
cjohnstonduanedesign its more for the leads, so dont go out of your way to make it... you dont have to by any means be there00:47
_marx_cjohnston: do you have that class covered?01:56
cjohnstonduanedesign: is gonna write it and should be able to give it01:56
cjohnstonpleia2 _marx_ Pendulum ??01:58
cjohnstonwrapping up loco.. 1 sec01:59
* Hellow rises, half dead and babbling nonsense due to his exhaustion02:00
* pleia2 passes some hot chocolate to Hellow 02:00
cjohnstonhello Hellow02:00
* Hellow accepts hot chocolate02:00
Hellowheh, hey pleia2 and cjohnston.02:01
cjohnstonnot that it helps02:01
cjohnstonSetup a survey for feedback from UUD 0123 (survey monkey??) --cjohnston02:02
cjohnstonanyone wanna set up a survey for us?02:02
pleia2is survey monkey a site or one of us? :)02:02
pleia2hehe, ok02:03
cjohnstoni think i wrote down like two questions... but we need more than that of course02:04
cjohnstoncheck... ill setup a survey.. if you come up with any questions please email them to me!02:05
_marx_cjohnston: send link to the survey please02:05
cjohnstonnow or when i make it?02:06
pleia2ok :)02:06
cjohnstonWill there be helpers in -chat?02:06
cjohnstonI think that was marks02:06
Pendulumoops, sorry, lost track of time, i'm here now ;)02:06
HellowWhat do we define "helpers" as?02:07
cjohnstonNot sure... _marx_ ?02:07
_marx_so any helpers in -chat02:07
_marx_cool, i can look at both at the same time02:08
cjohnston_marx_: im kinda curious about Hellow's question too02:08
cjohnstonim sure  quite a few of us will be in both02:08
cjohnstonill probably have 2 clients running02:08
HellowI'll be in -classroom and -chat for most of the day.02:08
cjohnstonand lernid to learn about learning with lernid02:08
_marx_Hellow: can you repeat your question02:09
pleia2helpers mostly tell people to quit talking in -classroom, and how to ask questions properly02:09
pleia2and keep -chat from being too off-subject if they get chatty02:09
HellowWhat do we define "helpers" as?02:09
_marx_Hellow: question forwarders in -chat for one02:09
cjohnstonquestion forwarders will be one of the hosts02:09
pleia2also might change the topic in the channels for each session, post QUESTIONS to the person giving the course if they request it02:09
cjohnstonpleia2: is it possible to make -classroom voice only can talk during the day?02:10
pleia2yeah, it's possible02:10
_marx_pleia2: yes channel topic needs to be changed each hour02:10
HellowThat should be done; questions and the like get asked in -chat, forwarded to -classroom.02:10
cjohnstonwho has access to /topic ? just pleia2 ?02:11
pleia2cjohnston: anyone with an ubuntu member cloak02:11
pleia2or +o02:11
cjohnstonoh really02:11
pleia2which I can give to anyone02:11
cjohnstoncan i make the request that -classroom be voice only to speak... hosts get voice and the instructor?02:11
PendulumI think that's a good idea02:12
Hellow+m would be a good idea02:12
pleia2what is the difference you're seeing between "hosts" and "helpers"?02:12
pleia2in the past we never really had a distinction02:12
HellowAre there going to be any "defined" helpers?02:12
cjohnstonhosts == https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-user-days02:12
cjohnstoni dont think we need defined helpers02:12
cjohnstoni dunno tho02:13
pleia2yeah, maybe I don't know what a helper is then :)02:13
_marx_play it by ear, fly by the seat of your pants then?02:13
PendulumI don't think we need "helpers" (as anything separate from "hosts")02:13
cjohnston+1 pleia202:14
pleia2Pendulum: I tend to agree, unless I'm missing something :)02:14
cjohnston+1 Pendulum02:14
pleia2ok cool02:14
HellowWhat do we define "hosts" as? People who are/will be hosting a session?02:14
cjohnstonHellow: hosts: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-user-days02:14
cjohnstonbasically _marx_ pleia2 Pendulum myself02:14
cjohnstonanyone else can help "control" -chat....02:15
HellowSorry if I'm asking less-than-intelligent questions right now, my mind's a little foggy :P.02:15
cjohnstonbut noone specifically designated02:15
* Hellow volunteers himself for that02:15
cjohnstonnp Hellow02:15
pleia2for UOW jorge, akgraner and I pretty much just snagged each other as needed, "hey I am going to lunch, can you make sure the next session goes ok?" etc02:15
cjohnstonthats kinda what i figured02:15
_marx_hosts, guests or attendees, and helpers02:15
_marx_same here02:16
cjohnstonI don't think we need an official "helper" title...02:16
* _marx_ nods02:16
HellowHelper title: Anyone on the access list :P.02:16
cjohnston# Should we try for another UUD, if so when?02:17
cjohnstonmotion to table this item until after the first user day02:17
pleia2yes, but I need a vacation first :)02:17
cjohnstonoh im having something02:17
