
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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vishhggdh: yup ,thats me :)05:01
KamokowIm new to helping sort the bugs, if someone isnt actually having an error, and is just like, suggesting something, It should be marked as Invalid, right?05:39
vishKamokow: bug# ?06:09
vishKamokow: the suggestions/ideas are wishlist bugs , not necessarily invalid , the main devs usually decide if they want to implement it or not06:10
KamokowOh, okay, thanks, I just wanted to clear it up, cause I didnt want to do something wrong.06:12
SevenMachinesgood morning08:53
gnomefreakanyone here that wants to try to confirm a bug or 2 for me?12:58
nigel_nbgnomefreak, yes13:00
gnomefreaknigel_nb: thanks bug 510627 bug 51062813:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 510627 in gnome-panel "indicater-applet can not ba added to gnome-panel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51062713:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 510628 in gnome-panel "FUSA name in "add to panel" is confusing " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51062813:01
nigel_nbgrr gnome!13:01
nigel_nbi'm on xfce today13:01
gnomefreakeh its alright someone will come along that is on gnome im sure13:01
vishgnomefreak: FUSA is depricated...13:02
vishno more fusa13:02
gnomefreakvish: yes i know13:02
gnomefreakvish: but it was called FUSA so that is what i used other than the name given in add to panel13:02
yofelhuh? no more fusa? what's there now? ($me uses KDE)13:03
vishyofel: it is now indicator-session13:03
yofeldid the indicators get merged?13:03
vishgnomefreak: there is also indicator-me coming soon ;)13:03
vishor has already arrived [i guess]13:04
* vish reads gnomefreak's bug fully13:04
* yofel should try gnome once in a while...13:04
BUGabundo_remoteI got fusa and indicator BOTH on +113:04
hggdhone thing we do not lack nowadays is indicators. Many of them.13:04
gnomefreakdpkg -S fusa still works bbut its gnome-panel that bug should be filed against since as i recall FUSA is now built into gnome panel source13:04
vishgnomefreak: there is "indicator applet session" in lucid13:05
gnomefreakBUGabundo_remote: you do? if you are refering to the user name in upper panel it is not a separate app but built in13:05
gnomefreakah i see i will update bug thanks13:06
vishgnomefreak: i meant in the list in the "add to panel"13:06
vishso there is indicator applet and indicator applet session ...13:06
vishBUGabundo_remote: how do you get FUSA? o.0  was the system serially upgraded from jaunty ?13:07
gnomefreakvish: he may just be thinking the user name in top panel is fusa as it was in jaunty13:08
BUGabundo_remotevish: this is a clean install lucid13:08
gnomefreakjust a guess13:08
BUGabundo_remoteI got one for status13:08
BUGabundo_remoteIndicator Applet Session 0.3.113:08
BUGabundo_remoteand one for logout / guest session13:09
BUGabundo_remotewith the same name in about13:09
gnomefreakthats the new name of it13:09
vishBUGabundo_remote: ah , there is fusa in the repos , but not by default :)13:09
BUGabundo_remoteso why we have TWO when one used to be enough beats me13:09
BUGabundo_remotebut lets take this to #ubuntu+113:09
* gnomefreak more cinered about the bugs than the name of applet :)13:10
vishgnomefreak: i think you commented/updated on the wrong bug ;)13:13
gnomefreakvish: no that was right bug13:14
gnomefreakoh damn it is wrong bugg13:14
gnomefreakok updated13:15
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vishhmm , gnomefreak i cant really confirm bug , since In my install the description is different for the two applets , sorry :(13:18
gnomefreakvish: its ok13:19
vishgnomefreak: also , it would be a session menu bug.. [not a gnome-panel bug] shall i change it?13:20
gnomefreakvish: yes please13:25
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cjohnstonwishlist bug 510673 please14:44
nigel_nbguess the bots on vacation14:44
nigel_nblol, I know :)14:45
* hggdh kicks ubot414:47
hggdhbug 51067314:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 510673 in ubuntu "Please include g77 in Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51067314:48
cjohnstonthere goes14:48
hggdhnothing like a gentle kick14:48
nigel_nbwell, the bots back :)14:49
nigel_nbhggdh, does great for your enthusiasm :P14:49
hggdhcjohnston: done14:49
cjohnstonty sir14:49
hggdhvish: now we just wait for Brian to get back, and you will be one of us.14:50
hggdhWhich sounds sort of weird, BTW14:50
vishhggdh: yeah , i was wondering what to do :)  [zombie attack ? ;p]14:51
hggdhThe Attack of The Bug-Controllers?14:52
* kyubutsu : back to testing chromium for 'aw snaps' .. have not seen it today after updates14:52
BUGabundo_remotekyubutsu: its fixed for me14:53
komputesWhat is the process for reviewing a CoreDump file for sensitive information?15:00
mrandkomputes: you don't really review a core dump itself for that.  The process is to leave a bug private until a stack (and thread) trace is obtained from the core dump, then remove the core dump, review the traces to make sure there aren't important things in them,  then make it public.15:02
mrandimportant = things that look like passwords or any other private info15:03
mrand(i.e. I meant to use the word private, not "important")15:04
komputesmrand: how do you read the CorDump file? vi is not ideal, gedit does not open it15:04
mrandkomputes: a core file is "read" by a debugger.  gdb, for example.15:05
komputesHow are you supposed to know which part is a password, it can be anywhere, or very well hidden, and someone can miss it.15:05
* komputes is installing gdb15:05
micahgkomputes: we're not supposed to read the coredump files15:06
micahgapport is suppoosed to retrace them15:06
jcastroqense: are you happy with the general state of the Adopt-* wiki pages? I'd like to start blogging soon, get people signed up, etc.15:06
mrandkcomputes: stack/tread traces are not overly verbose... it isn't too hard to look it over.15:06
komputesmrand: Follow up question is, how do you identify a useful a stack (and thread) trace.15:06
pedro_komputes, you can use apport-unpack to see the content15:06
