell there is no such option shown15:35
rahul__what to do15:35
KARMIC_PS3no just figure out how to get some programs working like qemu and a prog called megabox15:36
freinhardrahul__: if it is a symbian, search your cells settings systematically (i guess starting with "connections" or something like that might do the trick)15:36
KARMIC_PS3plus if you two talking about cell phones know of any drivers i could use for my blackberry on ubuntu that would be helpful15:38
freinhardKARMIC_PS3: i guess i'd try funambol15:39
KARMIC_PS3for the bb15:39
freinhardgoogling for opensync and blackberry might be usefull to. if opensync 0.22 doesn't do the trick, got opensync 0.39 in my ppa15:40
KARMIC_PS3is there a way to browse thru existing channels on irc15:41
freinhardwell on irssi /list works, but that list is usually.. well HUGE15:42
KARMIC_PS3i tried that but it did nothing15:42
Krezkeynot sure if this helps but I just hooked my motorola razor to kubuntu 9.10 and it found it a Volume (vfat) in dolphin15:44
Krezkeyplus I got the new devices plugged in prompt in the lower right of my screen with it listed also15:45
KrezkeyIm outa here...have fun folks15:46
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KARMIC_PS3opensync is that for just syncing contacts and appointments cause all i wanna do is access the micro sd15:48
freinhardKARMIC_PS3: afaik just PIM data, got no black berry, so i've no clue15:49
torkehhow are you guys!!!15:52
freinhardtorkeh: drunk? ;)15:53
freinhard(that was a question and a answer ;) )15:53
torkehyeah, but thats not good15:53
torkehyou will die badly :*(15:53
torkehmakes me cry15:53
freinhardomg ;)15:53
torkehbecause i love you!!!!!1115:53
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Nameless_auhi. i'm running kubuntu 9.04, and it's asking me if i want to update to 9.10. do the two have different versions of KDE?16:32
dende_wie komm ich n ins euirc?16:34
freinharddende_: => #kubuntu-de16:34
freinhardNameless_au: yes they do. check the release notes for more details.16:34
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freinhardanyone else with a jabber.org account and trouble with kopete?16:42
llutzfreinhard: not only kopete16:45
freinhardalexis_: thx, checked some hours ago16:52
alexis_check now then16:52
alexis_the is some information about the troubles16:52
freinhardthey sould use a twitter-like service to keep the people uptodate why their client got disconnected for the 50th time today ;)16:53
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JDahlI installed KDE 4.3.4 from backports on Ubuntu 9.10 on a Lenovo laptop, and I am trying to setup two external monitors (which works perfectly using nvidia-settings from Gnome), but the System Settings->Display option only identifies a single monitor. How do I setup multliple external monitors?17:26
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MatisseI wanted to install a program from source (to get a newer version). When running  configure  I got some warnings and not make-file. I installed some packages. Now I get no errors, but still no make-file. Can somebody help me? I put the output to pastebin18:18
Matissewell, "no errors" is wrong, but no related errors I think18:20
Matissecorrect format http://paste.ubuntu.com/359665/18:22
rethusi got the message "15 bugfixes aviable", but in my try, i doesn't see the updater-icon. How can i get it back?18:23
Matisserethus, open a shell an update with that18:23
rethusMatisse: i#d like to have a visible icon in my try18:23
rethushow does it named?18:24
RiotingPacifistrethus: run kpackagekit18:24
Matissein my tray it isn't always visible too, actually it doesnt happen anything if i click on that. I'm not sure if we mean the same icon18:24
RiotingPacifistrethus: if there are no updates kpackagekit can't be show, if you want that to be changed then file a bug report but AFAIK there is no way to force kpackagekit to stay in your tray18:25
rethusbefore 30 seconds i got the popup-message 15 bugfixes aciable.. but there is no icon on tray18:26
Matisserethus, using shell commands is way better I think. Here is the command:18:26
Matissesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:26
Matissethat will do it too18:26
rethusi know this commands, but i like the icon in my tray18:26
