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lamontso if I have an SMP box and I want a process and all of its children to run on one processor (and pretend that we are uni-processor), is there anyway short of booting a non-smp kernel or firing up a kvm guest with one processor?00:20
stgraberlamont: "echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online" will turn of cpu1 (at least it do here)00:24
lamontah.well... it'd be nice to leave the other processors running, to handle the rest of the machine...00:25
stgraberright, maybe cgroups can do that00:25
lamontbut if I must, I suppose that'll do - trying to figure out if something is really non-smp safe or not... seems to work just fine on a UP hardy box, not so well on a SMP karmic box00:25
lamontthough if it actually finishes on the hardy vm, I'll just smash it against a karmic uniproc (32-bit) box, and see if that works too00:26
lamonthrm... I wonder... is 6GB of RAM and 4cores a bit overkill for a firewall box?00:27
stgraberit tends to be ;)00:28
lamontit was available, dammit00:29
stgraber(says the one using a Q6600 as his firewall + router at home ... ;))00:29
lamontactually, just pulled 2 of the 2GB sticks from it (dropping it to 6GB) due to single bit ECC errors00:29
lamontnothing quite like a binary search in memtest00:29
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slytherinapw: can you please take a look at bug 506546 when you get time.07:26
ubot3Malone bug 506546 in linux-ports-meta "Bump version for karmic-security" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50654607:26
csurbhismb, hello ! 08:32
smbmorning csurbhi 08:33
slytherinsmb: can you please take look at the bug I mentioned?08:34
csurbhismb, did you get a chance to look at the stable update mail ?08:35
csurbhido you think it looks good ?08:35
csurbhi(apart from the buglink rtg mentioned about ?)08:35
smbcsurbhi, I will do when looking through your post. I have not get gotten there as I was hit by some problems on the Lucid update08:35
csurbhior is there anything i should do better ?08:35
smbPlease give me time :) I am just one old man ;-P08:35
csurbhismb, hey... u are doing too much :) besides i am hogging your time :)08:36
csurbhismb, just for letting you know.. as you suggested.. i have added the buglink to the sru tracing bug and signed the patches08:36
csurbhibut not acked them.. i thought that they should be acked after the review ?08:37
csurbhii hope that was right :)08:37
smbAh, its ok. Ok, cool, sure. I'll go through your mail immediately and see how it looks.08:37
csurbhiok.. thanks a lot :)08:38
smbcsurbhi, Right one question. As Tim noted, the links in the bug are malformed. Did you put in all manually?08:39
csurbhiactually no.. i did not08:39
csurbhii just right clicked and pasted them.. but i did that late at night... maybe sleep disoriented my sense :( 08:40
smbHm, then there is a case that the script should catch08:40
smbOh,  wait08:40
csurbhithe link in the patch.. i added through the maintool..08:40
csurbhibut in the email.. by right clicking08:40
csurbhiand then i sent the email08:40
csurbhiis there any tool for doing that too ?08:41
smbHm, but look there http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=surbhi/ubuntu-karmic.git;a=commit;h=0d2fb5a37a483f422186ba028d93f0985cc5bf4008:41
smbSeems it is wrong in the patches08:41
smbWhich means you found something the script should not do08:41
smbDo you remember how you called it to get that result?08:42
smbAh, seems "maint-modify-patch --bug =<nr> file" is handled incorrectly08:45
csurbhioh !08:47
smbI need to fix that. The script should either throw an error or remove the = in that case.08:48
csurbhiso what do i do now ?08:48
smbThe simplest way (maybe only for me) would be to export the patches again from your tree, then do some sed magic to fix the buglink and ten re-import them after resetting the head. Then you can replace your repo with "git push origin +master"08:50
smbErr, replace +master with +<your branch name>08:51
smbcsurbhi, Oh, an another thing: that repo you have. Is that a separate working tree with your private repo as origin?08:52
csurbhii pushed from my machine yes08:53
smbJust one "trick" one can but does not need to use. You could have our main tree and then add your repo as a remote. This allows you to fetch the current stuff and easily push it to your repo.08:55
