
jamaltaHi there, quick question.. is fglrx completely borked in alpha 2?01:25
* jamalta is doing another update today to see if issue gets resolved01:26
rippsjamalta: I don't think fglrx works with the xserver and kernel in lucid yet, you'll have to use the -ati driver in the meantime01:32
onetinsoldieri'll feel pretty lucky if the the next fglrx driver works with this latest Xorg and bleeding edge kernel ;-)01:33
jamaltaripps: let me try that01:33
jamaltaonetinsoldier: i guess i should have considered that before i upgraded ;)01:43
jamaltadon't i still have the older kernel?01:43
* jamalta waits for the upgrade to finish to check the kernels he has01:44
jamaltawhat's the default kernel in karmic?01:46
crimsunjamalta: 2.6.31-1401:46
jamaltacrimsun: gracias01:46
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bjsniderthe development snapshot of gnome-shell from today contains a new feature. under the account name menu, there is now a "sidebar" checkbox, that once checked results in a column on the left side of the screen with a list of frequently used applications and a clock. the sidebar can also be made smaller and auto-hides.03:17
bjsnideralso contains recent documents03:17
onetinsoldierthanks for the update bjsnider :)03:21
RAOFUm.  That's been in there for *ages*03:26
bjsniderhas it? i didn't notice03:26
RAOFYeah, because it's ugly, space-consuming, and mostly useless.03:26
bjsniderit auto-hides03:27
bjsniderit has a low-profile mode03:27
bjsniderbut it is ugly03:27
bjsniderright now03:27
RAOFYeah.  It's *been* ugly for about 6 months, I think03:29
RAOF(It's also been useless for the same period of time)03:29
RAOFUnless they've suddenly whipped up an actually interesting sidebar.03:29
bjsniderit still doesn't match the black theme03:30
simba_i think gnome-shell still have a long way to go before it is ready for the common user...03:30
bjsniderbut it has a low-profile mode that makes the icons very small, and then auto-hides it down to a few pixels03:30
RAOFThe one that I'm seeing goes down to 10-20ish pixels, is ugly, and pointless.  Is that the one you're seeing? :)03:31
bjsnideri dunno. want to take a screenshot?03:32
RAOFNot particularly, really.03:35
crimsunhehe, I remember someone (DBO?) once asked me for a screenshot, and I warned that it would be the most boring thing ever: lots of x-terminal-emulators, lots of code03:38
RAOFMine won't be boring; having wandered through the gjs/mozjs wasteland to fix it I'm just a little sick of gnome-shell :).03:43
bjsniderRAOF, fix it? it ain't broke03:48
RAOFbjsnider: Have you tried to install gnome-shell from the Lucid repositories?03:48
bjsnideryou meant he dependency on mozjs?03:48
bjsnideri'm using a ppa right now. i understand that there was a problem with the one in lucid03:49
RAOFYes.  There still is (until gjs gets rebuilt & I queue a gnome-shell build)03:50
RAOFIt's been broken for some months.03:50
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bjsniderok, here's a real difference. the new gnome-shell has notifications coming through the bottom of the screen in bubbles04:50
onetinsoldiergnome-shell is broken right now though? in lucid?04:58
bjsnidergtk themes still look old and one-dimensional. they need a 3d look05:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 492392 in linux "[lucid, intel] After suspend, flickering screen and then blank screen." [Medium,Fix released]05:07
DanaGhmm, is it possible to install dropbox on the csc space?05:12
DanaGdamn, 218M.05:12
DanaGquota is 300M.05:12
DanaGooh, vogon has htop.05:14
DanaGer, sorry, wrong channel.05:14
daijoubuHello, just wanted to let you know that PPPOE still doesn't work with alpha 2 ...05:58
daijoubuwill that be fixed ?05:58
johnfluxHey all07:56
johnfluxWhen I boot up, it gets to the KDE login prompty and the keyboard and mouse don't work07:57
johnfluxthat's if I boot with an older kernel07:58