RiotingPacifistrethus: find out if there are any updates available (via running kpackagekit manually), either a mistake was made when it turned up or when it disapeared18:28
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv418:28
rethusso i wonder... there must be a way to get this symbol back.18:29
RiotingPacifistrethus: nope kpackagekitsmarticon will neve stay in the tray if it doesn't think there are any updates, (you can check if its running using pgrep kpackage -l)18:30
Matisserethus, i think it comes back after a while if you run apt-get update, but I'm not sure. you could test it by that command18:31
rethusRiotingPacifist: like i say it before.... 2 times... i've got a notification that there are 15 bugfixes... and there is still "no" icon18:31
Matisseif it doesnt come back, there might be something wrong with the notification18:34
rethusive now update and upgrade and dist-upgrade... will see on next reboot :D18:35
RiotingPacifistyeah but either its disapeared for some reason (bug or you've told it to only update daily/weekly/something) or it was a mistake when it showed up (i think kpackagekit keeps its own cache so can become confused if you do any package management outside it until it updates itself)18:35
Matisseyes, kpackagekit seems to have a different cache18:40
MatisseIf reduced my question to this:18:42
MatisseConfigure says "Error: you need to install the libbz2 library (for compression)" - how do I tell configure the correct path? (the package is installed)18:42
rhinelnecesito saber como update a kubuntu18:48
rhinelpedi una pc hp y me llego con kubuntu pero no me deja ni ver youtube ni nada18:48
MatisseNon hablamo espanol :)18:48
Matissetry  #kubuntu-es or #ubuntu-es18:49
RiotingPacifistMatisse: how was libbz2 installed and where to?18:50
MatisseI checked  sudo apt-get install bzip2  and it says it has the newest version18:51
Matisseand find  found different places, f.e.   /usr/lib32/libbz2.so.1.0.418:52
Nameless_aumuchos tacos y burrhitos, por favore18:52
Matisseand in /lib/ there are also 3 different versions of it18:53
MatisseRiotingPacifist, should have put your nick in front of my answers...18:54
Matissehi Oneill18:54
MatisseRiotingPacifist, http://paste.ubuntu.com/359684/18:55
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RiotingPacifistMatisse: well if you had installed it yourself then maybe i'd have been able to help as it is i've got no idea, the file should be installed and working maybe the make script is broken18:57
Oneillis there only an english channel or is there an german channel , sry for my directly question but i am new at ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu and i am from germany i have no problem with english but sometimes its a littly hard to be to understood =)18:58
MatisseRiotingPacifist,  I could remove the part in the configure script so that no error comes up. Is that a good idea?18:58
MatisseOneill, can ask me in german  or  better would be  #kubuntu-de  #ubuntu-de18:58
Oneillthanks many Matisse18:59
Oneillno no i dont want to leave the english chat but sometimes its better to learn in german =)°18:59
RiotingPacifistMatisse: Not a good idea, but it may let you compile the software, I would give it a shot, but it would be better to figure out why it thinks you don't have libbz, is this a just 32bit install?19:00
RiotingPacifistone thing is you don't have a /usr/lib32/libbz.so so sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/libbz2.so.1.0 /usr/lib32/libbz.so may fix the problem, but you shouldn't need to do that19:03
MatisseRiotingPacifist, what is just 32bit? the lib seems to be 32bit and dfarc (the program to configure) should be compilable on both 32 and 64 I think19:04
RiotingPacifistMatisse: well if your running a 32bit and 64bit sytem libraries get complicated19:05
Oneillehem how i join the #kubuntu-de channel i use Quassel IRC i never used IRC before =) did someone knows it ?19:06
Matissewell, I have a 64bit pc19:06
MatisseOneill, install xchat, its much better :)19:07
Matissethere you can do right-click and choose "join"19:07
Oneilldoes xchat configure automatic it all the channels or have i install at my own ?19:08
