
onetinsoldierhello all00:03
kklimondaare we going to get firefox 3.6 in lucid?00:07
onetinsoldieri would imagine lucid will get it, eventually.00:08
Some_PersonHow (un)stable is lucid in its current state?01:39
bjsniderthis question gets asked every day01:42
bjsniderit varies from day to day01:42
bjsnidercertainly the alpha 2 cd is stable enough to install by design01:43
Some_PersonI read somewhere that the Ubuntu Software Center may replace Synaptic in Lucid. Is that true?01:51
IdleOneSome_Person: at some point it is supposed to but IMO it needs a lot of work01:53
Some_PersonHas it advanced at all since Karmic?01:53
IdleOnehonestly I don't know. I looked at it a couple times and found it lacking in both karmic and lucid01:53
Some_PersonI hope that if it does "replace" Synaptic that doesn't mean we lose any of its features01:54
Some_PersonReminds me of when gnome-screensaver came out: They still haven't added a Settings button to that thing01:55
IdleOnestill looks the same as I remember in karmic01:56
IdleOneI still don't like it01:57
Some_Personme neither01:57
Some_Personbut I have a friend who really likes it (a linux newbie, but a former fedora user)01:58
Some_PersonAs for the gnome-screensaver issue I mentioned, why has that not been fixed over so many years?02:01
yofelthat's something only the gnome developers can answer you...02:04
WeatherGodSome_Person, there has been some work done to the software center02:04
yofeland while they're at it, they might as well write a usable gdmsetup -.-02:04
WeatherGodparticularly with making sure that it handles errors more gracefully02:05
WeatherGodbut it still has a ways to go02:06
yofelheh, just had bug 50862202:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 508622 in software-center "software-center crashed with ImportError in __motion_notify_cb()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50862202:08
WeatherGodyeah, that is most likely from outdated package lists, I think02:11
WeatherGodnot sure02:11
yofel" ImportError: PyGI support not enabled"02:12
yofelsounds more like something changed in pygtk02:12
WeatherGodhmmm, maybe...02:12
WeatherGodmost of my problems were resolved once I used Synaptics to load and freshen the package lists02:12
yofelyep, just doing that in aptitude, I'll try to reproduce it again after tha02:13
WeatherGodthe whole software center thing makes me yearn for the Fedora Add/Remove Software02:14
WeatherGodnever had it crash on me02:14
edgyHi, How can I log out of ubuntu?02:17
WeatherGodon another note, I have found that the "Show Desktop" feature is only half-working in UNR for both Lucid and Karmic02:17
WeatherGodwhat do you mean02:17
WeatherGodedgy, are you having difficulties with Ubuntu?02:18
edgyis this a bug or the icon to logout is hidden somewhere?02:18
edgyWeatherGod: yes, I can't see how to logout02:18
WeatherGodwell, for UNR, there should be your username in the upper right-hand corner02:19
WeatherGodclick on that02:19
WeatherGodI think it is the same for others02:19
WeatherGoddid that help you?02:21
edgyWeatherGod: I don't know what's UNR, but if I click on my name on the upper right, there are options like available, away, ... but all are dimmed and grey so I cannot click them02:22
gnomefreakedgy: ther3e should be a red/some color icon near your name in upper right left click that02:23
WeatherGodUNR == Ubuntu Netbook Remix02:24
edgyWeatherGod: I am not using UNR, just standard lucid02:24
WeatherGodThat's what I figured... but it is still gnome02:25
WeatherGodso, in your panel, you should have the date and time, right?02:25
WeatherGodwhat is to the immediate right of that?02:25
setuidHas anyone seen a significant slowdown in resume speed in Lucid vs. Karmic or previous? Coming out of suspend would take about 8 seconds with Karmic, Hardy, Jaunty, etc. With Lucid, it takes over 4 minutes.02:26
setuidcoming out of suspend with lucid takes longer than coming out of hibernate on all previous versions02:27
