
kwwiigood morning all, /me is back after a day sick in bed06:01
wedderburnhope yu're feeling better now then?06:02
kwwiiyepp, almost 100% again ;)06:02
wedderburnsweet stuff :)06:03
kwwiiscared to open my mail client for fear of the amount of unanswered email but hey ;)06:03
wedderburn:), mostly mailing list stuff i hope06:05
DanRabbitkwwii: glad you're no longer sick :)06:06
kwwiiDanRabbit: hehe, me too...I think I had food poisening06:12
DanRabbitkwwii: ah, that sucks :(06:12
kwwiiessentialy, I had to puke every half an hour for 24 hours06:12
kwwiiI wanted to sleep in the bathroom :p06:12
kwwiiit was not a nice experience (and I had to postpone my trip to london this week)06:14
DanRabbitkwwii: btw, in case you want to taste the dark side: http://www.elementary-project.com/downloads/elementary-os/elementary_OS_0.0.9.iso06:14
DanRabbitoh that's even worse :(06:14
kwwiioooh, cool...what did you change in that iso?06:15
DanRabbita lot of stuff :p06:15
DanRabbitI removed openoffice and use gnome office instead.06:15
DanRabbitso that made a lot of room for docky and Do06:15
kwwiikiller, you should post a description and link to the art list06:16
DanRabbitwell, it's not ready for prime time yet :p06:16
DanRabbitI'm just seeding out a few alphas here and there ;)06:16
DanRabbitbut magical things are coming06:17
DanRabbitkwwii: did you see the new nautilus stuff we're working on? :D06:17
kwwiiDanRabbit: nope, link?06:18
kwwiikinda funny, the only time we get to chat is when I get up at 6am :p06:19
DanRabbitkwwii: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/01/nautilus-simple-install-ppa-streamlined.html06:19
DanRabbitit's 10:20 PM here06:20
kwwiioh wow, that is nice06:20
kwwiikiller stuff06:21
DanRabbitI'm really excited about that one06:21
DanRabbitwe have redo/undo and RGBA ;)06:21
kwwiiyeah, no doubt....that can really change the way you interact with the computer06:21
kwwiinice...I bet djsiegel likes it too ;)06:21
DanRabbitI actually haven't talked to him about it06:22
DanRabbitbut I hope so ;) we're kinda picking up where marcus left off :p06:22
kwwiinautilus really needs fixing. It seems oyu are going down the right road :)06:23
DanRabbitthanks :)06:23
DanRabbitall in all, I'm really excited about the stuff we're doing with elementary, and hopefully it can be a proving ground so you can get some sexyness into ubuntu ;)06:24
kwwiiit is an excellent way to get your ideas seen and incorporated into ubuntu...just explaining things doesn't always do the trick06:25
DanRabbitkwwii: I'm just really excited because now I'm running elementary OS full time :p06:27
kwwiihehe, that is a good feeling, isn't it? to know that your OS is something you made06:28
kwwiiyears ago, all my computers at home ran a system which I built myself. Hard, but satisfying06:29
DanRabbityea, it feels awesome.06:29
kwwiiactually, that just proves that I am a geek ;)06:29
DanRabbitI'm glad this is a lot easier thanks to Reconstructor.06:29
kwwiino doubt ;)06:30
DanRabbitI've been keeping in close contact with the main dev and it's been awesome to work with him :)06:30
kwwiiI used to spend an entire week or so, bootstrapping, building everything myself, etc06:30
DanRabbithaha, yea I don't have to do any of that >.<06:31
DanRabbitIt's just based on shell scripts :p06:31
kwwiionce you find someone you work well with, stick with it at all costs...a good developer is the most important thing a designer with ideas needs06:31
DanRabbitI'm lucky because I keep running into all kinds of awesome developers :D06:31
DanRabbitthere is so much talent out there its incredible06:31
kwwiiyeah, that is the feeling I get at every UDS06:32
kwwiiyou look around and realize that there are a *lot* of intelligent people working on ubuntu06:32
kwwiibtw, where did you say you live?06:36
kwwiiwe are going to be in portland the first week of feb06:36
DanRabbitkwwii: I'm in Sacramento, CA06:37
DanRabbitso that's not terribly far away :p06:37
DanRabbitkwwii: hey my gf wants attention, so mail me or just leave a message and I'll check it later ;)06:38
