
=== TheMuso` is now known as TheMuso
Lyaacjwatson: well thanks - keep up the good work! :) off to bed.. ;-)00:24
CIA-35user-setup: cjwatson * r212 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog user-setup-apply):01:10
CIA-35user-setup: Fix automatic login on situations where custom.conf didn't exist01:10
CIA-35user-setup: already on the target.01:10
CIA-35user-setup: cjwatson * r213 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.28ubuntu301:12
CIA-35wubi: evand * r511 hardy/ (data/isolist.ini data/settings.nsh debian/changelog): Bump Ubuntu desktop images to 8.04.408:22
CIA-35ubiquity: superm1 * r3683 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity debian/changelog):08:54
CIA-35ubiquity: Drop old hack for copying ^xserver-xorg onto the target system. No08:54
CIA-35ubiquity: longer necessary as thse variables don't exist in current installs.08:54
evnice catch08:57
evmichaelforrest: have you had a chance to look at the installer page transition stuff from yesterday?11:46
michaelforrestev: do you have a minute to talk me through it?11:47
michaelforrestev: I'm not sure I understand the rationale behind the changes11:48
evmichaelforrest: sure11:48
evmichaelforrest: there were two bugs associated with this, both filed by mpt:11:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 414912 in ubiquity "Poor progress feedback for Back/Forward on slow machine" [Undecided,New]11:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 336751 in ubiquity ""Starting up the partitioner" uses separate window misleadingly" [Low,Confirmed]11:48
michaelforrestev: I see11:49
michaelforrestev: I think we can certainly improve this visually!11:49
michaelforrestev: the full screen spinner is definitely not the way to go, but I think we can make some minor tweaks to make it a bit less in-your-face11:50
evmichaelforrest: great11:50
evwhat are your thoughts on the spinner on the advanced partitioning page, just to the right of the partition buttons.  Is that okay?11:51
evhttp://people.canonical.com/~evand/tmp/transitions.html if you lost the link11:52
michaelforrestev I think we should make the other transitions match that style11:52
michaelforrestI disagree with mpt's idea to hide everything instantly. greying out maybe, but all it really needs is a spinner like you have in the partitioning page11:53
evright, cjwatson mentioned yesterday the idea of having something of that style on the window for all of the transitions, but we were at a loss of where to put it11:53
evah, indeed11:53
michaelforrestto be honest, I don't think we need much more than a greying out of the Forward button, especially given that the mouse pointer spins11:53
evit already greys out11:54
evso are we already set then :) ?11:54
michaelforrestI think a message would relieve the 'disconcertingness' of it11:54
michaelforrest(just looking at how it used to work)11:55
cjwatsonthought: could we put a spinner on one of the buttons?11:55
michaelforrestyeah I thought that too11:55
cjwatsonhmm, don't get a message that way though11:55
michaelforrestin case the user is using the keyboard11:56
cjwatsonwe disable the buttons anyway11:56
michaelforrestand didn't click the button but pressed enter11:56
cjwatsonI'm thinking of the case where we're entering the timezone page, when we access the network to sync up the clock; in that case a message is nice since it might take a while11:56
cjwatsonfor ordinary page transitions a spinner on Forward or Back as appropriate might doo the job11:56
cjwatsonmaybe I'm inventing too many alternatives here11:57
michaelforrestit's common behaviour on the web for the button to grey out11:57
michaelforrestbut you'd see the ilttle globe spinning or whatever11:57
cjwatsonyeah, we do that already11:57
michaelforrestbut we see the mouse pointer spinning here11:57
cjwatson(grey out)11:57
michaelforrestI think the bug is invalid, to be honest!11:57
michaelforrestthe important one is not to ever spawn a new window11:57
cjwatsonright, that's bug 33675111:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336751 in ubiquity ""Starting up the partitioner" uses separate window misleadingly" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33675111:58
evso do we get rid of the progress dialogs then?11:58
