
wolterI think I got troy_s mad at me00:03
godbykOh? When? How?00:09
wolterJust now, I asked in the artwork channel how to change the emblem's position in an existing icon them. Next thing I know he told me to google something which didn't return relevant results, and then he just stopped talking even after I asked him something.00:11
wolterNow, I have not come here to wine or get you against him, just thought it would be funny to thorwil now that he pointed me to his blog a while ago.00:11
wolterBut apparently hes not here anymore.00:12
godbykAh, maybe he just got distracted or something.00:12
=== wolter is now known as wolter-afk
=== wolter-afk is now known as wolter
wolteryeah, could be00:28
wolterbut well, I wouldn't know00:28
wolteris there an agreement on how the headers should be capitalized01:02
godbykwolter: Apparently not.01:09
godbykI noticed the other day that some are sentence-cased and others are title-cased.01:09
godbykBut we should decide on that and add a note to the style guide.01:10
wolterI think sentence-case can be less annoying sometimes01:13
wolterBut I think, as this is a book written in formal english, that all titles should be in title case01:13
rachaelbhi all! is there anything i can do to help with the manual?01:14
godbyk'allo, rachaelb.  Are there any chapters that you're particularly interested in helping to write?  There is a to do list of sorts here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/#To%20Do%20List  (Looks like I need to scratch a couple items off that list now).01:17
godbykThere are also some 'how to contribute' notes here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/#Contributions01:17
godbykOtherwise, in general, feel free to poke around and see how you'd like to contribute.01:18
rachaelbim just having a look now01:18
rachaelbi can remember how difficult it was at the beginning to get my head around linux lol01:19
rachaelband the usual forum answer of "rtfm" isnt necessarily very helpful!01:19
godbykGood -- you can help keep us in check!01:19
godbykSometimes it's hard to figure out what people have trouble with when they're just starting out.01:20
rachaelbsometime its hard to fiure out even when youve been using it for a few years :(01:22
rachaelbok... well i've got some time on my hands for the next couple of months01:24
godbykCool.  You can also sign up for the mailing list and hang out in this IRC channel to get ideas of where to dive in.01:25
rachaelbid be quite happy to go thtough the incredibly unsexy aspects of indexing and providing a glossary if that helps01:25
rachaelbi cant imagine many people would volunteer for that!01:25
godbykHeh.. probably not!01:25
godbykLuckily, it's a pretty simple thing to do (well, the mechanics of it, at least).01:26
rachaelbi *turst* thats not a sexist comment :-/ lol!01:26
godbykYou just edit the .tex file, and add \index{indexme} someplace and it will automatically add an index entry and page number for indexme.01:26
godbykI haven't set up the glossary yet; it's on my list of things to do.01:27
rachaelbok well its pretty late here in the UK... so i'll sign up for the mailing list and be back in a few days if thats ok01:27
godbykSure thing!  Thanks for your help and hopefully we'll see you around.01:27
rachaelbno problem - im kinda bored with answering noob questions from friends and colleagues... a decent manual for the will be a relief!01:28
woltergodbyk, well, he was not mad haha, he just took a long rest.01:28
godbykwolter: Ha! Well, that's good.01:29
godbykrachaelb: I hear ya.  I have my parents, grandmother, and brother running Linux.  So if I can throw a book at them, all the better!01:29
rachaelbok im part of the team :-D01:30
rachaelbwell my mum is 81 and has been a complete convert for the last 4 years01:30
rachaelband i read somewhere that "grandmas dont use linux".... try telling that to my mom01:30
godbykIt's certainly helped with all the 'how do I get this virus off my computer?' questions.01:31
godbykMy grandma uses it and loves it.01:31
godbykEspecially since her grandkids can't download worms from weird websites and slow down her computer.01:31
rachaelbonce i set it all up for her, shes fine with it01:31
rachaelbshe even understands the problems associated with the *other* o/s01:32
rachaelband was thrilled when germany told people yesterday not to use ie cos of theproblems in china01:32
rachaelband was telling her firends on the phone that this didnt affect her cos she used linux01:32
godbykI think that Linux is a great solution for those who just use the Internet and email.01:32
godbykCheaper than OS X and more secure than Windows.01:33
godbykMy mom got a virus on her Windows netbook the other day.  But I've trained them not to pester me with Windows problems now.01:33
rachaelbprolly 4 the best01:34
godbykIf it's a Linux issue, I'll try to help.  If it's Windows, well, you're on your own!01:34
godbyk(Primarily, because I haven't used Windows in such a long time that I haven't a clue how to help anymore.)01:34
rachaelbits nice to find someone who will help... someimtes you go into an irc room with a legitimate question jsut to be told (basically) to f*** off and work it out for yoursel01:35
rachaelbthats not the way to make *nixes user friendly01:35
godbykDefinitely not.01:36
godbykI figure the more quickly I can help someone else learn how to do something, the sooner they can start teaching the next person.  That means less work for me!  :-)01:37
