
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
thumperswitch hurts with object files00:59
thumperperhaps switch should take into account ignored files (like .o)00:59
lifelessthumper: ack01:24
lifelessthumper: bites me all the freaking time01:24
thumperlifeless: we should come up with a plan01:44
lifelessthumper: needs  amerge conflict handler/resolver02:09
mtaylorlifeless: debian/changelog conflict handler/resolver!!!! :)02:10
lifelessmtaylor: doneish02:13
lifelessmtaylor: see the recently added merge hook02:14
mtaylorlifeless: w00t02:15
keithyI cant add files in a directory has 2.0 changed02:18
keithyare .cs files ignored by default?02:18
RAOFkeithy: No, .cs files aren't ignored by default.  What are you trying to do and what is bzr doing instead?02:31
keithyI have a directory called updates02:32
keithyand when I do02:32
keithybzr add updates/02:32
keithyand bzr status reports unkown:02:33
keithyso even basic stuff is defeating me02:34
RAOFWell, it works here.02:34
RAOFCan you pastebin the full terminal output of what you're doing and what bzr says in reply?02:35
keithydo you have a pastebin?02:35
* igc lunch02:36
keithykeithy pasted "Bzr" at http://paste.lisp.org/display/9367402:38
RAOFpaste.ubuntu.com works.02:38
RAOFkeithy: Have you actually run “bzr add updates/”?  I don't see that in your terminal log, and that works for me.02:40
keithyit does nothing02:40
keithyand there are 300 files in there that I expected to be added02:41
RAOFI guess another option would be “bzr add updates/*”, but I'm not sure why it hasn't worked already.02:42
keithyno that didnt work weither02:43
keithyok I started again02:45
keithyit worked this time02:45
RAOFI wonder what was wrong, though.02:45
meoblasti pulled from another repo into mine and got http://sortedbits.ath.cx/bzr/nitrobot.bzr is permanently redirected to http://sortedbits.ath.cx/bzr/nitrobot.bzr/02:56
meoblastis that a problem?02:57
meoblastand should i be using merge instead?02:57
AfCNot a problem02:57
meoblasti'm trying to bring in someone's commit from his tree02:57
meoblastinto the main tree02:57
AfCIt's just saying you didn't have a trailing '/'02:57
meoblasti did have a trailing / but ok02:57
meoblastbut i suppose that's not a problem02:58
meoblastis pull the correct function to use to bring commits from someone else's branch into the main branch?02:58
meoblastmerge doesn't do the job03:00
meoblastmy commit log looks like this if i do, 1, 2, 3,  4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,803:00
mwhudsonmeoblast: merge is for combining lines of development, yes03:02
meoblastmwhudson: so why does it duplicate commits 1 - 7?03:02
mwhudsonmeoblast: it doesn't usually...03:03
meoblastmwhudson: ok, fixed03:03
meoblastwhen merging, do modified files in the merge come up as "modified:" as well?03:04
mwhudsonmeoblast: yes03:08
meoblastok, thanks03:10
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mwhudsonlifeless: can i object mildly to bzrlib.tests monkeypatching traceback?03:51
lifelessmwhudson: you can object to traceback being brokeb.04:06
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* igc dinner09:08
=== Leonidas1 is now known as Leonidas
Ddordahey, Im trying to make a new branch, but for some reasons it says I don't have pernissions for that11:36
DdordaIve done bzr init; bzr add; bzr push lp:~ddorda/gezer/po11:37
Ddorda$ bzr push lp:~ddorda/gezer/po11:38
DdordaPermission denied (publickey).11:38
Ddordabzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.11:38
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=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
michaelisHi. Is there any way to show swedish letters in bzr-explorer in windows. Or at least space character. As it is now there's a % sign and some number afterwards.12:51
keithyahh! I made it12:57
keithyits taken me so long to get here I cant remember what my question was12:57
keithyoh yes12:57
keithyis there an automatic directory contents tracking feature yey12:58
keithyso you can add a directory and all its contents12:58
keithybzr add-and-track-contents somedirectorywherepeopleputstuff12:58
michaelisWhy does bzr-explorer in win xp show %20 instead of a space character?12:59
keithyit looks like add doesnt have this option arg13:04
mzzkeithy: err, using what tool? "bzr add directory" works for me...13:06
mzzI must be misunderstanding your question13:06