cjohnstonit wont be a vacation..02:17
cjohnstonit will probably be 1 beer before i have to go back to studying02:17
cjohnstonbut itll be my one beer02:17
_marx_cjohnston: me scared too, i've never done an online class02:18
_marx_quarterly or on release cycle?02:18
_marx_or decide after event polling?02:18
cjohnston_marx_: I think we are gonna wait to see the feedback from this first one before we decide that02:18
PendulumI think see how this one goes, see what feedback we get, and then worry about the next one02:19
_marx_I agree, I also think quarterly could be do able02:19
cjohnstonAdd a 15 minute wrap up at the end to thank everyone for their participation, special thanks to instructors, and ask to fill out survey? -- cjohnston02:20
cjohnstonnot that anyone would stay for this..02:20
cjohnstonor do we want to try to get each instructor to give out the survey link after their course02:20
_marx_well still you have to put it in there02:20
cjohnstonhow do we wanna get the survey word out02:20
pleia2I think we can give a link to the survey when we introduce each instructor02:21
pleia2no need to ask them to do it02:21
cjohnstonworks for me02:21
cjohnstonget out of here itnet7 :-P02:21
_marx_pleia2: that needs to be set up before the 23rd02:21
pleia2_marx_: the survey?02:21
cjohnston_marx_: im gonna work on setting up the survey in the next couple days02:22
_marx_so posting the link can happen in session02:22
_marx_hum surveys for each session?02:22
cjohnstonone survey02:22
Pendulumbut announced each session as people aren't necessarily going to stay for every session02:23
cjohnstonbut to get the most feedback it needs to be anounced often as not everyone will be there all day02:23
Pendulumcjohnston: when did you become my brain twin?02:23
cjohnstonwhen i lost mine02:23
cjohnstonjk Pendulum02:23
_marx_+1 each session02:24
cjohnstonwhat itnet7 said02:24
_marx_y'all are scary02:24
cjohnstonspeak up!02:24
cjohnstonwe cant hear you02:24
itnet7put the url in the topic/motd02:24
itnet7of each class02:24
cjohnstonsurvey url02:24
cjohnstonI like that idea02:24
HellowProblem is, not everyone reads the channel topic. Especially not newbies to IRC.02:24
Pendulumno, but in topic and announcing it02:25
cjohnstonHellow: if we do both.. we will get I hope everyone02:25
Hellowcjohnston, Both would be good.02:25
cjohnstonPendulum: your scaring me02:25
_marx_might as well although i find long topic messages...I don't read them02:25
Hellowcjohnston, Identical twins.02:25
* Hellow ducks02:25
cjohnstoni dont think so02:25
cjohnstonif only for one reason...02:25
itnet7oh, dear God no... no cjohnston twins *shudders*02:25
cjohnstonitnet7: dan drove from gainsville.... :-P02:26
itnet7cjohnston: I know, I know02:26
cjohnstonwith his baby02:26
cjohnstonim messin with you02:26
cjohnstonyou wish i had a twin in our loco02:27
cjohnstonFirasKraiem dropped.. trying to find replacement..(jamalta) cjohnston02:27
_marx_item missed?02:27
cjohnstonwhats an agenda02:27
cjohnstonwhats missed?02:27
_marx_replacement for02:27
cjohnstonwe hadnt gotten there yet02:27
HellowWhat is this thing you call an agen-da, hu-man?02:28
cjohnstonjamalta didnt join in.. but some others from the florida loco did..02:28
cjohnstonFiras /msg'ed me yesteday.. his gfx card fried02:28
Hellowcjohnston, You live in the state directly below mine :P.02:28
cjohnstonJamalta from the FL LoCo (the best LoCo in the world) stepped up to take his place02:28
HellowIn physical orientation, that is.02:28
cjohnstonso your a northerner?02:29
itnet7cjohnston: technically we are "all" one LoCo02:29
HellowIf you consider Georgia to be "northerner", yes :P.02:29
_marx_i think he's in georga02:29
cjohnstonits north of florida02:29
HellowGeorgia to be a northern state :P.02:29
cjohnstonthere he is02:29
jamaltawhat? hi02:29
jamaltai didn't knwo there was a metting of sorts02:29
cjohnstonhey jamalta02:29
cjohnstonand nigel_nb !02:29
Hellownigel_nb, What is this I don't even.02:29
jamaltacjohnston: hey02:29
jamaltaso what happened?02:30
cjohnstonabsolutly nothing02:30
Hellowjamalta, Someone set us up the bomb.02:30
jamaltaand no one told me there was a meeting02:30
cjohnstonthere isnt02:30
jamaltaHellow: agh!02:30
jamaltanow i have that song stuck in my ehad02:30
jamaltano better eyt02:30
jamaltai'm goign to play it02:30
PendulumI think we've gotten side tracked02:30
* jamalta hates teh eeepc keyboard and apologizes for the frequent typos02:30
jamaltaPendulum: seems like so02:30
jamaltaHi, to everyone, btw02:30
jamaltaI don't know most of you :)02:30
HellowPendulum, I think we've been sidetracked for most of the meeting :P.02:30
nigel_nbuser days meeting?02:30
pleia2yeah, my attention is split so if we could get back on track it would be helpful :)02:30
