
froggy1Ubuntu 9.10 logs me out after about 30 min when I am play solitaire00:33
froggy1Ubuntu 9.04 does not00:33
micahgfroggy1: is it this? bug 50342800:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 503428 in gnome-games "Ubuntu 9.1 crashes while running aisleriot solitaire (dup-of: 450832)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50342800:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 450832 in ubuntu "X logout while playing aisleriot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45083200:34
froggy1Installed on a Dell Dimension E52000:34
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nigel_nbhggdh, ping02:40
hggdhnigel_nb: pong02:40
nigel_nbhggdh, would be free this saturday?02:40
nigel_nb1700 UTC02:41
hggdhnigel_nb: I do not know right now -- it is probable I will have work during the weekend, but I do not know yet when (customer decides)02:41
nigel_nbdid you hear about user days?02:41
hggdhbut 1700 UTC sounds pretty good in terms of *not* having work02:42
nigel_nbI'm taking a class on "Using Launchpad", which does include reporting bugs02:42
hggdhat 1700?02:42
hggdhI will be there. #ubuntu-classroom, I guess02:42
nigel_nbI'll be modifying an old class for reporting bugs, it would be nice to have someone around to help with answering questions02:42
hggdhyes, np. 1700UTC translates to 1100 CST. At this time, production is still running at the customer02:43
hggdhso, no upgrade possible02:43
nigel_nboh, great :)02:43
nigel_nbso you'll be around to help with questions?02:45
hggdhyes, I will03:01
hggdhnigel_nb: ^03:03
nigel_nbhggdh, great :), sorry, was tied in user days meeting too!03:04
hggdhg'night to all y'all03:04
nigel_nbnight hggdh  :)03:05
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xteejxhugday tomorrow? thought it was Tuesdays13:26
pedro_xteejx, kernel hug days are on Tuesdays13:28
pedro_the others on Thursday, that's since a couple of years13:28
xteejxpedro_: Ohh. Has it been a week since g-p-m hugday already??13:28
pedro_xteejx, yeah!, are you going to be around tomorrow? you did an awesome job and the g-p-m one ;-)13:29
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xteejxWoohoo I'm on the 5 a day stats :D13:49
xteejxbiggest streak hahhaa13:49
kamusinsuper! xteejx :)13:53
xteejxkamusin: I should be able to help tomorrow13:53
kamusinwell,  I will see you there then :)13:54
qenseAargh! The Bug Supervisor for ubuntu-translations is subscribed to all ubuntu-translations bugs since it's the bug supervisor. This means that Ubuntu Bug Control gets all these mails as well!14:12
qenseI'll try to contact dpm14:12
xteejxqense: I did wonder why ubuntu-bugcontrol emails kept containing translation stuff14:35
qensedpm has requested a maillist and when that's created it will be set as a contact address for the ubuntu-translations bug supervisor team, that should solve the problem14:35
xteejxqense: And then I assume it's a per-person option whether to sign up or not?14:36
qenseThe maillist will go via lists.ubuntu.com, so it's up to you to sign-up14:36
qenseIt's policy to not create Ubuntu maillists on LP, bugcontrol is probably the exception because of the permission things14:37
xteejxI see14:38
brunogirinHi all, I'm looking at bug #510073 which is about screen shots and was filed against Nautilus: can someone confirm whether Nautilus is the right package please?15:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 510073 in nautilus ""take screenshot" of current window doesn't work properly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51007315:27
hggdhwow, first time I see the robot answering *before* the question!15:28
mrandhggdh: hehehe.  you're lagged.  I show 1 second.15:29
hggdhbloody wifi!15:30
hggdhbrunogirin: no, Nautilus does not sounds correct15:30
mrand gnome-utils sound right?15:31
mrandbrunogirin: screen shot bugs appear to belong in gnome-utils15:32
hggdhSince the user did not specify what is being run (Gnome/XFCE), run 'alacarte', and find what programme is called by the "Take a screenshot' entry15:32
hggdhbrunogirin: mrand is probably right15:32
* mrand investigates alacarte. hadn't heard of that.15:33
brunogirinmrand, hggdh: yes sounds right, searching for screen shot in the upstream tracker shows that they are mostly reported against gnome-utils15:33