rachaelbabsolutely... ok ive sigend up for the referecing and glossary :-D01:38
godbykCool.  If you need help getting start with it, feel free to pester me sometime.01:38
rachaelbi will do - definitely01:39
rachaelbhow detailed is this manual going to be?01:39
godbykI'm not really sure.  I'm just helping out with the formatting and code bits, not writing anything myself at the moment.01:40
roinatorThis is probably a silly question, but is it already written?01:41
godbykroinator: Nope, it's still being written.01:41
roinatorIs there some sort of "current build"?01:42
rachaelbi mean while its fabulous to have anything as a beginners guide, unless it also covers non-ubuntu issues like installing codecs and how to use and install thrid party software then it will still not answer most noob questions01:42
rachaelb@roinator: it would appear that there is a current version - yeas01:42
manualbotrachaelb: Error: "roinator:" is not a valid command.01:42
rachaelbroinator: it would appear that there is a current version - yes01:43
godbykroinator: I uploaded the latest PDF here for you: http://kevin.godby.org/private/ubuntu-manual/main.pdf01:43
roinatorCheers...I'd like to contribute, but I am not sure if I can be of any use. I thought seeing what is currently done might be helpful.01:44
godbykroinator: Sure!  Feel free to poke around and if you find something you'd like to help with, dive in!01:45
godbykIf you'd like to help write one of the chapters, you can find the assigned author/editor for that chapter and email him/her to discuss how you can contribute.01:46
rachaelbyikes! that needs a *lot* of work01:46
godbykThe chapter authors can be found under the appropriate blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual01:46
godbykrachaelb: Yes, it does.  The project just started 2-3 weeks ago.01:47
rachaelbthat explains it then01:47
rachaelbok its nearly 2am here01:47
rachaelband i really, really need to get some zzzzzzz's in01:48
godbykrachaelb: Have a good night, then!01:48
rachaelbnight all.... and to quote a certain state governor... "i'll be back"01:48
woltergodbyk, how can I link to other chapters in the standard way?02:00
wolterI tried \label{ch:troubleshooting} but it didn't work02:00
godbykwolter: Use \ref{ch:troubleshooting} or \nameref{ch:troubleshooting}02:00
godbyk\label{blah} creates the linked-to point.02:01
godbyk\ref, \pageref, and \nameref create links that take you to that \label.02:01
woltergodbyk, could you make a standard \chaplink{chapter-name}02:02
wolterso that it says for example "Chapter 9: Troubleshooting"02:03
wolterin bold or something02:03
godbykwolter: Sure, I can do that.02:03
godbykone sec.02:03
wolterI use those a lot, and I think other writers should as well02:03
wolterthanks :)02:03
roinatorgodbyk: This looks pretty damn good.  I think I'll look into this more when I have a bit more time.  At the moment I have an overwhelming number of questions regarding the project, and I think I should make an effort to answer a few on my own before I ask any here.  Thanks for the help though.02:03
godbykroinator: No problem.  If you have more questions, feel free to ask here or on the mailing list.02:04
godbykYour best place to look for answers is currently the wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/02:05
godbykwolter: I just pushed the \chaplink command.02:06
godbykUsing \chaplink{ch:troubleshooting} will output "Chapter 0: Troubleshooting"02:06
wolterthanks godbyk :)02:25
woltergodbyk, you're amazing :)03:22
godbykheh, thanks.03:22
wolterI didn't know pdfs supported links03:24
woltergodbyk, i will let know to the list that you made this chaplink thing, alright?03:31
wolterbut also, could you make it so that you don't have to write ch: ?03:32
wolteralso, I see that the link only covers the chapter number and the chapter name, but clicking the preceding "Chapter" string does nothing03:35
* humphreybc made a new ubuntu video today :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orbi31mE3r003:52
godbykI'm back now.03:55
godbykSorry about the delay.  Was chatting with a friend who stopped by.03:55
woltergodbyk, dont worry :)04:00
humphreybcso what's new in the land of the manual?04:23
wolterhumphreybc, the new version of chapter 504:23
woltertake a look at the pull to see if you like it more04:23
wolterif not i will revert04:23
humphreybcwhere did all the content go?04:24
humphreybcso you changed the colours of the sections/subsections?04:24
wolterto software-packaging/software-packaging-original.tex04:24
wolteri didn't04:24
humphreybcoh okay04:24
humphreybcso what's new?04:24
wolterits a complete rewrite04:24
wolterundone, of course04:25
humphreybcwhat was the reasoning for the rewrite?04:25
wolterwell, i just read the ubuntu help center and thought that my approach was not straight enough04:26
wolterto that people that think that installing software in ubuntu is the worst part of.. ubuntu04:26
godbykwolter: Okay, if you forget the ch: prefix on the label you pass to \chaplink, it will add it for you.04:31
godbykAlso, I've fixed it so that the entire string (including "Chapter") is a hyperlink.04:32
humphreybcwolter: fair enough, you're the author ;)04:32
godbykI'm going to try to find a way to detect if a label exists so I can make the \chaplink command a bit smarter (i.e., not always prepend ch: if the naked label exists).04:32
woltergodbyk, can i say you're awesome again?04:32