Matissewhat do you mean? xchat has a long list of irc servers, but you still have to say which channel you want to visit19:09
Oneillah ok i understood i mean that Quassel offers me only #Kubuntu at first lunch thats what i mean19:09
edouardhi, can somebody explain me how to remap a touch of my keyboard using xbindkeys?19:09
RiotingPacifistOneill:  there is nothing wrong with Quassel/konversation, to join a chan in any clinet just type /join #channel name19:09
MatisseOneill, it the same in xchat, debian and ubuntu are 2 server at the upper position19:10
Oneillah ok ^^19:11
LaeborgHow can I see the version in apt-cache search ?19:11
RiotingPacifistLaeborg: i don't think you can, use apt-cache show or dpkg -l19:11
MatisseLaeborg, do you mean apt-cache show <package> ?19:11
Laeborgthanks :)19:12
MatisseRiotingPacifist, might it be possible to get a 64bit version of libbzip ?19:13
Oneillnow i am testing xchat out ! i am back again on quassel when it work not i like =)°19:13
Matissegood choise!19:13
RiotingPacifistMatisse: yes if your on a 64bit install thats what apt should install19:15
MatisseRiotingPacifist, their homepage shows that it works for both 32 and 6419:15
Matisseso, I maybe just have to make a link into the 64bit directory...19:16
RiotingPacifistMatisse: if you are compiling 64bit software you need the 64bit libs, if your compiling the 32bit you need the 32bit libs19:16
RiotingPacifistwhile the software can be compiled on both, you cant mix and match libraries19:16
OneillAh Hello Again i am Back on with Xchat now i knew 2 IRC Programs thanks you Matisse19:17
Matisse"It should run on any 32 or 64-bit machine with an ANSI C compiler"19:17
Matisseno problemo Oneill :)19:17
RiotingPacifistMatisse: you can compile their C to either a 32bit binary or a 64bit binary but not both19:17
Matisseyes, I see19:18
Matissethe complete citation: "Because it's very portable. It should run on any 32 or 64-bit machine with an ANSI C compiler."19:18
Matissewell then I have to compile the libbzip at first19:19
Matisseor whatever19:19
MatisseRiotingPacifist, how do I compile that without a configure script?19:20
Matisseok, there's a makefile...19:21
RiotingPacifistI dunno, you can try invoking g++/gcc directly but the configure/make is generally needed to set everything up before the compile19:22
Matissemake did work19:22
MatisseRiotingPacifist, now, where do i put it with make install? /lib64 or /usr/lib64?19:23
Matissemake  did tell me how to do this. I think I choose one of it and make a link to the other dir19:24
RiotingPacifistunless the lib is part of the core os needed to boot it goes /usr/lib64 (or 32, are you sure your running a 64bit kernel?)19:25
Matisseno, I'm not sure... and  doing   sudo make install PREFIX=/lib64  seems to be a senseless decision19:26
RiotingPacifistuname -a19:26
Matisseyes, its 64bit19:27
MatisseLinux Earthlings-Hope 2.6.31-17-generic #54-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 10 17:01:44 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux19:27
Matissewell, first I have to undo that install...19:27
MatisseLuckily every cp and mkdir is visible19:28
RiotingPacifistit's fine in /lib64 but it belongs in /usr/lib64, unless it's used to boot the os or in system recovery where /usr may not be accessible (as both are probably on the same partition this is a moo point)19:29
Oneilloh guys , my own people the germans in the ubuntu-de channel are so uncool and stupid and arrogant omg i dont belive i only ask a question about WINE and they dissed me , with no mercy !! i better let be here ..19:29
markus___Oneill: I gave up on wine. Found replacements for everything I need. And games with wine is a pain in the ass all the time.19:31
MatisseOneill, cant promise that it's different here :P19:31
MatisseRiotingPacifist, but it creates a lot of subdirectories and in /lib there aren't so many directories...19:32
Matissemake install  without prefix would have put it in /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/man and /usr/local/include19:33
Matissenow I got these directories in /lib19:33
MatisseRiotingPacifist, any idea what    echo ".so man1/bzgrep.1" > /lib64/man/man1/bzegrep.1    does?19:38
RiotingPacifistMatisse: it would make a file called /lib64/man/man1/bzegrep.1 with .so man1/bzgrep.1 in it.19:39
