
JuanantonioHi, anyone there?01:08
SMQBlotare there a xubuntu repos?01:49
cody-somervilleWe use the same repository as Ubuntu.02:02
king_crimsoni'm going to guess.. this channel is not for support for "xUbuntu" ... the xbox ubuntu distro?02:25
gdubbuslol xbox ubuntu distro02:26
gdubbusnever heard of such a thing02:26
king_crimsonyeah it's the same name different capitalization :)02:27
king_crimsonnothing else to do with my old xbox 102:27
gdubbushmm yeah, I've only seen linux running on a ps3 as far as consoles go but I'm not big into modding that kind of hardware02:28
gdubbusbut no, this def an xcfe-ubuntu channel02:29
king_crimsonok, well i thought i'd check. thanks.02:30
joseantoniohi everyone02:30
gdubbusanybody try debian out?02:33
gdubbusI'm dling testing right now. my 9.10 install has had some pretty bad issues02:35
gdubbusso figure I'll give debian a shot02:35
CharlesRusing xubuntu 9.10, trying to set up networking to several windows machines, i bring up shared folders and am told nfs or smb must be installed. i say go ahead and install both, type my password, and shortly it again says they have to be installed, as many times as i try. firefox accesses th eweb with no problems.03:43
gdubbusdo you have samba set up?03:51
CharlesRno, tried and failed to install it03:52
gdubbusdid you do a apt-get install samba-common? or samba4?03:53
gdubbusfollow that guide03:56
gdubbusand then03:56
gdubbuscheck out pyneighborhood03:56
gdubbusthats a method you'll need to actually browse windows shares03:57
CharlesRwill look there03:58
NameMeim trying to dual boot ubuntu 9.10 desktop i get to step 7 /dev/sda1/ device ntfs type then choose change what the heck do i do from there?05:08
NameMethe edit partition window pops up umm05:12
NameMeit says do not use the partition by default05:13
NameMeunder use as05:14
Sysiubuntu can automatically modify and create partitions05:14
NameMewould be nice but it isnt05:15
NameMeit all shows green05:15
NameMeno partition05:16
Sysiwhat do you mean?05:16
NameMeot on the 6th selection05:16
NameMeall is blue05:16
NameMewhen installing from live cd05:16
NameMestep i should alow me to partition it all auto like u say05:17
NameMeit only ask me 2 questions05:17
NameMedelete windows or05:17
NameMespecify partitions manualy05:18
NameMei have tryed to use the gparted05:18
NameMewith no sucess05:19
Sysiyou create partitions with installers partition editor05:19
Sysior well, you can also use gparted05:19
NameMeumm gparted isnt doing what it should05:20
NameMenether is the one that came with the cd05:20
Sysiugh, this wlan truly is horrible05:20
NameMeill continue to type numbers saying how much space i want to free up05:21
NameMeit will never give me a next screen05:22
NameMejust goes back to 00005:22
NameMewhat is wlan/05:22
Sysiwireless lan, also called wifi05:22
mikubuntuis there a way for me to set dolphin as the default file browser for all my apps?  like when i'm browsing for a picture to upload, etc...?05:23
NameMeyeah i cant get 3 com working ether lol05:23
NameMeoh well one step at a time05:23
NameMequestion can ubuntu 9.10 be dual booted with windows 2000 pro?05:25
bucket529Drat. I used the 'Display' control panel to change the resolution of one user. Now that user cannot log in - the GDM login screen keeps recycling, so I suspect X is restarting. Other users can log in just fine. How can I change that user's dispplay settings from the recovery command line, so that user can log in?05:27
NameMeany one know how to use gparted? mabey im doing somthing wrong05:33
NameMei have tryed for 4 days to partition this could be a sighn i should just stay with windows05:36
NameMewanted to try it =(05:37
NameMe 05:40
mikubuntuis there a way for me to set dolphin as the default file browser for all my apps?  like when i'm browsing for a picture to upload, etc...?05:54
bucket529I figured out my resolution problem - delete the file with the customized resolution saved at /home/USERNAME/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/displays.xml   Restart, and all works again.06:01
NameMeany one know how to use gparted?06:15
Sysiit's easy06:16
Sysiselect partition you want to edit and umount it06:17
NameMeim looking to resize the partition i want06:18
NameMeit looked so easy on youtube06:19
Sysiselect the partition and select resize06:20