brunogirinI'll change to gnome-utils and forward upstream, thanks15:34
hggdhmrand: alacarte is the Gnome menu editor. Since I never know where it will be shown in the Gnome menu, I usually run it by hand15:34
* hggdh hates this idea of masking out the name of the binary in the menu15:35
hggdhbrunogirin: thank you. Nice to see you here, BTW15:35
mrandhggdh: neat util.  It actually answers a question I had last night... graphical interface for changing menu icons.  Found the underlieing text config in /usr/share/applications15:35
hggdhmrand: indeed. Just be careful -- not all that is shown (usually as unselected) is meant to be shown at all; so, select carefully, so that you can unselect later on ;-)15:39
hggdhBUGabundo_remote: boa tarde15:39
BUGabundo_remotehey hggdh15:39
hggdhmrand: ah, nowadays is Preferences/Main Menu15:40
brunogirinhggdh: thanks, I thought I'd come say hello and triage some bugs while work is being slow this pm :-)15:52
hggdhbrunogirin: please be our guest! We do appreciate the help :-)15:52
vishhggdh: hmm.. would it be ok if i started early on the hug day bugs?15:55
hggdhof course it is OK!15:56
hggdhvish: please do start early ;-)15:56
* vish happened to know of a two bugs listed are a dup and what the problem is :)15:58
brunogirinanybody know what package to install in Karmic as an FTP daemon? trying to reproduce an FTP related bug16:08
brunogirinignore the previous message: user error, can't read properly :-)16:10
hggdhbrunogirin: anyway, there are many different FTP servers available...16:16
brunogirinhggdh: yes I guess, I was just trying to follow the server guide that suggest using vsftpd but couldn't spell that properly when running apt-get, all sorted now16:20
vishcould someone set Bug #460144 to triaged/low ?16:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 460144 in notify-osd "nm applet doesn't close notification when it is obsolete" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46014416:45
bcurtiswxvish, is it both a nm and notify-osd problem?16:47
vishbcurtiswx: both might need a change16:47
vishthats what mirco mentioned16:47
bcurtiswxok, i will change both then. one sec16:48
bcurtiswxvish, done16:49
bcurtiswxyup, np16:50
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BUGabundo_remotehggdh: #ubuntu-pt sff17:26
vishBug #439864 can be set to triaged/wishlist17:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 439864 in network-manager-applet "No tooltips on nm-applet if not already connected to a network" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43986417:28
vishcould someone set Bug #401237 and Bug #439864 to triaged/wishlist ?17:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 401237 in network-manager-applet "Feature request: network manager should be able to select multiple wireless connections for deletion" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40123717:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 439864 in network-manager-applet "No tooltips on nm-applet if not already connected to a network" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43986417:38
bcurtiswxvish, done and done17:40
yofelbug 485041 triaged17:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 485041 in network-manager-applet "Order of available wireless networks should be by strength, not alphabetical." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48504117:49
pedro_yofel, done17:51
vishBug #439172 and Bug #386407 triaged/wishlist bugs18:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 439172 in network-manager-applet "nm-applet icon blurry on 25+ pixel panel" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43917218:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 386407 in network-manager-applet "Applet applies 'Auto' as a prefix to all Network Names" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38640718:18
hggdhvish 439172 done18:23
hggdh386407 also done18:24
vishty , also Bug #496096 is triaged/wishlist18:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 496096 in network-manager-applet "pop up the network manager dialogue if the user is trying to connect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49609618:40
hggdhvish, done18:45
vishty.. heh i think i'm done for today ;) ...18:46
* hggdh bows, grateful18:49