DanRabbitbtw, my email is Daniel.p.fore@gmail.com06:38
kwwiiDanRabbit: cool, have fun!06:38
DanRabbithaha, not that kind of attention :p06:39
DanRabbitshe has some Hunny-Do's06:39
kwwiistill sweet ;)06:39
troy_sGreets coz_06:50
coz_troy_s,  hey guy06:51
* wedderburn greets troy_s06:51
wedderburnand coz_06:51
wedderburnand all06:51
troy_sWow... a couple of faces moving.06:51
troy_sHow are you two doing?06:51
wedderburncan't complain :P06:51
wedderburnand your self?06:51
coz_I am well   thanks:)  how about yourself06:51
troy_sHolding down the fort.06:51
coz_wedderburn,  hey guy06:51
coz_so ..have any Odd Nerdrums appeared  lately06:53
troy_scoz_: Lol... more than a few.06:54
* wedderburn is updating the deluge icon :P06:55
coz_wedderburn, ooo...cool... I always thought that needed a bit of tweaking06:56
* vish always wondered why the deluge icon was a *single* drop ;)06:56
wedderburnwell it was only ment to be a 48x48 icon, and its a single drop with a wave in it :P06:56
wedderburnand if you pay real attention to the icons on your computer you'll notice that i reused the deluge icon for the compiz water effect plugin ;)06:57
wedderburnhttp://andrew.wedderburn.googlepages.com/deluge_256_2.png is what i got so far, still very much a WIP06:59
coz_wedderburn,  much nicer... I always wondered why that strange curve was there...06:59
vishwedderburn: the 256 to keepup with gnome ? yeah those things take a lot of time :(07:00
wedderburnya, updating ubuntu studio's icons for 256 as we speak :P07:00
wedderburnthey take a fair ammount of time07:00
vishwedderburn: i thought cory wanted something based on breathe07:01
wedderburncory left the project recently07:02
wedderburnand i've got holidays so i decided to come back and see what i could do07:02
troy_svish: Did you and thorwil sort out the gongshow on u-m?07:02
vishyea..k..  nice07:02
vishtroy_s: not yet... its been slow progress07:03
coz_who would be responsible for cursor themes in ubuntu?07:03
troy_svish: It is hard trying to explain things like that because most of the time you get those blinking eyes and the very clear idea that the folks you are speaking to have no clue what you just tried to explain.07:03
* wedderburn misses the black cursor from ubuntu old 07:03
vishcoz_: kwwii ? i asked earlier , but are there better ones?07:03
troy_scoz_: If you mean mouse cursor, that is a hand-me-down from jimmac's.07:04
coz_troy_s,  oh  mm07:04
troy_scoz_: Rather it is jimmac's07:04
troy_scoz_: Hasn't changed ... ever?07:04
wedderburnand he made a rather nice dark version :P07:04
coz_vish,  yeah there are much better themes    I believe the  fellow who did the   ubuntu crystal cursor is one07:04
troy_scoz_: It's like bickering over the number of sesame seeds in a hero shot of the burger.07:05
coz_troy_s,  I kind of figured it might be a useless cause07:05
troy_scoz_: Incremental minutiae of irrelevance.07:05
vishcoz_: i'v asked kwwii about this , but I didnt know of any better cursors at the time  :( ... maybe you can point out the cursor to kwwii07:05
troy_scoz_: It is dead easy to make them.07:06
troy_scoz_: xcursorgen07:06
coz_vish,  ok   thanks....07:06
wedderburnfedora's got a nice default cursor07:06
* vish uses oxygen-extra cursors ..07:06
coz_troy_s,  thanks... I maybe...or might...perhaps try07:06
troy_swedderburn: What does nice mean?07:07
wedderburntroy_s: i have a preference for it over ubuntu's default07:07
troy_swedderburn: Ah.07:07
vishi like the animation the fedora one has for the "waiting"07:07
wedderburnyeah thats what i liked best about it vish07:08
wedderburncoz_: heres the two cursor sets jimmac made btw http://jimmac.musichall.cz/themes.php?skin=707:10
coz_mm I have tried those in the past07:11
troy_sOk... it's time for bed methinks. Chat soon folks. Keep the torch burning.07:12
coz_troy_s, sleep well guy07:12
wedderburntroy_s: sleep well n all07:12
coz_darkmatter,  morning guy07:21
darkmattermorning coz_07:22
darkmatterfreaking metacity patch broke policykit. that was fun to fix07:22
darkmatterhad no desktop. just mouse/wallpaper xD07:23
