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nigel_nbno noise here today?02:56
DiegoTcping pleia203:22
pleia2DiegoTc: hey03:22
DiegoTcpleia2, had bad memory right now you are part of the american Membership Boards03:23
pleia2DiegoTc: yep03:23
DiegoTckk, just want to know if some of the Boards add the name of the new ubuntu members to the lp (https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers)03:24
pleia2yes, all the names will be added :)03:24
DiegoTci just disconect when they told me i was an ubuntu member, and didn't ask that03:24
pleia2the announcement for new members has to be written and sent out03:25
pleia2members added, board wiki updated03:25
pleia2should all be done within a few hours03:25
DiegoTcoki doki03:26
nigel_nbpleia2, well, you seem to be everywhere lol03:26
DiegoTcpleia2, another question if i could get the log of todays meeting03:27
DiegoTci was using webchat and couldn't save anything :(03:27
pleia2DiegoTc: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com03:27
pleia2go to the date and the #ubuntu-meeting files03:27
pleia2mootbot wasn't around, so no logs from that I'm afraid03:27
cprofitttoday's meeting?03:30
nigel_nbpleia2, do you have lernid installed?03:32
pleia2nigel_nb: nope03:32
nigel_nbpleia2, it seems to have some trouble on xubuntu03:32
pleia2cprofitt: americas board03:32
cprofittgood I thought I missed something03:32
DiegoTcpleia2, well thanks anyway :D03:33
pleia2DiegoTc: sure thing03:34
DiegoTcpleia2, sorry for beeing a little noisy but got the final question03:41
DiegoTcwhat are you and the rest of the team members going to said on the introduction of the ubuntu user day?03:41
pleia2we have a draft here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam/Introduction03:42
pleia2pretty much explaining what the day is, why we're having it, who is hosting it03:42
nigel_nbhow nice!13:31
nigel_nbpleia2, around?13:32
pleia2nigel_nb: yeah13:32
nigel_nbpleia2, we never really got around to finishing that discussion about OpenID13:33
pleia2nigel_nb: others said it should be mentioned13:34
nigel_nbpleia2, oh okay, I will then :)13:35
pleia2no need to explain what openid is though, probably just that lp supports it13:35
pleia2er, is a provider13:35
nigel_nbhehe, ok13:35
nigel_nbI was just about wondering why there is not chanserv when the entire thing got netsplit13:36
nigel_nbpleia2, oh and good morning (I seem to have forgotten that :P )13:40
pleia2good evening :)13:41
cjohnstonhey nigel_nb pleia213:42
nigel_nbhey cjohnston13:42
nigel_nbwhat happened to all you guys last nigt?13:42
cjohnstonso im thinkin about dropping school13:42
nigel_nbthe channel was so dead :P13:42
cjohnstoni was at work13:42
pleia2morning cjohnston13:42
nigel_nbcjohnston, everyone goes through it at some phase13:42
pleia2nigel_nb: sleeping, packing...13:42
pleia2cjohnston: aw :\13:42
nigel_nbpleia2, when are you moving?13:43
cjohnstonnigel_nb: ive already got a degree.... this was just a different degree13:43
cjohnstonbut i dont think i really want it..13:43
nigel_nbwell, RN is handy13:43
nigel_nbtoo much work?13:43
cjohnstonfor something that i dont really want to do..13:44
cjohnstonfirst two weeks of class, 33 chapters of reading.. third week.. a test on those 33 chapters13:44
cjohnstonplus another ~15 chapters of reading on that third week13:44
pleia2nigel_nb: in a little over 3 weeks13:45
nigel_nbNow I remember why I chose computer science over biology13:45
nigel_nbpleia2, wow! times moves fast!13:45
* cjohnston needs to go take a shower...13:45
pleia2nigel_nb: tell me about it D:13:45
pleia2I'm excited, but so much to do...13:45
* cjohnston smells from the kitchen fire last night13:45
cjohnstongood thing UUD will be done before that13:46
nigel_nbcjohnston, you were cooking?13:46
cjohnstonyou must be smokin something good to be thinking that13:46
nigel_nbpleia2, I know.  Its just overwhelming when you're moving13:46
nigel_nbcjohnston, hahaha.   I guess if you were cooking, there would be nothing left13:47