godbykIn practice, however, please include the ch: prefix on chapter labels whenever you use them.04:32
wolterwill do then04:33
nisshhhey guys04:34
godbykHey, nisshh.04:35
nisshhim just getting back to writing my chapter now04:35
wolterhumphreybc, how do you like my new version?04:36
nisshhbut first i need to know what the hell is and isnt getting included in it04:36
woltershould I keep writing it, or continue with the other one?04:36
humphreybcnisshh: lol04:36
humphreybcfire some questions04:36
humphreybcwolter: looks good!04:36
nisshhwhat happened to some of chapter 6 being included?04:37
nisshhand is my chapter 7 now actaully chapter 8 or something?04:37
nisshhalso what happened to cmd and security merging?04:37
humphreybccmd and security aren't merged anymore04:39
humphreybcyour chapter 7 is still chapter 704:39
humphreybcwe decided to include updating/upgrading in the last chapter of the "first half"04:39
humphreybcinstead of putting it in the advanced section04:40
wolternisshh, wow you've been out a whole piece of time :)04:40
nisshhok good i understand more or less now04:40
nisshhwolter: yes thats what 4 holidays in a row does to you04:40
wolteroh yes i understand haha04:41
wolterit happened to me on christmas04:41
wolterand then on new year04:41
nisshhshould i just go with whats currently in the ToC on the wiki04:41
humphreybcnisshh yes04:42
nisshhhehe ok04:42
humphreybcUnless you think there is anyhing to add/remove04:42
nisshhsure thing04:42
humphreybcoh and don't make it overly detailed - we are changing sort of to a Quick Start guide, so overall we need to watch page count. And the advanced stuff is least important to a new user04:42
nisshhis our irc chan working alright yet?04:43
nisshhyea ok04:43
humphreybcirc chan?04:43
humphreybcwhat do you mean?04:44
nisshhi saw the message on the mailing list about changing the channel for the meeting the other day04:44
nisshhdue to problems with this one04:45
humphreybcoh right04:45
humphreybcwe still dont have a logbot04:45
humphreybcbut MootBot is back04:45
humphreybcThey just left for some reason and never returned04:46
wolterhumphreybc, how about ubuntulog, isn't he logging?04:46
humphreybcdidn't notice him! :P04:46
humphreybcroinator, for some reason youtube replies aren't working04:46
humphreybcthe theme is elementary and the dock is docky :)04:47
roinatorahh ok...cool04:47
roinatorI didn't know you could make docky look like that.04:47
humphreybcit's not Gnome Do docky, but docky as a separate application04:47
humphreybcthey're splitting them up, this is the development version04:47
humphreybcit's very neat04:47
roinatordoes it still do the gnome-do ish stuff?04:48
nisshhi think only the gnome-do version of docky does that04:48
nisshhthe actual seperate version doesnt04:48
nisshhi think...04:49
roinatoryeah...That would make sense, but I want a more variable appearance in gnome-do docky...so I was hoping.04:49
godbykI documented the \chaplink command on the Style Guide.04:50
nisshhi need to read through all the new stuff on the styleguide now lol04:50
nisshhthere is ALOT04:50
humphreybcroinator: It can't do the Gnome Do stuff but you can get it working with Zeitgeist and Gnome Activity Journal04:51
godbyknisshh: Yeah, and I need to add more sometime.04:52
humphreybcAnd it has plugins like controlling banshee etc etc04:52
godbykFor instance, should chapter titles use title case or sentence case?04:52
godbykHow about sections and subheadings?04:52
nisshhtitle case i reckon04:53
wolterall kinds of headings should follow the same style in my opinion04:55
nisshhwolter: good point04:56
wolterthat being title case :04:57
wolteras it is formal english the language we are writing in04:57
humphreybcI don't see a reason why we need to capitalize every word in headings05:02
godbykI'm okay with it either way, but we should settle on one and be consistent.05:03
godbykI think that sentence case is easier to read a bit more informal than title case.05:03
godbykhumphreybc: There was another discussion that took place earlier about establishing the tone of the manual.  How formal/informal should it be?  What kind of voice do we want to use?  Should it be staid and serious? Light and fun?  Quirky?05:07
humphreybcSomewhere in between?05:13
humphreybcWe don't want to come across as Microsoft, boring and serious. But we don't want to come across as amateur. It needs to hold a "conversation" with the reader, and make them feel comfortable with what they're doing.05:13
humphreybcI think the tone that I set in the Prologue and Chapter 1 is fairly good05:13
IlyaHaykinson_this really helped the survey05:23
IlyaHaykinson_we're at 674 responses05:23
godbykDid we get more Windows/Mac users this time?05:24
IlyaHaykinson_getting there05:24
IlyaHaykinson_42% windows so far05:24
IlyaHaykinson_40% ubuntu05:24
IlyaHaykinson_need more mac users, grr.05:24
IlyaHaykinson_i already tried asking in #macosx and ##windows05:24
IlyaHaykinson_several times, in fact05:24
IlyaHaykinson_and asked my pal who works at Apple to spread the link05:25
godbykHave any of you read any of Kathy Sierra's blog entries or essays?05:27
IlyaHaykinson_i wonder if i can download the raw data and do my own segmentation analysis, so i can see specifically mac vs windows vs linux users' perspectives05:28
IlyaHaykinson_godbyk: no; link pls?05:28
godbykIlyaHaykinson: It'd be good to have the full dataset instead of just aggregate data.  Then we could do more in-depth analyses.05:28
