
j-3-r-g_Shirack have you try to install compiz-fusion00:00
mAriachiShirack: do this00:00
Shirackmariachi: sorry will do00:00
Topy44hint to UNR users: the normal gnome "show desktop" icon switches to the launcher MUCH MUCH faster then the UNR "go home applet"00:00
mAriachiShirack: sudo apt-get update00:00
Topy44(so does the old version of the go home applet, no idea why the new one takes so long)00:00
Shirackmariachi: did earlier00:00
mAriachiShirack: then this sudo apt-get upgrade00:00
Shirackmariaci: didnt do second one00:00
Topy44also, deleting and recreating the panel from scratch seems to be the only way to get rid of that white dot. could not find out what it was00:01
mAriachiShirack: hehe, then what you have done is just list the updates, not actualy download and install them :D00:01
mAriachiShirack: sudo apt-get update just lists00:01
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mAriachiShirack: whilst sudo apt-get upgrade, downloads and installs00:02
ring0does gnome-terminal start the standard shell? f.e. if changed my default shell to fish, would gnome-terminal use fish too?00:02
Shirackmariachi: sorry got wrong way round had done upgrade. Trying it gives me "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."00:02
nick125ring0: unless otherwise configured, it should.00:03
mAriachidid you update, then upgrade?00:03
Topy44stupid question, but how can i sudo start a gui app from the terminal without locking the terminal? "sudo appname&" doesnt show the gui00:03
ksnpdoes crontab without the --report option prevent sending of emails from the jobs to the root ?00:03
bobbytekhow can I share a folder across a vpn?00:03
mAriachiShirack: did you update, then upgrade?00:03
Johnny_425Ubuntu won't remember my network's password00:03
oistopthatmy question is " is xsplash a required application for ubuntu gnome" i get a INIT usplash stop displayed in a terminal screen on shut down00:04
ring0nick125, do i need to reboot, in order to make it work? i used 'chsh -s /usr/bin/fish' to change it, which works fine with tty1-6.00:04
ksnpi am trying to auto delete (not all but first N) email  to root sent by processes, any suggestions00:04
mAriachiShirack: try opening update manager, refreshing and seeing if there's any update?00:04
onetinsoldierTopy44: gksu &00:04
^kub^Topy44 does putting  a space before the & work?00:04
Shirackmariachi: do you think i am missing software sources under "other software"?00:04
Topy44*caugh* yes... *caugh*00:04
Topy44silly me :)00:04
nick125ring0: I would try logging out and then logging back in. If that doesn't work, then you could try a reboot.00:04
Fc-testProtip guyrp use arch00:05
mAriachiShirack: dont think so00:05
Shirackmariachi: system is up to date00:05
mAriachiShirack: what OS you on?00:05
Shirackeverything is ticked in software sources as well00:05
ring0nick125, thanks, totally forgot about trying to log out :)00:05
ksnpmAriachi, any suggestion on my lines above ?00:05
Shirackmariachi: thought they had sorted intel issues00:05
mAriachiShirack: what OS are you using?00:05
Shirackmariachi: ubutu 9.1000:06
mAriachiShirack: are you on a notebook or pc?00:06
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Shirackmariachi: aha just checked hardware drivers and seems to be some drivers. Also should sort my wireless problem, which I havnt mentioned yet00:07
nickhow do i get my webcam to work on ubuntu?00:07
mAriachiShirack: haha, dont know what to say, do I or you rock?00:07
=== nick is now known as Guest43495
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:07
mAriachinick: instal cheese00:07
mAriachinick: sudo apt-get install cheese00:07
Shirackmariachi: is it safe to remove drivers?00:07
Guest43495i installed cheese00:07
mAriachiShirack: what drivers you want to remove?00:08
mAriachiinternal speakers wont stop, when i plug in headphones, help?00:08
Guest43495i want it to work for this website called stickam.com00:08
Guest43495but when i go on it doesnt let me use my webcam00:08
Shirackmariachi: "ati/amd proprietry graphics fglrx" If i remember correctly it will give me the option to re-install the right one?00:08
necroforestHello. I'm trying to kill pulseaudio. It will not die - when i kill it (using kill, kill -9, or pulseaudio --kill), it just gets started again immediately. I even tried running a killall -9 in an infinite while loop. Any ideas how I can put this thing out of its misery?00:08
ksnphow to remove email reporting for some lines of crontab only ?00:09
blakkheimnecroforest: purge it, reboot00:09
Shirackmariachi: or do it automatically...00:09
Guest43495what about sudo apt-get install python-libmimic?00:09
Shirackmariachi: i might be remembering wrong00:09
mAriachiShirack: dont actually know, you said your graphics card was intel?00:09
nick125ksnp: Do you know if it's going to stdout or stderr?00:09
Guest43495doesnt that help it because i installed it and it didnt do anything00:09
Im666there is a ubuntu french canal plz?00:10
Shirackmariachi: thought it was. I had problems with 9.04 on the same machine and I seem to remember it being intel00:10
oistopthatcan anyone help me00:10
xangua!webcam | Guest4349500:10
ubottuGuest43495: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:10
xangua!ask | oistopthat00:10
ubottuoistopthat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:10
mAriachiShirack: why would it suggest ati proprietary? hmm, this is something to ponder on, no matter that i have 2 exams in like 7 hours00:10
Iowan!fr | Im66600:11
ubottuIm666: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr00:11
Im666there is a ubuntu french canal plz?00:11
ksnpnick125, its going to stdout00:11
nick125ksnp: If it's going to stdout, adding >/dev/null to the end of the command should do it. If it's going to stderr, I believe 2>/dev/null will do it.00:11
Shirackmariachi: thanks for help all the same. I'm sure I will figure it out eventually. It is only missing compiz effects thats annoying. My machine is functional nonetheless00:11
ksnpits a script file that is in cron.hourly00:11
mAriachiShirack: do you have installed any drivers under Hardware Drivers? if so, they should have like a green bulb left to them00:11
m0arI accidently pressed some hotkeys, and now I'm having american keyboard setup. In windows it's alt+shift, what's up with ubuntu?00:11
mAriachim0ar: go to preferences>keyboard>layout00:11
mAriachim0ar: you can set everything from there00:12
unopksnp, if you run a script from cron and it writes an error to STDOUT, you get an email with its contents00:12
ksnpnick125, and the crontab includes cron.hourly, i can't redirect 1 and 2 to /dev/null i think since this can't be done in crontab00:12
onetinsoldieris there a way to have compiz remember what i have open and all the windows locations, so it all there automatically when i log back in?00:12
m0armAriachi: Well, any idea of what hotkey I was hitting?00:12
Shirackmariachi: yes i just uninstalled "broadcom b43 wireless driver" and am now re-activating to re-install and see if i can get my wireless working.00:12
unopksnp, sure you can redirect within your crontab00:12
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ksnpnick125, unop, how do i prevent it from sending email ? there should be an option in crontab to stop it ?00:12
nick125ksnp: not selectively.00:13
ksnpunop, but the crontab only references cron.hourly, not individual scripts within the cron.hourly00:13
mAriachim0ar: nope :( you can set everything, even the shortcut (key-combination) there00:13
ksnpnick125, unop, yes that's what i thought00:13
unopksnp,   your_command >/dev/null 2>&100:13
m0armAriachi: Ah, saw that now. Thank you!00:13
unopksnp, so change the individual files?00:13
ksnpunop, how do i change the individual script files to do that ?00:13
ksnpto prevent them from giving any output ?00:13
nick125ksnp: You can also do MAILTO="" in each file, I believe. That might work.00:13
unopksnp, wait first, can you show us this line that references cron.hourly00:14
Shirackmariachi: thanks for help. tring a re-boot00:14
ksnpnick125, ok, i'll try that i thought MAILTO was only for crontab, not individual files00:14
mAriachim0ar: anytime dude! glad i could help!, to be of further help, add the Keyboard layout applet on your panel, it's like the windows language bar00:14
m0armAriachi: I'd rather die :)00:14
mAriachiShirack: crossed fingers :D00:14
m0armAriachi:  :D00:14
nick125ksnp: I'm not sure if the environment from the script is "imported" into crontab.00:14
mAriachim0ar: haha, i meant if you got to change layouts like me00:14
m0armAriachi: more like, purge the hotkeys for changing layout to infinity00:15
mAriachim0ar: i'm from macedonia and sometimes i need the macedonian keyboard00:15
m0armAriachi: You are so unlucky :c00:15
mAriachim0ar: and it's good to know in which layout im typing00:15
unopnick125, it's the otherway around - the environment of cron is inherited by the script00:15
ksnpunop, getting it00:15
m0armAriachi: Or well, it's problable my used to the windoose "OHMYGAWD RANDOM MESSAGE"-popups00:15
mAriachim0ar: cause it can happen sometimes like these иф ај тајп енд сетера00:16
ksnpnick125, unop, alternatively is it possible to auto delete first N emails from the root, so I don't have to do it manually all the time ?00:16
Wind0paindoes vmplayer run well in ubuntu?00:16
m0armAriachi: ;)00:16
mAriachiWind0pain: try vlc, its good00:16
unopksnp, it might be better to nip the bud with the cron issue, don't you think?00:16
mAriachiWind0pain: sudo apt-get install vlc00:17
onetinsoldieris there a way to have compiz remember what i have open and all the windows locations, so they're all there automatically when i log back in?00:17
mAriachim0ar: dont worry those things dont happen in ubuntu00:17
Wind0painmAriachi: i want to convert my physical win 7 machine for use with it though.. will vlc read vmware player machines?00:18
oistopthatmy question is " is xsplash a required application for ubuntu gnome" i get a INIT usplash stop displayed in a terminal screen on shut down00:18
mAriachiWind0pain: it should, never tried it before though00:19
=== Wicked- is now known as Wicked
mAriachiWind0pain: i meant, i use vlc all the time, but not with vmware, it should work though00:19
Some_PersonAny way to get Windows Media Audio 9 to play?00:19
mAriachiSome_Person: did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras?00:19
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Some_PersonmAriachi: Yup00:20
mAriachiSome_Person: and it doesn;t work?00:20
Wind0painmAriachi: ok thx, i might try that out00:20
mAriachiWind0pain: np dude, anytime00:20
Some_PersonmAriachi: Nope. Totem still complains that it can't find a decoder for Windows Media Audio 900:21
LogicFanDRM'd windows media tracks won't play00:21
Nafaihas anyone successfully installed the virtual box guest extensions in a Lucid guest on a Karmic host?  I'm trying to do some work on Lucid and I'm getting compile errors on the guest extensions00:21
mAriachiSome_person: it should work if you installed it00:21
Wind0paini thought vlc was just for multimedia00:21
^kub^Wind0pain is referring to the vmware player i believe he wants to play a win7 vm on his linux box00:21
Some_PersonLogicFan: It's not DRMed as far as I know00:21
bobbytekwhat's the fasted vnc client for ubuntu?00:21
LogicFanvlc can play many formats00:21
Wind0pain^kub^: that's right00:21
Some_PersonmAriachi: Well, I'm telling you, it isn't00:22
ksnpunop, <unop> ksnp, it might be better to nip the bud with the cron issue, don't you think?00:22
mAriachiWind0pain: ooooh, that is a horse of a different color, but still try it00:22
ksnpunop, can you expand on that ?00:22
dtrottOn ubuntu 9.10 I am trying to add an additional kernel parameter (reboot=bios) which file do I need to edit to add this?00:22
LogicFanSome_Person, did you try VLC?00:22
rohananilhello all00:22
mAriachiSome_Person:  yep, try a different player00:22
Some_PersonLogicFan: VLC does work, but I would prefer to get Totem working00:22
ae86-drifteranyone know where to get the ATI Catalyst 10.1 Beta download??00:22
eeeekyellowsnowwhere do i find the kind of wifi device i have in my laptop??00:22
Some_PersonmAriachi: ^00:23
mAriachirohananil: just state your issue00:23
LogicFanSome_Person, is it audio or video?00:23
mAriachiSome_Person: welp, dont know if totem can handle WMA codecs00:23
mAriachiLogicFan: its a WMA forma, cant be anything else than audio :D00:23
Some_PersonLogicFan: It's a video, but the video already plays. Totem claims that it can't find a Windows Media Audio 9 decoder though, so the audio won't play00:23
Iowaneeeekyellowsnow: lshw -C network might tell00:24
rohananilmAriachi: no issue , thanks :)00:24
ksnpnick125, unop, sorry for delay, i am multiprocessing, but am i am looking for all your suggestions and tyring out too00:24
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:24
mAriachirohananil: oh, hello then :D00:24
cdiCan anyone tell me why a file I can physically see and move around under GUI will not show up at all in terminal say if I want to move it to one place or another it just says its non existent00:24
nickhello everyone00:24
=== nick is now known as Guest96505
eeeekyellowsnowthanks iowan :)00:25
Guest96505how do i i get my webcam to work for online web stickam00:25
mAriachicdi: how do you access the file via a terminal?00:25
rohananilmAriachi: actually wanted to show this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOZ8ifKjCIw :) , face authentication karmic :)00:25
^kub^Wind0pain there is a 32bit and 64bit version of the vmware player on their site you need to register but its free00:25
mAriachirohananil: dude, my connenction sucks to view youtube, thanks anyway00:25
Guest96505how do i get my webcam to work for online web stickam00:25
Guest96505how do i get my webcam to work for online web stickam00:26
cdiI'm not accessing it I'm trying to move it from one place to another via terminal and I can ls and it will show me the file is there but won't in terminal and I'm trying to use scp to move the file to another server but it won't even let me move this file from folder to folder on the same computer just says no file or directory00:26
hanasakiwhat can be used to admin users/groups in ldap?00:26
rohananilGuest96505: connect cam and run dmesg00:26
Wind0pain^kub^: okay.  i've just heard so many people talk about vBox that I was wondering if vmWarePlayer has issues on linux00:26
rohananiland paste it on pastebing00:26
cdiI'm not running it I guess I should say in any way*00:26
mAriachiGuest96505: dude repeating the question doesnt help :S00:26
Guest96505no like the cam is built into my laptop00:27
mAriachicdi: you are not typing the filename correctly then00:27
^kub^Wind0pain tbh i run vbox and like it more but thats with a windows host i cant speak for the linux one00:27
hsa2hello everybody00:27
cdiits only three letters long. literally.00:27
Guest96505im trying to get my cam to work right now and its not00:27
mAriachiRiCON:hi, just state your issue00:27
Guest96505its built into my laptop00:27
hsa2i am trying to get postfix + dovecot running on ubuntu 9.1000:28
LogicFanSome_Person, do you have the w32codecs pkg installed?00:28
RiCONhow do i tell ubuntu that i already have package x installed, even if i compiled it and installed it myself?00:28
cachedI agree kub00:28
=== wolter-afk is now known as wolter
Some_PersonLogicFan: I have w64codecs installed, and it didn't help00:28
hsa2is there any tutorial or something?00:28
cachedThen your not without anything while you get it configured00:28
rohananilGuest96505: it could be the driver or the buggy software00:28
Guest96505buggy software?00:29
rohananilif you can provide the dmesg data00:29
RiCONfor example, how do i tell ubuntu that i already have libavcodec-dev installed if i just installed ffmpeg?00:29
rohananilopen terminal00:29
mAriachiRiCON: try configuring the Synaptic00:29
rohananilconnect the cam and run        dmesg > filename00:29
eeeekyellowsnowwhy can't i see the video driver on my laptop in Hardware Drivers? the window is empty00:29
Guest96505the camera is built into my camera00:29
rohananiland paste the file into pastebin00:29
Guest96505or into my laptop sorry00:29
rohananilyea thats ok00:30
Wind0pain^kub^: i was thinking about using 7 as my host too since i use windows more often.00:30
cachedare you in a vbox?00:30
rohananildmesg provides the vendor id and product id00:30
Guest96505alright so what do i type into term?00:30
Wind0painis there a 64-bit version of 9.10?00:30
mAriachieeeekyellowsnow: well, you dont need a video drivers if it;s not there00:30
Wind0painnm i found it00:30
Guest96505alright i typed it lots of stuff came up00:30
DarkedgeI just restarted my computer, Now I don't get any bottom or top panel, I've tried lots of things, like rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel and i've also tried reinstalling gnome-panel, ALT+F2 doesn't work, I had to get a tty and export DISPLAY to get irssi open, Any ideas?00:30
^kub^Wind0pain thats what i do and vbox is nice coz you can do 3d acceleration00:30
cachedI think it would be pointless to run it in a box tho . .00:30
rohananildmesg > new00:31
mAriachiDarkEdge: type this in a terminal00:31
nubuntui need help people00:31
eeeekyellowsnowthanks mariachi, but then how do i update a driver if one isn't working properly?00:31
bastid_raZorRiCON: from my understanding using 'check install' instead of 'make install' would do this.00:31
mAriachiDarkEdge: gnome-panel00:31
rohananilopen new and paste content into dmesg00:31
Guest96505you type new after dmesg or do you type dmesg > new?00:31
rohananildarn it, i have to goto sleep now .00:31
mAriachieeeekyellowsnow: what is your issue with the video?00:31
rohananilsorry paste the content into pastebin00:31
Wind0pain^kub^: i'll give that a try.00:31
RiCONbastid_raZor: checkinstalled ffmpeg00:31
DarkedgemAriachi: WOW! That works, How do I get it to auto-open?00:32
RiCONbastid_raZor: and it included everything already00:32
RiCONi didn't use ubuntu's source, though00:32
RiCONused straight svn00:32
cdimAriachi: the file also for some reason shows up as just text I'm not sure why as it's a video file00:32
mAriachiDarkEdge: basically, you just make a launcher (shortcut) on the desktop00:32
Iowannubuntu: With...?00:32
yaccWondering, anyone got an idea why karmic in qemu does busy waiting (basically it takes 100% cpu on host, despite no user space programs running inside the VM)00:32
DarkedgemAriachi: So I should just be able to restart and it'll all work?00:33
eeeekyellowsnowmAriachi: it isn't the video, it's the wireless, my wifi isn't as fast on ubuntu like it is on windows, only when im at home.00:33
bastid_raZorRiCON: add the executable to /usr/bin to be able to run it .. it that what you're trying to accomplish?00:33
cdimAriachi: I mean this in terminal usually it will show up as a file of different color I recently permanently added subtitles to said video I don't know if this is relevant as to why ubuntu seems to see it differently00:33
nubuntusomebody speak español?00:33
cachedHow do you write scripts for linux? what are the extensions?00:33
Guest96505alright after dmesg > filename what do i type?!00:33
wolter!es | nubuntu00:33
ubottunubuntu: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:33
mAriachiDarkEdge: and anytime your panels start to mess with you, you just open a terminal and time killall gnome-panel00:33
mAriachiand then double click on the shortcut00:34
mAriachiDarkEdge: did you make the shortcut?00:34
RiCONbastid_raZor: no, i'm trying to avoid ubuntu from installing old libs because i already have svn compiled ones00:34
DarkedgemAriachi: No...00:34
DarkedgemAriachi: I want gnome-panel to open when I login.00:34
cachedits in a conf file somewhere00:34
mAriachiDarkEdge: it will, this is a work-around if it starts to mes with you00:35
^kub^cached its my understanding that you just have to make the file executable with chmod 666, someone here may know better than me :)00:35
rohananilGuest96505: going to sleep , send me on my mail , talk to you later00:35
mAriachieeeekyellowsnow: you are just imagining things, it is the same, it makes no sense to do it like that00:35
Guest96505whats your mail?00:35
Guest96505alright never mind ii got it00:35
Guest96505laterrr brooo00:35
eeeekyellowsnowmAriachi: well it does, there is a certain delay when i open a webpage, reminds me of a 56k modem speed.00:36
bobbytekwhat's the best way to do remote desktop between 2 ubuntu machines?00:36
Darkedgeok thanks00:36
mAriachiDarkEdge: does it work?00:36
Edganbobbytek: nomachine00:36
cached^kub^ which virtual machine do you use?00:36
mAriachieeeekyellowsnow: does your wireless work?00:36
bobbytekEdgan: what's that?00:36
DarkedgemAriachi: THe gnome-panel has come up, but I haven't tried restarting yet.00:36
eeeekyellowsnowit does, but not at home.00:36
mAriachiDarkedge: dont worry, it will00:37
^kub^cached i use virtualbox on a win7 host with ubuntu and bt4 guests00:37
RiCONbastid_raZor: for example, when installing mplayer deps, libavcodec et al show up as "to be installed", which is not needed, as I already have much newer versions00:37
cachedSame here00:37
mAriachieeeekyellowsnow: then it is not a driver issue if its slow00:37
Guest96505anybody else know who to tell me how to get my webcam to work for an online web called stickam.com?00:37
eeeekyellowsnowmAriachi: on my ubuntu DNS, should i have the ip of router in the list?00:37
Edganbobbytek: It is a remote desktop technology. It is more efficient than vnc, and uses ssh to make authentication and your data secure.00:37
ThatGuyOverThereI'm thinking of switching to Kubuntu. Can anybody offer any insight on that?00:37
mAriachieeeekyellowsnow:  DNS doesnt have anything to do with IPs00:37
cached64bit win7 hosting 32 bit OS also use xp00:38
Guest96505anybody else know who to tell me how to get my webcam to work for an online web called stickam.com00:38
bastid_raZorRiCON: that i do not know.00:38
mAriachieeeekyellowsnow: just leave it automatically00:38
bobbytekEdgan: would that be bad in a vpn situation?00:38
eeeekyellowsnowoki doo00:38
mAriachieeeekyellowsnow: see if somebody is leeching your wireless, do you have it password protected?00:38
cachedall the free PRO's from the Academic Alliance ^^00:38
bobbytekEdgan, wouldn't that be overkill in terms of the ssh?00:38
Edganbobbytek: It will still be better than vnc with a vnc00:38
eeeekyellowsnowyes i do have it protected00:38
RiCONbastid_raZor: oh, thanks anyway00:38
Edganbobbytek: I mean with a vpn00:38
Guest96505anybody else know who to tell me how to get my webcam to work for an online web called stickam.com??00:39
bobbytekcool, I'll check it out.00:39
mAriachieeeekyellowsnow: no sense to be slower then: and please type the nickname of who you are reffering to first00:39
bobbytekEdgan, is it freely available?00:39
mAriachieeeekyellowsnow: cheers :)00:39
cachedHowever I cant figure out how to grant access to my videocard to run Highest graphics quality00:39
Edganbobbytek: There is freenx, which in my experience works a little less than ok. Then there is nx from nomachine.com which is free as in beer, at least on the low end.00:39
eeeekyellowsnowmAriachi: oki doo, many thanks :) appreeshiyated00:39
cachedor a portion of it anyways00:39
mAriachiinternal speakers continue playing when i plug headphones, any help?00:40
mAriachieeeekyellowsnow: np dude, anytime00:40
mAriachieeeekyellowsnow: cya00:40
cachedI have 1 gig nvida geforce 9800m gts00:40
hanasakianyone have good info or a url on configuring fine grained svn repository control with ldap?   web search ahs not turned up anything00:40
bobbytekEdgan, so is freenx still better than vnc?00:40
Edganbobbytek: for speed and efficiency, yes00:40
bobbytekEdgan, nice thanks!00:40
mAriachi?internal speakers continue playing when i plug headphones, any help????00:40
mAriachiinternal speakers continue playing when i plug headphones, any help????!00:41
cachedI also want to make a virtual server with Centos00:41
mAriachiinternal speakers continue playing when i plug headphones, any help?00:41
bazhangmAriachi, dont repeat so quickly00:42
EdganmAriachi: Stop repeating yourself00:42
LogicFanSome_Person, do you have a xine based player installed that you've tested the file with?00:42
mAriachiinternal speakers continue playing when i plug headphones, any help?00:43
Some_PersonLogicFan: mplayer can play it. is that xine-based?00:43
mAriachiEdgan: do you have a solution, or just a suggestion?00:43
bazhang!repeat | mAriachi00:43
ubottumAriachi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.00:43
hanasakianyone seen this in 9.10 and pulse? it's a new install and no audio...00:43
hanasakiJan 18 23:23:55 usa pulseaudio[7146]: module-console-kit.c: GetSessionsForUnixUser() call failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed: Failed to execute program00:43
Some_Person!ops Helllifter00:44
mAriachi!ask | bazhang00:44
ubottubazhang: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:44
HelllifterSome_Person needs to chill out!00:44
bazhangSome_Person, what's up00:44
mAriachiinternal speakers continue playing when i plug headphones, any help?00:44
hanasakihow would you go about debugging no audio?  pulse shows this in the logs ktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed: Failed to execute program00:44
Some_PersonHelllifter: I interpreted your PM as one of the now-common spam messages going around freenode00:45
mAriachihanasaki: reinstall pulse, dr.gugl00:45
bazhangmAriachi, you've been asked numerous times to not repeat so quickly.00:45
HelllifterSome_Person  I am not sure what you are talking about00:45
HelllifterI don't PM00:45
ae86-drifterso nobody has used ATI catalyst 10.1 beta for linux??, according to this website http://www.guru3d.com/news.php?cat=7&perpage=#10681  there is a beta version that leaked with support for my card00:45
mAriachibazhang: how slower do i need to be?00:45
hanasakimAriachi:   already tried that.. which packages specifically?  FYI it's a new 9.10 64 bit install00:45
jongberg1hi, what messaging command in karmic allows you to talk to another computer in a local network just like what net send does for windows?00:45
bazhangmAriachi, more than 10 seconds00:45
LogicFanSome_Person, i'm not sure if mplayer is xine based.  but, you can install a xine based version of totem that may play your file, since you want to use totem00:46
Some_PersonHelllifter: Your message ended with "join us if you hate <n-word>s"00:46
mAriachibazhang: internal speakers continue playing when i plug headphones, any help?00:46
HelllifterI would never say that!00:46
mAriachiinternal speakers continue playing when i plug headphones, any help?00:46
mAriachibazhang: i counted to 15 :D00:46
LogicFanSome_Person, sudo apt-get totem-xine00:46
mAriachiHelllifter: ya, you did00:46
Helllifteryour just being ignorant00:46
Dr_WillismAriachi:  ive seen that quite often in here.00:46
HelllifterI am not racist00:46
Some_PersonLogicFan: Good idea. Thanks00:46
Spreadsheet_Hi, I have 10.04 and I changed the fonts to "best fit". Firefox still has the default fonts00:47
Hexanehoe can i hax ubuntu!?00:47
mAriachiDr_Willis: any help then? xD00:47
cdiI know this isn't relevant to anyone elses problem but I thought this was an awesome alternative to scp. You can click on your desktop and hit ctrl+L and ssh://hostname@ipaddress and get a completely graphical way to send or receive files from your server00:47
bazhangHexane, wrong channel00:47
Dr_WillismAriachi:  ive never had the issue.. the foums may have some clues00:47
Spreadsheet_This has been since 9.04, maybe 8.10, I don't know00:47
Hexanei wanna haxx ubuntu!!!!!00:47
bazhangHexane, please stop00:47
Spreadsheet_cdi: yeah there is00:47
LogicFanSome_Person, don't forget to install the xine plugins or check that you have them installed00:47
* Dr_Willis hands Hexane an axe00:47
ae86-driftercdi, i think u mean sshfs00:47
mAriachibazhang: jeez dude, chill out00:47
Spreadsheet_Places > Connect to Server00:47
* Hexane chips bazhang00:47
Some_PersonLogicFan: ok00:47
mAriachiinternal speakers continue playing when i plug headphones, any help?00:47
Spreadsheet_Any help?00:48
ussercdi, or with bonjour you can see all your ssh-enabled computers in places->network00:48
mAriachiinternal speakers continue playing when i plug headphones, any help?00:48
Spreadsheet_Can I get non-anti-aliased fonts in FF?00:48
usserae86-drifter, nope its not sshfs its gnome's gvfs+scp00:48
cdiI'm not sure exactly what it's called but I read it in the forums you just hit ctrl+L at your desktop and I imagine this only works if the server is running ubuntu but I thought it was pretty sweet I'd never even heard of it before now00:48
angelohi there, im having a problem when i open my NTFS partition, the desktop freezes a couple a minutes later, that never happend to me in ubuntu 9.04, does somebody know how to resolve this?00:49
hanasakihas anyone else had issues with slow download speeds on the ubuntu repositories?  I get about 10k/sec00:49
cdiis anyone else getting spammed right now?00:49
Spreadsheet_cdi: works for me, I do Ctrl-L and got the open location window00:49
mAriachicdi: jep, by helllifter00:49
bazhangcdi, from whom00:49
Spreadsheet_I don't think the scp server has to run ubuntu00:49
ae86-drifterusser, sshfs lets u browse remote PC's with whatever GUI as if it was part of your local filesystem00:49
cdiwhat a ridiculous thing to spam if I might add00:50
Spreadsheet_scp servers all run OpenSSH or some other implementation of ssh00:50
usserae86-drifter, yea i know, im saying that ctrl+l thing doesnt need sshfs00:50
cdiI just thought it was cool I've been using scp for everything just cause the computer is headless and I just found a way to save me quite a bit of typing00:50
ae86-drifterwhats the benefit of using GVFS+SCP over SSHFS?00:50
angeloFvCK Y0uuuuuuuuuu00:51
ae86-drifter!ban | angelo00:51
ubottuangelo: If you have been banned it is probably because you have not gone along with what is acceptable !behaviour. If you're not sure what acceptable !behaviour is please see !Etiquette and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines - If you think the ban was a mistake, please join #ubuntu-ops00:51
usserae86-drifter, less headache gvfs is user mountable, easy to use, no need for CLI00:51
mAriachi!ban | Helllifter00:51
ubottuHelllifter: If you have been banned it is probably because you have not gone along with what is acceptable !behaviour. If you're not sure what acceptable !behaviour is please see !Etiquette and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines - If you think the ban was a mistake, please join #ubuntu-ops00:51
hanasakiae86-drifter: how's the performance on sshfs00:51
mAriachiinternal speakers continue playing when i plug headphones, any help?00:52
cdido you think it'd be better if I used something like sftp to do this cause it's a rather large file00:53
Spreadsheet_SCP and SFTP are the same00:54
hanasakiwhat are the pro/con of samba vs cifs vs nfs?  looking for a good remote syncable filesystem for windows and linux and mac .  perfer it also have built in encryption over the network w/o ssh tunneling00:54
giikerany gui app for checking S.M.A.R.T. info on a hard drive?00:55
ae86-drifterhanasaki, flawless for me, usser sshfs IS also user mountable, very easy to run the command in CLI, you can create a launcher for it if you prefer not to use CLI and it will just prompt for password and thats it, i use SSHFS over LAN with no lag at all and over WAN with minimal lag00:55
siveldid anyone else in here receive any "spammy" PM from Helllifter ?00:55
Pound-userIt's not wIRC but it works. Anyone else seeing this?00:55
cdimAriachi: I'd believe that's a hardware problem00:55
hanasakiae86-drifter:  is there a sshfs for windows... client/server?00:55
Iowan<mAriachi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90089800:56
usserae86-drifter, didnt know that it was. i always used sudo mount -t sshfs00:56
cdimAriachi: usually if you plug in 1/8 jack into any laptop even if its not headphones the sound will cut00:56
ae86-drifterhanasaki, ehh ... no.00:56
ae86-drifterusser, sshfs can be run in userspace00:56
hanasakiae86-drifter:  ah... have some win uses too...00:56
usserae86-drifter, cool00:56
usserhanasaki, samba=cifs00:56
ae86-drifterusser, as long as the user has permission to the mount point of course00:57
cdiin windows wouldn't you just use puTTy?00:57
ksnpanyone know how to auto delete first N mails from the root ?00:57
usserae86-drifter, right00:57
hanasakiusser:  thanks.. does it have built in encryption? nfs doesn :(00:57
usserhanasaki, nope samba is unencrypted00:57
=== sixtila is now known as Guest37652
ae86-driftersshfs uses encryption :D00:57
usserhanasaki, samba was never designed to be used across unsecure networks, and nfs too00:57
ae86-drifteruse WINSCP i think if ur on windows00:58
ae86-drifterbut i have never used it myself00:58
hanasakiae86-drifter:  are you saying sshfs works on win?00:58
hanasakiusser:  ah.. so how to choose nfs vs samba?00:58
usserhanasaki, cooperating with windows clients much? then samba. actually even for *nix clients i'd still go with samba00:59
=== matthew is now known as Guest28712
hanasakiusser:  thanks01:00
phong_questoin: how to boot ubuntu to dos mode ?/   my graphical is mess up..i want to modify a file01:00
hanasakiis there a good realtime virus checker for filesystem access?01:00
deluxe_247no dos mode in ubuntu01:00
usserhanasaki, and it seems there's sshfs implementation for windows too http://dokan-dev.net/en/download/01:00
mAriachiinternal speakers continue playing when i plug headphones, any help?01:00
phong_i meant a black screen mode01:00
Wind0painprobably can't run a 64bit VM on a 32bit machine, eh?01:00
deluxe_247i think you mean run level01:00
hanasakiphong_:  ctrl alt f101:00
phong_at the start01:01
bastid_raZor!info clamav01:01
ubottuclamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.95.3+dfsg-1ubuntu0.09.10 (karmic), package size 268 kB, installed size 496 kB01:01
xaashihi i wondered if some one could help me. I'd like to have my  script to create a set of virtual interfaces before /etc/init.d/networking is run. could some one please point me in the right direction, thanks01:01
Guest28712hello, trying to get my wifi working on my other laptop, karmic, i dont have any network device except the wifi (no ethernet port). i have a windows driver, but i dont know what to do to get it working01:01
deluxe_247why do you need to boot to the command line?01:01
phong_because i can't see the screen01:01
DeSalvionjrWatch out for the moose.01:01
quietoneHow do I find and install drivers for ATI card [Radeon X1550 Series RV505]?01:01
phong_i modify a file to work with my touch screen01:01
=== Royall_ is now known as Royall
deluxe_247so do as hanasaki suggested01:01
Topy44how can i see which repository apt would download a package from?01:01
phong_i need to put maxresolution in my file01:01
mAriachiGUest28712: have you tried the Hardware Drivers option?01:01
Guest28712nothing listed01:02
mAriachiquietone: have you tried the Hardware Driver option?01:02
phong_help man01:02
phong_can i boot at initial to not go to ubuntu window?01:02
quietonemAriachi: What is that? Where do I find it?01:02
phong_i need to get in text screen to do some modification of file01:03
mAriachiquietone: under places:>System>Hardware Drivers01:03
phong_is the akey combination for ubuntu to boot to text prompt only?01:03
adalalhow do you convert m4b to mp3 using ffmpeg?01:03
deluxe_247have you tried getting to the command line at boot by pressing ctrl alt fn where n is the cli you want to get to01:04
jack5463does emac work with ubuntu?01:04
xaashijack5463: emacs? yes01:04
hanasakiwhat is a good tool for doing user admin id/pass email accounts etc in ldap for linux?01:05
quietonemAriachi: nothing is listed01:05
jack5463can you combine that with google translator?01:05
deluxe_247phong even if you messed up your xorg.conf as long as your computer didn't hard lock you should be able to get to the terminal make changes to your xorg.conf and at that point restart gdm once you have everything set up01:05
Royallanyone recognize this theme: http://img251.yfrog.com/img251/5849/mydesktopbydanrabbit.png01:06
xaashijack5463: if you can write lisp, you can do what ever you like01:06
quietoneGuest28712: I've had success using ndiswrapper. there is a page for it in the community docs.01:07
deluxe_247Hey guys I need some help with a bug that has already been filed but the solutions have not worked for me. Basically when I start azureus up I get a notification stating that it is impossible to bind the local socket. because of this anytime I add a torrent to azureus it opens another instance of azureus so I literally have x amount of instances of azureus running. Has anybody found a viable solution for this other than switching to another01:08
deluxe_247 client. I hate java but love azureus so I'm not looking for an alternative01:08
Guest28712quietone, thank you01:09
Edgandeluxe_247: bug url?01:12
DarkedgeI restarted my computer and for some reason gnome-panel isn't starting automaticly, If I do "gnome-panel" in the terminal it works, What should I do?01:13
deluxe_247what window manager or desktop environment are you running?01:13
Edgandeluxe_247: you sure it is the same bug?01:14
phong_okay, i just got a boot up screen...should i boot in the (recovery mode) ??01:14
deluxe_247only thing I've been able to find and its the exact message azureus spits out upon startup01:14
Edgandeluxe_247: which is?01:14
unopDarkedge, could it be because you've been playing about with the /usr/share/applications/gnome-panel.desktop file?01:15
kri1987darkedge, i think u could put gnome-panel into your .bashrc file01:15
deluxe_247its not supposed to be an azureus issue from what I understand it has to do with the jdk01:15
kinja-sheepdeluxe_247: You might want to try #azureus -- I think Miro is similar to Vuze. Also, if this is irking you, you could use different clients. :\01:15
kri1987it happened to me once, and i ended up up reinstalling gnome-panel, but it's a common issue from my memory01:15
Athenonapt is keeping back bind and all things having to do with it.  anybody know why?01:15
brandon_Hi, I have a very irritating dilemma01:15
deluxe_247"Warning: Impossible to bind to a local socket. Loading of torrents via command line parameter will fail until is fixed01:15
unopAthenon,   aptitude why-not bind01:16
brandon_There's a USB flash drive. that is now read-only. I need to make it NOT read only. any idea how I can fix this?01:16
brandon_I'm in linux hoping it'll fix the scenario01:16
Athenonunop:  Unable to find a reason to remove bind9.01:16