Matisseok, thx19:40
Matissewell well well... seems to compile now19:54
Matisse(also had to install g++...)19:54
Dusqueis there any way to optimize my cpu usage? it seems like only one processer will be used to full potential at a time. I have a AMD X3 8650 2.2 ghz.19:57
Dusqueaccording to the system monitor.19:58
Dusquehello slow19:58
Dusqueno one? or is it perhaps that some applications will only use a single processor?19:59
BluesKajDusque, install cpufrequtils , it gives some control over your cpu frq rate19:59
Dusquehow do I use it?20:01
MatisseDusque, i think thats a problem how the programs are compiled20:01
DusqueI would agree, but if I'm using multiple programs then it should be evened out right?20:02
MatisseDusque, for using both cpus you need programs which are able to use both... but I dont know if where this ability is implemented, if its in the kernel or in the libs or whereever20:03
MatisseDusque, thats true... well I havent got experience with that20:03
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bitmonsterhi kann mir jemand mit gnuplot helfen? bräuchte ein beispiel zu stacked bar charts20:09
genii!de | bitmonster20:11
ubottubitmonster: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:11
bitmonsteroh sorry ... thought this was a german channel ...20:11
linuxprobieis there a specific channel I should join for UNR?20:11
geniilinuxprobie: Possibly #kubuntu-netbook20:12
linuxprobieYah, I just dug it out o fthe chanlist just as you posted :-p20:13
linuxprobiealthough I might as well ask my question here. Is there an easy way I can disable the ubuntu autologin without having to rebuild the live image?20:14
Dusqueis there a ppa for ktorrent? or a ppa with ktorrent in it?20:18
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martijn_Dusque: no there is currently no ppa for KTorrent, but you should be able to install the beta or SVN version of it20:22
martijn_i can guide you with compiling here if you want that20:22
Dusquewell, have you done it and is it any better? Not sure why but ktorrent keeps crashing for me. Or I start it and it just doesn't start.20:23
martijn_stick to the faq in http://ktorrent.org/wiki20:23
martijn_KTorrent keeps getting better and better20:24
martijn_but for a torrent client it is important to use the latest version20:24
Dusquethats pretty much what I was thinking. so your using the 4.0 beta?20:25
martijn_my KTorrent does work here, it is quite stable too20:25
DusqueI'm surprised it's not in the backports...20:26
martijn_nope i use the svn version, but that too has the peerid and user-agent of the beta120:26
martijn_yeah, you should be able to request a backport at launchpad20:27
Dusqueok, walk me through it please :D. Haven't done SVN stuff yet.20:27
martijn_well, installing all packages does take some time because of the bandwidth needed20:27
martijn_use this guide http://ktorrent.org/wiki/index.php/FAQ20:28
martijn_you should deside whether you want to use the latest stable version or the development version20:30
Dusqueyeah, reading through it.20:30
Dusquesorry, did you say you are using the unstable or the stable version?20:30
martijn_i use svn, so that would be the unstable version20:31
martijn_but know that most private torrent trackers do not like unstable versions20:31
martijn_most do not allow this20:31
Dusquewell, if I find that it doesn't work with my tracker then I will be able to remove it and go to the default right?20:32
martijn_only open source downloads on trackers with open source material allow unstable clients20:32
martijn_Dusque: correct20:32
martijn_you should do $make uninstall then20:32
martijn_and svn co in a new folder20:33
Dusqueok, lets do this20:34
martijn_take your time...20:34
Dusquedoes a svn work like a ppa? or will it need to be compiled each time one is released?20:37
martijn_Dusque: no with svn you van check out revision numbers but also the latest version if you want too (i do recommend that)20:40
Zhenyahi all! can someone recommened a good torrent client? I am familiar with the old azurious20:40
Dusquevery cool20:40
martijn_Dusque: each svn up need to be recompiled20:40
martijn_Zhenya: you should choose between qbittorrent, Ktorrent, deluge or transmission20:41