mzzbzr add --no-recurse directory for just the directory13:06
keithybut what if someone adds a file after you have done bzr add directory/13:09
keithyit is not managed is it13:09
maxbNo, and this is intentional13:11
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NET||abusehey guys.14:21
NET||abusejust trying to add files to a repo on a webserver, so i can download the site through bzr.14:21
NET||abusei am on the ssh root14:22
NET||abuseon the ssh shell as the website owners user, not root, sorry14:22
NET||abusei have a web/ dir and a bzrsrc diri i've made14:22
NET||abusei did bzr init on the bzrsrc14:22
NET||abusethen i copy in all the files under web14:23
NET||abusethen bzr add *14:23
NET||abusethen i try to bzr ci      it rolls through tons and eventually gets to a pdf, and hangs.14:23
mzzif anything in there is huge it may just be slow14:23
NET||abusei can ctrl+c outa the commit action, but of course i'm scared that'll ruin something.14:23
NET||abuseit's only 5.4MB14:24
NET||abusejust sitting there.14:24
NET||abusehow can i debug this/14:24
mzzI'd consider strace-ing the process to see what it's doing14:25
mzzassuming that server runs linux14:25
mzzfrom your description it sounds like you're doing something quite normal and the only reason I can think of for a hang would be disk io being slow for some reason14:26
NET||abuseit's ubuntu dapper.14:26
NET||abusesorry, ubuntu hardy.14:26
NET||abuseso how do i run this strace14:31
NET||abusestill sitting there for the last 4 minutes.14:31
NET||abuseahhhhh, finished!!!!!! crap14:31
NET||abusewoah, splity14:31
jammorning all14:35
vilamorning jam !14:37
* vila almost miss the message in the storm....14:37
michaelisHi everyone.14:38
michaelisI could use some help.14:38
rubbswhat do you need michaelis14:40
michaelisIf a have an old revision and update it with bzr update, then my local changes still remain intact and I have to bzr commit to update the working tree. But after running bzr update, is there a way to see what the differences are between my local tree and the tree on the server?14:41
michaelisMaybe it works as a shell command but it most certainly doesn't work in bzr-explorer.14:44
rubbsnot sure if this will work but try doing "bzr diff 'Path-to-remote-branch'"14:44
rubbsoh, bzr-explorer... um. just a sec. I'll check14:44
michaelisThere are possibilties to define aliases in bzr-explorer but how do I run them in the explorer?14:45
* mzz wonders what RAOF is doing14:48
rubbsmichaelis: I"m not sure about either of those questions :( I'm sorry. I wish igc was up.14:49
rubbsvila: do you know anything about bzr-explorer or know of anyone who does? michaelis has some advance usage questions.14:50
vilarubbs: sry, my front-end is emacs :-/14:51
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vilamichaelis: after an update, your working tree will be like the remote tree *plus* your local changes14:52
rubbsnp... just thought I'd ask. Better to ask and be wrong rather than not ask and loose out on an opertunity for help14:52
vilamichaelis: so doing 'bzr diff' will be enough14:52
vilarubbs: you're welcome, I appreciate your efforts !14:52
vilagee this IRC storm is worse every minute14:53
michaelisWait a minute.14:54
vilaubottu: behave please, that's not how a good bot stands in a channel, your programmer will be ashamed14:58
michaelisBut the problem is that the diff button in the explorer doesn't show the difference between two versions.14:59
michaelisBut there are possibilities to define aliases. How do I run them in the explorer?14:59
vilamichaelis: no idea about bzr-explorer14:59
vilamichaelis: 'bzr diff' will compare your branch tip to your working tree content, there is no need to specify anything15:00
vilamichaelis: just after a 'bzr update' you branch tip is the last revision commit on the remote branch, so this seems to be exactly what you want15:01
vilas/you branch/your branch/15:01
michaelisThanks. I will try it out.15:03
keithysure its intendional, but its not the behaviour I need15:12
mzzkeithy: you may be interested in the --strict switch to commit, iirc15:18
keithyI just want to tell people to do a commit15:19
keithyother tools are producing the files15:19
mzztell them to do a commit when?15:19
keithythey work in their tools the tools product files15:19
mzzbzr isn't some background process that monitors your dir for new files15:19
