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henningeme :)16:01
Ursinhawait wait16:02
bigjoolscome on get it together Ursula :)16:02
salgadoUrsinha, we waiting for matsubara?16:02
UrsinhaWelcome to this week's Launchpad Production Meeting. For the next 45 minutes or so, we'll be coordinating the resolution of specific Launchpad bugs and issues.16:02
Ursinha[TOPIC] Roll Call16:02
UrsinhaNot on the Launchpad Dev team? Welcome! Come "me" with the rest of us!16:02
Ursinhasalgado: he's not coming today16:02
henningestill me16:02
Ursinhabigjools: lol16:02
salgadome (on behalf of the Foundations team)16:02
UrsinhaChex, rockstar: hi16:02
Ursinhasalgado: oh, hi then :)16:03
Ursinhastub isn't coming, he sent one email16:03
Ursinha[TOPIC] Agenda * Actions from last meeting * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett) * DBA report (stub) * Proposed items16:03
Ursinhathis is not nice16:04
UrsinhaI don't see MootBot :/16:04
rockstarMootBot isn't here right now-leave a message at the beep.16:04
salgadowho cares about MootBot anyway?  he won't help us fixing any bugs16:05
Ursinhasalgado: he helps us with the meeting :)16:05
Ursinha[TOPIC] * Actions from last meeting16:06
Ursinha * matsubara to email tim about  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/50748716:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 507487 in launchpad-code "OOPS claiming a merge proposal" [High,In progress]16:06
Ursinha    * Emailed Tim, Paul is already working on this one16:06
Ursinha * allenap to file a bug about OOPS-1474EA771 and discuss it with Bugs team.16:06
Ursinha * henninge to fix bug 50749816:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507498 in rosetta "AttributeError on potemplate page" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50749816:06
Ursinha * matsubara to email tim about allocate-revision-karma script still blowing up16:06
Ursinha    * Emailed Tim about it16:06
Ursinha * matsubara to talk to someone from soyuz about critical bug 50648916:06
ubottuBug 506489 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/506489 is private16:06
Ursinha    * emailed Julian and pinged on IRC about it16:06
bigjoolsmight as well close that, it's sorted for now16:06
Ursinhaallenap: have you filed a bug for that oops?16:06
allenapUrsinha: It was marked as a dupe of an existing bug. I'll try and dig out the master bug.16:07
Ursinhathanks allenap16:07
Ursinha[action] allenap to dig the master bug of OOPS-1474EA77116:07
Ursinhathanks bigjools16:07
Ursinhahenninge: I see yours is fix committed, good :)16:07
Ursinha[TOPIC] * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts16:08
Ursinhabug 504291 is fix committed, that's our most offender in last weeks16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 504291 in launchpad-foundations "DisconnectionErrors (already disconnected) happening again" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50429116:08
Ursinhawe had a bunch of those in staging a few days ago: https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1479S1000, I guess it's foundations to take a look?16:08
Ursinhasalgado: ^16:08
allenapUrsinha: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/50830216:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 508302 in malone "NotImplementedError OOPS when reporting a bug" [High,Triaged]16:08
Ursinhathanks allenap!16:08
salgadoUrsinha, well, the OOPSes happened before the fix reached staging, right?16:09
Ursinhasalgado: which fix?16:09
Ursinhasalgado: those are type errors, not the DisconnectionErrors16:10
salgadoUrsinha, the fix for bug 504291, which landed two days ago16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 504291 in launchpad-foundations "DisconnectionErrors (already disconnected) happening again" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50429116:10
Ursinhaunless I've pasted the wrong oops16:10
Ursinhasalgado: yes, but I said it's fix committed, the oopses are other kind16:10
salgadooh, no, I thought the OOPS was of the same kind of the one you mentioned earlier16:10
Ursinhasalgado: no, it's not16:11
salgadook, I'll have a look at that OOPS16:11
salgadothe TypeError one16:11
Ursinhathanks salgado16:11
Ursinha[action] salgado to take a look in the TypeError oopses (OOPS-1479S1000)16:11
Ursinharockstar: what about the oops bigjools mentioned?16:12
bigjoolsI got it emailing a MP in16:12
Ursinhaallenap: OOPS-1481A2038 is the second one in number of oopses in lpnet16:13
* rockstar looks16:13
* allenap looks16:13