yofelbug 306878 whishlist/triaged18:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 306878 in network-manager-applet "Make it clear you've changed the /etc/network/interfaces" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30687818:56
hggdhyofel: done.18:57
hggdhyofel, vish: when are you going to apply for bug-control?18:58
vishhehe , hggdh getting frustrated of us ? ;p18:58
hggdhno, I am not, not at all. I just think you are qualified18:58
* hggdh is actually *very* happy with their work18:59
vishhggdh: i was thinking of applying.. but my karma is highly misleading than my actual good bug work ;)  that is what worries me :(19:00
micahgvish: karma's basically icing on the cake, it's the cake that's really looked at ;)19:02
vish:)  ah.. well. i better send the form ... ;)19:03
hggdhvish: micahg is absolutely correct. If it were for karma, I would be way down on the list ;-)19:03
* micahg didn't want to be the one to say it ;)(19:04
vishhggdh / micahg  hmm , after i apply for bug control  , should i wait for an application or just send a mail to the list?19:19
vishapply in lp*19:19
pedro_vish, send your application to the bugcontrol list19:19
vishpedro_: ah , thanks19:19
pedro_vish, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl19:20
pedro_you're welcome19:20
vishpedro_: yeah, the first line can be removed i guess > "Apply: to the Ubuntu Bug Control team and send the the Ubuntu Bug Control team application you will receive to ubuntu-bugcontrol AT lists.launchpad.net"19:20
pedro_vish, good catch, that needs to be updated19:21
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xteejxpedro_: Thanks for doing bug 50986619:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 509866 in empathy "[lucid] empathy window resizes while typing in IRC" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50986619:37
pedro_xteejx, no problem ;-)19:38
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xteejxDoes apport-collect work in hardy, intrepid and jaunty? If so, does it work the same as now, i.e. apport-collect -p linux ####, haven't seen anything on the wiki about this20:55
yofelit does work in jaunty afaik, not sure about hardy and intrepid20:56
* yofel *hates* the launchpad bug query...20:57
yofeltook me ages to find 5 bugs for my bug-control application, should have kept a list of them -.-20:57
mrandOf all the bug systems that I've used, launchpad is my least favorite.20:58
mrandThink we could move Ubuntu bugs somewhere else?  :-)20:58
yofelheh, depends, does bugzilla have e-mail interaction? (the debian BTS is indeed best in this)21:00
mrandyofel, finding bugs you worked on isn't that hard though... generally: advanced search, then put your username in the "commented" field.  Probably wise to click on most of the status boxes.21:01
yofelmrand: yes, but after a year of having worked on bugs finding the ones you actually triaged yourself is a bit time consuming if the search returns ~500 hits :P21:02
mrandyeah, understood.21:02
xteejxyofel: You could've just done an advanced search21:03
yofelnow that you mention it...21:03
* yofel hits the head on the table21:03
charlie-tca__xteejx: hardy doesn't work the same as jaunty and karmic21:03
charlie-tca__xteejx: you have to not use the -p for karmic21:04
charlie-tca__( no "-p" for 8.10 and later)21:04
xteejxSo apport-collect doesn't work at all?21:04
xteejxI have -p in lucid, and had the option in karmic....21:05
yofel-p --package works in karmic/lucid, but the manpage doesn't mention it21:05
charlie-tca__my mistake, that is for adding. I think it is missing in jaunty and intrepid, isn't it?21:06
xteejxI just tried it, it said its deprecated do not use it, but doesn't stop me21:06
charlie-tca__Seems like a lot of stuff is being deprecated now21:06
xteejxSo H/I/J I can ask them to apport-collect the report then with no problems?21:07
xteejxEverythings being taken out, even the bloody games its silly21:07
charlie-tca__I don't think so. I think it was only karmic, wasn't it?21:07
xteejxWith apport-collect you mean?21:09
xteejxI don't know.21:09
charlie-tca__yes, I think apport-collect was only in karmic, it never got backported21:12
xteejxYou're kidding? I would've thought it would be, since the others are supported, and technically we still fix them/21:13