keithyand at the end of the day they commit and or push15:19
mzzthere are a couple of operations (like bzr st, bzr ci, etc) that look at the working tree and will notice any new files15:20
keithywell it has the notion of a directory15:20
keithydo you need to tell bzr which lines of a flie to commit?15:20
keithybzr has directories as first class objects15:20
mzzdid you actually look at the --strict switch to commit I just mentioned?15:20
keithyso the response form commit is to tell me to go and add files manually15:21
mzzit's probably not hard to add a commit-like command or another switch to commit that just has it add any unknown files before committing15:21
mzzwould that actually do what you want?15:21
keithyI guess I want a15:21
keithybzr add --auto blah/15:21
mzzof course simply calling "bzr add; bzr commit" where you're currently running "bzr commit" would work too, in that case.15:21
mzzadding some extra metadata to tracked directories that tells bzr they should get this automagic behavior seems like a hassle15:22
michaelisHi again.15:35
michaelisWhen I select a branch in the repository I in the bottom window of the explorer that the text "no parent location selected yet" is showing. What does this mean and how do I fix it?15:37
michaelisrepository I in = repository I see in15:38
=== bigjools-afk is now known as bigjools
michaelisI'll come back tomorrow and ask the same question. Bye.15:43
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
NET||abuseok, bzr crash on trying to check out a large repo, 3.1GB, probably due to backup files being included.16:03
NET||abusedata files in forms of documents and in form of uploaded mp3'aac's and other audio files. etc16:03
NET||abusemaybe i should cut them16:04
keithymzz: hassle? it seems obvious to me16:05
keithyits hassle not having it16:05
mzzkeithy: please don't enable it for me, I'd end up accidentally checking in backup files and having to uncommit them a countless number of times16:06
keithynp I wont16:07
idnarI'm surprised there isn't a bzr commit --add or somesuch16:10
quicksilverI use bzr add `bzr unknown` quite often16:15
quicksilverand sometimes bzr add `bzr unknown | grep -v no_not_that`16:15
keithyooo interesting16:21
quicksilverkeithy: typo, by the way. the command is unknowns, with an s on the end :)16:23
=== herb__ is now known as herb
NET||abusegetting bzr: ERROR: zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing: incorrect data check16:35
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
jamvila: today is the day to cut 2.0.4 and 2.1.0rc1, do you know of anything pending that needs looking at?17:12
vilajam: plain and simple: no, I'm pretty sure we landed everything timely17:13
vilajam: if you need a nudge to land your autopack fix in rc1 I can do that for you :)17:15
jamvila: its in pqm now17:15
jamthe ignore exceptions is something I'd like to land17:15
vilajam: AIUI you're waiting for some feedback on perfs17:16
jamthey are correct enough for rc1, perf improvements can happen for 2.1.0 final17:16
jamas a feature change, I think 2.1 is either all-or-nothing17:16
jamWhitley didn't seem to respond to my last message, so I might pick that up myself17:17
maxbOoi, is it likely that 2.1.0rc1 will enter ~bzr-beta-ppa? That ppa is looking a bit unmaintained at the moment17:18
jammaxb: afaik it is unmaintained17:25
bialixinteresting... merging 3 times with default merge algorithm, --weave and --lca produce 9, 9, and 11 conflicts17:25
jamI certainly would like it to...17:25
bialixis it normal that --lca produce extra conflicts?17:25
bialixhi jam17:26
jambialix: as always "it depends" but I do know of cases where --lca conflicts and --weave doesn't17:26
jamand IME it conflicts more than weave17:26
bialixrarely I saw --lca produce less conflicts than --weave17:26
bialixbut very rarely17:26
bialixas you say it depends17:26
bialixbut in most cases weave rules17:27
bialixbut today there is no criss-cross17:27
maxbjam: Hmm.... if I was interested in helping it becoming maintained, how would I proceed?17:31
jammaxb: as in, you personally maintaining it?17:32
maxbI'm not sure I'd have the time to cover all the plugins on my own, but I'd certainly be interested in doing bzr and bzrtools17:33
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
jammaxb: I believe we have some documentation on how to build, etc bzr for the ppa in 'doc/developers/ppa.txt'17:35