kinja-sheepkri1987: .bashrc is not the right place to place "startup" -- Every time you spawn a terminal, it'll "open" gnome-panel for no reasons.01:16
kri1987which one would it be kinja-sheep?01:17
deluxe_247kinja-sheep I didnt want to actually replace the client but if it comes down to it I just installed deluge to get an idea. I have miro installed but its too much for what I need. I want a bit torrent client that handles torrents not everything else as well. thats the whole point of me using azureus with its classic interface I've been using it for years01:17
unopkri1987, the gnome autostart thing01:17
obiwan_hey all :) please look, i'd like that upon booting and getting the select user screen, my user got selected by default as happens at jaunty, so i simply type my pass, without having to select me in the list. any clue?01:17
kri1987unop, which file does that refer to?01:17
unopAthenon,  try this then, it should give you a reason.   sudo aptitude install bind01:18
GG19anyone know rhythembox pretty good?01:18
Darkedgeunop: Yeah, I added "showingnomeonly" if that changes anything.01:18
unopDarkedge, probably your problem then01:18
kri1987 $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/autostart01:18
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot01:18
Athenonunop:  Yep, that works...thanks01:18
kinja-sheepdeluxe_247: I use transmission because it is minimal on resources and it get the job done. No need for uTorrent's alike design. :)01:18
KotanHey guys, anyone mind helping me get Netbook Remix to boot?01:19
kri1987i just found from the internet that  $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/autostart is where you should place gnome-desktop01:19
deluxe_247i also have transmission and actually used it for a while I may return now that you mention it. and Azureus is a resource hog01:19
ksnpanyone know how to auto delete first N mails from the root ?01:19
kinja-sheepdeluxe_247: http://tinyurl.com/yauun2z01:20
GG19I have a ton of duplicate songs in Rhythembox and I don't know how to view them all, I know in iTunes they had a section for duplicates but I don't know how to do something similar in Rhythembox.01:20
unopksnp, is this still in regards to cron?01:20
RocketLauncherIn smplayer, my mouse seems to appear randomly even if i let it disappear into the corner while watching a movie. here's an image of it, it's on the right: http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/7130/screenshotxe.png I like smplayer but this is the only problem and it's such an annoyance it distracts me from watching a movie01:21
Edgandeluxe_247: How did you try to use the preferipv4 workaround?01:21
=== tato is now known as tato42
user123how can I sync a pocket pc with evolution? is it possible? It has windows ce01:22
KotanI've tried to boot up Netbook Remix on my 1005HA from a USB drive a few times. Used the usb creator on a W7 box.01:22
ksnpis there a way to prevent cron job from sending emails /01:22
KotanEach time it stops midway and says it can't mount /dev/loop1 on /cow01:22
deluxe_247i tried a fix but it was for ipv6 not 401:22
semitoneshello - Is there a flavor of Ubuntu that's modified to be great for audio-editing, deejaying, etc?01:22
semitonesI remember there being one but I can't seem to find it01:23
ksnpi want to do this selectively for only some jobs01:23
Edgandeluxe_247: yeah, but what exactly did you do?01:23
kinja-sheepsemitones: Ubuntu Studio.01:23
semitonesthanks, looking it up01:23
deluxe_247that may be the issue but at this point after seeing the amount of resources azureus uses, thanks kinja-sheep, I'm just going to use transmission. Its lightweight and to the point which is how I like it01:23
* Topy44 "fixes" UNR with a sledgehammer a bi01:23
deluxe_247sed -i 's/net.ipv6.bindv6only\ =\ 1/net.ipv6.bindv6only\ =\ 0/' \01:23
KotanThe selfcheck says that everything is fine01:23
deluxe_247/etc/sysctl.d/bindv6only.conf && sudo invoke-rc.d procps restart01:24
Edgandeluxe_247: yeah, that will do nothing01:24
blakkheimdeluxe_247: rtorrent is even more lightweight01:24
Wind0paini'm trying to install guest additions for vbox in an ubuntu guest... i see VBoxLinuxAdditionsamd64.run... when i "run in terminal" a black screen flashes and that's it... any ideas how i can install it?01:24
KotanUnfortunately, I've downloaded the iso image 3 times and gotten the same result.01:24
KotanI can't boot up the live usb or install.01:24
Edgandeluxe_247: deluge is the closest I have seen to a azureus replacement01:24
semitonesWould I be able to get support for Ubuntu Studio in this channel?01:24
Topy44can anyone else confirm that the "notices" of the unr launcher (like "X has been added to favourites") behave oddly?01:24
=== me is now known as Guest4575
Edgandeluxe_247: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=560056#32  mentions -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true01:25
cachedkotan what kind of computer do you have?01:25
deluxe_247tried adding that line myself still a no go01:25
Kotan1005HA, as I mentioned.01:25
Edgandeluxe_247: Which says prefer ipv4 over ipv601:25
deluxe_247unless there was some java service that I forgot to restart01:25
=== Guest4575 is now known as bonfire8
Edgandeluxe_247: in this case java doesn't run as a service01:26
=== bonfire8 is now known as bonfire89
Edgandeluxe_247: It is just a runtime, somewhat like python01:26
KotanWhen I try to boot anything off the USB drive, it ends with that error message about not being able to mount, and the correct usage and flags you can use with the mount command.01:26
RocketLauncherIn smplayer, my mouse seems to appear randomly even if i let it disappear into the corner while watching a movie. here's an image of it, it's on the right: http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/7130/screenshotxe.png I like smplayer but this is the only problem and it's such an annoyance it distracts me from watching a movie01:26
bonfire89hey, I was reducing a filesystem and ran into some problems... so, I ran e2fsck and now I am faced with this "Error reading block 1276051458 (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read) while getting next inode from scan.  Ignore error<y>" what should I do?01:26
Edgandeluxe_247: You would probably want to add that to /usr/bin/azureus at the end to get it to be used by azureus.01:26
hiexpogood evening all01:27
deluxe_247cool i figured as much. thanks guys but bleach 254 is done downloading. will give that a shot though Edgan01:27
Edganbonfire89: Sounds like e2fsck is in order. Doesn't sound like a big deal.01:27
deluxe_247later guys and thanks for the help01:27
Edganbonfire89: of course, backups are always good01:27
brandon_There's a USB flash drive. that is now read-only. I need to make it NOT read only. any idea how I can fix this? trying to do this in linux01:27
kri1987mkanyicy, sorry, yes my problem was solved... and yes, i had to give the home/ folder x permission as you suggested. Thanks for that01:28
user123can I sync a pocket pc with ubuntu?01:28
bonfire89@Edgan So I just hit "y"    yeeeahh.. that is what I am working towards right now (backups)01:28
Edganbrandon_: mount /media/something -O remount01:28
quietoneGG19: I just cleaned up several directories, including music, using FSLint and found it straightforward.01:28
brandon_edgan: happens no matter what I do01:28
KotanAny idea what might cause this?01:28
KotanIt says that netbook remix has been tested on the 1005HA.01:28
Edganbrandon_: What is the filesystem on the flash drive?01:28
KotanI assume this means that it should be installing correctly, or at least booting off the USB.01:29
inmanixHey everyone, sounds busy in here, so if anyone could help me out with a question regarding partitions then I would appreciate it01:29
Edganbrandon_: dmesg | tail -10  have anything to say about why it is read-only?01:29
Edganinmanix: just ask01:29
AliBabahello guys. where i can get driver for printer canon pixma ip 1880?01:29
inmanixWell I openned up a 10gb partition and installed a 9.10 dual boot01:29
cachedmanufacturers site01:29
inmanixmy other partition is 240gb or windows xp01:29
bonfire89Edgan: So I just hit "y"    yeeeahh.. that is what I am working towards right now (backups) (don't use irc much, not sure how to respond back, tried a colon. heh)01:30
brandon_edgan: what exactly is that?01:30
hiexpoinmanixwhat do you need to know about partions01:30
inmanixnow im wondering how to best manage my partitions for using both ubuntu and xp01:30
sixtilawhat command allows the difference in two files be compared?01:30
faryshtaCan OOo read .dbf files?01:30
inmanixbecause im guessing ubuntu dont like to run much from the xp harddrive01:30
Edganbrandon_: dmesg  prints out kernel messages. Mostly hardware related stuff. | tail -10  says give me the last 10 lines01:30
hiexpoyou mean you have a dual boot set up ?01:30
Edganbonfire89: ok, hope it works out01:30
bonfire89Edgan: kk, thanks!01:31
Edganinmanix: linux and windows can co-exist on the same hard drive just fine01:31
inmanixi read that people partition their system, 20 gb for xp, 10 gb for ubuntu, and the rest shared01:31
hiexpoyou should have a boot grub with both systems on boot up01:31
cachedCan you use a fat32 extension to share files between the OS's?01:31
inmanixyes i do, ubuntu is running fine01:31
Edganinmanix: Generally you want to have Windows as the first partition01:31
brandon_ok how do I paste this in without flooding?01:31
hiexpoand xp ?01:32
Edganinmanix: and you want to install Windows first, then Linux01:32
inmanixyes i have01:32
RocketLauncherIn smplayer, my mouse seems to appear randomly even if i let it disappear into the corner while watching a movie. here's an image of it, it's on the right: http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/7130/screenshotxe.png I like smplayer but this is the only problem and it's such an annoyance it distracts me from watching a movie01:32
Edganinmanix: you also want to do all partitioning with Linux beforehand.01:32
IdleOne!paste | brandon_01:32
ubottubrandon_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:32
iflemakotan yeah plenty with success.... just a min01:32
Topy44haha, whoops... i just purged gnome. bad idea. :)01:32
KotanIt's a 2gb USB Flash Drive. Formatted to FAT. I used USB Creator on a W7 box to make the drive bootable for my 1005HA. I can get to the loader just fine, but I can't actually boot Ubuntu at all. I get an error about mounting, and it just stops.01:32
cachedXP has to go 1st even with other windows OS01:32
Topy44"lets try that again"01:32
hiexposo both systems are installed?01:32
inmanixwell, i installed xp, then partioned, then ubuntu01:32
inmanixis that awful? :D01:32
brandon_!paste | [ 2242.916806] sd 12:0:0:0: [sdh] 7782400 512-byte logical blocks: (3.98 GB/3.71 GiB)01:32
ubottu[ 2242.916806] sd 12:0:0:0: [sdh] 7782400 512-byte logical blocks: (3.98 GB/3.71 GiB): For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:32
brandon_[ 2242.917316] sd 12:0:0:0: [sdh] Write Protect is off01:32
brandon_[ 2242.917318] sd 12:0:0:0: [sdh] Mode Sense: 03 00 00 0001:33
IdleOnebrandon_: ubottu told you where to paste. read what the bot said01:33
brandon_[ 2242.917321] sd 12:0:0:0: [sdh] Assuming drive cache: write through01:33
brandon_[ 2242.919549] sd 12:0:0:0: [sdh] Assuming drive cache: write through01:33
brandon_[ 2242.919554]  sdh:01:33
brandon_[ 2243.127813] sd 12:0:0:0: [sdh] Write Protect is on01:33
brandon_[ 2243.127816] sd 12:0:0:0: [sdh] Mode Sense: 03 00 80 0001:33
brandon_[ 2243.127818] sd 12:0:0:0: [sdh] Assuming drive cache: write through01:33
cachedkill it01:33
hiexpook than that should be fine01:33
brandon_[ 2243.127821] sd 12:0:0:0: [sdh] Attached SCSI removable disk01:33
koshariwhere is the sessions applet in 9.10?01:33
Edganbrandon_: pastebin01:33
inmanixim just wandering about file sharing between the OS's01:33
faryshtaCan OOo read .dbf files?01:33
inmanixdoes it matter me using files from the windows partition?01:33
iflemakotan /dev/loop1 on /cow?01:33
brandon_sorry man01:33
hiexpohave you booted into both systems yet to make sure they are both ok ?01:33
KotanYes, iflema01:33
Edganinmanix: linux can read/write fat16, fat32, and ntfs just fine01:33
cachedSo make a 40 gig part of fat3201:34
Edganinmanix: So it is easy to pull from Windows to Linux, or put from Linux to Windows.01:34
cachedand dl all your apps automatically there01:34
cachedback it up with an external HD01:34
brandon_edgan: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m7866fbb701:34
inmanixso it will make no difference to me with a 240gb ntfs windows partition and a 10gb ubuntu partition01:34
Edganinmanix: There have been ways to read ext2/ext3 from Windows, but now things are ext4 the answer is no, as far as I know.01:34
inmanixaccessing my files from the win partition01:35
brandon_edgan: I also used this guide http://www.pendrivelinux.com/boot-iso-from-usb-flash-drive/ when all of a sudden it stopped working..01:35
Edganbrandon_: pastebin  the output of mount01:35
cachedO yah, make the part read only ^^01:35
AliBabacached : thank you. :)01:36
cachedbut shared01:36
KotanIt's a 2gb USB Flash Drive. Formatted to FAT. I used USB Creator on a W7 box to make the drive bootable for my 1005HA. I can get to the loader just fine, but I can't actually boot Ubuntu at all. I get an error about mounting, and it just stops. Cannot mount /dev/loop1 on /cow01:36
inmanixim just noticing that despite installing the drivers, ubuntu seems to be running abit sluggish01:36
inmanixi wasnt expecting load times on openning folders/programs et01:37
inmanixon a 2gb/quadcore rig01:37
cachedyou have the 64bit os?01:37
Masahirohi there :)01:37
Masahiroi have a little question01:38
brandon_edgan: a bit of a newb...so i do what now?01:38
cachedthats the prob01:38
DeSalvionjrideas for memes?01:38
Masahirodoes anyone know how i could kill a PHP process on terminal, when its name is "php -f script.php" ?01:38
koshariwhere is the "login window" in 9.10?01:38
Edganbrandon_: run the mount command in a terminal window, and put the output on pastebin01:38
inmanixit is? i thought 64 bit was anything over 2gb ram01:38
iflemaKotan Bug #45593501:38
Edgan64-bit is for over 3.5gb01:38
KotanWhere do I look up that bug, iflema?01:38
inmanixwell yeah, im at 2gb01:38
brandon_edgan: does the output come from the same command window?01:38
Edganbrandon_: let me show you an example01:39
cachedIt also supports faster processors01:39
iflemaKotan https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/busybox/+bug/45593501:39
iflemaKotan http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-zope-developers/2007-December/003845.html01:39
Edganbrandon_: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/me83547201:39
brandon_edgan: that's my post...01:40
ganeshivacould anyone suggest me a go Download Manager like IDM for ubuntu01:40
ae86-drifterokay, ubuntu has no GFX driver available for me, however there is a beta version apparantly available, how do i install it :S? see http://www.guru3d.com/news.php?cat=7&perpage=#1068101:41
iflemaKotan no not that one01:41
kosharihow do you create a new gdm session in 9/10?01:41
Edganbrandon_: You shoul dhave something about the flash drive01:41
phong_anyone have a complete guide for evtouch to work on fujitsu u81001:41
brandon_edgan: Yes but I don't know how to get the output for you01:42
brandon_edgan: I can mount/unmount but how to get output?01:42
hiexpoat boot login look gdown01:42
Edganbrandon_:  just type the command  mount in a terminal window, no command arguments01:42
inmanixso i should potentially run the 64 bit ubuntu, regardless of my 2gb ram?01:42
Edganinmanix: you could, I would, but it isn't that big of a deal01:43
user123how can I sync a pda?01:43
Wind0painanyone know how i can determine if 3d acceleration is enabled in an ubuntu host in vBox?01:43
EdganWind0pain: glxinfo01:44
cachedI think it is limited in the vbox01:44
cachedto 12801:44
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:44
Rave1Kotan have you considered trying Unetbootin to build your USB01:44
KotanI haven't yet.01:45
KotanI'm trying one more build with the built in app before doing so.01:45
cachedbut its in setting/display01:45
cachedcheck box01:45
KotanThis time without any saved settings.01:45
brandon_edgan: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m4ff1bc0e01:45
iflemaKotan how did you create the usb image.... using which application01:45
ganeshivahow to install jdownloader01:45
KotanThe included usb-creator.exe file on the disc image.01:45
AlwaysFirsthi i'm using Sabily, lovely01:46
brandon_edgan: there's several...look for the one that's 4GB01:46
cachedits in system/administration01:46
iflemaKotan what system are you on now win/lin?01:46
Edganbrandon_: yeah, I see sdh01:46
cachedUSB STARTUP01:46
KotanI run primarily on W7; I do not have a linux box set up, though I do have an Ubuntu Server VM up.01:47
KotanI made it on the w7 box01:47
Edganbrandon_: I would try unmounting it, and running fsck.vfat against it01:47
KotanI am also currently on the w7 box01:47
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.01:47
brandon_edgan: kk i'll try it01:47
brandon_edgan: except..how do  do that?01:47
ganeshivasorry lost connection01:48
ganeshivahow to install jdownloader01:48
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.01:48
adalalanyone knwo how to convert m4b to mp3? i've been trying with ffmpeg, but I dont think i have the right encoder01:48
iflemaKotan some people with a similar problem say the issue is with current releases and they where able to get it working using the ubuntu startup creator using the Discard on shut-down option.... have you a live cd for that win7 machine?01:49
brandon_edgan: fsck.vfat what else?01:49
hiexpoganeshiva there are many post on the net   here the best way i have found http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/02/jdownloader-ultimate-freepremium.html01:49
KotanI don't have a live CD, though I could burn one off. I'm actually trying that option to build the live USB right now, and see how it works.01:49
Edganbrandon_: fsck.vfat /dev/sdh01:50
JonMarkGoI'm trying to mount a mac external hard drive on ubuntu. Its formatted as Mac OS Extended with Journaling but ubuntu isn't even finding it as a usb device ( I also tried it on an older mac I have and it didn't find it)01:50
JonMarkGoAnyone have any tips?01:50
brandon_edgan: ok..did it.01:50
JonMarkGoI have hfsplus, hfsprogs, and hfsutils01:51
brandon_edgan: still not working01:51
j_ackadalal: pacpl and lame01:51
cachedformat it ^^01:52
JonMarkGoIt has music on it01:52
Edganbrandon_: Do you need the data on this flash drive, or could you just format it?01:53
brandon_edgan: I just want it blank01:53
j_ackadalal: with pacpl you can nearly everything convert , lame include the libs for mp301:53
ganeshivathank you hiexpo i am trying01:53
Edganbrandon_: so right click and format it01:53
Awesome3000JonMarkGo:  Wouldn't it attach to a /dev01:53
adalalj_ack: i installed lame...01:53
brandon_edgan: don't think I tried that already?01:53
cachedCan mac os read fat32?01:53
hiexpono prob01:53
Edganbrandon_: Have a windows machine around?01:54
brandon_did a ton of tinkering on a windows machine, yes01:54
cachedfind the common file system and tranfer files to that01:54
brandon_what did you have in mind>?01:54
rwengcan anyone tell me why mercurial-server is not available throught apt-get anymore?01:54
Edganbrandon_: try formatting on windows01:54
brandon_edgan: did that too. no dice01:54
Edganbrandon_: There is no physical switch on it?01:55
brandon_edgan: none01:55
Awesome3000cached: see  http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread20264.html# concerning Mac fs01:56
adalalj_ack: i just installed pacpl and lame, and i'm using ffmpeg -i <input> -ac 2 -ar 44100 <output> , and wouldn't work01:56
adalalj_ack: keeps saying unsupported codec01:57
AliBabacached: that driver (canon site) only for fedora and opensuse. can you help me where i can find driver printer canon pixma ip1880 for ubuntu?01:57
adalalfor output01:57
hsa2i have deleted some files of a package01:57
hsa2how can i reinstall or remove it?01:57
IdleOnehsa2: sudo apt-get remove package01:58
brandon_edgan: so what do I do now?01:58
Edganbrandon_: brand of drive?01:58
hsa2Removing dovecot-postfix ...01:59
hsa2mv: cannot stat `/etc/dovecot/dovecot-postfix.conf': No such file or directory01:59
hsa2dpkg: error processing dovecot-postfix (--remove):01:59
hsa2 subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 101:59
brandon_edgan: tribeca01:59
FloodBot1hsa2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:59
=== tato is now known as tato42
hsa2IdleOne, ?02:00
tato42ok it says the broadcom wireless is active but when i look at in the menu bat it says it's still disable02:01
IdleOnehsa2: you asked how to remove a package, replace package with the package name02:01
tato42oops menu bar02:01
Awesome3000brandon_: You could try a fedora driver it *might* work02:01
hsa2IdleOne, can you read my both messages? i said i deleted some files of it02:02
brandon_awesome3000: how would I go about doing that?02:02
tato42i'am using 9.1002:02
sec_howto install ubuntu on virtual pc?02:03
tato42how do i enable it02:03
inmanixwhere has g parted gone?02:03
cachedcreate new .  .02:03
Edganbrandon_: http://download.cnet.com/OnBelay/3000-2094_4-10260671.html  Try this program in Windows.02:03
brandon_edgan: any luck?02:03
Awesome3000sec_: which  Virtual pc are you using02:03
Edganbrandon_: Apparently you can format a flash drive in a funny way that causes to be ro.02:03
cachedin my case?02:03
sec_Awesome3000: virtual pc on windows xp02:03
Awesome3000brandon_: http://free.xiaoyenzi.com/tutorial/installing-canon-pixma-ip1880-in-ubuntu-linux/02:04
brandon_awesome3000: why would I need this..?02:04
brandon_awesome3000: Not talking about a printer guy02:04
Wind0paindamn.  i can't get 3d desktop effects enabled in ubuntu through vbox, even with 3d acceleration enabled and video memory cranked.  :(02:04
brandon_edgan: thanks I'll try it...02:04
cachedsame here Wind002:04
brandon_edgan: have you used this before?02:05
Edganbrandon_: no, never had that problem02:05
Wind0paincached: sucks; i only wanted to use it because of the awesome effects in the first place02:05
Awesome3000brandon_ Sorry connfusing people again02:05
pitoowhow i put nodelay  in  pam_unix.so02:06
cachedWind0pain: I have learn linux for school :)02:06
brandon_edgan: so you've USED THIS PROGRAM before?02:06
Awesome3000AliBaba  http://free.xiaoyenzi.com/tutorial/installing-canon-pixma-ip1880-in-ubuntu-linux/02:06
ejordanalguem pode me tirar uma duvida sobre licença de distribuição do ubuntu02:06
=== DaZ is now known as pogromcasmokuf
sec_Awesome3000: any idea for me?02:07
Topy44is there a simple way to get back the "old" colored icons for the network manager etc? i dont like the gray singlecolor ones in karmic02:07
Wind0painwonder if it'll work better w/ vmplayer02:08
Topy44(is it part of the themes?)02:08
Awesome3000sec_: Downloading a LiveCD is probaly the easist02:08
sec_Awesome3000: which one? i want install from iso02:09
cachedEVERYONE should have a G Part live cd :)02:09
cachedor something like it02:09
rad_sci_guyI like parted magic livecd.02:09
hiexporight click on desktop / change desktop background/ theme / customize/ icons & change them to your pref02:09
=== Bwaah is now known as Bwaah|Naked
kevin1093i am new to ubuntu and i have a question. i am trying to install it to a blank 30 gig maxtor hard drive and when i get to the partitioner in the installer nothining shows up. can any one please help me02:10
ejordanjoin ubuntu-br02:10
ejordanjoin #ubuntu-br02:10
jongberg1hi, what messaging command in karmic allows you to talk to another computer in a local network just like what net send does for windows?02:10
KotanNow I'm stuck with a blinking _.02:10
Awesome3000sec_ : http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download02:11
Awesome3000kevin1093: If the drive is blank the you will need to make a partition02:12
ljamisoniihello all...can anyone tell me why my /etc/hosts folder is not shown??02:12
AliBabawhere i can find driver printer canon ip1880 for ubuntu 9.10?02:12
Awesome3000ljamisonii  /etc/hosts is a text file02:12
KotanBeautiful stuff here.02:12
ljamisoniiAwesome3000: ah...that would explain it lol02:13
kevin1093so can anyone help me?02:13
Kotan[ 3.208287] [<c0104007>] kernel_thread_helpter+0x7/x1002:13
Awesome3000jongberg1: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24867202:13
hiexpowhats wrong kevin02:13
KotanJust an example of the beauty filling up my screen02:13
KotanIt'd be nice if the built in app worked.02:14
KotanTrying the other methods.02:14
AliBabaanyone...help me, please!02:15
eriscoI keep facing tremendous lag every minute or so at quite regular intervals and I am apt to believe this is the wireless manager searching for new connections. How can I disable this if it is the cause?02:15
blakkheim!please | AliBaba02:15
ubottuAliBaba: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude02:15
hiexpowhats wrong alibaba02:15
kevin1093i am trying to install ubuntu onto a blank 30 gig maxtor hd and in the installer i get to the partioner and it tells me to select a partition, but there is nothing there to select02:15
Dr_WillisAliBaba:  check cups.org to see how well the printer is supported. and what drivers may be used for it02:15
Awesome3000kevin1093  You have to make a partition02:16
Dr_Williskevin1093: this is a normal ide or sata hd? is it in a laptop or anything special?02:16
kevin1093i have tried several times02:16
Dr_Williskevin1093:  from a terminal/console see if 'sudo fdisk -l' shows the drive02:16
AliBabai don't know where i can find driver printer canon ip1880 for ubuntu 9.1002:16
Dr_WillisAliBaba:  http://www.cups.org would tell IF its supported at all.02:17
AliBabaDr_Willis: thank you02:17
kevin1093it shows the drive02:17
Dr_Williskevin1093:  i would partion it  with fdisk or cfdisk/gparted  then restart teh installer and see if it sees it then02:18
Dr_WillisAliBaba:  you may need to instgall the proper 'gutenprint' package - from what read at teh cups FAQ02:18
hiexpocanon printers go here  http://seilent.net/install-ip1800-ip1880-and-ip1900-driver-in-ubuntu-karmic/02:19
Dr_Willisthere ya go.  Your google fu skill gains +102:20
AliBabaDr_Willis: ok02:20
* Dr_Willis will never buy another canon printer again02:20
AliBabahiexpo: thank you02:20
hiexpono prob02:20
Awesome3000Dr_Willis: How do you say things inline like that02:21
kevin1093gparted is telling me i need root privilages, how do i get those?02:21
hiexporemem eveyone google is your friend02:21
jadai need help installing adobe flash player02:21
* Dr_Willis dose4nt know what Awesome3000 means...02:21
Dr_Willis  /me dose4nt know what Awesome3000  means...02:21
sporedii have a domain register with isp for www and mail now how do i use this to hostname (www.xxx.com and mail.xxx.com )02:21
* Awesome3000 Is awesome02:21
Awesome3000Dr_Willis: Thanks02:21
Dr_Willisjada:  i  normally install the 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package and it pulls in flash and other web related stuff you proberly want02:21
Brandon_edgan, awesome3000, the program you handed me didn't work02:22
Brandon_It says in windows that it's write protected02:22
hiexpoi think its like sudo apt-get install adobe02:22
sporedii have to give hostname  (computername)www or mail right02:22
regjavawhich is faster in ubuntu , KDE or GNOME ?02:23
regjavaI find my Gnome installation very slow02:23
inmanixif i just installed steam in wine02:23
blakkheimregjava: they are both bloated and slow02:23
inmanixwhere the hell did it install :D02:23
regjavathen which one should i install02:24
RandomUsrhello, not able to connect smb shares on virtual machine. I can use the "connect to server" to view shares on the Vista host. Could someone look at my smb.conf if I put it on pastebin?02:24
hiexpoflashplayer go here  http://www.lehsys.com/2009/10/installing-adobe-flash-on-ubuntu-9-10-just-works/02:24
blakkheimregjava: openbox, fluxbox, awesome, dwm, xmonad are all good choices02:24
Awesome3000regjava  GNOME & KDE are similare  you can try xfce02:24
Dr_Willishiexpo:  i install it from the repos with the proper command and it 'just works' for me02:24
regjavawhich one among this is the most similar to kde?02:25
hiexpoya me to i just cant rem the command02:25
Dr_WillisRandomUsr:  check the ip/network the virtual machine is on. Some are set up to keep the vm's on their own Subnet.02:25
blakkheimregjava: none of the ones i listed are like kde.02:25
user123hello, Anyone knows how to synchronize a pda with ubuntu? I need to keep my calendar on both my computer and my pocket pc02:25
Dr_Willisregjava:  none of them :)02:25
regjavaAt least one with a start bar02:25
blakkheimregjava: there is no start bar in linux02:25
Dr_Willisregjava:  most lf them use a start bar/button/bar02:25
regjavaand one which i can have icons on desktop02:25
Dr_Willisregjava:  try icewm02:25
hiexpobut the command only installs adobe 10 the other way installs 1102:25
blakkheimregjava: sounds like you want windows, dude02:25
Dr_Willisregjava:  icons are not handled by the window manager.. but by support tools FOR the window maanger.02:26
Dr_Willisregjava:  theres numerous tools to add 'icons' to the desktopp02:26
Awesome3000regjava  xfce has the GNOME menus on a menu and open windows02:26
Awesome3000regjava: xfce does allow desktop icons02:26
Dr_Willisregjava:  get some live cd's and try the diffrent wm's and desktops out02:26
regjavaok i will try xfce02:26
blakkheimregjava: xfce is barely less bloated than gnome/kde02:26
noonI'm receiving "too much work for irq17" errors after latest 9.10 upgrades (xubuntu) - exactly like the symptoms described in http://newyork.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=861715402:26
inmanixguys i installed steam.msi with wine, where would the install file go02:27
RandomUsrDr_Willis, it's Not. I can see the Linux Guest, but the problem is when I attempt to browse the Linux Machine02:27
inmanixwhich directory could i find the install02:27
blakkheiminmanix: /join #winehq02:27
jadathx for the help02:27
noonis anyone familiar with too much work for irq17? google produces many results but no answers02:27
regjavawhich desktop manager does xubuntu use, I have heard it is fast?02:27
Dr_WillisRandomUsr:  i always share the users HOME on my linux box's and enter the full url to it in the file managers.. that seems to straighten things out.. or browse it by ip# not hostname02:27
hiexporeboot and its down on the bottom in wine02:27
Dr_Willisregjava:  xuvuntu = xfce02:27
regjavanice, I will use it02:28
noonregjava, xfce, unless you mean file manager... thunar02:28
regjavathank you folks02:28
blakkheimregjava: it's not02:28
regjavawhats not?02:28
RandomUsrDr_Willis, could you look at my smb.conf? http://pastebin.com/m5f0cd3fc02:28
Awesome3000noon  it sounds like to devices are trying to use irq channel 1702:29
Dr_WillisRandomUsr:  last i had issues seeing shares and stuff. it was not the smb.conf that was the fault. it was the windows os that was being dumb02:29
RandomUsrDr_Willis, how so?02:29
noonAwesome3000, its only after latest updates. not exactly a hardware issue. if you arent experienced in the error im not quite sure if you can easily help?02:29
Dr_WillisRandomUsr:  windows wouldent access my machines UNLESS i used  the \\\192.168.1.\sharename     but not always... some times i could use teh machine name.... go figure02:30
Dr_WillisRandomUsr:  even now i cent access the windows machines on the lan that are using wireless.. (i think) not sure why that is.02:30
Dr_WillisRandomUsr:  but they can access the linux shares.. :) it gets all weird.02:31
KotanLooks like the install hung on /ubninit02:31
KotanWhat the hell?02:31
RandomUsrDr_Willis, Could NAT be the issue?02:31
user123hello, Anyone knows how to synchronize a pda with ubuntu? I need to keep my calendar on both my computer and my pocket pc02:31
noonhrm, no one on the too much irq error? :(02:31
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
Dr_WillisRandomUsr:  not sure. I not tracked down all teh issues. I enabled teh 'wins' server on one of my linux box' and the network seems to work a little better now.. Wireless still causes a block. but that might be the router02:32
Brandon_edgan: didn't work man02:32
noXandOswhat is the switch to have something run minimized?02:32
FezzlerDoes installing Pulseaudio mess up Jack drivers?  I had Jack running great but installed Pulse so I could record off sound card and now jack has latency02:33
Dr_WillisnoXandOs:  ive never seen a general switch for that.. ages ago there was a kde app called kstart that could do it.  but not sdeen a similer thing for gnome02:33
user123how can I install dccm?02:34
Dr_Willis!info dccm02:34
ubottuPackage dccm does not exist in karmic02:34
* Dr_Willis wonders what dccm is02:34
user123is used to sync pocket pcs with ubuntu02:34
hiexpoto run minimized command go here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-771455.html02:34
Dr_Willisuser123:  and where did you here of it from?02:34
Dr_Willis!find dccm02:35
user123!info vdccm02:35
ubottuFound: odccm, synce-hal02:35
ubottuPackage vdccm does not exist in karmic02:35
Dr_Willis!info odccm02:35
ubottuodccm (source: odccm): Daemon to keep a connection to Windows Mobile device. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13-1 (karmic), package size 28 kB, installed size 160 kB02:35
jamesv618I have received ubuntu server, I tried to upgrade on my 9.1 , can't do that?02:35
user123Dr_Willis, I downloaded a program called synce02:35
jamesv618could you give an advice?02:36
user123Dr_Willis, and it says that cannot start vdccm which is needed to communicate with pda02:37
jadaafter downloading flash from SPM, still cant watch movies on youtube. How do i execute a deb file in terminal, downloaded from adobe02:39
Awesome3000./name of deb02:39
zgethi guys02:39
Dr_Willisuser123:  no idea. never heard of either one. check the package manager for vdccm i guess02:40
Dr_Willisjada:  using the flash from the adobe site may not be a good idea02:40
trismjada: you really shouldn't need to download it from adobe, since flashplugin-installer just downloads it from adobe and installs it02:40
trismjada: but you can just double click on the deb file to install it if you want02:40
Dr_Willisjada:  try installing google chrome browser - i find flash dows work better in it for me - then it does firefox02:41
trismjada: or dpkg -i packagename.deb02:41
trismjada: sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb; that is02:41
jadaok thx for tips02:41
user123Dr_Willis, I couldnt find anything02:41
zgethow install cinelerra02:41
zgeti need help02:42
j_ackadalal: bye and good luck02:42
mac9416Is it not possible to use USB-Creator with an NTFS flash drive?02:42
Dr_Willismac9416:  i dont think its possible02:43
Dr_Willismac9416:  i dont think the bootloader tools understand ntfs.  its possible.. but i dont think they dio02:43
mac9416Dr_Willis, thanks. Maybe I should go back to good 'ol FAT.02:43
Dr_Willismac9416:  i dont see much need for ntfs on my 8 & 16gb flash drives02:44
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mac9416Dr_Willis, I had just ben told it was faster then FAT.02:44
FezzlerCan pulseaudio and jack co-exist?02:44
Out_ColdDr_Willis, i don't use fat on any spinning disk...02:44
xaashi hi, anyone know how set up a daemon to start before /etc/init.d/networking02:44
Dr_Willismac9416:  usb flash would be the  bottleneck - not the filesystem I imagine02:44
zgetanything know how install cinelerra  4.0102:45
mac9416Dr_Willis, Ah, OK.02:45
perscitusIs there easier method to network sharing  between two computers?02:45
Dr_WillisYou could even use ext2/3/4 and grub2 to make a bootable flash druive  if you wanted02:45
Dr_Willisperscitus:  you mean share the internet connection?02:45
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php02:46
perscitusDr_Willis.->  No.02:46
hiexpohey how do i clear everything i've typed in the terminal02:46
hiexpoi fogot02:46
Out_Coldhiexpo, clear02:46
mac9416Dr_Willis, ext4 is bootable?02:46
Dr_Willishiexpo:  try the clear command? :)02:46
mac9416Dr_Willis, on a flash drive?02:46
hiexpooh ya lol02:46
coolcathi, what do I have to have installed on my machine to be able to send mails from the localhost to my gmail for example ... using mail command for example?02:46
Dr_Willismac9416:  i got usb flsh drives set up with grub2 and tghe various linux filesystems. yes02:46
aulican someone tell me how to print a jpeg from console? i'm trying to write a csript to do a whole bunch of jpegs.. thanks02:46
ascheelCan someone help me with setting up syslog and the different facilities and priorities?  I have syslog set up to send local7.* to a specific log file, but it's still sending local7.notice (as set up by full-audit in samba) to /var/log/syslog02:46
hiexpono my previious history02:47
Out_Coldcoolcat, evolution does that02:47
mac9416Dr_Willis, durn, now I feel like a noob. thanks for the tip. I'll look into it.02:47
perscitusDr_Willis.->  i looked at samba  but its darn complicate. Reading ccna study manual is easier02:47
Dr_Willishiexpo:  see the history command02:47
Out_Coldoh.. not cli02:47
auligoogling returns lots of print to jpeg, instead of printing jpegs..02:47
Dr_Willisperscitus:  go read the using samba book.. in teh repos..02:47
Dr_Willis!info samba-doc | perscitus02:47
ubottuperscitus: samba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.3 (karmic), package size 7813 kB, installed size 16080 kB02:47
eriscoprecisely every 2 minutes, my wireless connection will lag spike. why?02:47
perscitusDr_Willis.->  man docs are worse then ubuntu help.02:48
hiexpoya i have 50602:48
coolcatOut_Cold, why "mail -s "hi there myaccout@gmail.com" does not work? "02:48
Johnny_425Whenever I press the caps lock, the light on the keyboard doesn't come on. Please Help!!!02:48
perscitusIs there easier method to network sharing  between two computers?02:49
eriscohow do I stop Ubuntu from scanning for wireless networks every 2 minutes? I believe this to be the cause02:49
Out_Coldcoolcat, i never used mail before but perhaps you are having issues routing the mail to your account.02:49
Out_Coldperscitus, tell us why you want to do this so we can understand better02:50
hiexpook got it had to think history -c02:50
perscitusOut_Cold.->  I want to enable network sharing.02:50
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Out_Coldperscitus, between 2 computers on the same network or over the internet?02:51
perscitusOut_Cold.->  Where in my original statement did i say internet?02:51
eriscowhere can I get help specifically for the network manager?02:51