Pendulumcjohnston: so we theoretically have someone covering?02:30
cjohnstonI could have scratched #V off.. but i just wanted to mention that he stepped up at the lsat minute.. which brings me to:02:30
cjohnstonPendulum: jamalta is covering Firas spot02:31
Pendulumawesome :)02:31
cjohnstonNagendra??? duane?? cjohnston02:31
Pendulumthank you jamalta :)02:31
cjohnstonhere is my issue02:31
jamaltaPendulum: my pleasure02:31
jamaltahmm. should i put my name on the wiki?02:31
cjohnstoni havent heard from nagendra in...02:31
jamaltafor that slot?02:31
cjohnstona long time02:31
cjohnstonjamalta: i will02:31
cjohnstonits on my list02:31
pleia2even if Nagendra shows up, having the extra course written will help UCLP02:31
jamaltacjohnston: oh ok, thanks02:31
cjohnstonhe has me extremely nervous right now...02:32
cjohnstonso i have secured duanedesign to write a course for that topic...02:32
cjohnstonand I believe he did confirm that he could teach it also..02:32
cjohnstonmy brain is fried tho...02:32
cjohnstonso i dont remember that part02:32
cjohnstonbut if the course is written, i can teach it.. i just dont have time to write it02:33
Pendulumcjohnston: I wasn't clear on whether he could or not. Although I suspect if he writes it, one of us can teach as needed02:33
nigel_nbcjohnston, once the course is written, anyone can teach it.  that's the hard part02:33
PendulumI am also re-emailing nagendra to see if we can get any sort of response from him02:33
cjohnstonand nigel_nb you emailed him also?02:34
_marx_partitioning might be the hardest part of course one to cover02:34
nigel_nbnot yet! but if Pendulum is, then do you want me to?02:34
jamaltacjohnston: i'll have the writeup tomorrow night hopefully02:34
_marx_nigel_nb: did you see my shared opening .odt files?02:34
jamaltai'll see if ic an do it tomorrow durin glunch02:34
cjohnstonI want (need) someone else to make a decision... when do we need to hear from him by?02:35
cjohnstonbefore we bump him out02:35
Hellowcjohnston, Tomorrow would probably be the wisest.02:35
cjohnstoni have my opinion.. but im not gonna say it02:35
nigel_nbput it in the mail02:35
Pendulumnigel_nb: do you actually know him?02:35
_marx_Hellow: +102:35
cjohnstonPendulum: no :-(02:35
cjohnstontomorrow what time?02:35
cjohnstonpleia2: ^02:35
nigel_nbPendulum, nope, just responded to my invitation from the mailing list02:35
Hellowcjohnston, Evening EST tomorrow.02:35
nigel_nbcjohnston, 24 hours from when he gets the mail02:35
Hellownigel_nb, Or that.02:35
_marx_nigel_nb: +102:36
Pendulumnigel_nb: so he's in India? (I'm trying to guage what time zone he's in)02:36
cjohnstonok... can someone send an email in the next 24 minutes?02:36
cjohnstonthat way I can say 2200 EST tomororw?02:36
PendulumI've got one 1/2 written now02:36
nigel_nbPendulum, yeah (but not necessarily)02:36
nigel_nbPendulum, just make sure you give reasons why this kind of confirmation is necessary02:36
cjohnstoneither way... thanks to duanedesign for stepping up (and everyone else who has offered to help write this course)02:37
nigel_nbi.e. we need confirmation for all classes and time to think of backup02:37
Pendulumyep, that's in there :)02:37
* _marx_ has carpenter work tomorrow am w/linux access on jobsite, home after that02:38
nigel_nb_marx_, not yet.  I was away from fast internet02:38
nigel_nbI'll check it out today02:38
cjohnstonanyone know shrini?02:38
PendulumI'm giving time in UTC, btw02:38
cjohnstonthats fine Pendulum02:38
Pendulumand now is a good time to let me know who else should get similar e-mails :)02:38
nigel_nblol, copy to the 3 of you guys02:39
nigel_nbcjohnston, who else left to confirm?02:39
cjohnstoni havent gotten info from everyone else Pendulum... but shrini is the only one who makes me nervous other than that..02:39
cjohnstonbut everyone else i talk to enough to be ok02:39
_marx_nigel_nb: sorry for your xp and dialup vacation, er holiday02:39
cjohnstonPendulum: i sent you the link for the intro page right?02:39
Pendulumumm... you did, but I was on my phone at the time so don't have it handy now02:40
Pendulumta :)02:40
cjohnstonand the people who are linked on the schedule are the ones who have put up an outline02:40
cjohnstonis it just me or is there a table problem02:40
cjohnstonmaybe just me02:41
Pendulumfor the e-mail to nagendra, btw, I'm asking that he e-mail check in with Chris or myself directly02:41
nigel_nbPendulum, just reply to the mail02:41
nigel_nbPendulum, make sure cjohnston and pleia2 have copies so one of you will know02:41
pleia2table problem?02:41
cjohnstonim at work tomorrow too02:41
cjohnstonpleia2: n02:42
cjohnston!fail on my part02:42
* Hellow now has peppermint tea02:42
pleia2while we're on introductions02:42
cjohnstoni need to look at that more02:42
