
=== TheMuso` is now known as TheMuso
hakaishiHey folks! Anyone up to advocate/review qt-shutdown-p? It is a small program to shutdown the computer. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/qt-shutdown-p00:45
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lucasIs Chuck Short around?02:51
ajmitchdoesn't appear to be, he's usually online as zul02:52
mrburnshi all i am interested in getting involved with ubuntu and i hear that motu is a good place to start does anyone have any suggestions how to start?02:53
RAOFmrburns: Find a bug that annoys you, and fix it.02:53
RAOFThat's generally the best thing to do.02:54
mrburnsok sounds good02:54
RAOFThe easiest bugs to fix are those that have been reported upstream, fixed there, but not yet fixed in the Ubuntu packages.  In that case, it's generally just a matter of adding a patch to the Ubuntu package, which is one of the simplest packaging changes you can make.02:57
mrburnsRAOF: should i just search around launchpad bugs and find something there?03:04
RAOFmrburns: Yeah, that works.  dholbach's harvest (http://daniel.holba.ch/harvest/) can help finding patches for stuff.03:17
mrburnsRAOF: thanks03:19
dholbachgood morning07:18
slytherindholbach: good morning07:26
araI have a packaging question, maybe someone can help me07:26
araWe used to have ldtp source, which provided ldtp (core, written in C) and python-ldtp (python bindings).07:26
araNow, ldtp2 has just been released with the core completely rewritten in python and we need to package it for lucid. What would you recommend:07:26
araa) Keep the core (now in python) in the ldtp binary, the python library in python-ldtp with version 207:26
arab) Put everything in ldtp binary (core and libraries)07:26
arac) Create a new package called ldtp2 that replaces the two above07:26
dholbachhey slytherin07:27
aranon of the above?07:27
dholbachara: is there a use-case for having any of them separated somehow?07:27
aradholbach, no that I can think of07:27
dholbachone thing to bear in mind is coordinating the naming scheme with the debian people, so you don't end up maintaining a different package name for a longer while07:28
araone important thing is that ldtp < 2 and python-ldtp <2 cannot cannot be installed at the same time as ldtp >= 207:28
aradholbach, I am already in contact with the debian packager07:29
dholbachor having conflicts/replaces that you need to maintain on your own for a long time in ubuntu (because of lts upgrades)07:29
aradholbach, in fact, I am coomaintainer of the debian package07:29
slytherinara: if parallel installability is not an option then simplest thing would be to completely replace existing packages with new version.07:29
dholbachara: so Kartik ist leaving the decision to you? :)07:29
aradholbach, yes, he has no time now to maintain it07:30
dholbachI see07:30
slytherinI believe Kartik has too may packages with his name on him. :-)07:31
araso, slytherin, you're suggesting to keep the division between core and libraries?07:32
slytherinara: the split looks sane enough to me. But I don't use the package so probably I am not the best person to ask advice about it.07:33
aradholbach, what do you think¿07:36
* dholbach downloads source07:37
LLStarks|Lazyhi guys07:39
LLStarks|Lazygst plugins bad needs the new dirac dependency07:39
slytherinLLStarks|Lazy: it was already uploaded but seems to have failed to build.07:40
slytherinLLStarks|Lazy: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/gst-plugins-bad0.10/+builds07:41
LLStarks|Lazyah gotcha07:41
slytherinI am not able to access the build log at this time so I can not check if it was real failure or transitional failure.07:42
slytherinLLStarks|Lazy: if you can download the log, unzip it and post the relevant bits on pastebin may be I can decide if we should retry the build.07:43
LLStarks|Lazywill do07:44
LLStarks|Lazyhope its gzipd07:44
slytherinyes it is07:44
slytherinthat is the reason I can not access it. the content filtering system in my office filters anything that ends with .gz07:44
dholbachara: I'm a bit unsure... at the moment I can't think of use-cases for splitting it, but I just had a look at http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/ch-module_packages.html#s-package_names - not sure if that would result in some kind of "oversplitting" as seb128 would call it :)07:47
LLStarks|Lazylooks like an sdl library problem07:47
aradholbach, well, even if the use case is not clear, shouldn't be simpler to keep it split for the sake of maintainability?07:49
aradholbach, (to avoid having to keep a lot of replaces)07:49
dholbachara: the API of python-ldtp broke, right?07:50
slytherinLLStarks|Lazy: can you paste the log on pastebin?07:50
aradholbach, yes07:50
aradholbach, they are 90% compatible, but not 100%07:51
dholbachhmhm - I wonder if you'd need to rename stuff anyway in that case07:51
dholbachthere's only mago depending on it afaics07:52
SevenMachinesslytherin, LLStarks|Lazy: you might want to look at Bug #509442 , gst-plugins-bad0.10 is fixed upstream in debian but i'm guessing its actually an issue with sdl dev07:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509442 in gst-plugins-bad0.10 "libavcodec-extra-52 breaks gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad (libdirac-encoder0 replaces the necessary libdirac0c2a) " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50944207:55
slytherinLooks like we need merge from debian package07:58
dholbachara: you could ask seb128 when he shows up, he should know a bit better than I do07:59
aradholbach, OK, I will, thanks :)07:59