Out_Coldjust probing for info. what's wrong with the samba-doc that Dr_Willis suggested?02:52
perscitusOut_Cold.->  Too complicated02:52
perscitusOut_Cold.->  Cisco's CCNA is easier to read02:52
kminhi everyone02:52
Out_Coldwell there are plenty of how-to's located on the ubuntu forums as well as dozens of other sites02:53
kmindoes any one had any problem with packages being corrupt while installing karmac02:53
ThatGuyOverThereI have a question about disk partitioning... What are the advantages of ext4 over ext3?02:53
Out_Coldkmin, did you check the disk integrity before installation??02:53
perscitusOut_Cold.->  Nope. googled already02:53
kminmore than once and i downloaded it twice (once by torrent and once by http)02:54
kminand i installed it just fine on a vm machine02:54
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  the howtos tell you how to do specic things.. they often skip other things that you Might want to do later. :)  of course teh docs are free.. so check them out02:54
kminbut when i try to actually install it on a real computer i get messages about one or more of the packages begin corrupt02:55
onetinsoldieris there a way to have compiz remember what i have open and all the windows locations, so they're all there automatically when i log back in?02:55
masondoes any one know of any development programs like visual studios i wanna learn02:55
perscitusDr_Willis.->  Howtos are better then man docs.02:56
masonhow to develop and like i was so use to windows and like the vs on there.02:56
kmini tried burning a cd from the image and booting over network and i get the same result from both cases02:56
Out_Coldperscitus, http://tinyurl.com/yaowuwt02:56
blakkheimmason: vi + gcc02:56
Dr_Willisperscitus:  i dident say see the man docs.. i said to check out the Samba-doc packatge that incudes like 4 BOOKS on using samba.02:56
Dr_Willis!info samba-doc02:56
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.3 (karmic), package size 7813 kB, installed size 16080 kB02:56
guesti just installed 9.10 and all the consoles are hosed.    the vidio is borked.  any thoughts on how to fix my consoles ?02:56
masonblakkheim, are they good?02:56
perscitusDr_Willis.-> http://samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/02:57
blakkheimmason: yes02:57
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peloverdeI'm running gnome+compiz+docky on karmic, when I maximize kcachegrind I lose window decorations and my panel and dock. How can I fix this?02:57
Dr_Willis  install samba-doc package and see whats in ---->  /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/htmldocs02:57
Out_ColdDr_Willis, have any ebooks on iptables?? i need some lessons :p02:57
masonblakkheim, are they simple?02:58
kmini even tried to install directly form the archive.ubuntu.com websites and still had the same problem02:58
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  they proberly exist. i just dont use them02:58
Dr_Williswork time for me. bye all02:58
perscitusDr_Willis.->  besides, im not instead in manuals02:58
perscitusor books02:58
ThatGuyOverThereSeriously, someone help me out. Is ext4 significantly better than ext3?02:58
Out_Coldperscitus, if you aren't willing to put in the time yourself why should we for you?02:58
blakkheimmason: "simple" is an opinion02:58
Out_ColdThatGuyOverThere, not extremely... but it's the new thing... fixes old bugs, adds more..02:59
masonblakkheim, like simple to creating simple small programs?02:59
blakkheimmason: i think they are02:59
ThatGuyOverThereOut_Cold: Well, of course it's new. Am I going to NOTICE the improvements?02:59
ThatGuyOverThereWill file operations seem significantly faster?02:59
Out_ColdThatGuyOverThere, i haven't yet.. so unless you are looking for them, i doubt it03:00
guestanyone ?03:00
masonblakkheim, do you have an example of what they look like i tried looking it up on youtube no such thing came up.03:00
ThatGuyOverThereI'm wondering because I want to be able to access my Linux partition from Windows, which isn't possible yet in ext4.03:00
ThatGuyOverThereI guess I'll just format it in ext3, then.03:00
FezzlerHow do I turn off pulseaudio?03:00
onetinsoldierThatGuyOverThere: filesystems are pretty complex. you'd probably have to do a fair amount of reading to answer that question. i'm sure it's got a number of improvements. for one thing, i know that eventually there is going to be a defragger for ext403:00
Out_Coldthanks perscitus for reminding me of the COC that i have read several times03:00
perscitusAnyone care to help me set up network sharing between two computers? (not WAN related)03:01
kminThatGuyOverThere: why dont u access them over samba ?03:01
hiexpokillall pulseaudio maybe03:01
guesthow do i get a console viewable ?03:01
ThatGuyOverThereThat's a pain in the butt.03:01
JesseWRiddell: You just marked bug #336210 as fix released -- but the package emacs-extra still appears to be in lucid -- is it just launchpad taking it's time updating, or?03:01
guestperscitus: with static or dhcp ?03:01
kminThatGuyOverThere: it takes 30 sec to set it up and you can map it to a drive letter in windows03:02
coolcatWhat device is responsible for the mouse?03:02
matelotHow to " chmod  a+w" for any ".py" files in all sub-dir ?03:02
ThatGuyOverTherekmin: Can I make it mount the partition when I start Windows?03:02
kminThatGuyOverThere: yes03:02
ThatGuyOverThereHmm... I guess I'll give that a try.03:03
kminwindows does that automatically03:03
hiexpoapllications/accessories /terminal03:03
Out_Coldmatelot, something like chmod -R (maybe -r)03:03
taofdubuntu cannot detect my mic... help!03:03
matelotOut_Cold, did this "sudo chmod -R a+w *.py" , didn't work03:03
guestmatelot: find <basedir> -iname *.py -exec chmod a+w '{}' \;03:03
Out_Coldmatelot, chmod -r a+w?03:04
matelotguest thanks, wow didn't know this complicated03:04
domoHello - I want to install linux-rt on my ubuntu server to increase game server responsiveness - is this a good idea though? what are the downfalls when using realtime kernels .. what if im also running a webserver on the same box?03:04
kminThatGuyOverThere: sorry it think i missunderstood u. if both system are on one computer you can't do that03:04
ThatGuyOverThereAre you kidding me?03:04
ThatGuyOverThereNow that I quit the installation.03:05
guestmatelot: a simple find command.   man find   for details03:05
kminsine the linux system and windows system should be up at the same time for that to work03:05
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ThatGuyOverTherekmin: So the best solution is to do what I was planning on and do a fresh installation, format the partition in ext3, and install ext2fsd or something similar in Windows, right?03:05
ThatGuyOverThereOkay. Thanks.03:06
ThatGuyOverThereBy the way...03:06
matelotguest what is this bit "'{}'' for ?03:06
perscitusAnyone care to help me set up network sharing between two computers? (not WAN related)03:06
ThatGuyOverThere...I'm wondering if I can transfer apps from my old Ubuntu partition to the new one?03:06
ThatGuyOverThereSee, I've got Ubuntu and Windows installed already.03:06
guesti just installed 9.10 and all the consoles are hosed.    the vidio is borked.  any thoughts on how to fix my consoles ?03:06
ThatGuyOverThereBut I decided I wanted my Ubuntu partition in ext3 so I could access those files from Windows.03:07
usrvok ubuntu geniuses, I've got a challenge for you. "/dev/sdc is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here!" but it's not mounted or in use03:07
guestmatelot:    the found files will be substituted there and quoted03:07
ThatGuyOverThereSo I shrunk the Ubuntu partition and was planning on doing a clean install.03:07
Out_Coldperscitus, no one here is going to hold your hand and walk you through one step at a time.. go read a short how-to and try for yourself03:07
ThatGuyOverThereThen I could just transfer files from one partition to the other.03:07
kminusrv: if that is the cdrom maybe it is empty :)03:07
ThatGuyOverThereCan I do the same with my applications somehow?03:08
usrvkmin: I have 4 sata drives i'm trying to format, a, b, c, d03:08
guestusrv: cat /proc/mounts     or even   df03:08
hiexpodid you check what it is running on ?03:08
kminThatGuyOverThere: u might but i don't recommend it you are better of by installing them fresh03:08
Out_Coldusrv, using raid or lvms?03:08
perscitusOut_Cold.->  dont be disrespectful and rude to asking for help03:08
onetinsoldieris there a way to have compiz remember what i have open and all the windows locations, so they're all there automatically when i log back in?03:09
Out_Cold!troll > perscitus03:09
ubottuperscitus, please see my private message03:09
kminusrv: if they r new hard (no file system) you can't mount them you should use fdisk first03:09
perscitusAnyone care to help me set up network sharing between two computers? (not WAN related)03:09
usrvout_cold: not using raid. I don't know what lvm is.03:09
usrvkmin: I thought you could format w/o partitioning?03:10
kminusrv: no you sould atleast create 1 partition03:10
Out_Coldusrv, lvm is a fancy way to resize and add disks to existing partitions... really neat idea03:10
Oriascan anyone help me with ident2?03:11
kminperscitus: what is the problem03:11
guestkmin and usrv   it is possable to write filesystems to hard disk drives,  but the most common way is to create a partition and write the fs there.03:11
kminusrv: lvm is the same thing as dynamic disk in windows03:11
zacktuI have wxpython 2.6 and 2.8 installed.  It appears that command line python and eclipse use 2.6.  How can I get them to use 2.8?  I'm happy to remove 2.i6 -- want to know how to fix paths.03:11
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ThatGuyOverTherekmin: One more question.03:11
guestusrv> kmin: I thought you could format w/o partitioning? <<< you can03:12
usrvthanks guest03:12
usrvoutput of cat /proc/mounts -> http://pastebin.com/m11376b5303:12
kminguest: isn't that the same as having one partition?03:12
onetinsoldierzacktu: they probably 'depend' on 2.6 and cannot use 2.8. you can see their dependencies with a command...03:12
usrvI only want one partition03:13
eriscoif the network manager config files are in gconf-editor, what "directory" are they under? I cannot find anything!03:13
ThatGuyOverTherekmin: Will it make any difference whether I set up the ext3 partition as logical or primary? I mean with regards to accessing the partition in Windows.03:13
MrPocketsis there a program to make a md5 checksum of a file?03:13
onetinsoldierzacktu: for instance.. apt-cache show eclpise03:13
guestkmin no.03:13
kminThatGuyOverThere: no but you can't boot from a logical partition03:13
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:13
guestkmin a partition table is not a requirement on an hdd   it is however reccomended by most people.03:14
ThatGuyOverThereI think I already have three primary partitions.03:14
sdwrageanyone good with virtualbox?03:14
Out_Coldsdwrage, what's the issues?03:14
eriscoI absolutely know the network manager is scanning for wireless networks every two minutes and this is causing unwanted lag. how can I change the interval?03:14
guestkmin: you can boot from a logical partition or even an unpartitioned disk.03:14
usrvguest, kmin: I can't even mkfs.ext4 -F03:14
guestkmin: i do it all the time.03:14
kminguest: i know but that would require lots of time with grub :)03:15
kminit is just easier to boot from a primary one03:15
guestkmin: with early grub yes.  with grub2 no.03:15
kminand ThatGuyOverThere you can have 4 primary or 3 primary and one extended so...03:16
sdwrageOut_Cold, cant get my resolution any higher than 800x600 even after I installed the additions03:16
MrPocketswhy not?03:16
ThatGuyOverThereWell, whenever I try to set up my root Ubuntu folder as primary, it won't let me create any more.03:16
deserosdwrage: !help03:16
ThatGuyOverThereWhich means no swap and no separate partition for my home folder03:16
kminThatGuyOverThere: then i guess u have to take you chances with grub :D03:17
guestusrv: blkid | grep 555a147b-f0f0-4623-9390-db7abc1b60d303:17
kevin1093i am still unable to select any partitions in the ubuntu installer03:17
ThatGuyOverThereThis sucks.03:17
onetinsoldieris there a way to have compiz/gnome remember what i have open and all the windows locations, so they're all there automatically when i log back in?03:17
Seven_Six_Twodoes anyone know if it's possible to pipe the sound from my laptop to my desktop when I'm at home? My desktop is hooked up to the stereo.03:18
usrvguest: sde1. that's the drive my system is installed on03:18
sdwragedesero, ?03:18
kminguest: do u know why i am getting packages corupt message when i try to isntall ubuntu ? the image is correct03:18
Seven_Six_Twoonetinsoldier, yes. I think it's a compiz plugin, but I'm not sure.03:18
deserosdwrage: sorry, meant to write to ubottu03:18
guestThatGuyOverThere: you probably have three othere primary partitions already03:18
ThatGuyOverThereYes, I'm sure I do.03:19
guestusrv: then i don't see why an   sudo eject /dev/sd?    wont work.03:19
deseroubottu: help <- swrage03:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:19
onetinsoldierSeven_Six_Two: ok03:19
ThatGuyOverThereOne of them is probably the recovery Windows partition, and the other two are the main Windows partition and my Ubuntu partition.03:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:19
deseroahh, yes :)03:19
sdwragedesero, im confused what you want me to ask....03:19
sdwrageoh hah03:19
sdwrageyeah I know03:20
deserosdwrage: what is it about virtualbox you need help with?03:20
squelchHi, would anyone here be willing to mirror a myspace page for me03:20
usrvguest: *******@*******:~$ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc103:20
usrvmke2fs 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009)03:20
usrv/dev/sdc1 is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here!03:20
stealyourfaceThatGuyOverThere:  cant have more than 4 primary partitions or something03:20
ThatGuyOverThereYeah, I know.03:20
guestThatGuyOverThere: so you'll need to make the fourth primary partition the holder for the extended/logical partitions, seeing that the partitioner can only handle four primaries.  but booting from an extened shouldn't be a problem.03:20
usrvi also ejected sdc1, sdc03:21
ThatGuyOverThereguest: Explain how I do that... make the fourth primary partition the blah blah blah.03:21
squelchWould anyone be willing to mirror a myspace page for me?03:21
usrvguaest: I can delete/create partitions with fdisk. I just can't format03:21
guestusrv: hmmmm    sudo fdisk -l    and see if the system even recgnizes an sdc03:21
int_shi-is it safe to ctrl-c out of a fsck.ext3?03:22
usrvguest: it does03:22
sdwragedesero, I mentioned it above but ill mention it again. I am having a problem with my ubuntu VM in virtualbox having a max resolution of 800x60003:22
usrvit knows sdc1 is a lunx partition03:22
sdwragedesero, even installed the additions03:22
squelchWould anyone be willing to mirror a myspace page for me? I'd be willing to pay up to $2503:22
guestThatGuyOverThere: the options is marked as "extended"     what it really is, is a primary that contains other partitions.  but that's confusing.03:22
ThatGuyOverThereguest: So what you're saying is I'm going to have to delete my existing partition before I re-install Ubuntu if I want to make the new Ubuntu partition primary, right?03:23
guestusrv: and scd1 is where the system lives ?03:24
usrvguest: this problem started yesterday. I took the drive out and did a full format overnight in windows and it worked fine03:24
kminThatGuyOverThere: sorry buddy setting up dual boot systems always need planing before hand03:24
usrvguest: no, sde103:24
ThatGuyOverTherekmin: :/03:24
hpnguyen032001install host03:24
Johnny_425Whenever I try to load an .exe file, It comes up as a white screen. Please help me03:24
prospero977Anyone here familiar with squid... I've got a classroom proxy server that blocks websites, but I'd like to have it display a custom page when it hits a site that is in the bad-sites file. Right now, it generates a generic page.03:24
ThatGuyOverTherekmin: Would I need to set up my home partition as primary, or just the root partition?03:25
kminThatGuyOverThere: actually only the /boot one needs to be primary03:25
orly_owlWhere can I download a deb of the latest Cheese for jaunty?03:25
guestThatGuyOverThere: what i am saying is.   you are only allowed 4 primary partitions,  and if you want more than 4 total partitions, one of the primaries has to be and extended partition.03:25
Johnny_425Whenever I try to load an .exe file, It comes up as a white screen. Please help me03:25
ThatGuyOverTherekmin: /boot?03:25
F223how do I make my Ubuntu install things to my external hard drive by default03:25
ThatGuyOverThereWhat is /boot?03:25
ThatGuyOverThereThat's part of the root partition I'm going to make, right? Primary partition, ext3, mount point /?03:26
usrvguest: here's a question. this motherboard is new. would ubuntu have issues with me setting my sata controller to AHCI?03:26
guestThatGuyOverThere: and as i said before,   i have no issues with booting logical volumes.03:26
squelchWhere is a good place to get web mirroring help?03:26
squelchI have the ability to do all of this, I don't have a hard drive.03:26
guestusrv: very possable.03:26
usrvguest: i don't get it tho because it sees the drives and lets me partition them03:26
kminThatGuyOverThere: / can be a logical partition /boot is the one that holds your kernel and needs to be a primary if you don't want to use extended grub configuration03:27
sdwrageAnyone know where the install logs are kept in ubuntu?03:27
onetinsoldierusrv: i'm running x86_64. i set mine to ahci.. works a treat03:27
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ThatGuyOverTherekmin: What the deuce.03:27
ThatGuyOverTherekmin: I'm going off of this guide. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installseparatehome03:28
usrvonetinsoldier: x86_64 on mine as well. i'm actually running ubuntu server but fdisk and mkfs all work the same :)03:28
ThatGuyOverTherekmin: According to this, I just set up a partition with mount point / and another one with mount point /home.03:28
kminif you don't want to remove your already in place windows partitions it will pay off to looking into grub and use the logical partitions as guest mentioned03:28
guestusrv: let me hand you off to someone that has had some experance with this sort of issue.   all my hardware is older stuff.  and i really don't know what else to do there.03:28
onetinsoldierusrv: yeah03:28
ThatGuyOverTherekmin: And I was planning on making a swap partition as well.03:28
=== biker_ is now known as biker
ThatGuyOverTherekmin: I see nothing in there about creating a partition /boot.03:29
usrvguest: ok thanks a lot. do you know someone in particular or just anybody reading along?03:29
ThatGuyOverThereSo what am I missing here?03:29
kminThatGuyOverThere: that is true if you can afford to have those partition but that is not the only way03:29
guestanybody reading realy03:29
int_sanyone know if it is safe to abort a fsck on an ext3 currently in pass 1?03:29
ThatGuyOverTherekmin: Okay. Bottom line, if I want my new Ubuntu partition to be primary, I'm going to have to delete the existing Ubuntu partition first, yes?03:29
usrvguest: ok. thanks for the assist.03:29
marks256How can i return a user's id? I want to be able to (as root) type in "getid bob" and have it return me the UID03:29
usrvanyone have any ideas?03:30
guestmarks256: id03:30
kminThatGuyOverThere: yes if you want it to be primary  it seems that u are running our of partitions03:30
marks256guest, that seems to give me my id...03:30
ThatGuyOverTherekmin: So when I set up the new partitions, what I'm asking is, only / needs to be primary, right?03:31
squelchanyone know where to ask good questions about HTML jobs03:31
ThatGuyOverThereOr does /home need to be primary also?03:31
ThatGuyOverThereAnd if it doesn't need to be, is there any advantage to doing so?03:31
guestmarks256: if it's in a script you might just test the  UID   [ ! 0 == $UID ] && echo not root03:31
marks256guest, read the man page. thanks :) it's working now03:31
ryanCHi currently have a Radeon HD 4850 .. and i'm going to replace it with a Radeon HD 5870 .. think linux will notice? without installing/changing any new drivers03:31
kminThatGuyOverThere: it does not need to be but it is a good practice03:31
actionParsnipyo yo yo03:32
ThatGuyOverThereBut I'm still going to need a swap partition.03:32
marks256guest, nah i need the actual number for display purposes03:32
guestmarks256: welcome.03:32
kminyes u do03:32
ThatGuyOverThereWill I be able to set that up if both my / and /home partitions are primary?03:32
squelchIS there a way to find people who are willing to do computer jobs for money?03:32
kminthis is how i usually do it03:32
squelchI had to ask here because no one is answering my question in any other channel03:32
KotanUbuntu NBR still isn't booting03:32
guestmarks256: heh.  that is the actual number...     echo $UID03:32
squelchThey're all like "Or does /home need to primary also?"03:32
Mars_Good day everyone03:33
ThatGuyOverTheresquelch: You are really annoying.03:33
kminone primary for windows c:  one primary for linux '/boot' and one extended that holds everything else swap '/home /opt' etc.03:33
squelch So are you, you piece of poo03:33
KotanLoading /ubnkern....... Loading /ubninit........ready.03:33
KotanAnd now nothing.03:33
squelchHay chubby pucker, how are you.  How many times do you have to poo?03:33
DeamonFishAny one?03:33
hpnguyen032001how install webmin03:34
ThatGuyOverTheresquelch: Here's a good practice. Does the name of the channel say anything about mirroring your MySpace page in it?03:34
actionParsnip_looks like i have to go via proxy users first03:34
ThatGuyOverTheresquelch: Then probably nobody wants to talk about that.03:34
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.03:34
DeamonFishWhat program should i use to download Torrents?03:34
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox03:34
squelchno, you bucker, but diect me to a channel that does then03:34
onetinsoldierryanCH: yes. well, it could depend. what driver are you using? do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? if so, it might have your video cards chipset as an entry in that file and X reads that when it starts up.03:34
shadow_120deamonfish: i use deluge03:35
usrvwhere's das boot when you need it03:35
onetinsoldierryanCH: if you don't have that file, then X just runs at some defaults using a generic driver i think03:35
DeamonFishDoes it work good?03:35
Mars_Does anyone know why when I try to install that Ubuntu wont see my partions? I have created a linux partion both using partion magic and using liveCD (sorry this is first time I am using linux of any kind)03:35
ThatGuyOverTheresquelch: This channel is for discussion about Ubuntu. If you want to talk about something that has nothing to do with that, go somewhere else.03:35
shadow_120deamonfish: i like it it works good03:35
ryanCHonetinsoldier, well ubuntu configured it all automatically .. so what do i need to do to install the new video card03:35
kminso no one knows why i might be getting corrupt packages message while installing ubuntu?03:35
nitordeamonfish: deluge is on ublender.com as the best torrent client03:35
DeamonFishOk, thanks for your help guys :)03:36
mothersofinventiI got segfault from blender in karmic.03:37
onetinsoldierryanCH: i'm not sure. it used to be a command like 'dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg' - but i'm not sure if that command is it anymore03:37
shadow_120deamonfish: yep no problem03:37
KotanAlright guys03:37
guesti just installed 9.10 and all the consoles are hosed.    the vidio is borked.  any thoughts on how to fix my consoles?   can i disable something in /etc/rc$runlevel.d/ to keep my consoles from going bonkers?03:37
KotanIf this still doesn't work, I'm gonna give up on Ubuntu.03:37
KotanHere's the history so far.03:37
mothersofinventihow do I fix it?03:38
flacomhi all.. anyone knows iptables?? i got a vpn server on linux... when I client is connected it create a new pppN interface (n >= 0) how can I forward dynamic interfaces=03:38
KotanI tried every combination of settings with the provided usb-creator.exe utility to make my USB drive bootable.03:38
microhaxoHello, How can i temp disable my touchpad when i am typing on my netbook. I hate it when i am typing code and my hand slightly touches the pad and makes me delete a shit ton of stuff.03:38
KotanI got a mounting error.03:38
Kotancannot mount /dev/loop1 on /cow03:38
KotanSo, I tried reinstalling it to the usb stick.03:38
Kotan[ 3.208287] [<c0104007>] kernel_thread_helpter+0x7/x10, etc. etc. etc.03:38
KotanWell damn. So I used a different way to make it bootable.03:39
KotanThat ubnetbootin03:39
Mars_Could someone help?03:39
Kotan>Loading /ubnkern............03:39
Kotan>Loading /ubninit.................ready.03:39
FloodBot1Kotan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:39
kfizzDoes anyone know where menubar/toolbar information is stored for firefox? The menubar and nav bar are missing (it's not in full screen)03:39
KotanHow do I get NBR to work on my 1005HA?03:39
LeftmostIs there any way I can get the Ubuntu LiveCD to boot off of an external Firewire CD drive? Currently, it just gives me a "No bootable device".03:40
KotanIf I can't even boot it up, I don't see how it could possibly be compatible with my 1005HA.03:40
ActionParsnip__kfizz: somewhere in ~/.mozilla03:40
ActionParsnip__Kotan: did you MD5 test the img file you downloaded?03:40
mothersofinventihow do I fix a segfault?03:41
KotanNo, but I've been using 3 different images (IE: Downloaded 3 different times) from 2 different locations on 2 different computers03:41
KotanI'll check the MD5sum as soon as I find it for NBR, give me a sec03:41
paissadhi all, i just registered some dns domains & subdomains from freedns.afraid.org & i exported this file, what i want to know is where to pu this file please http://pastebin.com/f5c9fe2df03:41
ActionParsnip__Kotan: doesnt matter, you could download it an infinite number of times and never get a good image03:41
kfizzI got it in about:config, thanks ActionParsnip__03:41
paissadthanks in advance for helping03:41
KotanI suppose.03:41
KotanWhere's the MD5sum for the image?03:42
ActionParsnip__!md5 | Kotan03:42
ubottuKotan: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:42
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testttwhich file on the desktop cd ISO has the filesystem and how can it be mounted by a regular ubuntu system with the cd in the disk drive?03:42
Mars_I really need help I have been working on the problem for 4 hours. To recap, When I go to install, ubuntu wont see my partions, and I have created partion (in many different ways)...........Please Help.03:42
paissadi've seen a file that looks like it -> /etc/bind/db.local03:42
paissadis that file where i must put the contents03:42
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ActionParsnip__testtt: you can mount the CD using the mount command, it will automount wen inserted, ISOs need a tiny bt more effort03:43
secrethiiiiiiiii :) where is my vote ?03:43
secrethiiiiiiiii :) where is my vote ?03:43
secrethiiiiiiiii :) where is my vote ?03:43
FloodBot1secret: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:43
ActionParsnip__testtt: the CD has the filesystem03:43
KotanAbout to check hash03:44
KotanMD5 matches.03:44
testttActionParsnip__,   looking to pull the /etc directory off the bootable CD... where / how to do it?03:44
KotanIt's a valid image.03:44
KotanNow that I know I have a valid image03:45
ActionParsnip__Kotan: then run the disk verifier on the install medium once initially booted, as well as the ram tester03:45
KotanI did that already.03:45
KotanNo errors03:45
Mars_Any thoughts anyone?03:45
ActionParsnip__testtt: i'd boot to the live cd, mount the internal partition with the current /etc and copy the folder from the live system to the internal drive03:45
ActionParsnip__!bootoptions | Kotan03:46
ubottuKotan: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions03:46
ThatGuyOverTherekmin: Okay, here's what I'm trying to do.03:46
ActionParsnip__Kotan: all i can suggest then03:46
Kotan...is this a quantum distribution?03:46
KotanNow that I've checked the MD5sum, it's booted up.03:46
ThatGuyOverTherekmin: I created a new empty logical partition in the unused space I created. Then I want to copy all of my Ubuntu folders to it, delete the existing Ubuntu partition, and do a clean install of Ubuntu. Then I can get my old Ubuntu files off of the logical partition.03:47
KotanAnd don't look at me like that, I've been trying this since noon, and it's 9:47 PM here.03:47
ThatGuyOverTherekmin: How can I do that?03:47
KotanAlright, let's see how it goes.03:47
guesti just installed 9.10 and all the consoles are hosed.    the vidio is borked.  any thoughts on how to fix my consoles ?03:47
=== El_perro_violet is now known as El_perro_violeta
ActionParsnip__guest: what is the output of: lsb_release -c    ?03:48
ThatGuyOverTherekmin: Every time I try to copy all of my Ubuntu files from / it says it can't do it.03:48
ThatGuyOverTherekmin: I'm using Nautilus with root permissions.03:48
Mars_Will some one help.03:48
ZykoticK9guest, do you happen to have a Hauppauge TV Tuner and Nvidia graphics card?03:48
ThatGuyOverThereDamn, he's gone.03:49
ThatGuyOverThereCan anyone else help?03:49
guestActionParsnip__: 9.10 karmic03:49
guestZykoticK9: no03:49
ZykoticK9guest, k just asking (different issue then), good luck man03:50
Mars_Any thoughts on why the install can't see my partions?03:50
guestZykoticK9: k03:50
delfick1Hi, I connected my laptp to my TV and that works fine. Except that the TV only shows the highlighted part of this screenshot http://sites.google.com/site/delficktest/screenProblem.png. Does anyone know how to fix this ?03:51
ActionParsnip__guest: then simply run: mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_old; dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg; shutdown -r now      from root recovery console03:51
Wind0painis anyone here running ubuntu through VMPlayer?  I'm wondering if the 3D desktop effects are working for you?03:51
quietoneHow do I find and install drivers for ATI card [Radeon X1550 Series RV505]?03:51
Mike_lifeguardIf I have "set nowrap" in ~/.nanorc, how can I do the opposite of "nano -w" -- ie open nano *with* linewrapping?03:51
morphixi have a question, for a USB printer, shared via CUPS using IPP or similar is a remote print job able to turn the printer on?03:52
viggy_prabhuhi friends03:52
guestActionParsnip__: X works ok.   the consoles are hosed03:52
viggy_prabhuthis might be off-topic to this list, but i thought may be someone must have tried it earlier03:52
viggy_prabhui have downloaded a file using torrent, but it seems that it is playable only in moviexplayer03:53
ZykoticK9Wind0pain, i have no idea about VMPlayer, but 3d effect to work with VirtualBox - just something to keep in mind03:53
shadow_120delfic1: its you resolution you just have to play with it03:53
guesti just installed 9.10 and all the consoles are hosed.   any thoughts on how to fix my consoles ?  <<< can i turn something off in runlevel # that might help ?03:53
guestActionParsnip__:   ^03:53
delfick1shadow_120: I tried, but none of them seem to fix it :(03:53
viggy_prabhuis it possible for me to somehow for me to break it and make it play in vlc or movie player03:53
Mars_I would really like to install ubuntu, but I am having troubles with the installer not seeing my partions, any thoughts.....03:53
worldwarcheeseHi there, I got a real quick question about using the Terminal: If I open a piece of software with a terminal but how do I close the terminal itself while keeping avant window mandager up?03:54
delfick1shadow_120: from using nvidia-settings dialog03:54
twomashi1Hi, how do I use a ppa: link in jaunty?03:54
Wind0painZykoticK9: i just tried vBox with no luck.  after installing guest additions i shut down the machine, made sure 3D support was enabled...  after trying to enable the enhanced desktop features i saw this error: "desktop effects could not be enabled"03:54
ActionParsnip__quietone: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-ati-video-card-in-you-linux-system.html03:54
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ActionParsnip__guest: not sure then dude, sorry03:54
onetinsoldierMars_: have you ever used 'cfdisk'?03:54
shadow_120dekfick1: if your the guy from the forums ask there someone will know03:55
ZykoticK9Wind0pain, dunno man - it certainly works for me with Ubuntu host & guest with Nvidia gfx card03:55
Mars_I have not03:55
bucket529Problem: I changed my Display resolution from (I think) 1400x733 to 1280x720, and now I cannot login - GDM seems to crash and restart. How can I determine the correct resolution, and implement it, from the recovery console?03:55
Wind0painZykoticK9: hmm, i'm using an nVidia 7950gt, 7 host and 9.10 guest03:55
ActionParsnip__twomashi: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa    for example, change the ppa bit for the ppa you want to add03:55
cyberjorgeji, how do I install SpoonWEP and SpoonWPA? it's not currently in the repo.03:55
delfick1shadow_120: "the guy from the forums" ?? (well, I do have a forum account of name "delfick") however probably a good idea... thnx anyways :p03:55
twomashi1ActionParsnip__: that's only in karmic :/03:55
ActionParsnip__Wind0pain: what does: sudo lshw -C display    say the display is?03:55
Mars_But I used the software that came with ubuntu03:56
ZykoticK9Wind0pain, 7 is in Windows 7?  lol, that's probably the issue (sorry man i don't to MS at all anymore, good luck)03:56
Wind0painmaybe if ubuntu is both the host and the guest things work out better... i'm installing on vmwareplayer at the moment03:56
onetinsoldierMars_: roger. in the installer did you pick to make your partitions manually? how did you make these partitions that the installer is not seing?03:56
ActionParsnip__twomashi1: then you'll have to do it the old way by adding it in /etc/apt/sources.list   then inporting the key on the ppa page03:56
twomashi1ActionParsnip__: but im not sure how to convert the ppa: link to a deb link03:56
ZykoticK9Wind0pain, just as an FYI, 3d effects aren't really that great in VMs (they work, but not what i'd call "well")03:57
twomashi1i odnt think jaunty understands ppa: links03:57
ActionParsnip__twomashi1: not to my knowledge03:57
Wind0painActionParsnip__: i deleted the VM just a few minutes ago, can't check now03:57
ActionParsnip__twomashi1: takes seconds to add the ppa to the text file, the link to the key will also be on the ppa page so can easily be iported03:57
Wind0painZykoticK9: ahh, i was just interested in the desktop effects; it's the main reason i wanted to have an ubuntu guest03:58
ActionParsnip__Wind0pain: really!? they get old real quick03:58
Mars_First I resized with Pation Magic out of windows, cleared out 20 gigs for partion. then used the LiveCD and went though the install and it doesn't see the empty space, I then created the partion using the Gpart (or whatever it is called) the live CD still sees the partions after reboots, but the installer wont.03:58
twomashi1ActionParsnip__: I just have a ppa: link: ppa:kevin-mehall/libwnck03:58
twomashi1nothing else03:58
microhaxoHow cpu intensive is gnome-do ? I was thinking of installing on my netbook but if it will drain cpu/battery there is no point..03:58
ActionParsnip__twomashi1: gimme a sec03:58
Wind0painActionParsnip__: it's something different.03:58
MrUnixmicrohaxo, GNOME is pretty low resource-intensive.03:59
scunizimicrohaxo: no much03:59
microhaxosay i remove my gnome panels and strickly use gnome-do with docky03:59
microhaxowould that use about the same power?03:59
ActionParsnip__twomashi1: https://launchpad.net/~kevin-mehall/+archive/libwnck04:00
MrUnixmicrohaxo, The difference would be neglibable.04:00
quietoneActionParsnip__: thanks I missed that doc in my searches04:00
microhaxoBattery life is very important, so if its even like 10% more i dont want to do it.04:00
twomashi1ActionParsnip__: thanks!04:00
ActionParsnip__twomashi1: the page has a link to the key which you can paste to a text file then import04:00
MrUnixmicrohaxo, We're talking like a few minutes here and there. Why don't you use XFCE if you're looking for a low-power desktop environment?04:01
mothersofinventinobody knows about segfaults?04:01
onetinsoldierMars_: you sure the installer can't see it? try the option to set up your partitions manually. then on 'gparted', look over on the far upper right. you should see a button that will let you select the device for partitioning. try it and see if you can't find it there04:01
microhaxoI cant stand xfce for some reason :|04:01
MrUnixmicrohaxo, Enlightenment?04:01
stevenheidelmy cups service does not start whenever my computer boots up. I have to run "/etc/init.d/cups restart" before I want to print something.04:01
ActionParsnip__microhaxo: try lxde or fluxbox for an alternative light DE04:01
microhaxoI really like gnome :|04:01
microhaxoon gnome i get about 7 hours 50 min of battery life04:01
ZykoticK9microhaxo, gnome-do requires compiz running!  thus battery usage will not be low.04:01
onetinsoldierMars_: but really, i'm not 100% sure what's wrong04:01
microhaxoforget that crap then04:02
MrUnixmicrohaxo, Standard GNOME with no compiz is the best you can shoot for then.04:02
microhaxoYep, thats what i have now.04:02
kevin1093i have been trying to install ubuntu 9.10 on my 30 gig maxtor hd for about 4 hours now, i am running off of the live cd, and i am trying to create partions so that the installer will recognize them, but i am being told that i don't have the permissions to do anything. can any one help me?04:02
ActionParsnip__stevenheidel: add it to /etc/rc.local  and it will be ran at the last step before the login screen shows04:02
scuniziZykoticK9: microhaxo not true.. there is a version that doesn't.. it's only the "on screen docky thing" that requires compiz04:02
MrUnixmicrohaxo, then there you go. =)04:02
microhaxolol :)04:02
Mars_<onetinsoldier>:Fair its hard to explain because I am new to Linux. In Gparted there is my NTSF partion (70gig) and Linux partion (20gig). But when I do the install I get to step 4 of 7 and there are no partions in the list.04:03
microhaxoI was going to try and use gnomedo + docky as a full replacement of the applications menu etc.04:03
ZykoticK9scunizi, ok you're right about that - as i only use gnome-do for the dock I kinda forget it does do other things as well - my bad04:03