pleia2finished this weekend, anyone want to have a stab at fixing it up?02:42
cjohnstoni glanced over it..02:42
cjohnstonbut its lookin good02:42
pleia2it's probably fine the way it is, but I wanted anyone else's ideas to be tossed in if they have any02:42
cjohnstondo we need more to make it an hourish?02:43
cjohnstonpleia2: did you confirm that we will do +m?02:43
pleia2no, as it is I'm *hoping* people will ask enough questions02:43
Hellowpleia2, I might add some improvements to it later on tonight, but so far, it looks nice :).02:43
pleia2cjohnston: we can +m if we want, no big deal02:43
pleia2Hellow: thanks :)02:44
cjohnstonI say leave it open for intro... and then close for the first class?02:44
pleia2during the intro we probably want to -m02:44
_marx_more hourish yes02:44
cjohnstonso are we tripplets?02:44
HellowAlso, I would prefer a setup like Open Week has: Classroom is +m, questions are asked in -chat and responded to in -classroom.02:44
nigel_nbpleia2, make it m+ after the first me minutes02:44
nigel_nbfirst few minutes of intro02:44
pleia2nigel_nb: the first few minutes are asking who is there and where they are from :)02:44
pleia2so we need them talking then at least02:45
Vantraxhellow + project board =?02:45
nigel_nbyea, that's what I meant02:45
nigel_nbmake it m+ after that02:45
HellowVantrax, hmm?02:45
pleia2Hellow: yeah, questions will be in -chat02:45
pleia2same as UOW02:45
pleia2we didn't always have -classroom +m for sessions02:46
_marx_and UDS02:46
pleia2but as it grew it got to be a bit much02:46
VantraxHellow, you tried to join the project board group02:46
* Hellow didn't attend UDS, so wouldn't know02:46
Vantraxso i got an email02:46
Pendulum_marx_: UDS didn't use -classroom02:46
pleia2Vantrax: no, he tried to join the regular learning team02:46
* _marx_ attended via IRC02:46
HellowVantrax, I submitted a request to join https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-learning :P02:46
cjohnstonthanks penny02:47
Vantraxoh, and i got it via the board02:47
pleia2Vantrax: yep :)02:47
_marx_Pendulum: yes but did do -chat02:47
Vantraxbah.. ignore me02:47
Vantraxim at Linux.conf.au atm so a little distracted02:47
* cjohnston is lost02:47
* pleia2 hugs Vantrax 02:47
Pendulumdid it? I only used -uds and the various -uds channels02:47
Vantraxbtw, can anyone make sense of 000000d1ed686c4400206e4f1f370f9a43ba0f4367376f5317474fda1f375fe294d07fd417373f0002:47
cjohnstonOpen discussion........02:47
Vantraxits a puzzle...02:47
cjohnstonAnything else?02:47
pleia2I'm done02:47
HellowVantrax, Looks like a massive pile of numbers and letters to me.02:47
Vantraxme too02:48
HellowI'm finished.02:48
_marx_Pendulum: maybe i'm wrong, won't be the first time02:48
Pendulumnothing here02:48
cjohnstonSounds good..02:48
mhall119looks like a hash02:48
cjohnstonThank you all VERY much for your help!02:48
pleia2thanks cjohnston :)02:48
cjohnstonagian.. not that it helps02:48
mhall119it hex whatever it is, maybe convert it into ascii?02:48
_marx_cjohnston: chill man we'll rock the ubuntu world!02:49
nigel_nb_marx_, google for ubuntu open week and you may get scared02:49
nigel_nbI did a few days back02:49
Hellownigel_nb, Should I?02:49
nigel_nblots of attention!02:49
nigel_nbHellow, no harm trying ;)02:49
cjohnston_marx_: its the combination of this and school together02:49
Pendulum_marx_: sorry, I seem to have forgotten to copy you on one of the "chasing down" e-mails ;)02:49
PendulumI'll copy you on the other one ;)02:50
_marx_ic cjohnston02:50
Pendulum(not that I'm chasing you down, but I'm copying so we all know the 2 important ones went out)02:50
nigel_nb_marx_, I dont see the videos with the ppt on it02:50
_marx_Pendulum: roger that02:50
_marx_nigel_nb: you see the ppt's though?02:51
jamaltaSorry I didn't have much input, was listening throughout the meeting though02:51
cjohnstonjamalta: it was more of a lead meeting.... participation/attendance not required02:51
cjohnstonI brought you in cause i wanted to talk bad about you02:52
nigel_nb_marx_, I dont see the ppt's, what I want is a 10-second video of each slide, so that it works as intro and end for te entire video02:52
jamaltacjohnston: Are there any more meetings I should be aware of?02:52
Pendulumjamalta: s'cool. Did you hear the bits about needing intro and outline, though? (we're less fussy about you as you're new, but it'd be nice so we don't get to your course and make up a background for you ;) )02:52
jamaltacjohnston: Ha! :P02:52
_marx_hum to nigel_nb I wanted to see what you thought of the ppt's first02:53
cjohnstonI guess that would have been a good question..02:53
jamaltaPendulum: Sent cjohnston my into earlier today. I'm working on the talk tomorrow so I will at least have an outline by tomorrow evening.02:53