cjohnstoni actually can cook.. and those who know i can say im quite good.. but i try to keep most people from knowing that13:47
nigel_nbI can cook for myself too13:48
cjohnstonmy mom was given a choice of a restaurant or kids...13:48
pleia2the pizzeria places, sushis place and chinese places cook for me13:49
cjohnstonpleia2: we found this sushi place down here...13:49
nigel_nbpleia2, you dont cook?13:49
cjohnstonthe food is wonderful... and the service is even better13:49
pleia2nigel_nb: I made lasagne last night actually, but as a general rule - no, I don't cook much :)13:50
nigel_nbwell, I dont either, but I would if I were staying alone13:50
nigel_nbI stay with 5 other guys, some of whom who dont even know how to make an omlet13:50
pleia2living alone makes me not want to cook ;)13:51
nigel_nblive blissfully for 3 more weeks then :P13:51
pleia2cooking is work, then cleaning up...all just for a meal for me? bah13:51
nigel_nbpleia2, you seem to be my twin.. hahaha13:52
nigel_nbI'd cook only because I'm lazy to go out and eat13:52
nigel_nbbut you get food delivered home?13:52
pleia2I usually pick it up and bring it home13:54
nigel_nbpleia2, I'm lazier than you.  I'm lazy to go out and buy.  That's when I think of cooking :D13:55
nigel_nbbut then I only think, I end up ordering and getting *them* to deliver here13:56
duanedesigncjohnston: poke14:27
duanedesignhow are you today? So dod you get ahold of the individual who was going to do that sessison14:28
cjohnstonyes we did... noone got ahold of you yet? :-(14:28
duanedesigncjohnston: i had a few things in my away logs, so i was pretty certain. I just wanted to make sure14:29
cjohnstonGlad you atleast saw that... I hope you didn't do too much work.14:30
duanedesigncjohnston: i plan to be at the User Day. Ill be your back up if anything happens and you need me :)14:30
cjohnstonok.. thats great...14:30
cjohnstononce again, thank you very VERY much for stepping up to the plate at the last minute like you did...14:31
duanedesignabsoloutely, anytime. It is my pleasure to work on such great projects with all these great people :)14:31
cjohnstonWe will probably have another one.. So when we do I'll make sure to let you know so you can sign up if you like..14:32
cjohnstonpaultag: where are you from?14:32
cjohnstonim curious what neo stand sofr14:32
duanedesigncjohnston: i am located in Tulsa, Oklahoma (U.S.)14:33
duanedesigncjohnston: lol14:33
duanedesigncjohnston: i thought you were still talking to me14:34
cjohnstoni hope this crap stops before saturday14:34
=== paultag is now known as Guest20700
duanedesigncjohnston: yeah. There are some people with way to much timme on there hands.14:35
nigel_nbduanedesign, thanks buddy.  never know when we might need a helping hand :)14:36
cjohnstonnigel_nb: how long will you be around?14:37
nigel_nbcjohnston, 30 minutes14:37
cjohnstonwill you be back later?14:37
nigel_nbcjohnston, I'll check in from time to time... you need me?14:38
cjohnstoni would like to talk to you today if possible (not a big deal) but I don't have time right now.14:39
nigel_nbMail me if I'm not on IRC.  I'll try to be around tonight, but doubtful.  Got to catch up on back log at work14:40
cjohnstonits all godd14:40
nigel_nbhahaha, you got the spelling wrong both times :P14:41
cjohnstoni gave up incase you didnt notice14:41
nigel_nbcjohnston, what is about that you wanted to talk about?14:56
cjohnstonbad bad stuff14:57
cjohnstonpleia2 _marx_ you will both be here for the intro at 7am?15:04
_marx_cjohnston: yes15:05
cjohnstoni believe penny will be too..15:07
cjohnstonbut ill confirm..15:07
cjohnstontryin to think of how to do the intro15:07
Guest20700cjohnston, I am from Boston, but I live in Cleveland15:10
nigel_nbGuest20700, you got a guest Id for yourself too?15:11
Guest20700nigel_nb, what do you mean?15:11
nigel_nbGuest20700, ok, I thought it was grouped to your ID15:11
Guest20700nigel_nb, Yeah, I have paultag_, and ptagliamonte15:12
nigel_nbGuest20700, well now its Guest20700 in case you didn't notice15:12
Guest20700nigel_nb, I had not15:12