scuniziZykoticK9: :)  ..04:03
ActionParsnip__kevin1093: run: gksudo gparted and create the partitions there, the installer should run as root so access isn't an issue, you can sidestep the partitioning step by manually doing it before kicking off the installer if its being a PITA04:03
kevin1093i am using gparted04:04
ActionParsnip__kevin1093: you could even run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade     to upgrade the files in the liveCD environment whic may help (these will not transfer to the installed system)04:04
Mars_Then I click forward, and I get an error saying I haven't selected a partion (which I would if there was anything in my list)04:04
onetinsoldierMars_: you just have one hard drive?04:04
ActionParsnip__kevin1093: gparted will need running with gksudo or it will only be running as a user which has no admin access04:04
Maz3Mikequestion...i just did useradd ts304:05
kevin1093i will also say that this is my first experience with linux04:05
Maz3Mikeas root04:05
onetinsoldierMars_: are you able to select the 'free space'? is there free space in gparted? the 20 gigs that you made?04:05
Maz3MikeThis should have created the home directory right?04:05
ActionParsnip__kevin1093: no problem, ubuntu is great for linux virgins04:05
Maz3MikeI did this by the CLI too04:06
Mars_It was free space, but I have formated it be a linux partion.04:06
ActionParsnip__!addser | Maz3Mike04:06
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo04:06
onetinsoldierMars_: did you use Partition Magic to make the partition a linux partition?04:06
mothersofinventiwhy do someone gets segfaults?04:06
Morellls -d list directories?04:06
ActionParsnip__Maz3Mike: it will by default, yes. You can use -d to specify a different home dir if you wish04:06
Mars_at first, but then I used gparted to to delete it and re-partion. which I thought was the issue to start with. but it didn't work04:07
onetinsoldierMars_: never mind. you'd said that you had used gparted to make it a linux partition04:07
Mike_lifeguardIf I have "set nowrap" in ~/.nanorc, how can I do the opposite of "nano -w" -- ie open nano *with* linewrapping?04:08
Maz3MikeInteresting....I see it in the passwd and shadow file....but when I go to /home...I dont see it there04:08
claudelessany php mssql freaks around..04:08
onetinsoldierMars_: yeah, roger. i'm not sure what's wrong. i might if i were there looking at it myself04:08
scuniziMorell: although "man ls" says that is true. I just tried it and it doesn't show my directories04:08
Mars_Ya...Well you up for a flight to Canada04:09
Maz3MikeI meant only in the passwd file04:09
Morellyes but not work04:09
Maz3MikeDo I need to create the home directory?04:09
Mars_which linux partion should I be using to install ubuntu04:09
scuniziWhy doesn't ls -d show the directories in my ~ directory?04:09
Mars_maybe I am using the wrong type04:09
kevin1093another question: what is gksudo?04:09
Maz3MikeHmm..thinking I didnt use the -d option04:10
onetinsoldierMars_: hehe. nope, sorry. but, you could try using 'cfdisk'. sometimes using it to write out the partition table seems to work better. but you have to know how to get to a console in the installer and you have to use the command line04:10
ZykoticK9Morell, the "-d" is to show the directory name, instead of the contents of the directory04:10
RenatusSo why do I have to type the WEP key everytime I restart my computer?04:10
scunizikevin1093: it's used to start a gui app with sudo privlidges04:10
ActionParsnip__Maz3Mike: you may have to create the home folder manually04:10
kevin1093and how do i get it?04:10
scuniziZykoticK9: I just tried it and it didn't work for me despite man ls saying it should04:10
ActionParsnip__Maz3Mike: make sure it is owned by the user to whom it belongs04:10
ActionParsnip__kevin1093: you have gksudo04:11
MorellZykoticK9: i want lis only directories04:11
Maz3Mikearghhhhhhh...I thought it would create the home folder automatically04:11
ActionParsnip__kevin1093: gksudo is how to correctly run GUI apps with elevated priveledges04:11
ActionParsnip__Maz3Mike: the gui app does (i believe)04:11
ZykoticK9scunizi, with the an example directory, try "ls dirname" vs "ls -l dirname"04:11
Mars_do you think maybe I am using the wrong linux partion?04:11
Maz3MikeSo let me get this straight...if you use the CLI it doesnt automatically create the home directory?04:12
ZykoticK9scunizi, s/"ls -l/"ls -d04:12
ActionParsnip__Maz3Mike: not sure04:12
scuniziZykoticK9: if I'm in ~ and simply do a ls -d shouldn't it show the directories in ~?04:12
ZykoticK9scunizi, nope04:12
ActionParsnip__Maz3Mike: i'd read the adduser doc to check04:12
scuniziZykoticK9: I have to explicitely name the directory?04:13
Maz3MikeAccording to the useradd command...it says it will create the homedirectory04:13
adam[pac]hi, i just formatted my vista ntfs partition to free up about 150gb of space "in front of" my ubuntu partition.  i also have unallocated space after the ubuntu partition.  now i want to move ubuntu to the beginning of the first partition and consolidate all three into a single partition without losing my data.  is this possible if i use the livecd?04:13
ZykoticK9scunizi, for the -d to do anything yes04:13
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onetinsoldierMars_: i really don't know. all i can think of/recommend 'trying' is... cfdisk instead of gparted04:13
Mars_Thanks for your help onetin. have a good one.04:14
scuniziZykoticK9: no.. what I mean is if I'm in my home directory and want a listing of just the directories in home then I have to do "ls -d /home/<user> ?? as opposed to being in the home directory and simply doing ls -d ??04:14
tazboWhen I originally setup my UBuntu, for some reason my boot information went onto drive 2, and the main & swap partitions went onto drive 1.. now I want to remove drive 2 from my system but i'm having a hard time getting it to boot without the second drive.. any suggestions?04:14
RenatusHow can I save the WEP key so I dont have to enter it each time I logon?04:14
ZykoticK9scunizi, i don't know a way (although i'm sure there is one) of listing just directories, but it probably doesn't have anything to do with "ls -d"04:15
blakkheimRenatus: you shouldn't use wep04:15
scuniziZykoticK9: take a look at "man ls" .. the -d switch is for directories like you mentioned.. it's just the syntax that's probably messing with us.04:16
Renatuswhat would I use otherwise?04:16
Seven_Six_TwoRenatus, WPA. WEP can be cracked in a matter of minutes. If that.04:16
Seven_Six_Twois it really quiet in here? maybe I'm on the dirty end of a split04:18
morphixwith CUPS, when i use the web interface eg. ( and i go to administrator it asks for user/pass04:18
Renatuswell i cant change the encryption, but how do i make the wireless connection automatic instead of having to enter the key each time?04:18
morphixin docs it says "enter root and your root password"04:19
morphixyet root is disable by default.04:19
morphixmy normal user account is also added to lpadmin so this should work, correct?04:19
blakkheimRenatus: WPA2-AES with a 63 character string of random ascii for a passphrase04:19
=== mint is now known as Deeeez
Deeeezanyone here who might be able to help me with setting up a connection to a SMB share?04:19
Maz3MikeHOLY MOLY04:20
Maz3MikeI figured it out04:20
Renatus1well its not my network04:20
Maz3Mikeadduser --home /home/ts3 ts3....worked04:20
Maz3Mikecreated the account and built the home directory04:20
haI'm from vietnam04:21
onetinsoldierhello ha04:22
AnotherNewbie219I need some help with setup of my wifi on ubuntu04:23
black2305litl prob with vine04:24
black2305wine sory04:24
AnotherNewbie219I am using 9.10 and have M121004:24
AnotherNewbie219demsg says .. Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG/BG Network04:25
AnotherNewbie219can an expert here give me a hand setting up this one.04:25
thelinuxexperimehey all. I have a question that I'm not sure where to ask. It involves a project created in MonoDevelop and an issue I am having with debuild trying to turn it into a deb04:25
AnotherNewbie219I tried rutilt and it scans well but connect with profile seems to do nothing and it fails04:25
blakkheimmono.. :(04:26
AnotherNewbie219rutilt hangs04:26
=== sol is now known as Guest89594
AnotherNewbie219can someone please help me with the issue I am facing with my network card04:26
scuniziZykoticK9: the correct syntax is "ls -d */" to get a directory listing.04:27
AnotherNewbie219your help is greatly appreciated04:27
AnotherNewbie219any ubuntu wifi experts in here??04:28
ZykoticK9scunizi, ok that's kinda a "work-around" but it works :)  thanks, now i know and you did use -d :)04:28
scuniziMorell: found it.. ls -d */ .. to get a list of the directories in the directory that you're in.04:28
scuniziZykoticK9: had to go to #linux to get the answer :(04:28
black2305sumone know a bout simbian device locks?04:28
AnotherNewbie219ZykoticK9 do you know about ubuntu wifi04:29
AnotherNewbie219I need some help04:29
Renatus1adobe-flashplugin has no installation candidate, when i try to install it on firefox?04:29
brandon-can anyone think of a reason why my system would lag over time04:29
brandon-it runs great when i first boot up but it seems like the speed degrades over time, it doesnt get unbearable but its very noticeable, i thought only windows had this problem :/04:29
AnotherNewbie219brandon- try using top and figure out what processes04:29
AnotherNewbie219are running04:30
onetinsoldierRenatus1: when's the last time you updated the package list?04:30
Maz3Mikewhen you are logged into one account how to do you su to root04:30
AnotherNewbie219I need help with setting up my wifi04:30
Maz3MikeIs it su -04:30
ZykoticK9AnotherNewbie219, sorry man, wifi has always "just worked" for me on Ubuntu - haven't done much troubleshooting, i've certainly never even heard of rutilt before.  good luck man.04:30
morphixRenatus1: install flashplugin-installer04:30
Maz3Mikesudo -i04:30
AnotherNewbie219any ubuntu wifi experts in here04:31
AnotherNewbie219I need help with my network card wifi04:31
AnotherNewbie219recently upgraded to 9.10 and regret that04:31
scuniziRenatus1: or simply "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"04:31
AnotherNewbie219network fails :(04:31
jack5463how can i load ubuntu from a cd and load emacs and save it, keep it, so when i reboot i still have it04:31
Morellscunizi: Yes, that works. Thanks04:31
Renatus1ty sir04:31
web1109so my laptop is setup to suspend after 20 minutes of inactivity. Can I further set it to transition to hibernate after 2hrs? Will it auto transition to hibernate when battery get low? (my puter eats some whiel in suspend)04:32
IdleOnejack5463: you can't from the live cd. take a look at !usb04:32
ZykoticK9jack5463, usb drive instead with persistance would do what you wanted, from CD there is no method to save (except to an external USB or HD)04:32
scuniziRenatus1: it'll give you other "restricted" formats as well.04:32
AnotherNewbie219scunizi, any idea about troubleshootin wifi issues04:33
Renatus1why are they restricted?04:33
AnotherNewbie219any experts in here on that04:33
jack5463can i use both cd and usb drive?04:33
jiohdiis there a channel for UNR?04:33
AnotherNewbie219what is UNR?04:33
scuniziRenatus1: they are not totally free.. and may have some copywrite restrictions in some countries..04:33
Maz3Mikenever mind..this account isn't in the sudoers file04:33
IdleOne!usb | jack546304:33
ubottujack5463: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:33
ZykoticK9jiohdi, you're in it :)04:33
jiohdiUNR= Ubuntu netbook remix04:34
IdleOnejack5463: this is what you want https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:34
scuniziAnotherNewbie219: sorry.. I've always made a point of getting equipment that "just works".. even my Dell I had them upgrade the wireless and graphics cards to easily funtional mfgrs.04:34
jiohdianyone know how to set the screen saver on UNR, there is no gui for it04:34
ZykoticK9jiohdi, in a terminal run "gnome-screensaver-preferences"04:35
hsa2i am trying to set postfix + dovecot for a mailserver04:35
hsa2i can send mail but when i try to send mail from my other mail, it says Relay access denied04:36
AnotherNewbie219so there is no fix for a Intel card on 9.1004:36
AnotherNewbie219why doesn't the OS check for this on install?04:36
AnotherNewbie219I mean compatibility issue04:36
scuniziAnotherNewbie219: intel wireless? what version.. I'll google and see04:36
macoAnotherNewbie219: thats kinda the point of the live cd..for you to check before installing04:36
crazy2beintel card works fine for me04:37
crazy2beintel graphics and wireless04:37
crazy2bewhat laptop and wireless card?04:37
AnotherNewbie219Intel (R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG/BG04:37
ZykoticK9AnotherNewbie219, just checking - but you have plugged a cable in and done all available updates then recheck Hardware Drivers correct?04:37
macoAnotherNewbie219: and yeah, intel 3945 and 4965 both work fine for me04:37
scuniziAnotherNewbie219: talk to crazy2be .. he's got his working04:37
AnotherNewbie219I had iwl3945 module loaded04:37
jiohdiZykoticK9: that seemed to work, however it was not set to screen saver, yet after 5-10 idle min. the screen was blanking04:37
prospero977Anyone out there got a bar code scanner on 'em? http://www.imakmud.com/scanme.odf04:37
BwaahThe requested URL /scanme.odf was not found on this server.04:38
prospero97710-4 thanks04:39
crazy2behere's my question04:39
ZykoticK9jiohdi, also check "gnome-power-preferences"04:39
crazy2bewhat programs are there out there that can make me a slideshow of my pictures with decent transitions?04:39
Dr-Digiyesterday i got some help with dual boot, xp pro was installed first then ubuntu i was told i need to boot off my xp cd and fix the MBR, i just done so, fixmbr and it still dont boot04:40
jiohdiZykoticK9: it was not shutting anything down... the screen just goes blank... but stays active sort of...04:40
scunizicrazy2be: probably either kdenlive or LiVeS.. lives is available off getdeb.net04:40
ZykoticK9jiohdi, either the screensave is set to blank screen, or power management is set to blank screen - either would have very similar outcomes04:40
Guest24147Hello!  Does clamav have a progress bar or some way to know how far along it is?04:41
jiohdiZykoticK9: since neither of them seems set, any other way to adjust the settings?04:41
ZykoticK9jiohdi, not that I'm aware of...  good luck man.04:41
wrapsterhow do i check for all the drivers providied by a pkg?04:41
ken08I downloaded Realplayer, what are the steps to install it ?04:42
jiohdiZykoticK9: thanks anyways... do you have a netbook?04:42
Guest24147anyone here used clamav to scan a windows computer?04:42
ZykoticK9jiohdi, ya the EEE 701, but the 8GB model (old by todays standards)04:43
Renatus1okay so even after i installed all those restricted formats, firefox always crashes when theres a flash plugin04:43
jiohdiZykoticK9: I am using it with great success other than the screensaver... on an acer revo nettop04:43
prospero977Bar code scanner test anyone: http://www.imakmud.com/scanme.odt04:43
scuniziRenatus1: did you do an upgrade of your system from one release to anther?04:43
prospero977Gonna put that outside my door at work.04:44
Renatus1no i've recently installed ubuntu 9.104:44
Guest24147anyone here used clamav to scan a windows computer?04:44
ZykoticK9!repeat | Guest2414704:44
ubottuGuest24147: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.04:44
scuniziRenatus1: do you also have either gnash or the flashplugin-nonfree installed?04:44
web1109so my laptop is setup to suspend after 20 minutes of inactivity. Can I further set it to transition to hibernate after 2hrs? Will it auto transition to hibernate when battery get low? (my puter eats some whiel in suspend)04:45
Dr-DigiZykoticK9, happen to know the dual boot trigger so i can go read again?04:45
Vossrenatus, go to the adobe.com and get flash from there04:45
crazy2beGuest24147, running it from terminal?04:45
Guest24147crazy2be: yes - from the systemrescue cd04:45
macoweb1109: few laptops have support for hybrid suspend at all (in hardware) and support for it in linux is shaky at best :-/04:45
ZykoticK9!dualboot > Dr-Digi04:46
ubottuDr-Digi, please see my private message04:46
Renatus1yeah i cant because firefox just crashes04:46
scuniziRenatus1: might be worth checking.. open System>Admin>Synaptic Package Manager and use the search bar by entering flash.. look at all the packages that show up and you'll be able to tell if one of them or both are installed. if so uninstall04:46
macoweb1109: if you know that your hardware supports it, i bet there are folks that'd be interested in your help with testing though04:46
web1109maco: i thought hybrid was when it always writes the hiberfil file and just timed out the suspend, no?04:47
web1109maco: do you mean that different hardware may or may not keep track of time while in suspend?04:47
Renatus1okay, i uninstalled it04:47
scuniziRenatus1: which one?04:48
macoweb1109: hmmm? im not sure what you mean. i just know that suspend2ram followed by "oops getting low" and switching to suspend2disk is hybrid and not supported by much hardware04:48
scuniziRenatus1: good.. close FF and open again.. then test04:48
Dr-Digii think i just about done every single step without ever reading any of it, and then done it following the guide and still no luck damnit04:48
macoweb1109: i know it *is* possible in linux to tell the computer to wake up after a certain amount of time (again, depending on how well your hardware is supported) and i suppose you could script it to then suspend to disk (hibernate) after that...04:48
Renatus1okay, there we go04:49
web1109maco: hmm exactly the scenario that worked million time across many xp machines since circa 2003... for me04:49
macoweb1109: however there is no nice graphical way to do this04:49
scuniziRenatus1: Viola!04:49
Renatus1so should i install it from adobe.com now?04:49
Dr-Digiits been a long day fixing all my clients issues and i come home to my own... i just want to go to bed04:49
macoweb1109: on xp was it "wake up after $time and hibernate" or "wake up when you get low and hibernate"?04:49
scuniziRenatus1: nope.. already done.. you did that with the ubuntu-restricted-extras.. the easiest way :)04:49
ZykoticK9Renatus1, i know this is probably bordering on blaspheme in this channel, but you might want to checkout Google Chrome (I didn't initially like it, but have come to LOVE it - much fewer problems with FF)04:49
Renatus1ah okay, i love google chrome, i have it installed, but it wont even launch04:50
web1109maco: it was timed04:50
jschallhow can i completely remove gnome and all of its default programs?04:50
web1109maco: so suspend after 15 minutes of inactivity, then it would transition to hibernate after 2hrs04:50
macoweb1109: oh ok. yeah that is supported assuming your hardware doesnt hate linux, however there's not an easy way to do it04:50
jschallhow can i completely remove gnome and all of its default programs? i want to switch to kde entirely04:50
IdleOnejschall: and keep only kde?04:50
confusseddoff topic: whats a good channel for web development?04:50
jschallIdleOne: yeah04:50
scunizi!purekde | jschall04:51
ubottujschall: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »04:51
IdleOne!purekde | jschall04:51
Guest24147how long would you think it would take to run clamscan on a 350 GB harddrive (Pentium 4)04:51
web1109maco: so the timer way is more common? is there actually hardware that while in suspend could sense low battery and wake up to hibernate?04:51
macoweb1109: i only know that its possible to tell it to wake up after a certain amount of time because there wasa bunch of suspend testing a while back where the test script did that04:51
scuniziIdleOne: beat you to it :)04:51
IdleOnescunizi: team work :)04:51
macoweb1109: yes, there is hardware that could sense low battery and switch to hibernate. thats what i thought you were asking about. it's not common hardware04:51
doofy_I'm trying to install on my macbook pro... I want to install over the network. I created a small partition that I could boot from, but I don't know what files need to go on the partition to start the install process04:51
pupusercb9bd8I need help installin my soundcard in Ubuntu 9.10, anyone willing to help?04:51
IdleOnejschall: welcome04:52
scuniziIdleOne: now that's teamwork lol ..04:53
web1109maco: thanks for clearing this up for me =] So should I just set sleep_type_battery to hiberate?04:53
macoweb1109: i dont know how to do it, but this was the test script and it does it in there somewhere: http://people.canonical.com/~apw/suspend-resume/test-suspend04:53
Renatus1so how do i find the ssid for my wireless network?04:54
macoweb1109: so, theoretically, you could write a script that sets an alarm an then suspends and then resumes after a while then hibernates ... and use that instead of a normal call to "pm-suspend"04:54
macoweb1109: this sounds like the sort of thing i should try ^_^04:54
web1109maco: thanks for the link, I'm glad to know there is interest towards this functionality. On this system though I wanna keep it stock & configure via gui04:54
ZykoticK9Renatus1, ssid = wireless network name, you could find it on the router setup, or browse for it if it's being broadcast04:55
web1109maco: yeah hibernate on inactivity works great, except now I need to choose a good time compromise, so it doesn't go to hibernate too soon, yet so I don't often wait for it to unhibernate04:55
sdwrageis there something similar to system-config-display for ubuntu?04:56
razertekRenatus1: go to your browser and type
Roastedhey guys - I'm on a livecd trying to use the partitioner to extend my home directory through 80gb of unallocated data, but I can't seem to select it. Would anybody know why?04:56
Maz3MikeAnybody a genious with IPTABLES?04:57
web1109maco: I think of running a test to see how long it would keep the charge on suspend, but I don't want to risk it just shutting off without clean shutdown... so I'm gonna have to go with hibernate it seems04:57
IdleOneRoasted: is the unmounted?04:58
x_orDoes anyone know how to install something (perhaps using ivman) so that when a cdrom is inserted a script is run?  I need to do this from command line, so don't want it to be in a gnome file or something.04:58
RoastedIdleOne, yes.04:58
RoastedIdleOne, it started with 2 unallocated partitions. I couldnt understand why they werent grouped together.04:58
macoweb1109: you can extrapolate... my laptop used to reach 50% after 6 hours, so i knew it was 12hr max suspend time. (it now has a 24hr suspend time, yay)04:58
RoastedIdleOne, I expanded through the first unallocated partition which was only 7gb. but it wont take on the 2nd one @ 80gb.04:59
scuniziRoasted: if they are unallocated and contingent (next to each other) how about just deleting them and creating one large one.?04:59
web1109maco: ah nice tip to find out the limits. But then I'd have to remember to wake&hibernate or plug it in =]05:00
IdleOnescunizi: after resizing doesn't gparted auto mount the partition?05:00
Roastedscunizi, because I have data in my home partition.... I need the home partition to take over the rest of the drive thats unallocated.05:00
iflemaweb1109 have you a setting for what to do when battery critically low in power managment...  set that and the do ya test...05:00
scuniziIdleOne: no. not unless you tell it to05:01
scuniziRoasted: ok.. perhaps deleting the empty one then try to increase the size of the other05:01
Roastedscunizi, the empty one is deleted. its unallocated.05:01
mrbobhello this will only take one min of your time and will allow me to get access to the greatest electronic music library just click and close thanks! http://0day.musicore.net/?release=256705:02
IdleOneRoasted: unallocated doesn't mean it's gone05:02
macoweb1109: what i do with mine is that if i shut the lid while unplugged, it'll suspend but if it turns off due to low battery, it'll hibernate. i figure i'll only be shutting the lid if i'm shoving it in a backpack or leaving it alone for a while, so...05:02
IdleOneRoasted: delete the unallocated partition then resize your /home05:02
scuniziRoasted: ah.. I misunderstood.. then let's do the reverse.. format it with the same filesystem as /home.. and *then* stretch /home05:02
RoastedIdleOne, I did delete it. Theres no deleting. The only option I have is to create new. It's gone.05:02
Fezzlerhow do I stop pulseaudio so I can use Jack?05:02
web1109iflema: as I currently understand, karmic would only go to hibernate if the sytem is not suspended. And I don't want it to just power off uncleanly when battery dies on suspend05:02
IdleOneRoasted: ahh ok. try what scunizi just suggested05:03
wolterFezzler, [# chmod -x /usr/bin/pulseaudio]05:03
wolterFezzler, then use jack05:03
MK13how can i make a program that accesses the keyring have to ask for permission again after choosing "Always Allow"?05:03
barcodei used "ubuntu image writer" and it messed up my dads usb drive :/05:03
barcodehow do i turn it back to normal :(05:03
wolterthen [# chmod +x /usr/bin/pulseaudio] to let pulseaudio run again (thats what chmod +/- x does)05:03
web1109maco: your last comment creeped confusion back into my head, I thought I had it...05:03
usserweb1109, does it die uncleanly, it was my experience that it would come back from suspend then shutdown normally05:03
macobarcode: messed up?  all it would've done is erase what's on it and install ubuntu on it instead...05:03
Fezzlerwolter>> huge latency with pusleaudio in jack05:04
macobarcode: just format it to erase ubuntu...05:04
barcodei burnt a image file on it05:04
Roastedscunizi, no dice. In fact, once I created the new EXT4 partiion, its weird. its kind of lined up differently than swap/root/home.05:04
barcodeand it make 3 different partitions05:04
Roastedscunizi, is that a red flag its a different type?05:04
Fezzlerwolter>> I have jack running05:04
barcodei burnt chrome os on it05:04
macoweb1109: er, i dont use gnome. you might not have such options...05:04
web1109usser: I'm afraid to test if it dies uncleanly!05:04
wolterFezzler, so, whats wrong with the commands i told you to run?05:04
iflemaweb1109 go on... happens to me during storms all the time... sudden blackouts that is...05:04
macoweb1109: but in kde, i can have a "if i shut the lid while unplugged:  suspend" and "if it is on and unplugged and the battery gets really low: hibernate"05:04
scuniziRoasted: is /home also ext4? and by lined up differently ..how do you mean?05:05
web1109maco: but what about "if it's in suspend and battery gets low"05:05
Roastedscunizi, I mean physically, on the left side where it says /dev/sda*, its lined up differently.05:05
mrbobhello this will only take one min of your time and will allow me to get access to the greatest electronic music library just click and close thanks! http://0day.musicore.net/?release=2567 I NEED 100 HITS05:05
macoweb1109: no, no option for that. though now i'm thinking i'll try (ahem, keyword) to implement such a feature for 10.1005:06
Roastedscunizi, let me try and type up in pastebin how it looks to me, 1 second bro.05:06
barcodei need help :/05:06
barcodei tried reformating the flash drive05:06
barcodebut i cant erase the stuff05:06
scuniziRoasted: you can screenshot it. and paste that.05:06
macoweb1109: er, i mean to implement the timer based one, not the battery level one05:06
macoweb1109: the battery level one requires hardware that supports that and thats not common05:06
Roastedscunizi, Im not on that computer. Im almost done typing it, 1 sec05:06
web1109maco: oh you are a developer. nice, very good to see you interested in this function!05:07
web1109maco: yeah timer based is sufficient05:07
macoweb1109: oh yes i was wishing i had hardware that could do the battery based one. what you're saying sounds like the perfect way to fake it!05:07
Roastedscunizi, http://pastebin.com/m7cbb748405:07
Roastedscunizi, sda3 is the problematic one. I want it to merge with sda7.05:07
Renatus1Why do I have to add accounts everytime I restart pidgin?05:08
web1109<-- confused again, fake what?05:08
Fezzlerwolter>> didn't work05:08
Fezzlerwolter>> even closed jack and ardour and restarted05:08
macoweb1109: since most hardware cant do battery-based, timer-based seems like a good way to get a similar effect for people with normal hardware05:09
barcodemy flashdrive: http://pastebin.com/m6d3c45ff :(05:09
macoweb1109: so you just gave me a way to get what i want :)05:09
web1109maco: ok, i understand.05:09
wolterFezzler, but is pulseaudio keep running? you have to [$ pkill pulseaudio] after you run the first command, but i thought you knew that05:09
wolterFezzler, when you finish you do the chmod +x command05:09
scuniziRoasted: I see that.. I think what the issue is, is that sda3 is a primary partition and sda7 which is /home is inside an extended partition.. the 2 are mutually exclusive.. how large is sda7?05:10
Roastedscunizi, sda7 is 105gb05:10
F223how do I install a theme into compiz?05:10
Fezzlermissing operand05:11
Roastedscunizi, what happened was I had a 160gb hdd and my boss got me a 250gb hdd. Using a DD cloner at work, I just cloned them, which dumped 160's contents + partitions on the 250 as-is, leaving the 83-ishgb unallocated at the end. I assumed I could just use gparted to extend /home accordingly.05:11
bucket529Using Xubuntu 9.10, I changed the resolution of one user, and now that user cannot log in - GDM keeps restarting. Other users can log in just fine. How can I change the resolution for that user back to a good setting?05:11
scuniziRoasted: well to make it work you're going to have to delete the sda3 partition and then create it in the Extended partition..05:11
web1109maco: well now I understand the current limitations and will look forward to future release. And currently I'll user the hibernate on inactivity, not big deal, compared to that before karmic it would hibernate =]05:11
Roastedscunizi, deleting sda3 isnt a problem. What do I need to do exactly? delete sda7 + sda3 and create 1 large one?05:12
ZykoticK9F223, compiz doesn't really use themes.  are you talking about Emerald?  what theme is it?05:12
sceo1in Karmic, how can I force to boot with a safe resolution?  just plugged in a new LCD TV and by the time gnome/gdm starts it just says "Unsupported" on my blue screen.  It works in CLI just fine.05:13
F223ah, got it working :)05:13
F223had to DL emerald05:13
web1109maco: err I meant before karmic I had more troubles on battery.05:13
scuniziRoasted: no.. delete sda3.  It is currently a primary partition.. with that space available you'll need to use it to create another partition in the Extended portion of the drive..05:14
F223hmmmm... I'm enabling the theme by doing "emerald --replace", do I have to keep that terminal window open all the time for the theme to stay eneabled?05:14
Roastedscunizi, not entirely sure I know how to do that... Im a little lost by what you mean "create it within the extended portion of the drive"05:15
Roastedscunizi, do I just need to have sda2 highlighted when I create it , or what?05:15
scuniziRoasted: look at your pastebin.. you'll see sda1 is the widows side.. then sda2 is labeled "Extended".. inside of that is Swap, sda6 and sda705:16
Renatus1How do i find the BSSID of my router05:16
=== EcKstasy is now known as JNSamuel
scuniziRoasted: Extended partitions get around the 4 primary partiton limitation of harddrives05:17
rj1ok while working with my sansa fuze I tried to get it to work with banshee in MTP, wasnt working so I just said forget it and used MSC. I now have TWO problems. One: It shows two devices whenever I plug in my sansa, Two: I accidentally told it to automagically open banshee whenever it is plugged in. where do I change that?05:17
gooseI'm trying to generate a 10000 bit RSA key, but I think my /dev/random has dried up..how can I replenish it?05:17
seedehi all! im trying to use rlwrap to get around the missing ctrl-R, history readline functionality missing from mysql by using rlwrap -a mysql05:18
ZykoticK9rj1, re banshee-auto opening -- open Nautilus (the file manager), Edit / Preferences - Media tab -- Music Player05:18
Roastedscunizi, I dont understand entirely. If I create a new partition, I HAVE to create a primary one - extended is not an option. But youre saying I have to create it within sda2... but I dont understand how I force the partition Im maknig to be under sda2 when the only option I have is primary.05:18
DVS01seede, how would you feel about using /dev/urandom?05:19
seedebut when i ctrl or type up to view history it looks like "use\040foo;" or "show\040databases" anyone know why the whitespaces are being replaced with \040?05:19
semitonesWhy doesn't ubuntu use a real time kernel by default?05:19
scuniziRoasted: hummm.. let me look at my version of gparted05:19
James_-_COuld someone offer up some recommendations as to the best partitioning plan if I plan to have some type of scheduled backup to a external or network drive... What I mean is what do I want on separate partitions so that reinstatement will be much easier?05:19
katylsemitones: It's unstable, there is a chance that two processes could try to manipulate the same data at the same time and cause instability.05:20
DVS01James_-_: you may want to separate /home05:20
ouyeshi everyone05:20
Topy44i want to build a few packages from source on my rather limited netbook. i do not want to permanently install all the build requirements on it. is there a nice and simple way to sandbox all of it?05:21
semitoneskatyl: hmm, ok. Why is it used in Ubuntu Studio then?05:21
ouyeshow to restart the wireless connection afer kill some wireless processes(for some testing)05:21
Flannelsemitones: realtime kernels don't perform the way most people want a computer to perform05:22
James_-_DVS01 yea I was thinking /home was a given... but where would other user controlled or defined setting and such be stored that I would want to have restored quickly if things went bad05:22
semitoneskatyl: Flannel: it was something about low latency that I don't understand05:22
DVS01James_-_: /etc holds a lot of settings05:22
James_-_ok thanks05:22
DVS01/usr/local/ perhaps, depending on what you got installed05:22
DVS01you have to get a bit more acquainted with what exactly you're trying to accomplish though05:23
scuniziRoasted: ok.. not sure if this will work but you may have to actually extend/stretch the Extended partition first after deleting sda3.. if that works then extend sda7 from inside the extended partition.05:23
Roastedscunizi, youre suggesting to extend sda2, not sda7?05:24
James_-_DVS01 ok, my goal is to build a dream desktop... just want to get a good game plan going, I have 4 linux servers and a few other linux boxes most all Ubuntu... tonight is the start of a new desktop workstation for my home office05:24
scuniziRoasted: yes as the first step.. because sda7 is actually inside the sda2 container.. if that makes sense.05:25
Roastedscunizi, I hereby declare you, sir, a genius.05:25
scuniziRoasted: process of elimination.. is it working?05:25
Roastedscunizi, Once I expanded sda2, I was able to apply the space to sda7.05:25
Roastedscunizi, yeah, 2/3 steps done05:26
scuniziRoasted: YEA!05:26
Roasteddone, rebooting05:26
Roastedscunizi, youre the man. thanks a lot. saved me a lot of headache.05:26
scuniziRoasted: took a while but it's something I won't forget :).. glad to help05:27
iflemajames_-_ put all 4 of ya servers on a vm and save on the power bills :)05:27
ShapeShifter499I got a few questions about the, ruby, python, and java packages found on cydia05:27
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ShapeShifter499my bad05:28
ShapeShifter499wrong channel05:28
sdwrageHey guys, I am trying to get into display settings and all I get is this message: http://pastium.org/view/bd774f4e0fcc6e60e568ccebbb2df64605:28
sdwrageI am using vmware05:28
HelloThereOhi there05:29
seedeso no one knows why rlwrap might change whitespace into "\040" ?05:29
sdwragevmware player rather05:29
scunizisdwrage: and this error is from the guest OS ??05:29
RenatusOkay, so I'm about to uninstall ubuntu just because it wont save my WEP key!!!!!05:30
HelloThereHow um... do I join a wireless network on a freash install05:30
scunizisdwrage: you're probably better off asking in #vmware05:30
HelloThereI am new to ubuntu05:30
niakahi, i have a problem when booting from the 9.10 64 bit installer cd. I can move the marker up and down, but nothing happens if i press enter on "Install Ubuntu" and "Try to install without any changes". Only choice that works is boot from first harddrive. Anyyone know what this can be? Tried searching but it's a bit hard to define in search.05:30
scuniziRenatus: wep is pretty horrible anyway.. have you tried wpa?05:30
ouyesRenatus,  how , it works fine for me05:30
sdwragescunizi, yes05:31
keepsakeWine and playonlinux works for me, but whenever I install an app it says that it cannot be configured: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m3b89b0cf. Anyone have any ideas?05:31
Renatusi have to manually enter the wep key every time i log on or off, it just wont save it in the network manager05:31
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ouyesRenatus, after making a success connection, the system will connect to the original AP automatically next time05:32
ouyesRenatus, make sure the wired line is cut off'05:33
RenatusBut it doesnt! I have to lookup the wireless networks, click on mine, and enter the 26 digit wep key each time, and the only wire plugged in is the power cable right now05:33
iflemaniaka have you tried05:33
ouyesRenatus, do not use WEP,  it is so  risk05:33
scuniziRenatus: I think what he means is to disable "wired" in ubuntu's connection manager05:33
chipgerihow do i install php 5.2.10?05:34
sdwragescunizi, know what it could be?05:34
Renatusand I have no choice but to use WEP because my dad has the network set up the way he wants it05:34
HelloTherewait this seems relevent to what I need to know!05:34
HelloThereHello there, completely new user to ubuntu05:34
HelloThereis there a way to get the like.. wireless network thing to show up like it does on windows?05:35
ouyesscunizi, you can change it anyway , it is not safe mate05:35
HelloTherelike.. networks' names and their associated security05:35
scuniziRenatus: suggest this to your dad.. you'd be better off turning wep off, turn off ssid broadcast and limit wireless connections to MAC addresses you manually enter in the router05:35
scunizisdwrage: #vmware05:35