IlyaHaykinson_btw, holding steady at about a third wanting the ability to print out the manual05:29
godbykA lot of what she says applies to our manual.05:29
godbykWe could also publish the book via Lulu (free to publish), and people could order a printed and bound copy of it, if they didn't want to print their own.05:30
IlyaHaykinson_yes, we could, and definitely think we should.05:32
godbykI see no reason why we shouldn't.05:32
IlyaHaykinson_though at this point i think there is a risk we will not hit the deadline.05:32
IlyaHaykinson_there are a lot of early chapters with little progress05:32
IlyaHaykinson_but, thanks to you, the manual is starting to -look- professional :)05:33
IlyaHaykinson_re that blog, yeah, interesting. though i feel that a lot of her advice is pretty general05:35
IlyaHaykinson_not that it's necessarily self-evident, but that it's ... just good common sense. and not specific knowledge.05:35
godbykIlyaHaykinson: A lot of it is, yeah.05:36
IlyaHaykinson_please digg: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Manual_Needs_Your_Help05:36
IlyaHaykinson_i can't believe how many people read the news.softpedia.com page05:50
IlyaHaykinson_the link is more than half way down the page, under a Linux heading.05:51
IlyaHaykinson_ah. it's got a pretty high alexa rank05:51
wolterhm.. who is motang and why does he sound familiar?05:57
nisshhill be gone for an hour or two, if anyone needs me just email me instead06:05
wolterit will be hard to live with docky and gnome-do as different apps06:05
wolteror memoserv06:06
wolternobody uses that, but me06:06
IlyaHaykinson_wolter: email works just as well, imho :)06:08
wolterIlyaHaykinson_, yeah well, in my opinion i have enough emails with the ubuntu list :)06:09
IlyaHaykinson_hm, survey still ticking up. seems like we're at ~12 responses per hour.06:18
IlyaHaykinson_which isn't bad. it means that if it lasts (and it won't, of course), we'd be at 1000 responses within a day.06:18
IlyaHaykinson_Ha! someone wants our manual to describe "applications towards the creation of giant space dinosaur robots" :-)06:22
IlyaHaykinson_we better get right on it06:22
pererik87most of them dont know about UHC06:32
wolterpererik87, you still here?07:10
humphreybchehehe did you guys see the new artwork updates?07:12
wolterhumphreybc, of the coverpage?07:12
wolterwell you've been off for a long while I say07:13
wolteri have now07:15
wolterthis kolorguild guy keeps working on new and new and new and new proposals07:15
humphreybcum regarding Lulu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1378816&page=307:15
humphreybcpost $2407:15
humphreybc#24 *07:15
humphreybcI know nothing about it07:16
wolteroh i irc-know that guy07:16
wolterhes always in the #unity-coders channel i told you about07:16
humphreybclol @ "We just made RTFM a whole lot better"07:19
humphreybcwhat do you guys think about KolorGuild's new proposals?07:20
wolterexcellent photo manip07:20
wolterI think they're a bit off the style we want07:20
humphreybcbut they're different, and interesting.07:21
humphreybcnew ideas are good :)07:21
wolterwell yes, thats true07:21
humphreybcit's going to be soo damn hard to choose one07:21
wolterbut I think they're too cluttered up07:21
wolteryes, indeed07:21
wolterbut I think everybody is going for vish's with my lynx :)07:22
* humphreybc is reading the questionnaire thread and the latest responses. I'm very pleased that most of what is being suggested is already being planned for the manual :)07:22
wolterkolorguild has good ideas, but I think he needs to comply a little more with the style07:22
humphreybcI think vish's could use some more work though07:22
humphreybcyour lynx is fantastic though wotler07:22
wolterthanks :)07:22
humphreybcit's too bad we can't get everyone together in a room to brainstorm07:22
wolteroh, don't you use tab completion for nickks?07:22
wolteryeah well, with the meeting's new time setting i think we could talk about it in a meeting07:23
humphreybcoh for christ sake I didn't realise pidgin supported it till now.07:23
wolterhumphreybc, don't you think one meeting a week is very little?07:23
woltersupported what?07:23
humphreybctab completion07:23
humphreybctoo little?07:23
wolteroh haha07:23
humphreybcyou mean we should have meetings more often!?07:23
wolteryeah, not often enough i mean07:23
wolterwell maybe twice a weak07:24
wolteri mean, this thing is going fast07:24
wolterbut its just an idea07:24
humphreybcbut most things we decide on in IRC07:24
wolterwhat are your comments on it?07:24
humphreybcour team communication is amazing07:24
humphreybcthere are always active discussions in IRC, the mailing list is always busy, the wiki is always being changed etc and we have proper meetings once a week. I think we talk more than any other project07:24
wolterI like this team a lot you know07:25
humphreybchaha so do I07:25
humphreybcour team is awesome07:25
wolterNobody is like that typical linux-consumed dude that tries to make everyone else look like a fool07:25
wolterhaha, i guess you haven't been in many irc channels07:26
humphreybcnot really07:26
wolterif you go to #linux or #c channel, you'll find plenty of those07:26
woltersometimes you trigger they're anger without knowing07:26
IlyaHaykinson_humphreybc: you missed it when i said it earlier, but the survey's picked up thanks to a news.softpedia.com mention and some diggs07:26
wolterjust saying the wrong words will do07:26
