
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk
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asackees: is the hardening depends only fulfillable in lucid?00:37
asaccurious, when was that package added?00:37
keesasac: hardening-wrapper?  it's existed in probably intrepid.00:40
keesactually, hardy.00:41
asackees: does it hurt if it ends up being used in hardy?00:42
asacfor firefox 3.600:42
keesit shouldn't no.00:42
asacgood ;)00:42
keesheh, cool00:43
asacso this will sink down i guess00:43
asacwell, we are working on the firefox 3.6 update00:43
asacsince it has allmost new sysdepends its atm the same for all releases00:44
asacnot tomorrow ;)00:44
* asac tries to prevent panic ;)00:44
asacfor now i asked because we have the branch in daily ppa for hardy-lucid00:45
keesasac: it _should_ build for hardy.  I'm looking through the changes since the 1.11 (hardy) version of hardening-wrapper.00:45
asackees: we will see soon in daily ppa00:46
asaci was more scared if it might break runtime behaviour in case it just builds00:46
keesI don't want to change the version of hardening-wrapper in hardy, so if things go wrong, we can just not enable DEB_BUILD_HARDENING=1 in the rules for that build.00:46
asackees: guess we should do the same for tbird 3?00:56
asacits basically the same stub binary00:56
keesasac: yeah.  anything built from xulrunner should do it.  mostly I'm just trying to uber-harden firefox itself, since it's the #1 vulnerability target.01:04
=== ArneGoet1e is now known as ArneGoetje
keesRAOFLOOD :)02:03
RAOFOn the up side, once the new gjs is built gnome-shell will finally build on Lucid.02:04
RAOFMozilla libraries are such a pain in the neck!02:05
keesasac: where should I be watching for the PIE build?  https://code.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.6.head ?02:15
TheMusonhrm ok, we have latest ardour in lucid. Seems it was a sync.,02:53
TheMusowoops wrong channel.03:00
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didrocksgood morning07:50
pittigood morning08:19
pittibryce_: why did you move the alpha-3 items from desktop-lucid-xorg-triaging-diagnosis back to alpha-2? alpha 2 is done and shouldn't get new WIs08:21
didrocksGuten Tag pitti08:21
pittibryce_: I put it back, I assume it was just a glitch08:23
pittibonjour didrocks!08:23
seb128hey there08:30
pittihey seb128, bonjour08:33
seb128hey pitti, guten tag!08:34
seb128how are you?08:34
didrockshello seb128 :)08:35
seb128hey didrocks08:36
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:04
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:04
didrockshello chrisccoulson09:04
seb128pitti, do you think you could get bootcharts from yesterday and today on your mini or laptop config?09:05
pittihey chrisccoulson09:05
seb128didrocks, ^ or you?09:05
seb128or somebody who isn't me09:05
seb128I would like to check how the session change worked09:05
didrocksseb128: I have a hd, do you want one explicitely on ssd?09:05
chrisccoulsonhey seb128 pitti didrocks09:05
seb128but my boxes have too much tweaking09:05
pittiseb128: I dist-upgraded last night, but I can downgrade the panel first09:05
chrisccoulsonhow are you all today?09:05
seb128I'm not sure what part is local and what is in lucid now09:05
pittiseb128: sure, will do that now09:05
seb128pitti, no, today's chart should be enough09:05
pittiseb128: sure, will generate one09:06
didrockspitti: do you want a second one?09:06
seb128let see if it does what we want09:06
didrocksseb128: ^09:06
seb128didrocks, if you want sure, thanks09:06
seb128chrisccoulson, good thanks, you?09:06
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, not too bad. just having my first coffee of the day09:07
seb128hum, coffee!09:07
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm just wondering whether this gtk commit should go in to karmic: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?id=0748cf563d0d0d03001a62589f13be16a8ec06c109:08
chrisccoulsoni think that the problem it fixes might be the cause of some panel crashers09:08
chrisccoulsonit fixes the issue we had with the screensaver crashing a while back09:09
seb128chrisccoulson, do you have any lp bug number matching it?09:09
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm fine backporting it09:09
seb128robert_ancell pointed another change worth backporting too09:10
chrisccoulsonseb128 - bug 463168 and bug 510453 look like the same issue09:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 463168 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel crashes with a BadPixmap X error" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46316809:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510453 in nautilus "Nautilus file copy progress bar sometimes causes panel crash" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51045309:10
seb128it's a bit of a shame09:11
seb128we have gtk 2.18.3 in karmic09:11
seb128and current stable serie has 2.18.609:11
seb128and quite some bugs in csw has been fixed there09:11
seb128but every update has quite some changes and we don't manage to get those going09:12
chrisccoulsoni could do with the reporters providing a good backtrace, just to be sure, but I suspect it is probably the same issue that caused bug 446395 too, which i added a workaround for in gnome-screensaver09:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 446395 in gnome-screensaver "Screen lock unlocks after 5 wrong attempts" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44639509:12
chrisccoulson2.18.6 might even have that change in09:12
seb128we will not realistic update now09:13
seb128there some hundred commits between our version and current09:14
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's quite a lot of commits to review09:14
seb128the commit you pointed is in 2.18.5...09:15
seb128bug #46191209:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 461912 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in gdk_window_impl_x11_get_colormap()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46191209:16
seb128that seems the same issue09:16
pittididrocks, njpatel_: building clutter bzr head fails with09:17
pittibar-view.vala:69: error: implicit declaration of function ‘ctk_effect_set_margin’09:17
pittididrocks, njpatel_: I suppose this needs some new clutk API?09:17
njpatel_didrocks, pitti: You mean Clutk + Unity from lp:clutk and lp:unity?09:19
pittiprobably, yes09:19
didrockspitti: seems that it needs. There will be a new release of clutk today. Not sure that njpatel_ took it into account (no new clutter needed)09:20