johnfluxif I boot with the latest kernel, I get no graphics at all - the screen just goes gray at the time when xorg should start up07:58
johnfluxanyone know how I can fix it? :-/07:59
sharkymaybe what video driver08:19
JohnFluxupdating fixed xorg :)08:25
JohnFluxbut now I have no sound08:25
JohnFluxalso apps crash when I quit.  This is a bug in Qt - kubuntu needs to depend on the latest version Qt08:25
JohnFluxQt 4.6.108:25
JohnFluxinstalling pulseaudio fixed the audio :)08:37
JohnFluxone of my mixers was set to mute08:37
JohnFluxthat was the reason :-/08:37
JohnFluxin the upgrade it got set to mute for something08:38
JohnFlux*some reason08:38
BUGabundo_remotewho can tell me what and where to echo something so my LCD will turn off, remotelly via SSH08:47
BUGabundo_remoteI forgot to turn it of, and I hate to spend energy :(08:47
cwilluugh, why are my nautilus tabs on the bottom of the window?08:51
cwilluBUGabundo_remote, x running?08:52
BUGabundo_remotecwillu UI feature08:52
BUGabundo_remotethey choose to be like that08:52
cwilluxset dpms force off08:52
BUGabundo_remoteI have a bug in LP and upstream08:52
BUGabundo_remoteapplied. how do I test?08:52
BUGabundo_remotesince I'm 30 KMs away ?08:52
cwilluyou'll find out in the morning :p08:53
cwilluyour default power properties doesn't turn off the backlight after however long?08:53
BUGabundo_remoteits morning already08:53
BUGabundo_remoteI left for work... and forgot to turn it off08:53
BUGabundo_remoteill be back home in 11h :\08:54
cwilluBUGabundo_remote, actually, even doing a remote chvt (assuming that vt switching works on your setup) should do it, as the kernel should timeout the monitor08:55
* om26er notices daily live cd have decreased in size08:55
cwilluom26er, oversight, it'll be fixed for alpha308:55
* cwillu insists on cd images that require dvd's to burn :p08:55
om26eris the plan of removing GIMP dropped?08:56
BUGabundo_remotecwillu im remotelly connected via FreeNX08:57
BUGabundo_remoteI have all my X, except for composite/3D08:57
BUGabundo_remoteor access to TTYs since I can't capture keyboard special keys08:57
cwilluah, in that case I don't think you can turn things off, as the use of the session would reactivate the monitor, no?08:58
cwillumight be able to do something with killall -STOP'ing gnome-power-manager and gnome-screensaver, although I'm not sure what other processes may get involved08:58
cwilluxorg.log might tell you something of interest as to whether the monitors are staying in suspend/standby though08:59
BUGabundo_remotecwillu no, since this is an entirely diff nested X09:00
cwilluokay, then what I said originally should work09:00
BUGabundo_remoteill see if it worked when I get home09:01
BUGabundo_remoteyou have a beer on me, if it does :D09:01
cwilluI can't believe I'm about to use a virtualbox with usb passthrough to get this soundcard working09:06
JohnFluxwho do I bug to make sure that 10.04 ships with Qt 4.6.1 ?09:07
BUGabundo_remotedoesn't work with alsa/PA ?09:07
BUGabundo_remoteand there he goes :\09:08
JohnFluxWill 10.04 use KDE 4.4 ?09:09
BUGabundo_remoteI would think so09:14
BUGabundo_remotehey Sarvatt09:14
cwilluBUGabundo_remote, still here :p09:16
cwilluBUGabundo_remote, I compiled alsa to make it work once, I'll be damned if I can reproduce it on the machine I need it for though :p09:16
cwilluBUGabundo_remote, m-audio fast track ultra09:18
cwilluah, goodie;  the device shows up in usb passthrough if I run virtualbox as root09:19
* cwillu cringes09:19
cwillunext I'm gonna use ie6 to browse for the windows driver :D09:20
hififirst things I do when I ever install XP: install firefox, install 7zip09:21
hifiafter I've run windows update for an hour09:22
hifioh, this wasn't OT channel09:23
cwillusorry, I get offtopic sometimes09:24
* cwillu submits an application to m-audio's private beta program09:35