wolterlol.. "some"07:26
wolterlike 400!07:26
IlyaHaykinson_currently at 717 responses07:26
humphreybcyep Ilya don't worry I scroll up and read what's been said :)07:27
IlyaHaykinson_ah, nice07:27
humphreybcthat's amazing, how are the stats looking?07:27
humphreybcany interesting trends that we haven't accounted for?07:27
IlyaHaykinson_good. short summary: need to cover software installation really well; printing; wireless and other networking07:27
wolteroh humphreybc, the graphics you showed in your video are based off the forum thread right?07:27
IlyaHaykinson_open office for the apps07:28
humphreybcwolter: yeah it was the only usage example of spreadsheet i had lying around07:28
IlyaHaykinson_as soon as we hit a thousand i'll prepare a good summary07:28
wolterLol, I don't know what people don't understand about openoffice07:28
humphreybcfantastic work Ilya, truly well done. :)07:28
IlyaHaykinson_and post that, as well as the raw data and the site's own summary data07:28
IlyaHaykinson_interestingly there's little correlation so far between which OS people use and what they want to see in the manual07:28
humphreybcWell wolter I think it's more that OpenOffice is rather a large app with many settings, and it has three or more programs07:29
IlyaHaykinson_except some thigns. like Windows people who've never used Ubuntu don't place a lot of value on covering printing07:29
humphreybchmm that is interesting07:29
wolterwell, it has like 507:29
IlyaHaykinson_but people who have used it rate printing pretty high (meaning they had trouble)07:29
humphreybcwhat are we doing about Ch 4?07:29
IlyaHaykinson_i think chapters 1, 2, and 4 are in trouble right now.07:30
humphreybcchapter 1?07:30
IlyaHaykinson_that's installation, right?07:30
humphreybcthat's my chapter07:30
humphreybcalright maybe it's time I sent a motivational email to the ml07:30
IlyaHaykinson_yup. you need to make some progress on it :-)07:30
IlyaHaykinson_at the same time, i think that's an easier one07:31
IlyaHaykinson_mainly because the ubuntu folks have done an excellent job making a guided installation wizard that takes care of a lot of problems.07:31
IlyaHaykinson_mainly i think you need to a) pretend that you're a windows user, with a.1) a live CD in hand, a.2) a link to ubuntu.com and a blank CD-R disk07:31
wolterI could help on installation chapter07:32
wolterhumphreybc, would you say I should rather continue my old chap5 or develop the new one?07:32
IlyaHaykinson_b) walk them through the live cd process, and then theinstallation07:32
IlyaHaykinson_step by step (screen by screen)07:32
humphreybcwolter perhaps help on chapter 407:32
IlyaHaykinson_wolter: i think you have made some great progress on chap 5...07:32
IlyaHaykinson_but i think it will need a lot more content still...07:33
wolterIlyaHaykinson_, with the new version of it?07:33
wolterIlyaHaykinson_, yes, indeed07:33
IlyaHaykinson_yeah, i think the new version is a step in the right direction07:33
IlyaHaykinson_but you need to get in depth on installing software using the software center, and make that your focus07:33
IlyaHaykinson_there are a lot of people in the survey talking about software installation07:33
IlyaHaykinson_i don't know if it's the majority or not -- it was in the fill-in response, so it's hard to quantify -- but packages and software center etc were frequent mentions07:34
IlyaHaykinson_i recommend actually walking the user through the application, pretty much screen by screen, button-click by button-click07:34
wolteri think its the majority07:35
wolterat least thats all i read when I look at the thread07:35
IlyaHaykinson_humphreybc: chapter 4 is a big, big deal. i think you need to split it up between more like 4 people and have them start making serious progress.07:35
IlyaHaykinson_wolter: i mean the questionpro.com survey, with 700 responses07:35
wolterI don't know if we should provide a "In this chapter you will learn: <bullets>" in some chapters07:35
wolterIlyaHaykinson_, oh07:36
IlyaHaykinson_wolter: no need to have the bullets, in my opinion. they will have that with the table of contents, if they need it.07:36
wolterIlyaHaykinson_, goood point :)07:36
IlyaHaykinson_wolter: and people do a good job of scanning the headings even when looking at the chapter itself, anyway. people are good scrollers these days :)07:36
IlyaHaykinson_in general, and i don't mean to sound as alarmist as i might come off, i think we're not on track right now. we're 20 days from our alpha deadline when we're supposed to have most content written.07:37
IlyaHaykinson_i know that i've got my work cut out for me with chap3, and i -think- i'll finish or get close. but we need to be making close to a page a day progress on chapters 2 and 4 as well, for sure.07:38
godbykWhen I published a book through lulu.com, I didn't put an ISBN on it, so I didn't encounter problems there.07:38
godbyk(Just catching up on the backlog of chatter here. :-))07:40
humphreybcIlyaHaykinson, I agree. I'll finish off chapter 1 and start on chapter 4.07:40
humphreybcI'll need some help thoguh07:40
godbykDo we want our screenshots to have captions?07:40
humphreybci think so07:40
godbyk(I'm going to make a \TODOscreenshot command or similar.)07:40
humphreybcwe can steal stuff from the doc team wiki for chapter 407:41
humphreybcdo you guys think we should split chapter 4 up into two chapters?07:42
godbykWhat license is the manual under?  (So I can toss together a copyright page.)07:42