HellowPendulum, "80 year old guy who listens to The Beetles all night long"?02:53
cjohnstonpleia2: Pendulum _marx_ nigel_nb  - do you think we need to have another meeting?02:53
cjohnstonHellow: thats _marx_02:53
cjohnstonsorry mark02:53
pleia2cjohnston: I don't think so, we can casually tie up loose ends02:53
cjohnstonHellow: _marx_ wants to be the first grandfather to switch his kids02:54
cjohnstonone more thing..02:54
nigel_nbcjohnston, nothing formal need if u ask me02:54
_marx_what Hellow beat me to it?02:54
nigel_nbwrt meeting02:54
Pendulumcjohnston: what's your one thing?02:54
nigel_nbI thought I was the youngest around, Hellow beat me to it!02:54
cjohnstonshould we send out another email asking instructors to show up X amount of time before their class in here... or somewhere else so we can talk to htem?02:54
nigel_nbcjohnston, yes02:55
nigel_nbpreferably 30 minutes before02:55
Hellownigel_nb, I beat you to being young? ...wait, what?02:55
pleia230 minutes is a lot :)02:55
jamaltacjohnston: Is there an instructors channel?02:55
pleia210 is fine02:55
cjohnstonjamalta: no02:55
cjohnstonjust here02:55
nigel_nbpleia2, well, it gives us time to think of alternatives02:55
pleia2nigel_nb: not really :\02:55
nigel_nbpleia2, hm :)02:55
PendulumI think 10 is fine just because otherwise we will all go crazy trying to be in 10 different places all at once all the time02:55
Pendulumerr.. 10 minutes is fine02:56
nigel_nbI'm probably being paranoid02:56
Pendulumnigel_nb: why do you think we want outlines? ;)02:56
_marx_paranoia can be considered healthy...02:56
HellowI would personally do 15-20 minutes ahead of their course.02:56
pleia2nigel_nb: even 30 minutes isn't enough to make up for a no-show02:56
cjohnstonPendulum: would you do me a favor, since you have the email list... can you tomorrow send out an email asking one last time for intros/outines and advising about the "15 minute" in #ubuntu-learning??02:56
cjohnstonI +1 Hellow at 15 minutes02:57
Pendulumcjohnston: yep, no problem :)02:57
Pendulumand will send out another reminder Friday02:57
cjohnstonthank you02:57
nigel_nbpleia2, it does, if we have them submit the entire text of their session (if we go *that* paranoid ;) )02:57
* cjohnston needs to learn how to use IRC features that are more than /msg 02:57
* Pendulum is currently trying to figure out who needs to be pinged about what and who can be pinged safely on IRC vs. e-mail :)02:58
pleia2nigel_nb: eek, yeah, we aren't going that far02:58
Hellowcjohnston, The funnest one: /kick.02:58
pleia2I don't even write my UOW sessions until like 10 minutes before them ;P02:58
cjohnstonI need ops for that one02:58
cjohnstoni want ops02:58
_marx_nigel_nb: .odp files are there02:58
cjohnstonlet me take out some frustration02:58
PendulumI'm mostly poking people wrt to intros02:58
pleia2cjohnston: I can give you a crash course in /topics and things before UUD :)02:58
cjohnstoni figured somewhere there was something i could read02:59
Hellowcjohnston, The benefits of being an IRCop on two networks is that you can /kill people with impunity.02:59
cjohnston_marx_: pleia2 Pendulum are you pretty much gonna be around all day or do you have things going on?02:59
pleia2http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Courses/IRCOp is helpful02:59
nigel_nb_marx_, are those files shared with me?02:59
nigel_nbi dont see them in that folder02:59
* _marx_ slides cjohnston a bowl of oatmeal, with a side of whiskey02:59
cjohnstonI will be here all day outside of bathroom breaks, food and ocational kid things02:59
pleia2the "Tools" section especially03:00
cjohnstonyou can keep the oatmeal03:00
_marx_nigel_nb: yes03:00
PendulumI'll be around except for bathroom breaks03:00
_marx_same share nigel_nb03:00
Pendulum(I have no kids and can get my roommate to bring me food ;) )03:00
* nigel_nb stabs ubuntu one!!03:00
cjohnstonpleia2: can i move in?03:00
Hellowpleia2, For some reason, my skills in channel operator seem to start overlapping when they are actually needed fast :P.03:00
* _marx_ too03:00
HellowPrimarily, Unreal and Hyperion IRCds start overlapping.03:01
nigel_nberr cjohnston, you meant to ask that to Pendulum or pleia2 ?03:01
HellowAnd I end up using common modes like +i and +m to control crap.03:01
cjohnstonthat one too03:01
cjohnstonthank nigel_nb03:01
nigel_nbHellow, remember the last release?03:01
nigel_nbor rather the last release party?03:01
Hellownigel_nb, That was /fun/.03:01
nigel_nbHellow, i03:02
nigel_nbHellow, I've never seen text move so fast03:02
Hellownigel_nb, I've never seen myself type so fast, either :P.03:02
_marx_france breaks my brain on release parties03:02
cjohnstonso Pendulum will be here all day.. _marx_ pleia2 ?03:02