Ngnoooooo, the new bash-completion got merged with its totally insane host browsing :(09:56
* Ng works up some calm for a sensible bug report09:56
cwilluNg, yay, the new bash-completion got merged with the insane completion quoting fixed! :)09:56
NgI didn't have any problems with quoting, but I do very much not want avahi-browse spewing errors and taking 30s to timeout every time I tab complete a hostname ;)09:58
cwilluNg, I use menu-complete (aka hippie completion/tab-per-completion), which has been broken due to some misguided quoting in /etc/bash_completion10:03
Ngcwillu: ah10:05
jpdsI use zsh.10:05
* cwillu compares jpds to the people who come into #ubuntu to say "I use arch" to the people troubleshooting stuff10:06
BUGabundo_remotejpds: zsh is much better in autcomplete, right?10:07
jpdsBUGabundo_remote: zsh is the win at everything.10:08
indusis ati binary working on lucid?13:07
vishBUGabundo_remote: the status menu is part of the the new indicator-me..13:10
vishhasnt been fully implemented yet13:11
BUGabundo_remoteI don't care13:11
indusis ati binary working on lucid?13:11
BUGabundo_remotedon't like half cooked stuff13:11
BUGabundo_remoteindus: stop repeating your self13:11
BUGabundo_remotewe read it already13:11
indusis important for me13:12
indusso had to make sure someone got that13:12
gnomefreakindus: would be ehlpful if you gave us an users case on how to check. not everyone in the channel would know how to test :)13:13
* gnomefreak has other things to worry about that ati13:13
indusgnomefreak, well, i just followed the release notes for lucid which said it didnt13:14
indusjust wondered if some new support dropped in13:14
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alokitowhat apt line should I add for chromium in Lucid13:46
BUGabundo_remotealokito: chromium PPA13:48
BUGabundo_remoteeither daily, dev or beta13:48
JohnFluxcould someone add Qt 4.6.1  please13:52
JohnFlux4.6.0 is very buggy, making a lot of programs nearly unusable13:53
JohnFluxspeed wise, crashes, etc13:53
gnomefreakJohnFlux: you should really file a bug on it that way it will get seen by right people (not all devs are in this channel13:54
yofelJohnFlux: you should ask in #kubuntu-devel, but I doubt we will package qt ourselves, usually it's synced from debian13:55
gnomefreakyofel: it has to be acked by Riddel and IIRC he doesnt spend a whole lot of time at keyboard in that channel13:58
Oli``What's the current kernel?14:37
simba_2.6.32-11-generic #15-Ubuntu SMP14:39
arand_Is that one working for you btw? Fails to boot here14:40
simba_working without any problems here14:40
BUGabundo_remotearand_: wfm14:40
Oli``Do you think will lucid ship 2.6.33? I ask because I have an SSD and .33 has in-kernel TRIM support14:45
simba_Oli``, I am running of an ssd and lucid havent touched the swap partition yet.14:48
Ngis there magic to make plymouth do exciting shiny things?15:11
Sarvattsudo plymouth-set-default-theme solar --rebuild-initrd15:13
JohnFluxSarvatt: is plymouth only for ubuntu, and not kubuntu?15:14
BUGabundo_remoteSarvatt: its up and running again?15:16
BUGabundo_remoteis it instalable even ?15:16
Sarvatthas been for a long time now, just not working without KMS yet I dont think15:16
Sarvattand i have no idea JohnFlux, it should be for both but the transition might not be as pretty :D15:17
yofelJohnFlux: kubuntu wants to use plymouth too, but afaik there's no artwork yet15:18
JohnFluxyofel: cool15:18
JohnFluxit's a shame that kubuntu tends to be a second class citizen :-/15:18
JohnFluxbtw, I just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04, and it no longer sees my laptop battery15:20
JohnFluxpresumably a kernel regression?15:20
yofelthey don't tend to, they just have very limited manpower, and sometimes they just don't get something done15:21
yofelJohnFlux: err... in kde? On bootup it shows 'no battery available'  too, once I run byobu in a terminal the battery gets recognized o.O?15:22