Sysiyou can shrink it by dragging edge with mouse06:20
NameMei am dragging all over nothing is moving06:23
NameMei can type the amount in megabites corect?06:25
Sysihmm, i can't remember06:25
mikubuntui found this, but i'm not sure exactly what portions of the file i'm sposed to change: You can edit the following file /usr/share/applications/nautilus-folder-handler.desktop  and change nautilus --no-desktop %U to d3lphin and it should cause all file handling to be done by d3lphin. This worked for me.06:27
mikubuntucould someone help me implement this if you think its doable?06:27
NameMesorry im totaly new to ubuntu06:28
mikubuntui am who i am because of who we all are .. this is the spirit of ubuntu .. so i am you and you are me .. will you take the oath?06:29
mikubuntuis there a way for me to set dolphin as the default file browser for all my apps?  like when i'm browsing for a picture to upload, etc...?06:30
mikubuntui found this, but i'm not sure exactly what portions of the file i'm sposed to change: You can edit the following file /usr/share/applications/nautilus-folder-handler.desktop  and change nautilus --no-desktop %U to d3lphin and it should cause all file handling to be done by d3lphin. This worked for me.06:30
mikubuntucould someone help me implement this if you think its doable?06:30
Sysiyou don't need to ask three times btw06:30
NameMemay i post a vidio depicting what im trying to say?06:31
Sysiyou're not using wubi?06:31
Sysido not use wubi, it's evil06:32
Sysiidk if video would help at all06:32
NameMeno the cd was sent to me from the netherlandspromese c/o ubuntu-kbuntu postbus 3174 4800dd breda06:33
mikubuntusysi, can you help me with my file editing issue?06:33
mikubuntunobody else seems to be active06:33
Sysimaybe nobody knows06:34
Sysigksudo mousepad /usr/share/applications/nautilus-folder-handler.desktop06:34
NameMei ordered it from ubuntu website06:34
mikubuntui have the file opend with gedit, i am just not sure of the instruction06:34
mikubuntubut better i'll close it and follow your instruction06:35
Sysifind "nautilus --no-desktop %U"06:35
mikubuntuyes i see that06:35
Sysifrom the file06:35
Sysii'd guess you need to replace "nautilus" with "dolphin", or how ever it's written06:36
mikubuntuonly on that line?06:37
NameMehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG5qcFpgpII when ever u have time =)06:37
Sysicoming to that instruction, yes06:37
mikubuntuand only that portion of the string?  just swap out dolphin for nautilus so that it reads =dolphin --no-desktop %U  ?06:38
Sysiso it seems06:39
mikubuntuwhat about all the other instances in the file where it refers to nautilus ?06:42
mikubuntuso, maybe i shouldn't mess with it?06:43
Sysipropably no06:43
mikubuntuok, thx06:44
Sysiat least you now don't have too much to fix if it doesn't work after that06:44
NameMegood thinking06:44
mikubuntuso you think its safe enough to try?06:45
NameMehave backed up ?06:45
NameMehave disk just incase all fails?06:46
mikubuntualways have disk06:46
mikubuntudon't have backd up, don't know how to back  up that file06:46
Sysiwell, that can't mess up entire system06:46
Sysifor that little change backup may isn't needed06:47
Sysibut it's done like saving old as "file.desktop.old"06:48
mikubuntuits not opening mousepad with that command you gave me06:50
NameMewhere it says new size (mib)  <total drive amount > if i change that will it make space for the aprtition/06:51
NameMeit has the exact amount total my hard drive06:52
NameMeheh i guess try and see06:53
NameMethis is bugging me06:55
mikubuntusysi, will i need to restart to make it take effect?  just tried to browse photos from yahoo mail and the nautilus file mgr still came up06:57
Sysiyou can try that06:58
mikubuntuk, b back in a few i guess .. thx06:58
NameMeare u not trying to asist me any more sysi?06:59
NameMeits all cool if so just dont enjoy asking questions with no reply06:59
SysiNameMe: i really don't know what to say07:01
NameMeheh seems thats what im finding every where07:02
NameMeits almost like im the only person to ever have this problem07:03
NameMei will try the same question tomarrow07:05
NameMesome one may know at some point lol07:05
NameMeits not like i dont have perfectly running windows pc's to hold me off07:06
NameMesome one will know eventualy07:06
