
=== njpatel_ is now known as njpatel
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maxriskfactorRAOF, any problems with connection?13:59
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vishdjsiegel: hi... reminding you again about >  Bug #38894919:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 388949 in hundredpapercuts "'Clean Up by Name' -> 'Arrange by Name'" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38894919:04
djsiegelvish: hey let me see19:04
vishdjsiegel: you just need to send mail to the nautilus mailing list , as per upstream comments19:04
djsiegelI think they want a mail to gnome-doc list19:05
vishalso cc to the docs, for the string change19:05
vishdjsiegel: also , maxriskfactor has been doing some work on papercuts.. you can steer him as well ;)19:07
djsiegelvish: what has be been up to?19:08
vishdjsiegel: he has submitted patches on a few bugs.. 19:08
maxriskfactordjsiegel, one of them is opening of the gnome-appearance opening up when you set a wallpaper19:08
vishdjsiegel: ex: Bug 38340419:09
ubot4Launchpad bug 383404 in network-manager "networkmanager passive notification wording needs to be changed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38340419:09
vishmaxriskfactor: what was the other one? 19:09
maxriskfactordjsiegel, another is this https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/50306119:09
ubot4Launchpad bug 503061 in hundredpapercuts ""Change desktop background" dialog shows up when using "Set as desktop wallpaper" option in image viewer" [Low,Triaged]19:09
maxriskfactorvish, djsiegel these are those two on which I worked properly...19:11
maxriskfactorand the gnome-appearance once, I tried and tested it properly19:11
vishmaxriskfactor: the EOG change just removing the function is not very ideal19:12
maxriskfactorvish,  I know, it was just as required by the papercut :)19:12
maxriskfactorvish: secondly, I told you why it doesnt matter much. You can't revert back to the old wallpaper so easily19:13
vishmaxriskfactor: there was another bug , with a string change [iirc it needs a bit of change too]19:13
maxriskfactorlemme check19:13
djsiegelvish: ok, sent19:14
vishdjsiegel: phew... finally ;) thanks19:14
maxriskfactorvish, djsiegel: this one  is the third https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-session/+bug/49512719:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 495127 in hundredpapercuts "Shutdown/restart dialogs is unlcear about whether people should wait" [High,Triaged]19:14
vishmaxriskfactor: ah , right , that one also needs to be changed as per the wiki link... beuno  , right?19:15
beunovish, yes, that's right19:16
maxriskfactorvish, I changed it as per the wiki link IIRC19:16
vishhmm , lemme check again19:17
vishbeuno: if wording is ok , can you subscribe the sponsors ?19:19
vishor is it hosted in bzr? wouldnt a merge be better?19:19
beunotedg, could you look at the patch?19:20
beunovish, I think you can do a proposal against hte package19:20
beunobut tedg is the upstream for that AFAIK19:20
* tedg is looking19:21
* vish wonders when tedg will show love for inkscape ;)19:21
maxriskfactorvish, I am working on other code, just ping me if I am needed :)19:22
tedgI don't think that we should have a string with two carriage returns it.  They should really be separate text boxes.19:22
tedgPrimary text and secondary text.19:22
vishmaxriskfactor: ^^19:23
maxriskfactorvish, Fine.19:23
maxriskfactortedg, you mean the summary and body section as per the manual? http://library.gnome.org/devel/libnotify/0.4/NotifyNotification.html#notify-notification-new19:24
tedgmaxriskfactor: No, more like: http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/GtkMessageDialog.html19:26
vishtedg: the indicator application icons... do they have a name yet?19:27
maxriskfactortedg, ahh. Sorry I pointed to the wrong place19:27
tedgvish: I don't know, that seems like a good name for them to me :)19:28
maxriskfactortedg, I am back to work on it. Thanks for the feedback :)19:30

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