yofelodd workaround, but it works for me15:22
simba_i hope something like this plymouth theme will become default "space sunrise" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaSg2rRj4HQ15:22
yofeldunno if  someone reported that, I've been too busy with other stuff15:22
JohnFluxyofel: I just ran that in a terminal..  no battery so far .. :)15:23
JohnFluxhmm, this byobu looks interesting though :)15:23
JohnFluxyofel: what does it do? :)15:23
yofelbyobu is profiled screen15:24
yofelvery useful over ssh, but I use it locally too, so if X crashes or so I don't loose my terminal15:24
JohnFluxyofel: I toggled the battery display on15:24
JohnFluxand now KDE sees my battery :-D15:24
JohnFluxyofel: thanks for that :)15:25
yofelJohnFlux: oh yeah, I have the battery display on in byobu15:25
yofellike I said, odd workaround...15:25
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arand_If I want to update a bug report with the apport-collect of another package (e.g. ubuntu kernel, with mainline kernel), what is the command used? "apport-collect --package linux-image-2.6.33-999-generic -u 510571" Is not working.15:54
yofelarand_: and without the -u ?15:56
arand_yofel: hmm, yea, that works...16:00
* arand_ facepalms16:01
BUGabundo_remotearand_: not your fault that keeps changing comands16:03
arand_Soo yea, there: Bug #510571 Possibly VirtualBox-related.16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510571 in linux "Latest -11 kernel won't boot, -10 works, Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51057116:04
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lnostdalnvidia-drivers seem totally messed up atm.16:24
benstehi, if I'd like to have a package merged from debian - what can I do? -https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tiemu/+bug/22133216:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 221332 in tiemu "The tiemu package is heavily outdated" [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:26
yofellnostdal: yes, the packages will fail if installed from jockey afaik16:26
yofelbenste: you should ask in #ubuntu-motu for this16:27
bensteyofel: thx16:27
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pasjrI am trying to get my Ralink usb n wireless to work, my computer can see my network with it.  However it fails to connect, any ideas?16:28
yofelpasjr: did you check the network manager and system logs?16:29
yofelthen again, NM logs into syslog iirc16:30
pasjrno what am I looking for16:30
yofelnot sure, It's been a while since I debugged NM, you should check the output of 'dmesg' as well as the contents of /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog after trying to connect16:31
pasjrdmesg :rtl819xE:request firmware fail!16:31
pasjrits weird in 9.04 it worked great but now 10.04 it only can see and will not connect, it times out16:32
yofelpasjr: hm, sounds like a regression, you might want to ask in #ubuntu-bugs what's the best way to file a but about wireless16:35
pasjrok thank you16:35
lnostdali do not understand why "nouveau" is being added to something which already is messy .. how do i get rid of this stuff so the driver everyone really wants to use anyway gets to do its thing? ..    i'm currently getting "Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig" from glxinfo, and i think it is related to the recently introduced nouveu or something mesa-related "taking over"16:41
lnostdalyeah, stupid .so file .. sigh :}16:45
yofellnostdal: is your system up to date? We did have a mesa mess a while ago. And what driver are you using?16:48
lnostdali'll check16:52
Sarvattwhat version does dpkg -l | grep mesa-utils say it is?17:06
lnostdaldoing a purge of everything nvidia, then deleting xorg.conf and running nvidia-xconfig to create a new one seems to have helped for most software ..   some 32bit stuff seems to load mesa-stuff still though, not sure yet (this is amd64 bit and i'm using a 64 bit os)17:08