mikubuntunope .. don't understand it, does not default to dolphin, and it keeps opening nautilus07:06
NameMewould u say its best to just stick with windows ?07:07
NameMestrange how windows just works mac os just works so far ubuntu is a head ach07:08
Sysiwhy my windows don't "just work"07:09
MrNaz_ymais it possible to easily mount remote volumes (samba shares etc) in a way that causes them to show up in thunar like a removable drive (usb flash drive, external hdd, etc) ? it'd make it clearer to users when they were working with remote filesystems07:09
Sysii need to install gazillion programs to do even basic things, and it's totally unusable after year07:10
NameMeyou might have done somthing to your windows07:10
Sysiyeah, used it07:10
MrNaz_ymaNameMe: You're trolling, be careful or you'll be kicked.07:10
SysiMrNaz_yma: what do you think i'm doing to him :P07:11
NameMeim actualy trying to get help07:11
NameMeonly one person tryed to help me07:11
Sysiwhat is your problem, simply07:11
Sysiwhat don't happen when should07:11
knomeMrNaz_yma, thunar 1.1.0 supports remote filesystem browsing07:11
NameMelet me think of the best way to state it ....07:12
knomeMrNaz_yma, + there is gigolo which should work for that07:12
Sysiyou can't shrink your current windows partition?07:12
NameMei have gparted open running ubuntu from the live cd it had my hard drive and curent partition nothing i do will shrink my curent partition07:14
Sysiyou have selected "resize"?07:14
NameMemy curent partition is factory07:15
NameMea windo pops up07:15
NameMewhat do i do in that window?07:15
Sysithere is that picture about partition?07:15
Sysiwell, "picture"07:15
knomeSysi, graph :P07:16
knomemorning and greetings from the lecture :P07:18
NameMealittle blue bar /dev/sda1 with arrows ether way minimum size listed max size listed free space preceding (mib0 and a box with a value of 0 new size with curent hard drive size total free sppace following 0 round to cylinders checked07:18
NameMethats almost every word i see outher than cancle and resize button but resize button is grey not collored07:19
NameMewhen i move mouse near arrows it turns to a double arrow mouse pointer07:20
knomeNameMe, have you tried to change the values?07:20
NameMei hold doun the mouse button and drag nothing hapens07:21
NameMewhen i change the values and hit enter it just goes back to prior set up07:21
knomeis it an ntfs partition?07:21
NameMenow where getting to smart questions07:22
NameMei wasnt happy with the ohwell fealing i was getting from outher helper =)07:23
knomeSysi, do you know if gparted can resize ntfs partitions? i'm quite not sure07:23
Sysii think it should, but i haven't tried07:24
knomeand i can't check with my phone easily07:24
Sysiat least installer sould be able to do that07:24
NameMeinstaller keeps trying to remove windows compleetle07:24
knomei wonder if you need to install ntfs-3g or sth07:24
NameMehumm how big is ntfs3g and can i use a usb removable device to install it?07:25
knomei'm gonna check a few things now, brb07:26
knomeNameMe, have you read that?07:29
NameMenot sure gonna open link07:30
knomeNameMe, can you get anywhere with it07:32
NameMegive me a sec to read it looks alot like the same stuff i have been trying tho07:33
NameMeguess i should say running from the live cd my partitions are not mounted that should make them easy to work with right?07:35
NameMe... this isnot the window i see in gparted from the live cd07:36
NameMeit looks like the one from the install of ubuntu07:37
NameMewe try think i have tryed this tho07:37
NameMeAs you can see, the actual size is 9421 MB. To change the size, you can use the arrows, to grow up or reduce the partition.07:43
NameMethis is my exact problem07:43
NameMei cannot preform this task due to i dont know why07:43
NameMemy mouse wont grow ir reduce the partition07:45
knomemaybe ask #ubuntu as this is not a xubuntu-specific issue07:45
NameMelol yeah makes sence07:45
NameMejust got it from the web site lol07:46
NameMedidnt think about the x before it07:46
knomeoh well07:47
ouyesan atracting question, how many computing capabilities will it be saved to change from gnome to xfce??08:02
gdubbusnot a ton, but if your machine is old at all you'll see the difference08:10