qensejcastro: The BugSquad/AdoptPackage page should be rewritten first to make  few things clear, I've already got a few ideas for it, but haven't started on it yet.15:07
mrandkomputes: useful typically means every numbered item doesn't have "no symbols" listed after it.15:07
jcastroqense: ok. Just let me know when you think you're ready and we'll start the push to find people.15:07
qensethe current AdoptPackage page mostly talks about individually adopting a package rather tahn doing it with a group of people15:07
qensejcastro: allright!15:08
jcastroqense: I also have a TODO to have training sessions on IRC for people, etc.15:08
jcastroqense: so we can schedule little irc workshops and whatnot to get people rolling15:08
qensejcastro: sounds great, maybe I could give a hand with those, if necessary15:08
jcastrowe have one in developerweek too iirc15:08
qensethursdays? by you and daniel?15:09
komputespedro_: I get this using apport-unpack http://pastebin.ca/176026515:10
jcastroI think so15:10
qenseI'll attend that session15:10
qensejcastro: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/MainPackagesWithoutBugSubscribers would be a great guide for people looking for something new to adopt. Maybe it should get regular updates?15:12
qenseHowever, I'm not sure if large packages will get subscribers, even when they are adopted.15:13
jcastroI've never even seen that page before15:13
jcastrois it linked from the adopted page?15:13
qensecurrently yes15:13
jcastrothough tbh I haven't been following QA much this cycle15:13
jcastrothat would be a great list to fill out though15:14
qenseI think we should ask bdmurray to update that page, he generated it as first iirc15:14
mrandkomputes: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/37282371/Stacktrace.txt is an example of a stack trace.  This one probably IS useful... notice lines #8 through #12 have stuff listed (variables and values)?15:15
mrandIf every line had either "No locals" or "No symbol table info", then it would be useless.  Some bugs come in with no locals or symbols and the retracer creates a new stacktrace that includes useful info.  Sometimes it fails to though.15:15
bdmurrayqense: it's updated at http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/package/packages-without-subscribers.txt15:16
jcastroqense: also, check out column 4: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+upstreamreport15:16
bdmurrayon a weekly basis15:16
komputesmrand: so just "$ gdb -c CoreDump"? this seems to skim the content of the file quite a bit15:16
* komputes is looking at mrand's example15:16
qensebdmurray,jcastro: great! Those pages are definitely useful.15:17
qensejcastro: Did you have a certain wiki page in mind as starting point for the Adopt-* thing, the page you'd linke to from your blog posts? I would suggest BugSquad/AdoptPackage for the bug triaging part, but Adopt-* is broader, so are you linking to Upstream/Contact?15:17
mrandkomputes: yes.  See also: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace15:18
jcastroqense: I was thinking AdoptPackage but I was going to tie in the work I've been doing in /Upstream, etc. Kind of summarize it all together for those who haven't been following along, etc.15:20
qensejcastro: w.u.c/AdoptPackage? or w.u.c/BugSquad/AdoptPackage? I'm working on the last one.15:21
jcastrothe one you are working on15:21
BUGabundo_remotejcastro: what was that comand you blogged about to export installed apps, and then install back?15:22
BUGabundo_remotedselect something ?15:22
jcastroBUGabundo_remote: I forgot, haven't had to use it in a while, let me get back to you15:23
qensebtw, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/360107/ is the list of packages currently being listed as the most important packages, that should be adopted first. Does everyone agree on this list?15:23
jcastroBUGabundo_remote: something like this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/clone-your-ubuntu-installation.html15:23
komputesmrand: Is this correct/useful? http://pastebin.ca/176027615:24
Laibschanybody else seeing bug 510694?15:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 510694 in firefox-3.5 "firefox 3.5.7 rends Launchpad pages incorrectly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51069415:25
UbuntuLilyWhile trying to update Ubuntu 9.10 I am receiving this error15:25
UbuntuLilyW: GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com karmic Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>15:25
UbuntuLilyW: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com karmic-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>15:25
UbuntuLilyW: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com karmic-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>15:25
mrandkomputes: until you have it do a backtrace, you can't know.  See the steps listed under https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace#Core%20Files15:25
UbuntuLilyI tried this (Found in a forum)  but it didn't help15:27
UbuntuLilysudo apt-get clean15:27
komputesmrand: ok, will do. thanks15:27
UbuntuLilycd /var/lib/apt15:27
UbuntuLilysudo mv lists lists.old15:27
UbuntuLilysudo mkdir -p lists/partial15:27
UbuntuLilysudo apt-get clean15:27
UbuntuLilysudo apt-get update15:27
xteejxHey guys, hope it's not too late to help with BugDay, been busy today15:55
xteejxHi hggdh15:58
hggdhhi xteejx16:03
xteejxhggdh, You were right yesterday... evo didn't crash again lol typical16:03
hggdhanother way: just run it normally. When you get the issue, run gdb --pid=`pidof evolution`16:05
hggdhgdb slows process execution, so if this issue is a race condition, it may either go away or be masked by having gdb controlling the execution16:06
xteejxOh...I didn't think I could do that, I thought it would log everything after16:06
xteejxI never checked System Monitor / top when it happened, could've been memory leak...16:07
micahgyofel: the bug graphs are specially created for the bug days16:08
hggdhif it is -- you can always run valgrind on it. BUT -- it slows Evo *a lot*, so you will have to be patient (I am talking about O(10^2) slower16:08