pittihm, in fact not09:22
pittigrep -r set_margin .09:22
pitti-> no result in lp:clutk09:22
seb128chrisccoulson, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?h=gtk-2-18&id=f2fffaad71c012d110ad79a1f15afdb81c580d2f09:24
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm not sure that bug 461912 is the same issue, as that one crashes with SIGSEGV. i could be wrong though09:24
seb128chrisccoulson, this one might lead to some of the crashes too09:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 461912 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in gdk_window_impl_x11_get_colormap()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46191209:24
seb128chrisccoulson, that's the one I was having on lucid09:25
seb128chrisccoulson, well, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/60365209:25
njpatel_didrocks, pitti: I'm not sure wtf is going on, but I promise it'll be fixed for today's releases09:26
=== njpatel_ is now known as njpatel
pittinjpatel: ok, no worries; I was just curious09:26
didrocksnjpatel: ping me if you need a new clutter version too09:26
njpatelpitti, it seems like some of the commits weren't pushed09:26
njpateldidrocks, pitti no rush for new clutter version atm -- can wait 'till or after platform sprint -- I'm sure they'll be integration issues09:27
chrisccoulsonseb128 - do you still see these crashes on lucid now?09:35
seb128chrisccoulson, no09:35
pittiseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/ the two daniel* ones09:35
chrisccoulsonthats good to know :)09:35
pittiseb128: I think it worked as intended09:35
pittiseb128: just seems that the -11 kernel has some regression to stall early boot by some 5 secs09:36
didrockshum, strange, I don't get any bootchart log on my dell, probaly something to set09:36
pittididrocks: it's not installed by default09:36
seb128pitti, yes, thanks09:37
pittibootchart and pybootchartgui09:37
didrockspitti: I've installed them09:37
pittididrocks: and waited long enough?09:37
didrockspitti: maybe not, let me look again09:37
didrocksok, got them now09:37
pittitakes about a mintue after the desktop is ready09:37
* seb128 mark the wi as done09:37
didrocksoh ok, I wasn't aware than making the png was so long :)09:38
didrocksis there any kind of hook signal when the pictures are ready to upload them automatically somewhere?09:38
seb128are inotify?09:38
seb128gvfs-monitor if you want09:38
didrocksI'll pick inotify as I'm not used to gvfs-monitor :)09:39
seb128didrocks, well gvfs-monitor-dir is a command09:42
pittigvfs-monitor-dir /tmp/09:42
pittitouch /tmp/foo09:42
didrocksseb128: pitti: thanks, I'll have a look at that :)09:43
didrocksseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/mini10v-20100121-1.png09:43
pittididrocks: you need to reboot, that was an ureadahead profiling run09:44
didrocksseb128: yes, cf ^09:44
didrocksok, rebooting09:44
didrocksok, ureadahead seems to be active this time: http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/mini10v-20100121-2.png09:49
pittihm, so moving wncksyncdaemon to the start of the desktop chain doesn't help10:06
seb128we are cpu bounded for most of login anyway10:07
seb128we need to do less, shuffling will not bring us a lot10:07
pittithere's a slight CPU drop right at the start, though10:08
pittiand wncksyncdaemon is a solid CPU block at the very end now10:08
pittinow I get a very compact block10:08
pittiOTOH, the difference between two identical boots was already about a second10:08
pittiso it could just get lost in the noise10:08
seb128what is wkcnsync using so much cpu for?10:09
pittireading all the .desktop files10:09
pittiit's from the cache, of course (I hope, will check)10:09
pittibut still takes a lot of time10:09
seb128shouldn't that be much quicker with the cache?10:09
seb128I don't see that busy cpu bar on gnome-panel10:10
didrockspitti: wncksyncdaemon is started by liblauncher on demand, right? How did you changed the starting point? (adding a .desktop?)10:10
pittiperhaps it could only be launched when the first real app gets started10:10
seb128and the menu applet does read those as well10:10
pittididrocks: dbus-send in Xsession.d10:10
didrockspitti: ok, thanks :)10:10
pittiseb128: I'll trace it to verify that it's using the cache10:10
pittijeez, it's indeed reading the .desktop files10:12
* pitti adds a work item10:12
seb128yes, confirmed there10:12
pittiand all the .mo files10:12
pittiand the themes pngs?!?10:13
pittiok, that smells like a good piece of work for the morning10:13
seb128pitti, mo and png is expected10:14
seb128I don't confirm the png thing10:15
pittiit's just access() for the pngs10:15
pittiit shouldn't try to open() all the .mo files, though10:15
pittithe gnome-menus cache has them readily translated10:15
seb128well, it's not using the cache10:16
pittiseb128 | pitti, mo and png is expected10:16
pitti^ why? (except for not using the cache?)10:16
seb128well, every apps look for translations at start time no?10:16
seb128the png I though you were saying the icon cache loading10:17
seb128pitti, strace -e open gmenu-simple-editor 2>&1 | grep locale10:17
seb128pitti, same issue10:17
pittiseb128: but those are for translating the .desktop files, not just for translating itself10:17
pittialso, wncksyncdaemon shouldn't need translations in the first place10:17
seb128oh right, I see what you mean10:19
seb128but doesn't the gettext changes we have mean you get a gettext call when trying to get the Name= for a .desktop entry?10:19
pittithe cache is per-locale10:19
seb128so it's all down to "not using the cache"10:19
didrocksseb128: regarding bug #509182. There are two ways of fixing it: the quick and dirty one which is "if session_name is xxxx, don't record in dmrc". A better way (to my mind), is to see if the .desktop comment contains "failsafe". It just include more code changes. What do you prefer (I guess we can upstream the second one)?10:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509182 in gdm "(wishlist) selecting failsafe session becomes default for future logins, but should not" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50918210:22
seb128didrocks, second one seems better10:23
didrocksok, more structure changes, let's go (currently only the session name is sent by dbus, I have to do the same for comment) :)10:24
seb128does anybody get regular wncksync apport crash notifications?10:25
seb128regular = every few boots10:26
didrocksI don't boot enough to get them, maybe10:26