smbSo instead of "git push origin <branch>" you would say "git push <myrepo> <branch>"08:56
csurbhiit push surbhi@kernel.ubuntu.com:/srv/kernel.ubuntu.com/git/surbhi/ubuntu-karmic.git <my branch>09:00
csurbhis/it/I did this:/09:00
csurbhismb, i will do this today again09:03
csurbhiand should i resend the email again then ?09:03
csurbhismb, I invoked the script as follows:09:04
smbcsurbhi, try this: "git add remote myrepo surbhi@kernel.ubuntu.com:/srv/kernel.ubuntu.com/git/surbhi/ubuntu-karmic.git"09:04
csurbhi./maintools -b = <bugnumber> *09:04
smbthen you can next time do a "git push myrepo +mybranch"09:05
csurbhithe directory only had patches in it09:05
smbNo need to send the email again (if there is not other things)09:05
csurbhiwill do that :)09:05
csurbhithanks again :)09:06
smbnp :)09:07
apwsmb, so once you got booted did you mmc card survive the suspend?09:30
smbapw, You logged off a second to early yesterday. :) I was about to tell you that I cannot suspend anymore with a sd/mmc card mounted. On the positive side the card is not damaged in the process and it is the same with the -10 kernel.09:32
apwsmb, oh so somthing userspace has changed to prevent it09:32
apwor just you never can now09:32
smbapw, Probably that or the other, though I was too tired to bother to get to the bottom of it yesterday.09:33
smbHave you had a run on your system?09:33
smbapw, btw, S on boot hangs the same09:33
apwyeah am running on it here, seems ok09:33
apwsmb, hrm, sounds like it needs a bug then09:34
smbYeah, we need something. Just idling around forever is not very intuitive09:36
slytherinapw: Can you please sponsor this upload - bug 50654609:41
ubot3Malone bug 506546 in linux-ports-meta "Bump version for karmic-security" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50654609:41
apwslytherin, looking ...09:46
apwTheMuso, any reason we haven't bumped linux-ports-meta there?09:58
apw(for karmic)10:03
slytherinapw: the version has not been bumped for any updates in karmic. It should be bumped at least for -security.10:15
apwslytherin, yep it should indeed.  trying to figure out what has gone wrong to prevent it happening again as much as anything10:15
smbapw, Ok, so you say the linux-image packages for ports are created at the same time as the normal ones?10:25
apwfor karmic and lucid yes they are in the main repository, we just worry less about them failing to build10:25
apwand its that that means we want the meta source separate to allow them to remain at a working build10:26
slytherinand that is the reason why meta package is separate for ports10:26
apwbut there is a procedural whole when we prepare a -security update in particular where that does not get pushed as part of the set.  fail.10:26
smbSo pulling the meta sources completely back into meta would be bad. But at least as a branch. Still this requires someone to know to check the ports builds and only upload the meta for those when everything is ok10:28
slytherinI can take up that job as keep watch on powerpc builds. My primary machine is a iBook G4.10:29
smbThe problem likely is that all the ports meta packages are created from one ports-meta source package (if it works like for the main meta)10:30
smbSo its a all good or nothing issue10:30
apwsmb, yep.  though generally we assume if they build they are good enough for distro architectures10:31
* slytherin will be back after sometime.10:32
smbapw, Yeah, I think this is mostly a procedural issue. When we document that abi bumps on the kernel also require a bump for ports-meta, then we less likely forget to add them to the security upload and get the sec-team to notify us should the ports have failed10:34
apwsmb, except right now we don't necessarily have the source to update10:34
smbapw, Which is the problem to solve first10:35
apwam workign on that right now10:35
smbapw, tried "apt-get source linux-ports-meta"?10:36
apwyeah obviously we can get that.  trying to find lukes repo10:36
apwsmb, think i have them10:37
apwsmb, ok i've dropped an email onto kernel-team to start some discussions, i suspect you as a stable maintainer can add some detail on how things work and how it affect your end10:43
smbapw, Ok, tahnks. I try to get to it later today.10:44
apwno rush ...10:45
* slytherin is back11:06