nigel_nbHellow, I actually managed sane conversations in there :P03:02
pleia2cjohnston: all day03:03
_marx_cjohnston: most of the day03:03
pleia2Hellow: I'm an admin on one network that has homebrewed ircd and services, including crazy things like an RPGServ and an NPC mode03:03
nigel_nb_marx_, see if the individual file needs to be shared03:03
cjohnstonok.. cool... so we dont need to worry about making sure someone is here03:03
Hellownigel_nb, It was mainly a couple thousand lines of "When's the release?"03:03
_marx_I'll have time outs of course03:03
nigel_nbHellow, true03:03
cjohnstonpleia2: /msg03:03
Pendulumif popey doesn't give us an intro can we just say he's Elvis?03:03
Hellowpleia2, Homebrew services = win. Homebrew IRCd = wut.03:03
pleia2Hellow: to their credit, it's open source :)03:04
Hellowpleia2, I currently know a person whom is trying to create his own IRCd in Python.03:04
nigel_nbPendulum, naah, we'll say he's harry potter03:04
_marx_how about Elvis Jr. ?03:04
pleia2Hellow: people get so goofy about irc :)03:04
Hellowpleia2, IRC is one of my best... what's the right term, area?'s on the internet :P.03:05
pleia2mine too03:05
cjohnstonsome people are just goofy03:05
_marx_cjohnston: +103:05
* cjohnston points are _marx_ 03:05
cjohnstondid i type that out loud?03:05
_marx_myself included ;)03:06
_marx_cjohnston: what color is your collar?03:07
cjohnstonI'm guessing you mean dog collar?03:08
_marx_job collar03:08
cjohnstonmuch like yours03:08
_marx_indeed, blue collar linux users unite!03:08
nigel_nbpleia2, who does 'op' functions in classroom? you?03:09
pleia2nigel_nb: anyone with an ubuntu member cloak03:09
pleia2I'll just op whoever we need opped03:09
* nigel_nb cries discrimination lol03:10
* cjohnston always needs ops!03:10
pleia2nigel_nb: you really think we should trust everyone on freenode? :)03:10
nigel_nbno, but I thought it was only for classroom team03:10
nigel_nbor some kind of classroom admins03:10
pleia2nah, we keep things pretty loose there03:11
pleia2so any ubuntu member can drop by and do a course03:11
_marx_hum indeed03:11
pleia2we have a few motu folks who come by and do impromptu q&a sessions03:11
pleia2so long as nothing else is going on it's fien03:11
pleia2fine too03:11
nigel_nbbtw, I'll be taking the help from a bug control member for Q and A since it may be above my head03:11
cjohnstonlook over the minutes please03:12
cjohnstondid i miss anything03:12
nigel_nbso whoever is op, may need to m+ him too03:12
pleia2the channel itself is what is +m, ops can talk, ops give voice to people who need to talk03:12
Pendulumare we done with meeting?03:13
* Pendulum would like to go to bed03:13
* pleia2 too03:13
Pendulumok. g'night all!03:13
pleia2night pen :)03:13
_marx_me too03:13
nigel_nbPendulum, good nite :)03:13
_marx_sleep well yall03:13
cjohnstonno time for sleep03:13
nigel_nbwhich reminds me, its my first day back to the grind, I need to catch some sleep too03:13
Hellowpleia2, If you need epic op skillz, I volunteer :P.03:14
cjohnstonnigel_nb: are you in idea?03:14
pleia2Hellow: thanks :)03:14
pleia2we'll keep you in mind03:14
nigel_nbcjohnston, idea?03:14
cjohnstonyou meant what i know03:14
nigel_nblol, yeah03:14
cjohnstonwhat time is it03:14
nigel_nb8:45 am03:14
nigel_nbI work nights03:14
cjohnstoni was gonna ask03:14
nigel_nbhehe, thought so :P03:15
cjohnstoncause your around here a whole lotta time that im around here03:15
cjohnstong'nite bud.. thanks!03:15
cjohnstonanyone look over minutes?03:15
nigel_nbwell, I'll stay for another 15 minutes, after which my power goes out03:15
nigel_nbcjohnston, yes I did, looks fine03:15
pleia2yeah, the minutes are good03:16
_marx_see the whole power goes out thing is unknown to me03:16
cjohnstonanyone got the log they can post03:16
cjohnstonpower goes out huh03:16
_marx_peace nigel_nb03:16
cjohnstoni couldnt do that03:16
_marx_me either03:17
HellowI'll pull up my logs if you need them.03:17
nigel_nb_marx_, well, the power supply in my area is off for 1 hour every day03:17
cjohnstonif you dont mind Hellow .. just put it at the bottom of the meeting page above...03:17
_marx_nigel_nb: it's never off where i live03:17
nigel_nbfor some conservation of energy reason (we depend too much on hydro electric power)03:17
cjohnstonwe have something here where the power company can turn off your AC for like 2 hours a day... its opt in and they "pay you"03:18
cjohnstonbut i cant deal without AC03:18
cjohnstonim out03:19
cjohnstong'nite all03:19
cjohnstonand thanks!03:19
nigel_nbnite cjohnston03:19
Hellowcjohnston, Should I cut the logs at #endmeeting?03:20
_marx_Hellow: I'd say yes03:22
_marx_plus mootbot should have them soon03:22
_marx_mootbot time stamp may still be off though03:23