darkmatterbut got it temporarily working then removed the patch and locked metacity so I don't get the 'omg! update me!" garbage later07:23
kwwiiwow, quite a discussion this morning :p07:42
kwwiiI think the DMZ cursors are too blocky (but well done)07:42
kwwiiif anyone hasn't seen http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/01/nautilus-simple-install-ppa-streamlined.html they should take a look at it07:54
darkmatterDMZ-AA is awesome. and non-bulky. it's the whole color inversion thingy07:54
darkmatterI'll install a simplified nautilus when I see a simplified nautilus ;P07:55
vishkwwii: 6month old news if you were involved in papercuts ;p Marcus did the work long back , and has had a ppa , but the nautilus devs havent merged his changes yet ;)07:55
kwwiivish: if only I had more time for papercuts :p07:57
coz_what is the ppa address?07:58
kwwiicoz_: that page has all the info07:58
vishDanRabbit: "following patched version of Nautilus by the Elementary Team." would be nicer if Marcus was actually given credit for the work ;)07:59
coz_kwwii,  ah sorry didnt see that07:59
coz_mm I have a few issues with the "Elementary team"08:00
kwwiidarkmatter: what bugs me in DMZ is the hand and the corner arrows08:00
vishcoz_: hmm?08:00
kwwiicoz_: hehe, creative people can be hard to deal with08:00
coz_no consitency with the elementary icons  and I had to redo them to for my own use to keep them consitent08:00
darkmatterkwwii: ahh.. yeah. the resize cursors are a bit large08:01
coz_kwwii,  :)  I know   .... i can also be difficutlt08:01
vishkwwii: David knows about the nautilus changes too , btw[just read a bit of scrollback] ;)08:02
vishcoz_: yeah , there are a few inconsistencies :)08:02
kwwiidarkmatter: yeah, right08:03
kwwiioh well, I think I will take a break and have a late breakfast...bbl08:04
coz_kwwii,   sounds like a good idea:)08:04
coz_kwwii,  i just ate breakfast here but it is onley 3am :)08:04
kwwiihehe, 9 here...but I amazingly started work today at 6am08:05
kwwiicoz_: are you getting up now or going to bed soon?08:05
coz_kwwii,  getting up actually.. I took a long nap last night and found "morning" when a woke :)08:06
kwwiihehe, killer...having a kid pretty much ended any chance of that happening to me again08:07
coz_kwwii,  thank god mine are all gone :)08:08
darkmatterI just woke up myself. well. technically my wife woke me up. women are so naughty and selfish. I shoulda just gotten a cat. but the behavior is about the same *shrug*08:11
coz_darkmatter,   I like cats...but I only get male cats :)08:12
darkmatterI like cats too, but their dander hates me08:13
wedderburnhope you got it de-sexed, mate of mine her family breeds them :\08:13
wedderburni don't go over there when they're all active08:13
coz_wedderburn,  oh yeah ...the first time he sprayed in the house I kicked him into the street...he was gone 3 days  and I decided i prefer to keep him so off they came :)08:13
wedderburnsounds like good thinking to me :P08:14
coz_he is still the bully of the neigborhood  but I try to keep him indoors08:14
wedderburnwhen i lived in perth in western australia, they have a bit of a feral cat issue well at night you would get about 4-5 of them fighting over my back yard08:15
coz_wedderburn,   that is definitly a nuisance08:15
darkmatterwedderburn: my brother has a female tabby currently in heat. he has a heated catbox outside for strays to warm up in. every time she sees one through the window she gets all giddy and exorcist like (rotating head thing). it's so annoying. little furball biting at your ankles and attempting to drag you to the door so she go 'boy crazy' or what ever08:16
coz_wedderburn,   how is perth?  I wanted to go there sometime!08:16
darkmatterlike I said, the parallels are so uncanny they're crazy08:16
wedderburncoz_: in summer its the best place to be, good beachs all over and if you drive a little more than most you'll have the place to your self :)08:16
coz_wedderburn,  cool :)  and in the winter?08:17
wedderburndarkmatter: sounds about right08:17
wedderburncoz_: well its not actually that bad, it just rains alot08:17
coz_wedderburn,  what about cost of living?08:17