lnostdal7.7-0ubuntu8    , Sarvatt17:09
lnostdal190.53-0ubuntu6   for nvidia-current17:10
lnostdalyeah, for 32bit stuff (e.g., wine) one need to do stuff like   LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/nvidia-current/libGL.so17:22
lnostdal..so something's up with the dynamic linking setup or something17:22
lnostdalhttp://lab.bachem-it.com/opengl/qtgears/   is a nice way to test this btw.17:28
lnostdali.e.,"Direct rendering is disabled, most likely your OpenGL drivers haven't been installed correctly" .. when not using LD_PRELOAD ..  ok, i'll shut up now .. things work .. heh :)17:29
arand_Anyone running -11 kernel in virtualbox care to confirm Bug #510571 ?17:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510571 in linux "Latest -11 kernel won't boot, -10 works, Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51057117:48
gorgonizerarand_: 2.6.32-11 kernel (amd64) works here in Virtualbox (3.1.2)18:03
arand_Hmm, so possibly limited to 32bit/2.1.4_OSE...18:06
gorgonizerarand_: I don't use the OSE version of Virtualbox, not sure if that would make a difference..18:06
arand_Well, I guess different versions of VB, especially 2-/-3 might have some diffs in the emaulated hardware..18:07
arand_Hmm, let's see if I install VB in VB..18:10
ManDayShould the bug filed in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/419328 be fixed in the current repositories or only on some third party repo? I don't know how to read this18:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 419328 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945gme] attaching external monitor: laptop display is black, external monitor too, with frozen mouse coursor" [Unknown,Fix released]18:16
ManDayJust asking because my system is all-up-to-date (not bleeding edge) and it still crashes18:17
yofelManDay: this was fixed in the upstream intel git repository, not in ubuntu yet18:20
ManDayOk, so where do I find it?18:21
ManDay(Is the inteil git repo on l/p?)18:21
yofelManDay: and according to comment #104 this is fixed in the xorg-updates ppa18:22
ManDayso with an up-to-date system it should be fixed indeed?18:22
yofelno, the fix is not in the karmic main archive but in the xorg-updates ppa and in Lucid18:23
yofelManDay: follow the link to the ppa in comment 104 to get instructions how to get the updated package18:23
yofelhm, wait, it *should* be fixed in lucid if I get this right18:26
yofelnow I'm confused myself -.-18:26
ManDayWhen do you reckon will the patch make it to the main archives?18:34
ManDaythe bug itsself is hardly bearable, and unpredictable somewhat. sometimes it happens sometimes not18:34
ManDaybut whenever it happens you loose all data and the FS gets totally messed up18:35
yofelManDay: I think you should ask in #ubuntu-x if you want more precise information, could take a while until someone answers you though18:36
ManDayok thanks18:36
burzkithe new update asks me to login after idle for a minute or two .. how to turn this off?19:13
yofelburzki: a) what new update? b) login into what?19:15
burzkijust a daily update i did yesterday.  asks me to log back into my active session..  if i walk away from my machine for a couple minutes and come back, i am prompted with a user login window to get back to what i was doing.  this is new.  i couldn't find a setting for it.  i dont want to have to type my password everytime i get up for coffee19:17
yofelare you using gnome/kde/...?19:18
yofeldunno then, I use KDE and it works fine19:19
burzkimaybe i found it -- 'lockscreen' in screensaver settings19:26
gnomefreak76bui am running into that as well but it should be as simple as changing setting in screensaver dialog19:39
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Mike1_is there any way to see libxine 1.1.17 in lucid?20:38