michaelforrestwe need a consistent location to put this progress stuff, I think11:58
michaelforrestI'll get otto to help me with a layout11:58
cjwatsonthe question is how to convey the information in the progress dialogs (or cut-down versions of that information, as appropriate) without dialogs11:58
michaelforrestwe need to bring the dialogues into the body of the page instead of spawning a new window11:58
evmichaelforrest: please keep me in the loop on that layout as this is a work item for me for 9.1011:59
cjwatsonfor bug 414912, my feeling is that we should leave it open until we're in a position to be able to switch to the new page layout immediately11:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414912 in ubiquity "Poor progress feedback for Back/Forward on slow machine" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41491211:59
michaelforrestI still haven't had a chance to show Mark the work I've done on the installer, but I am in a meeting with him today.11:59
cjwatsonthat's what that bug really is, not dodgy workarounds with progress information :)11:59
evcjwatson: can you expand on that a bit?  I'm not sure I follow.12:01
cjwatsonon Forward, we finish off the backend work for the current page, start up the backend for the new page, then flip the UI12:02
cjwatsonhmm, there's some justification for this though12:02
cjwatsonthe reason is that the backend gets to determine whether a page is going to be displayed at all (e.g. automation)12:03
cjwatsonso maybe this isn't a viable change12:03
evah, indeed12:04
cjwatsonso I guess ignore my mutterings. :)12:04
CIA-35ubiquity: cjwatson * r3684 ubiquity/.bzrignore: ignore po/*.gmo12:15
CIA-35ubiquity: cjwatson * r3685 ubiquity/bin/ubiquity: revert incorrect VERSION change from r368312:17
dpmhi ev1, I'm trying to sort out the xkeyboard-config template in the translations import queue in LP. Has the path of the generated template been changed from po/xkeyboard-config.pot to debian/xkeyboard-config.pot?13:16
dpmcjwatson, superm1, we've also got quite a lot of templates of type d-i/source/clock-setup/debian/po/templates.pot, d-i/source/preseed/debian/po/templates.pot, etc. for ubiquity in the imports queue. Are this merged into the main ubiquity template and thus can I safely block them from being imported?13:22
cjwatsonblock 'em13:23
cjwatsonthey're merged into debian-installer13:23
dpmcjwatson, ok, blocked, thanks13:43
cjwatsonev1: do you know what's going on with bug 488599?  I've seen that in my own tests13:46
ubottuBug 488599 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/488599 is private13:46
* ev1 looks13:46
cjwatsonI assume that win_size_req can't work properly until the window is realised or something, but I can't work out the correct fix13:46
ev1I haven't noticed it yet.  Hrm, are you able to reproduce this?13:50
cjwatsonI could yesterday13:52
* cjwatson fires up another VM, yay for lots of RAM13:52
cjwatsonBTW, we should do a ubiquity upload at some point today - Scott's autotests are running into the bug Mario fixed in user-setup last night13:53
ev1my initial thought is perhaps that callback fires more than once, and we can work around the problem by checking for a gdk window?13:53
ev1indeed, will do13:54
cjwatsondamn.  now I'm not seeing it.  sorry13:56
ev1it's okay13:56
ev1I'll keep digging and see if I can find a definitive answer as to why that's happening13:56
cjwatsonI was seeing it literally every run yesterday13:56
=== ev1 is now known as ev
CIA-41ubiquity: cjwatson * r3686 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/filteredcommand.py):14:18
CIA-41ubiquity: Initialise FilteredCommand.ui_loop_level earlier, just in case14:18
CIA-41ubiquity: (LP: #484452).14:18
CIA-41console-setup: evand * r121 console-setup.ubuntu/ (7 files in 3 dirs):14:21
CIA-41console-setup: * Merge support for translated keyboard names from Debian.14:21
CIA-41console-setup: * Update ckb/rules/base.xml to point at the new location.14:21
* ev shakes his fist at Keybuk for not pushing his console-setup changes to trunk14:24
everm, actually14:29
evcjwatson: are we using lp:ubuntu/console-setup instead of lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/console-setup/ubuntu now?14:31
cjwatsonnot as far as I'm concerned14:32
evokay, good14:32