jamwith possibly some other needed info in 'releasing.txt', etc.17:35
jamIIRC, johnf (who maintains ~bzr ppa) actually uses a slightly different methodology17:35
jambut hasn't had time to update the documentation, etc.17:36
maxbPerhaps the best way would be for me to set up a personal ~maxb/bzr ppa, do some packaging, and then find someone with ~bzr-beta-ppa upload permissions to review?17:36
jam(using autoppa to handle releasing for many different platforms, etc.)17:36
jammaxb: that would work17:36
jamit would also let you experiment and get it right before we start having you send it on to others :)17:36
jambtw, I have permissions17:36
jamas do all core devs, I believe17:36
NET||abusehmm, when you branch do you use a command like   #> bzr branch bzr+ssh://user@ipaddr/var/www/webxyz/bzrsrc ./localdir17:37
NET||abuseas i tried that and it was throwing libgz errors17:37
maxbjam: If the PPA is known currently unmaintained, it would be useful to users if you could edit its description to declare that, for now17:38
jamNET||abuse: that looks approximately correct. If you are getting libgz errors that normally indicates disk corruption17:40
NET||abusejam, wasn't at all, if i leave out the localdir location it works fine.17:42
jamNET||abuse: that would indicate that the corruption is in "localdir"17:43
NET||abuselocaldir didn't exist17:43
jamNET||abuse: if "bzr branch $SOURCE" works but "bzr branch $SOURCE ./target" doesn't, then something is pretty odd17:43
vilatransient network error ?17:44
NET||abuseif i try ./target when the dir exists, i get the already exists error17:44
NET||abuseso i know i have to specify a non existant directory17:44
NET||abusetransient: i'm on heanet, nation education authority network, very reliable,, no way it screwed up 3 times in a row.17:45
=== Kosjer is now known as KosjerD
jamNET||abuse: just as a strawman, try "bzr branch $SOURCE bzrsrc" which should be the default target17:46
jamalternatively... what does 'bzr info' in the local dir say?17:46
NET||abusejam, well i've already downloaded it so what can i do..17:47
NET||abusetrying again17:47
NET||abusethe localdir says standalone tree( format: 2a) branch root: .   Related branches: parent branch: bzr+ssh://user@ipaddr/var/www/webxyz/bzrsrc17:49
NET||abuseand that's after trying to branch and failing.17:49
jamNET||abuse: it is possible that creating the branch succeeded but building the working tree failed17:49
jamin the localdir, you could try17:50
jamrm -rf .bzr/checkout; bzr co17:50
NET||abusethat's the crash log.17:50
NET||abusejam, that sounds right.17:51
NET||abusejam, did that, immediately again it tries to export the update and gets the error17:51
jamNET||abuse: so I don't quite understand why it would not fail if you did not supply a target17:52
jamunderstanding the difference may be the key17:52
NET||abuseyeh i know, i've no idea why,17:52
jambecause *that* traceback clearly indicates garbage data17:52
NET||abusebut every time i specify a locadir rather than letting it default to bzrsrc?17:52
jamNET||abuse: is there a 'bzrsrc' already?17:53
NET||abuseit's really weird behaviour.17:53
NET||abusebzrsrc is only on remote17:53
jam(note you can also always do "bzr branch ...; mv bzrsrc localdir"17:53
NET||abuseyeh, i've done that already.17:53
NET||abusei have /home/me/development/projectxyz17:53
NET||abuseso i've about 20 projectxyz's on the go in there17:53
NET||abusefor different sites, bits of code work i do,17:54
NET||abuseand my normal method of working on a site is in the user dir for the site admin, which usually has a www or web dir adjacent, is to create bzrsrc on all hosts i work on, then i can just copy the web dir's out of bzrsrc WT on the server to live serving location.17:55
gerardanyone already wrote a testcase for bug #113809?18:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 113809 in bzr "update performs two merges" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11380918:01
gerardotherwise I'm going to do that now18:01
jamgerard: are you talking about the discussion from here: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~craighewetson/bzr/update_with_local_commit/+merge/1032018:18
jamAFAIK, nobody has stepped up to complete it18:18
=== gerard_1 is now known as gerard_
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=== davidstrauss_ is now known as davidstrauss