godbykI'm not sure what Preferences refers to, but it doesn't seem related to hardware.07:43
humphreybcCreative Commons Share Alike07:43
godbykSome of the chapter titles are a little odd, too.07:43
humphreybchow do I do an internal chapter link now?07:43
humphreybcmeh the chapter titles can be fine tuned later07:43
godbykhumphreybc: You can say \chaplink{ch:blah} and it'll print "Chapter 0: Blah"07:43
humphreybcand does that link to that chapter?07:44
godbykIt's magic -- it does everything! :-)07:44
IlyaHaykinson_re chapter 4... i think we can keep it as one chapter for now, since a lot of hardware and preferences go hand in hand.07:45
humphreybcso I go "\chaplink{ch:learning-more} ?07:45
* humphreybc hacks on chapter 107:45
IlyaHaykinson_but i suggest reorganizing the chapter a bit... i guess we can do that once we figure out who'll be writing it.07:45
IlyaHaykinson_humphreybc: i suggest you don't touch chap4... between chap1 and other work on your plate, i think you've got your hands full.07:45
IlyaHaykinson_for now at least.07:46
wolterhaha, godbyk could you make a fun-fact notecallout type of thing?07:46
wolterif you all agree, of course07:46
godbykwolter: What kind of fun facts do you have?07:46
humphreybchmm yeah Ilya that is probably wise advice. Who are we going to get to write chapter 4?07:46
wolterlike "fun-fact: Deb packages are inherited from Debian: Ubuntu's father Linux distribution"07:46
godbykAt the moment, chapter 4 sounds like a catch-all.07:47
wolterwell, maybe its not that important07:47
IlyaHaykinson_well, let's see how people respond to your email... if there's no constructive response within 24 hrs, i would put out a call for N people to help with it.07:47
humphreybcwe can utilize the existing wiki docs for chapter 407:47
godbykwolter: I'd just mention it in a parenthetical comment, probably.07:47
IlyaHaykinson_some of the docs are OK. but i'm finding that a lot of the docs are not really all that helpful.07:47
humphreybcwe aren't using much of their content thus far07:47
IlyaHaykinson_the networking docs were kind of like "1. open this screen (detailed explanation which screen). 2. enter the correct settings. 3. click OK"07:48
IlyaHaykinson_and a user would be like "wtf" to #207:48
IlyaHaykinson_hm, the updated make file doesn't seem to notice changes07:49
godbykI haven't looked at much of the text of the manual so far, so this may be what's planned/done.. but it's probably handy to have a "How do I...?" type thing.. more task-oriented instead of application-oriented.07:50
IlyaHaykinson_godbyk: for the applications, it's exactly that way07:50
IlyaHaykinson_see the suggested order of the chapter at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/Blueprints/DefaultApps07:50
humphreybchow's image insertion going07:51
humphreybcdo we have support for that yet?07:51
godbykIlyaHaykinson: cool07:51
godbykhumphreybc: What images do you want to put in?07:51
humphreybcsee chapter 107:52
humphreybcjust as a test image07:52
godbykIlyaHaykinson: re: Makefile, yeah, it's not keyed to notice chapter changes atm.  I need to fix that.07:52
godbykIn fact, I'll do that now.07:52
humphreybcokay guys, tell me some cons of the LiveCD07:52
godbykhumphreybc: Short answer, is yeah, you can put in images.. Just do a \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{blah.png}07:53
humphreybcfor the "couple of things to keep in mind, however" part of that section07:53
godbyklonger answer depends on what exactly you want. :-)07:53
godbykhumphreybc: It's slow?07:53
humphreybci've mentioned that07:53
IlyaHaykinson_we need to do the same section planning to chap2, 4, and to some degree 5 (wolter, the new version still jumps around between the advanced (locks, apt, etc) and the core gui stuff with software center)07:54
humphreybcyeah 4 is all over the place07:54
humphreybcIlya do you want to help with that07:54
IlyaHaykinson_humphreybc: i would say the main disadvantage is that you can't save changes, and thus can't test with all the latest updates or with non-default drivers07:55
* humphreybc is downloading the lucid alpha 2 in test drive so he can install it07:55
humphreybcokay, now, disadvantages of using Wubi?07:55
IlyaHaykinson_humphreybc: i will try to take a crack at the outline tomorrow.07:55
* IlyaHaykinson_ never used Wubi...07:55
wolterIlyaHaykinson_, so you say I should avoid talking about apt and those things?07:56
wolterthe subsection says its an insight, but I could get rid of it. However, i think the new users *have* to know, even if just a little, about what happens under the hod07:57
IlyaHaykinson_wolter: I wouldn't mention it at all. novices don't -need- to know, they just know that they hit the install button in the software center and there's a progress bar and the thing installs :)07:57
wolterIlyaHaykinson_, hm.. ok07:58
wolterI will ommit then :)07:58
godbykOkay, I've updated (and pushed) the Makefile, so that if you edit a chapter, it will regen the pdf.07:58
IlyaHaykinson_maybe as a \advanced{}, during the discussion of Synaptic (which should itself be short, in my opinion, since novice users shouldn't need it very often), you can have a quick mention that there are other tools to install thigns like aptitude and apt, or something.07:58
IlyaHaykinson_godbyk: thank you.07:58
IlyaHaykinson_quick question07:58
IlyaHaykinson_what's the italics command?07:58