Ursinhaallenap: I see it's referencing bug 32991716:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329917 in malone "Changing a task's target using the API OOPSes as NotImplementedError" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32991716:13
allenapUrsinha: Okay, it should reference bug 508302 instead.16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 508302 in malone "NotImplementedError OOPS when reporting a bug" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50830216:14
Ursinhaallenap: great, I'll fix the reference16:14
allenapUrsinha: There are two NotImplementedError OOPSes, but I think they're unrelated bugs.16:14
allenapUrsinha: Thanks :)16:14
Ursinhaallenap: are there any plans to fix that?16:14
rockstarbigjools, wtf?16:15
allenapUrsinha: Deryck says he'll look at it next week, or, failing that, we'll definitely do it next cycle.16:16
bigjoolsrockstar: that's what I said too16:16
Ursinhaallenap: right, thanks, I'll make a note in the bug16:16
Ursinhabigjools, rockstar, is there a bug number for that?16:17
allenapUrsinha: That is, the +filebug OOPS, but I think the same will be true of bug 329917.16:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329917 in malone "Changing a task's target using the API OOPSes as NotImplementedError" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32991716:17
rockstarUrsinha, I'm filing one now.16:17
Ursinharockstar: thanks16:17
bigjoolsthere's no bug16:17
Ursinhaallenap: right, thanks :)16:17
Ursinhabigjools: there will be :)16:17
Ursinharockstar: can you take a look in this problem?16:17
rockstarUrsinha, bigjools' problem?16:18
bigjoolsI have many problems :)16:18
Ursinharockstar: that oops is not a problem but a feature? :{16:18
rockstarUrsinha, I will look, but I'm willing to bet it'll be hard to reproduce.16:19
rockstarbigjools, does ungodly things to his bzr repos.16:19
Ursinharockstar: that's ok, trying to reproduce is fine :)16:19
bigjoolsrockstar: I think it was when I did an MP for a branch with no changes16:19
rockstarbigjools, that makes this problem ever weirder.16:19
Ursinhabigjools, can you write that in the bug? as soon as rockstar files one, of course16:20
rockstarbigjools, I'll note it in the bug.16:21
Ursinha[action] rockstar to take a look in OOPS-1480CMP116:21
Ursinhathanks bigjools16:21
Ursinhamoving on16:21
Ursinhawe have two critical bugs, one soyuz and on lpbuildbot, both in progress16:21
Ursinhaso, we're fine16:22
Ursinha[TOPIC] * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett)16:22
Ursinhahi mbarnett :)16:22
mbarnettLOSA launchpad activities and concerns this week include16:22
mbarnett* Testing is coming along the new method for switching to read-only mode.16:22
mbarnett* Getting ready for next week's rollout16:22
mbarnett* Bug filed regarding oident issues on the importd servers (up to almost 200 oident processes running on galapagos has been observed)16:22
mbarnett* Codebrowse continues to need frequent restarts16:22
mbarnett* checkwatches likely to be turned back on later today16:22
mbarnetti believe that is everything we wanted to raise in the meeting this week.16:23
Ursinhathanks mbarnett16:23
Ursinhadoes anyone have something to say to mbarnett?16:24
mbarnettthe bug for oident things is also listed in the incident log16:24
Ursinhambarnett: right16:24
Ursinhamoving on then16:25
Ursinha[TOPIC] * DBA report (stub)16:25
Ursinhastub sent by email:16:25
UrsinhaNothing exciting this week.16:25
UrsinhaDiscussing requirements for minimal downtime PostgreSQL 8.4.2 upgrade. PG 8.4.2 packages but will need Slony-I 1.2.20 packages for both PG 8.3 and PG 8.416:25
Ursinha+which might be problematic. The alternative is several hours of downtime.16:25
UrsinhaProduction systems running happily. Nothing else to report.16:25
Ursinhaoot. :)16:25
Ursinha[TOPIC] * Proposed items16:26
UrsinhaNo proposed items, anyone else has something that want to discuss?16:26
Ursinhasinzui: me16:26
sinzuiUrsinha: I think http://people.canonical.com/~lpqateam/test-plan-report-10.01.html is not updating16:27
Ursinhasinzui: let me see16:27
Ursinhasinzui: I'll check if the script is running fine, and will let you know after the meeting16:27
Ursinhasinzui: thanks for reporting16:27
Ursinhaanyone else?16:27
Ursinhaok then16:28
UrsinhaThank you all for attending this week's Launchpad Production Meeting. See https://dev.launchpad.net/MeetingAgenda for the logs.16:28
Ursinhathanks all16:28
bigjoolsthanks Ursinha16:28
allenapObrigado Ursinha.16:29
Ursinhaoh :)16:30
Ursinhaallenap: de nada :)16:30
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