xteejxoh dear... ahh well if it helps debug it, it's worth it, it started 2 days ago, but I just killed it thinking it's a one0off but the n yesterday again... at least if it happens today I know what to do :)  ..... law of Sod states that now I know this information, it won't happen :(16:09
xteejxI do love apport, when it works - I know it doesn't work in my case, it's a shame we can't completely backport it to every stable release16:12
xteejxEvo is so dumb... 39 new messages.....NO! You told me I had 38 new 5 mins ago, I haven't got 77, I have 38... grr16:13
xteejxWhat is upstream for network-manager-applet, gnome?16:16
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yofelxteejx: gnome16:17
yofelNetworkManager Project, nm-applet component16:18
xteejxWhy is LP so confusing with showing who upstream is? Look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet - nowhere does it show GNOME upstream or am I missing something?16:18
yofelnot that I know of, had to search for it in the gnome bugzilla too first16:21
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kamusin: (16:22
yofelwell, I guess we're all just too used to lauchpad being unhelpful that we don't complain anymore...16:23
xteejxyofel: I suppose :(16:23
qenseyofel: Well, it's better than Bugzilla, that's for sure. ;)16:25
yofeltrue ^^16:26
micahgqense: it was decided to 'assign' bugs in the translations project?16:27
qensemicahg: when it's a translation error assign it to the translation team? Yes, but that wasn't decided by us, that's Translations policy.16:27
micahgqense: k16:28
kamusinmm I have been trying to search a package in a report but always say "loading results failed"16:35
kamusinit's me or lp16:35
nigel_nbhggdh, ping16:36
hggdhnigel_nb: here16:42
nigel_nbhggdh, I need an example bug report that has been triaged (for the class)16:42
nigel_nbnothing too complex16:43
nigel_nbcant find anything :P16:43
nigel_nbI only know how to search for untouched bugs not touched ones16:43
kyubutsuodd behaviour in chromium since couple days ago, youtube, on loading video, content is blank until i move scroll bar. anyone seen this?16:44
hggdhwell, there is a complex one I am still dealing with (but it is triaged): bug 50679816:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 506798 in linux "du crashes when traversing nfs mounted .snapshot directories" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50679816:44
* hggdh does not watch videos, usually...16:44
nigel_nbhggdh, nothing that complex.  what I need a bug report which people can understand16:45
nigel_nbI know, been searching for some time16:45
nigel_nbI'm only finding segfaults and stuff16:45
hggdhlet me look around16:45
nigel_nbhggdh, can wishlist bug 50239116:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 502391 in eqonomize "Eqonomize should allow other currencies" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50239116:47
micahgqense: do you know about this: http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/qapkgstatus/nautilus16:53
qensemicahg: I didn't. Thanks for the link!16:54
micahgqense: normally there are graphs, but they seem to be broken16:54
nigel_nbhggdh, I'll talk to you later tonight.  If you find a bug for me, let me know then.16:56
hggdhnigel_nb: k16:56
hggdhnigel_nb: quick question16:56
nigel_nbyes :)16:56
hggdhthe eqonomise bug -- should it be set to triaged also?16:56
nigel_nbI reported it to their upstream, so yes, triaged16:57
hggdhnigel_nb: and please, please add a comment explaining why you are confirming a bug...16:57
nigel_nbhggdh, I confirmed it just now when I realized it had to be wishlisted16:58
nigel_nbadding the comments now16:58
hggdhnigel_nb: thank you :-)16:59
* hggdh is happier now16:59
nigel_nbhggdh, there was another reason I didn't confirm16:59
nigel_nbI reported the bug :P16:59
nigel_nbhggdh, ugh! I set it back to confirmed accidentally.  Can you change it back to triaged.  Sorry ;)17:00
Laibschanybody else seeing bug 510694?17:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 510694 in firefox-3.5 "firefox 3.5.7 rends Launchpad pages incorrectly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51069417:00
hggdher... nigel_nb, you *are* aware you cannot confirm your own bugs, right?17:00
nigel_nbhggdh, yes.  I forgot it was my own bug17:01
hggdhheh. Thank you. /me is even happier now17:01
hggdhnow, really, BRB17:01
nigel_nbhggdh, look at the date.  It was a question converted to a bug17:02
charlie-tcaLaibsch: just checked in lucid. Firefox 3.5.7 is working here on a 38617:03
Laibschthank you for checking17:03
LaibschI wonder what's wrong, then17:03
charlie-tcaI wonder if the reporter needs to restart firefox, though17:03
Laibschreporter is me17:03
LaibschI've been having this problem for a few weeks at least17:04
Laibschseveral reboots in between17:04
charlie-tcaOh. I have seen that issue when I got some updates and forgot to restart it, here.17:04
charlie-tcaNot a reboot, but close and reopen firefox17:04
micahgLaibsch: try firefox -ProfileManager to start firefox and see if it happens in a clean profile17:05
charlie-tcaFor some reason, a reboot doesn't restart it.17:05
Laibschcharlie-tca: a reboot doesn't restart firefox?17:07
Laibschnow that would be news!17:07
Laibschmicahg: I'll try a different profile in a minute17:08
charlie-tcanope, not here, anyway. If firefox updates, a reboot won't restart it17:08
charlie-tca(I leave it on the desktop when I reboot)17:08
hggdhcharlie-tca: I noticed it does not restart anymore (at least on Lucid)17:11
charlie-tcaIt didn't do it in karmic either17:11
yofelbug 426815 Low/Triaged17:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 426815 in network-manager-applet "Usability: Can't tab between fields of an 'Add address' line" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42681517:17
charlie-tcayofel: done17:18
charlie-tcaI have fought that one a long time, too17:19
yofelhi BUGabundo_remote ^^17:22
* BUGabundo_remote re-sets bddebian clock.... its running late17:22
* BUGabundo_remote calms down17:23
yofelwhat? bug 426815?17:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 426815 in network-manager-applet "Usability: Can't tab between fields of an 'Add address' line" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42681517:23
