=== KatieKitty is now known as KatieOffline === KatieOffline is now known as KatieKitty === asac_ is now known as asac === KatieKitty is now known as KatieOffline === KatieOffline is now known as KatieKitty === KatieKitty is now known as KatieOffline === KatieOffline is now known as KatieKitty === njpatel_ is now known as njpatel === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach === Zic is now known as Guest90451 === alsroot_ is now known as Guest6568 === jono is now known as Guest95190 === Joeb454 is now known as Guest22159 === fader|away is now known as fader_ === Guest6568_ is now known as alsroot === yofel_ is now known as yofel [13:51] hi [13:52] o/ [13:53] \o [13:53] o/ === popey_ is now known as popey [13:54] * nijaba runs to get a coffee before the meeting starts [13:55] * jjohansen waves [13:56] * stgraber waves [13:59] hi all [13:59] o/ [13:59] \\o [14:00] our beloved boss is busy doing... manager stuff, so I'll chair this one [14:00] ttx++ # thanks [14:00] zul, soren, jjohansen: around ? [14:00] * jjohansen waves to ttx [14:01] I suppose kirkland is sleeping [14:01] maaaybe [14:01] let's get started [14:01] #startmeeting [14:01] ... [14:01] No MootThing [14:01] I'll be today's scribe, lucky me [14:02] so we'll try to keep it short :P [14:02] o/ [14:02] [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting (ttx) [14:02] * ScottMoser to look at getting Karmic images refreshed. [14:02] * Mathiaz to send out AWS Client lib RFC [14:03] ttx: done [14:03] * ttx to coordinate alpha ISO testing. [14:03] done [14:03] * ttx for papercuts: discuss acceptance criteria, project publicity plan [14:03] mail sent, no answer, more in this meeting [14:03] smoser: status on first action in list ? [14:04] * Mathiaz to publish papercuts & apport efforts in our blog/community channels [14:04] ttx: done [14:04] * mathiaz to publish request for iso testing in our regular blog/community channels [14:04] ttx: done [14:04] eric verified karimc-proposed for me. [14:04] * mathiaz feels repetitive [14:04] we hope to have that refresh end of week. pitti said he will push to -updates. [14:04] smoser: we will, you mean :) [14:05] [ACTION] smoser to publish karmic cloud image refresh [14:05] sounds good. [14:05] ok, next subject [14:05] [TOPIC] Spec quickreview (ttx) [14:06] So, this is where we communicate a short oneliner about each spec [14:06] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-server-lucid-alpha-3.html [14:06] server-lucid-cloud-krd [14:06] (smoser) [14:07] I want a short status, "on track" is OK [14:07] boothooks, krd and config on srack. [14:07] Note that in the future, you should update the "Status:" part of the blueprint before the meeting [14:07] so that status shows automagically on the report [14:08] so I don't want to see "(not updated)" there anymore :) [14:08] Err... [14:08] server-lucid-vmbuilder-multiple-outputs (soren) [14:08] krd is giving me some fits right now, it *should* be fixed on ec2, and i've even verified in one case, can't figure out why my official builds pushed this morning are not working. [14:08] What are the valid statuses we can put there? [14:08] "On track", "Doomed"... [14:09] "OMG" [14:09] Anything else than "On track" will be further discussed during the meeting. [14:09] ttx: I thought it would be parsed and interpreted by some script or whatnot so it had to be some specific set of statuses. Ok, no worries. [14:09] soren: oh, no. It's just a freeform status [14:10] soren: what about server-lucid-vmbuilder-multiple-outputs ? [14:10] on track [14:10] server-lucid-vmbuilder-multiple-outputs [14:10] arrh [14:10] server-lucid-mysql-5.0 (zul) [14:10] on track [14:10] on track! [14:10] server-lucid-eucalyptus-merging-and-packaging (kirkland) [14:10] I keep telling you! [14:10] dude! [14:10] :D [14:10] on track [14:10] server-lucid-id-mgmt-login-testing (mathiaz) [14:10] ttx: started - on track [14:10] server-lucid-daily-vcs (zul) [14:10] started [14:10] server-lucid-canonical-application-support (zul) [14:11] on track [14:11] server-lucid-papercuts (ttx) [14:11] on track, more about it today [14:11] server-lucid-aws-client-libraries (mathiaz) [14:11] ttx: on track as well [14:12] This is getting old [14:12] Anyone has anything not on track ? [14:12] I can stop working on things, just to spice things up? [14:12] No charge. [14:12] No? [14:12] Oh, well. [14:12] Everyone: please update the status in your specs so that we can call it done [14:12] heh [14:12] ttx: well - there are a couple of my specs that haven't started yet [14:12] and do so before every meeting at the very least [14:12] ttx: so I can't really say wether they're on track or not [14:13] mathiaz: right. And until the alpha3 plan is finalized that doesn't make so much sense anyway [14:13] ttx: the close we get to the deadline, the more accurate I can say wether they're on track or not [14:13] Which brings us to... [14:13] ttx: right - how about that? [14:14] [ACTION] everyone: update status for your specs before the meeting starts [14:14] (next week) [14:14] [TOPIC] Alpha3 subcycle planning (ttx) [14:14] So this is still work in progress, should be officialized this week [14:15] ttx: does it mean that spec will be added? [14:15] As a reminder High priority specs should be dealt with before the "Medium" ones, which are in turn more important than the "Low" ones [14:15] ttx: dropped? [14:15] ttx: WI revisited? [14:15] mathiaz: The targets are being reviewed [14:15] ttx: you mean the WI lists or the goals? [14:15] that could end up in specs being dropped [14:15] the goals [14:16] Prio 1 specs ("High") should not change, so work can safely start on them. [14:16] ttx: ok [14:16] as well as everything that spilled over from alpha2 [14:16] (don't follow my look) [14:16] ttx: and there isn't any hidden spec (critical ones) that would show up on the radar? [14:16] mathiaz: no [14:17] There might be new Prio 2 ones, or things moving from prio 3 to prio 2... [14:17] but we don't expact anything [14:17] Any other questions ? [14:18] nope [14:18] moving on, then [14:18] [TOPIC] server-lucid-papercuts (ttx) [14:18] So today I wanted to discuss with everyone the acceptance criteria and best way/timing to announce the project [14:18] I sent an email to the ubuntu-server ML about this [14:19] does the criteria announced there make sense, and is it sufficiently precise to allow us to deny/accept bugs ? [14:19] * ttx digs up link [14:19] ttx: Was just about to ask that :) [14:19] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2010-January/003648.html [14:20] The project was created, and a group to act as triagers was created [14:21] Comments ? [14:21] At a glance, the criteria look fine. [14:21] any package can be triaged as a papercut or only those in main? [14:21] alexm: I'd say, any. [14:22] Anything server related, IMO. [14:22] Be it main or universe (or multiverse). [14:22] great [14:22] * zul likes the branding [14:22] ok, then, if those make sense, we'll try them out. [14:23] we can revisit them if they end up being a complete failure [14:23] About publicity plan now [14:23] We need bugs to be nominated now === swoody_ is now known as swoody [14:23] So I think we should communicate about that phase widely [14:24] I can do a (personal) blogpost about it [14:24] as can i [14:24] What's the plan? Collect and process papercuts until X milestone, and then go into fixing mode? [14:24] What else should we aim for ? UWN ? [14:24] i will too in my loco [14:24] soren: yes [14:24] I've already published a blog post on the ubuntuserver blog [14:25] Fixing should start after alpha3 [14:25] uwn obviously and a post to ubuntu-devel as well i think [14:25] ... which probably means that those should all be bugs not affected by FeatureFreeze, methinks [14:25] mathiaz: Aw, I missed it [14:26] ok [14:26] Anything else on that area ? [14:26] [ACTION] ttx, zul to blog about papercuts, make sure UWN gets the word [14:27] [ACTION] tx to send email about criteria and nomination to ubuntu-devel, ubuntu-server [14:27] Moving on [14:27] [TOPIC] server-lucid-apport-hooks (zul) [14:27] hi [14:28] so at uds in dallas we talked about having apport hooks in server packages can help the quality of the bug reports we recieved [14:28] the spec is at