pittinjpatel: right now, windowmatcher.c loads and parses all the desktop files manually, thus circumventing the gnome-menus cache; would it be enough to only look at desktop files which actually belong to applications, i. e. which you can see in the App menu?10:27
seb128njpatel, which ones are those?10:28
seb128pitti, ^10:28
njpatelpitti, yes it would, and it's something on DBO's plate10:28
njpatelpitti, hopefully something we can get before platform sprint10:28
pittinjpatel: I'm happy to work on this right now10:28
njpatelpitti, Oh, sweet :)10:29
njpatelpitti, using gnome-menus should work fine10:29
pittinjpatel: I'd like to either (1) rewrite it using gnome-menus get_tree(), or (2) directly look for the gnome-menus cache and read the cache if it's there10:29
pittidepending on whether or not we want to introduce a gnome-menus dependency or rather rely on the format of the gnome-menus cache10:30
pittithe former seems cleaner to me10:30
njpatelpitti, gnome-menus is better in my opinion (we already have  a dep elsewhere, so it's not such a bad thing) -- We'd need to read applications.menu and settings.menu10:31
njpatel*better in my opinion too10:31
* pitti agrees10:31
njpatelpitti, are you going to work on this directly?10:32
pittinjpatel: well, in a branch/MP10:32
njpatelpitti, sure, the "directly" was not necessary :)10:32
njpatelpitti, that's awesome, let me/DBO know if you need any help with that10:32
pittinjpatel: sure; unlike unity itself, this is stuff that I actually understand, so I'm happy to help out10:33
njpatelpitti, lol, I'm sure you'd understand Unity too :) Clutter is a lot like Gtk10:33
njpatelUm, is the need to reload iwlagn model (intel wireless) necessary every other day? Or, better put, is it a known problem?10:35
vishchrisccoulson: hi... has the gnome-screensaver's legacy inhibit patch been removed?11:00
chrisccoulsonvish - yes, it caused a regression11:00
vishhmm. :(11:00
chrisccoulsonvish - it's been removed in karmic completely, but replaced with something else in lucid11:01
chrisccoulsonbut that doesn't work properly yet due to a Xorg bug11:01
vishchrisccoulson: ah.. k.. i tried with vlc it doesnt work.. maybe xorg then :s11:01
* vish likes the new software center treeview stuff mvo has done :)11:02
seb128chrisccoulson, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/38183183/gtksru.debdiff11:05
seb128chrisccoulson, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/38183183/gtksru.debdiff, just uploaded11:06
seb128chrisccoulson, it should fix some of those crash issues11:06
seb128the pixmap leak leading to xorg crashing when playing cards seems an annoying issue11:07
seb128the pixmap leak leading to xorg crashing when playing cards seems an annoying issue11:07
seb128hey pedro_11:07
pedro_salut seb128!11:08
chrisccoulsonseb128 - looks good. hopefully it will fix some of these panel crashes anyway11:08
seb128gnome-panel crashing is not too much of an issue usually11:08
seb128it just respawn11:08
tseliotseb128: what's the command to update the gnome menu?11:09
seb128tseliot, how update?11:11
tseliotseb128: if I put a desktop file in /usr/share/applications/ and I want it to show up in the menu11:11
seb128tseliot, the menu cache on disk you mean? update-gnome-menus-cache11:11
seb128tseliot, but there should be a trigger for that11:11
seb128tseliot, the gnome-panel menu uses inotify and will refresh11:12
seb128tseliot, no need to do anything11:12
seb128do you get some issue?11:12
tseliotyes, the nvidia-settings icon wasn't in the menu11:13
didrocksseb128: sometime, it didn't refreshed. I got the same experience on karmic, even when touching .desktop file11:13
seb128there is a known race bug though11:14
seb128things using TryExec11:14
seb128the desktop getting unpacked before the binary sometime11:14
seb128and gnome-menus goes "hum, the tryexec binary is not there, the menu entry is broken"11:14
pittididrocks, njpatel_: just to confirm, ~canonical-dx-team/wncksync/trunk/ is the real upstream for wncksync, yes? it's not ~anjali?11:14
tseliotseb128: no TryExec here11:15
seb128ok so I don't know11:15
seb128patches are welcome11:15
didrockspitti: for me, yes, but I prefer I prefer njpatel_ to confirm :)11:15
njpatel_pitti, didrocks: that has the latest code, yes11:15
pittiperfect, thanks11:15
pittinjpatel_: tests/alt-tabber is nice!11:23
njpatel_Heh, an abandoned experiment I think11:23
seb128mvo, btw there is a patch in launchpad on s-c for using a stock gtkentry one rather than a sexy widget11:23
pittigood for testing that I didn't break anything, though11:24
seb128mvo, dunno if you have seen it, I ran accross the bug yesterday11:24
=== njpatel_ is now known as njpatel
pitticreate_desktop_file_table(): real 4,21784 (precision: 1e-09) cpu 0,162763 (precision: 1e-09)11:25
pittiso, that's definitively too much (that's with cold cache)11:25
seb128it's on your laptop right?11:25
mvoseb128: thanks, i check after lunch11:27
seb128mvo, bug #50681111:27
seb128for reference11:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506811 in software-center "Replace SexyIconEntry by GtkEntry icon functionality (available in GTK+ 2.16)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50681111:27
seb128mvo, enjoy lunch!11:28
njpateldidrocks, https://edge.launchpad.net/clutk/0.3/0.3.8 & https://edge.launchpad.net/unity/0.1/0.1.811:37
didrocksnjpatel: hehe, I was already monitoring :)11:37
TeTeTasac: I've got an open question from a customer on modemmanager, see question 98187, https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+question/9818711:48
LLStarkscertain prompts are being randomly italicized11:49
asacTeTeT: have to check with dan on that11:59
gnomefreakproblem = if you remove "FUSA" from panel and try to add it back on you lose your gnome-panels  what is the app i file a bug against?12:03
TeTeTasac: ok12:28
TeTeTasac: another query on nm: according to  http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/NetworkManager/Dispatcher  I can have a script for pre-up, up, down, post-down. Is this really true? THe customer made a test and found only pre-up and post-down to be working?12:33
asacTeTeT: the customer is right12:34
asacpre-up post-down? i thought it was flipped: e.g. post-up and pre-down ;)12:35
TeTeTasac: quite possible12:35
asacif oyu need the details i can check. but its definitly true that not all four are available12:35
TeTeTasac: no need for details, I write them that the doc is wrong12:35
asacwhatever they find its a feature12:36
TeTeTasac: he he12:38
pitticreate_desktop_file_table(): real 1,07993 (precision: 1e-09) cpu 0,0911074 (precision: 1e-09)12:39
pittinow, much better12:39
* seb128 hugs pitti12:39