=== Guest20700 is now known as paultag
paultagmany thanks nigel_nb :)15:12
nigel_nbpaultag, lol, I thought you were playing with me!15:13
paultagnaw! :)15:14
paultagI just woke up nigel_nb :)15:14
* nigel_nb hands paultag coffee :)15:14
paultagnigel_nb, many thanks, I need that :)15:14
cprofittintroduction pleia2 ?15:24
pleia2cprofitt: hm?15:25
cprofittyou were asking if people were going to be there for intro15:26
pleia2for user day on saturday15:26
pleia2and cjohnston was asking :)15:27
cprofittk... just making sure...15:27
cprofittI am on at 4pm EST15:27
cprofittwoo... hoo...15:27
cprofittis there a place to have people go to -- wiki or some such for support materials, or agenda, etc?15:27
cprofittI would assume the wiki page we made for the course, but wanted to make sure that was acceptable15:28
pleia2if you click on the subject on the UserDays page it goes to the prepared page15:29
pleia2some are more fleshed out than others15:29
cprofittso that is where to put up presentation pages, etc if I want?15:29
cprofittjust want to make sure attachments are acceptable for the 'style' you wanted15:30
pleia2this is our first User Day :) leaving things pretty open for how the presenter wants to do things15:30
cprofittthat outline looks ok to you? Anything else you looking to have fleshed out?15:30
pleia2looks great :)15:31
cprofittI may link to a forum discussion thread too... for after the IRC part15:31
cprofittso poeple can discuss the items.15:31
pleia2forum discussion thread?15:31
cprofittyeah... a discussion thread on the forums15:32
cprofittthat way if people have follow-up questions they can do it there -- in a specific spot15:32
cprofittno need for a backchannel twitter #channel15:32
cprofittbut the discussion thread may help...15:33
nigel_nbcan you guys take a look at my write up about openID? http://pastebin.com/d20a680b815:33
nigel_nbcprofitt, the discussion thread is a real good idea. pleia2 is it possible to have one for each session?15:33
cprofittnigel_nb: looks good.15:34
nigel_nbthanks cprofitt :)15:34
pleia2I don't really know much about forums15:36
cprofittpleia2: I will make a forum thread for my class -- that day and point people to it....16:14
cprofittwe can test how the additional medium assists the process16:14
pleia2sounds good :)16:15
cjohnstonstress is gone16:18
nigel_nbcjohnston, stress?16:19
nigel_nbhm :(16:20
nigel_nbI'm late for work today too! Once I start doing something I get hooked16:20
cjohnstonI am the same way16:20
nigel_nbI started writing my session and now its half done to perfection16:20
nigel_nbphew, I'm doing with open ID and Lp answers.  Now my final one! Bug Squad16:22
cprofittsudo nmap -sS learn.ufbt.net16:26
nigel_nbcprofitt, forgot to detach?16:26
nigel_nbcprofitt, "sudo nmap -sS learn.ufbt.net"16:37
cprofittnah... half command and typing got mushed together -- forgot where my focus was16:37
cprofittwanted to type we should leverage learn.ufbt.net16:38
cprofittand typed in the sudo namp -sS becuase I was doing that in another terminal window16:38
nigel_nbyaay! my session is almost ready :)16:57
cjohnstonpleia2: still here?17:13
cjohnstonnevermind pleia217:20
pleia2sorry, I'm at work17:21
cjohnstoni had a question, but figured my answer when I remembered a link you gave me17:21
nigel_nbcjohnston, Pendulum: lol, there are still people surpised at user days20:31
=== cjohnston is now known as notcjohnston
notcjohnstonhow so?20:32
nigel_nbcheck out -bugs scroll back20:32
=== notcjohnston is now known as cjohnston
nigel_nbcjohnston: I was talking about my class and taking suggestions, when they wanted to know what it was about20:36
nigel_nbcjohnston: when I mentioned user days, they were surpised20:36
nigel_nbbut everyone likes the idea20:36
cjohnstonim glad20:39
cjohnstontell them to be there20:39
PendulumI announced it at the Ubuntu Women meeting today :)20:40
nigel_nbI wish someone from UW participated20:40
pleia2two people from UW participated :P20:41
nigel_nbPendulum: noticed something? we have all-male instructors except for members of the team20:41