https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-apport-hooks [14:28] and so we have come up with a list of packages based on number of bugs in launchpad and other factors [14:29] the list can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ApportHooks [14:29] if you want to help out with this effort please sign up [14:29] i think thats it from me [14:30] oh yeah and i blogged about it last week as well so there is some publicity around this as well [14:30] any comments? [14:30] anyone interested in helping Chuck ? [14:31] dont all yell at once ;) [14:31] zul: I've posted a post about it on the ubuntuserver blog [14:31] mathiaz: cool i must have missed it [14:31] ok, let's move on... zul will do a weekly update on the progress of the apport hooks effort during the meeting. [14:32] zul: Having never written an apport hook, i would like to have a play with what is involved before offering :) [14:32] Daviey: it's easy, and fun ! [14:32] Daviey: yeah I was the same way its not that hard, there are plenty of examples though [14:32] * ttx wonders if there is an apport session during devWeek [14:32] neat [14:33] when is devweek again? [14:33] next week [14:33] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (soren) [14:33] oh i dont think so but in the past there has been sessions on how to write apport hooks [14:33] soren: how is quality going [14:34] soren: any one processing the mysql build failure? [14:34] mathiaz: Not that I know of. [14:34] ttx: It's improving! [14:34] soren: I've been receiving these messages in my Inbox for a few days [14:34] mathiaz: So you should be super motivated to fix it :) [14:34] * ttx hesitates between fixing it and writing a filter rule for it [14:35] ttx: Since last week I've extended the ISO testing stuff somewhat. [14:35] * nijaba thinks that ttx second option lasts longer ;) [14:35] soren: well - I think the next step should be to identify *why* it fails [14:35] soren: after that we can see *how* it should be fixed [14:35] nijaba: yes but you will get warm and fuzzies if you fix it [14:35] soren: extending, how ? [14:35] I can now at the click of a button run ISO tests of the cartesian product of i386/amd64,lvm/non-lvm,basic/mail/bind9/lamp/postgresql installs. [14:35] ah, ok [14:36] I'll be adding the last few server ISO test cases either this week ornext. [14:36] soren: do you have a describition of your setup somewhere? [14:36] ..and I'll add a live CD test as well so that the desktop people can see how über cool the stuff we're using is. [14:36] soren: could this be included as part of the checkbox automatic test runs from marc tardif ? [14:37] mathiaz: I started documenting it, but I was changing it faster than I could describe it, so I put that on hold for a bit. [14:37] soren: fair enough [14:37] It will move to be run along with Marc's other tests. [14:37] soren: anything else before we move on ? [14:37] ...and part of that involves documenting the whole thing. [14:37] Just one thing. [14:37] UDW is next week, and I have a session on this stuff, so if you're interested, come join me. [14:38] It's Tuesday at... er... 2000 UTC, I think. [14:38] when? [14:38] It's Tuesday at... er... 2000 UTC, I think. [14:38] :) [14:38] UDW = Ubuntu Developer Week, by the way. [14:38] That's it from me. [14:38] Plenty of crazy stuff @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Sessions !! [14:38] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) [14:38] Unless anyone has questions, of course. [14:38] jjohansen: o/ [14:38] \o [14:39] We have one specific bug to discuss [14:39] I'll let smoser do the talking [14:39] whoowhoo [14:39] ok. [14:39] okay, well I did some test kernel builds for said bug [14:39] Bug #494565 [14:39] Launchpad bug 494565 in linux "support ramdiskless boot for relevant kvm drive interfaces in -virtual" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/494565 [14:40] so, we have a blueprint that wishes to have UEC and EC2 images booting without a ramdisk (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-cloud-krd) [14:40] in order to do that, we need support for the block devices used by EC2 and UEC built in to the respective kernels. [14:40] right, EC2 is not a problem [14:40] jjohansen: how did those tests go ? [14:40] ttx: okay [14:40] the UEC images use '-virtual' which is a "sub-flavour" of '-server' for amd64 and -generic-pae for i386 [14:40] jjohansen: eta for fix ? [14:41] ttx: not yet [14:41] there needs to be a decision made about how we are going to proceed [14:41] Why is this a problem? [14:41] it is not possible for jjohansen to change the config of -virtual and keep it a "sub flavour" [14:41] -virtual is a subflavour and can not have its own confings [14:41] so either we start a new flavor [14:42] I thought you guys were building a whole bunch of stuff into the kernel anyway to avoid the need for a ramdisk for the common case (for boot speed purposes)? [14:42] or change -server and -generic-pae [14:42] so we either need to build the support for the relavent block devices into -server/-generic-pae, or split -virtual off into a separate entity [14:42] configs [14:42] jjohansen: shouldnt the xen block devices be already built in? [14:42] zul: for EC2 yes [14:42] ec2 yes, but thats really a non-issue as ec2 affects nothing else [14:42] jjohansen: I suppose it's a kernel team decision ? [14:42] ttx: well we need some server team input [14:43] our choice to bbuild in CONFIG_SCSI_SYM53C8XX_2=y could have negative affect [14:43] as in it would no longer be blacklistable. [14:43] basically how much of an impact would building them into -server have [14:43] eh? [14:43] UEC uses scsi disks? [14:43] we would also like to build in CONFIG_VIRTIO_NET=y and CONFIG_VIRTIO_BLK=y but I expect those would have less negative consequences. [14:43] smoser: it can be disabled [14:43] jjohansen, oh? via cmdline you can say "don't do anything" ? [14:44] yeah basically [14:44] * soren taps his microphone [14:44] soren, yes. UEC uses scsi disks. [14:44] smoser: Oh, wow. [14:44] it runs kvm with -drive if=scsi [14:44] * soren wonders why [14:44] jjohansen: and the cost of splitting -virtual into a separate entity ? It's a maintenance cost for the kernel team, right ? [14:44] the only options are ide, scsi or virtio. [14:44] right [14:44] smoser: to support EC2 images? [14:44] mathiaz is right, thats the assumption/explanation we have is that they use if=scsi so 'root=/dev/sda1' will work [14:45] smoser: IIRC UEC needs scsi drives in order to be able to provide the scratch space from EC2 as /dev/sdb [14:45] it is obviously possible to change eucalyptus, to use if=virtio, but that really is somewhat more heavy handed. [14:45] the basic question here is: [14:45] smoser: and run EC2 images *without* any modification [14:45] Does anyone expect negative fallout of changing: [14:45] CONFIG_VIRTIO_NET=m [14:45] CONFIG_VIRTIO_BLK=m [14:45] CONFIG_SCSI_SYM53C8XX_2=m [14:46] to the '=y' values. that would occur in -generic-pae (which affects people other than -server) and in '-server' [14:46] No. [14:46] the only one that should cause any problems is ONFIG_SCSI_SYM53C8XX_2=y [14:46] jjohansen: Why is that? [14:47] mathiaz, where "without any modification" needs "if you're willing to pretend that swapping out a kernel is not a modification" [14:47] I don't expect virtio to be used in general [14:47] but sYM53C8XX has caused scsi problems in the past [14:47] rare but possible [14:47] smoser: hm right. [14:47] Do we know why UEC uses scsi disks? [14:47] soren, googling for 'blacklist sym53c8xx' does have some hits. but jjohansen indicates that you could still effectively blacklist that. [14:47] soren: I've just outlined the reason above [14:47] soren, you're not listening. mathiaz explained that. [14:48] soren: IIRC UEC needs scsi drives in order to be able to provide the scratch space from EC2 as /dev/sdb [14:48] ok, we'll have to have a discussion about that. The no-ramdisk feature might not be worth the risk [14:48] soren: and run EC2 images *without* any modification [14:48] soren, and i'm guessing you're suggesting 'virtio' rather than 'ide' as the replacement ? virtio would require guest drivers, which may not be present at all. [14:48] (or additional workload) [14:48] smoser: No, not at all. [14:48] smoser: I'd use ide. [14:49] which would be slow [14:49] er [14:49] Not really. [14:49] smoser: the other thing is that we could add udev rules to create that symlink for virtio block devices (to emulate /dev/sdb from EC2) [14:49] These are not actual scsi controller or ide controllers. This is all emulated. [14:49] with guest modification, yes, mathiaz . note, that not all OSes support virtio [14:49] smoser: but that means not *all* EC2 images would run unmodified [14:49] i'll raise a thread so that we can continue this interesting discussion [14:50] ttx: ++ [14:50] soren, yes, but the scsi is emulated faster. this is what i've understood from some of the kvm folks. [14:50] moving on [14:50] [TOPIC] Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html (ttx) [14:50] ttx, i'll raise the thread on -devel [14:50] [ACTION] ttx to raise thread about the no-ramdisk / -virtual config tradeoff [14:51] unless you object. [14:51] and I delegate that to smoser. [14:51] moving on. [14:51] :) [14:51] Same status as last week... [14:51] nothing assigned to team [14:52] [ACTION] zul, kirkland to unassign themselves from "maybe working on one day" bugs [14:52] didnt have a chance to do that last week [14:52] but ill do it now [14:52] anything else about the list ? In its current form it's not really exploitable, zul & kirkland please fix that [14:52] moving on [14:53] [TOPIC] Weekly SRU review: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#SRU%20weekly%20review (mathiaz) [14:53] two bugs nominated for karmic [14:54] bug 434701 [14:54] Launchpad bug 434701 in python-boto "Main Inclusion Request: python-boto" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/434701 [14:54] bug 379329 [14:54] Launchpad bug 379329 in openssh "CVE-2008-5161: OpenSSH CBC plaintext recovery" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/379329 [14:54] first one is bogus [14:54] and the security team is probably taking care of the second one [14:54] second one is securityteam-land [14:54] jdstrand: kees: ^^? [14:55] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [14:55] anything worth on this list^^? === KatieKitty is now known as KatieOffline [14:56] there is a whole bunch of samba bugs that I fixed yesterday [14:56] which is not on the list [14:56] zul: right - the list is generated on monday nights IIRC [14:56] zul: they will show up next week [14:56] will be on next week's [14:57] ok [14:57] nothing SRU worth?? [14:57] nothing from me [14:57] the apxs one maybe [14:57] http://launchpad.net/bugs/503402 [14:57] Ubuntu bug 503402 in samba "winbind crashes on authentication (winbind_pam_auth)" [Medium,Fix released] [14:57] but already accepted [14:58] zul: well - it seems like it's a build failure from an upstream source [14:58] zul: not sure if it's SRU worth [14:59] zul: if the released version of php5 would fail, that would be more annoying [14:59] fine with me [14:59] ok - last one: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/acceptedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [14:59] there a bugs that have been accepted and have someone assigned [15:00] please move them forward and bring them to -proposed [15:00] * ttx cleans up the list a little [15:00] that's all for the SRU review [15:01] [TOPIC] Open Discussion [15:01] [TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time [15:01] Next week, same batplace... [15:02] Questions / remarks / Thoughts for the day ? [15:02] move the meeting time and day? [15:02] as a heads up; in 2 weeks (first week of feb) we have a sprint [15:02] i heard about lucid being delayed [15:02] is that true? [15:02] it's likely that the server meeting that week will be canceled [15:03] alexm: ah ? Interesting, I think I would know [15:03] that's what i thought too ;) [15:03] alexm: where? [15:03] alexm: At least, I hope they would tell me :) [15:03] people from my locoteam [15:03] * ttx could use a few more years before release. [15:03] maybe the rumours come from the forums [15:04] pfft [15:04] pfft [15:04] mathiaz: I think I mentioned the ssh thing last week. it is on our radar, it is for our team to fix. if someone from the server team/community wants to develop a patch and do the testing, we will sponsor it [15:04] ttx: don't worry at all, just wanted to be sure, thanks [15:04] mathiaz: otherwise, perhaps it should be taken off your todo list, since it is on ours? [15:04] jdstrand: well - it's on the list of nominated bugs for karmic [15:05] jdstrand: that's why it shows up on the review [15:05] (that said, there are higher priority issues in front of this issue) [15:05] jdstrand: just accept the nomination :) [15:05] jdstrand: should the bug be accepted for karmic? [15:05] * ttx closes the bar [15:05] it's time to go home, mathiaz. [15:05] #endmeeting [15:06] (as if the bot was listening) [15:06] mathiaz, ttx: accepted [15:06] jdstrand: great -thanks! [15:06] I didn't realize that was why you were talking about it [15:06] jdstrand: sorry for not providing enough context [15:07] np [15:09] thanks [15:10] thanks guys, and thanks ttx for running the show today [15:59] barry, cjwatson, ev, tremolux, james_w, doko_, mvo, Keybuk, slangasek: Hey! [15:59] hey lool [15:59] * slangasek waves [16:00] here [16:00] #startmeeting [16:00] me [16:00] Hmm that will be a botless meeting [16:00] [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Meetings/2010/0120#Agenda [16:00] hi [16:00] yeah, i think mootbot is dead (it the earlier launchpad meeting) [16:01] Not sure Keybuk will join as I understand he is travelling [16:01] tremolux doesn't appear on IRC either [16:02] Someone saw james_w? [16:02] No recent activity either; let's get started then [16:02] pong [16:02] [topic] Lightning Round [16:02] We will do the lightning round in the following order: [16:03] barry, cjwatson, ev, lool, doko, mvo, slangasek [16:03] barry: Mind starting? [16:03] sure thing [16:03] I was off last Wednesday so it was a short week for me. I worked on packaging a Python library not currently in Ubuntu from scratch, and got it successfully built in my PPA. I update the Python distribute package from Debian, got that successfully built in my PPA, and submitted a merge proposal for updating Lucid. I did both using the UDD method, sent an email of the experience to the mailing list and [16:03] some time reading up on the dh_python thread in debian-python, made some responses, and worked on my own fat byte-compilation file PEP. I also did some planning for Pycon. [16:03] Thanks; cjwatson? [16:03] no blockers [16:04] done: sent foundations-lucid-reliable-device-id-in-grub to Debian, iterated a bit, end in sight now; fixed repeated debconf-communicator startups in ubiquity [16:04] blocked: nothing [16:04] todo: finish grub device-id work; deal with network device problems in foundations-lucid-fix-iscsi-root; move on to designing UI for LVM/RAID in ubiquity (carried over) [16:04] also I've fixed the "Milestoned bugs" link on the agenda, please reload [16:04] [done] [16:04] Ah thanks; I copied it from the templates, but we didn't go through these in the last couple meetings so wasn't sure whether I'd cover these [16:05] ev: How are things doing for you? [16:05] Landing branches. Taking a look at the jockey ubiquity integration. Looking into the passthrough debconf stuff to assist in installing packages from oem-config. Was working on page transitions in ubiquity, but some of that has been taken over by design. Trying to reproduce and fix bug 497985. [16:05] Bug 497985 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/497985 is private [16:05] blocked: geoip work, but a date is set for IS to finish their end by [16:05] done [16:05] Thanks; I come next; [16:05] Did a bunch of very different small things, lots of MIRs, ARM-ish work, qemu patches; was on leave one day; not blocked on anything. [16:06] doko_: How goes? [16:06] OOo ARM fix, final eglibc 2.11.1 upload, backport of optimized string functions from trunk, submit more GCC and package bugs for 4.5 rebuild test, GCC-4.5 updates, GNAT build on ARM [16:07] plus more ARM thumb package reviews [16:07] Thanks; mvo what are the news on your side? [16:08] working on foundations-lucid-support-timeframe-information, [16:08] landed first merge of my