IlyaHaykinson_i thought it was \textem... but clearly i'm wrong07:58
IlyaHaykinson_ah. thank wolter07:59
godbykIlyaHaykinson: What are you using italics for?07:59
godbykIf it's for emphasis, use \emph{blah}.07:59
wolterso, what is the agreement on the heading format? sentence cased or title cased?07:59
humphreybcTest Drive lets you install Ubuntu right? It doesn't do it for you?07:59
wolterTest Drive?07:59
humphreybcTest Drive, it's a development project to make testing ubuntu versions easier07:59
IlyaHaykinson_ah, that's why i was thinking "em", it's the \emph.08:00
IlyaHaykinson_if \emph is for italics, is there an equivalent "meaningful" command for bolding?08:00
godbykIlyaHaykinson: Nope, because bold should almost never be used.08:00
IlyaHaykinson_gotcha. except in our manual, with menu and appplication names etc08:01
godbykIlyaHaykinson: Yeah, but we have our own commands for formatting those.08:01
godbykAuthors should (probably) never have to use \textbf.08:01
IlyaHaykinson_i know \application... is there one for menu options?08:01
humphreybcfill me in on these new commands?08:02
humphreybcwhy no \textbf?08:02
godbykEr, maybe there isn't yet. Let me look08:02
godbykSo far I've made \button, \tab, \dropdown (for combo boxes I think), \nav for menus..08:02
godbykWhat am I missing?08:02
godbyk(And the formatting for those may change, right now most of them are just equivalent to \textbf.)08:03
woltergodbyk, thats excellent work08:03
godbykhumphreybc: Because if we want to change the formatting of all buttons, for instance, we can.08:03
IlyaHaykinson_godbyk: perfect. i think you also need one for a text field08:03
woltergodbyk, labels08:03
woltergodbyk, and terms08:03
wolterlike, terms to define08:03
humphreybcwait where are we using buttons?08:04
humphreybcand drop down menus?08:04
humphreybcthis is a PDF right?08:04
godbykwolter: For terms, I think we'll incorporate it into a glossary, so I'll do something fancy there (codewise).08:04
godbykhumphreybc: Just to format the *names* of buttons.08:04
woltergodbyk, ok, but how should i emphasize new terms?08:04
godbykLike: Click the \button{OK} button.08:04
godbykwolter: For now, use \textit and I can fix it when I've written a new command.08:05
IlyaHaykinson_wolter is right. i need to mention things like DHCP08:05
IlyaHaykinson_and right now i say \textbf{DHCP}08:05
IlyaHaykinson_but would be nice to say \term{DHCP}08:05
wolteryeah :)08:05
godbykIlyaHaykinson: Yeah, I'll write a command to handle all that stuff.08:05
IlyaHaykinson_also... let's have a \menuoption{}08:05
humphreybcall of this stuff needs to be documented somewhere and the authors need to be told08:06
godbykThe glossary stuff is a bit funky 'cause there was recently a new package written for that, but it's not in the TeXLive 2007 distribution (which is what you have installed in the Ubuntu repositories).08:06
IlyaHaykinson_godbyk: another one: \checkbox08:06
godbykhumphreybc: I'm working on a style-guide.pdf so it's not barfed all over the wiki (and because it allows for better formatting).08:06
IlyaHaykinson_does one need to escape ampersands?08:07
godbyk Use \&08:07
godbykBtw, I assume most authors are non-American?  But we're writing using American-style English, right?08:08
IlyaHaykinson_godbyk: this is in line with the ubuntu docs guidelines.08:09
godbykThat's cool.  I was just wondering for style-guide purposes.08:09
IlyaHaykinson_godbyk: another one should imho be \windowtitle{blah} which by default formats as ``blah''08:09
humphreybcare we using \button just for keyboard keys or for on screen buttons as well that are clicked?08:09
IlyaHaykinson_humphreybc: \button is for on-screen button controls08:09
godbykThere are some details that non-Americans may be unaware of, that I can mention.  (Like punctuation and quotation marks.)08:10
humphreybcwhat are keys?08:10
IlyaHaykinson_dunno if we have one. \userinput?08:10
godbykThere's a keystroke package we can use that makes them look like keys..08:10
IlyaHaykinson_oh goodness. i think that would look horrible.08:10
humphreybcthat's not really necessary08:11
humphreybccan you make a command for \keystroke or something so I can use that08:11
humphreybccool is it going to be called \keystroke?08:11
* humphreybc finds himself having to use more than one workspace for the first time ever08:12
wolterwhats the floating text block for defining terms?08:12
godbykJust use the \notecallout[Definition]{Blah blah blah...} command for now.08:12
godbykI still have to play with some things to get the glossary and term definition stuff working.08:13
godbykhumphreybc: \keystroke is good for key presses, yeah.  Like "Press \keystroke{Enter}."08:13
humphreybcdrop down boxes are?08:14
woltergodbyk, also a \section{} thing08:14
wolterto link to sections inside chapters08:14
IlyaHaykinson_ok. i think i'm done for the night.08:14
wolteror mention08:14
IlyaHaykinson_just pushed more wireless connection stuff... i think it's time to move on to firefox08:14
woltermaybe \seclink08:15
godbykwolter: k08:15
IlyaHaykinson_godbyk: in the makefile, can it be chaptername/*.tex as dependencies?08:16
IlyaHaykinson_for long chapters we're breaking them out as separate files per section, which means that the chapter file itself is like 5 lines long08:17
godbykIlyaHaykinson: Sure.08:18
humphreybcradio buttons?08:18
IlyaHaykinson_ok, l8r folks.08:19
godbykhumphreybc: Oh, sure, after I just pushed! :-)08:20
godbykhumphreybc: Okay, \radiobutton is there now, too.08:21