gdubbusprobably save a hundred megs of memory maybe more, never really tested though so I don't have anything to back that statement up with08:12
=== psycho_oreos is now known as Guest57081
Pres-GasHey all13:53
Pres-GasLotta kerberos related updates from GNU recently...Shishi...GSSAPI13:56
peturHello friends14:25
=== petur is now known as peturrr
peturrrDo you consitter XFCE to be more stable than GNOME?14:26
charlie-tcanot always.14:27
charlie-tcaXfce is simply an alternative to the gnome desktop envirnmoent14:28
peturrrLong time ago i tried debian+xfce .. i didn't like ot much as it did not autodetct my portable harddrive and flashsticks14:29
peturrrIs this issue resolved as of xubuntu 9.10 ?14:29
peturrrdetect = automount and open up the corresponding folders.14:30
charlie-tcagood question! AFAIK, it is resolved. As for opening the folders at mount, I do not think it does, you must specifically open them yourself.14:31
Pres-Gaspeturrr, I have been able to put many kinds of portable storage devices in and they show up.14:31
Pres-GasHey, slow-motion14:32
charlie-tcaMuch has changed in all the desktop environments since a "long time ago", though14:32
slow-motionhi Pres-Gas14:32
Pres-GasHmmm...I just installed ekiga on my 9.04 machine and it is not showing up in my menu.14:42
charlie-tcaProbably another one marked gnome only?14:43
charlie-tcacheck in /usr/share/applications for the desktop file. If it is gnome specific, can you file a bug on it?14:44
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, can I see in aptitude/synaptic if it is "gnome-only".  I am looking in applications now14:45
charlie-tcaThe only place it tells us is in /usr/share/applications after it is installed, normally. All it means is whoever wrote the .desktop file decided only those using gnome will get the menu item14:55
Pres-GasSo, just file a bug in ekiga?14:55
charlie-tcaagainst ekiga in launchpad14:56
charlie-tcaspecify that the item does not show up in xubuntu14:56
charlie-tcaI will then push it to the right people to have it fixed14:56
Pres-GasI will ping you when I report it.14:57
charlie-tcaIt will be a line like this:  OnlyShowIn=GNOME;14:57
Pres-GasI am gonna hand hack it...what should it say, charlie-tca?14:58
charlie-tcaThat is the line. If you copy that file to /home/$USER/.local/share/applications, it is better than changing it as root14:59
Pres-Gask, but what should it say?14:59
charlie-tcaBut, either way, it is okay to add ";Xfce" to the line14:59
Pres-GasCase sensitive?14:59
charlie-tcaoops, make that ;XFCE;15:00
charlie-tcaThere should be a semi-colon after the last entry15:01
Pres-Gashmmm...there was no semicolon at the end of "Mobile"15:03
charlie-tcaI see that, but there should be15:03
Pres-Gashmmm...looks like a fix has been released, supposedly...https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ekiga/+bug/37067715:04
charlie-tcacomment #6 shows they dropped the patch?15:06
charlie-tcano, mistake15:06
Pres-Gashmmm...I did not see that yet...multitasking15:07
charlie-tcaThat patch was supposed to be in 8.10! I will look into this one further.15:07
Pres-GasThanks, charlie-tca!15:08
charlie-tcayou are welcome. Thanks for finding it.15:08
p0lycarbonatedoes compiz work on xubuntu? (9.4)15:21
Sysiyes, but i only succeeded with emerald15:22
p0lycarbonatei heard it was for kde is that right?15:22
Sysiemerald is just for window borders15:23
Sysinot specified to any working enviroment15:23
Sysimy friend and some others also got it work with default, but i didn't15:24
p0lycarbonateim downloading and installing compiz now.. i guess its downloading kde librarys15:24
p0lycarbonateso it may work you say15:24
Sysihave you watched tutorials?15:25
Sysithere's some good hints15:25
p0lycarbonateok im checking sry15:25
manishhi....can some one tell me how i can manage the files installed on other partitions from the default file manager thuran...16:15
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
jmadridHey all.. anybody home?19:26
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:26
knomeSysi, sshhhh! ;)19:26
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:26
jmadridoh sorry ubottu. I was just being nice.19:27
likemindeadWhat's up, jmadrid?19:28
jmadridSo, my question is... I upgraded to 9.1019:28
* charlie-tca__ thinks now it is broken19:28
jmadridhave a Belkin Wireless PC Card and it now doesnt exist in the computer, after the upgrade.19:29