yofelapport-collect does exist in jaunty afaik, at least the kernel debugging policy has an apport-collect line for jaunty21:15
xteejxHmm... so much for easy triage for LTS lol21:15
yofelhey, lucid will have easy triage :P21:16
charlie-tca__booting jaunty now21:16
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charlie-tca__xteejx: it will work in jaunty21:20
micahgxteejx: it was one of my bugsquad meeting items that was pushed off21:42
xteejxmicahg: Sorry, multitasking, what did you mean?21:48
micahgOn the meeting agenda: Backporting of newest apport (if possible) to all stable releases (in  concept) -- micahg21:49
xteejxThat would be a great idea if possible21:49
micahgwell probably discuss it either in Feb or March21:50
xteejxIs the bs meeting monthly I take it?21:50
micahgxteejx: heh, yeah21:50
micahgxteejx: agenda is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Meeting21:50
xteejx:( What about a suggestion on the UBS mailing list?21:51
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xteejxfgs my evolution keeps crashing, it's darkscreened, don't know how to report it21:51
xteejxubuntu-bug won't do anything there's no hook for evolution, and apport won't kick in21:52
xteejxi.e. is it possible to get a backtrace for a running program?21:56
micahgxteejx: sure, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace21:58
xteejxmicahg: I don't know how to reproduce it, it happened randomly...21:58
xteejxmicahg: Keep it running under gdb until it happens?21:59
hggdhxteejx: first of all, you will need a series of dbgsyms21:59
xteejxI know how to get the dbg packages and run under gdb control, but if I don't know to reproduce it, can I just leave it running under gdb's control until it happens?22:00
hggdhthe easiest way to get them is by kill-11 `pidof evolution`. This will cause Evo to die on a SEGV, and apport will kick in. Go with it, but do not open a bug (stop there). Then run 'sudo apport-retrace -o trash /var/crash/evo-crash'22:00
hggdhthis will make apport install all needed dbgsyms22:00
hggdhand yes, you can run it under gdb until it happens again22:01
xteejxhggdh, it's ok I know how to get the dbgsyms :)22:01
hggdhxteejx: there are a *LOT* of libraries used by Evo...22:01
xteejxso better off doing your way, as it will do it all?22:02
xteejxahh ok :)22:02
xteejxhggdh, you're too clever :D22:02
hggdhno, I am not. I am just lazy ;-)22:02
xteejxhahaha :P22:02
xteejxhggdh: "report file does not contain one of the required fields: CoreDump Package ExecutablePath"22:05
hggdhoh. run '/usr/share/apport/apport-gtk -c <crash file>'. You must allow apport-gtk to go up to asking to find a dup22:06
hggdhonly then it rewrites the crashfile with the sections22:06
xteejxso report problem, but go no further?22:06
hggdhit will load the thingies to the librarian, but such is life22:07
xteejxbut they're not attached to anything so meh :)22:07
xteejxWARNING: package <<about 20 with dbgsym>> not available22:08
hggdhno problem. The coverage is not complete, but the most important ones will be there. Hopefully.22:09
xteejxand manually select and install those i assume?22:09
hggdhif apport-retrace did not find them, they are not accessible from your sources.list (or simply do not exist)22:10
hggdhunless it is one of the major system libraries -- libglib*, for example -- usually you do not need to worry.22:11
xteejxits not working :(22:14
hggdhthen, in those cases, you will usually find a .dbg (instead of a .dbgsym)22:14
hggdhwhat is not working?22:14
xteejxIt's just bitching at me22:14
xteejxgdb came up with Reading symbols from /usr/bin/evolution...Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/evolution...done.22:16
xteejx(no debugging symbols found)...done.22:16
xteejxbut it seems ok now, the terminal is showing DEBUG everywhere22:16
xteejx** (evolution:6706): DEBUG: Number of email accounts: 122:16
xteejx** (evolution:6706): DEBUG: EI: SHELL STARTUP22:16
hggdhyes, this is normal22:16
hggdhmight even help in pinpointing the problem22:17
hggdhnow, after 'r', forget the terminal (but do not close it;-) until you hit the issue22:17
xteejxof course :D22:18
xteejxhopefully it'll crash again (can't believe I said that!!)22:18
hggdhEvo is mean. Now that you are running under gdb, it will not crash.22:20
xteejxhggdh, I have a strange feeling that's exactly what's going to happen :(22:24