pitti4.2 -> 1.6 secs12:39
* pitti commits and pulls branch to the netbook12:39
pittierm, 1.08 secs, I mean12:39
seb128njpatel, ^ see12:45
njpatelpitti, awesome!12:46
pittitrunk: cold cache: 0.453 (real), 0.29 (cpu)    hot cache: 0.17 (real), 0.16 (cpu)12:52
pittispeedup: cold cache: 0.19 (real), 0.13 (cpu)   hot cache: 0.09 (real), 0.08 (cpu)12:52
pittiok, that's something12:53
seb128on what config?12:53
seb128the mini ssd?12:53
pittiyes, on the mini 1012:53
pittinjpatel: do you think the delay is small enough to call create_desktop_file_table() on demand?12:53
pittiit would mean to introduce a 0.3 s latency to the unity bar for the first app you start12:53
pittinot sure whether that's worth it12:54
njpatelpitti, I think it could be acceptable to call it the first time we actually need it12:54
pittiit might be a dirty trick if we need some more 0.3 secs in the end12:54
seb128I would tend to say that trading login speed for user action reactivity is not a good deal12:54
pittiI'll do some experiments, but won't commit that lazy thing for now12:54
njpatelpitti, seeing as startup-applications start at the end of the startup cycle12:54
seb128having things apparently loaded but slugish really sucks for the user experience12:55
pittioh, and my numbers above were with -O0 -g12:55
pittiseb128: *nod*, that's why I'm asking; it wouldn't delay the app itself, just the display of it in the unity bar12:55
huats_hello everyone !12:57
didrockshey huats_ o/12:58
huats_hey didrocks12:58
seb128hi huats_13:03
pittiseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-lucid-20100121-unity-wncksynccache.png -> won half a second13:11
pittiI'll hammer on this some more after lunch13:11
seb128pitti, you rock!13:12
* didrocks hugs pitti13:20
tjaaltonhmm there's no way to get gdm display the username field on start? now I need to click on "other" first13:36
seb128tjaalton, there is a bug open about that13:45
tjaaltonseb128: ok, I'm going through them now and will subscribe13:46
seb128tjaalton, bug #463029?13:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 463029 in gdm "GDM without user list requires that you click Log In." [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46302913:47
tjaaltonseb128: yep, that's it, thanks13:47
tseliotjames_w: is there some script which updates bzr branches for ubuntu packages after we upload new revisions? (e.g. lp:ubuntu/nvidia-graphics-drivers)13:51
njpatelseb128, how do I find out which packages are available for ARM in lucid?14:03
seb128njpatel, get the ftp index for the arch?14:06
seb128njpatel, ie use http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/lucid/main/binary-armel/?14:07
seb128njpatel, I've no good reply otherwise...everything should be available there14:08
seb128njpatel, do you look for some specific information?14:08
seb128hey tedg14:08
njpatelseb128, yeah, if gir1.0-clutter-gtk-0.10 is available on armel14:08
tedgGood morning seb12814:08
njpatelseb128, oh, I didn't think of ftp, thanks14:08
njpateltedg, morning dude14:08
tedgToday is release day!  It's like Christmas with less crying.14:08
seb128njpatel, that's easier14:09
tedgGood morning njpatel14:09
seb128njpatel, check https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clutter-gtk/0.10.2-0ubuntu414:09
seb128it "failed to upload" on armel14:09
njpatelseb128, oh, of course...thank you :)14:09
seb128wrong source14:10
seb128njpatel, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clutter-gtk-0.10/0.10.2-1ubuntu114:10
seb128"subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['../libtool', '--mode=link', '--tag=CC', '--silent', 'gcc', '-o', '/build/buildd/clutter-gtk-0.10-0.10.2/clutter-gtk/tmp-introspectayUFt_/GtkClutter-0.10', '-g', '-O2', '-g', '-Wall', '-O2', '-L.', '-lclutter-gtk-0.10', '-pthread', '-Wl,--export-dynamic', '-lgio-2.0', '-lgirepository-1.0', '-lgobject-2.0', '-lgmodule-2.0', '-lgthread-2.0', '-lrt', '-lffi', '-lglib-2.0', '/build/buildd/clutter-gtk-0.114:10
seb1280-0.10.2/clutter-gtk/tmp-introspectayUFt_/GtkClutter-0.10.o']' returned non-zero exit status 1"14:10
seb128njpatel, I'm retrying now, let's see14:10
njpatelseb128, I wish we switched of introspection building -- it's such a pile of crap14:11
njpatel(I like the idea, it just fails so easily)14:11
* njpatel is just venting and knows that other projects need the gir files14:11
seb128njpatel, why do you care about knowing if it built on armel then? ;-)14:11
njpatelseb128, clutk also has introspection building -- so fails when we don't have clutter's gir files14:12
* tedg thinks njpatel needs to take the American attitude and tell those projects to fend for themselves!14:12
seb128tedg, your new indicator refuses to fail14:12
seb128the only thing i get in logs in assertion icons[0] != '\0' failed14:13
tedgseb128: :(  Uhg, I hate fixing things that I don't know what caused them.14:13
njpateltedg, are you sure that wouldn't be taking over the projects, draining their resources and then leaving them to fend for themselves? ;-)14:13
tedgseb128: Yes, I need to fix that.14:13
tedgnjpatel: Heh, the UK did that first, they got the patent.  See Africa ;)14:13
njpateltedg, :)14:14
njpatelinteresting -- I removed #ubuntu from my xchat favourites, thinking I could save a few polar bears in the power it must take for xchat to update it -- but it keeps coming back when I start xchat14:16
* vish pokes njpatel ... [whispers upload evolution-indicator for lucid]14:16
* njpatel hides14:17
njpatelvish, I'm using it on lucid right now -- is there an issue? (Apart from maildir errors, which I'll fix for A3)14:18
vishnjpatel: the pop3 accounts fix .. let me grab the bug#14:19
njpatelvish, has that not landed in Lucid?14:19
vishnjpatel: nope > Bug #436755 :(14:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436755 in evolution-indicator "indicator-applet doesn't change icon when I recieve new e-mails via Evolution" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43675514:20
njpatel  Installed: 0.2.4-0ubuntu614:21
njpatelvish, 0.2.4 should contain the fix, but I'll add it to the TODO, it may be broken again14:21
vishnjpatel: thanks.. :) [seems broken]14:22
seb128njpatel, no it doesn't14:24
seb128njpatel, sorry it does14:24
seb128or not14:24
vishnjpatel: the menu shows the account names , instead of just "Inbox" ...[iirc it was the workaround you mentioned working in karmic]14:24
seb128njpatel, I bet somebody forget to bzr add the file14:24
seb128njpatel, I will fix that14:25
njpatelseb128, okay, thanks -- I'll make a proper release of evo-indicator too, if that helps14:25
seb128would be nice14:25