Mike1_the current 1.1.16 plays flac-files in a very disorted way20:38
leftyfbDo we know if FF 3.6 is going to be included in 10.04 LTS?21:06
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skydrome!release schedule21:19
yofel!schedule | skydrome21:20
ubottuskydrome: A schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:20
skydromethere we go :21:20
leftyfbyofel: any idea if FF 3.6 is going to make it in?21:20
yofelleftyfb: afaik it should make it in21:21
BUGabundocwillu: don't know if you got my message21:39
BUGabundocwillu: but that tip you gave me didn't work... LCD was still on21:40
yofelBUGabundo: you can't turn the screen off?21:41
BUGabundoyofel: not when I'm 30KMs away21:42
BUGabundoand forgot the LCD on21:43
BUGabundoI hate to spend energy21:43
BUGabundoso I asked if anyone knew how to turn if off21:43
BUGabundothe laptop LCD21:43
yofelwasn't there something like 'xset dpms force off' ?21:43
yofelworks on my eeePC here21:43
BUGabundowell it does turn it off21:44
BUGabundobut not tottaly21:44
yofeland force standby / suspend?21:45
BUGabundoits close enouth21:46
BUGabundowhat I really wanted was to do the same as the hardware button21:46
BUGabundobut not sure I can do it via soft21:47
BUGabundomaybe a kernel echo to somewhere21:47
Ian_Cornenew ff boots really fast21:49
BUGabundo3.6? yes it's a new kind of build21:50
BUGabundostatic linked21:50
BUGabundobut I tested it all today21:50
BUGabundoChromium beats them by allot21:50
BUGabundofirefox-3.7  "http://people.canonical.com/~asac/tmp/startup.html#"`python -c 'import time; print int(time.time() * 1000);'`21:51
BUGabundofirefox "http://people.canonical.com/~asac/tmp/startup.html#"`python -c 'import time; print int(time.time() * 1000);'`21:51
BUGabundochromium-browser –user-data-dir=/tmp/chrome "http://people.canonical.com/~asac/tmp/startup.html#"`python -c 'import time; print int(time.time() * 1000);'`21:51
BUGabundohi emma21:51
emmaHi there BUGabundo21:52
IDWMasterI got the <10 second boot time working now.22:04
IDWMasterIt boots in 5 seconds22:04
IDWMasterWasn't the goal about 10 seconds or less?22:05
bjsnider5 seconds?22:05
IDWMasterYes, on an i7 CPU22:05
bjsniderwith a standard magnetic drive?22:05
IDWMasterStandard drive. 5 seconds is the time to the login screen22:06
bjsniderit might be instantaneous on an SSD then22:06
BUGabundoI don't believe it22:06
BUGabundoget me bootcharts22:06
BUGabundoor it didn't happen22:06
IDWMasterHow do I get those?22:06
* BUGabundo uploads newer pngs22:06
BUGabundoIDWMaster: install bootchart22:07
BUGabundoand reboot a few times22:07
ubottubootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot22:07
BUGabundothere we go22:07
IDWMasterGenerating kernel image22:07
bjsnider10 seconds is the goal i think. 5 seconds would be a major overachievment22:07
IDWMasterI'll be back22:08
BUGabundook its more then 10 sec till he get back22:08
RAOFNow with irc client that won't (hopefully) bounce after netsplits!22:09
BUGabundo1 min now22:09
BUGabundoRAOF: LOL22:09
bjsnidermaybe he's looking at the boot chart22:09
BUGabundo2 min down22:09
BUGabundofailed reboot22:09
yofelno, booted in 5 seconds, but now X crashes on every login :P22:11
bjsnidermaybe he's doctoring the bootchart so it falsely reports that it took 5 seconds22:11
Tscheesymaybe it was the machine next to him he booted before22:11
BUGabundoI'm uploading newer ones to http://bootcharts.f.bugabundo.net/22:13
BUGabundovery very old ones here http://fileland.bugabundo.net/fotos/Linux/bootchart/22:14
bjsnidernothing has been changed in the lucid archive that would cause this guy to boot in 5 seconds right?22:14
BUGabundoupload done22:16
BUGabundoincase anyone want to check out22:16
BUGabundobjsnider: not to my knowlage22:16
bjsniderhow long does it take you?22:16
BUGabundodouh he does have a very fast CPU22:16