SevenMachinesslytherin: that would be best, it does need both the changes from 0.10.17-2 and 0.10.17-3 though, those are the ones i used and they work. i dont know where 0.10.17-3 is in terms of unstable/testing though08:02
slytherinSevenMachines: -3 is not yet in testing.08:02
slytherinDoes anyone know at what version of glib, gio APIs were introduced?08:23
tranx I am having some difficulties for creating a package for "cython" application.08:45
tranxI was wondering whether it would be the good room to get some support on this issue ?08:45
tranxs/for "cython" application/for a cython application/g08:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:51
tranx I need to build a package that uses cython, but default pbuilder cannot resolve  "cython" when put into "build-depends" ..08:53
randomactionyou need to enable universe - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto#Universe%20support08:54
tranxis this enabled on build farms ?08:55
johe|workhi all08:56
johe|worki have a problem with an package maintained by motu https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-pysnmp4/+bug/50949508:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 509495 in python-pysnmp4 "pysnmp version switch broken" [Undecided,New]08:56
johe|worki would really need help on that08:57
tranxi.e. launchpad08:57
tranxI meant, I manage to get a working pbuilder with cython on my personal desktop, but I wonder how to get it working on launchpad, or other build servers.08:58
johe|workso than, this goes out to any python developer, if i dont get pysnmp working on karmic i need to programm my stuff in perl, and i really dont like :-(09:02
randomactiontranx: on buildds, build-dependencies from universe are disabled for packages in main. In other cases, they're allowed09:03
tranxrandomaction: thanks for these elements.09:06
slytherintranx: Paste the debian/control file somewhere so that we can check if there is any problem with build dependencies09:36
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ockhamsry for nagging, but as i can't see any communication going on here (only logon/offs): is there anybody at all?13:00
geseryes, but most people are probably busy with other things (like e.g. work)13:02
ockhamtoo bad... gotta leave...13:04
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menesiscan I upload a fixed package to REVU with the same version number?15:30
randomactionmenesis: yes, version should stay the same15:31
menesisdo I have to include orig.tar.gz again?15:33
menesislooks like yes15:37
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hyperairwill there be a MC meeting on the 12th of february?19:25
geserhyperair: no, see the announcement19:29
hyperairgeser: i saw. so how should i go about applying for motuship?19:29
hyperairthe thursday meeting is at 3AM my time19:30
geserwait on the next DMB meeting, I hope we get a little bit further about the MOTU future on that meeting19:35
geserI hope the DMB comes about a decision what to do about MOTU applications while the future of MOTU is shaped19:36
POXporthose: :P (re: your mail to debian-python)19:46
porthosePOX, :)19:48
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* StevenK tickles wgrant 22:25
* wgrant swats StevenK 22:26
* StevenK dodges wgrant's ineffective swat22:26
wgrantYou can't dodge me, I'm next to yuuyou.22:26
ajmitchfind a room, people22:26
ajmitchwhich talk are you at?22:27
StevenKMS versus FOSS22:28
* ajmitch is staring at slides of PHP code, brains are leaking out22:28
wgrantWe have found a room! Illot!22:28
StevenKNot so private, sadly22:29
pucko-Hello.. I have a package I would like to see in ubuntu. I have made a deb archive of it (which needs some minor tweaking yet). can it be included even though there is no upstream url available? (I got the source by mailing the company)22:29
RAOFAre you able to distribute the source?22:29
pucko-it is a driver for a smart card reader btw22:29
pucko-yes. it is lgpl2.122:30
* ajmitch will have to watch that talk on video afterwards22:30
pucko-I'm not sure if it should be packaged separetely or of it should be included in libccid (which is a package for many other smart cart readers)22:33
StevenKwgrant: Saw a website recently that said "Microsoft has spent billions on Windows, how can Linux possibly run on a computer without Windows code, since Linux is free."22:34
* StevenK should find the source22:35
ajmitchthe leaps in logic there are interesting22:35
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StevenKajmitch: Absolutely.22:36
RAOFpucko-: Maybe it should end up in libccid, but that would require the code to be submitted to the libccid project.  As it's a separate source tree, it should (almost certainly) be a separate package.22:37
* RAOF goes to wrestle with bugs.gnome.org to submit some gjs patches.22:38
pucko-RAOF, so how should I proceed? I believe I need some help23:11
RAOFpucko-: It'd be good if the source was easily available somewhere on the web, but I don't *think* that's a dealbreaker.23:14
RAOFpucko-: What you could do next is refine your package and upload the source package to REVU.23:14
ubottuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU23:14
pucko-ok. the main thing is the lintian error messages. but I guess I can come back here later and ask for help about those..23:16
RAOFNote that running lintian with with -i will give lots of nice info about the errors, and generally how you might fix them.23:17
* RAOF decides gjs probably doesn't want these patches.23:23
pucko-ok, thanks23:23

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