geniiZhenya: Since Azureus is written in Java it works on any operating system which can use Java, that includes (K)ubuntu20:41
Zhenyamartijn_: which one is the best one for n00bs in your opinion?20:42
martijn_Zhenya: does not really mather i guess, just try them all, i cant's choose for you. Do a $sudo apt-get install qbittorrent deluge transmission ktorrent20:43
DusqueZhenya any of them will do for a newb. Check out the web sites and see what you like the looks of the best. If you are using a private tracker make sure your tracker supports it.20:43
martijn_and for qbittorrent and deluge there might be newer versions on there website20:43
ZhenyaDusque: martijn_ : Thank you guys!!! kubuntu would not be same without this channel! and people like y'all! w00t!20:44
Dusqueyou could add the getdeb.net repo and stay up to date with deluge very easily20:44
Dusqueactually, that will work with both qbittorrent and deluge.20:45
martijn_Dusque: does it work a litte bit with compiling?20:45
tsdgeosanyone knows what might be causing "W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com karmic-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>" ?20:46
Dusquenah, nothing to compile. just go to getdeb.net install the repo with their .deb file and then go through the web site and download it, or it will be in your kpackagekit.20:46
Dusqueeither way.20:47
Dusquethen when it gets updated and they add the update with getdeb you will get an update like normal with your system.20:47
martijn_yeah, that is even easier Dusque you are right20:50
DusqueI'm all about easy :D20:50
MHz128hello world20:57
MHz128Are there alternatives to the standard KDE application-launching-menu, or for lack of a better term, "start" menu ?20:58
tsdgeosMHz128: yes20:58
tsdgeosMHz128: right click and change to classing style for exampel20:59
tsdgeosor you can use lancelot20:59
MHz128classic is nice... I thought there might be others20:59
MHz128lets try lancelot20:59
Dusqueailurus is a pretty cool program as well, although I wish it has more kde stuff.21:01
MHz128how does Kwin compare (speed) to other window managers? ie. openbox?21:02
Tm_TMHz128: well21:03
Dusqueummmm, kwin is a window/composition manager openbox is more of a desktop manager.21:04
Dusquethey can't really be compared.21:04
Tm_TDusque: not really, you can use Openbox as Kwin replacement in KDE21:04
Dusqueopenbox doesn't have any composition properties does it?21:05
Tm_TMHz128: biggest difference is small difference in ram usage (when no effects on)21:06
Tm_T...yes, biggest difference is still just small difference, I don't see why to use Openbox (:21:06
MHz128oh ic. Openbox seems to have a substantial speed increase when used with gnome as well21:06
Dusquethats cause metacity is kinda crappy21:07
Tm_TMHz128: I haven't talked about speed at all, I haven't noticed any difference, and I'm not in powerful hardware (:21:07
MHz128metacity  does seem slower21:08
Dusqueplus it runs at a weird refresh rate.21:08
MHz128Dusque, why is that?21:08
Dusquelike 50 instead of 6021:08
MHz128Tm_T, What hardware?21:08
Dusquethats the default of metacity.21:08
Tm_TMHz128: ibook21:08
MHz128what is ibook?21:09
Tm_TMHz128: this is old apple laptop with 256 MiB ram21:10
MHz128ohh i c21:10
martijn_Dusque: before i go to bed, does it work for you now?21:12
Dusqueactually I got totally side tracked. It's all good man. Have a good night.21:12
DusqueI'll do with what I have for now.21:13
Omar87Is qy 4.6.1 packaged yet?21:14
Tm_TOmar87: not that I know21:15
Tm_TOmar87: you are in Karmic, right?21:15
Omar87Tm_T: sure.21:15
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LinusTHi. I'm unable to run Wine because Wine wont create a configuration directory in my homedir. It says my homedir is not owned by me.21:37
LinusTThat appears to be true because the owner's name does not appear to be mine when I mount my homedir across NFS.21:37
LinusTSo I'm looking for a workaround -- preferably a Wine one rather than an NIS/NFS one.21:37
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raiduserDoes somebody here have advanced knowledge about installing GRUB2 for dualboot on an intel fakeraid?21:44