yofelwell, I can understand that17:23
xteejxwhat's the cat / thing to find the sound card?17:23
yofelhm, bot out-of-date17:24
BUGabundo_remotexteejx: lspci | grep audio ?17:24
xteejxthought it was cat /proc/asound... something lol17:25
charlie-tcayeah, that would be the one, you can use the right arrow, but not the tab.17:26
xteejxI got it :)17:27
xteejxthanks, just trying to fire up an oldish PC my sister gave away17:28
xteejxGuys, is it possible to run apport-collect to store debug information locally until an internet connection can be established, and then send it on?17:57
hggdhdon't think so17:57
yofelhm... maybe if you use ubuntu-bug with --save and --update-bug17:58
BUGabundo_remoteyes you can xteejx17:59
BUGabundo_remoteapport asks before sending17:59
xteejxI thought it just had "send report" or "cancel"17:59
BUGabundo_remotesend latter18:00
charlie-tcaDoesn't "ubuntu-bug -p <package_name>" work? that should collect the information and keep it on your computer18:03
xteejxcharlie-tca: Its kinda for an open bug :(18:03
xteejxbug 505310, it looks like it affects his net connection for some reason, so grabbing apport-collect data for the DVI switch is gonna be a bugger18:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 505310 in gnome-power-manager "Choice of DVI outlet affects ability to boot 9.10" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50531018:04
xteejxAhh, don't worry, I've left a note on the bug report that this could cause problems, and he's grabbed the xrandr logs for both DVI ports18:07
xteejxcharlie-tca: That's exactly what I was thinking lol18:11
* charlie-tca hit the wrong keyboard...18:13
thekornqense, hi, just read your blogpost about adoptionstats,18:22
qensethekorn: hi18:23
thekornqense, have you ever considered using the launchpad API via launchpadlib for it?18:23
thekornqense, it should be *much * faster18:23
qensethekorn: isn't it already doing it?18:23
qenseOr are those libs using the web interface?18:23
thekornqense, yeah, if you like I can just write a basic version18:24
thekornqense, no python-launchpadlib18:24
thekornit is using the API of launchpad instead of doing screenscrapping18:24
qensethekorn: if you could write a basic version that would be great!18:24
qensethat does sound a lot faster indeed18:24
thekornokidoki, I'm on it18:24
thekornqense, http://paste.ubuntu.com/360195/18:35
thekorntime ./adoptionstats -p firefox18:37
thekorn2010-01-21 18:36 {'need_forwarding': 0, 'per_status': {'In Progress': 5, 'Confirmed': 67, 'Invalid': 2970, 'New': 27, 'Fix Committed': 0, 'Triaged': 11, 'Fix Released': 676, 'Incomplete': 15, "Won't Fix": 300}}18:37
thekorn./adoptionstats -p firefox  0,41s user 0,08s system 2% cpu 17,213 total18:37
thekornnot bad I'd say ;)18:38
qensethekorn: thank you! I'll commit it to the branch asap and add a credit line for you as well18:38
qensethekorn: new version committed and blogpost instructions adapted18:53
thekornqense, super18:54
charlie-tcaany chance someone could mark triaged bug 506717 ?18:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 506717 in plymouth "[Lucid] plymouth does not display when using nvidia drivers" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50671718:59
thekorncharlie-tca, done19:03
charlie-tcaThank you19:03
thekornno problemo19:03
qensejcastro: I've got a new version of BugSquad/AdoptPackage ready at <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Qense/BugSquad/AdoptPackage>, what do you think?19:11
jcastroqense: handling something right now, I'll have to get back to you19:11
qensejcastro: allright!19:11
xteejxafk off19:24
arand_Two extra "affects me too" is enough to mark as confirmed? Bug #51057119:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 510571 in linux "Latest -11 kernel won't boot, -10 works, Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51057119:28
xteejxQuestion (if anyone can answer it): I know there are thousands of Ubuntu packages built for i386 and amd64, but with another processor, i,e. SPARC or the Playstation 3 Cell PowerPC processor, who or rather how are these built? Also, can I contribute to rebuild these ported packages, and again...if so, how?19:31
xteejxSorry it's a lot to ask, and it's in the wrong place but you all know me and you're helpful (and usually awake unlike #ubuntu-devel!!)19:31
charlie-tcaI don't the how, but you can contact NCommander about how to contribute to ports. He has done work on the xubuntu ppc ports19:32
charlie-tca(find him in #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-installer19:33
xteejxcharlie-tca: Its really to get more packages cross compiled if there's an easy way to do it, but Ok, I'll ask if I can find him... thanks :)19:33
charlie-tcano problem19:33
heliosdoes someone has a problem with laptop temperature when laptop is running ubuntu?19:37
xteejxhelios: Used to have, at the time my acpi wasn't fully supported - laptop was only 6 months old19:39
xteejx!support > helios19:41
ubot4helios, please see my private message19:41
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nigel_nbhggdh: ping20:02
hggdhnigel_nb: I am here20:03
nigel_nbhggdh: um, any luck with the bug?20:03
nigel_nbor finding an easy bug to show?20:03
hggdhoh, the bug20:04
* hggdh scrambles around20:04
nigel_nbcouple of things I need to check with you20:04
nigel_nbright now, I have just "adopted" bdmurray___'s course20:04
nigel_nbwhich is kind of old.  Dont we prefer that user's dont use the launchpad web interface to log the bug?20:05
hggdhbug 509128 -- that is missing is report it upstream for go Triaged20:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 509128 in dash "Inconsistent output from Bourne Shell "type" command" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50912820:05
hggdher. s/-- that/-- all that/20:05
hggdhwhich is a good example, still20:06
hggdhand a simple one -- every one will be able to check it (and confirm)20:06
xteejxnigel_nb: It is much preferred for apport to report the crash, or users to use ubuntu-bug20:06
nigel_nbxteejx: my audience is new comers to ubuntu, so I have to tip toe.  In some cases, you can use help > report bug "apparently"20:07