edgyWeatherGod: to the immediate right? nothing. my name is in the upper-right. but to the left there is an icon like a circle which seems like a poweroff button but clicking on it open an empty menu02:27
gnomefreakedgy: that is the icon to use02:28
edgygnomefreak: but it's not working02:28
gnomefreakedgy: what is not working about it?02:28
edgygnomefreak: when I click on it, it just opens an empty menu02:28
WeatherGodedgy, just as a test...02:29
gnomefreaki removed mine this morning but up til than it worked02:29
WeatherGodcan you press Alt-F1?02:29
gnomefreakttys are dead :)02:29
edgyWeatherGod: Alt-F1 opens apps menu here02:29
WeatherGodand you should find the logout option in it02:29
edgyWeatherGod: there is no logout option in the Applications menu02:30
WeatherGodhmmm, just noticed that...02:30
gnomefreakeasy way to fix. remove icon maybe name as well and you can use the system menu to logout shutdown ....02:30
WeatherGodit was there for Jaunty02:30
gnomefreakits now one or the other cant use both02:31
Sarvattsetuid: resume from suspend is .403, .591, and .422 seconds here for the last 3 i've done in lucid today..02:31
edgygnomefreak: I right clicked on the icon and choose remove from panel but now I don't even have a panel!02:32
setuidSarvatt, How do you time that?02:32
gnomefreakedgy: than you didnt remove the right thing. what was the name of the thing you removed?02:32
Sarvattit says in dmesg02:33
edgygnomefreak: I didn't see a name, I get a menu with an option of remove from panel02:33
setuid[50836.217376] PM: resume devices took 3.930 seconds02:33
setuid[50836.217397] PM: Finishing wakeup.02:33
setuid[50836.217399] Restarting tasks ... done.02:33
Sarvattyeah, my desktop is back up with wireless connected in less than a second02:34
setuidIt most-definitely did not take 3.930 seconds.... screen was black for over 4 minutes, then finally displayed the gdm login dialog02:34
Sarvattyou might have been hitting the bug with the session scripts in GDM that should be fixed now02:34
edgygnomefreak: can you please paste the result of id? may be the user lost privileges somehow02:34
setuidWhich bug is that?02:34
Sarvattand gdm was constantly trying to restart02:34
setuidMy install is 2 days old02:34
Sarvattfixed gdm was uploaded a few hours ago02:35
setuidI'm running gdm-2.2, because the gdm package is crippled and stripped of any useful functionalithy02:35
gnomefreakedgy: why would my output help you? its the an privalige problem02:35
setuidgdm has no theme support, no remote config support, lots of features were ripped out02:35
setuidSarvatt, This doesn't look like the issue I'm being affected by02:36
Sarvattindeed if you arent even using the lucid packages as intended02:36
edgygnomefreak: how can I tell whether my user have the right privileges?02:36
Sarvatti have no idea what could be going on there but i'm sure its gdm related02:36
edgyok I will reboot and see what's going on02:37
WeatherGodok, that was weird02:38
gnomefreakedgy: well i can tell you the output i give you will not help you at all. there are a few ways, but someone else will have to help you out further im doing email atm and have to be done within 30minutes. You can start by ruling your priv. theory out since you were able to remove a panel you have the right priv02:38
WeatherGodgnomefreak, he already left02:38
gnomefreakWeatherGod: thanks i saw02:38
WeatherGodI don't think he was someone who should be playing with an alpha release02:39
gnomefreakhe shouldnt be at all02:39
WeatherGodanyway... I have noticed that for UNR, "Show Desktop" is only half working02:39
WeatherGodand I can confirm it for Karmic which I finally upgraded to on my regular machine02:40
gnomefreakUNR has had its share of issues for a while02:40
WeatherGod"Show Desktop" will hide the windows, but will not bring back the windows when clicked again02:40
WeatherGodyeah, but I still like it02:40
WeatherGodand I want to make sure it works well02:41