Renatusbut then at my university they use WEP keys soooo i dont think i could convince them that05:36
scuniziRenatus: then show him this post to convince him.. http://ubuntulinuxhelp.com/using-ubuntu-to-crack-wep/05:36
ouyesRenatus,  scunizi ,you just need to use wpa2, never wep , it can be cracked in less than one minute05:36
keepsakeThat's provided someone would be bored enough to try to hack the network =P05:37
scuniziouyes: I'm aware of that.. looks like Renatus 's university isn't05:37
HelloThereSo, there isn't a way I take it?05:37
RenatusOkay, well I know that wpa is better, but theres still the question of why wont it save the key?05:37
ouyesscunizi, renatus's university?it is none of its bussiness05:38
web1109Renatus: have you changed your login password? in Jaunty I changed my login (sudo) password and that caused problems with keyring05:38
scuniziRenatus: maybe this will help http://mediakey.dk/~cc/howto-use-wep-encryption-with-ubuntu-linux/05:39
Renatusno, its been the same, but i do have an error that comes up about ICEauthority05:39
ouyesRenatus,  frankly, i have no idea, maybe you just had bad luck05:39
Flannelseede: is that \040 (octal?) or 0x40 (hex)?05:39
Renatushaha okay, well thanks anyways05:39
web1109Renatus: does it remember you schools key?05:40
usserRenatus, its probably not wep that they use, rather dynamic wep with RADIUS authentication, its much more secure than wep or wpa05:40
Renatuswell, I dont know, I installed ubuntu today but I'll be able to see tomorrow05:40
iflemaHelloThere click once on the end to end maracas near the clock it looks like two ends plugged together05:41
ouyesRenatus,  which version of ubuntu ?05:41
perscitusWhy isnt Sharing Options showing up in contextual menu in nautilus. nautilus-share is installed05:41
ouyesRenatus, is it a regular release?05:41
tolpicoI modified a panel to autohide on right side. It seems to be gone forever. Its not popping back. Is there a shortcut or way to show all panels?05:41
RenatusI d/led it from the website and burned it onto a CD05:42
perscitusRenatus.->  it's 9.1005:42
ouyesRenatus, 9.1 you sure?05:42
HelloTherewait what, iflema?05:42
web1109Renatus: when you connected to you home wifi, did it just ask you for wifi key or also for sudo password?05:43
RubyirisI'm having problems registering SHDOCVW.DLL. I get the error message err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'shlwapi.SHOpenRegStreamA' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\shell32.dll". If you are using builtin L"shell32.dll", try using the native one instead.05:43
perscitusRenatus.->  Ubuntu version system is Year.month of the release date05:43
Rubyiriswine: Call from 0x71520d78 to unimplemented function SHLWAPI.dll.437, aborting05:43
Rubyirisfixme:ntdll:RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb no mapping for 8000010005:43
RubyirisFailed to load DLL .wine/drive_c/windows/system32/SHDOCVW.DLL05:43
Random8329.10 = 'nine point ten'. the ten means october05:43
FloodBot1Rubyiris: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:43
Renatusonly the WEP key, no sudo pass05:43
matumy life changed since i deleted windows, i stopped to deal with virus, system crash and unknown error messages05:43
keepsaketolpico: Alt+F2 -> "gconf-editor" -> apps -> panel -> toplevels05:44
keepsaketolpico: Fool around with the settings and see if you can figure it out.05:44
perscitusRubyiris.->  First, use WINE Repository and not Ubuntu one. Then goto #winehq.05:44
ouyeshei , does anyone know how to restart the wireless connection after killing all the process related to wireless?05:45
perscitusRubyiris.->  WInehq website far more updated version then one in ubuntu repository.05:45
Rubyiriswwhats a repository.05:45
onetinsoldierRubyiris: seems like you'd be better off putting all that in the #wine channel05:45
keepsakeThe #wine channel is pretty chirpy usually05:45
perscitusonetinsoldier.->  #winehq05:45
ouyesscunizi, the website you give about cracking the wep in ubuntu is out of date05:45
onetinsoldierperscitus: ahh, thanks05:46
tolpicokeepsake, thanks, unchecking autohide on panels_'s did the job. Seems there are lots of settings to modify here.05:46
keepsaketolpico: Yup, it's best to fool around and learn about ubuntu =P05:46
scuniziouyes: yes.. but the concept is what I was trying to get across.. cracking web has been around for some time05:46
web1109ouyes: do you still have the network icon in top panel?05:46
RenatusHm, so this is the error im getting when i click reload on synaptic, "W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B5"05:46
onetinsoldierRubyiris: try join the #winehq channel ;)05:46
perscitusWhy isnt Sharing Options showing up in contextual menu in nautilus. nautilus-share is installed05:46
nvmewhen you use an ssh tunnel does it send all your traffic through the remote server /05:47
scuniziperscitus: if you just installed log out and back in again05:47
keepsakeRenatus: The keyring is broken05:47
perscitusscunizi.->  Doesnt matter.05:47
RenatusWhat do you suggest I do than?05:47
ouyesweb1109, yes after kill some process related to the wireless, i have the icon, but there is no ap found05:47
tato42try alt-f2 nm-applet05:48
seedeFlannel: I'm not sure whether that is octal or hex, the literal string I have looks like "show\040tables;" so I guess octal05:48
web1109ouyes: rightclickin on that icon - are there two checkboxes for wired and wireless?05:48
matu1185 people '^^05:48
keepsakeRenatus: Give me one second to paste the command.05:48
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ouyesscunizi,  the latest can be found in the website aircrack-ng.org, it warns all of us wep is risky05:49
keepsakeRenatus: In terminal: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 4E5E17B5, and then gpg --export --armor 4E5E17B5 | sudo apt-key add -05:49
Guest41731does anyone know how to prevent a mitm attack on ssl on local lan?05:49
guest3234anyone familiar with initramfs hooks and cryptsetup?05:49
ouyesweb1109, no just one ,writes "enable networking"05:49
guest3234perhaps i should try a different approach.05:50
web1109ouyes: while usualy it has both wired and wireless, right? you on karmic?05:50
guest3234help, i'm not prompted for my luks passphrase at boot and nothing i've done has fixed it.05:51
zirodayGuest41731: check the certificate05:51
perscitusscunizi.->  I opened nautilus then killall nautilus. works  now05:51
ouyesweb1109, yes as usual, but my situation is not as usual, i am on 9.04.05:51
scuniziperscitus: that works :)05:51
Renatus1So how can I fix my keyring?05:51
* citbun is away (disconnecting...)05:51
perscitusWhat do I install to share files between Ubuntu installs?05:51
web1109ouyes: i dunno, maybe try killing the applet process and then restart it05:52
iflemaGest41731 local lan as in private not public.05:52
keepsakeRenatus1: In terminal: "gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 4E5E17B5", and then "gpg --export --armor 4E5E17B5 | sudo apt-key add -"05:52
Guest41731you can setup a local deb ftp or u can do a ssh to the other systems or u can rsync05:52
clicker4721perscitus: You can use Ubuntu One or some sort of backup/sync client05:52
Guest41731to share files05:52
Guest41731u can tar up anitying and transfer it via ssh/sftp05:53
Renatus1it says permission denied05:53
nvmewhen you use an ssh tunnel does it send all your traffic through the remote server ?????/05:53
Guest41731or just plain ftp05:53
clicker4721Renatus1: What's wrong with it?05:53
keepsakeRenatus1: Sudo all of it05:53
perscitusclicker4721.->  No and no05:53
web1109ouyes: nm-applet would be the command to start it again05:53
Renatus1oh, thought i did heh05:53
clicker4721perscitus: Does that mean you've already tried them both?05:53
perscitusclicker4721.-> They arent options05:54
ouyesweb1101a,  i use the command "kill PID" to kill some process, what is the command to start some process?05:54
keepsakeSharing files between ubuntu installs is done easiest just by... copy/pasting05:54
clicker4721perscitus: Then you're screwed. Unless you have one of those fancy USB/FireWire sync gizmos.05:54
perscitusclicker4721.->  And you probably dont know how then05:55
ouyeshow to show the running processes's pid in the terminal05:55
web1109according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager, alt-f2 then type    nm-applet --sm-disable05:55
guest3234okay, i really don't know how to describe the problem i'm having in detail in a short sentence. the best way i can say it is that the initramfs image is no longer hooking the script that prompts me to mount my luks partition at boot which throws me into a busybox shell letting me know the root device can't be found.05:55
keepsakeouyes: top05:55
web1109ouyes: ps -ef05:56
guest3234that being said, it'd be great if someone in here could help me.05:56
clicker4721guest3235: Re-install. Unless you've already done a lot of stuff, it's free anyway. Just copy off your most important files and re-install.05:56
onetinsoldierouyes: or another command would be like --> ps aux05:56
guest3234Must I?05:56
keepsakeouyes, web1109, onetinsoldier: top is a little prettier =P05:56
TheGreatBungholere-install is always an easy thing to do too =)05:56
guest3234True, but I have a lot on this system.05:57
Renatus1Thanks for all your help guys, you're super! O:-)05:57
|404NotFound|i am following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization and i get http://pastebin.com/m64a867e8 when i try to build iso05:57
guest3234Backing up my home directory won't really cut it.05:57
r4bani desperately need help, karmic doesn't recognize my onboard ac97 audio. i got alsa info script link if someone is interested05:57
clicker4721guest3234: Sync it off; re-install.05:57
web1109keepsake: but does it list all processes?05:57
guest3234the problem is just that the initramfs image isn't loading the cryptodisks hook at boot.05:58
keepsakeweb1109: Pretty sure it does.05:58
ouyeskeepsake,  where?05:58
guest3234do i really need to reinstall for that.05:58
keepsakeouyes: Just type "top" in console05:58
clicker4721guest3234: Oh, more than just home? Try, when you re-install manually partitioning it to avoid overwriting partitions #2-4 ( your /home, /usr, and /somethingelse) ) and05:58
web1109Renatus1: you solved your problem?05:58
keepsakeouyes: Yeah, "top"05:59
ouyeskeepsake,  ah mate yes top05:59
clicker4721guest3234: My bad, that's all.05:59
chipgerihow to install php 5.2.10 ?05:59
briancan Itunes be used with Ubuntu -- with a youtube converter?05:59
r4bankarmic 64bit upgraded from jaunty can't play audio, here's the alsa script info: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=6def1a9bf57765032a828ab6052f0d733986e93105:59
ouyeskeepsake,  thank you , then how to start some process in the terminal?( i know the name of the process , since i killed them05:59
guest3234I don't have /home /usr and /something else as separate partitions.05:59
guest3234It's one giant partition.06:00
guest3234encrypted partition.06:00
clicker4721brian: If you want to take the time to set up WINE, anything will work. And a YouTube converter can just be a FireFox add-on.06:00
clicker4721guest3234: One? Did you do that manually?06:00
guest3234i can manually run cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda1 crypt1 while in the initramfs busybox shell, but it doesn't continue booting.06:00
James_-_ok if i have a drive that isn't mounting on boot how do i make it mount at boot?06:00
guest3234Nope, alternate installer.06:00
keepsakeouyes: Why not just type the name of the process?06:00
brianDoes linux have anything not needing wine to run itunes?06:01
clicker4721guest3234: Whoa! Just left my league!06:01
ouyeskeepsake,  that is it ,quite easy?06:01
keepsakeouyes: Except, append a & at the end, so for example, "firefox &" instead of "firefox"06:01
clicker4721brian: You can use a feathers on SongBird. http://www.getsongbird.com/06:01
guest3234there is a small unencrypted partition to load grub and the initramfs images, but other than that, the rest of the hard drive is encrypted.06:01
keepsakeouyes: That'll start the process in the background so you can keep using the terminal.06:01
guest3234i'm in a xubuntu livecd environment right now.06:01
web1109keepsake: wouldn't that process be terminated on closing the console widnow?06:02
=== sebi_` is now known as sebi`
guest3234i can manually mount the luks partition, it just won't prompt for my passphrase at boot anymore.06:02
keepsakeweb1109: I don't think so.06:02
guest3234there's a launchpad bug describing my problem, if anyone is interested.06:02
iflemabrian virtualbox... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone06:03
guest3234previously made by someone else besides me.06:03
clicker4721guest3234: I don't know what to tell you...just copy off everything you can. I would re-install, but it sounds like you have much more expertise than me. Anyway, if I happened to be you I would know I was screwed and re-install.06:03
nzCamHey guys. Trying to install unbuntu(hardy) through a netboot on my new eee-pc, but am running into troubles detecting the ethernet device. eth0/wan0 don't seem to be detected at all. Anyone had any similar issues in the past?06:03
keepsakeweb1109: Oh, I'm dumb, it does. Then again, if you have GUI, you'd alt+f2 or something06:03
keepsake|404NotFound|: Are you still here?06:03
|404NotFound|keepsake, yes06:03
* guest3234 shrugs06:03
guest3234I guess I could do that.06:03
web1109keepsake: yeah i was gonna say alt f206:03
keepsake|404NotFound|: I think instead of /root/karmic-server, try ~/karmic-server06:03
keepsakeweb1109: He wanted terminal specifically though, so =\06:03
guest3234I have a 1TB NAS, but I still don't wanna.06:04
sdwragekeepsake,  I dont know why I found you asking 404NotFound if he was there ironic06:04
clicker4721guest3234: I see no other alternative. Just salvage whatever you can.06:04
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guest3234ugh, i'm going to lose all the customizations I made.06:04
|404NotFound|keepsake, no use..06:04
clicker4721sdwrage: I must agree. =D06:04
keepsakesdwrage: =P I didn't notice, haha06:04
ouyes another question, when i shutdown the laptop, there is  noise coming out ,06:04
keepsake|404NotFound|: Same error?06:04
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guest3234i spent forever getting suspend/hibernate working, amongst other things.06:05
=== |404NotFound| is now known as error404notfound
web1109ouyes: what is the name of the process you killed?06:05
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keepsake|404NotFound|: What if you set build to "karmic-server"?06:05
clicker4721guest3234: I could only get suspend to work. I gave up on hibernate. Sorry, mate...good luck.06:05
TheGreatBungholeWhy does the new GDM for Karmic suck so much?!06:05
ouyesweb1109, no mate , it is another issue with my t400's sound06:06
crazy2beTheGreatBunghole: it doesn't06:06
ouyesweb1109,  thinkpad t400, maybe the wrong sound driver06:06
TheGreatBungholenot very easy to change themes for GDM now though...06:06
clicker4721TheGreatBunghole: If you don't like it, do what I did: search http://maketecheasier.com/ for the Mac4Lin instructions. If you do them right, you can swear to all you friends you're using a beta MacOSX. =D06:06
hanedo your talk about ubuntu everytime?06:07
clicker4721hane: Got a better idea on the Ubuntu channel?06:07
TheGreatBungholeclicker4721: lol I am all ubuntu, but sounds like an interesting idea06:07
ouyeshane,  most of the time06:07
ouyesweb1109,  get any idea?06:08
hanei just learn english and this too compilcated06:08
Talon_I've gotten a standard Ubuntu 9.10 clean install up and running, any reason why it eats over half of my available ram just being idle?06:08
morphixthe point of the channel called ubuntu.. is for ubuntu talk06:08
morphixthat seems as straight forward as can be06:08
clicker4721clicker4721: I, too, am all Ubuntu--I'd tried other Linux but nothing else worked. Anyway, I wanted to try a Mac anyway, so...Wha-bammie!06:08
clicker4721hane: What language do you speak natively?06:09
nzCamAh, tracked my error. Hardy doesn't seem to support the Atheros/Attansic ethernet devices found on most modern eee-pc's. Any suggestions on how to rectify this? Only option is networking booting at this stage.06:09
keepsakeTalon_: Check what's taking up the ram. Alt+F2 and then "gnome-system-monitor"06:09
web1109ouyes: no idea on the sound driver, i must have missed your question, thought you were still on wireless problem06:09
James_-_Just got a GRUB loading Error 15  now what06:09
TheGreatBungholeHas anyone on here had a good experience with Jolicloud?06:10
morphixnzCam: hardy is pretty old now06:10
clicker4721hane: Ama Google Translate sayesinde türk, hepimiz gayet iyi geçinmek için bilmiyorum! : D06:10
web1109<--- needs to stop using an outdated irc client. I'm having trouble following all the conversatin lol06:10
keepsakeJames_-_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4587202&postcount=906:10
nzCammorphix: Yeah, i plan on updating the kernel once i get it installed06:10
TheGreatBungholenzCam: I think you should thry jolicloud =)06:10
clicker4721TheGreatBunghole: I wanted to try out Jolicloud for a little while, but I like gOS more. http://thinkgos.com/06:10
nzCamThough, i did find https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC/Fixes06:10
nzCamI'll give that a whirl.06:10
hane:) that s easy way06:10
ouyesweb1109,  well, leave the wireless problem a little while , thanks06:11
clicker4721hane: So what if it's cheating, it gets the job done! :P06:11
r4bani got an onboard audio problem: it's not listed on cat /proc/asound/cards06:11
clicker4721Man, you people have more problems than a stick in the mud!!!06:11
keepsake!ot | hane, clicker472106:12
Talon_no one process is taking all my ram06:12
ubottuhane, clicker4721: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:12
web1109clicker4721: yeah but when stuff works it's quite awesome!06:12
Talon_it's got to be all the crap it put in by default that i'd never use06:12
clicker4721keepskake: ???06:12
clicker4721ubottu: I've been sticking to Ubuntu...06:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:12
Talon_bluetooth?! theres bluetooth for computers? lol theres one right there06:12
keepsakeTalon_: Then how do you know half of your ram is being taken up?06:12
Talon_because 500+Mib is taken up out of my 1gb06:13
TheGreatBungholeclicker4721: I think I might try gOS on my laptop... (My laptop is getting old enough that netbook hardware is starting to look equal)  ... Jolicloud worked well on my crap Acer Aspire =)06:13
clicker4721web1109: Yeah, so you go to published, proven online tutorials.06:13
Talon_it all adds up, but its divided amongst a crapload of processes06:13
keepsakeTalon_: And it's not showing up in gnome-system-monitor?06:13
web1109Talon_: can you pastebin the output of    free -m06:13
Talon_yes it is, thats what i'm saying, no one application is the culperate06:14
clicker4721TheGreatBunghole: I don't have any first-hand experience mind you, just aspirations. Anyway, it's either that or the Kubuntu Netbook Remix, which is nothing at all like the UNR. You might wanna check it out, too.06:14
James_-_keepsake thanks for the link but how do i get a prompt when this happens, i have restarted twice after you gave the link and haven't found a way yet06:14
keepsakeJames_-_: Type "grub" in terminal.06:14
keepsakeJames_-_: Provided you're using grub<206:15
Talon_soon as i start virtualbox i skyrocket from 50% to 83% memory usage and its all way too sluggish to even be effective, whats the minimum ram requirements for Ubuntu? apparently 1gb is not enough06:15
iflemaTheGreatBunghole http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-moblin-remix/releases/9.10/release/06:16
TheGreatBungholeclicker4721: Thanks, I will check those out. I haven't heard anything about Kubuntu Netbook Remix, but I will give it a shot too =D06:16
James_-_keepsake I haven't got a terminal yet, apon reboot it shows the normal what hdd are there and then dispalys "GRUB Loading stage1.5.       GRUB loading, Please wait.... Error 1506:16
web1109Talon_: Ubunut is the guest OS?06:16
Talon_no, ubuntu is the main os06:16
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keepsakeJames_-_: Can you access recovery console?06:16
keepsakeTalon_: Virtualbox takes up quite a bit of RAM, unfortunately. 1GB probably won't let you run another OS very well.06:17
web1109Talon_: what is the guest os?06:17
clicker4721TheGreatBunghole: By-the-way, not the gOS cloud, just plain gOS. And iflema is right, Moblin is another good one. However, I don't like shells that have seperate desktops and netbook presenters, like UNR.06:17
James_-_keepsake haven't had the option however can you tell me if I can do it with a live disk06:17
keepsakeJames_-_: Yes, you can. If you go into recovery mode, you can recover grub.06:17
brijithhi All want to configure Evolutions email client to access my gmail account06:17
keepsakeJames_-_: And also enter that prompt06:17
web1109Talon_: yeah i agree with keepsake, 1gb not enought for host and guest06:17
clicker4721brjith: That's easy: Google it.06:18
James_-_keepsake ok let me go try this brb06:18
clicker4721brijith: That's easy, Google it.06:18
keepsakeJames_-_: Are you running ubuntu on a secondary computer?06:18
DifferentkindofI have a slightly daft question I was wondering if a certain program would build okay on ubuntu for arm06:18
Talon_i still dont get why ubuntu uses 50% of my ram without vbox started06:18
James_-_keepsake it is a fresh install not 10m old06:18
keepsakeJames_-_: Did you install it over something?06:19
clicker4721Differentkindof: Sorry, can't help you, over my head.06:19
DifferentkindofThe only languages I see on it's sourceforge site is tcl c and c++06:19
brijithclicker4721:but the probelm is I am accessing internet through a proxy06:19
DifferentkindofSo I think it's feasible06:19
misteralexanderI've seen some googled pages about making an SSH shortcut. The problem, they tell you to create a link through Nautilus. That opens the remote server in a GUI view, I need a "Shortcut" as it were I can click & have it open up in Terminal.  Any Ideas?06:19
trupheenixhi i'm facing a weird issue with apache on ubuntu. my .htaccess files are not working correctly even though i have set AllowOverride All. when i checked my apache error log i found that the rewrite rule is getting executed but it says file not found. any clues?06:19
web1109Talon_: accoring to 'free -m' mine uses 440mb, not much running06:19
clicker4721brijith: That blocks http://www.google.com/06:19
James_-_keepsake yes I think and old ubuntu sever 8.04but i had the live disk format everything06:19
Talon_hang on, let me switch irc clients, i run winxp just for mIRC hehe06:19
keepsakeJames_-_: Are you currently running 9.10?06:20
James_-_keepsake I am installing 9.10 yes06:20
Differentkindofclicker4721: No worries my needs are getting to this point that I should prolly know to do this from scratch and not expect miracles06:20
keepsakeJames_-_: You should have a Recovery mode in the boot CD06:20
brijithclicker4721:no i can access gmail and everything through proxy. But when I setup gmail in evolution It shows some error like can not conect06:20
Talon_free -m shows 692 used06:21
clicker4721Differentkindof: I don't even know what's special about ARM, sorry...seen it somewhere, never read the article...I didn't intend any sarcasm.06:21
Talon_vbox is off06:21
brijithclicker4721:I mean I can access gmail using a browser06:21
James_-_keepsake would that be 'safe graphics mode' under F406:21
keepsakeTalon_: 692 used, how much cached?06:21
web1109Talon_: what about the second line?06:21
Talon_692/988 in use06:21
keepsakeJames_-_: No, boot the disk normally06:21
Talon_132 cached06:22
Differentkindofclicker4721: No worries... One day I'll learn to program myself06:22
clicker4721brijith: Hmm...You have to enable POP access on your Gmail account.06:22
brijithclicker4721:hmm ?06:22
brijithHow can do that ???06:22
Talon_root@Ubuntu:~# free -m06:22
Talon_             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached06:22
Talon_Mem:           998        692        306          0         11        13206:22
Talon_-/+ buffers/cache:        548        45006:22
Talon_Swap:         2376        151       222506:22
James_-_keepsake boot the CD? or the HDD06:22
keepsakeTalon_: So you're using about 560 MB, which to be honest is pretty normal =\06:22
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FloodBot1Talon_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:22
keepsakeTalon_: You're actually only using about 150 MB06:22
Differentkindofclicker4721:  also set which ports cause gmail are different from other services06:22
keepsakeTalon_: Nowhere near the 700 MB that you think =P06:23
keepsakeJames_-_: Boot the CD06:23
James_-_keepsake ok booting06:23
Talon_why so much? windows hardly touches my ram...06:23
web1109keepsake: I think accorinding to second line, discarding cache, he's is truly using 548mb06:23
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web1109which is a tad hgh06:23
iflemaTalon_ im up in gnome, extra things loaded at boot.... footprint a little over 300mb06:23
clicker4721brijith: Differentkindof is right, you have to know your ports, too. Any online tutorial should be able to tell you this, but I can't. Just enable POP access, and find a tutorial. All better.06:23
misteralexanderI need some help making an SSH shortcut. I see on UbuntuForums, they tell you to create a link through Nautilus. That opens the remote server in a GUI view, I need a "Shortcut" as it were I can click & have it open up in Terminal.  Any Ideas?06:24
DifferentkindofYeah it's like 465 for outgoing 995 or something for incoming06:24
blakkheimmisteralexander: just use the cli dude..06:24
web1109Talon_: htop will tell you in pretty colors06:24
keepsakeTalon_: Your usage is actually pretty normal, to be honest06:24
Talon_so i need more ram.06:24
brijithclicker4721:my pop is enable06:24
brijithclicker4721:in gmail06:25
iflemaTalon_ these days one really does need 3+ gig o ram to have fun......06:25
keepsakeTalon_: Essentially; especially if you're looking to run vbox very well06:25
keepsakebrijith: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=1210306:25
clicker4721brijith: Now find a tutorial. Differentkindof said it might be port 465 out and port 995 in. It's worth a shot, but I can't guarantee it.06:26
misteralexanderblakkheim: LOL -- I know, I usually open terminal and type in ' ssh username@server.com ' but (i'm lazy) and just want to double click an icon and have terminal open with the info already there.  I can go to Places > Connect To A Server | but that opens the remote server in a GUI, I need it open in Terminal.06:26
brijithclicker4721:when I posted this issue in a mailing list ,some one told me to change the squid,our proxy, configurations to allow those port06:26
Talon_does kde use less than gnome?06:26
clicker4721brijith: Never heard of it.06:26
DifferentkindofIm running of memory on that clicker4721  and brijith06:26
keepsakeTalon_: Try xfce instead06:26
misteralexanderblakkheim: Am I missing a day-one basic step?  LOL.06:26
keepsakeTalon_: xfce is supposed to be the lightest06:26
blakkheimTalon_: gnome, kde and xfce are all bloated06:26
clicker4721Differentkindof: ???06:26
web1109Talon_: not last time i checked, what is your ram usage on fresh boot? the spot that said 54806:26
DifferentkindofMemory on a tech call last night (server ports)06:27
brijithclicker4721:but I didn't got any further  info, like what are the ports06:27
clicker4721Differentkindof: I don't know what that is...sorry again.06:27
brijithclicker4721:or which line to edit etc ..06:27
clicker4721brijith: We just said some...just plug those in.06:28
hiexpohello all06:28
error404notfoundi am following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization and when i try to build iso i get http://pastebin.com/m64a867e8, any ideas?06:28
ouyeshi you06:28
James_-_keepsake I am at the terminal and have tried bot 'find /grub/stage1' and 'find /boot/grub/stage1'  neither are there according to 'find'06:28
James_-_keepsake sorry hold on typo06:29
ouyesJames_-_,  thanks il coustomizate one for myself after 10.04 LST released06:30
web1109Talon_: btw in System Monitor you can click View > All Processes and then sort by memory06:30
Talon_any way to get a basic list of what packages i can remove to cut my memory usage down?06:31
web1109Talon_: packages doesn't exactly mean memory usage06:32
iAmerikanwhat processes are you running Talon_06:32
web1109depends on what is started in startup programs06:32
koshariTalon_ hhh or ram?06:32
misteralexanderWhen I hit "ALT+F2", what program is that?06:33
Talon_top shows 155 processes running06:33
Talon_well "tasks"06:33
Talon_lots of those "tasks" i prolly don't need06:33
keepsakemisteralexander: It's the "start" program06:33
web1109Talon check in System > Preferences > Startup Applications06:33
James_-_keepsake I have now checked and I DIDN'T have a typo... I have also checked for that file using the GUI... so now what do i do06:34
misteralexanderkeepsake: like /usr/bin/start ???06:34
Renatusso um, can you install madwifi drivers with a dell wlan card 1937?06:34
keepsakemisteralexander: I believe so.06:34
keepsakeJames_-_: Can you get into Recovery mode?06:35
Talon_whats seahorse daemon06:35
misteralexanderkeepsake: nah, I checked.  I'm trying to make an SSH shortcut on my desktop, click it & terminal launches you into the remote server.06:35
keepsakeJames_-_: i.e. restart with the CD, go to Recovery mode, and then select "Reinstall grub bootloader" or something06:35
James_-_keepsake no not from the HDD and I haven't found a option for it with the cd... what I am in is live mode06:35
Talon_k i turned off some services like that printer n bluetooth and dropped in memory usage, still rather high tho06:36
James_-_ok i will look for something like that06:36
keepsakeJames_-_: Go into Recovery mode using the CD06:36
web1109Talon, did you View > all processes in System Monitor?06:36
misteralexanderkeepsake: any ideas?06:36
web1109that shoudl add up, no?06:36
keepsakemisteralexander: What's the command you're trying to run?06:37
keepsakemisteralexander: I don't use SSH myself so I'm not too familiar with it06:37
web1109Talon you maybe can turn off compiz in System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects TAb06:38
Talon_done, didnt help much06:38
j_ackadalal: verything ok with your mp3's?06:39
iAmerikanTalon_, what're your systemspecs?06:39
James_-_keepsake I don't see a option on the black screen of the live disk where you pick live mode or install etc.... however I can get to the 'text interface' if you can give me the command to enter in to recovery mode I will be GTG06:39
misteralexanderkeepsake:  LOL -- I'm trying a bunch of stuff.  I basically want to click an icon on my desktop & terminal will lauch having already known the username & server to connect.  I can do this in Nautilus, but that gives my a GUI connection & I need a CLI connection.06:39
web1109Talon_: on my system in System Monitor 1&2 are Xorg @ 17mb and nautilus @ 16mb06:39
Talon_ps ax shows things like cupsd running, isn't that printing services? i have no printer06:39
keepsakemisteralexander: You need to find a terminal-based SSH program then, probably >>06:40
iAmerikanmisteralexander, I suggest putty?06:40
keepsakeJames_-_: What do you see?06:40
keepsakeiAmerikan: Isn't putty GUI-based?06:40
Talon_so i really dont need a print daemon running since im never going to print06:40
James_-_keepsake i am at 'boot:'06:40
iAmerikankeepsake, my bad. how about the openssh client?06:41
keepsakeJames_-_: Sorry, restart into the main menu of the CD with the Live mode and stuff06:41
keepsakeiAmerikan: I don't know, sorry =(06:41
James_-_keepsake ok06:41
geirhaTalon_: It does allow you to print to file (ps/pdf), so it has some usefulness even without a printer.06:41
misteralexanderkeepsake: LOL -- ALMOST there.  chose to make a "Launcher" for my desktop & just put in my SSH info . . . then BAM it promted me for a password, then nothing happened.  LOL -- Almost there.06:41
James_-_keepsake I am at the live disk screen right after picking english06:42
keepsakeJames_-_: What options do you see?06:42
James_-_try ubuntu with our change, install ubuntu, check disc for defect, test memory, boot from fiest HDD06:43
James_-_keepsaketry ubuntu with our change, install ubuntu, check disc for defect, test memory, boot from fiest HDD06:43
blakkheim!lol | misteralexander06:43
ubottumisteralexander: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.06:43
keepsakeJames_-_: There is no option to enter Recovery mode? That's really strange.06:43
keepsakeJames_-_: Is there something to enable "Advanced mode" or something of the sort?06:43
iAmerikanmisteralexander, http://www.askdavetaylor.com/automating_ssh_with_a_shell_script.html06:44
James_-_keepsake F4 gives these options normal, safe graphics mode, use driver update disk, OEM install06:44
Talon_well i removed cups, now im removing everything related to bluetooth, i have no bluetooth devices or possibility for bluetooth06:45
misteralexanderiAmerikan: Thanks!06:45
keepsakeJames_-_: What does F6 give you?06:46
James_-_keepsake acpi=off, noapic, nolapic, edd=on, nodmriad, free software only06:47
keepsakeJames_-_: Maybe you'll want to try just reinstalling ubuntu06:48
keepsakeJames_-_: If you just installed it, you won't lose much06:48
James_-_keepsake I just found this... if you have time look at it  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub206:48
web1109Talon_: you haven't told us what are the biggest memory consumers on your system, see System MOnitro06:49
James_-_I think I need to look for a difrent file... maybe grub.cfg06:49
keepsakeJames_-_: You're not using grub2 though =\06:49
James_-_keepsake.. ok which grub comes with 9.1006:50
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keepsakeJames_-_: I think grub1 with the CD.06:51
James_-_keepsake Ok will do a reinstall in the AM thanks for the help,  If all else fails I can do more research or just downgrade to LTS if need be06:52
James_-_Night all06:52
keepsakeJames_-_: Sorry I couldn't have been of more help; good luck!06:52
jstooneHi everyone! I am haveing a little problem with my gnome-terminal. When it starts the working directory is in "/" (root) how to I change it to "~/" (home).06:54
keepsakejstoone: Are you logged in as root?06:55
jstoonekeepsake, no i am just logged in on an account with full administration.06:55
keepsakejstoone: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=243332&postcount=606:56
jstoonekeepsake, How did you find that so quick?06:56
keepsakejstoone: The powers of Google =P06:57
jstoonewhat did you search 'cause I have been searching all over the place!06:57
jstoonekeepsake, what did you search 'cause I have been searching all over the place!06:57
keepsakejstoone: "gnome terminal start directory"06:58
keepsakeFirst result =P06:58
jstoonekeepsake, typical, my searches is to advanced xD07:01
jstoonekeepsake, Thanks! It works. (:07:04
keepsakejstoone: =D07:04
misteralexanderkeepsake: Got it.  Create a launcher, but instead of "Application" choose "Application In Terminal".  On the command line (usr/bin/program) instead put " ssh username@server.com "  and then it'll open up in Terminal & then prompt for a password.  100% what I wanted.07:04
keepsakemisteralexander: Ahh, I never realised you could have "Application in Terminal." Thanks, I learned something =P07:05
misteralexanderkeepsake: no prob.07:05
GG19Hey guys I'm trying to hide a .rar file inside a .png image using the terminal  and I'm having a trouble with it I'm putting "brandon@brandon-desktop:~$ cat '/home/brandon/Desktop/HB.png' '/home/brandon/Desktop/HB.rar' >HB1.png" and nothing happens like tutorials gave shown happen. any idea what I'm doing wrong?07:05
rethusi have add a folder /tmp/sammelordner and link from my /home-folder to this . Everytime i restart, the link and the /tmp-folder are gone... why07:06
rethusthats very strange07:06
keepsakeGG19: Try leaving out the single quotes07:06
Xbertrethus, /tmp is deleted every reboot07:06
GG19keepsake,  Ill try that07:07
ultraparadigmHoly Shimolies!!  VirtualBox rocks!!!07:07
rethusXbert: ok, thats one of the suse specials ;) (i come from suse)07:07
ultraparadigmI may never boot windows again!07:07
rethuswhere can i add an folder for temporary files which will not be deletet every boot-time?07:08
GG19keepsake,  nope still nothing07:08
keepsakeGG19: What's the error?07:08
jstooneJust a question. How do you then extract the hidden rar fire from the PNG image+07:08
trovanonultraparadigm, welcome to the real world :D07:08
rethusso i need it only for special download-files which i want to keep for 30 Days07:08
GG19keepsake,  brandon@brandon-desktop:~$ cat /home/brandon/Desktop/HB.png /home/brandon/Desktop/HB.rar > hb1.png07:08
Xbertrethus, you home folder07:08
GG19keepsake,  just goes to a new line07:09
keepsakeGG19: That means the file was created07:09
keepsakeGG19: Except it went into your home folder, /home/brandon/07:09
GG19keepsake,  let me check07:09
rethusXbert: k. thanks07:09
GG19keepsake,  homigod thanks I thought it was supposed to show on my desktop since that where my files where.07:10
firefox_Moblock is blocking everything even though I added http and https  http://pastebin.org/79073 conf  & status http://pastebin.org/7907507:10
jstooneGG19, Can i ask you something?07:11
geirhaGG19: > ~/Desktop/HB1.png   would have put it on your desktop07:11
GG19jstoone,  yes?07:11
keepsakeGG19: Exactly what geirha said, your directory was set to the home folder07:11
firefox_any ideas?07:12
jstooneGG19: Lets say that I got the H1.png file, how would I extract the rar out of it?07:12
GG19jstoone,  you would rename the extension to .rar07:13
rethussearch for a programm which make me ably to sync local-folder and ftp-folder07:13
jstooneOh (; alright (:07:13
keepsakejstoone: Alternately you can look for headers, but that's a little more complicated =P07:13
jstooneGG19, Oh okay, thanks!07:13
rethusso i will choose... copy only newer or non existing files from ftp to local07:13
GG19jstoone,  yup :)07:14
jstoonekeepsake, would you care telling more about that? (:07:14
keepsakejstoone: Well PNG images and RAR files have distinct headers07:14
jstooneGG19, Thnaks (: Good luck in the future07:14
keepsakejstoone: If you hex edit and find the header you'll be able to separate them07:14
GG19keepsake,  thanks again.07:14
littlesmokiecan you guys see this?07:14
GG19jstoone,  you too, I'm still learning Linux07:14
jstooneGG19 I am also new to this awesome world (:07:15
