
jpdstsimpson: I have.00:38
=== Guest90451 is now known as Zic
DJonestsimpson: Its removed, not sure what went on with it there08:37
DJonestsimpson: I've also run the /msg ukbot channel #ubuntu-irc plugins.Bugtracker.bugSnarfer False command08:38
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=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
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TrekCaptainUSAany ops for the #ubuntu channel here?18:15
PiciTrekCaptainUSA: Whats up?18:15
TrekCaptainUSAMy other computer is logged on as nick Trek18:15
TrekCaptainUSAi deactivated its networking.18:15
TrekCaptainUSAit still shows as logged in18:15
TrekCaptainUSAany way to kick it?18:15
TrekCaptainUSAthe source IP should trace back to *.cmu.edu18:16
ubottuIf you own an IRC nick that is currently being used, you can make it change nicks by typing: /msg nickserv release <nick> <password> | If you have a dead (ghost) connection, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password> | further help in #freenode18:16
PiciTrekCaptainUSA: ^^18:16
TrekCaptainUSAthe issue is its not a registered nick hence the issue18:16
TrekCaptainUSAFreenode logs me in under this nick18:16
TrekCaptainUSAi change the nick using /nick to Trek18:17
TrekCaptainUSAhence the issue18:17
TrekCaptainUSAperhaps I should bother the freenode admins?18:17
PiciTrekCaptainUSA: Ah.  Then theres nothing I can do.  You may want to ask in #freenode18:17
TrekCaptainUSAwill do18:17
ninnnuThe factoid is slightly outdated... "/msg nickserv ghost" has replaced release.18:18
jussi01ninnnu: which factoid?18:18
Picininnnu: They both still exist.18:18
ninnnuOh..right. I've always preferred to just drop nick-stealers, not just force to change their nick. :P18:20
ninnnu(I thought release drops the connection, too...)18:20
ninnnuSelective reading FTW18:20
Picirelease forces the nick to change to a Guest##### nick18:20
tsimpsonkilling someone's connection because they happen to be using a nick you registered is somewhat rude18:22
ninnnuIf that someone sits in the a same channel with me and is obviously just trying to take advantage of my connection drop, then it's not rude. :P (...although no one has ever stolen my nick...)18:24
naliothPici: there's nothing anyone can do with an unregistered ghost18:30
Picinalioth: I know.18:31
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
jamaltaHi there, I wanted to see if I could request a cloak. I was approved as a member last night. Here is my LP :) launchpad.net/~jamalta20:17
jamaltaErr, https://edge.launchpad.net/~jamalta20:17
* jamalta fails at pasting20:17
cjohnstonWe will teach you one day...20:18
jamaltacjohnston: :P20:18
jussi01prod Pici, Im in a meeting20:19
jussi01or topyli or tsimpson20:20
tsimpsonjamalta: you need to identify to nickserv first20:21
jamaltai'm not?20:21
tsimpsonand see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup20:21
jamaltai'm setup and signed in20:21
jamaltaor not20:22
jamaltanow i am20:22
* jamalta misspelled nickserv when he tried to identify earlier today.. oops20:22
tsimpsonyou should set your client to auto-identify20:23
jamaltatsimpson: alright20:24
tsimpsonnalioth, tomaw or niko: please give jamalta an ubuntu/member cloak20:26
jamaltatsimpson: thanks :)20:27
nikocongrats jamalta20:28
jamaltaniko: thanks :)20:28
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=== notcjohnston is now known as cjohnston
Tm_Tyay for that, jamalta (:21:38
jamaltaTm_T: thanks :)21:38
canaznguitaris there a way to make pidgin not display a message every time someone joins or leaves an IRC channel?23:01
m4vcanaznguitar: support is in #ubuntu23:03
naliothm4v: o #pidgin23:12
m4vcanned reply, sorry :P23:13
Trek#ubuntu admins: got a random spammer in #ubuntu with the nick of sud_d_gr8 asking things that would be seen in an adult chat room23:22
Trekanyone going to act?23:22
alucardniHello everyone23:53
alucardnii'm a new ubuntu member and I want to request an Ubuntu cloak23:53
nhandleralucardni: Do you have a link to your LP profile?23:54
alucardnimy launchpad profile is https://launchpad.net/~josernestodavila23:54
nhandlerjussi01, Pici, topyli, or tsimpson ^^^23:55
tsimpsonnhandler: go ahead23:58

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