seb128njpatel, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clutter-gtk-0.10/0.10.2-1ubuntu1/+build/144132214:26
seb128njpatel, the gir built on armel now14:26
njpatelseb128, wow, thank you :)14:26
seb128you're welcome14:26
njpatelseb128, could you do what you did for arm ,but for sparc & ia64? (same package) :)14:39
pittinjpatel: ok, sent a merge request14:41
seb128njpatel, I did retry the sparc build before too14:42
njpatelpitti, great, thanks -- will get Dbo to remove14:42
seb128njpatel, let me look if the ia64 failed I didn't see that14:42
njpatelseb128, oh, okay, I'll wait then, thanks14:43
seb128ia64 is depwait14:43
seb128I bet something else failed14:44
* seb128 looks for gir-repository-dev14:44
seb128njpatel, retried gir-repository on ia6414:45
seb128njpatel, that should unblock it if the build works14:45
njpatelseb128, great, thanks again14:45
seb128njpatel, you're welcome14:46
pittididrocks: you noticed that clutk is depwaiting on libglew1.5-dev ?14:49
didrockspitti: right, I'm trying to finish something on gdm first14:49
pittididrocks: sure, just wanted to know whether you're aware (since depwaits don't get mailed)14:49
=== desrt_ is now known as desrt
didrockspitti: btw, I don't understand why it's dep waiting (E: Couldn't find package libglew1.5-dev14:53
didrocksno version referred and rmadison told me we have it in lucid14:54
didrocksoh maybe in universe14:54
didrocksright, that's it14:54
pittiright, needs an MIR14:54
didrocksok, let's keep MIR reports for the end of the day  :)14:54
seb128can we promote it and deal with paperwork later?14:55
pittididrocks: sure; I built it from bzr for now14:55
seb128to get things moving14:55
seb128I'm eager to test weekly updates14:55
pittiseb128: we need a tracking bug at least14:55
seb128didrocks, can you open one?14:55
didrocksseb128: doing it right now14:56
pittididrocks: nevermind14:57
pittididrocks: it was in main until jaunty14:57
pittiand looks fine in PTS14:57
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
didrocksbug #51068014:58
didrocksthanks pitti14:58
ubott2Launchpad bug 510680 in glew "[MIR] Main Inclusion Request on glew" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51068014:59
didrocksthat was fast (:15:00
rickspencer3canonical-desktoppers ...15:04
rickspencer3my last email about objectives should have said objectives need to be "logged", not "done"15:05
rickspencer3moving up completion of objectives would be a bit harsh considering they aren't in the system15:05
* rickspencer3 disables ability to send email before 7am15:05
seb128tedg, I got the me menu empty now, nothing in the logs...15:05
seb128tedg, the 2 indicator logs in .cache15:06
tedgseb128: Is there a service running?15:06
tedg(the me service in particular)15:06
seb128tedg, sorry I managed to crash things and I'm not in the buggy state anymore15:08
seb128tedg, but the chart shows it didn't run normally on boot15:08
seb128it run for 1 second and stopped15:08
seb128dunno if it crashed or exited for a reason or something15:09
seb128on normal chart it's started and keep running15:09
seb128on this one the bar is a one second one15:09
seb128and it's not restart before end of login15:09
seb128didrocks, where is your une gnome-panel config?15:11
didrocksseb128: my last changes aren't put, you can pull my branch from lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-netbook-default-settings15:12
seb128didrocks, not the new one, just the gnome-panel une config15:12
seb128the one I got at the sprint15:12
seb128one bar, set of applets, etc15:12
didrocksseb128: cf #distro15:13
tedgseb128: 1 second is an odd time.  I don't think that we have any 1 second timeouts.  Hmm.15:20
tedgseb128: Can you show me the boot chart?15:20
seb128tedg, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/bootchart/seb-dellmini-lucid-20100121-ted.png15:23
seb128tedg, it's quite to the bottom between notify-osd and gconf lines15:23
tedgseb128: <snif> This is the very first time someone has named a boot chart after me <snif> <snif>  I'm so touched  :)15:23
tedgseb128: Thanks!15:23
rickspencer3tedg, sorry, but it's named after the moth in Bone15:28
* tedg gets out his "enemies" list to add a name... ;)15:29
* tedg wonders if you can measure the success of a President based on how many jokes make it into common folklore about their Presidency.15:30
mvodoes anyone has idea where  ImportError: PyGI support not enabled comes from?15:33
tedgmvo: PyGI is the Python GObject introspection stuff, right?15:33
mvonot sure I see it in my pygtk stuff in lucid15:34
mvoe.g. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/50911515:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 509115 in software-center "software-center crashed with ImportError in msg_reply_handler()" [Undecided,New]15:34
mvobut multiple others15:34
tedgmvo: Sorry, that's the extent of my Python knowledge.  In C the compiler tells us this stuff :)15:35
mvoheh :)15:35
seb128mvo, do you get the issue too?15:36
mvonot always, but often15:36
mvoit seems to be happening at random when I import stuff, give me a sec I see if I can still reproduce it15:37
mvoseb128: just clicking around in software-center triggers it for me, let me try and see if I get a better way15:44
seb128mvo,  bug #50710615:45
ubottuBug 507106 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/507106 is private15:45
mvoyes, that is a odd one15:46
seb128mvo, the error comes from pygobject15:46
seb128we do built it without pygi15:46
seb128but I'm not sure how that can run into that error on normal use...15:46
mvoseb128: could it be a side-effect from using webkit?15:50
seb128mvo, I don't understand enough of the issue to say15:51
seb128having a testcase would be nice though15:52
tedgseb128: I think this will fix your issue: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/libindicator/watch-fail-restart/+merge/1782315:59
seb128tedg, will that be in today's update?16:00
desrthi kids16:00
seb128tedg, how did you figure what was wrong? why isn't any error logged?16:00
seb128hey desrt16:00
tedgseb128: Hopefully, need to ping someone for a review.16:00
tedgHowdy desrt16:00
desrtthe texan identifies himself16:00
tedgseb128: I think that what's happening is that the "Watch" is sent before the dbus interface comes up.16:01
tedgseb128: So it's basically a race condition, a very improbable one, but a race condition.16:01
desrttedg: looks like there are still a lot of core design questions flying around about dbusmenu16:01
seb128on the chart the indicator is there stlightly before the dbus-daemon bar16:01