apwsmb, what did you think to putting the ALPS patch into lucid11:17
smbI wanted to spend a little more time to read over it. but with the feedback from Ben and given the implications it probably even makes sense to have it in Karmic.11:19
smbFor Lucid you might try to wait waht Greg decides11:19
apwyeah it being in debian already, and it does sound like stable may take it11:19
apwwell it being in karmic, and not lucid puts us in regression territory11:19
apwand it affects some common platforms i think ... a tricky one11:19
apwand at this stage in the cycle its easier to shove it into lucid to test on non-affected h/w to give karmic some feedback perhaps11:20
smbDefinitely yes. Especially being so highe11:20
apwso i think it makes sense to shove it into lucid in the next upload and see what happens then11:20
smbThis sounds reasonable. And would also be the usual SRU policy11:20
apwok ... i'll do that and see how we get on11:21
smbOk, ta11:21
vishogasawara: apw: hi... upstream has marked  http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15047 as something to be handled by desktop/userspace feature ? so i would have to reassign Bug #503286 to which package?11:22
ubot3Malone bug 503286 in linux "Bluetooth killswitch does not remember previous session state" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50328611:22
ubot3bugzilla.kernel.org bug 15047 in Bluetooth "Bluetooth killswitch does not remember previous session state" [Normal,Resolved: invalid] 11:22
slytherinvish: bluez package probably11:23
apwhrm ... that is a good question ... yeah perhaps bluez11:23
vishok.. reassigning .. thanks guys11:24
vishslytherin/ apw could someone comment on the bug ? for the bluez devs ?11:24
slytherinvish: You can add a comment yourself pointing that upstream has closed the bug as invalid.11:25
vishthat was my last alternative. ;) but sure thanks11:26
csurbhismb, I wanted to change the kernel config option..12:49
csurbhii have changed it from debian.master/config/<file>12:49
csurbhimanual change12:49
csurbhiis that alright ?12:49
smbcsurbhi, I believe it was only set there. But to be sure run "fdr updateconfigs" to check whether the result remains the same12:50
csurbhialright :) thanks!12:51
smbwelcome :)12:51
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smbcsurbhi, I hope I covered everything in my reply mail. All in all I thing there are the two bugs where to either add or remove bug links and then also adding the patch that gets dropped with .11. Plus putting .11 patches on  top of it all (referencing the one tracking bug)14:14
csurbhismb, ok.. thanks for the review.. i am going through it once again :)14:15
smbcsurbhi, It _is_ a treadmill, I am afraid. :)14:15
csurbhismb, i agree totally :)14:16
csurbhismb, there is also a comment about ABI bump14:18
csurbhifor a ipv6 patch14:18
csurbhihow do we deal with tat one ?14:18
smbI think it might. But in the end, its only found out by compiling without and then see14:18
smbIf the build fails without an abi bump we need one14:19
csurbhiand also about the  s/390 ?14:19
csurbhismb, ya..  so the next step is to try to build karmic with the update ?14:19
smbDon't worry too much about that. Its just as I worked on that. :)14:19
csurbhiok :)14:19
csurbhiso i need to remove the lp buglink from your patch14:20
smbcsurbhi, Right. Take your branch and test build it on at least amd64 and i38614:20
csurbhiand then redo everything again14:20
csurbhiya.. i will do that :)14:20
smbMaybe the simplest way is a export all, modify as needed then pull them in again approach14:21
smbthat way you could also squeeze in the one patch dropped , to be reverted by .1114:21
csurbhiright.. so we apply the patch that needs to be reverted as a part of .11 ?14:22
csurbhiand do all this together ?14:22
smbYeah, I think thats the best approach. The patch itself should then actually not even show up in the changelog and we got the same sequence as upstream14:23
csurbhiok.. cool.. i will do that ..14:23
smbJust make a note on the tracking bug (that it includes both) and also reply to your own mail to update that we chose to take both in one go14:24
rtgsmb, is there a more elegant way of determining host type without asking bash? 'set|grep HOSTTYPE'14:25
smbrtg, hm is uname -m what you want?14:25
rtgsmb, ah, how could I have forgotten that ?14:25