WeatherGodsince others have said that they have no issues, I am curious about what makes the window manager different that Show Desktop would not work properly02:42
setuidSarvatt, easy to test... stop gdm, suspend, resume... and see how long it takes.03:00
setuidBut this same version of gdm (2.2) on previous Ubuntu versions didn't do this, so it's probably not gdm, it's probably upstart03:00
edgyI failed to know how to logout of ubuntu and why the default icon is not working, any one here facing the same problem? I am  up2date03:09
WeatherGodedgy, how did you get to Lucid?03:10
edgyWeatherGod: a fresh install03:10
edgyWeatherGod: I even created a new user so I make sure I am not inheriting anything from old home files03:10
WeatherGodwith a completely new user account, or did you retain the old account in your /home directory03:10
WeatherGodand where did your installation image come from?03:11
edgyWeatherGod: alpha203:11
WeatherGodok, and you confirmed the md5sum?03:11
edgyWeatherGod: yes and I used zsync for the download so it's good for sure03:12
WeatherGodthen it is likely to be some sort of new bug from the daily builds (I haven't tried the latest)03:13
edgyWeatherGod: can you try it now? ;)03:13
WeatherGodI would file a new bug and be sure to include a screenshot03:13
WeatherGodnot on this particular machine,  no03:13
edgyWeatherGod: ;)03:13
* Crashbit pira pal sobre03:27
aboSamoorPulseaudio here consumes 5% of the cpu all the time and jump to 20% once you play video or music09:36
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* cwillu pokes09:48
* BUGabundo_remote pats cwillu in the back10:14
om26erindicator applet session's power button is not on the far right side why?10:42
arandWierd hiccup, I thinks it's on the far right on the daily live, but in my upgraded, it's stuck there second however much I try to reset panel...10:44
om26erthere might be some gconf setting?10:46
arandom26er: I've blasted /apps/panel/ several times10:47
om26ershould i report a bug? or this might be the default behavior?10:47
arandUnsure, since it isn't present in the liveCD, only on upgrades, and maybe only on specific upgrades, but yea, a bug doesn't hurt I guess..10:49
arandom26er: I think it should be toward indicator-applet in that case.10:56
om26erarand: ok10:56
arandom26er: or indicator-applet-session maybe10:56
om26erarand: its indicator applet's10:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 510040 in indicator-applet "power button not on the far right side" [Undecided,New]11:01
CosmiChaoshey new kernel12:17
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CosmiChaosm-m-m-m-onstersplit split split12:51
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BUGabundo_remoteso now kmail has its signing/encripting backends broken :(13:48
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
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bjsniderBUGabundo_remote, try http://chrome.blogspot.com/ in chrome14:40
BUGabundo_remotebjsnider: snaps. most pages do, right now14:49
BUGabundo_remotegoogle help says corrupte profile14:49
BUGabundo_remotebut doesn't help more then that14:49
DanaGhmm, any errors in error console?14:50
BUGabundo_remotenada DanaG14:50
bjsnideri think it's ironic that a lot of google's pages are snapping14:52
bjsnidermost pages work here though14:52
BUGabundo_remoteI find that too14:53
BUGabundo_remotechrome extentions14:53
BUGabundo_remotephone home stuff??????14:54
alex_mayorgaWhat do you see on Firefox when right clicking in a text box and select "languages"?15:30
alex_mayorgaI see "en_ZA", "en_GB" and some other bogus language codes, is this a known bug?15:31
charlie-tcaThose are the languages installed by default in Ubuntu for mozilla-firefox, aren't they?15:35
DanaGI'd say it's not bogus.15:39
DanaGAustralia, Great Britain, Zaire, US, <unspecified>, and Canada.15:39
alex_mayorgaDanaG, the bogus part is that no "human readable" text is shown, but the codes15:41
DanaGah, better word is "obscure".15:41