xteejxYeah that is usually in GNOME applications, or things like firefox20:07
hggdhusually on firefox -- users have a problem, usually the browser is open, and then they see "report a problem"...20:08
xteejxI'm assuming you're writing for Ubuntu only, or are you wanting to cover K/Xubuntu?20:08
nigel_nbubuntu, but k/xubuntu friendly too!20:08
nigel_nbnext, about that *it affects me too*! thingie20:09
nigel_nbI'm going to ask people not use it unless its a software bug20:09
hggdhany users of weechat here? If so, I have published weechat 0.3.0 for Karmic, and weechat GIT head for Lucid20:09
xteejxnigel_nb: Well for KDE it's pretty much the same, Help>Report, or ubuntu-bug really...if it's for newcomers I think that should be their main pointers :)20:09
nigel_nbhggdh, comments ^^ ?20:09
xteejxnigel_fb: "Affects me too" is definitely work using20:10
hggdhthey should not, indeed.20:10
yofelfor kubuntu you should always use help>Report Bug if possible as most bugs should go directly to KDE and not to launchpad20:10
xteejx^^ +120:10
xteejxKDE bugs _usually_ bypass us, and rightly so20:10
nigel_nbyofel: kubuntu bugs are not into LP?20:11
xteejx*Generally* they are reported directly to KDE20:11
nigel_nbokay, then I'll just drop a line about it20:11
nigel_nband xubuntu?20:11
hggdhheh. We should try harder to be flavour-agnostic20:11
yofelnigel_nb: if the applications come from Kubuntu: LP, if they are part from KDE: bugs.kde.org20:11
nigel_nbokay just let me know if I missed anything20:12
xteejxhggdh, I agree, but its just the way things seem to be... KDE seem to want bugs directed at them20:12
xteejxnigel_nb: Let us know if there's anything you're unsure about or want to cover :)20:12
charlie-tcabugs in xubuntu are reported to launchpad20:13
nigel_nbthanks charlie-tca20:13
xteejxOh, and edubuntu -- since its a canonical supported fork20:13
xteejx"fork" i mean lol20:13
charlie-tcaYou can even use apport and ubuntu-bug to report bugs in Xubuntu20:14
xteejxand edubuntu... its a feature in all of them :D20:14
nigel_nbuse ubuntu-bug or help>report bug/problem (select right package), use affects me too only for software bugs20:14
nigel_nbpretty much everythin comes in the those two ?20:14
xteejx"affects me too" is if you find a bug that affects you, you choose that option in launchpad20:15
xteejxbut that would only be an option IF you reported it via LP really, which would search for duplicates20:15
xteejxat that point you don't report it, but mark "affects me too" and comment on that bug report with as much additional information as possible, and remember20:16
xteejx.... answer any questions by the Bug Squad as fully and in as much detail as possible :)20:16
nigel_nbxteejx: hggdh is going to help me with questions about bugs20:17
xteejxsure no prob i'll shut up ;)20:17
nigel_nbxteejx: my session is on "why signing up on LP helps"20:17
nigel_nbor, meant to end up like that20:17
nigel_nbso I'll cover openID, LP Answers, and reporting bugs20:18
xteejxand pushing the Ubuntu release further forward :D20:18
nigel_nbso reporting bugs, I just need to give an idea on how to do it and linking out as much as I can, because not much time in the session for it20:19
xteejxis that an open Q?20:19
nigel_nbi mean, its not a how to report bugs session..20:19
nigel_nbxteejx: open q?20:20
xteejxopen question20:20
nigel_nbno, its what I'm planning to do :)20:20
xteejxahh ok20:20
xteejxwell like we said best way for new users is Help>Report Problem or ubuntu-bug in the terminal (which actually you can type in the box that comes up when you press Alt+F2) if users are scared of the terminal20:21
xteejxobv you need an LP account first20:22
xteejxermmm link...20:22
nigel_nbyes.  thats the point :)20:22
nigel_nbI think I'll just put the detailed stuff up on a wiki page and rush through ubuntu-bug, and help>report problem20:23
nigel_nband a few pointers20:23
nigel_nbeverything else should come out with questions20:23
xteejxhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/ReportingBugs < possible link for a starting point20:23
nigel_nbxteejx: thanks :)20:24
nigel_nbI'll refer most people there and the finding the right package page20:24
nigel_nbshould move things pretty fast20:24
xteejxno probs... personally I would just simplify that for ease20:24
xteejxnigel_nb: When is your session?20:25
nigel_nb2200 UTC (I think, checking)20:27
xteejxhour and a half?20:28
nigel_nb1700 UTC20:28
nigel_nbjust 1 hour20:28
xteejx3 hours ago?20:28
nigel_nbum, saturday20:28
xteejxIts 2028 UTC/GMT20:28
xteejxohhhhhh hahaha sorry20:28
nigel_nbxteejx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays20:29
xteejxwow thats a really good idea!!20:29
nigel_nbxteejx: you never heard of it?20:29
yofelnice, didn't know about that too20:29
xteejxnot until just now, no20:30
nigel_nbugh! we need to do more marketting, apparently, planet, and identi.ca and twitter are not enough20:30
xteejxIf I knew I wouldn't have a hangover Saturday I'd be more than glad to help20:30
xteejxnigel_fb: Easiest way to market is via twitter or Facebook tbh20:31
nigel_nbdid both20:31
nigel_nbxteejx: its on the ubuntu page on FB and on twitter every day (at least mine)20:31
WeatherGodI don't know if anything should be done about the last comment in bug 48366620:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 483666 in openoffice.org "openoffice.org-emailmerge failed to upgrade : subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 30" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48366620:31
xteejxoh I haven't been on fb for over a week20:31
=== cjohnston is now known as notcjohnston
xteejxWeatherGod: What about it?20:32
nigel_nbWeatherGod: that is an odd comment20:32
WeatherGodquite honestly, I think it is funny... but it has no relevence20:32
xteejxit's a misspelled comment!! lol20:32
xteejxobviously expectig Micro$oft Offi$e autocorrect there.....20:33
WeatherGodhe only has one other bug report which was resolved on its own20:33
nigel_nbi thought he joined some group and kept getting mails20:33
WeatherGodhehe, that might explain it20:33