cjwatsonI have an outstanding request open with james_w to make them identical, but in the meantime Keybuk is probably just being overly opinionated :)14:32
saispohi all14:34
evlol, always a safe assumption14:34
saispocjwatson: i try to bypass unauthenticated gpg package in preseed but if i have a personnal lsb-release and libldap, i got a red screen, he don't want to install them, it's normal ?14:34
cjwatsonI don't know14:35
cjwatsonif you want me to debug, I need full logs with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer14:38
evcjwatson: before I go ahead and fix this with bzr diff -r70..72 | patch -p0 -d ../console-setup.ubuntu, do you know of any way to reconcile this as a proper bzr merge?14:45
evI tried merge -r70..72, but that failed miserably14:46
michaelforrestev: what can I do to see the installer from my normal desktop? I installed the ubiquity package which seemed promising..14:48
evmichaelforrest: yeah, I would avoid doing that14:48
michaelforrestev: avoid looking at the installer?14:48
evsorry, avoid running it on your system14:48
michaelforrestev: or avoid installing the ubiquity package?14:48
michaelforrestev: I want to see it with the new theme-in-progress14:49
michaelforrestev: can't I just run it as though I was on a live cd?14:49
evmichaelforrest: are you able to run it under a virtual machine?14:49
michaelforrestev: can't I just run it normally? what's the problem?14:50
michaelforrestev: I don't want to be maintaining yet another vm instance, especially since my ubuntu laptop doesn't have a cpu that supports virtualisation14:51
evmichaelforrest: you can technically run it normally up to the point where it would start copying files14:51
michaelforrestev: yeah that's all I want to do14:51
evas that depends on files only present on the CD14:51
michaelforrestI just want to quickly get a feel for how it looks14:51
evsome things will still not work just right (such as getting the release name, as that relies on /.disk/info from the CD)14:51
michaelforrestso given that I am prepared for glitches, can I do it?14:52
evjust be careful to not resize a partition and then hit next and confirm the dialog, or get to the summary page and press install.14:52
michaelforrestyeah I'm not gonna do that, don't worry ;)14:52
CIA-41ubiquity: cjwatson * r3687 ubiquity/ (3 files in 2 dirs): merge lp:~dylanmccall/ubiquity/lp-47626914:52
michaelforrestso what do I need to do?14:52
evsure, just covering my bases14:52
evinstalling ubiquity-frontend-gtk should be enough14:53
michaelforrestdon't worry - I'm a responsible adult ;)14:53
cjwatsonev: I don't think you can do it as a proper merge14:53
evcjwatson: patch it is.  Just wanted to be sure you weren't aware of any black magic.14:53
cjwatsonev: only thing I'd suggest is to commit the patches one by one so you can use --author14:53
michaelforrestev:  perfect, thatnks14:53
evah, will do14:53
cjwatsonmichaelforrest: the installer *will* change the configuration of your system even before you get to Install14:54
cjwatsonin particular the keyboard layout stuff14:54
evmight want to have a console open with setxkbmap us or something similar14:54
evqueued up, that is14:54
michaelforrestcjwatson: that's fine. I just want a peak so as long as it's not doing something serious in the background it's fine14:55
michaelforrestI've got what I need now anyway.14:55
michaelforrestev: do you think it would be productive for me to look at glade files?14:55
michaelforrestev: (assuming there are glade files for the interface screens)14:55
CIA-41ubiquity: cjwatson * r3688 ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/ (base.py gtk_ui.py): style14:55
evmichaelforrest: can you be more specific?14:55
evthere are, though some are filled out by the installer at runtime14:56
evthe partition pages in particular14:56
evif you have a bzr branch, they're in gui/gtk; otherwise, look in /usr/share/ubiquity/gtk14:56
michaelforrestev: that's okay -I'm more interested in giving some of of the simpler pages a little love14:56
michaelforrestev: are they somewhere logical that I could view them in glade?14:57
evmichaelforrest: /usr/share/ubiquity/gtk14:57
michaelforrestev: I will understand that there are localisation issues and so on - if you point me to the right repository I shouldn't need to bother you too much :)14:57