launchpad branch in dogfood, working on [16:08] the client side now; [16:08] software-center ui work, speed problems with GtkTreeView in non-fixed height mode, proposed patch upstream (no feedback yet); [16:08] doing low-hanging fruits for local-repository support spec (pinging people) and created squid-deb-proxy package (in review state currently); [16:08] [done] [16:08] slangasek: and you're up now [16:08] got alpha-2 out the door last week; congrats all on an all-around nice milestone [16:09] did some post-a2 follow-up on mountall, plymouth problems [16:09] Thanks [16:09] [topic] Outstanding actions from last meeting [16:09] Apparently none [16:09] working on 8.04.4 this week, still aiming for next Thursday as a release date - candidate ISOs should be posted soon, testers wanted [16:10] (Oh sorry; I thought you were done; I should leave more time) [16:10] that's it now :) [16:10] Thanks :) [16:10] So there was no particular topic on the agenda for today [16:11] slangasek: Since 8.04.4 is coming, is there a list of bugs we should be reviewing here perhaps? [16:12] The template suggests looking at milestoned bugs and lucid bugs, and at the sponsorship queue; not sure it's the right time of the release cycle to look at lucid bugs in detail yet [16:12] lool: not really; the set of bugs for fixing in 8.04.4 is already set in stone, we're on to milestone validation [16:12] Ok; I didn't see any topic to bring up in the meeting in the ARs on the wiki page [16:13] [topic] Good news [16:13] Anyone has some good news to share? :) [16:13] ... how depressing ;-) [16:13] Well it's a very sad week indeed [16:14] ;) [16:14] I guess it's election time [16:14] [topic] next week chair [16:14] * lool looks around [16:14] I can do it [16:14] * lool hugs mvo [16:15] [topic] AOB [16:15] Any last minute topic? [16:16] who moved us above the burndown line? :) [16:16] I have one [16:16] just a quick note really, regarding items for IS [16:17] I know that we have a few IS dependencies for feature freeze; hopefully most of them are dealt with now, but in general, if you have IS things you're blocked on (as opposed to nice-to-have tickets), please drop me an e-mail note with [is-review] in the subject and I'll make sure that they're covered in my fortnightly calls [16:17] slangasek: I see a lot of workitems are being added to blueprints reflecting work which was just done; that pushes the bar to the top :-/ [16:17] lool: that's not what pushes the bar of *todo* items to the top [16:17] slangasek: Ack [16:18] Ok; well that was a short meeting! [16:18] Thanks everybody [16:18] #endmeeting [16:18] thanks [16:19] thanks lool! [16:19] thanks [16:19] thanks === Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth [16:57] * marjo_ waves [16:59] hello folks [17:00] * ara waves [17:00] * fader_ waves. [17:00] hey all [17:00] #startmeeting QA Team Meeting [17:01] o/ [17:01] no bot? [17:01] no bot? [17:01] #endmeeting [17:01] guess not [17:01] Doesn't look like the bot is even in the channel [17:01] We used it a couple of hours ago.. [17:02] how to restart it? [17:02] ah no we didn't. My mistake. [17:02] Agenda: [17:02] * Introduce Jeremy Foshee [17:02] * SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie) [17:02] * Bugday highlights -- pedro [17:02] * [17:02] Ubuntu Global Jam https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam [17:02] * Ubuntu 8.04.4 point release testing -- ara [17:02] * primes2h waves [17:02] Hi all [17:03] JFo: welcome to the QA team! [17:03] Welcome JFo! [17:03] JFo, welcome! [17:03] welcome JFo! [17:03] JFo: Hello! [17:03] Jeremy Foshee has joined as the Kernel QA Engineer [17:04] when he's able he'll do a self intro [17:04] [TOPIC] SRU testing -- sbeattie [17:04] SRU Activity report for the past week (since 2009-12-13): [17:04] * karmic: 12 new packages in -proposed (autokey, bzr-builddeb, evolution-mapi, kdepimlibs, openbve, pulseaudio, quassel, rhythmbox, software-center, soya, vim-rails, xfce4-power-manager) and 6 packages pushed to -updates (cryptsetup, gcc-4.4, krb5, opensc, rhythmbox, xserver-xorg-video-intel) [17:04] * jaunty: 2 new packages in -proposed (gdesklets, kopete-cryptography) and 1 package pushed to -updates (krb5) [17:04] * intrepid: 1 package pushed to -updates (krb5) [17:04] * hardy: 2 packages pushed to -updates (krb5, linux-modules) [17:04] Thanks to Eric Hammond, Max, Neil Woolford, RainerT, Mitch Towner, Christian Mangold, Wesley Schwengle, sektor, darren, Karl Frisk, Camilo Soto, Valentijn Sessink, and japi for testing fixes this week. [17:05] (erk, lost my dapper status, there was 1 update, for krb5 and no proposed packages) [17:06] thx sbeattie! [17:06] Also, 8.04.4 is still planned to be released next week, there's still at least one SRU that needs verifying (grub) that's included on the isos. [17:06] what's the bug number of that SRU ? [17:07] bug #185878 https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/185878 [17:07] Ubuntu bug 185878 in grub "GRUB installation fails if installing to certain non-ext3 filesystems" [High,Fix committed] [17:07] Launchpad bug 185878 in grub "GRUB installation fails if installing to certain non-ext3 filesystems" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185878 [17:07] thanks [17:08] sbeattie: went to verify it today as they have added propsed but there is an issue with d-i and the current kernel will retry tomorrow [17:08] slangasek just started spinning 8.04.4 test isos, so that'll help testing that particular issue; also, we'll be looking for iso testers as well. [17:08] davmor2: ah, okay. [17:08] davmor2: and thanks for trying! [17:09] That's it on the SRU front. [17:09] [TOPIC] Bugday highlights -- pedro [17:09] On Thursday 14th we celebrated a bug day based on GNOME Power Manager [17:10] it was *awesome* : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100114 [17:10] great participation from our rocking community [17:10] ~174 bugs were triaged, Thanks a lot to our hug day heroes: xteejx, kamusin, cyan-spam, boniek, ben-v-root, ikt, pauld, yofel and showard314 [17:11] Tomorrow we're having a bug day based on Network Manager Applet https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100121 [17:11] thank you all! [17:11] thanks to kamusin for helping out to organize it, he's a rockstar [17:11] so if you have some time and want to learn a bit more about bug triage join us, we'll be glad to help you out to start :-) [17:12] thx kamusin [17:12] * fagan here [17:12] that's all from here marjo_ [17:12] hey fagan [17:12] welcome [17:13] ok folks, Jeremy is ready to do his self intro [17:13] hi folks :) [17:13] apologies for missing you earlier [17:13] I have been picked up to do Kernel Bug Triage for the Canonical team earlier this month. [17:14] Leann is my mentor, so I know I am in great hands. [17:14] good mentor! [17:14] I look forward to meeting all of you as time goes on and working with you closely to address our common issues :) [17:14] indeed she it [17:14] errr is [17:14] heh [17:15] thx JFo [17:15] my pleasure :) [17:15] [TOPIC] Ubuntu Global Jam [17:15] congrats and welcome JFo [17:15] folks: pedro & I wanted to remind everyone about this important event coming up [17:16] thanks fagan [17:16] please check out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam [17:16] yeap as you can see there, we're responsible for two of the topics [17:16] Bugs and Testing [17:17] I also want to add that we are running an Upgrade Testing party during the event [17:17] to encourage people to upgrade to Lucid from Karmic and Hardy, and report back any issues [17:17] previous jam we wrote down some instructions, ways to communicate with the team, tasks, etc [17:17] so if you have some time please have a look to those docs to ensure everything is up 2 date [17:18] or if you have more ideas for the community to try during the event [17:18] make sure those are added to the wiki [17:19] the Global Jam is organized between the 26th and 28th of March, but looking at those docs soon is always better ;-) [17:20] I got lagged there :/ [17:21] [TOPIC] Ubuntu 8.04.4 point release testing -- ara [17:22] I just wanted to remind you that next week Ubuntu 8.04.4 is release [17:22] and therefore, we will need to test the ISOs as usual [17:22] I will