wedderburnin winter08:17
wedderburncoz_: depends how close you want to live to the CBD08:17
wedderburnthe further out you are the cheaper it is08:17
wedderburnits cheeper than melbourne to rent though so thats good08:18
coz_wedderburn,  people still live underground  near the opal mines?08:18
darkmatterthe spca here has a program to fix them for free (for people with low wages etc). he's on the list but hasn't gotten a vet appointment yet08:18
wedderburncoz_: thats in coopapedie( or how ever you spell it) and thats in the outback in south australia08:19
coz_darkmatter,  :)08:19
coz_wedderburn,  oh !08:19
wedderburncoz_: nah most of australia is above ground in fairly modern cities near the coast08:19
coz_wedderburn,  i was under the impression there were underground homes near perth08:19
wedderburnmaybe in kalgoolie08:20
wedderburnsuppose thats relativly close to perth08:20
coz_wedderburn,  oh ok08:20
coz_anywhere but the US would be fine :)08:20
wedderburnwell sydney's even relatively(883kms / 549 miles) close to melbourne so its all pretty relative :P08:21
coz_austrailia is mostly coastal living like south america  right?08:22
darkmatterspeaking of underground homes, who wants to donate to my Hobbit-Hole Fund? I intend to die an eccentric recluse ;)08:22
coz_darkmatter,  :)   I dont blame you for that :)08:22
wedderburncoz_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underground_living for your underground living question, and yeah its all coastal living our capital and alice springs are the only real places of note that arn't near the coast08:22
coz_yep that's them :)08:23
coz_I always found this interesting.... and cool  no pun intended08:23
coz_although they could do with a little colour on the walls :)08:24
wedderburnbasically you got the coast line then the center which is just dessert not much out there08:24
coz_that elementary nautilus is not that impressive08:27
wedderburnlooks nicer than before08:29
coz_wedderburn,  well yeah as long as they included a quick   "revert"  tick box or button.... I somehow think that the average user is not going to fair well with this08:29
wedderburnaverage user just wants to copy and paste things :P08:30
wedderburnand find documents08:30
coz_wedderburn,  and have some sense of reliability even with changes08:30
wedderburni know thats all i use nautilus for really08:30
coz_me too08:30
darkmattercoz_: it's not impressive because it's not simplified as per the claim. it's 'compacted' perhaps, but it's still the same mess as usual08:30
wedderburnand since it doesn't hinder that i can't see the negative side :P08:31
coz_darkmatter,  I agree  which is one of my complaints with elementary project08:31
coz_wedderburn,  yeah I kind of like nautilus as is.... when a really good design change comes along I might give it a try08:31
wedderburnthe thing that needs fixing the most is the UI system  open office uses to get themes from gnome, its a wee bit broken on anything other than clearlooks :\08:33
darkmattercoz_: my complaint with th 'improved' nautilus is that it's more cluttered than before. sure, the unpatched nautilus has slightly to much chrome, but at least there is enough whitespace to distinguish the elements from eachother.08:34
coz_wedderburn,  agreed08:34
kwwiiwedderburn: OOo and firefox don't count :p08:34
coz_darkmatter,   i agree with that also08:34
wedderburnkwwii: love that theory :P, but OO really does stop most distro's from shipping vastly different gtk themes :\08:35
darkmattercoz_: I have the same issues with other 'minimal' ui's as well. chrome being a fine example. as a general rule less ui is better, but not if it sacrifices usability or usefulness08:35
kwwiidarkmatter: I think part of that comlaint is due to the simplicity of the theme though08:35
kwwiiwedderburn: trust me, I know...there is little one can do about either of them08:35
vishdarkmatter: we dont need a lot of the buttons on the chrome... a lot of those can be removed08:35
coz_darkmatter,  or clean appearance as well08:35
kwwiiat least firefox listens before they say no :p08:35