gerard_davidstrauss: I'm looking at bug #113809 and I've got some questions19:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 113809 in bzr "update performs two merges" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11380919:55
gerard_you wrote the original patch right?19:55
davidstraussgerard_: yes19:56
gerard_I made some minor changes, and wrote a blackbox test script19:57
gerard_but I'm wondering what bzr is supposed to do for the test_smoke_update_checkout_bound_branch_local_commits test19:57
gerard_because my patched version now give the error that there are both uncommitted changes and local commits, and that seems right19:58
gerard_I'm a little confused about the situation there.... its a lightweight checkout of a branch (and a master)19:59
gerard_and it does 1 commit to the master and 1 to the branch20:00
gerard_then it makes some changes in the lightweight checkout20:00
gerard_after that, it runs bzr update20:00
gerard_I'd expect it to only get the changes from the branch20:02
gerard_but it seems the smoke test (and current implementation) also expects the commit on master to show up20:03
gerard_davidstrauss: any ideas?20:04
davidstraussgerard_: My fix does not affect lightweight checkouts20:05
davidstraussgerard_: Lightweight checkouts cannot handle local commits20:05
davidstraussgerard_: Nor did I write that test :-)20:05
gerard_bzr blame to the rescue ;)20:07
gerard_vila: you there?20:07
gerard_davidstrauss: it seems my adaptation of your fix does affect lightweight checkouts :p20:08
davidstraussgerard_: Nor should it. My fix is irrelevant to lightweight checkouts.20:08
gerard_yeah, it should be20:10
NfNitLoo`can I not rebase in a bound branch?20:15
NfNitLoo`bzr: ERROR: Bound branch BzrBranch7('file:///home/codyc/bzr/smartbear/wc/') is out of date with master branch BzrBranch7('file:///home/codyc/bzr/smartbear/dynreport-newcols/').20:16
NfNitLoo`I start with a clean checkout.  then try to rebase.20:16
NfNitLoo`then I get the above error and get a working-tree with an odd state.20:17
NfNitLoo`I'll try it in a standalone branch.20:17
NfNitLoo`yeah, seems to be working much better w/o the bound branch.20:21
NfNitLoo`maybe it should warn you about that?  ;)20:21
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
=== NfNitLoo` is now known as NfNitLoop
gerard_how can I check I'm in a lightweight checkout?20:35
NfNitLoopgerard_: gerard_ bzr info, I think.20:42
* NfNitLoop checks.20:42
NfNitLoopyep, the Location: will say "light checkout root: <rootdir>"20:42
gerard_this looks like the check it is using: if (tree is not None and tree.bzrdir.root_transport.base != branch.bzrdir.root_transport.base)20:45
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gerard_the real problem here seems to be that bzr update will happily do a string of merges, even if there are conflicts along the way20:50
gerard_so if you update, it will merge with the branch you bound to, and then with the branch that branch is bound to etc etc20:50
fm_just found an easily reproducable bug in bzr-gtk see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=55757320:52
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 557573 in bzr-gtk "[abrt] crash in bzr-gtk-0.97.0-2.fc12" [Medium,New]20:52
=== davidstrauss is now known as davidstrauss-afk
gerard_is Robert Collins around?21:42
jamgerard_his handle is lifeless21:46
jamand he pretty much always lurks :)21:46
jamI think he is at LCA this week, so I don't know if will be around to answer right away21:46
gerard_currently bzr update will keep on merging as long as it encounters a bound branch that is not up to date21:55
gerard_I think it should stop after one merge and notify the user21:56
gerard_because the way it currently is causes a mess with local changes and bound branches21:57
gerard_even when there are no local changes but just conflicts between commits on the chain from master to bound branch to bound branch to bound branch21:58
gerard_I found a comment in the code wondering if it is such a wise Idea to allow binding to an already bound branch21:58
Glenjaminjfroy: are you around at all? i'm having some problems getting bzr-keychain to do anything21:59
NfNitLoopgerard_: whoah, I never even thought of doing that.22:02
NfNitLoop(binding to a bound branch.)22:02
Glenjamindoes that chain?22:03
gerard_I think so....22:03