send a call for testing, but I wanted to comment it here, so you can put it in your calendars [17:23] thx ara! [17:23] Thanks for mentioning it! [17:23] * fagan will help if needed [17:23] fagan: thx, please plan on it [17:24] I did it on monday and it went fine for me [17:24] folks: any new topics for today? [17:25] fagan: thx, glad to hear it [17:25] Did ye all talk about upgrade testing from hardy yet [17:27] yes, as part of Global Jam coming up [17:28] "we are running an Upgrade Testing party during the event" [17:28] Ah if anyone has any questions about it ive done it twice now [17:28] marjo_: should we do some dapper to hardy testing for this point release? [17:29] davmor2: Is anyone still actually on dapper? [17:29] fagan: I know at least one company that still runs some Dapper systems. [17:29] fagan: does it matter it's a supported release [17:29] fagan: yes, it's still a maintained platform (at least on the server side) [17:29] davmor2: for desktop its eol [17:30] Oh I forgot about server [17:30] Dude! [17:30] * ScottK had a Dapper desktop until two months ago. [17:30] * fagan feels silly [17:31] soren: glad you're on the QA team [17:31] :D [17:32] davmor2: if time permits, I think we should try to do dapper -> hardy upgrades. [17:32] Id like to try a dapper->hardy->lucid desktop upgrade [17:32] it's less crucial for 8.04.4 specifically. [17:32] sbeattie: I'll hit some up this week mvo do you want to know about breakages directly? [17:33] The upgrade path will be dapper -> hardy -> lucid? [17:33] fagan: that would be awesome; if there's things we need to fix in hardy before lucid is released, we want time to fix and test. [17:34] sbeattie: Id be glad to just getting my older laptop from my dad to test it well [17:34] charlie-tca: LTS -> LTS -> LTS is intended to be a supported upgrade path. === KatieOffline is now known as KatieKitty [17:34] My laptop is too new and hardy doesnt even work right [17:34] okay, I will try to run some tests on it too. [17:34] charlie-tca: that'd be great, thanks! [17:34] no problem [17:35] * fagan never ran dapper [17:35] or feisty for that matter [17:36] folks: any more new topics for today? [17:36] marjo_: I dont have any [17:36] not from my side [17:36] not from me pretty much covered in others [17:38] ok, meeting adjourned [17:38] thanks everyone! [17:38] thanks [17:38] Thanks all [17:38] * charlie-tca ran dapper until 8.04 [17:38] thanks [17:38] #endmeeting [17:39] thanks! === akgraner is now known as akgraner_ === akgraner_ is now known as akgraner === fader_ is now known as fader|lunch === robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk [18:59] * stgraber waves === highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage [19:01] * highvoltage waves from the bottom half of the planet [19:01] * Lns puts on his tie [19:03] hi everyone! [19:03] hi mgariepy [19:03] Hi all [19:03] highvoltage: do we have an agenda ? or is that just like status update + free discussion ? [19:04] stgraber: it's the usual technical update (sabayon, disc status, etc), tomorrow's wiki day, etc [19:04] doh, haven't blogged yet ... [19:04] doing so now ;) [19:04] the agenda on the wiki is a bit dated, I guess we can just jump into it [19:04] stgraber: heh, I wondered what you did with that image :) [19:04] hi all :) [19:04] highvoltage: nothing, that's the issue ! :) [19:04] hi dhillon-v10 [19:04] highvoltage, what's up :) [19:05] so, I guess, first of all, thanks everyone for helping releasing alpha-2 [19:05] it was a hard week especially due to some last minute issues but it's a very good first Alpha for Edubuntu (we didn't have alpha-1) [19:05] we have an alpha release \o/ [19:05] * Lns cheers [19:06] so, seeing that Scott isn't here, I'll start with a quick status update on my work [19:06] stgraber: I proposed some changes to the seeds, I linked a bzr branch, what's the next step so that we can get it merged? [19:06] I started to look at having LTSP on the live CD, I have a working patch to build it on Canonical's builders that I need to have review by lamont and possibly fix a bit [19:06] highvoltage, brb [19:07] stgraber: oh nice, I was wondering about that today. [19:07] I also opened a bug against ubuntu-cdimage to drop all packages from the DVD except these required for LTSP and the netbook desktop [19:07] that should free up 2GB or so once done [19:07] \o/ [19:08] once these two are done, I'll have a look at updating ubiquity a bit [19:08] so we can actually use these packages [19:08] I also did the changes alkisg's requested on the seeds (make everything recommends) [19:08] (thanks!) [19:08] and forgot about highvoltage's merge proposal :) I'll have a look later (don't hesitate to nag me) [19:08] stgraber: so the netbook desktop packages are already on the dvd, we just need to find a friendly way to install them right? [19:08] highvoltage: yep [19:08] stgraber: great, thanks :) [19:09] at the moment you can set the DVD as a repository and install the netbook edition from that [19:09] without any need of external repository [19:10] ok, next is LTSP, I've been doing quite a lot of upstream work recently, trying to optimize it and making it more stable. I'm hoping to have .99 released this week with working Fat client (thanks alkisg and highvoltage) and nbd-proxy [19:10] then we can fix some bugs and get 5.2 released ! [19:10] nice! [19:11] that is awesome [19:11] stgraber: I tested that one-liner, I had to add another 2>/dev/zero to quite things down but it works just fine [19:11] Also for this week, I expect to have the Edubuntu menu editor on REVU and get it approved by some MOTUs (highvoltage ? ;)) [19:11] LTSP 5.2 and edubuntu Lucid will ROCK :D [19:11] stgraber: /proc unmounts fine without -l [19:11] highvoltage: did you try with edubuntu server + edubuntu chroot? [19:11] highvoltage: cool, please talk with alkisg about it, he's been doing some testing too. [19:12] (let's talk in #edubuntu about it) [19:12] mgariepy: ^ [19:12] mgariepy: status update on the menu editor ? [19:12] * stgraber says looking at him, some 1m away ;) [19:12] alkisg: not yet, only ubuntu + ubuntu, I'm meaning to test more different things. for some reason if you specify a custom repository it doesn't enable universe by default, so xubuntu-desktop doesn't work for me but it's something I'll certainly dig in to [19:13] i've been working to have the dnd working in profilesManager, it's now working. [19:13] highvoltage: ubuntu fat chroot works, edubuntu doesn't [19:13] alkisg: yes we'll take it to #edubuntu afterwards :) [19:13] i need to code some glue to manages files and treeview update. [19:13] beta package should be there this weekend [19:14] any questions ? [19:14] nice :) [19:14] great! [19:14] mgariepy: so we should be able to get a package in before feature freeze right? [19:15] we'll probably need some example menus after that, so be prepared to poke your contacts in various countries to get example application set [19:15] i'll post in edubuntu-user when the packages are released [19:15] highvoltage: FF is mid-february so if we upload this weekend + write the MIR, that'll be an easy one [19:15] highvoltage: I can easily update it even after FF, but I need it to be promoted before. [19:16] stgraber: ok [19:16] anything else in the status update ? [19:16] how are we doing with artwork ? [19:16] I need to get in touch with Mads again [19:16] I told him that ideally we'd like it ASAP, but I also know you can't rush an artist :) [19:17] I'll poke him just so that he's reminded [19:17] highvoltage, just a little side question: are you guys all done packaging stuff for edubuntu [19:17] ok, if we don't get something in the next two weeks, I'd suggest we poke ubuntu-artwork, what do you think ? [19:17] sbalneav e-mailed the guy from digital blasphemy [19:17] he said that he'd even pay up to R300 for him to do some nice artwork [19:17] I know he really wanted to help so I just think he's quite busy at the moment [19:17] erm, $300 [19:18] stgraber: +1 [19:18] dhillon-v10: well, I'm not aware of any actual packaging work going on at the moment for Edubuntu [19:19] though we'll include new applications for sure === KatieKitty is now known as KatieOffline [19:19] but that's just a seed change [19:19] stgraber, ahh