vishnautilus chrome*08:36
coz_personally ... I prefer kde's  dolphin over nautilus08:39
darkmattervish: by default, no we don't. but I wasn't talking exclusively about buttons, so I should actually thank you for mentioning that. because simplification for the sake of simplification is criminal. nearly as criminal as bloated ui's like OO.o, I'll explain in a bit. need coffee. brb08:40
thorwilvish: first wolter says hi to me and disappears immediately, then Kolorguild comes and goes like that ^08:52
vishheh , liferea is great , cuts out all the comments [mainly comments from OMG :D]08:53
vishthorwil: i think they are not in a hurry  , since it can be done even near the end08:54
vishprobably after beta Lucid release..08:54
thorwilvish: i'm not in favor of the student approach08:55
vishthorwil: did you send the mail to David Nel and benjamin as well? [I didnt see them in the cc]08:59
thorwilvish: they were supposed to be in To:09:00
thorwilvish: i just noticed something went wrong, as David is missing in my Sent copy09:01
vishthorwil: oh.. i dont see them in the To: either09:01
thorwilin same places, Evolutions hasn't been intelligently designed09:03
thorwilvish: send again, with David in To and you and wolter in CC. please confirm09:05
vishgood now09:06
thorwilphew :)09:06
darkmattercoz_: I'm working on a new class of ui, though I'm not sure what to call it09:09
coz_darkmatter,   cool....I cant think of a name off hand :)09:10
vishDamn it .. "Avatar" is kinda taken09:12
darkmattercoz_: basically it's a matter of removing the cons of ui design. atm there are two major types. inductive and deductive. though they aren't really used in conjunction in a consistent or meaningful way. we see inductive ui's primarily on the web, and local ui's are almost exclusively deductive09:13
thorwilcall it nooclass09:13
vishthorwil: i'm not sure Wolter's assessment that the manual is supposed to a help documentation is not right... IMO ,it seems more like an introduction to Ubuntu.. just have a look at most of the chapters09:14
vishit has history/geograhy/etc.. ;)09:15
thorwilvish: you are not sure that he is not right ... ever programmed something? ;)09:16
vishargh! damn! you are not sure that he is right ;009:16
darkmatternow, as a general rule, induction should take precedence over deduction, as it utilizes a faster approach to pattern recognition, is simple yet powerful in its own right, and tends to be elegant when executed properly09:16
vishthorwil: xchat has this small single line input box and i cant notice what I'v typed :(  so many mistakes i'm bound to make09:17
darkmatterhowever since inductive ui's tend to deal with one task per view, they slow productivity for more complex tasks or repetitive tasks (such as adding accounts to a system with numerous users for example)09:18
* vish needs to stick to single line replies... easier to catch mistakes09:18
thorwilvish: i'm using xchat, too. but i don't know the number of mistakes i'm bound to make09:19
vishthorwil: well,  i'm sure to make a *lot*... so expect more :D09:20
darkmatterthe basic idea is to create a schedule based interface metaphor that takes the strongest selling points of both the inductive and deductive interfaces while weeding out as many of the negatives as possible09:20
coz_darkmatter,  you lost me on this one :)09:21
coz_guys I thought I was well rested but apparently not...going for nap09:22
coz_be back later09:22
darkmatterschedule based, because, well, I've been trying to sell the idea for years. basically timelines (not unlike what is now provided by zeitgeist), but presented on a task/activity level, both within individual libraries/interfaces as well as through a global history function09:24
darkmatterorganized by relevance instead of just the 'day one, day two *all my crap is crammed together!*' approach09:26
kwwiidoes anyone here understand how the metacity left_left_background and such work?09:55
wedderburncool, youtube now supports html5 vid :P11:11
* kwwii is off to the store for groceries...bbl15:18
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