keepsakeGG19: No problem, have fun =)07:15
littlesmokiei'm really new i just got this today07:15
jstoonekeepsake, do you recommend any program for HEX editing?07:15
GG19I am actually having one more difficulty I cant for the life of me find the wizard plugin for compiz.07:16
jstoonelittlesmokie, yes i see what you are writing (:07:16
keepsakeGG19: "Wizard plugin"?07:16
GG19keepsake,  its for more effects.07:16
keepsakejstoone: Not really, anything works07:16
keepsakeGG19, I believe you're looking for CCSM07:17
keepsake!ccsm | GG1907:17
ubottuGG19: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz07:17
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GG19keepsake,  I have CCSM I just need a plugin that adds to CCSM for more features07:17
littlesmokiehey what do you guys recommend for installing windows games on ubuntu?07:18
keepsakelittlesmokie: Regular wine, otherwise PlayonLinux07:18
jstoonekeepsake, Anything? Well I know that I cannot open a file with the .rar extension with   gedit07:18
GG19littlesmokie,  from my experiance dual-boot lol07:18
littlesmokiehehehe gg19 yeah i wanted a reason not to go back to windows07:18
keepsakejstoone: There are a lot of them, for example, ghex or something07:18
keepsakeGG19: Do you know what kind of features it gives?07:19
mooglenorphHi, how do I totally remove GNOME from ubuntu?07:19
mooglenorphI have the latest version of ubuntu NBR.07:19
GG19well one feature it does is that the flames under the mouse that you turn on with super + K stays perminently. also more destop and windows effects Im pretty sure.07:20
BinaryManI was that random guest having initramfs/cryptsetup problems. Ended up fxing the problem.07:20
Renatuswhere do i find what to patch for,  patch -p1 -i bcm43xx-injection-linux-2.6.20.patch07:20
Thomas_LudwigMaybe someone has an idea what I can do. I used sudo chmod 644 */ (OMG) and now I have the problem that the system isnt booting. run-init: /sbin/init: Permission denied kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!07:20
littlesmokiehey i installed recently ventrilo but the hot keys don't work how do i fix?07:21
littlesmokiesorry i'm a noob just got this operating system today07:21
Thomas_Ludwigso i changed /sbin /bin /usr/bin /usr/sbin to 755 but there is no effect07:21
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keepsakemooglenorph: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde07:21
mooglenorphkeepsake: thanks!07:22
keepsakemooglenorph: I'd be careful with that though, it does remove some packages that you might want.07:22
Thomas_Ludwigany ideas how I can repair my filesystem permissions for booting?07:22
jstoonekeepsake, Now I typed   "sudo apt-get install ghex" and it installed but how do I open a fire with this program?07:22
keepsakejstoone: "ghex /path/to/file"?07:23
geirhaRenatus: grep '^+++' bcm43xx-injection-linux-2.6.20.patch     should show you what files it will patch. You're likely supposed to run it in /usr/src/linux-<version>/07:23
mooglenorphkeepsake: what would I be most likely to miss?07:23
keepsakemooglenorph: Haha, the list is actually horribly long =P07:24
keepsakeI'd just keep everything that start with gnome-07:24
keepsakeand remove other stuff07:24
littlesmokiesorry but what IDE and language is used to make applications for Ubuntu?07:24
keepsake(by that i mean, REMOVE the gnome- stuff and erase the non-gnome stuff from the command)07:24
* mooglenorph nods07:25
keepsakeAlso, make sure you don't have the "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" at the end =P07:25
* mooglenorph shudders07:25
keepsakeAnyway, good luck, I gotta go to bed now, almost 2:30 AM D=07:25
CircsI'm having trouble with usb-creator on my netbook. It says "Starting Up" and then doesn't do anything.07:25
amarWhere and what should I add in Ubuntu grub menu to boot into Fedora? I have installed Fedora 12 but don't know how to do it.07:26
jstoonekeepsake, now I got into my Downloads dir in my home folder and in here i wrote "ghex skype-installer-blabla.deb" and it out puts something like "did you mean 'hex' instead of 'ghex'"...07:27
RenatusWhenever i run 'patch -p1 -i bcm43xx-injection-linux-2.6.20.patch' i get a " can't find file to patch at input line 407:28
RenatusPerhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?07:28
RenatusThe text leading up to this was:07:28
Renatus|diff -ur linux/drivers/net/wireless/bcm43xx/bcm43xx_main.c linux-bcm43xx-patch2/drivers/net/wireless/bcm43xx/bcm43xx_main.c07:28
FloodBot1Renatus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:28
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Renatusmy bad07:28
CircsCould someone help me backport usb-creator to my 8.04 netbook?07:29
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GG19I have a question that might sound odd.07:30
littlesmokiewhat IDE is the best for developing programs for Ubuntu?07:30
Guest78034anybody know how i can change my nick07:30
Guest78034since im a guest it wont let me07:30
GG19I have a music folder with about 800+ folders and in each folder has songs if there a easy way to cut all the songs out of all the folders and into one folder and overwrite duplicates on its own?07:31
disappearednghey avidemux 's append option fails only on the audio, any advise?07:32
iflemaCircs what have you done so far....?07:32
Circsiflema, Googled until my brain popped. I just want to make a usb startup disk of a newer relese to put on my netbook07:32
geirhaGG19: find /path/to/music -type f \( -iname "*.ogg" -o -iname "*.mp3" \) -exec cp -t /path/to/destination {} +07:34
iflemaCircs well if ya bailing out.... you can just enable all backports.... or you can do just the one package and its deps.07:34
Maz3MikeHas anybody ever configured a Teamspeak 3 server?07:35
Circsiflema, Oh, ok. Where do i do that?07:35
iflemaCircs https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports07:35
GG19geirha,  ill give that a try07:35
iflemaCircs ill help if get stuck07:35
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farfadetqq parle francais07:36
Renatus1how do i put my wireless card into monitor mode? I have the dreaded broadcom 43xx and i tried patching it with the b43 patch but im not sure how07:36
iflemaCircs there are other ways to do usb startup disks07:37
farfadetquelqu'un parlerais francais svp???07:37
Flannel!fr | farfadet07:37
ubottufarfadet: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr07:37
dacsis there a way i can compress a folder into .hfs07:37
farfadetcoucou qq pourrait m'aider?07:37
Circsiflema, Hmmm probably going to need them, but tomorrow I guess. getting very late here and I thought this wouldn't have been such a battle.07:37
SeViLLaFirefox-3.5 just stop working its saying that i wont start because there is another instance of it running but there is not.07:38
farfadetje tente de crée un nouvel album sur facebook et j'ais un plugin manquant et il ne me dis pas le quel qq serait-il celui qu'il faut?07:38
iflemaCircus look into dd and writing iso's07:38
Circsiflema, I got usb-creator, but it just sits there forever and says "Starting up">07:38
SeViLLacan anyone help07:38
GG19geirha,  is find part of the code?07:38
CircsSeViLLa, go into terminal and type sudo pkill firefox07:38
iflemaCircs e.g. dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/<USB Drive>07:39
SeViLLaCircs: i tried that didnt help i also rebooted same thing07:39
GG19geirha,  I put: find /media/disk/Music -type f \( -iname "*.ogg" -o -iname "*.mp3" \) -exec cp -t /media/disk/Music2 {} +07:39
CircsSeViLLa, does top see an instance of firefox?07:39
GG19geirha,  that look correct before I hit enter?07:40
SeViLLaCircs: nope07:40
geirhaGG19: Yes, that find command searches recursively through the given directories for all regular files (-type f) that end in either .ogg or .mp3, and executes cp with those files as arguments07:40
SeViLLaCircs: i even purged firefox and reinstalled still i get the same message07:40
iflemaCircs and of course http://unetbootin.Sourceforge.Net/07:40
geirhaGG19: It looks correct, yes. It won't output anything though (except for errors if any). If you want it more verbose, add a -v to the cp command.  ... -exec cp -v -t /media...07:41
GG19geirha,  what about AAC or m4a, mp4?07:41
Circsiflema, I hope unetbootin has gotten better. the linux version was broken for quite some time07:41
geirhaGG19: \( -iname "*.ogg" -o -iname "*.mp3" -o -iname "*.aac" ... \)07:42
iflemaCircs 32bit or 64?07:42
wolteris all the software in the ubuntu repositories free *and* open source?07:42
geirhaGG19: Add each extension you want to match like that. -o means "or"07:43
Guest89594How to show an internet-pages sourcecode in Terminal?07:44
GG19geirha,  I put: find /media/disk/Music -type f \( -iname "*.ogg" -o -iname "*.mp3" -o -iname "*.aac" -o -iname "*.m4a" -o -iname "*.mp4" -o -iname "*.wmp" \) -exec cp -t /media/disk/Music2 {} +07:45
GG19geirha,  and nothing showed up after I hit enter07:45
dacsis there a way i can compress a folder into .hfs07:45
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geirhaGG19: Then it's copying07:46
Renatus1why am i getting the error, patch: **** strip count l is not a number, when i type patch -pl < mac80211.compat08082009.wl_frag+ack_v1.patch07:46
macoGuest89594:  "wget -O webpage http://google.com && nano webpage" ?07:46
littlesmokiewhat is a good virtual machine app for ubuntu07:46
macolittlesmokie: virtualbox07:46
littlesmokiemaco: thank you07:46
jcapeIs there any site that has the md5sums of a package contents?07:46
Bennithi, can you print all open files in gedit at once?07:47
Bennitor do I have o cat all files then print? :p07:47
jcapei.e. a way to validate an md5sum on my box against the official package07:47
Guest89594maco, im more looking for a direct way to show it in Terminal07:47
GG19geirha,  oh I see now, is it making a copy or moving them? cause I don;t thing I have the space for 2 sets of musi.07:47
Guest89594maco, i think curl does it07:47
web1109Guest89594: wget http://webpage.com/index.html -O - | less07:48
Guest89594maco, ..just found out07:48
macoGuest89594: oh. ok. heh i was just about to say what web1109 said too07:48
Flanneljcape: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic-security/Release is for karmic-security, for instance (all of the packages)07:48
web1109Guest89594: that's capital O for wget and small o for curl07:48
Flanneljcape: apt verifies that stuff as you download it, I believe.07:48
NameMehi i cannot resize my hard drive useing gparted07:48
Flanneljcape: I'm almost certain, at that.07:48
geirhaGG19: cp copies. If you want to move them, change cp to mv. Though if any of the files have identical names, the last one will overwrite the first one, without warning.07:49
mooglenorphWell *that's* interesting. I nuked gnome with the command from http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde here, rebooted, and am stuck at a light green screen. It seemed to run the normal splash screen fine, and then drops me here. Thoughts?07:50
GG19crap is their any way to stop the current process of copying?07:50
geirhaGG19: Ctrl+c07:50
mooglenorphctrl-alt-f1 doesn't take me back to a vtty07:50
GG19in terminal?07:50
reactormooglenorph, ?07:50
geirhaGG19: In the terminal that is running the find, yes.07:50
IdleOneGG19: yes07:50
GG19geirha,  kk changed it to mv its doing its thing now :)07:52
NameMei need help with gparted useing the live cd .... i donot have ubuntu installed running from cd07:52
web1109maco: here's another one on AC when lid is closed my laptop goes to sleep, but when power cord is removed it doesn't switch to hibernate. Hence I changed sleep_type_ac to hibernate as well. Think I'm good now07:53
mooglenorphreactor: I'd like to boot to a terminal with no login manager. To that end, I removed gnome with the purekde command from psychocats, without installing kde. The boot process works up until when the splash screen would normally end, at which point I get a blank light green screen.07:53
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macoweb1109: oh yeah i noticed that before. thats annoying.07:53
reactormooglenorph, hmm07:53
web1109maco: err I mean't I since also changed lid_ac to hibernate07:54
GG19geirha,  yeah so I imported all my itunes music to rythembox but itunes made a file system by artist name and I had multiple songs that were duplicats so I wanted to force them into one folder and make it sort itself out so my playlist didnt have tons of duplicats on it so I thank you for the help it is much appreciated :)07:54
mooglenorphreactor: which is weird as all get out. I can't use control-alt-f1 (or whatever) to switch to a terminal either.07:55
reactormooglenorph, yeh looks strange07:55
reactormooglenorph, you just had to remove xserver07:55
Guest89594y does "curl | grep word" not work?!07:55
mooglenorphreactor: I should also remove xserver? I don't think it was listed in the command.07:57
web1109Guest89594: i'm a noob in that department but i think you need    -o -    after curl to direct output to stdout07:57
reactormooglenorph, sudo apt-get remove xorg07:57
neuredoes ubuntu have some default gcc options?07:58
neurewhere could i check those?07:58
ouyesan atracting question, how many computing capabilities will it be saved to change from gnome to xfce??07:59
ManDayDoes the time and date applet for gnome-panel offer a calendar? because if, i cant get it to work07:59
NameMei have tryed for 4 days to partition my hard drive todule boot i have tryed useing the installer i have tryed useing gpatred but nothing will alow me to resize the existing partition07:59
NameMewhat do i do?07:59
ouyesNameMe,  backup your data and reinstall it08:00
neureyes that would be the best way to do it08:00
neureget a new hard drive :)08:00
neureor borrow external usb drive08:01
NameMei have tryed for 4 nothing is installed ubuntu is running from the live cd os08:01
ManDayWhat plugin/applet offers a calendar in which I can store appointments and such for gpanel???08:01
NameMescrach that typed before08:01
NameMenothing is installed on the system i am useing ubuntu from the live cd OS08:02
web1109Guest89594: sorry I was wrong, it looks like curl by default outputs to stdout... but  -o - does the same thing it seems08:02
NameMenothing is installed on the system i am useing ubuntu from the live cd OS08:02
Zouglil offtopic but I need help how to turn off the part and joins in mirrgi(s60)08:03
mooglenorphnow that's odd. I managed to switch to a tty, and after entering my username/password it hangs and then times out after 60 seconds08:03
GG19geirha,  I get some things that say "mv: will not overwrite just-created `/media/disk/Music2/07 Track 07.m4a' with `/media/disk/Music/Unknown Artist/Unknown Album/07 Track 07.m4a'" and "cp: will not overwrite just-created `/media/disk/Music2/08 Track 08.m4a' with `/media/disk/Music/Soilwork/Unknown Album/08 Track 08.m4a'"08:03
GG19geirha,  is that smething to worry about?08:03
NameMenothing is installed on the system i am useing ubuntu from the live cd OS08:04
geirhaGG19: Hm. I didn't expect it to do that, but I suspect the -t option is the reason. So it's probably moving the first file, then when a second file with that name comes along, it skips it. It will likely be left in the old tree after it's done.08:05
ardchoilleNameMe: Everything from the livecd runs from cd rom and ram, there is nothing to reinstall. simply reboot and the livecd system is back to its original state08:05
ManDayCan anyone tell me how to create apoointments in the gnome-panel TIme and Date applet?08:05
ardchoilleManDay: those appointments are from the evolution app08:06
GG19geirha,  so if I delete my original folder i should be fine with my new folder08:07
geirhaGG19: find /media/disk/Music /media/disk/Music2 -name "07 Track 07.m4a"08:07
DavidJHeinrichdoes anyone know how i can renew my IP address (get a new one) with a ISP that dynamically assigns IPs?08:08
geirhaGG19: If it finds a hit in Music2, then yes, removing Music should be fine.08:09
GG19geirha,  ahh i see08:09
kslenAnyone know how to get rsync to register * when I'm trying to exclude files?08:09
GG19geirha,  brandon@brandon-desktop:~$ find /media/disk/Music /media/disk/Music2 -name "07 Track 07.m4a"08:09
kslenFor instance Documents and Settings/*/Programdata/Identities08:10
GG19geirha, brandon@brandon-desktop:~$ find /media/disk/Music /media/disk/Music2 -name "07 Track 07.m4a"08:10
GG19geirha,  wtf its not pasting right08:10
GG19geirha,  yeah I have 4 track 07's some are not duplicates08:10
KentrelHi, I don't have any shutdown\logout option in my Main menu in gnome. How do I add it?08:11
jack5463i installed emacs from the live cd. where can i find it and how do i boot it?08:11
ZougKentrel its in the top right corner08:11
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GG19geirha,  its fine though I looked at my folder size from my original folder and its just onder 150mb so its not much I think if I noticed a song missing Ill check the original.08:11
KentrelYeha, but I want to put it in the Main Menu08:12
ardchoilleKentrel: if you want it in youir main menu, remove the user applet at the top right panel08:12
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KentrelOh that worked, lol08:12
papulhi guys :D08:13
ManDayCan anyone tell me how to create apoointments in the gnome-panel TIme and Date applet?08:13
ManDaymissed the reply08:13
ManDayardchoille, can you tell me what package these are in?08:13
papulManDay: double click on a date08:13
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papuli guess08:14
ManDaypapul, doesnt do anything. only thing i can do is drag and drop a date to desktop and then it creates an empty textfile with only a string of the date in it08:14
geirhaGG19: There is a possibility some files are gone though. If the length of the filenames exceed a certain length, it will invoke a second mv, which will overwrite once08:14
ardchoilleManDay: Evolution is the PIMsuite, if you make an appointment in evolution it will show up in that panel applet. What distro are you running?08:14
papulManDay: then use evolution08:14
ManDayardchoille, karmic08:15
GG19geirha,  Im not sure I follow?08:15
ardchoilleManDay: then you should have evlution installed already and it should be in the Office and/or Internet menus08:15
mooglenorphThere we go. It was trying to start GDM, and I had removed GDM.08:16
ManDayardchoille, no, i installed a minimal install. is there any dedicated calendar package that i could use instead of evolution?08:16
ardchoilleManDay: open Evolution, create an appointment and the new date will appear in bold text in the date/time applet fromdown08:16
mooglenorphHow do I disable gdm properly? I just commented out some lines in the init.d/gdm.conf08:16
ManDaywhich, preferredly, links with gnome-panel?08:16
ardchoilleManDay: install the evlution package08:16
ardchoilleManDay: Evolution08:16
ManDayevolution is a mail client, isnt it?08:16
ardchoilleManDay: it's mail, taskis, notes, calendar, etc08:16
ManDaywould be nice if there was a dedicated package. i only need the calendar and i dont like installing stuff which i wont need later?08:17
geirhaGG19: the find will execute "mv -t /media/disk/Music2  file1 file2 file3 file4..." A command has a length limit, so if that is exceeded, it will run another mv -t /media/disk/Music2 file100 file101 file102 ...08:17
ardchoilleManDay: you can use Sunbird instead of evolution but it doesn't show appts in the panel applet08:17
ardchoilleManDay: afaik, evolution is the only app that is linked to from the date panel applet08:18
ManDaythunderbird is afraid of a competitor on the same system08:19
GG196416 was what I had before 6014 is what I have now so 402 songs got deleted and thats not to bad considering I probably had that much or the song was similar in name which means I didn't care to much for it to change it lol and it saved me a crap load of time so I am happy with the result.08:19
ardchoilleManDay: Evolution is one of the first things I uninstall because it's just too much08:19
ManDaysee :-)08:19
papuli want reinstall openssl. but if i try to remove it many other apps are also remove. is there a way to just remove and then install openssl?08:21
Dravekxhow do I lock a user to his own directory?08:21
geirhaGG19: Alright then. How many are left?  find /media/disk/Music -type f     (that will list all files remaining, if they are all music files, append   |wc -l  at the end to count the number of lines08:22
jack5463 i installed emacs from the live cd. where can i find it and how do i run it?08:22
ardchoillejack5463: open a terminal and type: emacs08:23
GG19geirha,  I got ahead of myself and just deleted the folder >.<08:23
MegaHerz|wrkHi all. I can't import address book from Outlook Express to Evolution. Is there a way?08:25
geirhaGG19: Oh, oh well, you still have a lot of music at least ;)08:26
GG19geirha,  I have the files on a mounted drive so they don't go to the trash they just delete is there a way I can make it so I can't delete files off my mounted drive? I'd hate to accidently delete something perminently08:26
GG19geirha,  if its possible would I still be able to read files and add files? just not be able to remove any?08:27
papuli want reinstall openssl. but if i try to remove it many other apps are also remove. is there a way to just remove and then install openssl?08:27
Dravekxhow do I add a user to a group?08:30
Dravekxoh nvm I got it08:30
setkehdoes ubuntu server live disk have ssh enabled i need to do a remote install08:31
ewooksetkeh: not a ssh server, but you can install it.08:31
Polysicscan i somehow get rid of PulseAudio?08:31
setkehewook: i need to do a remote install because i dont have a ps/2 keyboard for the dell poweredge 265008:32
ewooksetkeh: live disk as in live-cd I presume.08:32
setkehewook:  yes08:32
Dravekxanyone hosting??? I need some help.08:33
setkehDravekx: hosting what ??08:34
Dravekx, I got a friend who wants to use some space on my server.08:34
Dravekxand I have no idea how to set it up.08:34
setkehDravekx:  and ??08:34
geirhaGG19: It typically puts a folder .Trash-<uid> at the root of the drive ...08:34
DravekxI added him as a user08:34
Dravekxthats all I know how to do.08:35
Polysicsapparently PulseAudio is not compatible with any existing softphone08:35
Dravekxbut he is getting access denied to everything.08:35
Polysicscan it be removed by any means?08:35
Polysicsi'd be happy with ALSA08:35
GG19geirha,  I have no .trash can I creat one?08:35
DravekxI also want to lock him into his own folder for web access.08:36
Dravekxnot sure how to do that either.08:36
setkehDravekx:  you need to use adduser so you create a home directory for him08:36
goldiehow do you change your nick08:36
Dravekxsetkeh, did that. now what?08:36
realLifeanyone know of a sexy theme I can install? Tell me now or forever hold you're peace08:37
Dravekxgoldie, /nick08:37
geirhaGG19: It should create it by itself, though maybe the way that works has changed in later releases. I don't use nautilus much, so I'm "out of touch" with that.08:37
setkehhe wond get acces denied for /home/hisusername now08:37
neure9.10 has eglibc?08:37
ardchoillerealLife: There are tons of great themes at http://www.gnome-look-org08:37
ardchoillerealLife: There are tons of great themes at http://www.gnome-look.org08:37
GG19geirha,  its fine :)08:37
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realLifeardchoille:  i know that, but what do u think is the best looking? :D08:38
juzgodreel life product08:38
RiverthiefSup guys08:38
GG19anyone know how to create a .Trash folder for a mounted HDD so I can't permanently delete something?08:38
RiverthiefI was wondering, where is a good site for themes, icons, etc?08:39
ardchoillerealLife: one man's trash is another man's treasure, "best" is entirely relative08:39
RiverthiefOther thann the default one, gnome-look or w/e08:39
ardchoillerealLife: but, fwiw, look at SlicknesS08:39
realLifefwiw ? thanks08:39
Dravekxcan someone help me setup a user account for my friend?<Dravekx> Im on ubuntu server, and I want to lock him in his directory where he ca host a website.08:40
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ce_metal_cordcri cwo nie08:40
realLifegdm themes what is this?08:40
TJSDHello. Due to mobo boot problems I have unstalled Ubuntu on my hard drive via a 2nd computer. Is there anyway to get the os to scan the new hardware and adjust to it?08:40
geirharealLife: Theme for the login screen08:40
realLifeoh i c08:41
realLifepossible to get virusses trojans on Ubuntu?08:41
DJones!virus | realLife08:41
ubotturealLife: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2108:41
Dravekxwhat is the initial group a newuser is in?08:41
Dravekxhow do I take a user out of a group?08:42
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realLifeDJones:  thanks08:42
realLifehow do i get all that fancy stuff on my background? like weather etc?08:43
Dravekxanyone answering questions in here? lol08:43
kakaadd to the panel08:43
TJSDis there a ext4 command promp action i can type to reinstall ubuntu from the cd?08:43
TJSDboot from cd sint working08:44
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TJSDor even access the cd...08:44
iflemaDravekx System / Administration / Users and Groups.... just untick the check boxes to remove from group08:45
johe|workhi there, does someone may know the package mantainer of pysnmp ??08:47
mamat_hi, just upgraded my laptop to 9.10. the trackpad mouse doesn't work anymore. usb mouse is ok. xorg.conf says "commented out by update-manager. HAL is now used"...08:47
ShazbotMcNasty'sudo poop08:47
KentrelI have a 5 button MS Intellimouse, and I'm using xev to check out its buttons.08:48
totuxhi @ all08:48
Kentrelthe side buttons are 8 and 9 but there's no 6 and 708:48
realLifegnome backgrounds package, i want to install this, but if I did all the updates is it alreaddy installed?08:48
ardchoillejohe|work: Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>08:49
DJones!touchpad | mamat_ This might help you getting your touchpad working again08:49
ubottumamat_ This might help you getting your touchpad working again: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad08:49
JoeSomebodyHello, what will happen to the boot menu on a system that had xp, then ubuntu, if i also put windows 7 on?08:49
unkmarI would like to offer the ability for a user to kill one of their own programs but limit them to their programs.  ideas?08:49
unkmarcurrently, my option is to execute shoot_self_foot()08:49
MyrttiJoeSomebody: windows will install its own08:49
JoeSomebodyoh, it was karmic clean install08:49
neurehow do i downgrade from gcc 4.4 to gcc 4.3?08:49
johe|workardchoille, damn, okay08:49
JoeSomebodyso i lose my ubuntu choice?08:50
ardchoillejohe|work: for future ref: apt-cache show package_name_here08:50
ultraparadigmDag Nabit!08:50
haneı have a problem08:50
RiverthiefI was wondering, where is a good site for themes, icons, etc?08:50
Polysicswe all do08:50
ardchoillejohe|work:  or for future ref: apt-cache show package_name_here | grep Maintainer08:50
disappearedngPackage libapache-mod-python2.2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:50
RiverthiefOther than the default one, gnome-look or w/e08:50
ultraparadigmI'm installing windows 7 for the third time now!08:50
disappearedngwhat do I do08:50
MyrttiJoeSomebody: you can restore it, but that's what windows does08:50
ultraparadigmI can't get virtual box to mount the guest additions08:51
unkmarJoeSomebody: probably, but you can always reinstall grub using a liveCD and fix that problem08:51
ardchoilleRiverthief:  http://www.gnome-look.org08:51
JoeSomebodyso my menu will have xp and 7 only?08:51
iflema!ask | hane08:51
ubottuhane: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:51
Riverthief<Riverthief> Other than the default one, gnome-look or w/e08:51
JoeSomebodyfigures :)08:51
Polysicsbut can you ask about asking about asking a question?08:51
JoeSomebodyis it hard to fix?08:51
hanemy desktop icons to get lost08:51
ardchoilleRiverthief: the only other one I know is art.gnome.org08:51
RiverthiefThanks :)08:52
hanei use to ubuntu 9.1008:52
Polysicsok, i'll try again: anyone knows how i can blast PulseAudio to outer space and get back good ole ALSA?08:52
iflemahane when/how? why?08:52
khettianyone here play quake 3? im new to linux and am seeking tips to improve game performance, as there are periodic frame drops and generally it feels less smooth than running under xp08:52
iflemahane you do not want to see them?08:53
JoeSomebodywell i guess you'll help me when/if i mess up the boot menu :)08:53
ardchoillepapul: did you find a solution to your reinstall prob?08:54
johe|workardchoille, is there any way to contact motu _not_ by mailinglist08:55
RiverthiefOk...so I got an icon pack. How exactly do I install em o.008:55
ultraparadigmAnyone here run Virtual box?08:55
haneno i cant08:55
RiverthiefI do, why?08:55
ardchoillejohe|work: I think they have a channelhere: #ubuntu-motu08:56
ultraparadigmI'm having trouble mounting the Guest Additions08:56
Dravekxhow do I setup a user to have web access via their home directory??????08:56
RiverthiefWhat is your guest OS?08:56
iflemahane devices that you are mounting or things like my computer and the trash?08:56
iflemahane you on KDE$?08:57
iflemahane you on KDE4?08:57
ultraparadigmit says "Unable to mount the CD/DVD image /usr/share/virtualbox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso"08:57
hanene its gmone08:57
Riverthiefultraparadigm, what OS is it, that your running in VB?08:57
iflemahane ?08:57
iflemahane ?08:57
hanene i use to gnome08:57
ultraparadigmMy Guess OS is Windows 7 Ultimate 6408:57
RiverthiefDid you have to redownload the guest additions?08:57
zambayour guess os?08:58
Riverthiefor did you use an existing copy?08:58
haneubuntu 9.1008:58
ultraparadigmRiverthief, No the iso file is on my file system08:58
iflemahane ubuntu 9.10 cant see icons of thing you moved/created?08:58
RiverthiefWhen did you originally download it? Was it for a x32 guest OS?08:59
ultraparadigmIt's at usr/share/virtualbox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso08:59
farciarz84hi I would like to make a video for youtube from (mp3+jpgs). Is there any tool for linux (as easy and as good as Windows Movie Maker)?08:59
RiverthiefWhen did you originally download it? Was it for a x32 guest OS?08:59
haneyes iflema08:59
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ultraparadigmRiverthief, No it was the AMD64 version09:00
dacsanyone worked with hfs file system09:00
ShazbotMcNastyhooplah file system09:01
Riverthiefultraparadigm, I'm not sure what's wrong tbh. You should open a support ticket on the VB site :P09:01
ultraparadigmIt runs windows just fine too.  I'm trying to share folders though so I need the GA and it tells me it can't mount the image09:01
ultraparadigmRiverthief, I may do that.   Do you have any idea what "(VERR_PDM_MEDIA_LOCKED)" means09:02
RiverthiefNope, unless it's some sort of file permissions prob09:02
Riverthiefsudo chmod +x /path/to/file09:02
haneiflema my english isnt good but i know computer terms so09:02
ultraparadigmyeah maybe09:02
ultraparadigmI'm installing windows again on another guest so that I can make sure it's not because my original virtual drive actually resides on an NTFS drive09:03
ardchoilleRiverthief: Whoa, wait, security flags going up here. Why would you need to use sudo to chmod +x a file?09:03
RiverthiefIt's just force of habit for me09:04
iflemahane do they return after you log in/out or even reboot?09:04
ardchoilleRiverthief: You wouldn't get me to do that unless I knew exactly what that file does, that's a security issue IMHO09:04
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Riverthiefit's a guest additions .iso.09:05
ultraparadigmardchoille, we are taking about a very save .iso file from Virtual box that doesn't seem to want to mount09:05
RiverthiefIt will not pose any sort of security risk.09:05
ardchoilleultraparadigm: Ah, ok09:05
ultraparadigmI'm going to reboot after I install windows on another guest and see what happens09:05
haneiflema no i dont but that was second time09:05
khettiis it possible to change mouse refresh rate in linux?09:07
iflemahane what language you speak best?09:07
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haneiflema russian and turkish09:07
ultraparadigmMan, I'm so excited.  If this virtualbox work out I might just mount my windows partition as a /home directory and just virtualize09:07
haneiflema what ever09:07
haneiflema thaks for help09:08
Riverthiefwhy are you saying "iflema" before everything?09:08
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* iflema nostrovia09:10
c00pHi all - Got a quicky to see if anyone here can get me a better answer than I can think of09:11
c00pI am setting up a ubuntu box @ my mothers work in her lobby to only look @ her website - so I thought I would just not configure DNS and put in the hosts file the few sites they need09:11
c00pbut I was wondering if there was a firefox plugin or something so I could use the box for others things (that will need DNS)09:12
JasonrjMake sure to include facebook and myspace09:12
* iflema youtube09:12
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c00pe.g. every user but the one in the lobby can (i.e. my account that i ssh in) can resolve DNS hosts if possible09:13
c00pna youtube, facebook and myspace are sites I don't want the kids to look @ ... She owns a dance school09:13
c00pbut she does have videos hosted on youtube for it's a catch 22 there - Will porb have to allow Youtube09:13
c00pI know I could also use IPTables here ...09:13
khettiwhat are some tips to improve game performance? im getting random lags, stuttering etc, and the game doesnt feel as fluid as it should. quake3 specifically...09:15
superbokiany experience with http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/ ?09:15
iflemac00p firestarter will do it also09:15
iflemac00p block hostnames09:17
iflemac00p outbound policy = permissive = deny connection/service09:18
c00piflema: firestarter just configures IPTables ...09:18
c00pI do believe ...09:19
iflemac00p so you wanna get dirty?09:19
* c00p dosen't know what that means :\09:19
iflemac00p well... the hard way or the easy way09:19
c00pbut I have written IPTables rules by hand for years ...09:20
iflemac00p sorry what was the question?09:20
iflemac00p just the plugin then?09:20
c00pBasically I want to allow 1 user to only go to 1 website ... and nothing else09:20
KentrelHi, I suddenly can't view any flash videos in firefox on Ubuntu. It just shows a white space where the video should be!09:21
c00peveryone else to go and do what ever ...09:21
Polysicsanyone has pointers on how to get rid of PulseAudio?09:21
Polysicsif i can't do that i have to go back to Windows, which might mean i will start screaming09:22
iflemac00p yeah fire starter = outgoing policy, restrictive = allow only one hostname the ability to use http,https,dns,dhcp09:22
KentrelPolysics, just kill the process09:23
iflemac00p or craft a iptables string09:23
c00piflema: Ta. Or I could just not configure DNS on the box and just add things into /etc/hosts :)09:23
PolysicsKentrel, i then need to replace PulseAudio with ALSA, i suppose09:23
jack5463can emac be used as an irc client?09:23
iflemac00p or ask others... just ignore me...09:24
KentrelI can't get Skype to work with Pulseaudio. Its very frustrating09:24
KentrelI've been using linux for 10 years and every single distro has shitty soundcard support09:24
papulKentrel: try alsa09:24
KentrelIts the number one thing I can guarentee to spend days configuring everytime I get a new distro09:24
iflemaKentrel oi.... pulse is the best yet...lol09:25
c00pKentrel: what sound card do you have ?09:25
KentrelIts onboard sound, but I've had it with the major soundcards too09:25
KentrelI can't select Alsa in Skype09:25
KentrelIts pulseaudio or bust09:25
iflemaKentrel its not linux..... its the manufacturers09:26
c00pI've always had creatives in my desktop and worked a treat in Linux - don't try opensolaris :)09:26
c00pit and sound = more fail than Linux :)09:26
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ultraparadigmYAY!  Reboot fixeded it!09:28
Teclysfor some reason, certain pages won't load on firefox or chrome, but they do on opera09:29
ultraparadigmIt was trying to make windows think that the ISO image was from the CDROM so it needed control of the CDrom which for some reason it didn't have because I kept opening and closing it and it got unmounted or something09:29
Teclyswhen i try to load http://students.asu.edu/employment/search/details?id=23861 it just brings up a white page with no source09:30
ultraparadigmanyway, it mounted the image and I can setup shared drives now!  YAY!09:30
setkehdoes any one know if ubuntu server live cd starts with sshd so i can install over ssh???09:30
Teclysdoes anyone else have problems loading that page?09:31
iflemaTeclys shes there09:32
Teclyshmm. weird. it works in opera a ok09:33
TonyTateSo I have an ext4 /home partition I want to mount to a xubuntu 8.04 system. How do I do it?09:33
Teclysjust not in firefox or chrome.09:33
jack5463what's the name of the irc client in ubuntu?09:33
TonyTateIt seems 8.04 doesn't support ext4.09:33
nrgthere are many09:33
unRuheis there a user management tool like kde's 'kuser' for gnome and if so whats its name?09:33
SwedMikeTonyTate: if it doesn't support it, then it doesn't work. you have to copy the information to another place and reformat.09:34
iflemasetkeh server is not live..... install only09:35
setkehiflema: ok but can it be installed over ssh ???09:36
TonyTate\join #ubuntu-es09:36
TonyTateDamn LaTex.09:36
geirhaTonyTate: Hehe :)09:37
iflemasetkeh ssh install are possible... of server not sure.. ill have a look09:37
setkehiflema:  cheers :D09:37
Fjordsideanyone know a tool for menu bar to show network dl/upload speed?09:38
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DJones!irc | jack5463 Typically xchat/pidgin for Ubuntu, irssi if you prefer a text based client, and I'm not sure about kubuntu's default09:39
ubottujack5463 Typically xchat/pidgin for Ubuntu, irssi if you prefer a text based client, and I'm not sure about kubuntu's default: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines09:39
iflemasetkeh https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/OverSSH09:39
setkehiflema:  thanks mate09:40
Untouchab1e_why is it that the performance in Windows decreases over time while *nix systems dont. It seems like the stability and performance of Windows is affected by the amount of software installed or at least by the installation of certain software, while in Unix, the only thing that seems to affect performance is the amount of proccesses running at a given time09:40