hggdhNot particularly surprised. Been there with Evo before.22:24
xteejxhggdh, it's that nasty code sequence " if (<user>) = you && <<active=gdb>> then $work22:25
xteejxline 666 I believe :P22:25
hggdhEvo  also uses IFD -- Improvised Fault Device, blowing out on unexpected places. Very effective, on my experience22:28
xteejxIt hasn't crashed!!!!! grrrrr22:39
trijntjeHi all, why am I not allowed to access bug 441730?22:40
ubot4trijntje: Bug 441730 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/441730 is private22:40
trijntjemy bugreport is marked as a duplicate of that bug. How can I check if any information is missing if that bugreport is private?22:41
micahgtrijntje: I can't access it either22:41
micahganyone with LP superpowers?22:41
hggdhmicahg: I guess will have to be at #launchpad...22:43
micahgtrijntje: maybe the retracer never finished with the original bug22:44
xteejxI've had that happen before on one of mine, the auto retrace failed22:44
trijntjeI dont understand, how can I see that report to make sure not information is missing?22:45
micahgtrijntje: you can't unfortunately22:46
xteejxFor now you can't22:46
trijntjehm, wouldnt it be better to mark the private bug as a duplicate? That way more people can contribute to solving the issue22:47
xteejxYou can't because you can't access it. This sometimes happens when the retracing system crashes half way through a retrace, leaving the bug locked off22:49
trijntjexteejx, are you talking to me? Because I cant follow you :P22:50
xteejxYou can't mark a bug a dupe if you can't access it22:50
trijntjexteejx, no, someone else marked my bug as a duplicate of the private bug22:51
micahgtrijntje: what was your buig?22:51
xteejxWell that's silly, how do they know it's a duplicate if they can't access it??22:51
hggdhvish: you are vishoo, right?22:51
xteejxbug number?22:51
micahgbug 50959522:52
xteejxbug 50959522:52
ubot4micahg: Bug 509595 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/509595 is private22:52
ubot4xteejx: Bug 509595 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/509595 is private22:52
xteejxmicahg: joshuahoover22:52
micahgI think he's a member of the upstream project22:53
micahgmy guess is the bug is private in anotehr project22:53
micahgthat's why we can't see it22:53
xteejxHe still wouldn't have access would he?22:53
micahgxteejx: he would since he's a member of the upstream project :)22:53
xteejxOhh I see22:53
trijntjeubot4 is wrong, bug 509595 is not private22:53
micahghe who?22:53
ubot4trijntje: Bug 509595 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/509595 is private22:53
xteejxthe ubuntuone-client is ours though...22:53
micahgtrijntje: the bot's DB is a little behind22:53
xteejxShould be upstream linked or something surely22:54
micahgxteejx: the later bug was against our package, the other one is probably against the upstream project22:54
* micahg thought we had a process for that now...22:55
xteejxSo, an upstream tracked in LP I'm guessing, thought there was a procedure for that?22:55
hggdhit's bug 441730 that is private. ubot 4 seems to have gotten confused.22:55
ubot4hggdh: Bug 441730 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/441730 is private22:55
xteejx509595 is also private, bug control only22:55
micahghggdh: no, the bot's DB is a little out of date22:55
hggdhoh, OK22:55
xteejxoops, no its not, dont worry22:55
xteejxI thought we weren't supposed to dupe bugs cross-project for these reasons?22:56
micahgxteejx: no, I thought the process was to add an ubuntu task to the upstream bug22:57
xteejxthat would make more sense :P22:57
micahghggdh: maybe private upstream bugs need a different policy22:57
xteejxmaybe the upstream project is private? who knows what's going on there, could be anything hehe22:58
xteejxbloody evo STILL hasnt crashed.... think I'll leave it hggdh23:00
xteejxWe're definitely right about that mailicious gdb-searching code ;)23:00
micahgxteejx: no, I think the upstream bug is private, not the project23:02
xteejxAhh ok23:02
xteejxI'm off for the night guys23:08
xteejxSee you tomorrow at BugDay peeps, night :)23:10
yofelhm, the link to the progress graph on the bugday page is broken23:14
* yofel goes fixing that...23:14

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