pleia2members of the team are important too!20:41
nigel_nbthey are20:41
nigel_nbbut we dont have anymore :(20:42
nigel_nbpleia2: correction, we dont have any more than the 2 members of the team20:42
nigel_nbonly male instructors20:43
pleia2oh, yeah20:43
nigel_nbnext time, we'll strong arm UW to participate instead of BT this time20:43
pleia2I don't actually like teaching beginner level classes20:43
pleia2Women AND BT! :)20:43
* nigel_nb sticks tongue out at pleia2 20:44
nigel_nbthere are pretty much big time members of UW who *can* lead sessions20:45
nigel_nbthey've just not been talked to properly lol20:45
Pendulumit was also not great timing, IMO for UW people20:47
Pendulumthere's a lot going on right now in that project so I think people were maybe focusing more energy there20:47
nigel_nbPendulum: you obviously didn't see how cjohnston and I got people from BT :P20:47
nigel_nbwe used every trick in the book20:48
Pendulumnigel_nb: I'm not in BT20:48
Pendulumso, nope, I didn't :)20:48
nigel_nblol, it was fun20:49
nigel_nbnext time, I'll try to target members of UW that I know20:50
Pendulumjust be careful that they know you are asking them for the "right" reasons20:51
Pendulumcjohnston: how's your panic doing?20:58
cjohnstongone Pendulum21:08
cjohnstonwell.. significantly reduced21:09
cjohnstonI need survey questions!21:13
cjohnstonhttp://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WQWHJQY  <--is what i have so far21:23
cjohnston_marx_: pleia2 Pendulum21:23
pleia2can there be a "didn't attend" option?21:24
pleia2might help gauge how well attended each session was :)21:24
_marx_amazing timing cjohnston i just got back in21:25
pleia2How did you hear about UUD?21:25
pleia2Would you recommend it to your friends?21:25
_marx_can't quote from statistics class but wouldn't 5 levels be good?21:29
* _marx_ designed surveys many years ago21:30
cjohnstonwhat are the 5?21:30
cjohnstonIve added more.. refresh21:30
_marx_that works21:31
_marx_i don't recall the logic of five point grading system now21:35
_marx_psych class on statistics circa '8021:37
canaznguitaranyone here?22:51
cjohnstonhello canaznguitar23:10
canaznguitarcould you help me out? im trying to install a game on 9.1023:11
cjohnstonTry #ubuntu or #ubuntu-beginners for support.23:12
pleia2cjohnston: you're my hero for helping maintain Classroom wikis :)23:18
pleia2rotating the old ones was on my todo list! now I can cross it off!23:18
cjohnstonI'm workin on it23:18
cjohnstonits been buggin me for a while...23:18
cjohnstonI got plenty of time now.. lol.. what else has been sitting on your todo list?23:18
pleia2the US Teams is working to start interviewing approved US LoCo teams23:20
pleia2I think we'll start in Feburary, each week we'll have some article about How Awesome... Florida is! showcase an event one week, interview team leads the next...23:20
pleia2we could use some help with getting that rolling, I am mad busy these next 3 weeks (moving!)23:23
cjohnstonwell.. let me know what you need23:24
pleia2ok, I am going to get some notes together saturday23:24
pleia2since I'll be at my computer all day anyway :)23:24
cjohnstonyou say that like its a bad thing23:24
cjohnstonI am glad I have 4 screens (3 computers)23:24
* pleia2 has... a few23:25
cjohnstonare they all right next to each other?23:25
cjohnstonis it sad that we have two conversations going in two different windows? lol23:26
pleia2depends on the time of day23:26
pleia2I have a netbook and laptop which move23:26
pleia2and yes, that is sad :)23:26
Pendulumhah, I've done that with people before23:27
cjohnstonwhen im home, my 17" WS lappy is to the left, center is two 22" WS on my quad core, to the right is a 19" on an older system that I used for mail and stuff23:27
cjohnstonI guess the other convo is a little more private in nature.. or supprise in nature.. or somethin23:27
_marx_cjohnston: no kvm switch23:28
cjohnstonnope.. my keyboard/mouse control all three using SYNERGY!!!!!!!!!!23:28

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