seb128desrt, do you feel better this week btw?16:02
desrtmuch much16:02
seb128good ;-)16:02
desrtstill a bit stuffy but it usually takes a couple of weeks to get completely over that16:02
desrtplus, it's still frickin' cold out16:02
tedgdesrt: ? I'm not sure about core design issues, but it's evolving.  There's issues with NotificationStatus stuff, but I consider that different :)16:02
pittihey desrt *hug* nice to hear that you feel better16:02
tedgseb128: I'm not sure that we can trust the accuracy of the graphic to that level of detail :)16:02
desrtpitti: i hear you had an interesting panel patch....16:02
seb128tedg, right ;-)16:02
pittidesrt: I do?16:03
desrtmenu caching16:03
seb128desrt, gnome-menus16:03
pittidesrt: yes, I discussed that with vuntz16:03
desrtuh.  "i love gnome menus"?16:03
pittidesrt: but before he accepts it he wants it to use gvariant16:03
seb128untz untz untz!16:03
desrtpitti: ya.  i heard that.16:03
desrtjust wanted you to know that i'm here if you have questions or need help16:03
pittidesrt: I'd love to port it to gvariant16:04
desrtgvariant suddenly became a bit of a moving target :(16:04
pittidesrt: my main question is whether it's realistic that it'll land in glib soon16:04
desrtmclasen is saying that he wants some API changes before accepting it16:04
desrtso sorry about that16:04
desrtbut the flavour will remain largely unchanged16:04
desrtmost changes are to details of the typesystem16:04
desrtie: it's safe to write code against the current API but expect some small tweaks to be required soon16:05
desrtbut yes.  i'd say it's realistic to assume it will merge this cycle16:05
desrtparticularly because of mclasen's renewed interest in it16:05
desrtalso: rob taylor just told me to increase my hours per week and dedicate the extra hours to working on GVariant/dconf16:06
desrt(since i was working entirely on non-related projects before)16:06
desrtalso: seb mentioned that you were considering vendor-patching GVariant into glib... and that scares me enough to make me want to work to make sure it doesn't happen :)16:07
seb128desrt, lol16:09
seb128desrt, good thing ;-)16:10
seb128the GNOME3 for next cycle seems to becoming really short16:10
seb128if we want all the new techs for GNOME316:10
desrtya.  of course :)16:10
seb128ie dconf...16:10
desrtwho knows.  maybe it gets bumped again :p16:10
desrtthing is...16:10
desrtdconf wants to use gdbus now.  a lot.16:10
seb128mvo, <svdlinden> seb128: ok, I see why16:10
desrtbut davidz is not having time to work on that now16:10
seb128mvo, about your bug16:10
desrteveryone who is doing all the cool new work is, unfortunately, having "other work" to do16:11
mvoI saw it now at least in 5 different bugreport with a bunch of dupes each16:11
seb128mvo, seb128: that's triggered when an enum or a flag is being used, right?16:12
mvowell, possible16:13
seb128<svdlinden> ok16:13
seb128 will fix that16:13
seb128mvo, ^ let's see16:13
seb128mvo, I will backport to lucid when it's there16:13
mvoseb128: nice, send him virtual *THANKS* from me16:13
jcastromvo: I sent you a mail about apt-daemon, do you happen to know what it uses the notification-area for?16:14
seb128mvo, the review thing in s-c is pretty cool btw16:15
mvojcastro: right, sorry that I have not responded. it has a build-in set of gtk widgets and helps that use it to dipslay progress16:18
mvojcastro: we don't use that by default though16:18
mvoseb128: yeah, I like it too16:18
jcastromvo: that's what I suspected, I couldn't actually find the functionality at all16:19
seb128mvo, do you put random rating?16:19
seb128mvo, or where do you get the datas from?16:19
mvoseb128: no, its based on popcon currently16:19
seb128do you plan to get reviews for lucid?16:20
mvoonce we have review data, that is going to be replaced of course16:20
mvowell :)16:20
seb128or you just put to label to have an idea how it looks?16:20
mvothe client is ready16:20
seb128you rock ;-)16:20
mvowe need a server16:20
pittiseb128, asac: the gnome-settings-daemon "xsettings" plugin calls xrdb, which is pretty expensive: it delays the entire desktop startup by some 0.3 seconds16:20
seb128you just need to do a launchpad rotation now ;-)16:20
seb128pitti, right, I already discussed that with chrisccoulson16:20
pittiseb128, asac: it queries for Xft.* resource settings, but we don't have any16:20
pittiin /etc anyway16:21
seb128pitti, we do16:21
seb128well it builds the file on the fly16:21
pittiI checked that the other xrdb calls in Xsession.d/ and the g-s-d xrdb plugin are harmless16:21
seb128the xrdb option is off by default16:21
pittioh, right, this invocation _sets_ X resources16:22
mvoseb128: or I just use launchpadbugs as the store backend (bug #505983)16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 505983 in software-center "login-test bug" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50598316:22
seb128        g_string_append_printf (add_string,16:22
seb128                                "Xft.antialias: %d\n",16:22
seb128                                settings->antialias);16:22
pittiseb128, chrisccoulson: ah, so you discussed that already? what was the result?16:22
seb128pitti, that those calls are required for openoffice to look correct16:22
pittiseb128: right, it sets those; I disabled xrdb (chmod 0) and see no obvious difference, though; does it only apply to non-GNOME progs?16:23
seb128we didn't come to a "how to fix that"16:23
seb128pitti, see 40_xres_lcddefault.patch16:23
chrisccoulsonis it actually blocking the session from loading? if it is, then we can probably fix that, but i didn't think that the xsettings plugin blocked on waiting for xrdb to finish16:23
seb128pitti, that one was added previous cycle by asac to fix openoffice issues16:24
pittiindeed, document font in OO.o looks slightly weird16:24
pittichrisccoulson: apparently: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-lucid-20100121-unity-wncksynccache.png16:25
pittichrisccoulson: the rest only starts once the plugin is done16:25
pittiwell, it might be a red herring16:26
njpatelseb128, https://edge.launchpad.net/evolution-indicator/0.2.0/0.2.616:26
seb128njpatel, thanks16:26
seb128pitti, it does there too IIRC16:26
pittiseb128, chrisccoulson, asac: hm; couldn't we move that xrdb call into /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice ? (it's just a shell script)16:31
chrisccoulsonis it definately only openoffice which requires it?16:32
seb128pitti, we need to get the values from gconf and it's not openoffice specific16:32