Teclysin other news, i can get my sound card to play a noise a startup and when i click test in multimedia settings, but no other time, and i don't know how to fix this. any ideas?09:40
Untouchab1e_I reckon the system registry in Windows is relevant, as it has to handle the ever increasing registry.. while in Linux you just handle single files..09:40
Untouchab1e_but there must be something more09:40
Teclyslots of programs on windows run small background processes that are horrible wasters of memory, and over time these can build up in the background09:41
geirhaUntouchab1e_: Not much spyware for linux, so no spyware reducing performance, and no antivirus checking your every move09:41
unRuheUntouchab1e_, maybe redundant libaries in windows too09:41
iflemasetkeh apparently a live cd with ssh server installed will get you started....... = mission09:42
Untouchab1e_geirha: I am sure spyware is a culprit, but its not a core reason imho.. Because regardless of spyware or not, boot times increase, general system performance decreases and stability becomes shabby as well09:42
jack5463ubottu, i saw someone using google translator inside irc. said he wrote it with emac. Is there documentation on how to do that?09:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:42
iflemasetkeh pxe09:43
Untouchab1e_unRuhe: maybe, but isnt that fixable?09:43
unRuhemost windows software comes without dependencies, if the prog need f.e. a python interpreter it will be shipped with the program09:43
alias_dso for some reason i cant get virtualbox to "see" my ubuntu.iso to install it on the virtual machine i have created for it09:43
alias_dwhat am i missing?09:43
geirhaUntouchab1e_: filesystem fragmentation is also a problem on windows09:44
Untouchab1e_geirha: regardless of using NTFS or FAT?09:44
KenBW2I'm using the following command $ rsync -vzr -e 'ssh -p 2222' --progress --exclude 'meta' "/home/kenneth/Websites/Haygarth Practice" kenbw2@haygarth-practice.co.uk:www/testbed.haygarth-practice.co.uk/09:45
ultraparadigmDo I need to install device drivers in my Virtualbox Windows?09:45
=== Untouchab1e_ is now known as Untouchab1e
KenBW2but i want the *contents* pf Haygarth Practice to be synced to the remote folder. what am i doing wrong?09:45
tiger2wanderHi all09:46
geirhaUntouchab1e_: I'm not an expert on the subject, but I believe ntfs is an improvement over FAT, but still does get fragmented. ext[2-4] goes to great lengths avoiding fragmentation in the first place.09:47
Untouchab1egeirha: interesting..09:47
Untouchab1eNTFS is not a journaling filesystem.. is that the reason why its so exposed to fragmentation?09:48
tiger2wanderHow about bug internal SD card reader not detected by kernel without card plugged-in?09:48
tiger2wanderI'm using 9.10 64 bit desktop version on HP Compaq CQ4509:48
electhortiger2wander: What is the problem? I guess you have already stated it, but I don't have any logs of the issue09:51
ardchoilletiger2wander: that's normal.. only file systems are mounted and detected and there's no file system on a card reader unless the card is in the reader09:52
tiger2wanderelecthor, my internal card reader is not detected by kernel if I have not plug card into it, but if I reboot my computer with card inside slot then I'll see the device detected by command: lspci09:53
ardchoilletiger2wander: my external SD card readers are the same way09:53
tiger2wanderardchoille, The last time I've used Ubuntu 9.04 32 bit and I can see the card reader in the list of lspci command09:54
tiger2wanderEven after I have do insmod or modprobe command to insert sd card reader kernel module, my card reader device is not show in list of lspci09:55
nick635mirc1ciao atutti09:55
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:55
c00piflema: I thnakyou for your suggestion09:56
* iflema :)09:56
iflemawhats the setting to make xchat sound when one gets a highlighted message or whatever.....not private?10:00
abuhello any one tell me the command to install netscape browser10:00
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icerootabu: i dont think there is a netscape browser anymore. try apt-cache search netscape to find out and use sudo apt-get install packagename10:02
iflemaabu netscape/seamonkey? firefox?10:02
abui tried10:02
icerootabu: why not using firefox?10:02
electhortiger2wander: You could try the command lshw - it always suggests running lshw as superuser, but I would only do that if the sd card port doesn't show up in non-superuser mode10:03
abui have some work with netscape10:03
tiger2wanderelecthor, I did it but no any information about my card reader :(10:05
iflemaabu seamonkey is whats left of netscdape communicator10:05
geirhaabu: «AOL officially announced that support for Netscape Navigator would end on 1 March, 2008, and recommended that its users download either the Flock or Firefox browsers, both of which were based on the same technology.» - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netscape10:05
iflemaabu seamonkey is netscape communicator10:05
* iflema i used to luv netscape 410:07
nulledwhen I  apt-get install desktop-lubuntu (note that's LUbuntu) apt says it is going to remove network-manager... why? And is this going to hose my Ubuntu install? I just want to RET out Lubuntu, thx10:07
mdziczkowskiI have an problem with my Ubuntu. I try to prevent bluetooth from running at start and I get following results:10:07
mdziczkowskiafter typing the # update-rc.d bluetooth stop 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 . command, I get following error:10:09
mdziczkowskiupdate-rc.d: warning: bluetooth start runlevel arguments (none) do not match LSB Default-Start values (2 3 4 5)10:09
mdziczkowskiupdate-rc.d: warning: bluetooth stop runlevel arguments (0 1 2 3 4 5 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (0 1 6)10:09
mdziczkowski System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/bluetooth already exist.10:09
FloodBot4mdziczkowski: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:09
nulledupdate-rc.d bluetooth stop 1 510:10
geirhamdziczkowski: It doesn't make sense to stop a service in all runlevels10:10
nulledtoo many run levels10:10
CopyWriterhello all10:10
mdziczkowskieven if I tryed to stop in fewer ones I got same error10:11
nulledwhen I  apt-get install desktop-lubuntu (note that's LUbuntu) apt says it is going to remove network-manager... why? And is this going to hose my Ubuntu install? I just want to try out Lubuntu, thx10:11
geirhamdziczkowski: If you want to disable it, see the man-page (it has examples)10:11
CopyWriterhey guys i want to migrate my accounting department to ubuntu specifically hardy but my wireless card isn't supported it's advantek10:11
mdziczkowskiI tryed them, but I got only errors10:11
CopyWriter30 pc with advantek cards any ideas on what should i do10:11
nulledCopyWriter: Contact linuxDrivers.com and report it and ask10:12
CopyWriterit works with jaunty on th live cd but im not sure for how much longer jaunty is supported10:12
CopyWriterthanks nulled going to give that a try now10:12
=== unRuhe is now known as BaronWladimir_Ze
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nulledCopyWriter: http://www.linux-drivers.org/10:13
CopyWriterthanks again first url had me fishing around10:14
julikokohi all10:16
julikokoplease i have some questions to ask10:16
nulledCopyWriter: http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/10:16
julikokois anybody ready to answer10:17
Demostenejulikoko: try to ask ;)10:17
calrikhi all, instead of having my second hdd which is ntfs I want to format it ext3 or ext 4 what should mount this as?10:17
CopyWriterthanks nulled this is absolutely going to be help10:18
julikokothanks demostene10:18
calrikknowing my main hdd is mounted as root already mounting the whole of the linux filesystem10:18
julikokopls which distro of ubuntu is the latest?10:18
om26erjulikoko: karmic10:19
calrikI guess what Im asking is should I just make up a folder and mount it as that10:19
om26er!karmic | julikoko10:19
ubottujulikoko: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91010:19
julikokoi tanx guys10:19
RocketLauncherIn smplayer, when i move my cursor to the side and let it disappear so i can watch a movie.. it REAPPEARS AND DISAPPEARS. it's annoying, what should I do?10:19
julikokowld download that right away10:20
rayno_bhi there - I've got an ntfs hdd in my ubuntu machine that I want to run a utility on so that I can check it for bad sectors.  Can anyone suggest a method or software?10:20
julikokoim currently running on 9.0410:20
om26erRocketLauncher: try a mouse pad10:20
calrikalright maybe I rephrase my question abit better, how would you guys go about formatting and mounting a second hdd formatted with ext4. This hdd will be mainly storing music and videos10:21
om26erRocketLauncher: yes? laser mouse often move freely10:21
RocketLauncherxev says nothing10:21
om26er!test > om26er10:22
ubottuom26er, please see my private message10:22
petsoundsmy microphone on skype suddenly stop working, any clue?10:22
om26erpetsounds: try alsa10:23
om26erpetsounds: open terminal, type gstreamer-properties and then for input device select ALSA10:23
RocketLauncherom26er, its not my mouse10:23
petsoundsom26er, kkk let me try.10:24
om26erRocketLauncher: tried disabling compiz?10:24
RocketLauncherom26er, nobody uses compiz10:24
nulledpetsounds: right click your Speaker icon in task bar, goto Preferences, and Application tab... and mess without tabs there10:24
om26erRocketLauncher: many people do *many* )10:24
RocketLaunchermy crt is my spinnan cube10:24
calrik:( no one has answer to my question, was my question not phrased correctly I do people here do not know?10:24
Demostenecalrik: what was your question?10:25
calrikscroll up10:25
nulledcalrik: if you are messing around with mount... that can be potentially distructive... this is a beginners chat10:25
Dravekxcan someone help me setup a virtual directory?10:25
petsoundsom26er, nulled thanks bro.10:25
rayno_bhi there - I've got an ntfs hdd in my ubuntu machine that I want to run a utility on so that I can check it for bad sectors.  Can anyone suggest a method or software?10:26
calrikI am not a beginner...10:26
nulledcalrik: and neither is the mount command, THIS channel is for beginners10:26
calriksorry didnt think organise a partion in ubuntu was beyond this channel10:26
calrikbeginners don't set up secondary hard drives?10:27
DJonescalrik: Its not, #ubuntu is for all support questions regardless of difficulty10:27
RocketLauncherc&p my question see if someone else knows10:27
RocketLauncherIn smplayer, when i move my cursor to the side and let it disappear so i can watch a movie.. it REAPPEARS AND DISAPPEARS. it's annoying, what should I do?10:27
om26ercalrik: although i didnot understand the question ubuntuforums.org10:27
iflemacalrik usually mounted @ /mnt or /media10:27
nulledcalrik: you have to copy the old partiton to a temp folder, mount the partition and copy the data to new partition10:27
Demostenenulled: you mean I shoudn't help calrik to setup a new hd in his PC?10:27
DravekxI need to setup WEB access with APACHE so users in their home directories can upload websites. how do I do that?10:28
nulledcalrik: oh, in that case..  mkdir -p /new/drive then mount it... use man mount for help10:28
DJonescalrik: Assuming you don't need the data on the 2nd hdd, gparted should be able to format & partition it as you need, then create whatever mount points you want in /media or /mnt and then mount it as needed10:29
calrikthe partion is already backed up etc, all I want to know is the best place to store the new mount, /media/hdd2 ?10:29
iflemamkfs.ext4 once mounted.... devices mounted under /media will show on the desktop10:29
calrikthen just create any folder I need?10:30
Demostenecalrik: yes10:30
iflemacalrik yes10:30
calrikthank you :)10:30
=== blackbart is now known as Guest26109
Demostenecalrik: after you reboot you have to mount it again .... unless you set it up in fstab10:31
RocketLauncherMouse reappears and disappears every once in a while while playing a video fullscreen in smplayer. I dont move my mouse. Not a mouse problem, I've definitely checked..10:31
calrikDemostene: Is there a gui tool for setting up fstab or will I have to manually put it in the config file?10:32
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CopyWriterhey guys is it possible that i can have a cloud server on my local network with authentication so that when a user puts a file in a specific folder it synchronizes10:32
Demostenecalrik: if such a toll exists I'm not aware of it; I'm used to vi ;)10:32
om26ercalrik: pastebin your fstab please10:33
calrikkk lol10:33
calrikom26er: haven't done it yet10:33
om26ercalrik: sorry pastebin sudo fdisk -l10:33
calriklast question is there really much difference performance wise to switch from ntfs to ext3/4?10:34
Guest13578hi everyone im having a problem with a fresh install of ubuntu 9.10.....i can change my screen res and its set waaaay too low i tried to have a look at xorg.conf but there doesnt appear to be one10:34
om26erGuest13578: please change your name. which gpu are you using?10:34
iflemacalrik the ext's are a far better choice10:34
Demostenecalrik: I don't know; what kind of usage are you going for?10:34
ultraparadigmGuest13578, You mean you *can* change your screen resolution, or you *can't*?10:35
Guest13578i have an nvidia riva tnt2 64 pro card and i mean i cant change it and how do i change my nick lol10:35
calrikDemostene: hmm streaming music/video so pretty high usage10:35
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Guard1anGuest13578, /nick yournick10:35
=== Guest13578 is now known as karhu
* om26er think /nick don't work in empathy 2.28.x10:36
ultraparadigmGuest13578, Go to "System > Display"10:36
karhuim using chatzilla10:36
calrikthanks heaps all I will get back to you with my pastebin of fdisk -l after I format my hdd10:36
DJones!nvidia | karhu10:36
ubottukarhu: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:36
ultraparadigmkarhu, did you go to "System > Display"?10:36
karhui tried to change it thru system/display but it only has very low resolutions10:36
ultraparadigmok, you might need the proprietary drivers10:37
om26erkarhu: then you need to install the nvidia driver10:37
ultraparadigmI had the same issue10:37
karhudo i get that from nviadia or somewhere else ?10:37
DJoneskarhu: You probably need to go to Hardware Drivers and install the nvidia driver10:37
Demostenecalrik: is the disk going to stay all the time connected to your linux? ext3/4 are very good filesystems but NTFS is far more deployed in other OSes10:37
om26erkarhu: system>administration>hardware drivers10:37
karhui went to hardware drivers and it said i have no proprietry drivers or something like that10:38
ultraparadigmkarhu, go to "Administration > Hardware drivers"10:38
ultraparadigmDid you see one listed that said not active?10:38
DJoneskarhu: How old is the nvidia tnt card, if its what I think, its quite an old card which might not be supported anymore, I've got an old nvidia geforce 2 which only works with the open source nv driver10:38
karhui read somewhere to use the legacy drivers but apt-get tells me they arent there anymore10:38
om26erkarhu: sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade then try again10:38
karhui did all that just came back from a reboot10:39
brijithhi friends, How can configure my gmail account in Evolution, I am accessing internet through a proxy server. because of that I am having some trouble in connection10:39
karhutnt2 is older than geforce210:39
jellow_silverraindog: good day10:41
Crazymethjesusshut the fuck up!!10:42
DJones!language | Crazymethjesus10:42
ubottuCrazymethjesus: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:42
nulledya family10:42
* iflema :)10:43
DJoneskarhu: I'm not sure what to suggest, I can;t install any nvidia drivers because of the age of the card & it not being supported any longer, but the default driver does give me a resolution of 1600x120010:43
brijithhi friends, How can configure my gmail account in Evolution, I am accessing internet through a proxy server. because of that I am having some trouble in connection, please help me10:44
karhuim not fussed about 3d but its pretty essential that i can up the res because atm i cant even see the bottom of windows so i gotta hit enter and hope the correct button was selected lol10:44
karhucould it have anything to do with the fact that im running on an LCD tv ? its always worked fine for me before tho10:45
RocketLauncherMouse reappears and disappears every once in a while while playing a video fullscreen in smplayer. I dont move my mouse. Not a mouse problem, I've definitely checked..10:45
brijithhi friends, How can configure my gmail account in Evolution, I am accessing internet through a proxy server. because of that I am having some trouble in connection10:46
karhutry turning ur mouse over onto its back when u watch video's...see if that stops it10:46
brijithhi friends, How can configure my gmail account in Evolution, I am accessing internet through a proxy server. because of that I am having some trouble in connection, Please help10:47
brijithhi All, How can configure my gmail account in Evolution, I am accessing internet through a proxy server. because of that I am having some trouble in connection10:50
brijithPlease help10:50
richiguadawhat do you happen?10:50
calrikok from my http://pastebin.com/d791e58a6 can someone please help me with what entry I need to put into fstab to make sdb1 automount at boot?10:51
silverraindogbrijith: can you get mail from the outside ?10:51
karhushould ubuntu 9.10 have an xorg.conf file ?10:52
brijithsilverraindog: i can access mail from browser10:52
iflemacalrik read/write or read/only?10:53
zirodaycalrik: have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab ?10:53
zirodaykarhu: nope10:53
calrikziroday: no I had someone help me in this channel just before and they told me to pastebin my fdisk -l10:54
brijithsilverraindog: any idea ?10:54
calrikiflema: read/write but never mind I will work it out from the link ziroday just give me thanks all10:54
karhucan we still get linux drivers from nvidia ?10:55
KransacHi everyone10:55
* iflema v.v10:56
pat|nGi got 1 notebook with 3 partitions 80gb each partition..my primary os is vista and 1 80 i'm plannin to install ubuntu....from 80gb can i still make partition to that in installing ubuntu?10:57
KransacI have a problem with my external hard drive (Mybook 1To) that I can't access. I belive it's because of (among other) the pratition table. I tried an fsck but it took more than 12 hours for nothing.10:59
KransacI don't care about the data on it10:59
KransacIs there a way to format it?10:59
Kransacgparted doesn't recogize it10:59
zirodayKransac: does it appear in the output of sudo fdisk -l ?11:00
DemosteneKransac: gparted can't see it?? Is it connected through USB?11:00
karhui just d/l'd the legacy linux driver from nvidia..does anyone know whether it will actually work or not ? due to not having an xorg.conf file?11:00
zirodaykarhu: why not install the driver from the repo's?11:01
dunchiya folks, i'm following this guide to setup a custom X session... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomXSession , it's all fine apart from the guide says to pick "Default System Session" from the sessions menu to run my own .xsession file, but my menu has no such option11:01
Demostenekarhu: create that file with text from mvidia11:01
karhucause i cant find it in the repo's11:01
duncanybody know how to tell gdm to use my own .xsession?11:01
zirodaykarhu: which driver are you attempting to install? And which card do you have?11:01
Dravekxcan someone help me setup a virtual directory for apache???11:02
DravekxIm totally lost and dont understand it.11:02
zirodaykarhu: please keep it in the main channel11:02
karhuok but its very hard for me to keep up cause i can only see two lines of text at a time lol11:03
Demostenekarhu: just create /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:03
karhudue to the low res11:03
zirodaykarhu: one sec11:04
KransacDemostene: ziroday: Yes it appears in fdisk -I as sdb1. I gave an other try to gparted unplugging and trurning of the HDD, it is now seen by gparted11:04
DravekxI want to setup a user so he can have web access to his home directory. is that what a virtual directory does?11:04
zirodaykarhu: I'd recommend trying either the -nv or -nouveau drivers. envyng may also be able to help you but that is a very, very old card11:05
karhuok so what do i have to do?11:05
DemosteneKransac: so you should now be able to format it with gparted11:05
zirodaykarhu: well do you want to use -nv, -nouveau or give envyng a shot?11:05
iflemaDravekx maybe also try #apache11:06
karhuwhatever is easiest and or most likely to work lol atm i will be happy to get a decent res so i can see everything im trying to do properly lol11:06
Dravekxiflema, they sent me here11:06
KransacDemostene: Yes. Thank you. But Kind of feel that I'm going to have some more problem : I can't format and Fat3211:06
iflemaDravekx really11:06
zirodaykarhu: okay, well do sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nv11:07
karhuok i'll give it a go11:07
karhuthanks :-)11:07
DemosteneKransac: I suppose gparted can only format ext2/3/4 ... if you want FAT32 you should use other tools if not other os (windows)11:08
karhuit says xserver-xorg-video-nv is already the newest version ?11:08
iflemaDravekx http://blog.damontimm.com/how-to-redirect-apaches-default-www-or-public_html-folder-to-a-directory-in-your-home-folder/11:08
zirodaykarhu: okay, then do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:09
Dravekxiflema, cant do that.. my main page is in /var/www11:09
DravekxI want a user to be able to put his home directory on the internet.11:09
KransacWhat file format would you recommand me (linux only use) : fat32, ext3 or ext4? And do you know roughly how long it should take to format 1To? Beause it seems to me that it take years, and that the HDD is now working very hard. Hence I'm wondering if the problem is not material11:09
karhuok...was it meant to do anything ?11:09
iflemaDravekx so link it11:09
zirodaykarhu: just checking it was installed11:09
Dravekxiflema, I cant get symlinks to work. :(11:10
Demostenezoroday: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/public_html.html11:10
Dravekxthey work via ssh, but not FTP.11:10
iflemaDravekx i get em bcakwards.... man ln11:10
DemosteneDravek: mod_userdir11:11
chipgerihow to install apache 2.2 and php 5.2.10?11:11
DravekxDemostene, ???11:11
Explore1what is bt8x8??11:11
blubaustinI just compiled proftpd 1.3.2c with mod_ban as a compiled-in module but... I am getting this error on the ftpdctl ban info "ftpdctl: error contacting server using '/usr/local/var/proftpd/proftpd.sock': Connection refused"11:11
iflemaDravekx just use/create a group and allow access that way... just for purposes of www11:12
DJonesKransac: Karmic uses ext4 as default, although upgrades will use whatever was previously there.  For data storage, I use ext3 because thats what it was originally set up as, if i did a new drive, i'd use ext4 now11:12
KransacDJones: Ok, thank you11:13
chipgeriwhere will httpd.conf files be in apache?11:13
tuntundoes anyone know where I can download dolphin emulator for linux?11:14
chipgerimy httpd.conf is empty..how do i configure apache 2.2?11:16
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pvh_sahey there, i've got ubuntu 9.10 in a dual-monitor setup on a fujitsu lifebook, and compiz won't work - any ideas? compiz isn't giving me any error messages to follow up :(11:17
Thomas_LudwigMaybe someone has an idea what I can do. I used sudo chmod -R 644 /* (OMG) and now I have the problem that the system isnt booting. The msg at boot: run-init: /sbin/init: Permission denied kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!11:19
Thomas_Ludwigbut i already set the right to 755 for /sbin/init11:20
MDGreyhello guys11:21
MDGreywhile installing squid my apt got broken...can anyone help11:21
DemosteneThomas: I don't think there is a database with default permissions for every file in the system11:21
* MDGrey wants to be pinged11:22
MDGreyare my messages going through11:22
DJonesMDGrey: yes, we can see your messages, the channels pretty quiet at the minute though11:23
superbokiPing reply from MDGrey: 0.95 second(s)11:23
MDGrey_-hello guys11:25
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papulpretty silent today11:28
POC|Farmeris there anyone who knows a workaround for this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x11-xserver-utils/+bug/364091 ?11:29
MDGrey_-guys anybody know what that means subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 111:29
arandMDGrey_-: it is a genreic "something went wrong" message.11:31
MDGrey_-while installing squid I got this error "subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1"  any idea what that means and how to getover it I cant even apt-get update,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11:31
tmusIn a PEAP setup (for wireless authentication), I want to limit the authentication to a certain Called-Station-Id... I've tried something like this is the users file but to no avail - should this work?  DEFAULT Called-Station-Id =~ ":WIFISSID$", Auth-Type == EAP11:32
papuli recently compiled the latest version of openssl. is it ok?11:32
tmusLeaving out the Called-Station-Id part of the DEFAULT string, everything just works11:32
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vilinyHey! is it possible to mount a online location locally?11:33
vilinya http to be precise11:33
MDGrey_-update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/squid: file does not exist   how can i fix this11:35
Ubuntuthello room!:-D11:36
papulUbuntut: its channel btw11:36
MDGrey_-i created a file using touch /etc/init.d/squid seems to have worked11:37
rob_p_MDGrey_-: maybe squid311:37
Saturn2888Can someone to check my sources-list file and preferences to see if I got everything right please? http://pastie.org/786262 What I'm aiming for is only installing libc6 from the karmic repos, everything else I don't want.11:37
KransacOk, well it seems like my problem is solved. Thanks for you help11:38
rob_p_MDGrey_-: creating an empty init file for squid won't do anything useful as far as getting it to run...11:38
vilinydoes anyone know if it's possible to mount a web folder locally in ubuntu?11:38
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Saturn2888viliny: yes, both ftp and sftp11:40
vilinyhow about http?11:40
Saturn2888viliny: I'm sure there's a way, but I don't know specifically.11:40
vilinyit's just a web folder shared by my home machine and id like to mount a location on it so that i can access my files as if they were on this laptop11:40
vilinystandard apache web server11:40
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aciculaviliny: you need an http file system , dunno if anyone made such a module11:41
duncviliny, isn't that the sort of thing that DAV does?11:41
vilinydunc: it's starting to look like it yes11:41
aciculaie like smbfs,ftpfs and such11:41
vilinywell thanks all :) i need to read into webdav11:42
aciculaseems theres a module for webdav11:42
Saturn2888anyone  used apt-preferences file before?11:43
MDGrey_-whats a good squid version for a very heavy load11:44
* dunc is beginning to wonder if it's because i've got crypted homedir, gdm can't see my .xsession file to use11:44
aciculadunc: if its not unencrypted yeh11:45
MDGrey_-how can i get apt to install squid 2.7.8?11:46
aciculaMDGrey_-: you'd have to manually install it if its not in the repo, BUT, very likely the package is either unmaintained or outdated or both11:47
calrikacicula: or its beta quality11:47
aciculacalrik: oh its a newer version :P?11:48
aciculaMDGrey_-: then that too11:48
calrikeg the latest nvidia drivers are considered "beta", they are not on the repo but are quiet stable...11:48
MDGrey_-this is the one i got in apt  2.7.STABLE3-4.1ubuntu1   but it has a bug11:49
MDGrey_-so I need  2.7.STABLE811:50
calrikMDGrey: what is the bug you are mentioning?11:50
calrikall kernel releases have some bugs of some sort11:50
Saturn2888did anyone know about my apt-preferences issue? I just need someone to look it over, make sure I wrote the file right11:51
aciculacalrik: well beta sometimes means we dont want to actually support this when it breaks so we will just call it beta11:51
calrikacicula: good point lol11:52
Dravekxas a webhost, do I set users home directories to 755???11:52
MDGrey_-calrik i was facing lots of issue and i was recommended to upgrade to 2.7 811:52
karhudoes anyone here use the bigpond repo's ?11:52
slayer_where is11:53
calrikah Im still using 2.6.3111:53
slayer_hi ,firend11:54
iflemaSaturn2888 what version of ubuntu? backport ?11:54
slayer_who is administrator11:55
ziroday!cn | slackd00d11:56
ubottuslackd00d: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:56
iflemaSaturn2888 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto11:57
zirodayslackd00d: sorry11:57
Saturn2888iflema: yes, I know, I've read this, but I don't want to break anything. I just need someone to look at my 6-line file and say "look close enough"11:57
iflemaSaturn2888 try backport over pin11:58
Saturn2888iflema: huh?11:58
iflemaSaturn2888 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports11:59
calriknot sure if this the right place to ask but Im running ubuntu desktop, got some really good hard ware, 6gb ram etc, would be better to run ubuntu server in vmware and forward to that for hosting websites/mysql or just have apache etc installed locally?11:59
Saturn2888iflema: ah thanks11:59
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iflemacalrick say 2 vm's in a box would be a power saver12:03
mbrochhhi all. can anyone help me with the rsync command? i am using "rsync -av /source/ /destination/" but when I delete some folders from source they still exist at destination after another rsync run12:06
iflemacalrick 1 a waste of time.. unless ya testing different setups constantly12:06
mbrochhi would expect the command to keep the destination exactly the same as the source12:07
KoolDperformance wise is go-openoffice better than the openoffice provided by sun?12:09
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.12:09
* iflema speaking of wasting time12:10
kworkdoes anyone know software what can show directorie sizes graphical from some point of filesystem12:10
kworkfor linux that is12:10
kworkrepresent subdir sizes graphicaly12:10
slava_dpkonqueror 3.5.10 used to do it12:10
slava_dpkwork, there is ncdu, which is console-mode, but it is pretty useful.12:11
kworkslava_dp, thanks for hint, ill look into it12:11
xteejxHelp needed with evolution - it was connecting fine to gmail via pop and smtp, I haven't changed any settings or anything, but now it just keeps saying "error fetching mail"12:11
ubuntuhey all12:12
xteejxHi, ubuntu, I'm using you hehe12:13
iflemakwork gnome = baobab12:13
ubuntui have a question. my xp disk just decided now was a good time to corrupt its partition table and force me to install. So now, I have a decision to make. Install windows 7 or linux as my primary operating system. What I would prefer is having both like i did with windows xp, but does linux grub play nice with the windows7 / vista boot loader?12:13
mbrochhhi all. can anyone help me with the rsync command? i am using "rsync -av /source/ /destination/" but when I delete some folders from source they still exist at destination after another rsync run12:14
xteejxubuntu: Yes, install 7 first, then linux12:14
xteejxI run dual boot no problems12:14
ubuntuso as long as I do windows 7 first, it will work12:14
kworkor use two hdds12:14
xteejxubuntu: Yeah, I mean you CAN do it the other way but it gets complicated12:15
coz_ubuntu,  make sure you defrag windows  before you install ubuntu12:15
recmajkemidoes anyone else having unresponse issues, i can move the mouse but cant click, right click, or wheel scrool it12:15
xteejxwindows 7 defrags on install, so there's no need12:15
coz_ubuntu,  unless you have separate hard drives12:15
ubuntuok, nother question. I don't play many games, but I do play some. I was wondering if I could ditch windows completely but still be able to play my games. will ubuntu play games like CoD 6?12:15
karhucan someone give me a hand with adding a repo please ?12:15
xteejxubuntu: Honestly, as much as I love Ubuntu, very doubtful12:16
bloopletechI'm on hardy, and attempting to upgrade to karmic; AFAIK I run sudo do-release-upgrade, but that reports 'No new release found'12:16
xteejxubuntu: If it can, it's unlikely you will get any decent framerates12:16
bloopletechAm I doing something wrong?12:16
ubuntuok, can't ditch windows completely yet :(12:16
xteejxubuntu: Unfortuantely, for the time being, not many can12:16
ubuntubloopletech: you need the repos12:16
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ubuntuonce you have the correct repos in your sourceslist, you can use that command12:17
bloopletechubuntu: ok thanks12:17
xteejxbloopletech: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading12:17
bloopletechDo I just get my current source list and replace hardy -> karmic?12:17
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ubuntuwell as much as i don't want to learn windows 7, looks like imma have to :(12:18
Newkybloopletech: you need to go into synaptic->settings->repositories->updates->release upgrade12:18
xteejxbloopletech: have you installed update-manager-core?12:18
bloopletechxteejx: Yes, I did12:18
xteejxubuntu: Why not run vi$ta?12:18
Newkybloopletech: make sure its on normal releases12:18
bloopletechNewky: This is from ssh, not GUI12:18
ubuntubecause vista sucks12:18
jrib!upgrade > bloopletech12:18
ubottubloopletech, please see my private message12:18
jribbloopletech: follow the server instructions there12:18
xteejxalready point him there12:18
ubuntui hate that operating system with a passion. too bloated. windows 7 is basically vista SP3 :P12:19
Newkybloopletech: have u tryed sudo apt-get upgrade -d12:19
xteejxbloopletech: You're trying to upgrade another machine thru ssh?12:19
bloopletechxteejx: Yes, a VPS12:19
CheticAnybody know how to get drivers for "Dell Wireless 1520 802.11n Half Mini-Card" ?12:19
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Newkybloopletech: that seems a little like suicide, hardy to karmic may not be all that smooth, a lot of releases in between12:19
josemariaI've a problem with Jaunty and Karmic, after more or less 1minute of booting, it hangs. /var/log/messages shows a kernel panic.12:19
ubuntuget the other half of the card and then install the full card driver?12:19
josemariawhat should I do=12:20
bloopletechoh wait12:20
xteejxbloopletech: I wouldn't have thought there would be any differences, essentially you're just controlling the host system. Any errors with the do-release-upgrade ?12:20
karhuhttp://mirror.files.bigpond.com/ this is the address my ISP gives me for their ubuntu repo but when i try to add the repo thru synaptic it wont let me12:20
psycho_oreosChetic, pastebin your lspci -nnk output with that device plugged in12:20
flacomhi all.. anyone knows iptables?? i got a vpn server on linux... when I client is connected it create a new pppN interface (n >= 0) how can I forward dynamic interfaces?12:20
ubuntu:P, i would guess probably off the dell side12:20
ouyeshow can i make my ati vga work?12:20
bloopletechOHH. I misread hardy as being 9.04, not 8.0412:21
psycho_oreosouyes, using ati driver I suppose?12:21
xteejxbloopletech: Hardy is 8.04, 9.04 is Jaunty12:21
ouyesi tried the official driver but failed12:21
psycho_oreosouyes, not supported chipset?12:21
xteejxouyes: fglrx only supports the newer radeons and X series12:21
bloopletechOk, so if I want to migrate from hardy to karmic, what upgrade path should I follow, hardy -> jaunty -> karmic?12:21
Newkybloopletech: ur problem is that ur using hardy which is LTS, its configured to not show any upgrades that arent LTS releases as far as i no12:21
ouyespsycho_oreos,  i donot know12:21
xteejxbloopletech: You can do a direct upgrade12:21
josemariathis hang doesn't happens when I boot in recovery mode12:21
jribbloopletech: hardy -> intrepid -> jaunty -> karmic12:22
xteejxCan't say how buggy it'll be but ANy errors post here12:22
ouyespsycho_oreos,  my laptop is a thinkpad t40012:22
josemariait's a page fault12:22
slava_dpmbrochh, regarding rsync, add --delete12:22
jribbloopletech: skipping releases is not supported unless you are doing LTS -> LTS12:22
psycho_oreosouyes, xteejx had some valid info. I'd agree too, there was something about legacy ati drivers aren't getting the support in later builds of ubuntu12:22
ouyespsycho_oreos,  i saw the wiki for help, but still no luck12:22
bloopletechThanks to all for their help, I'm getting come conflicting info12:22
Newkybloopletech: u dont have like a home partition12:22
Newkybloopletech: never mind ur sshing12:22
psycho_oreosouyes, what about the free one? not fglrx but the other12:22
ouyesso what can i do to get it work12:23
bloopletechNewky: what? I have ssh root access to my VPS box12:23
xteejxbloopletech: Look, you CAN do a direct upgrade but it's not advised. Doing it through ssh shouldn't cause any problems.12:23
mbrochhslava_dp, thank you for the reply! I did that but it didnt help... after some googling i found a suggestion like this: rsync -avzr --delete source dest12:23
mbrochhthat did the job12:23
Newkybloopletech: now i was going to say u wud b better with a clean reinstall12:23
psycho_oreosouyes, pastebin your lspci -nnk output with that ati video card12:23
xteejxnot on a server12:23
=== ubuntu is now known as j2daosh
_sparkguys, when running an ubuntu-mobile live cd, would it be possible for me to change the xorg.conf to enable tv-out output?12:23
mbrochh--delete relies on the --recursive switch.. which is included in -a but somehow --delete doesnt recognize that so i had to write it explicitly12:23
Topy44anyone using cairo-dock, possibly in combination with UNR?12:24
xteejxbloopletech: All you need is here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes explains everything with upgrading, problems you may encounter, and workarounds :)12:24
ouyespsycho_oreos, which one are you talking about? i am now afraid to try , i try to install the official driver but it doesnt work and i can not uninstall it following the instructions giving by the ati12:24
NewkyTopy44: nope, but im using docky with UNR and its awesome12:25
bloopletechActually, I'm rethinking my goals here12:25
Cheticpsycho_oreos: http://www.pastebin.org/7917112:25
