
wolternot literally00:00
wolternow that you provide me with such query, I see some useful results appear enlisted.00:01
wolterwell troy_s, not really00:02
wolterI saw GEmblemedIcon, but that is for programming uses only, as far as I understood00:03
wolterso troy_s, is it possible?00:12
=== wolter is now known as wolter-afk
=== wolter-afk is now known as wolter
troy_swolter: Judging from the pages I have read, and the bug report... https://bugs.launchpad.net/humanity/+bug/45587901:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 455879 in humanity "Emblems position wish" [Wishlist,Fix committed]01:28
troy_swolter: My best guess is that the answer is no.01:28
wolterOh, too bad, thank you anyway.01:28
* thorwil giggles10:15
thorwilseems the manual issue inspired Troy to write about spec work / contests: http://troy-sobotka.blogspot.com/2010/01/specs-and-contests-we-all-lose.html10:49
thorwila must for everyone doing presentations with a beamer: http://www.slideshare.net/thecroaker/death-by-powerpoint21:00

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