alex_mayorgaDanaG: what component to report to?15:42
DanaGBeats me.15:42
komputesalex_mayorga: I know of a bug which combines those "en_ZA", "en_GB" and the full human readable "English (United States)" formats. Would you like me to find it for you?15:49
alex_mayorgakomputes: If you don't mind, I'd like to list myself as affected15:57
komputesalex_mayorga: http://launchpad.net/bugs/6601516:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 66015 in thunderbird "Duplicate spell checking dictionaries for every entry" [Unknown,Confirmed]16:04
alex_mayorgaKomputes: thanks!16:05
komputesalex_mayorga: np16:05
alex_mayorgaBTW is there a way to query launchpad for "all the bugs that affect me"?16:14
charlie-tcaGo to your user name in launchpad (can click on it to go there), click on Bugs -> on the right side?16:17
charlie-tca(but I don't know if "bugs that affect me" show up in it, 477 is too many to look for that16:18
alex_mayorgacharlie-tca: is not there, I've looked before, I guess that's a bug in launchpad :)16:26
charlie-tcaYeah, sounds like it. Unless they decided not to show the "affect me" bugs.16:28
charlie-tcaSeems like you would want to see them, but maybe you have to subscribe to each bug to see it?16:29
charlie-tcaI know auto-subscribe is broken, and you have to subscribe when you do anything to a bug, if you want to follow it.16:30
alex_mayorgaI personally would say is nice to have16:31
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bcurtiswxhey, anyone know if Gnome XChat is going to get an Indicator Session place?16:41
bcurtiswxor the ability to minimize to tray?16:41
pifhi, when I try "sudo <command>" it complains I am not in the sudoers file...17:18
pifI'm the only user17:19
BUGabundo_remotepif: $groups17:20
pifI'm in 'adm'17:20
pifshould I reboot with init=/bin/bash ?17:21
pifand add myself to 'admin' ?17:21
Ian_Corneyou should add yourself in the /etc/sudoers file17:22
Ian_Corneor that17:22
pifyes, but I can't edit it without being root17:22
Ian_Cornebut it seems weird that it didn't do that automaticly if you're the only user..17:22
BUGabundo_remoteits now automagicly done17:22
BUGabundo_remoteno need to be in extra groups17:22
pifalpha2 install17:22
pifis it normal that no flash player is installed by default?17:51
pifI had to "apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" for youtube to work17:52
tankdriverpif: yes17:53
pifhow come?17:54
tankdriverlegal issues17:55
tankdriverflash is not opensource software17:55
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pifand I get a "mountall: could not connect to plymouth" is there a workaround yet?17:57
luis_lopezupgrading python-vm-builder replaces grub-pc by grub, what could be the possible implications of this?18:20
jpdsI believe someone talked about this yesterday.18:21
jpds13:52:24 < Ng> it's python-vm-builder18:23
jpds13:52:32 < Ng> Depends directly on grub for some reason18:23
jpds13:53:12 < Ng> yay fix released an hour ago18:23
luis_lopezjpds: gracias!18:24
jpdsDe nada.18:24
DanaGhar, Samsung fail: the backlight control on this netbook is BACKWARDS.19:50
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zzillezzany idea why my nvidia drivers don't want to install on lucid alpha2 (administration > hardware drivers)21:05
yofelzzillezz: jockey doesn't yet support the new driver packaging. You can install them from the command line (nvidia-current [190], nvidia-173, nvidia-96)21:07
zzillezzdo i have to recompile the kernel after that ?21:07
zzillezzcause i just spent an hour to get my wifi to work :-p21:07
yofelno, the driver module will get compiled by dkms for the kernel you're currently using21:08
zzillezzalright, let's have a go21:08
zzillezzthanks yofel21:08
yofelyou're welcome21:09
zzillezzhmm 'nvidia-current is already the newest version'21:09
alex_mayorgayofel, mind listing a step by step of what you just said? I also have an nvidia card here, but I'm sure as of now, there's no acceleration going on whatsoever21:10