alright :) [19:19] website update ? [19:19] hmm, the two people active on it aren't here atm [19:19] me :) still a few bugs left [19:20] oh right, dhillon-v10 is here :) [19:20] what's that test URL again ? [19:20] (sorry dhillon-v10 I confused you with mhall119|work there for a moment) [19:20] stgraber, highvoltage my exams are going on so can't do a lot but tomorrow is the last one so yay :) I'll get the bugs down to 0 tomorrow [19:20] highvoltage, np :) [19:20] dhillon-v10: rocks ! [19:20] I think for the "digital blasphemy" artwork we need to propose some ideas, sbalneav send us an email but noone replied... [19:20] stgraber, sorry for the delay, I just had a lot of studying work [19:21] highvoltage, i need to talk a little about the wiki pages [19:21] a lot of them need to be updated, some renamed, and others removed [19:21] let's move on to wiki stuff, I think it's important since our wiki day is tomorrow [19:22] just something before we talk about the wiki [19:23] As most of you probably have read, I became an Ubuntu Membership Board member yesterday and Edubuntu would like to have upload rights for edubuntu-dev [19:23] I'd suggest we have someone look at the various wiki pages and then sends a formal request to the DMB [19:23] so we (as in DMB) can review it at the next meeting and get that done [19:24] IIRC for delegated upload rights, a team needs to have policy wiki pages written as well as a LP team correctly setup and check who's a member of that team [19:24] stgraber, i can help with setting up the wiki pages [19:24] anyone who'd be able to spend some time looking at that and write the required documentation ? [19:24] o/ [19:25] stgraber: I suppose there are some existing team policy pages we can look at as guidelines? [19:25] we'd probably need an EC member to help there and send the actual request [19:25] highvoltage: yes, mythbuntu-dev and kubuntu-dev are good examples [19:25] stgraber, ahh :) nvm [19:25] the package set on LP for edubuntu is also currently wrong, but that's something we'll need to ask afterwards [19:25] I could do that, dhillon-v10 could set up and help and I'll get feedback making sure the EC reads our policies and agrees so that we can get going with that [19:25] dhillon-v10: you can probably help anyway ;) [19:26] highvoltage: sounds good [19:26] stgraber, highvoltage alright sounds good :) === fader|lunch is now known as fader_ [19:28] good, wiki day then ;) [19:28] (I'm just looking for a mail I sent before regarding wiki pages...) [19:29] I sent this before, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edubuntu-devel/2010-January/003229.html [19:29] it contains a list of pages [19:29] some of them shouldn't be there of course, like those under the JordanMantha/ namespace, etc [19:29] Arggh [19:29] lunch [19:30] highvoltage, a friend of mine is a wiki admin so he can help us with deleting the pages :) and later on when I become an admin I can do it myself ;) [19:30] the pages that should be moved, obviously, are those that have titles like EdubuntuCommunity, EdubuntuData, etc that aren't under the Edubuntu/ namespace [19:30] dhillon-v10: I think anyone can delete pages these days? (I know I can) [19:31] highvoltage, oh yeah you are right :P [19:31] highvoltage, forgot about that [19:31] I think we should also have page with a list of pages we propose to delete, then we get togethe every few hours or so and decide on it [19:32] once all those pages are moved and the horrible pages are deleted, the wiki should be in an ok state afaict [19:32] any comments/suggestions/ideas? [19:32] highvoltage, hopefully when we are done tomorrow, the wiki pages get will be great :) [19:33] highvoltage, *s/get/ [19:33] dhillon-v10: yeah we'll need some prettyfying done as well :) [19:33] highvoltage, lol prettyfying: that's a good word [19:34] terrifyingly good. [19:34] There's also the handbook, but it's outside of the wiki: http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edubuntu/handbook/C/ [19:34] highvoltage, oh wasn't there like a little handbook that was supposed to go with edubuntu [19:34] alkisg, yah that one :) [19:34] ;) [19:35] alkisg, highvoltage does that need updating or is it done ? [19:35] dhillon-v10: there's HowToCookEdubuntu/ [19:35] It's a very good work but I'm afraid it's quite obsolete :( [19:36] dhillon-v10: I think it never got finished, I think it will be a good idea to look at what's there and decide whether we should keep it or trash it, or keep parts of it and assimilate it in other Edubuntu pages [19:36] highvoltage, btw the new site looks pretty cool :) [19:36] alkisg, highvoltage, alright that's on the agenda for tomorrow as well [19:36] if it's obsolete to the point that it would be less work to start from scratch then I say we should archive it and remove it from the wiki [19:37] dhillon-v10: which site? [19:37] highvoltage, the one HedgeMage and I are working on [19:37] sbalneav, stgraber, Lns: any other words on the wiki? [19:37] dhillon-v10: yes, indeed! [19:37] blogged ! [19:38] stgraber: heh :) [19:38] highvoltage: looking at it right now [19:39] I have a bunch of meeting notes from the last 2 months that I need to put on the wiki still [19:39] they've been sent to the list, but I haven't though of putting them up there, I'll do that tomorrow and start doing so after every meeting [19:40] am I missing anything important? [19:40] * mhall119|work wasn't paying attention [19:40] ehm... wiki.edubuntu.org ? is that right? [19:40] Lns: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu [19:41] (although I use http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu since the ubuntu theme is more functional) [19:41] ah that one's better heh [19:41] highvoltage: I won't be taking too active a role on the wiki day, as I already did the bug day, but if there's any pages that need my imput, feel free to ping me tomorrow. [19:41] I've wondered before whether we should keep using both domain names. people get terribly confused [19:41] input [19:41] are we not redirecting this one yet to wiki.edubuntu.org or is that something different? there's a lot of obsolete info on wiki.edub... [19:41] Geez, shouldn't have has 2 beers at lunch. [19:42] had [19:42] many people thing it's two different wikis, I've seen people post links from both domains that was essentiall the same page and then they said "look here and here" [19:42] * sbalneav shuts up [19:42] hahaha [19:42] sbalneav: thanks [19:42] Lns: wiki.edubuntu.org and wiki.ubuntu.com is exactly the same wiki [19:42] oh...weird [19:42] that can be confusing! =) [19:43] heh, see the case I made above :) [19:43] yeah [19:43] people also go to wiki.edubuntu.org and expect to find the *edubuntu* wiki in the root there [19:43] well sure [19:44] highvoltage: well, it'd make sense ;) [19:44] that's what i did [19:44] I'd rather have us just use wiki.ubuntu.com and set up some domain forwarding or something from wiki.edubuntu.org [19:44] totally [19:45] who's the head wiki person? [19:45] Lns, i would like to be ;) [19:46] hehe ok [19:46] heno did all the wiki stuff for us back then [19:46] yeah, it was Henrik before he moved to QA and now to ISD [19:46] Do you guys think community/get involved/contact could all be one category/link? [19:46] Lns: yes, ideally. [19:47] Lns: and it could probably live on the website as well, since it's mostly static information [19:47] yeah [19:47] just looking at ways to make the main page as easy to navigate as possible [19:47] looking at the fact we have 13min remaining and we have sbalneav around now, I'd suggest we discuss the wiki in #edubuntu after meeting or tomorrow during the wiki day [19:48] k [19:48] stgraber, okay :) [19:48] imho the wiki is great for things like specifications, planning, meetings and things that need wide-area input, but the website should really be the place to find information about edubuntu, and educators, students and other people who might want to get involved are more likely to check the website than the wiki [19:48] right, let's move on [19:48] highvoltage, the contact module that we made had a similar mind-set :) [19:49] dhillon-v10: awesome [19:49] sbalneav? [19:50] well, no more beers for you :) [19:50] is he passed out? =p [19:51] * Lns gets