michaelforrestah, perfect14:58
CIA-41ubiquity: cjwatson * r3689 ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/kde_ui.py: sync KDE frontend with Dylan's slideshow changes14:58
evubiquity.ui contains the main window that each step gets added to14:59
michaelforrestev: already there14:59
michaelforrestdoesn't look like there's much I could do here :(14:59
eveach stepPageName.ui file contains the ui specific for that page14:59
michaelforrestev: well - not something that wouldn't be easier to achieve with mockups15:00
robbiewev: do you know why Keybuk's daily installer and boot charts have stopped?15:09
evrobbiew: there was a bug in user-setup that superm1 has since fixed15:09
evwe're going to upload a new ubiquity today to fix it15:09
robbiewev: okay.  I actually don't mind that it broke, was more worried Keybuk's scripts were broken :P15:10
evnope :)15:10
robbiewseems that the tool is doing its job then :D15:10
cjwatsonhe was also having trouble syncing his output to the new people.canonical.com15:12
cjwatsonand couldn't easily deal with it while on a radically different timezone from most of IS15:13
evindeed, I think we'll be in a much better place with respect to automation of ubiquity than we've been in previous releases15:13
saispocjwatson: i can send you the full debug if you want15:14
cjwatsonsaispo: sure15:14
saispook, i grab it and where i can send it to you ?15:14
cjwatsoncan't promise to debug everyone's personal customisation problems though.15:15
saispoi understand, no problem15:15
CIA-41ubiquity: cjwatson * r3690 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/ubi-timezone.py): merge lp:~mterry/ubiquity/refresh-timezones15:17
CIA-41console-setup: evand * r122 ubuntu/debian/ (changelog console-setup.initramfs-hook rules):15:18
CIA-41console-setup: * debian/console-setup.initramfs-hook: There's no harm having the hook15:18
CIA-41console-setup:  run in the non-framebuffer case, it just copies things into the15:18
CIA-41console-setup:  initramfs which may be useful.15:18
CIA-41console-setup: * debian/rules: That means we can copy the hook into scripts/panic as15:18
CIA-41console-setup:  well (stripping the OPTION from it), so when we need a shell, we'll15:18
CIA-41console-setup:  load the keymap.15:18
CIA-41console-setup: evand * r123 console-setup/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.34ubuntu615:22
evunless there are any objections, I'm going to release a new ubiquity in a few minutes15:24
saispocjwatson: sending, thanks15:24
saispocjwatson: my messages is in hold because the size is over than required15:29
saispoit's a problem or you can moderate it ?15:30
evmterry: anything else you want to land?15:34
evah sorry15:34
evdidn't realize that was a merge at first15:34
mterryev, yeah, that patch has been sitting around since karmic released.  I don't have anything recent15:34
evokay cool15:34
CIA-41ubiquity: evand * r3691 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):15:35
CIA-41ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: localechooser15:35
CIA-41ubiquity: 2.12ubuntu3, user-setup 1.28ubuntu3.15:35
CIA-41ubiquity: evand * r3692 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.1.1215:48
CIA-41console-setup: evand * r124 console-setup/ (Keyboard/KeyboardNames.pl debian/changelog): releasing version 1.34ubuntu716:21
CIA-41partman-uboot: cjwatson * r8 ubuntu/debian/ (partman-uboot.templates po/templates.pot): fix up .pot file a bit17:15
CIA-41partman-uboot: cjwatson * r9 ubuntu/ (4 files in 3 dirs):17:17
CIA-41partman-uboot: Use partman-basicfilesystems/mountpoint_manual rather than17:17
CIA-41partman-uboot: partman-uboot/mountpoint_manual; there's no need for a different17:17
CIA-41partman-uboot: template here, and it saves having to teach ubiquity about the extra one17:17
CIA-41partman-uboot: (LP: #462798).17:17
CIA-41partman-uboot: cjwatson * r8 2.1/ (commit.d/format_uboot debian/changelog):17:21
CIA-41partman-uboot: mkfs.ext2 with -I 128 and not -b 4096 as this is what Marvell recommends17:21
CIA-41partman-uboot: to work around a bug in older Uboots.17:21
CIA-41partman-uboot: cjwatson * r10 ubuntu/ (commit.d/format_uboot debian/changelog): merge partman-uboot 2.117:22