chrisccoulsoni'm slightly confused why it blocks the whole session though. i just had a look at the code and i can't see why it would16:32
seb128but I guess we don't have so many applications using non standard toolkits16:33
pittiI don't know; I just know that the desktop itself looks just fine, and OO.o's menus etc. do as well16:33
seb128chrisccoulson: doesn't it wait for the xsettings to be done to register?16:33
pittixsettings does a lot more16:33
pittiliek setting the theme, etc.16:33
rickspencer3stormy_, hi!16:33
pittiif you chmod 0 the plugin, you don't have anything regarding themes, fonts, etc.16:33
pittiso it does make sense for g-s-d to block on it16:33
pitti(on the plugin, not on xrdb in particular)16:34
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, it sets the theme and stuff up before progressing, but xrdb is spawned asynchronously so that it doesn't block anything else from loading16:34
seb128I would expect to the xsettings in the list of things to do before acking the session registration16:34
chrisccoulson(or thats how i think it's meant to work)16:34
chrisccoulsonyeah, the xsettings stuff is done before the rest of the session starts loading16:34
seb128well maybe it just hammers cpu enough to create the delay16:34
mvoseb128: patch for libsexy removal on software-center looks great, but I need a contributor agreement before I can accept it :(16:35
seb128oh come on16:35
pittichrisccoulson: it does spawn async, but it sets a callback (child_watch_cb) and apparently waits for it to finish16:35
mvoseb128: I know, I don't like it myself, but I asked and was told "even for one line diffs"16:35
pittimvo: really? but isn't that only an issue of copyright?16:35
pittiif a patch doesn't add a (c) line, why do we need to bother?16:36
mvopitti: oh? well, if that is so then I should be fine :)16:36
pittimvo: well, IANAL16:36
pittiand I heard different opinions about it16:36
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'm not sure it waits. g-s-d should enter the main loop after spawning xrdb, which means it will have forked already, so the rest of the session should start loading16:36
chrisccoulsonpitti - i wonder if the write() to the pipe blocks?16:37
chrisccoulsonafter spawning xrdb16:37
chrisccoulsonif so, then that's easy to fix. we just defer the write until the main loop (or defer spawning xrdb entirely until the main loop)16:38
tseliotpitti: it looks like udev loads the wrong nvidia module and this doesn't work: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/360148/16:42
tseliotany ideas?16:43
tseliototherwise we could try this patch: http://svn.mandriva.com/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/packages/cooker/udev/current/SOURCES/udev-146-coldplug.patch?revision=417228&view=markup16:43
pittioh, I didn't know it was possible to specify more than one module name with blacklist16:43
tseliotdid I?16:44
* tseliot is too tired16:44
pittiblacklist nouveau nvidia-173 nvidia-9616:44
pittitseliot: man modprobe.conf doesn't mention that possibility16:44
pittiperhaps try with single arguments?16:44
tseliotyes, I did it correctly when I tested the 1st time16:44
tseliotand it worked16:44
tseliotbut now it wasn't working any more16:45
pittiwell, mod probing is sheer luck if more than one matches, AFAIK16:45
tseliotobviously because of this ;)16:45
tseliotyes, I know16:45
pittichrisccoulson: like put the entire xft_settings_set_xresources() method in a g_idle_add() ?16:46
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, that's what i was thinking16:47
pittichrisccoulson: I'll turn that into a work item for now, if you guys think that we need to keep it in g-s-d in the first place16:48
pitti(it seems an odd place to be to me -- what do other DEs do?)16:48
pittii. e. if it affects OO.o, why shouldn't OO.o do it? (wouldn't it look wrong in Xubuntu/KDE?)16:49
seb128pitti, where would you put it?16:49
seb128pitti, because it's not openoffice specific16:49
seb128it happens to other software using the same toolkit16:49
seb128or emacs16:49
pittiso every DE needs to implement this?16:49
pitti(sorry for stupid questions)16:50
seb128or put an Xsession.d script16:50
seb128or don't care the few legacy apps looking bad16:50
seb128+ openoffice16:50
pittithanks for the heads-up; added a WI for this16:54
seb128pitti, thanks, I had it on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Lucid/StartupSpeed16:55
seb128but I did use the whiteboard by then16:55
seb128pitti, cf https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58627616:55
ubottuGnome bug 586276 in general "Don't spawn xrdb" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:56
didrockswell, restarting to see if my gdm changes work16:56
seb128pitti, that has a patch to do similar work without using xrdb16:56
seb128did*n't* use16:56
pittisweet, I'll try that16:58
pittiseb128: it's not a patch, but it shows how to do it17:00
seb128pitti, ok, I don't remember details I looked at that in early december17:00
seb128pitti, but the idle callback is probably good enough for now17:01
didrocksseb128: any idea how to activate the debug traces for gdm?17:07
seb128custom.conf key?17:08
seb128or drop patch 2617:09
didrocksseb128: ok, and then, it'll be on /var/log/gdm, right?17:09
seb128common/gdm-settings-keys.h:#define GDM_KEY_DEBUG "debug/Enable"17:09
seb128so debug section enable key17:09
seb128in the config17:09
mvoseb128: looks like current gtk+ does not clear some internal markup when used with gtk_label_set_markup() first (via glade) and then with _set_text() - bug #50822017:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 508220 in synaptic "Lucid alpha 2: first 21 characters of Synaptic "Applying changes" status line are italic" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50822017:11
didrocksseb128: thanks :)17:11
seb128mvo, could you open an upstream bug?17:12
pittiseb128: I actually think it'd be easier to just do with proper X calls17:14
pittiand faster, too17:14
mvoseb128: will do (tomorrow)17:18
seb128mvo, thanks17:23
seb128mvo, pygobject fix uploaded, please test the update tomorrow morning and let me know if it works17:23
seb128mvo, I didn't find a reliable way to trigger the crash so I'm not sure how it works17:23
mvoseb128: nice, many thanks. I will instlal it and keep my eyes open17:24
mvo(and close a gazillion bugs in s-c ;)17:24
* mvo hugs seb12817:24
seb128I've closed the ones I found17:24
* seb128 hugs mvo17:24
didrocksseb128: that was a trap. Dropping the debug patch remove all gtkentry items for me :)17:37
seb128the patch just workaround the unstable version check17:39
didrocksstrange, I tried it again and same issue.17:41