kadkoHello, i have installed kubuntu 9.10 x64 on my lap. I have problems when i try to reproduce mp3 mp4 etc and when i play youtube or any .flv video, the problem is i dont get any sound, i had installed kubuntu restricted extras and nothing happends, and im sure that my sound driver is working fine cuz i get the login sound so any one can halp me :P>)21:45
LinusTkadko: What player are you using? Dragon?21:48
LinusTkadko: And you are playing the videos in your web browser? (Konqueror?)21:50
raiduseri'm fine with firefox.21:51
kadkoYes but i can see only the video but dont get sound21:51
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kadkoAnd the rare thing is that this only happend's on KDE Enviromets because I had installed ubuntu and all was fine21:53
LinusTkadko: Go to K Menu -> Computer -> System Settings -> Multimedia -> Backend tab21:53
LinusTkadko: What options for backends are presented there?21:53
kadkoSorry whats or where is the backend tab cuz i have my os in spanish21:56
LinusTkadko: There should be two tabs in the menu I am talking about, and Backend is second (right-side) tab.21:57
kadkothought that I have Xine and in the other part >>> is only selected DVD and down use_vo_driver21:59
LinusTkadko: That's fine. I thought if there were another backend installed we could try to use that other backend. But you only have Xine.21:59
LinusTGo to the other tab, which in English is called Device Preference.22:00
kadkoIm there22:00
LinusTIn that pane, the topmost option is called Audio Output. What devices appear in the right pane when you choose Audio Output?22:00
NeteHello, I cannot control things like youtube videos... I'm wondering if my flash player is the problem.22:00
LinusT(List them in order please.)22:01
kadkoHDA Intel ConexAnt Analog|  HDA Intel HDMI output  |  Pulse Audio22:01
LinusTkadko: Let's try making PulseAudio the preferred device, by dragging it to the top of the list.22:02
LinusTkadko: While we are in this menu, can you click the Test button, the one near the lower-right hand corner of the window? It has a black-and-white "play" symbol on it.22:04
LinusTkadko: You should do that while PulseAudio is highlighted.22:04
kadkoYes the sound works22:04
LinusTOK. Then click Apply (green check mark). Open your web browser, or kill it and then restart it if it is already running. Then try to play a Flash video.22:05
kadkohow can i get the PID for kill the proces?22:07
kadkoLinusT: I killed the proces and open konkeror again but still no get sound22:10
LinusTkadko: Hmm. Same problem in Amarok?22:11
LinusTkadko: I know you said the startup sounds work, but can you double-check your volume settings?22:11
kadkolet me chek22:13
kadkoLinusT: All seems to be fine22:15
LinusTkadko: You could reboot now that you have changed your settings. After that, I am out of ideas.22:16
kadkookey let me try22:16
Benkinoobywhen i connect a second monitor to my notebook, it only "clones" the screen? how can i have tow "independent" monitors, which gives my my desktop over 2 montiors?22:21
kadkoLinusT: Tnx for the help it's working now :)22:24
AisonI just tried to install kubuntu on my netbook, but it's not working, because the network device is not detected :(22:36
Aisonit's a AR813222:36
=== otswim is now known as babalu
ToxinPoweis 4.4 RC2 release today?23:14
jschallwhy does apt-get hold back packages when i tell it to upgrade all the time?23:28
andeyim having trouble compiling katephpbrowser-0.1beta, when im ./configure 'ing it. I get23:42
andey"checking for KDE... configure: error:23:42
andeyin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE libraries installed. This will fail.23:42
andeySo, check this please and use another prefix!"23:42
andeybut i installed kde-devel package in ubuntu. Does anyone have an idea what im missing23:42
FloodBotK3andey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:42
bentob0xcould it be that when you install gnome-desktop on kubuntu, you get some wierd reactions in terms of settings after that?23:43
jschalldoes kubuntu not use pulse by default?23:44
jschalli guess not. that's interesting23:46
tsimpsonandey: it's a KDE3 app, so you need the KDE3 development packages like kdelibs4-dev23:47
tsimpsonaww, he quit just before the answer arrived23:48
geniitsimpson: Kids these days. So impatient ;)23:49
tsimpsonoh well23:50

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