xteejxWeatherGod: bug 470817 ... theres an open one20:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 470817 in streamtuner "After upgrading Ubuntu workstation up to 9.10, no more sound" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47081720:34
WeatherGodyeah, it probably should get closed20:34
nigel_nbxteejx: that is supposed to be invalid20:34
WeatherGodas he figured it out on his own20:34
nigel_nbits not a bug20:34
xteejxIt's closed20:34
nigel_nbits not a support request20:34
xteejxno worries20:34
nigel_nbxteejx, yofel: if u guys can tweet/dent about user days, would b great :)20:35
=== notcjohnston is now known as cjohnston
WeatherGodshould contact this guy or something to figure out what is his issue?20:36
xteejxnigel_nb: I only have 4 followers, no-one loves me enough lol20:36
xteejxWeatherGod: in regards to what?20:36
nigel_nbxteejx:lol, let the 4 know20:36
WeatherGodwell, maybe to find out if he is getting too much email or something... probably don't want him spamming other bug reports with non-topical statements20:36
xteejxhaha I will, although ~1,500 fb users might be getting a status update from me hehe20:37
xteejxWeatherGod: hang on20:37
nigel_nbxteejx: lol, then please spam about it20:37
nigel_nbxteejx: err.. talk about it ;)20:37
WeatherGodam I the only person in the known universe without a twitter and fb account?20:37
xteejxof course hehe20:37
xteejxWeatherGod: Yes20:37
nigel_nbWeatherGod: probably20:38
xteejxWeatherGod: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~1-webofdreamings/+subscribedbugs - he's only subscribed to 1 bug, he won't be getting many emails... further, he wouldn't have been getting any at all if he hadn't have commented and clicked the "Email me" tickbox20:38
yofelWeatherGod: I don't have one either (I do have an identi.ca acc though)20:38
xteejxWith all due respect, if he has a problem it is one he created, although I think the guy has just randomly clicked one and typed that comment20:39
WeatherGodxteejx, I agree20:39
WeatherGodyofel: yay, I am not alone!20:39
nigel_nbxteejx: no groups, no bug subscriptions20:39
nigel_nbWeatherGod: welll, identi.ca = open source twitter lol20:40
xteejxexactly, he has nothing, probably just messing around, but there are too many bugs, just as well we're here :)20:40
WeatherGoddon't have one of those either20:40
xteejxtwitter is pretty naff, at least with fb you can play games!20:40
WeatherGodwell, I will leave a short comment explaining the odd comment in that bug report so that anyone in the future knows it is already dealt with20:41
xteejxand be poked inappropriately20:41
xteejxWeatherGod: That was an inappropriate thought!20:41
charlie-tcaWeatherGod: I have no facebook, twitter, etc accounts, either20:41
xteejxWeatherGod: It hasn't been fully triaged, don't worry20:42
nigel_nbcan we get the comment deleted?20:42
charlie-tcaI opened one on identi.ca? to follow the last UDS, but it didn't help and I don't even look at it.20:42
nigel_nbLP admins?20:42
WeatherGodxteejx, but still the comment should be documented20:42
WeatherGodheck, the bug probably should be triaged as there really isn't anything more that can be done by us20:42
xteejxHonestly, it hasn't affected anyone, it's not offensive or disruptive, just someone airing a small opinion in a "twitter" length20:43
WeatherGodactually, no, it is supposed to be incomplete20:43
WeatherGodbut, without context, it is definitely perplexing20:44
xteejxJean Baptiste has asked for information, so until that is provided, Incomplete (and wait)20:44
xteejxit's only been 4 days20:45
WeatherGodyeah, I just noticed that20:45
WeatherGodso, leave alone?20:45
WeatherGodIf Jean-Baptiste ask about it, I will explain it to him later, I guess20:46
xteejxyeah, give it a month or so, if there's no reply ask politely for the information, 2 weeks after that, close20:46
xteejxJB = jibel20:46
WeatherGodyeah, I should go through my old bugs and do that20:46
xteejxhehe I do once a month20:46
jibelxteejx, hi20:46
nigel_nbWeatherGod: write a script in python to do that for you20:47
xteejxhey jibel, sorry didn't mean to ping you I was explaining who you were to WeatherGod :)20:47
nigel_nbWeatherGod: takes around 20 minutes, but definitely worth the trouble20:47
WeatherGodah, ok20:47
jibelxteejx, np, at your service20:47
WeatherGodnigel_nb, good idea20:47
xteejxnigel_nb: 20 mins? You're optimistic...you should see my related bug reports!!20:48
xteejxjibel: Thank you :)20:48
WeatherGodjibel, I was just noting the odd comment for a bug20:48
jibelWeatherGod, which one ?20:48
nigel_nbxteejx: well, writing the script and doing would take only 20 minutes20:48
WeatherGodwe just figured out the context and wasn't sure if you would be confused20:48
xteejxnigel_nb: script?20:49
WeatherGodbug 48366620:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 483666 in openoffice.org "openoffice.org-emailmerge failed to upgrade : subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 30" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48366620:49
xteejxOhhhh sorry nigel, I thought you meant to do it manually, I didn't see the python script comment20:49
WeatherGodturns out some guy accidentially turned out recieving bug mail and at some random point decided to respond20:49
nigel_nbxteejx: eek! manually, now way20:49
nigel_nbI'm lazy20:49
jibelWeatherGod, about bug 483666 ?20:50
xteejxnigel_nb: haha :)20:50
WeatherGodnigel_nb, like any good programmer20:50
WeatherGodjibel, see comment above20:50
xteejxI was looking forward to several configurable python scripts being made *for* us, because we're even lazier :P20:51
jibelWeatherGod, reading ...20:51
xteejxplus I can't program a calculator let alone a language20:51
nigel_nbxteejx: there is a python library already20:51
WeatherGodcalculators are harder than python20:51
nigel_nbxteejx: you just need to write what you want done with it20:51
nigel_nbtrust me, its easy! I did it with no knowledge of python20:51
xteejxermmm all my bugs not commented on over 2 months old to be sent a reminder20:52
WeatherGodnigel_nb, maybe you could post some example scripts20:52
nigel_nbI'll blog about it 2morrow20:52
xteejxI was thinking of everyone putting stuff up onto some kind of Ubuntu script repo20:52