gerard_but you can get conflicts in the conflicts in the conflicts currently22:04
jamGlenjamin, gerard_: no, commit will stop if it sees a bound branch of a bound branch22:04
gerard_so you can end up with a file.moved.moved etc22:04
jamgerard_: the update you are talking about is different22:04
gerard_jam: commit will, but update wont22:04
jamand has to do with local commits + local changes + remote ones22:04
jamgerard_: I'm not positive, but i'm pretty sure it only looks at 1 master22:05
gerard_jam: really?22:05
jamgerard_: yep, but in a heavyweight checkout you have22:05
jam1) the current revision of the working tree22:05
jam2) local modifications to the working tree22:05
jam3) the current revision of the local branch22:05
jam4) the current revision of the master branh22:05
jamand 'update' is currently designed to "smush" that so that22:06
jam1 == 3 == 422:06
gerard_and we can only do a 3 way merge22:06
gerard_forcing people to do a local commit first isn't going to work22:06
kbrownhi, I'm in the process of installing the latest Bazaar on OS X 10.6.2, found I had a previous v 1.3 installed apparently. Is there an uninstaller for 1.3 somewhere? Or what do I need to do to get rid of it?22:06
gerard_because there are lightweight commits22:07
gerard_so we should just do one of the merges (3,1,2)22:09
gerard_and then push22:09
zsquarepluschmm, the fist time a package fails to install... and it's the bzr upgrade in karmic..22:09
gerard_this is hard22:10
gerard_for a lightweight 1 == 3 right?22:10
gerard_ah, it doesn't have to22:11
NfNitLoopkbrown: I generally just run the installer and it will overwrite the old version.22:18
NfNitLoopkbrown: if you want to be paranoid, you could find the bzrlib directory in your python libraries and delete it.22:19
kbrownthe one issue I discovered was bzr was in /usr/bin before and now is in /usr/local/bin, when I did bzr from Terminal it does not pick up the correct one it seems22:20
NfNitLoopkbrown: aah, yep.  Delete the old one.22:20
NfNitLoopkbrown: I have also wished for an uninstaller, but I don't think there is on. :/22:20
kbrowndid that, I suppose the bzrlib is ok then after the new install?22:21
NfNitLoopkbrown: Yep.  the bzr executable will complain otherwise.22:23
NfNitLoop(It'll tell you that the exe and library versions differ.)22:23
gerard_bzr log doesn't show revision 0?22:24
fullermdNo, rev0 doesn't exactly exist.22:25
gerard_that's the classic vcs problem22:25
lifelessrevision 0 is a theoetical thing22:25
fullermdIt got caught in flagrante delicto with rev -1, so we banned it for life.22:25
gerard_so I can have a theoretical thing with a date and a commit message?22:25
gerard_doesn't sound too theoretical to me22:25
kbrownNfNitLoop: thx22:26
gerard_lifeless: anyway, I wanted to ask you something22:26
gerard_about the double merge that bzr update sometimes does22:26
gerard_if the first step has a conflict things get seriously messed up22:27
=== jam changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://bazaar.canonical.com/ | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: vila | bzr 2.1.0rc1 and 2.0.4 have gone gold
gerard_I did quite some bzr annotate and it seems you were the one to add that second merge22:28
lifelessso bzr should just stop there22:28
gerard_that's my current assumption22:29
gerard_but I'm not too sure22:29
lifelessI've checked with abentley who wrote the main merge code and he still thinks stopping there would be good22:31
gerard_does the rest of the code allow a commit after the merge stops at that point?22:32
gerard_something in the situation has to change, otherwise rerunning merge will not have any effect22:33
gerard_ehm, rerunning update*22:33
lifelessfix the conflict, run update again.22:36
lifelessshould work f ine in the postulated situation.22:36
lifelessbbiab, fooding22:36
gerard_so only stop when there is a conflict?22:36
gerard_because it seems the policy of bzr to always explicitly commit after a merge22:36
lifelessyes, that should be fine here.22:41
lifelessyou won't need to commit after the first merge in this situation.22:41
lifelessbecause its an update.22:42
KilrooI keep feeling like I've almost found the silver bullet, and then realizing I skipped a step.22:42
KilrooA lot of the stuff I deal with at work is still on raw FTP with no source control, despite a very slow process that has been under way for several months now to try to move everything to svn (and the stuff that is on svn so far is doing it wrong).22:43