smbrtg, It is actually not the same result14:26
csurbhiuname -m14:26
rtgsmb, no, but it at least tells me the arch 14:26
smbrtg, Otherwise "dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH"14:27
csurbhiuname -m and echo $HOSTTYPE.. print differnt vals ?14:27
rtgsmb, that requires dpkg-dev14:27
rtgcsurbhi, i386 vs i68614:27
smbor i486 vs i686 on my netbook14:28
rtgmostly I'm interested in it _not_ being x86_6414:28
smbOk, so uname -m is usable for that14:29
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csurbhismb, one question15:13
csurbhiwhile reverting a commit.. do we note the revert in the tracking bug ?15:15
smbI don't think we did... Though you might check on the other tracking bugs15:16
smbBut probably it is a good idea to make at least a comment there.15:17
smbcsurbhi, So lets do it this time and onwards. Just add a comment with the subject of the patch and note that this replaced one we already carried.15:19
csurbhiok.. cool :)15:20
csurbhismb, do you think i should make a new git branch as the name for the two updates and 11 will be misleading ?15:41
smbcsurbhi, I usually avoid that problem by calling my branch "proposed" or something similar unspecific. In the end its for the purpose of review only.15:43
csurbhii will keep that in mind now15:44
smbIts just a minor detail and you can freely be creative with the name of your branch15:45
smbas long as you tell the name when sending emails15:45
rackerhackerjjohansen: sorry for bugging you, but did you happen to find time to review that initrd memory freed issue in linux-ec2?17:29
jjohansenrackerhacker: I poked at it briefly but haven't had time actually figure out what is happening17:31
rackerhackerthat's okay... would it help at all if i snagged some details and made a proper bug report/17:31
rackerhackeror would that just be annoying ;-)17:31
jjohansenrackerhacker: by all means go ahead and provide as much detail as you can17:33
rackerhackerjjohansen: will do - thanks much... this build is quite helpful17:33
rackerhackeri ran into a lot of trouble with getting karmic to boot in a domu using 2.6.24 kernels from hardy17:35
rackerhackeri stumbled across some documentation that said upstart required 2.6.27+17:36
jjohansenrackerhacker: well it would certainly be a good idea,  I have booted a domu on less but I wouldn't call it reliable17:39
rackerhackerthe 2.6.24-59 group of kernels from hardy seem to work well on all of the distros we run with the exception of karmic17:40
rackerhackerthere was a switch in the release candidate that required a later kernel for upstart to function17:41
rackerhackerit caused much head-pounding-on-desk ;)17:41
rackerhackerjjohansen: i logged the bug, but i wasn't sure which details would be relevant (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ec2/+bug/510243)17:51
ubot3Malone bug 510243 in linux-ec2 "linux-ec2 x86_64 memory calculation incorrect" [Undecided,New] 17:51
rackerhackerwell that's fancy17:52
jjohansenrackerhacker: okay thanks, I'll look at it in a bit17:52
rackerhackerno problem, thanks!17:53
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rackerhackerjjohansen: i'd love it if we could eventually get an upstream fix for the save/restore bug in domu's :/18:06
rackerhackeri know fitzhardinge has a patch or two18:07
jjohansenrackerhacker: interesting18:10
rackerhackerhave you run into that bug before?18:12
rackerhackeri know it's an upstream issue, so i didn't want to waste your time with it18:12
rackerhackerthe xm save hangs, and you end up with this in the domU's dmesg -> http://pastie.org/78681618:13
rackerhackeri was able to make a build of jeremy's xen.git repository, and the save eventually worked, but i ran into other issues18:15
jjohansenrackerhacker: no I haven't but I was aware there were some issues18:21
rackerhackerit's not the best time to be a xen vps provider with the pv_ops shenanigans ;)18:24
sconklinogasawara: do you know which git repo Greg queues his patches for stable in?20:26
ogasawarasconklin: git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-2.6.31.y.git20:27
sconklinAH! he applied it to the 32 tree and it probably also should go to .31, I'll take care of it20:30
TheMusoapw: Haven't got to it, will take care of it this morning.21:12
TheMusoapw: If you mean lucid that is.21:12
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