psycho_oreosouyes, fglrx is the proprietary one by ati, there should be another one. I wouldn't know it off my head personally but pastebin lspci -nnk of your video chip first12:25
Topy44Newky: docky doesnt behave the way i like12:25
bloopletechWhat advantage would updating bring me? Is newer packages the main advantage?12:26
xteejxouyes, the open source is ati-radeon I believe12:26
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:26
NewkyTopy44: fair enuf, i understand not a fully complete dock, jus works for me, whats ur problem with cairo?12:26
Topy44main thing being subdocks which i dont think docky does12:26
Cheticpsycho_oreos: Sorry just needed to pastebin the last device there12:26
psycho_oreosChetic, you'll need wl driver12:26
psycho_oreosChetic, 9.10?12:27
Cheticpsycho_oreos: yes12:27
Topy44my problem is that most of the time it only appears when i move the mouse into the callback zone and then OUT of the dock area again, just for a quick flash12:27
Topy44so i dont cant actually use it12:27
NewkyTopy44: sounds obvious but its not set to like autohide is it ?12:27
ouyespsycho_oreos,  how to make the robot to help me about pastebin?12:27
Topy44of course it is, i want it to autohide12:28
xteejx!pastebin | ouyes12:28
ubottuouyes: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic12:28
psycho_oreosouyes, !pastebin > ouyes12:28
Topy44but the problem is it doesnt appear before i move the cursor out of its area again12:28
Topy44it works fine while i'm looking at the desktop btw12:28
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ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit12:29
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Guest63451 now add win7 to  grub2  my os kubuntu 9.10 please help me12:30
Guest63451 now add win7 to  grub2  my os kubuntu 9.10 please help me12:31
psycho_oreosChetic, try installing broadcom_sta drivers12:31
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Topy44hm, i think i just found a solution - setting the position of cairo-dock to -1 fixes it, for unknown reasons (the problem only shows up while a full screen program has focus btw)12:31
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ouyespsycho_oreos, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d32553bfe12:32
ouyespsycho_oreos,  quite a few lines there12:32
NewkyTopy44: nice one, was lookin on google for u, bu dont see many bugs with it12:32
psycho_oreosouyes, I found it: 1002:95c412:33
Guest63451 now add win7 to  grub2  my os kubuntu 9.10 please help me12:33
ouyespsycho_oreos,  oh mate you need the PID of the vga card?12:34
Dr_WillisI thought that when using grub2 the 'update-grub' command/scripts would see/add windows to the listing12:34
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ouyespsycho_oreos,  just tell me that il  simply paste it here12:34
DrManhattanfreenode is a mess today12:40
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calrikfreenode crash eh?12:46
iflemacalrik there was only 150 in here for a while12:47
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:47
calrikah I guessed a netsplit :)12:48
pnukeid1some has experience with subversion in ubuntu ?12:48
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Torzanyone here dual boots ubuntu, using WUBI?12:48
usr13slava_dp: Are you monitoring this channel?12:49
slava_dpusr13, i am, currently.12:50
usr13slava_dp: Are you trying to edit your menu.lst file?12:50
researcher1my windows Xp can access Internet but not Ubuntu. We access through proxy which I have configured correctly. Any help12:51
usr13Can you show is what is on it?12:51
usr13slava_dp: pastebin it the menu.lst file12:51
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calrikthis netsplit due to a denial of service attack?12:54
usr13calrik: I don't know but will be glad when it's over12:55
shadenzohello all12:55
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usr13calrik: I don't know that IRC servers are susceptical to DOS attacts, but I suppose so...12:57
calrikthat vulneribility doesnt work now though but a DOS can still be a pain13:00
jendaI appear to have some problems with applications sharing audio devices. When amarok is running, any flash videos in firefox freeze and crash firefox - also, I can't run fallout in wine, which freezes as soon as it is to make the first sounds, reporting an ALSA/Pulseaudio error (unable to create stream, too large). Any ideas?13:00
Indy^Im trying to run ssh in the background on boot ...how should I do this, I've been beatin my head against the wall for a week now13:00
MyrttiIndy^: sshd?13:01
Indy^nah the client13:01
Karhucan someone help me with envyng please ? i installed envyng-core through synaptic but it wont start :-S do i also need to instal envyng-qt ?13:01
calrikjenda: I also had similiar problems just sec I will find link to the solution I found13:01
jendaAlso, clicking "test" on the pulseaudio sound server in amarok freezes the app.13:01
jendacalrik: thanks13:01
Indy^I've tried to add it to init.d but I must not be getting the syntax correct13:01
Leoneof`hi, how to merge dependencies to be inside package *.deb ?13:03
Indy^I've also tried to add it to startup application but Im trying to run it without bring up the terminal window13:03
BeardedChimpI have a character device /dev/raw1394 that corresponds to the firewire on this computer. However it exists whether or it is plugged in. I am writing a script using the firewire and need to do something similar to doing text -x /somefile, to see if it has been plugged in. Any idea how?13:04
SPeck84Hy every one13:05
dream_thHi i have ubuntu on a live usb  (persistent) and i have installed a custom kernel but cannot boot to it13:06
asdffI need some help with my ram consumption in Ubuntu Karmic13:06
dream_thit only boots on default kernel version13:06
asdffI am 90% sure it is something I did wrong ^_^13:06
SPeck84Magyarok vannak itt?13:06
SPeck84Can we help my to configure the Samba server. PLease in private13:07
zvacet¡ hu | SPeck8413:07
asdffif I pastebin my process list with cpu/ram consumption could someone help me troubleshoot what is taking up so much memory? Gnome + Openbox + pcmanfm seem to take 30% of ram constantly. With firefox and xchat it is 50% memory. Should I pastebin my process list?13:07
* dox_drum is trying to solve ODE's using SAGEMATH13:07
MorphyNORasdff: how much ram do you got?13:08
usr13asdff: top13:08
MorphyNORasdff: thats to be expected then13:08
MorphyNORfirefox is especially memory hungry13:08
asdffI appreciate that, however I swear my gnome-session wasn't taking 30% a few days ago13:08
MorphyNORyou can reduce xchats memory consumptions somewhat by reducing the window buffer13:08
pjotrasdff, and unused ram is a waste13:09
asdffpjotr: really?13:09
zvacet!samba | SPeck8413:09
ubottuSPeck84: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:09
nmvictor_i got this error while compiling the linux kernel: make[1] *** [.tmp_vmlinux1] Error 137, anyone know what could have gone wrong?13:10
iflemaasdff 30% of 1gig 4 gnome sounds about right....13:10
ardchoilleasdff: I'm getting about the same as you with the same apps13:11
ardchoille.. and I try to keep a lean system13:11
pjotrasdff: the Linux kernel is designed to use most of the available RAM for buffers and cache13:11
asdffardchoille: ah really. cool that's a relief then :)>.13:11
xteejxnmvictor: Try removing ndiswrapper13:11
xteejxnmvictor: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-15235.html13:11
asdffIf I just use an openbox session/awesmoe session it is fast as hell13:11
superbokiport 443 is the standard https true/false?13:12
bloopletechwell, my upgrade from herdy -> intrepid went well, I think I'll continue this in the morning13:12
xteejxsuperboki: isn't it port 81?13:12
bloopletechsuperboki: true13:12
dream_thHi i have ubuntu on a live usb  (persistent) and i have installed a custom kernel but cannot boot to it it only boots on default kernel version, is there a way to boot it into this custom kernel?13:12
MorphyNORsuperboki: yes13:12
greenlanternapt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras, is it correct to install codecs on kubuntu?13:12
ardchoilleasdff: yeah, openbox is quite minimal13:13
=== rich97_ is now known as rich97
MorphyNORgreenlantern: there should also be a notification thingy on the taskbar for that13:13
papulgreenlantern: yea13:13
asdffardchoille: yeah :). I really miss gnome-panels though. They are quite convenient.13:13
ardchoillegreenlantern: yes13:13
usr13asdff: Have you looked at top?  Do you want to pasbebin the top 20 or so lines?13:13
asdffusr13: from what people are telling me it seems a bit pointless now, as my mem consumption is apparently normal13:13
zvacetgreenlantern:  yes but if you want w32 codecs add medibuntu repo13:13
greenlanternIs there anything like "kubuntu-restricted-extras" ?13:13
zvacet!medibuntu | greenlantern13:14
ubottugreenlantern: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:14
ardchoilleasdff: you can use openbox in gnome instead of metacity, or use something like fluxbox which has its own panel13:14
papulgreenlantern: no13:14
asdffardchoille: yeah I use gnome-panel for my panels, openbox as my wmanager and pcmanfm as my file manager.13:14
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asdffwtf @ these flood attacks13:14
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ardchoilleasdff: Sounds likeyou're keeping a lean system, good job13:15
MorphyNORasdff: get used to it :(13:15
ardchoilleasdff: they're netsplits13:15
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:15
xteejxEnjoy the show? Shut up ubotu hehe :)13:15
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asdffardchoille: haha cheers ;P. I've noticed though I had to edit my default gnome session to use that combinatino. Selecting Gnome/Openbox from the session manager on the login screen did not work.13:16
soreau! samba > SPeck8413:16
ivanchi all13:16
ardchoilleasdff: yeah, or you could have simply done "openbox --replace" inside gnome13:16
nmvictor_xteejx: doesnt seem solved?13:16
=== RichiH_ is now known as RichiH
asdffardchoille: how would I go about editing the default session options on the login screen though? (The arch linux wiki suggest editing ~/.xinitrc, however I do not have that file)13:17
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xteejxnmvictor_: I was just looking at the suggestion that worked for someone else13:17
yucatan1991hello guys i have a IBM T500 with a radeon 3450 when i boot up ubuntu it says there is a new driver available for your graphics card but when i install it and i reboot my laptop i cant get in gnome anymore and my screen stays flashing at a black screen. does somebody know this problem how can i fix this?13:17
ardchoilleasdff: I don't know13:18
nmvictor_xteejx: so you mean removing the ndiswrapper?13:18
iflemagreenlantern kubuntu-restricted-extras13:18
xteejxnmvictor_: It appears to have worked for someone else, it may be a known issue13:18
zvacetgreenlantern : see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats13:18
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:18
yucatan1991correction its a ati radeon 365013:19
nmvictor_xteejx: sorry this is my  first kernel compile experience, do you mind helping me with info on how to remove the module? i could try that13:19
bobsomebodydoes anyone know a good IRC for iphone app development?13:19
Yfrwlfyucatan1991: I'd either install the drivers from ATI's site or just use the existing drivers that work.13:19
Picibobsomebody: Try ##iphone to start13:20
xteejxnmvictor_: ermmm I don't know how to do that, sorry :( There will be a kernel channel on this IRC server, they'll definitely know how to help :)13:20
xteejxHi Pici13:20
bobsomebodyPici, ty!13:21
* Pici waves13:21
nmvictor_xteejx: thanks,13:21
asdffoh well not really worth worrying about13:21
xteejxnmvictor_: No probs, sorry I couldn't be more help13:21
calrikbobsomebody: also try search "iphone" in synaptic package manager think I seen something in there13:21
asdffwhat terminal do you guys recommend using?13:21
asdffsometimes gnome-terminal seems a bit glitchy13:21
sleeping`dragoni did a fresh install of ubuntu, on bootup i see "grub loading" but i never get to screen when i choose OS, instead ubuntu starts. I am on karmic and grub2.13:21
yucatan1991hello guys i have a IBM T500 with a radeon 3450 when i boot up ubuntu it says there is a new driver available for your graphics card but when i install it and i reboot my laptop i cant get in gnome anymore and my screen stays flashing at a black screen. does somebody know this problem how can i fix this?13:22
yucatan1991correction its a ati radeon 365013:22
xteejxsleeping`dragon: You will need to reconfigure grub13:22
xteejx!grub | sleeping`dragon13:22
ubottusleeping`dragon: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.13:22
jiohdimy UNR is set for NO screensaver NO power management... yet after about 5-10 min idle, the screen goes dark, but not off... whats causing this? how do I stop it?13:22
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub213:22
bobsomebodycalrik, ive actually got most of it figured out, i just cant figure out these 2 files they have no extensions13:22
nmvictor_xteejx: actually i appreciate, just one more thing.Do you see compiling the kernel on a live CD as a feasible act?13:22
asdffjihodi: your monitor perhaps?13:23
frostbite7hey guys how do i get the autum leaves plugin13:23
asdfffrostbite7: what is that plugin? stop spamming btw13:23
xteejxnmvictor_: ERmmm, I would say its probably hit and miss13:23
arandsleeping`dragon: if yoy just want to see the menu temporarily, hold down shift before13:23
jiohdiasdff, the monitor is not turning off... just going dark, you can see the light is still on13:23
bobsomebodycalrik, so im just trying to figure out if this is a normal thing to find or if its one of those "your guess is as good as mine" situations13:23
asdffjihodi: hmm, are you sure there isn't a gnome power saving process in your process list?13:23
xteejxyucatan1991: Chances are you are trying to use the fglrx driver, which doesnt support such an old radeon, you will need to stick with the supplied open source ati drivers13:23
nmvictor_xteejx: thanks, guess i have less choice13:24
iflemaasdff terminator13:24
jiohdiasdff, if there is how do I adjust it?13:24
frostbite7can anybody help me?13:24
yucatan1991xteejxx : how can i install that?13:24
asdffjihodi, you can terminate it via gnome-system-monitor13:24
asdffthat is about all I can think of :P13:24
xteejxit should already be installed13:24
Yfrwlfyucatan1991: you don't13:24
xteejx!radeon > yucatan199113:24
ubottuyucatan1991, please see my private message13:24
asdffiflema: why would you recommend terminator?13:24
Yfrwlfyucatan1991: it's already there and working13:24
YfrwlfDoes anyone know how to see a hidden program that is eating up memory? =P13:25
xteejxthe fglrx binary only support 9800+ and the X series afaik13:25
asdffYfrwlf: bash -> gnome-system-monitor &13:25
asdffprocess list13:25
arandYfrwlf: there are options in the system monitor to show all system applications13:25
yucatan1991so i cant get a bether driver the i have now?13:25
iflemaasdff terminator can be split into several views on the one window13:26
xteejxyucatan1991: there's no need, the one you have should work perfectly fine, and besides ATI/AMD do not support your card anymore13:26
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asdffiflema: that seems cool, but is it lightweight etc?13:26
yucatan1991so i cant get the highest graphics in my ubuntu?13:26
Yfrwlfasdff: I know that, it's hidden.  That's what I meant by hidden.  As in, it seems to truly, actually be hidden.  Showing all processes doesn't do it.  ps faux doesn't show it.  There is something eating 8MBs per every 5 seconds that does not show up.  It has to be in something which is not reporting memory use.13:27
iflemaasdff its a terminal app..... yep13:27
=== Crazyguy_ is now known as Crazyguy
xteejxyucatan1991: Would you really need to see subpixel level antialiased rendered detail on a document?13:27
IpSe_DiXiThi what does this mean? Jan 20 14:26:00 myusername kernel: [  145.077393] ppdev0: registered pardevice13:27
asdffYfrwlf: hmm I want to stick around and see the solution to your problem them :P. Sounds very mysterious lol13:27
=== dmart_ is now known as dmart
YfrwlfCurrently, something is using 1.4GBs of RAM on my system, when system monitor > all processes only shows a total of about 300-400MBs.13:28
Yfrwlfand that is up from 800MBs since I've been sitting here watching.13:29
=== dmart_ is now known as dmart
YfrwlfImpy^: The driver it recommends and then downloads and installs for you is the Nvidia fglrx driver.  It might not be compatible with your monitor.  You might want to uninstall it with the Hardware Drivers tool, and see if the open source driver will show you the correct resolution.  You can also download and install the newer driver from Nvidia's site, or try modifying xorg.conf.  If you're new to Linux and Ubuntu though, I 13:43
noXandOsWell, I am learning a little a day.13:43
iflemaImpy^ are you aware of nvidia-settings control panel under the System/Admin desktop menu?13:43
noXandOsI don't feel totally helpless anymore.13:43
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B3rz3rk3rgood to hear13:43
Impy^Yfrwlf how do i get the opensource driver? Yeah i'm aware of the nvidia settings things :)13:43
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:43
usuario_kienes soi13:43
YfrwlfImpy^: Uninstalling the Nvidia driver using the Sys > Admin > Hardware Drivers tool will revert you back to the open source driver.13:43
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:43
epinky!es | usuario_13:43
ubottuusuario_: please see above13:43
IpSe_DiXiTmy pc just shut down by itself, what could it be?13:43
xteejxpower outage?13:43
greenlanternWhat's the difference between umask=0002 and umask=002 ?13:43
YfrwlfSo if I cannot see a program that is eating up lots of memory on my computer, I've been rootkitted, or is there any way to have memory leaks outside a process? =P13:44
frostbite7hey goodmorning everyone13:44
xteejxhi frostbite7, appropriate name! hehe13:44
arandIpSe_DiXiT: A million things... You can look in the system logs from SYstem>>Administration>>Log Viewer and see if there are any clues13:44
frostbite7lol thanks13:44
yareckonhi guys, how can I tell dpkg that a program is not installed, if the remove keeps failing13:45
frostbite7hey does anyone know how to install the autumn leaves effect?13:45
xteejxooo new kernel13:45
yareckonI want it to ruthelessly over write it :)13:45
IpSe_DiXiTarand: i did :D haven't found much but this [  145.260635] ppdev0: unregistered pardevice which i dunno what it is13:45
Yfrwlffrostbite7: are you talking about a Compiz theme?13:45
Yfrwlfer plugin13:46
arandIpSe_DiXiT: that is probably nothing related to crash, I guess...13:46
frostbite7i think its only a plugin13:46
IpSe_DiXiTarand: also this is my prob http://paste.ubuntu.com/359541/13:46
Yfrwlffrostbite7: If it's a Compiz 3D effects plugin of some sort, you should search on the site for that, there is some Compiz/Beryl/etc site for themes and plugins and whatnot.13:47
Yfrwlfprobably several sites13:47
xteejxIpSe_DiXiT: If you have real problems with this, I would suggest filing a bug report, unless you were doing something unexpected that may have caused the halt13:48
Yfrwlf1.5GBs of RAM used and continuing to count down. =P13:48
iflemaYfrwlf there is used, buffered ,cached and free.... note the cached and buffered.13:48
arandIpSe_DiXiT: well that just looks like the getdeb repository is down at the moment, you should shout at them ;)13:48
Yfrwlfer up13:48
frostbite7okay thanks yfrwlf13:48
soreaufrostbite7: It is called elements and you can install it with the script found here (since ubuntu no longer provides the -unsupported plugins package) http://forum.compiz.org/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=12012&p=75601#p7560113:48
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xuanhen_hi guys,when I boot my ubuntu ,i have 200 udevd ,each of them is 1.2M ,so my disk light is working all the time ,who can help me ?13:49
Yfrwlfiflema: both cached and buffers from the program "free" are steadily increasing.13:49
pifhi, when attempting karmic netinstall on a Dell Inspirion 9300 latop I get a white screen after selecting "install", any idea?13:50
MorphyNORYfrwlf: think about what you just said for abit :P13:50
pifwhen trying expert install I get the same white screen when "enabling frame buffer"13:50
frostbite7okay thanks soreau13:50
iflemaYfrwlf this is ok.... some of this activity is for Qos.13:50
IpSe_DiXiTaccording to you guys, what is the best temperature sensor for ubuntu?13:51
soreau! best13:51
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:51
iflemaYfrwlf basically if your free ram is insufficient for what your doing..... get more!13:52
Crazymethjesusshut the fuck up!!!13:52
DJones!ops | Crazymethjesus13:52
ubottuCrazymethjesus: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!13:52
MorphyNORohh nice, entertainment is here13:52
Yfrwlfiflema: when I boot up, I'm only using about 300-400MBs.  System monitor now shows 1.5GBs.  I eventually rebooted a few days ago, because it eventually started into using swap space, which is horribly slow.  MorphyNOR: k, done, still confused. ^^13:53
Rahimhow to install grub legacy in Debian(testing) from a live cd?13:54
Yfrwlfiflema: 1.6GBs used and steadily continuing.  Luckily I have 4GBs of RAM, but still.13:54
iflemaYfrwlf so you boot and touch nothing and it climbs until it crashes....13:55
coz_Rahim,  not sure but it should be similar      http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/REINSTALL%20GRUB13:55
Yfrwlfiflema: No, I have not yet tried to see which program specifically is causing this "leak" or whatever it is.13:55
yareckonRahim, #debian is not as full as it was this morning... ask over there13:55
iflemaYfrwlf if its swapping its filled the 4gig13:55
Rahimcoz_: it wont find stage1 since grub2 is installed13:56
freakynlhi, q. I added a user and now he's on the gdm/kdm login list. I don't want him to show there, anyone know where to remove it? He can just type in his username13:56
arandRahim: ask in #debian.. but I guess you just check the grub packages, see which one are the legacy version, install it, run "sudo grub" and the reinstall from the grub terminal as you would normally..13:56
Rahimis there a way to install grub from scratch?13:56
coz_Rahim,  oh!!  mm  maybe go to  #grub channel   I bet they have more info on this13:56
DJones!grub | Rahim13:56
ubottuRahim: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.13:56
Rahimlet me give you a run down13:57
Migi32where does boost store its .a's or .so's after I do apt-get install libboost?13:57
Rahimi have ubuntu 9.04 with grub legacy setup along with other OS (debian), now i hav installed debian testing and i am unable to make an entry in ubuntu menu.lsy since there is no menu,lst in grub213:57
Yfrwlfiflema: Yes I know, it did, and that's my next step though is to start a program and wait to see if it causes the "leak".13:58
iflemaYfrwlf have you added apps from foreign repos/foreign source code.13:58
soreau! grub2 | Rahim13:58
ubottuRahim: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub213:58
Oasaokay lisn i want to make a bot13:58
Oasaso that it will answer to some default questions in gtalk (using pidgin)13:59
Oasahelp me out13:59
Migi32and why do we even have 1000 different directories for libraries? /lib, /usr/lib, /var/lib, /etc/lib, ... it's driving me cray13:59
soreauOasa: That really has nothing to do with ubuntu13:59
Oasaso where do  i ask that soreau?13:59
Oasacan you help me anyways?13:59
MorphyNOROasa: #pidgin13:59
Yfrwlfiflema: Yes, so I will test and see if I can find out which program causes the leaking, I was just hoping that I was missing some way of seeing the process which is leaking, but apparently I'm blind to it.13:59
sipiorMigi32: try "dpkg -L libboost"14:00
puneeththere's no audioplaybak on my computer14:00
MarkusHello. Need help installing Ubuntu 8.0414:01
Karhucan someone please tell me how i can log into a term instead of x ?14:01
erUSULKarhu: just once? or everytime?14:02
Karhujust once14:02
YfrwlfKarhu: control-alt-F1 through F6, F7 is X, F8-F12 are also available AFAIK.14:02
soreauKarhu: Use recovery mode?14:02
erUSULKarhu: just "crtl + alt + f1"14:02
pifhow do I install a pre-release version?14:02
arandKarhu: you always have the term through ctrl+alt+F2 (F7 to get back)14:02
Karhuok thansk :-)14:02
arandpif: download the alpha or daily liveCD14:03
yucatan1991where can i select options to get better image in ubuntu14:03
Migi32sipior, well it was actually libboost-dev and not libboost, but apparently it only installed a "copyright" and a "changelog.gz" file?!14:03
arand!lucid | pif14:03
ubottupif: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:03
pifarand: do you have an URL?14:03
yucatan1991i know there is a menu for it with 4 options if i can remember i'm not sure14:03
HiragerHey, is there any way to enforce resolution CHANGE trough terminal?14:04
soreauyucatan1991: sys>prefs>display ?14:04
puneethcany anyone help me? i need help with audioplayback. i cant hear anything... no music, nothing :(14:04
HiragerFVWM window manager14:04
soreauHirager: You can use xrandr..14:04
HiragerI tried, but I am not able to change it14:04
arandpif: I could google it, but so could you ;)14:04
soreau! audio | puneeth14:04
ubottupuneeth: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:04
sipiorMigi32: there are a large number of packages brought in by installing libboost-dev. try looking at them. or use find. or pkg-config.14:05
Hiragerxrandr -- newmode and xrandr --addmode don't help14:05
Karhui tried doing ctrl-alt-f1 but im trying to install a driver and it still says i appear to be running an x server so it wont install14:05
soreau! who | Hirager14:05
ubottuHirager: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:05
soreau! nvidia | Karhu14:05
ubottuKarhu: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:05
Oasa!tab ubottu14:06
Oasa!tab Oasa14:06
Migi32sipior, how do I see which packages libboost-dev installed?14:06
Hirager!tab soreau14:06
kaolbrecHirager: it meant just start typing the name, then press tab14:06
Hirager!who soreau14:06
Markushello. I try to install Ubuntu8.04 on notebook Lenovo SL510. When it start to load "graphics mode" there is no picture. I can see just some kind of garbage on screen.What to do?14:07
kaolbrecHirager: need a pipe there14:07
soreauHirager: First, which video card do you have?14:07
Hiragersoreau, test14:07
HiragerNVIDIA 7300 GT14:07
soreauHirager: Then you probably want to use nvidia-settings to change the resolution or set it in your xorg.conf14:08
nerdy_kidhi everyone! is it a good idea to link files in my $HOME dir to roots home?  want to like my .kde folder.14:08
soreaunerdy_kid: That is a bad idea, dont even try it14:08
Hiragersoreau: The thing is that my spare cable i use, doesn't send info about monitor.14:08
yucatan1991soreau: no something else14:09
nerdy_kidsoreau :( causes permission frying huh.  no way to prevent root from changing the permisions?14:09
yucatan1991not the resolution but about the quality14:09
soreauHirager: Have you tried setting the resolution you want in nvidia-settings?14:09
yucatan1991the lowist options is only available if u have a good driver14:09
yucatan1991somewith with the graphics14:10
frostbite7lol i appreciate your helping me soreau but the site didn't help do you have any alternatives?14:10
Hiragersoreau: Yes, there are only 2 resolution. I have FullHD monitor14:10
obiwan_guys, i just woke up and my ubuntu screen is like zoomed, i can't see my whole screen at once, i need to move the mouse over it. Do you know what did i touch? i felt asleep on the keyboard and don't know ):14:10
soreaufrostbite7: Why did it not help?14:10
Hiragermouse scroll14:10
obiwan_nice hah thanx hirager14:10
yucatan1991i'm looking for this screen. http://www.techotopia.com/images/4/4a/Ubuntu_visual_effects_settings.jpg14:11
obiwan_i tried ctrl + scroll which is the normal in apps14:11
soreauHirager: I guess you can ask in #nvidia, Im not sure14:11
obiwan_didn't thought about logo :P14:11
Karhuthe binarydriverhowto doesnt seem to cover installing legacy nvidia drivers with ubuntu 9.1014:11
soreauKarhu: Did you check sys>admin>hardware drivers?14:11
frostbite7lol i don't know. i ranit in the terminal as instructed but the plugins cant be found14:12
Karhu<soreau> yeah i did no luck there i tried envyng too but that dosnt seem to help either14:12
HiragerI am sure the prblem lies in cable, not card, because it started after change of cable14:12
sipiorMigi32: try "apt-cache depends"14:12
soreaufrostbite7: Did it successfully compile and install the plugins? Did you restart compiz and ccsm as it instructed?14:13
arandyucatan1991: right-click desktop, change background, and there's your dialogue14:14
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yucatan1991arand: i wanne change it to extra but if i enable that14:15
yucatan1991it say could not enable14:15
yucatan1991how can i fix that14:15
yucatan1991i have a ati radeon hd 365014:15
arandyucatan1991: that's video accelerated drivers not being enabled.14:16
frostbite7lol i dnt know. do i first copy the code and then restart compiz ?14:16
soreaufrostbite7: If you actually read the guide, it tells you exactly what you need to do14:16
GutZuWiSSeNare there any ERM - tools / editors for ubuntu?14:17
yucatan1991u mean the fglrx driver?14:17
localh0stHello, how could i connect my ubuntu livecd via ethernet with my windows 7 on second computer?14:17
erUSULyucatan1991: use the free driver (either radeon or radeonhd ) ?14:17
yucatan1991how i should do that14:17
localh0stis it avainable to share files on livecd?14:18
erUSULlocalh0st: assing manually valid ips/netmasks in both computers14:18
SpaceBasshey folks14:18
yucatan1991arUSUL how should i do that14:18
frostbite7lol cool. thanks. if it isn't to much trouble could i have the link again?14:18
epinkylocalh0st: just configure an ip and use smb://you.wiindows.machine.ip on nautilus14:18
soreaufrostbite7: It is called elements and you can install it with the script found here (since ubuntu no longer provides the -unsupported plugins package) http://forum.compiz.org/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=12012&p=75601#p7560114:19
SpaceBasssetting up a dual boot box from scratch. Want to be able to boot the XP partition as a VM from inside ubunut. What's the install order? Windows first or Ubunut first?14:19
freakynllocalh0st: if you can internet, probably no need, dhcp will have already assigned ip's to your machines14:19
localh0stepinky: is it working in idle default? my version of ubuntu is 7.10..14:19
elvios:SpaceBAss: I think you're always supposed to install windows first..14:19
erUSULyucatan1991: probably you are alredy using radeon driver... do you see performance problems ?14:19
SpaceBasselvios: thanks14:19
yucatan1991no but i wanne set soem visual effect.14:20
elviosSpaceBass: but not sure if you want the VM-thingy14:20
=== ferret__ is now known as ferret_
epinkylocalh0st: check if you have an ip opening a terminal and typing "ifconfig -a"14:20
yucatan1991and if i do that it say Deskttop effect cold not be enabled14:20
elviosSpaceBass: If you only want windows as a VM I think you should only install ubuntu, and then install windows via VirtualBox or whatever program you're using14:20
localh0stepinky: i would connect my ubuntu livecd to windows 7 machine- i want copy my files from dead os14:21
soreauyucatan1991: Do you see a driver in sys>admin>hardware drivers?14:21
SpaceBasselvios: I need it as a physicial box and VM ... otherwise I'd agree 100%14:21
soreauyucatan1991: Did you install it?14:21
SpaceBasselvios: its a new, fresh HD, I'll expirement and find out :D14:21
yucatan1991soreau: i see thefglrx driver14:21
freakynlSpaceBass: good luck, xp doesn't like changes in hardware very much14:22
yucatan1991but if i do that my ubuntu wont boot up anymore14:22
SpaceBassfreakynl: hoping I can use hardware profiles to get around that14:22
yucatan1991then my ubuntu starts and i only see is a black flashing screen14:22
elviosSpaceBass: Ah. So windows should be installed properly but accessible from inside ubuntu? I have no idea how to do that :D14:22
yucatan1991a flashing console14:22
freakynlSpaceBass: maybe, you probably will have to keep the hals the same14:22
epinkylocalh0st: then I'd recommend configuring SSHd on LiveCD and use WinSCP on Windows Side to copy to your 7 disk14:22
soreauyucatan1991: Oh well I guess fglrx sucks :P How many monitors/screens do you have plugged in to the graphics card?14:22
SpaceBassfreakynl: good point. Thanks. and thanks elvios as well!14:23
freakynlSpaceBass: order doesn't really matter, if you install linux first, then windows, you will have to recover grub mbr. the other way around you will have to restore windows bootsector in some cases14:23
yucatan1991its a laptop14:23
yucatan1991a IBM t50014:23
soreauyucatan1991: Which version of ubuntu is this?14:23
BillyBoywell.. nice.. here are living people :).. need advice with configuration of php and extensions on ubuntu-server channel it seems everyone is sleeping can i ask here?14:23
localh0stepinky: thanks14:23
yucatan1991IBM Lenovo T50014:23
yucatan1991how i can see that?14:23
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IdleOneyucatan1991: lsb_releasa -a14:24
IdleOnewill tell you the version14:24
BillyBoyneed little help, don't know how to start php extensions gd-bundled and imagemagick library.. could someone help me? show me the way?14:24
soreauyucatan1991: lsb_release -a14:24
yucatan1991ubuntu 9.10 karmic14:25
freakynlBillyBoy: isn't installing and then restarting apache enough? It shoud suffice iirc14:25
IdleOneBillyBoy: try #php also :)14:25
ugliefrogis the ubuntu-9.10-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent the live cd14:25
llutzugliefrog: no14:26
IdleOneugliefrog: no14:26
rayvehi all, I was asking the other day about a sound issue - I've now upgraded to 9.10, still only sound in Rhythmbox, nothing in Youtube or with WoW in wine. Pulse says it doesn't detect any hardware, and the Sound preferences window is different than it was in 9.0414:26
soreauyucatan1991: Well the good news is that the open driver now has 3D support for your card. The bad news is it didnt make it into the 9.10 release so you would have to install packages from the xorg-edgers repo14:26
IdleOneugliefrog: the desktop is livecd14:26
BillyBoyfreakynl nope..14:26
BillyBoyIdleOne ok thx14:26
freakynlBillyBoy: worked for me, quite sure about it14:26
ugliefrogok...thanks...live is what i need14:26
SPeck84Somebody can help with me in a Samba14:26
SPeck84I can't configure14:26
perlsyntaxdoes ubuntu have boadcom drivers?14:27
yucatan1991soreau what u mean can u help me with this?14:27
ouyeswhat a mess14:27
yucatan1991soreau : what should i install and from witch repo14:27
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know where i can get my wireless card driver on ubuntu?14:27
IdleOne!broadcom | perlsyntax14:27
ubottuperlsyntax: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:27
kiwimanhello what's up !14:27
SPeck84kiwiman are u a hungarian?14:28
psycho_oreosouyes, ahh you're here, umm I checked the lspci -nnk output, your hardware is a fairly recent build, so I can't see how fglrx wouldn't work but Xorg.0.log may show something useful imo14:28
soreauyucatan1991: Actually I use gentoo so I dont know exactly how to install the xorg-edgers repo, but from what I understand, you just add it and update your system. If you would like, you might find support for this in #radeon14:28
kiwimanSPeck84: no only French :D14:28
SPeck84Kiwiman can you help my14:28
yucatan1991maby can u explane a bit more what i need to do14:29
ouyespsycho_oreos,  you mean fglrx should work well?14:29
IdleOneyucatan1991: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:xorg-edgers <---make sure that is correct14:29
kiwimanSPeck84: it's not the right way to say hello :) ??14:29
kiwimanSPeck84: about ??14:30
soreauyucatan1991: Well you need to know what a repo is and how to add one in general first.. let me see if I can find a lonk to xorg-edgers14:30
nougaHi ! on Karmic, the system sounds via bell (internal beeper) doesn't work, only trough the sound chip !!14:30
psycho_oreosouyes, I can't vouch for it because I don't have that hardware, but I can't see why not, upon searching vid:pid of your device, many were asking about compiz, so I'd say yes fglrx should be working without issues, you're running 9.10 right?14:30
ouyespsycho_oreos,  il try it again by active it in the hardware driver14:31
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:31
SPeck84kiwiman about Samba configure14:31
nougamore : Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller14:31
LuciusMarehello, how i used kubuntu,and i set it to encrypt my home directory, now i migrated to another system,  how do i unecrypt it?14:31
psycho_oreosouyes, no14:31
ouyespsycho_oreos,  i am running 9.0414:31
soreauyucatan1991: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa14:32
psycho_oreosouyes, I'd check whilst in GUI (unless you're familiar with CLI and can bear with it) the Xorg.0.log for some info14:32
psycho_oreosouyes, hmm14:32
ouyespsycho_oreos,  what can i do14:32
epinky!es | diego_14:33
ubottudiego_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:33
psycho_oreosouyes, well I'd check the error logs, Xorg.0.log first. You said you have previously activated the driver right? and so if it fails, etc it should be logged into Xorg.0.log, in /var/log14:33
soreauourizo_: What card do you have?14:33
soreaudamn it14:34
diego_qe de qe??14:34
soreauouyes: Which card model do you have?14:34
diego_the algo card14:34
ouyespsycho_oreos,  i tried in the hardy both the  official driver and the flgrx14:34
psycho_oreosouyes, hardy would be ancient :) nah I was looking at koala14:35
IdleOneyucatan1991: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa14:35
nougaHi ! on Karmic, the system sounds via bell (internal beeper) doesn't work, only trough the sound chip !!14:35
nougamore : Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller14:35
IdleOneyucatan1991: after that sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade14:35
ouyespsycho_oreos,  8.04LST, i have not tried in 9.04 because i am afraid14:35
calrikis it deliberate the fact I can not access network shares in nuatilus when I run nautilus with "sudo" ?14:35
epinky!gksudo | calrik14:36
ubottucalrik: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set u