KilrooI was trying to figure out a way that I could still use bzr to make my own life easier, but I keep running up against the fact that in order for it to work, either everyone else would have to stop doing direct ftp, or I'd have to be able to install bzr on the server.22:45
KilrooOh well.22:45
NfNitLoopKilroo: sounds like a good time to look for a new job? :p22:47
fullermdI was thinking that a silver (or other metal) bullet would be a useful tool to stop the direct FTP   8-}22:47
NfNitLoopSeriously.  If you're at a company that's seriously doing development via ftp in 2010... run.22:47
KilrooYeah, well, if I can get them to stop dumping major database projects on me for a little while, I'm going to try to do something to change that.22:48
Ddordacan anyone help me? bzr doesn't want to upload my new branch. Ive done init and add, but it says I don't have permissions when it gets to push...22:52
KilrooUnfortunately my campaign is going to involve going up against a systems administrator who is leery of DVCS (and I think might actually like cvs better than svn) and thinks fusionforge is good stuff, and two levels of supervisors who are going to be very hard to sell on using something like Redmine instead of the VIP Task Manager program we're using now...22:52
KilrooI've been reading through some stuff about the differences between git and bzr lately. It can get pretty interesting.23:07
gerard_lifeless: not performing the second merge loses your uncommitted changes23:07
gerard_it's the first that needs skipping23:08
KilrooOne sentence I thought was pretty apt in a lot of ways was something along the lines of how git focuses more on the code and bzr focuses more on the developer.23:08
gerard_Kilroo: I like the power of git, but I'm pleasantly surprised by the versatility and code quality of bzr23:09
gerard_M1->M2  M1->B2 M1->(uncommitted changes)23:10
NfNitLoopDdorda: Did you forget a 'bzr commit' step?   also, bzr push *will* fail if you don't have write permission.  What type of location are you pushing to?23:10
gerard_first step: M1->M2 M1->B2->(uncommitted changes) M1->B2->(uncommitted changes)23:11
gerard_second step: M1->B2->M2->(uncommitted changes) ... ...23:11
gerard_seems the most logical to me23:11
KilrooIn some ways it seems to me that the way git evolved is (very) roughly analogous to coming up with the 2a format and then building bzr to interact with it23:16
gerard_and building it using mostly shell scripts23:17
gerard_but still, it works quite well for such a big hack23:18
KilrooOne of the assertions made a few years ago by a git advocate regarding whether bzr is truly distributed also led me to thinking that one of the key differences in philosophy between the two is that git is sort of distributed from the ground up, whereas bzr is distributed more as the logical extremity of starting from the centralized mindset and decentralizing it.23:19
lifelessgerard_: uh23:19
lifelessgerard_: I don't quite follow, but I'm tired after a week of conference23:19
lifelessput it in the bug please, so I can mull on it. Note that *both merges are needed*. But we can choose to do one later.23:19
gerard_what I mean if that a checkout has local changes, those need to go to the bound branch first, and only with the second update + commit they go to the master23:19
gerard_I'm tired too, it's getting late23:20
gerard_I'll attach what I have now to the bug23:20
KilrooOr to put it another way, git is (to put it in git terms) a content-addressable file system with version control built on top of it and collaboration built on top of that, whereas bzr is a version control system that is largely designed for collaboration but works quite well for solo work anyhow.23:21
KilrooI think I'll stop making vague comments about stuff I halfway understand now. At least for a little while.23:23
KilrooI still think it's funny that bzr can do a better (or at least easier) job of fixing the wrong way we're using subversion than subversion can though. Even without switching to bzr.23:24
Kilroo...in case you're curious...for some strange reason, the projects that have already been moved to subversion have a production repository and a development repository, instead of branches. It's basically like having plain ftp with a production server and a dev server, except with history and accountability.23:26