godbykAnd with that, I'm gonna go to bed.08:22
godbykIf you have more stuff you want me to add, just note it here or email me at <godbyk@gmail.com>08:22
humphreybcDo you think it's a good idea to include the "specify manual partions" or should I just say that's for advanced users only?08:23
godbykhumphreybc: I'd include it.08:23
humphreybcthe two options "Install Ubuntu side by side and choose at each startup" or "Erase entire disk" should be satisfactory for most?08:23
godbykEspecially for Windows users who want to run Windows and Linux side-by-side.08:23
humphreybcbut won't the option automatically do that for em?08:24
godbykhumphreybc: Hmm.. Maybe.  I don't know how well the auto side-by-side option works, I guess.  That didn't exist when I started.08:24
godbykThe manual option is good if they don't want to give up as much (or as little) space as the auto option would choose.08:24
humphreybcgodbyk, I just pushed it through but I think I broke it. Could you have a look?08:46
woltergodbyk, how do i link to a section?08:54
humphreybcoh wait godbyk has gone to bed09:02
humphreybccrap the whole thing is fairly broke09:04
wolterwhat did you break?09:05
wolteri haven't downloaded your push09:05
humphreybcwolter, is there a subsubsubsection?09:08
wolterI think there is09:09
wolterbut thats the lowest level09:09
wolterthere is, but has no format09:09
wolterit looks like normal text, just checked.09:09
humphreybcdw fixed it09:09
humphreybci'll push again in a sec09:09
humphreybcwow whoever has been working on chap 3 is doing awesome09:12
humphreybctell me what you think about the work i've done on the installation chapter09:16
humphreybcdammit do you know how to separate things into a new line?09:16
woltersorry, i was busy09:16
wolterwhat do you mean with that?09:17
wolterwow, thats a big chapter09:18
wolterand IlyaHaykinson is doing it as far as I know09:18
wolterNow, whoever is working on chap5 is making tremendous work too :)09:18
humphreybci mean like a line gap09:19
humphreybcfor giving instructions09:21
humphreybcbut when you don't want to use bullet points09:21
humphreybcor lists09:21
wolterStill don't understand very well09:23
wolterlike a horizontal line?09:23
humphreybcjust like typing something, then pressing enter twice09:28
humphreybcto insert a blank line to break things up09:28
wolteri think it was \blank09:31
wolterI think that the author of command-line is not very fit to writing about it09:32
wolteranyway, bye humphreybc, I have too sleepp09:32
wolterjam session tomorrow with some friends :)09:32
wolterwe're going to play "horse with no name - america", presumably09:32
humphreybchaha that's easy!09:34
humphreybcjust pushed09:38
humphreybcyou should pull and see the changes09:38
humphreybcWolter did you try linking to a section?09:55
humphreybcBecause something is broken now and it says on Page 17 which is your chapter :)09:56
* humphreybc emailed some feedback from Martin Owens to the team10:23
pererik87was he the UHC guy10:38
IlyaHaykinsonnice, the survey has 1036 respondents17:35
p3t3rone question:17:40
p3t3rDo we have to finish to translate this part of the manual before 11-02-10 or by this date?17:40
dutchieno, not by any means17:41
dutchietranslate as much as you can, but at the moment, there are no hard translation deadlines17:42
p3t3rthanks :)17:46
* dutchie goes for a shower17:46
wolterhey people17:55
wolterso, no activity?19:26
dutchieeveryone's busy writing, not chatting19:27
wolterone can almost here the clacking of the keyboards19:28
wolteror not19:31
humphreybcSee the doc team might be moving to Mallard for Lucid19:49
wolterah, thought so19:49
humphreybcThey were concerned about the amount of comments on the Manual blog posts etc that suggested users didn't know anything about in built help19:49
humphreybcso they're trying to improve it drastically :)19:49
humphreybcEven if we haven't added anything to Ubuntu via the manual, we've still inadvertently managed to overhaul the docs :P19:50
humphreybcb1ackcr0w, you need to seriously start working on your chapter :)19:50
wolterwe will humphreybc... trust me19:50
humphreybcrighto wolter, good thing I can count on you! xP19:50
woltersure humphreybc19:57
wolterso humphreybc, will there be any documentation in building packages from source?20:02
wolterI think i have asked this already20:02
wolterbut just want to re-check20:02
dutchiei'd say NO NO NO NO NO NO20:02
wolterbut i think it is worth to mention that building is *one* of the many methods in which one can get software in ubuntu20:03
wolteror not20:03
dutchieit's really not something we should advocate20:04
dutchiepeople's first port of call should be the software centre, not some random website offering tarballs20:04
b1ackcr0whumphreybc: understood20:42
humphreybcwolter, no no21:16
humphreybcno building from source :)21:16
humphreybcsoftware center software center software center21:16
humphreybcthere are THOUSANDS of applications available there and i'm SURE someone can find what they're after21:17
pererik87SC SC SC SC SC21:24
godbykBack home.  Stupid ice storms.  Ice sucks.22:21
godbykAt least I didn't fall on my butt this time.22:22
=== Guest42653 is now known as ianto
pererik87sudo apt-get install package1 package2 package3 --assume-yes    /did not know i could do that. Installing new programs after reinstalling is going to go alot faster next time23:46

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