RAOFWell, on a significantly faster processor than the 10 second netbook-boot, I'd guess that 5 seconds isn't beyond the realms of possibility.22:16
BUGabundobjsnider: why ask? you have the same data as me :D22:16
BUGabundoRAOF: I had a friend do 9 secs on SSD in karmic22:17
BUGabundoso its possible22:17
RAOFSSDs make booting fun!22:17
BUGabundokernel .32 is faster too22:17
BUGabundossds make resume FUN22:17
BUGabundofrom hibernate22:18
Sarvattsuspend/resume is <1 second with a crappy rotational22:18
IDWMasterWhere do I upload the file?22:18
BUGabundowb IDWMaster22:18
BUGabundoSarvatt: not from hibernate (to disk)22:18
IDWMasterWhere do I go to upload it?22:18
BUGabundoIDWMaster: imgbin ?22:18
BUGabundoubuntu one ?22:18
BUGabundoIDWMaster: here are mine http://bootcharts.f.bugabundo.net/22:19
BUGabundo24 sec to me, till GDS22:20
yofelhere's mine: EeePC 1000H with SSD http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/yofel-eee-lucid-20100121-1.png22:21
BUGabundonot bed22:21
IDWMasterOK. I found an image hosting service at ELCNET Cloud Computing. I'll create an account and upload there22:21
BUGabundobut I expected much better22:21
IDWMasterI'll report back when I'm done uploading22:21
BUGabundoLOL IDWMaster22:21
bjsniderIDWMaster, did it take 5 seconds that time too?22:21
BUGabundoyofel: don't you agree 19 is too much ?22:22
BUGabundowhy did he leave!?!?22:24
BUGabundobjsnider: how long are yours in karmic?22:24
yofelBUGabundo: well, it takes 8 till Xorg, and KDM was never that fast22:25
BUGabundoyour SSD peaks at 91MBs22:26
BUGabundomine 5400 peaks at 6122:26
BUGabundoyour services kill you22:27
BUGabundomysql and SSH22:27
yofelhuh? why the f*** do I have mysqld running here o.O22:27
bjsniderBUGabundo, to the login screen 15 seconds i think22:27
yofelssh is wanted22:28
BUGabundoyofel: KDE uses mysql DB !22:28
yofelah, might be22:28
BUGabundobjsnider: bootcharts or it didn't happen22:28
leftyfbyofel: kill ipv6 and you might get ssh to start faster22:28
bjsnidertoo lazy for that22:28
yofelleftyfb: how?22:29
BUGabundoyofel: kernel paramter22:29
BUGabundoonly way now, since its built in22:29
yofelleftyfb, BUGabundo: thx, I'll check it22:30
BUGabundotoo small22:31
BUGabundoIDWMaster: you got a bigger, non compressed one ?22:32
IDWMasterI'll look into another service22:32
BUGabundoIDWMaster: http://imagebin.ca/22:32
Sarvattplymouth solar theme uses a *ton* of cpu there :D22:32
BUGabundoSarvatt: I would redo my ureadahead list :(22:32
BUGabundoyours is HUGGEEEE22:32
BUGabundoSarvatt: your poor atom is going crazy22:33
IDWMaster5 seconds to Xserver init, 13 seconds for everything else to load it looks like22:33
BUGabundoup and down22:33
BUGabundoSarvatt: 3.5sec udev is too much for that netboot :\22:33
BUGabundoand 62 MB/s aint that great for an SSD22:34
BUGabundodo you have it booting from a slower SSD?22:34
Sarvattthis isnt an SSD22:34
BUGabundoit isn't ?!?!22:34
BUGabundothat explains a lot22:34
BUGabundo31 secs to GDM22:34
BUGabundoplymouth and nautilus are using lost of CPU22:35
BUGabundohey JontheEchidna22:35
BUGabundoJontheEchidna: we are comparing bootcharts, care so share yours ?22:36
IDWMasterFull resolution22:36
BUGabundowould be nice to see a few from KDE22:36
JontheEchidnaI must profess I haven't been doing bootcharts22:36
BUGabundooh oh22:36
IDWMasterActual time looks like 13 for everything :(22:36
IDWMasterNot sure if I'm reading it right though?22:37
IDWMasterIs the number at the top the time for all services to start?22:37
BUGabundoIDWMaster: really short bootchart22:37
BUGabundolucky u22:37
BUGabundoIDWMaster: its time tilll it stop... a few secs after login, and IO calms down22:38
IDWMasterSo 13 is good?22:38
IDWMasterDoes the link work?22:38
BUGabundoyou got 3.8 sec to GDM22:38
IDWMasterIt should be full-resolution according to the documentation.22:38
IDWMasterThat's really good!22:38
BUGabundoyes it works22:38