the sharpie [19:51] https://wiki.kubuntu.org/ also has the same problem [19:51] http://wiki.xubuntu.org/ doesn't have any problems, it just works [19:52] Heh [19:52] highvoltage? [19:52] sbalneav: any updates, any news on sabayon, gksudo perhaps? [19:52] * Lns takes the lampshade off sbalneav's head [19:53] gksu's fixed [19:53] sabayon works [19:53] specs are being written [19:53] sbalneav: wow, you should blog about it :) [19:53] handbooks's being looked at [19:53] beer is being drunk [19:53] All in all, things are pretty good down sbalneav way :) [19:54] yeah I'm also the same after just 2 beers, which is why I don't drink often :) [19:54] sbalneav: cool, that's the way we like it! [19:54] God's in his heaven and the universe is unfolding as it should :) [19:55] anything else before we adjourne? [19:55] Wow, what kind of beers where tehy? [19:55] sbalneav: you released a new sabayon right ? [19:55] any issues we should know about? [19:55] i got something quick [19:55] are everyone as satisfied with life as sbalneav and I? [19:55] stgraber: I Did! [19:55] Lns: fire away [19:55] In my role as upstream, 2.29.5's out. [19:55] sbalneav: any idea when we'll have that in Lucid (I'll sponsor) [19:55] as per the list discussion re: ldap.. i think it would be a good idea for those who would like to, to hop over to #ubuntu-server and say hi, and maybe sub to their listserv [19:55] I can package it tonight. [19:55] I'll pingy you. [19:55] at least they will see that there are people in the edubuntu community that want to work with them on some stuff [19:56] I should be less tipsy by then :) [19:56] sbalneav: hehe, ok, I'll be around. [19:56] I could see a lot of positive things coming from working with the ubuntu server team [19:56] both for edubuntu and ltsp [19:57] Lns: I'm already involved with the server team (for some server specs I'm implementing, mainly virtualization and they know that I'm the LTSP contact) [19:57] awesome! [19:57] Lns: ltsp technically falls under the server team, not edubuntu :) [19:57] Lns: Owing to you're enthusiasm, I'll venture once more into the breach, my friend. [19:57] your [19:57] *hic* [19:57] highvoltage: ah gotcha =) [19:57] well [19:57] the server/french/cloud (whatever you call it ;)) team guys are very friendly, so don't hesitate to join ubuntu-server ;) [19:57] gotta go guys, bye :) [19:58] the more people in there representing edubuntu, the better [19:59] yep, can't argue there [19:59] anything else ? [19:59] (would be awesome to have a meeting finishing right on time ;)) [19:59] not from me [19:59] nope [20:00] *bong* [20:00] ok, back to #edubuntu... === robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew === komputes_ubuntu is now known as komputes [21:57] hello... === fader_ is now known as fader|away [22:50] wow this can't be all Edubuntu leftovers :D [22:57] only 3 minutes! [22:57] hola MagicFab [22:57] pedro_, o/ [22:57] yajúuu [22:57] pedro_, speak Spanish? [22:58] * MagicFab feels this one will be exciting :D [22:58] SergioMeneses: well Chilean, is that Spanish? ;-) [22:58] * MagicFab cheeeers! [22:58] pedro_, soy de Colombia [22:58] Hola [22:58] xD [22:58] brianchidester, o/ [22:58] * pedro_ abraza a SergioMeneses [22:58] hola :P [22:58] Que vivan los hispano hablantes [22:58] IngForigua, ++ [22:58] Hoy dominamos la sesion :D [22:58] jaja andan todos por aca [22:59] * MagicFab saca el guaro - hay pa' todos [22:59] hola a todos [22:59] pedro_, sos parte del team cl? [22:59] PabloRubianes: Si :D [22:59] al parecer hay una gran cantidad de hispanos en la lista para el meeting de hoy [22:59] IngForigua: hola siempre te leo en identi.ca :) [22:59] SergioMeneses: si señor! [22:59] así es .. [22:59] guaro lo recibo xD [22:59] pedro_, q bueno :) [22:59] cristianvirtual: ecubuntu ? [22:59] SergioMeneses: kamusin y cristianvirtual tambien son de ubuntu-cl [22:59] no es por nada pero Alucard sucks!!!! [22:59] ubuntu-cl [22:59] x) [22:59] MagicFab, el cristal ;) [22:59] kamusin, cristianvirtual un saludo [23:00] hola SergioMeneses [23:00] hey SergioMeneses gracias ! [23:00] * pleia2 waves [23:00] Deberian hacer esta sesion en español [23:00] shall we start? [23:00] y diegotc? [23:00] absolutamente [23:00] kamusin, cristianvirtual pedro_ https://wiki.edubuntu.org/ChileanTeam \m/ [23:00] IngForigua ya lo llamo [23:00] it's time good luck everyone [23:00] * MagicFab explains : guaro = 40C degre (or more) alcohol [23:01] MagicFab: thanks :D [23:01] MagicFab, el guaro va a tener impuesto proximamente xD [23:01] SergioMeneses: Que mala noticia xD [23:01] hay gente de Venezuela? [23:01] wow, santiago esta caluroso tambien (35-36°) [23:01] tatica1: Si dile que se apure que el va de primeras [23:01] si [23:02] DiegoTC seems MIA for now, I'd suggest starting with the next member [23:02] (aspiring)* [23:03] #startmeeting [23:03] aprovechando a los amigos hispanos los invito a: http://www.linuxzone.es/2010/01/19/ayuda-en-la-creacion-del-manual-de-ubuntu/ [23:03] oh [23:03] SergioMeneses: Que bien [23:03] no bot :\ [23:03] mootbot is dead :-( [23:03] ouch [23:04] alright, well welcome to the Americas Board Meeting :) [23:04] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/Americas [23:04] * MagicFab whistleeees [23:04] hello [23:04] DiegoTc_: you're up :) please introduce yourself and give us a link to your wiki page [23:05] DiegoTc_: Hello it's time [23:05] Hi mi name is Diego Turcios [23:05] hello DiegoTc_ [23:05] I am from Honduras [23:05] I am the team contact of Ubuntu Honduras roght now [23:06] mi wiki is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiegoTurcios [23:06] my wiki is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiegoTurcios [23:06] also I am part of the ubuntu beginners team :D [23:08] DiegoTc_: are you planning to apply to the Spanish Translators team? [23:09] pedro_: that is one of my objectives of this year [23:10] I want to cheer for DiegoTc_ I met him at the Central American Ubucon last year and he's a really cool guy, very enthusiastic and active in the Central American community [23:10] I'm here to cheer for DiegoTc_ As well :) [23:10] guys having problems right now with my computer :( [23:11] DiegoTc_ has also help in planning the Spanish version of User Days... [23:11] I met him at #ubuntu-beginners [23:11] And done a great job with setting it up. [23:11] I belong to Ubuntu Honduras team and I can say Diego is the most active member of our team [23:11] i cheer DiegoTc_ for you leadership in central america :S [23:11] I fully support DiegoTc_ 's application. He is very friendly and helpful. His activities in Honduras Loco Team have been remarkable. He is the embodiment of everything a ubuntu member should be. Please consider his application favourably. [23:11] he encouraged us to keep going !!!!! [23:11] He was always very respectful, helpful, and friendly. :) [23:11] I guess we can all complete his presentation :) DiegoTc_ just rocks :) I've witnessed the re-borth of the Honduras team under his watch. [23:12] thank you for your testimonials/cheers, everyone. [23:12] And his testimonials section has to be a record :) [23:12] DiegoTc_: has help me a lot with the User Days spanish version, Great work [23:13] DiegoTc_: is an excelent leader :D in honduras [23:13] yeah, it's great that the first User Days has a spanish version :) great job guys [23:13] I have seen the amount of time and effort which DiegoTc_ puts into his (ubuntu) projects. They are enormous. [23:14] thanks guys :D [23:17] great work DiegoTc_ :) [23:17] +1 [23:17] awesome job on Honduras DiegoTc_, keep up the good work and hope to see you soon in the Spanish Translators team :-) [23:18] +1 from me [23:18] +1 from me as well [23:18] +1 from me, too. Great work with the loco. [23:18] +1 [23:18] congrats DiegoTc_! [23:18] felicidades DiegoTc_ [23:19] Congratulations DiegoTc_ ! [23:19] Well done DiegoTc_ =] You deserve it! [23:19] * lukjad007 high fives DiegoTc_ [23:19] Thanks Guys :D [23:19] Felicitaciones DiegoTc_ :D [23:19] Felicitaciones DiegoTc_ [23:19] * alucardi felicita a DiegoTc_ [23:19] * MagicFab chants!!!! ---> http://ur1.ca/kb6l [23:19] Gracias a Todos [23:19] :D Congrats DiegoTc_ [23:19] DiegoTc_, :) [23:19] * MagicFab manda un gran abrazo - hugs!! [23:19] alucardi: you're up :) please