jmadridThe previous version of Xubuntu detected it on the fly19:29
Sysiknome: btw, why don't we have xubuntu stickers?19:29
jmadridHello likemindead!19:30
knomeSysi, i once thought i'd press them, but since it is not free/cheap, i don't want to press 10000 stickers myself and take the loss. :)19:31
knomeSysi, if more people are interested in that, yes, we could have them printed19:31
Sysiknome: canonical or somebody isn't interested?19:32
Sysido we have design for stickers?19:32
knomeSysi, if they would be interested, who wouldn't they ship free xubuntu discs as well?19:32
knomeSysi, no we don't, but i was just thinking plain logo with transparent bg19:33
knomeSysi, i can do more, if you have ideas and i think those are worth doing :P19:33
siznaxyay stickers!19:33
knomei mean, financially interested.19:37
* charlie-tca__ thinks "I hate to say it, but we a part of Ubuntu... could use their stickers for the time being?"19:39
charlie-tca__I think a design that is readily available would perhaps allow those who want stickers/buttons to have them made themselves19:39
siznaxthe Ubuntu logo is nice, but i like the Xubuntu mouse. :)19:41
siznaxi put Ubuntu stickers on my "helpy selfy to Xubuntu" disks that i pass around, but blue/mouse Xubuntu stickers would be preferable19:41
siznaxsurprising how much schwag gets peeps excited19:43
Sysiknome: one thing i also have wanted to tell, if you'd be interested about following loco-stuff, we have #ubuntu-fi-tiimit19:43
Sysimeetings every second sunday19:44
Sysiidk about financial things, but i "know" one guy who's owning printing place19:45
* Ov3rf10w brb19:51
TheSheepknome: you use a tablet with gimp?20:17
knomeTheSheep, with inkscape20:21
knomeSysi, that would work (guy with printing place).20:22
TheSheepknome: do you happen to know how to configure it's pad buttons in the application?20:30
knomeTheSheep, unfortunately i don't - my tablet doesn't have those20:31
knomeTheSheep, maybe they can be bound as "normal" keypresses?20:32
TheSheepknome: they are treated as mouse buttons20:33
TheSheepknome: and both inkscape and gimp seem to have some dialog for setting them, but I can't figure out how to use it20:33
TheSheepknome: and documentation is nonexistent20:33
knomeTheSheep, maybe just trial and error? :/20:34
TheSheepwhat do you think I did for the last two hours? :)20:34
TheSheepI can set them up with the wacomctl tool20:34
TheSheepbut that's global20:35
knome(i suppose you mean wacomcpl)20:35
TheSheepand the mapping that makes sense in gimp doesn't make sense outside of it20:35
knomemaybe write a script.. :P20:35
knomebind to keypress -> start the script -> if active window is gimp, cause these keystrokes / if not, cause these20:36
TheSheepand invoke it each time I switch windows?20:36
TheSheepI didn't knwo xfwm4 can do that ;)20:36
knomeit can't but there are tools which let you do it20:36
TheSheepI'm not going to change my window manager just for gimp20:37
knomeit's not a window manager change, actually20:37
knomeas long as you can identify the active window and emulate keypresses...20:37
knomewmctrl should help with the first20:37
knomeeven if the xfce developers hate it :P20:38
TheSheepmeh, that's too much work, especially since gimp *does* seem to have it already20:38
knomegood luck then ;)20:38
TheSheepI can change them with xsetwacom from commandline20:38
TheSheepsomehow it hurts me to hack some scripts when the program already provides it20:39
knomei know20:39
knomebut that's a workaround *for now*20:39
TheSheepgimp hurts a lot ;)20:39
knomethat's why i don't use gimp20:39
TheSheepbtw, karmic has %$#^%$@^ up fdi file for wacom, had to hack on it to make applications see my tablet20:40
TheSheepI thought ou'd test that before the release ;)20:40
knomei didn't use an fdi file since a few weeks ago20:40
knome(or didn't know using one)20:40
TheSheephopefully hal will go away soon20:41
TheSheep(probably as soon as I learn to use it)20:41
TheSheepit's always like this, I suffer through some arcane and overly complex system, and when I finally start to get a hang of it and become productive, it's replaced with something less documented and more opaque20:42
TheSheepgrub 2, new gdm, upstart...20:43
knomethose still might be improvements over the old system20:43