BUGabundoyour modem manager is making you loose like 1,5 sec22:39
BUGabundodo you have 3G or something IDWMaster?22:39
IDWMasterI have IDW access (new type of connection)22:39
IDWMasterIt's a beta protocol22:39
IDWMasterP2P virtual networking22:40
BUGabundodon't know what that is22:40
BUGabundois it like n2n or hamachi?22:40
IDWMasterIt's a virtual networking adapter that speeds up the connection, and it allows the resolution of IDW addresses22:40
IDWMasterIDW is P2P based, but requires low-level support22:40
IDWMasterAddresses like IDW://idw.elc.ids22:41
IDWMasterThat's why my name's IDWMaster22:41
BUGabundoyeah I figured as much22:41
BUGabundolink so I can read it later22:41
IDWMasterRead the boot chart?22:42
IDWMasterI'm not sure why it boots so fast now.22:42
IDWMasterIt just suddenly started booting faster.22:42
IDWMasterIt didn't see all of my RAM before either.22:43
IDWMasterI'm using an Asus motherboard, and only 4GB of RAM.22:43
BUGabundoIDWMaster: what kernel you have?22:43
BUGabundomaybe a bug in bios, or wrong aberture hole22:43
IDWMasterI have 2.6.32-10-generic22:43
BUGabundobut is it 32bits or 64 ?22:44
IDWMaster64 bit22:44
BUGabundocheck a bios upgrade then22:44
IDWMasterIt says everything in the bootchart.22:44
IDWMasterDisk throughput is 143MBPS22:44
BUGabundoor docs on the memory hole22:44
IDWMasterI'll try booting from SSD later when I get one of those drives.22:45
IDWMasterI don't have one yet though.22:45
IDWMasterI used to be able to boot from an SD card22:45
bjsniderIDWMaster, you're using dual-channel DDR with a core i7?22:46
IDWMasterWhat's the memory hole by the way?22:47
bjsniderthe place where inconvenient information is thrown in the book "1984"22:48
BUGabundoIDWMaster: a way motherboards specify how to address more then 3GB of RAM22:48
IDWMasterI use Mono for development, and that starts almost instantly22:49
IDWMasterHow do you compile apps for 64 bit in Mono?22:50
IDWMasterI only see 32 bit options for some reason.22:50
IDWMasterI'm working on a unified chat program which uses the IDW adapter.22:51
IDWMasterIt's on Launchpad22:52
IDWMasterJust started it though22:52
XiXaQI'm really excited about gnome-shell and zeitgeist. I'd like to hear from people with experience from it in lucid.23:07
BUGabundoXiXaQ: seems most that tried it didn't like it23:07
XiXaQlike it? The features or the current state of affairs?23:08
XiXaQI've used gnome-shell for a while, and I really love it.23:08
XiXaQI hated it to begin with, but someone I know to be very competent spoke warmly about it, so I gave it a second go, and when I got used to it, I began to see the big advantages of it. I haven't looked at zeitgeist yet, though, but that's also something I've been longing for forever.23:09
XiXaQtagging is much better than navigating through hierarchies, I think.23:10
BUGabundoI guess it needs to be hammered into our habbits23:11
BUGabundojust like bottom nautilus tabs :\23:11
BluesKajXiXaQ, so what are the gnome-shell advantages in your experience?23:12
XiXaQmuch better workspaces, for instance.23:13
XiXaQand I like the activities pane.23:13
IDWMasterI've ran another bootchart23:52
IDWMasterIt boots slower on SSDs than moving disks for some reason23:53
IDWMasterAlthough the raw transfer speed is a lot faster on SSDs23:53
IDWMaster310MBPS compared to 143MBPS23:53
IDWMaster3.8 sec boot time to GDM is pretty fast23:54
simba_i run lucid of ssd, and i think it is very responcive, havent tried bootchart yet23:55
IDWMasterapt-get install bootchart23:55
IDWMasterThen look in /var/logs/bootchart23:55
IDWMasterIntel SSD?23:56
IDWMasterHas anyone compared SSD boot performance to regular HDD performance yet?23:57
simba_not sure who makes them....it is kingston stickers on :P23:57
IDWMasterIs it one of the 80GB models?23:57
IDWMasterMust not be Intel.23:58

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