nigel_nbI lost the script I wrote last time, I'll just write a new one20:52
WeatherGodam I the only person without a blog, too?20:52
xteejxWeatherGod: Nope, I haven't got one, no need my life's too boring!20:53
nigel_nbWeatherGod: started quite recently, when I needed to advertize stuff for ubuntu20:53
WeatherGodnot a bad idea, actually20:53
WeatherGodmight be good for build-up for Lucid20:53
nigel_nbWeatherGod: call for volunteers, call for participation and stuff like that20:53
xteejxI think the netpress is building up Lucid enough20:53
WeatherGodheh, might as well snatch up the WeatherGod name where-ever possible anyway20:54
WeatherGodcould use some slashvertisements20:54
WeatherGodslashdot hates us20:54
xteejxhehe nice term :D20:54
WeatherGodbeen around for a while, I think20:55
WeatherGodknow what.... I think I will do that right now... I will get a twitter account and slashdot account using WeatherGod20:55
hggdhinteresting. I look at bugs, and part of the comments are trimmed off20:56
xteejxhggdh: Are you using the LPGM greasemonkey scripts?20:57
hggdhyep, I think it is the new highlight Brian worked on...20:57
nigel_nbWeatherGod: dont get twitter20:57
xteejxyeah it is20:57
nigel_nbWeatherGod: get identi.ca20:57
WeatherGodnever heard of it20:57
nigel_nbWeatherGod: its open source and more ubuntu friendly20:58
xteejxgwibber works with everything20:58
WeatherGodbut, we want to reach out to non-Ubuntu users20:58
xteejxubuntu package20:58
yofeltrue, now I only need to debug kdemicroblog to actually work right with identi.ca20:58
yofelthe new one in 4.4 is somewhat... broken20:58
xteejxtypical...new not always better20:59
hggdhxteejx: thank you. Disabling it restored sanity to FFox20:59
xteejxhggdh: Makes a nice change me helping you not vice versa :) hehe you're welcome20:59
hggdhyou see, we do not know everything ;-)20:59
xteejxhehe :D21:00
xteejxOut of curiosity...am I the only triager in the UK?21:00
jibelWeatherGod, diouf is not the OR nor the one from a duplicate. So if he's unhappy with bugmail he simply has to unsubscribe. Just leave him alone.21:01
xteejxjibel: +121:01
WeatherGodjibel, we did get him unsubscribed21:01
jibelWeatherGod, k21:01
WeatherGodI was just curious about whether the comment needed documenting or not21:01
WeatherGodxteejx, ok, not we... but he is now unsubscribed, right?21:02
WeatherGodjibel, anyway, we decided that unless you asked about it, we will leave it undocumented21:03
WeatherGodthat's where your name came up21:03
WeatherGodxteejx, so what if he doesn't know how to unsubscribe?21:03
xteejxWeatherGod: he can ask21:04
xteejxit could just be his English is terrible, he meant "wow thats a lot of debugging stuff", and wants to keep updated21:04
xteejxcan never assume :)21:04
WeatherGodseems like that was asking, maybe21:05
xteejxmy english is terrible sometimes, and I was born and live here!21:06
xteejxGrrr.... why do people incessantly reply directly to my personal email address with bug reports!!!21:08
WeatherGodhehe, I hate that21:08
xteejxI'm alive, not a bloody bug report server lol21:09
WeatherGodwhile I am here... who do I talk to about a bug involving a problem with loading a CD/DVD?21:10
WeatherGodI got a bug report that is pretty much complete, but the OR needs special handling21:10
* yofel wonders why some people don't use the 'reply' button, as this should use launchpad as the return address21:10
WeatherGodyofel, most mail things do, but not all21:11
xteejxmy point exactly21:11
xteejxno the from address is a bouncer, it will reply to the bug report, but for some reason, because I'm CC'd by LP they reply to me!?21:11
xteejxWeatherGod: What's the problem?21:12
WeatherGodok, I am on identi.ca21:14
xteejxWeatherGod: What was the loading problem?21:15
WeatherGodthe CD doesn't show up at all for Karmic21:16
WeatherGodbut it did for Jaunty21:16
WeatherGodso, she can't use RhythmBox21:16
xteejxWeatherGod: The drive? Bug number?21:16
WeatherGodxteejx, bug 47896221:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 478962 in linux "After upgrade to Karmic, CD/DVD drive no longer works" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47896221:17
WeatherGodgo towards the end to get the latest apport data21:17
WeatherGodtook a while to get her safely upgraded21:17
WeatherGodbut, she is such a sweet old lady, I really like to see her problem solved21:18
xteejxWell for one, it's not a linux problem21:19
xteejxThe CD drive is detected perfectly fine, otherwise it wouldn't show "Unknown"21:19
WeatherGodyeah, I noticed that21:20
WeatherGodit just isn't doing anything for when the media is inserted21:20
xteejxIt's how rhythmbox handled the insertion of said disk.... I'm guessing the Unknown is because it's a burned CD, or she has no net connection to grab Cd track listings21:20
WeatherGodno, the CD is not showing up at all21:20
WeatherGodgnome doesn't see the media, doesn't act on it21:21
WeatherGodand the CD is not burned21:21
xteejxShe does sound a sweet old dear though, bless her21:21
xteejxI'll help21:21
WeatherGodwe did a "Import file" and that's where we could not find the CD icon in the file browser21:22
WeatherGodthere is a screenshot before the apport-collect stuff, if I remember21:22
WeatherGodI doubt this is a rhythmbox issue21:22
xteejxOne big-ish problem... the description was clipped21:23
xteejxmay give triagers/devs wrong idea about the problem21:23
xteejxshe's on karmic now correct?21:23
WeatherGodI snipped out some stuff... that was a long time ago21:23
WeatherGodshe was rather lengthy in her original description21:24
xteejxhahaha " a smaller CD drive " i think she means floppy drive......not being funny but how the hell did she end up with Ubuntu? (as great as it is of course)21:24
WeatherGodeither in one of my personal emails (she also did the "reply" thing...) she explains that she got the computer from a local store offering discounted refurbished computers, I think21:25
WeatherGodshe has been very comfortable with it, all things considered21:26
xteejxoh ok... shame they don't do that here!!21:26
WeatherGodif anything, she really should be a success story21:27
WeatherGodand, she is a writer for her local newspaper21:27