knomewell new gdm isn't :P20:43
TheSheepI miss the ability to have a grub menu on esc20:43
TheSheepI have to boot a livecd now instead of recovery mode20:44
knomeoh well :)20:44
knomeat least you are able to do it20:44
TheSheepa pretty large step back, almost as bad as removing alt+ctrl+backspace20:44
knomethink of the people who can't find a way around it20:44
knomebut you can get alt+ctrl+backspace back .P20:44
TheSheepI can also install old grub20:45
TheSheepbut that's beside the point20:45
TheSheepI can make my own distribution20:45
Pres-GasTheSheep, what about holding down "shift", that should give you back your menu (did I already talk about this with you?).20:46
Pres-Gasit moved from esc to shift for some reason20:47
Pres-GasI am with you about the less documented and more opaque though, TheSheep20:48
BesogonHave you heard about TeX and especially about "texi2dvi" script?20:50
BesogonMay be someone used it before?20:51
charlie-tca__TheSheep: you haven't turned the menu on in grub2?20:54
TheSheepcharlie-tca__: I did, but now it shows every time21:17
TheSheepPres-Gas: not me, but noted, thanks21:17
charlie-tca__sorry :-(21:17
TheSheep!hi alexplank21:20
Pres-GasTheSheep, I got that shift thing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:37
TheSheepI'm just complaining that I'm becoming to lazy to constantly learn new things as they change :)21:37
Pres-GasYeah, but there is absolutely NO consistency even though the package names are similar...so psychologically, you would think many of the shortcuts and features you know and love from GDM or grub would still be there, but NOOOOOOOOO!21:39
Pres-GasWe are just gonna rip it all out and start fresh...and still call it the same thing.21:39
TheSheepchange is the only constant21:39
Pres-GasI do like the potentiality of upstart, though I come from OS X with launchd.21:40
TheSheepPres-Gas: I'm getting a feeling that ubuntu is being pushed towards 'free macos clone', at least visually21:44
charlie-tcahmmm I suppose asking for a screensaver that doesn't have moving patterns would be wrong?21:58
TheSheepthe purpose of a screensaver is to prevent the screen from displaying the same thing in teh same place for extended periods of time21:59
TheSheepit was introduced when people noticed that the upper-left corner of their monitors is becoming really dim after several years22:00
charlie-tcaIt bothers my eyes to do that... Oh well, add to personel wishlist22:00
TheSheepthere is the 'blank screen' screensaver, it doesn't have anything moving on it22:00
charlie-tcaAlso monitors burning the image to the crt tube22:00
TheSheepit's my favorite too22:00
charlie-tcaIt does work well.22:00
fyksenJust chillin..22:49
fyksenZap there?22:49
fyksenwhats up?22:50
SMQBlotah, fixing my desktop a bit, think im finished now22:54
karelmHi, I installed ubuntu cli, then added xfce, now I'd like to add the albatross theme from the latest xubuntu release... how can I do that?22:56
knomekarelm, install xubuntu-artwork -package, if you're on karmic.23:00
karelmknome: I am on karmic, but I dont have that package... I also don't have xubuntu-desktop :S23:00
knomekarelm, what do you mean you don't have that package? when you install xubuntu-artwork, you'll get the albatross theme.23:02
karelmI mean I dont have both those packages... neither xubuntu-desktop nor xubuntu-artwork23:02
knomekarelm, well you should install xubuntu-artwork to get the albatross theme.23:03
karelmI mean, I don't have them in my repositories23:03
knomekarelm, it's in universe repository, so you might need to add that to your sources first.23:03
knome-might. you DO need to do it :P23:04
karelmI thought I enabled all repositories23:04
karelmlet me check23:05
knomekarelm, have you updated the package lists after enabling the repositories?23:05
karelmthe server was set to ports-something23:05
karelmI changed it to main server and am updating atm23:06
karelmok, it is there now :D23:07
karelmI hope I don't break anything by changing that server23:11
karelmmainly because I have a powerpc cpu23:11
knomewell, in that case you shouldn't change it23:11
karelmwell, I already did23:12
karelmbut now I don't know what it was23:12
karelmseems like it does use the ports.ubuntu.com repositories :)23:16

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