
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
hyperairwhat's the correct target for issue regarding X and resuming?10:06
hyperairfrom hibernate/suspend10:06
bryycehyperair, 'linux' is usually a good starting point10:12
hyperairbryyce: no, i think this is purely X. there are some vt-switching issues, and after that, the wallpaper changes to some hideous black and white weird looking thing10:13
hyperairbug #51000410:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510004 in pm-utils "[lucid regression] strange resume from suspend to RAM" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51000410:14
tjaaltonnvidia-graphics-driver-180 then10:15
tjaaltonactually, just n-g-d10:15
bryyceah, yeah with -nvidia the kernel team probably couldn't help you any more than we could10:16
hyperairi figured as much10:16
geseris there a bug about libgl1-mesa-glx being sort of unusable on the buildds?10:38
tseliotgeser: what do you mean?10:42
gesertseliot: e.g. http://launchpadlibrarian.net/38095009/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.octave-ad_1.0.6-3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz10:42
geserthis also happens with -0ubuntu7 (tested in my pbuilder)10:43
geseralthough the postinst calls ldconfig, it only triggers it's run at the end (which seems to be to late)10:43
geserfrom a look at /sbin/ldconfig this might work: "LDCONFIG_NOTRIGGER=y ldconfig" in postinst10:44
geserthis should force ldconfig being run right now and making libGL.so.1 available for the following packages being configured10:45
tseliotyes, I was about to say the same about ldconfig. Let me check LDCONFIG_NOTRIGGER10:45
tseliotyes, that should be our problem10:46
tseliotgeser: I'll try to build the package in my chroot with export LDCONFIG_NOTRIGGER=y10:55
tseliotbummer, it's building without notrigger here...11:13
tseliotwhich I guess is why you mentioned the problem as affecting buildds11:13
tseliotgeser: ok, I've just uploaded 7.7-0ubuntu8. Please test octave3.2 again when mesa is published12:25
gesertjaalton: in case you didn't notice: libxcb got finally synced today (it triggered a bug in LP which made the previous sync attempts fail)12:59
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gesertseliot: octave-ad build successfully with mesa 7.7-0ubuntu814:11
tseliotgeser: thanks for testing14:12
tseliotjbarnes: any ideas as to what can be causing this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/359587/15:53
tseliotwhen switching users (i.e. when launching an additional X session on a different tty)15:53
tseliots/launching/trying to launch/15:54
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
tjaaltongeser: yep I noticed, nice17:55
Sarvattwow, didnt notice we had all these plymouth themes installed as well in lucid, solar looks great but the progress bar is a little messed up19:04
Sarvattsudo plymouth-set-default-theme solar --rebuild-initrd  incase anyone else hasn't seen it :D19:05
geserare there any screenshots available for all themes?19:26
Sarvattjust found a few here http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/look-at-ubuntu-lucid-plymouth-themes.html19:28
Sarvatttseliot: is it me or does that look like plymouths fault?19:31
superm1sebner, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/506717/comments/619:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 506717 in plymouth "[Lucid] plymouth does not display when using nvidia drivers" [High,New]19:32
superm1so it should be working with non-KMS.  It just Isn't19:32
Sarvattits tring to load a second display on vt7 and plymouth only drops drm master on vt switch?19:45
Sarvattall this time and it just now hit me to put the intel package on hold and use everything else from edgers :D i've been slacking with the updates lately because I havent been able to use it in months20:28
Sarvattwas syncing evdev with origin/ubuntu even though we're just syncing debian so I missed alot of fixes there20:29
Sarvattanyone here been able to use intel 2.10+ on 945 or under successfully?20:31
jcristaui haven't even tried since you said it was broken :)20:31
Sarvattit's broken here and for at least 15 other people that I know are using edgers but I haven't asked if anyone was actually able to use it so I'd be interested to know :D20:32
SarvattI'll put a note on edgers asking for feedback20:32
jcristaui was away from my 945 from christmas until yesterday though.  maybe i can try later.20:33
* Duke` checks his driver version20:34
Sarvattpretty sure 965+ doesn't have the problem because I know alot of people using edgers with that that arent complaining and never seen any reporters that werent using 915 or 94520:35
SarvattI know you are having the problem as well on 945 with Duke` :D20:36
Sarvattyou were the one that tipped me off that libdrm from 11-25 actually works20:36
Duke`unfortunately I lost my 11-25 packages, I dunno how :(20:36
Sarvattyou are using 2.10 now and not getting the errors? or have you been putting up with it for all this time?20:36
Duke`I have the execbuf error EVERY day20:37
Duke`I had it some hours ago20:37
Sarvattman you have some perserverence20:37
Duke`every day I pray for the holy new version fixing it :D20:37
Sarvattyou should just grab the 2.9.1 from lucid and rebuild it for karmic and put a hold on that package20:38
Sarvattchange the xserver-xorg-dev (>= 2:1.7), line in debian/control to xserver-xorg-dev (>= 2:1.6), first20:39
Duke`if I would like a stable version, I would just disable edgers for some time and use karmic packages20:39
Duke`I feel that there is not a lot of activity around this bug at Intel. I hope I'm wrong20:39
Sarvattfor sure I agree with you :D20:40
Sarvattit's incredibly frustrating with how its so random though, cant believe you've put up with it for almost 2 months20:43
Duke`but someone must do the testing job ;-)20:45
Sarvatti wont be updating mesa on karmic anymore probably Duke` :(20:45
Duke`well, I'll just like an upload when the fix is released20:46
Duke`at least20:46
Sarvattit's changed so much in lucid we cant just use the scripts to update it, and i dont use karmic20:46
Duke`well lucid release is in 3 months, it's not too far ;p20:47
bryycebtw, I've flagged the exec buf bug to Intel and identified it as a blocker bug that must be fixed before we move to 2.1021:26
bryycehowever, they're blocked by need for additional debugging information21:26
bryycethere is a debugging patch posted to the bug report, so it sounds like they just need someone to work with them on gathering the right data21:26
bryyceunfortunately I don't have a 945 that I can do the testing on, and haven't reproduced the issue on !94521:27

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