zzillezzalex_mayorga, open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install nvidia-current21:11
zzillezzbut i doesn't seem to work for me21:11
yofeldoes 'aptitude reinstall nvidia-current' tell you anything?21:13
alex_mayorgaIs it safe to try or would that cause major X damage?21:13
zzillezzbusy removing all DKMS modules21:13
zzillezzyou shouldn't ask questions like that if you're running lucid ;-)21:14
alex_mayorgazzillezz: I know, asking out of habit I guess :D21:15
zzillezzalright, i'm gonna reboot and see what happens21:16
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zzillezzstill no nvidia :(21:19
zzillezzdo i have to run nvidia-xconfig ?21:19
platiusI had to run nvidia-xconfig  to get it going21:20
yofelhm, the package should run that...21:21
yofelzzillezz: can you pastebin your xorg.conf? I'm curious...21:21
zzillezznvidia-xconfig tells me that the file doesn't exist and that a new xorg.conf file has been written ...21:22
yofelokay, bjsnider, there?21:22
zzillezzdamn nvidia ion chipset :-p21:22
zzillezzgonna try one last thing21:24
bjsnideryofel, yeah, what's the juice?21:24
platiusThat's what it told me ...21:24
yofelbjsnider: shouldn't the nvidia-current package run nvidia-xconfig when you install it?21:24
platiusafter it wrote xorg.conf I had to relogin21:25
bjsniderjockey does that21:25
bjsnideryou need to have the nvidia driver in the xorg.conf file21:25
bjsnidernvidia-xconfig should be avoided anyway21:25
yofelbjsnider: ok thx, didn't know that21:26
zzillezzi had to manually run nvidia-xconfig and reboot ...21:26
bjsnidernvidia-xconfig will add a bunch of useless crap about the keyboard and mouse21:27
guntbert<bjsnider> nvidia-xconfig should be avoided anyway  -- is this a general statement or just about the actual state in lucid?21:27
zzillezzyeah, but what other solution was there ?21:27
zzillezzmy graphics are working now21:27
bjsniderguntbert, that command is not updated as quickly as it should be, so i would avoid it unless i had a strange setup like dual monitors or whatever21:28
guntbertbjsnider: thanks21:28
bjsnideryou want xorg.conf so point to the nvidia driver and the nologo option but that's all21:28
bjsniderin the karmic dev cycle people were using the nvidia-xconfig command to pooch their systems, because it was adding stuff that broke the x-server21:29
zzillezznow i only wish there was a native driver for my realtek 8192e wireless21:31
zzillezzfor now ndiswrapper will have to do21:33
duffydackdaily live installer just quits out during install.. just making a note.. i`ll use alpha221:35
zzillezzflash is still flashplugin-nonfree ?21:36
alex_mayorgabjsnider: what would be the fate for your "highly experimental" flash installer?21:49
bjsniderflash installer? what flash installer?21:55
alex_mayorgabjsnider: the 64 bit one, remember?21:59
alex_mayorgabjsnider: or it never existed :)21:59
bjsniderhe can take the risk22:02
duffydacki been using it for a while..22:02
bjsnideri'll keep packaging it for my own private use22:02
alex_mayorgabjsnider: I saw the PPA went away though, is that true?22:04
bjsnideri just disabled it22:05
BUGabundobjsnider: fta is asking if you  are 64bis22:06
bjsnideri might enable it for a few minutes at a time for certain people to use and whatnot when there are updates22:06
bjsniderBUGabundo, you meant he chrome issue? i are 64 bits yes i are22:06
alex_mayorgabjsnider: well thanks on putting that together22:06
BUGabundocrimsun: I'm without sound after last update22:07
bjsnideri'm 64-bits i am, 64-bits i am, i am.22:07
zzillezzbattery life is not so great still in lucid :(22:07
BUGabundocrimsun: scratch that... it started working once I told you it wasnt!! got scared I guess22:08
BUGabundobjsnider: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=3243622:08
bjsnideram i going to be able to open that?22:08
BUGabundo(10:09:36 PM) fta: BUGabundo, supposedly fixed by r36625, the ppa has 4.0.303.0~svn20100120r3662722:10
bjsniderthat page claims the bug is fixed22:10