WeatherGodwho knows, maybe she will put in a good word for us when we fix this problem21:28
xteejxhmmm :)21:28
xteejxLooking at her udevdb log, the cd drive is detected fine (s**t i'm getting good)21:29
xteejxscd0 Compaq CRD-8484B21:29
WeatherGodfor identi.ca, what happens if I add my email address?  what sort of stuff comes through that?21:29
WeatherGodand who sees my email address?21:29
WeatherGodok, also I just noticed that my connection isn't secured21:31
xteejxWeatherGod: best bet with that bug, is get her to install another CD audio player, test that, if it works, rhythmbox is the problem21:35
xteejx!info devicekit-disks karmic21:36
ubot4xteejx: devicekit-disks (source: devicekit-disks): abstraction for enumerating block devices. In component main, is optional. Version 007-2ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 161 kB, installed size 860 kB21:36
WeatherGodhmm, might have her try amoroke, should be similar enough to rhythmbox for her to understand21:36
xteejxno no no21:36
xteejxDon't need her installing amarok with all the KDE libraries21:36
WeatherGodbut, also, if it is a gnome issue, maybe the kde libraries might do a better job?21:37
xteejxI doubt it's a gnome issue21:37
WeatherGodso, which one would you suggest21:37
WeatherGodpersonally, I like those two21:37
xteejxme too, but it does install a lot of crap21:38
xteejxGnome mplayer?21:39
xteejxor banshee even better21:39
WeatherGodbanshee might be the right choice21:39
WeatherGodI have that one installed on my home computer, I will double-check it before suggesting it21:40
xteejxiirc, it wasn't too difficult, doesn't need configuring for CDs like rhythmbox21:41
xteejximo, this bug report might be better converted to a question to be honest21:41
WeatherGodthat's only if the problem was with configuring rhythmbox21:42
WeatherGodand even if it is, then it is a perfect example of user interface failure21:42
xteejxcould still be the case21:43
xteejxdoubtful, but possible21:43
xteejxWeatherGod: What timezone are you?21:44
WeatherGodand if it is a user interface issue, then it can be set as a wishlist21:44
xteejxyup :)21:44
xteejxso similar to Canada21:44
xteejxmight be a better (and maybe easier) idea to get the woman on IRC and go through it?21:44
WeatherGodhehe... did you not see the long... long... replies?21:45
xteejxthat's what /msg is for :P21:45
xteejxubot4: tell WeatherGod about IRC21:46
ubot4WeatherGod, please see my private message21:46
xteejxlike so21:46
WeatherGodwell, let's first see if banshee can find the CD first21:46
xteejxI have a funny feeling it will :)21:47
WeatherGodif so, then the path is obvious21:47
xteejxlet's hope it's user error and not a bug21:48
xteejxWeatherGod: minor update to your bug...title/tags21:50
WeatherGodxteejx, thanks for your contribution21:58
xteejxWeatherGod: least I could do :)21:58
cyan-spamanyone know why apport bot would /remove/ information from a stacktrace?22:36
cyan-spamhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/33233406/Stacktrace.txt -> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/33240960/Stacktrace.txt22:36
cyan-spamremoved the info from top two frames22:37
hggdhprobably because the back-end retracer could not find the dbgsyms needed to resolve them22:47
cyan-spambut... to remove the information that's already there?22:48
cyan-spamhi npc122:49
npc1I've been trying to follow a solution to bug 403408, which is basically a grub issue not seeing my "device"22:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 403408 in grub2 "Grub 2 problem, error: no such device" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40340822:49
npc1oh that's a neat bot22:50
hggdhcyan-spam: well, in this case it makes no difference, since the symbols are still unresolved22:50
npc1so I've been trying follow these steps in the shell and I get "unable to resolve host ubuntu"22:51
npc1I'm not entirely sure if I'm doing anythign right22:51
npc1I'm unable to run gedit or edit anything form the shell22:53
npc1so I have no clue how to fix this22:53
npc1and yes I'm a noob, please help22:53
cyan-spamnpc1: hmm. you'd probably have better luck in #ubuntu, it's the official support room. this room is just for talking about bug triaging22:54
cyan-spamnp, good luck :)22:54
npc1it's just things go by very fast there22:54
cyan-spamcould someone more experienced take a look at Bug #451135? dunno how to debug an application that's running but invisible23:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 451135 in network-manager-applet "Network manager applet is unresponsive on login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45113523:01
hggdhcyan-spam: networkManager usually logs to /var/log/syslog; nm-applet will output on ~/.xsession-errors23:05
yofelhm, xsession-errors shows critical errors, but I don't get them...23:06
crimsunI used to be able to reproduce that using version of nm* prior to yesterday's 0.8~rc2-0ubuntu1 upload23:08
crimsunhasn't appeared since update, however23:08
cyan-spamcrimsun: interesting. i guess i should ask him to try latest release23:08
cyan-spamoh i guess you mean lucid then?23:09
crimsunyes, I dogfood lucid23:09
cyan-spamdid you experience it in karmic as well?23:10
crimsunyes (that would be covered under "version of nm* prior to yesterday's 0.8~rc2-0ubuntu1 upload") ;)23:12
cyan-spamok just to clarify :)23:12
yofelcan anyone of you still add custom stock-responses to the LPGM scripts? I mean, add them  and they survive a browser restart23:17
cyan-spamyofel: yeah i did a week ago or so23:17
yofelwell, dunno when I last tried it, but it doesn't work anymore here...23:17
yofelI'll try it with a new profilee23:17
yofelhm, works there...23:19
yofelnow it works even in the old profile o.O23:23
* yofel is confused23:23
yofelargh, whatever, fixed itself...23:24
yofeler... can someone give me a second interpretation of the last comment in bug 306166? Bug can be closed?23:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 306166 in network-manager-applet "nm-applet get incorrect netmask from DHCPD [openvpn]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30616623:34

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