introduce yourself and link to your wiki page [23:19] congrats and welcome, DiegoTc_ [23:19] felicidades DiegoTc_ [23:19] gracias a todos [23:19] me voy tengo clases [23:19] :D [23:19] DiegoTc_, exitos [23:19] Hello, my name is José Ernesto Dávila Pantoja [23:20] I'm member of the Ubuntu Nicaraguan LoCo Team. I've been with the since the very beginning [23:20] and since then I have dedicated part of my time to use and promote Ubuntu and the free software Philosophy in all my LoCo activities and events. [23:20] My Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Josernesto [23:20] alucardi: how old is the Ubuntu Nicaraguan team? [23:21] 3 years the next month [23:21] alucardi: any plans for the next Ubuntu Open Week? [23:22] alucardi: nice, that is a healthy loco, then. [23:22] pedro_: of course [23:22] alucardi: are you going to have it again in spanish? (that'd be sooo great) [23:22] among other things alucardi was the one responsible for making the Spanish Ubuntu Open Week come true :) [23:22] \o/! [23:22] pedro_: as the past UOW we will organize th spanish edition [23:22] i want to cheer alucardi excelent job for ubuntu, his contributions are awensome [23:22] excellent [23:23] alucardi: cool! [23:23] * MagicFab waves - gotta go [23:23] i want to cheer for Alucardni since the momment that i meet him i felt his vibe [23:24] * IngForigua alucardi rocks :D [23:26] Alucard gives anf gives and keeps giving, in our Loco team we have some key player and Alucardni is one of that key players [23:27] alucarni has been in every single one of ubuntu-ni activities collaborating actively [23:28] his idea of ubutuweek in Spanish was good, but his follow up made it a success [23:28] +1 [23:29] +1 [23:29] great work alucardi :) [23:29] +1 from here too [23:29] +1 [23:29] very good work alucardi ! [23:29] +1 from me, another great loco contributor [23:29] felicidades alucardi :) [23:29] congrats, alucardi! [23:29] congrats alucardi! [23:29] congrats and welcome, alucardi [23:29] Que bien alucardi un miembro mas :D [23:30] thank you! [23:30] Iowan: you're up, please introduce yourself and provide a link to your wiki page :) [23:30] Congratulations!! [23:30] alucardi, good [23:30] * alucardi is so happy!! \o/ [23:30] Nerve time... [23:30] alucardi, congrax [23:30] Wiki:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Iowan [23:31] My name is Allen, I live in ... Iowa where it's freezing rain [23:31] Thanks to cariboo907 for taking time away from the forum to sit in. [23:31] youe welcome [23:32] I suspect we'll both be back there later [23:32] Iowan: how is the iowa loco doing? [23:33] Iowa loco may not "officially exist" the IowaTeam doesn't show much activity [23:33] any plans for making it more active? [23:33] I know there are other Iowans out there - just don't know how to round them up [23:33] * pleia2 nods [23:34] it can be tricky :) [23:34] I'd love to - I'm just not sure how big a job it might be [23:35] Original "manager" seems to have moved out of state - the radio station and community college seem to be remnants [23:35] "Somebody" needs to - so that might be me... [23:36] 3600 posts in the last ten months woohoo!! [23:36] Post count is only part of the story - hopefully many have ben helpful [23:36] Indeed Iowan :) [23:36] You have been quite helpful many times [23:37] Nice job in the forums... I agree Iowan, you have solved a lot of problems no doubt [23:37] Posting for the sake of numbers is counterproductive... [23:37] Iowan, Its nice to hear that Iowan. Sometimes folks get caught up on the numbers. :) [23:40] It's one thing when someone says that they "help" in the forums, it's another when there are three testimonials and so much graditude for a great forum contributor [23:40] well, I think the board is ready to vote.... [23:40] really great forums work, Iowan! [23:40] +1 [23:40] +1 from me, 3 great applicants in a row! [23:40] indeed great work there, +1 [23:40] +1 [23:40] Iowan: and feel free to talk to the wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams if you would like some mentoring/help with your loco :) [23:41] pleia2++ [23:41] Thanks I'd appreciate some help! [23:42] +1 :) [23:42] congrats and welcome Iowan! [23:43] Thank you ! This is a commitment - not a trophy! [23:43] congrats Iowan! [23:43] congrats Iowan! [23:43] Good for you Iowan, congrats!!!!! [23:43] congrats Iowan [23:43] Iowan, congrats [23:43] Congratulations [23:43] Iowan, felicitaciones y un hug :P desde Colombia [23:43] SergioMeneses: you're up, please introduce yourself and provide a link to your wiki page :) [23:43] hi all [23:43] My name is Sergio Andres Meneses, I study computer engineering and use ubuntu systems since 2007. [23:44] I like to promote free software to any place where I also participated actively in many regional events as seen in my wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SergioMeneses Account Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~sergiomeneses [23:44] the team to which I belong: https://launchpad.net/~sergiomeneses/+participation [23:44] two years ago I joined the team and recently I joined the council, I am currently in charge of part of the documentation team. [23:44] I have participated in the Global Bug Jam in translations and bugs, the last great contribution that I will do is become a guardian on the day of the Ubuntu user: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiaDelUsuarioUbuntu [23:45] I have used many distributions of GNU / Linux: Debian, Mandriva, fedora, gobuntu, ututo, edubuntu and more [23:46] and it seems you're giving a talk on the Ubuntu Users Day too, cool [23:46] pedro_, i do [23:47] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiaDelUsuarioUbuntu [23:47] i want to cheer SergioMeneses is a member our colombian council his jod for colombia and ubuntu is awensome [23:47] Nice contributions! [23:47] in Spanish [23:47] SergioMeneses he is very supportive to the community, it helps to users on IRC and mailing list...... he would be a great Ubuntu Member!! [23:48] * IngForigua SergioMeneses RLZ [23:48] SergioMeneses: you joined the Ubuntu BugSquad team, any plans on joining the Ubuntu BugControl at any time soon? [23:48] I support SergioMeneses he's very helpfull in our team and the Ubuntu Colombian council [23:48] (we are always looking for more help ;-)) [23:49] pedro_, still learning from the hands of a fellow andresmujica [23:49] pedro_, thats the idea ;) [23:49] but I like some of the bugs [23:50] cool! good to see that andresmujica is helping the local community to become more active on the bugsquad ;-) [23:50] although I have some translations [23:50] indeed [23:50] pedro_, yeah [23:50] is a good element in the team [23:53] ...The idea is to learn and help the community grow [23:55] +1 from here, keep up the good work SergioMeneses and hope to see you soon in the bugcontrol team :-) [23:55] I think the board is ready to vote... [23:55] +1 [23:55] +1 [23:55] +1 [23:55] great work SergioMeneses! [23:55] +1 [23:55] Congrats, Felicitaciones, SergioMeneses ;) [23:55] congrats :) [23:55] congrats and welcome, SergioMeneses [23:55] thank all [23:55] Congratulations! [23:55] Ubuntu colombia Rocks que viva colombia un miembro mas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 [23:55] gracias a todos [23:55] urrrraaaaa SergioMeneses one more Ubuntu member on our Colombian Team [23:55] * IngForigua envia una cerveza a SergioMeneses [23:55] SergioMeneses congrats!!!! Good job [23:56] kamusin: you're up :) please introduce yourself and provide a link to your wiki page [23:56] * SergioMeneses i'm happy [23:56] Hello everybody in this room, my name is Victor Vargas (aka kamusin) [23:56] felicidades SergioMeneses [23:56] you may take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VictorVargas to see a resume :) [23:56] un honor tenerlo como miembro [23:57] Well, I have been working with Ubuntu since Hoary Hedgehog [23:57] passing from different flavours and colors and I use periodically at home and work (all our servers platforms are Ubuntu inside 8) ) [23:58] Also, I have been contributing to the Bug Squad for more than a year and I am part of the Ubuntu BugControl team [23:59] kamusin: I see you have giving triaging classes, how have they gone?