didrockswell, I'm using the custom.conf key now :)17:42
Nafaiquestion regarding the porting to app-indicators for Transmission.  Even though app-indicators has fall-back to GtkStatusIcon, since this is hoping to go upstream, should I do some #ifdefs and continue to support the old GtkStatusIcon stuff for when this is compiled without the app-indicators library?17:44
Nafaithanks, just making sure17:46
MacSlowbryce_, any idea why I don't have any Xorg working with latest updates?17:58
pittiworks here, hmm18:15
asacpitti: chrisccoulson: ccheney: the xrdb patch was added because firefox didnt understand any other way to antialias18:31
asacerr ooo ;)18:31
pittiasac: right, we settled it in the meantime18:31
pittiI rewrote it to use Xlib calls instead of calling xrdb, and updating your patch accordingly18:32
asacthere was a problem with that from what i remember18:32
asacbut dont remember the details18:32
pittihm, seems to work fine here18:32
asaci think it just was that the api was quite bad18:32
pittixrdb -remove18:32
pittirun g-s-d with my patch18:32
pitti$ xprop -root|grep RESOURCE_MANAGER18:33
pittiRESOURCE_MANAGER(STRING) = "Xcursor.size:\t18\nXcursor.theme:\tHuman\nXcursor.theme_core:\ttrue\nXft.antialias:\t1\nXft.dpi:\t96\nXft.hinting:\thintslight\nXft.rgba:\trgb\n"18:33
pittiasac: the API isn't that nice, indeed18:33
pittibut oh well, I'd kill for those .3 seconds :-P18:33
asachow many lines of xlib code did that take ;)?18:34
pitti gsd-xsettings-manager.c |  160 ++++++++++++++++++------------------------------18:34
pitti 1 file changed, 61 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)18:35
pittiit's actually a net win18:35
pittisince I could remove all the code to handle the spawning, stdin feeding, etc.18:35
asacyou dont have your patch at hand?18:35
pittiI'll test it some more and send it to upstream then18:35
asacyeah. definitly upstream that18:35
rickspencer3hi smithj18:35
smithjrickspencer3: hey18:35
pittithe patch looks nasty, diff messing up18:35
asacoften git diff is better ;)18:36
pittiasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/360196/18:36
pittiasac: that was git diff..18:36
pittithat's the new code18:36
keesasac: you added build-glitch to firefox-3.6.head but not PIE?18:39
asackees: yes, thats planned. your branches still get merged. micahg will do it when he gets on again afaik18:40
keesasac: okay, cool.  did it turn out that build-glitch was actually needed then?18:41
asacand since you didnt add it in your firefox branch, it was needed anyway18:41
asackees: its odd, but yes. our xulrunner dailies were happy, but after moving to firefox all-static it failed18:41
asacand thunderbird 3.1 also failed for a while18:41
asacwith this18:41
asacfor a few days18:41
keesyeah, I'm not really sure where it's coming from.  :(18:41
asaci think it was the last dash update that killed it18:42
asacat least we associated the tbird 3.1 failures with that when they first popped up18:42
keesasac: what do you mean by "and since you didnt add it in your firefox branch, it was needed anyway" ?18:42
asackees: you only added that build-glich to xulrunner ... which was the right thing to do ;)18:42
keesah, okay18:42
asacbut now i moved everything to firefox, so i needed that patch18:42
asacpitti: yes, that code looks ... unfamiliar ;)18:43
asachave you tried changing the aliasing settings multiple time?18:43
keesasac: would it help for me to create a branch of firefox-3.6.head for micahg to pull from?18:43
asackees: no. he will do that. if not, i will pull it before the 3.6 final upload to lucid18:44
asacso really soon ;)18:44
keesokay, cool18:44
keesI just wanted to get it tested so it doesn't run up against and deadlines, since I only tested it on ff3.518:45
asacyeah. i will at least start the build before uploading ;)18:46
jcastroRiddell: was there a bug for the jockey/kdebindings/sip thing?18:53
Riddelljcastro: I'm not sure18:53
Riddellprobably is for whatever the problem is in jockey which sip is blocking18:54
jcastroif you run into it please lmk?18:56
didrocksat last, my patch work :)19:28
didrocksjust a silly wrong naming in the signal *ggggg*19:29
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, i can't get lucid to boot in virtualbox now :-/19:33
pittiasac: as in, start it twice and check that the resource property doesn't have dupes? yes19:36
pittimeh, it got smaller, but two other plugins are also calling xrdb -- /me goes for some cut'n'paste19:41
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didrockshave a good evening20:11
pittiasac: ah, I found a much easier method now, too20:32
asacpitti: which one20:32
pittiasac: not use the DB, but just append to the string; it still works fine20:33
asacright. but oyu need to remove the previous one, right?20:33
pittiright, you get the current one, append new stuff, and set the new property20:33
asacon update you dont need to remove it first?20:34
pitti"it" == ?20:34
pittithe RESOURCE_MANAGER xprop?20:34
asacthe previous resource value20:34
pitti"The XSetTextProperty function replaces the existing specified property for the named window..."20:34
asacpitti: if you check xrdb -query ... does that agree with what you set?20:36
pittiyes, that and xprop -root|grep RESOURCE_MANAGER20:36
asaci remember that there is the xprop and the real xresource (in xrdb -query) ... and some apps dont even look at the xprop of window20:36
asacthe tricky part wsa the xrdb part20:36
asacthat one needed to get wiped completely to change a value ... but well, if all is fine, then i am happy :)20:37
pittiI'll enable the xrdb plugin and play around with an ~/.Xresources20:37
asacyes. i remember that the xresources was the nasty part and there was no sane api to update values20:37
rickspencer3Nafai hey ... any idea why re.findall would just never return on a python thread in a gtk app?21:20
TheMusorickspencer3: You'll be pleased to hear that recent lucid updates, whether it be the --1 kernel, or something else, have resolved the random resets. I ran lucid yesterday with no issues, and all looks good this morning. Phew.21:39
rickspencer3TheMuso, great news21:40
TheMusorickspencer3: Indeed.21:41
Nafaidarn, missed a question from rick23:07
faganNafai: what was the question?23:11
Nafai<rickspencer3> Nafai hey ...any idea why re.findall would just never return on a python thread in a gtk app?"23:13
NafaiOff hand, I'm not sure23:13
faganOh I thought you had one for him, I suppose you could chat with him tomorrow23:19
NafaiYeah :)23:31
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