KilrooBut it does still beat having ONE server with a lot of files named things like index_v2_test4.php23:27
gerard_Kilroo: some people clearly don't understand the idea of version control23:34
gerard_but well, sometimes I don't either23:35
gerard_confusing stuff23:35
Kilroogerard_: I think part of the issue is that for a while the development team was either small enough or having enough turnover that nobody even thought about how good an idea version control would be long enough to do anything about it23:37
gerard_when I started at my job a few months ago they weren't using any vcs ;)23:37
gerard_I am the 4 developer so it isn't that big of a team23:38
KilrooTo be honest, at first I wouldn't even have understood the problem with the way we're using svn.23:38
KilrooThe only source control I'd used before was VSS with a max of four developers (two most of the time I was there).23:39
KilrooI actually came across bzr specifically because of its ability to use an ftp dumb server, and branched out to learn about git and hg and darcs and so forth from there.23:39
KilrooI keep meaning to sit down and write out a thorough explanation of how awesome a DVCS would be and how svn would be inferior and try to push for adoption.23:40
KilrooI have to admit, though, that despite how much I like bzr, I'm tempted to try out the other alternatives and make my final recommendation based primarily on which one has the best eclipse plugin. Which I suspect at the moment might be Mercurial.23:42
mzzKilroo: I'm not a heavy svn user, but afaik the idea is for bzr to be a *superset* of svn, not just an alternative. So other than various kinds of inertia (learning slightly different tools, converting repos, etc) bzr is imho a better choice than svn23:48
Kilroomzz: I agree. Matter of fact, now that the latest beta of bzr seems not to choke on our svn repositories, I am hoping to find time to set up so that I am at least using bzr as an svn superclient and for local branching, even if I can't sway the powers that be on the main choice.23:50
mlhsvn is a worse choice than bzr,git,hg in every aspect except unfortunately where it matters: mind share and tool/system/ide integration23:51
KilrooFrom what I've gathered, while some things I've read seem to imply that git-svn has had the shortest cumulative duration of not working due to new releases of one side of it or the other, bzr works more seamlessly with svn than any of the other DVCS bridges.23:52
ronnymlh: well, my ide has better hg/git/bzr inregration than svn integration :P23:52
mlher, change 'matters' for 'sometimes matters for organisations in a corporationy way'23:53
mlhronny: NICE!23:53
gerard_lifeless: attached a patch to prevent update when there are local changes + local commits23:53
mlhwhat ide .. emacs?23:53
ronnymlh: pida23:53
gerard_might have some time to look at stopping after the first merge this weekend23:53
ronnymlh: well,, partial reason is - i coded the current vcs integration, and svn just sucked23:53
ronnyeven worse than git23:53
KilrooI also haven't really gotten the impression that any of the other DVCSes besides bzr are particularly interested in working on two-way integration with the other tools. Imports, yes. Exports, maybe. Use X to work directly with repositories of Y...bzr seems to be the only one pushing for it much.23:55
ronnybzr/hg works best, but i strongly prefer hg cause its api works like my mind ticks23:55
ronnyKilroo: there is hg-git, hg-svn, and jelmer pushes for a hg-bzr based on bzr-hg23:55
ronnyand git is kind of lost, cause it lacks custom metadata23:56
Kilrooronny: I think I'd noticed hg-bzr but hadn't come across hg-git. And I'd almost be inclined to consider that to be bzr pushing for hg-bzr more than hg pushing for it, 'coz I mostly know of jelmer for his bzr work.23:57
ronnyKilroo: jelmer is a bzr core dev23:57
ronnywell, and it is based on bzr-hg23:58
ronnythere is a certain metadata gap, cause hg handles file-histories different than bzr23:58
KilrooHe could have just been a casual contributor and that would still be what I knew him for. The only dev whose name I've really latched onto for any of the others is, uh, Torvalds.23:58
ronnyyes, that borderline nut with too much media pressence :P23:59

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