CIA-41partman-uboot: cjwatson * r11 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 317:23
CIA-41ubiquity: cjwatson * r3693 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity bin/ubiquity-dm debian/changelog):17:45
CIA-41ubiquity: Don't crash if something races with ubiquity or ubiquity-dm to create17:45
CIA-41ubiquity: /var/log/installer (LP: #458806).17:45
superm1what else would be making /var/log/installer?17:47
cjwatsontwo simultaneous runs of ubiquity17:58
cjwatsonbefore it acquires the lock17:58
cjwatsonnote that ubiquity-dm creates /var/log/installer, and that's outside ubiquity's main lock17:59
cjwatsonanyway, didn't seem that interesting to figure out exactly why, I just wanted to get another off the list17:59
superm1oh i guess a real world scenario is if someone goes crazy clicking the icon a bunch because it's not opening instantly18:02
cjwatsonbacktrack needs to deal with their own freaking bugs18:05
cjwatsonev: have you seen bug 368060?  scary ...18:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368060 in ubiquity "Map of Kashmir when selecting the timezone is incorrect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36806018:31
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk
cjwatsonev: bug 337306 may relate to the oem-config troubles you were having18:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337306 in debconf "oem-config task selection doesn't work with debconf-using packages" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33730618:39
cjwatsonev: or maybe just look at how the server frontend does it18:41
CIA-41grub-installer: cjwatson * r831 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog grub-installer):19:04
CIA-41grub-installer: Don't check for LVM when we've already worked out that we're installing19:04
CIA-41grub-installer: on SATA RAID.19:04
CIA-41grub-installer: cjwatson * r832 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.49ubuntu219:05
=== robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew
evcjwatson: thanks for the pointers20:57
evand yeah, yikes20:57
=== komputes_ubuntu is now known as komputes
evcjwatson: shall I ask Ken to mock up something else?21:30
evnot sure how else to represent it given that the time zone ends at that border.  We could just remove Kashmir, but I imagine that would make people just as angry.21:32
cjwatsonev: I'm not sure - I haven't looked at it in detail22:30
cjwatsonev: IIRC other implementations fuzz the line around there somehow22:30
evgood call, I'll see what others do here22:30
superm1cjwatson, how would you feel about something like this: http://pastebin.com/f76a9d3e1  ?  I think that would allow multiple files to be preseeded (as additional arguments)22:46
cjwatsonsuperm1: looks good to me except that it flips the override order of variables specified on the command line vs. those in files22:48
cjwatsonsuperm1: I think I'd recommend keeping the list of locations and processing them all at the end, to avoid inadvertently breaking some weird case or other22:48
superm1cjwatson, okay, i'll flip that around.  i think either way, the order will suddenly matter at least for stacked preseed files22:49
superm1not much of a way to avoid that22:49
cjwatsonI don't think that's true, this script isn't recursive22:50
cjwatsonjust processing them all at the end would keep the same ordering semantics but permit specifying any or all of preseed/file= file= url=22:50
superm1well i mean if multiple preseed files are specifying the same key, then it's entirely possible that the order they were specified on the command line will determine which one's setting of that key would take effect since they would still be individually loaded in via debconf-set-selections22:52
cjwatsonbut that's OK, I think22:58
superm1in trying to get dmraid sorted out, i think this is gonna be necessary for our implementation of it22:58
cjwatsonI don't mind new handling being a bit odd, I just don't want to perturb existing handling22:58
evhas anyone actually been able to get the kubuntu lucid images to work in kvm?23:16
evah, my bad23:21
ev-vga std, in case anyone else runs into it23:21
dmarkey_is it possible to disable ext4 in the installer23:30
dmarkey_using preseed, etc23:30
