
=== TheMuso` is now known as TheMuso
semitonescan I find hardware requirements for ubuntu studio anywhere?01:27
semitonesthe laptop I'd like to install it on runs xubuntu nicely, but can't handle gnome very well, so I was wondering if ubuntu studio would work01:27
Blank__probably not01:32
Blank__ubuntu studio uses gnome01:32
semitoneshmm, is it more or less demanding than standard ubuntu? For instance, how do the latency adjustments affect performance?01:33
Blank__not sure01:36
Blank__i'd say you wouldnt want to use it on anything less than a 1GHz01:37
semitoneshmm ok, I think I have a faster processor than that. The problems being I only have 512 mb ram, and 128 of that is reserved for onboard graphics (though I can change this to 64 bit in the bios). Is there a wiki page with system requirements?01:40
Blank__not that i know of01:46
Fezzlerpulseaudio and jack - ugh - no like each other03:32
_guitarman_with ubuntustudio 910, do you have to do any config in terms of limits.conf etc like in the past , or does an install take care of adding to the audio group et etc.03:48
_guitarman_we have a user who has a delta 44 who gets xruns with realtime checked but no xruns when its not checked03:48
Fezzlercan you help me sort the jack and pulseaudio complexity?03:52
amstan_guitarman_: going over to the ubuntu side then?05:07
_guitarman_hehe i was helping cameron05:09
amstanoh, ok05:09
_guitarman_i actually do run ubuntu based distro on my eee05:09
_guitarman_we got him going05:09
_guitarman_he's rockin at 2.5 ms or so05:09
amstancome on! i'm only getting 2005:10
amstanwell.. without rt though, that must count for something05:10
_guitarman_amstan: no rt? why05:10
_guitarman_rt ftw05:10
amstani didn't want to bother with a new kernel05:11
amstani have a quad core, i thought it wouldn't matter anymore05:11
amstanand it doesn't05:11
_guitarman_you and your quad core.05:11
_guitarman_and your gigabyte internet!05:11
amstanoh yeah.. that05:11
_guitarman_you got like the sports car of music computing05:12
amstani also have sneakernet access to the ubuntu repository05:12
_guitarman_thats cool though - i'm glad for you05:12
_guitarman_sneakernet is awesome05:12
semitonesdoes the realtime kernel introduce instability?05:32
* _guitarman_ shakes majic 8 ball.05:37
_guitarman_magic even05:37
_guitarman_dunno - rt patches seem to run fine for me05:37
semitonesalright that's good05:37
semitonesI also hope I can use it with the xubuntu package05:38
semitoneshow does the rt kernel affect the rest of the system though? Does it act like a normal desktop?05:51
holsteinhey mothersofinventi19:19
holsteini have no idea what to do with that pastebin19:19
holsteinwhats going wrong?19:19
funkyHatHas anyone managed to use either fst or dssi-vst on a 64bit linux?20:15
=== Blank___ is now known as Blank__

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