HellowI have timestamps :P.03:23
_marx_mootbot logs are cool too03:23
HellowI just need to sed out the month tag crap that Xchat loves to put in there, though.03:24
_marx_trip { works03:24
_marx_triple even03:24
* _marx_ crashing now03:25
HellowAh, good, got them.03:26
HellowOk, logs are posting.03:29
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk
liuxinAnyone is using Dr.com in ubuntu?09:03
cjohnstonduanedesign: you arent here by chance are you?10:26
cjohnston_marx_: moot isnt in here...10:27
Pendulumcjohnston: I heard from nagendra10:37
cjohnstonthats why I was lookin for duanedesign10:38
nigel_nbyou guys slept and got up?10:48
* nigel_nb is reminded of going to sleep10:48
nigel_nbI guess better late than never.  Ugh! I'm going to be drowsy at work.  Later folks (for real this time!)10:50
nigel_nbNote to self:  Never start reading a book before bed.  May end up not sleeping and finishing the book!10:52
pleia2night nigel10:52
nigel_nbnight pleia2. I believe I send you a PM at some point.  Do look into it.  Dont remember what about10:54
pleia2yes, I'm taking care of it :)10:54
cjohnstonmornin all11:11
cjohnstonim off to work11:12
Pendulumpopey: any idea when you can get an intro to chris or on the wiki or something?12:06
pleia2else we'll just make up stuff12:07
Pendulumhe's lucky he's not Daviey12:07
popeyI didnt know you were after one12:08
popeywhere does it need to go?12:09
Pendulumhave you gotten the e-mails Chris and I have sent out? (that's not me being smart mouthed, that's my wanting to know if they got through)12:10
Pendulumpopey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam/01232010/intro12:10
popeyuhm.. got a subject line of one?12:10
Pendulummore recent one (from me) was REMINEDER INFORMATION NEEDED: Ubuntu User Day - January 23 201012:11
Pendulumsent over the weekend12:11
popeywhere was that sent?12:11
Pendulumlet me check since I got the e-mail list from chris12:11
popeyi have that flagged too12:12
Pendulums'ok :)12:12
Pendulumbetter for you, we know enough about you that we could have written an amusing intro ;)12:13
Pendulum(although Daviey is rather lucky he's not on the list since I'd have said his favourite sweet was cream eggs)12:14
Pendulumthank you!12:14
popeyhttp://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/presenter-biographies/   <-- click Daves face12:14
popeythat okay?12:15
Pendulumthat's great :)12:15
PendulumI now have a mental image of you with a superhero cape, though12:15
popeythat is entirely accurate12:16
Pendulumheh, you just put it away for live events so no one gets jealous? ;)12:16
popeywear it under my clothes.. like super man12:17
popeyI'm not fat, I'm just well prepared12:17
duanedesigncjohnston: ping13:23
=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta
pendulum_nhandler: Can you email your intro for Saturday to cjohnston today, please?17:19
paultagpendulum_, It's already done. Let me find it for you17:20
pendulum_paultag: Is yours done?17:20
paultagpendulum_, nhandler and I swapped intros. Ours are both done. Mine is linked from where my outline is17:21
paultagpendulum_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/nhandler/UserDayBlurb17:21
paultagpendulum_, all good?17:21
pendulum_Thanks :)17:21
paultagpendulum_, np, thank you :)17:21
Geowats hapenin here?17:22
paultagGeo, some user day love'n17:22
O_pequeno_manalguém com o ubuntu 9.10??17:45
=== akgraner is now known as akgraner_
=== akgraner_ is now known as akgraner
cjohnstonpendulum_: i just got mhall119|work's18:45
pendulum_Did you see about nhandler and paultag ?18:46
cjohnstoni see nhandler's...18:46
cjohnstonand i guess ill look for paultag s too18:46
paultagcjohnston, nhandler did mine the other day. I linked to it from the outline18:47
paultagcjohnston, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Paultag/UserDayBlurb18:47
cjohnstonpendulum_: did you get a chance to talk to duanedesign ?18:48
pendulum_I haven't seen him18:48
paultaghe is here -- duanedesig n18:48
cjohnstoni just didnt know if she already had18:48
cjohnstonpendulum_: i think the intro page is up to date with all that i have18:53
pendulum_Will look when I have a minute18:53
cjohnstoni still dont think i have an intro from nagendra (sp?)18:53
pendulum_Sorry, things are hectic at work19:22
pendulum_I've re-emailed about intro19:24
nigel_nbcjohnston: heard from nagendra?20:15
cjohnstonfinally did20:16
nigel_nbgot the intro and everything ready?20:16
nigel_nbnow I'm getting scared as though I have to speak on a stage :(20:18
nigel_nbas the day approaches i'm becoming more and more nervous20:18
cjohnstontheres no stage20:19
nigel_nbI'm have extreme stage fright until I actually stand there (sounds funny but real)20:20
nigel_nbI know, but that doesnt help20:20