smagoundmarkey_: 'd-i partman/default_filesystem string ext3' should set the filesystem to ext323:31
dmarkey_thats excellent, thanks23:31
CIA-41casper: superm1 * r734 casper/ (debian/changelog scripts/casper-bottom/24preseed):23:32
CIA-41casper: Support multiple preseed file/urlarguments on the kernel commandline23:32
CIA-41casper: rather than just selecting the last one and going with that.23:32
dmarkey_smagoun: how about force grub1?23:32
smagoundmarkey_: d-i grub-installer/grub2_instead_of_grub_legacy boolean false23:32
dmarkey_are these documented anywhere23:33
cjwatsonbut please tell us why you don't want grub2 (in a bug report) so that we can fix whatever it is.23:33
smagoundmarkey_: you mean besides the source? :) I am not sure23:33
cjwatsonthe first is documented in the installation guide23:33
CIA-41casper: superm1 * r735 casper/debian/ (changelog control): debian/control: Set Vcs-Bzr.23:33
cjwatsonthe second isn't documented at the moment AFAICS23:33
dmarkey_cjwatson: this is for a xen domu, pygrub doesnt support grub2 yet23:34
dmarkey_not an ubuntu bug as such23:34
cjwatsonsuperm1: please use lp:ubuntu/casper not lp:casper, as discussed on #ubuntu-devel 2010-01-0523:34
cjwatsondmarkey_: ok23:35
superm1cjwatson, lol.  here i thought this one was right.  okay i'll push  there23:35
cjwatson16:51 <cjwatson> superm1,pitti,ev: please note for future commits that casper is in lp:ubuntu/casper now rather than lp:caspper23:35
dmarkey_cjwatson: i think i was talking to you about a year ago about getting the ubuntu installer to work proberly under xen paravirt23:36
CIA-41ubiquity: evand * r3694 ubiquity/ (6 files in 4 dirs): Support the new translated keyboard names in console-setup.23:39
cjwatsondmarkey_: might have been - I'm afraid it hasn't been much of a priority for me to improve23:39
dmarkey_but its so close23:39
dmarkey_all it needs is the xen modules included23:40
cjwatsonthat needs a consistently maintained Xen kernel ...23:40
CIA-41casper: superm1 * r745 casper/ (debian/changelog scripts/casper-bottom/24preseed):23:40
CIA-41casper: Support multiple preseed file/urlarguments on the kernel commandline23:40
CIA-41casper: rather than just selecting the last one and going with that.23:40
dmarkey_it doesnt need any seperate kernel23:40
CIA-41ubiquity: evand * r3695 ubiquity/debian/changelog: LP bug reference for previous commit.23:41
CIA-41casper: superm1 * r746 casper/debian/ (changelog control): debian/control: Set Vcs-Bzr.23:41
cjwatsondmarkey_: do you mean xen-blkfront, xen-netfront, and netxen-nic?23:42
dmarkey_not sure about the 3rd, but the 1st 2 anyway23:42
cjwatsonneither xen-blkfront nor xen-netfront appears to be available in the lucid generic kernel23:42
dmarkey_well they are in the vanilla kernel since .2223:43
dmarkey_i think i seen this before, try 64bit, i bet they are there23:44
cjwatsonsure, but I'd rather keep d-i consistent.  why aren't they in the i386 generic build?23:45
cjwatsonthe config for those appears to be common23:45
dmarkey_im not sure23:45
cjwatsonconfig XEN23:47
cjwatson        depends on X86_64 || (X86_32 && X86_PAE && !X86_VISWS)23:47
cjwatson        depends on X86_CMPXCHG && X86_TSC23:47
cjwatsonmaybe that's it23:47
dmarkey_oh, PAE only?23:47
cjwatsonwell, if it's 64-bit only, so be it; it would require a change to our kernel packaging to add those modules to the appropriate udebs23:48
dmarkey_what are udebs23:48
cjwatson(d-i's i386 build comes from -generic not -generic-pae, it doesn't get to use PAE bits; and in any case those modules don't seem to be in our -generic-pae build either)23:48
cjwatsongoogle please!23:48
cjwatsonanyway, file a bug against the 'linux' package in Ubuntu asking for those to be added23:49
cjwatsonrefer them to me for the details if you like23:49
dmarkey_oh, i'll do it tomorrow, bed time for me now23:49
cjwatsonfrom the arrangement in Debian, xen-blkfront goes in scsi-modules, xen-netfront in nic-modules, and netxen_nic in nic-extra-modules23:49
dmarkey_i see23:49
dmarkey_would i include all this in the bug?23:50
cjwatsonnetxen_nic is already in there23:50
dmarkey_NetXen Multi port (1/10) Gigabit Network Driver23:50
dmarkey_thats unrelated23:50
cjwatsonok, skip that then23:50
dmarkey_cool, talk tomorrow, thanks!23:51

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