BUGabundoso does fta22:11
BUGabundobut I'm still getting snaps22:11
bjsniderupdating now22:12
BUGabundorestart ch after22:13
bjsniderseems to be anyway22:14
flyguy97I want to run a copy of lucid for testing my own packages, do I need to download a fresh copy of each of the alpha and beta iso's or will it automatically upgrade to the latest?22:15
bjsnideruse today's livecd22:16
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.22:16
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/22:16
RAOFThe alphas and betas are convenient fictions; they're just (better tested) snapshots of the archive.  So, yes, it will automatically upgrade to the latest.22:17
flyguy97RAOF: Thank you!22:17
bjsniderRAOF, so you agree with me that there shouldn't be alphas and betas22:20
RAOFbjsnider: No, not at all.  Alphas and Betas are useful snapshots; they're *convenient* fictions.22:21
RAOFAlphas and Betas are tested-installable, which is more than you can say for an arbitrary daily CD.22:22
BUGabundoRAOF: but we are all testers22:22
BUGabundoif daily fails, report, and hope next one is fixed22:23
RAOFBut people install much less often than they use their system, so installs are generally worse-tested than the general system.22:23
BUGabundohence the milestones22:24
BUGabundotwo reasons : better installer test22:24
BUGabundoand to make milestones for code22:24
bjsniderthe milestone is whenever the code is ready22:25
bjsniderand if the livecd is not installable on a certain day that's an occupational hazard of trying to install a development snapshot22:26
RAOFMilestones are also nice incentivising targets.22:27
crimsunBUGabundo: in the future, please be precise regarding what update22:55
crimsunBUGabundo: I really have no idea what you meant by "without sound after last update"22:55
BUGabundocrimsun: I always try, when I have extra info22:55
BUGabundoin this case, some of my last updates, from last 48h and a reboot, could have lead to no sound...22:56
BUGabundobut all of the sudden it started working22:56
BUGabundowith no apparent reason22:56
crimsunBUGabundo: but you didn't even provide the most basic info, e.g., "application X gives me no sound even though gnome-volume-control shows a recognized card and the volume is not zero or muted"22:56
BUGabundonot muted22:56
BUGabundo1st thing I checked22:56
bjsniderin karmic i was able to play a high-bitrate dts file and an mp3 simultaneously with no glitches23:07
simba_so i just bought a new computer, and managed to hold out for 2 days with win7 before i tore of the "made for win7" and "win7 enhanced experience" stickers and installed lucid, just hope there will be a wacom driver soon :P23:45
* yofel still has the 'Designed for Windows XP' sticker on his EeePC. Let's see how long it holds, the vista sticker on the notebook was unreadable after a month ^^23:49
bjsnidersimba_, wait a minute, you mean you don't want to use the excellent windows operating system?23:50
rippsDoes anybody know if it would be possible to write an application indicator for irssi?23:50
* genii carefully peels off his "Made for Vista" stickers23:50
RAOFripps: It would be, yes, but I'm not sure how easy it'd be.23:51
simba_bjsnider, I gave it an honnest try, but i got tired of waiting for everything23:51
JontheEchidnaI stuck the "made for Vista" sticker of a new monitor on a microwave, since the microwave's interface is more retarded than the interface of the 20-year-old microwave that just died on us23:53
JontheEchidnathe microwave is unintuitive and the LCD has an atrocious view-angle range23:53
geniiJontheEchidna: I have a collection of these kinds of stickers that I put on out refridgerator :)23:54
JontheEchidnathe microwave deserved this one :P23:54
* yofel likes his refrigerator, he put a linux sticker on it :P23:54
* BUGabundo has only a nvidia sticker.... no other sticker came on laptop... brought with NO OS. front cover has a Ubuntu sticker23:59

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