pendulum_nigel_nb: We can crack jokes at you in /query if that'll help :p20:21
nigel_nbpendulum_: lol20:21
nigel_nbI guess once it actually starts off I'll be fine20:22
nigel_nbeven with public speaking, when I'm going to start, I'm really scared and nervous (and shivering)20:22
nigel_nbonce I stand on the stage and look at everyone I'm oddly relaxed20:22
pendulum_cjohnston: How strict are we being about people giving us outlines ?20:23
pendulum_(in other words, is it required?)20:23
nigel_nbI think it is requried (we get to know they have actually thought of what to teach)20:24
nigel_nband we get to make suggestions/corrections/additions20:24
cjohnstoni think its a really good recommendation so people can decide what they want to attend20:24
pendulum_I'm just trying to figure out how much more nagging I have to do ;)20:26
=== komputes_ubuntu is now known as komputes
daubersI've been poked this way by Mr Pope, after starting discussions in the uk loco to run some real life in person training, he's poked me your way to try and join some dots21:32
pleia2hi there daubers21:32
pendulum_Hiya daubers21:32
daubersHello :)21:32
pleia2yeah, we write courses for real life training21:32
pleia210 or so have been written for sysadmin stuff21:33
pleia2still working on some desktop ubuntu things, but we could always use help21:33
pleia2courses are laid out like this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/CourseLayout21:34
pleia2one of our courses: http://doctormo.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/ubuntu-system-admin-class-command-line-basics/21:34
daubersHow well do the real life courses go down?21:35
pleia2doctormo is the expert on that :) he teaches them for the US-MA loco team21:36
pleia2the project is still pretty young, I don't know if anyone else is using them "in the wild" yet21:37
pleia2but this format was developed from his experience within his loco21:37
daubersOh really? I'd be really interested in his experiences.21:37
daubersWe've had a hugely positive response to the idea from the loco mailing list, so I'm quite eager to have a bash21:38
pleia2so right now we're in the process of getting people to write courses21:38
pleia2for each major topic we cover, we have a wiki page outlining core topics and linking to existing documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/UbuntuDesktopTopics21:39
pleia2we just need people to say "ok, I want to write one about... chatting!" and then follow our course layout to write it21:39
pleia2we're managing things in bzr, but that's still a work in progress, so however you want to deliver the courses to us is fine (as you can see, doctormo posted them on his blog)21:39
pleia2and our course layout is pretty fluid as far as what the word "course" means, it probably should be called something like "segment" or "class" since I could see several "overview, demo, practical" cycles in a full course (or even in a single hour class if you cover a lot of material)21:42
daubersOk, so, if I go back to the loco people, if we follow your layout, how is it best to join our efforts to yours?21:46
pleia2edit the wiki page, say https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/UbuntuDesktopTopics and next to a topic you wish to cover just put a note saying something like "UK team is working on this - $date" (and maybe a link to "in progress" work, if applicable)21:47
pleia2so we can either avoid duplicating work, or offer help if someone comes along and wants to work on it with you21:47
pleia2not the best way to manage topics, but I hate launchpad blueprints and this works well enough21:48
daubersheh, I'm happy to act as go between if that would help too21:50
pleia2having a contact does help :)21:51
daubersCool :) I'd be quite excited to see some run :)22:02
pleia2so if you go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning and scroll to the bottomish you'll see 5 large icons22:02
pleia2those are our targeted areas, so just click through any of those to see the topics (so How to Use Ubuntu == https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/UbuntuDesktopTopics )22:03
pleia2and when you see one you want to do, just edit the wiki page and say you're working on it :)22:03
daubersCool, are building them section by section22:03
daubersare you building them section by section out of interest?22:04
pleia2yeah, people can just jump in and write what they want22:05
pleia2when we have more people writing we might try to make it more formal "we need $this before $that"22:05
daubersCool :)22:06
pleia2in doctormo's case he wrote what he needed to teach the classes in his loco22:07
pleia2which meant they went in a pretty linear progression :)22:07

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